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START REEL 11 THE PAPERS OF CHARLES SUMNER HAMLIN (IN PART) Collection Title Series and/or Container Shelf/Accession No. I. 11,./71) Hamlin, Charles, )861-1968. Papers, 1886-1938. Diaries, index-digest of diaries, and indexed scrapbooks containing copies of correspondence, newspaper clippings, and printed materials pertaining primarily to Hamlin's service in the U.S. Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve System, his civic affairs, and his family's social life in Washington, D.C. Also includes diaries and scrapbooks of his daughter, Anna Hamlin (d. 1925). Microfilmed in 1994. MICROFILMED 1994 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS PHOTODUPLICATION SERVICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20640 THIS TITLE WAS FILMED AS A PART OF THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS PRESERVATION MICROFILMING PROGRAM. COPIES ARE AVAILABLE AT CURRENT RATES DIRECTLY FROM THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS PHOTODUPLICATION SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20540 CONTAINER 17 ee elp se 0 9/ -gbio fr `":961 -c s _s0 0c s vtt !r) vzos 0 ' 01 .9 • 4030&014 -,Yoe vS, Ai his 401110 oz4- cs\ 2P \•)' ci°1% °N° GOV't 0c4P - c'e cjc\ SO4,01 1-5 5OP' ,•• V t o 1:1 1.5 i I > 0 c 0H Z > r303 "0 > m , w r• H , K 0, z z-. >m ›6),m ' : M cri - 0 r" 33 33 -1 3 zcz, > 00-`' , z5ozcn ,>., IP 11111:;" IIIE •111111111 11111;- IF IF il r rrr 0- 17 ITE r rrrrEr r 11111' illil b l Pl li 1 1 1 1111111C11111111111g111111111111!11111111°1111111i11111killi1111P1111111111111[1111911111111PIIIIIIIIIPIIIIIIIIIF11111111111111111111I•• 71 WASHINGTON. D. C. 20540 PHOTODUPLICATION SERVICS THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS \ • a, A st• 0 c' N ..4•/ 0 17 6 1 1 ‘ 4,• 0 'vQ A(5 'S.• ' 7A -7 /, scP < (c• TO 6.54 cg> 0 , S_ o 9 Q. • A.) 0.• ‘ A o 4‘ 4,‘4'4444 ,. e0.A .e. ko,.. 44 *cf) Ate if:t c' 0 10 v '‘ .0- / '0