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Fe d e r a l R e se r v e

bank of

Da l l a s

D A L L A S 13, T E X A S

August 31, 1946

To the Bank Addressed:
The Dallas Morris Plan Bank, Dallas, Texas, has
notified us that its corporate name has been changed to
the "City State Bank of Dallas."

We are also informed

that checks drawn on the City State Bank of Dallas, a
nonmember bank located in the territory served by this
office, will be collectible through the Dallas Clearing
House, effective September 3, 1946.

Accordingly, cash

items drawn on that institution received for collection
by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas will be handled on
an immediate credit basis under the terms of our current
bulletin on Transit Operations.
This addition will be reflected in the September,
1946, supplement to the Federal Reserve Par List.

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (