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Federal Reserve Bank

D. M C T E E R , J R .






August 25, 1992



No t i ce 92-71

The C hief Exe cutive O f f i c e r o f each
member bank and o t h e r s concerned in
t h e Eleventh Federal Reserve D i s t r i c t
Ove r-the-C o u n t er (OTC) Margin Stocks

The Board o f Governors o f t h e Federal Reserve System has p u b l i s h e d a
r e v i s e d l i s t o f o v e r - t h e - c o u n t e r (OTC) s t o ck s t h a t are s u b j e c t t o i t s margin
r e g u l a t i o n s , e f f e c t i v e August 10, 1992. The Board p u b l i s h e s a complete l i s t
f o u r times a y e a r , and th e Federal R e g i s t e r announces a d d i t i o n s t o and
d e l e t i o n s from t h e l i s t .
The complete l i s t of OTC s t o ck s as o f February 10, 1992, i s a v a i l ­
able from th e Public A f f a i r s Department o f t h i s Bank upon r e q u e s t .
with th e l i s t i s a l i s t i n g of f o r e i g n margin s t o c k s . The f o r e i g n margin
s t o ck s l i s t e d a re fo r e i g n e q u it y s e c u r i t i e s e l i g i b l e f o r margin t r e a t m e n t a t
Attached i s a copy of t h e Federal R e g i s t e r announcement o f r e v i s i o n s
to th e l i s t o f OTC st o ck s as shown on pages 33101-04, Vol. 57, No. 144, dat e d
J u l y 27, 1992. There a re no a d d i t i o n s t o o r d e l e t i o n s from t h e l i s t i n g of
f o r e i g n margin s t o c k s .
For more informa tion re g a rd i n g marg in ab le OTC s t o ck r e q u i re m e n ts ,
p le a s e c o n t a c t Eugene Coy a t (214) 744-7484. For co p i e s o f t h e complete l i s t
or a d d i t i o n a l co pie s o f t h i s Bank’ s n o t i c e , p l e a s e c o n t a c t t h e P u b l i c A f f a i r s
Department a t (214) 922-5254.
S i n c e r e l y y o u rs ,

For additional copies, bankers and others are encouraged to use one of the following toll-free numbers in contacting the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas:
Dallas Office (800) 333-4460; El Paso Branch Intrastate (800) 592-1631, Interstate (800) 351-1012; Houston Branch Intrastate (800) 392-4162,
Interstate (800) 221-0363; San Antonio Branch Intrastate (800) 292-5810.

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 144 / Monday, July 27, 1992 / Rules and Regulations


12 CFR Parts 207,220, 221 and 224
[R e g u la tio n s G, T, U a n d X]

Securities Credit Transactions; List of
Marginable OTC Stocks; List of
Foreign Margin Stocks
Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System.
ACTION: Final rule; determination of
applicability of regulations.

The List of Marginable OTC
Stocks (OTC List) is comprised of stocks
traded over-the-counter (OTC) in the
United States that have been
determined by the Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System to be
subject to the margin requirements
under certain Federal Reserve
regulations. The List of Foreign Margin
Stocks (Foreign List) represents foreign
equity securities that have met the
Board’s eligibility criteria under
Regulation T. The OTC List and the
Foreign List are published four times a
year by the Board. This document sets
forth additions to or deletions from the
previous OTC List. There are no
additions to or deletions from the
previous Foreign List. Both Lists were
last published on April 27,1992 and
effective on May 11,1992.
EFFECTIVE DATE: August 10, 1992.


Peggy Wolffrum, Securities Regulation
Analyst, Division of Banking
Supervision and Regulation, (202) 452­
2781, Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, W ashington, DC 20551.
For the hearing impaired only, contact
Dorothea Thompson,
Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
(TDD) at (202) 452-3544.
below are additions to or deletions from
the OTC List. This supersedes the last
OTC List which w as effective May 11,


Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 144 / Monday, July 27, 1992 / Rules and Regulations

1992. Additions and deletions to the
OTC List were last published on April
27,1992 (57 FR 15220), A copy of the
complete OTC List is available from the
Federal Reserve Banks.
The OTC List includes those stocks
that meet the criteria in Regulations G. T
and U (12 CFR parts 207, 220 and 221,
respectively). This determination also
affects the applicability of Regulation X
(12 CFR part 224). These stocks have the
degree of national investor interest, the
depth and breadth of market, and the
availability of information respecting
the stock and its issuer to w arrant
regulation in the same fashion as
exchange-traded securities. The OTC
List also includes any OTC stock
designated under a Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) rule as
qualified for trading in the national
market system (NMS security).
Additional OTC stocks may be
designated as NMS securities in the
interim between the Board's quarterly
publications. They will become
automatically marginable upon the
effective date of their NMS designation.
The names of these stocks are available
at the Board and the SEC and will be
incorporated into the Board's next
quarterly publication of the OTC List.
There are no new additions, deletions
or changes to the Board’s Foreign List,
which was last published April 27,1992
(57 FR 15220) and effective May 11,1992,
This notice serves as repubUcation of
that List with a new effective date of
August 10,1992. The Foreign List
includes those securities that meet the
criteria in Regulation T and are eligible
for margin treatment at broker-dealers
on the same basis as domestic margin
securities. A copy of the complete
Foreign List is available from the
Federal Reserve Banks.
Public Comment and Deferred Effective
The requirements of 5 U.S.C. 553 with
respect to notice and public
participation were not followed in
connection with the issuance of this
amendment due to the objective
character of the criteria for inclusion
and continued inclusion on the Lists
specified in 12 CFR 207.6 (a) and (b),
220.17 (a), (b), (c) and (d), and 221.7 (a)
and (b). No additional useful
information would be gained by public
participation. The full requirements of 5
U.S.C. 553 with respect to deferred
effective date have not been followed in
connection with the issuance of this
am endment because the Board finds
that it is in the public interest to
facilitate investment and credit
decisions based in whole or in part upon
the composition of these Lists as soon as

possible. The Board has responded to a
request by the public and allowed a
two-week delay before the Lists are
List of Subjects
12 CFR Part 207
Banks, Banking, Credit, Federal
Reserve System, Margin, Margin
requirements, National M arket System
(NMS Security), Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Securities.
12 CFR Part 220
Banks, Banking, Brokers, Credit,
Federal Reserve System, Margin, Margin
requirements, Investments, National
M arket System (NMS Security),
Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Securities.
12 CFR Part 221
Banks, Banking, Credit, Federal
Reserve System, Margin, Margin
requirements. National M arket System
(NMS Security), Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Securities.
12 CFR Part 224
Banks, Banking, Borrowers, Credit,
Federal Reserve System, Margin, Margin
requirements. Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements. Securities.
Accordingly, pursuant to the authority
of sections 7 and 23 of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as am ended (15
U.S.C. 78g and 78w), and in accordance
with 12 CFR 207.2(k) and 207.6
(Regulation G), 12 CFR 220.2(u) and
220.17 (Regulation T), and 12 CFR
221.2(j) and 221.7 (Regulation U), there is
set forth below a listing of deletions
from and additions to the OTC List.
Deletions From the List of Marginable
OTC Stocks
Stocks R em oved fo r Failing C ontinued
Listing Requirem ents
American Nursey Products, Inc.
$.10 par common
Branford Savings Bank
$1.00 par common
College Bound, Inc.
$.001 par common
Cornucopia Resources Ltd.
No par common
Covington Development Group, Inc.
$.01 par common
D.O.C. Optics Corporation
$.10 par common
DVI Health Services Corporation
W arrants (expire 02-07-96)
Equitable of Iowa Companies
Class A, no par common
Fairfield First Bank & Trust
$5.00 par common
Giant Bay Resources, Ltd.

No par common
Golden Cycle God Corporation
No par common
Grubb & Ellis Realty Income Trust
No par common
Hall Financial Group, Inc.
$.05 par common
Imnet, Inc.
$.05 par common
Inrad, Inc.
$.01 par common
MPSI Systems Inc.
$.05 par common
Paul Harris Stores, Inc.
No par common
Photon Technology International
No par common
Polifly Financial Corporation
$.10 par common
Programming and Systems, Inc.
$.04 par common
Simetco, Inc.
$1.00 par common
Super Rite Corporation
$.01 par exchangeable preferred
Tele-Communications, Inc.
7% convertible subordinated
Telemundo Group, Inc.
$.01 par common
USA Bancorp Inc.
$1.00 par common
Ventura Entertainment Group, Ltd
$.001 par common
Stocks R em oved fo r Listing on a
N ational Securities Exchange or Being
Involved in an A cquisition
Air M ethods Corporation
$.01 par common
Ameribanc, Inc.
$5.00 par common
American Television and
Communications Corp.
Class A, $.01 pa:r common
Biomedical Dynamics Corporation
No par common
DVI Health Services Corporation
$.005 par common
American Depositary Receipts
F&M Financial Services Corporation
$.25 par common
FB & T Corporation
$1.00 par common
Health Management Associates, Inc.
Class A, $.01 par common
Hilb, Rogal and Hamilton Company
No par common
Hospital Staffing Services, Inc.
$.001 par common
International Mobile Machines
$.01 par common
Interstate Bakeries Corporation
$.01 par common
Manufacturers National Corporation
$10,00 par common

Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 144 / Monday, July 27, 1992 / Rules and Regulations
Medical Care International
$.01 par common
Mediplex Group Inc.
$.10 p ar common
M erchants National Corporation
No par common
Mips Computer Systems, Inc.
No par common
Mor Fio Industries, Inc.
No par common, $.50 stated value
Nymagic, Inc.
$1.00 par common
Omni Capital Group, Inc.
$1.00 par common
Oriental Federal Savings Bank (Puerto
$1.00 p ar common
OW Office W arehouse, Inc.
$.01 par common
Pic ‘N’ Save Corporation
$.04-1/6 par common
Prime Bancshares, Inc.
$.01 par common
Royal Appliance Manufacturing Corp.
No par common
Salem Carpet Mills, Inc.
$1.00 par common
Security Bancorp Inc.
$.01 par common
Solectron Corporation
No par common
Stuart Hall Company, Inc.
$.25 par common
Sulcus Computer Corporation
No par common
No par common
W estm oreland Coal Company
$2.50 par common
Additions to tbs OTC List
A dvanta Corporation
Class B, non-voting, $.01 par common
All American Semiconductor, Inc.
Class A, w arrants (expire 06-18-97)
Class B, w arrants (expire 06-18-97)
All for a Dollar, Inc.
$.01 par common
Allied Bank Capital, Inc. (Pennsylvania)
$1.00 par common
Allied Capital Commercial Corporation
$.0001 par common
Allied W aste Industries, Inc.
$.01 par common
American Funeral Services Corporation
$.05 par common
Argus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
$.001 par common
A rkansas Best Corporation
$.01 par common
Arrow International, Inc.
No par common
Atlantic Gulf Communities Corporation
$.10 par common
Automotive Industries Holding, Inc.
Class A, $.01 par common
AW Computer Systems, Inc.
$.01 par common
Basin Exploration, Inc.

$.01 par common
Bed Bath & Beyond, Inc.
$.01 par common
Ben Franklin Retail Stores, Inc.
$.01 par common
Bio-Technology General Corporation
W arrants (expire 12-19-95)
W arrants (expire 05-07-96)
Bio-Vascular, Inc.
$.01 par common
Biocircuits Corporation
$.001 par common
Bioject Medical Systems, Ltd.
No par common
Bok Financial Corporation
$.00006 par common
BPI Environmental, Inc.
$.01 par common
British Bio-Technology Group PLC
American Depository Receipts
Broadway & Seymour, Inc.
$.01 par common
Buckle, Inc., The
$.05 p ar common
Canandaiga Wine Company, Inc.
Class A, $.01 par common
Class B, $.01 par common
Candela Laser Corporation
W arrants (expire 11-08-2000)
C antab Pharmaceuticals PLC
American Depository Receipts
Capital Bancorporation, Inc. (Missouri)
Depository Shares
Cardiovascular Imaging Systems, Inc.
No p ar common
Ccair, Inc.
$.01 par common
CF Bancorp, Inc.
$.01 par common
Cholestech Corporation
No par common
Command Security Corporation
$.0001 par common
Cooperative Bank for Savings, Inc.
$1.00 p ar common
Cott Corporation
No par common
Credit A cceptance Corporation
No par common
Crosscomm Corporation
$.01 par common
Data Research Associates, Inc.
$.01 par common
D ataw atch Corporation
$.01 par common, w arrants (expire 05­
Dateq Information Network, Inc.
$.01 par common
Destron/IDI, Inc.
No par common
Diceon Electronics, Inc.
5%% convertible subordinated
debentures due 2012
Electronic Information Systems, Inc.
$.01 par common
Enzymatics, Inc.
$.01 par common
Equitrac Corporation
$.01 par common


Excel Technology, Inc.
$.001 par common
Express Scripts, Inc.
Class A, $.01 par common
Financial Federal Corporation (New
$.50 par common
Finish Line, Inc., The
Class A, $.01 par common
First Cash, Inc.
$.01 par common
First Colonial Bancshares, Inc. (Illinois)
Depository shares
First Savings Bank, SLA
$.01 par common
Firstfed Bancshares, Inc.
$.01 par common
FM Properties, Inc.
$.01 par common
Galey & Lord, Inc.
$.01 par common
General Cable Corporation
$1.00 par common
G reat American Recreation, Inc.
$1.00 par convertible preferred
GTE California, Inc.
5% cumulative preferred
GTI Corporation
$.04 par common
Hall-Mark Electronics Corporation
$.01 par common
Hailwood Consolidated Resources
$.01 par common
Hampshire Group, Limited
$.10 par common
Healthcare Imaging Services, Inc.
$.01 par common, w arrants (expire 11­
Hemacare Corporation
No par common
Hinsdale Financial Corporation
$.01 par common
Holson Burnes Group, Inc., The
$.01 par common
Homecare Management, Inc.
$.03 par common
Horton, D.R., Inc.
$.01 par common
Imperial Credit Industries, Inc.
No par common
Intermedia Communications of Florida,
$.01 par common
Jennifer Convertibles, Inc.
$.02 par common
Kronos Incorporated
$.01 par common
Krystal Company, The
No par common
Lasersight, Incorporated
$.01 par common
Learning Company, The
No par common
LGF Bancorp, Inc. (Illinois)
$.01 par common
Liberty National Bank (California)
$3.33 Ya par common


Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 144 / Monday, July 27, 1992 / Rules and Regulations

Lida Inc.
Class A, $.01 par common
Life USA Holding, Inc.
$.01 par common
Medi-Mail, Inc.
$.001 par common
Medquist, Inc.
No par common
M ethanex Corporation
No par common
Metricom, Inc.
$.001 par common
Michigan Financial Corportion
$1.00 par common
Micro Focus Group Public Limited
American Depository Receipts
Microtouch Systems, Inc.
$.01 par common
Mid-Am, Inc.
No par convertible preferred
M omingstar Group Inc., The
$.02 par common
National Community Banks, Inc.
Series B, $1.9375 par cumulative
convertible preferred
National Vision Associates, Ltd.
$.01 par common
Natural Wonders, Inc.
$.01 par common
Neozyme II Corporation
Units {expire 12-31-96)
Netframe Systems Incorported
$.001 par common
N etwork Computing Devices, Inc.
No par common
Omega Health Systems, Inc,
$.06 par common
On The Border Cafes, Inc.
$.02 par common
Qnbancorp, Inc. (New York)
6.75% Series B, $1.00 par cumulative
convertable preferred
Optical D ata Systems, Inc.
No par common
Orthofix International N.V.
$.10 par common
OSB Financial Corporation
$.01 par common
OTR Express, Inc.
$.01 par common
Pacificare Health Systems, Inc.
Class B, $.01 par common
Perseptive Biosystems, Inc.
$.01 par common
Phoenix RE Corporation
Depository shares
Phoenix Resource Companies, Inc., The
$.001 par common
Premiere Radio Networks, Inc.
No par common
Princeton National Bancorp, Inc.
$5.00 par common
Pure Tech International, Inc.
$.05 par common
Puroflow Incorporated
$.06% par common
Quantum Restaurant Group, Inc.

$.01 par common
Quidel Corporation
W arrants (expire 03-20-2000)
Regal Communications Corporation
$.001 par common
Rehabclinics, Inc.
$.01 par common
Rival Company, The
$.01 par common
Salem Sportsw ear Corporation
$.01 par common
Sanborn, Inc.
Series A, convertible preferred stock
Class A, redeemable w arrants (expire
Sapiens International Corporation N.V.
DG 1,00 par common
Second Bancorp, Incorporated (Ohio)
7V2% no par cumulative convertible
Small’s Oilfield Services Corporation
$.001 par common, w arrants (expire
Software Etc. Stores, Inc.
$.01 par common
Solo Serve Corporation
$.01 par common
Southwest Bancshares, Inc. (Illinois)
$.01 par common
Spacelabs Medical, Inc.
$.01 par common
Spectrum Information Technologies, Inc.
$.001 p ar common
Class A, w arrants (expire 06-11-93)
Sports Heroes, Inc.
$.001 par common
Sportstown, Inc.
$.01 par common
Stac Electronics
No par common
Starbucks Corporation
No par common
Stein Mart, Inc.
No par common
Steris Corporation
No par common
Sterling W est Bancorp
No par common
Sunrise Leasing Corporation
$.01 par common
Supermac Technology, Inc.
$.001 par common
Tapistron International, Inc.
$.0004 par common, w arrants (expire
Tecumseh Products Company
Class A, $1.00 par common
Theratech, Inc.
$.01 par common
Today’s Man, Inc.
No par common
Transmedia Network Inc.
$.02 par common
TSI Corporation
W arrants (expire 01-31-96)
United States Paging Corporation
$.01 par common
Universal Hospital Services, Inc.
$.01 par common

Universal Seismic Associates, Inc.
$.001 par common
Valence Technology, Inc.
$.001 par common
Vmark Software, Inc.
$.01 par common
W edco Technology, Inc.
$.10 par common
W estco Bancorp, Inc.
$.01 par common
Winthrop Resources Corporation
$.01 par common
Younkers, Inc.
$.01 par common
By order of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, acting by its
Director of the Division of Banking
Supervision and Regulation pursuant to
delegated authority (12 CFR 265.7{f)(10)), July

William W. Wiles,
Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 92-17622 Filed 7-24-92; 8:45 am]