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UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR JAMES J . DAVIS, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS ETHELBERT STEWART, Com m issioner BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES ) BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS) M I S C E L L A N E O U S • • • No. 505 S E R I E S DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN THE UNITED STATES NOVEMBER, 1929 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1929 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Price 15 Cents CONTENTS Introduction_______________________________________________________ Alabama__________________________________________________________ Arizona___________________________________________________________ Arkansas__________________________________________________________ California__________________________________________________________ Colorado____ ______________________________________________________ Connecticut________________________________________________________ Delaware__________________________________________________________ District of Columbia________________________________________________ Florida____________________________________________________________ Georgia___________________________________________________________ Idaho_____________________________________________________________ Illinois____________________________________________________________ Indiana____________________________________________________________ Iowa______________________________________________________________ Kansas-___________________________________________________________ Kentucky__________________________________________________________ Louisiana__________________________________________________________ Maine_________________________________________________________ ;__ Maryland__________________________________________________________ Massachusetts_____________________________________________________ Michigan__________________________________________________________ Minnesota------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mississippi _________________________________________________________ Missouri___________________________________________________________ Montana__________________________________________________________ Nebraska________________ _________________________________________ New Hampshire____________________________________________________ New Jersey________________________________________________________ New York_________________________________________________________ North Carolina_____________________________________________________ North Dakota_____________________________________________________ Ohio______________________________________________________________ Oklahoma_________________________________________________________ Oregon____________________________________________________________ Pennsylvania______________________________________________________ Rhode Island______________________________________________________ South Carolina_____________________________________________________ South Dakota______________________________________________________ Tennessee_________________________________________________________ Texas_____________________________________________________________ U tah._____________________________________________________________ Vermont___________________________________________________________ Virginia___________________________________________________________ Washington________________________________________________________ West Virginia-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wisconsin_________________________________________________________ Wyoming_______________________ ______________ ___________________ in Page 1 4 4 4 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 12 12 18 20 20 22 22 24 24 26 30 34 36 36 36 38 38 40 42 52 52 52 56 56 56 66 66 66 66 68 68 70 70 70 72 72 74 BULLETIN OF THE U. S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS n o . 505 W A S H IN G T O N N o v e m b e r, 1929 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN THE UNITED STATES T HE Bureau of Labor Statistics has recently made a statistical study of the care of the aged in the United States, one part of which dealt with old peopled homes. From all sources possible the bureau was able to obtain the names of some 1,300 such homes, and detailed data were obtained from more than 1,000 of these. The results of this study are embodied in Bulletin No. 489 of this bureau. ^ The directory which follows lists the homes in alphabetical order, Dy States, giving for those homes which furnished reports to the bureau the name of the organization which sponsors or controls the home and the various entrance requirements. No claim as to absolute completeness is made for this directory, and the bureau will appreciate being apprised of any home for old people not on the list. The statement below shows the number of homes sponsored by each type of organization and the number from which detailed reports were received by the bureau: Total Number Federal Government (soldiers’ arid sailors’ number 13 homes)___________________________________ State governments: Soldiers’ homes_________________________ 48 Other homes____________________________ 2 Labor organizations_________________________ 5 Religious organizations---------------------------------- 526 Fraternal organizatons_______________________ 112 Nationality groups__________________________ 37 Various organizations________________________ 39 Private groups______________________________ 486 Total...............................................................- 11,268 reporting 9 44 2 5 444 102 33 38 360 1,037 Generally the first qualification required for entrance is that the applicant be a member of the sponsoring group. Thus, to gain admittance into the church homes the candidate must generally be a member of the denomination (or sometimes of the local church) which supports the home; if the home is one of a fraternal organiza tion, he must belong to the order, etc. On the other hand some of these church groups are remarkably liberal in this respect, opening their doors to the poor and infirm aged of whatever creed. Only Revised lists from four States brought the final total of homes to 1,323, all of which are here listed. 1 2 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES honorably discharged soldiers or sailors (and in some cases their wives or widows), of course, are eligible for residence in the soldiers* homes. Character qualifications are a very general requirement. Persons seeking admission to the home must be “respectable,’’ “of good moral character,” or “Christian character,” or of good reputation. Several of the homes require references on this point. Temperate habits are a universal requirement. Good health is also a general requisite, most of the homes requiring that the applicant be in fairly good health, taking into consideration his age, and free from mental, contagious, or malignant disease. In some instances a physician’s certificate to this effect is required. This is done because the homes hesitate to admit persons who, from the outset, will need constant attention and nursing. In case of illness after entering the institution, the home usually provides the physician and nursing. The old ladies seem to be much better provided for than the old men. Of the 1,034 homes reporting on this point, women are ad mitted to all but 59; in fact 328 homes admit women only. The 59 above noted are restricted to men. Inasmuch as separation of aged couples is a special hardship to those who have spent their lives together, it is interesting to see that 608 homes, or nearly 60 per cent, admit not only both sexes but married couples as well. Sixty-five years is the minimum age of admission most commonly set, followed by 60 years. Two homes set the age limit as low as 45 years and one home as high as 80 years, while 250 have no fixed age limit. In general these homes are maintained for aged persons either with no means or with incomes insufficient for their full support. Some of the homes, notably those of the labor and fraternal organizations, even declare that none shall be admitted except those who are indi gent and unable, by reason of age, illness, or infirmity, to support themselves. Nearly half of the homes (479) require no admission fee; 108 of these, however, are boarding homes of private groups or are miscella neous organizations in which the resident pays a weekly or monthly charge for board. Even allowing for these, more than 35 per cent of the whole group require no money of the applicant. Of those which do require the payment of a specified amount at time of entrance, $500 is the most common sum required, but about 20 per cent charge less than this amount and about 40 per cent charge less than $1,000. Since the home which admits life residents contracts in considera tion for this fee to furnish the resident with board, lodging, and laundry for the rest of his life in all instances, and often as a matter of fact furnishes medical care, nursing, and burial, it is at once evident that the entrance fee by no means covers the actual cost to the home. The resident may live only one or two years after admission. On the other hand, he may live for 15 or 20 years. In order to cover some of the margin between fee income and obligations assumed, it is a general practice of these homes to require the incoming resident to transfer to the home all (or a specified part) of such income or properly as he possesses and to bind himself to turn over also any of which he may become possessed in the future. In return the home may undertake DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE A.GED IN UNITED STATES 3 to pay to the resident as long as he lives all or part of the income from such property or a certain rate of interest upon it. Although charging an admission fee in ordinary cases, a large num ber of homes nevertheless accept persons without means, who fulfill all the other conditions, up to the limit of the resources of the home. As would be expected, nationality requirements are more common among the homes maintained by the various nationality groups than among those sponsored by the other types of organizations, just as religious requirements are most common in the church homes. Amer ican citizenship is a fairly common requirement, and among the pri vate benevolent homes residence in the city or county for a specified time. The requirements as to personal property and clothing vary. Some homes require that the incoming resident be equipped with sufficient clothing to last for a year or two, and the fraternal homes quite generally require that clothing sufficient to last two years be furnished by the local lodge of which the resident was a member. Other homes furnish all clothing from the time the guest begins his stay at the home. 4 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of homo Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Alabama Birmingham! Mercy Home, 2130 Eleventh Avenue. ___ ______ (i)........................ , .......................... Cullman: Alabama Odd Fellows’ Home.................................................... Alabama Grand Lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. Mobile: Benevolent Home, 993 Government Street......................................... 0).................................................... Colored Old Folks’ and Orphans’ Home, Springfield and Mobile 0).................................................... Streets. Little Sisters of the Poor, McGill and Monterey Streets._................. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Montgomery: Old Woman’s Home, 706 Adams Avenue........................ Private organization................... Mountain Creek: Jefferson Manly Falkner Soldiers’ Home of Alabama. State of Alabama-....................... Arizona Prescott: Arizona Pioneers’ Home___ -____________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State of Arizona............................ Safford: Odd Fellows and Rebekah’s Home of Arizona............................ Arizona Grand Lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. Tucson: Casa del Socorro, 26 West Twenty-fourth Street......................... Sociedad del Socorro.................... Arkansas Hot Springs: Sunshine Home, Whittington A v e n u e .................. (i).................................................... Little Rock: Arkansas Confederate Home..________ _______ . . . . . . . . . _____ State of A r k a n sa s............... Gibbs (M. W.) Old Ladies’ Home, 2900 Center Street..................... (i).................................................... Thompson (Ada) Home, Twenty-first and Main Streets________ (i).................................................. California Alameda: Meigs (Hannah M.) Home, 1439 Morton Street._................ Private organization. .................. Alhambra: Diocesan Home for the Aged, 1428 South Marengo Avenue.. 0).....................— -........................ Altadena: Pasadena Home for the Aged, 2380 North El Molino Avenue. Private organization.................. Burbank: Pacific Evangelical Home for Aged People, 361 Cypress Evangelical Church..................... Avenue. Chula Vista: Fredericka Home for the Aged______________________ Private organization__________ Decoto: Masonic Homes of California..................... ................................. California Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Lodi: Bethany Old People’s Home, R. No. 1, Box 85________________ (i) ................................................ Los Angeles: Hebrew Sheltering Home for the Aged, 325 South Boyle Avenue___ Private organization.................. Hethlon Faith Home, 608 North Herbert Street. ................................ ___ do______________________ Hollenbeck Home for the Aged, 573 South Boyle Avenue_________ __do_______________________ Home for the Aged of the Little Sisters of the Poor, 2700 East First Catholic order, Little Sisters of Street. the Poor. Mercy Home (St. Patrick’s Home for the Aged), 4060 West Wash Catholic order, Sisters of Mercyington Street. Pacific Old People's Home, 1061 North Kingsley Drive__________ Southern California Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church. Pisgah Home, 6044 Echo Street. ___________ ______________ ___ Private organization________ _ St. Barnabas House, 534 South Boyle Avenue. ................................. 0 - ................................................ Solheim Home for the Aged, 2236 Merton Street, Eagle Rock. .......... Private organization (Lutheran). Swedish Baptist Pacific Home, 3835 North Verdugo Road................. Swedish Baptists of California, Oregon, and Washington. Volunteers of America Home for Aged, Central and Flower Streets, Volunteers of America of Los Sunland. Angeles. W. C. T. U. Home for Women, 3255 Norwalk Street, Eagle Rock__ Woman’s Christian Temper ance Union. National City: Family Home for Aged, 605 East Fourteenth Street Private organization.................... Niles: Niles Home............................................... ......................................... 1 No data. *Destitute persons accepted for “almost nothing.” * According to means 5 DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES MENTS OF HOMES FOR THE AGED Entrance requirements Min Minimum imum entrance fee Boarded age for life mem rates bers 0) 0) 0) 0) 60 60 60 0) 0) 0).............. 0).............................................................. Anglo-Saxon; member of order or his widow; worthy and entirely dependent. 0).............. (i).............................................................. 0).............. (i).............................................................. Destitute; good moral character_____ 2 years' residence in city; good recom mendations. Confederate soldiers, their wives, and widows. 50 0) 0) 0)(0 0)0) 0) 65 0).................................... Both sexes and couples. (l)200 (i)..................................... (i) (i)..................................... 0) Both sexes and couples. 133 Women only__ 35 Both sexes and couples. 100 118 30 12 Confederate veterans, their wives, and Both sexes and couples, 200 widows. 0) .............. 0).............................................................. (i).................................... (9 0).............. (i).............................................................. 0 .................................... 0) $300 2,000 1,500 0) 65 60 65 65 4,000 40-4,000 0)65 (92,000 65 65 65 Ca pac ity (i).............. (i).............................................................. (i).................................... 0) 60 65 70 Whom admitted Caucasian; 35 years’ residence in State. White; member of order or any of his Both sexes and couples family. (also children). Both sexes and couples. 65 0)60 Other 300 2 1,000 1,000 350 $40-$60 per White; American; B aptist....._____ Both sexes___________ (i)month, .............. (i).............................................................. (i)__................................ Bothdo_sexes and couples. Transfer of property to home________ ___ ____________ Protestant; transfer of half of property to home. White (except Mexican); three-fifths ____do________. . . ____ of estate to home at death. Member of order for 3 years; transfer ........do______________ to home. (i).............. (i)of property ........................................................ (i).................................... Jewish; 2 years’ residence in city; Both sexes and couples. transfer of property to home. ____do_______________ Furnishings for room; clothing for life, ........do_______ ______ if possible. Indigent___ ____. . . . . . __________ ........do_______________ $30-$100 per month. $30-$60 per Member of church ________________ month. (i) ____ (i) ................................................. (i)..................................... Church member__________________ Both sexes and couples. Swedish; Swedish Baptists preferred $25-$35 per American citizen . . . . . . . . . . . . _____ month. $15,$25,$35, American; transfer of property to Women only__. . . . . . . . and $45 per home. month. Both sexes and couples. $40 per month and up, in ad vance. $50 p e r month. 15 0111 ) 50 120 300 0) 110 14 230 230 70 75 70 0 12 42 30 100 7 16 6 DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE A.GED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization California—Continued Oakland: Beaufort Home for Aged, 1746 Tenth Avenue___ ________ ______ Private organization_________ Beulah Rest Home, 4690 Tompkins Avenue__________________— Woman’s Home Missionary Society, California Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church. Domicile (The), 6104 Hillegass Avenue_____ __________________ Private organization__________ ___ do______________________ German Old People’s TTomft, 1720 Hnpkins st-rftftt Home for Aged and Infirm Colored People, 5245 Underwood ....... do______________________ Avenue. Home for the Aged of the Little Sisters of the Poor, 2647 EastFour- Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. teenth Street. King’s Daughters’ Home, 3900 Broadway_____________________ King’s Daughters____________ Old Ladies’ Home, 3704 Forty-second Street........................................ Ladies’ Relief Society of Oak land. Onr Lady's Home, 1900 Thirty-fourth Avenue u ............................. Catholic order, Sisters of MercySalem Lutheran Home, 2361 E&st Twenty-ninth Street..................... Private organization (Lutheran). Otterbein: Baker (Col. R. M.) Home for Retired Ministers (P. O., R. Private organization (United Brethren). No. 1, Puente). Palms: King’s Daughters Home for the Aged, 10540 Regent Street,. King’s Daughters and Sons......... Pasadena: Eastern Star Home, 1507 North Fair Oaks Avenue_______ Order of Eastern Star_________ Riverside: Neighbors of Woodcraft Home, 432 Magnolia Avenue......... Neighbors of Woodcraft_______ San Diego: Helping Hand Home for Aged People, 1806 J Street____________ Private organization__________ (i).................................................... Mercy Home and Hospital, Hillcrest Drive . ___ San Francisco: Hebrew Home for Aged Disabled, 302 Silver Avenue...................... Private organization (Jewish)... Home for the Aged, 30D Lake Street____ _______ ______ ______ Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Lathrop (Rose) Home, 1805 Broadway_______________________ Private organization__________ .............................. . Old People’s Home (Crocker Home), 2507 Pine Street Protestant Episcopal Old Ladies’ Home, 2770 Lombard Street___ Protestant Episcopal Church— University Mound Old Ladies’ Home, University and Bacon (i).................................................... Streets. San Gabriel: California Christian Home, 1015 Mission Drive_______ United Christian Missionary • Society (Disciples of Christ). San Jose: Pratt Home and Sheltering Arms, First and Humboldt (i).................................................... Streets. Santa Clara: Woman’s Relief Corps Home of California _ __ _ _ _ State of California____ _______ Santa Monica: National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers........... United States Government......... Santa Rosa: Pythian Home of California.................................................. C alifornia G rand L od ge, Knights of Pythias. Saratoga: Odd Fellows’ Home of California.............................................. California Grand Lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. Sawtelle: California Soldiers’ Widows’ Home, Brentwood Heights___ Private organization........ ............ Stockton: St. Joseph’s Home, North California Street........................... (i).................................................... Watts: Old Folks’ Home, 1012 Linwood Street ..................................... (i).................................................... Yountville: Veterans’ Home of California________________________ State of California____ _______ Colorado Brush: Eben-Ezer Mercy Institute............................................................ Danish Lutherans in America... Canon City: Odd Fellows’ Home............................................................... Colorado Grand Lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. Colorado Springs: Stratton (Myron) Home, 117 East Pikes Peak Avenue.—. ______ Trustees of Myron Stratton Es tate. Union Printers’ Home_____________________________________ International Typographical Union. *No data. 3 According to age. * According to means. 4 Boarding home; no data as to rates. DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 7 MENTS OF HOMES FOR THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders’ imum for life mem rates age bers Other Whom admitted Ca pac ity Both sexes and couples. $75-$100 6 per month $1,800 $35-$50 per Ministers and their widows, mission 60 month. aries, and deaconesses. Women only_________ $60 p e r month, in advance. German_________________________ Both sexes and couples. 200 65 3 2,500-4,500 500 Colored; transfer of property to home.. ....... do______________ 65 30 Indigent_________________________ ........do_______________ 150 60 ........do______________ 120 $65 p e r month. Women only_________ 30 65 3 2,500-3,500 Roman Catholic__________________ Both sexes and couples. 185 65 40-5,000 Lutheran________________________ ....... do__.......................... 25 65 3 2,000-4,000 Caucasian; ministers of United ........do______________ 30 Brethren Church and their wives. Women only________ 30 60 $35 p e r month. Member of order in southern Califor ........ 8 nia for 7 years; transfer of property to home. Member of order for 10 years; indigent; Both sexes and couples. 125 transfer of insurance certificate to home. (5).............. sexes__________ 20 (i) (i) .......................................................... Both (i)..................................... <*) 0) <9 / « 65 ) ...................... Jewish; transfer of property to home- Both sexes and couples. 110 V 60 / indigent______________ __________ ........do_____ _________ 300 60 Both sexes___________ 10 $65 p e r 0) month. 65 5 years’ residence in State................... Both sexes and couples. 195 3,150 American; residents of State preferred; Women only_________ 48 65 3,000 of church. (i) ............ (i)member ............................................................ (i).................................... 0) (9 0) American; member of Disciples of Both sexes and couples, 60 100 70 Christ Church; transfer of property (i) .......... (i)to home. .......................................................... (i)..................................... 0) 0 0) Dependent of Civil War veteran; 1 Women only_________ 49 year’s residence in State. Disabled volunteer soldiers_________ Men only........................ 2,956 65 Member of order!_________________ Both sexes and couples. 60 240 65 Member of order in California; indi gent. Women only_________ Army nurse or widow of veteran..___ 4 (8) (i) .............. .......... (i)............................................................... (i)..................................... 0) 0) (9 (i) (i) ............................................................. (i) ..................................... 0) 0)62 Honorably discharged soldier, sailor, % or marine. 65 70 (4) Danish-American; Lutheran________ Both sexes and couples. Members of order; also their orphans 55 80 121 • Men. Citizen of United States, 10 years’ resi ____do_______________ dence in Colorado; sane, moral, lawabiding. 10 years’ membership in union, at least Both sexes____. . . ___ 3 of which immediately preceded application. 1 Women. • So-called “widows’ home,” for self-supporting women. 8 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Denver* Colorado—Continued Augustana Lutheran Home, 1746 Emerson Street............................. Lutheran Church......................... Beth Israel Old Folks’ Home, West Sixteenth Avenue and Lowell Private organization (Jewish)... Boulevard. Home for the Aged, West Thirtieth and Meade Streets_________ Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Old Ladies’ Home, 4115 West Thirty-eighth Avenue____ . .. . . . . . Ladies’ Relief Society_________ HoTnp.lake; C!nlnradn and Sailors’ Horna State of Colorado_____________ Connecticut Bridgeport: Burroughs Home, Fairfield Avenue and Ellsworth Street............... Private organization__________ Crosby (Fannie) Memorial Home for the Aged, 1088 Fairfield Ave ____do............................................. nue. Widows’ Home, 3/54 Prospect Street Sterling _ _ Bridgeport Protestant Widows’ Society. Cromwell: Woman’s Relief Corps Home___________ _______ . .. . .. Woman’s Relief Corps of Con necticut. Danbury: Brewster (Amelia), 52 Main S tr e e t..............__________. .. . .. Private organization....______ Methodist Episcopal Church Home for the Aged, 400 Main Street. Eastern New York district, Methodist Episcopal Church. ”>1s™V Wp.Rt-«ott-WilfinT TTnm« ___ ______-Tvr-n,,rr„ , Private organization__. . . . . . . . . Groton: Odd Fellows’ Home of Connecticut, “Fairview”_______ ___ Connecticut Grand Lodge, In dependent Order of Odd Fel lows. Hartford: Beach Home, 374 Wethersfield Avenue_______________________ St. John’s Episcopal Church___ Church Home, 123 Retreat Avenue____. . . . . . . . . __________ ___ Private organization (Episcopal) Hebrew Ladies’ Old People’s Home, 276 Washington Street_____ Private organization (Jewish)... Kelsey Memorial Cottage, 380 Wethersfield Avenue........... ............ St. John’s Episcopal Church.... King’s Daughters and Sons’ Home, 614 New Britain Avenue____ King’s Daughters and Sons........ Moeller (August) Memorial Home, 161 Seymour Street___. . . . __ United German Societies of Hartford. Old People’s H o m e .........._____________. . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (i).................................................... St. Mary’s Home for the Aged, Albany Avenue and Steele Road.. Catholic order, Sisters of Mercy. Widows’ Home, 1860 Main Street_______ _________ __________ Widows’ Home, 1846 Main Street_______ ______________ . . . . __ Widows’ Home, 13 South Hudson Street______________ . . . . ___ Widows’ Home, 133 Market Street____. . . . . . . _____. . . ________ Meriden: Curtis Home, 380 Crown Street___. . . . . . . _______________ Middletown: St. Luke’s Home for Destitute and Aged Women (Har riet Makinster Home), 135 Pearl Street. New Britain: Erwin Woman’s Home, 140 Bassett Street____ _______________ St..Lucian’s Home for the Aged, North Burritt Street___. . . . . . ___ Immanuel C o n g re g a tio n a l Church. ____do______________________ St. John’s Episcopal Church___ ____do___ . . . . ............................... Private organization (Episcopal) ____do___________ ___________ South Congregational Church... Catholic order, Children of Mary of Immaculate Concep tion. New Haven: Center Church Home, 84 Trumbull S treet......._______ ______ First Church of Christ (Congre gational). Gray (Hannah) Home, 235 Dixwell Avenue__. . . . . . ___________ Private organization.................... Home for the Aged of the Little Sisters of the Poor (St. Andrew’s Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Home), 238 Winthrop Avenue. Home for the Friendless, 118 Clinton Avenue... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Private organization__________ Jewish Home for the Aged, 690 Davenport Avenue........................... ----- do— ---------------------------St. Paul’s Church Home for Aged Women, 600 Chapel Street_... ........do______________ . .. . . . . . . Trinity Church Home, 84 Norton S t r e e t .......................... Trinity Church on the Green___ 1No data. <According to means. •Men. 7Women. • So-called “ widows’ home” for self-supporting women. DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 9 MENTS OF HOMES FOR THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Boarders* rates (0- $10-$15per week. $15 per month. $8-$15per week.9 $5-$l0 per week9 $10, $12, Other Whom admitted 0)-------------------------Both sexes and couples. -----do........................... . Women only................ . Resident of State or enlisted from State of Colorado; wife of veteran, if Both sexes and couples. over 50 years; widow, if husband was member of the home. Women only.................. Protestant. Both sexes and couples. Protestant; 4 years’ residence in city. Women only.................. Wife or widow of Civil War veteran; Women and couples.... one-half of pension to home. Women only.................. 10 years’ membership in Methodist Both sexes and couples. Episcopal Church, of which last 5 in church of Eastern New York Con ference. Both sexes...................... Member of order, his wife or widow, or Both sexes and couples. Rebekah; transfer of property to home. Widow..................................................... Women only.. Member of Episcopal Church; trans ___ do„........... fer of property to home. Jewish...................................................... Both sexes and couples. Lone woman........................................... Women only................ . Protestant...... ......................................... ___ do............................. German; resident of city....................... 0)...................................Citizen of State; good character; re 0).................................... duced circumstances. Both sexes.................... . 0)........ Jewish. and $15 per week Women only. $2 p er Church members preferred.. month.10 ___ do............., ___ do............. $7.50 p er month.11 .do.. $3 p e r month. _do_. 3 years’ residence in city; transfer of property to home. .do.. Transfer of property to home................. ty 0 30 148 70 260 29 37 28 28 13 19 8 100 11 40 100 3 8 7 70 200 12 12 12 12 30 12 $3.50-$4.25 Worthy, indigent women. per mo.11 $25 and $35 per mo. Both 39 35 $7 p er sek. Women only.. ___ do............................. Both sexes and couples. Women only................ Both sexes___ Women only.. 25 9 170 40 60 10 12 Colored; indigent_______________ Indigent; good character; sane mind__ $4 p er Protestant........................................... week. Jewish...................................................... (4) Member of long standing of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Member of Trinity (Episcopal) ’ Parish; poor and friendless. •According to room. 19 Per room; covers rent only. ’aac- ii Covers rent only. 10 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STA.TES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE- Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Connecticut—Conti nued New London; Smith Memorial Homes, 29 Masonic. Street _ Noroton Heights: Fitch’s Home for Soldiers______________________ Norwalk- TTing’s Daughters’ Home for the Aged _ Norwich: Huntington (Eliza) Memorial Home, 99 Washington Street______ Private organization__________ State of Connecticut. . . . _____ King’s Daughters and Sons____ Sheltering Arms, McKinley Avenue and Rockwell Street.............. Shelton: Swedish Baptist Old People’s Home (“ Home of Rest”), Elein Park. Southbury: Lutheran Home for the Aged___ ____________________ Wallingford: Masonic Home___________________________________ Waterbury: Southmayd Home, 250 Columbia Boulevard__________ West Haven: Methodist Church Home, 111 Elm Street____________ Private organization. .................. United Workers of Norwich____ Association of Swedish Baptists of the East. Lutheran American Mission So ciety of Connecticut. Connecticut Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Private organization__________ Methodist Churches of New Haven district. Private organization__________ Willimantir*.: Card Home for the Aged, Pleasant and John Streets Delaware Dover: Palmer Home_____ ____________________ ______________ King’s Daughters...______ ___ Wilmington: Home for Aged Women, 1109 Gilpin Avenue..................................... Private organization__________ Layton Home for Colored Persons, Thirty-fifth andMarket Streets. (i).................................................. Little Sisters of the Poor, West Fourth Street and Grant Avenue... Catholic Order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Minquadale Home___________________________________ _____ (i).................................................... District of Columbia Aged Women’s Home, 1255 Wisconsin Avenue.......................... ............. (i).................................................... Baptist Home of the District of Columbia, 3248 N Street N W.............. Baptist Church.......... ............ Catholic Home for Aged Ladies, 3043 P Street NW................................. Private organization (Catholic). Congregational Home, 1290 Crittenden Street N„W....................... ......... Private organization (Congre gational). Dickson (John) Home, Fourteenth and Gallatin Streets NW........... (»)._................................................. Diocesan Episcopal Church Home, 3315 Wisconsin Avenue NW........... (i).......... ......................................... Edes Home, 2929 N Street NW................................................................... Trustees of Margaret Edes Es tate. Epiphany Church Home, 1221 Massachusetts Avenue N W ................. Church of the Epiphany (Epis copal) . Hebrew Home for the Aged, 1125 Spring Road NW ................................ Private organization (Jewish)... Lenthall Home for Widows, 618 Nineteenth Street NW......................... Private organization (Episcopal) Little Sisters of the Poor, Third and H Streets NE................................. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Louise Home, 1500 Massachusetts Avenue NW ....................................... Trustees of W. W. Corcoran Es tate. Masonic and Eastern Star Home of the District of Columbia, First District of Columbia lodges of and Quackenbos Streets NE. Masons and «f Eastern Star. Methodist Home for the Aged, 4901 Connecticut Avenue....................... Methodist Episcopal Church__ National Lutheran Home for the Aged, Eighteenth and Douglas United Lutheran Church in Streets NE. America. Odd Fellows' Home, 3233 N Street NW.................................................. Odd Fellows’ Home Association. Presbyterian Home, 1818 Newton Street NW ........................................ Presbyterian Churches of Wash ington Presbytery. Ruppert (Christian and Eleanora) Home for Aged and Indigent Resi Private organization______ ___ dents of the District of Columbia, 2100 Good Hope Road SE., Anacostia. Southern Relief Home, 2403 Pennsylvania Avenue NW ........................ Southern Relief Society_______ Stoddard Baptist Old Folks’ Home, 324 Bryant Street____ ______ _ Private organization (Baptist)-United States Soldiers’ Home............................................................... ... United States Government Vermont Avenue Baptist Home, 1907 Third Street NW..................... Private organization (Baptist)-. 1No data. * According to means. DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 11 MENTS OF HOMES FOR THE AOED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders’ imum for life mem rates age bers $ 1,000 65 1,000 $3 pe >ek. 750 750 CO 65 65 65 65 60 CO60 CO Other American; Protestant........................... Women only.. Soldier, sailor, or marine; 3 years’ resi Men only___ dence in State. Good health, physical and mental....... Women and couples__ Permanent resident of city; Protestant; transfer of property to home. CO............ p er Member of Swedish Baptist Church.. 350 $12 week. Member of Connecticut Lutheran 1,000 Church Conference; fairly good health; transfer of property to home. Member of order; Protestant................. $6 p er Residents of city preferred; reasonably week. good health. Member of Methodist Church in New 500 Haven district; transfer of property to home 2,000 Resident of city or vicinity; transfer of property to home. 400 Transfer of property to home.. 350 CO.............................................................CO CO Respectable; of sound mind; free from contagious diseases. CO CO Whom admitted Women only., ___ do.............. Both sexes and couples. Both sexes.................... . Both sexes and couples Ca pac ity 18 400 14 14 35 .do.. Women only.............. Both sexes and couples. 250 30 20 Women only................ . 14 Both sexes and couples. ...19 Women only................ . 45 C0130 Both sexes and couples. CO CO...................................................... CO.............................. . CO (030 CO..................................................... CO................. Transfer of property to home............... Women only. 14 Catholic; resident of District of Co ___ do_ .......... lumbia. 7 $40-$50 per Congregational........................................ Both sexes. month. Men only.. CO CO (0.............. CO (0 American; indigent widow; $150 for Women only.. 15 funeral expenses. American; member of Epiphany ___ do__......... 23 Church. Jewish; transfer of property to home.. Both sexes and couples. 75 (12) Member of Epiphany Church............ . Women only.................. 11 $12.50 per C8) month.11 Destitute; good moral character_____ Both sexes and couples. 200 60 American; gentlewomen reduced by Women only.................. 38 50 misfortune. Member of order; worthy and needy; Both sexes and couples, 75 transfer of property to home. Church affiliation................................. do. 60 500 ___ do__................................................... _do_ 58 200 15 Member of order, or his widow, or Re_do_ bekah; transfer of property to home. 26 American; member of church............... ___ do. 500 35 5 years’ residence in city; supply of Both clothing. American; resident of city; Confeder Both sexes and couples. ate veteran, his widow, or dependent. 50 15 Colored..................................................... ___ do____ 2,000 Honorably discharged soldier of Reg Men only.. ular Army. Colored; Baptist..................................... Couples only............. * So-called “widows’ home,” for self-supporting women. 11 Covers rent only. 12 Under 65. (065 60 CO CO 12 DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Florida Gainesville: Independent Order of Odd Fellows’ Orphanage and Home for the Aged. Jacksonville: Florida Christian Home, 1071 Edgewood Avenue............................. Home for the Aged, 2751 St. Johns Avenue....................................... Old Confederate Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home__________________ Kendall: Kendall Home........................ Lakeland: Carpenters’ Home...................................................................... Orange Park: Moosehaven....... ............. ..................................................... Florida Grand Lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. United Christian Missionary Society (Disciples of Christ). Private organization__________ State of Florida______________ (i).................................................... United Brotherhood of Carpen ters and Joiners. * Supreme Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose. St. Petersburg: Masonic Home of Florida................................................. Florida Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Tampa: Old People’s Home of Hillsborough County, Twelfth Street Private organization_______ ... and Twenty-second Avenue. Georgia Atlanta: Carter Home, 185 West Mitchell Street_________ ____________ 0).................................................... Confederate Soldiers’ Home of Georgia............................................. State of Georgia............................ Home for Old Women, 891 West End Avenue SW........................... Private organization. .................. Augusta: Colored Old Folks’ Home, 1106-1108 Twiggs Street_____ _______ Tubman Home, Milledgeville Road, R. No. 2__............................ 0)................................................... Warren (Mary) Home for Aged Women, 2109 McKinley Drive___ King’s Daughters................ ........ (i)_.................................................. Widows’ Home............................................................ Columbus: Old Woman’s Home, 2801 Second Avenue........................... King's Daughters......................... Macon: Jones (Julia Parkman) Benevolent Home, 512 Walnut Street____ Old Ladies’ Home, 207 Rogers Avenue____ __________ . King’s Daughters____________ Savannah: Abrahams Home, corner Broughton and East Broad Streets_____ Savannah Widows’ Society____ Little Sisters of the Poor, Thirty-seventh and Abercorn Streets.._ Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Mills Memorial Home............................................................................ (i).................................................... Railway Conductors’ Home, Oatland Island..................................... Order of Railway Conductors... Idaho Boise: Idaho State Soldiers Home........................................................... State of Idaho................................ Caldwell: Odd Fellows Home................ ................................................ Idaho Grand Lodge, Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows. Coeur d’Alene: Coeur d’Alene Homes...................................................... Wendell: St. Valentine’s Home and Hospital................................... . Illino's Alton: Alton Woman’s Home, North State Street____________ _ St. Anthony’s Infirmary, 2120 Central Avenue.................................. Arlington Heights: Evangelical Lutheran Old Folks’ Home................ Aurora: Old Ladies’ Home, 421 Fifth Street..................................................... St. Joseph's Hospital and Home for the Aged, 85 West Park Avenue Belleville: St. Vincent Home for the Aged, Third and Lincoln Street.. Bensenville: Evangelical Orphans’ and Old People’s Home................ Rocky Mountain Lutheran Charity Association. Catholic order, Sisters of St. Benedict. (i).................................................... Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis. Private organization (Lutheran). Private organization.................. Catholic order, Sisters of Mercy. Catholic order............................... Northern Illinois district, Evan gelical Synod of North Amer ica. Bloomington: Withers (Jessamine) Home, 305 West Locust Street... Second Presbyterian Church... Carlyle: St. Mary’s Home............................................................................ Catholic order, Sisters of Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ. Champaign: Garwood Home, 1515 North Market Street....................... Private organization_______ ... *No data. * According to means. 1 According to age. 1 Boarding home; no data as to rates. DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 13 MENTS OF HOMES FOR THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders’ imum for life mem rates bers $100 13400 m 500 0 0 <*)-. 50 0 0 66 0 60 60 0 60 0 0) 060 0) 300 0- Confederate veteran.. 0- Colored................................................... « - .......................................................... White; transfer of insurance to home. 0White; - 6 months’ residence in county. 0 ............................................................. 0 0) ( 15) 60 0)65 0) (>)- 65 (0 Member of order for 10 years; transfer of property to home. Member of church...... ........................... 1 year’s residence in State........... Confederate soldiers and sailors . 0 -years’ membership in union; unable 10 to earn living, good moral character. White; member of order; belief “in a Supreme Being”; transfer of prop erty to order. 0 .......................-..................................... Transfer of property to home.. 0200 100 Other 0- 0) 61841°—29------2 Ca pac ity Both sexes and couples 8 (also children). Both sexes and couples. 65 28 50 Men only_______ 0 0 ........................... Men and couples.. 0) Both sexes and couples. 200 0 0 ............................... Both sexes and couples. 65 0 .................... Men only___ Women only.. _do._......... 0Women only.. 0 ~ ................ Women only.. 0Women .................... only- 0110 50 25 0 14 0 0 ___ do............................. 51 indigent; good moral character.. Both sexes and couples. 117 0400 0j- years’ membership in union, and Men 0 - ....................... and couples., unable to earn living. Soldier; obedience to rules of home... Men only.. Member of order; white; no relatives, Both sexes. and unable to care for self; clothing for a year; transfer of property to home. Scandinavians preferred; member of -do. Norwegian Lutheran Church. Both sexes and couples. 0 .............. 0 $1 per day.......... German American; member of Evan 3300-500 gelical Lutheran Church; transfer of property to home. Transfer of property to home___ ____ * 500-750 1,000-3,000 $50-$80per month. * 1,000-3,.000 0 .............. Member of Evangelical Church; trans fer of property to home. White....................................................... 500 $l-$2 per day. 55 White. 750 w And $15 per month; residents of county. 14 And $25 per month; nonresidents of county. 0 Whom admitted 150 27 55 0 0 ............... Both sexes . Both sexes and couples. 115 Women only.. ___ do............ . Both sexes and couples. ___ do............................. Women only............. Both sexes and couples . Women only......... 14 Must be “old.” 10 50 95 25 15 25 14 DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Illinois—Continued Chicago: American Boarding Home for Aged Ladies, 1943 Lawrence Avenue Private organization..................... Augustana Home for the Aged, 7540 Stony Island Avenue............. Board of Charities, Illinois Con ference, Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod. Bethany Home for Aged People, 5001-5015 North Paulina Street.. Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church. Bohemian Old People’s Home and Orphan Asylum, 5061 North Private organization........ ......... Crawford Avenue. Christian Elderly Ladies’ Home, 3334 Warren Avenue.................. . 0).................................................. . Church Home for Aged Persons, 5445 Ingleside Avenue................ Chicago Diocese, Protestant Episcopal Church. Danish Old People’s Home, 6809 Hurlbut Street, Norwood Park.. Private organization (Danish).. Holland Old People’s Home, 238 West One hundred and seventh Chicago Holland Union Benev olent Association. Place. Home for Aged Colored People, 4430-4432 Vincennes Avenue......... Private organization.................... Home for Aged Jews, 6140 Drexel Avenue------------------------ ------ Private organization (Jewish).. Home for the Aged, and Convent of the Little Sisters of the Poor, Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Fullerton and Sheffield Avenues. Home for the Aged of the Little Sisters of the Poor, Harrison and ___do............................................. Throop Streets. Home of Rest, Swedish Baptist Home for the Aged, 11404 South Private organization (Swedish Baptist). Irving Avenue. Illinois Home for Aged and Infirm Deaf, 4539 South Parkway___ Illinois Association for the Deaf. King (James C.) Home for Old Men, 360 East Garfield Boulevard.. Trustees of Jas. C. King Estate. Methodist Episcopal Old People’s Home, 1415 Foster Avenue___ Norwegian Lutheran Bethesda Home, 2833-2853 North Nordica Avenue. Norwegian Old People’s Home, 6016 Nina Avenue........................ . Oakhaven Old People’s Home, 11335 South Western Avenue... Old People’s Home of City of Chicago, 4724 Vincennes Avenue.. Olivet Institute Hospice, 1440 Hudson Avenue............................. Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged, 1648 South Albany Avenue. St. Benedict’s Home for the Aged, 1718 West Eighteenth Street— Methodist Episcopal Church.. Private organization (Lutheran). Private organization (Norwe gian). Private organization__________ ___ do................. .......................... Olivet Memorial Presbyterian Church. Private organization (Jewish).. Private organization.................... St. Joseph’s Home for the Aged, 5148 Prairie Avenue....................... Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. St. Joseph’s Home for the Aged and Crippled, 2649 North Hamlin Catholic order, Franciscan Sis ters of St. Kunegunda. ‘Avenue. St. Paul’s House, 3831 North Mozart Street................................... . Private organization (Episcopal) Swedish Covenant Hospital and Home of Mercy, 2725 Foster Swedish Evangelical Mission Covenant. Avenue. Western German Baptist Old People’s Home, 1851 North Spauld German Baptist Benevolent ing Avenue. Society. Danville: National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers............................... United States Government.. Webster Memorial Home, 903 North Logan Avenue...................... . 0)............................................. Decatur: Illinois Pythian Home for Aged.......................................................... . Illinois Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias. Millikin (Anna B.) Home and Macon County Industrial School Private organization.................... for Girls, North Oakland Avenue. Prince Hall Masonic and O. E. S. Home..................... .................... Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Elgin: Old People’s Home...................................................................... Private organization.................... Evanston: Presbyterian Home, 3200 Grant Street......................................... Chicago Presbytery, Presby terian Church. Swedish Society Old People’s Home, Pioneer Road and Grant 0).................................................. Street. Forest Park: German Old People’s Home, 7824 Madison Street__ Frauen Verein des Deutschen Altenheims. Freeport: St. Joseph’s Home for the Aged, 647 East Jefferson Street... Catholic order.............................. Girard: Brethren Home....................................................................... Church of the Brethren......... 4 According to means. *No data. • Boarding home; no data as to rates. DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 15 MENTS OF HOMES FOB THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders’ imum for life mem rates age bers 65 65 0)65 0) 65 65 65 /« 1 7 6C 60 60 65 65 65 W Other (*>- Women only.................. Member of Evangelical Lutheran Both sexes and couples. Church, Illinois Conference; trans fer of property to home. Swedes preferred..................................... _do. (4) Czechoslovak.. -do. 0) (0 500 ............. 0)........ 0)................................. Transfer of property to home.. Both sexes and couples. 1,500 (i)---------- Danish...................... .............................. Both sexes and couples. Member of Christian Reformed ___ do............... Church of America; Dutch descent. Colored; transfer of property to home. Both sexes...... .......... 200 Jewish...................................................... Both sexes and couples. 0) 0).............................................................. 0)............................... 0) 0)............................................................. 0)............................... Swedish; Swedish Baptists preferred. Both sexes and couples. 500 Deaf............................................. ........... ___ do____ (4) 500 10 years’ residence in county; native or Men only. naturalized; transfer of property to home. Transfer of property to home.............. Both sexes and couples. 500 Scandinavian.......................................... ___ do......................... Norwegian; transfer of property to _do. 500 home. Transfer of property to home............. ___ do............ . 500 2 years’ residence in city; deposit for Women only. 500 burial if possible. Absolute need; transfer of property to Both sexes and couples. home. Jewish. ................ .................................. .do. &7 p er Bohemian or other Slavic nationality; .do. week. Roman Catholic; transfer of prop erty to home. .do. .do. (4) Member of St. Paul’s Church or sister .do. (»)churches. Scandinavians preferred; transfer of .do. property to home. German or American; Protestant; 700 .do. transfer of property to home. $500 070 Whom admitted 0)0) 60 8: 650 (*) (*) 750 500 500 $1 per day. 0). 0)...................-........................................ Member of order for 5 years; indigent. American................................................ Colored; member of order.................... Protestant.............................................. Member of church in Chicago Presby tery. Swedish; member of Swedish society or resident of county. German; transfer of property to home. White. Both sexes and couples. Women only... Both sexes and couples. ___ do.............. . _do. _do_. .do.. .do. -do. 1 Women. Ca pac ity 20 140 225 50 0)70 55 60 20 0)80 0) 70 20 150 70 104 50 156 143 50 195 90 38 101 76 0)0) 75 17 100 35 89 130 35 20 16 DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Illinois—Continued Highland Park: Home for Aged and Disabled Railroad Employees of Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers; Brotherhood of Loco America. motive Firemen and Enginemen; and Brotherhood of Rail road Trainmen. Hollywood: British Old People’s Home___ ________ _____________ Daughters of the British Em pire (in Illinois and Middle West States). Jacksonville: Christian Home for the Aged, 873 Grove Street_______ Church of the Disciples of Christ. Joliet: Salem Home for the Aged, R. No. 4______ ________________ Board of Charities, Illinois Lu theran Conference. Knoxville: Knoxville Old Ladies’ Home______ _______ __________ Private organization__. . . __. . . Lawrenceville: Old Folks Home________________________________ Southern Illinois Conference, Methodist Espiscopal Church. Mattoon: I. 0. 0. F. Old Folks Home...................................................... Grand Lodge of Illinois, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. Maywood: Baptist Old People’s Home, 316 Randolph Street............................. Baptist Church______________ Maywood Home for Soldiers’ Widows, 224 North First Avenue___ Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic. Mount Carroll: Mark (Caroline) Home____________ _____________ Trustees of Caroline Mark Estate. Mount Morris: Old People and Orphans’ Home__________________ Church of the Brethren of Northern Illinois and Wis consin. Ohio: Mercy Home and H o sp ita l..........____ . _____. . . . . ______ Catholic order, Sisters of Mercy. Peoria: Apostolic Christian Home, 711 North Monroe Street_______ ____ Apostolic Christian Church___ Guyer (Mrs. Mary M. Hotchkiss) Memorial Home for Aged Private organization.................. People. 703 Knoxville Avenue. Proctor (John C.) Home, Spring and Glendale Avenues.................. Trustees of John C. Proctor Endowment. St. Joseph’s Home for the Aged, 405 Smith Street............. .............. Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis. Princeton: Prouty (Adeline E.) Old Ladies’ Home, 508 Park Avenue Trustees of Adeline E. Prouty east. Estate. Quincy: Brown (Anna) Home for the Aged, 1507 North Fifth Street............ Trustees of Anna Brown Estate. Illinois Soldiers and Sailors’ Home____________ _____ _______ State of Illinois____ ________ Lindsay Church Home, 234 North Fourth Street............................ (i).................................................... Old People’s Home, 418 Washington Street........................................ Illinois Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church. St. Vincent’s H om e............................................................................ Catholic order, Sisters of Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ. Riverside: Scottish Old People’s Home..................................................... Illinois St. Andrew Society____ Rockford: Eastern Star and Masonic Home, 2400 South Main Street............... Grand Chapter of Illinois, Order of Eastern Star. Snow (Jennie) Home for Aged Women, 525 Kent S tr e e t.............. (i)................................................... Winnebago County Home for the Aged, 408 North Horsman Street. Private organization____ . . . . . . . Springfield: King’s Daughters Home for Women, 541 Black Avenue.................. King’s Daughters____________ St. Joseph Home, South Sixth Street, Hard Road, R. No. 3............ Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis. Sullivan: Illinois Masonic Home..................................... ................1___ Illinois Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Techny: St. Ann’s Home for the Aged....................................................... Catholic order, Missionary Sis ters, Servants of the Holy Ghost. Wilmington: Soldiers’ Widows’ Home.................. ................................ State of Illin o is.......___. . . . . . Woodstock: Old People’s Rest Home......................................................... Free Methodist Church of North America. *No data. 1According to age. *According to means. DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 17 MENT8 OF HOMES FOE THE AOED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders’ imum for life mem rates age bers 65 $500 70 65 65 60 100 500 300 3 500-1,000 70 65 60 50 65 60 70 65 (4) 0) 0) 750 400 65 1,000 0)60 5000) (9 / • 65 \ 760 )/ ..................... 65 0)65 0) 300 65 65-70 C16) (17) 60 65 •Men. Member in good standing of one of Men only___________ supporting brotherhoods and eligible to insurance therein; permanently incapacitated for railroad work. British birth or ancestry; member of a Both sexes and couples. British organization; transfer of property to home. Member of church; transfer of prop .....d o ______________ erty to home. Transfer of property to h o m e......... .....d o ____ __________ 3 years’ residence in county; transfer Women only... . . . . . . . . of property to home. Member of Methodist Episcopal Both sexes and couples. Church of Southern Illinois; transfer of property to home. Member of order_____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....d o ____ __________ 500 600 3,000 Other Whom admitted Transfer of property to home................ ........do_____ _________ Female relatives of Civil War veterans; Women o n ly ........... two-thirds of pension or equivalent; transfer of property to home at death. Resident of county__. . . . . . . . . . . ____ ____do____ __________ White; member of church for 1 year; Both sexes and couples. transfer of property to home. ____do_________ _____ Member or attendant of church_____ Women only.................. 2 years' residence in county; transfer Both sexes and couples. of property to home. White; $200 for burial expenses; trans fer of property to home. ........do____ __________ Ca pac ity 135 65 30 60 20 50 220 40 32 32 30 21 20 12 186 120 10 Transfer of property, up to $6,000, to Women o n ly ......_. .. home. American; transfer of property to home. Both sexes and couples. 37 Soldier of Civil, Spanish-American or Both sexes and couples. 1,500 World Wars, or wife or widow; 2 years' residence in State; disabled; property must not exceed $5,000. (i).................................... American; member of church; transfer ____do____ _________ 0)72 of property to home. ____do___ __________ 150 50 Scottish; transfer of property to home. Member of order in Illinois; depen Women only_________ 85 dent. ....................................................... ____do............................. 0) (i)..... Transfer of property to h om e.......... Both sexes and couples. 14 ____do____ ________ . . . __. . . . _____ Women only.................. 40 Both sexes and couples. 115 White; member of order; 1 year's sup ____do.......... .................. 250 ply of clothing. ....... do.............................. 210 $30 per month. Relative of soldier or sailor; indigent; Women only_______ _ 115 1 year's residence in State. Doctor and nurse bills if able to pay__ Both sexes and couples. 15 ^women. *• $300 for residents of county; $600 for ntflresidents. 17 Varies. 18 DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Indiana Avilla: Sacred Heart Home for the Aged ................................................ Catholic order, Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart. Crawfordsville: Ben Hur Home_________ . . . . . . . _________________ Supreme Tribe of Ben Hur......... Evansville: Christian Homo _ _ _____ (i)........................ Evansville Protestant Home for the Aged, Washington and Lom Federation of Evangelical Wo bard Avenues. men of Southern Indiana. Little Sisters of the Poor, 1410 Lincoln Avenue................................. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Rathbone Memorial Home, 1520 Upper Second Street.................... Trustees of Rathbone Estate___ Fort Wayne: Pixley Relief Home (Inc.), 2300 Maumee Avenue............................. Pixley Relief Association............. St. Joseph’s Hospital, Main and Broadway....................................... Catholic order, Sisters of Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ. Franklin: Indiana Masonic H om e..____ _______________________ Indiana Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Greensburg: Odd Fellows Home of Indiana.............................................. Indiana Grand Lodge, Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows. Hammond: St. Vincent’s Home for the Aged, 958 Hohman Street___ Catholic order, Sisters of Mercy. Honey Creek: Aged Persons’ Home and Orphan Asylum (P. 0. Mid Church of the Brethren_______ dletown, R. No. 2). Indianapolis: Alpha Home for Aged Colored Women, 1840 Boulevard Place____ (9— ..................................... -— Altenheim (Old Folks Home), 2007 North Capitol Avenue............. Private organization................. Hartwig-Kalley Home for Aged People, 2521 Chestnut Street____ 0)- — ............................................ Indianapolis Home for Aged Women, 1731 North Capitol Avenue. Private organization................. Jewish Shelter House and Old Home, 835 Union Street__________ (i).................................................... Little Sisters of the Poor, East and Vermont Streets_______ ____ Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Jeffersonville: Old Ladies’ Home___________ . . . . . . . ____________ _ Private organization__________ Lafayette: Indiana Pythian Home_______ _______ _____________________ Indiana Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias. Indiana State Soldiers Home_______________________________ State of Indiana___ . . . . . . . . . . . . Old People’s Home, 131 Park Avenue................................................. Private organization................... St. Anthony’s Home for the Aged, Twenty-second and Cason Catholic order, Poor Sisters of Streets. St. Francis of Perpetual Adora tion. Laporte: Sabin (Ruth C.) Home, 1603 Michigan Avenue____ ______ Trustees of Ruth C. Sabin En dowment. Logansport: Logansport Home for the Friendless, 630 Race Street....................... Private organization--------------Neal Home.................. ........................................................................ (i).................................................... Madison: Drusilla Home, Broadway and Presbyterian Avenue_____ Private organization.................... Marion: Flinn (Emily E.) Home, 615 West Twelfth Street................... Church of Disciples of Christ__ Mexico: Old Folks and Orphan Children’s Home.................................. Church of the Brethren............... New Albany: Old Ladies Home, 620 East Main Street.......................... Private organization..................... Newburgh: Thornton Home___________________________________ Presbyterian Board of Ministe rial Relief and Sustentation. New Carlisle: Haven Hubbard Memorial Old People's Home_______ Evangelical Church__________ Richmond: Home for Friendless and Aged Women, 6 South Tenth Street____ (i).................................................... Smith (Margaret) Home, Seventeenth and Main Streets. .............. Private organization____. . . . . . . Terre Haute: Fairbanks (Clara) Home for Aged Women, 721 Eighth Avenue ........dO.............. ............................... Rose Home for Aged Women, 1016 North Sixth Street.................... Rose Ladies’ Aid Society........... Waldron: Thompson (D. H.) Home for Aged Women........................... Indiana Convention, Umversalist Church. Warren: Methodist Memorial Home for the Aged................................. Northern Indiana Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church. *No data. * According to means. DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 19 MENTS OF HOMES FOR THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders* imum for life mem rates age bers 065 50 0 0 1,000 1 0 700 0 0 0 0 0060 70 0- 500 0- 0 8 500 100 ( 18) 200 800 0 60 65 65 60 65 Other Ca pac ity $25,$35,and Clothing.. Both sexes and couples. 125 $40 per month. Member of order; transfer of property ___ do............................. 21 to home. 0 $500 000 ).................................... 3 years’ residence in State; Protestants Both sexes and couples. 0 63 preferred; good character and health; transfer of property to home. ___ do............ . 160 500 17 American; transfer of property to Women only.. home; good health, character, and disposition. 500 Women (and children) 6 only. *35 p er American____. ________ Both sexes and couples. 35 month. Member of order or wife or widow- ___ do____ _________ 300 Member of order in Indiana; transfer Both sexes and couples 320 of property to home. (also children). Women only________ $50 p er 24 month. 0 0 ............. 00 0- 065 065 060 0 Whom admitted 0 300 500 500 600 500 0- w Poor received free. Colored....................... ............................ Women only................ . Christian; transfer of property to home Both sexes and couples. 0 —.....-............. White; average health; transfer of Women only________ . ^property to home. 0- sexes and couples. Both 0 .............................................................. 0 .................................... Member of order in Indiana for 5 years, Both sexes and couples. or wife or widow; transfer of prop erty to home. Transfer of certain part of pension to ....d o ............................. home. American.................................................. Women only.................. Both sexes and couples. 0- 0- 0 50 0 49 0178 0 52 700 5 60 0 0 0 14 8:: examination............................. Women only.. Phy Physical 22 Member of church; transfer of property ....d o ........ to home. 25 Member of church.. . . . . ___________ Both sexes and couples (also children). Women only................ . 12 Retired Presbyterian ministers, their Both sexes and couples. 30 widows, and missionaries. Members of church preferred; transfer ....d o ........................ of one-half of property, up to $1'0,000, to home. 0 24 0 ............... 0Transfer ...................................--......... Women enly.. of property to home.. 26 White....................................................... 14 .do. American..................................... .......... 12 .do. Resident of State; transfer of prop erty to home. Good character; transfer of property Both sexes and couples. 112 to home. 20 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE A.GED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Iowa Boone: Eastern Star Masonic Home.........................— ........................... Iowa Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. C!Af|ar Trails* Old Poonip’s TTnrnp Evangelical Church...................... Charles City: Charles City Home for the Aged (Starr Home)............... Private organization..................... Cedar Rapids: Home for Aged Women____ _________________ ... ____do..... ........................................ nimtoTv Mount. Alvernn Homfi ___ ___ _ _____ Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis. Council Bluffs: Christian Home and Orphanage, Seventh and D Private organization__________ Streets. Davenport: Cook (Clarissa C.) Home for the Friendless.. _________________ Fftjftrvary Homft for Old Farmers, Grand Avenue __ ... (»)._................................................ Decorah: Aase Haugen Home . ____ ^ .. _ ....................... (i).................................................... Des Moines: Danish Old People’s Home, 919 Grand View Street......................... Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church. Home for Aged, 2823 University Avenue______________ —_____ (i)__................................................ Dubuque: Bethany Home for the Aged, 1005 Lincoln Avenue........................... Synod of the West, Presbyterian Church in U. S. A. St. Anthony’s Home, Peabody Avenue.............................................. Catholic order, Sisters of MercySt. Francis Home, Davis Avenue....................... ................................ Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis. Fruitland: Hershey (Elizabeth) Orphan and Old People’s Home____ German Lutheran Society of Christian Charities. Iowa City: St. Anthony’s Home for Aged, 222 Van Buren Street........... Catholic order, Sisters of Mercy. Keokuk: Birge Benevolent Home, Seventh and Bank Streets............... Keokuk Benevolent Union___ Lamoni: Saints H om e................................................................................. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Madrid: Iowa Lutheran Home for Aged................................................... Lutheran Churches of Iowa___ Marshalltown: Iowa Soldiers’ Home____ ________ . _____________ ______ ____ State of Iowa__ _____. . . . . . ___ Old Folks’ H om e................................................................................... Church of the Brethren............... Mason City: Iowa Odd Fellows and Orphans’ Home............................. Iowa Grand Lodge, Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows. Muscatine: Lutheran Homes, R. No. 6..................................................... Evangelical Lutheran Society for Christian Charities. Orange City: Pioneer Memorial Home_____ -___-________________ Private organization__________ Pella: Home of the Aged_________________________ _____ _______ Christian Benevolent Associa tion. Sioux City: St. Benedict’s Home, 812 Douglas Street.............................. Catholic order, Sisters of St. Benedict. Story City: Story City Old People’s Home______________________ (i).................................................... Kansas Clay Center: Emanuel Home, North Sixth Street................................... Western Conference, Swedish Methodist Church. Concordia: Sunset Home Society___________________________ . ___ Swedish Baptist Conference___ Darlow: Kansas Brethren Home______ _______ _________________ Church of the Brethren_______ Ellsworth: Mother Bickerdyke Home....................................................... State of Kansas______________ Fort Dodge: Kansas State Soldiers’ Home _______ ______________ ____do___. . . . . . . . . . . ____. . . . __ Hillsboro: Salem Home_______________________________________ Krimmer Mennonite Brethren Church. Kansas City: Nation (Carry A.) W. C. T. U. Home, 738 Broadview Woman’s Christian Temperance Street. Union. Lawrence: Old Folks Home, 700 Connecticut Street______. ________ Christian Service Association__ Leavenworth: National Military Home_______ ___________. . . . . . ___________ United States Government____ Small (William) Memorial Home for Aged Women, 719 North Private organization__________ Broadway. *No data, 4According to means. u Must be “old.” DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 21 MENTS OF HOMES FOB THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders' imum for life mem rates bers $M1,000 600 19600 60 0 0 65 0 65 50 50 0 065 60 65 65 65 0) 0) 65 50 (i«) 65 65 65 0 0 0 0 •30 p e r month. 200 01,000 Other Member of order in Iowa in good Both sexes and couples, standing for 5 years. W hite..................................................... do. Transfer of property to home............... Women only________ ___ do....................................................... .....d o - ......................... Both sexes and couples. Women (and children) only. Women only.. Transfer of property to home. 00 — .......................................... 0 ................................................ 0 - ................................ Member of church. Both sexes and couples. 0 — ....................... 0 .................................... Members of church preferred; transfer Both sexes and couples. of property to home. ___ do............................. ___do............................. 00).................... only.. $100 for burial expenses........................ Women $25-$60 per month. $30 p e r month. 0 ............. 0 0 ............. 0 600-1,000 $30 per month. $5 p e r Transfer of property to home if life member. week. Member of church; moral character; 0 transfer of property to home. Honorably discharged soldier, or his wife or widow. Member of church and approved by it. Member of order in Iowa; transfer of property to home. M[ember en......................... of church; transfer of property to home. $300-$400 American................................................. per year. $100 for burial expenses, if possible. 1,500 0 ......................................................... 0 0 ......................................................... 0 0 Whom admitted Both sexes.................... Both sexes and couples. ....d o ............................. ___do.__....................... Both sexes and couples (also children). Both sexes and couples. ___do_________ _____ .do.. Ca pac ity 70 72 10 21 0 0 25 0 16 200 111 0 0 20 40 52 750 18 170 40 21 77 0) 0 Both sexes and couples. White; fairly sound mind and reason ___do.............................. able health. 35 American; member of church............... ....d o ______ 83 Dependents of soldiers, sailors, and Women only., marines of Civil, Spanish, Philip pine, and Boxer Wars. Honorably discharged soldiers, sailors, Both sexes and couples. 600 and marines. $20-$50 per Member of church.................................. ___ do.............................. 20 month. Transfer of property to home at death. Women only................. 18 500 $25 per White; American__ . . . . . . . . . . ______ Both sexes and couples. 35 month. .,926 Honorable discharge from military Men only___ service; physical disability. 33 Transfer of property to home at death. Women only.. 800 it $800 for nonresidents of county. ii poor received free. 500 22 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Kansas—Continued Lindsborg: Evangelical Lutheran Home for Aged.................................... Kansas Conference, Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod. Manhattan: Rebekah-Odd Fellows Home................................................. Kansas Grand Lodges of Rebe kahs and Odd Fellows. Parsons: Parsons Old Ladies* Home, 2329 Grand Avenue.................—- Private organization____ Topeka* Ingleside, Huntoon and Tyler Streets.................................................. Private organization..................... Methodist Episcopal Home for the Aged, College and Munson Methodist Episcopal Churches of Kansas. Avenues. Security Benefit Home_____ . . . . . . . . . . ____-__. . . . . . . . . . . __ -__ Security Benefit Association___ Wichita: Transas Masonic Home _ _ ___ _____________ Kansas Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Kentucky Bowling Green: Presbyterian Home.......................................................... General Assembly, Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Covington: Home for Aged and Indigent Women, Seventh and Gar Private organization..................... rard Streets. Eminence: Old Odd Fellows and Rebekahs’ Home................................. Kentucky Grand Lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fel lows. Lexington: Home of the Friendless, 522 West Short Street, ................................ Private organization..................... Odd Fellows Widows’ and Orphans’ Home, 511 West Sixth Street. Independent Order of Odd Fel lows. Old Ladies’ Home, 710 West High Street___ . . . . ______________ (i).................................................... Louisville: Christian Church Widows and Orphans Home of Kentucky, 225 Christian Churches of Ken tucky. East College Street. Church Home and Infirmary, 1508 Morton Avenue......................... Private organization (Episcopal) Cook Benevolent Institution, 622 West Kentucky Street________ Private organization. .................. Little Sisters of the Poor, 622 South Tenth Street............................. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Louisville Protestant Altenheim, 936 Barrett Avenue...................... German Protestant Churches... Masonic Widows and Orphans Home and Infirmary of Kentucky, Kentucky Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. 3701 Frankfort Avenue. Moorman (Chas. P.) Home for Women, 245 East Chestnut Street.. Trustees of Chas. P. Moorman Estate. 0 ’Leary Home for Poor Catholic Men, 904 Barrett Avenue_____ Catholic order, Sisters of Charity. Parr’s Rest, 978 Third Street................................................................ Private organization__________ Sacred Heart Home, 218 East College Street.......................... ............ (i)__................................................ St. James Old Folks’ Home, Greenwood Avenue.............................. Private organization__________ St. Joseph’s Home for Aged Poor, Tenth and Magazine Streets. __ 0 ) - ................................................ Peewee Valley: Kentucky Confederate Home.......................................... State of Kentucky. ...................... Shelbyville: Old Masons’ Home of Kentucky......................................... Kentucky Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Louisiana Algiers: Bonner (John M.) Memorial Hfcne_____________________ (i)..................................... Crowley: I. 0. 0. F. Home____________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ Louisiana Grand Lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. New Orleans: Fink Asylum, 3643 Camp Street ..................................................... Private organization.................... Home for the Aged, 1500 Johnson Street.............................................. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Lafon Old Folks Home, 3501 South Robertson Street....................... Methodist Episcopal Church__ Lafon’s Old Folks Home of the Holy Family, 1125 North Tonti Private organization. .................. Street. Louisiana Freedman Old Folks and Orphans’ Home, 3105 Audu Private organization (Baptist)__ bon Street. Maison Hospitaliere, 822 Barracks Street............................................ Private organization________ Protestant Bethany Home, 1643 North Claiborne Avenue.............. ____do......................................... Protestant Home*for the Aged, Magazine and Eleonore Streets ____do............................... ........ St. Anna’s Asylum, 1823 Prytania Street...................................... . ____do__ ______________ Soldiers’ Home of State of Louisiana................................................... State of Louisiana......................... Touro Infirmary (Julius Weis Home), Foucher and Coliseum Hebrew Benevolent Association. Streets. Shreveport: Eddington Home, 2055 Fretzer Avenue............................................. Private organization______ Home for Aged, 1419 Jordan Street....................................................... Old Folks’ Home.................................................................................... i No data. u Must be “old.” « According to means. 17 Varies, DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 23 MENTS OF HOMES FOR THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders’ imum for life mem rates age bers (17) 60 65 65 65 (0 60 <*) $500 500 0) 0) 0) 60 8 0) 0) 0)60 65 60 60 0) 0) 0)60 0) 55 (0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 200 0) (0 0) 0) 65 60 60 65 60 60 0) 60 10 (4) Other Whom admitted Ca pac ity Members of church preferred________ Both sexes and couples. 30 White; member of order in good stand ___ do____ . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 ing for 10 years. Women o n ly ........... 25 $30 per month if able.20 Transfer of property to home________ 32 Both sexes and couples. 100 80 Member of order_____ ______ . . . ___ Both sexes and couples (also children). Indigent members of order, their wives, Both sexes and couples. 275 widows, and children; must be in good standing. White; member of church__________ ___ do___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . (i).............. (i).............................................................. Women only__. . . . ___ 0) Member of order; certain amount of Both sexes and couples.. 6< clothing; transfer of property to home. (i).............. (i).............................................................. (i)..................................... (i).............. (i).............................................................. (i)..................................... (i).............. (i).............................................................. (i).................................... 0) American; 5 years’ residence in State; Women only__. . . . . . . . member of church; $200 for burial expenses. (i).............. (0.............................................................. (i).................................... <*> (i).............. (i).............................................................. (i).................................... 0) Both sexes and couples. 245 Protestant; 5 years’ residence in city Both sexes___________ 48 or county. Destitute widow of deceased master Women (and children) 8146 Mason. only. White; indigent; 5 years’ residence in Women only________ 22 11 county. (i).............. (i)___........................................................ Men only___________ 0) (i).............. (i)_............................................................ (i)__................................ (i).............. (n__.......................................................... (!).__.............................. 0) Colored.......................................... .......... Both sexes________ ... 0)14 (i).............. (i)................................. ............................ (i).................................... 0) 80 Confederate veteran; indigent______ Men only Member of order or wife________ __ Single men and couples, 75 8 (i).............................................................. (i).................................... Member of order__________________ Both sexes and couples (also children). Protestant widows________________ Women only__. . . . . . . . (i).............. (i)__.......................................................... (i).................................... Colored; Methodist________________ Both sexes and couples. Colored..................................................... Both sexes___________ ........do__________________ _________ Both sexes and couples. French and Catholic preferred______ Women only _ ______ Protestant; good health____________ Both sexes and couples. White; worthy and needy...................... Women only Confederate veteran, wife or widow. __ Both sexes and couples. Jewish_________________________ . _ do __________ Indigent________________ ____. .. . . ___d o _____ . . . . . . . . . . . (15)54 Amen nan ............................................. Both sexes . .. . . . . . . . Colored..................................................... (0.................................... (") 0) 2« Poor residents of city or county admitted free. 22 Building new home with capacity of 60. Women; 550 orphans. 75 55 0) 50 100 35 50 26 60 75 100 33 35 41 0) 24 DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Maine Auburn: Auburn Home for Aged Women, Pleasant Street........__........ Private organization.................... Augusta: St. Mark’s Home, 57 Winthrop Street__ ______ _________ St. Mark’s Episcopal Church... Bangor: Home for Aged Men, 181 State Street________________________ Private organization__________ Home for Aged Women, 277 State Street_____________________ ........do_____________________ _ Bath: Home for Aged Couples and Old Men, Harvard Street............... Old Ladies Home, 800 High Street-............................................... . Belfast: Belfast Home for Aged Women.................................... ............... Lewiston: Frye (Sarah C.) Home for Aged Women, 507 Main Street.. ____do............................................ Portland: Cape Elizabeth Home for Aged Women, 521 Ocean Street_______ ____do__ _________ _______ __ Home for Aged Men, 119 Danforth Street_____________________ ... .do_______ ______________ Home for Aged Women, 64 Emery Street- ____________________ . .do............................................. St. Joseph’s Home for Aged Women, 10 Locust Street__________ Catholic order, Sisters of Mercy. Rockland: Home for Aged Women, 148 North Main Street........... . Private organization____. . . . . . . Saco: Wardwell Home for Old Ladies, 43 Middle Street......................... Togus: National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers_____________ United States Government____ Maryland Annapolis: Chase Home, 22 Maryland Avenue__. . . . . . . . . . _________ Maryland Diocese, Protestant Episcopal Church. Baltimore: Aged Men’s and Women’s Home, Lexington and Calhoun Streets. Baltimore Humane Impartial Society. Aged Men’s and Women’s Home, 1622 Druid Hill Avenue______ Washington Conference, Meth odist Episcopal Church. Augsburg Home for Orphans and the Aged, 746 West Lexington Lutheran Churches of Missouri Street. Synod of Baltimore. Baptist Home for Aged Colored People, 1620 West Lexington Street. Baptist Churches of Maryland — Baptist Home of Maryland, 1615 Park Avenue..____________ __ ____do____ . . . . . ____________ Bethel A. M. E. Home, 207 Aisquith S tr e e t.............._______ African Methodist Episcopal Churches of District of Colum bia and Maryland. Catholic Home for Ladies, 616 Park A v e n u e ....................... Roman Catholic Diocese of Balti more. Church Home and Infirmary, Broadway and Fairmount Avenues. Maryland Diocese, Protestant Episcopal Church. General German Aged People’s Home, Baltimore and Payson Private organization... . . . . . . . . . Streets. Hebrew Home for the Aged, Levindale______________. . . . . . . . . . . Home for Aged Poor, Preston and Valley Streets_______ _______ Home for the Aged of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Fulton Avenue and Franklin Street. Kirkleigh Villa, Roland Avenue and University Parkway__. . . . . . Presbyterian Home for Women, 822 West Carrollton Avenue. .. Shelter for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons, 517 West Biddle Street. Sinai Hospital (Inc.), Monument Street and Rutland Avenue___ Boonsboro: Fahrney Memorial Home__________________________ _ Easton: Home for Aged of Talbot C o u n ty ................................. ....... i No data. *According to means. Associated Jewish Charities........ Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Methodist Episcopal Churches of Baltimore. Catholic order, Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul. Presbyterian Churches of Mary land. Private organization....._____ Sinai Hospital____________ ___ Church of the Brethren_______ Private organization__. . . . . ___ •Men. DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 25 MENTS OF HOMES FOR THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Min Minimum imum entrance fee Boarders' age for life mem rates bers 0) 60 (9 $500 200 100 (965 (9 200 60 70 600 500 60 300 55 66 60 60 65 200 300 (9 (9 200 300 (9- (9.............................................................. American; 10 years' residence in city; clothing; good physical condition; transfer of property to home. American; Protestant; 5 years’ resi dence in city; transfer of property to home. <9Citizen of Bath; transfer of property to home. American; transfer of property to home. 5 years’ residence in city; transfer of property to home. American; Protestant; transfer of property to home; 2 years’ supply of clothing; furnishings for room. Transfer of property to home................ American citizen; Protestant; transfer of property to home. >20 per Member of Roman Catholic Church.. month. American; furnishings for room. Disabled volunteer soldiers____ (9- (9 09 500 29 Women only.. ( 9 - .............. Women only.. ___ do..... .............. ___ do..... .............. 16 (9 _do„ Men and couples . Women only......... -do. _do. .do. (9- (9 45 48 20 7 17 0-$10 per Member of church________________ Women only.. week. Members of church preferred; reason ___ do______ ably good health; transfer of prop erty to home. Resident of State; homeless and for Both sexes and couples. saken; free from disease; good moral character; $50 for “outfit”; transfer of property to home. Jewish.............................. ................ ...... .do. Indigent................................................... .do_. Member of church in city; clothing; -do.. doctor’s certificate; transfer of prop erty to home. Women only.. $60 and $75 per month. Member of church for 5 years; clothing ___ do______ for 1 year; transfer of property to home. Colored; transfer of property to home. .do.. Jewish......................... .......... Both sexes and couples. $40 per American; member of church. .....d o............................. month. Church members preferred; clothing Women only.. for 1 year; transfer of property to home. 7 Women. 17 Varies. 18 45 300 200 Men only___ 20 (9 40 250 500 500 (9---........... ity Both sexes and couples. 250 300-500 300 Women only. Ca pac 18 148 28 17 Member of church; transfer of prop erty to home. Transfer of property to home............... /Colored; member of church; transfer \ of property to home. Member of church; unable to work and alone in world; good character; transfer of property to home. Colored; transfer of property to home. Member of church; fairly good health, considering age; transfer of property to home. Colored; transfer of property to home. 200 500 Whom admitted Women only., Both sexes__ Both sexes and couples (also children). Both sexes and couples. Women only................. 300 65 / ®70 \ 7 65 60 Other 15 38 70 120 260 108 40 23 20 36 60 23 26 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Maryland —Continued Frederick: Home for the Aged, 115 Record Street................................................. I. 0. 0. F. Home_________________________________________ Gaithersburg: Home for Aged and Orphans.............................................. Hyattsville: Sacred Heart Home, Pine Hills............................................ Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Private orgrnization.................... Maryland Grand Lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. Baltimore Conference, Method ist Episcopal Church, South. Catholic order, Missionary Sis ters, Servants of the Holy Ghost. State of Maryland........................ Trustees of John B. Parsons Estate. Methodist Episcopal Church__ Maryland Conference, Method ist Protestant Church. Pikesville: Maryland Line Confederate Soldiers’ Home......................... Salisbury: Salisbury Home for the Aged (John B. Parsons Home)___ "W0st minster i Cassell Home for Aged, 128 West Main Street................................... Home for Aged of Methodist Protestant Church...... ........................ Massachusetts Amesbury: Amesbury and Salisbury Home for Aged Women, 276 Private organization.................... Main Street. Beverly: Old Ladies’ Home, 78 Lothrop Street______ _____________ Boston: Burnap Free Home for A.ged Women, 38 Pleasant Street, Dor chester. Hebrew Ladies’ Moshay Zekainim, 21 Queen Street, Dorchester__ ........do______________________ Honje for Aged Colored Women, 22 Hancock Street____________ ___do ............................................ Home for Aged Couples, 2055 Columbus Avenue, Roxbury______ ____do________________ ______ Home for Aged Men, 133 West Springfield Street..... ........................ ____do....... ...................................... Home for Aged People, 64 Bartlett Street, Roxbury......................... Ladies’ Unity C lub................... Home for Aged Poor, 424 Dudley Street............................................. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Home for Aged Women, 205 South Huntington Avenue.................. Private organization.................... Massachusetts Pythian Sisters’ Home....... ....................................... Pythian Sisters__________ ____ Mount Pleasant Home, 301 South Huntington Avenue................... Private organization.................... Norwegian Old People’s Home, 20 Cushing Avenue, Dorchester Roxbury Home for Children and Aged Women, 5 Burton Avenue, Roxbury. St. Clement’s Home, 61 West Brookline Street................................. (i)._............................................... St. Francis Home, corner Fulda and Ellis Streets, Roxbury........... Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis. St. Joseph’s Home for Aged Women, 321 Centre Street, Dorchester. Catholic order, Sisters of Charity. Trinity Church Home for the Aged(Rachel Allen Memorial Home), Trinity Church, Episcopal....... 135 South Huntington Avenue. Winchester Home for Aged Women, 10 Eden Street, Charlestown. Private organization.................... Brockton: Howard Home, 892 Belmont Street..................................................... Trustees of Horace Howard Es tate. Wales Home for Aged Women, 553 North Main Street.................. Private organization.................... Cambridge: Cambridge Homes for Aged People, 360 Mount Auburn Street. Chelsea: Chelsea Hebrew Sheltering Home...................................................... (i).................................................... Old Ladies’ Home, 3 Washington Square.............................. ......... Private organization__________ Soldiers’ Home in Massachusetts, Crest Avenue............................... State of Massachusetts................ Clinton: Clinton Home for Aged People, 271 Church Street.................. Private organization.................... Concord: Concord’s Home for the Aged, 27 Walden Street.............................. ____do________________ ______ Home for Aged Methodist Women_______________ _____ _____ Deaconess Association________ Danvers: Danvers Home for the Aged, Park Street.......................................... Private organization__________ New England Home for Deaf Mutes, 154 Water Street.................... ......................................... East Norton: Newcomb Home for Old Ladies......................................... Trustees of Harriet A. New comb Estate. * No data. 4 According to means. DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE \GED IN UNITED STATES 27 MENTS OF HOMES FOR THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders' imum for life mem rates bers Transfer of property to home................ Both sexes and Member of order; transfer of property -----do.............. . to home. 10 years’ membership in church; 300 transfer of property to home. $40 per m onth and up. Men only___ Confederate veteran................. 250 Transfer of property to home.. Women only.. 65 65 65 65 0) 0) <*>65 65 400 200 200 100 1,000 150 1,000 0-300 07) (9 (9 (9 60 65 (9 (9- 500 300 (9- (9 200 232,500 (23)- 0-500 Women only.. ....d o ............. Both sexes and couples. Women only.................. Married couples only... Men only....................... Women only................ . Both sexes and couples Women only.................. &oth sexes and couples, do............................. CO (9—................ Women only. (9-—........... Women only... American parentage; Protestant; 10 .do.. years’ residence in Charlestown; transfer of property to home. Transfer of property to home.............. . Men only.................. Protestant; transfer of property to Women only............. home. Protestant................................................ Both sexes and couples. 300 300 300 (0 Protestant; transfer of property to home. 10 years' residence in city.................... . Protestant; penniless gentlewoman.. Jewish..................................... Colored; fairly good health.. Americans preferred; transfer of prop erty to home. Sane of mind; good character............... American parentage; 10 years' resi dence in city. (9.............................................................. Good health; transfer of property to home. Norwegian birth or descent preferred; transfer of property to home. (9............................................................. (9......... $5(9.............. per week German; member of Holy Trinity Church. (9(9........ $7 per week Transfer of property to home............... 400 CO 31 75 60 90 8 70 Member of Methodist Church if from ___ do____________ outside of city. Member of church; transfer of prop Both sexes and couples. erty to home. 1 ,0 0 0 65 70 65 (9 65 Ca pac ity $500 65 70 60 65 60 65 60 55 70 60 65 0)65 Other Whom admitted (9- 17Varies. 10 12 11 18 250 19 100 49 10 188 100 (946 20 (9 (,)8 (923 20 19 54 (0.................... (0 .............................................................. (0 14 American; Protestant; transfer of Women only.. property to home. 500 Honorable discharge from military Men only.................. service. Transfer of property to home_______ Both sexes and couples. 15 12 5 years’ residence in city; Protestant; ___ do......................... transfer of property to home. Member of Methodist Church; trans Women only............. fer of property to home. (9 ............................. (0 (9Aged, blind, or infirm........ _................ Both sexes and coupler. American parentage; Protestant; deaf Women only................. mute; resident of city; transfer of property to home. 18 Or fee of $300 and board at rate of $8 per weeK. 28 DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Massachusetts—Continued Everett: Everett Home for Aged Persons, 14 Hosmer Street____. ____ Private organization___. . . . ___ Fall River: Home for Aged People in Fall River, 1168 Highland Ave ____do........................................... nue. Fitchburg: Fitchburg Home for Old Ladies, 30 Cedar Street_______________ ........do__ ___________________ New England French-Ameriean Home_______________________ 0 .................................................... Foxboro: Doolittle Universalist Home for Aged Persons, Baker Street. Universalist Church__________ Framingham: Home for Aged Men and Women, Worcester and Trustees of George H. Carlton Pleasant Streets. Endowment. Gardner: Gardner Home for Elderly People, 162 Pearl Street_______ Private organization__________ Georgetown: Carleton Home, 19 North Street_____ ______________ ____do________ _____________ Gloucester: Gilbert Home for Aged and Indigent Persons, 1 Western ____do............................................ Avenue. Haverhill: Old Ladies’ Home, 337 Main Street____________________ .....d o ___ . . . ______________ _ Holyoke: Beaven-Kelly Home for Aged Men, Brightside................................. (!).__.............................................. Father Harkins Home for Aged Women, 102 Elm Street________ Catholic order, Sisters of Provi dence. Holyoke Home for Aged People, Loomis Avenue______________ Private organization__________ Lawrence: German Old Folks Home, 374 Howard Street_________________ Lawrence Home for Aged People, 150 Berkeley Street.................... Protectory of Mary Immaculate, 189 Maple Street.-____ ______ (i)._................................................ Leominster: Leominster Home for Old Ladies, 16 Pearl Street______ Private organization____ _ Lexington: Lexington Home for Aged People, 591 Massachusetts ____do________________ ______ Avenue. Lowell: Battles Home of Lowell, 93 Rolfe Street_________ ____________ ____do__________________ _ Old Ladies’ Home, 520 Fletcher Street_____—___. ____. _______ ____do____________________ _ Lynn: Hahn (Eliza J.) Home for Aged Couples, 159 Washington Street . ........d o .......................................... Lynn Home for Aged Men, 34 Forest Street___________________ __ do_______________ __ Lynn Home for Aged Women, 39 Breed Street________________ ____do________ _______ Malden: Malden Home for Aged Persons, 578 Main Street______________ Sawyer (Harriet E.) Home, 22 Parker Street__________________ ____do............................................ Medford: Medford Home for Aged Men and Women, 203 High Street . Methuen: Nevins (Henry C.) Home for the Aged and Incurable, ____do............................................. Broadway. Middleboro: Montgomery Home for Aged People, South Main Street. Monson: Monson Home for Aged People, Main Street.......................... ____do............................................ Natick: Hayes (Maria) Home for Aged Persons________ —— _____ ____do.............. .................. ..... New Bedford: New Bedford Home for Aged, 396 West Middle Street__________ (i)................................................... Sacred Heart Home, 359 Summer Street______________________ Catholic order, Sisters of Charity. Newburyport: Home for Aged Men_______________. __. . . ________________ Private organization, . . . . . . . . . . . Old Ladies’ Home, 75 High Street___________________________ ____do______________ ________ Newton: Baptist Home of Massachusetts (Lamson Home), 60 Com Baptist Churches of Massa monwealth Avenue. chusetts. Newton Upper Falls: Newton Home for Aged People, Stone Institute, Private organization__________ 277 Eliot Street. Norfolk: Kings’ Daughters’ and Sons’ Home for the Aged in Norfolk King’s Daughters and Sons ___ County. Northampton: Lathrop Home, 215 South Street_____. _________... . Private organization__. . . . . . . . . North Andover: Charlotte H om e............................................................ (0 .................................................... i No data. DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 29 MENTS OP HOMES FOE THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders' imum for life mem rates bers $350 250 (06550 500 (9 (970 (9 500 (9 (9 100 (9 (9 60 70 65 65 60 300 200 800 800 250 (965 (9 200 65 300 600 500 500 250 250 500 500 350 300 500 500 500 (9 (9 65 100 100 60 65 65 65 500 250 500 (9 (9- Other American; Protestant; 5 years’ resi dence in city. Protestant; 10 years’ residence in city; transfer of property to home. American................................................. (9...................................................... Universalists preferred; ability to care ^for self; transfer of property to home. (9............................................... 8 years’ residence in Georgetown. Whom admitted Ca pac ity Both sexes and couples ___ do____- ________ 6 29 Women only................ . 17 (9............................... Both sexes and couples. (912 (9.............................. . (9 (9............................... Both sexes and couples (9 4 Transfer of property to home....... 9 ___ do............................. White; 10 years’ residence in city; Women only.. 25 good moral character; transfer of property to home. (950 (9 -.................. ($5-$8 9 - ...... . (9per Women only.. week. Transfer of property to home................ Both sexes and couples. 25 German and American; transfer of ___do......................... 18 property to home. 7 years’ residence in city; transfer of 35 .do. property to home. (9----------------------(910 years’ residence in city: transfer of Women only.................. (911 property to home. Protestant; American parentage pre Both sexes and couples. 12 ferred; 10 years’ residence in city; transfer of property to home. 18 Transfer of property to home................ Men only___ Protestant; good physical condition; Women only.. 43 transfer of property to home. Native American; transfer of property Married couples only.. 14 to home. Transfer of property to home................ Men only___ 8 American born........................................ Women only.. American; Protestant; transfer of Both sexes and couples. property to home. American; good health, character, and Women only____ ____ disposition; transfer of property to home. Transfer of property to home................ Both sexes and couples. 13 White; 10 years’ residence in county ___do________ ______ 90 or State; transfer of property to home. White; transfer of property to home... ___do____ Transfer of property to home............... ___do____ United States citizen; 10 years’ resi Both sexes. 18 dence in city; transfer of property to home. (9- Catholic; French preferred. $3(9-----per week Roman 15 years’ residence in city...................... American; Protestant; transfer of property to home. Member of church in Massachusetts; transfer of property to home. American; transfer of property to home. Protestant; fairly good health; trans fer of property to home. $20 per Protestant; 5 years’ residence in city.. month. (9 (9........... 61841°— 29— :—3 (9- (9........................... Both sexes and couples. (9105 14 Men only___ 20 Women only.. Both sexes and couples. 50 Women only.................. 25 Both sexes and couples. 18 Women only___. . . . . . . 35 (9------------------------ (9 30 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIEECTOEY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Massachusetts—Continued Orange: Eastern Star Home of Massachusetts, 75 East Main Street... Massachusetts Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. Peabody: Haven (Chas. B.) Home for Aged Men in Peabody, Mass., 109 Trustees of Almina M. Haven Estate. Lowell Street. Sutton Home for Aged Women, 143 Main Street.............................. 0).................................................... Pittsfield: Berkshire County Home for Aged Women, 89 South Street.. Private organization__________ Plymouth: Ryder Home for Old People, 55 High Street___________ ___ do______________________ Quincy: Sailors Sniig Harbor, 407 Palmar Strpp.t, _ ___ do_______ . . . . . _______ ___ Randolph: Mann (Seth) 2d, Home for Aged and Infirm Women____ Reading: Reading Home for Aged Women, 68 Linden Street_______ ........ Rockland: French Home for Aged Women ....... .................................... (i)................................................... Salem: Bertram Home for Aged Men, 29 Washington Square__________ Private organization__________ Old Ladies' Home, 180 Derby Street___. . . . . . . . _______________ Somerville: Home for the Aged, 186 Highland Avenue__________ __________ Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Hutchinson Home for Aged Women, 117 Summer Street__ ______ Private organization________ _ Somerville Home for the Aged, 117 Summer Street_____________ ........d o ______________________ Springfield: Daughters of Zion Old People's Home.............................................. (i).................................................... Springfield Home for Aged Men, 74 Walnut Street____________ Private organization__________ . do________ _____________ Springfield Home for Aged Women, 471 Chestnut Street Taunton: Old Ladies’ Home, 96 Broadway______________ . . . . . ___ Taunton Female Charitable Association. Wakefield: Boit (Elizabeth E.) Home for Aged Women __________ Private organization__________ Waltham: Leland Home for Aged Women, Newton Street______ ___do............................................... Watertown: Watertown Home for Old Folks, 120 Mount Auburn \ ___do........................................... Street. . Westfield: Gillett (Sarah) Home for Aged People................................... r........do___ __________________ Whitman: Rogers Home for Aged Women, 777 Washington Street Winchester: Home for Aged People, 110 Mount Vernon Street______ ___ do............................................ Woburn: Woburn Home for Aged Women, 74 Elm Street___ _____ Worcester: Home for Aged Men, 1199 Main Street____ __________________ ....... d o ............................................ Home for Aged Women, 1183 Main Street........................................ ....... do.............................................. House of Providence-_____________________________________ (i)................................................... Jewish Home for Aged and Orphans______________ ________ Private organization................... Odd Fellows Home, Randolph Road____ ____________________ Massachusetts Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Old Folks Homes, 63 Parkert Street............................................... Private organization -.................. St. Francis Home for the Aged, 37 Thorne Street............................. Catholic order, Little Franciscan Sisters of Mary. St. Vincent Home, 73 Vemon Street_____________ __________ Catholic order, Sisters of Provi dence. Swedish Lutheran Old People’s Home_____-________________ N ew E n gland Conference, Swedish Evangelical Lu theran Augustana Synod. Michigan Alma: Michigan Masonic Home, 517 State Street.......................... ........ Michigan Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Ann Arbor: Bach (Anna Botsford) Home, 1422 West Liberty Street... Private organization__. . . . ____ Battle Creek: Andrus (Emily) Home. 652 MaDle Street_________ do ____________ _____ Bay City: Old Ladies Home, 923 North Monroe Street.........................| Woman’s Association of Charity. 1No data. *Boarding home; no data as to rates. DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 31 MENTS OF HOMES FOE THE AGED—Continued. Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders' imum for life mem rates age bers $100 (960 (9 300 (9200 65 65 (9 200 200 (9- (9 65 100 65 <960 65 65 65 65 65 60 65 m (9 65 (965 60 300 <9 500 (9- (9 (9 800 400 300 250 300 24500 300 500 250 250 250 65 Other Member of order in State for 5 years; good character; unable to earn liv ing; transfer of property to home. American; 10 years’ residence in city; Protestant; transfer of property to home. (9 5 years’ residence in county; transfer of property to home. Transfer of property to home............... Must have sailed for 5 years under American flag; good character; fair physical condition. Transfer of property to home............... 10 years’ residence in city; Protestant; transfer of property to home. <9- Ca pac ity (9 Men only.. <9................ Women only... Men only. Women only.. ___do.............. (9- Men only___ American; transfer of property to Women only.. home. Both sexes and couples. 5 years’ residence in city; transfer of Women only.................. property to home. ___ do....................................................... Both sexes and couples. (929 8 37 (9 16 35 250 4 (9................ (9 (9................................................ Men only___. 10 years’ residence in city............. . 65 Women only., Transfer of property to home....... . 14 American; Protestant; transfer of ---- do.............. property to home. 12 Protestant; furnishings for room.......... .do.. 12 American; 10 years’ residence in city; transfer of property to home. ("Fair health; transfer of property to jBoth sexes and couples. \ home. 20 Women only. 7 American; transfer of property to home. ........do______________ 20 years’ residence in city; transfer of Both sexes and couples. 20 property to home. (9...................................................... (9............................... (9 (9$30 per month. $25 per month. Residents of Worcester; transfer of Men only___ property to home. 40 American; fairly good health; transfer Women only.. of property to home. (9(9(9 Jewish; transfer of property to home.. Both sexes and couples, 20 White; member of order; transfer of do............................. 141 property to home. American; colored................................... .do.. 14 150 .do.. Women only.................. 70 Swedish; or member of church within Both sexes and couples. 42 governing body; transfer of property to home. Member of order in good standing; destitute, unable to earn a livelihood; sane; free from contagious or infec tious diseases. 1,500 White; citizen of State; transfer of property to home. $40 per Resident of city or vicinity................... month. 65 600 Transfer of property to home.. 14 For married couples. Whom admitted ___ do............................. 125 Women only.. . — do............ . ___do______ 18 14 25 32 DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Michigan—Continued Charlotte: Lane Memorial H o m e ..........__________ . . . . ________ Church of the United Brethren in Christ. Chelsea: Old People’s Home_______________________________. .. . . Detroit Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church. Coldwater: Old Ladies’ Home_________________________________ Private organization..................... Comstock: St. Anthony’s Home________________________________ Catholic order, Sisters of St. Joseph. Covert: Emmanuel Aged People’s Home________________________ Private organization..................... Detroit: Arnold Homes, 466 Selden Avenue, and 15270 Grand River Avenue- German Protestant Home for Orphans and Old People, 1852 West German Evangelical Synod of North America. Grand Boulevard. Jewish Old Folks Home, 318 Edmund Place..................................... Private organization..................... Little Sisters of the Poor, 1811 Scott Street......................................... Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. St. Joseph’s Home of the Sacred Heart, 3360 Leland Avenue......... Catholic order, Carmelite Sis-) ters of the Divine Heart off Jesus. J St. Luke’s Hospital Church Home and Orphanage, 224 Highland Private organization (Episcopal). Avenue. Thompson Home for Old Ladies, Cass and Hancock Avenues___ Private organization..................... Wheatley (Phyllis) Home, 558 Elizabeth Street, east....................... Phyllis Wheatley Association... Edmore: Edmore Old People’s Home___________ _______________ 0).................................................... Fenton: Ministers’ Home______________________________________ Baptist Ministers’ Aid Society.. Grand Rapids: Brown Home for Aged Women, 1435 Fulton Street NE................... Clark (M. J.) Memorial Home, 1546 Sherman Street SE............. Holland Home, 1450 East Fulton Street.............................................. Isabella Home for Aged Women, 200 Eastern Avenue SE................ Little Sisters of the Poor, 240 Lafayette Avenue SE......................... Lutheran Home for the Aged, 1706 South Division Avenue............. Woman’s Christian Temper ance Union. Michigan Conference. Method ist Episcopal Churcn. Holland Union Benevolent As sociation. Private organization..................... Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Board of Charities, Illinois Con ference, Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod. Michigan Soldiers’ Home................................................................ .. . State of Michigan_______ _____ Jackson: Handy (James A. and Mary F.) Home, 1713 Lansing Avenue Michigan Conference, Women’s Mite Missionary Society, African Methodist Episcopal Church. Jackson Friendly Home, 415 West North Street................................ Private organization.................... Odd Fellows’ Home.............................................................................. Odd Fellows and Rebekahs of Michigan. Kalamazoo: Kalamazoo Home for the Aged, 1211 Douglas Avenue____ Private organization..................... Lansing: Woman’s Home, 510 West Willow Street.................................. (i).................................................... Manistee: Filer (Carrie) Home for Aged Women, 453 Cedar Street___ Private organization..................... Marengo: Dulcenia Home for Aged and Indigent Females, Marshall P. O. Monroe: Evangelical Lutheran Old Folks Home.................................... Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri. Muskegon: Muskegon Holland Home for the Aged............................................... Private organization (Dutch)... Old Peoples Home of Muskegon, Lake Shore Drive......................... Private organization........ . Plain well: White (James) Memorial Home............................................... Lake Union Conference, Seventh Day Adventists. 1 No data. • Men. • According to room, *According to means. * Women. v Varies. DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 33 MENTS OF HOMES FOR THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders’ imum for life mem rates bers $200 65 700 (<) 500 (*) 0-2,000 («) (25) 60 7650 60 0) 65 65 f$35-$40per \ month. 07) 8800-1,400 0) $35 per month. $4weekperif able. 0) 60 60 0).................................... Both sexes and couples (also orphans). Women only.................. Both sexes and couples. .....d o............................. Women only.................. Both sexes and couples. ___ do............................. Veteran, or his wife, widow, or mother. ....d o.. Colored; member of church; Christian ___do.. character. $12-$20per Income not exceeding $40'per month__ month.* White; member of order; destitute and unable to earn a living. Dutch preferred..................................... (4) 0) 300 0). 0)............................................................... Transfer of property to home................ American; transfer of property to (17) home. 1,000 German; member of Lutheran church. <1,000 Whom admitted Good moral character; transfer of cer Women only.. tain part of property, according to age and physical condition. 10 years’ membership in church_____ Both sexes and couples. Women only................ . Both sexes and couples. Colored. ___ do............................ . Both sexes.................... . Both sexes and couples. Jewish; member of orthodox synagogue. Indigent................................................... ___ do............................ . .do.. Episcopalian; transfer of property to .d o ............................ home. American; Protestant........................... Women only. 0).............................................................. Baptist ministers, their wives and widows; missionaries; transfer of property to home. $6 or $7 per Resident of State; good health and week. character. Methodists preferred.............................. (4) Dutch; member of an Evangelical (4) Church. 1,000 Transfer of three-fourths of property to home. Destitute; of good moral character....... Transfer of property to home.. 100 500 0)6565 Other Women only................ . Both sexes and couples, (})- do............................. Women only.. ___do.............. Both sexes and couples. Ca pac ity 22 83 27 20 45 106 42 45 214 30 75 34 20 0) 170 24 172 35 1,500 12 42 140 60 0) 10 21 75 $30 p er Dutch and members of Reformed 35 .do.. month. Church preferred; transfer of prop erty to home. 65 1,000 2 years’ residence in State; residents of 40 -do_. county preferred; transfer of prop erty to home. White; member of church; transfer of -do.. 50 property to home. 21 May make over all property, receiving life care; or may pay $250 and $6 per week for board and leave when they like; or if no entrance fee is paid, $7.50 per week for board. 34 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Minnesota Alexandria: Bethany Home____________________________________ Red River Valley Conference, Augustana Lutheran Synod. Anoka: Ladies of G. A. R. Home_______________________________ Ladies of Grand Army of the Republic. (i)................. ................................. Bloomington: Minnesota Masonic Home.................................................. Minnesota Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Buffalo: Ebenezer Home________________ _____________________ North Western Mission Asso ciation. Chisago City: Bethesda Old People’s Home............................................. Minnesota Conference, Luther an Augustana Synod. Duluth: Aftenro Home__ ___________________ ______________________ Aftenro Society______________ St. Ann’s Home, 2002 Third Street....................................................... Benedictine Sisters’ Benevolent Association. Excelsior: Lake Auburn Home, R. No. 1___________________ __________ Moravian Church (northern province). Svithiod Home, Birch Bluff................................................................. Independent Order of Svithiod.. Glenwood: Glenwood Old People’s Home................................................. Norwegian Lutheran Church__ Little Falls: St. Gabriel’s Home_________ ____________________________ __ 0).................................................... St. Otto’s Home for the Aged............. ................................................ Catholic order, Franciscan Sisters. Mankato: Home for the Aged, Washington Street................................... Catholic order, Sisters of the ' Sorrowful Mother. Minneapolis: Augustana Home for Aged, 1415 Tenth Avenue South..................... Women’s Mission Association, Augustana Lutheran Church. “ Danebo” Home for the Aged, 3030 West River Boulevard........... Private organization..................... Ebenezer Home Society, 2545 Portland Avenue_______ ________ Elim Old People’s Home, 934 Fourteenth Avenue south.................. Private organization (Meth odist). Home for Children and Aged Women, 3200 Stevens Avenue........... Private organization.................. Jones-Harrison Home, 3700 Cedar Lake Avenue................................ Woman’s Christian AssociationLittle Sisters of the Poor, 215 Broadway............................................ Minnesota Soldiers’ H om e...^ ............................................................ Scandinavian Union Relief Home, 1507 Lowry Avenue NE............ New Ulm: St. Alexander Home for Aged...,............................................ North field: Minnesota Odd Fellows’ Home.............................................. Red Wing: Red Wing Old People’s Home................................................ St. Cloud: St. Joseph’s Home for Aged, R. No. 1..................................... St. James: St. James Home for the Aged......................................... ......... St. Paul: Bethesda Invalid Home.......................................................................... Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. State of Minnesota....................... Woman’s Union Relief Society __ St. Alexander Hospital—............. Minnesota Grand Lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. Private organization..................... Catholic order, Sisters of St. Benedict. Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis. Board of Christian Service, Minnesota Conference, Lu theran Church. Church Home of Minnesota, 1879 Feronia Avenue........................... Minnesota Diocese, Protestant Episcopal Church. Colored Orphanage and Old Folks’ Home, 1537 Randolph Street.. (i).................................................... Crispus Attucks Home, 469 Collins Street.......................................... 0)..................................................... Evangelical St. Paul Home. 494 Ashland Avenue.............................. Private organization..................... Home for the Friendless, 753 East Seventh Street............................. ___ do............................................ Jewish Home for Aged of Northwest, 1554 Midway Parkway____ ........ .......... Little Sisters of the Poor, 90 Wilkin Street......................................... Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Lyngblomsten, 1298 Pascal Avenue...................................................... Private organization__________ Twin City Linnea Home. 2040 West Como Avenue......................... 1 No data. 4According to means. 4 Boarding home; no data as to rates. DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 35 MENTS OF HOMES FOR THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Min Minimum imum entrance fee Boarders* for life mem rates bers Other Whom admitted Ca pac ity 00 0) Scandinavians preferred; transfer of Both sexes and couples . property to home. $5 p e r Widow, mother, or sister of veteran; Women only. 27 week.26 citizen of United States. 0- or member of Eastern Star; Both 0 sexes and couples, 0125 0) 0 ............. Mason transfer of certain part of property to home. Scandinavian; mission friend; doctor’s do............................. 31 certificate; recommendation from church; transfer of p roperty to home. Lutherans preferred............................... .do.. $1,500-2,000 1,000 65 65 65 0 1,0 0 0 0 1,000 800 500 750 300-500 2,000 0) 65 65 00 60 65 65 60 70 65 Fairly good health; good character _ $25 and Roman Catholic................................ ___ do............................ . $35 per month. Member of church................................. .do.. Member of order or wife; suitable _do_. arrangement made as to property. Scandinavian; Lutheran; transfer of property to home. 0 .................................... 0 .............................................................. Both sexes and couples. $30 per Clothing. ___ do.............................. month. .do.. Danish; member of Danish church or .do.. lodge; transfer of property to home. Good physical condition____________ .do.. Scandinavian; Methodists preferred... .do.. American born preferred; 2 years’ resi Women only.. dence in city; no relatives; transfer of property to home. American; Protestant; $75 for burial Both sexes and couples. expenses; transfer of property to home. .do_. Roman Catholic..................................... Veterans and their wives and widows.. .do..... ..do___ $25-$40 per month. Member of order; transfer of property Both sexes and couples (also children). to home. Both sexes and couples. $30 per month. .do.. .do.. 0- 0-1,500 .do.. 24 42 40 075 20 40 100 170 475 30 135 20 109 40 25 $20-$40 per Members of church preferred.. Women only.. month.* 0 .............. 0 .............. 0)0 Both sexes and couples. 40-45 11,000 , Transfer of property to home.. ___ do.............................. 45 Jewish........................................ ___ do.............................. 50 0 ___ do............................. 160 Indigent..................................... £00 .................... Transfer of property to home at death_____do........... 40 0 .................... 90 • According to room. 2* If in receipt of pension; otherwise nothing. 00 0 36 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE A.GED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE- Name and address of home Minnesota—Continued Springfield: St. John’s ^ld Folds’ Horn** fwd Hospital Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America. Evangelical Lutheran J o in t Synod of Ohio, (i).................................................... Mississippi State of Mississippi______. . . . . . Missouri State of Missouri_____________ Holden: Holden Home of Aged_____ . . . . . . ____________ -______-_ Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Kansas City: Appleman Home for Jewish Aged, 2850 Troost Avenue______ ___ Private organization__________ Armour (Margaret Klock) Memorial Home for Aged Couples, |Woman's Christian Association. 2125 Tracy Avenue. Home for the Aged of the Little Sisters of the Poor, Thirty-first and Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Locust Streets. Home of Little Sisters of the Poor, Fifty-third Street and Highland ____do.............................................. Avenue. Laird (Henry) Home for the Aged, 2624 Independence Avenue___ Private organization__________ Nettleton (George H.) Home for Aged Women, 5125 Swope Park way. Old Folks’ and Orphans’ Home, 2446 Michigan Avenue_______ _ Colored P eo p le’s Christian Charity Association. Salem Lutheran Home for the Aged, 3008 Baltimore Avenue.......... Private organization (Lutheran). Kirkwood: Old Folks Home of St. Louis County__________________ Private organization__________ Liberty: Odd Fellows’ Home......................... ............................................ (i)..................................................... Marionville: Methodist Home for the Aged........................................... St. Louis and Missouri Con ferences of Methodist Episco pal Church. Mexico: King’s Daughters Home for the Aged_______ ____________ King’s Daughters and Sons____ St. James: State Federal Soldiers Home............ ........ ......... ........ ............ State of Missouri........................... St. Joseph: Memorial Home for the Aged, 1120 Main Street___ _____ Ladies’ Union Benevolent Asso ciation. St. Louis: Bethesda Old Ladies Home and Home for Incurables, 3660 Rutger j Private organization__________ Street. Colored Old Folks Home, 9837 Eugenia Street................................... .................................... Home for the Aged and Infirm Israelites.............. .............. .............. Jewish Charitable and Educa tional Union of St. Louis. Home for the Aged of Little Sisters of the Poor, 22G9 Hebert Street. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Home of the Friendless, 4431 South Broadway.................................. Private organization__________ Jewish Orthodox Old Folks Home, 1438 Grand Avenue................... Jewish Federation of St. Louis.. Masonic Horae of Missouri, 5351 Delmar Boulevard......................... (i).......... ......................................... Memorial Home, 2609 South Grand Avenue....................................... Woman’s Christian Association. Russell Home, 1214 North Garrison Avenue....................................... ____do................................... .......... St. Ann’s Widows’ Home, 5301 Page Avenue.................................... (i)...................................................... St. Charles Home for the Aged, 3400 South Grand Boulevard........ Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. St. Louis Altenheim, 5408 South Broadway....................................... Private organization............. ...... Springfield: Pythian Home of Missouri..................................................... Missouri Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias. Montana Columbia Falls: Montana Soldiers’ Home................................................ State of Montana____________ Helena: Masonic Home of Montana................................................................... Montana Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Montana Odd Fellows’ Home............................................................... 0)- .................................................... *No data. DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE A.GED IN WSttTED STA.TES 37 MENTS OF HOMES FOR THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Min Minimum imum entrance fee Boarders’ age for life mem rates bers Other Whom admitted Ca pac ity 65 60 0 0 Scandinavian; Lutheran; sound of Both sexes and couples. 18 mind; free of contagious diseases. Lutherans preferred; transfer of prop 36 erty to home. 0 .............. 0 ......................................................... (i)..................................... 0 0 0 (i)_______ (i)............................................................... (i)..................................... 0 0 $500 80 Dependent Confederate soldiers, their Both sexes and couples. wives or widows. Member of church_______ . ________ Both sexes__ 200 75 65 American; Jewish; member of ortho Both sexes and couples. dox Jewish congregation; good physi cal condition; transfer of property to home. [American; }.................. I to home. white; transfer of property )J___do.............................. ....................................... 0)_______ 0)............................................................... (i)..................................... Indigent_________ <._______________ Both sexes and couples. Transfer of property to home________ Women only_________ ____do_________. . . . . . . (i)_______ Colored_____________ _____. . . _____ (i)..................................... Both sexes and couples. White; 3 years’ residence in county; ........do_______________ those without homes or funds pre (i).............. ferred; transfer of property to home. 0)..................................... Resident of Missouri or Arkansas; Both sexes and couples. member of church. 0).............. (i)............................................................... (i)..................................... Veteran; resident of State____ ______ Both sexes and couples. Transfer of property to home_____ __ ........do______________ 30 65 \f 0 60 60 65 0 65 60 0 0 500 065 0 500 0)50 65 0 65 60 60 60 65 60 0 65 White; Protestant..——___. . . ______ Women only_________ 70 Colored______ ____________ ______ Both sexes and couples. 16 30 Jewish; worthy_______________ ____ 235 ____do______ ________ Destitute; good moral character.— ... 75 700 White; transfer of property acquired Women only____ . .. . . after entrance to home. Jewish___________________________ Both sexes and couples, 150 0 500 (1).............. (i)............................................................... (i)..................................... 0)33 Citizen; transfer of property to home.. Men and couples_____ $4.50-$7 per Women only___. . . ___ 90 week. (i).............. (i)............................................................... 0)..................................... 250 0) Both sexes and couples. 0 79 1,000 Physician's certificate; transfer of ____do____.................. . property to home. Member of o r d e r ...................... ........d o ............................. 100 0)60 65 0 400 (0 24 700 500 400 0 0 800 50 0 237 10 61 0 10 35 0)42 0)300 26 150 160 Honorable discharge from war service ____ do.......... in Army, Navy, or Marine Corps. Member of order or mother or widow; ____do.............................. 50 member of Eastern Star. (0 .............. 0) ................................................................. 0) ...................................... 0 1 According to means. u For married couples. 38 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Nebraska Burkett: Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home____________________________ Hastings: “Sunnyside,” 1401 North Hastings Avenue____ _________ Lincoln: Tabitha Home, Fnrty-flighth find Randolph St.rp.At.s Milford: Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home____________________________ Minden: Bethany Old Peoples’ Home___________________________ Omaha: Fontenelle Boulevard Home, 3325 Fontenelle Boulevard________ House of Hope, 7915 North Thirtieth Street___________________ Immanuel Home for Aged and Invalids, Thirty-fourth and Fowler Avenue. Jewish Old People’s Home, 2504 Charles Street ______________ Old Folks’ Home, 933 North Twenty-fifth Street______________ Plattsmouth: Nebraska Masonic Home__________________________ West Point: St. Joseph Home_____________ __________ _________ York: I. 0. 0. F. Home_______________________________________ New Hampshire Concord: Christian Science Pleasant View Home, 233 Pleasant Street_____ Methodist Episcopal Church of Nebraska. State of Nebraska____________ Private organization..................... United Lutheran Church of America. State of Nebraska____________ Private organization (Lutheran). Woman’s Christian Association. Private organization........ ......... . E vangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod of North America. (i).................................................... Negro Women’s Christian Asso ciation. Nebraska Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. C a th o lic order, Franciscan Sisters. Nebraska Grand Lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. Christian Science Church, Bos ton. New Hampshire Centennial Home for the Aged, 96 Pleasant Street. Private organization..................... New Hampshire Odd Fellows’ Home________________________ New Hampshire Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Dover: Wentworth Home for the Aged__________________________ Private organization__________ Laconia: Laconia Home for the Aged, 435 Union Avenue___________ ........do_______ _______________ Manchester: Gale Home for Aged and Destitute Women........................... .......... Trustees of Mary Gale Endow ment. Hospital Notre Dame des Lourdes, Notre Dame Avenue................ Catholic order, Sisters of Charity House of St. John for Aged Men, 151 Ray Street.............................. Catholic order, Sisters of Mercy— Masonic Home, 813 Beech Street........................................................ New Hampshire Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. St. Patrick’s Home for Aged Women, 222 Hanover Street............... (i).................................................... St. Paul’s Home for Aged Men............................................................. (i)...................................................... St. Paul’s Home for Aged Women....................................................... (1)................................................ Women’s Aid Home, 180 Pearl Street.................................................. Women’s Aid and Relief Society. Milford: Home for Aged Women, South Street___________________ Private organization__ . Nashua: Hunt (John M.) Home........................................................................... Trustees of John M. Hunt Endowment. Protestant Home for Aged Ladies, 104 Walnut Street....................... Private organization__________ Newport: Newport Home for Aged Women, Laurel Street__________ .................................. Peterborough: Peterborough Home for the Aged, 9 Elm Street............. ____do....... .................................... Portsmouth: Home for Aged Women, 63 Deer Street.............................. ........do___ __________________ Rochester: Gafney Home for Aged, 90 Wakefield Street......................... ____do______________________ Rumney Depot: Bethany Home for the Aged.......................................... First Fruit Harvesters Associa tion. Tilton: New Hampshire Soldiers’ Home............. ..................................... State of New Hampshire West Swanzey: New Hampshire Pythian Home..................................... New Hampshire Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias. Woodsville: Home for Aged of Grafton County........................................ Private organization.................... * No data. 8 According to age. 4 According to means. • Boarding home; no data as to rates. DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 39 MENTS OF HOMES FOB THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders’ imum for life mem rates age bers 65 ( 27) 70 (15J (9 65 67 09 Methodist........ ....................................... Both sexes and couples. Veterans, their wives and widows, and ___ d o ............................ Army nurses. .do.. (*)-. -do.. (9 Veterans, their wives and widows, and Army nurses. Scandinavians preferred; member of -do.. (9 United Danish Lutheran Church. Transfer of property to home....... .do.. $500 -do.. »540-5,076 $3 5 p er month. Swedes and Lutherans preferred.. -do.. (9 500 0)(9 65 60 Other 400 60 65 60 65 60 65 65 65 $4-$7 per week. 500 u Must be “old.” 62 400 30 63 200 40 62 40 44 90 120 75 10 years’ membership in Mother Church; activity in Christian Sci ence work. Transfer of property to home............... Member of order..................................... .do. 85 .do.. -do_. 54 37 .do.. 30 (9.......................................... (9......................................... Transfer of property to home.. 300 300 300 300 500 1,000 ity Member of order in Nebraska; transfer ___ do.............................. of property to home. -do.. Member of order.. -do.. Residence in Dover, Somersworth, or Itollinsford; transfer of property to home. Transfer of property to home................ 500 American; 5 years’ residence in city; 200 transfer of property to home. ll per day. Roman Catholic.................. -........... (8) ............ - Master Mason in good standing in New Hampshire lodge, or his wife or widow; helpless and dependent; transfer of property to home. (9...................................................... (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 400 Ca pac (9...................................................... Colored; transfer of property to home. (9................................ Both sexes and couples. (912 200 (9 (9 (9 (960 Whom admitted American; Protestant; transferor prop erty to home. Protestant; 10 years’ residence in city after becoming 21 years of age. Transfer of property to home................ 5 years’ residence in city....................... American; Protestant; physically able to care for self and room; transfer of property to home. .do Women only.. Women only.................. Men only...................... Both sexes and couples. (9................. (9................. (9................. (9................. Women only. Men and couples.. Women only......... .._._do............................. Both sexes...................... Women only.................. Both sexes and couples. ___ do____ Honorable discharge from service (any Men only.. war); 3 years’ residence in State; transfer of pension if receiving $72 per month. Member of order in New Hampshire; Both sexes and couples. indigent and worthy; transfer of property to home. White; transfer of property to home... Women and couples__ 87 Soldiers at any age; women at 50. « Varies. 27 25 14 28 (9 (9 (9 (9 17 5 12 15 15 125 25 9 40 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Name and address of home New Jersey Asbury Park: Searle Memorial Seashore Home for the Aged, 604 Sev enth Avenue. Atlantic City: Colored Old Folks’ Home, 416 North Indiana Avenue.. Belvidere: Presbyterian Home of the Synod of New Jersey_____;____ Beverly: St. Joseph’s Home of Providence for the Aged, Magnolia Street. Bloomfield TTnmft fnr AgPid Pftoplft, 140 Broad Street „ Bloomfield: Boonton: New Jersey Firemen’s Home, Lathrop Avenue_______ ___ Boundbrook: “ The Evergreens,” Home for the Aged____ . ________ Burlington: Home for Aged Women, Union and York Streets__-___________ Masonic Home_______-_______ -_____________ _____________ Collingswood: Methodist Episcopal Home for the Aged and Infirm, Zane and Haddon Avenues. Elizabeth: Home for Aged Women, 1073 East Jersev Street_________ Englewood: Actors’ Fund Home, 155 Hudson Avenue_____________ Hackensack: Old Ladies’ Home of Bergen County, 266 Passaic Street, TTaddonfiftld! TTome for Aged , , ........................... Irvington: Bethany Home for Aged, Nye Avenue and Nesbit Terrace. Jersey City: Hebrew Home for Aged, 266 Grove Street__________________ __ Home for Aged Women, 657 Bergen Avenue__________________ Kinderfreund Old Folks’ Home, 83 Nelson Avenue.......................... Roth (Raymond) Pioneer Home, Garfield Avenue and Dwight Street. St. Agnes’ Home, 110 Grand Street______________ _____ St. Ann's Home for the Aged, 148 Lembeck Avenue___________ Kearny: New Jersey Home for Disabled Soldiers__________________ Lawnside: Home for Negro People, Charleston and Fairview Avenues. Lawrenceville: Morris Hall_______ _____________________________ Maplewood: Ward Homestead, Boyden and Elmwood Avenues......... Metuchen: Home for Aged, R. No. 1____________________________ Montclair: Colored Home for Aged and Orphans of Essex County, 83 Pleasant Avenue. Memorial Home for Aged, 185 Fernwood Avenue............................ Morristown: Old Ladies’ Home, 1 Mount Kemble Avenue___ ______ Newark: Baptist Home for Aged, 285 Roseville Avenue_________________ Daughters of Israel Home for Aged, 651 High Street......................... Haines (Job) Home for Aged People, 112 Watsessing Avenue____ Home for the Aged, South Eighth Street and Ninth Avenue.......... Old Ladies’ Home, 225 Mount Pleasant Avenue_______________ Newton: Merriam Home........ ..................................................................... North Bergen: Old People’s Benevolent Home, 5309 Hudson Boulevard________ Reuter (Fritz) Altenheim______ ___________________________ Ocean Grove: Bancroft-Taylor Rest Home, 74 Cookman Avenue_____________ Methodist Episcopal Home for the Aged, 63 Clark Avenue______ Orange: House of the Good Shepherd, 280 Henry Street— — . — . ___ 1No data. According to means. * 0 .................................................... (i).................................................... (i).................................................... 0)..................................................... (i).................................................... N«w Jersey State Firemen’s Association. 0)..................................................... Private organization..................... New Jersey Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Methodist Episcopal Church__ Private organization__________ 0).................................................... Private organization.................. . Shepherds of Bethlehem of North America. Private organization_________ (i).................................................... Private organization__________ (i).................................................... German Pioneer Verein (Inc.).. (i)...................................... ............. Catholie order, Sisters of Char ity of Providence. State of New Jersey...................... Delaware Conference,Methodist Episcopal Church. Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis. Trustees of Marcus L Ward Estate. Danish Brotherhood and Sister hood of the Eastern States. (i)..................................................... (i).................................................... Private organization__________ Private organization (Baptist) Private organization (Jewish).. Private organization__________ Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Private organization__________ Board of Ministerial Relief, Presbyterian Church. (i).................................................... Private organization____. . . ___ (i).................................................... New Jersey Conference, Metho dist Episcopal Church. Private organization (Episcopal).| • Men. 1 Women DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 41 MENTS OF HOMES FOR THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Min Minimum imum entrance fee Boarders* for life mem rates bers 0 0) 00 65 0 65 0Colored; resident of county....... Member of church; dependent. 0 ................................................... 2 years’ residence in county............. Indigent; 7 years' service as fireman.. 0 -------------------- 0) 0) 8 0) 0) 350 65 65 400 400 % 0 500 0) 70 0 .1,000 o 60 070 065 $ ' 0)65 0 70 60 60 0 0) 0 0 0 % 300 8 Other Whom admitted 0 .............. O .............. 8— Ca pac ity 0 0 00 Men only. % 0 .............. m Women only................ 26 Member of order~ Both sexes and couples. 180 American; member of church; trans ___do.............................. 36 fer of property to home. Gentile; Protestant; transfer of prop Women only.................. 24 erty to home. 0mean; Protestant; transfer of \Vomen only................. &property to home. 0 .................................... 0 0 0$150 for burial expenses... Both sexes and couples. 80 Jewish; resident of county..................... Protestant; transfer of propertyto home. omen only................. (,)42 United States citizen; transfer of prop Soth sexes and couples. (,)30 erty to home. 0 .............................................................. 0 .................................... 0Indigent; resident of county_____ ___ Both sexes and couples. (150 Veteran of Civil War......................... Men only.. 450 Colored; transfer of property to home.. Both sexes. 12 Both sexes and couples. 140 10 years’ residence in State; respecta Men only___________ 80 ble person of some standing in com munity. 0 .............. Member of order................................... 0 0 .............. Colored___ 0 .............. Protestant. 0 Both sexes and couples. Women only................. 0)18 Both sexes and couples, 60 do. 100 -do.. 52 .do.. 204 Women only.................. 78 Both sexes and couples. 0 Member of Baptist Church in New Jersey. Jewish...................................................... Protestant; resident of county; $145 500 for burial expenses. Indigent................................................... Gentile; Protestant; 3 years’ residence 300 in State; $100 for burial expenses. Presbyterian ministers, their families, 0 and female missionaries. 0 .................................... 0 0 0Both sexes and couples. 70 500 {? 60 Retired missionary or deaconess of 0 ............................... 0 0 0Methodist Episcopal Church. 400-4,000 Resident of State; member of church Both sexes and couples.. for 5 years; transfer of property to home. ..do____________ 34 $30 p er Protestant..................................... month. * So-called “widows’ home, ” for self-supporting women. 28According to means; nonresidents of city, $1,500. 65 65 65 60 65 0 400 0 42 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Name and address of home New Jersey—Continued Paterson: Daughters of Israel Home for Aged and Orphans, 469 River Street.. (i).................................................... Holland Home for Aged, 110-118 Iowa Avenue...... ........................... Private organization..................... Home for the Aged, 70 Dey Street_______________ ___________ Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Old Ladies’ Home of Passaic County, Totowa and Preakness Private organization..................... Avenues. Perth Amboy: Home for the Aged, 265 Rector Street______________ (i).................................................... Tenafly: Mary Fisher Home___ ____________________________ __ Private organization__________ Trenton: Horna for Aged find Indigent Odd Fellows......................... ^ New Jersey Grand Lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, Widows’ and Single Women’s Home, Spring Street.r......... ........... (i).................................................... Vineland: New Jersey Memorial Home for Disabled Soldiers, Sailors, State of New Jersey__________ and Marines. New York Albany: Home for Aged, 391 Central Avenue_____ . ___________________ Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Home for Aged Men, Troy Road, Menands___ _______________ Private organization__________ Old Ladies’ Home, 553 Clinton Avenue______________________ ........do__________________ ____ Amityville (Long Island): Brunswick Home______________________ _______ ___________ (i).................................................... St. Catherine’s Infirmary, Convent Avenue_____________ _____ Catholic order, Dominican Sisters. Amsterdam: Sanford (Sarah Jane) Home for Elderly Women, 69 Guy Private organization._________ Park Avenue. Auburn: Old Ladies’ Home, 46 Grant Avenue___ _____________________ ........do______________________ Tubman (Harriet) Home, 1 Danforth Street...—______________ (i).................................................... ....................................... Ballston Spa: L’Amoreaux Home_______________________________ (i) Barnard: St. Ann’s Home for the Aged__________________________ (i) ........................................... Bath: National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers................................ United States Government____ State Camp for Veterans__________ ________ ________________ State of New York___________ Binghamton: Home for Aged Women, 80 Fairview Avenue_________________ Private organization.................... House of the Good Shepherd, 74 Conklin Avenue______________ Private organization (Episcopal). Brooklyn: Baptist Home of Brooklyn, 665 Greene Avenue________________ Long Island Baptist Association. Bethany Home for the Aged, 604 East Fortieth Street..................... Methodist Episcopal Church__ Brooklyn Hebrew Home and Hospital for Aged, 813 Howard Private organization (Jewish)... Avenue. Brooklyn Home for Aged Colored People, 1095 St. Johns Place___ Private organization__________ Brooklyn Home for Aged Men, 745 Classon Avenue...._________ ____do_____ _________________ Brooklyn Methodist Episcopal Home for the Aged, 920 Park Place. Private organization (Method ist). Danish Home for Aged, 1055 Forty-first Street.............................. Private organization.................... German Evangelical Home for Aged, 1420 Bushwick Avenue......... German Evangelical Aid Society. Graham Home for Old Ladies, 320 Washington Avenue................ Private organization__________ Greenpoint Home for Aged, 137 Oak Street............................. ......... Home for the Aged, 452 Herkimer Street_____________________ Home for the Aged of the Little Sisters of the Poor, Eighth Avenue and Sixteenth Street. Home for the Aged of the Little Sisters of the Poor, Bushwick and De Kalb Avenues. Home for the Blind, Herkimer Street and Albany Avenue______ Marien-Heim Home for the Aged, 870 Ocean Parkway.............. Menorah Home for Aged and Infirm, 871 Bushwick Avenue........... New York Congregational Home for the Aged, 123 Linden Boule vard. • And $100 per year thereafter. 1No data. Ladies’ Benevolent Association of the Seventeenth Ward. (Episcopal) Church Charity Foundation. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. . (Episcopal) Church Charity Foundation. Private organization (German).. Private organization (Jewish)... Private organization (Congre gational). 4 According to means. DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 43 MENTS OF HOMES FOR THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders’ imum for life mem rates age bers 060 60 65 0 $200 500 0- 8 0 68 0 0 0- 65 65 65 J ®68 t 765 65 65 60 65 65 65 60 60 0 65 65 65 Jewish Transfer of property to home.. Sane; good character................ Good health and character; transfer of property to home. Resident of county................................. 0 .............................................................. Member of order, wife, or widow.. 0Disabled soldier, sailor, or marine, or his wife or widow. Indigent.................. ..................... . ..... Protestant; transfer of property to home. English; Protestant; transfer of prop erty to home. 0 ............ 0) $1.15 per 0 .............................................................. day.4 Transfer of property to home.. 500 450 500 68 65 0 0) 65 0) 65 0- Other 500 1,000 0 400 < 1,000 300 500 300 500 800 500 •100 400 0 1,000 "'‘500’ Whom admitted Ca pac ity 0 .................................... Both sexes and couples. (1)50„ ___ do............................. 180 Women only.. Both sexes___ 0 )-.................. 8 Both sexes and couples. 80 0 - sexes and couples. 0320 Both ___ do.............. Men only___ Women only.. 135 48 50 &Tth sexes and couples. | 0)110 Women only............. 25 $15 per 5 years’ residence in county. .do.. month. Colored; resident of State.. Presbyterian minister........ 0 ......................................... Disabled volunteer soldier..................... 0 ............... Veteran of Civil, Spanish, or World Men only. War. Transfer of property to home.. Women only.. 0 ................................................ 00 .................... 10 years’ membership in church of the Both sexes and couples. association; transfer of property to home. Member of church................................. .do.. Jewish; transfer of property to home... .do.. Colored; transfer of property to home.. .do.. [United States citizen; Protestant; 5 years’ residence in city; doctor’s l tificate; transfer of property to home. Methodist; clothing for 1 year.............. .do.. Danish; transfer of property to home.. German or American; burial expenses; ■""."do:::::::}:::::::transfer of property to home. 5 years’ residence in city; furnishings Women only.. for. room; transfer of property to home. Protestant; burial expenses; transfer of .do.. property to home. Member of church; transfer of property Both sexes and couples. to home. Indigent................................................... ___ do___________ ___ .do.. .do.. 00— 0German or German American______ Both and couples, Jewish...................................................... Both 5 years’ membership in Congregational Both and couples. Church; transfer of property to home. • Men. 42 0P> 0 0 1,500 0 35 40 380 40 109 120 50 275 76 15 81 233 250 0 46 50 70 44 DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization New York—Continued Brooklyn—Continued. Norwegian Christian Home for the Aged, 1260 Sixty-seventh Street. Swedish Augustana Home for the Aged, 1680 Sixtieth Street........... Wartburg Lutheran Home for the Aged and Infirm, 2598 Fulton Street. Buffalo: Church Home, 24 Bhode Island Avenue______ _________ . . . . __ Coplon (Rosa) Jewish Old Folks Home, 310 North Street...... ........ Private organization..................... New York Conference, August ana Lutheran Synod. Evangelical Lutheran Churches of Missouri Synod. (Episcopal) Church Charity Foundation. Private organization............. Deaconess Home, 218 Kingsley StreetJ*............................................. German Protestant Churches... Evangelical Lutheran Church Home, 217 East Delavan Avenue__ United Lutheran Church in America. FTomft for tbft FjrifiTidlfiSS, 1S00 "Mftiri Rtrftftt.. ...................... Private organization________ _ Jewish Old Folks Home, 210 Porter Avenue____ . . . . . _______ __ 0).................................................... Lutheran Hospice, 115 Qlenwood Avenue................... ............. ........ Lutheran Churches of the Synodical Conference. St. Francis Asylum, 337 Pine Street________________ _________ Catholic order, Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis. Canandaigua: Clark Manor House, 318 Fort Hill Avenue...................... Private organization.................... Cat.slrill • Home for Agfid Woman in Groane County, 3 High Trustees of Louis F. Payn Foundation. Private organization (Luth eran). Private organization__________ (i).................................................... Parochial Fund, Western New York Diocese, Protestant Episcopal Church. Dansville: Home for Aged Couples and King’s Daughters .................... King’s Daughters and Sons___ Chatham: Payn (Louis F.) Foundation for Aged People *--------------Clinton: Lutheran Church Home for the Aged and Infirm of Central New York. Cohoes: Home for Aged Women, 100 Vliet Street..................................... Cooperstown Walling Home for Aged People_______. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cuba: Kirkpatrick Home, 87 West Main Street....................................... Dewitt: Jewish Home for the Aged of Central New York.................. Dundee: Letts Memorial Home___________________ ______ _____ Dunkirk: St. Vincent’s Home, 329 Washington Avenue________. .. . . East Islip (Long Island): Williams (Percy) Home, Suffolk Lane.......... Ebenezer: Ebenezer Old People’s Home of the Evangelical Church, Egbertville (Staten Island): Eger Norwegian Lutheran Home for the Aged, Rockland and Meisner Avenues. Elmira: Home for the Aged, Grand Central Avenue_______________ Fairport: Baptist Home_________________________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Far Rockaway: Far Rockaway Home for the Aged, “ Greyloch Hall”. Forks: Evangelical Church Home_______________________________ Fort Edward: Hodgman (Frederick D.) Memorial Home..................... Franklin Square (Long Island): Plattsdeutsche Old Folks Home, Hempstead Turnpike. Fredonia: Home for Aged Women, 134 Temple Street............................ Gardenville: St. Francis Home, Indian Church Road_____ ________ Geneva: Church Home, 82 Pulteney Street______ _______________ _ Gerry: Gerry Homes__________________________________________ Glens Falls: Glens Falls Home for Aged Women, 106 Warren Street__ Gloversville: Getman (David and Helen) Memorial Home, 15 East State Street. Greenwich: Washington County Home for Aged Women__________ i No data. <According to means. Private organization (Jewish)__ Private organization.................. St. Mary’s Home and School... Private organization. .................. Evangelical Church...................... Norwegian Lutheran Churches of the Atlantic Coast. Private organization.................. Private organization (Baptist)— Trustees of John Bodine Foun dation. Evangelical Churches_________ Troy Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church. Private organization..................... Woman’s Christian AssociationCatholic order, Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis. (i).............................................. ...... Free Methodist Church_______ Private organization_____. . . . . . * So-called “widows’ home,” for self-supporting women. 11 Poor received free. DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 45 MENTS OF HOMES FOE THE AGED Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders* imum for life mem rates age bers Other Whom admitted Ca pac ity SnanrifrmviAn x L ........... Both sexes and couples. 65 Swedish; testimonials as to character; ____do______________ 84 transfer of property to home. Lutherans preferred; transfer of prop ___ do_______________ 80 800 erty to home. Member of church; transfer of prop Women and couples__ 36 500 65 erty to home. Jewish; Orthodox Church or Reformed Both sexes and couples. 75 65 Jewish faith; resident of county (usually). German____ ___________ _________ (i).................................... 0) Grfirman nr "English .......................... Both sexes and couples. 50 60 (<) Protestant; resident of city; transfer Women only___. . . ___ 62 250 60 of property to home. (i).............................................................. (i).................................... 0) 0)60 (9 1,000 (i)............. Transfer of property to home___ ____ Both sexes and couples. 28 $2-$10 per 195 week. 250 1 year’s residence in county; transfer of Both sexes__________ 14 65 property to home. 5 years’ residence in county; physi Women only_________ 10 500 70 cally and mentally sound; transfer of property to home. Resident of county; transfer of prop Both sexes and couples. 27 500 65 erty to home. American; member of Evangelical ____do_____ _________ 12 65 Lutheran, or United Lutheran Church; transfer of property to home. $100 for burial expenses_____________ Women only_________ 12 500 65 (i)............................................................... (i)..................................... 0) (0 1,500 (i)_______ Childless 0)60 6 woman; member of church; Women only________ good health and sound mind. Member of order; Protestant; $100 for Both sexes and couples. 50 500 67 burial expenses; transfer of property to home. Jewish; 5 years’ residence in the United ........do_________ _____ 25 60 States; doctor’s certificate. 5 _________ 60 (8)1,000 $ 10 p er White; Roman Catholic__ . . . . . . . ___ ____do____ Women only_________ 25 65 week. Respectable member of theatrical pro Both sexes and couples. 27 60 fession on speaking stage. Transfer of one-half of property to home. ____do_______________ 40 1,000 65 N orwegian____.__________________ ____do_____ _________ 25 600 70 Transfer of property to home________ ____do_______________ 40 300 65 Member of church; transfer of property ____do_______________ 61 500 65 to home. 24 <1,000 60 American or German; Protestant; ____do____ . . . . . . _____ 45 1,000 65 members of church preferred. 12 Member of church; transfer of prop Women only................. 300 65 erty to home. American citizen of German descent; Both sexes and couples. 34 60 W500-l,000 Protestant. Women only_________ 25 1,200 65 (4)_______ Transfer of property to h o m e.......... Both sexes___________ 200 60 (i).............. (i).............................................................. (i).................................... 0) 0)65 (9 $30 p e r American; member of church; trans Both sexes and couples. 38 fer of property to home. month. Resident of county; transfer of prop Women only_____ ___ 22 100 65 erty to home. 1 year’s residence in county; transfer 19 400 65 of property to home. American; 5 years’ residence in county; ____do______ ________ 17 300 65 transfer of property to home. * At present being used for nurses’ home. * Not yet in operation. 65 65 65 (<) $500 61841°—29------ 1 46 DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Name and address of home New York—Continued Groton: Groton Home for Aged People________ _________________ 0 .................................................... 0).................................................... Hfprihurg! St- Anthony's Home, Ray View Road__ Harrison: Miriam Osborn Memorial Home, Rye__________________ Private organization__________ Hollis (Long Island): I. 0 . 0. F. Home__________________________ Homer: Cortland County Home for Aged Women, 41 South Main Street. Hudson: Firemen’s Home of the State of New York____________________ Home for the Aged, 620 Union Street__________ __________ _.__ Ithaca: Home (The), 514 South Aurora Street___. . . . . . . . . . . _________ ... I. 0 . 0 . F. Home and Orphanage, R. No. 7___________________ Jamaica (Long Island): Chapin Home for the Aged and Infirm, OneHundred and sixty-fifth Street and Chapin Parkway. Jamestown: Warner Home for the Aged, 58 Forest Avenue.___. . . ___ Johnstown: Willing Helpers’ Home for Aged Women___. . . . . . . . . . . . . Kings Park (Long Island): St. Johnland Community , ........... Kingston: Home for the Aged in Ulster County, 95 Green Street__... /Independent Order of Odd \ Fellows. 0).................................................... Firemen’s Association of the State of New York. Private organization_______ __ Ladies’ Union Benevolent So ciety. New York Grand Lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. Universalist Church__________ Private organization._________ ....... do.............................................. Society of St. Johnland (Epis copal). Private organization... . . . . . . . . . Lakemont: Aged Christian Ministers’ Home_____________________ American Christian Convention. Lockport: Locust Haven, 175 Locust Street......................................................... Private organization..................... Odd Fellows’ Home and Orphanage, 153 Lake Avenue......... ......... Odd Fellows’ Home Association of New York. Malone: Farrar Home for Deserving Old Ladies...................................... Private organization__________ Middletown: Orange County Home for Aged Women, 27 South Street. ____do _____________________ Mohawk: Old Ladies Home____. . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________ ____do____ ___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mount Kisco: Swiss Home for the A g e d ........______ _________... Swiss Benevolent Society of New York. Mount Vernon: Heins (Mary Louise) M em orial......___________ _________ . .. . Private organization (Lutheran). Seabury Memorial Home, 325 Highland Avenue_________ . . . . . . . Private organization_______... Wilson (Martha) Home, 356 Franklin Avenue__. . . . . ___ . .. . . . . ........d o ............................................ New Brighton (Staten Island): Sailors’ Snug Harbor... . .. . . _______ Newburgh: Holden (A. F.) Memorial Home for Aged Women, 143 Grand Street. Johnes (Goldsmith D. and MaryB.) Home for Aged Couples, (i)..................................................... Box 645. New Rochelle: Colburn Memorial Home for Aged, Clinton A ven u e....... . . . . . . . Private organization__________ United Home for Aged Hebrews, 391 Pelham R o a d .............. New York: Baptist Home for the Aged, 116 East Sixty-eighth Street... . . . .. . . Baptist Churches____________ Freedman (Andrew) Home, 1125 Grand Concourse___ . . . . . . . . . _ Private organization.___ . . . . . . . French Benevolent Society Home for the Aged, 445 West Thirty- French Benevolent Society____ third Street. 1No data. 1Men. '-Women. DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 47 MENTS OF HOMES FOR THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders* imum for life mem rates age bers Other Whom admitted Ca pac ity (i).............. (i)............................................................... (i)..................................... 0) (0 ........ (i)............................................................... (i)..................................... 0 0 $500 English speaking; Protestant; 10 years* Single women only. 90 residence in Bronx, New York, or Westchester Counties; burial ex penses; transfer of property to home. r * 65 fMember of lodge belonging to home jBoth sexes and couples. 75 \ association. { 1 60 1...................... (i)_______ (i)............................................................... (i)..................................... 0 0 ' (0 0) . 065 70 300 67 50 65 65 65 60 70 500 1,000 1,250 300 300-500 /«70 i 7 60 } 100 65 60 60 65 65 65 1,500 65 65 1,000 1,000 65 600 0 65 400 500 500 0 5 years* service as volunteer fireman in Men only____. . . . . ___ New York; unable to earn living. American; Protestant; transfer of prop Both sexes and couples. erty to home. American birth; transfer of property Women only_________ to home. Member of order in good standing; Both sexes and couples (also children). destitute. Transfer of property to home________ Both sexes and couples. White; transfer of property to home__ ___ do_______________ Transfer of property to home________ Women only_________ Both sexes and couples. $25 per month. 5 years’ residence in county; medical ____do__________ . .. . . certificate; transfer of property to home. American; minister of Christian Church or other Evangelical denom ination for 20 years, or his widow; 1........do______________ transfer of property to home. 1 White; transfer of property to home__ Women only_________ Odd Fellow or Rebekah for 5 years; Both sexes and couples (also children). transfer of property to home. Transfer of property to home................ Women only____. . . . . . Protestant; 5 years’ residence in ____do______ . . . . . . . . . . county; transfer of property to home. Childless; physically fit; transfer of ____do_________. .. . . . . property to home. Both sexes and couples. (i) 400 600 60 65 5 years’ residence in Pelham or New Both sexes and couples. Rochelle; $150 for burial expenses; transfer of property to home. 500 Member of Baptist Church in Man hattan or Bronx; 5 years’ residence in the United States; transfer of property to home. Burial expenses; funds to cover cloth ing and incidentals. 20 83 110 24 28 65 12 13 14 140 15 38 30 40 Lutheran; transfer of property to 36 home. Service in literature, art, music, edu Women only_________ 50 cation, or any of the various profes sions; transfer of property to home. American; Protestant; transfer of 16 property to home. 875 Service on American vessels_________ (i) ......................................................... (i)..................................... 0 Transfer of property to home____ -__ Women only_________ 20 65 60 60 150 32 Both sexes...................... 28 65 95 140 15 48 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization New York—Continued New York—Continued. Grace Hospital, 414 East Fourteenth Street....................................... Grace Church (Episcopal)_____ Hebrew Home for the Aged of Harlem, 114 East One hundred and fifth Street. Independent Order of B’nai TTome for Aged and Tnfipn, 478 Tiivftrdale Avenue, Yonkers _ B’rith. Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews of New York, 121 West One Private organization (Jewish)... hundred and fifth Street. Home for the Aged, Little Sisters of the Poor, 213 East Seventieth Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Street.for t.bft Agad, 125 West One hundred and sixth Street _ TTomft Home for the Aged, 66 East One hundred and eighty-third Street. ........do_________ ______ ______ Home for Old Men and Aged Couples, 1060 Amsterdam Avenue.. Private organization.................... Home of the Daughters of Israel, 1260 Fifth Avenue____________ Private organization (Jewish). . . Home of the Daughters of Jacob, One hundred and sixty-seventh ____do........................................... Street and Findlay Avenue. Home of Old Israel, 70 Jefferson Street.............................................. Home of Sons and Daughters of Israel, 230 East Tenth Street........ Howell (A. Clayton) Home of Abyssinian Baptist Church, 732 0)..................................................... St. Nicholas Avenue. Isabella Home, Amsterdam Avenue and One hundred and nine | Private organization......... ......... tieth Street. Methodist Episcopal Church Home, 673 Amsterdam Avenue........ Methodist Episcopal Churches of New York City. New York Baptist Home, 823 East Two hundred and twenty- (i)..................................................... third Street. Old Ladies’ Home, 891 Amsterdam Avenue____________ ______ Association for Relief of Respect able Aged, Indigent Females. Old People’s Home, 2860 Lafayette Avenue___________________ Eastern Missionary Association. Peabody Home for Aged and Indigent Women, 2064 Boston Road.. Presbyterian Home for Aged Women, 49 East Seventy-third Street. St. Francis Home, 609 Fifth Street_________________. . . ___. .. . . St. John’s Home for Aged Women, 5 Hudson Street, Yonkers........ St. Joseph’s Home, 209 West Fifteenth Street________ _________ St. Luke’s Home for Aged Women, 2914 Broadway_____________ Private organization__. . . . . . . . . Presbyterian Church____. . . . . . . Catholic order, Sisters of the Poor of St. Francis. (i)................................................... Catholic order, Sisters of Char ity of St. Vincent de Paul. Private organization (Episco pal). St. Philip’s Parish Home, 211 West One hundred and thirty-third 0).................................................... Street. St. Zita’s Home for the Friendless, 143 West Fourteenth Street__ (i).................................................... Samaritan Home for the Aged, 414 West Twenty-second Street...... Private organization__________ Society for the Relief of the Destitute Blind, 2641 Grand Concourse. Trinity Chapel Home, 1666 Bussing Avenue...................................... United Odd Fellows Home and Orphanage, 1072 Havemeyer Avenue. Waiting Home, 1074 Washington Avenue........................................... (i)..................................................... Trinity Chapel (Episcopal)___ Independent Order of Odd Fel lows. Protestant Unity League, Greater New York Federation of Churches. Webb Institute of Naval Architecture, Webb and Sedgwick Ave Webb Institute of Naval Archi nues. tecture. Norwich: Chenango Valley Home, 24 Canaswacta Street............ .......... Private organ ization............ Ogdensburg: Ogdensburg City Hospital and Orphan Asylum, 215 King Street. . Board of Diocesan Charities (Catholic). Pythian Home for Aged................................................................ ........ New York Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias. United Helpers’ Home, 250 State Street.................................. ...... .. . Private organization____ . . . . . . . Oneida: Old Ladies’ Home of Madison County, 533 Main Street......... Oriskany: Eastern Star Home..................................................................... Newdo.............................................. York Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. 1 *No data. <According to means. DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STA.TES 49 MENTS OF HOMES FOR THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders’ imum for life mem rates age bers 65 0 65 60 60 60 60 65 65 65 60 65 0 J • 65 I 7 60 65 0 65 60 0) r \ $200 Service in construction of wooden Both sexes and couples. ships. Protestant; transfer of property to Women only_________ home. Both sexes and couples.. $1 per day. Member of order in good standing___ 500 American; Protestant; transfer of Women only_________ property to home. 500 Homeless; transfer of property to home. Member of order; unable to care for self. • Men. 7Women. * Married couples. 50 12 400 0 )J..................... 500 600 50 0)60 60 (0 1,800 60 065 300 0 350 060 60 60 0) 250 60 60 65 65 Ca pac ity 16 0 125 345 228 261 570 200 40 400 70 170 0 144 110 0 121 23 63 65 75 65 Whom admitted Both sexes__________ 0).............. 0)............................................................... (i)..................................... 20 years’ membership in order; Jew Both sexes and couples. ish. Jewish_________________ _________ Indigent_________________________ __ d o ____ _________ ........do_____ _________ Both sexes___—— ___ 3 years’ residence in Man- | mcti and couples_____ }.................. [Protestant; \ hattan or Bronx. J.................. Jewish...................................................... Both sexes and couples. ___ do______ ______ _______ _____ ____do............................. do.............................. ___ do........................................................ ........do___ ___________ (i).............. (i)............................................................... (i)..................................... {No children who can furnish support; jBoth sexes and couples. \ transfer of property to home. Member of church; transfer of prop ____do_______________ erty to home. (i).............. (i) .......................................................... (i)................................... Transfer of property to home at death . Women only_________ Swedish; member of church belonging Both sexes and couples. to association; transfer of property to home. Women only________ $25 per English speaking; 3 years’ member ............... ship in Presbyterian or Dutch month. Reformed Church. Both sexes and couples. (i).............. (l)............................................................ (i).................. ................ Roman Catholic__________________ Both sexes______ ____ Member of New York diocese, Prot Women only_________ estant Episcopal Church; transfer of property to home. American; transfer of property to ........do_____________ home. ................................................ (i)..................................... (i).............. (i) White; Protestant; without persons Both sexes__________ responsible for support; transfer of property to home. (i).............. (i)..................................... Member of church; transfer of prop Women only_________ erty to home. Member of order_____ ____________ Both sexes and couples. (<).............. Protestant__. ___________________ Women only................. 24 700 0 Other 500 500 33 48 300 0307 85 12 0 32 0 14 100 11 80 30 16 22 100 50 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization New York—Continued Ossining: __ n m _ ____________ Private organization___ ______ Bethany Home, 32 Ann Street. Bethel Swedish Methodist Episcopal Home, Narragansett and Eastern Conference, Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church. Pine Avenues. ...- Daughters of the British Em Victoria Home, Hillside ........... ....................................... pire in the Eastern States. Oswego: Home for the Homeless, 43 East Utica Street____ . ________ Private organization__________ Owego: Owego Home for Aged Women, 369 Front Street_______ ___ (i)„_................................................ Oxford: New York State Woman’s Relief Corps Home __ - - State of New York........... ............ j'finn YftH- Pratt (Giiftrtha) Home, 224 Clinton Street. __ Private organization..................... Plattsburgh; Vilas (Samuel F.) Home, Cornelia and Beekman Streets— (»).................................................... Poughkeepsie: oi<i Ladies Home, South Hamilton and Montg^mAry Streets Private organizaton_________ Pringle Memorial Home, 153 Academy Street______________ ___ ____do............................................ Vassar Brothers Home for Aged Men, 193 Main Street___. . . . . . . Red Hook: Ward Manor__ . . . . . . . . . . . _____. . . . . . ___________ ____ New York Association for Im proving the Condition of the Poor. Rochester: Church Home of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 509 Mount Protestant Episcopal Church... Hope Avenue. Jewish Home for the Aged, 1162 St. Paul Street________________ (i).................................................... Rochester Friendly Home, Brighton Station__________________ Private organization__________ Rochester Presbyterian Home, 256 Thurston Road................... .. Rochester Presbytery, Presby terian Church. St. Ann’s Home for the Aged, 1971 Lake Avenue.............................. (0.................................................... St. John’s Home for the Aged, 1262 South Avenue________ . . . . . . Private organization__________ Rome: Rome Home, 417 North Washington Street_______ _____ ___ Saratoga Springs: Home of the Good Shepherd, 45 Greenfield Avenue. Private organization (E piscoSayville (Long Island): Sons and Daughters of Liberty Home, 121 < £ ? : ............................................. Lakeland Avenue. Schenectady: Ingersoll Memorial for Aged Men, Albany Road............................ (i)_„_.............................................. Old Ladies’ Home, 1519 Union Street _________________ _____ Private organization_________ _ Seneca Falls: Johnson Home........................................................................ ........................... Springfield (Long Island): Foresters of America Home_____________ Foresters of America________ _ Stapleton (Staten Island): House of Divine Providence, 1088 Old Town Road......................... Private organization_______ ... Mariners’ Family Asylum, 119 Tompkins Avenue........................... ____do_____ . . . . _____________ Stuyvesant: Odd Fellows’ Home of Eastern New York_________.... Independent Order of Odd Fel lows. Syracuse: Loretto Rest, 3901 South Salma Street............ .................................. Board of Catholic Charities, Syracuse Diocese, Roman Catholic Church. Syracuse Home, Townsend and Hawley Streets................................ Private organization__________ Tappan: Eventide Home, Box 3 2 ............___________ _____ _______ Men’s Social Service Depart ment, Salvation Army. German Masonic Home________. . . . . . . . . . _______________ ___ Free and Accepted Masons ..... Tarrytown: Howard (Margaret A.) Home, North Broadway__ _____ (i).............................................*___ Troy: Bethesda Home, 504 Second Avenue.................................................. Private organization............ Church Home of the City of Troy, 1800 Seventh Avenue________ Private organization (Episco pal). 1No data. * According to means, * Boarding home; no data as to rates. •Men. 7 Women. Must be “old.” DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 51 MENTS OF HOMES FOR THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders’ imum for life mem rates bers 65 65 70 0 65 0 60 65 65 $300 00 500 500 !....... 0 i 01,000 1....... 0 400 500 500 0- 70 0 r «70 l 7 65 65 500 3? 800 0 si 500 0 3? 800 84600 0 0 500 •0 - 65 75 0) 500 060 60 50 0 0) 0 (»)-. 300 ity Women only................. 7 Both sexes and couples. 25 25 . — do............................. Women only.................. 20 0 ~ sexes and couples. (0200 Both Women only.......... ...... 15 0).................................... 0) Women only.. 46 12 Men only....... 21 ___ do__^....................... Both sexes and couples. 70 fAmerican; Protestant; member of 0 .............. Transfer of property to home................ 2 years’ membership in church of Rochester Presbytery; transfer of part or all of property to home. 0German - ............................................*.............. preferred; Protestant; resi dent of county; good reputation; fairly good health, transfer of prop erty (up to $5,000) to home. Resident of county; transfer of prop erty to home. 25 •Women only................. 0).................................... 0) Both sexes and couples, 108 52 — do............................. \ church. 0. Transfer of property to home.. Member of order or auxiliary................ $1 per French preferred; member of St. Vin* cent de Paul (Roman Catholic) day.i8 Church. Wife or widow of seaman; transfer of 200 property to home. American; Protestant; member of or der. Roman Catholic..................................... (n 0 700 0 - Ca pac 5 years’ residence in city; transfer of property to home. Scandinavian.................................. ........ British birth. Transfer of property to home.............. . Dependent of veteran; $200 for burial expenses; $10 quarterly to home. Protestant; transfer of property to home. 0 - ............................................................. Protestant; 5 years’ residence in city; transfer of property to home. American; transfer of property to home at death. Protestant; 5 years’ residence in city.. Clothing; income of $50 per year or friends to provide 0- 500 60 (0 65 (,5) Other Whom admitted 0 ................................ Both sexes and couples. 0)57 Women only.. ___ do............. 0~ 0).................... Women only.. ___do______ Both sexes__ Women only_. 19 30 0 0)36 25 16 .do.. Both sexes and couples, 32 40 — do.............................. 214 Women only.................. 57 Men only....................... 24 Both sexes and couples. 75 0 ..................................... 0) Women only.................. 29 ___ do............................. 14 White...................................................... German; membership in order, ninth district. 0 .............................................................. Protestant; transfer of property to home. American; member of Episcopal Church in Troy; transfer of property to home. MResidents of county. 3i Residents of city. 84$400 extra if nursing is required. *» Nonresidents of city. 52 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN TTNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization New York—Continued Troy—Continued. Catholic order, Little Sisters of H<ome for the Aged Poor, 192 Ninth Street. the Poor. Powers. (Deborah) Home for Old Ladies, Third Avenue and Private organization.................... Twenty-third Street, north. Presbyterian Home, 92 First Street..................................................... Utica: Home for Aged Men and Couples, 1657 Sunset AvenueHome for the Homeless, 32 Faxton Street.......................... Masonic Home....................................................................... St. Luke’s Home and Hospital, 1506 Whitesboro StreetVernon Center: Maple Park Home for Aged Ladies............................... Wappingers Falls: Gallaudet Home for Aged and Infirm Deaf Mutes. Watertown: Keep (Henry) Home, 920 Washington Street™................... West New Brighton (Staten Island): Swedish Home for Aged People, 20 Bristol Avenue. White Plains: Little House of Divine Providence, 70 South Lexington Avenue. Williamsville: Blocher Homes....................................................................................... Holy Family Home.. North Carolina Fayetteville: Confederate Woman’s Home. Goldsboro: I. O. O. F. Home......................... Greensboro: Masonic and Eastern Star Home.............................. Raleigh: North Carolina Soldiers' Home, Newberne Avenue............. St. Luke’s Home, South Street.............. ................................. Wilmington: Kennedy (Catherine) Home, 901 Princess Street.. Winston-Salem: Moravian Church Home..................................... North Dakota Devils Lake: Odd Fellows’ Home.................................................. _do___ -do___ Free and Accepted Masons.. Grace Church (Episcopal)... Private organization.................... Episcopal Church Mission to Deaf Mutes. 0). Private organization. 0 ................................. Trustees of John Blocher Es tate. Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis. (9- Carolina Grand Lodge, North Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Masons and Order of Eastern Star. 8: Benevolent Society. Ladies Moravian Church.............. North Dakota Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Lisbon: North Dakota Soldiers’ Home..................................................... State of North Dakota................ Northwood: Northwood Old People’s Home.......................................... . Private organization (Lutheran). Ohio Akron: Sumner Home ftr the Aged........................................................... Private organization.. Ashtabula: Smith Home for Aged Women............................................... 0) ................................. . Canton: Aultman Home for Aged Women, 708 Market Avenue north. Private organization.. Cincinnati: Aged Germans’ Home, Burnet and Elland Avenues........................ (9Bethesda Home for Aged, Lafayette and Clifton Streets................ Private organization. Bodman German Protestant Widows’ Home, Stetson and High (9................................. land Streets. Crawford’s Old Men’s Home, North Bend Road, College H ill.... (9Eastern Star Home for Aged Women.................................................. Order of Eastern Star. Home for Aged, 1805 Young Street............................................ ......... Home for Aged Colored Women, 1334 Lincoln Avenue_________ 8: Home for Jewish Aged and Infirm, Union and Burnet Avenues... Private organization.................... Methodist Home for the Aged, College Hill..................................... . Ohio Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church. Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged, Maple and Knott Streets... Private organization.................... St. Ann's House, 1630 Baymuller Street............................................. Sisters of the Transfiguration (Episcopal). *No data. «According to means. *So-called “widows’ home” for self-supporting women. DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 53 MENTS OF HOMES FOE THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders’ imum for life mem rates ago bers 100 600 65 60 60 1,000 (*) 500 (960 (9 500 <9 70 60 1,000 (9 <9 (9................................ (9 (9- Protestant; transfer of property to Both sexes and couples. home. Both sexes.................... . (9.......................................... White; member of order.......... 5 years’ membership in order.. 8 (8) 65 65 (965 8 8. 65 (IS) 200 8: 2,000 300 (9 400 (9(9 (9 (9 (9 8(9 (9 _do_. 8 linen and towels.. Bed Widow.......................... Women only.. ___do.............. Indigent; member of order.. Both sexes and couples. Veteran, his wife or widow. 78 (9.............................. Both sexes and couples.. (910 _do_. _do_. 60 8 25 14 40 50 90 White.......................................... (9.......................................... Transfer of property to home.. ....d o ............ . (9.................. Women only.. (9(9.............. (9.............. (9.............. (9.............. Jewish........ (9................................ (9............................... (9................................ (9................................ 8 (9.................-............. Both sexes and couples, (,)60 . — do............................. Protestant. Jewish; member of orthodox congrega ___do.............. tion; transfer of property to home. $2 p e r White...................................................... Women only.. (8) month « j Covers light, heat, and water only. m Must be “old.” Ca pac ity Indigent; sound mind; good character. Both sexes and couples. 170 Women only............. 18 3 years’ membership in Presbyterian ___ do......................... 19 Church; transfer of property to home. Residents of county preferred; transfer Both sexes and couples. 60 of property to home. Protestant; transfer of property to Women only.................. 63 home. Member of order.................................... Both sexes and couples. 600 $5-$6 per Members of church preferred.............. . Women only________ 16 week. White; transfer of property to home... 20 Deaf mute; transfer of property to Both sexes...................... 40 home. (9- birth or parentage; transfer of Both (9- sexes and couples. (930 Swedish property to home. $4~$8 per week. <9 Other Whom admitted 24 (921 125 70 14 54 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Name and address of home OMo—Continued Cincinnati—Continued. St. Joseph’s Home for Aged Poor, Florence Avenue......................... Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. St. Peter’s Home, Clifton Heights.......................................... . . . . . . . St. Theresa’s Home for the Aged, Silverton........................................ Private organization (Catholic). Widows’ and Old Men’s Home, 1310 East McMillan Street........... Private organization..................... Circleville: Circleville Home and Hospital, 335 West Ohio Street____ Cleveland: Altflnhfiim, 7719 Dp.trnit. Aveniifi . ............... ........ ^ Baptist Home of Northern Ohio, 8903 Cedar Avenue SE................ Church Home for the Sick and Friendless, 2227 Prospect Avenue.. Private organization (Episcopal). Cleveland Home for Aged Colored People, 4807 Cedar Avenue___ Private organization.................. Dorcas Home for Women, 1380 Addison Road_____ . . . _______ _ (i).................................................... Hebrew Orthodox Old Home, 736 Lakeview Road___ __________ (i)______________ ___________ Home for Aged Women, 2206 East Forty-sixth Street....................... Young Women’s Christian Asso ciation. .Tannings (Eliza) TTnmo for Women.................................................... (i).................................................... Little Sisters of the Poor, 2607 East Twenty-second Street.............. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. McGregor (A. M.) Home, 14715 Terrace Road.................................. Private organization.................... Montefiore Home, 3151 Mayfield Road, Cleveland Heights............. Private organization (Jewish)... Welsh Home for Aged, Center Ridge____________ ____________ (i).................................................... Clyde: Ramsay (Eliza) Home for Women__ . . . __. . . . _______ . . . __ (i).................................................... Columbus: Clouser (Catharine) Home, 32 Midland Avenue_______________ (i).................................................... Columbus Home for the Aged, 1776 East Broad Street.................... Private organization.................... Mitchell (Mary) Home for Men and Women, Midland Avenue. _ 0).................................................... Old Folks Home, 1240 East Long Street.. ____________________ Private organization__________ Pauline Home for the Aged, 1323 East Main Street.......................... Dayton: Home for Widows and Destitute Women, Fourth and South Young Women’s Christian As sociation. Findlay Streets. National Military Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers (cen United States Government......... tral branch). Scott (Mary) Home, 108 Garst Street.............................................. (i)...................^............................... Delaware: Moore (Sarah) Home for Aged Women_________________ (i)............................................ ....... Elyria: Elyria Home for the Aged, 723 West Avenue.............................. Northeast Ohio Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church. Fostoria: Old Folks Home of the Church of the Brethren...................... Church of the Brethren........... . Greenville: Brethren Home____________________________________ _____ ... do............................................. . ............... St. Clair (Ella Van Dyke) Home...................................................... (0 . Hamilton: Community Home for the Aged, 315-341 Dayton Street__ Private organization..................... Lebanon: Otterbein Home___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __________________ _ Church of United Brethren in Christ. Lodi: Home for Aged Women...................................................................... Private organization.................... Louisville: St. Joseph Hospice for Aged, North Chapel Street.............. Cleveland Diocese, Roman Catholic Church. Madison: Madison Home__. . . . . . . . . __. . . . . __. . . . . . . . . ______ State of Ohio______. . . . . . . . . . . . Marietta: Washington County Woman’s Home, 812 Third Street........... Marion: Waddell Ladies’ Home, 1241 East Center Street...................... Medina: Parker (Sophia Huntington) Home for Pythian Sisters......... Milan: Gordon (Fannie) Home for Old Ladies___ ________________ Mount Vernon: Home for the Aged.............................. ............. ............... Piqua: Orrmont Home, R. No. 3.__. . . . . ___________ ____________ Portsmouth: Home for Aged Women, 1004 Second Street...................... Ravenna: Rest Haven Home for Aged.......................................... ... . .. . Rittman: Mennonite Old People’s Home (Marshallville P. O.) ....... Salem: Home for Aged Women, 348 McKinley Avenue........................ 1No data. *According to age. (0................. ................................. Private organization.................... Ohio Grand Chapter, Pythian Sisters. (i) ............................. .................... Woman’s Christian Association. Ohio Synod, Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. Private organization................... 0).................................................... (i)„.................................................. Private organization................... 4According to means. • Men. DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 55 MENTS OF HOMES FOE THE AGED—Continued. -Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders* imum for life mem rates age bers 3$ 1, 200-3, 750 6500 7 1,000 3C600 0 500 65 065 65 060 300 0 0 500 0 600 65 0 0 068 060 65 65 0 0 0 0 600 0 360 500 400 60 065 0 1,000 065 65 60 (060 60 0 60 0 065 0 60 1,000 (17) 0 0 !,000 Indigent. ___ do___ Protestant.. Transfer of property to home.............. . Episcopalians preferred; indigent; transfer of property to home. Colored................................................... 0Jewish; orthodox................................... White; Protestant; transfer of prop erty to home. 0 .............................................................0Indigent................................................... American; transfer of property to home. 0).............................................................. 0 .............................................................. Jewish.................................................. 0 - ........................................................ Transfer of property to home........... Colored; transfer of property to home. Transfer of property to home........... 5 years’ residence in city; transfer of property to home. Honorable discharge from military service. Colored................ ........ . . . . . . . . . . . ____ Resident of county................................. Member of a church within confer ence; $200 for burial expenses; trans fer of property to home. White; transfer of property to home... $5.50 per 1 year’s membership in church; trans fer of property to home. week. 0 ................................t-........0 ............. American; 5 years’ residence m............... county; transfer of property to home. 0)- $10, $14, and $18 per week. 30400-600 0 0 500 0 0 0 0 Other Citizen of State; honorable discharge from military service; wife or widow of veteran. 0 - character; transfer of property Good to home. Member of order in Ohio....................... 0Residence in county; transfer of prop erty to home. 0 .............................................................. 0Transfer of property to home................ 2(0-............................................................. years’ residence in township; transfer of property to home. 80 $700 for nonresidents of county. Whom admitted Ca pac ity Both sexes and couples. 250 ___ do............................ . 200 ___ do............................. 108 ___ do............................. 200 Men and couples.......... 22 Both sexes and couples. 35 Women only.................. ___ do............................. 0) 18 Both sexes___ 18 0 ................... 0097 Both sezes___. Women only.. 0 - sexes and couples, 0 Both 200 do............................. -do.. Both sexes and couples. 0 ................................. Both sexes.................... Women only................ . .....d o___ Men only.. Women only________ 0 ........... - .......................Both sexes and couples 70 64 0 0 0 55 0 24 3,100 0 34 85 -do.. 42 .do.. 35 0 .................................... Both sexes and coup es (,'2 . 75 ___ do............................ Women only................ . 7 Both sexes and couples. 30 40 .do.. 0)~ ................. Women only.. ___ do.............. 0 .................... Women only.. 0 .................... 0Women — -.............. only.. 0 .................... Women only.. 0 12 21 0 13 0 (0 1( 0 56 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Ohio—Continued Sandusky: Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' Home _ _______________ ___ Old Folks’ Home, Columbus Avenue . Sidriey; "Love (Dorothy) Presbyterian Hnme, R, No, 4 __r __ Springfield: Clark Memorial Home, 616 North Limestone Street________ . __ I. 0. 0. F. State Home, 420 McCreight Street_________________ Ohio Knights of Pythias Home, 901 West High Street _________ Ohio Masonic Home_______________________ ________ ______ Steubenville: Jefferson County Home for Aged Women, 146 Wellsley Street. Tiffin: St. Francis Orphan Asylum and Home for Aged Persons.......... Tippecanoe City: Feghtly Lutheran Home_____ -________________ Toledo: Little Sisters of the Poor, 1616 Starr Avenue_________ -_____-__ Lutheran Orphans’ and Old Folks’ Home, 2465 Seaman Street___ Old Ladies’ Home, 3113 Collingwood Avenue.................................... Upper Sandusky: Home for the Aged________________________ ___ Urbana: Masonic Home for Aged Colored People, 1040 South Main Street. Washington Court House: The Rest Home, South North Street_____ Westerville: Ohio Home for Aged and Infirm Deaf, R. No. 3_____ . __ West Lafayette: Methodist ProtestantHome for Aged___ ______ ___ Youngstown: Home for Aged Women, Mahoning Avenue__________ Sponsoring or controlling organ ization State of Ohio________________ Private organization_________ _ Ohio Synod, Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. Young Women's Christian As sociation. Ohio Grand Lodge., Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows. Ohio Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias. Ohio Grand Lodge, Free and Ac cepted Masoas. (i).................................................... Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis. Ohio Synod, United Lutheran Church in the United States. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Lutheran Synod of Iowa............. Private organization.................... Ohio, Mid West and Northwest Synods, Reformed Church in the United States. (i)..................................................... (i).................................................... Ohio Deaf Mute Alumni Asso ciation. Private organization (Method ist). Private organization___ ______ Zanesville: Purcell (Helen) Home ___________________________ ....... do.............................................. Oklahoma Checotah: Odd Fellows Home.......................................... ......................... Guthrie: Masonic Home for Aged_______________________________ Muskogee: Old Folks Home, 328 Callahan Street...................... .. ......... Oregon Portland: Mount St. Joseph Home for the Aged, East Thirtieth and Stark Streets. Odd Fellows’ Home, East Thirty-second and Holgate Streets Patton Home for the Friendless, 975 Michigan Avenue___ _____ Roseburg: Oregon State Soldiers’ Home.................................................... Salem: Methodist Old People's Home, 1625 Center Street..................... Oklahoma Grand Lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. Oklahoma Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. United Charities of M uskogeeCatholic order, Sisters of Mercy. Oregon Grand Lodge, Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows. Private organization__________ State of Oregon____ . . . . . . . . . . . . Women’s Home Missionary Society, Oregon Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church. Pennsylvania Allentown: Good Shepherd Home, 501-611 St. John Street............................. . Private organization (Lutheran). Phoebe Home, Nineteenth and Turner Streets...................... . . . . . . Eastern Synod, Reformed Church in the United States. Sacred Heart Hospital Home for the Aged, 410 Pine Street............. Sacred Heart Church (Roman Catholic), i No data. * According to means. 11 Must be “ old.” w Varies. DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE A.GED IN UNITED STA.TES 57 MENTS OP HOMES FOB THE AOED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders’ imum for life mem rates age bers 65 $600 65 300 (0 0 60 60 200 $50 p er month. 70 Indigent....................................... ........... Lutherans preferred................................ Transfer of property to home at death.. 5 years’ membership in church; trans fer of property to home. Colored; member of order_____. . . ___ 0 0~ 0 .............................................................. 0 ............. of association; transfer of $20 p e r 0Member C7) month. property to home. White; transfer of property to home__ 500 2 years’ residence in county; good char 600 acter; reasonably good health; trans fer of property to home. 5 years’ residence in county; transfer of 975 property to home. Women only.................. 13 Both sexes and couples 87 325 (also children). Both sexes and couples. 90 Both sexes and couples 87 500 (also children). 0 - .................................. 0 Both sexes and couples. 50 Women only.................. 16 Both sexes and couples, .do.. Women only................. Both sexes and couples. ___ do.............. White; member of order; transfer of property to home. per jl year’s residence in State..................... ___ do............................. 1,500 L$35month. Honorable discharge from military Men and couples........... service; 1 year’s residence in State. Transfer of property to home................ Both sexes and couples. 1,000 60 2,000-3,500 $40 per month. ( 15) V* } (38 65 .do.. Member of church; destitute, aged, .do............ . and infirm. Catholic_________ _______________ Women only.. I 88 Life members. 38 Boarders. 87 Includes children also. 400 (15) 145 31 25 30 Both sexes. 0 0Both - sexes and couples, 0 60 14 .do............................. 25 Women only.. Member of order; transfer of property Both sexes and couples. to home. ___ do............................................... ........ ___ do_____ _________ .do- 0 Ca pac ity Resident of State; service with some Men only....................... 1,100 Ohio regiment; disabled. Both sexes and couples. 15 White; transfer of property to home. ___ do............................ . 45 Transfer of property to home.. $1.50 p er American; member of order; transfer of week. property to home. $1 p e r 2 years’ membership in order: or wife week. or widow of member; transfer of prop erty to home. Membership in order............................. 0(*)-. 30 p er month. 07) 500 500 60 (0 Other Whom admitted 30 60 160 15 80 100 68 175 35 30 30 30 58 DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Pennsylvania—Continued Ambler: Artman Home for Lutherans_______ ________________________ Mercer (John C.) H om e.._____ . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________ . ____ Ben Avon: Home for Widows and Orphans of Odd Fellows, 6627 Brigh ton Road. Bethlehem: Widows’ House, 53 West Church Street_______________ Bristol: Keene Home for Aged Gentlewomen_____________________ Brookville: Pennsylvania Memorial Home____ __________________ Carlisle: Baird (Lydia) Home, East Main Street.............„ . Brethren Home, R. No. 5_____________ _________ __________ Todd (Sarah A.) Memorial Home..-............................................... . Chalfont: Patriotic Order of Sons of America Home....................... ........ Chambersburg: Home for the Aged, Garber Street....................................................... Shook (John H.) Home for Aged, 161 East Queen Street................. Chatham: Maccabees’ Home and Relief Association______________ Cheltenham; Improved Order of Red Men’s Home. .......................... Conneautville: Cribbs (Ida M.) Methodist Home__. . . . . . . ________ Dalton: Vilnius Home______________________________ __________ Davis Grove: Knights of the Golden Eagle Home (Hallowell P. 0 .).. Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Private organization (Lutheran). Private organization__________ (i).................................................... Northern Diocese, Church of United Brethren in the United States. 0).................................................... Woman’s Relief Corps________ Female Benevolent Society____ Southern district of Pennsyl vania, Church of the Brethren. Trustees of Sarah A. Todd Estate. Patriotic Order of Sons of America. (i).................................................... (i).................................................... Maccabees__________________ Improved Order of Red Men .. Erie Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church. Private organization (Catholic). Knights of the Golden Eagle___ (i).................................................... Pennsylvania Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias. Private organization_________ Pennsylvania Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. (i)..................................................... Private organization (Lutheran). State of Pennsylvania_________ Catholic order, Sisters of St. Joseph. (i).................................................... (i)..................................................... Eastern District Conference, Mennonites of North America. (i) .............................................. Knights of Malta___ . . . . . . . . . . . (i).................................................... Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Harmony: Pythian Home of P e n n s y lv a n ia ............................ Knights of Pythias___________ Harrisburg: Home for Aged Colored People, Susquehanna Township__. . . . ___ (i).................................................... Home for the Friendless, Fifth and Muench Streets_______ _____ Protestant churches__________ Messiah Rescue and Benevolent Home, 1175 Bailey Street___ ___ Church of the River Brethren.. Hatboro: Orange Home and Protestant O rp h a n a g e................... Loyal Orange Institution____ _ Herndon: Burd and Rogers Memorial H o m e.........._______. . . . . . . Evangelical Congregational Church. Kennett Square: Friends’ Boarding House............................................... Western Quarterly Meeting of Dravosburg: Hamilton (Frances Campbell) Home for Aged, Maple Avenue. Duncannon: Kinkora Pythian Home, R. No. 2___________________ Easton: Easton Home for Aged and Infirm Women, 1022 Northampton Street. Elizabethtown: Masonic Home____ . . . . . . . . . . . ___. . . . . . . __. . . . ___ Erie: Home for the Friendless, 2224 Sassafras Street_______ . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lutheran Home for the Aged, 2201 Sassafras Street_____________ Pennsylvania Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home, Third and Ash Streets. St. Mary’s Home for Aged, Twenty-sixth and Ash Streets______ Fairoaks: German Protestant H o m e ..................._____. . . . . . . . Franklin: Home for the Aged___________ . . . . _______________ ____ Frederick: Mennonite Home for the Aged__________________. .. . . . . Gibsonia: St. Barnabas Home_______ . . . . _____. . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . __ Granville: Knights of Malta Home_________________________ ____ Greensburg: Home for Aged of Westmoreland County, 211 West Second Street. Grove City: Odd Fellows’ Home for the Aged and Infirm________ _ 1No data. *According to means. 1So-called “ widows’ home, ” for self-supporting women. DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 59 MENTS OF HOMES FOR THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders’ imum for life mem rates bers 1,000 $ 0) 0) 0 065 60 0) 0- (8) $16-$30 per month. $7 p er week. 65 0 0)60 60 0~. 0~ 0 0) 60 0 0 0~ 500 65 0~ 065 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 0 0) (40) 0 0- 0) 60 0 0- 0 60 0 500 500 600 4150 0$25 p e r month. Whom admitted Other Transfer of property to home.............. Retired Presbyterian clergyman not addicted to tobacco in any form. 0 .............................................................. Widow or unmarried daughter of Mo ravian minister, or women with 10 years’ service in Moravian schools. 0~ Veterans and their wives or widows... Both sexes and couples. 20 0 .................................... 0 0 0 - ................ Women only.. 11 0Both sexes and couples. 0 67 Women only................. 10 Both sexes and couples. 23 Women only................. 25 American born; member of order; Both sexes and couples. 85 transfer of property to home. 0 ............................................................. 0 0)............................................................. Member of order................................... . Both sexes and couples. 0100 American; white; member of order; Men only....................... 20 transfer of property to home. Membership in church of conference . Both sexes and couples. 72 Resident of State; indigent................... 15 5 years’ membership in order; indi __ do.............*..rin. 10 gent; good character; transfer of property to home. 0 .................................... 0 American; membership in lodge affili Both sexes and couples. 50 ated with home association. Transfer of property to home............... Women only.................. 23 10 years’ membership in order; wife, Both sexes and couples 37 450 widow, or mother of member. (also children). 0 0Lutherans preferred; transfer of prop Both sexes and couples. 0 46 erty to home. United States citizen; honorable dis Men only....................... 600 charge from military service. Both sexes and couples. 55 ....................................................... 00 ....................................................... 8: Member of any Christian church.. Both sexes and couples. 8 28 0 - sexes and couples 0 35 0 ~ ................................... American; Protestant; member of Both (also children). order or his wife. 0 .................................... 0 0 ...................................... White; member of order; indigent Both sexes and couples. 125 or disabled; transfer of property to home. Member of Pennsylvania lodge; in .do.. 60 firm; transfer of property to home. Colored.................................................... 0 ..............f— . 0 39 only.. American; 1 year’s residence in county; Women transfer of property to home. Transfer of property (up to $1,500) to Both sexes and couples. 60 home. 60 White; Protestant; member of order Both sexes and couples (also children). or his relative. Member of church; transfer of prop Both sexes and couples. 16 erty to home. 34 Member of church________________ ___ do______ . . . . ____ per wee!sk. w Includes children. 40 Destitute Mennonites free; for others fee varies. Ca pac ity 41$100 if not a Friend 60 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTEANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Pennsylvania—Continued Lancaster: Long (Henry G.) Asylum, Marietta and West End Avenues____ Private organization__________ Reformed Mennonite Home for Aged, Manor and West End Avenue. (i).................................................... Witmer (Ann C.) Home, 812 Columbia Avenue................................ Private organization______ ___ Lebanon: Home for Widows and Single Woman, Cftmphp.lltown "Road ____ do___ _____________ Lewisburg: United Evangelical Home________—________________ Eastern Pennsylvania, Pitts burgh, and Ohio Conferences, Evangelical Church. Linglestown: Masonic Home for Aged Colored Masons____ _________ Free and Accepted Masons.. .. . . Lititz: Moravian Home of Lititz for Aged Women, Church Street______ Moravian Church____________ United Zion Home................................................................................. River Brethren__ . . . . . . . . . ____ Mars: St. John's Lutheran Old Folks' Home........................................... Joint Synod of Ohio, Lutheran Church. Martinsburg: Morrison Cove Home for Aged and Infirm___________ Middle Pennsylvania Confer ence, Church of the Brethren. Marwood: Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Home for the Aged_____ Lutheran Churches of the Mis souri Synod. Meadville: Meadville Children's Aid Society and Home for Aged, Private organization__________ Poplar and Grove Streets. Middletown: Odd Fellows' Home of Pennsylvania________________ Eastern Pennsylvania District, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Neffsville: Brethren Home__________ ________ _________ ______ Eastern Pennsylvania District, Church of the Brethren. New Brighton: Beaver County Home for the Aged, 1460 Third Avenue. 0).................................................... Newcastle: Almira Home for Aged Women, 1001 East Washington Private organization.................. Street. Newtown: Friends' Boarding Home_______________. . . __________ Bucks Quarterly Meeting, Friends’ Church. Presbyteries, Presbyterian Newville: Presbyterian Home for the Aged______________ ________ /Five 1 Church. Norristown: Abington Friends Quarterly Meeting Home for Aged and Infirm, Abington Quarterly Meeting, Friends’ Church. Swede and Powell Streets. Aged Woman’s Home of Montgomery County, Markley Street.— Private organization________ _ St. Joseph’s Protectory, East Main Street____ ____ ________ ___ Catholic order, Sisters of the Good Shepherd. Philadelphia: Baptist Home of Philadelphia, Roosevelt Boulevard and Penny- Private organization (Baptist).. pack Circle. Butler (Ellen) Memorial Home, 180 West Maplewood Street, (i).................................................... Germantown. Chapin Memorial Home for Aged Blind, 6713 Woodland Avenue. Private organization__________ Christ Churoh Hospital, Forty-eighth Street and Belmont Avenue. (i).................................................... Drexel (Mary J.) Home for the Aged, 2100 Girard Avenue_______ Private organization (Lutheran). Elkins Memorial Home for Widows_________________________ 0).................................................... Evangelical Home for the Aged, Old York Road and Hunting Park (i).................................................... Avenue. Forrest (Edwin) Home, 4849 Park Side Avenue_____ ________ _ Trustees of Edwin Forrest Es tate. Friends’ Boarding Home, 6300 Greene Street, Germantown_____ Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting of Friends. German Baptist Home for the Aged, 7023 Rising Sun Avenue____ Private organization__________ Hayes Mechanics Home, Belmont Avenue______ _____________ ____do____. . . . . . . . ________ _ Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons, 4400 Girard Avenue Home for Aged and Infirm Deaf, Torresdale___________________ Pennsylvania Society for the Advancement of the Deaf. i No data. 4According to means. 8 According to age. 1 Boarding home; no data as to rates. DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 61 MENTS OF HOMES FOR THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders* imum for life mem rates age bers 065 60 60 0 60 65 (») r «70 L7 65 Other Ca pac ity 49 White; resident of county; transfer Women only.. ^ of property to home. 0 $500 0 ---------0 2 years* residence in city; transfer of Women only., property to home. 40 400 .do.. Transfer of property to home................ Members of church preferred; transfer Both sexes and couples »77 500 (also children). of property to home. Colored; member of order__________ 0 -------------------------- (>) 0 (0 300 20 American; member of church; trans Women only________ fer of property to home. $20 per Both sexes and couples. 65 month. 45 500 American; Lutheran; transfer of prop .....d o ______________ erty to home. Member of church_________________ -do_ 50 White; American; member of church; ,-do_ 20 18 500 transfer of property to home. _do_ 27 800 Transfer of property to home.............. -do. American; member of order in State; 185 transfer of property to home. 90 $18-$22per Members of church preferred_______ -do. month. »300-500 20 years* residence in county. Women only.. 25 500 American______ . . . . ______ 43 ___ do............ . 0-$15 per Member of church________________ Both sexes and couples. 30 week.4 [Long membership in church of sup *400-500 porting Presbyteries; transfer of |Women o n ly ........... 9 [ property to home. $10 p e r White______________. . . . . . . . . . . . . __ Both sexes and couples. 35 500 American; 10 years* residence in Women only_____.... 13 county; transfer of property to home. 50 (9800 65 *300-500 060 Q 0) 0) 500 65 800 3 600-1,000 60 Whom admitted Member of church; $200 for burial ex penses; transfer of property to home. Protestant; gentlewoman; income of less than $600 per year: able bodied. Blind; resident of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, or Delaware; transfer of property to home. erman; Protestant; Lutherans pre ferred; transfer of property to home. 0 -. 400 300 • Men. 7 Women. 61841°—29- Both sexes and couples. Women only......... . . . . . Both sexes and couples. 150 7 23 ijoth sexes and couples. (,)M Women only__........ 0 8 Actor on dramatic stage.. Both sex es......_____ is Both sexes and couples. 55 ___ do............................ 40 Native or naturalized American; 10 Men only.............. 70 years’ service as mechanic; transfer of property to home. Colored; transfer of property to home. Both sexes and couples. 150 Deaf; transfer of property to home___ ....d o ........................ 50 “ Must be “old.” 18 Poor received free. 17Includes children also. 62 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Pennsylvania—Continued Philadelphia—Continued. Home for Aged and Infirm Israelites, Old York Road and Olney Street. Home for Aged Couples, 1723 Francis Street...................................... Home for the Aged, 1809 Mount Vernon Street................................. Home for Veterans of the G. A. R. and Wives, Sixty-fifth and Vine Streets. House of Rest for the Aged, 5919 Wayne Avenue, Germantown__ Indigent Widows’ and Single Women’s Home, 3615 Chestnut Street. Jewish Hospital Association.. 0)-. Private organization__________ Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic. Pennsylvania Diocese, Protes tant Episcopal Church. Private organization__________ Jewish Sheltering Home for Homeless and Aged, 313-317 South Third Street. Leamy Home for Old Ladies, Roumfort Avenue and Boyer Street, Mount Airy. Little Sisters of the Poor, Eighteenth and Jefferson Streets______ Little Sisters of the Poor, 602 Church Lane, Germantown............... Little Sisters of the Poor, Fifty-third Street and Chester Avenue. Masonic Home of Pennsylvania, Broad and Ontario Streets........ Messiah Universalist Home, Old York Road and Ruscomb Street. Methodist Episcopal Home for the Aged, Belmont and Monument Avenues. Nazarene Home for the Aged, 2032 Columbia Avenue..................... Nugent (George) Home for Baptists, 221 West Johnson Street, Germantown. Old Ladies’ Home of Philadelphia, State Road and Comly Street, Wissinoming. Old Man’s Home of Philadelphia, Thirty-ninth Street and Powelton Avenue. Orphans’ Home and Asylum for the Aged and Infirm of the Evan gelical Lutheran Church, 6950 Germantown Avenue. Penn Asylum for Indigent Widows and Single Women, Belgrade and Susquehanna Avenues. Philadelphia German Protestant Home for Aged, Old Soldiers Road and Gilham Street, Lawndale. Presbyterian Home for Aged Couples and Aged Men, Fortyseventh Street and City Line, Bala. Presbyterian Home for Widows and Single Women, Fifty-eighth Street and Greenway Avenue. Presser Home for Retired Music Teachers, 101 West Johnson Street, Germantown. Priscilla (Julia White) Home for Aged Colored People, 7313 Syca more Avenue, La Mott. Rebekah Home of Pennsylvania, Seventeenth Street and Alle gheny Avenue. Roxborough Home for Indigent Women (Gorgas Home), East Leverington Avenue, Roxborough. St. Anna’s Home for Aged Women, 2016 Race Street....................... St. Ann’s Widows’ Asylum, 212 North Franklin Street................... Shilo Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons, 1122 Lombard Street. Union Home for Old Ladies, 4801 Lancaster Avenue....................... United States Naval Home, Twenty-fourth Street and Gray’s Ferry Road. Uptown Ladies’ Home for Aged, 957 North Franklin Street_______ Pittsburgh: Christian Home for Women, 1423 Liverpool Street.......................... Eastern Star Home of Pennsylvania, Rodgers Extension, West View. i No data. _do_ Private organization (EpiscopalCatholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. ___ do._......................... Free and Accepted Masons____ Private organization (Universa list). Methodist Episcopal Church__ Private organization.................. Trustees of George Nugent Es tate. Private organization__________ _do_ Evangelical Lutheran Church., (i)-------------:----------------------Private organization (German Protestant). Private organization (Presby terian). ___ do_-....................................... Presser Foundation.. Private organization. Eastern Pennsylvania District, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Private organization__________ 0).................................................... Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Roman Catholic Church. (»).................................................... Private organization............. United States Government.. 0)--------------------------------Pennsylvania Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. • According to age. OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES FOR THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Boarders’ rates Other Jewish; transfer of property to home.. Furnishings for room........................... American; $100 to furnish room; $100 for burial expenses. Veteran of Civil War or wife............... Episcopalian___________________ 5 years’ residence in city; member of any church except Christian Science or Catholic; transfer of property to home. Jewish___ ...__________________ Citizen of United States; Episcopa lian; transfer of property to home. Indigent............................................... ___do.................................................. Member of order in good standing___ Transfer of property to home........ ..... _do_ Baptist minister, his wife or widow; transfer of property to home. Whom admitted Both sexes and couples. 05 Married couples only.. 32 Both sexes................... 22 Both sexes and couples. 90 Women only________ 18 .....do_____________ 113 Both sexes and couples. Women only................ Both sexes and couples. -----do........................... ___do. Both sexes.................... Both sexes and couples. ___do....................... do. Women only______ _ Men only__________ Both sexes_________ Women only________ Both sexes and couples. ___do........................... Women only.. Both sexes__ American citizen; member of church; transfer of property to home. Furnishings for room_________ ..... German-American. 2 years’ residence in State; Protestant. 3 years’ residence in State; Presbyte rian; transfer of property to home. White; 25 years as music teacher in the United States; transfer of prop erty to home. Colored.._____________ ____ ___ Both sexes and couples. 5 years’ membership in order; trans Women only________ fer of property to home. Transfer of property to home_______ .do. <9-. 0)--------------------------------------------- 0)..................... Women only.. 125 40 280 260 270 150 20 195 32 30 140 171 48 75 116 120 175 55 16 50 30 042 Colored; good health; sound mind; Both sexes__ 12 temperate habits. White; sane; fairly good health; _do_ 40 transfer of property to home. Service in Navy...___________ ___ Men only_________ _ 276 Both sexes and couples. 80 Women only.. 40 Member of order.. ___do_____ 30 f Women. 14Must be “old.’ i« Poor received free. 64 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Pennsylvania—Continued Pittsburgh—Continued. Episcopal Church Home, Pennsylvania Avenue and Fortieth Pittsburgh Diocese, Protestant Episcopal Church. German Protestant Home for Aged, West Liberty Avenue______ Pittsburgh Evangelical Protest ant Churches (Congrega tional). Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Women of Western Pennsyl (l)~ .................................................. vania, 7081 Lemington Avenue, East End. Home for Aged Protestants, Swissvale Avenue________. ___ . . . . . (0..................................................... Home for Aged Protestant Women, 900 Rebecca Street._____. . . . . . (i).................................................. .. Home for Widows and Orphans of Odd Fellows, Davis Avenue— .. Jewish Home for the Aged, 2500 Breckenridge Avenue..... ............... Federation of Jewish Philan thropies of Pittsburgh. Ladies of G. A. R. Home, Hawkins Station, Swissvale.................... Ladies of G. A. R......................... Little Sisters of the Poor, 1028 Benton Avenue, North Side______ Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Litt.lft Sistftrs of t.hfl Poor, Pp.nn and Ailrtvn Avenues................. Little Sisters of the Poor, 601 Pressley Street__________. . . . . . . . . . . . Methodist Episcopal Hospital and Home for the Aged, Mount Pittsburgh Conference, Method ist Episcopal Church. Lebanon, South Hills. Pittsburgh and Allegheny Home for the Friendless, 423 Pressley 0).................................................... Street. Rebekah Home of Western Pennsylvania, 539 California Avenue, Independent Order of Odd Fel lows. Avalon. Reformed Presbyterian Home for Aged People, 2344 Perrysville Reformed Presbyterian Wom en’s Association. Avenue. St. Joseph’s Home for Old Ladles, 40 Pius Street, South Side____ Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis. Quincy: United Brethren Orphanage and Home..................................... United Brethren in Christ........... Reading: Home for Widows and Single Women, Sixteenth and Haak Private organization__ _______ Streets. Scalp Level: Old Folks Home of Western Pennsylvania____________ Church of the Brethren_______ Scranton: Home for the Aged (Maloney Memorial Home), Adams Avenue Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. and Seminary Street. Home for the Friendless, 2000 Adams Avenue__________ . . . . . __ Private organization__________ Jewish Home for the Friendless, 2115 North Main Avenue______ Welsh Woman’s Home, 2309 Adams Avenue____________ ______ ____do______________________ Sharon: Haywood Home________________________ _____________ (i).................................................... Souderton: Eastern Mennonite Home for the Aged, West Summit 0)..................................................... Street. Tamaqua: St. Michael’s Home for the Aged, R. No. 3 (Mantzville)... Catholic order, Sisters of St. Francis. Tyrone: Methodist Home for the Aged........ ................. . . . . __. . . . . . . . Central Pennsylvania Confer ence, Methodist Episcopal Church. West Chester: i ) ....______________________ Barclay Home, 11 West Chestnut Street______. . . . . . . . . ___. . . . . . ((i).................................................... Friends Boarding Home, North Walnut Street____ ____________ Wentworth Home, 112 South Church Street______ ____________ Private organization..................... Wilkes-Barre: Old Ladies’ Home, 450 Carey Avenue_______ _______ ____do______________________ Wilkinsburg: Home for Aged Protestant Men and Women, 441 Swissvale Avenue. Home for Aged Protestant Women, Coal and Rebecca Streets___ Private organization_________ _ United Presbyterian Home for Aged People, Penn and Trenton Private organization (Presby Avenues. terian). Williamsport: Aged Colored Woman’s Home, 124 Brandon Place__. . . . . __. .. . . Private organization____ . . . . . . . Home for the Friendless, 904 Campbell Street........... ........... . . . . . . . ____do............................................. Zelienople: Old People’s Home of the Pittsburgh Lutheran Synod___ Pittsburgh Synod, Lutheran Church. Zieglerville: Mennonite Home for the Aged......................................... ..... 0 ).................................................- *No data. *According to means. wVaries. DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 6 5 MENTS OF HOMES FOR THE AQED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min- entrance fee Boarders* Imnm for life mem rates age bers 300 lewish; member of orthodox congrega tion. White; transfer of property to home__ Indigent_____ ___________________ -do.. speaking; member of any &English Christian church; transfer of prop erty to home. <9.............................................................. American; member of order.................. English speaking; member of church; transfer of property to home. 60 % <9 60 65 <9 800 (9 300 200 500 60 (9 60 65 65 8 65 <9 <9 <17) 500 8 33 400 65 0)65 65 60 65 65 (9 8 500 Whom admitted White; English speaking; Episcopa Women only_____ _ lian; mentally and physically sound. Evangelical Protestants preferred; Both sexes and couples. transfer of property to home. Colored__________. . . . . . __________ Women only.. $600 800 65 Other Both sexes and couples. Women only............ ___ Both sexes and couples. -do.. (9 ---------------Both sexes and couples. <9--------------------Women only______ Men and couples... Women only_____ $20-$35 per per month. Ainerican; member of church............... Both sexes and couples. American; 10 years’ residence in city; Women only______ transfer of property to home. <9.............................................................. (9COBoth sexes and couples. Indigent__________________ Women (and children) Transfer of property to homeonly. Jewish; transfer of property to home.. Both sexes and couples. Welsh; transfer of property to home__ Women only............. (K 8: 8: Both sexes. $1 per day« Member of any church; transfer of Both sexes and couples. property to home. $7 per week 8: only., Women iite.. do............ . American; Protestant; transfer of property to home. <9 600 (9m (9- speaking; orthodox Protes ^omen'onlyl-IIIIII!.! English tant, 15 years’ residence in city. Transfer of property to home............... Both sexes and couples. 150 500 500 Colored........................... ......... . . . . . . __ Women only., do. $70 for burial expenses_____________ Member of church; transfer of prop Both sexes and couples. erty to home. 500 <9 (9- (9------------------------------------- (9------------------- 66 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE A.GED IN UNITED STA.TES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ* ization Rhode Island Bristol: ■ppnjarniri nhjirnh TTnmn for Aged Men, 1010 Hope Street ____ (i).................................................... Home for Aged Women, 55 Franklin Street........................................ Private organization..................... Rhode Island Soldiers' H om e...................._____________ ______ State of Rhode Island_________ Newport: organization..................... Henderson Home for Aged Men, 14 Clarke Street............................. Private Newport Home for the Aged, 87 Washington St________________ (i).................................................... Pawtucket: Home for the Aged, 964 Main Street__________________ Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Providence: Bethany Home of Rhode Island, 111 South Angell Street................ Private organization__________ 0).................................................... PPYt.PT Asylum, TTnpp, Street.____ _________ Home for Aged Colored Women, 45 East Transit Street____ ____ Private organization__________ Home for Aged Men and Aged Coupler, 807 Broad Street.______ ____do____ . . . __ ____ . . . . . . ___ Home for Aged Women, 180 Tockwotten Street____ , (i).................................................... Oalr St,rp,pst, TTrvme fnr Old T,n.dip.s, Sfl O^lr Strpp.t,____ Odd Fellows' Home, 2936 Pawtucket Avenue.................................... Rhode Island Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Woonsocket: I Ballon Home for the Aged, 233 Hight Street_________ _______ — Private organization__________ Hospice St. Antoine_____________________________________ __ South Carolina Charleston: Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church Home, 88 Smith Street.. Charleston Home, Hampstead Mall_________________________ Confederate Home, 60-64 Broad Street_______________________ Diocesan Church Home, 229 Ashley Avenue________ _________ ■Rust,on (William) Hmnfl...... ........................ .................................. Francke (Jacob Washington) Home and Hospital............................ Grant (Colin McK.) Home, Meeting and Huger Streets________ Huger (William) Home, 140 Broad Street............... ........................... Old Folks’ Home........................................... ........................................ Presbyterian Home, 108 Beaufain Street____ ______ __________ St. Margarets Home, St. Margarets Place........................................... St. Philip's Church Home, 142 Church Street.................................... Private organization (Roman Catholic). 0)..................................................... 0).................................................... (i)......... ......................................... South Carolina Diocese, Prot estant Episcopal Church. Trustees of William Enston Estate. Evangelical Lutheran Charities Society. Private organization__________ (i)..................................................... (i) ................................................. (i).................................................... (i).................................................... St. Philip’s Parish (Protestant Episcopal). White Rock: Lowman Home for Aged...................................................... (i) .................................................. South Dakota Beresford: Bethesda Home for the Aged.................................................... Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. Dell Rapids: South Dakota Odd Fellows’ Home................................... (i).................................................... Hot Springs: National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers............................... United States Government____ State Soldiers’ Home................................................................... .......... State of South Dakota____. . . . . Tennessee Chattanooga: Old Ladies’ Home, South Dodds Avenue........................ (i)..................................................... Clarksville: Tennessee I. O. 0. F. Home................................................... Tennessee Grand Lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. Hermitage: Confederate Soldiers’ Home.................................................... State of Tennessee........................ Johnson City: National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers............. United States Government......... Knoxville: Mount Rest Home for Aged Women.................... ................. Private organ ization ............ *No data. « According to means. * Boarding home; no data as to rates. * Men. 7Women. DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 67 MENTS OF HOMES FOB THE AQED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders* imum for life mem rates age bers 60 <960 8 65 f «70 V 7 68 65 0)65 $300 200 0) P)- 0) 250 300 u 600 8: (0 0)- Other Whom admitted Transfer of property to home.. American; Protestant_______ Veteran of Civil War_______ Men only___ Women only.. Men only___ 10 7 300 0) ood recommendations; good health. Mien only.................... 10 Indigent; sane; good character............. Both sexes and couples. 215 AmericanColored— American; transfer of property to home. American citizen; Protestant; trans fer of property to home. 25 years* membership in order_______ Women only.. 30 <*>19 f t en and couples., do.................... 106 Women only.. 60 0>Both sexes and couples. (,)» American; Protestant; indigent; 10 -do.. years’ residence in city; transfer of property to home. $1 per day, Homan Catholic______________ . ___ -do. $10 per week. 0).............................................................. 0)................... .......................................... 0).............................................................. 1 year’s residence in State; member of Women only.. church. IEEE 0) 0) 0) (0 Cap pacity 24 135 1 14 94 12 24 White; income of at least $25 per month. Both sexes and couples. (<)----------- Lutheran................................................. ___ do____________ Residence in city; Presbyterian; in .do. come of $25 per month. 0). Se e e e e e e e : 0) 0) 0- Member of parish, or (in some cases) of Protestant Episcopal Church else where in State. (0.............................................................. Members of church preferred; good moral character. 0) (00).............................................................. Disabled volunteer soldier..................... ( 13) Veteran or his wife or widow; unable to work; income (exclusive of pension) not over $600 a year. 0). C1) (0 0)Member of order in good standing; indigent; supply of clothing; transfer of property to home. Confederate veteran............................... Honorable discharge from military service; disabled. Homeless and friendless; good char 67 acter; reasonably good health. * So-called “widows* home,** for self-supporting women. 24 Married couples. 87 Includes children also. « Under 75. (<) <*> 14 0) Both sexes and couples. 36 0 0) 0)Both sexes and couples. % (i)..................................... Both sexes and couples 870)200 (also children). 100 Men only., 1,653 ___ do____ Women only.. 6 8 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Tennessee-*Continued Memphis: Galloway (Mary) Home for Aged Women, Manassas and Monroe 0)-------------------------------------Streets. Home for Old Folks and Orphans, Heraand Road and Norris Ave 0)--------------------------------------nue. Memphis Sunshine Home for Aged Men, 989 South Third Street.. Private organization__________ Nashville: Church of Christ Home for the Aged, 1900 Eastland Avenue.......... Church of Christ........................... Colored Old Women's Home, 46 Murray Street................................ PhyBte Wheatley Association... Holy Family Home for the Aged, Eighteenth Avenue South and Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Weston Street. Home for the Aged, 521 Main Street__. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Masonic Widows and Orphans' Home________ _________ ______ Tennessee Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Old Woman's Home, 2811 West End Avenue________ _________ Private organization........___ Texas Arlington: Eastern Star Home nf Toxas............................................... Texas Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. Home for Aged M a s o n s ...................__. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Texas, Free and Accepted Masons. Austin: Altanhftim, 4013 Avanno H, TTydft Park...............,_............. ............. Private organ ization............ Old Negro Women's Home, 1303 Rosewood Avenue____________ King's Daughters_____. . . . . . __ Texas Confederate Home, West Sixth Street.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . State of T e x a s............_____ Texas Confederate Woman's Home_________________. . . . . . . __ ........do__________________ ___ Comfort: Home for Aged and Orphans of Sons of Hermann___. . . . . . . Sons of Hermann in Texas_____ Dallas: Buckner Orphans' Home (Department for Aged Women near Private organization_______ ... Buckner). Fowler (Juliette) Home for Aged (Sarah Harwood Hall), 100 Ful Churches of Disciples of Christ in Texas. ton Street. Young (C. O.) Memorial Home, 1431 Stemmons Street__. . . . . . . . . Methodist Episcopal Church South. Ennis: I. O. 0. F. H o m e ....................___. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas Grand Lodge, Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows. Fort Worth: Cumberland Rest, 1628 Sixth A v e n u e .............__... Presbyterian Churches____ . .. . Galveston: Home for Aged Colored Women_____________________________ (i).................................................... Rosenberg (Letitia) Home for Women, 1804 Twenty-fifth Street__ Private organization......__.... Houston: Flake (Maria Boswell) Home for Women_______ . . . . . . . _______ ____d o .......... ____. . . . . . . . . . . Old Colored Folks' Home, Sunnyside Place____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Anthony's Home for tne Aged, Almeda Road_______. . . _____ Catholic order, Sisters of Char ity of the Incarnate Word. Sheltering Arms, 2809 Laland Avenue.................................................. Private organization (Episcopal). San Antonio: Home for Destitute Children and Aged Persons, 1802 Burnett 0)..................................................... Street. Protestant Home for the Aged, R. No. 1, Box 98_______________ Texas district, Evangelical Syn od of North America. St. Francis Home, 2017 South Floria Street______ . . . . . . . . . ___. .. Catholic order, Sisters of Char ity of the Incarnate Word. St. Vincent de Paul Home for the Aged, 1119 South Alamo Street. Congregation of Benedictine Sisters. Waco: Colored Rescue Home of Texas. Katy A v e n u e ...............____ Private organization..................... Old Woman's Home, 1711 South Tenth Street__. . . _______ ____ (i)..................................................... Rotan (Antoinette) Home for Aged and Dependent Women, 700 Private organization....______ North Nineteenth Street. Utah Balt Lake City: Daft (Sarah) Home, 737 South Thirteenth Street east. >No data. 1According to age. 11Must be “old.” DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 69 MENTS 0 7 HOMES FOB THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders* imum for life mem* rates age bers 0 0 65 0 ----------------------0 ----------------------$10 per White; good health., month. 0 0) 60 60 60 060 0 0. 65 $300 300 5 30 p e r month. 0) 100 365 60 $10 p er month. 0 0- 300 0 0 •700-900 0 65 Women o n ly ......... -----do.......................... ... Both sexes and couples. 0Both sexes and couples (also children). Transfer of half of property to home.. Women only____...... Colored; transfer of property to home. Indigent.................................................. (*)Member of order or his widow___ . __ 0 $200 for burial expenses____ ________ Colored; member of organization; transfer of property to home. Confederate veteran or wife_________ Widow of Confederate veteran; prop erty must not exceed $1,000. Member of order; good character; sup ply of clothing. White------------------ -------- ------------White; member of church.. White__________________ White; member of order...................... . R esid en t of State; member of any church in city or P resb yterian Church in county. 0).............................................................. Resident of city; $500 to trust fund; transfer of property to home at death. 0. 0. Women only.. ___ do............ . Men and couples.. Women only____ Both sexes and couples. Women only.. ___ do............ . Both sexes and couples. Women only________ Women only.. 0 0 30 26 12 160 61 0 150 15 10 365 107 0 4 24 60 125 20 0 33 10 16 100 10 Protestants preferred; transfer of prop Both sexes and couples. erty to home. ___ do............................ ___ do______________ 23 150 20 White; American. 0..................... 0............................ 0 Colored; homeless; without relatives. ___ do............ . Dependent__________________. .. . . Women only.. 2,000 ___. . . . . . . . Transfer of property to h o m e.......... Both sexes and couples. Ca pac ity .do. Both sexes and couples. Both sexes__________ Women only.. Colored*. 15 («) 0 ................ 0 ................ Men only.. Member of order; transfer of property 0 . to home. White; member of order... . . . . . . . . . . . Both sexes and couples. 55 50 Other Whom admitted 18 0 20 22 70 DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ* ization Vermont BeniHngton: Vermont Soldiers* HoTne.............................................. Brattleboro: Brattleboro Home for the Aged and Disabled.................... Burlington: Home for Aged Persons and Working Girls, Colchester A ven u eHome for Aged Women_____________ _________ _____________ Ludlow: Gill Odd Fellows’ Home_______________________________ State of V erm on t............___ Private organization................... (*).................................................... Private organization.._______ Vermont Grand Lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. Montpelier: Montpelier Home for Aged Women, Main Street_______ Randolph: Vermont Eastern Star Home................................................... Vermont Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. Rutland: Loretto Home for Aged Women_____________________________ 0).................................................... Old Ladies’ Home, 77 North Main Street_______ _____________ Rutland Missionary Association. St. Johnsbury: Home for Aged Women in St. Johnsbury, Prospect Private organization__________ Street. Virginia Alexandria: Lee (Anne) Memorial Home for the Aged, 203 North Fairfax Street. Bedford: Elks National H om e......__. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Hampton: National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers................................ United States Government___ Tents Aged and Orphan Home, North King Street_____________ Norfolk: Allmond Home, 485 Freemason Street____________________ ___ Ballentine (Mary F.) Home for the Aged, 927 Park Avenue______ Church Home, 417 Bute Street______________________________ Lekier Old Folks’ Home and Orphanage, 71 Johnson Avenue____ Petersburg: Petersburg Home for Ladies, 407 Harrison Street________ Portsmouth: Old Folks Home for Colored People, 1106 North Green Street. Richmond: Afro-American Old Folks’ Home, 1115 West Moore Street_______ Baptist Home for Aged Women, 1400 Grove Avenue....................... Eastern Star Home, Chamberlayne Avenue......................... Home for Needy Confederate Women, 3 East Grace Street______ Negro Baptist Old Folks’ Home, 508 West Baker Street.................. Protestant Episcopal Church Home, 1621 Grove Avenue................ Richmond Home for Ladies, 2620 Stuart Avenue.............................. Robert E. Lee Camp Soldiers’ Home__________ ______ _______ St. Sophia’s Home for the Aged, 16 North Harris Street______ ____ Roanoke: Mary Louise Home of the King’s Daughters, 400 Washing ton Avenue. Timberville: Old Folks’ Home.................................................................... Washington Orting: State Soldiers’ Home................................................................. . Poulsbo: Ebenezer Home___________ . . . . . . . ___________________ _ Puyallup: Ladies of Grand Army of the Republic H o m e .............. 1No data. 0).................................................... (i)__................................................ Private organization__________ (i).................................................... (i).................................................... 0).................................................... 0).................................................... Knights of Damon___________ Private organization (Baptist)__ Virginia Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. (i)..................................................... (i)..................................................... Virginia Diocese, Protestant Episcopal Church. Methodist and Presbyterian Churches of Richmond. Robert E. Lee Camp, Confeder ate Veterans. Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. King’s Daughters..................... (i)..................................................... State of W ash in gton ............ West Coast Lutheran School and Charity Association. Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic. DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 71 MBNTS OF HOMES FOB THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders* imum for life mem rates age bers 60 <960 « $1,900 (9 300 (9- 0) (9 (9- <965 (9 500 (9- 60 350 65 350 <9 (9 (9 8 Whom admitted Other Veteran of any war; disabled and with out means of support. Residents of city preferred................... (9Protestant; transfer of property (over $203) to home. American; 5 years' membership in order; unable to earn living; transfer of property to home. 5 years' membership In order; "transfer of all property over $60 per year income. a (0 8 (9.................. 200 200 (9 0) 300 & Honorable discharge from military ___ do____ service; disabled: without means of support. (9...................................................... (9- 2,147 (9.................. Women only.. (9.................. (9.................. (9.................. (9.................. (9 0)27 (9 8 (9 30 32 8: member of church_______ : American; (9............................... (9 (9---------------------------- (9............................... (9 8 (9- ( 9 - ............................ Women only_________ (930 Member of Methodist or Presbyterian Women only_________ 55 church. Confederate veterans.............................. Men only...................... 300 Both sexes and couples. 130 Indigent................................ Women only................. la Resident of city or county.. Military service; 3 years' residence in Men only.................. State; property not to exceed $1,000, $30 p e r Scandinavian; Protestant..................... Both sexes and couples. month. Wife, sister, daughter, or niece of Women only............. Civil War veteran: transfer of 85 per cent of property or pension to home. **Life members. (912 16 300 Colored; transfer of property to ht>me. Both sexes and couples. 10 «l,000 $75 per jBaptist..................................................... Women only.................. year. M 100 5 years' membership in order_______ Both sexes and couples. 60 100 27 American; transfer of property to ____do____ home. Member of order____ . . . . __. . . ____ Men only. <9 50 ity Women only___I____! (9IS Both sexes and couples. 22 (9...................................................... American; Protestant; transfer of Women only.. property to home. Protestant; transfer of property to ___ do............ . home. (9- 200 Men only....................... Both sexes and couples. Ca pac »• Boarders. « Varies according to age and room. 250 38 50 72 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANOE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Washington—Continued Seattle: Columbia Conference Home for the Aged, 405 North Forty-eighth Columbia Conference, Lutheran Street. Augustana Synod of North America. Kenney (Samuel and Jessie) Presbyterian Home, 7100 Forty- Private organization.___ . . . ___ seventh Avenue SW. Reed Home, 8451 Rainier Place_____________________________ (i).................................................... Roanoke Home for Aged and Infirm, 2525 Minor Avenue north___ Private organization_________ _ St. Vincent’s Home for the Aged, 4831 Thirty-fifth Avenue SW___ Catholic order, Sisters of Char ity of the House of Providence. Spokane: St. Joseph’s Home for the Aged___. _______ . . . . . . ___. .. . . Stanwood: Josephine Old People’s Home___. . . ______. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. Tacoma: Jones (Frank Tobey) Home, 5340 North Bristol Street—_________ Private organ ization ............ Ozanam Home for the Aged______________________________ . .. Society of St. Vincent de P aul.. Vancouver: Oregon-Washington Pythian Home, R. No. 5, Box 6____ Oregon and Washington Grand Lodges, Knights of Pythias. Walla Walla: Northwestern Christian H o m e ......................________ ___ National Benevolent Associa tion; Church of Disciples of Christ. Odd Fellows Home__. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___ Washington Grand Lodge, In dependent Order of Odd Fel lows. Zenith: Masonic Home of Washington____ . . . . . . . . . . _____ . . . . . . . . . Washington Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. West Virginia Charleston: Lavinia Home for Old Ladies, 305 Randolph Street_____ 0)..................................................... Elkins: Odd Fellows’ Home_________ . . . _______________ ________ West Virginina Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Huntington: Foster Memorial Home_______ . . . . . . . ______. . . . . ____ Trustees of Foster FoundationWheeling: Brown (John M.) Home for Aged Men 30__ . . . . . . . . . . . . . _____... Private organization......_. . . . Home for the Aged (Altenheim), National Road, Woodsdale.. ____do_________ _________ . .. . West Virginia Home for Aged Women, 37 Thirteenth Street_____ Wisconsin Berlin: Brown-Wilcox Home for Aged...................................................... ........do__________ . . . . . _______ Chippewa Falls: Rutledge (Hannah M.) Home, Bridgewater AvenueDousman: Wisconsin Masonic Home___. . . . . . . __________________ Wisconsin Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Farmington: Wisconsin Veterans’ H o m e ...........___________ ____ State of Wisconsin___________ Fond du Lac: Boyle (Henry) Catholic Home for the Aged, 271 North Park Catholic order, Sisters of St. Avenue. Agnes. Old People’s Home, Arndt and Amory Streets_____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . Private organization__________ Green Bay: McCormick Memorial Home for the A g e d ............__________ Green Bay Diocese, Roman Catholic Church. Odd Fellows’ Home, 822 Grignon Street.....__________________ Independent Order of Odd Fel lows. Kenosha: St. Joseph’s Home of the Sacred Heart, 920 Sixty-first Street— Catholic order, Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus. La Crosse: Home for Friendless Women and Children, 609 South Eleventh Private organization________ _ Street. St. Joseph’s Home for the Aged, 2415 Cass Street______________ Catholic order, Franciscan Sis ters. Manitowoc: St. Mary’s Orphan and Aged Home, Twentieth and Catholic order, Felician Sisters.. Division Streets. 1 No data. *According to means. » Poor received free. DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 73 MENTS OF HOMES FOB THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders* imum for life mem rates age bers 65 60 0) 60 60 65 1.000 70 100 0) 65 65 60 65 600 500 400 500 65 65 300 500 63 65v 65 60 60 60 Other Ca pac ity « $300 $35 p e r Both sexes and couples. 75 month. 200 Fairly good health; transfer of prop 72 erty to home. (0.............. 0)............................................................... 0)..................................... 0) 0) $50 p e r Both sexes and couples. 10 month. Roman Catholic___. . . . . . . . _____... . ...__do__ . . . . . . . . . ____ 250 $40 p e r ____do.............................. 80 month. Scandinavian; member of church........ ____do.............................. 28 0) 65 50 0) Whom admitted ____do___ ___________ ____do______________ ____do___ . . . . _______ 64 50 55 ____do.............................. 16 Both sexes__. . . . . . . __ 75 White; member of order in State; Both sexes and couples. indigent. 235 United States citizen; Protestant; transfer of half of property to home. 3 years* membership in order; transfer of property to home. Member of church; transfer of prop erty to home. Member of order... . . . . . __. . . . . . . . . . . (i).............. (i).............................................................. (i)..................................... 0) Members of order, their wives and Both sexes and couples W250 widows. (also children). White........................................................ Women only_________ 60 White; Protestant; transfer of prop Men only______ _____ 29 erty to home. Women o n ly ........__ 19 American_____. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___ ____do___ ____. . . . . __ 24 Transfer of property to home________ Both sexes and couples. ____do........................................................ ____do_______________ Member of order: transfer of property ____do___________ ____ to home. Veteran of any war; resident of State; ____do__. . . . . . . . . _____ dependent, of veteran; transfer of 20 per cent of income to home. $21 per month. 950 «300 (i)_______ Member of church; transfer of prop erty to home. Member of order, or Rebekah,in good Both sexes and couples standing. (also orphans). Both sexes and couples. $45 per month. 0).............. Women only_________ $30 per Both sexes and couples. month. 500 __d o ___ _ Both sexes__. . . . . . . . . . * Includes children also. 41 Per year. 13 60 130 600 24 30 55 110 100 5 55 46 74 DIRECTORY OF HOMES FOB THE AGED IN UNITED STATES DIRECTORY, AND ENTRANCE REQUIRE Name and address of home Sponsoring or controlling organ ization Wisconsin—Continued Marinette: Luther Home for the Aged............................................ .......... Superior Conference, Evangel ical Lutheran Augustana Synod of North America. Milwaukee: Home for Aged Jews, 733 Galena Street.____. . . . . . . . . . . . . . _____ (i).................................................... Home for the Friendless, 378 Van Buren Street....__. . . . . . . . . ___ (i)................................................... Little Sisters of the Poor, 2000 Wells Street......................................... Catholic order, Little Sisters of the Poor. Methodist Episcopal Old People’s Home, 259 Eleventh Street___ Private organization (Methodist) Milwaukee Catholic Home for the Aged, 477 Bradford Avenue___ Private organization (Catholic).. Milwaukee Protestant Home for the Aged, 503 Downer A venu e- Private organization............... ..... National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers................ ............... United States Government____ St. John’s Home for Old Ladies, 640 Cass Street_______________ Private organization (Episcopal) St. Joseph’s Home of the Sacred Heart for the Aged, 508 Galena Catholic order, Carmelite Sisters Street. of the Divine Heart of Jesus. Scandinavian American Old People’s Home, 961 Vicaw Place____ Private organization................... Oshkosh: Old Ladies’ Home, 840 Main Street____. . . . . . . ___. . . . . . . . . ____do__________________ ... Portage: Zeinerts Home_____. . . . . . . _______ . . . ___. . . . . __. . . . . . . . . Catholic order, Sisters of the Divine Savior. Racine: Palmeter (John H.) Old Ladies’ Home, 1547 College Avenue____ Private organization..................... St. Ann’s Home, 1226 Park Avenue..................................................... Private organization (Catholic)— Theresa and Elizabeth Home, 1403 West Sixth Street...................... Private organization..................... Sheboygan: Reiss (Anna M.) Home for the Aged, Ninth and Superior Avenue. Sparta: Morrow Memorial Home for the Aged____________________ ____do________ . . . . . . . . ______ Stoughton: Skaalen Home for the Aged..................................................... Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. Sun Prairie: Gishold Home_______________________ ____________ (i)..................................................... Wauwatosa: Lutheran Altenheim, North and Wauwatosa Avenues... Private organization (Lutheran). Wittenberg: Homme Home for the Aged................................................. Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. Wyoming Buffalo: Soldiers’ and Sailors’ H o m e .................................. (i)..................................................... 1 No data. * According to means. *Boarding home; no data as to rates. DIRECTORY OP HOMES FOR THE AGED IN UNITED STATES 75 MENTS OP HOMES FOR THE AGED—Continued Entrance requirements Minimum Min entrance fee Boarders' imum for life mem rates age bers 60 (0 (9 0) (1) Other Whom admitted White; Liitherans prftfp.n*ft^ ................ Both sexes and couples, Ca pac ity 40 (4660) 500 1,000 65 65 (065 65 800 1,000 <91,000 (9 (i).............. (1)................................................................ (i)__________________ 0) 0) ................................................................ (i).................................... Indigent_____. ___________________ Both sexes and couples. (9150 Member of Methodist Church; trans ____do______________ 23 fer of property to home. 2 years' residence in State; transfer of ____do___ __________ 45 property to home. ........do___________________________ ____do.............................. 139 Honorable discharge from military Both sexes___________ 2,252 service; disabled. Member of Episcopal Church in Mil Women only____ ____ 37 waukee diocese; transfer of property to home. $30 per Both sexe& and couples. 60 month. 11 Scandinavian; resident of county; ____do______________ transfer of property to home. Transfer of property at death___ . ___ Women on ly .....____ 20 ____do_____ _________ 10 $30 per month. Transfer of property to home................ ____do______________ 13 20 (9 Transfer of property to home__. _____ Both sexes and couples. 15 $30~~$~4~0~and ____do______________ 85 $45 per month.* Protestant; transfer of property to ____do________. . . . . . . 21 home. Scandinavians preferred; Lutheran ____do___. . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 40 (i)_______ p) ................................................................. (i)...................................... (9 Lutheran; transfer of property to home. Both sexes and couples. 125 Norwegian; member of church; sound ____do___ 90 mind; good behavior. (9 (9 (9-------- (i)________________________________ 0)--------------------------- (9 (i)60 70 65 65 $1,000 1,000 1,000 65 1,000 60 65 60 800 500 65 70 * According to room. <• Under 70 years. LIST OF BULLETINS OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS The following is a list of all bulletins of the Bureau of Labor Statistics published since July, 1912, except that in the case of bulletins giving the results of periodic surveys of the bureau only the latest bulletin on any one subject is here listed . A complete list of the reports and bulletins issued prior to July, 1912, as well ax the bulletins published since that date , will be furnished on application . Bulletins marked thus (*) are out of print. Conciliation and Arbitration (including strikes and lockouts). ♦No. 124. Conciliation and arbitration in the building trades of Greater New York. [1913.] ♦No. 133. Report of the industrial council of the British Board of Trade on its inquiry into industrial agreements. [1913.] No. 139. Michigan copper district strike. [1914.] No. 144. Industrial court of the cloak, suit, and skirt industry of New York City. [1914.] No. 146. Conciliation, arbitration, and sanitation in the dress and waist industry of New York City. [1914.] *No. 191. Collective bargaining in the anthracite coal industry. [1916.] *No. 198. Collective agreements in the men’s clothing industry. [1916.] No. 233. Operation of the industrial disputes investigation act of Canada. [1918.] No. 265. Joint industrial councils in Great Britain. [1919.] No. 283. History of the Shipbuilding Labor Adjustment Board, 1917 to 1919. No. 287. National War Labor Board: History of its formation, activities, etc. [1921.] No. 303. Use of Federal power in settlement of railway labor disputes. [1922.] No. 341. Trade agreement in the silk-ribbon industry of New York City. [1923.] No. 402. Collective bargaining by actors. [1926.] No. 468. Trade agreements, 1927. No. 481. Joint industrial control in the book and job printing industry. [1928.] Cooperation. No. 313. Consumers’ cooperative societies in the United States in 1920. No. 314. Cooperative credit societies in America and in foreign countries. [1922.] No. 437. Cooperative movement in the United States in 1925 (other than agricultural). Employment and Unemployment. •No. 109. Statistics of unemployment and the work of employment offices in the United States. [1913.] No. 172. Unemployment in New York City, N. Y. [1915.] *No. 183. Regularity of employment in the women’s ready-to-wear garment industries. [1915.] ♦No. 195. Unemployment in the United States. [1916.] No. 196. Proceedings of the Employment Managers’ Conference held at Minneapolis, Minn., Jan* uary 19 and 20, 1916. No. 202. Proceedings of the conference of Employment Managers’ Association of Boston, Mass., held May 10,1916. No. 206. The British system of labor exchanges. [1916.] No. 227. Proceedings of the Employment Managers’ Conference, Philadelphia, Pa., April 2 and 3, 1917. No. 235. Employment system of the Lake Carriers’ Association. [1918.] ♦No. 241. Public employment offices in the United States. [1918.] No. 247. Proceedings of Employment Managers’ Conference, Rochester, N. Y., May 9-11,1918. No. 310. Industrial unemployment: A statistical study of its extent and causes. [1922.] No. 409. Unemployment in Columbus, Ohio, 1921 to 1925. Foreign Labor Laws. ♦No. 142. Administration of labor laws and factory inspection in certain European countries. [1914.] No. 494. Labor legislation of Uruguay. Housing. ♦No. 158. Government aid to home owning and housing of working people in foreign countries. [1914.] No. 263. Housing by employers in the United States. [1920.] No. 295. Building operations in representative cities in 1920. No. 469. Building permits in the principal cities of the United States in [1921 to] 1927. No. 500. Building permits in the principal cities of the United States in 1928. (In press.) 61841°—29----- 6 (i) industrial Accidents and Hygiene. •No. 104. Lead poisoning in potteries, tile works, and porcelain enameled sanitary ware factories. [1912.] No. 120. Hygiene of the painters’ trade. [1913.] •No. 127. Dangers to workers from dusts and fumes, and methods of protection. [1913.] •No. 141. Lead poisoning in the smelting and refining of lead. [1914.] •No. 157. Industrial accident statistics. [1915.] •No. 165. Lead poisoning in the manufacture of storage batteries. [1914.] •No. 179. Industrial poisons used in the rubber industry. 11915.] No. 188. Report of British departmental committee on the danger in the use of lead in the painting of buildings. [1916.] •No. 201. Report of committee on statistics and compensation insurance cost of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions. [1916L] •No. 207. Causes of death, by occupation. [1917.] •No. 209. Hygiene of the printing trades. [1917.] •No. 219. Industrial poisons used or produced in the manufacture of explosives. [1917.] No. 221. Hours, fatigue, and health in British munition factories. [1917.] No. 230. Industrial efficiency and fatigue in British munition factories. [1917.] •No. 231. Mortality from respiratory diseases in dusty trades (inorganic dusts). [1918.] •No. 234. Safety movement in the iron and steel industry, 1907 to 1917. No. 236. Effects of the air hammer on the hands of stonecutters. [1918.] No. 249. Industrial health and efficiency. Final report of British Health of Munition Workers Com mittee. [1919.] •No. 251. Preventable death in the cotton-manufacturing industry. [1919.] No. 256. Accidents and accident prevention in machine building. [1919.] No. 267. Anthrax as an occupational disease. [1920.] No. 276. Standardization of industrial accident statistics. [1920.] No. 280. Industrial poisoning in making coal-tar dyes and dye intermediates. [1921.] No. 291. Carbon-monoxide poisoning. [1921.] No. 293. The problem of dust phthisis in the granite-stone industry. [1922.] No. 298. Causes and prevention of accidents in the iron and steel industry, 1910-1919. No. 306. Occupational hazards and diagnostic signs: A guide to impairments to be looked for in haz ardous occupations [1922.] No. 392. Survey of hygienic conditions in the printing trades. [1925.] No. 405. Phosphorus necrosis in the manufacture of fireworks and in the preparation of phosphorus. [1926.] No. 425. Record of industrial accidents in the United States to 1925. No. 426. Deaths from lead poisoning. [1927.] No. 427. Health survey of the printing trades, 1922 to 1925. No. 428. Proceedings of the Industrial Accident Prevention Conference, held at Washington, D. C. July 14-16, 1926. No. 460. A new test for industrial lead poisoning. [1928.] No. 466. Settlements for accidents to American seamen. [1928.] No. 488. Deaths from lead poisoning, 1925-1927. No. 490. Statistics of industrial accidents in the United States to the end of 1927. Industrial Relations and Labor Conditions. No. 237. Industrial unrest in Great Britain. [1917.] No. 340. Chinese migrations, with special reference to labor conditions. [1923.] No. 349. Industrial relations in the West Coast lumber industry. [1923.] No. 361. Labor relations in the Fairmont (W. Va.) bituminous-coal field. [1924.] No. 380. Postwar labor conditions in Germany. [1925.] No. 383. Works council movement in Germany. [1925.] No. 384. Labor conditions in the shoe industry in Massachusetts, 1920-1924. No. 399. Labor relations in the lace and lace-curtain industries in the United States. [1925.] Labor Laws of the United States (including decisions of courts relating to labor). No. 211. Labor laws and their administration in the Pacific States. [1917.] No. 229. Wage-payment legislation in the United States. [1917.] No. 285. Minimum-wage laws of the United States: Construction and operation. [1921.] No. 321. Labor laws that have been declared unconstitutional. [1922.] No. 322. Kansas Court of Industrial Relations. [1923.] No. 343. Laws providing for bureaus of labor statistics, etc. [1923.] No. 370. Labor laws of the United States, with decisions of courts relating thereto. [1925.] No. 408. Laws relating to payment of wages. [1926.] No. 444. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1926. No. 486. Labor legislation of 1928. <n) Proceedings of Annual Conventions of the Association of Governmental Labor Officials of the United States and Canada. (Name changed in 1928 to Association of Governmental Officials in Industry of the United States and Canada.) *No. 266. Seventh, Seattle, Wash., July 12-15, 1920. No. 307. Eighth, New Orleans, La., May 2-6,1921. No. 323. Ninth, Harrisburg, Pa., May 22-26,1922. No. 352. Tenth, Richmond, Va., May 1-4, 1923. ♦No. 389. Eleventh, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1924. ♦No. 411. Twelfth, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 13-15, 1925. No. 429. Thirteenth* Columbus, Ohio, June 7-10, 1926. No. 455. Fourteenth, Paterson, N. J., May 31 to June 3, 1927. No. 480. Fifteenth, New Orleans, La., May 15-24, 1928. Proceedings of Annual Meetings of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions. No. 210. Third, Columbus, Ohio, April 25-28,1916. No. 248. Fourth, Boston, Mass., August 21-25,1917. No. 264. Fifth, Madison, Wis., September 24-27,1918. •No. 273. Sixth, Toronto, Canada, September 23-26, 1919. No. 281. Seventh, San Francisco, Calif., September 20-24, 1920. No. 304. Eighth, Chicago, HI., September 19-23, 1921. No. 333. Ninth, Baltimore, Md., October 9-13, 1922. No. 359. Tenth, St. Paul, Minn., September 24-26, 1923. No. 385. Eleventh, Halifax, Nova Scotia, August 26-28,1924. No. 395. Index to proceedings, 1914-1924. No. 406. Twelfth, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 17-20, 1925. No. 432. Thirteenth, Hartford, Conn., September 14-17, 1926. No. 456. Fourteenth, Atlanta, Ga., September 27-29, 1927. No. 485. Fifteenth, Paterson, N. J., September 11-14, 1928. Proceedings of Annual Meetings of the International Association of Public Employment Services. No. 192. First, Chicago, December 19 and 20, 1913; second, Indianapolis, September 24 and 25, 1914; third, Detroit, July 1 and 2,1915. No. 220. Fourth, Buffalo, N. Y., July 20 and 21, 1916. No. 311. Ninth, Buffalo, N. Y., September 7-9,1921. No. 337. Tenth, Washington, D. C., September 11-13, 1922. No. 355. Eleventh, Toronto, Canada, September 4-7, 1923. No. 400. Twelfth, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1924. No. 414. Thirteenth, Rochester, N. Y., September 15-17,1925. No. 478. Fifteenth, Detroit, Mich., October 25-28, 1927. No. 501. Sixteenth, Cleveland, Ohi«, September, 18-21, 1928. Productivity of Labor. No. 356. Productivity costs in the common-brick industry. [1924.] No. 360. Time and labor costs in manufacturing 100 pairs of shoes, 1923. No. 407. Labor cost of production' and wages and hours of labor in the paper box-board industry. [1926.] No. 412. Wages, hours, and productivity in the pottery industry, 1925. No. 441. Productivity of labor in the glass industry. [1927.] No. 474. Productivity of labor in merchant blast furnaces. [1928.J No. 475. Productivity of labor in newspaper printing. [1928.] Retail Prices and Cost of Living. *No. 121. Sugar prices, from refiner to consumer. [1913.] •No. 130. Wheat and flour prices, from farmer to consumer. [1913.] No. 164. Butter prices, from producer to consumer. [1914.] No. 170. Foreign food prices as affected by the war. [1915.] No. 357. Cost of living in the United States. [1924.] No. 369. The use of cost-of-living figures in wage adjustments. [1925.1 No. 495. Retail prices, 1890 to 1928. Safety Codes. ♦No. 331. Code of lighting: Factories, mills, and other work places. No. 336. Safety code for the protection of industrial workers in foundries. No. 350. Specifications of laboratory tests for approval of electric headlighting devices for motor vehicles. No. 351. Safety code for the construction, care, and use of ladders. No. 375. Safety code for laundry machinery and operations. No. 378. Safety code for woodworking plants. No. 382. Code for lighting school buildings. No. 410. Safety code for paper and pulp mills. (in) Safety Codes—Continued. No. 430. Safety code for power presses and foot and hand presses. No. 433. Safety codes for the prevention of dust explosions. No. 436. Safety code for the use, care, and protection of abrasive wheels. No. 447. Safety code for rubber mills and calenders. No. 451. Safety code for forging and hot-metal stamping. No. 463. Safety code for mechanical power-transmission apparatus—first revision. Vocational and Workers* Education. *No. 159. Short-unit courses for wage earners, and a factory school experiment. [1915.] *No. 162. Vocational education survey of Richmond, Va. [1915.] No. 199. Vocational education survey of Minneapolis, Minn. [1917.] No. 271. Adult working-class education in Great Britain and the United States. [1920.] No. 459. Apprenticeship in building construction. [1928.] Wages and Hours of Labor. •No. 146. Wages and regularity of employment and standardization of piece rates in the dress and waist industry of New York City. [1914.] •No. 147. Wages and regularity of employment in the cloak, suit, and skirt industry. [1914.1 No. 161. Wages and hours of labor in the clothing and cigar industries, 1911 to 1913. No. 163. Wages and horns of labor in the building and repairing of steam railroad cars, 1907 to 1913. •No. 190. Wages and hours of labor in the cotton, woolen, and silk industries, 1907 to 1914. No. 204. Street railway employment in the United States. [1917.] No. 225. Wages and hours of labor in the lumber, millwork, and furniture industries, 1915. No. 265. Industrial survey in selected industries in the United States, 1919. No. 297. Wages and hours of labor in the petroleum industry, 1920. No. 356. Productivity costs in the common-brick industry. [1924.] No. 358. Wages and hours of labor in the automobile-tire industry, 1923. No. 360. Time and labor costs in manufacturing 100 pairs of shoes, 1923. No. 365. Wages and hours of labor in the paper and pulp industry, 1923. No. 394. Wages and hours of labor in metalliferous mines, 1924. No. 407. Labor cost of production and wages and hours of labor in the paper box-board industry. [1925.] No. 412. Wages, hours, and productivity in the pottery industry, 1925. No. 416. Hours and earnings in anthracite and bituminous coal mining, 1922 and 1924. No. 435. Wages and hours of labor in the men’s clothing industry, 1911 to 1926. No. 442. Wages and hours of labor in the iron and steel industry, 1907 to 1926. No. 452. Wages and hours of labor in the hosiery and underwear industries, 1907 to 1926. No. 454. Hours and earnings in bituminous-coal mining, 1922,1924, and 1926. No. 471. Wages and hours of labor in foundries and machine shops, 1927. No. 472. Wages and hours of labor in the slaughtering and meat-packing industry, 1927. No. 476. Union scales of wages and hours of labor, 1927. [Supplement to Bui. No. 457.] No. 482. Union scales of wages and hours of labor, May 15, 1928. No. 484. Wages and hours of labor of common street laborers, 1928. No. 487. Wages and hours of labor in woolen and worsted goods manufacturing, 1910 to 1928. No. 492. Wages and homtf of labor in cotton-goods manufacturing, 1910 to 1928. No. 497. Wages and hours of labor in the lumber industry in the United States, 1928. No. 498. Wages and hours of labor in the boot and shoe industry, 1910 to 1928. No. 499. History of wages in the United States from colonial times to 1928. No. 502. Wages and hours of labor in the motor vehicle industry, 1928. (In press.) No. 503. Wages and hours of labor in the men’s clothing industry, 1911 to 1928. [In press.] Welfare Work. •No. 123. Employers’ welfare work. [1913.] No. 222. Welfare work in British munitions factories. [1917.] ♦No. 250. Welfare work for employees in industrial establishments in the United States. fl919.] No. 458. Health and recreation activities in industrial establishments, 1926. Wholesale Prices. No. 284. Index numbers of wholesale prices in the United States and foreign countries. [1921.] No. 453. Revised index numbers of wholesale prices, 1923 to July, 1927. No. 493. Wholesale prices, 1913 to 1928. Women and Children in Industry. No. 116. Hours, earnings, and duration of employment of wage-earning women in selected industries in the District of Columbia. [1913.] •No. 117. Prohibition of night work of young persons. [1913.] No. 118. Ten-hour maximum working day for women and young persons, i1913.) No. 119. Working hours of women in the pea canneries of Wisconsin. [1913.] (IV) Women and Children in Industry—Continued. •No. 122 Employment of women in power laundries in Milwaukee. [1913.] No. 160. Hours, earnings, and conditions of labor of women in Indiana mercantile establishments and garment factories. [1914.] •No. 167. Minimum-wage legislation in the United States and foreign countries. [1915.] *No. 175. Summary of the report on condition of woman and child wage earners in the United States. [1915.] *No. 176. Effect of minimum-wage determinations in Oregon. [1915.] *No. 180. The boot and shoe industry in Massachusetts as a vocation for women. [1915.] *No. 182. Unemployment among women in department and other retail stores of Boston, Mass. [1916.] No. 193. Dressmaking as a trade for women in Massachusetts. [1916.] No. 215. Industrial experience of trade-school girls in Massachusetts. [1917.] *No. 217. Effect of workmen’s compensation laws in diminishing the necessity of industrial employ ment of women and children. [1918.] No. 223. Employment of women and juveniles in Great Britain during the war. [1917.] No. 253. Women in the lead industries. [1919.] Workmen9s Insurance and Compensation (including laws relating thereto). •No. 101. Care of tuberculous wage earners in Germany. [1912.] •No. 102. British national insurance act, 1911. No. 103. Sickness and accident insurance law in Switzerland. [1912.] No. 107. Law relating to insurance of salaried employees in Germany. [1913.} *No. 155. Compensation for accidents to employees of the United States. [1914.] No. 212. Proceedings of the conference on social insurance called by the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, Washington, D. C., December 5-9,1916. *No. 243. Workmen’s compensation legislation in the United States and foreign countries, 1917 and 1918. No. 301. Comparison of workmen’s compensation insurance and administration. [1922.] No. 312. National health insurance in Great Britain, 1911 to 1921. No. 379. Comparison of workmen’s compensation laws of the United States as of January 1, 1925. No. 477. Public-service retirement systems, United States and Europe. [1928.] No. 496. Workmen’s compensation legislation of the United States and Canada as of January, 1929 (With text of legislation enacted in 1927 and 1928.) Miscellaneous Series. •No. 174. Subject index of the publications of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics up to May 1,1915. No. 208. Profit sharing in the United States.' [1916.] No. 242. Food situation in central Europe, 1917. No. 254. International labor legislation and the society of nations. T1919.] No. 268. Historical survey of international action affecting labor. [1920.] No. 282. Mutual relief associations among Government employees in Washington, D. O. [1921.] No. 299. Personnel research agencies: A guide to organized research in employment management) industrial relations, training, and working conditions. [1921.] No. 319. The Bureau of Labor Statistics: Its history, activities, and organization. [1922.] No. 326. Methods of procuring and computing statistical information of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. [1923.] No. 342. International Seamen’s Union of America: A study of its history and problems. [1923.] No. 346. Humanity in government. [1923.] No. 372. Convict labor in 1923. No. 386. Cost of American almshouses. [1925.] No. 398. Growth of legal-aid work in the United States. fl926.] No. 401. Family allowances in foreign countries. [1926.] No. 420. Handbook of American trade-unions. [1926.] No. 439. Handbook of labor statistics, 1924 to 1926. No. 461. Labor organizations in Chile. [1928.] No. 462. Park recreation areas in the United States. [1928.] No. 465. Beneficial activities of American trade-unions. [1928.] No. 479. Activities and functions of a State department of labor. [1928.1 No. 483. Conditions in the shoe industry in Haverhill, Mass., 1928. No. 489. Care of aged persons in United States. [1929.] No, 491« Handbook of labor statistics. 1929 edition. (V)