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federal Reserve bank of Dallas F IS C A L A G E N T O F T H E U N IT E D S T A T E S D A L L A S ,T E X A S 75222 Circular Wo. 72-160 July 27, 1972 To All Banking Institutions and Others Concerned In the Eleventh Federal Reserve District: Enclosed are Treasury Department Circulars, Public Debt Series Nos. 7-72, 8-72, and 9-72, and subscription forms relating to the August financing. EXCHANGE OFFERING SECURITIES OFFERED 5-7/8$ Treasury Notes of 6-1 /4$ TreasuryNotes of 6-3/8io Treasury Bonds of SeriesF-1976 SeriesA-1979 1984 SECURITIES ELIGIBLE FOR EXCHANGE FOR EITHER NOTES OR BONDS (Multiples of $1,000) 5io Treasury Notes of Series E-1972, maturing August 15, 1972 bio Treasury Bonds of 1972, maturing August 15, 1972 2-1/2$ Treasury Bonds of 1967-72, maturing September 15, 1972 6$ Treasury Notes of Series F-1972, maturing November 15, 1972 2-1/2$ Treasury Bonds of 1967-72, maturing December 15, 1972 SECURITIES ELIGIBLE FOR EXCHANGE FOR 7-YEAR NOTES AND BONDS ONLY (Multiples of $1,000) 5-3/4$ 3-7/8$ 5-3/4$ 5-7/8$ Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Notes Bonds Notes Notes of of of of SeriesA-1974,maturingNovember15, 1974 1974, maturingNovember15, 1974 SeriesA-1975,maturingFebruary15, 1975 SeriesE-1975,maturingFebruary15, 1975 PAYMENT Payment in the form of the eligible securities should be made before 5:00 p.m., August 2, 1972, and where possible, the securities should accompany the subscriptions. However, where this is not possible the securities should be received no later than August 7* Payment for the notes may not be made by cash (seepage 2 regarding cash purchase of bonds). This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library ( - 2 - CASH OFFERING SECURITY OFFERED 6-3/8$ Treasury Bonds of 1984 CONDITIONS 1. Available only to individuals. 2. Maximum subscription $10,000 (in multiples of $1,000). 3. Subscription must be accompanied by a payment of at least 10 $ of amount of bonds applied for. PAYMENT Payment in the form of a cashierTs check or federal funds draft payable to this Bank (or in cash) should accompany the subscription for the total amount of bonds applied for. In the event a down payment of 10$ is submitted with the subscription, the remaining payment must be completed in cash or other immediately available funds by Tuesday, August 15, 1972. In every case where payment is not completed, payment with the application up to 10% of the amount of bonds allotted may be forfeited to the United States. CLOSING OF SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS The subscription books will be open until 5:00 p.m., Central Day light Saving Time, Wednesday, August 2, 1972, except subscriptions placed in the mail must be postmarked before midnight, Tuesday, August 1, 1972, to be considered timely. In addition, individuals exchanging registered securi ties or subscribing for cash will be permitted to submit subscriptions until 5:00 p.m., Central Daylight Saving Time, Friday, August 4, 1972, such sub scriptions being considered timely if postmarked before midnight, Thursday, August 3, 1972. Subscriptions will be received at this Bank and its Branches at El Paso, Houston, and San Antonio, and should be submitted on the enclosed forms. Additional circulars and forms will be furnished upon request. Yours very truly, P. E. Coldwell President Enclosures UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 5% PERCENT TREASURY NOTES OF SERIES F-1976 D a t e d a n d b e a r i n g i n t e r e s t f r o m A u g u s t 15, 1 9 7 2 DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR P u b lic D e b t S eries No. 7-72 D ue F e b ru a ry 15, 1 9 7 6 T H E D EPA R TM EN T OF T H E TREA SU RY Office of th e S e c retary W ashing ton , J u ly 27, 1972 I. O FFERIN G O F NOTES 1. T h e Secretary of th e Treasury, pursuant to th e authority of the Second L iberty Bond Act, as amended, offers notes of the U nited States, designated 5% percent T reasury Notes of Series F-1976, a t 99.75 percent of their face value, in exchange for th e following securities, singly or in com binations aggregating $ 1 , 0 0 0 or m ultiples thereof: ( 1 ) 5 percent T reasury N otes of Series E-1972, due August 15, 1972; ( 2 ) 4 percent T reasu ry Bonds of 1972, due August 15, 1972; (3 ) 2 V2 percent T reasury Bonds of 1967-72, due Septem ber 15, 1972, w ith a cash paym ent of $1.12220 per $1,000 to the U nited States; (4 ) 6 (5 ) 2 V2 percent T reasu ry Bonds of 1967-72, due D ecem ber 15, 1972, w ith a cash paym ent of $6.00915 per $1,000 to the U nited States. percent T reasu ry N otes of Series F-1972, due N ovem ber 15, 1972, w ith a cash paym ent of $4.20838 per $1,000 to subscribers; or In terest will be adjusted as of August 15, 1972, on the securities due Septem ber 15,N ovem ber 15and Decem ber 15, 1972. P aym ents on account of accrued interest and cash adjustm ents will be m ade as set forth in Section IV hereof. T he am ount of this offering will be lim ited to the am ount of eligible securities tendered in exchange. T h e books will be open un til 5 : 0 0 p . m . , lo c a l t i m e , A u g u s t 2 , 1 9 7 2 , for the receipt of subscriptions, except th a t individuals exchanging registered securities will be perm itted to subm it subscriptions until 5:00 p.m., local time, August 4, 1972. 2. In addition, holders of the securities enum erated in P arag rap h 1 of this section are offered the privilege of exchanging all or any p a rt of them for 6 XA percent T reasu ry Notes of Series A-1979, or 6 % percent T reasury B onds of 1984 which offerings are set forth in D ep artm en t Circulars, Public D ebt Series — Nos. 8-72 and 9-72, issued sim ultaneously w ith this circular. II. DESCRIPTION O F NOTES 1. T h e notes will be dated August 15, 1972, and will bear interest from th a t d ate at the ra te of 5% percent per annum , payable sem iannually on F eb ru ary 15 and August 15 in each year until the principal am ount becomes payable. T h ey will m ature F eb ru ary 15, 1976, and will not be subject to call for redem ption prior to m aturity. 2. T h e income derived from the notes is subject to all taxes imposed under the Intern al R evenue Code of 1954. T he notes are subject to estate, inheritance, gift or other excise taxes, w hether F ederal or State, b u t are exem pt from all taxation now or hereafter imposed on the principal or interest thereof by any State, or any of th e possessions of the U nited States, or by any local taxing authority. 3. T h e notes will be acceptable to secure deposits of public moneys. T h ey will not be acceptable in paym ent of taxes. 4. B earer notes w ith interest coupons attached, and notes registered as to principal and interest, will be issued in denom inations of $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000. Provision will be m ade for the interchange of notes of different denom inations and of coupon and registered notes, and for the transfer of registered notes, under rules and regulations prescribed by th e S ecretary of th e Treasury. 5. T h e notes will be subject to th e general regulations of T h e D ep artm en t of the Treasury, now or hereafter prescribed, governing U nited States notes. III. SUBSCRIPTION A N D ALLOTMENT 1. Subscriptions accepting the offer m ade b y this circular will be received at the F ederal R eserve Banks and B ranches and at the Office of the T reasurer of the U nited States, W ashington, D. C. 20220. B anking institu tions generally m ay subm it subscriptions for account of customers, b u t only the F ederal R eserve B anks and T h e D ep artm en t of th e T reasu ry are authorized to act as official agencies. 2. U n d er th e Second L iberty Bond Act, as am ended, th e S ecretary of the T reasu ry has th e authority to reject or reduce any subscription, and to allot less th an the am ount of notes applied for when he deem s it to be in th e public interest; and any action he m ay tak e in these respects shall be final. Subject to the exercise of th a t authority, all subscriptions will be allotted in full. IV. PAYMENT 1. P ay m en t for the face am ount of notes allotted hereunder m ust be m ade on or before August 15, 1972, or on later allotm ent, and m ay be m ade only in a like face am ount of securities of th e issues enum erated in P arag raph 1 of Section I hereof, which should accom pany the subscription. P ay m ent will not be deem ed to have been com pleted where registered notes are requested if the appropriate identifying num ber as required on tax returns and other docum ents subm itted to the Intern al R evenue Service (a n individual’s social security num ber or an em ployer identification num b er) is not furnished. 2. 5 p e r c e n t n o t e s o f S e r i e s E - 1 9 7 2 a n d 4 p e r c e n t b o n d s o f 1 9 7 2 . — W hen paym ent is m ade with securities in bearer form, coupons d ated August 15, 1972, should be d e t a c h e d and cashed when due. W hen paym ent is m ade w ith registered securities, the final interest due on August 15, 1972, will be paid by issue of interest checks in regular course to holders of record on Ju ly 14, 1972, the d ate the transfer books closed. A cash pay m en t of $2.50 per $1,000 on account of the issue price of the new notes will be m ade to subscribers. 3. 2Va p e r c e n t b o n d s o f coupons dated Septem ber 15, M arch 15 to August 15, 1972 new notes ($2.50 per $1,000) S tates will be charged, and th e S e p t e m b e r 15 , 1 9 6 7 - 7 2 . — W hen paym ent is m ade w ith bonds in bearer form, 1972, m ust be a t t a c h e d to th e bonds when surrendered. Accrued interest from ($10.39402 per $1,000) plus the paym ent on account of the issue price of the will be credited and the cash paym ent of ($1.12220 per $1,000), due th e U nited difference of $11.77182 per $1,000 will be paid to subscribers. 4. 6 p e r c e n t n o t e s o f S e r i e s F - 1 9 7 2 . — W hen paym ent is m ade w ith notes in b earer form, coupons dated N ovem ber 15, 1972, m ust be a t t a c h e d to the notes when surrendered. Accrued interest from M ay 15 to August 15, 1972 ($15.00000 per $1,000) plus the paym ent on account of the issue price of the new notes ($2.50 per $1,000) and th e cash paym ent ($4.20838 per $1,000), a to tal of $21.70838 per $1,000, will be paid to subscribers. 5. 2 V2 p e r c e n t b o n d s o f D e c e m b e r 15, 1 9 6 7 - 7 2 . — W hen paym ent is m ade w ith bonds in bearer form, coupons d ated D ecem ber 15, 1972, m ust be a t t a c h e d to th e bonds when surrendered. Accrued interest from Ju n e 15 to August 15, 1972 ($4.16667 per $1,000) plus the paym ent on account of the issue price of the new notes ($2.50 per $1,000) will be credited, the paym ent due the U nited S tates ($6.00915 per $1,000) will be charged, and the difference ($0.65752 per $ 1 ,0 0 0 ) will be paid to subscribers. 6 . P aym ents due subscribers will be m ade by check or by credit in any account m aintained by a banking institution with the F ederal R eserve B ank of its District, following acceptance of the securities surrendered. In the case of registered securities, th e paym ent will be m ade in accordance w ith the assignm ents thereon. V. A SSIGN M ENT O F REGISTERED SECURITIES 1. Registered securities tendered in paym ent for notes offered hereunder should be assigned by the registered payees or assignees thereof, in accordance w ith the general regulations of T h e D ep artm en t of the T reasu ry governing assignm ents for transfer or exchange, in one of the form s hereafter set forth, and therafter should be surrendered with th e subscription to a F ederal R eserve B ank or B ranch or to the Office of the T reasu rer of the U nited States, W ashington, D. C. 20220. T h e securities m ust be delivered a t the expense and risk of th e holder. If the notes are desired registered in the same nam e as the securities surrenderd, the assign m ent should be to “T he S ecretary of the T reasu ry for exchange for 5 % percent T reasu ry N otes of Series F-1976”; if the notes are desired registered in another name, the assignm ent should be to “T he Secretary of the T reasury for exchange for 5 % percent T reasury N otes of Series F-1976 in the nam e of_______________________ _ ______________________ ”; if notes in coupon form are desired, th e assignm ent should be to “T h e S ecretary of the T reasu ry for exchange for 5% percent T reasury N otes of Series F-1976 in coupon form to be delivered to VI. GENERAL PROVISIO NS 1. As fiscal agents of the U nited States, F ederal R eserve B anks are authorized and requested to receive subscriptions, to m ake such allotm ents as m ay be prescribed by the Secretary of th e T reasury, to issue such notices as m ay be necessary, to receive paym ent for and m ake delivery of notes on full-paid subscriptions allotted, and th ey m ay issue interim receipts pending delivery of the definitive notes. 2. T h e Secretary of the T reasu ry m ay a t any time, or from tim e to time, prescribe supplem ental or am endatory rules and regulations governing the offering, which will be com m unicated prom ptly to the F ederal R eserve Banks. G E O R G E P. SHULTZ, S ecretary of the T reasury. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 6 'A PERCENT TREASURY NOTES OF SERIES A -1979 D a t e d a n d b e a r i n g i n t e r e s t f r o m A u g u s t 15, 1 9 7 2 D u e A u g u s t 15, 1 9 7 9 T H E D EPA RTM EN T OF T H E TREA SURY Office of th e S e c retary W ashing ton , J u ly 27, 1972 DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR P u b lic D e b t S eries No. 8-72 I. O FFERIN G O F NOTES 1. T he Secretary of the Treasury, pursuant to the authority of the Second L iberty Bond Act, as am ended, offers notes of the U nited States, designated 6 Vi percent T reasu ry N otes of Series A-1979, a t par, in exchange for th e following securities, singly or in com binations aggregating $ 1 , 0 0 0 or m ultiples thereof: ( 1 ) 5 percent T reasury N otes of Series E-1972, dated M ay 15, 1971, due August 15, 1972; ( 2 ) 4 percent T reasury Bonds of 1972, dated Septem ber 15, 1962, due August 15, 1972; ( 3 ) 2 V2 percent T reasu ry Bonds of 1967-72, d ated October 20, 1941, due Septem ber 15, 1972, with a cash p aym ent of $1.12220 per $1,000 to the U nited States; ( 4 ) 6 percent T reasu ry N otes of Series F-1972, dated Ju n e 29, 1971, due N ovem ber 15, 1972, with a cash paym ent of $4.20838 per $1,000 to subscribers; ( 5 ) 2 V2 percent T reasu ry Bonds of 1967-72, d ated N ovem ber 15, 1945, due D ecem ber 15, 1972, w ith a cash paym ent of $6.00915 p er $1,000 to th e U nited States; ( 6 ) 5 3A percent T reasury N otes of Series A-1974, dated N ovem ber 15, 1967, due N ovem ber 15, 1974, w ith a cash paym ent of $6.10880 per $ 1 , 0 0 0 to subscribers; ( 7 ) 3Va percent T reasury Bonds of 1974, dated D ecem ber 2, 1957, due N ovem ber 15, 1974, with a cash paym ent of $30.23856 per $1,000 to the U nited States; ( 8 ) 5 3A percent T reasury N otes of Series A-1975, dated F eb ru ary 15, 1968, due F eb ru ary 15, 1975, w ith a cash paym ent of $3.06136 per $1,000 to subscribers; or ( 9 ) 5 % percent T reasu ry Notes of Series E-1975, dated October 22, 1971, due F eb ru ary 15, 1975, w ith a cash paym ent of $5.81659 per $1,000 to subscribers. In terest will be adjusted as of August 15, 1972, on the securities due subsequent to th a t date. P aym ents on ac count of accrued interest and cash adjustm ents will be m ade as set forth in Section IV hereof. T h e am ount of this offering will be lim ited to the am ount of eligible securities tendered in exchange. T h e books will be open un til 5 : 0 0 p . m . , l o c a l t i m e , A u g u s t 2 , 1 9 7 2 , for the receipt of subscriptions, except th a t individuals exchanging registered securities will be perm itted to subm it subscriptions until 5 :0 0 p.m., local time, August 4, 1972. 2. In addition, ( a ) holders of all of th e securities enum erated in P arag rap h 1 of this section are offered the privilege of exchanging all or any p art of them for 6 % percent T reasury Bonds of 1984 which offering is set forth in D ep artm en t Circular, Public D eb t Series — No. 9-72, and ( b ) holders of the securities m aturing in 1972, are offered the privilege of exchanging all or any p art of them for 5 % percent T reasury Notes of Series F-1976, which offering is set forth in D epartm en t Circular, P ublic D ebt Series — No. 7-72. T hese two circulars are being issued sim ultaneously w ith this circular. 3. O p t i o n a l r e c o g n i t i o n o f g a i n o r lo s s f o r F e d e r a l i n c o m e t a x p u r p o s e s o n s e c u r i t i e s d u e in 1 9 7 4 a n d 1 9 7 5 . — P u rsu an t to the provisions of section 1 0 3 7 (a ) of the Intern al R evenue Code of 1954, the Secretary of the T reasury hereby declares th a t gain or loss for F ederal income tax purposes upon the exchange with the U nited States of th e securities due in 1974 and 1975 enum erated in P arag raph 1 of this section solely for the 6 Vi p ercent T reasu ry N otes of Series A-1979 m ay be recognized either — ( 1 ) in the taxable year of the exchange, or ( 2 ) in the taxable year of disposition or redem ption of the new obligations. In the case of either option, any gain realized on the exchange to the extent th a t m oney (o ther th an as an interest ad ju stm en t) is received by the security holder in connection w ith the exchange m ust be recognized as gain for th e taxable year of the exchange. II. DESCRIPTION O F NOTES 1 . T h e notes will be dated August 15, 1972, and will bear interest from th a t date at th e rate of 6 Vi percent per annum , payable sem iannually on F eb ruary 15 and August 15 in each year until the principal am ount becomes payable. T h ey will m ature August 15, 1979, and will not be subject to call for redem ption prior to m aturity. 2. T h e income derived from the notes is subject to all taxes imposed under th e In tern al R evenue Code of 1954. T h e notes are subject to estate, inheritance, gift or other excise taxes, w hether F ederal or State, b u t are exem pt from all taxation now or hereafter imposed on the principal or interest thereof by any State, or any of the possessions of the U nited States, or by any local taxing authority. 3. T h e notes will be acceptable to secure deposits of public moneys. T h ey will not be acceptable in paym ent of taxes. 4. B earer notes w ith interest coupons attached, and notes registered as to principal and interest, will be issued in denom inations of $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000. Provision will be m ade for the interchange of notes of different denom inations and of coupon and registered notes, and for the transfer of registered notes, under rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. 5 . T h e notes will be subject to the general regulations of T h e D ep artm en t of the Treasury, now or hereafter prescribed, governing U nited States notes. III. SUBSCRIPTION A N D ALLOTMENT 1. Subscriptions accepting the offer m ade by this circular will be received at the F ederal R eserve B anks and B ranches and a t the Office of the T reasurer of the U nited States, W ashington, D. C. 20220. Banking institutions generally m ay subm it subscriptions for account of customers, bu t only the F ederal R eserve Banks and T he D epartm ent of the T reasury are authorized to act as official agencies. 2. U nder the Second L iberty Bond Act, as am ended, the Secretary of the T reasury has the authority to reject or reduce any subscription, and to allot less th an the am ount of notes applied for when he deem s it to be in the public interest; and any action he m ay take in these respects shall be final. Subject to the exercise of th a t authority, all subscriptions will be allotted in full. IV. PAYMENT 1. P ay m en t for the face am ount of notes allotted hereunder m ust be m ade on or before August 15, 1972, or on later allotm ent, and m ay be m ade only in a like face am ount of securities of the issues enum erated in P aragrap h 1 of Section I hereof, which should accom pany the subscription. P aym en t will not be deem ed to have been com pleted where registered notes are requested if the appropriate identifying num ber as required on tax returns and other docum ents subm itted to the In tern al Revenue Service (a n individual’s social security num ber or an em ployer identification n u m b er) is not furnished. P aym ents due to subscribers (paragraphs 3, 4, 6 , 8 and 9 below ) will be m ade by check or by credit in any account m aintained by a banking institution w ith the F ederal R eserve B ank of its D istrict, following acceptance of the securities surrendered. In the case of registered securities, the paym ent will be m ade in accordance with the assignments thereon. P aym en ts due from subscribers (paragraphs 5 and 7 below ) should accom pany th e subscription. 2. 5 p e r c e n t n o t e s of S e r i e s E - 1 9 7 2 a n d 4 p e r c e n t b o n d s o f 1 9 7 2 . — W hen paym ent is m ade w ith securities in bearer form, coupons d ated August 15, 1972, should be d e t a c h e d and cashed when due.* 3. 2Va p e r c e n t b o n d s o f S e p t e m b e r 15, 1 9 6 7 - 7 2 . — W hen paym ent is m ade w ith bonds in bearer form, coupons d ated Septem ber 15, 1972, m ust be a t t a c h e d to the bonds when surrendered. Accrued interest from M arch 15 to August 15, 1972 ($10.39402 per $1,000) will be credited, the paym ent due the U nited States ($1.12220 per $1,000) will be charged, and the difference ($9.27182 per $1,000) will be paid to subscribers. 4. 6 p e r c e n t n o t e s o f S e r i e s F - 1 9 7 2 . — W hen paym ent is m ade w ith notes in bearer form, coupons dated N ovem ber 15, 1972, m ust be a t t a c h e d to the notes when surrendered. Accrued interest from M ay 15 to August 15, 1972 ($15.00000 per $1,000), plus the cash paym ent ($4.20838 per $1,000), a to tal of $19.20838 per $ 1 ,0 0 0 , will be paid to subscribers. 5. 2 V2 p e r c e n t b o n d s o f D e c e m b e r 15, 1 9 6 7 - 7 2 . — W hen paym ent is m ade w ith bonds in b earer form, coupons dated D ecem ber 15, 1972, m ust be a t t a c h e d to the bonds when surrendered. Accrued interest from Ju n e 15 to August 15, 1972 ($4.16667 p er $1,000) will be credited, the paym ent due the U nited States ($6.00915 per $1,000) will be charged, and the difference ($1.84248 per $1,000) m ust be paid to the U nited States. 6 . 5% p e r c e n t n o t e s o f S e r i e s A - 1 9 7 4 . — W hen paym ent is m ade with notes in bearer form, coupons dated N ovem ber 15, 1972, and all subsequent coupons, m ust be a t t a c h e d to the notes when surrendered. Accrued interest from M ay 15 to August 15, 1972 ($14.37500 per $1,000), plus the cash paym ent ($6.10880 per $1,000), a to tal of $20.48380 per $1,000, will be paid to subscribers. 7. 3% p e r c e n t b o n d s o f 1 9 7 4 . — W hen paym ent is m ade w ith bonds in bearer form, coupons dated N ovem ber 15, 1972, and all subsequent coupons, m ust be a t t a c h e d to the bonds when surrendered. Accrued interest from M ay 15 to August 15, 1972 ($9.68750 per $1,000) will be credited, th e paym ent due the U nited States ($30.23856 per $1,000) will be charged, and the difference ($20.55106 per $1,000) m ust be paid to the U nited States. 8 . 5 % p e r c e n t n o t e s o f S e ri e s A - 1 9 7 5 . — W hen paym ent is m ade with notes in b earer form, coupons dated F ebru ary 15, 1973, and all subsequent coupons, m ust be a t t a c h e d (A ugust 15, 1972, coupons should be d e t a c h e d * ) to the notes when surrendered. A cash paym ent of $3.06136 per $1,000 will be paid to subscribers. 9. 5 % p e r c e n t n o t e s o f S e r i e s E - 1 9 7 5 . — W hen paym ent is m ade w ith notes in bearer form, coupons d ated F eb ru ary 15, 1973, and all subsequent coupons, m ust be a t t a c h e d (A ugust 15, 1972, coupons should be d e t a c h e d * ) to th e notes when surrendered. A cash paym ent of $5.81659 per $1,000 will be paid to subscribers. V . ASSIGN M ENT O F REGISTERED SECURITIES 1. Registered securities tendered in paym ent for notes offered hereunder should be assigned by the registered payees or assignees thereof, in accordance with the general regulations of T h e D ep artm en t of th e T reasury governing assignm ents for transfer or exchange, in one of the forms hereafter set forth, and thereafter should be surrendered with the subscription to a F ederal R eserve B ank or B ranch or to the Office of the T reasurer of the U nited States, W ashington, D. C. 20220. T he securities m ust be delivered at the expense and risk of th e holder. If the notes are desired registered in the same nam e as th e securities surrendered, the assignm ent should be to “T h e S ecretary of the T reasury for exchange for 6 lA percent T reasury Notes of Series A-1979”; if the notes are desired registered in another name, th e assignm ent should be to “T he S ecretary of the T reasu ry for exchange for 6V4 percent T reasury N otes of Series A-1979 in the nam e of_________________________________________ if notes in coupon form are desired, th e assignm ent should be to “T h e S ecretary of the T reasury for exchange for 6 V4 percent T reasury N otes of Series A-1979 in coupon form to be delivered to___________________________ VI. GENERAL PROVISIO NS 1. As fiscal agents of the U nited States, F ederal R eserve B anks are authorized and requested to receive subscriptions, to m ake such allotm ents as m ay be prescribed by the S ecretary of the Treasury, to issue such notices as m ay be necessary, to receive paym ent for and m ake delivery of notes on full-paid subscriptions allotted, and they m ay issue interim receipts pending delivery of th e definitive notes. 2. T h e Secretary of the T reasury m ay at any time, or from tim e to time, prescribe supplem ental or am endatory rules and regulations governing the offering, which will be com m unicated prom ptly to the F ederal R eserve Banks. G E O R G E P. SHULTZ, Secretary of the T reasury. * In te re st d u e on A ugust 15, 1972, on re g iste red securities w ill b e p a id b y issue of in te re st checks in re g u la r course to h o lders of re co rd on J u ly 14, 1972, th e d a te th e tra n s fe r books closed. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 6% PERCENT TREASURY BONDS OF 1984 D a t e d a n d b e a r i n g i n t e r e s t f r o m A u g u s t 15, 1 9 7 2 DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR P u b lic D e b t Series N o. 9-72 D u e A u g u s t 15, 1 9 8 4 T H E D EPA R TM EN T OF T H E TREA SURY Office of th e S e c retary W ash in gto n, J u ly 27, 1972 I. O FFERIN G O F BONDS 1. T h e S ecretary of the Treasury, pursuant to the authority of th e Second L iberty Bond Act, as am ended, offers bonds of the U nited States, designated 6 3/s percent T reasury Bonds of 1984, a t 99.40 percent of their face value, in exchange for the following securities, singly or in com binations aggregating $ 1 , 0 0 0 or m ultiples th ere o f: (1 ) 5 percent T reasury N otes of Series E-1972, dated M ay 15, 1971, due August 15, 1972; (2 ) 4 percent T reasury Bonds of 1972, dated Septem ber 15, 1962, due August 15, 1972; ( 3 ) 2Vz percent T reasury Bonds of 1967-72, dated October 20, 1941, due Septem ber 15, 1972, w ith a cash paym ent of $1.12220 per $1,000 to the U nited States; (4 ) 6 percent T reasury Notes of Series F-1972, dated Ju n e 29, 1971, due N ovem ber 15, 1972, w ith a cash paym ent of $4.20838 per $1,000 to subscribers; (5 ) 2Vz percent T reasury Bonds of 1967-72, d ated N ovem ber 15, 1945, due D ecem ber 15, 1972, w ith a cash paym ent of $6.00915 per $1,000 to the U nited States; ( 6 ) 5% percent T reasu ry Notes of Series A-1974, d ated N ovem ber 15, 1967, due N ovem ber 15, 1974, w ith a cash paym ent of $6.10880 per $ 1 , 0 0 0 to subcribers; (7 ) 3 % percent T reasu ry Bonds of 1974, d ated D ecem ber 2, 1957, due N ovem ber 15, 1974, w ith a cash paym ent of $30.23856 per $1,000 to the U nited States; ( 8 ) 5% percent T reasury Notes of Series A-1975, dated F eb ru ary 15, 1968, due F eb ru ary 15, 1975, with a cash paym ent of $3.06136 per $1,000 to subscribers; or (9 ) SV& percent T reasury Notes of Series E-1975, d ated O ctober 22, 1971, due F eb ru ary 15, 1975, w ith a cash paym ent of $5.81659 per $1,000 to subscribers. Interest will be adjusted as of August 15, 1972, on th e securities due subsequent to th a t date. P ay m en ts on account of accrued interest and cash adjustm ents will be m ade as set forth in Section IV hereof. In addition, the Secre tary of the T reasu ry offers the bonds to n atu ral persons in their own right for cash, not to exceed $10,000 to any one person. T h e books will be open un til 5 : 0 0 p . m . , l o c a l t i m e , A u g u s t 2 , 1 9 7 2 , for the receipt of sub scriptions, except th a t individuals subscribing for cash, or exchanging registered securities, will be perm itted to subm it subscriptions until 5:00 p.m., local time, August 4, 1972. 2. In addition, ( a ) holders of all of th e securities enum erated in P arag rap h 1 of this section are offered the privilege of exchanging all or any p a rt of them for 6 V4 percent T reasury Notes of Series A-1979, which offering is set forth in D ep artm en t Circular, Public D eb t Series — No. 8-72, and ( b ) holders of th e securities m aturing in 1972, are offered the privilege of exchanging all or any p a rt of them for SV& percent T reasury Notes of Series F-1976, which offering is set forth in D ep artm en t Circular, P ublic D eb t Series — No. 7-72. These two circulars are being issued sim ultaneously with this circular. 3. O p t i o n a l r e c o g n i t i o n o f g a i n o r lo s s f o r F e d e r a l i n c o m e t a x p u r p o s e s o n s e c u r i t i e s d u e in 1 9 7 4 a n d 1 9 7 5 . — P u rsuant to the provisions of section 1 0 3 7 (a) of the In tern al R evenue Code of 1954, the Secretary of the T reasu ry hereby declares th a t gain or loss for F ederal income tax purposes upon the exchange w ith the U nited States of the securities due in 1974 and 1975 enum erated in P arag rap h 1 of this section solely for the 6 % percent T reasury Bonds of 1984 m ay be recognized either — ( 1 ) in the taxable year of the exchange, or ( 2 ) in the taxable year of disposition or redem ption of the new obligations. In the case of either option, any gain realized on the exchange to th e extent th a t m oney (o th er th an as an interest ad ju stm en t) is received by the security holder in connection w ith the exchange m ust be recognized as gain for the taxable year of the exchange. II. DESCRIPTION O F BONDS 1 . T h e bonds will be dated August 15, 1972, and will bear interest from th a t date a t the rate of 6 % percent p er annum , payable sem iannually on F eb ru ary 15 and August 15 in each year until the principal am ount becomes payable. T h ey will m ature August 15, 1984, and will not be subject to call for redem ption prior to m aturity. 2. T h e income derived from the bonds is subject to all taxes im posed under the In tern al R evenue Code of 1954. T h e bonds are subject to estate, inheritance, gift or other excise taxes, w hether F ederal or State, b u t are exem pt from all taxation now or hereafter imposed on th e principal or interest thereof by any State, or any of th e possessions of the U nited States, or by any local taxing authority. 3. T h e bonds will be acceptable to secure deposits of public moneys. T h ey will not be acceptable in pay m ent of taxes. 4. B earer bonds w ith interest coupons attached, and bonds registered as to principal and interest, will be issued in denom inations of $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000. Provision will be m ade for th e interchange of bonds of different denom inations and of coupon and registered bonds, and for th e transfer of registered bonds, tinder rules and regulations prescribed by the S ecretary of the Treasury. 5. T h e bonds will be subject to the general regulations of T he D epartm ent of the Treasury, now or here after prescribed, governing U nited States bonds. III. SUBSCRIPTION A N D ALLOTMENT 1. Subscriptions accepting the offer m ade by this circular will be received a t the F ederal R eserve B anks and B ranches and at the Office of th e T reasurer of the U nited States, W ashington, D. C. 20220. O nly the F ederal Reserve B anks and T h e D ep artm en t of th e T reasu ry are authorized to act as official agencies. Banking institutions generally m ay subm it subscriptions for account of customers, provided th e nam es of custom ers subscribing for cash are set forth in such subscriptions. O thers th an banking institutions will not be perm itted to enter cash subscriptions except for their own account. 2. Cash subscriptions, which m ay not exceed $10,000 from an y one person, m ust be accom panied by p aym ent of 1 0 percent of the face am ount of bonds applied for. • 3. B anking institutions in subm itting cash subscriptions for custom ers will be required to certify th a t they have no beneficial interest in any such subscriptions. 4. U nder th e Second L iberty Bond Act, as am ended, the Secretary of the T reasury has the authority to reject or reduce any subscription, and to allot less than the am ount of bonds applied for when he deem s it to be in the public interest; and any action he m ay take in these respects shall be final. Subject to the exercise of th a t authority, all subscriptions will be allotted in full. IV. PAYMENT 1. P ay m en t for th e face am ount of bonds allotted hereunder in exchange for securities of the issues enum erated in P arag rap h 1 of Section I hereof, m ust be m ade on or before August 15, 1972, or on later allotm ent, and m ay be m ade only in a like face am ount of such securities, which should accom pany th e sub scription. On cash subscriptions paym ent at 99.40 percent of their face value and accrued interest, if any, for bonds allotted hereunder, m ust be com pleted on or before August 15, 1972, in cash or other funds fully collectible by th a t date. In every case where full paym ent is not com pleted, the paym ent w ith the application up to 10 percent of th e am ount of bonds allotted shall, upon declaration m ade by the Secretary of the T reasury in his discretion, be forfeited to the U nited States. P aym en t will not be deem ed to have been com pleted where registered bonds are requested if the appropriate identifying num ber as required on tax returns an d other docum ents subm itted to the Intern al R evenue Service (a n individual’s social security num ber or an em ployer identification nu m b er) is not furnished. P aym ents due to subscribers (paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 below ) will be m ade by check or by credit in any account m aintained by a banking institution with the Federal R eserve B ank of its D istrict, following acceptance of the securities surrendered. In the case of registered securities, the paym ent will be m ade in accordance with the assignm ents thereon. P aym ents due from subscribers (paragraph 7 below ) should accom pany the subscription. 2. 5 p e r c e n t n o t e s o f S e r i e s E - 1 9 7 2 a n d 4 p e r c e n t b o n d s o f 1 9 7 2 . — W hen paym ent is m ade w ith securities in bearer form, coupons dated August 15, 1972, should be d e t a c h e d and cashed when due.* A cash p aym ent of $6.00 per $1,000 on account of the issue price of the new bonds will be m ade to subscribers. 3. 2 ’/ 2 p e r c e n t b o n d s o f S e p t e m b e r 15, 1 9 6 7 - 7 2 . — W hen paym ent is m ade w ith bonds in bearer form, coupons d ated Septem ber 15, 1972, m ust be a t t a c h e d to the bonds when surrendered. Accrued interest from M arch 15 to August 15, 1972 ($10.39402 per $1,000) plus the paym ent on account of the issue price of the new bonds ($6.00 per $1,000) will be credited, the paym ent ($1.12220 per $1,000) due the U nited States will be charged, and the difference ($15.27182 per $1,000) will be paid to subscribers. 4. 6 p e r c e n t n o t e s o f S e r i e s F - 1 9 7 2 . — W hen p aym ent is m ade w ith notes in b earer form, coupons dated N ovem ber 15, 1972, m ust be a t t a c h e d to the notes when surrendered. Accrued interest from M ay 15 to August 15, 1972 ($15.00000 p er $1,000), the paym ent on account of the issue price of the new bonds ($6.00 per $1,000) and the cash paym ent ($4.20838 per $1,000), a total of $25.20838 per $1,000, will be paid to subscribers. 5. 2V2 p e r c e n t b o n d s o f D e c e m b e r 15, 1 9 6 7 - 7 2 . — W hen paym ent is m ade w ith bonds in bearer form, coupons dated D ecem ber 15, 1972, m ust be a t t a c h e d to th e bonds when surrendered. Accrued interest from Ju n e 15 to August 15, 1972 ($4.16667 per $1,000) plus the paym ent on account of the issue price of the new bonds ($6.00 per $1,000) will be credited, th e paym ent due the U nited States ($6.00915 per $1,000) will be charged, and th e difference ($4.15752 per $1,000) will be paid to subscribers. 6. 5 % p e r c e n t n o t e s o f S e r i e s A - 1 9 7 4 . — W hen paym ent is m ade w ith notes in bearer form, coupons dated N ovem ber 15, 1972, and all subsequent coupons, m ust be a t t a c h e d to th e notes when surrendered. Accrued interest from M ay 15 to August 15, 1972 ($14.37500 per $1,000), the paym ent on account of the issue price of th e new bonds ($6.00 per $1,000) and the cash paym ent ($6.10880 per $1,000), a to tal of $26.48380 per $1,000, will be paid to subscribers. 7. 3 % p e r c e n t b o n d s o f 1 9 7 4 . — W hen paym ent is m ade w ith bonds in bearer form, coupons dated N ovem ber 15, 1972, and all subsequent coupons, m ust be a t t a c h e d to the bonds when surrendered. Accrued interest from M ay 15 to August 15, 1972 ($9.68750 per $1,000) plus the pay m en t on account of the issue price of th e new bonds ($6.00 per $1,000) will be credited, the paym ent ($30.23856 per $1,000) due the U nited States will be charged, th e difference ($14.55106 per $1,000) m ust be paid by subscribers. 8 . 5 % p e r c e n t n o t e s o f S e r i e s A - 1 9 7 5 . — W hen p aym ent is m ade w ith notes in bearer form, coupons d ated F eb ru ary 15, 1973, and all subsequent coupons, m ust be a t t a c h e d (A ugust 15, 1972, coupons should be d e t a c h e d * ) to the notes when surrendered. T h e paym ent on account of the issue price of the new bonds ($6.00 per $1,000) and the cash paym ent ($3.06136 per $1,000), a to tal of $9.06136 per $1,000, will be paid to subscribers. 9. 5 % p e r c e n t n o t e s o f S e r i e s E - 1 9 7 5 . — W hen p aym ent is m ade w ith notes in bearer form, coupons dated F eb ru ary 15, 1973, and all subsequent coupons, m ust be a t t a c h e d (A ugust 15, 1972, coupons should be d e t a c h e d * ) to the notes when surrendered. T h e paym ent on account of the issue price of the new bonds ($6.00 p er $1,000) and the cash paym ent ($5.81659 per $1,000), a total of $11.81659 per $1,000, will be paid to subscribers. V . A SS IG N M E N T O F REGISTERED SECURITIES 1. Registered securities tendered in paym ent for bonds offered hereunder should be assigned by the registered payees or assignees thereof, in accordance w ith the general regulations of T h e D ep artm en t of the T reasu ry governing assignments for transfer or exchange, in one of the forms hereafter set forth, and thereafter should be surrendered w ith the subscription to a F ederal R eserve B ank or B ranch or to the Office of the T reasurer of the U nited States, W ashington, D. C. 20220. T he securities m ust be delivered at the expense and risk of the holder. If the bonds are desired registered in th e sam e nam e as the securities surrendered, the assignm ent should be to “T h e S ecretary of the T reasury for exchange for 6% percent T reasury Bonds of 1984”; if th e bonds are desired registered in another name, the assignm ent should be to “T he S ecretary of the T reasu ry for exchange for 6 % percent T reasury Bonds of 1984 in the nam e of______________________________ ____________________if bonds in coupon form are desired, the assignm ent should be to “T he Secretary of the T reasu ry for exchange for 6 3/s percent T reasury Bonds of 1984 in coupon form to be delivered to____________ VI. GENERAL PROVISIO NS 1. As fiscal agents of the U nited States, F ederal R eserve B anks are authorized and requested to receive subscriptions, to m ake such allotm ents as m ay be prescribed by the S ecretary of the T reasury, to issue such notices as m ay be necessary, to receive paym ent for and m ake delivery of bonds on full-paid subscriptions allotted, and th ey m ay issue interim receipts pending delivery of th e definitive bonds. 2. T he S ecretary of the T reasury m ay a t any time, or from tim e to time, prescribe supplem ental or am endatory rules and regulations governing the offering, which will be com m unicated prom ptly to the F ederal R eserve Banks. G E O R G E P. SHULTZ, Secretary of th e Treasury. * In te re s t d u e on A ug ust 15, 1972, on re g iste red secu rities w ill be p a id by issue of in te re st checks in re g u la r course to h o lders of re co rd on J u ly 14, 1972, th e d a te th e tra n s fe r books closed. EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION 5%% Treasury Notes of Series F-1976 At 99.75% of Face Value Due February 15,1976 Dated and bearing interest from August 15,1972 To: Federal Reserve Bank, Station K, Dallas, Texas 75222 or — The.................................................................................................Branch El Paso 79999 Honston 77001 San Antonio 78295 EACH SUBSCRIPTION TO THIS ISSUE MUST BE IN A MULTIPLE OF $1,000 Pursuant to the provisions of Treasury Department Circular, Public Debt Series No. 7-72, dated July 27, 1972, the undersigned hereby subscribes for $___________________ 5%% Treasury Notes of Series F-1976, dated August 15, 1972, maturing February 15, 1976, and tenders the following securities in payment: Net Cash Adjustment* Cash Adjustment Due to Subscriber (per $1,000 face amount) Payable to Subscriber 2.50000 2.50000 11.77182 21.70838 .65752 Securities Tendered Face Amount _________ 4% Bonds of 1972 due 8-15-72 5% Notes, Series E-1972 2 Yz% Bonds of 1972 due 9-15-72 6% Notes, Series F-1972 2Vz% Bonds of 1972 due 12-15-72 ?TOTAL $ --------------------*See official circular for details METHOD OF PAYMENT FOR ADJUSTMENT: □ Reserve account. . . □ check . . . □ O therw ise......................................................................................................................... ................................. "The securities to be applied in payment should be listed on the reverse side and should accompany this subscription. If the securities do not accompany this subscription, please attach a letter giving complete information regarding their location and approximate date of surrender. SCHEDULE FOR ISSU E OF BEARER SECURITIES INSTRUCTIONS FOR DELIVERY OF NEW SECURITIES Fill in Number of Pieces by Denomination Number of Pieces DO NOT USE THIS COLUMN At Amount □ □ $1,000 □ $5,000 Custody — Member bank for own account $----------As collateral — Treasury Tax and Loan account (Bank’s own securities) $----------In joint safekeeping for own account and ----------- $10,000 Deliver to. $100,000 $1,000,000 (State whether free or against funds) TOTAL $ SCHEDULE FOR ISSUE OF REGISTERED SECURITIES Name or names in which securities are to be registered, tax account number of owner and mailing address for interest checks. Denominations Desired Pieces - - or Social Security No. - Denomination ? $ ? I I I Employer Identification No. Am ount (ft) $ Face A m o u n t................... $ We hereby certify that at the time this subscription was entered the above-described securities surrendered or to be surrendered in connection with this exchange were owned and delivery accepted by the subscriber, or were contracted for purchase for value by the subscriber for delivery to the subscriber prior to the closing of the subscription books. □ This is an original subscription □ This is a confirmation (Name of subscriber) (Address) By__........................................................... .......... (Authorized signature) Dated............................— .......................................... PLEASE FILL IN THE FORM BELOW WHICH WILL BE RETURNED TO YOU AS AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF YOUR SU 3SCRIPTI0N 72-160 (OVER) This acknowledges your subscription for $. 5%% Treasury Notes of Series F-1976. F.R.B. Subscription No. IMPORTANT — Please use the above number in all matters — w heth er paym ent or correspondence — relating to this subscription. MAIL TO Name Address The Federal Reserve Bank or Branch will acknowledge by stamping below. Please list name and address of each subscriber, indicating by number in the first column the class of investor, in accordance with the following schedule: INVESTOR CLASSES AND NUMBERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Individuals, partnerships and personal trust accounts Mutual savings banks Insurance companies Dealers and brokers Pension and retirement funds of State and local governments Other pension and retirement funds 7. State and local government funds other than pension and retirement 8. Commercial banks 9. Corporations other than banks and insurance companies 10. Savings and building and loan associations 11. All others LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS Investor Class NAME OF SUBSCRIBER AMOUNT ADDRESS DO NOT USE Our own subscription TOTAL $ LIST OF SECURITIES SURRENDERED IN PAYMENT ( C O U P O N S M A T U R IN G A T T A C H E D ). Description AUG U ST IB, 1972, M U S T B E No. Pieces DETACHED Denomination AND ALL COUPONS Serial Nos. DATED SUBSEQUENT Location TO A UGUST IB, 1972 M U S T BE Amount EXCHAUGE SUBSCRIPTION 6 Va % Treasury Notes of Series A-1979 At Par Due August 15,1979 Dated and bearing interest from August 15,1972 To: Federal Reserve Bank, Station K, Dallas, Texas 75222 or — .................................................... .................. ..........Branch The.............. E l P a s o 79999 H o u s t o n 77001 S a n A n to n io 78295 EACH SUBSCRIPTION TO THIS ISSUE MUST BE IN A MULTIPLE OF $1,000 Pursuant to the provisions of Treasury Department Circular, Public Debt Series No. 8-72, dated July 27, 1972, the undersigned hereby subscribes for $___________________ 6*4,% Treasury Notes of Series A-1979, dated August 15, 1972, maturing August 15, 1979, and tenders the following securities in payment: Net Cash Adjustment* Cash Adjustment ( p e r $1,000 f a c e a m o u n t ) Payable by Subscriber Due to Due from Payable to Subscriber Securities Tendered Subscriber Subscriber Face Amount 4% Bonds of 1972, due 8-15-72 5% Notes, Series E-1972 $2V2% Bonds of 1972 due 9-15-72 9.27182 6% Notes, Series F-1972 19.20838 <t 2y2% Bonds of 1972 due 12-15-72 1.84248 $5%% Notes, Series A-1974 20.48380 3% % Bonds of 1974 due 11-15-74 $ 20.55106 5%% Notes, Series A-1975 3.06136 5%% Notes, Series E-1975 S_ 5.81659 TOTAL $*See official circular for details METHOD OF PAYMENT FOR ADJUSTMENT: □ Reserve account. . . □ check . . . □ Otherwise .. ....................................................................................................................................................... The securities to be applied in payment should be listed on the reverse side and should accompany this subscription. Tf the securities do not accompany this subscription, please attach a letter giving complete information regarding their location and approximate date of surrender. SCHEDULE FOR ISSU E OF BEARER SECURITIES INSTRUCTIONS FOR DELIVERY OF NEW SECURITIES F i l l in N u m b e r o f P ie c e s b y D e n o m i n a ti o n N um ber o f P ie c e s DO N O T U SE T H IS CO LU M N At A m ount □ □ $1,000 □ $5,000 Custody — Member bank for own account $_ As collateral — Treasury Tax and Loan account (Bank’s own securities) $In joint safekeeping for own account and _ $10,000 _______ ___________________ _________________S $100,000 Deliver to. $1,000,000 (State whether free or against funds) TOTAL $ SCHEDULE FOR ISSUE OF REGISTERED SECURITIES Name or names in which securities are to be registered, tax account number of __________ ____________ owner and mailing address for interest checks. Denominations Desired No. of Pieces - - A m ount ■t or S o c ia l S e c u r i ty N o. Denom ination E m p lo y e r I d e n t if ic a ti o n N o . Face Amount We hereby certify that at the time this subscription was entered the above-described securities surrendered or to be surren !e I in connection with this exchange were owned and delivery accepted by the subscriber, or were contracted for purchase for value by the subscriber for delivery to the subscriber prior to the closing of the subscription books. □ This is an original subscription □ This is a confirmation (Nam e of subscriber) (Address) By..... (Authorized signature) Dated. PLEASE FILL IN THE FORM BELOW WHICH WILL BE RETURNED TO YOU AS AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF YOUR SUBSCRIPTION (OVEB) 72-160 This acknowledges your subscription for $. 6 % % Treasury Notes of Series A-1979. F.R.B. Subscription No. IMPORTANT — Please use the above number in all matters — w h eth er p ay m en t or corresp ond en ce — relating to this subscription. MAIL TO Name Address The Federal Reserve Bank or Branch will acknowledge by stamping below. Please list name and address of each subscriber, indicating by number in the first column the class of investor, in accordance with the following schedule: INVESTOR CLASSES AND NUMBERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Individuals, partnersh ips and personal tr u s t accounts M utual savings banks Insurance com panies D ealers and brokers Pension and retirem en t funds of S tate and local governm ents O ther pension and retirem en t funds 7. S tate and local governm ent funds other th a n pension and retirem en t 8. Commercial banks 9. Corporations o ther th an banks and insurance companies 10. Savings and building and loan associations 11. All others LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS Investor C io n NAME OF SUBSCRIBER ADDRESS AMOUNT DO NOT USE Our own subscription TOTAL $ LIST OF SECURITIES SURRENDERED IN PAYMENT (COUPONS MATURING AUGUST 15, 1972, MUST BE DETACHED AND ALL COUPONS DATED SUBSEQUENT TO AUGUST 15, 1972 MUST BE ATTACHED.) Description No. Pieces Denomination Serial Nos. Location Amount EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION 6%% Treasury Bonds of 1984 At 99.40% of Face Value Dated and bearing interest from August 15,1972 Due August 15,1984 To: F ederal Reserve Bank, S tation K, D allas, T exas 75222 or — T he........................................................................... .............................Branch E l P a s o 79999 H o u s to n 77001 S a n A n to n io 78295 EACH SUBSCRIPTION TO THIS ISSUE MUST BE IN A MULTIPLE OF $1,000 Pursuant to the Provisions of Treasury Department Circular, Public Debt Series No. 9-72, dated July 27, 1972, the undersigned hereby subscribes for $__________________ 6%% Treasury Bond of 1984, dated August 15, 1972, maturing August 15, 1934, and tenders the following securities in payment: N et Cash A djustm ent* Cash A djustm ent ( p e r $1,000 fa c e a m o u n t) Payable by Subscriber Securities Tendered Face Amount 4% Bonds of 1972 due 8-15-72 S-------------------------5% N otes, Series E-1972 $----------2 y2% Bonds of 1972 due 9-15-72 6% N otes, Series F-1972 $_ 2 V z% Bond of 1972 due 12-15-72 5% % N otes, Series A-1974 3% % Bonds of 1974 due 11-15-74 5% % N otes, Series A-1975 5% % N otes, Series E-1975 TOTAL *See official circular fo r details METHOD O F PAY M EN T FO R A D JU STM EN T: □ Reserve account. . . □ check. . . □ D ue to Subscriber Due from Subscriber Payable to Subscriber 6.00000 6.00000 15.27182 25.20838 4.15752 26.48380 14.55106 9.06136 11.81659 $ --------------------- $- ------------ Otherwise............................................................................................................................................... The securities to be applied in paym ent should be listed on th e reverse side and should accom pany th is subscription. I f the securities do not accom pany th is subscription, please a ttac h a le tte r giving com plete inform ation reg ard in g th e ir location and approxim ate date of surrender. SCH ED U LE FOR ISS U E OF BEA RER SEC U R ITIES INSTRUCTIONS FOR DELIVERY OF NEW SECURITIES F i l l in N u m b e r o f P ie c e s b y D e n o m in a tio n N um ber o f P ie c e s DO N O T U S E T H IS C O LU M N At A m ount □ □ $1,000 Custody — M ember bank fo r own account $_ As collateral — T reasu ry T ax and Loan account (B ank’s own securities) $In joint safekeeping fo r own account and _ $5,000 □ $10,000 ______________________________ I- $100,000 D eliver to------------------------------------------------------ $l,00 0,0u0 (S ta te w hether fre e or ag a in st funds) TOTAL $ SCHEDULE FOR ISSUE OF REGISTERED SECURITIES N am e or nam es in which securities are to be registered, ta x account num ber of ow ner and m ailing address fo r in terest checks. D enom inations Desired £ .° -o f D e n o m in a tio n tlOCCB <S) * ■ - or S o c ia l S e c u r ity N o . . O * E m p lo y e r I d e n tif ic a tio n N o. A m ount $ ? Face A m o u n t ................... $---------------------- We hereby certify th a t a t the tim e this subscription w as entered the a b o v e -d e s c riu e u securities surrendered or to be surrendere„ in connection w ith this exchange w ere owned and delivery accepted by the subscriber, or w ere contracted for purchase for value by the subscriber for delivery to the subscriber prior to the closing of the subscription books. □ This is an original subscription (Nam e □ This is a confirmation of subscriber) (Address) By....... (Authorized signature) Dated. P L E A SE F IL L IN T H E FORM BELOW W H IC n W ILL BE RETU RN ED TO YOU AS AN ACKNOW LEDGMENT OF YOUR SUBSCRIPTION (OVER) 7 2 -1 6 0 This acknowledges your subscription for 6% % Treasury Bond of 1984. F.R.B. Subscription No. IM PORTANT — P lease use th e above num ber in all m a tte rs — w h e th e r p a y m e n t o r c o rre s p o n d e n c e — rela tin g to th is subscription. 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