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FEDERAL, RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS Dallas, Texas, January 25, 1937 CONDITION OF MEMBER BANKS, DECEMBER 31, 1936 To the Member Bank Addressed: Condition reports of all member banks of the Eleventh Federal Reserve District as of December 31, 1936, show total deposits of $1,314,411,000, reflecting an increase of $127,642,000 since June 30, 1936, and an increase of $182,072,000 since December 31, 1935. Loans, including overdrafts, as compared to December 31, 1935 show an increase of $41,801,000, while total loans and investments show a net increase of $86,484,000. As compared to December 31, 1935, individual demand deposits show an increase of $112,814,000, and individual time deposits show an increase of $5,561,000. Borrowings as of December 31, 1936, totaled only $37,000, which represents a net increase of $9,000 since December 31, 1935. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT December 31, 1936 (A ll licensed m ember banks) Loans, including overdrafts.................... U. S. Government Securities—......... ...... . Other Securities Owned..... ................ ..... TOTAL LOANS AND INVESTMENTS Individual— Demand Deposits ..... ..... Individual— Time Deposits.................. . Public Funds ........................................... U. S. and Postal Savings Deposits.......... Deposits of Banks..... ............................ . TO TA L D E P O S IT S .................................. Ratio of Loans to Deposits................... . Borrowings from Federal Reserve Bank. All Other Borrowings .......... ..... ............. June SO, 1936 (A ll licensed member banks) 386.424.000 308.700.000 131.323.000 826.447.000 675.222.000 190.942.000 106.953.000 52,008,000 289.286.000 1,314,411,000 29.39% 354.318.000 297.225.000 117.364.000 768.907.000 623.680.000 187.998.000 106.207.000 51,058,000 217.826.000 1,186,769,000 29.85% 348,000 37,000 88,000 December 31, 1935 (A ll licensed member ban ks) 344.623.000 280.775.000 114.565.000 739.963.000 562.408.000 185.381.000 96.461.000 38.471.000 249.618.000 1,132,339,000 30.43% 3,000 25,000 Yours very truly, b. a . McKi n n e y , President This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (