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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS Dallas, Texas, January 22, 1942 CONDITION OF MEMBER BANKS, DECEMBER 31, 1941 To the Member Bank Addressed: Condition reports of all member banks in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District, as of December 31, 1941, show total deposits of $2,051,683,000, reflecting a net gain of $179,010,000 since September 24, 1941, and an increase of $313,293,000 since December 31, 1940. Loans, including overdrafts, as compared with December 31, 1940, show a net increase of $80,970,000, while total loans and investments show a net increase of $169,288,000 for the same period. As compared with the call of December 31, 1940, individual demand deposits regis tered a net gain of $198,722,000, while individual time deposits showed a decline of $4,190,000. Borrowings, as of December 31, 1941, aggregated $119,000, of which $109,000 represented borrowings from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. As compared with September 24, 1941, borrowings from all sources showed net liquidation of $874,000. C O M P A R A T IV E ST A T E M E N T December 31, 1941 September 24, 1941 (Revised) Member banks in Eleventh District____ 573 Loans, including overdrafts_____ ______ 660,609,000 U. S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed___ __ _______ ________ 369,794,000 Obligations of States and political sub divisions ............ ........... ................ 136.184.000 Other bonds, notes and debentures....... 21,885,000 Corporate stocks...................................... 6,342,000 TOTAL LOANS AND INVESTMENTS 1.194.814.000 Individual— Demand deposits....... ......... . 1.150.658.000 Individual— Time deposits........................ 212.583.000 Deposits of U. S. Government, including Postal Savings________—................ 57,770,000 Deposits of States and political subdivi 177.337.000 sions ................................................... 396.650.000 Deposits of banks.................................... 56,685,000 Other deposits............... ........................... TOTAL DEPOSITS.................. ............. 2,051,683,000 32.20% Ratio of loans to deposits........ ................ 109,000 Borrowings from Federal Reserve Bank 10,000 All other borrowings......................... ...... 574 617,892,000 568 579,639,000 336,806,000 294,480,000 130.749.000 20,577,000 6,328,000 1.112.352.000 1.097.525.000 213.108.000 123.218.000 21,497,000 6,692,000 1,025,526,000 951.936.000 216.773.000 48,484,000 38,368,000 150.100.000 339.380.000 24,076,000 1,872,673,000 33.00% 738.000 255.000 150.671.000 333.839.000 46,803,000 1,738,390,000 33.34% 12,000 188,000 December 31, 1940 (Revised) Yours very truly, SE R. R. GILBERT BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS "B O N D S ANDSTAMPS President This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (