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F ederal R eserve Bank

Dallas, Texas, June 26, 1944

To the Member Bank Addressed:

We are advised by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System that on Tuesday, July 4, in observance of Independence Day, all
Federal Reserve banks and branches will be closed.
We are also advised that the following holidays will be observed by
Federal Reserve banks and branches during the month of July:
July 11 (Tuesday)

Oklahoma City

July 22 (Saturday)

El Paso
San Antonio

July 24 (Monday)

Salt Lake City

Primary Election Day
First Primary Election Day

Utah Pioneer Day

While Thursday, July 13, Forrest’s Birthday, is a legal holiday in the
State of Tennessee, the Nashville Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Atlanta and the Memphis Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
will be open on that date.
This information is transmitted to you for your guidance in connection
with transit operations and transfers of funds.
Yours very truly,

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (


Friday, September 3, 1943

Press Service
No. 38-27

The Treasury Department today issued a revision of its regulations relating to trade
and communication with enemy nationals. The revised regulations are in the form of an
amendment to General Ruling No. 11 and in essence constitute a clarification of the exist­
ing regulations.
Under the regulations a special license is required to lawfully engage in any business
or commercial communication or intercourse with an enemy national or to effect any act
or transaction involving such communication or intercourse. Unlicensed trade or communi­
cation with an enemy national is unlawful under Sections 3(a) and 5(b) of the Trading
with the enemy Act, as amended.
The term “ enemy national” includes any person within any enemy country or enemy
occupied territory and any person whose name appears on The Proclaimed List of Certain
Blocked Nationals. The regulations also include within the category of enemy nationals
any other person to the extent that he is acting without a license for or on behalf o f an
enemy national who is within an enemy country or whose name appears on The Proclaimed
List. Treasury officials emphasized that subjects of enemy and enemy occupied countries
who are not within enemy territory are not by reason of their citizenship alone enemy
nationals within the meaning of the regulations. It was also pointed out that the occupy­
ing forces of the United Nations and civilians accompanying them who are within enemy
territory in the course of their duties are not enemy nationals.
The regulations strike at any act or transaction of a financial, business, trade or
commercial character which involves any trade or communication with an enemy national.
In substance, the regulations are directed at all transactions included within the definition
of the term “ to trade” contained in Section 2 of the Trading with the enemy Act, as
Treasury officials called attention to the fact that the regulations prohibit certain
transactions which are not prohibited by the freezing order. In this connection, Treasury
officials stated that a transaction on behalf of an enemy national who is within an enemy
country or whose name appears on The Proclaimed List which is prohibited by the freezing
order may lawfully be effected if licensed under the freezing order, unless it also involves
communication with any enemy national. On the other hand, a transaction which is within
the purview only of the regulations or involves communication with any enemy national,
may lawfully be effected only pursuant to a license which specifically refers to General
Ruling No. 11.
Treasury officials noted that compliance with the regulations did not dispense with
the necessity of complying with relevant censorship regulations.

Friday, June 30, 1944

Press Service
No. 42-52

The Treasury Department today announced that Finland has been declared to be
“ enemy territory” under the regulations relating to trade and communication with the
enemy, and that, as a result, no business, financial or commercial communication or trans­
action with the Finnish Government, its diplomatic representatives, or persons within
Finland may be effected except pursuant to special Treasury license.
The Treasury action was in the form of an amendment to General Ruling No. 11 issued
under the freezing regulations and the Trading with the enemy Act.