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FEDERAL RESERVE OF Circular N o . 5 3 BANK Series of 1921 DALLAS Dallas, Texas, Oct. 11, 1921. CHECKS ON CE RTAIN N O N -M E M B E R S T A T E C A R O L IN A TEM PO RAR ILY UNACCEPTABLE R E V IS E D BANKS FOR IN N O R T H CO LLEC TIO N . L I S T - N o . 12 TO T H E M E M B E R B A N K A D D R E S S E D : You will find herewith a revised list of plaintiff banks in an injunction suit against the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, which supersedes the list of banks accompanying our Circular No. 50 of Aug. 24, 1921, entitled “ Checks on Certain Non-Member State Banks in North Carolina Tempor arily Unacceptable for Collection.” A s described in that circular we cannot for the present accept for collec tion any checks drawn on the banks listed because of a temporary injunc tion restraining the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond from returning as dishonored any checks, drawn upon any one of the banking institutions joining the injunction proceedings, which the drawee bank refuses to pay except in exchange at less than par. Revised lists will be published and sent to you from time to time as occasion requires. Very truly yours, Governor. This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library ( Aberdeen, N. C. Aberdeen, N. C. Ahoskie, N. C. Ahoskie, N. C. Andrews, N. C. Angier, N. C. Arapaboe, N. C. Askewville, N. C. Atkinson, N. C. Aulander, N. C. Aulander, N. C. Avondale, N. C. Badin, N, C. Bakersville, N. C. Banners Elk, N. C. Bayboro, N. C. Beaufort, N. C. Belhaven, N. C. Bennett, N. C. Bessemer City, N. C. Biscoe, N. C. Black Creek, N. C. Bladenboro, N. C. Blowing Rock, N. C. Boiling Springs, N. C. Bonlee, N. C. Boone, N. C. Boonville, N. C. Bostic, N. C. Broadway, N. C. Bridgeton, N. C. Buies Creek, N. C. Bunn, N. C. Burlington, N. C. Burlington, N, C. Burnsville, N. C. Cameron, N. C. Candor, N. C. Carrboro, N. C. Carthage, N. C. Carthage, N. C. Cary, N. C. Catawba, N. C. Cerro Gordo, N. C. Chapel Hill, N. C. Chapel Hill, N. C. China Grove, N. C. Claremont, N. C. Cleveland, N. C. Cliffside, N. C. Clyde, N. C. Coats, N. C. Coleraine, N. C. Coleraine, N. C. Coleridge, N. C. Columbus, N. C. Conover, N. C. Conway, N. C. Dallas, N. C. Danbury, N. C. Danbury, N. C. Denver, N. C. Dover, N. C. Duke, N. C. Dunn, N. C. Dunn, N. C. Efland, N. C. Elk Park, N. C. Ellerbee, N. C. Ellerbee, N. C. Elon College, N. C. Merchants & Farmers Bank Page Trust Co. Farmers-Atlantic Bank Bank of Ahoskie Merchants and Manufacturers Bank Angier Bank & Trust Co. Bank of Pamlico Farmers-Atlantic Bank Bank of Atkinson Bank of Aulander Farmers Bank The Haynes Bank Bank of Badin Merchants & Farmers Bank Banners Elk Bank Bank of Pamlico Beaufort Banking & Trust Co. Bank of Belhaven Bank of Bennett Bessemer City Bank Bank of Biscoe Bank of Black Creek Bank of Bladenboro Bank of Blowing Rock Boiling Springs Bank Bonlee Bank & Trust Co. Peoples Bank & Trust Co. Commercial & Savings Bank Bostic Bank Bank of Broadway Bank of Bridgeton Bank of Buies Creek Bunn Banking Co. Alamance Bank & Trust Co. First Savings Bank Bank of Yancey Bank of Camoren Bank of Candor Bank of Carrboro Page Trust Co. Bank of Moore Bank of Cary Peoples Bank Bank of Cerro Gordo Bank of Chapel Hill Peoples Bank Bank of China Grove Peoples Bank Citizens Bank The Playnes Bank Bank of Clyde Bank of Harnett Bank of Coleraine Peoples Bank & Trust Co. Bank of Coleridge Polk County Bank & Trust Co. Citizens Bank Bank of Conway Bank of Dallas Bank of Stokes County Citizens Bank Farmers & Merchants Bank Bank of Dover Bank of Harnett Commercial Bank State Bank & Trust Co. Bank of Efland Citizens Bank Bank of Ellerbee Bennett Bank & Trust Co. Elon Bank & Trust Co. Enfield, N. C. Englehard, N. C. Eure, N. C. Everetts, N. C. Fair Bluff, N. C. Fletcher, N. C. Franklinville, N. C. Fuquay Springs, N. C. Garysburg, N. C. Gates, N. C. Gatesville, N. C. Gatesville, N. C. Germanton, N. C. Gibson, N. C. Gibsonville, N. C. Goldston, N. C. Graham, N. C. Granite Falls, N. C. Granite Quarry, N. C. Grimesland, N. C. Grover, N. C. Gulf, N. C. Halifax, N. C. Hamilton, N. C. Hamlet, N. C. Harrellsville, N. C. Haysville, N. C. Haw River, N. C. Hemp, N. C. Henrietta, N. C. Hickory, N. C. Hickory, N. C. Hillsboro, N. C. Hillsboro, N. C. Hobgood, N. C. Holly Springs, N. C. Hookerton, N. C. Hot Springs, N. C. Jackson Springs, N. C. Jacksonville, N. C. Jamesville, N. C. Jonesboro, N. C. Kelford, N. C. Kenansville, N. C. Kenly, N. C. Kenly, N. C. Kernersville, N. C. King, N. C. King, N. C. Landis, N. C. Lasker, N. C. Leaksville, N. C. Lewiston, N. C. Lexington, N. C. Lexington, N. C. Liberty, N. C. Lillington, N. C. Lillington, N. C. Littleton, N. C. Littleton, N. C. Lowell, N. C. Lucama, N. C. Madison, N. C. Madison, N. C. Magnolia, N. C. Maiden, N. C. Commercial & Farmers Bank Englehard Banking & Trust Co. Farmers Bank of Eure Planters and Merchants Bank Farmers & Merchants Bank Bank of Fletcher Bank of Franklinville Bank of Fuquay Merchants & Farmers Bank Citizens Bank Planters Savings Bank Bank of Gates Bank of Stokes County Carolina State Bank Bank of Gibsonville Bank of Goldston Citizens Bank Bank of Granite Farmers & Merchants Bank Bank of Grimesland Bank of Grover City Bank & Trust Co. Bank of Halifax Bank of Hamilton Page Trust Co. Bank of Harrellsville Clay County Bank Bank of Haw River Bank of Hemp The Haynes Bank First Security Trust Co. Consolidated Trust Co. Bank of Orange Farmers & Merchants Bank Bank of Hobgood Bank of Holly Springs Bank of Hookerton Citizens Bank Bank of Jackson Springs Bank of Onslow Bank of Jamesville Banking Loan & Trust Co. Bank of Kelford Bank of Kenansville Farmers Bank Bank of Kenly Bank of Kernersville Bank of King Farmers & Merchants Bank Merchants & Farmers Bank Bank of Lasker Bank of Leaksville Bank of Lewiston Commercial & Savings Bank Lexington Bank & Trust Co. Bank of Liberty Bank of Lillington Harnett County Trust Co. Bank of Littleton Planters Bank Bank of Lowell Lucama Bank Bank of Madison Farmers Bank & Trust Co. Bank of Magnolia Maiden Bank Manteo, N. C. Marion, N. C. Mars Hill, N. C. Marshall, N. C. Marshall, N. C. Marshville, N. C. Marshville, N. C. Mayodan, N. C. Maysville, N. C. Micro, N. C. Middlesex, N. C. Midland, N. C. Mocksville, N. C. Mocksville, N. C. Moncure, N. C. Monroe, N. C. Monroe, N. C. Mooresboro, N. C. Mount Gilead, N. C. Mount Holly, N. C. Mount Holly, N. C. Murphy, N. C. Newland, N. C. New London, N. C. Newport, N. C. Newton, N. C. Norlina, N. C . Northwilkesboro, N. C. Norwood, N. C. Oakboro, N. C. Old Fort, N. C. Oriental, N. C. Parkton, N. C. Parmele, N. C. Pilot Mountain, N. C. Pinehurst, N. C. Pine Level, N. C. Pittsboro, N. C. Pittsboro, N. C. Plymouth, N. C. Plymouth, N. C. Potecasi, N. C. Powellsville, N. C. Princeton, N. C. Proctorville, N. C. Raeford, N. C. Raeford, N. C. Ramseur, N. C. Randleman, N. C. Richfield, N. C. Richlands, N. C. Rich Square, N. C. Robersonville, N. C. Rockwell, N. C. Roseboro, N. C. Roseboro, N. C. Rose Hill, N. C. Bank of Manteo Merchants & Farmers Bank Bank of Mars Hill Bank of French Broad Citizens Bank Bank of Marshville Mutual Bank & Trust Co. Bank of Mayodan Maysville Banking & Trust Co. Citizens Bank Middlesex Banking Co. Bank of Midland Bank of Davie Merchants & Farmers Bank Banking Loan & Trust Co. Farmers & Merchants Bank Monroe Bank and Trust Co. Bank of Mooresboro Bank of Mount Gilead Central Bank & Trust Co. Mount Holly Bank The Cherokee Bank Avery County Bank Peoples Bank & Trust Co. Bank of Newport Farmers & Merchants Bank Bank of Warren Bank of Northwilkesboro Bank of Norwood Bank of Oakboro Bank of Old Fort Bank of Pamlico Bank of Parkton Parmele Bank & Trust Co. Farmers Bank Bank of Pinehurst Bank of Pine Level Bank of Pittsboro Farmers Bank Bank of Plymouth Washington County Bank Bank of Potecasi Powellsville Bank Merchants & Farmers Bank Bank of Proctorville Bank of Hoke Bank of Raeford Bank of Ramseur Peoples Bank Peoples Bank & Trust Co. Citizens Bank Bank of Rich Square Bank of Robersonville Bank of Rockwell Bank of Roseboro Coharie Bank of Roseboro Bank of Rose Hill Bank of Roxobel Roxobel, N. C. Roanoke-Chowan Bank Roxobel, N. C. Salemburg, N. C. Bank of Salemburg Bank of Saluda Saluda, N. C. Carolina State Bank Saluda, N. C. Banking Loan & Trust Co. Sanford, N. C. Bank of Sanford Sanford, N. C. Peoples Bank Sanford, N. C. Seagroves, N. C. Bank of Seagroves Severn, N. C. Bank of Severn Siler City, N. C. Siler City Loan & Trust Co. Chatham Bank Siler City, N. C. Bank of Sparta Sparta, N. C. Spruce Pine, N. C. Bank of Spruce Pine Bank of Stanfield Stanfield, N. C. Stanley, N. C. Farmers & Merchants Bank Stem, N. C. Bank of Stem Stokes, N. C. Planters Bank Stokesdale Commercial Bank Stokesdale, N. C. Stoneville, N. C. Bank of Stoneville Stoneville, N. C. Farmers & Merchants Bank Stony Point, N. C. Bank of Stony Point Summerfield, N. C. Bank of Summerfield Sylva, N. C. Tuckaseigee Bank Jackson County Bank Sylva, N. C. Tabor, N. C. Bank of Whiteville Tabor, N. C. Farmers & Merchants Bank Todd (Elkland), N. C. Bank of Todd Trenton, N. C. Bank of Jones Troutman, N. C. Troutman Banking & Trust Co. Troy, N. C. Bank of Montgomery Troy, N. C. Troy Bank & Trust Co. Turkey, N. C. Bank of Turkey Vass, N. C. Bank of Vass Vineland, N. C. Bank of Columbus Waco, N. C. Peoples Bank Wagram, N. C. Bank of Wagram Wake Forest, N. C. Bank of Wake Wallace, N. C. Bank of Duplin Wallace, N. C. Farmers Bank & Trust Co. Walnut Cove, N. C. Bank of Stokes County Walnut Cove, N. C. Farmers Union Bank & Trust Co. Warrenton, N. C. Bank of Warren Warrenton, N. C. Citizens Bank Warsaw, N. C. Bank of Warsaw Waxhaw, N. C. Waxhaw Banking & Trust Co. Weldon, N. C. Weldon Bank & Trust Co. Whiteville, N. C. Bank of Whiteville Whiteville, N. C. Bank of Columbus Wilkesboro, N. C. Bank of Wilkes Williamston, N. C. Farmers & Merchants Bank Williamston, N. C. Martin Co. Savings & Trust Co. Wingate, N. C. State Bank of Wingate Winterville, N. C. Bank of Winterville Winton, N. C. Bank of Winton Winton, N. C. Merchants & Farmers Bank Woodland, N. C. Farmers Bank Yadkinville, N. C. Bank of Yadkin Yanceyville, N. C. Bank of Yanceyville The following banks have not become parties to the suit, nevertheless they have signified to us their intention to take advantage of the law by refusing to remit at par in exchange acceptable to us, and refusing to pay in money, checks presented to them by our agents. W e, therefore, cannot handle checks drawn upon these banks. Ansonville, N. C. Bailey, N. C. Bethel, N. C. Bethel, N. C. Burnsville, N. C. Castalia, N. C. Fountain, N. C. Harmony, N. C. Bank of Anson Branch Banking and Trust Co. Farmers & Merchants Bank Bethel Banking & Trust Co. Citizens Bank Bank of Castalia Bank of Fountain Harmony Banking and Trust Co. Pilot Mountain, N. C. Pink Hill, N. C. Pinnacle, N. C. Polkton, N. C. Southport, N. C. Taylorsville, N. C. Valle Crucis, N. C. Bank of Pilot Mountain Pink Hill Bank & Trust Co. Bank of Pinnacle Bank of Polkton Bank of Southport Merchants & Farmers Bank Valle Crucis Bank Checks on all banks in North Carolina both member banks and non-member banks can still be collected at par by the Federal Reserve Bank, except checks on the banks whose names occur on this list.