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F e d e r a l R e s e r v e Ba n k




Circular No. "jh-lB
January 1 1 , 197^

To All Banks
in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District:
This is to advise that Kingwood Commerce Bank, N. A., Humble,
Texas, a newly organized institution located in the territory served by
the Houston Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, opened for
business Monday, January 7, 197^-, as a member of the Federal Reserve
The new member bank opened with capital of $400,000, surplus
of $1+00,000 and undivided profits of $200,000.
Its officers and directors are as follows:
William S. Pebworth, Jr., Chairman of the Board
Terry Tuggle, President
Robert A. Thompson, Vice President and Cashier
William E. Harrell, Jr.
Thomas B. McDade
William S. Pebworth, Jr.

Terry Tuggle
Ray L. Winstead

The combined A.B.A. number and Federal Reserve Bank routing
symbol of the new bank is 88-50*.
Yours very truly,
P. E. Coldwell

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (