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FE D E R A L R E SE R V E BAN K OF DALLAS Dallas, Texas, March 30, 1933 To the Member Bank Addressed: Until further advised, all cash items drawn on unlicensed banks (including those for which a conservator has been appointed) will be handled by Federal reserve banks in the usual manner under the terms of Federal Reserve Board’s Regulation “ J” and check col lection circular No. 10, Series of 1930, issued pursuant thereto by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, except that outgoing cash letters to unlicensed member and non-member banks will contain the additional protest instructions: “ If any item of less than $500 is returned for the sole reason ‘Drawn against restricted account/ do not protest unless the word ‘Protest’ is stamped or writ ten on the face thereof.” Therefore, should you desire any items of less than $500 drawn on an unlicensed member or non-member bank to be protested when returned solely for the reason “ Drawn against restricted account,” please stamp or write on the face of the item the word “Protest,” accompanied by the usual A. B. A. designation of your bank. This circular supersedes our general letter of March 24, 1933, and amends our check collection circular No. 10, series of 1930. Yours very truly, Governor. This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (