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D A L L A S,T E X A S 7 5 2 2 2

Circular No. jk-27
January 25, 197^-

To the Chief Executive Officer
of the Bank Addressed
in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District:

Enclosed are amendments to Circular No. 92, Circular No.
1079j and excerpts from the General Services Administration
Rules and Regulations.

All of the material is related to the

Equal Employment Opportunity Executive Order 112^6 by Executive
Order 11375, and concerns the promotion of employment of Viet­
nam veterans.
Additional copies of this material may be obtained by
contacting this office, but any inquiries concerning the regu­
lations should be directed to the Contract Compliance Officer,
Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. 20220.
Fiscal Agency of the United States

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

Fiscal Service, Bureau of Accounts

Regulations Governing the Deposit of Federal Taxes with
Depositary Banks and Federal Reserve Banks
Department Circular No. 1079 (First Revision)
Revised December 13, 1967
Amendment No. 1

Department Circular No. 1079 (First Revision), dated
December 13, 1967, is hereby amended, effective January 1,
1974, as follows:

1. By changing Subsection 214.5(c) to read as follows:
1 (c) Agreement— Receipt by a depositary of notice of
approval of its application by the Federal Reserve Bank
completes the depositary's qualification and creates an
agreement between it and the Treasury Department under
which the depositary agrees to be bound by all the terms
and provisions of this part and the provisions prescribed
in section 202 of Executive Order 11246, entitled "Equal
Employment Opportunity," as amended by Executive Order
2. By changing Subsection 214.5(d) to read as follows:
' (d) Existing agreements— Existing agreements between
depositaries and the Treasury Department shall continue
in effect without further action until terminated„ A
depositary which accepts a deposit of Federal taxes under
an existing agreement thereby agrees to be bound by all
the terms and provisions of this part and the provisions
prescribed in section 202 of Executive Order 11246,
entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity," as amended by
Executive Order 11375."

( )John

K. Carlock
Fiscal Assistant Secretary


January 2, 1974

Fiscal Service, Bureau of Accounts

Regulations Governing Special Depositaries of Public Money
Department Circular No. 92 (Second Revision)
Revised October 9, 1967
Amendment No. 3

Department Circular No. 92 (Second Revision), dated
October 9, 1967, as amended, is hereby further amended,
effective January 1, 1974, as follows:

1. By changing Section 203.4 to read as follows:
"A special depositary which accepts a deposit under
this part enters into a contract of deposit with the
Treasury Department.
The terms of the contract include
all the provisions of this part and the provisions
prescribed in section 202 of Executive Order 11246,
entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity," as amended by
Executive Order 113 75, and the provisions of the General
Services Administration regulations for the promotion of
employment of disabled and Vietnam era veterans, 41 CFR
Subpart 1-12.11, except that depositaries which notify
the Department of the Treasury that the gross annual
earning value on their Federal deposits is less than
$2,500 are exempt from the application of the General
Services Administration regulations."


January 2, 1974



objectives, stockpile-grade materials in
the Defense Production Act and the sup­
plemental stockpile inventories shall be
retained for national stockpile purposes.
n. Disposals. —The Director of the
Office of Emergency Preparedness will
authorize the disposal of excess m a­
terials only after due regard to: (a)
Avoidance of serious disruption of the
usual m arkets of producers, processors
and consumers, and (b) the protection
of the United States against avoidable
In general, excess materials constitute
unneeded assets and shall be disposed
of as expeditiously as possible.
In making such disposals preference
shall be given to materials th a t deteri­
orate, th a t are likely to become obsolete,
th a t do not meet quality standards, or
th a t do not have stockpile objectives.
The Administrator of General Services
shall be responsible for disposal of excess
materials. He shall advise the Secretary
of S tate and the Assistant to the Presi­
dent for Economic Affairs in advance on
all disposal plans.
o. Government use.—Under such poli­
cies and procedures as the Administrator
of General Services may prescribe,
Government agencies which directly or
Indirectly use strategic and critical m a­
terials shall fulfill their requirements
through the use of m aterials in Govern­
m ent inventories th a t are excess to the
needs thereof. Direct use means use in
a Government-owned and operated fa ­
cility and use in a Government-owned
facility which is operated by a con­
tractor for the Government. Indirect
Government use means use by prime
contractors and all tiers of subcon­
tractors in the production of items being
procured by the Government.
4. Delegation of a u th o rity — Prepara­
tio n of reports. —The Administrator of

General Services shall prepare on be­
half of the Director of the Office of
Emergency Preparedness and forward
to him for transm ittal to the Congress
th e reports required by section 304 of
the Defense Production Act of 1950, as
amended, and section 4 of the Strategic
and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act.
5. Effective date. —This order shall
take effect on the date hereof.
Dated April 11, 1973.
D arrell M. T r ent ,

A cting Director, Office of
Emergency Preparedness.
[FR Doc.73-7348 Filed 4-16-73;8:45 am]

Title 41— Public Contracts and Property

This amendment of the Federal pro­
curement regulations revises subpart 1­
12.11 relating to the listing of employ­
m ent openings by Government contrac­
tors and subcontractors in order to give
special emphasis to the employment of
qualified disabled veterans and veterans

of the Vietnam era. The am endm ent im ­
plements provisions of Public Law
92-540, approved October 24, 1972, Ex­
ecutive Order 11701, dated January 24,
1973, and rules and regulations of the
Secretary of Labor issued pursuant
thereto (41 CFR 50-250, 38 FR 2968*
Jan. 31, 1973). It provides for the inclu­
sion of a contract clause in all procure­
m ent contracts and first-tier subcon­
tracts which requires Government con­
tractors and subcontractors to offer for
listing a t an appropriate local office of
the Federal-State employment service
system all employment openings which
occur a t their facilities.

practicable the U.S. Employment Service
(USES) and its affiliated local S tate em­
ployment service offices in meeting the
contractors’ and subcontractors’ m an­
power (labor supply) requirements to
staff new or expanding facilities, includ­
ing the recruitm ent of workers in all
occupations and skills both from local
labor m arket areas and through the Fed­
eral-State manpower clearance system.
Local State employment service offices
are operated in every State and in the
District of Columbia, the Commonwealth
of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin
Islands. In addition to providing recruit­
m ent assistance to contractors and sub­
PART 1 -2 — PROCUREMENT BY FORMAL contractors who need and desire it,
cooperation with the local State employ­
m ent service offices will furth er the n a ­
Subpart 1-2.2— Solicitation of Bids
tional program of m aintaining continu­
Section 1-2.201 is amended to revise ous assessment of manpower require­
ments and resources on a national local
paragraph (a) (30), as follows:
§ 1—

P reparation o f invitations fo r






§ 1—

L isting

§ 1-12.1102-1

(a) • • *


e m p lo y m e n t

o p e n in g s.


P olicy.

In order to give special emphasis to
the employment of qualified disabled
veterans and veterans of the Vietnam
era, Government contractors and firsttier subcontractors shall list all of their
suitable employment openings with the
appropriate local office of the State em­
ployment service system as required by
L is t in g o f E m p l o t m e n i O p e n in g s
Public Law 92-540, approved October 24,
Bidders and offerors should note that this 1972 (86 Stat. 1097; 38 U.S.C. 2012), Ex­
solicitation Includes a provision requiring ecutive Order 11701, dated January 24,
the listing of employment openings with the 1973, and the rules and regulations of the
local office of the Federal-State employment
service system where a contract award is Secretary of Labor issued pursuant there­
to (41 CFR 50-250, 38 FR 2968, Jan. 31,
for $2,500 or more.

(30) The following provision regarding
the employment of qualified disabled
veterans and veterans of the Vietnam
era shall be placed on the face of the
invitation for bids or on a cover sheet
where awards in the amount of $2,500 or
more may result:

§ 1-12 .11 02-2


The table of contents is changed to
provide a revised entry as follows:

Inquiries on



Subpart 1-12.11 is revised to read as
Subpart 1-12.11— Listing of Employment
12.1100 S copc o f subpart.

This subpart sets forth policies and
procedures relating to manpower re­
quirements for Federal contractors and
subcontractors and implements Public
Law 92-540, approved October 24, 1972
(86 Stat. 1097; 38 U.S.C. 2012), Execu­
tive Order 11701, dated January 24, 1973,
and rules and regulations of the Secre­
tary of Labor issued pursuant thereto
(41 CFR 50-250, 38 FR 2968, Jan. 31,
1973) concerning employment oppor­
tunities with Federal contractors and
subcontractors, w ith special emphasis
on the employment of qualified disabled
veterans and veterans of the Vietnam
§1-1 2.1 101

G e n e ra l.

Executive agencies shall cooperate with
and encourage contractors and subcon­
tractors to utilize to the fullest extent

F l D f R A l REGISTER, VOL. 3 8 ,


Unless otherwise provided in this sub­
part, executive agencies shall include,
either directly or by reference, the con­
tra c t clause prescribed by this § 1-12.­
1102-2 in (a) all invitations for bids and
requests for proposals for the procure­
m ent of personal property and nonper­
sonal services (including construction),
and (b) all contracts for the procurement
of personal property and nonpersonal
services (including construction), includ­
ing contracts resulting from unsolicited
proposals, where it is anticipated th a t a
contract will be for $2,500 or more.
L is t in g


E m ploym ent

O p e n in g s

(This clause* is applicable pursuant to 41
CFR 50-250 If this contract is for $2,500 or
The contractor agrees, In order to pro­
vide special emphasis to the employment of
qualified disabled veterans* and veterans of
the Vietnam era, that all suitable employ­
m ent openings of the contractor which exist
at the time of the execution of this contract
and those which occur during the perform­
ance of this contract, Including those not
generated by this contract and including
those occurring at an establishm ent other
than the one wherein the contract is being
performed but excluding those of Independ­
ently operated corporate affiliates, shall be
offered for listing at an appropriate local
office of the State employment service system
wherein the opening occurs and to provide
such reports to such local oflice regarding
em ployment openings and hires as may be

N O . 7 3 — TUESDAY, APRIL 1 7 ,




re q u ire d : Provided, That If this contract Is
for less than $10,000 or if it is with a State
or local government the reports set forth in
paragraphs (c) and (d) are not required.
(b) Listing of employment openings with
the employment service system pursuant
to this clause shall be made at least con­
currently with the use of any other recruit­
m ent service or effort and shall involve the
normal obligations which attach to the
placing of a bona fide job order, including
the acceptance of referrals of veterans and
non veterans. This 'listin g of employment
openings does not require the hiring of any
particular Job applicant or from any par­
ticular group of job applicants, and n o th ­
ing herein is intended to relieve the con­
tractor from any requirements in any
stauites, Executive orders, or regulations re­
garding nondiscrim ination in employment.
(c) The reports required by paragraph (a)
of this clause shall include, but not be
lim ited to, periodic reports which shall be
filed at least quarterly w ith the appropriate
local office or, where the contractor has more
than one establishm ent in a State, with the
central office of the State employment
servi'e. Such reports shall indicate for each
establishm ent (i) th e number of individuals
who were hired during the reporting period,
(U) the number of those hired who were dis­
abled veterans, and (iii) the number of
those hired who were nondisabled veterans
of the Vietnam era. The contractor shall sub­
m it a rt >rt within 30 days after the end
of t t '
■ sporting period wherein any per­
under this contract. The
contror > sh t/i Maintain copies of the re­
ports . .-.omitted un til the expiration of 1
year after final payment under the contract,
during which tim e they shall be made avail­
able, upon reqii'r-t. for examination by any
authorized repn -n catives of the contract­
ing officer or of the Secretary of Labor.
(d) Whenever the contractor becomes con­
tractually bound by the listing provisions of
th is clause, he shall advise the employment
service system in each State wherein he
h a s establishm ents of the name and location
of each such establishm ent in the State. As
long as the contractor is contractually bound
to these provisions and has so advised the
State employment system, there is no need
to advise the State system of subsequent
contracts. The contractor may advise the
State system when it is no longer bound by
th is contract clause.
(e) T clause does not apply to the list­
ing of em ploym ent openings which occur
and Hied outside of the 50 States, the
Dis ..let of Columbia, the Commonwealth
of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin
(f) This clatise does not apply to open­
ings which the contractor proposes to fill
from within his own organization or to fill
pursuant to a customary and traditional
employer-union hiring arrangement. This
exclusion does not apply to a particular
openinc once an employer decides to con­
sider <TpMcants outside of his own organi­
zation . oinplo} cr-union arrangement for
that ope'ui g.
(g) As used in this clause:
(1) “All suitable employment openings’’
Includes, but is not limited to, openings
which occur in the following Job categories:
Production and nonproduction; plant and
office; laborers and mechanics; supervisory
and nonsupervisory; technical; and execu­
tive, administrative, and professional open­
ings which are compensated on a salary
basis of less than $18,000 per year. The term
includes full-tim e employment, temporary
employment of more than 3 days’ duration,
and part-time employment. It ‘ oes not in ­
clude openings which the contractor pro-

No. 73—P t. I ------- 5

poses to fill from w ithin his own organiza­
tion or to fill pursuant to a customary and
traditional employer-unlon hiring arrange­
(2) "Appropriate office of the State em ­
ploym ent service system ” means the local
office of the Federal-State national system
of public employment offices with assigned
responsibility for serving the area of the
establishm ent where the employment open­
ing is to be filled, including the District of
Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands.
(3) “Openings which the contractor pro­
poses to fill from w ithin his own organiza­
tio n ” means employment openings for which
no consideration will be given to persons
outside the contractors own organization
(including any affiliates, subsidiaries, and
parent com panies), and includes any open­
ings which the contractor proposes to fill
from regularly established “recall” or “re­
hire” lists.
(4) “Openings which the contractor pro­
poses • * • to fill pursuant to a customary
and traditional employer-union hiring ar­
rangem ent” means employment openings for
which no consideration will be given to per­
sons outside of a special hiring arrange­
ment, including openings which the contrac­
tor proposes to fill from union halls, which
is part of the customary and traditional
hiring relationship which exists between
the contractor and representatives of his
(5) "Disabled veteran” means a person
entitled to disability compensation under
laws administered by the Veterans Adminis­
tration for a disability rated at 30 percentum
or more, or a person whose discharge or re­
lease from active duty was for a disability
incurred or aggravated in line of duty.
(6) “Veteran of the Vietnam era” means a
person (A) who (i) served on active duty
with the Armed Forces for a period of more
than 180 days, any part of which occurred
after August 5, 1964, and was discharged or
released therefrom with other than a dis­
honorable discharge, or (ii) was discharged
or released from active duty for service-con­
nected disability if any part of such duty
was performed after August 5, 1964, and (B)
who was so discharged or released within
the 48 m onths preceding his application for
employment covered by this clause.
(h) If any disabled veteran or veteran of
the Vietnam era believes that the contractor
(or any first-tier subcontractor) has failed
or refuses to comply with the provisions of
this contract clause relating to giving spe­
cial emphasis in employment to veterans,
such veteran may file a complaint with the
veterans’ employment representative at a
local State employment service office who
will attem pt to informally resolve the com­
plaint and then refer the complaint with a
report on the attem pt to resolve the matter
to the State office of the Veterans’ Employ­
m ent Service of the Department of Labor.
Such complaint shall then be promptly re­
ferred through the Regional Manpower Ad­
ministrator to the Secretary of Labor who
shall investigate such complaint and shall
take such action thereon as the facts and
circumstances warrant consistent with the
terms of this contract and the laws and reg­
ulations applicable thereto.
(i) The contractor agrees to place this
clause (excluding this paragraph ( i ) ) in any
subcontract directly under this contract.
§ 1— 2 . 1 1 0 2 —


Under the most compelling circum­
stances such as situations where the
needs of the Government cannot reason­
ably be otherwise supplied, where listing


of employment openings would be con­
trary to national security, or where the
requirement of listing would otherwise
not be in the best interests of the Gov­
ernment, a deviation from this subpart
may be made, subject to the approval
of the Secretary of Labor. Requests for
any such deviations shall be addressed
to the Secretary of Labor, U.S. D epart­
m ent of Labor, 14th Street and Consti­
tution Avenue NW., Washington, D.C.
20210, or to the Regional Manpower Ad­
m inistrator of the U.S. D epartm ent of
Labor of the region wherein the contract
is to be signed, and shall set forth the
reasons for the request.
§ 1— 2 .1 1 0 2 —
4 Inquiries on listing requireiiien ts.

Contractors with inquiries regarding
listing requirements shall be advised th a t
such inquiries should be submitted to the
appropriate Regional Manpower Ad­
m inistrator of the U.S. D epartm ent of
§ 1— 2 . 1 1 0 2 —

F ailure to co m ply.

Upon notice th a t a contractor or any
of his first-tier subcontractors has failed
to comply with the provisions of the List­
ing of Employment Openings clause in
§ 1-12.1102-2, the contracting officer shall
take such action as may be appropriate
under the default provisions of the con­
tracts concerned.
(Sec. 205(c), 63 Stat. 390; 40 U.S.C. 486(c).)
E ffe ctiv e d a te .—These regulations shall
be effective May 30, 1973, but may be
observed earlier.
Dated April 10,1973.
A rthur F. S am pson,

A c t in g A d m i n is t r a t o r of
G en eral Services.
[FR Doc.73-7358 Filed 4-16-73;8:45 am]

Title 49— Transportation
[Docket No. 72-7; Notice 3]

Response to Petitions for Reconsideration

This notice responds to petitions for
reconsideration of the defect notifica­
tion regulations, published January 23,
1973 (38 FR 2215). Petitions were re­
ceived from the Firestone Tire & Rubber
Co., Chrysler Corp., the Motor and Equip­
m ent M anufacturers’ Association, and
the Recreational Vehicle Institute. A
petition was also received from the Wag­
ner Electric Co. Although not received
within 30 days of the regulation’s publi­
cation (49 CFR 553.35), it has been con­
sidered in the preparation of this notice.
Insofar as this notice does not grant the
requests of the petitioners, they are here­
by denied.
The Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. has
petitioned for reconsideration of § 577.6,
“Disclaimers”, which prohibits m anufac­
turers from stating or implying th a t the
notification does not involve a safety re­
lated defect. Firestone requested th a t the
provision, for Federal Constitutional

3 8 , N O . 7 3 — TUESDAY, APRIL 1 7 ,