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d e r a l


e se r v e

b a n k

o f


a l l a s

D A L L A S 13. T E X A S

April 22, 1948

To the Member and Nonmember Clearing Banks
in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District:

F or your inform ation, all Federal Reserve banks and
branches will observe Monday, May 31 (30th is Sunday),
Memorial Day, as a holiday and will be closed on that date, with
the exception o f the follow in g:
Birm ingham
New Orleans
For your fu rth er inform ation, the follow ing additional holiĀ­
days will be observed by Federal Reserve banks and branches
during the month o f M ay:
M ay 10 (M onday)
M ay 20 (Thursday)
M ay 21 (F riday)


Confederate Memorial Day
M ecklenburg Independence Day
Prim ary Election Day, Oregon

W e are transm itting this inform ation to you fo r your guidĀ­
ance in connection wTith transit operations and transfers o f funds.
Yours very truly,

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (