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Comprehensive Capital Analysis
and Review 2015
Summary Instructions and Guidance
October 2014


Comprehensive Capital Analysis
and Review 2015
Summary Instructions and Guidance
October 2014


The Federal Reserve revised this publication on October 17, 2014, (p. 22, right column, the two paragraphs in
the “Trading and counterparty RWAs” section) to clarify the size threshold of trading assets and liabilities that
trigger specific expectations for projecting market risk-weighted assets.

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Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1
About This Publication ................................................................................................................ 1
New Elements in CCAR 2015 ...................................................................................................... 1
Overview of CCAR Process ......................................................................................................... 2
Correspondence Related to CCAR .............................................................................................. 3

Instructions for Submission of Capital Plans ................................................................. 5
Mandatory Elements of a Capital Plan .......................................................................................... 5
Organizing Capital Plan Submissions ........................................................................................... 5
Data Supporting a Capital Plan Submission ................................................................................. 9

Stress Tests Conducted by BHCs ...................................................................................... 11
Supervisory Scenarios ............................................................................................................... 11
BHC Scenarios ......................................................................................................................... 12
Capital Action Assumptions ....................................................................................................... 13

Supervisory Expectations for a Capital Adequacy Process ...................................... 17
Estimates of Projected Revenues, Losses, Reserves, and Pro Forma Capital Levels ..................... 18
Supporting Documentation for Analyses Used in Capital Plans .................................................... 23
Description of All Capital Actions Assumed over the Planning Horizon ......................................... 24
Expected Changes to Business Plans Affecting Capital Adequacy or Funding .............................. 26

Federal Reserve Assessment of BHC Capital Plans

................................................... 27

Qualitative Assessments ........................................................................................................... 27
Quantitative Assessments ......................................................................................................... 28
Federal Reserve Responses to Planned Capital Actions .............................................................. 30
Disclosure of Supervisory Assessments ..................................................................................... 30
Resubmissions ......................................................................................................................... 31
Execution of Capital Plan and Requests for Additional Distributions ............................................ 31

Appendix A: Common Themes from CCAR 2014

.................................................... 33

Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 33
1. Sensitivity Analysis ................................................................................................................ 33
2. Assumptions Management .................................................................................................... 34
3. Model Overlays ..................................................................................................................... 34
4. Model Risk Management ....................................................................................................... 35
5. Capital Policy ........................................................................................................................ 36
6. Presentation of Consolidated Pro Forma Results .................................................................... 36
7. RWA Methodologies .............................................................................................................. 37
8. Operational Risk Loss Estimation ........................................................................................... 37


9. AFS Fair Value OCI ................................................................................................................ 39

Appendix B: Templates for Dodd-Frank Act Stress Testing Results
2015 ............................................................................................................................................. 41
Appendix C: Templates for Comprehensive Capital Analysis and
Review Results 2015 .............................................................................................................. 47



The Federal Reserve’s annual Comprehensive Capital
Analysis and Review (CCAR) is an intensive assessment of the capital adequacy of large, complex U.S.
bank holding companies (BHCs) and of the practices
these BHCs use to assess their capital needs. The
Federal Reserve expects these BHCs to have sufficient capital to withstand a highly stressful operating
environment and be able to continue operations,
maintain ready access to funding, meet obligations to
creditors and counterparties, and serve as credit

About This Publication
These instructions set forth guidance and expectations for the stress testing and capital planning cycle
that begins on October 1, 2014, and the related
CCAR exercise (CCAR 2015). Similar to the instructions in previous years, the instructions for CCAR
2015 provide information regarding the
• logistics for a BHC’s capital plan submissions;
• expectations regarding the mandatory elements of
a capital plan;
• qualitative assessment of a BHC’s capital plan;
• quantitative assessment of a BHC’s post-stress
capital adequacy;
• response to capital plans and planned actions;
• limited adjustments a BHC may make to its
planned capital distributions;
• planned supervisory disclosures at the end of the
CCAR exercise; and
• common themes from CCAR 2014.

expectations around BHCs’ capital adequacy process
and capital plan submissions. Specifically, they
• Supervisory expectations for reviews of BHCs’
regulatory reporting: A BHC is expected to have a
strong internal control framework that helps govern its internal capital planning processes, including
stress testing performed under the CCAR program,
and that framework should include comprehensive
documentation of the BHC’s policies and procedures. To ensure that the BHC’s processes are sufficiently robust, the Federal Reserve has requested
each BHC make documentation available through
the supervisory process that outlines the BHC’s
procedures used to ensure the accuracy of the regulatory reports affecting CCAR, including the FR
Y-9C and FR Y-14. This documentation should
include any identified weaknesses in the BHC’s
internal controls around regulatory reporting and
any plans to enhance the control structure around
regulatory reporting. (See “Data Supporting a
Capital Plan Submission” on page 9.)
• Organization of the capital plan submission: The
instructions provide examples of formats that
BHCs may use to organize their capital plan submission to help ensure that the submission contains
all required information and to facilitate review by
the Federal Reserve. (See “Organizing Capital Plan
Submissions” on page 5 and “Description of All
Capital Actions Assumed over the Planning
Horizon” on page 24.)
• Model inventory and risk-identification program
documentation: Pursuant to the recent revisions to
the capital plan rule (capital plan rule amendment),1 BHCs must provide a comprehensive
inventory of the models used in their capital plan
projections. The instructions clarify that the list of

New Elements in CCAR 2015
The CCAR 2015 instructions include some new elements to enhance the CCAR program, mainly in
order to provide further guidance on supervisory


See Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2014),
“Amendments to the Capital Plan and Stress Test Rules,” press
release, October 17,


CCAR 2015 Instructions

models should be organized around the FR Y-14A
line items. In addition, a BHC is expected to
provide documentation outlining the riskidentification process the BHC uses to support the
BHC-wide stress testing required in the capital
plans. (See “Supporting Documentation for Analyses Used in Capital Plans” on page 23.)
• Incorporation of amendments to the capital plan and
stress test rules: The instructions provide additional
details about how BHCs should implement the
capital plan rule amendment, including (1) information on the transition to the new timeline for
submitting capital plans beginning in CCAR 2016
(see “Federal Reserve Responses to Planned Capital Actions” on page 30); (2) clarification of how
BHCs that are subsidiaries of foreign banking
organizations should incorporate compliance with
the intermediate holding company rule2 into their
capital plan projections (see “Expected Changes to
Business Plans Affecting Capital Adequacy or
Funding” on page 26); (3) discussion of the evaluation of planned capital actions in the “outquarters” of the planning horizon—projected
2016:Q3 and 2016:Q4 in CCAR 2015 (see
“Description of All Capital Actions Assumed over
the Planning Horizon” on page 24); and (4) the
requirement that BHCs do not exceed the capital
distributions included in their capital plans on a
gross or net basis (see “Execution of Capital Plan
and Requests for Additional Distributions” on
page 31).

Overview of CCAR Process
In November 2011, the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System (Board) adopted the capital
plan rule, which requires BHCs with consolidated
assets of $50 billion or more to submit annual capital
plans to the Federal Reserve for review.3 Under the
rule, a BHC’s capital plan must include detailed
descriptions of the BHC’s internal processes for
assessing capital adequacy; the policies governing
capital actions; and the BHC’s planned capital
actions over a nine-quarter planning horizon. Fur2

See 12 CFR 252, subpart O.
The capital plan rule is codified at 12 CFR 225.8. Asset size is
measured over the previous four calendar quarters as reported
on the FR Y-9C regulatory report. If a BHC has not filed the
FR Y-9C for each of the four most-recent consecutive quarters,
“average total consolidated assets” means the average of the
company’s total consolidated assets, as reported on the company’s FR Y-9C, for the most recent quarter or consecutive

ther, a BHC must also report to the Federal Reserve
the results of stress tests conducted by the BHC
under scenarios provided by the Federal Reserve and
under a stress scenario designed by the BHC (BHC
stress scenario). These stress tests assess the sources
and uses of capital under baseline and stressed economic and financial market conditions.
Before a BHC submits its capital plan to the Federal
Reserve, the capital plan must be approved by the
BHC’s board of directors, or a committee thereof.4
For CCAR 2015, capital plans should be submitted
to the Federal Reserve by no later than January 5,
Under the capital plan rule, the Federal Reserve
assesses the overall financial condition, risk profile,
and capital adequacy on a forward-looking basis and
also assesses the strength of the BHC’s capital
adequacy process, including its capital policy (qualitative assessment).6 In particular, the Federal Reserve
seeks to ensure that large BHCs have thorough and
robust processes for managing their capital resources,
and that the processes are supported by effective
firm-wide risk-identification, risk-measurement, and
risk-management practices. The Federal Reserve
expects that a BHC’s capital planning adequately
accounts for the potential for stressful outcomes and
is supported by strong internal control practices and
close and effective oversight by the board of directors
and senior management.
The Federal Reserve’s quantitative assessment of
capital plans is based on supervisory and companyrun stress tests, conducted in part under the Board’s
rules implementing sections 165(i)(1) and (2) of the



The BHCs required to participate in CCAR 2015 are Ally
Financial Inc.; American Express Company; Bank of America
Corporation; The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation;
BB&T Corporation; BBVA Compass Bancshares, Inc.; BMO
Financial Corp.; Capital One Financial Corporation; Citigroup
Inc.; Comerica Incorporated; Deutsche Bank Trust Corporation; Discover Financial Services; Fifth Third Bancorp.; The
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.; HSBC North America Holdings
Inc.; Huntington Bancshares Incorporated; JPMorgan Chase &
Co.; KeyCorp; M&T Bank Corporation; Morgan Stanley;
MUFG Americas Holdings Corporation; Northern Trust Corporation; The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.; RBS Citizens Financial Group, Inc.; Regions Financial Corporation;
Santander Holdings USA, Inc.; State Street Corporation; SunTrust Banks, Inc.; U.S. Bancorp.; Wells Fargo & Co.; and Zions
Bancorporation. CCAR 2015 is the first CCAR exercise for
Deutsche Bank Trust Corporation.
A BHC that meets the threshold must submit a capital plan,
even if it does not intend to undertake any capital distributions
over the planning horizon.
See 12 CFR 225.8(e)(1)(i).

October 2014


Table 1. Minimum regulatory ratios and tier 1 common ratio for CCAR 2015
Minimum ratio
Regulatory ratio


Advanced approaches BHCs
Tier 1 common ratio
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio
Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio
Total risk-based capital ratio
Tier 1 leverage ratio

5 percent
4 percent
5.5 percent
8 percent
4 percent

5 percent
4.5 percent
6 percent
8 percent
4 percent

Other BHCs
Tier 1 common ratio
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio
Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio
Total risk-based capital ratio
Tier 1 leverage ratio

5 percent
4 percent
8 percent
3 or 4 percent

5 percent
4.5 percent
6 percent
8 percent
4 percent

Note: The tier 1 common ratio is to be calculated for each planning horizon quarter using the definition of tier 1 capital and total risk-weighted assets in 12 CFR 225, appendix
A. All other ratios are to be calculated using the definitions of tier 1 capital and approaches to risk-weighting assets that are in effect during a particular planning horizon
quarter. See 79 Fed. Reg. 13498 (March 11, 2014).
For purposes of CCAR 2015, an advanced approaches BHC includes any BHC that has consolidated assets greater than or equal to $250 billion or total consolidated on-balance
sheet foreign exposure of at least $10 billion as of December 31, 2013. See 12 CFR 217.100(b)(1); 12 CFR part 225, appendix G, section 1(b). Other BHCs include any BHC that
is subject to 12 CFR 225.8 and is not an advanced approaches BHC.
n/a Not applicable.

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act stress test rules). (See
“Stress Tests Conducted by BHCs” on page 11 and
“Supervisory Post-Stress Capital Analysis” on
page 28.) The supervisory review of a BHC’s capital
plan includes an assessment of the BHC’s ability to
maintain capital levels above each minimum regulatory capital ratio and above a tier 1 common ratio of
5 percent, after making all capital actions included in
their capital plans, under baseline and stressful conditions throughout the nine-quarter planning horizon.
See table 1 for a list of the ratios that are applicable
to all BHCs participating in CCAR over the planning
Both quantitative and qualitative supervisory assessments are key inputs to the Federal Reserve’s decision to object or not object to a BHC’s capital plan.
The decisions for all 31 BHCs participating in CCAR
2015, including the reasons for any objections to
BHC capital plans will be published on or before
March 31, 2015. In addition, the Federal Reserve will
separately publish the results of its supervisory stress
test under both the supervisory severely adverse and
adverse scenarios.

Correspondence Related to CCAR
All questions from BHCs and communications from
the Federal Reserve concerning CCAR are handled
through the secure CCAR Communications mailbox.
BHCs will receive program updates via e-mail from
the CCAR Communications mailbox. These updates
include notifications about CCAR industry conference calls hosted by the Federal Reserve and
responses to frequently asked questions (FAQ) submitted by participating BHCs about the CCAR process and instructions.
The CCAR Communications mailbox serves as a
BHC’s primary point of contact for specific questions about the capital plan and stress test rule
requirements. If a BHC seeks clarifications on
CCAR and Dodd-Frank Act stress test program elements, the BHC should submit its questions to the
mailbox. All questions and responses, other than
BHC-specific questions, will be made available to all
CCAR BHCs through an FAQ document on a regular basis. BHC-specific questions will receive a direct
response. If needed, meetings may be scheduled to
discuss submitted questions in more detail; however,
only those responses that come through the secure
mailbox will be considered official.


Instructions for Submission of Capital Plans

Mandatory Elements of
a Capital Plan
As noted earlier, a BHC must submit its capital plan
and supporting documentation to the Federal
Reserve by January 5, 2015. The capital plan rule
specifies the four mandatory elements of a capital
1. An assessment of the expected uses and sources
of capital over the planning horizon that reflects
the BHC’s size, complexity, risk profile, and scope
of operations, assuming both expected and stressful conditions, including
a. Estimates of projected revenues, losses,
reserves, and pro forma capital levels—including any regulatory capital ratios (e.g., tier
1 leverage, common equity tier 1 capital, tier
1 risk-based capital, and total risk-based
capital ratios) and any additional capital
measures deemed relevant by the BHC—over
the planning horizon under baseline conditions and under a range of stressed scenarios;
these must include any scenarios provided by
the Federal Reserve and at least one stress
scenario developed by the BHC appropriate
to its business model and portfolios.
b. The calculation of pro forma tier 1 common
ratio over the planning horizon under baseline conditions and under a range of stressed
scenarios, inclusive of a discussion of how
the company will maintain all minimum regulatory capital ratios and a pro forma tier 1
common ratio above 5 percent under
expected conditions and the stressed scenarios required.
c. A discussion of the results of the stress tests
required by law or regulation, and an explanation of how the capital plan takes these
results into account.

See 12 CFR 225.8(d)(2).

d. A description of all planned capital actions
over the planning horizon.
2. A detailed description of the BHC’s process for
assessing capital adequacy.
3. A BHC’s capital policy.
4. A discussion of any baseline changes to the
BHC’s business plan that are likely to have a
material impact on the BHC’s capital adequacy
or liquidity.
In addition to these mandatory elements, the Federal
Reserve also requires a BHC to submit supporting
information necessary to facilitate review of the
BHC’s capital plans under the Board’s capital plan
rule and in accordance with the FR Y-14 instructions.8 The capital plan elements described in the
CCAR 2015 instructions do not replace the elements
BHCs are required to provide in connection with the
FR Y-14, including appendix A to the FR Y-14A
describing supporting documentation. The mandatory elements, particularly the first element, overlap
with some of the supporting documentation requirements. Some information submitted by BHCs may
satisfy both the capital plan rule and the FR Y-14

Organizing Capital Plan Submissions
The capital plan and any supporting information,
including certain FR Y-14 schedules, must be submitted to the Federal Reserve through a secure collaboration site. In response to previous requests from
BHCs for guidance on how to organize a capital plan
when submitting it via the collaboration site, the Federal Reserve is providing in this year’s instructions a
suggested outline for submissions. The sections below
provide greater detail regarding the suggested outline
for both the capital plan narrative and supporting
documentation, as well as define the submission
components and map them to the mandatory ele8

See 12 CFR 225.8(d)(3).


CCAR 2015 Instructions

Table 2. Capital plan submission categorization scheme
Submission type
Capital plan narrative

Supporting documents (capital plan & FR Y-14)



Submission subtype
Complete narrative
Capital plan
Capital policy
Planned capital actions
Capital adequacy process
Risk-identification program overview
BHC scenario design process overview
Material business plan changes
Assumptions - limitations - weaknesses
Governance framework
Summary of audit findings
Other (please define)2
Policies and procedures
Methodology inventory mapped to Y-14A
Methodology and process overview
Model technical document
Model validation
Audit report
Results finalize & challenge materials
Cons pro forma financials methodology
Contact list
Other (please define)2
Y-14A - Sch A - Summary
Y-14A - Sch B - Scenario
Y-14A - Sch C - Reg cap instruments
Y-14A - Sch D - Reg cap transitions
Y-14A - Sch E - Ops risk
Y-14A - Sch F - Counterparty credit
Y-14Q - Sch A - Retail
Y-14Q - Sch B - Securities
Y-14Q - Sch C - Reg cap instruments
Y-14Q - Sch D - Reg cap transitions
Y-14Q - Sch E - Ops risk
Y-14Q - Sch F - Trading
Y-14Q - Sch G - PPNR
Y-14Q - Sch H - Wholesale
Y-14Q - Sch I - MSR valuation
Y-14Q - Sch J - FVO/HFS
Y-14Q - Sch K - Supplemental

Supporting materials only
Comment (OPTIONAL)1


Operational risk
PPNR - balance sheet - RWA
Regulatory capital

See FR Y-14A Instructions, Appendix A: Supporting Documentation.
If BHC selects “Other,” it will be prompted to provide a description of the submission.
There will be additional submission categories for any special collections in CCAR 2015.

ments in the capital plan rule and the FR Y-14A
When submitting materials to the secure collaboration site, BHCs will be able to categorize each component in order to ensure that supervisors can easily
identify and review relevant documentation. Table 2
shows the categorization system that may be used for
submissions to the secure collaboration site.

Capital Plan Narrative
This section outlines a potential organizational structure for a BHC’s capital plan narrative.
• Capital plan: Provides a summary of the BHC’s
capital plan and the pro forma financial results
under the different scenarios evaluated as part of

the capital adequacy process. The document should
summarize the BHC’s proposed capital actions, the
various scenarios, the key risks and drivers of
financial performance under each scenario, key
assumptions, any process weaknesses or other
uncertainties that could affect results, and any mitigating controls. The document should also summarize how certain risks that are not captured in the
stress scenario analysis are addressed in the capital
adequacy process.
• Capital policy: Provides the BHC’s standalone,
written policy outlining the principles and guidelines used for capital planning, capital issuance,
usage, and distributions (mandatory element 3).
• Planned capital actions: Provides (1) a description
of all planned capital actions over the planning

October 2014

horizon and (2) a summary of all capital actions by
instrument in each quarter of the nine-quarter
planning horizon, which should align with the capital actions included in the FR Y-14A Summary
and Regulatory Capital Instruments schedules
(mandatory element 1(d)). (See “Description of
All Capital Actions Assumed over the Planning
Horizon” on page 24.)
• Capital adequacy process: Provides a detailed
description of the BHC’s process for assessing
capital adequacy, including all assumptions, limitations, weaknesses, and uncertainties that could
potentially have a material impact on consolidated
results (mandatory element 2).
• Risk-identification program overview: Describes the
risk-identification process the BHC uses to support
the BHC-wide stress testing required in the capital
plans and how and where these risks are captured
in the BHC’s capital adequacy process. (See “Supporting Documentation for Analyses Used in Capital Plans” on page 23.)
• BHC scenario design process overview: Describes
the BHC’s process and approach to developing the
BHC baseline and stress scenarios, including all
methodologies, variables, and key assumptions and
how the BHC stress scenarios address the BHC’s
particular vulnerabilities. (See “BHC Scenarios” on
page 12 and “Supporting Documentation for
Analyses Used in Capital Plans” on page 23.)
• Material business plan changes: Provides a discussion of any expected changes to the BHC’s business plan that are likely to have a material impact
on the BHC’s capital adequacy and funding profile
(e.g., a proposed merger or divestiture, changes in
key business strategies, or significant investments)
(mandatory element 4).
• Summary of assumptions, limitations, and weaknesses: Describes all assumptions, limitations,
weaknesses, and uncertainties that could potentially have a material impact on consolidated
results or material loss or revenue estimates.
• Governance framework: Describes internal governance around the development of the BHC’s comprehensive capital plan. Documentation should
demonstrate that senior management has provided
the board of directors with sufficient information
to facilitate the board’s understanding of the stress
testing used by the firm for capital planning


• Summary of audit findings: Provides a summary of
the most recent findings and conclusions from a
review of the BHC’s capital adequacy process carried out by internal audit or an independent party.
In the discussion, the BHC should describe the
scope of the audit work and specifically identify
any areas of the end-to-end capital adequacy process that have not been independently reviewed by
a third party.
If the BHC chooses to organize its capital plan narrative in the format set forth above, the capital plan
narrative elements may be submitted as one large file,
as individual files, or as several files that combine
various elements. When uploading these documents
to the secure collaboration site, a BHC should follow
these instructions:
1. For submission type, categorize all documents as
“Capital plan narrative.”
2. For submission subtype, please choose the appropriate category from the list below based on the
descriptions above.
• Submission subtype categories: (1) Complete narrative, (2) Capital plan, (3) Capital policy, (4) Planned
capital actions, (5) Capital adequacy process,
(6) Risk-identification program overview, (7) BHC
scenario design process overview, (8) Material business plan changes, (9) Assumptions – limitations –
weaknesses, (10) Governance framework,
(11) Summary of audit findings, and (12) Other
• If the entire capital plan narrative (i.e., all elements
above) is in one file, please choose “Complete
• If combining some of the elements above into one
file, please choose “Other” and provide a description of the document in the “Other – define” field.
• If documentation does not fit one of the defined
elements above, please choose “Other” and provide
a description of the document in the “Other –
define” field.

Capital Plan and FR Y-14A
Supporting Documentation
This section outlines a potential organizational structure for the required documentation that each BHC
must submit through the collaboration site to support the capital plan and the FR Y-14A schedules.
The model and methodology documentation


CCAR 2015 Instructions

described below should be organized by the following
topics: retail, wholesale, fair value option and heldfor-sale loans, securities, trading, counterparty,
operational risk, pre-provision net revenue (PPNR),
mortgage-servicing rights (MSR), and regulatory
capital transitions. This supporting documentation
also addresses mandatory element 1 under the capital
plan rule.
• Policies and procedures: All policies and procedures
related to the capital adequacy process, including
the BHC’s model risk-management policy. (See the
FR Y-14A instructions for specific supervisory
expectations for a model risk management policy.)
• Methodology and model inventory mapping to
FR Y-14A: Provides an inventory of all models and
methodologies used to estimate losses, revenues,
expenses, balances, and risk-weighted assets
(RWAs) and the status of validation/independent
review for each. As required by the FR Y-14A
instructions, documentation should also include
mapping that clearly conveys the methodology
used for each FR Y-14A product line under each
stress scenario. (See “Supporting Documentation
for Analyses Used in Capital Plans” on page 23.)
• Methodology documentation: Methodology documentation should include, at a minimum, the following documents:
—Methodology and process overview: Describes key
methodologies and assumptions for performing
stress testing on the BHC’s portfolios, business,
and exposures. Documentation should clearly
describe the model-development process, the
derivation of outcomes, validation procedures,
and key assumptions. Supporting documentation
should clearly describe any known model weaknesses and how such information is factored into
the capital plan.
—Model technical documents: Includes thorough
documentation of key methodologies and
assumptions for performing stress testing. The
documentation should include the design,
theory, and logic underlying the methodology
and any available empirical support. (See appendix A of the FR Y-14A instructions.)
—Model validation: Includes model validation
documentation on the following elements: conceptual soundness, model robustness and limitations, use of qualitative adjustments or other
expert judgment, exception reports, and outcomes analysis. (See appendix A of the FR
Y-14A instructions.)

In past CCAR exercises, many BHCs have provided
audit reports and documentation on results finalization and the challenge process as part of their capital
plan submissions. BHCs submitting documentation
similar to that described below should use the following categories.
• Audit reports: Includes audit reports from a BHC’s
audit of the capital adequacy process, including
reviews of the models and methodologies used in
the process. (See Capital Planning at Large Bank
Holding Companies: Supervisory Expectations and
Current Range of Practice.)
• Results finalization and challenge materials: Provides any documentation relating to the review,
challenge, and aggregation processes and the finalization of results used in a BHC’s capital planning
processes to ensure transparency and repeatability.
Methodology documentation should be provided in
accordance with the supporting documentation
requirements outlined in the appendix of the FR
Y-14A instructions as follows:
• Retail – See A.2 in the appendix.
• Wholesale – See A.3 in the appendix.
• Fair value option and held-for-sale loans – See A.4 in
the appendix.
• AFS/HTM Securities – See A.5 in the appendix.
• Trading – See A.6 in the appendix.
• Counterparty credit risk – See A.7 in the appendix.
• Operational risk – See A.8 in the appendix.
• PPNR – See A.9 in the appendix.
• MSR – See A.10 in the appendix.
• Regulatory capital transitions – See Schedule D in
the appendix.
• Consolidated pro forma financials methodology –
Describes (1) how the various balance sheet and
income statement line items were developed and
reported; (2) the specific assumptions used to calculate regulatory capital, including a discussion of
any proposed capital distributions; and (3) any
other information necessary to understand the
BHC’s capital calculations (e.g., calculations related
to the projections of the deferred tax asset or servicing assets that may be disallowed for regulatory
capital purposes). Methodology documentation
should be provided in accordance with the supporting documentation requirements outlined in A.1 of
the appendix of the FR Y-14A instructions for the

October 2014

methodology, and (4) any documentation on
results finalization and the challenge process
that are not topic specific.

Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Capital
If a BHC chooses to organize its capital plan and
FR Y-14A supporting documentation in the format
set forth above, the BHC should follow these
1. For submission type, categorize all supporting
documents as “Supporting document.”
• Do not categorize any FR Y-14 supporting
documentation as “FR Y-14 Schedule.” That
category is for FR Y-14 schedules only—that is,
Excel or XML files only.
2. For submission subtype, please choose the appropriate category from the list below based on the
descriptions above.
• Submission subtype categories: (1) Policies and
procedures, (2) Methodology inventory mapped
to FR Y-14A, (3) Methodology and process
overview, (4) Model technical documents,
(5) Model validation, (6) Audit report,
(7) Results finalization & challenge, (8) Cons
pro forma financials methodology, and
(9) Other
• If you have combined some of the elements
above into one file, please choose “Other” and
provide a description of the supporting document in the “Other – define” field.
• If you have supporting documentation that
does not fit one of the defined elements above,
please choose “Other” and provide a description of the supporting document in the “Other
– define” field.
3. In the “Comment” field, please provide the information described in the appendix of the FR
Y-14A instructions for each supporting
4. For the topic, please choose the appropriate category from the list below.
• Topic categories: (1) General, (2) Wholesale,
(3) Retail, (4) Operational risk, (5) Securities,
(6) Trading, (7) Counterparty, (8) PPNR – balance sheet – RWA, and (9) Regulatory capital
• All supporting documentation should be categorized by one of the specific topic categories
above. The “General” category should only be
used for (1) policies and procedures that are not
related to a specific topic, (2) the methodology
inventory, (3) consolidated pro forma financials


Data Supporting a Capital Plan
In conducting its assessment of a BHC’s capital plan,
the Federal Reserve relies on the completeness and
accuracy of information provided by the BHC. As
such, the BHC’s internal controls around data integrity are critical to the Federal Reserve’s ability to conduct CCAR. The Federal Reserve notes that CCAR
BHCs are currently subject to requirements relating
to the accuracy of the “Capital Assessments and
Stress Testing” (FR Y-14A) and “Consolidated
Financial Statements for Holding Companies” (FR
Y-9C) reporting forms.9 Further, in Capital Planning
at Large Bank Holding Companies: Supervisory
Expectations and Current Range of Practice, the Federal Reserve clarifies that a BHC should have a
strong internal control framework that helps govern
its internal capital planning processes, including
stress testing performed under the CCAR program,
and that framework should include comprehensive
documentation of the BHC’s policies and procedures.10
A BHC is expected to have documentation outlining
its procedures for meeting the accuracy requirements
of these reporting forms and its evaluation of the
results of such procedures. As a best practice, these
procedures would take into consideration the points
in the data compilation and regulatory reporting systems and processes where a material misstatement
could occur, as well as controls in place to mitigate
those risks. In addition, a BHC should have information about any identified weaknesses in its controls
around regulatory reporting and any plans to
enhance the control structure around regulatory

FR Y-14 Data Submission
In general, all BHCs are required to report all data
elements asked for in the FR Y-14 schedules; however, certain schedules, worksheets, or data elements

See Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2013),
Capital Planning at Large Bank Holding Companies: Supervisory Expectations and Current Range of Practice (Washington:
Board of Governors, August),


CCAR 2015 Instructions

may be optional for a BHC. The instructions for the
FR Y-14A, FR Y-14Q, and FR Y-14M schedules
provide details on how to determine whether a BHC
must submit a specific schedule, worksheet, or data
BHCs may be asked to resubmit FR Y-14 data—either in whole or in part—after the initial due date as
specified in the associated report instructions should
errors or omissions be found.11 All resubmissions of
FR Y-14Q and FR Y-14M data as of September 30
will be due on or before December 31, 2014. All

Due dates are specified in the FR Y-14Q and FR Y-14M
General Instructions, which are available on the Board’s website
FR Y-14A schedules are due by January 5, 2015.

resubmissions of FR Y-14A schedules will be due on
or before January 23, 2015. (See “Quantitative
Assessments” on page 28 for the treatment of unresolved data issues.)
Under the capital plan rule, failure to submit complete data to the Federal Reserve in a timely manner
may be a basis for objection to a capital plan.12 A
BHC’s inability to provide required data by the due
dates may affect supervisory estimates of losses and
PPNR for the BHC, and bears on the Federal
Reserve’s qualitative assessment of the internal riskmeasurement and risk-management practices supporting a BHC’s capital adequacy process.

See 12 CFR 225.8(e)(2)(ii).


Stress Tests Conducted by BHCs

As noted previously, for the purposes of CCAR, each
BHC is required to submit the results of its stress
tests based on three supervisory scenarios, at least
one stress scenario developed by the BHC, and a
BHC baseline scenario. Specifically, a BHC must
conduct its stress test for purposes of CCAR using
the following five scenarios:
• Supervisory baseline: a baseline scenario provided
by the Board under the Dodd-Frank Act stress test
• Supervisory adverse: an adverse scenario provided
by the Board under the Dodd-Frank Act stress test
• Supervisory severely adverse: a severely adverse scenario provided by the Board under the DoddFrank Act stress test rules
• BHC baseline: a BHC{defined baseline scenario
• BHC stress: at least one BHC{defined stress
A BHC’s estimates of its projected revenues, losses,
reserves, and pro forma capital levels must use data
as of September 30, 2014; begin in the fourth quarter
of 2014; and conclude at the end of the fourth quarter of 2016. The only exception to this planning horizon is with respect to the Regulatory Capital Transitions schedule submission required under the FR
Y-14A. The FR Y-14A Regulatory Capital Transitions schedule should be reported as of September 30, 2014, with projections through December 31,
2019, under the supervisory baseline scenario.
In conducting its stress tests, a BHC must reflect the
revised capital framework that the Board adopted in
connection with implementation of the Basel III
accord (revised regulatory capital framework),13
including the framework’s minimum regulatory capital ratios and transition arrangements, with one
exception: a BHC that is subject to advanced
approaches and has exited parallel run is not required

to incorporate the advanced approach for calculating
RWAs in CCAR 2015.14 A BHC’s stress tests must
also reflect the BHC’s tier 1 common ratio for each
quarter of the planning horizon.15

Supervisory Scenarios
The supervisory scenarios in CCAR are also used in
the Dodd-Frank Act stress tests. Under the Board’s
Dodd-Frank Act stress test rules, the Board is
required to provide BHCs with a description of the
supervisory macroeconomic scenarios no later than
November 15 of each calendar year.16
This year, the Federal Reserve intends to provide the
supervisory scenarios, including the macroeconomic
scenarios and the global market shock, as soon as it
is possible to incorporate the relevant data on economic and financial conditions as of the end of the
third quarter, but no later than November 15, 2014.17
It is important to note that the scenarios provided by
the Federal Reserve are not forecasts, but rather are
hypothetical scenarios to be used to assess the
strength and resilience of BHC capital in baseline
and stressed economic and financial market
While supervisory scenarios are generally applied to
all BHCs that are part of CCAR, the Federal Reserve
can apply additional scenarios or scenario components to a subset of BHCs. One component, a global
market shock, will be applied to six BHCs with large
trading operations in CCAR 2015, as required under
the Dodd-Frank Act stress test rules. In addition, the
Federal Reserve expects to require certain BHCs to
apply a closely related scenario component focusing
on the default of a large counterparty.



78 Fed. Reg. 62018 (October 11, 2013).


79 Fed Reg. 13498 (March 11, 2014).
See 12 CFR 225.8(e)(2)(i)(B) and 12 CFR 252.56(a)(2).
See 12 CFR 252.54(b).
See 12 CFR part 252, appendix A.


CCAR 2015 Instructions

Global Market Shock
BHCs with large trading operations will be required
to include the global market shock as part of their
supervisory adverse and severely adverse scenarios,
and to conduct a stress test of their trading books,
private-equity positions, and counterparty exposures.18 The global market shock will be applied to
BHCs’ trading book and private-equity positions, as
of a point in time, resulting in instantaneous loss and
reduction of capital. The as-of date for the global
market shock is October 6, 2014.19
The global market shock is an add-on component
that is exogenous to the macroeconomic and financial market environment specified in the supervisory
stress scenarios, and as a result, losses from the
global market shock should be viewed as an addition
to the estimates of PPNR and losses under the macroeconomic scenario.20 BHCs should not assume a
related decline in portfolio positions or RWAs due to
losses from the global market shock except in the
case noted below.
If a BHC can demonstrate that its loss-estimation
methodology stresses identical positions under both
the global market shock and the macro scenario, the
BHC may assume that the combined losses from
such positions do not exceed losses resulting from the
higher of either the losses stemming from the global
market shock or those estimated under the macro
scenario. However, the full effect of the global market
shock must be taken through net income in the first
quarter of the planning horizon, which will include
the as-of date for the shock.
If a BHC makes any adjustment to account for identical positions, the BHC must provide documentation
demonstrating that the losses generated under the
macro scenario are on identical positions to those
subject to the global market shock, break out each of
the adjustments as a separate component of PPNR,



The six BHCs participating in the global market shock are Bank
of America Corporation; Citigroup Inc.; The Goldman Sachs
Group, Inc.; JPMorgan Chase & Co.; Morgan Stanley; and
Wells Fargo & Co. See 12 CFR 252.54(b)(2)(i).
BHCs may use data as of the date that corresponds to their
weekly internal risk reporting cycle as long as it falls during the
business week of the as-of date for the global market shock (i.e.,
October 6, 2014, to October 10, 2014).
Trading BHCs should not report changes in value of the MSR
asset or hedges as trading losses resulting from the global market shock. Therefore, if derivative or other MSR hedges are
placed in the trading book for FR Y-9C purposes and in alignment with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, these
hedges should not be stressed with the global market shock.

and describe the rationale behind any such

Counterparty Default Scenario Component
Eight BHCs with substantial trading or custodial
operations will be required to incorporate a counterparty default scenario component into their supervisory adverse and severely adverse stress scenarios.21
Like the global market shock, this component will
only be applied to the largest and most complex
BHCs, in line with the Federal Reserve’s higher
expectations for those BHCs relative to the other
BHCs participating in CCAR.
In connection with the counterparty default scenario
component, these BHCs will be required to estimate
and report the potential losses and related effects on
capital associated with the instantaneous and unexpected default of the counterparty that would generate the largest losses across their derivatives and securities financing activities, including securities lending
and repurchase or reverse repurchase agreement
activities. Each BHC’s largest counterparty will be
determined by net stressed losses, estimated by
revaluing exposures and collateral using the global
market shock. The as-of date for the counterparty
default scenario component is October 6, 2014—the
same date as the global market shock.
Similar to the global market shock, the counterparty
default scenario component is an add-on component
to the macroeconomic and financial market scenarios
specified in the Board’s supervisory adverse and
severely adverse scenarios, and therefore, losses associated with this component should be viewed as an
addition to the estimates of PPNR and losses under
the macroeconomic scenario (see the description of
global market shock).

BHC Scenarios
A central goal of the capital plan rule is to ensure
that large BHCs have robust internal practices and
policies to determine the appropriate amount and
composition of their capital, given the BHC’s risk

The eight BHCs participating in the counterparty default component are Bank of America Corporation; The Bank of New
York Mellon Corporation; Citigroup Inc.; The Goldman Sachs
Group, Inc.; JPMorgan Chase & Co.; Morgan Stanley; State
Street Corporation; and Wells Fargo & Co. All but State Street
Corporation and The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation
also participate in the global market shock. See 12 CFR

October 2014

exposures and corporate strategies and in line with
supervisory expectations and regulatory standards.
To gain a deeper understanding of a BHC’s unique
vulnerabilities, the capital plan rule requires each
large BHC to design its own stress scenario that is
appropriate to the BHC’s business model and portfolios.22 For purposes of CCAR, each BHC will be
required to submit the results of its stress tests based
on at least one stress scenario developed by the BHC,
and a BHC baseline scenario.
The BHC baseline scenario should reflect the BHC’s
view of the expected path of the economy over the
planning horizon. A BHC may use the same baseline
scenario as the supervisory baseline scenario if that
BHC believes the supervisory baseline scenario
appropriately represents its view of the most likely
outlook for the risk factors salient to the BHC.
The BHC stress scenario must reflect the specific vulnerabilities of BHC’s risk profile and operations,
including those related to the company’s capital
adequacy and financial condition. Specifically, the
BHC stress scenario should be designed to significantly stress factors that affect firm-wide materialrisk exposures and activities in a coherent and consistent manner, including potential exposures from both
on- and off-balance sheet positions. In addition, the
forward-looking analysis required in the BHC stress
scenario should be relevant to and reflect the direction and strategy of the firm as set by the BHC’s
board of directors.23
The BHC stress scenario should be designed to capture potential risks stemming from a BHC’s idiosyncratic positions and activities and should be severe
enough to result in a substantial negative effect on
capital. A BHC should develop a BHC scenario of
severity generally comparable to the usual severity in
the Board’s supervisory severely adverse scenario.24
A BHC should demonstrate that the combined effect



Although a BHC is required to submit only one BHC stress scenario for CCAR, each BHC should develop a suite of scenarios
that collectively capture its material risks and vulnerabilities
under a variety of stressful circumstances and should incorporate them into its overall capital adequacy process.
Additional guidance related to scenario development as part of
stress testing can be found in SR letter 12-7, “Supervisory Guidance on Stress Testing for Banking Organizations with More
Than $10 Billion in Total Consolidated Assets,” (May 14, 2012),
For guidance on the usual severity of the supervisory severely
adverse scenario, a firm should review the Board’s “Policy
Statement on the Scenario Design Framework for Stress Testing,” which sets forth the Board’s approach to designing the


of its BHC stress scenario on net income and other
elements that affect capital results (i.e., other comprehensive income) in a BHC stress scenario are of
severity comparable to the severely adverse scenario.
A BHC stress scenario that produced regulatory
capital and tier 1 common capital ratios that were
lower than those produced in company-run stress
tests under the Board’s severely adverse scenario, but
that does not reflect the BHC’s idiosyncratic positions and activities, would not be an appropriate
BHC stress scenario.

Capital Action Assumptions
BHCs must incorporate assumptions about capital
actions over the planning horizon into their
company-run stress tests. The types of capital actions
that BHCs must incorporate into their projections
under various scenarios are defined as follows:
• Planned capital actions: a BHC’s planned capital
actions under the BHC baseline scenario
• Alternative capital actions: a BHC’s assumed capital actions under the BHC stress scenario
• Dodd-Frank Act stress test capital actions: capital
action assumptions as required under the DoddFrank Act stress test rules25

Planned Capital Actions
As part of the CCAR capital plan submission, for all
scenarios except the BHC stress scenario, BHCs
should calculate post-stress capital ratios using their
planned capital actions over the planning horizon
under the BHC baseline scenario.
With respect to the planned capital actions under the
BHC baseline scenario:
• For the initial quarter of the planning horizon, the
BHC must take into account the actual capital
actions taken during that quarter.
• For the second quarter of the planning horizon
(i.e., the first quarter of 2015), a BHC that received
a non-objection to its 2014 capital plan should
include capital distributions consistent with those
included in its 2014 capital plan. If a BHC received
an objection to its 2014 capital plan, its capital distributions for the second quarter should be consis-


supervisory severely adverse scenario. See 12 CFR 252, appendix A.
See 12 CFR 252.56(b).


CCAR 2015 Instructions

—common stock dividends equal to the quarterly
average dollar amount of common stock dividends that the company paid in the previous
year (that is, the first quarter of the planning
horizon and the preceding three calendar

tent with those approved by the Federal Reserve for
that quarter.
• For each of the third through ninth quarters of the
planning horizon, the BHC must include any capital actions proposed in its capital plan.26

—payments on any other instrument that is eligible
for inclusion in the numerator of a regulatory
capital ratio equal to the stated dividend, interest, or principal due on such instrument during
the quarter;

The Federal Reserve will also conduct its post-stress
capital analysis using the BHC’s planned capital
actions proposed in the BHC baseline scenario. (See
“Description of All Capital Actions Assumed over
the Planning Horizon” on page 24.)

—an assumption of no redemption or repurchase
of any capital instrument that is eligible for
inclusion in the numerator of a regulatory capital ratio; and

Alternative Capital Actions
In calculating post-stress capital ratios under the
BHC stress scenario, a BHC should use the capital
actions it would expect to take if the stress scenario
were realized. These alternative capital actions should
be consistent with the BHC’s established capital

Dodd-Frank Act Stress Test
Capital Action Assumptions
For stressed projections under the Dodd-Frank Act
stress test rule, a BHC must use the following
assumptions regarding its capital actions over the
planning horizon for the supervisory baseline scenario, the supervisory adverse scenario, and the
supervisory severely adverse scenario:
• For the first quarter of the planning horizon, the
BHC must take into account its actual capital
actions taken throughout the quarter.

—an assumption of no issuances of common stock
or preferred stock, except for issuances related to
expensed employee compensation.27

FR Y-14A Summary Schedule
Capital Worksheets
BHCs must complete capital worksheets on the FR
Y-14A Summary Schedule to report their projections
of capital components, RWAs, and capital ratios
under each of the five scenarios.
With respect to a BHC’s projections under the supervisory scenarios, the BHC must calculate two sets of
pro forma capital ratios and complete (1) the CCAR
capital worksheet using the BHC’s planned capital
actions in the BHC baseline scenario, and (2) the

• For each of the second through ninth quarters of
the planning horizon, the BHC must include in the
projections of capital

See 12 CFR 252.56(b).

Table 3. Capital worksheet requirements


The last four quarters of the planning horizon of CCAR 2015
will coincide with the initial portion of the risk-based framework’s capital conservation buffer. See 12 CFR 217.11. For
CCAR 2015, the effects of the capital conservation buffer distribution limitations are likely to be limited given the small portion
of the buffer that will be effective during the planning horizon
(0.625 percent, only one quarter the size of the fully-phased in
buffer). Therefore, the Federal Reserve will not consider the
limitation effects of the capital conservation buffer in the last
four quarters of the CCAR 2015 planning horizon when performing its post-stress capital analysis of BHCs’ planned capital
distributions. Similarly, for the purposes of CCAR 2015, a BHC
should not assume the operation of distribution limitations of
the capital conservation buffer when conducting its stress tests.
The Board is considering the appropriate treatment of the capital conservation buffer distribution limitations in stress testing
and capital planning for future CCAR exercises and intends to
address this issue in due course.

BHC baseline
Supervisory baseline*
BHC stress
Supervisory adverse
Supervisory severely adverse

CCAR capital
Planned capital
Planned capital
Alternative capital
Planned capital
Planned capital

DFAST capital

DFA stress test
capital actions
DFA stress test
capital actions
DFA stress test
capital actions

* If a BHC determines the supervisory baseline scenario to be appropriate for its
own BHC baseline, the BHC may submit identical FR Y-14A Summary schedules
with the exception of the capital worksheets noted above. All BHCs must complete
two capital worksheets for the supervisory baseline, supervisory adverse, and
supervisory severely adverse scenarios.
n/a Not applicable.

October 2014

DFAST capital worksheet using the prescribed capital actions under the Dodd-Frank Act stress test rule.
For the BHC-defined scenarios, a BHC should
include only the CCAR capital worksheet, and
include projections using the BHC’s expected capital

actions as deemed appropriate by the BHC for that
scenario and in accordance with the BHC’s capital
Table 3 illustrates the capital actions used for each
scenario’s FR Y-14A schedule.



Supervisory Expectations for
a Capital Adequacy Process

The description of a BHC’s process for assessing
capital adequacy is an important component of the
BHC’s capital plan. As discussed in supervisory guidance, a BHC’s capital adequacy process should have
as its foundation a full understanding of the risks
arising from its exposures and business activities, as
well as stress testing analysis, to ensure that it holds
sufficient capital corresponding to those risks to
maintain operations across the planning horizon.

The detailed description of a company’s capital
adequacy process should include a discussion of how,
under stressful conditions, the BHC will maintain
capital commensurate with its risks—above the minimum regulatory capital ratios and the BHC’s internal
capital goals—and serve as a source of strength to its
depository institution subsidiaries. The full range of
supervisory expectations, including governance and
oversight expectations to complement the capital

Figure 1. Seven principles of an effective capital adequacy process
Principle 1: Sound foundational risk management
The BHC has a sound risk-measurement and risk-management infrastructure that supports the identification, measurement, assessment,
and control of all material risks arising from its exposures and business activities.

Principle 2: Effective loss-estimation methodologies
The BHC has effective processes for translating risk measures into estimates of potential losses over a range of stressful scenarios and
environments and for aggregating those estimated losses across the BHC.

Principle 3: Solid resource-estimation methodologies
The BHC has a clear definition of available capital resources and an effective process for estimating available capital resources (including
any projected revenues) over the same range of stressful scenarios and environments used for estimating losses.

Principle 4: Sufficient capital adequacy impact assessment
The BHC has processes for bringing together estimates of losses and capital resources to assess the combined impact on capital
adequacy in relation to the BHC’s stated goals for the level and composition of capital.

Principle 5: Comprehensive capital policy and capital planning
The BHC has a comprehensive capital policy and robust capital planning practices for establishing capital goals, determining appropriate
capital levels and composition of capital, making decisions about capital actions, and maintaining capital contingency plans.

Principle 6: Robust internal controls
The BHC has robust internal controls governing capital adequacy process components, including policies and procedures; change control;
model validation and independent review; comprehensive documentation; and review by internal audit.

Principle 7: Effective governance
The BHC has effective board and senior management oversight of the CAP, including periodic review of the BHC’s risk infrastructure and
loss- and resource-estimation methodologies; evaluation of capital goals; assessment of the appropriateness of stressful scenarios
considered; regular review of any limitations and uncertainties in all aspects of the CAP; and approval of capital decisions.


CCAR 2015 Instructions

adequacy process aspects mentioned above, are summarized in figure 1, “Seven principles of an effective
capital adequacy process.”
The remainder of this section provides additional
detail on these elements. BHCs should also refer to
existing guidance for further information about
supervisory expectations for a BHC’s capital
adequacy process, including Capital Planning at
Large Bank Holding Companies: Supervisory Expectations and Current Range of Practice28 and the common themes observed across BHCs that were provided with the CCAR 2014 feedback letters. An
updated version of the common themes from CCAR
2014 is provided in appendix A of this publication.

Estimates of Projected Revenues,
Losses, Reserves, and Pro Forma
Capital Levels
For the purposes of CCAR, each BHC is to submit
its capital plan supported by its internal capital
adequacy process and include post-stress results
under various scenarios. The Federal Reserve will be
assessing the processes and practices each BHC has
in place to carry out this analysis, including the riskidentification, risk-measurement, and riskmanagement practices supporting its analyses, as well
as the governance and internal controls around these
A BHC should demonstrate that its results are consistent with the environments specified in the scenarios being used, and that the various components
of its results are internally consistent. For example, it
would be generally inconsistent to project a shrinking
balance sheet or declining RWAs while also projecting large increases in net income in a stress or baseline environment.
Hypothetical behavioral responses by BHC management should not be considered as mitigating factors
for the purposes of this analysis. For example, hedges
already in place should be accounted for as potential
mitigating factors, but not assumptions about potential future hedging activities.


See Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2013),
Capital Planning at Large Bank Holding Companies: Supervisory Expectations and Current Range of Practice (Washington:
Board of Governors, August),

A BHC should clearly identify and document any
aspects of its portfolios and exposures that are not
adequately captured in the FR Y-14 schedules and
that it believes are material to loss estimates for its
portfolios, and explain the reason why the FR Y-14 is
not accurately capturing such exposures. The BHC
should also fully describe its estimate of the potential
impact of such items on financial performance and
loss estimates under the baseline and stress scenarios.
Some examples may include portfolios with contractual loss-mitigation arrangements or contingent risks
from intraday exposures.
Another example is pipeline risk associated with loan
syndication, securitization, or other activities that are
particularly sensitive to market conditions (such as
loans to low-quality borrowers, including high-yield
corporate bonds and leveraged loans) and that may
become more acute during the period of stress. In
this context, pipeline risk should encompass more
than just losses on loans already in the pipeline at the
start of the exercise and include the possibility that
the pipeline may grow during stress.
A BHC’s projections should reflect expectations of
customer drawdowns on unused credit commitments
under each scenario. The BHC should also consider
in its projections the potential effect of any assets and
exposures that might be taken back on the balance
sheet or otherwise generate losses under stressful economic conditions (e.g., assets held in asset-backed
commercial paper conduits and other off-balance
sheet funding vehicles to which the BHC provides
support). Similarly, the BHC should consider unconsolidated entities to which the BHC has potential
exposure in its projections. If non-contractual support may be provided during a stressful environment
for certain obligations or exposures of sponsored or
third-party entities, these should be included in a
BHC’s analysis of contingent or potential obligations, and all associated impacts should be captured.
A BHC’s projections must take into account all material risks to the BHC regardless of whether those
risks are explicitly covered by the information
requested in the FR Y-14 schedules. The BHC is
responsible for identifying all potential material
sources of losses from on{ and off{balance sheet positions in its post-stress projections, as well as any
other events that have the potential to materially
affect capital in both baseline and stressful environments. The Federal Reserve’s evaluation of a BHC’s
capital plan will focus on whether the BHC has an
adequate process for identifying the full range of rel-

October 2014

evant risks, given the BHC’s exposures and business
mix, and whether the BHC appropriately assesses the
impact of those risks on the BHC’s financial results
and capital. (See “Risk-identification program and
mapping of material risks to capital plan” under
“Supporting Documentation for Analyses Used in
Capital Plans” on page 23.)
A BHC should incorporate and document any pertinent details that would affect the production of its
estimates. Importantly, the BHC should discuss
assumptions around accounting treatment, anticipated changes in asset values or changes in customer
behavior, model or management overlays, and application of expert judgment to provide support for the
reasonableness of estimated losses.
Sensitivity analysis: Having an understanding of the
sensitivity of post-stress financial estimates to the
various inputs and assumptions developed to support
the forecasting process is an important aspect of
developing sound estimates of projected losses, revenues, reserves, and capital levels. Sensitivity analysis
is an important tool that tests the robustness of models and enhances reporting for BHC management,
the board of directors, and the Federal Reserve.
BHCs should use sensitivity analysis to understand
the range of potential estimates based on changes to
inputs and key assumptions as well as the uncertainties associated with those estimates. Examples of key
assumptions that should be subject to sensitivity
analysis include projected market share, size of the
mortgage market, cost and flow of deposits, utilization rate of credit lines, discount rates, or level and
composition of trading assets. Management should
have a full understanding of key sensitivities in estimates and highlight those to the board so that the
board understands the sensitivity of capital to alternative inputs and assumptions and can make
informed capital decisions.
Model risk management: For all models used in internal capital planning, BHCs should follow existing
supervisory expectations regarding model risk management, in particular the “Supervisory Guidance on
Model Risk Management.”29 Such expectations
cover (1) model development, implementation, and
use; (2) independent review and validation; and
(3) model governance. As part of validation, BHCs
should conduct conceptual soundness reviews, ongoing monitoring (including benchmarking), and out29

See SR letter 11-7, “Supervisory Guidance on Model Risk
Management,” (April 4, 2011),


comes analysis. The Federal Reserve recognizes that
BHCs may be challenged in conducting full outcomes analysis for some of their stress test models,
given the lack of realized outcomes against which to
test. In such cases, BHCs should use sensitivity analysis, additional benchmarks, or other means to help
assess model performance. They may also need to
apply compensating controls to account for additional model uncertainty that exists in such instances.
It is critical that BHCs assess the vulnerability of
their models to error, understand any other limitations, and consider the risk to the BHC should estimates based on those models prove materially
All models should be evaluated for their intended use.
While use of existing risk-measurement models and
processes for producing stress loss estimates may be
acceptable, BHCs should consider whether these
models and processes generate outputs that are relevant in stressful conditions. Use of such models may
need to be supplemented with other data elements
and alternative methodologies.
BHCs may use expert judgment, such as management overlays to modeled outputs, to compensate for
model limitations, such as data limitations or material changes in a BHC’s business. When using such
judgment-based approaches, as with any estimation
methodology, BHCs should have a transparent,
repeatable, well-supported process that generates
credible estimates that are consistent with assumed
scenario conditions. Any model overrides or overlays—including those based solely on expert judgment—should also be subject to oversight and review
by an internal validation group or other independent
reviewers, with the recognition that the work done to
evaluate overlays to model output may be different
than the validation work to evaluate and test the
model and model output.
BHCs should also ensure that any vendor or other
third-party models are used in accordance with
expectations for model risk management. Finally, the
intensity and frequency of model risk management
activities should be a function of model materiality.

Loss Estimation
Loans held in accrual portfolios: Estimated losses on
loans held in accrual portfolios are generally credit
losses due to failure to pay obligations (cash flow
losses), rather than discounts related to mark-tomarket (MTM) values. In some cases, BHCs may


CCAR 2015 Instructions

have loans that are being held for sale or which are
subject to purchase-accounting adjustments. In these
cases, the analysis should anticipate the change in
value of the underlying asset, apply the appropriate
accounting treatment, and determine the incremental
Fair value loans: BHCs may have loans that are held
for sale or held for investment, for which they have
adopted fair value accounting (collectively, fair value
loans). Losses on fair value loans should reflect both
expected changes in fair value of the loan and any
losses that may result from an obligor default under a
given scenario. BHCs should clearly document the
method and key assumptions used to compute losses
on fair value loans.30
Losses on available-for-sale (AFS) and held-tomaturity (HTM) securities: BHCs should provide
projected other-than-temporary impairments (OTTI)
for AFS and HTM securities. OTTI projections
should be based on September 30, 2014, positions
and should be consistent with specified macroeconomic assumptions and standard accounting treatment. If the BHC bifurcates credit losses from other
losses, the method for deriving the bifurcation should
be provided in supporting documentation.
Trading and counterparty losses: Any BHC with
material trading and counterparty exposures should
calculate potential losses from those exposures under
its BHC stress scenario. The BHC should ensure that
projected losses are consistent with the market environment assumed in its stress scenario and clearly
document the method and key assumptions supporting the loss estimate. There is no expectation that a
BHC should use approaches similar to the global
market shock or counterparty default scenario components of the supervisory stress scenarios to capture
market or counterparty risk in its internally constructed BHC stress scenario.
Allowance for loan losses: BHCs should estimate the
portion of the current allowance for loan losses available to absorb credit losses on the loan portfolio for
each quarter under each scenario while maintaining
an adequate allowance along the scenario path and at
the end of the planning horizon. Loan-loss reserve
adequacy should be assessed against the size, composition, and risk characteristics of the loan portfolio
projected over the planning horizon under a given

In connection with the production of supervisory estimates of
fair value loan losses, the Federal Reserve may collect supplemental data, such as information on hedges.

scenario in a manner that is consistent with the
BHC’s projections of losses in that scenario.

Pre-Provision Net Revenue Estimation
In general, BHCs are required to demonstrate that
the approach used to generate PPNR estimates is
consistent with the economic and financial environment specified in the relevant scenario. BHCs must
ensure that PPNR projections are explicitly based on,
and directly tied to, balance sheet and other exposure
assumptions used for related loss estimates.
In addition, BHCs should apply assumptions consistent with the scenario when projecting PPNR for feebased lines of business (e.g., asset management) and
ensure that the assumed business strategy is feasible
under the scenario. In addition, BHCs should also
ensure that expenses are appropriately taking into
account both the direct effects of the economic environment (e.g., foreclosure costs) and projected revenues. The models and business processes used to
make projections should be sufficiently documented
so as to allow for supervisory assessment.
Trading revenues: All BHCs with trading activities
and private-equity investments should project the
effect of various scenarios on their trading revenue
over the planning horizon. In making these projections, BHCs should demonstrate that their historical
data selection and general approach is credible and
applicable to the assumed macroeconomic scenario.
BHCs should not assume that trading-related PPNR
could never fall below historical levels.
Mortgage servicing rights (MSR): All revenue and
expenses related to MSRs and the associated noninterest income and non-interest expense line items
must be reported on the PPNR schedules.
Residential mortgage representations and warranties:
As part of PPNR, BHCs must estimate losses associated with requests by mortgage investors, including
both government-sponsored enterprises and privatelabel securities holders, to repurchase loans deemed
to have breached representations and warranties, or
with investor litigation that broadly seeks compensation from BHCs for losses. BHCs should consider
not only how the macro scenarios could affect losses
from repurchased loans, but also a range of legal process outcomes, including worse-than-expected resolutions of the various contract claims or threatened or
pending litigation against the BHC and against various industry participants. BHCs should provide

October 2014

appropriate support of the adverse litigation
expense-related outcomes considered in their
Operational risk losses: Projections of losses arising
from inadequate or failed internal processes, people
and systems, or from external events must be
reported by the BHC as operational risk losses, a
component of PPNR. In general, baseline projections are expected to match up reasonably with historical, realized losses, taking into account any
expected outcomes of current ongoing or pending
litigation or other operational events.
BHCs should use a conservative approach to project
operational risk losses for the stress scenario. Specifically, operational risk losses under stress scenarios
are expected to be higher than the baseline projections regardless of whether the losses can be directly
linked to the stressed economic environment. The
Federal Reserve expects operational risk estimates in
the BHC stress scenario to capture bank-specific
operational risks identified through existing riskmanagement tools such as risk assessments, key risk
reports, and scenario analysis. BHCs should be able
to demonstrate a detailed understanding of the
operational risks facing the organization and provide
reasonable estimates of potential operational risk
The credibility of any empirical analysis relies on the
relevance, accuracy, comprehensiveness, appropriate
classification, and internal consistency of the underlying data. The BHC should therefore give close
attention to data issues that can affect the credibility
of the projected operational risk losses. For example,
the BHC should include all relevant historical data,
including legal reserves, in any analysis, and justify
the exclusion of any historical losses. A BHC should
generally use gross losses in its operational risk projections. If the BHC uses losses net of recoveries, it
should provide a strong justification, as such recoveries may not occur during a stressed environment. The
BHC should provide justification for the dates used
in the analysis (e.g., accounting, discovery, or occurrence date) and provide analysis on how the results
would be affected by the use of specific dates. When
available, the BHC should consider relevant external
data, scenario data, and business environment and
internal control factors data in the analysis, particularly when internal loss data is limited. The process
for selecting the data should be internally consistent,
well-reasoned, clearly documented, and understood


by the banking organization personnel responsible
for its use.
The BHC should consider a variety of benchmarks
in assessing the reasonableness of its operational risk
loss projections. Some examples of such benchmarks
might include average nine-quarter cumulative operational risk losses and the most recent representative
nine-quarter cumulative operational risk losses to
benchmark the baseline scenario, and the worst historical nine-quarter cumulative operational risk
losses to benchmark the stressed scenarios.
As with loss estimates in other areas, the Federal
Reserve expects BHCs to estimate legal costs (including expenses, judgments, fines, and settlements) that
could occur under baseline and stressful environments. When projecting legal costs in stress scenarios,
a BHC should assume unfavorable, stressed outcomes on current, pending, threatened, or otherwise
possible claims of all types. Estimates of stressed
legal losses and other costs and expenses should be
well supported by detailed underlying analysis.

Balance Sheet and Risk-Weighted Assets
Balance sheet projections: Balances should be driven
by the dynamic interaction of various flows through
the planning horizon and should reconcile to projections for originations, pay-downs, drawdowns, and
losses under each scenario. In stress scenarios, care
should be taken to justify major changes in portfolio
composition based, for example, on assumptions
about a BHC’s strategic direction, including events
such as material sales or purchases. The losses used in
producing balances should be the same as those produced in internal loss-estimate modeling for the stress
test. Prepayment behavior should link to the relevant
economic scenario and the maturity profile of the
asset portfolio. Any assumed reallocation of assets
into securities or cash should recognize the limits of
portfolio transformation under stress due to market
pressures and current portfolio characteristics,
including the likely state of interbank lending markets and deposit levels.
To the extent that changes in the balance sheet are
driven by a BHC’s strategic direction, care should be
taken to document underlying assumptions, and the
BHC should provide a detailed explanation supporting the reasonableness of those assumptions in a
stressed economic and financial market environment.


CCAR 2015 Instructions

For example, a BHC should specifically evaluate the
implications of other market participants possibly
taking actions similar to its own in a stressed environment. For example, the possible positive outcomes
that might be obtained if a BHC were the only market participant taking such actions in a particular
market environment may not be fully realized if others are also attempting to take similar actions.
RWA projections: Given that the as-of-date RWAs
calculated for regulatory reporting serves as the foundation for RWA projections in scenario analysis, a
BHC should ensure point-in-time RWA processes
appropriately capture all relevant on- and off-balance
sheet exposures and are consistent with the various
risk-weighting frameworks to which the BHC is subject.31
The BHC should provide detailed support for all
assumptions used to derive projections of RWAs,
including assumptions related to components of balance sheet projections (on- and off-balance sheet balances and composition), income statement projections, and underlying risk attributes of exposures. It
should document any known weakness in the translation of assumptions into RWA estimates for each scenario and any compensating measures the BHC took
in response. For example, a BHC should demonstrate
how credit RWAs over the planning horizon are
related to projected loan growth under the macroeconomic scenario, increased credit provisions or chargeoffs for loan portfolios, and changing economic
assumptions as well as how market RWAs are related
to market factors (e.g., volatility levels, equity index
levels, bond spreads, etc.) and projected trading
Each BHC should demonstrate that these assumptions are clearly conditioned on a given scenario and
are consistent with stated internal and external business strategies. If BHC{specific assumptions are
used, the BHC should also describe these assumptions and how they relate to reported RWA projections. If the BHC’s models for projecting RWAs rely
upon historical relationships, the BHC should provide the historical data and clearly describe why these
relationships are expected to be maintained in each


As noted in “Data Supporting a Capital Plan Submission” on
page 9, BHCs are expected to have internal controls in place to
ensure the accuracy of all regulatory reporting supporting
CCAR, including RWAs.

Trading and counterparty RWAs: In general, all BHCs
in the LISCC portfolio as well as any BHCs subject
to the market risk rule that report (1) trading assets
and liabilities of greater than $10 billion or (2) trading assets and liabilities of greater than 10 percent of
total assets at the as-of date for reporting should
project market risk RWAs using a quantitative methodology that captures both changes in exposures and
changes in volatility implied by stress conditions over
time. BHCs should document the rationale for any
significant changes in risk weighting assigned to the
trading book, particularly in cases where projections
show the ratio of trading book RWAs-to-trading
exposures and trading asset balances declining over
time or under stress conditions.
Additionally, any BHC subject to the market risk rule
must use standard, specific-risk charges for any positions or portfolios for which the BHC has not
received any required specific-risk-model approval,
incremental risk-model approval, or comprehensive
risk-model approval for the position or portfolio as
of January 5, 2015. In addition, if a BHC does not
have an approved Stressed Value at Risk (SVaR)
model as of January 5, 2015, the BHC must specify
this in writing.

Regulatory Capital Projections
BHCs are to provide data on the balances of regulatory capital instruments under current U.S. capital
adequacy guidelines and under the revised regulatory
capital framework for quarters of the planning horizon in which they are subject to the revised regulatory capital framework, aggregated by instrument
type based on actual balances as of September 30 of
the current calendar year and projected balances as
of each quarter end through the remaining planning
horizon.32 BHCs are to report information both on a
notional basis and on the basis of the dollar amount
included in regulatory capital.
Other comprehensive income (OCI): Advanced
approaches BHCs should project the components of
OCI, including unrealized gains and losses on their
AFS securities. The accumulated components of OCI
should be included in projections of regulatory capital under each scenario, accounting for any transition
arrangements in the revised regulatory capital framework over the nine-quarter planning horizon as

See 12 CFR part 217; see 12 CFR 225.8(d).

October 2014

Regulatory capital transitions: In the transition plan,
a BHC must include estimates of the composition
and levels of regulatory capital, RWAs (based on the
standardized approach and advanced approaches,
where applicable), and leverage ratio exposures used
to calculate regulatory capital ratios under the supervisory baseline scenario. Each BHC’s submission
should include supporting documentation on all
material planned actions that the BHC intends to
pursue in order to meet the minimum regulatory
capital ratios per the revised regulatory capital framework, including, but not limited to, the run-off or
sale of existing portfolio(s), the issuance of regulatory capital instruments, and other strategic corporate actions.

Supporting Documentation for
Analyses Used in Capital Plans
Methodology and model inventory: BHCs are required
to provide the Federal Reserve with an inventory of
all models and methodologies used to estimate losses,
revenues, expenses, balances, and RWAs in CCAR
2015.33 The inventory should start with the FR
Y-14A line items and provide the list of models or
methodologies used for each item under each scenario and note the status of the validation or independent review each model or methodology (e.g.,
completed, in progress). The model inventory must
include the name of the model, which should then be
consistently referred to in all technical
Risk-identification program and mapping of material
risks to capital plan: One particular area of supervisory focus will be an assessment of the comprehensiveness of a BHC’s process for identifying the full
range of relevant risks, given the BHC’s exposures
and business mix. Each capital plan submission
should include documentation outlining the risk
identification process the BHC uses to support the
BHC-wide stress testing required in the capital
plans.34 The documentation should describe the
BHC’s processes to identify all known material risks,
including emerging risks that the BHC may face in a
changing economic environment, given its size, activities, and risk exposures and commitments, both onand off-balance sheet.


See 12 CFR 225.8(e)(3)(vi).
See 12 CFR 225.8(e)(3)(iv).


A BHC’s material risk identification process should
be transparent and repeatable, and translate efficiently into estimates of potential losses over a range
of scenarios and environments. An assessment of the
comprehensiveness of risk identification is a critical
aspect of the supervisory assessment of a BHC’s
capital adequacy process. The BHC should assess the
data, infrastructure, and technology, including the
management information systems (MIS) that support
the BHC’s material risk identification process, for
reliability and comprehensiveness.
Where weaknesses in capturing, aggregating, or measuring risk exposures exist, the BHC should describe
the processes and mitigating controls employed to
compensate for those deficiencies or weaknesses in
the risk identification process. The board of directors
should have a clear understanding of where the risk
identification and measurement process may be
Each BHC should develop and maintain a comprehensive inventory of risks to which they are exposed,
and refresh it as conditions warrant, such as changes
in the business mix and the operating environment.
The BHC should be able to demonstrate how its
identified risks are accounted for in its capital
adequacy process and seek to capture all applicable
material risks in the enterprise-wide scenario analysis.
If certain risks are not explicitly incorporated into an
enterprise-wide scenario analysis, a BHC should note
how all material risks are accounted for in other
aspects of its capital planning process. Best practice
is to develop and maintain a detailed mapping of
how and where these risks are captured in the BHC’s
capital adequacy process.
Documentation related to the BHC scenario: A BHC’s
scenario design process should result in a coherent,
logical narrative of economic and financial market
factors and potential BHC-specific events that appropriately stress the BHC’s firm-wide inventory of
material risks. Assumptions should remain constant
across business lines and risk areas for the chosen
scenario, since the objective is to see how the BHC as
a whole will be affected by a common scenario that is
consistently applied.
A BHC should consider the best manner in which to
capture combinations of stressful events and circumstances, including second-order and “knock-on”
effects that may result from the specified economic
and financial market environment or any potential
BHC-specific event. The use of expert judgment or


CCAR 2015 Instructions

management overlays is acceptable and should be
carefully explained and supported by empirical evidence. Supervisors will focus particular attention on
a BHC’s ability to adequately support the approach
and methodologies used for its BHC scenarios and
assess the impact to loss and PPNR estimates. In
addition, the BHC is required to provide a comprehensive listing of the paths of all key variables used
in each scenario in the FR Y-14A Scenario schedule.
Within the supporting documentation, each BHC
should discuss how the BHC stress scenario stresses
the specific vulnerabilities of the BHC’s risk profile
and operations. Best practice is to clearly map the
BHC’s identified material risks to the elements incorporated within the BHC stress scenario to ensure that
all exposures are appropriately stressed and considered for full impact on capital and discuss how material risks that are not explicitly incorporated into the
BHC scenario are considered and addressed as part
of the BHC’s capital adequacy process.
Documentation of internal stress testing methodologies and assumptions: A BHC should include in its
capital plan submissions thorough documentation of
key methodologies and assumptions used in performing stress testing. Documentation should clearly
describe the model-development process, the derivation of outcomes, and validation procedures. Supporting documentation should clearly describe any
known data issues or model weaknesses and how
such information is factored into the capital plan.
Senior management should provide its board of
directors with sufficient information to facilitate the
board’s understanding of the stress testing analysis
used by the BHC for capital planning purposes,
including any identified weaknesses that increase
uncertainty in the estimation process.
The BHC must provide credible support for BHCspecific assumptions, including any known weaknesses in the translation of assumptions into loss and
resource estimates. For example, an overreliance on
past patterns of credit migration (the basis for roll
rate and ratings transition models) may be a weakness when considering stress scenarios, particularly
when the available data do not contain a period of
significant stress.
The BHC should demonstrate that its approaches are
clearly conditioned on the scenarios being used.
While judgment is an essential part of risk measurement and risk management, including for loss-

estimation purposes, a BHC should not be overly
reliant on judgment to prepare their loss estimates
and should provide documentation or evidence of
transparency and discipline around the process. Any
management judgment applied should be adequately
supported and in line with scenario conditions and
should be consistently conservative in the assumptions made to arrive at loss rates. There should also
be appropriate challenge of assumptions by senior
management. Senior management should provide
sufficient information to the board of directors so
that the board can understand the key assumptions,
challenges made by senior management, and any
responses to those challenges and can effectively challenge reported results before making capital

Description of All Capital Actions
Assumed over the Planning Horizon
As part of the quantitative assessment of a BHC’s
capital plan, the Federal Reserve considers the BHC’s
description of all planned capital actions over the
planning horizon, including both capital issuances
and capital distributions, and relies on these descriptions of the planned capital actions as a basis for its
decisions about the BHC’s capital plan.
As detailed in the capital plan rule, a capital action is
any issuance of a debt or equity capital instrument,
any capital distribution, and any similar action that
the Federal Reserve determines could impact a
BHC’s consolidated capital. A capital distribution is
a redemption or repurchase of any debt or equity
capital instrument, a payment of common or preferred stock dividends, a payment that may be temporarily or permanently suspended by the issuer on
any instrument that is eligible for inclusion in the
numerator of any minimum regulatory capital ratio,
and any similar transaction that the Federal Reserve
determines to be in substance a distribution of
Organization of description of capital actions: BHCs
must provide a description of their planned capital
actions.35 BHCs are also required to report their
planned capital actions on the FR Y-14A Summary
schedule under the BHC baseline scenario and on the
FR Y-14A Regulatory Capital Instruments schedule.
BHCs should organize the description of the planned
capital actions in their capital plan in a manner that

See 12 CFR 225.8(e)(2)(i)(D).

October 2014


Table 4. Summary of planned capital actions, CCAR 2015




Common dividends/share ($)
Common dividends
Preferred dividends








Repurchases and redemptions
Common stock issuance
Common stock repurchase (gross)
Common stock repurchase (net)
Preferred stock issuance
Preferred stock repurchase (gross)
Preferred stock repurchase (net)
TruPS issuance
TruPS repurchase (gross)
TruPS repurchase (net)
Subordinated debt issuance
Subordinated debt repurchase (gross)
Subordinated debt repurchase (net)
Other capital instruments (gross)
Other capital instruments (gross)
Other capital instruments (net)
Millions of dollars
n/a Not applicable.
TruPS Trust preferred securities.

permits comparison with the schedules. One method
of organization would be a table, such as table 4, that
presents the capital actions by type of capital instrument over the quarterly path.
Planned capital actions in out-quarters of planning
horizon: The Federal Reserve has observed a practice
whereby some BHCs have included markedly reduced
distributions in the final quarters of the planning
horizon (i.e., the quarters that are not subject to
objection in the current capital plan cycle, referred to
as ‘‘out-quarters’’) relative to the distributions in the
preceding quarters of the capital plan where the distributions are subject to possible objection in the current cycle. A BHC should project its distributions in
the final quarters of its capital plan based on realistic
assumptions about the future and in a manner

broadly consistent with previous quarters, unless the
BHC is in fact planning to reduce its distributions.
The Federal Reserve will closely monitor a BHC’s
planned capital actions to the extent the distribution
occurring in the out-quarters of capital plans are
lower than the distributions for the same quarters
included in the BHC’s capital plan for the next cycle.
If BHCs are unable to provide sufficient explanation
for increases in planned capital actions once the
quarter is subject to review and possible objection,
the Federal Reserve may see that as an indication of
shortcomings in a BHC’s capital adequacy process or
that the assumptions and analyses underlying the
capital plan, or the BHC’s methodologies for reviewing the robustness of its capital adequacy process, are
not reasonable or appropriate. Under the capital plan


CCAR 2015 Instructions

rule, the Federal Reserve may object to a capital plan
because the assumptions and analyses underlying the
BHC’s capital plan are not reasonable or appropriate,
and the practice of reducing planned capital distributions in the out-quarters therefore may form the basis
for objection to a BHC’s capital plan.36

Expected Changes to Business Plans
Affecting Capital Adequacy
or Funding
Each BHC should include in its capital plan a discussion of any expected changes to the BHC’s business
plan that are likely to have a material impact on the
BHC’s capital adequacy and liquidity.37 Examples of
changes to a business plan that may have a material
impact could include a proposed merger or divestiture, changes in key business strategies, or significant
investments. However, a BHC should not include a
divestiture that has not been completed or contractually agreed prior to January 5, 2015, in its capital plan
In this discussion, the company should consider not
just the impacts of these expected changes, but also
the potential adverse consequences should the
actions not result in the planned changes—e.g., a

See 12 CFR 225.8(f)(2)(ii)(B).
A BHC that incorporates the effect of changes to its business
plan that are likely to have a material impact on the BHC’s capital adequacy and funding profile may be required to submit
additional data.

merger plan falls through, a change in business strategy is not achieved, or there is a loss on the planned
significant investment.
Subsidiaries of foreign banking organizations: For the
purposes of CCAR 2015, a U.S. BHC that will be
designated as the U.S. intermediate holding company
for a foreign banking organization’s U.S. operations
will not to be required to include the transfer of subsidiaries in accordance with the U.S. intermediate
holding company requirement in its capital plan projections.38 The Federal Reserve recognizes that modeling the effects of this transfer would require BHCs
to adjust their management information and
accounting systems to take into account exposures
across the entire U.S. operations of a foreign banking
organization, which may introduce significant complexities into a BHC’s capital planning and stress
testing. The Federal Reserve will provide this onetime relief from including assets transferred into the
U.S. BHC in capital plan projections with the expectation that, generally, the U.S. BHC subsidiary that
will be designated as the U.S. intermediate holding
company will have a capital plan that includes
planned capital distributions (net of capital issuance)
that are equal to or lower than those included in the
BHC’s capital plan for the previous cycle. The Federal Reserve expects that such U.S. BHCs will retain
capital compared with previous capital plans in
preparation for compliance with the U.S. intermediate holding company requirement.

See 12 CFR part 252, subpart O.


Federal Reserve Assessment
of BHC Capital Plans

To support its assessment of the capital plans, the
Federal Reserve will review the supporting analyses
in a BHC’s capital plan, including the BHC’s own
stress test results, and will generate supervisory estimates of losses; revenues; loan-loss reserves; balance
sheet components and RWAs; and post-stress capital
ratios using internally developed supervisory models
and assumptions wherever possible.39
The Federal Reserve has differing expectations for
BHCs of different sizes, scope of operations, activities, and systemic importance in various aspects of
capital planning. In particular, the Federal Reserve
has significantly heightened expectations for BHCs
that are subject to the Federal Reserve’s Large Institution Supervision Coordinating Committee
(LISCC) framework.40 In assessing a BHC’s capital
planning, capital positions, and overall capital
adequacy, the Federal Reserve will have heightened
expectations for the LISCC BHCs. These BHCs are
expected to have the most sophisticated, comprehensive, and robust capital adequacy processes.

Qualitative Assessments
Qualitative assessments are a critical component of
the CCAR review. Even if the supervisory stress test
for a given BHC results in post-stress capital ratios
above the minimum requirements, the Federal
Reserve could nonetheless object to that BHC’s capital plan for other reasons. These reasons include, but
are not limited to, the following:
• There are material unresolved supervisory issues.


See Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2014),
Dodd-Frank Act Stress Test 2014: Supervisory Stress Test Methodology and Results (Washington: Board of Governors, March),
The LISCC framework is designed to materially increase the
financial and operational resiliency of systemically important
financial institutions to reduce the probability of, and cost associated with, their material financial distress or failure. See

• The assumptions and analyses underlying the
BHC’s capital plan are not reasonable or
• The BHC’s methodologies for reviewing the
robustness of its capital adequacy process are not
reasonable or appropriate.
• The CCAR assessment results in a determination
that a BHC’s capital adequacy process or proposed
capital distributions would otherwise constitute an
unsafe or unsound practice or would violate any
law, regulation, Board order, directive, or any condition imposed by, or written agreement with, the
As noted above, under the capital plan rule, the Federal Reserve may object to a BHC’s capital plan if the
assumptions and analyses underlying its capital plan,
or the BHC’s methodologies for reviewing the
robustness of its capital adequacy process, are not
reasonable or appropriate. The Federal Reserve
assesses the strength of the risk-measurement and
risk-management practices supporting the capital
adequacy process and the governance and controls
around these practices. The Federal Reserve’s qualitative assessment places particular emphasis on material risk identification; the BHC stress scenario; the
translation of the BHC stress scenario into projected
losses, revenues, and post-stress capital ratios; and
the controls and governance around the capital
adequacy process.
If the Federal Reserve identifies substantial weaknesses in a BHC’s capital adequacy process, that
finding on its own could justify an objection to a
BHC’s capital plan. However, a non-objection to a
BHC’s capital plan does not necessarily mean that a
BHC is considered to have fully satisfactory practices
supporting every element of its capital adequacy


See 12 CFR 225.8(f)(2)(ii).


CCAR 2015 Instructions

Figure 2. Quantitative assessments of capital actions
Pro forma capital ratios

Common dividend payout ratio

Regulatory capital transition

BHC stress
Alternative capital actions
Supervisory adverse
Planned capital actions
DFA stress test capital actions
Supervisory severely adverse
Planned capital actions
DFA stress test capital actions

BHC baseline*
Planned capital actions
Supervisory baseline*
Planned capital actions
DFA stress test capital actions

Note: Each box indicates a distinct scenario that will be submitted by each BHC. Planned capital actions are estimated by each BHC using the BHC baseline scenario, and the
alternative capital actions are estimated under the BHC’s stress scenario in accordance with the BHC’s internal capital policies.
* If a BHC determines the supervisory baseline scenario to be appropriate for its own BHC baseline, the BHC may submit identical FR Y-14A Summary schedules with the exception of the capital worksheets noted above. All BHCs must complete two capital worksheets for the supervisory baseline and supervisory severely adverse scenario.

Quantitative Assessments
The various types of quantitative assessments that
the Federal Reserve expects to consider are described
in figure 2. The Federal Reserve will evaluate the
BHC’s post-stress capital ratios based on the combination of stress performance measures (e.g., revenues,
losses, and reserves from the supervisory adverse and
severely adverse scenarios) and the BHC’s planned
capital actions (e.g., planned dividends, issuances,
and repurchases as provided in the BHC baseline scenario) against each minimum regulatory capital ratio
and a 5 percent tier 1 common ratio in each quarter
of the planning horizon.

Supervisory Post-Stress Capital Analysis
In conducting its supervisory stress tests of BHCs
under the Dodd-Frank Act stress test rules, the Federal Reserve will use the same supervisory scenarios
and assumptions as the BHCs are required to use
under the Dodd-Frank Act stress test rules to project
revenues, losses, net income, and post-stress capital
ratios.42 In addition, the Federal Reserve will independently project BHCs’ balance sheet and RWAs
over the nine-quarter planning horizon, using the
same supervisory macroeconomic scenarios. Supervisory models and assumptions will be applied in a
consistent manner across all BHCs.
In connection with the annual CCAR exercise, the
Federal Reserve will use the data and information
provided in the FR Y-14 regulatory reports as of
September 30, 2014 (except for trading and counter42

See 12 CFR 252.56(b).

party data). BHCs should reference the instructions
associated with each schedule to determine the
appropriate submission date for each regulatory
report. The Federal Reserve will apply conservative
assumptions to any missing or otherwise deficient
FR Y-14 data in producing supervisory estimates if
such deficiencies are not remedied by December 31,
• Missing data or data deficiency: If a BHC’s submitted data quality is deemed to be too deficient to
produce a robust supervisory model estimate for a
particular portfolio, the Federal Reserve may
assign a high loss rate (e.g., 90th percentile) or a
conservative PPNR rate (e.g., 10th percentile)
based on portfolio losses or PPNR estimated for
other BHCs. If data that are direct inputs to supervisory models are missing or reported erroneously
but the problem is isolated in a way that the existing supervisory framework can still be used, a conservative value (e.g., 10th or 90th percentile) based
on all available data will be assigned to the specific
• Immaterial portfolio: Each BHC has the option to
either submit or not submit the relevant data
schedule for a given portfolio that does not meet a
materiality threshold (as defined in FR Y-14Q and
FR Y-14M instructions). If the BHC does not submit data on its immaterial portfolio(s), the Federal
Reserve will assign a conservative loss rate (e.g.,
75th percentile), based on the estimates for other
BHCs. Otherwise, the Federal Reserve will estimate
losses using data submitted by the BHC.
As part of CCAR, the Federal Reserve will conduct
its post-stress capital analysis in the supervisory

October 2014


adverse and severely adverse scenarios using the
BHCs’ planned capital actions in the BHC baseline
scenario. This assumption permits the Federal
Reserve to assess whether a BHC would be capable
of continuing to meet minimum capital requirements
(the leverage, tier 1 risk-based, common equity tier 1
risk-based, and total risk-based capital ratios) and a
tier 1 common capital ratio of at least 5 percent
throughout the planning horizon, even if adverse or
severely adverse stress conditions emerged and the
BHC did not reduce planned capital distributions.43

latory risk-based capital and leverage ratios under the
revised regulatory capital framework. Generally, a
BHC should maintain prudent earnings-retention
policies with a view toward meeting the conservation
buffer under the time frame described in the revised
regulatory capital framework.44 Where applicable,
a BHC’s regulatory capital transition plan should
also incorporate a plan to meet the higher lossabsorbency requirements for global systemically
important banks as estimated by management or the
enhanced supplementary leverage ratio.45

Common Dividend Payouts

A BHC should, through its capital plan, demonstrate
an ability to maintain no less than steady progress
along a path between its existing capital ratios based
upon the revised regulatory capital framework and
the fully phased-in requirements in 2019. The Federal
Reserve will closely scrutinize plans that fall short of
this supervisory expectation.

The appropriateness of planned capital actions will
also be evaluated based on the common dividend
payout ratio (common dividends relative to net
income available to common shareholders) in the
baseline scenario, and on the BHC’s projected path
to compliance with the revised regulatory capital
framework under the supervisory baseline scenario as
the revised regulatory capital framework is phased in.
The Federal Reserve expects that capital plans will
reflect conservative common dividend payout ratios.
Specifically, capital plans that imply common dividend payout ratios above 30 percent of projected
after-tax net income available to common shareholders in either the BHC baseline or supervisory baseline
will receive particularly close scrutiny.

Regulatory Capital Rule Transition Plans
As part of CCAR, the Federal Reserve evaluates
whether a BHC’s proposed capital actions are appropriate in light of the BHC’s plans to meet the
requirements of the revised regulatory capital framework after the transition periods set forth in that rule.
As part of its capital plan submission, a BHC should
provide a transition plan that includes pro forma estimates under baseline conditions of the BHC’s regu43

The last four quarters of the planning horizon of CCAR 2015
will coincide with the initial portion of the risk-based framework’s capital conservation buffer. See 12 CFR 217.11. For
CCAR 2015, the effects of the capital conservation buffer distribution limitations are likely to be limited given the small portion
of the buffer that will be effective during the planning horizon
(0.625 percent, only one quarter the size of the fully phased-in
buffer). Therefore, the Federal Reserve will not consider the
limitation effects of the capital conservation buffer in the last
four quarters of the CCAR 2015 planning horizon when performing its post-stress capital analysis of BHCs’ planned capital
distributions. The Board is considering the appropriate treatment of the capital conservation buffer distribution limitations
in stress testing and capital planning for future CCAR exercises
and intends to address this issue in due course.

Some BHCs may exceed the transition targets over
the near term, but not yet meet the fully phased-in
targets. Those BHCs are expected to submit plans
reflecting steady accretion of capital at a sufficient
pace to demonstrate continual progress toward full
compliance with the revised regulatory capital framework on a fully phased-in basis.
The Federal Reserve expects that any BHC performance projections that suggest that ratios would fall
below the regulatory minimums at any point over the
projection period would be accompanied by proposed actions that reflect affirmative steps to improve
the BHC’s capital ratios, including actions such as
external capital raises, to provide great assurance that
the BHC will meet the minimum requirements of the
revised regulatory capital framework as they
phase in.

Limited Adjustments to
Planned Capital Actions
Upon completion of the quantitative and qualitative
assessments of BHCs’ capital plans, but before the
disclosure of the final CCAR results, the Federal
Reserve will provide each BHC with the results of the
post-stress capital analysis for its BHC, and each

78 Fed. Reg. 62018 (October 11, 2013).
See Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2013), “Global
Systemically Important Banks: Updated Assessment Methodology and the Higher Loss Absorbency Requirement,” rules text
(Basel: BCBS, July),; 79 Fed.
Reg. 24528 (May 1, 2014); and 79 Fed. Reg. 57725 (September 26, 2014).


CCAR 2015 Instructions

BHC will have an opportunity to make a one-time
adjustment to planned capital distributions. The only
adjustment that will be considered is a reduction in
the common stock distributions (e.g., common stock
dividend and repurchases) relative to those initially
submitted in the BHC’s original capital plan. The
Federal Reserve’s final decision to object or not
object will be informed by the BHC adjusted capital
The Federal Reserve has observed a practice where
some BHCs have only adjusted the out quarters of
the planning horizon that are not subject to objection
in the current CCAR exercise (for CCAR 2015, those
would be the projected third and fourth quarters of
2016), while leaving the quarters subject to objection
unchanged. Without explanation, this practice erodes
the credibility of a BHC’s capital plan. Accordingly,
a BHC that makes a one-time adjustment to its
planned capital distributions should not solely concentrate the adjustment in the quarters not subject to
objection in CCAR 2015.

Federal Reserve Responses to
Planned Capital Actions
Based on the results of the qualitative and quantitative assessment, the Federal Reserve determines
whether to authorize a BHC to undertake its planned
capital actions during the next four quarters, covering
the second quarter of the current year through the
first quarter of the following year (the third through
the sixth quarters of the CCAR 2015 planning horizon). For CCAR 2015, the Federal Reserve’s authorization for capital distributions will extend five quarters, through June 30, 2016, in order to account for
the shift in the capital plan cycle in 2016.46
For purposes of CCAR 2015, if a BHC receives a
non-objection to its capital plan, the BHC generally
may make the capital distributions included in its
capital plan submission beginning on April 1, 2015,
through June 30, 2016, without seeking prior
approval from or providing prior notice to the Federal Reserve. (See “Execution of Capital Plan and
Requests for Additional Distributions” on page 31.)
If the BHC receives an objection to its capital plan,
the BHC may not make any capital distribution other

Starting January 1, 2016, the capital plan cycle will begin on
January 1, and a BHC will be required to submit its capital plan
to the Board by April 5 of that year. The Federal Reserve would
respond to the BHC’s capital plan by June 30 of that year.

than those capital distributions with respect to which
the Federal Reserve has indicated in writing its nonobjection. In this instance, the Federal Reserve still
may authorize the BHC to undertake certain distributions set forth in its capital plan, consistent with
the quarterly path of authorized distributions, during
this five-quarter period.
The Federal Reserve at all times retains the ability to
ultimately object to capital distributions in future
quarters if there is a material change in the BHC’s
risk profile (including a material change in its business strategy or any risk exposure), financial condition, or corporate structure, or if changes in financial
markets or the macroeconomic outlook that could
have a material impact on the BHC’s risk profile and
financial condition require the use of updated

Disclosure of Supervisory
At the end of the CCAR process, the Federal Reserve
intends to disclose publicly its decision to object or
not object to a BHC’s capital plan, along with a summary of the Federal Reserve’s analyses of that
The Federal Reserve will publish a summary of the
results of the Board’s supervisory stress test of the
company under the Dodd-Frank Act supervisory
stress tests. The supervisory stress test disclosure will
include results under both the supervisory adverse
and severely adverse scenarios. The Federal Reserve
will provide the detailed results of supervisory stress
tests for each BHC, including stressed losses and revenues, and the post-stress capital ratios based on the
capital action assumptions required under the DoddFrank Act stress test rules, along with an overview of
methodologies used for supervisory stress tests. (See
appendix B for the format that will be used to publish
these data.)
In its disclosure of the CCAR results, the Federal
Reserve will also publish the results of its post-stress
capital analysis for each BHC, including BHCspecific post-stress regulatory capital ratios (leverage,
common equity tier 1 risk-based, tier 1 risk-based,
and total risk-based capital ratios) and the tier 1
common ratio estimated in the adverse and severely
adverse scenarios. These results will be derived using
the planned capital actions as provided under the
BHC baseline scenario. The disclosed information

October 2014

will include minimum values of these ratios over the
planning horizon, using the originally submitted
planned capital actions under the baseline scenario
and any adjusted capital distributions in the final
capital plans, where applicable. (See appendix C for
the format that will be used to publish these data.) In
addition to the information about its quantitative
assessment of the capital plans, the Federal Reserve
will disclose the reasons for objections to specific
BHCs’ capital plans, including general information
about the capital planning weaknesses that led to an
objection to the BHC’s capital plan for qualitative
Both sets of results, with the overview of methodologies and other information related to supervisory
stress tests and CCAR, are expected to be published
by March 31, 2015. BHCs will be required to disclose
the results of their company-run stress tests within 15
days of the date the Board discloses the results of its
Dodd-Frank Act supervisory stress test.47

If a BHC receives an objection to its capital plan, it
may choose to resubmit its plan in advance of the
next CCAR exercise in the following year.
As detailed in the capital plan rule, a BHC must
update and resubmit its capital plan if it determines
there has been or will be a material change in the
BHC’s risk profile (including a material change in its
business strategy or any material-risk exposures),
financial condition, or corporate structure since the
BHC adopted the capital plan. Further, the Federal
Reserve may direct a BHC to revise and resubmit its
capital plan for a number of reasons, including if a
stress scenario developed by a BHC is not appropriate to its business model and portfolios or if changes
in financial markets or the macroeconomic outlook
that could have a material impact on a BHC’s risk
profile and financial condition requires the use of
updated scenarios.
Submissions that are late, incomplete, or otherwise
unclear could result in an objection to the resubmitted plan and a mandatory resubmission of a new
plan, which may not be reviewed until the following
quarter. Based on a review of a BHC’s capital plan,
supporting information, and data submissions, the
Federal Reserve may require additional supporting

See 12 CFR 252.58(a)(1).


information or analysis from a BHC, or require it to
revise and resubmit its plan. Any of these may also
result in the delay of evaluation of capital actions
until a subsequent calendar quarter.

Execution of Capital Plan and
Requests for Additional Distributions
The capital plan rule provides that a BHC generally
must request prior approval of a capital distribution
if the dollar amount of the capital distribution will
exceed the amount described in the capital plan for
which a non-objection was issued (gross distribution
limit).48 In addition, a BHC generally must request
the Board’s non-objection for capital distributions
included in the BHC’s capital plan if the BHC has
issued less capital of a given class of regulatory capital instrument (net of distributions) than the BHC
had included in its capital plan, measured cumulatively, beginning with the third quarter of the planning horizon.49
For example, if a shortfall in capital issuance
occurred in the third quarter, then the BHC may not
make planned distributions in that quarter and subsequent quarters unless and until it offsets the excess
net distributions. BHCs have the flexibility to credit
excess issuances or lower distributions of capital than
the amounts included in the company’s capital plan
for a given class of regulatory capital instrument to
subsequent quarters.
A BHC should notify the Federal Reserve as early as
possible before redeeming any capital instrument that
counts as regulatory capital and that was not
included in its capital plan or if it has excess net dis-



A BHC is not required to provide prior notice and seek
approval for distributions involving issuances of instruments
that would qualify for inclusion in the numerator of regulatory
capital ratios that were not included in the BHC’s capital plan.
See 12 CFR 225.8(g)(2)(iii)(B).
The classes of regulatory capital instruments are common
equity tier 1, additional tier 1, and tier 2 capital instruments, as
defined in 12 CFR 217.2. BHCs are not required to provide
prior notice and seek approval for distributions included in their
capital plans that are scheduled payments on addition tier 1 or
tier 2 capital. Additionally, BHCs are not required to provide
prior notice and seek approval where the shortfall in capital
issuance (net of distributions) is due to employee-directed capital issuances related to an employee stock ownership plan; a
planned merger or acquisition that is no longer expected to be
consummated or for which the consideration paid is lower than
the projected price in the capital plan; or if aggregate excess net
distributions is less than 1 percent of the BHC’s tier 1 capital.
See 12 CFR 225.8(g)(2)(iii).


CCAR 2015 Instructions

tributions.50 A BHC should use the CCAR Communications mailbox to submit any requests for capital
(gross or net) not included in its capital plan.
Any such requests should reflect the change in the
BHC’s planned capital issuances and any other relevant changes in the capital plan. The BHC may be
required to submit additional supporting information, including a revised capital plan, the BHC’s
forward-looking assessment of its capital adequacy
under revised scenarios, any supporting information,
and a description of any quantitative methods used
that are different than those used in its original capital plan.51 The Federal Reserve will examine perfor-



See 12 CFR 225.8(f) for circumstances under which approval
would be required where a BHC had received a non-objection
to its capital plan.
See 12 CFR 225.8(g)(4).

mance relative to the initial projections and the rationale for the request.
Under the capital plan rule, the Federal Reserve may
object to a BHC’s capital plan if the assumptions
and analysis underlying the capital plan, or the
BHC’s methodologies for reviewing the robustness of
its capital adequacy process, are not reasonable or
appropriate. A BHC’s consistent failure to execute
planned capital issuances may be indicative of shortcomings in its capital planning processes and may
indicate that the assumptions and analysis underlying
the BHC’s capital plan, or the BHC’s methodologies
for reviewing the robustness of its capital adequacy
process, are not reasonable or appropriate. Accordingly, a consistent failure to execute capital issuances
as indicated in its capital plan may form the basis for
objection if the BHC is unable to explain the discrepancies between its planned and executed capital


Appendix A: Common Themes
from CCAR 2014

This appendix describes some of the common themes
identified by supervisors during CCAR 2014 that
were broadly applicable to the bank holding companies (BHCs) involved in the program. The Federal
Reserve provided these commonly observed themes
to the BHCs as part of the CCAR 2014 supervisory
feedback communicated in April 2014 to build upon
expectations outlined in previous guidance and to
provide additional clarification in specific areas
where BHCs continue to experience challenges. The
topics covered here were all outlined in the Federal
Reserve’s Capital Planning at Large Bank Holding
Companies: Supervisory Expectations and Range of
Current Practice, published in August 2013.52
In subsequent communication, the Federal Reserve
further clarified its expectations for modeling
changes in the fair value of available-for-sale (AFS)
securities to project other comprehensive income
(OCI). In addition, certain information was updated
regarding the threshold of trading assets and liabilities that trigger specific expectations for projecting
market risk-weighted assets (RWAs). The RWA
Methodologies and AFS Fair Value OCI sections of
this appendix include those subsequent communications. The following nine themes came out of the
CCAR 2014 program and are described further
below: (1) sensitivity analysis, (2) assumptions management, (3) model overlays, (4) model risk management, (5) capital policy, (6) presentation of consolidated pro forma financial results, (7) RWA projection
methodologies, (8) operational risk loss-estimation
methodologies, and (9) AFS Fair Value OCI.
Before discussing each of these themes in more
detail, it is important to reiterate one theme that is
generally applicable to all of the issues below. While

See Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2013),
Capital Planning at Large Bank Holding Companies: Supervisory Expectations and Current Range of Practice (Washington:
Board of Governors, August),

supervisors generally expect that BHCs use independently validated quantitative methods as the basis for
their estimates, BHCs should not rely on weak or
poorly specified models. Instead, qualitative
approaches or adjustments to quantitative results
should be used, for example, to address data limitations, material changes in a BHC’s business, or
unique risks of a certain portfolio (including fundamental changes to markets, products and businesses)
that are not well represented in reference data and
therefore not well captured in a model.
Most BHCs use some form of expert judgment—often as a management adjustment overlay to modeled
outputs. Supervisors prefer that BHCs use management overlays to compensate for model limitations.
Regardless of the estimation methodology, BHCs
should have a transparent, repeatable, well-supported
process that generates credible estimates that are consistent with assumed scenario conditions. (For more
on model overlays see section 3 of this appendix and
also the discussion of model risk management on
page 19).

1. Sensitivity Analysis
Having an understanding of the sensitivity of pro
forma financial estimates to the various inputs and
assumptions developed to support the forecasting
process is an important aspect of developing sound
stress scenario analysis projections. Sensitivity analysis is an important tool that tests the robustness of
models and enhances reporting for BHC management, the board of directors, and supervisors. Based
on observations in CCAR 2014, there is a continued
need for BHCs to expand the use of sensitivity analysis to understand the range of potential estimates
based on changes to inputs and key assumptions as
well as the uncertainties associated with those estimates. Most notably, BHCs did not conduct sufficient sensitivity analysis during model development,
and instead relied on the model validation function
to carry it out. BHCs should expand the use of sensi-


CCAR 2015 Instructions

tivity analysis around both individual loss, revenue,
and balance sheet component estimates as well as
aggregate estimates at various levels of the consolidation process.
All key assumptions and input variables should be
candidates for sensitivity testing. While not all
assumptions and inputs will prove to have a material
impact on estimates, BHCs should conduct sensitivity analysis to determine which inputs and assumptions can materially alter results. Some foundational
assumptions that are common to most BHCs and
should be subject to sensitivity analysis include projected market share, size of the mortgage market,
cost and flow of deposits, utilization rate of credit
lines, discount rates, or level and composition of
trading assets. However, this list is not exhaustive and
conducting sensitivity testing only on these assumptions will not be sufficient to meet supervisors’ expectations in this area.
Sensitivity testing can also be particularly helpful in
understanding the range of possible results of
vendor-provided scenario forecasts and vendor models with less transparent or proprietary elements. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis can be an important
tool to assess stress testing models and the credibility
of stress projections, given the inherent challenges in
conducting outcomes analysis of these models.
Overall, BHCs should ensure that model developers
and model owners conduct sensitivity analysis, in
addition to the testing performed by the model validation function. BHCs should also conduct sensitivity analysis as part of the aggregation process to
understand the sensitivity of material components of
the consolidated pro forma financials, as well as the
post-stress pro forma capital ratios to material
assumptions and inputs. By understanding and documenting a range of potential outcomes, BHCs can
ensure there is a clear understanding of the inherent
uncertainty and imprecision around pro forma
results. Importantly, management should have a full
understanding of key sensitivities in estimates and
highlight those to the board so that the directors
understand the sensitivity of capital to alternative
inputs and assumptions and can make informed capital decisions.

2. Assumptions Management
BHCs are expected to clearly document key assumptions used to estimate losses, revenues, expenses, asset

and liability balances, and RWA. Documentation
should provide the rationale and any empirical support for assumptions and specifically address how
they are consistent with scenario conditions.
Assumptions should generally be conservative, particularly in areas of high uncertainty, and should be
well supported and subject to close oversight and
Given the significant number of assumptions
required for capital planning and stress testing, one
of the most common issues across firms is unclear or
unsubstantiated assumptions. While this issue spans
all areas of capital planning, it was among the most
common issues for PPNR projections in CCAR 2013
and again in CCAR 2014. In particular, loan and
deposit pricing assumptions were, in many instances,
not well documented nor adequately supported, and
in some cases they appeared inconsistent with the
expected impact of scenario conditions, shift in portfolio mix, or growth or decline in balances over the
planning horizon. Similarly, in certain instances,
assumptions were made that provided a clear benefit
to the BHC without consideration of strategic initiatives or achievability under a given scenario.
Overall, assumptions that may materially affect capital estimates should be consistent with scenario conditions, challenged across the enterprise, and internally consistent within each scenario. Where possible,
assumptions should be supported by quantitative
analysis or empirical evidence, and as discussed in the
preceding section, augmented with sensitivity analysis to assess whether deviations from assumed values
could have a material impact on post-stress, pro
forma capital levels. That said, assumptions do not
have to be anchored in historical experience. Historical experience may not be relevant if a BHC has gone
through significant structural changes, or if the economic environment changes dramatically. Assumptions not based in historical experience can be acceptable, if BHCs provide sufficient support and rationale for why the assumptions are plausible, internally
consistent with assumed scenario conditions, and
conservative (i.e., they generate more losses or fewer
revenues than strict adherence to historical

3. Model Overlays
As noted, most BHCs use some form of expert judgment—often as a management adjustment overlay to
modeled outputs. In developing management over-

October 2014

lays, BHCs should ensure that they have a transparent and repeatable process; that assumptions are
clearly outlined and consistent with assumed scenario conditions; and that results are provided with
and without adjustments.
In general, the purpose and impact of specific management overlays should be communicated in a way
that facilitates a thorough understanding by the
BHC’s senior management. Senior management
should be able to independently assess the reasonableness of using an overlay to capture a particular
risk or compensate for a known limitation. Significant management overlays should receive a heightened level of support and scrutiny, up to and including review by the board of directors in instances
where the impact to pro forma results is sufficiently
material. Extensive use of management overlays
should also trigger discussion as to whether new or
improved modeling approaches are needed.
While improved support for management overlays
was apparent during CCAR 2014, some BHCs’
approach to overlays did not meet supervisory expectations. Specifically, a number of BHCs failed to tie
management overlays to specific model weaknesses
or identified issues and used a general “catch-all”
adjustment to influence aggregate modeled losses in
the interest of conservatism. In addition, several
BHCs relied exclusively on a capital buffer and/or the
capital targets to account for model limitations,
rather than using a specific adjustment to model output, which directly impacts capital levels. To the
extent possible, BHCs should incorporate the impact
of all risk exposures into their projections of net
income over the nine-quarter planning horizon rather
than trying to address certain risks and model limitations by adding buffers on top of internally defined
capital goals and targets.
In certain cases, BHCs made adjustments within the
model (e.g., changes to parameter estimates) that
were independently reviewed as part of the overall
model validation process. However, post-validation
management overlays applied to model outcomes to
account for risks not captured by the model or to
compensate for model limitations often failed to
receive an adequate level of independent review (see
“Model Risk Management”). In addition to being
clearly documented and well-supported, supervisors
expect all management overlays and adjustments to
be reviewed in detail and approved at the appropriate
level given their materiality/impact to the overall pro
forma financial results.


4. Model Risk Management
BHCs should ensure that they have sound model risk
management, including independent review and validation of all models used in internal capital planning,
consistent with existing supervisory guidance on
model risk management (SR letter 11-7). Most BHCs
involved in CCAR 2014 have made progress in
enhancing their model risk management practices for
models used in their capital planning processes. However, some BHCs still fell substantially short of
supervisory expectations, and all BHCs still have
room for improvement, most notably in the area of
conducting more rigorous evaluations of the conceptual soundness of modeling approaches applied to
stress testing use.
Supervisors observed that validation activities conducted by some BHCs were rigorous and appropriately resulted in required enhancements, restrictions
on use, or rejection. However, there were numerous
cases in which validation activities were not in line
with supervisory expectations or effective challenge
was not exercised.53 For instance, some validation
activities were only cursory in nature; did not probe
key assumptions or model sensitivities; and perhaps
most critically, did not evaluate models for their
intended use (including vendor models). Supervisors
also expect that model overrides or overlays—including those based solely on expert judgment—will be
subject to oversight and review by validation staff or
other independent reviewers, with the recognition
that the work done to evaluate overlays to model output may be different than the validation work to
evaluate and test the model and model output. BHCs
should also ensure that challenger or benchmark
models used as part of the capital planning processes
are subject to validation, with the intensity and frequency of validation work a function of the importance of those models in generating estimates (per
SR 11-7).
Supervisors recognize that not all validation activities
can be conducted before each model is used, especially certain types of outcomes analysis given the
lack of realized outcomes against which to assess
projections generated under stressful scenarios. That
said, at a minimum, BHCs should make every effort
to conduct the conceptual soundness evaluation of a

The term “effective challenge” used in this appendix applies to
certain MRM activities as defined in SR letter 11-7, “Supervisory Guidance on Model Risk Management,” (April 4, 2011),


CCAR 2015 Instructions

model prior to its use. An important aspect of model
risk management governance is clearly identifying
whenever any validation activities are not able to be
conducted prior to use, making those shortcomings
in validation transparent to users of model output,
developing remediation plans, and applying compensating controls—such as conducting additional sensitivity analysis or using benchmarks. Any cases in
which certain model risk management activities—not
just validation activities—are not completed could
suggest high levels of model uncertainty and call into
question a model’s effectiveness. BHCs should ensure
that the output from models for which there are
model risk management shortcomings are treated
with greater caution (e.g., by applying compensating
controls and conservative adjustments to model
results) than output from models for which all model
risk management activities have been conducted in
line with supervisory expectations.

5. Capital Policy
A BHC’s capital policy should be a distinct, comprehensive written document that addresses the major
components of the BHC’s capital planning processes
and links to and is supported by other policies. The
policy should provide details on how the board and
senior management manage, monitor, and make decisions regarding all aspects of capital planning and lay
out expectations for the information included in the
BHC’s capital plan. During CCAR 2014, supervisors
observed many cases in which BHCs’ capital policies
did not meet expectations. For instance, at some
BHCs, capital policies provided insufficient detail,
particularly as it pertained to the decisionmaking
process around the level and composition of capital
distributions. Supervisors expect capital policies to
include explicit limits on aggregate capital distributions and to outline the type of analysis the BHC
must provide in its capital plan to support its proposed capital actions.
Many BHCs’ capital policies lacked a comprehensive
suite of payout ratio targets or limits; an explanation
for how the BHC arrived at those targets or limits;
and, where they did exist, lacked defined response
actions to be taken in case of breaches of dividend
and/or repurchase payout targets or limits. Some
BHCs included general considerations for decisionmaking, such as review of capital ratios under stress
scenarios, but offered no explanation of how the
BHC would arrive at planned distribution amounts
or the form of capital distributions.

During CCAR 2014, supervisors also observed that
some BHCs did not define and set capital goals and
targets in a manner consistent with supervisory
expectations. For example, some BHCs did not demonstrate that their internal capital goals were aligned
with the expectations of all relevant stakeholders
(including, but not limited to, shareholders, rating
agencies, counterparties, and creditors) to help ensure
that the BHC could continue as a viable entity during
and after periods of stress. Some BHCs did not consider or clearly incorporate the impact of stress test
results and uncertainty around those results in the
determination of capital targets. In other cases, capital goals and targets did not incorporate expectations
of changes to regulatory standards (e.g., they were
solely based on Basel I metrics). Furthermore, some
BHCs used a poorly defined capital buffer, ostensibly
to capture a range of additional risks or uncertainties, but without clear attribution or sufficient

6. Presentation of Consolidated
Pro Forma Results
BHCs should ensure that they have sound processes
for review, challenge, and aggregation of estimates
used in their capital planning processes. Based on
supervisory evaluations from CCAR 2014, there is
evidence that processes for review, challenge, and
aggregation contained significant shortcomings at
several BHCs and that all BHCs should continue to
enhance these processes. In some cases, BHCs had
satisfactory review and challenge processes for some
of their pro forma estimates, but not for others.
Satisfactory processes for review, challenge, and
aggregation should include
• an effective internal review of processes used at
both the line of business/sub-aggregated and enterprise level, with final review and sign off completed
by an informed party not directly involved in those
• policies and procedures documenting the process
from end to end that include a clear articulation of
accountability for credibility of results at each
stage of the challenge process;
• evidence of clear communication among the different functions involved in drawing together estimates from across the organization to promote
consistency and to ensure that those functions are

October 2014

operating under the same guidelines and
• set processes for aggregating and finalizing results,
including appropriate review and oversight of
aggregate results to ensure coherence and consistency of projected outcomes sourced from various
forecast providers;
• clear identification and documentation of key
assumptions, sensitivities, limitations, and judgment applied at all levels of the processes used to
generate estimates, as well as communication of
these items to relevant senior management—and
the board of directors, when necessary; and
• evidence of oversight and challenge to both processes and outcomes at the appropriate level of
management, including documentation of actions
taken as a result of questions, issues, or requests
that came up during such review and discussions.

7. RWA Methodologies
Many BHCs faced challenges with their methodologies for projecting RWAs. Given that the as-of-date
RWA calculated for regulatory reporting serves as the
foundation for RWA projections in scenario analysis,
BHC management should ensure, and provide evidence of, an independent review of RWA regulatory
reporting by either internal audit or another control
function. Independent reviews should ensure pointin-time RWA processes appropriately capture all relevant on- and off-balance sheet exposures and are
consistent with the various risk-weighting frameworks to which the BHC is subject. For CCAR 2014,
the level of independent review for point-in-time
RWA accuracy for many BHCs was not always evident, as reviews were either dated, under the guise of
general regulatory reporting audits that lacked detail
specific to RWA coverage, inferred as part of CCAR
review process, or nonexistent.
For BHCs subject to the Market Risk Capital Rule,
supervisors expect management to ensure that projections of market risk RWAs appropriately reflect
the level of risk in the BHC’s trading book and the
contribution market risk RWA makes to the firm’s
total RWA. BHCs should document the rationale for
any significant changes in risk weighting assigned to
the trading book, particularly in cases where projections show the ratio of trading book RWA-to-trading
exposures declining over time or under stress conditions. All else equal, RWA per notional dollar of
trading asset is generally expected to increase over the


projection horizon in response to the heightened
market volatility assumed in many firms’ stress scenarios, and any deviations from that relationship
should be well supported.
Although some BHCs subject to the Market Risk
Capital Rule report market risk RWAs that represent
a relatively small proportion of total RWAs, all BHCs
should ensure that their reported projections of market risk RWAs sufficiently consider the impact of
each scenario. In general, all BHCs in the LISCC
portfolio as well as any BHCs subject to the Market
Risk Capital Rule that report (1) trading assets and
liabilities of greater than $10 billion or (2) trading
assets and liabilities of greater than 10 percent of
total assets at the as-of date for reporting should
project market risk RWAs using a quantitative methodology that captures both changes in exposures and
changes in volatility implied by stress conditions over
Providing overall support and documentation for
RWA methodologies was a shortcoming among
BHCs in CCAR 2014. BHCs should provide evidence for the appropriateness of assumptions regarding the following:
• any aggregation of balance projections by exposure
type or characteristic (e.g., balances for exposures
that do not distinguish between amounts that are
considered past due) for purposes of applying corresponding risk weights
• any uses of average or effective risk weights based
on the BHC’s as-of date portfolio composition or
historical trend (and evidence of the appropriateness of basing RWA projections on historical trend,
given the potential for changes in portfolio composition over time and under different stress
• support for any exposure types for which RWA is
held constant over the projection horizon

8. Operational Risk Loss Estimation
BHCs have found it challenging to identify meaningful relationships between operational losses and macroeconomic factors. Limited datasets and potential
problems classifying and reporting events contribute
to the difficulties. Specifically, the limited length of
operational risk datasets makes finding robust correlations to macroeconomic and financial variables difficult for many firms. Compounding this problem,
BHCs use extensive judgment to assign dates to loss


CCAR 2015 Instructions

events that unfold over time, such as legal losses.
Given these challenges, correlation analysis can result
in loss projections that are unstable or invariant to
scenario conditions, and are thus inconsistent with
the expectation that BHCs significantly stress their
operational risk exposures.
Given the challenges noted above, BHCs should not
try to force the use of unstable and/or unobservable
correlations and should instead use a conservative
approach to project increased operational risk losses
from significant operational risk events that could
plausibly occur during a stressed economic and
financial environment. In other words, the use of scenario analysis may provide a more conceptually
sound basis for assessing potential operational losses
under stress.
The BHC stress scenario should capture significant
operational risks that could occur over the nine quarters of the BHC scenario and translate them into loss
estimates, regardless of whether or not they are
directly linked to the stressed economic environment.
The BHC stress scenario should be designed with the
BHC’s particular vulnerabilities in mind and include
potential BHC-specific events such as system failures,
litigation related losses, or rogue trading. BHCs internally identify operational risks using tools such as
risk assessments and key risk reports. Material risks
identified through these risk-management tools
should be considered and captured in the scenario
analysis supporting stress test estimates. While operational risk events may not be caused by the economic
environment, firms should assume that they will
occur during the nine-quarter period for the purpose
of stress testing.

Methodology Guidelines
Operational risk scenario analysis should cover a
myriad of potential losses characterized by differing
event types and business lines, despite limited historical data. Various techniques and methodologies can
be used based on the particular losses to be stressed,
as long as they are logical, well supported, and effectively stress material, inherent risks. For example, a
bank with limited internal data could supplement its
analysis through the use of external data, using such
data in both operational loss scenario analysis as well
as other complementary approaches to operational
risk quantification. BHCs are encouraged to explore
multiple loss-projection techniques as long as the
overall methodology ultimately leads to reasonable,
significant loss projections.

In previous CCAR programs, four methodologies
emerged: regression analysis, loss-distribution
approaches, historical averages, and scenario analysis.
Regardless of the methodology or combination of
methodologies a BHC ultimately uses, it should justify its choice. In addition, when using a given methodology, BHCs should adhere to the supervisory
expectations described below.
• When using a regression model, BHCs should have
a clear understanding of data and model limitations and make compensating adjustments that are
well supported and documented. BHCs should also
balance goodness of fit considerations with overfitting and stability concerns in variable selection
• When using a loss-distribution approach, BHCs
should provide reasoning and justification for percentiles chosen as well as sensitivity analysis
around the percentiles.
• When using historical averages, BHCs should justify the date range chosen through extensive sensitivity analysis, including exploring moving averages, averages during stressed periods, rolling averages, and worst-quarter results. BHCs should also
stress averages for both frequency and severity
when computing stressed operational risk loss
• When using scenario analysis, BHCs should have a
structured, transparent, well-supported, and
repeatable process subject to independent validation and review. BHCs should document and support the scenarios chosen and the resulting loss
estimates and describe reasons why some scenarios
may have been considered but then were rejected
from the stress estimates. Furthermore, BHCs
should consider all large historical events the BHC
has experienced as well as external losses experienced by peer firms and hypothetical events the
BHC is exposed to but may have not yet

Other Guidelines
The majority of operational risk shortcomings
observed in CCAR 2014 related to data-capture,
documentation, validation, and litigation-related
losses. Data-capture issues typically included immature data-collection methods, use of net losses, subjective exclusion of large historical losses, truncated
date ranges, and scaled-down internal losses.

October 2014

BHCs should not assume that if they have scaled
down certain businesses, the associated operational
risk is necessarily eliminated and, thus, historical
losses can be removed from data used for operational
risk projections. Large historical events should not be
excluded from a BHC’s dataset unless soundly justified with evidence and analysis. Date ranges used in
any empirical analysis should be justified, and BHCs
should not selectively exclude time periods with relevant loss data. Relatively recent data may be more
representative of a bank’s current risk profile, but
larger datasets usually facilitate a more stable model.
BHCs should balance this tradeoff and conduct sensitivity analysis to confirm any choices around date
ranges. In addition, the use of losses net of recoveries
or insurance must be particularly well supported (i.e.,
inclusive of an assessment of the likelihood and timing of claims fulfillment), as such recoveries may not
occur during a stressed economic environment.
Finally, many BHCs did not provide detailed and
transparent information on the process used to estimate legal losses and how these losses factor into
overall estimates of losses stemming from operational
risks. Some firms only considered settled losses and
did not incorporate forward-looking potential losses.
Supervisors expects firms to estimate legal costs
(including expenses, judgments, fines, and settlements) associated with the baseline and stressful outcomes. In baseline scenarios, firms should use
expected litigation-related losses. Under stress scenarios, firms should estimate potential losses by
assuming unfavorable, stressed outcomes on current,
pending, threatened, or otherwise possible claims of
all types. Estimates of stressed legal losses and other
costs and expenses should be well supported by
detailed underlying analysis and, while considered as
a part of operational losses, should be broken out in
their own subcategory, to the extent possible.

9. AFS Fair Value OCI
As noted previously, this section on common themes
identified by supervisors in CCAR 2014 regarding
BHC practices for AFS Fair Value OCI was communicated to the BHCs subsequent to the other sections
of this appendix.
Under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), changes in the fair value of AFS
securities are reflected in changes in accumulated
other comprehensive income (AOCI); however, prior
to issuance of the revised capital framework, these


changes were not reflected in the calculation of regulatory capital. In accordance with the revised capital
framework, BHCs with total consolidated assets of
$250 billion or more or on{balance{sheet foreign
exposures of $10 billion or more (advanced
approaches BHCs) must reflect AOCI items in their
regulatory capital beginning in the second quarter of
the planning horizon (the first quarter of 2014).54
Under the transition provisions of the revised capital
framework, regulatory capital for advanced
approaches BHCs must include 20 percent of eligible
AOCI in 2014, 40 percent in 2015, and 60 percent in
2016.55 This guidance applies only to advanced
approaches BHCs; it does not apply to BHCs with
total consolidated assets of $50 billion or more that
are not advanced approaches BHCs.
Advanced approaches BHCs are expected to evaluate
all AFS (and impaired HTM) securities for changes
in unrealized gains and losses that flow through OCI
under stress scenarios. Stressing fair value is expected
to reflect movements in projected spreads, interest
rates, foreign exchange rates, and any other relevant
factors specific to each asset class. Historical spread
and price data may be sourced externally or internally; however, information utilized should be representative of the BHC’s portfolio at a sufficiently
granular level to capture the inherent risks of the
assets. Additionally, the data utilized for projection is
expected to span a sufficient period of time that
includes a period of vulnerability for that asset class.
Advanced approaches BHCs with weaker practices
either chose historical data from indices that did not
represent the inherent risk in their portfolios or
evaluated a too limited a time frame of spread
In order to appropriately capture the risks inherent in
AFS agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS),
advanced approaches BHCs should stress assets at a
security level and substantially all risk be subject to
cashflow modeling. The stress test should capture
changes in prepayments, interest rates, and spreads.
BHCs with better practices used cashflow models to
project losses on every asset in their portfolio, while
BHCs with lagging practices utilized sensitivity{based
approaches (on a security and portfolio{level basis).
Changes in fair value of securities should be projected using scenario{derived interest rates and


See 12 CFR 217.22(b). Non{advanced approaches BHCs may
elect to calculate regulatory capital by using the treatment in the
agencies’ regulatory capital rules prior to issuance of the revised
capital framework, which excludes most AOCI amounts.
See 12 CFR 217.300(b)(3).


CCAR 2015 Instructions

spreads projected over the planning horizon.
Advanced approaches BHCs should use the spreads
that are consistent with scenario conditions. Better
practices reflected forecasting agency MBS fair value
changes through a forward full revaluation, repricing
at every quarter or at multiple points in the time
There was limited variation across BHCs in
approaches for stressing Treasury securities.
Advanced approaches BHCs should explicitly link
interest rate moves to scenario conditions. BHCs
with better practices utilized full revaluation. Lagging
BHCs did not holistically capture future price
changes and instead projected price movements
based only upon sensitivities.
For AFS credit sensitive assets, advanced approaches
BHCs are expected to project changes in fair value
consistent with assumed scenario conditions. Better
practices included a projection of interest rate and
spread changes using cashflow modeling with explicit
linkage to the projected scenario horizon. Advanced
approaches BHCs are expected to support the appropriateness of scenario variables specifically for each
asset class. For example, if a BHC utilizes the same
key explanatory variable for every asset class, there
should be empirical support of a strong relationship
between the explanatory variable and each asset
class. The BHCs with the better practices utilized a
regression{based methodology that captured the risk
characteristics of the portfolio at a granular level,
with clear documentation of key assumptions, limitations, and other considerations.

If an advanced approaches BHC contemplates reinvestments, investments should be clearly articulated
with supporting rationale that is consistent with scenario conditions. New purchases and reallocations
should also be subject to fair value changes across the
remaining time horizon. BHCs with lagging practices
did not contemplate any future changes in unrealized
gains and losses for new asset purchases.
Consistent with expectations as laid out in Capital
Planning at Large Bank Holding Companies: Supervisory Expectations and Range of Current Practice, all
models utilized to project unrealized gains and losses
should be independently validated. Any judgment
used, including choice of data and key explanatory
variables, should be well supported and subject to
independent challenge.
In order to transparently evaluate the full functionality of AFS fair value OCI models, the Federal
Reserve expects advanced approaches BHCs to
clearly document their key methodologies and
assumptions used in estimating unrealized gains and
losses. Documentation should concisely explain
methodologies used for each asset class, with relevant
macroeconomic or other risk drivers, and demonstrate relationships between these drivers and estimates. The source and time frame of historical data
utilized should also be clearly detailed, including support for the dataset chosen relative to the appropriate
risk inherent in the portfolio. Documentation should
also be developed and maintained to detail how the
projections are consistent with the BHC’s scenario


Appendix B: Templates for Dodd-Frank Act
Stress Testing Results 2015

This appendix provides the format that the Federal Reserve will use to disclose the results of the supervisory
stress test in accordance with the Dodd-Frank Act stress test rules.
Tables begin on next page.


CCAR 2015 Instructions

Table B.1. All bank holding companies
Projected minimum tier 1 common ratio, 2014:Q4 to 2016:Q4
Federal Reserve estimates: Severely adverse scenario
Bank holding company

Stressed ratios with DFA stress testing
capital action assumptions

Ally Financial Inc.
American Express Company
Bank of America Corporation
The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation
BB&T Corporation
BBVA Compass Bancshares, Inc.
BMO Financial Corp.
Capital One Financial Corporation
Citigroup Inc.
Comerica Incorporated
Deutsche Bank Trust Corporation
Discover Financial Services
Fifth Third Bancorp
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
HSBC North America Holdings Inc.
Huntington Bancshares Incorporated
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
M&T Bank Corporation
Morgan Stanley
MUFG Americas Holdings Corporation
Northern Trust Corporation
The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.
RBS Citizens Financial Group, Inc.
Regions Financial Corporation
Santander Holdings USA, Inc.
State Street Corporation
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
U.S. Bancorp
Wells Fargo & Co.
Zions Bancorporation
Note: The capital ratios are calculated using capital action assumptions provided within the Dodd-Frank Act stress testing rule. These projections represent hypothetical
estimates that involve an economic outcome that is more adverse than expected. These estimates are not forecasts of capital ratios. The minimum stressed ratios (%) are the
lowest quarterly ratios from 2014:Q4 to 2016:Q4 under the severely adverse scenario.
Source: Federal Reserve estimates in the severely adverse scenario. Stressed ratios with Dodd-Frank Act capital action assumptions through 2016:Q4.

October 2014


Table B.2. All bank holding companies
Projected minimum tier 1 common ratio, 2014:Q4 to 2016:Q4
Federal Reserve estimates: Adverse scenario
Bank holding company

Stressed ratios with DFA stress testing
capital action assumptions

Ally Financial Inc.
American Express Company
Bank of America Corporation
The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation
BB&T Corporation
BBVA Compass Bancshares, Inc.
BMO Financial Corp.
Capital One Financial Corporation
Citigroup Inc.
Comerica Incorporated
Deutsche Bank Trust Corporation
Discover Financial Services
Fifth Third Bancorp
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
HSBC North America Holdings Inc.
Huntington Bancshares Incorporated
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
M&T Bank Corporation
Morgan Stanley
MUFG Americas Holdings Corporation
Northern Trust Corporation
The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.
RBS Citizens Financial Group, Inc.
Regions Financial Corporation
Santander Holdings USA, Inc.
State Street Corporation
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
U.S. Bancorp
Wells Fargo & Co.
Zions Bancorporation
Note: The capital ratios are calculated using capital action assumptions provided within the Dodd-Frank Act stress testing rule. These projections represent hypothetical
estimates that involve an economic outcome that is more adverse than expected. These estimates are not forecasts of capital ratios. The minimum stressed ratios (%) are the
lowest quarterly ratios from 2014:Q4 to 2016:Q4 under the adverse scenario.
Source: Federal Reserve estimates in the adverse scenario. Stressed ratios with Dodd-Frank Act capital action assumptions through 2016:Q4.


CCAR 2015 Instructions

Table B.3. BHC XYZ, Inc.
Projected stressed capital ratios, risk-weighted assets, losses, revenues, net income before
taxes, and loan losses
Federal Reserve estimates: Severely adverse scenario
Actual 2014:Q3 and projected stressed capital ratios
through 2016:Q4

Actual 2014:Q3 and projected 2016:Q4 risk-weighted

Stressed capital ratios1


Tier 1 common ratio (%)
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio (%)2
Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio (%)
Total risk-based capital ratio (%)
Tier 1 leverage ratio (%)


Projected 2016:Q4

Risk-weighted assets
(billions of dollars)1

The capital ratios are calculated using capital action assumptions provided
within the Dodd-Frank Act stress testing rule. These projections represent
hypothetical estimates that involve an economic outcome that is more adverse
than expected. These estimates are not forecasts of expected losses, revenues,
net income before taxes, or capital ratios. The minimum capital ratio presented
is for the period 2014:Q4 to 2016:Q4.
Advanced approaches bank holding companies (BHCs) are subject to the
common equity tier 1 ratio for the third and fourth quarter of 2014. All bank
holding companies are subject to the common equity tier 1 ratio for each
quarter of 2015 and 2016. For purposes of this stress test cycle, an advanced
approaches BHC includes any BHC that has consolidated assets greater than or
equal to $250 billion or total consolidated on-balance sheet foreign exposure of
at least $10 billion as of December 31, 2014. See 12 CFR 217.100(b)(1);
12 CFR part 225, appendix G, section 1(b). Other BHCs include any BHC that is
subject to 12 CFR 225.8 and is not an advanced approaches BHC.

Projected loan losses, by type of loan, 2014:Q4–2016:Q4
Billions of

Portfolio loss
rates (%)1

Loan losses
First-lien mortgages, domestic
Junior liens and HELOCs, domestic
Commercial and industrial2
Commercial real estate, domestic
Credit cards
Other consumer3
Other loans4



Average loan balances used to calculate portfolio loss rates exclude loans held
for sale and loans held for investment under the fair value option, and are
calculated over nine quarters.
Commercial and industrial loans include small- and medium- enterprise loans
and corporate cards.
Other consumer loans include student loans and automobile loans.
Other loans include international real estate loans.

For each quarter in 2014, risk-weighted assets are calculated using the current
general risk-based capital approach. For each quarter in 2015 and 2016,
risk-weighted assets are calculated under the Basel III standardized capital
risk-based approach, except for the tier 1 common ratio which uses the
general risk-based capital approach for all quarters.

Projected losses, revenues, net income, and other
comprehensive income through 2016:Q4

Pre-provision net revenue2
Other revenue3
Realized losses/gains on securities (AFS/HTM)
Trading and counterparty losses4
Other losses/gains5
Net income before taxes
Memo items
Other comprehensive income6
Other effects on capital
AOCI included in capital (billions of dollars)7



Basel III





Billions of

Percent of
average assets1

Actual 2014:Q3


Average assets is the nine-quarter average of total assets.
Pre-provision net revenue includes losses from operational-risk events,
mortgage repurchase expenses, and other real estate owned (OREO) costs.
Other revenue includes one-time income and (expense) items not included in
pre-provision net revenue.
Trading and counterparty losses include mark-to-market and credit valuation
adjustments (CVA) losses and losses arising from the counterparty default
scenario component applied to derivatives, securities lending, and repurchase
agreement activities.
Other losses/gains includes projected change in fair value of loans held for sale
and loans held for investment measured under the fair value option, and
goodwill impairment losses.
Other comprehensive income (OCI) is only calculated for advanced approaches
BHCs, as only those BHCs include accumulated other comprehensive income
(AOCI) in calculations of regulatory capital. Supervisory projections of OCI
include incremental unrealized losses/gains on AFS securities and on any HTM
securities that have experienced other than temporary impairment.
For advanced approaches BHCs, certain AOCI items are subject to transition
into projected regulatory capital. Those transitions are 20 percent included in
projected regulatory capital for 2014, 40 percent included in projected
regulatory capital for 2015, and 60 percent included in projected regulatory
capital for 2016.

October 2014


Table B.4. BHC XYZ, Inc.
Projected stressed capital ratios, risk-weighted assets, losses, revenues, net income before
taxes, and loan losses
Federal Reserve estimates: Adverse scenario
Actual 2014:Q3 and projected stressed capital ratios
through 2016:Q4

Actual 2014:Q3 and projected 2016:Q4 risk-weighted

Stressed capital ratios1


Tier 1 common ratio (%)
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio (%)2
Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio (%)
Total risk-based capital ratio (%)
Tier 1 leverage ratio (%)


Projected 2016:Q4

Risk-weighted assets
(billions of dollars)1

The capital ratios are calculated using capital action assumptions provided
within the Dodd-Frank Act stress testing rule. These projections represent
hypothetical estimates that involve an economic outcome that is more adverse
than expected. These estimates are not forecasts of expected losses, revenues,
net income before taxes, or capital ratios. The minimum capital ratio presented
is for the period 2014:Q4 to 2016:Q4.
Advanced approaches bank holding companies (BHCs) are subject to the
common equity tier 1 ratio for the third and fourth quarter of 2014. All bank
holding companies are subject to the common equity tier 1 ratio for each
quarter of 2015 and 2016. For purposes of this stress test cycle, an advanced
approaches BHC includes any BHC that has consolidated assets greater than or
equal to $250 billion or total consolidated on-balance sheet foreign exposure of
at least $10 billion as of December 31, 2014. See 12 CFR 217.100(b)(1);
12 CFR part 225, appendix G, section 1(b). Other BHCs include any BHC that is
subject to 12 CFR 225.8 and is not an advanced approaches BHC.

Projected loan losses, by type of loan, 2014:Q4–2016:Q4
Billions of

Portfolio loss
rates (%)1

Loan losses
First-lien mortgages, domestic
Junior liens and HELOCs, domestic
Commercial and industrial2
Commercial real estate, domestic
Credit cards
Other consumer3
Other loans4



Average loan balances used to calculate portfolio loss rates exclude loans held
for sale and loans held for investment under the fair value option, and are
calculated over nine quarters.
Commercial and industrial loans include small- and medium- enterprise loans
and corporate cards.
Other consumer loans include student loans and automobile loans.
Other loans include international real estate loans.

For each quarter in 2014, risk-weighted assets are calculated using the current
general risk-based capital approach. For each quarter in 2015 and 2016,
risk-weighted assets are calculated under the Basel III standardized capital
risk-based approach, except for the tier 1 common ratio which uses the
general risk-based capital approach for all quarters.

Projected losses, revenues, net income, and other
comprehensive income through 2016:Q4

Pre-provision net revenue2
Other revenue3
Realized losses/gains on securities (AFS/HTM)
Trading and counterparty losses4
Other losses/gains5
Net income before taxes
Memo items
Other comprehensive income6
Other effects on capital
AOCI included in capital (billions of dollars)7



Basel III





Billions of

Percent of
average assets1

Actual 2014:Q3


Average assets is the nine-quarter average of total assets.
Pre-provision net revenue includes losses from operational-risk events,
mortgage repurchase expenses, and other real estate owned (OREO) costs.
Other revenue includes one-time income and (expense) items not included in
pre-provision net revenue.
Trading and counterparty losses include mark-to-market and credit valuation
adjustments (CVA) losses and losses arising from the counterparty default
scenario component applied to derivatives, securities lending, and repurchase
agreement activities.
Other losses/gains includes projected change in fair value of loans held for sale
and loans held for investment measured under the fair value option, and
goodwill impairment losses.
Other comprehensive income (OCI) is only calculated for advanced approaches
BHCs, as only those BHCs include accumulated other comprehensive income
(AOCI) in calculations of regulatory capital. Supervisory projections of OCI
include incremental unrealized losses/gains on AFS securities and on any HTM
securities that have experienced other than temporary impairment.
For advanced approaches BHCs, certain AOCI items are subject to transition
into projected regulatory capital. Those transitions are 20 percent included in
projected regulatory capital for 2014, 40 percent included in projected
regulatory capital for 2015, and 60 percent included in projected regulatory
capital for 2016.


Appendix C: Templates for Comprehensive
Capital Analysis and Review Results 2015

This appendix provides the format that the Federal Reserve will use to disclose the results of the supervisory
post-stress capital analysis under the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review.
Tables begin on next page.


CCAR 2015 Instructions

Table C.1. All bank holding companies
Projected minimum tier 1 common ratio, 2014:Q4 to 2016:Q4
Federal Reserve estimates: Severely adverse scenario
Bank holding company

Stressed ratio with original
planned capital actions

Stressed ratio with adjusted
planned capital actions

Ally Financial Inc.
American Express Company
Bank of America Corporation
The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation
BB&T Corporation
BBVA Compass Bancshares, Inc.
BMO Financial Corp.
Capital One Financial Corporation
Citigroup Inc.
Comerica Incorporated
Deutsche Bank Trust Corporation
Discover Financial Services
Fifth Third Bancorp
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
HSBC North America Holdings Inc.
Huntington Bancshares Incorporated
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
M&T Bank Corporation
Morgan Stanley
MUFG Americas Holdings Corporation
Northern Trust Corporation
The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.
RBS Citizens Financial Group, Inc.
Regions Financial Corporation
Santander Holdings USA, Inc.
State Street Corporation
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
U.S. Bancorp
Wells Fargo & Co.
Zions Bancorporation
Note: These projections represent hypothetical estimates that involve an economic outcome that is more adverse than expected. These estimates are not forecasts of capital
ratios. The tables include the minimum ratios assuming the capital actions originally submitted in January 2015 by the bank holding companies (BHCs) in their annual capital
plans and the minimum ratios incorporating any adjustments to capital distributions made by BHCs after reviewing the Federal Reserve’s stress test projections and original
planned capital distributions for those BHCs that did not make adjustments. The minimum capital ratios are for the period 2014:Q4 to 2016:Q4 and do not necessarily occur in
the same quarter.
Source: Federal Reserve estimates in the severely adverse scenario.

October 2014

Table C.2. All bank holding companies
Projected minimum tier 1 common ratio, 2014:Q4 to 2016:Q4
Federal Reserve estimates: Adverse scenario
Bank holding company

Stressed ratio with original
planned capital actions

Stressed ratio with adjusted
planned capital actions

Ally Financial Inc.
American Express Company
Bank of America Corporation
The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation
BB&T Corporation
BBVA Compass Bancshares, Inc.
BMO Financial Corp.
Capital One Financial Corporation
Citigroup Inc.
Comerica Incorporated
Deutsche Bank Trust Corporation
Discover Financial Services
Fifth Third Bancorp
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
HSBC North America Holdings Inc.
Huntington Bancshares Incorporated
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
M&T Bank Corporation
Morgan Stanley
MUFG Americas Holdings Corporation
Northern Trust Corporation
The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.
RBS Citizens Financial Group, Inc.
Regions Financial Corporation
Santander Holdings USA, Inc.
State Street Corporation
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
U.S. Bancorp
Wells Fargo & Co.
Zions Bancorporation
Note: These projections represent hypothetical estimates that involve an economic outcome that is more adverse than expected. These estimates are not forecasts of capital
ratios. The tables include the minimum ratios assuming the capital actions originally submitted in January 2015 by the bank holding companies (BHCs) in their annual capital
plans and the minimum ratios incorporating any adjustments to capital distributions made by BHCs after reviewing the Federal Reserve’s stress test projections and original
planned capital distributions for those BHCs that did not make adjustments. The minimum capital ratios are for the period 2014:Q4 to 2016:Q4 and do not necessarily occur in
the same quarter.
Source: Federal Reserve estimates in the adverse scenario.



CCAR 2015 Instructions

Table C.3. Advanced Approaches BHC XYZ, Inc.
Minimum regulatory capital ratios and tier 1 common ratio, actual 2014:Q3 and
projected 2014:Q4 to 2016:Q4
Federal Reserve estimates: Severely adverse scenario
Actual 2014:Q3 and projected capital ratios through 2016:Q4 under the severely adverse scenario

Minimum stressed ratios with original
planned capital actions


Minimum stressed ratios with adjusted
planned capital actions


Tier 1 common ratio (%)
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio (%)
Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio (%)
Total risk-based capital ratio (%)
Tier 1 leverage ratio (%)
Note: These projections represent hypothetical estimates that involve an economic outcome that is more adverse than expected. These estimates are not forecasts of capital
ratios. The tables include the minimum ratios assuming the capital actions originally submitted in January 2015 by the bank holding companies (BHCs) in their annual capital
plans and the minimum ratios incorporating any adjustments to capital distributions made by BHCs after reviewing the Federal Reserve’s stress test projections and original
planned capital distributions for those BHCs that did not make adjustments. The minimum capital ratios are for the period 2014:Q4 to 2016:Q4 and do not necessarily occur in
the same quarter.

Required minimum capital ratios for advanced approaches BHCs in CCAR 2015
Regulatory ratio
Tier 1 common ratio1
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio
Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio
Total risk-based capital ratio
Tier 1 leverage ratio



5 percent
4 percent
5.5 percent
8 percent
4 percent

5 percent
4.5 percent
6 percent
8 percent
4 percent

Note: For purposes of CCAR 2015, an advanced approaches BHC includes any BHC that has consolidated assets greater than or equal to $250 billion or total consolidated
on-balance sheet foreign exposure of at least $10 billion as of December 31, 2013. See 12 CFR 217.100(b)(1); 12 CFR part 225, appendix G, section 1(b). Other BHCs include
any BHC that is subject to 12 CFR 225.8 and is not an advanced approaches BHC.
The tier 1 common ratio is to be calculated using the definitions of tier 1 capital and total risk-weighted assets in 12 CFR part 225, appendix A. All other ratios are calculated
in accordance with the transition arrangements provided in the Board’s revised regulatory capital framework (12 CFR 217).

October 2014


Table C.4. Advanced Approaches BHC XYZ, Inc.
Minimum regulatory capital ratios and tier 1 common ratio, actual 2014:Q3 and
projected 2014:Q4 to 2016:Q4
Federal Reserve estimates: Adverse scenario
Actual 2013:Q4 and projected capital ratios through 2016:Q4 under the adverse scenario

Minimum stressed ratios with original
planned capital actions


Minimum stressed ratios with adjusted
planned capital actions


Tier 1 common ratio (%)
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio (%)
Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio (%)
Total risk-based capital ratio (%)
Tier 1 leverage ratio (%)
Note: These projections represent hypothetical estimates that involve an economic outcome that is more adverse than expected. These estimates are not forecasts of capital
ratios. The tables include the minimum ratios assuming the capital actions originally submitted in January 2015 by the bank holding companies (BHCs) in their annual capital
plans and the minimum ratios incorporating any adjustments to capital distributions made by BHCs after reviewing the Federal Reserve’s stress test projections and original
planned capital distributions for those BHCs that did not make adjustments. The minimum capital ratios are for the period 2014:Q4 to 2016:Q4 and do not necessarily occur in
the same quarter.

Required minimum capital ratios for advanced approaches BHCs in CCAR 2015
Regulatory ratio
Tier 1 common ratio1
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio
Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio
Total risk-based capital ratio
Tier 1 leverage ratio



5 percent
4 percent
5.5 percent
8 percent
4 percent

5 percent
4.5 percent
6 percent
8 percent
4 percent

Note: For purposes of CCAR 2015, an advanced approaches BHC includes any BHC that has consolidated assets greater than or equal to $250 billion or total consolidated
on-balance sheet foreign exposure of at least $10 billion as of December 31, 2013. See 12 CFR 217.100(b)(1); 12 CFR part 225, appendix G, section 1(b). Other BHCs include
any BHC that is subject to 12 CFR 225.8 and is not an advanced approaches BHC.
The tier 1 common ratio is to be calculated using the definitions of tier 1 capital and total risk-weighted assets in 12 CFR part 225, appendix A. All other ratios are calculated
in accordance with the transition arrangements provided in the Board’s revised regulatory capital framework (12 CFR 217).


CCAR 2015 Instructions

Table C.5. Other BHC ABC, Inc.
Minimum regulatory capital ratios and tier 1 common ratio, actual 2014:Q3 and
projected 2014:Q4 to 2016:Q4
Federal Reserve estimates: Severely adverse scenario
Actual 2014:Q3 and projected capital ratios through 2016:Q4 under the severely adverse scenario

Minimum stressed ratios with original
planned capital actions

Tier 1 common ratio (%)
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio (%)
Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio (%)
Total risk-based capital ratio (%)
Tier 1 leverage ratio (%)




Minimum stressed ratios with adjusted
planned capital actions



Note: These projections represent hypothetical estimates that involve an economic outcome that is more severely adverse than expected. These estimates are not forecasts of
capital ratios. The tables include the minimum ratios assuming the capital actions originally submitted in January 2015 by the bank holding companies (BHCs) in their annual
capital plans and the minimum ratios incorporating any adjustments to capital distributions made by BHCs after reviewing the Federal Reserve’s stress test projections and
original planned capital distributions for those BHCs that did not make adjustments. The minimum capital ratios are for the period 2014:Q4 to 2016:Q4 and do not necessarily
occur in the same quarter.
n/a Not applicable.

Required minimum capital ratios for other BHCs in CCAR 2015
Regulatory ratio

Tier 1 common ratio
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio
Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio
Total risk-based capital ratio
Tier 1 leverage ratio



5 percent
4 percent
8 percent
3 or 4 percent

5 percent
4.5 percent
6 percent
8 percent
4 percent

Note: For purposes of CCAR 2015, an advanced approaches BHC includes any BHC that has consolidated assets greater than or equal to $250 billion or total consolidated
on-balance sheet foreign exposure of at least $10 billion as of December 31, 2013. See 12 CFR 217.100(b)(1); 12 CFR part 225, appendix G, section 1(b). Other BHCs include
any BHC that is subject to 12 CFR 225.8 and is not an advanced approaches BHC.
The tier 1 common ratio is to be calculated using the definitions of tier 1 capital and total risk-weighted assets in 12 CFR part 225, appendix A. All other ratios are calculated
in accordance with the transition arrangements provided in the Board’s revised regulatory capital framework (12 CFR 217).
n/a Not applicable.

October 2014


Table C.6. Other BHC ABC, Inc.
Minimum regulatory capital ratios and tier 1 common ratio, actual 2014:Q3 and
projected 2014:Q4 to 2016:Q4
Federal Reserve estimates: Adverse scenario
Actual 2014:Q3 and projected capital ratios through 2016:Q4 under the adverse scenario

Minimum stressed ratios with original
planned capital actions

Tier 1 common ratio (%)
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio (%)
Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio (%)
Total risk-based capital ratio (%)
Tier 1 leverage ratio (%)




Minimum stressed ratios with adjusted
planned capital actions



Note: These projections represent hypothetical estimates that involve an economic outcome that is more adverse than expected. These estimates are not forecasts of capital
ratios. The tables include the minimum ratios assuming the capital actions originally submitted in January 2015 by the bank holding companies (BHCs) in their annual capital
plans and the minimum ratios incorporating any adjustments to capital distributions made by BHCs after reviewing the Federal Reserve’s stress test projections and original
planned capital distributions for those BHCs that did not make adjustments. The minimum capital ratios are for the period 2014:Q4 to 2016:Q4 and do not necessarily occur in
the same quarter.
n/a Not applicable.

Required minimum capital ratios for other BHCs in CCAR 2015
Regulatory ratio

Tier 1 common ratio
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio
Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio
Total risk-based capital ratio
Tier 1 leverage ratio



5 percent
4 percent
8 percent
3 or 4 percent

5 percent
4.5 percent
6 percent
8 percent
4 percent

Note: For purposes of CCAR 2015, an advanced approaches BHC includes any BHC that has consolidated assets greater than or equal to $250 billion or total consolidated
on-balance sheet foreign exposure of at least $10 billion as of December 31, 2013. See 12 CFR 217.100(b)(1); 12 CFR part 225, appendix G, section 1(b). Other BHCs include
any BHC that is subject to 12 CFR 225.8 and is not an advanced approaches BHC.
The tier 1 common ratio is to be calculated using the definitions of tier 1 capital and total risk-weighted assets in 12 CFR part 225, appendix A. All other ratios are calculated
in accordance with the transition arrangements provided in the Board’s revised regulatory capital framework (12 CFR 217).
n/a Not applicable.