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federal Reserve Ba n k of D allas F IS C A L A G E N T O F T H E U N IT E D S T A T E S DALLAS, TEXAS 75222 Circular No. 70-156 July 3, 1970 To The Treasury Tax and Loan Account Depositary Addressed in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District: Effective immediately, certain changes in the Federal tax procedure will be initiated to facilitate prompt credit in Treasury Tax and Loan Accounts for Federal tax deposits accepted by depositary banks in your classification. The amounts shown on the Federal tax deposit forms are to be listed on the Advice of Credit, Form FA-79^> as is now the practice, but the total of each advice is to be listed on the reverse of a new 80-column summary card, Form FA-790., with the grand total inserted in the space provided on the face of the new form. An initial supply of the new summary card and special en velopes are being forwarded to you under separate cover. It is essential in our processing procedures that the special envelope be used only for the pur pose of transmitting Federal tax deposit forms and related advices to this Bank. To facilitate the balancing and reconcilement of the Treasury Tax and Loan Accounts on our books with the records of your bank, the amount posted to your books should be recorded from the total shown on each summary card, Form FA-790- Examples of the new summary card and credit advices are enclosed. Your cooperation in utilizing the new summary card and special envelope immediately will be appreciated. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Fiscal Agent of the United States Enclosures This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library ( EXBIBIT A SUMMARY CARD-FEDERAL TAX DEPOSITS J u ly 1 . * LIST ADVICES OF CREDIT ON FEDERAL TAX DEPOSITS ONLY ON REVERSE SIDE 1970 <S> NAME ^ N D LOCATION OF DEPOSITARY Ar " ^ i r s t N a t io n a l Bank A nyw h ere, Texas YOUR , PREPUNCHED1 || DEPOSITARY 11 NUMBER o 0. BATCH > NO. H H 10 1112131415 IS V 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4B 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 89 DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 * -P 5g U- v °w<I- lii . <o AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE EXHIBIT B ADVICE OF CREDIT CHECK TREASURY TAX AND LOAN ACCOUNT APPROPRIATE BLOCK July 1, 1970 i I DATE:. JJ AMOUNT 1 , 0 j 0 . 0 0 * t A SEPARATE FORM SHOULD BE USED FOR EACH SUBSCRIPTION, APPLICATION OR SERIES E BONDS SALES REPORT. Sqv. Bonds $orios E * LIST FEDERAL TAX DEPOSIT CARDS ON REVERSE SIDE. NAME & LOCATION OF DEPOSITARY First National Bank Anywhere, Texas Sav, Bonds $ irl» H I I Cof I Q H 5«ri«i □ 3 Tr. N o* Sortes a ] *EEl TO: FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, DALLAS, TEXAS fPREPUNCHED DEPOSITARY NUMBER Spte. I s iu t Tr. Bills I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE BANK OR TRUST COMPANY HAS DEPOSI TED IN ITS TREASURY TAX AND LOAN ACCOUNT, SUBJECT TO WITHDRAWAL ON DEMAND BY THE FED ER AL RESERVE BANK OF DAL LAS AS FISCAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE AMOUNT SHOWN ABOVE CONSISTING OF PAYMENT FOR THE TYP E OF TRANSACTION IND ICATED. Tr. Bond lilUO Fodoral Tax Rot. Plan Bonds m Authoriz'd Stgnoturo and Till* c BANK 12 3 4 5 AMOUNT 90 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 : FA-794 REV.*3-68 50 51 52 53 54 55 ADVICE OF CREDIT CHECK APPROPRIATE BLOCK TREASURY TAX AND LOAN ACCOUNT u July 1. 1970 DATE: 5,00 n ro * A SEPARATE FORM SHOULD BE USED FOR EACH SUBSCRIPTION, APPLICATION OR SERIES E BONDS SALES REPORT. NAME & LOCATION OF DEPOSITARY Sav. Bands S tr i tt E ♦ LIST FEDERAL TAX DEPOSIT CARDS ON REVERSE SIDE. First National Bank Anywhere, Texas u n FA-794 "REV.*3-68 Tr. BsnJ U tut Tsx I HEREBY C ER TIFY T HAT THE ABOVE BANK OR TRUST COMPANY HAS DEPOSI TED tN ITS TREASURY TAX AND LOAN ACCOUNT, SUBJECT TO WITHDRAWAL ON DEMAND BY THE FED ER AL RESERVE BANK OF DAL LAS AS FISCAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE AMOUNT SHOWN ABOVE CONSISTING OF PAYMENT FOR THE T YP E OF TRANSACTION IND IC AT ED . R.». P ltn Bttuls □ □ aid T ltlt BANK c 12 3 4 5 CtM S tr i tt F.tUral TO: FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, DALLAS, TEXAS ( Sav. Bsndt S trict H Tr. Natt S tr itt u ^PREPUNCHED DEPOSITARY NUMBER Sote. In n * Tr. Bills 3 0 » i a m 4 3 S » l 7 3«M 50 81 K 53 54 8 •