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FE D ER AL R ESER VE BAN K OF DALLAS Dallas, Texas, July 22, 1936 CONDITION OF MEMBER BANKS, JUNE 30, 1936 To the Member Bank Addressed: Condition reports of all member banks of the Eleventh Federal Reserve District as of June 30,1936, show total deposits of $1,186,756,000, reflecting an increase of $42,351,000 since March 4, 1936, and an increase of $206,940,000 since June 29, 1935. Loans, including overdrafts, as compared to June 29, 1935, show an increase of $21,397,000, while total loans and investments show an increase of $62,760,000. As compared to June 29, 1935, demand deposits show an increase of $121,144,000 and time deposits show an increase of $8,398,000. Borrowings from all sources as of June 30, 1936, totaled $436,000, of which $348,000 represent borrowings from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. As compared to June 29, 1935, total borrowings show a net decrease of $38,000. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT June 30, 1936 (All licensed member banks) Loans, including overdrafts_____ ___________ U. S. Government Securities__________ ......__ Other Securities Owned................... .......... ......... TOTAL LOANS AND INVESTMENTS ... . Individual— Demand Deposits___________ ___ Individual— Time Deposits______ ______ ______ Public Funds _______ __________________________ U. S. & Postal Savings Deposits________ _____ Deposits of Banks______ ... ___ ___ ______ 354,124,000 297,211,000 117,291,000 768,626,000 623,706,000 188,039,000 106,187,000 51,047,000 217,777,000 T O T A L D E P O S IT S .................................. 1,186,756,000 Ratio of Loans to Deposits.... ....... ........ ............ 30% Borrowings from Federal Reserve Bank... 348,000 All Other Borrowings............................................. 8 8 ,0 0 0 March 4, 1936 (All licensed member banks) 336,735,000 263,906,000 115,780,000 716,421,000 584,096,000 183,283,000 115,057,000 30,306,000 231,663,000 1,144,405,000 29% 77,000 70,000 June 29, 1933 (All licensed member banks) 332,727,000 273,555,000 99,584,000 705,866,000 502,562,000 179,641,000 91,131,000 37,269,000 169,213,000 979,816,000 34% 364.000 110,000 Yours very truly, B. A. McKINNEY, President This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (