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Federal reserve bank OF DALLAS Dallas, Texas, August 31,1951 DEFENSE BOND DRIVE September 3 - October 27 To the Chief Executive Officer o f the Bank addressed: The Secretary of the Treasury has announced that the Defense Bond Drive will begin on September 3 and will run through October 27. He has urged everyone to give his full support to the Drive so that the Drive’s objectives— to encourage the continued prac tice of thrift and savings on the part of every individual, to discourage inflationary spending, and to maintain and widen still further the distribution of the public d e b t will be fully accomplished. The management of this bank concurs wholeheartedly with the Treasury in this request. In the past the banking institutions of this District have taken a leading part in contributing to the success of savings bond drives. You are urged to give this Drive that same unlimited support. Among the things that you can do to help make the Defense Bond Drive a success are: (1) Identify your bank as an issuing agent in any newspaper advertisements or radio announcements that you may run between September 3 and October 27. (2) Use defense bond copy which can be made available to you by your County Chairman, in any institutional ads that you may run in newspapers or other publications during the Drive period. (3) Re-emphasize the value of the pay roll savings plan as an easy, certain, safe way for the average American worker to accumulate a nest egg of savings. (4) Re-emphasize in your institutional advertisements the bond-a-month plan as the best means for the self-employed, professional men, and farmers to develop a systematic plan of saving. (5) Banks located in agricultural areas can aid in the Defense Bond Drive and, thus, contribute toward achieving economic stability by encouraging farmers to place a part of the proceeds of their income from current farming operations in defense bonds. A supply of explanatory folders with detachable postage-paid authorization cards, which could be enclosed with your statements to depositors or distributed in other convenient ways, may be obtained from your County Chairman. The detachable authori zation card can be used for the purchase of defense bonds under the bond-a-month plan. Your support and cooperation are needed to make this Drive a success. Yours very truly, R. R. GILBERT President This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (