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F ederal Reserve Ban k of Dallas DALLAS, TEXAS 75222 C irc u la r No. 78-86 June 22, 1978 EXTENSION OF COMMENT PERIOD— PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO REGULATION T TO ALL BANKS, BROKERS/DEALERS, REGULATION G REGISTRANTS, AND OTHERS CONCERNED IN THE ELEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT: T h e Board of G o v e rn o rs of th e F e d e ra l R e s e rv e Syste m has e x te n d ed the comment p e rio d to J u ly 7, 1978 on a p r o p o s e d am end m en t to Regulation T , " C r e d i t by B r o k e r s a nd D e a l e r s , " th a t would p e r m it b r o k e r s a n d d e a l e r s to e x  te n d a n d maintain c r e d i t on u n lis te d n o n c o n v e r tib le c o r p o r a t e b o n d s . T h e o rig in a l p rop osa l w as s e n t to you u n d e r C i r c u l a r No. 78-63 dated May 19, 1978. P r in te d on the r e v e r s e of th is c i r c u l a r is a copy of the B o a r d 's o r d e r as su bm itte d for public a tion in th e F e d e r a l R e g i s t e r . S in c e r e ly y o u r s , R obert H . Boykin F irs t Vice President This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library ( Federal Reserve System [12 CFR Part 220] [Reg. T, Docket No. R-0080] AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. ACTION: Extension of time for proposed rulemaking. SUMMARY: The Board has received a request for an extension of time for comments on a proposed amendment to Regulation T, "Credit by Brokers and Dealers", that would permit brokers and dealers to extend and maintain credit on unlisted nonconvertible corporate bonds (43 F.R. 21008). In light of the Board's desire to encourage public participation, the comment period is extended to July 7, 1978. DATE: Comments should be received by July 7, 1978. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Laura M. Homer, Chief Attorney, Securities Regulation, Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D. C. 20551 (202-452-2786). SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Comments should be sent to Secretary, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D. C. 20551 and should include the docket number R-0080. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, June 14, 1978. (Signed) Theodore E. Allison Theodore E. Allison Secretary of the Board (SEAL)