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Federal R eserve Bank OF DALLAS WILLIAM H. WALLACE DALLAS, TEXAS 75222 F IR S T V ICE P R E S ID E N T May 27, 1986 Circular 86-50 TO: The Chief Executive Officer of all member banks and others concerned in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District SUBJECT Designated Nationals: FAC No. 102915 Havanatur 54 Rue Richelieu Paris, France FAC No. 102931 Compagnia Mercantile Internazionale a/k/a Comei SPA Milan, Italy (address unknown) FAC No. 102916 uiminter Ges.M.Bh. last known address) Vienna 1060 Mariahilferstrasse 77-79 FAC No. 102935 Gemex Aussenhandels GmbH Hanauer Landstr. 126-128 D-6000 Frankfurt/Main 1 DETAILS The Office of the Secretary of the Treasury has recently advised us that the above-named firms have been determined to be specially designated nationals under Section 515.306 of the Cuban Assets Control Regulations, 31 CFR, Part 515. All accounts in which the above named firms have any interest are accounts in which there exists the interest of a specially designated national. Therefore, all such accounts are blocked and no transactions concerning such accounts are permitted, except as authorized by a license issued by the Office of Foreign Assets Control. For additional copies of any circular please contact the Public Affairs Department at (214) 651-6289. Banks and others are encouraged to use the following incoming WATS numbers in contacting this Bank (800) 442-7140 (intrastate) and (800) 527-9200 (interstate). This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library ( - 2 - ATTACHMENTS Attached is a partial list of persons and firms who are designated (or specially designated) nationals as of April 1, 1986. M RE INFORMATION O For further information, please contact John Rogers in this Bank's Legal Department at (214) 651-6228. Sincerely yours, Office of Foreign Assets Control REVISED PARTIAL LIST OF DESIGNATED NATIONALS INCLUDING SPECIALLY DESIGNATED NATIONALS AS OF April 1, 1955 The attached is a partial list of persons and firms who are designated (or specially designated) nationals under the Treasury Department's Foreign Assets Control Regulations (31 CFF Part 500), or the Cuban Assets Control Regulations (31 CFR Part 515). The list is a partial one since the Treasury Department may not be aware of the facts of the individual situations of many persons and firms, located outside of Cambodia, Cuba, North Korea or Viet-Nam, which might qualify them as designated nationals of these countries. Also, names may have been omitted because it seemed unlikely the persons or firms would engage in transactions with Americans. Therefore, persons engaging in transactions with foreign nationals may not rely on the fact that any particular foreign national is not on the list as evidence that the foreign national is not a designated national. The Treasury Department regards it as incumbent upon all persons engaging in transactions with foreign nationals to take reasonable steps to ascertain for themselves whether or not such foreign nationals are designated nationals of Cambodia, Cuba, North Korea or Viet-Nam. Sections 500.302, 500.305, and 500.306 of the Foreign Assets Control Regulations and Sections 515.302, 515.305 and 515.306 of the Cuban Assets Control Regulations define "nationals", "designated nationals", and "specially designated nationals". Upon request, the Office of Foreign Assets Control will furnish copies of these Regulations to any recipients of the list who do not already have copies. Under the Regulations, persons (including firms) subject to the jurisdiction of the United States are prohibited from engaging, directly or indirectly, in transactions with any nationals of Cambodia, Cuba, North Korea, or Viet-Nam except as authorized by the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control, by.means of a general or specific license. OFFICE OF FOREIGN ASSETS CONTROL REVISED PARTIAL LIST OF DESIGNATED NATIONALS INCLUDING SPECIALLY DESIGNATED NATIONALS AS OF April 1, 19ยง6 DESIGNATED NATIONALS OF CUBA Abastecadora Naval Y Industrial, S.A. Panama (address unknown) (a/k/a Anainsa), Abdelnur, Nury De Jesus, Panama (address unknown) Aerotaxi Ejecutivo, S.A., Managua, Nicaragua Agencia de Viajes Guama (a/k/a Viajes Guama Tours, Guamatur, S.A. and Guama Tour), Bar Harbour Shopping Center, Via Italia, Panama City, Panama Alfonso, Carlos, (a/k/a Carlos Alfonso Gonzalez), Panama, (address unknown) American Air Ways Charters, Inc., 1840 West 49th St., Hialeah, Florida Anainsa (a/k/a Abastecadora Naval Y Industrial, S.A.) Panama (address unknown) Angelini, Alejandro Abood, Panama (address unknown) Anglo-Caribbean Shipping Co., Ltd. (trading as Avia Import), Ibex House, the Minories, London EC 3N 1 DY, England Aresnio, Antonio Delgado, Panama (address unknown) Batista, Miguel, Panama (address unknown) Bewell Corporation, Inc., Panama (address unknown) Boileau, Pierre - 1078 Rue Champigny, Duvernay, Quebec, Canada Borges (or Borjes), Jesus Rodriguez, (address unknown) Boutique La Maison, 42 Via Brasil, Panama City, Panama Burgan International, Kuwait (address unknown) Caballero, Roger Montanes (a/k/a Roger Montanes and Roger Edward Dooley), Panama (address unknown) - 2- Carballosa, Alexis Eneilo (Hernandez), Milan, Italy (address unknown) Caribbean Happy Lines (a/k/a Caribbean Happy Lines Shipping Co.) Panama (address unknown) Carisub, S.A., Panama (address unknown) Chamet Import S.A., Panama (address unknown) Cimex, S.A. Panama (address unknown) Colony Trading, S.A., Panama (address unknown) Comercial de Rodajes Y Maquinaria, S.A., (a/k/a Crymsa) Jose Lazaro Galdeano 6-6, 28016 Madrid, Spain Comercial Muralla, S.A. (a/k/a Muralla, S.A. Panama City, Panama Compania Pesquera Internacional, S.A., Panama (address unknown) Contex, S.A., Panama (address unknown) Crymsa (a/k/a Comercial de Rodajes Y Maquinaria, S.A.), Jose Lazaro Galdeano 6-6, 28016 Madrid, Spain Cuenca, Ramon Cesar, Panama (address unknown) CUFLET a/k/a La Empresa Cubana de Fletes (The Cuban Freight Enterprise): Buenos Aires, Argentina? Varna, Bulgaria; Montreal, Canada; Rostock, German Democratic Republic; Genoa, Italy; Pyongyang, Korea (Peoples Democratic Republic); Rotterdam, Netherlands; Syczecin, Poland; Moscow, Soviet Union; Barcelona, Spain Cumexint, S.A., 1649 Adolfo Prieto, Colonia del Valle, Mexico City, Mexico Delvest Holding, S.A. (a/k/a Delvest Holding Company) Geneva, Switzerland (address unknown) Desarrollo Industrial Cubano Espanol, S.A. (a/k/a/ Dicesa), Paseo De La Castellana 157, Madrid, Spain, and Jose Lazaro Caldeano 6-6, 28016 Madrid, Spain Dicesa (a/k/a Desarrollo Industrial Cubano Espanol, S.A.) Paseo De La Castellana 157, Madrid Spain and Jose Lazaro Caldeano 6-6,28016, Madrid Spain Dooley, Michael P., Panama, (address unknown) Dooley, Roger Edward, (a/k/a Roger Montanes Caballero and Roger Montanes), Panama (address unknown) - 3- Echeverri, German, Panama (address unknown) ETCO International Commodities Ltd., London, England (address unknown) Fabro Investment, Galax Inc., Inc., Panama (address unknown) (a/k/a Galax Trading Co., Ltd.), 5250 Ferrier St., Montreal, Quebec Garcia Santamarina de la Torre, Alfredo Rafael, Panama (address unknown) see also "Santamarina" Gonzalez, Carlos Alfonso, (a/k/a Carlo Alfonso), Panama, (address unknown) Guama Tour (a/k/a Agencia de Viajes Guama, Viajes Guama Tours and Guamatur, S.A.), Bar Harbour Shopping Center, Via Italia, Panama City, Panama Guamatur, S.A. (a/k/a Agencia de Viajes Guama, Viajes Guama Tours and Guama Tour), Bar Harbour Shopping Center, Via Italia, Panama City, Panama Havanatur, S.A. Hialeah, Florida Havanatur, S.A., Panama City, Panama Havinpex, S.A. (a/k/a Transover, S.A.) Panama City, Panama Haya, Francisco, Panama (address unknown) Kol Investments, Inc., Miami, Florida (address unknown) La Empresa Cubana de Fletes a/k/a CUFLET (The Cuban Freight Enterprise): Buenos Aires, Argentina? Varna, Bulgaria? Montreal, Canada? Rostock, German Democratic Republic? Geno, Italy? Pyongyang, Korea (Peoples Democratic Republic)? Rotterdam, Netherlands? Syczecin, Poland? Moscow, Soviet Union? Barcelona, Spain Leybda Corporation, S.A., Panama (address unknown) Louth Holdings, S.A., Panama (address unknown) Marisco (or Mariscos) de Farallon, S.A. Panama (address unknown) Marketing Associates Corporation, Calle 52 E, Campo Alegre Panama City, Panama Mercurius Import/Export Company, Panama, S.A., Calle C, Edificio 18, Box 4048, Colon Free Zone, Panama - 4- Montanes, Roger, (a/k/a Roger Montanes Caballero and Roger Edward Dooley), Panama (address unknown) Montanez, Michael, Panama (address unknown) Moonex International, S.A., Kingston, Jamaica Moonex International, S.A., Panama (address unknown) Muralla, S.A. (a/k/a Comercial Muralla, S.A.) Panama City, Panama Nippon-Caribbean Shipping Co., Ltd. Chuo-Ku, Akasaki - Chuo 1-1 Akasaki Bldg., Tokyo Ortega, Dario, Panama (address unknown) Panoamericana, Panama, (address unknown) Pena, Victor, Panama (address unknown) Perez, Alfonso, Panama (address unknown) Perez, Roberto (Roque), Panama (address unknown) Pescados Y Mariscos de Panama (a/k/a Pesmar (or Pezmar) S.A., Panama City, Panama (address unknown) Pesmar (or Pezmar) S.A. (a/k/a Pescados y Mariscos de Panama), Panama City, Panama (address unknown) Pina, Dario Ortega, Edificio Saldivar, Panama City, Panama Presna Latina Canada Ltd., 1010 0 Rue Ste. Catherine, Montreal PQ H303 IGI, Canada Prima Export/import, Jamaica (address unknown) Promotora Andina, S.A. Quito, Ecuador Reciclaje Industrial, S.A. Panama (address unknown) Reyes, Antonio Pedro (Cruz), Milan, Italy (address unknown) Romeo, Charles (a/k/a Charles Henri Robert Romeo), Panama (address unknown) Santamarina, de la Torre Rafael Garcia, Panama, (address unknown) - see also "Garcia" Servimpex, S.A., Panama (address unknown) - 5- Servinaves, S.A., Panama (address unknown) Siboney Internacional, S.A. Edificio Balmoral, 82 Via Argentina, Panama City, Panama Siboney Internacional, S.A., Venezuela (address unknown) Societa Commercia Minerali E Metalli, SRL (a/k/a SOCOMET, SPA) Milan, Italy (address unknown) SOCOMET, SPA (a/k/a Societa Commercia Minerali E Metalli, SRL Milan, Italy (address unknown) Soler, Guillermo Jiminez, Panama, (address unknown) Stern, Alfred Kaufman (last known address Prague, Czechoslovakia, street address unknown) Taller De Reparaciones Navales S. A. (a/k/a Tarena), Panama (address unknown) Tarena, S.A. (a/k/a Taller De Repraciones Navales S.A.), Panama, (address unknown) Transover, S.A. (a/k/a Havinpex, S.A.) Panama City, Panama Travel Services, Inc., Hialeah, Florida Treviso Trading Corporation, Edificio Banco de Boston, Panama City, Panama Trober, S.A. (a/k/a Trover, S.A.) Edificio Saldivar Panama City, Panama Valdez, Osvaldo Antonio Castell, Panama (address unknown) Vasquez, Oscar D. (a/k/a Vazques, Oscar D.) (address unknown) Viajes Guama Tours (a/k/a Guamatur, S. A., Guama Tour and Agencia de Viajes Guama) Bar Harbour Shopping Center, Via Italia, Panama City, Panama Vinales Tour, Mexico City, Cancun, Monterey, and Guadalajara, Mexico (Street addresses unknown) Wittgreen, Carlos (a/k/a Carlos Wittgreen Antinori, Carlos Antonio Wittgreen A., and Carlos Antonio Wittgreen), Panama, (address unknown) - 6- DESIGNATED NATIONALS OF CAMBODIA Ren Fung Co., Ltd., 242 Des Voeux Road, Central 8/F, Hong Kong DESIGNATED NATIONALS OF NORTH KOREA (None Listed) DESIGNATED NATIONALS OF VIET-NAM Liberation Red Cross, The - (See National Liberation Front of South Viet-Nam Red Cross) Mission of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam Pusechnaya, 5, Moscow, USSR Mission of the National Liberation Front of South Viet-Nam in Algeria, The - (See Representation du Front National de Liberation du Sud Vietnam) Mission of the National Liberation Front of South Viet-Nam in Czechoslovakia, The - (See Representation du Front National de Liberation du Sud Vietnam on Republic Socialiste de Techecoslovaquie) National Liberation Front of South Viet-Nam (a/k/a The Viet Cong) National Liberation Front of South Viet-Nam Red Cross (a/k/a The Liberation Red Cross) Nguyen Van Hieu - c/o Representation du Front National de Liberation du Sud Vietnam en Republique Socialiste de Tchecoslovaquie, Prague, Czechoslovakia - (a/k/a Mission of the National Liberation Front of South Viet-Nam) Nguyen Van Triet - 100-60972, c/o Ceskoslovenska Obchodni Banka, Prague, Czechoslovakia Representation du Front National de Liberation du Sud Vietnam (a/k/a The Mission of the National Liberation Front of South Viet-Nam in Algeria) - 10 Rue Langevin (Golf) El Mouradia, Algiers, Algeria Representation du Front National de Liberation du Sud Vietnam en Republique Socialiste de Tchecoslovaquie - (a/k/a The Mission of the National Liberation Front of South Viet-Nam in Czechoslovakia) - Nekazanka 7, Czechoslovakia - 7- Trom Xhan Pho - (See Xhon Po Shue) Viet Cong, The (See National Liberation Front of South Viet-Nam) Xhon Po Shue - (a/k/a Trom Xhan Pho)- Room 608, 2A Des Voeux Road, Hong Kong (Cable Address: Vinacor Hong Kong)