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Advanced Search About the Fed News & Events Monetary Policy Supervision & Regulation Payment Systems Economic Research Data Consumers & Communities Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, provides the nation with a safe, flexible, and stable monetary and financial system. Home > News & Events > Press Releases Press Release June 02, 2010 Consumer Advisory Council appointment For immediate release Share The Federal Reserve Board has named Maeve Elise Brown, Executive Director of Housing and Economic Rights Advocates (HERA) in Oakland, California, to fill a vacancy on its Consumer Advisory Council. The Council advises the Board on the exercise of its responsibilities under the Consumer Credit Protection Act and on other matters in the area of consumer financial services. More information about the Council is available at: Ms. Brown leads HERA, a California legal service and advocacy organization. HERA's core practice areas are predatory or unfair mortgage lending, foreclosure prevention, and fair housing, and the organization offers technical assistance, training, and capacity-building services in addition to direct legal representation. Previously, Ms. Brown worked at the National Housing Law Project, where she directed the organization's initiatives on predatory lending, Section 8 homeownership, and Rural Housing Service foreclosure avoidance. She also founded and served as the director of the community economic development unit at a community law center in Berkeley, California. She is a board member of Americans for Fairness in Lending and is a member of the National Association of Consumer Attorneys. Ms. Brown's term on the Council will end in December 2012. Last Update: June 02, 2010 BOARD OF GOVERNORS of the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM About the Fed News & Events Monetary Policy Supervision & Regulation Payment Systems Economic Research Data Consumers & Communities Financial Stability TOOLS AND INFORMATION STAY CONNECTED Contact Publications Freedom of Information (FOIA) Office of Inspector General Budget & Performance | Audit No FEAR Act EspaƱol Website Policies | Privacy Program Accessibility BOARD OF GOVERNORS of the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 20th Street and Constitution Avenue N.W., Washington, DC 20551