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F ederal Reserve Bank of Dallas DALLAS, TEXAS 75222 Circular No. 72-^6 March l6, 1972 To the Chief Executive Officer, Each Member Bank in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District: As you know, this Reserve Bank provides services that attempt to be helpful and informative to the bankers of this District. Our Functional Cost Analysis Program has now been offered for six years, and we believe that it has been of assistance in increasing the efficiency of operations of participating member banks. Seminars, both for middle and senior levels of bank management, have provided a two-way flow of commu nications between personnel of this Bank and those attending. Other services include publications, films, currency exhibits, and tours of our Head Office and branches. In order that the services we provide may be more closely attuned to the needs of the banking industry, we would appreciate your opinion on certain of our existing services as to which should be altered, expanded, or even dropped, as well as what new services we might appropriately provide. Therefore, we are listing below various existing and proposed services, and we would be most grateful if you would complete the enclosed questionnaire covering these areas and return it to us promptly in the envelope that has been provided. Existing Services: 1. Functional Cost Analysis. The FCA program is a free, voluntary service provided to member banks. The participating banks receive income, expense, item cost, and cost of money information covering 12 major banking functions. The report contains over 30 pages of data devoted to measuring the efficiency and growth of the participating bank as compared with com petitors of like size and characteristics. The report is a definite management aid in measuring efficiency, policies of cost control, pricing policies, and profit planning. All materials are provided, and representa tives are available to discuss the program and aid in its preparation. 2. Middle Management Seminars. Potential senior management candidates from member banks attend these seminars. Reserve Bank officials explain the various operations of the Federal Reserve Bank and encourage the bankers to discuss their operational problems and procedures. Along with the discussion of operations is an economic and financial briefing to explain current monetary policy. 3. Senior Management Seminars. These seminars are designed for member banks' chief executive officers and the top echelon of their manage ment staffs; the banks' directors are also welcome to attend. At this meeting Reserve Bank senior officials discuss the Discount Window, regu lations and pending legislation, Federal Reserve policy, and economic and financial developments. This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library ( - 2 - Potential Programs: 1. Audit Program. This Bank could provide assistance to those banks interested in instituting a formal audit program that could be in stalled and operated with a minimum effort. Forms, procedures, and technical assistance for performing an audit would be provided. This service would probably be limited to smaller member banks. 2. Check Collection Seminars. Various Bank officials would discuss check collection services and the payments mechanism. 3. Holding Company Seminars. Discussions would include the advantages of forming a holding company, holding company regulation, appli cation procedure, etc. 4. Officers' Salary Survey. A salary survey could provide a wage analysis of the banks’ official jobs. Participating banks would be grouped by deposit size and by population of service area to insure a meaningful comparison. For each job and bank grouping, the number of banks, number of officials, average seniority, and high and low salaries would be reported. 5. Operations Survey--Bookkeeping. A bank's bookkeeping procedures would be analyzed and contrasted with other methods. 6. Operations Survey--Transit. A bank's transit operation would be examined and suggestions would be provided to maximize efficiency. In addition, we would appreciate your comments on any services or programs in which you would be interested that are not listed above. Yours very truly, P. E. Coldwell President Enclosures (2) TO THE BANK RELATIONS A N D SERVICES DEPARTMENT: Our interest in your services is indicated as follows: EXISTING SERVICES 1. 2. F unctional C o s t A n a ly s is 3. Senior Management Seminars In te re s te d In te re s te d P o s s ib ly in te re s te d P o s s ib ly in te re s te d N o t in te re s te d N o t in te re s te d M id d le Management Seminars In te re s te d P o s s ib ly in te re s te d N o t in te re s te d PO TEN TIAL PROGRAMS 1. A u d it Program 4. O f f i c e r s ' Salary Survey In te re s te d In te re s te d P o s s ib ly in te re s te d P o s s ib ly in te re s te d N o t in te re s te d N o t in te re s te d Check C o lle c tio n Seminars 5. O p e ra tio n s S u rv e y -B o o k k e e p in g In te re s te d _________ In te re s te d P o s s ib ly in te re s te d _________ P o s s ib ly in te re s te d N o t in te re s te d _________ N o t in te re s te d H o ld in g Company Seminars 6. O p e ra tio n s S urvey--T ransit In te re s te d In te re s te d P o s s ib ly in te re s te d P o s s ib ly in te re s te d N o t in te re s te d N o t in te re s te d REMARKS: S ig n a tu re B a n k ___ L o c a tio n