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Dallas, Texas, December 23,1948


To the Par Remitting Nonmember Banks
in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District:
Reference is made to our circular letter of November 30, 1948, in
which we quoted a statement by the Board of Governors of the Fed­
eral Reserve System with respect to amendments to Regulation J.
These amendments, which become effective January 1, 1949, relate
to “ Delayed Return of Unpaid Items.” We are now enclosing a copy
of the amended Regulation J for your files.
Remittances for our cash letters should be made on the day of
receipt at par in immediately available or acceptable funds. We will
receive for credit or refund cash items which are returned to us by
collecting and remitting banks in accordance with paragraph (4) of
Section 5 of Regulation J. Such provision of Regulation J does not
mean, however, that any bank is required to follow the practice of
delaying the return of unpaid cash items; and any collecting or remit­
ting bank may continue to return unpaid cash items with its remit­
tance on the day of receipt. Each cash item returned unpaid should
bear a notation clearly indicating the reason therefor.
If unpaid items are returned on the day of receipt, they should
be deducted from and returned with the remittance for the cash letter
in which the items were received. Those items for which remittance
has been made on the day of receipt and on which payment is revoked
in accordance with paragraph (4) of Section 5 of Regulation J may
be deducted from and returned with the remittance for the cash letter
received the following day.
Yours very truly,

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

of the



This Regulation as printed herewith is in the
form as amended effective January 1, 1949

Any inquiry relating to this regulation should be addressed to the
Federal Reserve bank of the district in which the inquiry arises.

As amended, effective January 1, 1949



Section 16 of the Federal Reserve A ct authorizes the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System to require each Federal
Reserve bank to exercise the functions of a clearing house for its mem­
ber banks, and section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended by
the A ct approved June 21, 1917, authorizes each Federal Reserve
bank to receive from any nonmember bank or trust company, solely
for the purposes of exchange or of collection, deposits of current
funds in lawful money, national-bank notes, Federal Reserve notes,
checks and drafts payable upon presentation, or maturing notes and
bills, provided such nonmember bank or trust company maintains
with its Federal Reserve bank a balance sufficient to offset the items
in transit held for its account by the Federal Reserve bank.


In pursuance of the authority vested in it under these provisions
of law, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, desir­
ing to afford both to the public and to the various banks of the
country a direct, expeditious, and economical system of check col­
lection and settlement of balances, has arranged to have each Fed­
eral Reserve bank exercise the functions of a clearing house and col­
lect checks for such o f its member banks as desire to avail themselves
of its privileges and for such nonmember State banks and trust com ­
panies as may maintain with the Federal Reserve bank balances suf­
ficient to qualify them under the provisions o f section 13 to send
items to Federal Reserve banks for purposes of exchange or o f col­
lection. Such nonmember State banks and trust companies will here­
inafter be referred to as nonmember clearing banks.
Each Federal Reserve bank shall exercise the functions of a clearing
house and collect checks under the general terms and conditions here­
inafter set forth, and each member bank and nonmember clearing
bank shall cooperate fully in the system of check clearance and col­
lection for which provision is herein made.

Each Federal Reserve bank shall receive at par from member
and nonmember clearing banks in its district, from other Federal



Reserve banks, and from all member and nonmember clearing banks
in other Federal Reserve districts which are authorized to route direct
for the credit of their respective Federal Reserve banks, ch eck s1
drawn on all member and nonmember clearing banks of its district,
and checks drawn on all other nonmember banks of its district which
arc collectible at par in funds acceptable to it.
(2) Each Federal Reserve bank may receive at par from member
and nonmember clearing banks in its district, checks drawn on all
member and nonmember clearing banks in other Federal Reserve
districts, and checks drawn on all other nonmember banks in other
Federal Reserve districts which are collectible at par in funds accept­
able to the collecting Federal Reserve bank.
(3) N o Federal Reserve bank shall receive on deposit or for col­
lection any check drawn on any nonmember bank which cannot be
collected at par in funds acceptable to the Federal Reserve bank.



(1) Each Federal Reserve bank will publish a time schedule show­
ing the time at which any item sent to it will be counted as reserve
and become available for withdrawal or other use by the sending
bank. For all checks received, the sending bank will be given imme­
diate credit, or deferred credit, in accordance with such time sched­
ule, and as provided below.
(2) For all such checks as are received for immediate credit in
accordance with such time schedule, immediate credit, subject to final
payment, will be given upon the books of the Federal Reserve bank
at full face value in the reserve account or clearing account upon day
o f receipt, and the proceeds will at once be counted as reserve and
become available for withdrawal or other use by the sending bank;
provided, however, that the Federal Reserve bank may in its discre­
tion refuse at any time to permit the withdrawal or other use of
credit given for any item for which the Federal Reserve bank has
not yet received payment in actually and finally collected funds.
(3) For all such checks as are received for deferred credit in accord­
ance with such time schedule, deferred credit, subject to final p ay­
ment, will be entered upon the books of the Federal Reserve bank at
full face value, but the proceeds will not be counted as reserve nor
become available for withdrawal or other use by the sending bank
until such time as may be specified in such time schedule,2 at which
*A check is generally defined as a draft or order upon a bank or banking house,
purporting to be drawn upon a deposit of funds, for the payment at all events of a
certain sum of money to the order of a certain person therein named, or to him
or his order, or (o bearer, and payable on demand.
-F or rules for computation of reserves and penalties for deficiencies in reserves,
see Regulation D, Secs. 2 and 3.



time credit will be transferred from the deferred account to the re­
serve account or clearing account subject to final payment and will
then be counted as reserve and become available for withdrawal or
other use by the sending bank; provided, however, that the Federal
Reserve bank may in its discretion refuse at any time to permit the
withdrawal or other use of credit given for any item for which the
Federal Reserve bank has not yet received payment in actually and
finally collected funds.

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System hereby
authorizes the Federal Reserve banks to handle such checks subject
to the following terms and conditions; and each member and non­
member clearing bank which sends checks to any Federal Reserve
bank for deposit or collection shall by such action be deemed (a) to
authorize the Federal Reserve banks to handle such checks subject
to the following terms and conditions; (b) to warrant its own author­
ity to give the Federal Reserve banks such authority; (c) to agree
to indemnify any Federal Reserve bank for any loss or expense sus­
tained (including but not limited to attorneys’ fees and expenses of
litigation) resulting from the failure of such sending bank to have
such authority, or resulting from such Federal Reserve bank’s guar­
anty of prior endorsements, or resulting from any action taken by
the Federal Reserve bank within the scope of its authority for the
purpose of collecting such checks; and (d) to guarantee all prior
endorsements on such checks whether or not a specific guaranty is
incorporated in an endorsement of the sending bank.
(1) A Federal Reserve bank will act only as agent o f the bank
from which it receives such checks and will assume no liability except
for its own negligence and its guaranty of prior endorsements.
(2) A Federal Reserve bank may present such checks for payment
or send such checks for collection direct to the bank on which they
are drawn or at which they are payable, or in its discretion may
forward them to another agent with authority to present them for
payment or send them for collection direct to the bank on which
they are drawn or at which they are payable.
A Federal Reserve
bank, or any agent to which such checks are forwarded by a Federal
Reserve bank, may present such checks pursuant to any special col lection agreement not inconsistent with the terms of this regulation
or may present them through a clearing house su bject to the rules
and practices thereof.
(3) A Federal Reserve bank may, in its discretion and at its option,
either directly or through or from an agent, accept in payment of or
in remittance for such checks, cash, bank drafts, transfers of funds or



bank credits, or other forms of payment or remittance, acceptable to
the collecting Federal Reserve bank. The Federal Reserve bank shall
not be liable for the failure of the drawee bank or any agent to pay
or remit for such checks, nor for any loss resulting from the accept­
ance from the drawee bank or any collecting agent, in lieu of cash,
of any other form o f payment or remittance authorized herein, nor
for the nonpayment of, or failure to realize upon, any bank draft or
other medium of payment or remittance which may be accepted from
the drawee bank or any collecting agent.
(41 Any check which a Federal Reserve bank or an agent thereof
presents to the drawee bank for payment or sends to the drawee bank
for collection, and for which remittance or settlement is made by the
drawee bank on the day on which it receives3 such check, may be
returned for credit or refund at any time prior to midnight of the
drawee’s next business day following such day of receipt or prior to
the time provided by applicable clearing house rule or special collec­
tion agreement, whichever is earlier, except that this paragraph shall
not apply to checks presented over the counter.
(5) Checks received by a Federal Reserve bank which are p ay­
able in its own district will ordinarily be forwarded or presented direct
to the banks on which they are drawn, and such banks will be required
to remit or pay therefor at par in such one or more of the forms of
payment or remittance authorized under paragraph (3) hereof as may
be acceptable to the Federal Reserve bank.
(6) Checks received by a Federal Reserve bank payable in other
districts will ordinarily be forwarded for collection to the Federal
Reserve bank o f the district in which such checks are payable; pro­
vided, however, that, where arrangements can be made satisfactory
to the collecting bank or agent and to the Federal Reserve bank of
the district in which such checks are payable, any such checks may
be forwarded for collection direct to the bank on which they are
drawn or at which they are payable, or may be forwarded for col­
lection to another agent with authority to present them for payment
direct to the bank on which they are drawn or at which they are
payable. All such checks shall be handled subject to all the terms
and conditions of this regulation.
(7! W ith respect to any check sent direct by a member or non­
member clearing bank in one district to a Federal Reserve bank in
3A check received by a drawee batik on a day other than its business day, or
received on a business day after its regular business hours or during afternoon or
evening periods when it has reopened (or remained open) for limited functions,
■shall be deemed to have been received on its next succeeding business day.



another district, the relationships and the rights and liabilities existing
between the member or nonmember clearing bank, the Federal Reserve
bank o f its district and the Federal Reserve bank to which the check is
sent will be the same, and the relevant provisions of this regulation will
apply, as though the member or nonmember clearing bank had sent
such check to the Federal Reserve bank of its district with its endorse­
ment and guaranty of prior endorsements and such Federal Reserve
bank had sent the check to the other Federal Reserve bank with its
endorsement and guaranty of prior endorsements.
18) Bank drafts received by a Federal Reserve bank in payment
of or in remittance for checks handled under the terms o f this regu­
lation shall likewise be handled for collection subject to all the terms
and conditions of this regulation.
191 The amount o f any check for which paym ent in actually and
finally collected funds is not received shall be charged back to the
forwarding bank, regardless of whether or not the check itself can
be returned. In such event, neither the owner or holder o f any such
check, nor the bank which sent such check to the Federal Reserve
bank for collection shall have any right of recourse upon, interest in,
or right of payment from, any reserve balance, clearing account,
deposit account, or other funds of the drawee bank or o f any bank
to which such checks have been sent for collection, in the possession
of the Federal Reserve bank. N o draft, authorization to charge, or
other order, upon any reserve balance, clearing account, deposit
account, or other funds of a paying, remitting, or collecting bank in
the possession of a Federal Reserve bank, issued for the purpose of
settling items handled under the terms of this regulation will be paid,
acted upon, or honored after receipt by such Federal Reserve bank
of notice of suspension or closing of such paying, remitting, or col­
lecting bank.

Each Federal Reserve hank may also promulgate rules not incon­
sistent with the terms of the law or of this regulation, governing the
details of its operations in clearing and collecting checks and other
cash items. Such rules shall be set forth by the Federal Reserve bank
in its letters of instruction to its member and nonmember clearing
banks and shall be binding upon any member or nonmember clearing
bank which sends any check or other cash item to such Federal R e ­
serve bank for collection or to any other Federal Reserve bank for
the account of such Federal Reserve bank for collection.