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January 1997

Volume 3 Number 2

The Effects of Price Limits on Trading Volume:
A Study of the Cotton Futures Market
Joan Evans and James M. Mahoney

Will trading volume shift from a market with price limits to a closely related market without
them? An examination of the U.S. cotton market reveals that trading volume does in fact move
from a class of security that is subject to trading limits (cotton futures) to another that is not
(options on cotton futures). The results add to the debate on trading limits by calling into
question the limits’ overall effectiveness.
The effectiveness of trading limits—exchange-mandated
restrictions on trading during times of market stress—is
widely debated. Although different trading limits have
existed in various markets for decades and have been
scrutinized over the past ten years, no consensus has
emerged regarding their ultimate usefulness. Opponents
of trading limits contend that they infringe on the efficient, free-market system of price setting, while advocates counter that trading limits impose reasonable
restrictions when markets are under extreme strain.
In this edition of Current Issues, we evaluate the
effectiveness of a common type of trading limits—
price limits—by investigating their effect on exchangetraded volume, an approach that earlier literature has
not addressed. Our analysis focuses on cotton trading
volume on the New York Cotton Exchange (NYCE),
where cotton futures trading is subject to price limits
but options on cotton futures trading is not. 1 The
NYCE’s structure allows us to study a market’s reaction
to price limits directly by examining the shift in volume
from a market with trading limits to a closely related
market without them. If price limits do in fact restrict
trading, then we should see a reduction in overall trading volume when the limits are in effect.2
Our results suggest that, on average, aggregate trading volume is essentially the same on days when price

limits on futures contracts are binding (that is, when
the futures price goes “in limit”) as on days when the
limits are not binding. The composition of trading,
however, does change when a futures price goes in
limit, because market participants transfer trading volume from the restricted futures market to the unrestricted options on futures market. In terms of total
trading volume, the transition of trading from futuresbased to options-based strategies appears seamless.
Significantly, although our analysis is confined to the
U.S. cotton market, we believe that our main conclusion—that trading volume will move from a market
with trading limits to a substitute market without
them—can reasonably be extended to other markets.
Trading Limits
Trading limits can take a variety of forms, the most
common being:
• price limits, which confine the price at which
an asset can trade on any given day to a range
determined by the previous day’s closing price;
• trading halts, which prevent all trading in a
market (for a set period of time) under unusual
conditions, such as massive one-sided order


• circuit breakers, which prohibit the simultaneous trading of an asset and a derivative of the
asset, such as an option or futures contract; and
• position limits, which constrain the number of
derivatives contracts that any one market participant can control at any time.
The imposition of trading limits remains a controversial topic from both a theoretical and a practical
standpoint. Opponents of trading limits argue, in general, that unrestricted trading of an asset is more efficient than regulated trading. In particular, they contend
that trading limits prevent mutually advantageous
trades that would occur voluntarily, and that they create
costs by preventing market participants from liquidating existing positions or establishing new hedging positions (Commodity Futures Trading Commission 1988;
Kodres and O’Brien 1994). In addition, some opponents argue that trading limits impede the “price discovery” process because the price of the restricted asset
is not observable to market participants when the price
limit is binding (Lee, Ready, and Seguin 1994). Trading
limits can also create what many market participants
call the “magnet effect” (Hieronymus 1971; Cantor
1989; Fama 1989), which causes trading volume and
price variability to increase as market participants
anticipate an impending trading limit and advance the
execution of their trades.
Proponents of trading limits counter these criticisms
by arguing that there is a public good in maintaining an
orderly market and that individual market participants
do not take this factor into account when trading. For
example, some advocates note that trading limits can
discourage unreasonable prices that result from excessive speculation because the limits provide a coolingoff period that gives traders time to absorb new information (Khoury and Jones 1983; Ma, Rao, and Sears
1989). Other proponents contend that trading limits can
serve as a partial substitute for margin requirements
because a price limit “potentially limits the information
available to the losing party about the extent of his
losses at the time he is required to make the daily settlement” (Brennan 1986). In addition, proponents argue,
trading limits may lessen credit risks and curtail detrimental trading strategies by explicitly recognizing that
markets have a limited capacity to absorb enormous
one-sided order flow (Brady Commission 1988).
Despite their differences, the arguments over the
effects of trading limits tend to share an implicit
assumption: namely, that there is no closely related
market to which one can easily turn when trading limits
are in effect, or in other words, that trading limits do, in
fact, limit trading. If such a closely related market did
exist, neither the proponents’ contention that trading

limits allow time for information to be absorbed by the
market nor the opponents’ claim that trading is less
efficient would necessarily be compelling reasons for
an exchange to impose or forgo trading limits.
We challenge the assumption behind such arguments
by providing evidence that trading limits can be easily circumvented when close market substitutes are available. In
the case of the U.S. cotton market, trading volume moves
from a class of security that is subject to trading limits
(futures) to a class that is not (options on futures).
The Cotton Market in the United States
Various outlets exist for trading cotton in the United
States. These outlets include the spot, futures, and
options on futures markets.
Spot Market. The spot market for U.S. cotton—
trading for the physical transfer of cotton—operates
without any formal guidelines on location, time, or size
of trading unit, and is subject only to informal requirements for reporting transactions. Most spot market
trading in the United States is concentrated in the South
and Southwest. Spot prices for cotton are not publicly
disseminated through a central quoting mechanism, but
are collected and reported at the end of each day by the
U.S. Department of Agriculture.3
Futures Market. Cotton futures are traded exclusively on the NYCE.4 The cotton futures market provides cotton market participants with a standardized
product that serves both their hedging and speculative
needs. (Box 1 briefly describes the mechanics of cotton
futures trading.) The futures market serves as the primary source of price discovery for the U.S. cotton (both
spot and futures) markets on an intraday basis. In fact,
the spot market price for cotton is most often quoted as
a spread above or below the current futures price.
Interestingly, when the futures market goes into limit—
that is, when the price limits are binding—liquidity in
the spot market diminishes dramatically because the
spot price can no longer be easily calculated using the
equilibrium futures price.
Futures contracts on the NYCE are subject to daily
price limits. During the period examined, September
1995, all cotton futures prices on the NYCE (except for
contracts with seventeen or fewer days remaining before
expiration) were subject to a two-cent limit move above
or below the previous day’s closing futures price
(referred to as the daily settlement price).5 For example,
if one day’s daily settlement price was eighty cents per
pound of cotton, all transactions on the exchange on the
following day had to take place between seventy-eight
and eighty-two cents. This limit expanded to three cents
when three or more contracts closed at the limit price for
three consecutive trading days.

Options on Cotton Futures Market. An options
contract represents the right to buy or sell one NYCE
futures contract. Like futures contracts, options on cotton futures are traded on the NYCE, in designated areas
called trading pits. The options on futures trading pit is
adjacent to the futures trading pit, and NYCE members
eligible to trade both contracts can easily buy and sell
contracts in both markets.
Unlike cotton futures, however, options on cotton
futures are not subject to daily price limits. (Box 1 also
provides a description of the mechanics of cotton
options trading.)
The Effects of Price Limits on Trading Volume
We study the effects of price limits on trading volume as
a function of the fraction of the trading day in limit. The
fraction of the trading day in limit is defined as the number of minutes in a trading day in which the futures contract is constrained by its limit price, divided by the total
number of minutes in a trading day (250 minutes for
cotton futures). For example, if the futures price was at
its limit price for 100 minutes of the trading day, the
fraction of the trading day in limit would be 0.4 (100
divided by 250). If price limits are effective, we would
expect the average cotton trading volume to decrease as
the fraction of the day in limit increased. Conversely, if
the average number of futures contracts did not decrease
(or even increased) as the fraction of the trading day in
limit increased, we would conclude that the price limits
are not effective at limiting trading. To test the relationship between price limits and trading volume, we conduct a regression analysis of exchange-traded volume
and the fraction of the trading day in limit.
Our sample period, the twenty trading days in
September 1995, was chosen for its extremely large
number of limit moves.6 On more than half of the days,

the cotton price was in limit for some fraction of the
day, an occurrence that is very rare because price limits
are designed to be triggered only under unusual circumstances. (In fact, for some markets, years can pass without a single limit-move day.) Therefore, although twenty
observations may be a small sample for some studies, it
is a reasonable quantity in this context.7
Futures Volume. We find that the total number of
futures contracts traded declines significantly as the
fraction of the trading day in limit increases (Chart 1).
The negative and significant coefficient on the regression variable representing the fraction of the day in
limit (Chart 1, inset) implies that the price limits have a
Chart 1

Futures Volume Relative to Fraction
of Trading Day in Limit
Contracts traded (thousands)
Futures volumet = 7671 - 5114 * fraction of day in limitt
(758) (1591)
R2 =0.364



Fraction of trading day in limit


Sources: New York Cotton Exchange; DRI/McGraw-Hill; authors’ calculations.
Notes: The chart presents the total number of cotton futures contracts traded per
day in September 1995 (for the December 1995 contract) as a function of the
fraction of the trading day in which the contract was in limit. The inset contains
the results of the regression relating these two variables, with standard errors in
parentheses. The regression line has been added.

Box 1: Cotton Futures and Options Contracts
A cotton futures contract is a standardized legal contract specifying that one party deliver to the other
party 50,000 pounds (approximately 100 bales) of a
specific grade of cotton at an agreed-upon price (the
contract price) at a particular date in the future (the
delivery date). For example, if a December 1995
futures contract had a contract price of eighty cents,
one party would be obligated to deliver 50,000
pounds of cotton to the other in December 1995 in
exchange for $40,000 (50,000 pounds times eighty
cents per pound).
An option on futures contract can take one of two
forms. A call option gives one party the right, but not


the obligation, to purchase a futures contract with a
specified contract price (the strike price) from the
other party between the current date and a predetermined date in the future (the expiration date of the
option). For example, if one party purchases a
December 1995 cotton call option contract with a
strike price of eighty, the purchasing party has the
right, at any time before expiration, to demand from
the seller delivery of a futures contract with a contract price of eighty cents. A put option gives the
option owner the right, but not the obligation, to sell
a futures contract with a specified contract price to
another party between the current date and the
expiration date of the option.


negative and significant impact on the trading volume
of futures contracts on the NYCE. The regression suggests that, on average, 7,671 contracts trade on a day
when the futures price is not in limit at all (fraction of
day in limit = 0), but only 2,557 contracts trade on a day
when the futures price is in limit all day (fraction of day
in limit = 1).8 Therefore, we conclude that price limits
are effective in limiting the volume of futures contracts
Options on Futures Volume. The large drop in the
futures volume fully accords with our expectations.
More noteworthy, however, is our finding that the number of options on futures contracts traded increases significantly as the fraction of the trading day in limit
increases (Chart 2). The positive and significant coefficient on the variable representing the fraction of the day
in limit in the Chart 2 regression implies that price limits lead to a significant increase in options volume. The
regression suggests that, on average, 4,784 contracts
trade on a day when the futures price limit is not binding at all (fraction of day in limit = 0), but 14,056 contracts trade on a day when the futures price limit is
binding all day (fraction of day in limit = 1). 9 This
result leads us to conclude that the trading volume of
options on futures increases significantly when the
price limits on futures contracts are binding.
Futures-Equivalent Volume. The evidence from the
cotton market indicates that when the futures price limit
is binding for a larger fraction of the trading day, volume shifts from the futures market to the options on
futures market. This finding prompts an important
Chart 2

Options Volume Relative to Fraction
of Trading Day in Limit
Contracts traded (thousands)
Options volume t = 4784 + 9272 * fraction of day in limitt
(913) (1917)

R 2 = 0.565







Fraction of trading day in limit



Sources: New York Cotton Exchange; DRI/McGraw-Hill; authors’ calculations.
Notes: The chart presents the total number of cotton options contracts traded per
day in September 1995 (for the December 1995 contract) as a function of the
fraction of the trading day in which the futures contract was in limit. The inset
contains the results of the regression relating these two variables, with standard
errors in parentheses. The regression line has been added.

question: How complete is the substitution from futures
trading to options on futures trading?
To answer this question, we aggregate cotton futures
and options volume into a single measure, the “futuresequivalent volume” (Box 2). This futures-equivalent
volume is the sum of the futures volume and the options
volume, with the options volume weighted to reflect the
fact that options are less price sensitive than futures.
When we regress the fraction of the trading day in limit
on the total futures-equivalent volume traded, we find that
price limits do not have a significant impact (Chart 3,
inset). On average, 10,064 futures-equivalent contracts
trade on a day when the futures price limit is not binding
Box 2: Futures-Equivalent Trading Volume
Options can be combined to create an exposure that
mimics the exposure of a futures contract. One such
combination of options—a purchased call option and
a sold put option with the same expiration and the
same strike price—is known as a synthetic futures
contract because its cash flows are designed to replicate exactly the cash flows of a futures contract with
the same expiration. Call spreads, bull spreads, or
other options-based trading strategies can also be
used to mimic the exposure of a cotton futures contract. Such replication enables market participants to
substitute an options-based strategy for a futuresbased strategy when the futures are in limit.
Since substitution is possible, we create a measure of aggregate cotton trading volume in order to
study the effect of price limits on trading volume
across related markets. This measure, which we call
the “futures-equivalent volume,” is the sum of the
futures volume and the options volume, where the
options are weighted by the absolute value of their
own deltas.a This method accounts for the fact that
options are less price sensitive than futures by
adjusting the number of options contracts downward
by the absolute values of their deltas.
It is important to use the entire volume of options
(weighted by their deltas) because it is not clear
which options-based trading strategy a market participant will use when price limits are in effect in the
futures market. For example, he or she may choose to
use a synthetic futures contract, which is an exact
substitute for a futures contract, or switch to other
options-based strategies.
a The delta is the change in price that an options contract will
experience if the price of the underlying futures contract
increases by one. The absolute value of the delta of an options
contract will be between zero and one. A futures contract (as
well as a synthetic futures contract) has a delta of one.

another to trade freely only serves to shift trading
around and may not halt overall trading volume in a
particular market during a volatile period. In addition,
trading limits do not affect all market participants
equally. For example, a small number of market participants adhere to self-imposed rules that prohibit trading
in the options market because of that market’s perceived riskiness. Consequently, these market participants have fewer opportunities to hedge their exposure
during limit periods and may resort to trading in other
markets whose price movements are less perfectly correlated to the risks they are hedging.

Chart 3

Futures-Equivalent Volume Relative to Fraction
of Trading Day in Limit
Contracts traded (thousands)
Volume = 10,064 - 477 * fraction of day in limit
(3,293) (1,996)
R2 = 0.0032



Fraction of trading day in limit



Sources: New York Cotton Exchange; DRI/McGraw-Hill; authors’ calculations.
Notes: The chart presents the number of futures-equivalent cotton contracts
traded per day in September 1995 (for the December 1995 contract) as a function
of the fraction of the day in which the futures contract was in limit. The inset
contains the results of the regression relating these two variables, with standard
errors in parentheses. The regression line has been added.

at all (fraction of day in limit = 0), and 9,587 futuresequivalent contracts trade on a day when the futures price
limit is binding all day (fraction of day in limit = 1).
Consequently, the average aggregate trading volume in
cotton appears unaffected by the fraction of the trading
day in which the futures price limit is binding. Therefore,
the substitution is complete to the extent that the average
futures-equivalent volume traded on limit days is not significantly different from the average futures-equivalent
volume traded on days that were not in limit.10
Our examination of the impact of price limits on
changes in NYCE cotton trading volume reveals that as
the fraction of the trading day in which a futures contract is in limit increases, futures trading declines and
options on futures trading rises. However, aggregate
futures-equivalent volume remains unchanged. The latter finding leads us to conclude that market participants
shift their trading tactics—that is, they switch from outright futures to options on futures. Although it is
impossible to determine what the total futures trading
volume would be on volatile days in the absence of
price limits, our evidence does imply that market participants can easily find ways to circumvent the trading
These results raise questions about the motivation
behind the design of trading limits. According to our
analysis, restricting one class of security while allowing

Although our analysis is confined to the cotton market, where options on futures serve as very close substitutes for futures, our results may hold true in other markets. Many exchanges have trading restrictions on various spot and derivatives markets similar to those
imposed by the NYCE on cotton futures. Participants in
these markets may react to the imposition of trading
limits by shifting trading volume to a related market
without restrictions, if one is available. Moreover, additional strategies to circumvent exchange-mandated
trading limits may entail the transfer of volume from an
organized exchange to an over-the-counter market,
particularly given the recent advances in technology
and the growing importance of the over-the-counter
market for derivatives. In summary, restrictions on trading limits are unlikely to be effective unless they are
coordinated across market venues.

1. This feature is found in many agricultural, metal, and energy
futures contracts.
2. The ultimate goal of trading limits may be to dampen volatility in
prices. The mechanism through which this goal is achieved generally involves a cessation of trading at some point.
3. A more thorough description of the spot market for U.S. cotton
can be found in Anderson, Shafer, and Haberer (1996).
4. There are currently no other competing cotton futures exchanges
in the world. Cotton yarn futures trade on the Nagoya Textile
Exchange and the Osaka Textile Exchange in Japan; however, they
are not viable hedging instruments because of differences in trading
hours and grades of deliverable cotton. By contrast, in commodity
markets such as gold, oil, or soybeans, trading can shift to another
location, such as the United Kingdom, when a U.S. futures
exchange imposes price limits (Cantor 1989).
5. This limit increased to three cents, effective January 1996.
6. The futures and options price data and options volume data were
obtained from the Time and Sales and Broker Reconciliation
reports, which the NYCE provided. The futures volume data were
obtained from DRI/McGraw-Hill.


7. Trading during September 1995 was representative of the 199495 crop cycle in terms of volatility and number of trading sessions
in which price limits were in effect. Trading during this cycle was
unusually active because of strong foreign demand for U.S. cotton
as a result of poor crops in other cotton-producing nations.
8. The volume on a day in which the futures prices were in limit all
day comprises two types of trades. Market participants may be
compelled to trade futures at the limit price—even if doing so
implies trading at a disadvantageous price relative to an equivalent
options-based strategy—because they are prohibited from trading
options (Box 2). Spread trades, which are the simultaneous purchase and sale of two futures contracts with different expirations,
represent the other component of volume.
9. Further analysis shows that the volume of different types of
options-based strategies—individual options, synthetic futures, and
all other options-based strategies—is positively correlated with the
fraction of the trading day in limit (Evans and Mahoney 1996).
10. Our main findings are robust to the inclusion of additional
explanatory variables in the regressions. Specifically, we included
an estimate of intraday volatility, the distance from the price limit to
the average synthetic futures price (to capture the strength of the
incentive to switch from futures to options), and the time elapsed
since the last nonlimit period (to capture any possible pent-up
demand for futures trading after a limit period). For details, see
Evans and Mahoney (1996).

Anderson, Carl G., Carl Shafer, and Matthew Haberer. 1996.
“Producer Price for Cotton Qualities Vague.” Paper presented at
the 1996 Beltwide Cotton Conference, Nashville, Tenn.,
January 12, 1996.
Brady Commission. 1988. Report of the Presidential Task Force on
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Printing Office.
Brennan, Michael J. 1986. “A Theory of Price Limits in the Futures
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Cantor, Richard. 1989. “Price Limits and Volatility in Soybean
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Commodity Futures Trading Commission. 1989. “Final Report on
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Robert W. Kamphuis, Roger C. Kormendi, and J.W. Henry
Watson, eds., Black Monday and the Future of the Financial
Markets. Homewood, Ill.: Dow Jones-Irwin.
Evans, Joan, and James M. Mahoney. 1996. “The Effects of Daily
Price Limits on Cotton Futures and Options Trading.” Federal
Reserve Bank of New York Research Paper no. 9627.
Fama, Eugene F. 1989. “Perspectives on October 1987.” In Robert
W. Kamphuis, Roger C. Kormendi, and J.W. Henry Watson,
eds., Black Monday and the Future of the Financial Markets.
Homewood, Ill.: Dow Jones-Irwin.
Hieronymus, Thomas A. 1971. Economics of Futures Trading for
Commercial and Personal Profit. New York: Commodity
Research Bureau.
Khoury, Sarkis J., and Gerald L. Jones. 1983. “Daily Price Limits
on Futures Contracts: Nature, Impact and Justification.” Review
of Research in Futures Markets 3: 23-39.
Kodres, Laura E., and Daniel P. O’Brien. 1994. “The Existence of
Pareto-Superior Price Limits.” American Economic Review 84:
Lee, Charles M., Mark J. Ready, and Paul J. Seguin. 1994.
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Ma, Christopher K., Ramesh P. Rao, and R. Stephen Sears. 1989.
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The authors would like to acknowledge the valuable research
assistance of Elizabeth Reynolds.

About the Authors
Joan Evans is a financial analyst and James M. Mahoney is an economist in the Capital Markets Function
of the Research and Market Analysis Group.

The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or the Federal Reserve System.

Current Issues in Economics and Finance is published by the Research and Market Analysis Group of the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York. Dorothy Meadow Sobol is the editor.
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