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e d e r a l

r e s e r v e


a n k


D allas, T e x a s, A u g u s t 10, 1960


To All Member Banks of the
Eleventh Federal Reserve District:
The following statement was made public August 8, 1960, by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System:
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System today amended its Regulation
D, relating to bank reserves and reserve requirements, in three respects. The amendments
are to become effective August 25 and September 1, 1960.
The changes, made in further implementation of an Act of Congress relating to vault
cash and reserve requirements, will make available about $600 million of additional reserves
for expanding bank credit as the economy enters the season of rising credit needs. The
changes are as follows:
1. Effective August 25,1960, member banks outside of central reserve and reserve
cities ( “ country banks” ) will be permitted to count, in meeting their reserve require­
ments, any vault cash that they hold in excess of 2 ^ per cent of their net demand
deposits. At present they can only count any vault cash that they hold in excess of
4 per cent of net demand deposits.
2. Effective September 1, 1960, reserve city and central reserve city banks
similarly will be permitted to count vault cash in excess of 1 per cent of their net
demand deposits, instead of the present 2 per cent.
3. Effective September 1, 1960, the reserve requirement of central reserve city
banks against their net demand deposits, now 18 per cent, will be reduced to 17*4
per cent. This change is a first step toward compliance with a provision of the 1959
Act that the differential between the requirements of central reserve city and reserve
city banks be eliminated by July 28, 1962. Since the requirement for banks in reserve
cities is now IGV2 per cent, the present action reduces the differential from li/2
percentage points to 1 point.
As a result of the first two changes, it is estimated that about four-fifths of the
6,200 member banks will be in a position to count a part of their vault cash in meeting
their required reserves.
The amount of reserves made available by today’s actions on vault cash will be around
$480 million, of which somewhat more than half would be at country banks and almost
all of the remainder at reserve city banks. The reduction in the requirement of central
reserve city banks arising from the third change will release about $125 million of reserves.
The Supplement to Regulation D has been revised to reflect the changes referred to in the
above statement. A copy of the revised Supplement is attached and should be substituted for the
Supplement now filed with your copy of Regulation D in the ring binder furnished you for this
Yours very truly,
Watrous H. Irons

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

Section 204.5 — Supplement
I ssued

by the

B oard


G overnors

of the

F ederal R eserve System

Effective as to member banks not in reserve and central reserve cities at
opening of business on August 25, 1960, and as to member banks in reserve
and central reserve cities at opening of business on September 1, 1960.
(a) Reserve percentages. — Pursuant to the provisions of section 19
of the Federal Reserve Act and § 204.2 (a), but subject to paragraph (b)
of this section, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System hereby
prescribes the following reserve balances which each member bank of the
Federal Reserve System is required to maintain on deposit with the Federal
Reserve Bank of its district:
(1) If not in a reserve or central reserve city —
( i) 5 per cent of its time deposits, plus
(ii) 11 per cent of its net demand deposits.
(2) If in a reserve city (except as to any bank located in such a city
which is permitted by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, pursuant to § 204.2 (a) (2), to maintain the reserves specified
in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph) —
( i) 5 per cent of its time deposits, plus
(ii) 16% per cent of its net demand deposits.
(3) If in a central reserve city (except as to any bank located in
such a city which is permitted by the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, pursuant to § 204.2 (a) (2), to maintain the reserves
specified in subparagraph (1) or (2) of this paragraph) —( i) 5 per cent of its time deposits, plus
(ii) 17% per cent of its net demand deposits.
(b) Counting o f currency and coin. — In partial compliance with
the reserve requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, the amount of
a member bank’s currency and coin shall be counted to the extent that it
exceeds 1 per cent of the bank’s net demand deposits in the case of a bank
subject to the requirements for banks located in central reserve and reserve
cities, and to the extent that it exceeds 2% per cent of the bank’s net demand
deposits in the case of a bank subject to the reserve requirements for banks
not located in central reserve and reserve cities.