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/■ f 7 5 - Consumer Expenditure Survey Series: Interview Survey, 1972-73 A n n u a l E x p e n d itu re s a n d S o u rc e s C ro s s -C la s s ifie d Bulletin 1985 CO* p a l '- 0 ^ a 'o ';' c' by F a m ily C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , (1 9 7 2 U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics 1978 of In c o m e a n d 1 9 7 3 C o m b in e d ) Consumer Expenditure Survey Series: Interview Survey, 1972-73 U.S. Department of Labor Ray Marshall, Secretary Bureau of Labor Statistics Julius Shiskin, Commissioner August I978 Bulletin 1985 A n n u a l E x p e n d itu re s a n d S o u rc e s of In c o m e C ro s s -C la s s ifie d b y F a m ily C h a r a c te r is tic s , (1 9 7 2 a n d 1 9 7 3 C o m b in e d ) Preface This bulletin presents detailed expenditure and income data from the interview com ponent of the 1972-73 Consumer Expenditure Survey. Historically, expenditure surveys have been conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics every 10-12 years to provide a basis for updating the Consumer Price Index and to provide a com prehensive body of data for market research and economic analysis. This bulletin was prepared in the Division of Living Conditions Studies, E va E. Jacobs, Chief, under the general direction of Stephen Baer, C hief o f the Branch of Consumer Expenditure Studies. The bulletin was prepared under the supervision of G eorge Weeden. M ajor contributions to the bulletin w ere made by William Passero and D avid Stallings, for preparation o f the glossary and tables; and by Eugene Owens, for developm ent of the com puter data file. M aterial in this publication is in the public domain and may be reproduced w ithout permission of the Federal Governm ent. Please credit the Bureau o f Labor Statistics and cite the name and num ber of the publication. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D .C . 20402 Stock Number 029-001-02216-6 Table of Contents Page In tro d u ctio n ....................................................................................................................... Tables Selected family characteristics and annual expenditures classified by: 1. Family income before taxes (detail up to $50,000 and o v e r)..................... 2. Housing te n u re ................................................................................................... 3. Type of a re a ........................................................................................................ 4. Education of family h e a d .................................................................................. 5. Family com position........................................................................................... 6. Family income before taxes, for one-person fam ilies.................................. 7. Family income before taxes, for two-person fam ilies.................................. 8. Family income before taxes, for three-person fam ilies................................ 9. Family income before taxes, for four-person families ................................ 10. Family income before taxes, for five-person fa m ilies.................................. 11. Family income before taxes, for six or more person families ..................... 12. Family income before taxes, for families with head under 25 years ........ 13. Family income before taxes, for families with head 25 to 34 y e a r s ...... 14. Family income before taxes, for families with head 35 to 44 y e a r s ....... 15. Family income before taxes, for families with head 45 to 54 y e a r s ....... 16. Family income before taxes, for families with head 55 to 64 y e a r s ...... 17. Family income before taxes, for families with head 65 years and over . . . . 18. Age of family head, for one-person families ................................................. 19. Age of family head, for two-person fam ilies.................................................. 20. Age of family head, for three-person families ............................................... 21. Age of family head, for four-person families ................................................. 22. Age of family head, for five-person families ................................................ 23. Age of family head, for six or more person families .................................. 24. Family income before taxes, for black families ........................................... 25. Family income before taxes, for white and other nonblack families ........ 26. Family income before taxes, for families in the N o rth east.............. 27. Family income before taxes, for families in the North C entral........ 28. Family income before taxes, for families in the S o u th ..................... 29. Family income before taxes, for families in the West......................... Glossary ............................................................ ............................................................ 1 ii iii 1 31 41 61 71 81 101 121 141 161 181 201 221 241 261 281 301 321 331 341 351 361 371 381 401 421 441 461 481 501 Annual Expenditures and Sources of Income Cross-Classified by Family Characteristics, 1972-73- Combined T he data in the tables below supplement BLS R eport 455-4. As in previous reports in the BLS R eport 455 series, the data are preliminary. Some values presented here may differ from earlier reports and releases in the interview survey series due to additional processing o f the quarterly interview data base, slight changing of the definition, and the combining and averaging of data for the 2 years o f the survey (1972 and 1973). Furtherm ore, data presented below may be subject to further processing or reclassification before being released in final form. These tables contain a summary of all the expenditure data collected in the interview survey and also present detail on sources o f income, net changes in assets and liabilities, personal taxes, information on goods and services received w ithout direct expense, m ortgage principal paid on owned property, and m arket value o f financial assets. Most o f these data are shown as annual averages, except for m arket value of financial assets and net changes in assets and liabilities, w hich are com puted as the average o f the tw o end-of-survey-year values. Percent reporting figures are shown for all data except for the family characteristics shown at the beginning o f each table. Twenty-nine tabulations are presented in this release. In five tabul ations, families are classified by individual family characteristics, including family income before taxes, education o f family head, housing tenure, family composition, and type of area. Eighteen tabulations present family income before taxes cross-classified by family size, race of family head, age o f family head, and region. Six additional tabulations present family size cross-classified by age of family head. Expenditures are shown as annual averages for the combined 2-year period of the survey. Expenses which w ere incurred in connection with the operation o f a business w ere not included in the survey. E ven though the data represent all expenditure categories in the interview survey, they do not constitute total expenditures because not all items o f expense w ere collected in the interview survey. F o r example, the household operations category does not include house keeping supplies, which were reported exclusively in the diary survey. F o r the same reason, the medical care category does not include nonprescription drugs. In addition, it should be noted that food at home is not the sum of item detail, as in the diary survey, but is the response to a set of global questions. A more detailed account for food is available from the diary com ponent and has been published in the BLS R eport 448 series. T he user should also be aware that expenditures for owned dwellings exclude payments on the m ortgage principal, which appear as a separate line item and are included as a reduction in liabilities. A com plete glossary appears on page 501. The expenditures shown for each category do not include gifts to organizations or to persons outside the family. All gift expenditures are summed and tabulated in a separate category as gifts and contributions. Gift expenditures as a proportion o f consumption expenditures tend to vary by consumption category. F o r example, the proportion of total clothing expenditures devoted to gifts is likely to be greater than the proportion o f total furniture expenditures devoted to gifts. Certain expenditures are tabulated by function. F o r example, gasoline appears under transportation and also under recreation as part of vacations and trips. Total gasoline is the sum o f the tw o parts. O ther com ponents that are treated similarly are food, alcoholic beverages, lodging, and other transportation. The average annual expenditure data shown are for all families with specified characteristics, regardless of w hether the families incurred an expense for a given product or service during the survey period. Thus, Table 1 shows the average annual expenditure for television sets over the 2-year period to be $46.54. How ever, only 15.8 percent o f the families reported purchases o f a T V set. By dividing $46.54 by 15.8 in percent, it can be determ ined that the average expenditure for those families making the purchases was $294.55. A n individual family may spend m ore or less than the average, depending on its particular set o f characteristics. F o r example, families in the South (Table 28) spent, on average, $93.18 per year on m ajor appliances, while the average for all three-person families in the United States (Table 20) was $117.53. Even among families having similar characteristics, expenditures may differ substantially. Users should also keep in mind that prices for m any goods and services have risen sharply since the survey was conducted. Certain income and financial data contain values w ith negative signs. These occur either because o f special processing requirements, or because losses or reductions in value w ere recorded. F o r example, net incom e from ow n business and ow n farm are negatively signed w hen losses w ere experienced; and data for assets and liabilities may be negatively signed to reflect reductions in these items. T o com pute the net change in assets and liabilities as a group, the user should subtract the signed liability value from the signed asset value. T he items which are negatively signed only because of special processing requirem ents are: personal taxes, union dues, occupational expenses, and m ortgage principal payments. Sample surveys are subject to tw o types o f errors, sampling and nonsampling. Sampling errors occur because observations are not taken from the entire population. Table columns and cells w hich represent fewer than 217,500 and 18,500 families, respectively, are likely to have large sampling errors. Nonsampling errors can be attributed to many sources; such as inability to obtain information about all the respondents in the sample, definitional difficulties, differences in the interpretation o f questions, inability or unwillingness o f the respondent to provide correct information, mistakes in recording or coding the data obtained, and other errors of collection, response, processing, coverage, and estimation for missing data. This may apply especially to the alcoholic beverages and tobacco components, which have historically experi enced low levels of reporting in household interview surveys. T he accuracy of the results of a survey is determ ined by the joint effects o f sampling and nonsampling errors. T he Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) com pleted its most recent Consumer Expenditure Survey in June 1974. The survey, covering the years 1972 and 1973, is the only com prehensive source of detailed information on family expenditures and income related to socioeconomic and dem ographic characteristics o f U.S. families. T he survey, conducted with the assistance of the Bureau of the Census, consisted of tw o separate components: (1) a diary or recordkeeping survey com pleted by respondents for tw o 1-week periods, and (2) an interview panel survey in which families reported information to interview ers every 3 m onths over a 15-month period. Both com ponents of the survey were conducted for 2 successive years. The diary com ponent covered the period July 1972-June 1974, and the interview com ponent covered the 1972 and 1973 calendar years. In each 12-month period, responses w ere obtained from approximately 10,000 families. Background informa tion concerning the design, conduct, and uses of both com ponents o f the survey appears in “T he 1972-73 Consumer Expenditure Survey,” published in the D ecem ber 1974 issue of the Monthly Labor Review. 1 T a b l e 1* S e le c te d f a m ily c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u rc e s ( A l l u rb a n an d r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s in g le c o n s u m e rs , U n ite d S t a t e s , Consum er Item Number o f Selected fam ilies fam ily in universe (000s)... ch aracteristics I I i I l I ------- | I I I i 1 Family J A ll fam ilies | J Under _1 1 $3,000 1 1 1 i 2.9 1 Family Family income incom e before t a x e s ..................... .. i t a x e s ................................ . . . 1 after J | i $11,419 | $9,731 | 1 Age o f Nu mbe r h e a d .............................. ........................................... of Nu mb e r o f Nu mbe r of children persons under 1 8 ........................... a n d o v e r ..................... -------| 65 autom obiles o w n e d ........................... -------| Percent2/ Housing te n u r e H o m e o w n e r .......................................................................... R e n t e r ................................................................................... N o t r e p o r t e d ................................................................. Race o f head W h i t e ...................................................................................... B l a c k ...................................................................................... O t h e r ...................................................................................... I i | I i 1 i 1 1 i 1 at end of ta b le .3 1.3 I I | i 1 | i 1 | I 1 | ■ 1 1 i i | | J i 1 21 43 29 6 1 1 $10,184 1 1 48 1 1 1.0 1 i 1 .3 1 1 1 1.3 1 i 1 1 59 37 4 1 1 1 1 < 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 21 1 44 1 29 1 6 1 10 1 1 1 iI 1_ 80 1 1 .1 3 ,991J I 3 , 624| 1 1 1 1 1-9 | 2.1 | $1,713| $3,491| $3,347| 1 1 $1,636| 1 $4,494| $5,482| $6,478 $4,252| $5,084) 1 1 | 1 1 55 | 53 .3| .6| .6| 1 1 I 1 .6| i 1 •5| i 1 1 i 1 1 .6| I 1 • 7| i 1 1 i l 1 i1 42 | 55 | 2J i 1 1 1 38 | 60 | 2i 79 | 19 | 1| i 1 85| 14 l 1Ii 1 I J | i1 1 38| 1 38 37 15 10 1 1 •6| .8| I 1 i 1 1 1 1 46 | 52| 21 i 1 1 85 | 14) 1| i 1 1 $5,928 J 51 I 1 1 • 8) 1 1 .5) 1 1. 0 | i 1 84 14 28 44 311 44 | 15| 10 | i1 JL 1 46 51 3 1 1 63| 1.0 83 | 15) 2| i 35 | 38 | 17 | 10) ■ 1 1 .4 1 47) 48 | 5) i 1 | | J J i 1 56 | .9 1 1 1 49 1 1 1 1 1 1 40 31 13 16 I 1 1 1 2.5 57 | i 1 i 1 2.4 | ■ 1 i 3,401 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 $6,000 to $6,999 1 i 1 1-41 1 | | 3,282,1 1 1 1 i 1 i incom e $5,000 to $5,999 1 1 i 1 i i 1 | 9,065| 1 $11,945 1 80 1 1 89 1 1 1 1 1 | | I i J | | I 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 2.8 1 i 1 1 10 1 1 1 | i 1 1 59 37 4 89 1 fo o tn o te s 1.0 1 E d u c a tio n o f head 1 1 t o 9 y e a r s ................................................................. 9 y e a r s , n o t m o r e t h a n 1 2 y e a r s . . . . -------| Mo r e t h a n 12 y e a r s ................................................-------| N o t r e p o r t e d o r n o s c h o o l ........................... iI Autom obile ownership 1 A t l e a s t o n e a u t o m o b i l e o w n e d ............... See 48 1 i 1 67,447 I J I i 1 ■ i s i z e .......................................................................... Total 1 71,220 incom e b e f o r e t a x e s C om plete r e p o r t i n q o f $4,000 | $3,000 | to | to | 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 iy Fam ilv 1 1 1 1 Average o f in c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A N I L ! IN C O M E BEFORE TAXES E x p e n d itu r e In t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 ) 2 21 7 1 70) _____1_ 76 2 T a b le 1. S e le c te d f a m ily c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u rc e s ( A l l u rb a n an d r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s in g le c o n s u m e rs . U n it e d S t a t e s , C onsum er Item Number o f Selected fam ilies fam ily in | | I ( 0 0 0 s ) .................. | universe $7,000 to $7,999 3,251 s i z e .................................................................................... | Family income before Fam ily income after Age of Number 2.7 t a x e s .................................... - | $7,486 t a x e s .......................................... | $6,715 h e a d .................................................................................... | 46 1 8 .................................... | 1.0 of children under of persons 65 Number of autom obiles a n d o v e r .............................. I -3 o w n e d .................................... | 1.2 Percent2/ 6,594 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1i 1■ 48 48 4 Race o f head W h i t e ............................................................................................... I B l a c k ............... .. ............................................................................ I O t h e r ............................................................................................... I 87 12 1 E d u ca tio n o f head 1 t o 9 y e a r s ........................................................................... 9 y e a r s , n o t m o r e t h a n 1 2 y e a r s ................... M o r e t h a n 12 y e a r s ......................................................... N o t r e p o r t e d o r n o s c h o o l .................................... Autom obile At l e a s t See fo o tn o te s ow nership one autom obile at end of ta b le I | I | 23 49 21 7 o w n e d ........................ | 82 1 1 50 45 5 ii 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i .J__ Fa m ily incom e b e f o r e t a x e s Comple t e r e p o r t i n g o f i n c o m e $10,000 $12,000 I I to to I I $11,999 $14,999 I i I I 6,278 i 8,375 I I i 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 3.2 1 i 1 $10,952 1 1 1 $9,491 1 ■ 1 43 1 1 1 1.2 1 1 1 .2 1 i 1 1.4 1 1i 1 1 iI 1 88 1 12 1 1 1 i 1 18 50 26 5 J i 1 1 1 i I i -1_ $13,414 $11,485 43 1.3 .2 1.6 1 1 58 1 36 1 6 1 68 26 6 2 17 52 28 3 91 i 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 .J__ I J I I 9,996 3.6 $17,237 $14,54 1 44 1.4 I 1 i 1 1 1i . 1 1.8 50 33 2 95 1 1 j 1 1 1 -J— $18,370 2.0 1i 1 J $22,118 1 Ii 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 i 1 1 15 1 3.8 1.3 1 J 5,028 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 92 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i $20,000 to $24,999 i 46 . 1 ii 75 19 5 I1 1 91 7 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 $15,000 to $19,999 ii ii 1 87 3.4 ii i ii H ousing te n u r e | H o m e o w n e r ........................................................................... R e n t e r ............................................................................................ l N o t r e p o r t e d ........................................................................... I I I I I I I 1 i 1 1 ii l I Number $8,000 to $9,999 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 2.8 1 1 $8,970 1 i 1 $7,911 1 i 1 43 1 1 1 1.0 1 1 1 . 2 1 i 1 1.3 1 1 1 i 1 1 characteristics Average Family I I | I I I o f in c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M IL Y IN C O M E BEFORE TA X E S J . / E x p e n d itu r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) -C o n tin u e d 1 1 1 79 15 6 Ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 49 1 38 1 2 1 1 1 1 97 1 93 5 _±_ 94 5 1 9 41 48 1 97 3 T a b le 1. S e le c te d f a m ily c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u rc e s ( A l l u rb a n an d r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s in g le c o n s u m e rs , U n it e d S t a t e s , C onsum er I I I I I 1 Item Number of families in universe (000s).... 1 1 Selected family characteristics 1 i 1 Average 1 i l Family s i z e ............................ ...| 1 Family income before t a x e s .......... /. Family Age of Number Number I income after t a x e s ............ ...1 1 h e a d ............................ -•-I l I of children under 18.......... --- | 1 1 of persons 65 and over ........ j 1 Number of automobiles own e d .......... --- i Percent2/ Housing tenure Homeowner ................. ........... Renter......... ...................... Not repo r t e d ......................... Race of head White................................. Black ................................. O t h e r ................................. ■ 1 1 i I 1 i 1 J I 1 1 Education of head 1 to 9 years......................... 9 years, not more than 12 years.... .... | More than 12 years................. .---| Not reported or no s chool.......... ---| Automobile ownership At least one automobile o w n e d ..... See fo o tn o te s at end of ta b le i 1 1 ---| 1 $25,000 to $29,999 I I I I 1,998 I 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 3.8 1 1 $27,138 1 1 $22,211 1 1 47 1 1 1 1.3 1 1 .2 i I 1 2. 1 1 i 1 I i i 1 85 1 10 1 5 1 i 1 1 95 1 3 1 1 1 i 1 1 6 1 34 1 59 1 1 1 i 1 1 97 1 J_ o f in c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M IL Y IN C O M E BEFORE TAXES E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) -C o n tin u e d Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $35,000 $30,000 $40,000 I to to to i $39,999 $34,999 $49,999 I 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 i 1 4.0 1 i 1 $32,166 1 i 1 $26,081 1 1 1 48 1 i I 1.3 1 1 1 .2 i 1 1 2. 2 1 i 1 i i i 1 88 1 10 1 2 1 i i 1 97 1 1 1 2 1 i 1 1 3 1 35 I 61 1 1 1 j I 1 95 1 .i«. 1,022 542 421 3.8 3.9 $37, 176 $43,696 $29,865 $36,038 50 51 1.1 1.3 I 1 1 1 1 J 1 J i i 1 i i 1 i I 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 $50,000 and over 578 3.6 $79,838 $63,243 50 1. 1 i .2 .3 2. 1 2.1 86 10 4 84 11 5 1 1 1 I 1 1 i i 1 J 1 i i i .2 2. 1 99 ** 1 6 25 69 1 4 23 72 1 91 96 JL 1 J 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 i I 1 1 1 1 1 Incomplete income 1 1 reporting 1 1 3,773 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 3.0 i i 1 $2,027 1 1 1 $1,645 1 1 50 1 1 1 .9 1 1 .3 1 1 1.5 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 81 15 4 \ 97 2 1 1/ 98 1 1 2 20 78 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J i 1 64 32 4 88 11 1 19 39 36 6 i 92 1 JL_ 85 4 T a b le 1. S e le c te d f a m ily c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u rc e s ( A l l u r b a n a n d r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e rs . U n it e d S t a t e s , C on sum er Item Current consumption expenses, excluding personal insurance, gifts and contributions 3/ Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. | All | families 1 1_____________ 1 1 1 1 1 I Food, total 1 Average annual expenditure ...... ..1 Percent reporting .............. ..| Food at home I Average annual e x p e nditure ...... Percent reporting .............. Food away from home, excl. trips I Average annual expenditure...... ..! Percent reporting .............. Meals as pay I Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. i I Alcoholic beverages J Average annual expenditure...... ..| Percent reporting ..............,..| i 1 Tobacco products 1 Average annual expenditure...... ...1 Percent reporting ..............,..| i 1 Housing, total 1 Average annual expenditure ...... ..| ..............,..| Percent reporting i 1 Shelter, total i Average annual expenditure ...... .............. Percent reporting Rented dwellings 1 Average annual expenditure ...... ,..j Percent reporting ..............,..| Owned dwellings I Average annual expenditure...... ..| Percent reporting .............. Other lodging, excluding trips i Average annual expenditure ...... Percent reporting ............. $1,695.56 99.7 $369.11 87.3 $74.80 62.7 $128.50 56.5 I i I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i ■ 1 1 1 1 1 Total $7,884.55 100.0 $1,678.21 99.8 $1,298.00 99.2 $361.53 87.4 $18-68 8.6 $74.42 62.7 $127.83 56.6 i $2,406.95 99.7 $571.90 39.0 $718.51 1 1 i 1 $2,382.05 99.7 1 1 1 1 $1,301.87 97.7 J $572.07 39.3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $710.46 63.4 $19.34 7.6 F amily income before taxes Complete reportinq of !_ | Under | $3,000 | | $4,000 to | to | I 1 1 $4,999 I $3,999 1 1 $3,000 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 | $3,039,381 $4,531.35| $3,999,731 | 100.0| 100.0| 100.0| 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 | $1,100.98| $720.46| $996,681 | 98.9| 99.91 99.3| 1 1 1 1 | $848.241 $623.06 | $943,611 98.4 1 | 97.7| 99.61 1 i 1 1 $88.43| $131,681 $142.141 I J 57.9J 69.91 76.7| I 1 1 | $8.97 | $15.23| $16,761 6.3 J 7.71 | 9.31 i i i i I 1 I 1 1 1 J 1 $29,551 $19.53| $40.12| | 30.9| | 40.2| 45.11 ■ i ■ i 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 $78.51 l $87,191 $66.25 1 | | 40.8| 44.8 l 47.21 i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | $1, 191.161 $1,432,901 $1,533.61| | 98.8J 99.4J 99.91 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | $734.76| $853.171 $893,231 | 92.2| 96.3| 96.21 1 1 1 1 | $556.58| $623,241 $635,611 | 55.4| 53.91 51.21 1 1 1 1 $176.64| | $226,661 $252.01l | 39.1| 46.2| 47.91 I 1 1 1 | $3,271 $1.55| $5,611 4.41 | 2.91 1.4 | 1 See footnotes at end of table o f in c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M IL Y IN C O M E BEFORE TA X E S E x p e n d itu r e In t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) -C o n tin u e d income $5,000 to $5,999 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $5,099,721 100.01 1 1 $1,226,641 99.81 1 $1 ,007.311 98. 7 l 1 $202.93| 84.01 1 $16.39| 9.41 i 1 1 $49,881 52.0J 1 1 1 $98.12| 53. 11 I 1 1 $1,687.85| 99.7| | 1 1 $966,541 97.5| 1 $655,051 49.81 1 $309,551 52.21 1 $ 1.94 | 3.21 iy $6,000 to $6,999 $5,725.12 100.0 $1,289.96 100.0 $1,041.27 98.8 $229.45 88.3 $19.25 7.4 $46.98 51.8 $109.22 54. 1 $1,844.87 99.9 $1,051.83 98.1 $709.32 51.4 $338.85 50.3 $3.65 3.5 T a b le 1. S e le c te d fa m ily c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u rc e s ( A l l u rb a n an d r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e rs . U n it e d S t a t e s , C onsum er Item | | I I I Current consumption expenses, excluding I personal insurance, gifts and I contributions 3/ I Average annual expenditure...... ..| Percent reporting .............. l Food, total I Average annual expenditure...... ..| .............. Percent reporting Food at home I Average annual expenditure...... ..| Percent reporting .............. Food away from home, excl. trips I Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. ..| Meals as pay I Average annual expenditure ...... Percent reporting .............. ..| i 1 Alcoholic beverages 1 Average annual expenditure...... ..| .............. Percent reporting i 1 Tobacco products 1 Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. i 1 Housing, total I Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. ■ 1 Shelter, total 1 Average annual expenditure...... ..| Percent reporting .............. Pented dwellings I Average annual expenditure...... ..| Percent reporting .............. ..l Owned dwellings I Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. ..| Other lodging, excluding trips J Average annual expenditure...... ..| .............. ..| Percent reporting I See fo o tn o te s at end of ta b le . $7,000 to $7,999 $6,148.02 $1,362.20 $1,090.95 88.5 8.5 $59.45 $1,072.65 $704.54 49.9 51.7 $4.96 5.2 I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I J __ o f in c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M IL Y IN C O M E BEFOBE TAXES J / E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) -C o n tin u e d Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $12,000 | $8,000 $10,000 I 1 to j to to I 1 $14,999 1 $11,999 $9,999 j I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 i 1 $8,890.10 J $7,889.21 I $6,921.46 1 100. 0 1 100.0 I 100.0 | I 1 1 1 $1,700.42 1 $1,500.82 1 $1,908.19 | 99.9 1 100.0 i 99.9 1 1 1 $1,326.49 1 $1,478.70 | $1,178.76 1 99.4 1 99.7 J 99.3 1 1 1 $410.38 | $303.49 i $354.22 I 94.5 1 96.5 | 93.3 1 1 1 $18.57 1 $19.71 1 $19.11 | 9.6 | 9. 1 1 10.0 1 i i 1 I 1 1 $82.62 | $76.27 1 $66.66 1 63.9 1 69.7 1 72.8 | i i 1 1 1 1 $152.20 | $130.56 1 $141.91 i 61.2 1 64.1 J 58. 2 1 i i I 1 1 1 $2,317.90 1 $2,592.18 | $2,135.31 J 99.8 1 100.0 1 100.0 | i 1 1 1 i $1,215.30 1 $1,382.13 | $1,266.11 1 98.5 1 99.0 1 99.3 | 1 1 $637.98 1 $531.85 | $716.66 1 48.6 1 40.8 J 31.2 | 1 1 $838.37 J $620.65 1 $492.47 1 65.1 1 74.5 | 55.8 1 1 1 $6.17 1 $7.48 1 $11.91 | 6. 1 1 6.0 1 9.0 | .JL -1 _ $15,000 to $19,999 | | 1 $20,000 to $24,999 $10,640.04 100.0 | | $12,592.89 100.0 $2,235.35 99.9 | J $2,567.16 99.8 $1,691.62 99.8 | j $1,902.09 99.8 $523.71 98. 1 | | $646.52 98.3 $20.02 8.4 i | $18.55 8. 5 $106.26 79.4 | | $118.84 82.8 $171.29 65.8 | | $167.29 63.3 $3,045.04 100.0 J | $3,435.95 100. 0 $1,592.45 99.4 | i $1,777.56 99.2 $471.24 24. 1 | | $401.72 20.0 $1,092.93 81.4 | | $1,326.58 85.0 $28.27 11.4 | | $49.26 13.3 6 T a b le 1. S e le c te d f a m ily c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u rc e s ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s in g le c o n s u m e rs , U n it e d S t a t e s , C onsum er i I $25,000 I to I 1 _ $29,999 Item Current consumption expenses, excluding 1 personal insurance, gifts and 1 contributions 3/ i Average annual expenditure ...... ..| .............. ..| Percent reporting I Food, total 1 Average annual e x penditure ...... ..j Percent reporting .............. ..| Food at home I Average annual expenditure ...... ..| Percent reporting ........... .. ..| Food away from home, excl. trips I Average annual expenditure...... ..| Percent reporting .............. ..j Meals as pay I Average annual expenditure ...... ..| Percent reporting ...... - ...... i 1 Alcoholic beverages 1 Average annual expenditure ...... ..| Percent reporting .............. ..| i 1 Tobacco products i Average annual expenditure...... ..| .............. ..| Percent reporting i 1 Housing, total i Average annual expenditure ...... ..| Percent reporting .............. ..| 1 1 Shelter, total 1 Average annual expenditure ...... ..( Percent reporting .............. ..| Rented dwellings 1 Average annual expenditure ...... ..| Percent reporting .............. .. | Owned dwellings i Average annual expenditure ...... ..| Percent reporting .............. ..| Other lodging, excluding trips 1 Average annual expend i t u r e ...... ..| Percent reporting .............. ..I I S ee fo o tn o te s at end of ta b le $14,627.52 100.0 $2,840.48 100.0 $2,031.45 99.7 $773.88 99.5 $35.14 10.5 $147.18 87.0 $159.85 59.7 $4,121.93 100.0 $2,147.89 100.0 $360.34 15.0 $1,712.95 90.7 $74.60 17.9 1 1 1 1 i | J 1 1 | | I | | i | | l | | i 1 i | | i 1 1 J | i 1 i | | 1 1 1 | | I 1 | i | | 1 1 | J, o f in c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M IL Y IN C O M E BEFORE TA XES E x p e n d itu r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) -C o n tin u e d Family income before taxes Complete reportinq of income $30,000 | $35,000 | $40,000 to | to to | $34,999 1 $39,999 1 $49,999 $16,837.85 100.0 $3,184.14 100.0 $2,208.29 100.0 $945.50 100.0 $30.35 8.0 $173.75 86.6 $164.59 61.0 $4,997.64 100.0 $2,850.75 99.0 $326.00 11.3 $2,426.26 90.5 $98.50 21.9 I I I | I 1 1 | | I | | 1 | | 1 | | i 1 1 | | i 1 1 | | i 1 1 | | i 1 1 | | 1 | | I | | I | | L $17,711.95 100.0 $3,276.34 100.0 $2,298.28 100.0 $929.11 99.6 $48.95 14.7 $183.39 95.5 $171.30 63.2 $5,038.02 100.0 $2,619.27 97.8 $416.44 13.2 $2,097.64 88.7 $105.19 27.0 _______ I I I | I I 1 1 J | I J | I | | I | | i 1 1 | | i 1 1 | | i 1 1 | J i J 1 | | I l | 1 | | 1 | | L 1 1 __ 1 $50,000 and over $17,285.16 100.0 | | $22,575.16 100.0 $3,034.99 100.0 J i $3,566.53 100.0 $2,103.64 100.0 j | $2,238.66 100.0 \ $1,286.93 99.6 $905.35 100.0 | 1/ 1 1 Incomplete income 1 1 reporting ___L_ $26.00 9.0 | ( $40.93 $170.67 88.7 | | $258.40 93.2 $161.63 59.5 | | $139.64 58.8 $5,354.17 100.0 | | $7,029.30 100.0 $2,708.44 100.0 1 | $3,649.71 100.0 $447.26 15.7 J | $886.34 19. 5 $2,169.94 92.0 | | $2,487.14 87.0 $91.24 20.1 | | $276.23 29.0 8.3 I J I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 __ $9,449.09 100.0 $2,005.72 99.2 $1,479.60 97.9 $504.71 86. 8 $21.41 8.5 $81.57 61.7 $140.56 54. 7 $2,852.03 99.4 $1,478.72 96.3 $568.84 33.4 $862.51 67.2 $47.38 10.5 7 T a b le 1, S e le c te d f a m ily c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , an d s o u rc e s ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s in g le c o n s u m e rs . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er All imilies Item Fuel and utilities, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gas, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gas, delivered in mains (piped) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gas, bottled or tank Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Electricity Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gas and electricity combined bills Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Fuel oil and kerosene Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other fuels, coal, wood Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Water, trash, sewerage Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Housing expenses, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Telephone, excluding coin phones Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other expenses, including domestic services Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See fo o tn o te s at end of ta b le | | I 1 1 1 1 | | I | i I | j I Total | 1 1 i i I $404.41 | 90.3 | I $92.20 | 54.7 | 1 $76.68 | 45.1 j | | I $156.80 | 76. 1 | I $40.47 | 13.4 | 1 $51.19 | 20. 1 | $15.52 | 10.6 | $409.01 90.3 $92.86 54.6 $77.64 45.2 $15.22 10.4 $4.97 | 9. 1 | $62.73 62.3 $301.16 93.6 $173.10 89.5 $128.06 68.8 | | I I | | 1 | | 1 1 | | $155.25 | 76.1 | I $39.92 | 13.3 1 1 $50.03 | 19.9 | $4.90 | 9. 1 | l $62.11 | 62.2 | I I $294.11 | 93.6 | $170.90 89.4 $123.21 68.9 | | I I | | o f in c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M IL Y IS C O M E BEFORE TAXES J / E x p e n d itu r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) -C o n tin u e d Family income before taxes Complete reportinq of income Under | $3,000 | $5,000 1 | $4,000 to | to | to 1 I 1 $4,999 $3,000 1 $3,999 1 $5,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $284.00| $217.88| $315.23| $259.76| 76.4| 82.2| 86.71 87.3| 1 1 J I $59.40| $64.81j $79.941 $69.08| 52.4| 45.3| 55.3| 48.9 | 1 I 1 1 $45. 5 7 | $48.83] $52.21| $60.37] 34.1| 37.8 | 42.91 39.2| 1 1 1 1 1 1 $19.56] $13.83| $16.86| $15.98| 13.7| 12.81 11.4| 11.6| 1 1 $102.35| $77.69| $113,571 $92.82| 68.6| 63.0 J 69.8| 71.71 1 1 1 1 $18.98| $26.48| $36.40| $30.82| 13.0| 13.2| 13.7 ] 9.6 | 1 I $38,661 $ 37. 3 3 | $33.261 $26.81| 15.91 17.6 1 16.11 17.61 1 1 $7.05| 9.0 | $7.09| 7.31 1 $35,301 46.0| 1 ( $172.65| 87.9J $27.95| 39.8| 1 1 $140.02| 79.7| 1 $86.21| 70.6 | I I $53.82| 46.4 | $112.68] 80.01 1 1 $59,971 56.9| I $6,391 6.4J $36.70| 48. 1 J 1 1 $195,371 90.3J 1 $124,881 81.71 1 1 $70.49| 56.9J I $4.17] 6.81 1 $43.82| 51.3| 1 1 $192.68| 89.51 1 $128,031 81.8» 1 1 $64,651 59.71 $6,000 to $6,999 $329.46 85.5 $81.83 51.6 $62.75 41.2 $19.08 11.2 $122.29 72.2 $31.43 11.7 $42.20 17.9 $5.86 5.9 $45.85 51.8 $226.74 90. 9 $148.81 84.5 $77.93 60.5 8 T a b le 1. S e le c te d f a m ily c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u rc e s ( A l l u rb a n an d r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s in g le c o n s u m e rs , U n it e d S t a t e s , C onsum er 1_______ ____ Item | $7,000 | 1 to | 1 $7,999 1 1 1 1 1 Fuel and utilities, total 1 1 $342.53 | Average annual e x p e n diture ....... 1 ............... ,| Percent reporting 88.7 | Gas, total 1 1 $80.56 | Average annual e x penditure ....... .| Percent reporting ............... | 52.9 | Gas, delivered in mains (piped) 1 1 Average annual e x penditure ....... | $64.36 | 41.7 | Percent reporting ............... .| Gas, bottled or tank I I Average annual expen d i t u r e ....... .| $16.20 | Percent reporting ............... -I 11.9| Electricity i i $139.05 | Average annual expenditure....... .| 76.7 | Percent reporting ............... .| Gas and electricity combined bills i i Average annual e x penditure....... . | $27.64 | 11.9 | Percent reporting ............... .| Fuel oil and kerosene I I $44.17 | Average annual expenditure ....... .. | Percent reporting ............... -I 19.3 | Other fuels, coal, wood I I $4.94 | Average annual expenditure ....... .| Percent reporting ............... •l 5.5 | Water, trash, sewerage I I $46.16 1 Average annual expenditure....... . | 52.1 | Percent reporting ............... . | i i I 1 Housing expenses, total 1 1 $251.01 | Average annual e x p e nditure....... .| 91.9 J Percent reporting ............... .| Telephone, excluding coin phones i i $156.85 | Average annual e x penditure....... .| 87.2 | Percent reporting ............... .| Other expenses, including domestic I I services I I $94.16 | Average annual e x penditure....... . | 61.2 | ............... Percent reporting I _J__ S ee fo o tn o te s at end of ta b le $8,000 to $9,999 $356.69 90.3 $84.03 54. 1 $68.38 43.6 $15.66 11.5 $143.89 77.2 $31.62 12.0 $43.37 19. 1 $2.92 6.4 $50.85 57. 1 $256.47 94.7 $166.78 91.3 $89.70 66.0 o f in c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M IL Y IN C O M E BEFORE TA X E S E x p e n d itu r e In t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) -C o n tin u e d F amily income before taxes Complete reporting of income $10,000 I | $12,000 I to | | to 1 I $11,999 I $14,999 I I 1 I i J 1 I 1 1 | $412.67 | $457.55 1 | 93.3 | 95.6 1 I 1 1 $99.51 | $102.36 | 1 | 57.8 | 58.8 1 I 1 I | $79.90 | $85.84 1 | 47.5 | 49.5 i I I 1 $19.60 | | $16.52 1 | 11.4 | 10.6 1 1 I I $159.87 | | $182.66 J 79.5 | | 83.0 1 I I 1 $40.22 | | $41.21 J | 13.8 | 13.0 1 1 I 1 | $49.70 | $57.73 1 | 20.2 | 22.4 1 I 1 1 | $3.44 | $4. 12 1 J 8.3 7.0 | 1 I 1 1 | $59.93 J $69.27 1 | 62.7 | 71.4 1 I i 1 1 I J 1 1 $314.94 | $267.92 | 1 | 97.5 | 98.7 i 1 1 1 | $178.38 | $168.93 1 | 97. 1 J 94.3 | I 1 1 1 I 1 | $89.54 | $126.01 1 71.1 | 76.3 | 1 1 _JL 1__ $15,000 to $19,999 | | 1 1 \/ $20,000 to $24,999 \ $521.49 97.0 $108.12 58.6 $95.56 51.0 $12.56 9.2 $204.72 81.7 $54.45 15.5 $63.36 22.7 1 ) | I | | J | J 1 | | 1 | | I | | I | i I | l I $86.81 J 79.2 | i 1 1 $363.44 | 99.3 | I $213.42 | 98. 1 | I J $150.02 | 82. 1 j __ L_ $4.03 11.4 $568.12 97.9 $120.64 59.6 $109.77 53. 5 $10.87 7. 6 $212.52 81.3 $64.48 16.9 $67.40 22.9 $4. 13 13.3 $98.95 83.0 $413. 16 99.6 $229.19 98.8 $183.98 85.8 9 T a b le 1. S e le c te d f a m ily c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u rc e s ( A l l u rb a n an d r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s in g le c o n s u m e rs . U n ite d S t a t e s , C onsum er Item I I I ____ I__ Fuel and utilities, total I Average annual expenditure....... . | Percent reporting ............... .J Gas, total I Average annual expenditure....... .| Percent reporting ............... . | Gas, delivered in mains (piped) I Average annual expenditure...... .j Percent reporting ............... .| Gas, bottled or tank I Average annual expenditure....... Percent reporting ............... -I Electricity I Average annual expenditure....... . | Percent reporting ............... . | Gas and electricity combined bills I Average annual expenditure....... -| Percent reporting ............... .J Fuel oil and kerosene i Average annual expenditure....... .| Percent reporting ............... .| Other fuels, coal, wood 1 Average annual expenditure ....... .| Percent reporting ............... -1 Water, trash, sewerage i Average annual expenditure ....... .. | Percent reporting ............... .! i I Housing expenses, total 1 Average annual expenditure ....... .1 Percent reporting ............... .| Telephone, excluding coin phones i Average annual expenditure....... . | Percent reporting ............... .| Other expenses, including domestic I services I Average annual expenditure ....... .| Percent reporting ............... .| I See fo o tn o te s at end of ta b le $25,000 to $29,999 I I 1__ I $643.30 | 97.8 | I $138.14 | 62.1 | I $122.07 J 56.5 | I $16.07 | 7.3 | I $242.53 | 83.4 | I $61.43 | 16.6 | i $81.20 | 25.2 j I $5.27 | 14.9 | i $114.72 | 85.2 J i 1 1 $511.02 | 99.4 j i $259.92 | 97.4 J I I $251.10 | 89.9 | i_ o f in c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M IL Y IH C O H E BEFOBE TA X E S J / E x p e n d itu r e In t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $30,000 $35,000 $40,000 I to to to I $34,999 $39,999 $49,999 $680.27 97.8 $139.36 60.2 $121.37 53.4 $17.99 8.2 $260.39 83.7 $76.00 15.7 $87.78 22.9 $4.91 19.0 $111.83 85.3 $644.65 100.0 $273.30 98.6 $371.35 91.5 I | | 1 | | I | | I | | 1 | | 1 | | I | | I | | I | | i 1 1 | | I | | 1 1 | | 1 - $676.55 96.1 $122.95 53.3 $120.93 50.9 $2.01 4.5 $249.70 79.5 $80.39 18.0 $101.39 25.4 $11.47 23.8 $110.67 84.9 $733.33 99.7 $314.87 99.7 $418.46 94.2 ___ 1 | 1 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | I | | I | | I J | I | | I | | i 1 1 | | 1 | | 1 1 | | 1— $755.87 95. 1 $155.08 56.4 $132.94 49.9 $22.13 6.5 $260.26 76.6 $92.44 18.3 $97.06 21.9 $6.75 18.0 $144.28 76.8 $945.87 98.9 $290.49 98.9 $655.39 95.2 I J ±_ 1 | | I | J I | | I | 1 i | | i | | 1 | | I | | I | | i 1 1 J | 1 1 | 1 1 i | _1 $50,000 and over I I I __ L_ 1 | | 1 $164.12 | 53. 0 | I $148.91 | 49.8 | I $15.21 | 5. 5 | I $329.60 | 81.4 | 1 $50.23 | 13.3 J i $82.21 J 18.7 | I $7.14 | 18.9 J J $157.47 | 81.9 | i 1 1 $1,305.76 j 100.0 | I $393.97 J 99.3 | i I $911.78 | 94.3 j ____ L_ $790.78 96.8 Incomplete income reporting $491.32 90.2 $104.69 53.0 $94.79 46.4 $9.90 7.0 $184.39 76. 1 $50.33 14. 0 $71.86 23.3 $6.22 8. 9 $73.83 65.2 $427.09 94.2 $212.3 991.9 $214.70 68. 1 10 Table 1. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES (All urban and rural families and single consumers. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Item Housefurnishings, equipment, total Average annual e x penditure....... Percent reporting ............... Household textiles Average annual expend i t u r e ....... Percent reporting ............... Furniture Average annual expenditure ....... ............... Percent reporting Floor coverings Average annual e x p e nditure....... Percent reporting ............... Major appliances Average annual e xpenditure ....... Percent reporting ............... Small appliances Average annual e x p e nditure....... Percent reporting ............... Housewares Average annual expenditure....... Percent reporting ............... Miscellaneous Average annual expenditure....... Percent reporting ............... Clothing, total Average annual expenditure....... ............... Percent reporting Clothing, male, 2 and over Average annual expenditure ....... Percent reporting ............... Clothing, female, 2 and over Average annual expenditure....... Percent reporting ............... Clothing, children under 2 years Average annual expenditure ....... Percent reporting ............... Dry cleaning, laundry Average annual expenditure....... Percent reporting ............... Materials and services Average annual e x p e nditure ....... Percent reporting ............... See footnotes at end of table. I I | I 1 -| .| 1 -| .| 1 .| .| I .| .| I .| .| I .| .i I .1 .1 1 .1 .| 1 1 .| .1 1 .| .| I .I .| I .| .| i .| .1 1 .| .| 1 All families $385.54 88.5 $50.82 74.3 $131.73 41.6 $42.21 20.8 $89.48 31.6 $9.77 31.6 $9.29 25.6 $52.23 49.8 $647.37 99.3 $216.09 79.5 $308.08 88.8 $14.47 13.6 $81.98 80.9 $26.74 62.4 I I I I 1_ 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 -1_ Total $381.66 88.7 $49.89 74.5 $129.98 41.9 $41.23 20.8 $89.63 31.6 $9.86 31.8 $9.28 25.7 $51.79 50.0 $634.84 99.3 $212.67 79.4 $301.53 88.7 $13.69 13.7 $80.42 80.8 $26.53 62.5 I | I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 Under $3,000 Family incomes before taxes Complete reporting of income | $4,000 | $3,000 I $5,000 | to to | to I 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 1 $98.50| $147.31| 68. 1 | 78.0l 1 l $14.86| $20.78 | 49.7| 59.9 | 1 I $31.71| $43,211 18.4| 24.0| 1 1 $8.27| $14.55| 7.91 12.7 1 1 1 $26.30| $43,431 14.6| 19.7| 1 1 $4.85| $3.37| 14.5| 19. 1 l 1 I $3.66l $1.85| 11.6| 14.7J 1 1 $12.13| $16.84| 28.1 | 21.0| 1 I 1 1 $278,741 $187,391 96.6| 99.01 1 1 $44,021 $67,291 38.5| 58.6 1 1 1 $85.37| $131,541 73.81 80.01 1 1 $4.71| $9,301 5.81 10.01 1 1 $46,841 $60,911 67.9| 74.5| 1 1 $6,451 $9.71| 35.3| 45. 9 | i_ . 1 1 $161,011 81.71 1 $23,391 61.21 1 $55.63| 25.61 1 $13,791 13. 1 | 1 $38.89| 19.81 1 $5.94| 23.41 1 $3,401 16.31 1 $19.96l 33.5 | 1 1 $307,441 99.3| 1 $78,541 65.31 1 $149,301 82.21 1 $8,901 9.61 1 $58,711 74.7| 1 $12,001 49.8| 1 1 $213,401 84.51 1 $28.22| 66.71 1 $63,001 29.31 1 $18,501 15.21 1 $65,611 25.81 1 $6.84| 26.71 1 $5.31l 18.71 1 $25,921 38.6| 1 1 $370,451 99.1| 1 $107,001 72.8| 1 $173,551 84.4| 1 $7,961 10.7| 1 $68,681 77.81 1 $13,261 52.61 ___ 1__ \/ $6,000 to $6,999 $236.85 86.8 $33.71 70.6 $77.04 31.9 $26.98 17.3 $59.62 24.5 $7.53 28.2 $5.31 20.9 $26.66 40.8 $416.44 99.5 $109.39 72.4 $197.90 87.9 $9.92 13.7 $80.64 78.3 $18.60 53.5 11 T a b le 1 . S e le c te d f a m ily c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u rc e s ( A l l u rb a n an d r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s in g le c o n s u m e rs . U n ite d S t a t e s , Consum er Item | 1 1 1 1 Housefurnishings, eguipment, total ( Average annual expenditure........ | ................ | Percent reporting Household textiles l Average annual expenditure ........ | ................ | Percent reporting Furniture l Average annual expenditure........ | Percent reporting ............... l Floor coverings I Average annual expenditure........ I Percent reporting ................ | Major appliances 1 Average annual expenditure ........ 1 Percent reporting ............... .1 Small appliances 1 Average annual expenditure ....... .,| Percent reporting ................ •1 Housewares i Average annual expenditure........ .I ............... .• | Percent reporting Miscellaneous I Average annual expenditure....... .,| Percent reporting ............... ..| ■ 1 Clothing, total 1 Average annual expenditure........ .| Percent reporting ............... ..J Clothing, male, 2 and over 1 Average annual expenditure....... .,| ............... ..| Percent reporting Clothing, female, 2 and over I Average annual expenditure........ .I Percent reporting ................ .{ Clothing, children under 2 years i Average annual e x penditure ....... .,| ................ .| Percent reporting Dry cleaning, laundry i Average annual expenditure ........ ,| Percent reporting ............... .■I Materials and services I Average annual e x penditure........ .| ............... . Percent reporting I See fo o tn o te s at end of ta b le . $7,000 to $7,999 $280.11 89.2 $35.76 74.5 $96.87 39.1 $18.36 17.5 $83.38 32.3 $10.18 29.3 $6.67 21*. 0 $28.90 45.1 $470.59 99.7 $139.92 78.1 $222.68 88.1 $11.72 15.1 $75.45 79.1 $20.82 60.4 | J 1 1 I 1 | | I i | I | i I | 1 1 | | 1 | | i | | 1 | | i 1 1 j | 1 | | I j | l | l I | | I | | 1__ $8,000 to $9,999 $306.85 90.9 $37.14 73.9 $105.30 41.6 $27.05 19.0 $83.92 30.6 $8.24 31.0 $7.23 23.9 $37.96 47.7 | J 1 1 1 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | I | | 1 | | i | | I | | I | | i 1 1 $535.65 | 99.7 | 1 $164.28 | 83.3 | I $247.96 | 88.0 | I $15.70 | 18.9 | J $83.67 | 78.4 | I $24.03 | 63.4 | 1— o f in c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M IL Y IN C O M E BEFORE TA XES J . / E x p e n d itu r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) -C o n tin u e d Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $12,000 | $10,000 | to | to | $11,999 I $14,999 I I I I 1 1 I $437.56 | $371.21 | 94.4 | 95.3 | I 1 $45.96 | $53.31 J 80.7 | 83.1 | I 1 $117.24 | $148.09 | 46.7 | 52.6 1 1 J $33.72 | $42.92 | 22.7 | 25. 1 J 1 I $113.65 1 $104.06 | 37.0 | 38.7 | J 1 $9.79 | $12.65 | 39.4 j 35.1 | I I $9.63 | $7.97 | 25.9 | 30.3 | i 1 $52.47 | $57.31 | 57.0 | 61.2 | i i 1 1 1 | | I $215.37 | 89.6 | 1 $280.26 | 92.2 | I $16.04 J 18.2 | 1 $81.00 | 83.4 | I $26.98 | 66.9 | $619.65 99.8 J__ $687.57 100.0 1 | | $15,000 to $19,999 $567.66 97.0 $73.25 87.3 $193.49 56.0 $68.96 28.7 $128.03 41.1 $14.25 41.4 $13.98 34.7 $75.69 66. 1 $92.75 86.7 I | | ( | i I | | I | | I | | $38.99 75.7 | J $886.95 99. 9 i $240.60 94.1 $321.12 94.2 $19.45 20.0 $75.41 84.3 $30.99 72.9 | | I | | I | | I | | J | | _L | J I I I I | | 1 | | i | | J | j I | | I i j I | J 1 | | i 1 $318.29 96.5 $420.04 95.4 $16.87 15.0 $20,000 to $24,999 $677. 1 1 97.3 $89.02 88.4 $246.68 58.9 $84.09 31.5 $134.51 42. 7 $14.65 42.8 $15.14 35.7 $93.02 70. 5 $1,093.08 100. 0 $409.98 97.5 $518.38 97. 1 $16.90 11.9 $99.62 89.9 J __ L_ $48.19 79.5 12 T a b le 1 . S e le c te d f a m ily c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u rc e s ( A l l u rb a n an d r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s in g le c o n s u m e rs , U n it e d S t a t e s , C onsum er I I Item | I __I_ $25,000 to $29*999 I I o f in c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M IL Y IN C O M E BEFORE TA XES E x p e n d itu r e In t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) -C o n tin u e d Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $30,000 | $35,000 $40,000 I to | to to I $34*999 I $39*999 __L $49*999 I I I _± $50,000 and over « Housefurnishings, equipment, total Average annual expenditure ............. .. ................................. Percent reporting Household textiles Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting ................................. Furniture Average annual expenditure ................ Percent reporting ................................. Floor coverings Average annual expenditure....... Percent reporting ................................. Major appliances Average annual expenditure....... Percent reporting ............... Small appliances Average annual expen d i t u r e ....... Percent reporting ............... Housewares Average annual expenditure....... Percent reporting ............... Miscellaneous Average annual e x p e nditure ....... Percent reporting ............... Clothing, total Average annual expenditure ....... Percent reporting ............... Clothing, male, 2 and over Average annual expenditure ....... Percent reporting ............... Clothing, female, 2 and over Average annual expenditure ....... Percent reporting ............... Clothing, children under 2 years Average annual e x p e n diture....... Percent reporting ............... Dry cleaning, laundry Average annual e x penditure ....... Percent reporting ............... Materials and services Average annual expenditure ....... Percent reporting ............... See fo o tn o te s at end of ta b le I .| . | I .| .| I . | .1 1 .1 .| l .| •I I .| •| I .| -| I .| .| i 1 i •| .| I .| .| 1 .| .j i .| ,| 1 ..J ..| i .| -I 1 $819.73 97.5 $101.33 88.4 $302.52 59.2 $91.17 30.0 $151.50 43.9 $14.41 40.0 $25.89 44.0 $132.91 73.7 i J | I | | I | | ! | | I | | I | | I | | ( | | i 1 i $1,350.67 | 100.0 | 1 $472.08 | 97.6 | i $679.05 | 97.0 | i $23.64 | 10.9 | 1 $125.41 | 92.8 | i $50.48 | 78.3 I J__ $821.97 98.6 $109.72 92. 1 $306.26 62.7 $111.85 39.5 $128.69 34.5 $*13.40 ' 42.0 $28.80 43.7 $123.26 73.3 1 | | I | | 1 | | 1 | | I | J I | | I | | I | | i 1 1 $1,517.22 | 100.0 | 1 $546.02 ( 97.8 | 1 $750.73 | 97.3 | 1 $15.54 l 13. 1 | 1 $143.40 | 95.0 | 1 $61.54 | 85.9 | $1,008.86 97.9 $140.98 91.8 $347.78 60.3 $157.84 34.0 $164.40 49.6 $14.21 39.6 $27.48 45.2 $156.16 79.0 $1,557.84 100.0 $577.54 95.4 $780.73 98.3 $10.48 7.7 $140.22 90.2 $48.88 86.0 I | | 1 | | I | J I | | I | | I | | I | | I | | 1 1 | | I J | 1 | | 1 | | I | | I | | 1__ i $943.99 97.0 $129.56 86.1 $305.01 64.8 $114.52 26.6 $181.80 43.9 $18.09 40.7 $31.14 41.1 $163.88 70.3 $1,880.22 100.0 $630.49 94.9 $992.14 97.5 $15.26 11.8 $188.05 90.6 $54.28 86.1 1/ I I I I I I J I I I I I I J J I J I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 J 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1_ $1 ,283.06 98.8 | | | Incomplete income reporting J _______ 1 1 | | $454.89 84.4 i $231.04 86.5 | i I $67.56 70.0 $418.97 59.4 i $162.95 36. 8 $163.01 30.8 | I j | $59.71 19. 5 i $153.82 40.3 $28.60 45.3 $37.30 41.7 $250.32 69. 0 $2 ,255.18 100.0 $762.98 97.3 $1 ,171.37 95. 1 $30.25 13. 7 $218.86 96.1 $71.72 78.6 | | J | | I i | I | | i I | | 1 J j 1 | | 1 | i I | i l j | I $86.84 30.7 $8. 17 29.2 $9.58 23. 8 $60.08 45. 5 $871.27 98.9 $277.15 80.8 $425.28 90.4 $28.36 11.1 $109.91 82.0 $30.56 62. 1 13 T a b le 1. S e le c te d f a m ily c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u rc e s ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s in g le c o n s u m e rs . U n ite d S t a t e s , C onsum er Item Transportation, total, excluding trips Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting Vehicle purchases (net outlay) Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Vehicle finance charges Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Vehicle operations, total Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Gasoline Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Other Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Other transportation Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Health care, total Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Health insurance, excl. employer stare Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Expenses not covered by insurance Average annual expenditure...... . Percent reporting .............. Personal care (selected expenses) Average annual expenditure ...... Percent reporting .............. Recreation, total Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Owned vacation home Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting ............... See fo o tn o te s at end of ta b le . All families | | 1 ______ I 1 1 1 $1,578.50 | 92.5 | l $704.55 | 30.4 | I $79.65 | 29.4 J $739.34 84.5 j | $736.30 84.3 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 | | I | | 1 | | 1 | | $347.24 83.0 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 1 1 | I 1 l | $345.37 82.9 | | $392.10 82.8 $54.97 24.3 $473.86 96.2 $196.39 91.1 Total ... _______ $1,568.36 92.4 $698.72 30.5 $80.30 29.6 $390.93 J 82.7 | 1 $53.04 | 24.1 | I I $472.48 | 96.4 | $197.10 J 92.2 | I $277.47 86.2 | | l I $100.22 | 84.2 | 1 1 $636.33 1 92.5 | 1 1 $9.96 J 2.7 I 1 $275.39 86.2 $98.45 84.0 $627.45 92.6 $9.59 2.6 | | 1 1 J | 1 1 | | 1 1 | | i o f in c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M IL Y IN C O M E BEFOBE TAXES E x p e n d itu r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) -C o n tin u e d F amily income before taxes Complete reporting of income Under | $3,000 1 $5,000 1 | $4,000 to 1 to 1 to | 1 $3,000 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $574.14J $ 849.81| $762.06| $432.89| 84.1| 66.6| 86.11 91.91 1 1 1 1 $182,091 $208.36| $292,411 $321,031 22.01 19.8| 11.6| 16.8| 1 1 1 1 $21.08| $32.23| $25.34| $50,401 15.91 14.5| 11.0| 6.8| f 1 1 $376,711 $192.22| $299.07| $454,321 77.61 45.8| 63.8| 70.31 1 1 1 $222,431 $143,071 $177,751 $102,961 61.4 1 75.7J 44.2| 68.3| | I 1 1 $89.27| $198.96| $231,901 $156.00| 61.1J 40.5| 68.21 75.21 1 $42,541 $41,361 $37.50| $42,221 25.3| 29. 1 J 24.61 26.31 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $200.97| $276,531 $327.401 $355,531 89.51 84.5| 94.81 95.9| 1 1 I 1 1 I I $82.61| $136,591 $ 1 13.44| $148,201 82.51 72.8 | 88.8J 89.9| i 1 1 $118.35| $163.09| $190.82| $207.33| 63.2J 73.91 77.8| 81.3| 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 $35.90| $54.541 $50,871 $66,081 58.8| 73.9| 76.6| 80.9| 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 $134.25| $304.64| $237.56| $212,971 69.9| 88.01 82.9J 89.8J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $.871 $1.42| $2,201 $3,581 .6| 1.41 • 5| 1. 3 | 1 1 1 1 1/ $6,000 to $6,999 $1, 125.24 93.6 $471.73 25.3 $59.85 21.4 $524.41 82.3 $250.06 80.8 $274.34 80.2 $69.26 24.7 $405.82 98.2 $171. 12 94.9 $234.70 84.8 $75.76 82.8 $311.23 93.8 $2.98 1.4 T a b le 1. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s / a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s / and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n su m e rs / U n it e d S t a t e s / Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d I _____ | $7,000 | Item I to | 1 $7,999 1 1 1 1 1 Transportation, total, excluding trips 1 i $1,201.74 | Average annual e x p e nditure....... .| 96.2 | .............. Percent reporting Vehicle purchases (net outlay) 1 1 $515.81 | Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e ....... .| 28.5 | Percent reporting ............... . J Vehicle finance charges I I .$44.44 J Average annual e x p e nditure ....... .| 26.7 | Percent reporting ............... .1 Vehicle operations, total I 1 $596.73 | Average annual e x p e nditure....... .| 87.1 | Percent reporting ............... . | Gasoline i i $282.31 | Average annual expenditure..*.,.. | 86.1 | Percent reporting ............... . | Other i I $314.42 | Average annual exp e n d i t u r e ....... .| 86.5 J Percent reporting ............... . J Other transportation i i $44.76 | Average annual expenditure ....... .| 21.0 | Percent reporting ............... .| i i 1 1 Health care, total 1 1 $398.25 | Average annual e xpenditure....... .| 98.3 | ............... .| Percent reporting Health insurance, excl. employer share 1 1 $172.62 | Average annual expenditure....... .1 Percent reporting ............... •I 93.7 J Expenses not covered by insurance I I Average annual expenditure ....... .| $225.63 | 85.9 | Percent reporting ............... . | i i 1 1 Personal care (selected expenses) i J $76.10 | Average annual expend i t u r e ....... . | 82.6 J Percent reporting ............... i i 1 1 Recreation, total i i $388.15 | Average annual expenditure....... . I 94.9 | Percent reporting ............... .| i i i 1 Owned vacation home 1 1 $.55 | Average annual expenditure....... .1 ............... . | Percent reporting .9| 1 1__ See f o o t n o t e s at end o f ta b le $8,000 to $9,999 $1,403.25 97.9 $585.70 31.5 $80.54 33.2 $691.11 92.2 $333.18 91.0 | | 1 1 1 1 | | I | i i | | 1 | | 1 | i I $357.93 | 91.0 l 1 $45.90 | 21.3 | 1 i $456.68 | 99.2 | 1 $190.67 | 95.9 J I $266.01 i 89.3 | i 1 1 $81.23 | 84.5 | i 1 1 $460.20 | 97.7 | i I i $2.34 | 1.2 | 1 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $12,000 $10,000 | I to | to I $11,999 I $14,999 | I I I I I I $1,715.10 | $1,927.99 I 98.8 | 99.5 I 1 I $779.32 | $859.49 I 37.0 J 37.8 I 1 I $88.01 J $114.12 J 42.4 37.9 | i I I $800.24 | $913.72 I 94.7 | 97.0 I I J $441.14 $385.17 | I 93.3 | 95.9 I I I $415.06 | $472.59 I 94.0 | 96.5 1 1 1 $47.54 | $40.66 J 19.1 | 20.2 1 i i 1 1 1 1 $487.78 | $529.96 1 99.5 J 99.8 1 1 1 $211.40 | $237.02 1 97. 1 i 98.3 1 I 1 $276.37 | $292.94 1 91.1 | 94.3 l i i 1 1 1 J $95.58 | $107.20 1 88.4 | 92.0 J i i1 1 1 1 $553.64 | $686.21 1 98.0 | 98.9 1 i i 1 1 1 1 $5.54 | $8.41 1 2,1 | 2.9 1 | J__ $15,000 to $19,999 $2,257.29 99. 7 $1,023.49 39.9 $116.97 43.8 $1,067.34 98. 9 $495.43 97.7 $571.91 98.4 $49.49 22.9 $600.18 99.9 $253.38 98.5 $346.80 95.3 $133.93 93.7 $900.30 99.5 $12.16 4.5 1 1 | i l l l l l l l l i l l i l l l l i \/ $20,000 to $24,999 $2,653.83 99.4 $1,227.88 41.4 $150.56 42.7 $ 1,202.70 98. 6 $553.85 97.9 i i l l l i i l l l $648.85 98.0 l l l i l i i l 1 ii l 1 l i i i l l 1 $282.92 98.3 i $72.69 26.6 $696.57 99. 9 $413.65 97.0 $159.82 95.9 $1,254.23 99.7 $27.92 5.7 15 T a b le 1. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES J / ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e rs , U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d Item l I I I _____________ l__ Transportation, total, excluding trips Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Vehicle purchases (net outlay) Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Vehicle finance charges Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Vehicle operations, total Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Gasoline Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Other Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Other transportation Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. 1 ..| -.1 i .. 1 1 .. 1 • •1 1 .. I • •I I •- I •• I I ..I I •• I ..1 1 1 Health care, total 1 Average annual expenditure...... .. 1 .............. .. 1 Percent reporting Health insurance, excl. employer share 1 Average annual expenditure...... -.1 Percent reporting .............. Expenses not covered by insurance i Average annual expenditure...... 1 Percent reporting .............. i 1 Personal care (selected expenses) 1 Average annual expenditure ...... .............. ..1 Percent reporting i 1 Recreation, total i Average annual e x penditure...... .............. Percent reporting J i 1 Owned vacation home 1 Average annual expenditure ...... 1 .............. .. 1 Percent reporting 1 See f o o t n o t e s at end o f t a b l e . $25,000 to $29,999 $2 ,919.10 99.0 ,374.45 43.9 $129.08 40.3 $1 ,307.35 97.8 $572.84 96.7 $734.50 97.2 $108.22 31.9 $712.74 99.7 $294.72 97.2 $418.02 96.4 I I 1_ 1 | | I | | J | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 1 | | I | | i | J i I 1 | | i 1 1 ,603.15 | 99.8 | i 1 1 $33.22 | 6.9 | $203.01 98.2 Family income before taxes Complete reportinq of income $30,000 | $35,000 | $40,000 to | to j to $34,999 1 $39,999 1 $49,999 1 $3,296.15 1 99. 1 1 1 $1,650.16 I 50.9 1 1 $115.72 1 40.5 1 1 $1,432.17 1 98.0 1 1 $600.53 1 95.4 1 1 $831.63 1 98.0 1 1 $98.11 1 35.6 1 1 1 1 $868.04 1 99.6 1 1 $327.32 1 96.9 1 i $540.73 1 98.9 1 1 1 $220.54 1 97. 1 1 i 1 1 $1,683.26 1 99.8 1 i 1 1 $36.45 1 5.9 1 .1 . 1 $3,405.10 | 97.8 | 1 $1,689.61 | 42.7 | I $172.10 | 36.4 | 1 $1,397.75 | 96.0 J 1 $571.40 | 95.3 | 1 $826.35 | 95.1 | I $145.64 | 42.6 | | 1 1 $869.17 | 100.0 | I $313.27 | 96.9 | 1 $555.90 | 98.3 | i 1 $227.50 99.6 $2,043.71 100.0 $19.24 5.9 1 | | i 1 1 | J i I 1 | | 1. 1 1 1 1 ___ L $2 ,688.92 100.0 $1 ,241.94 37.3 $50.04 26.4 $1 ,299.02 99.2 $540.24 97.3 $758.78 99.2 $97.92 28.4 $883.33 100.0 $324.91 97. 1 $558.42 94.3 $226.89 96.9 $2 ,133.95 100.0 $52.88 10.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 -J__ $50,000 and over i 1 ___ L_ $3,507.11 100.0 $1,766.50 38. 2 $54.16 20.7 $1,409.70 97. 1 $527.83 95.6 $881.86 97. 1 $276.75 42.8 $1,290.41 98.6 $367.75 92.7 $922.65 94.0 $288.19 95.8 $2,733.52 100.0 $137.99 12.3 1 | | I i | i | | 1 | { I J | I | | J | | 1 1 | | I | | l | | 1 1 [ | 1 1 | J i J 1 | | Incomplete income reporting $1,759.86 94. 5 $808.82 28. 0 $67.89 25.4 $793.70 86.6 $380.63 83.9 $413.07 84.6 $89.44 27.7 $498.53 92.6 $183.82 72. 1 $314.71 84.7 $131.93 86.9 $795. 12 91.5 $16.59 3. 6 16 T a b le 1. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES J / ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e rs . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d I I I I 1_ Item Vacation, pleasure trips, total Average annual expenditure....... Percent reporting ............... Food Average annual exp e n d i t u r e ....... Percent reporting ............... Alcoholic beverages Average annual expenditure....... Percent reporting ............... Lodging Average annual expend i t u r e ....... ............... Percent reporting Transportation, total Average annual expenditure ...... . ............... Percent reporting Gasoline Average annual expen d i t u r e ....... Percent reporting ............... Other transportation Average annual expenditure ....... ............... Percent reporting All expense tours Average annual e x p e nditure ....... Percent reporting ............... Other vacation expenses Average annual expenditure....... ............... Percent reporting Boats, aircraft, wheel goods Average annual expenditure ....... Percent reporting ............... Other recreation, total Average annual expenditure....... Percent reporting ............... Televisions Average annual e x p e nditure....... Percent reporting ............... Other Average annual expenditure ....... Percent reporting ............... See f o o t n o t e s a t en d o f t a b le . 1 .| -| 1 .| .| 1 .| .| I «| ..| I .| .| i .| .| I .| .| i .| •I I .| .1 i 1 1 .1 .| i I i .| .| 1 .| .J l .| .< i A ll fam ilies $249.93 62.5 $57.32 53.9 $6.96 24.7 $41.15 35.7 $86.50 60.0 $32.03 53.1 $54.47 39.0 $35.08 7.7 $22.92 38.9 $83.59 15.3 $292.86 90.4 $46.54 15.8 $246.31 89.7 _ I I I I 1_. I | | 1 | | 1 | | i | | I | | i | | I | | i | | I | 1 i I 1 | | i 1 i | | 1 | | I | | 1 . Family Total I I I Under $3,000 $244.51 62.5 $56.66 54.0 $6.90 24.7 $39.87 35.7 $84.83 60.0 $32.01 53.3 $52.82 38.8 $33.71 7.5 $22.53 39.0 $82.69 15.4 $290.67 90.6 $46.68 15.9 $243.99 89.8 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | J I | | 1 | | 1 | | i 1 1 | | j 1 1 | | 1 | | I | | I I I i 1 $45.95| 26.9| 1 $9.04| 18.3| 1 $1.17| 5.31 1 $5.84 J 6 -8 | 1 $19.91| 24.21 1 $5.31| 17.01 1 $14,611 14.4| 1 $6.131 2. 1 | 1 $3,861 9.2 | ■ 1 1 $10,311 3.2| i 1 1 $76,571 65.61 1 $17,221 9.31 1 $59.351 63.1| 1 incom e b e fo r e t a x e s C om plete r e p o r t in q o f incom e $5,000 $3,000 | $4,000 i to to | to 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 _1_. $ 5 , 9 9 9 1 $91,091 41.01 1 $19.20| 31.21 1 $2,451 10.01 1 $9,001 13.91 1 $39,951 37. 1 l 1 $9.52| 27. 1 l I $30,431 23.3| 1 $12,651 3.61 1 $7.83| 18.7J i 1 1 $7,661 3.41 i 1 I $113,351 78.31 1 $23,001 10.6 1 1 $90,351 77.21 1 1 $99,881 46.31 1 $19.23| 35.81 1 $2,901 11.9| 1 $15.40) 17.9| 1 $44,361 43.7| 1 $15.11l 34.7| I $29,261 25.7| 1 $11.39| 3.8J 1 $6,591 20.6| i 1 1 $14,881 7.31 i 1 1 $120,601 83.9| 1 $28.37J 12.51 1 $92,231 82.71 1 1 1 __ L _ 1 $106.33J 48.31 1 $22.121 37.81 1 $3,421 11.6| 1 $12,291 19. 1 l I $37.97| 45.21 1 $14.90| 36.4* 1 $23,071 23.6| 1 $23,501 4.0 | 1 $7.04| 20.0| i 1 1 $16,721 7.11 1 1 $178,001 85.3| 1 $34,371 14.31 1 $143,631 84.71 __________ l _ $6,000 to $6,999 $109.31 51.3 $22.22 40.7 $2.43 12.4 $13.89 21.2 $49.34 48.6 $19.81 41.7 $29.53 27.5 $11.99 4.0 $9. 44 24.3 $28.31 7.8 $170.63 91.4 $43.63 14.4 $127.00 90. 1 17 T a b le 1. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES J / ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e rs . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d a t end o f t a b le . $168.10 64.4 $38.74 53.9 $4.83 22.0 $24.46 32.7 $64.79 61.7 $29.81 55.2 $34.97 35.5 $19.92 5.4 $15.37 35.5 $52.50 13.6 $237.26 95.6 $48.77 16.8 | J 1 1 1 1 | | I | | I | 1 1 | | 1 | | i | | 1 | | 1 | l I | j 1 I 1 | J i I I l | I l | CTi See f o o t n o t e s $8,000 to $9,999 00 00 J 1 _______ _____ Item | $7,000 | 1 to | 1 $7,999 1 1 1 I 1 V acation, p leasu re t r ip s , t o t a l 1 1 A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. . | $145.66 | Percent reporting ....................................... . 1 56.6 | Food i i A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. I $30.04 | Percent reporting ........................ .. | 45. 2 | A lcoholic beverages 1 1 A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ................... I $4.35 | Percent reporting ....................................... . | 17.0 | Lodging I I A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ................... . | $18.16 | 27.6 | Percent reporting ....................................... T ransportation, t o ta l i i A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. I $58.01 | 54.5 | Percent reporting .......................................... | G asoline J I A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. .., | $23.82 J Percent reporting ....................................... ... | 45.8 | Other t r a n s p o r t a t i o n l I A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ....................., | $34.19 | 30.2 J Percent reporting ....................................... ... | A ll expense tours 1 1 $23.89 | A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. .., | 6.4 1 Percent reporting ....................................... ... | Other v a c a t io n e x p e n se s 1 1 A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. .. , | $11.21 | Percent reporting .......................................... | 30.5 | 1 1 1 1 B oats, a i r c r a f t , wheel goods 1 1 A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ..................... . 1 $38.58 | 9.5 1 ....................................... ... 1 Percent reporting ■ i 1 1 Other r e c r e a tio n , t o t a l i 1 $203.36 | A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ..................... , | ......................................... . | Percent reporting 92.7 | T elevision s 1 1 $43.81 | A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ..................... , | Percent reporting ........................................... 1 15.2 | Other 1 1 A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ..................... , | $159.55 l 92.5 | ......................................... . | Percent reporting I J___ 94.9 | F am ily incom e b e f o r e t a x e s Com plete r e p o r t i n a o f incom e $10,000 $12,000 I I to to I I $ 1 4 , 9 9 9 $11,999 I I I I i I I I $202.02 I $248.20 I 74.8 68.2 I I I I $48.89 1 $59.13 1 60. 1 1 67.3 1 J 1 $6.46 1 $6.82 I 25.3 1 29.9 I i 1 $31.43 1 $40.83 1 37.9 1 44.9 1 1 1 $72.46 1 $87.84 J 65.9 1 72.7 1 1 1 $32.87 1 $40.43 1 60.3 1 67.2 1 1 1 $39.58 1 $47.40 1 38.7 1 46.6 1 1 1 $23.96 1 $30.27 1 6.9 1 7.3 i 1 1 $18.82 1 $23.32 1 50.0 43.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $68.32 1 $98.23 1 19.0 1 21.2 i i I 1 J 1 1 $331.36 $277.76 1 1 98.4 97.0 1 1 1 1 $48.66 1 $60.56 1 18.6 16.1 1 1 1 1 $229.10 1 $270.81 1 96.4 1 98.3 < J. 1 $15,000 to $19,999 $341.18 81.1 $86.56 73.9 $10.63 37.0 $56.99 53.6 $113.98 78.3 $48.61 73.3 $65.36 52.0 $39.74 9.9 $33.29 56.7 $142.49 23.6 $404.47 98.8 $60.93 19.2 $343.53 98.6 | | i I i I | | I j | I | l 1 | J 1 l | 1 | | I | | J | l I J j 1 1 | l i 1 1 | | I J | 1 1 | $20,000 to $24,999 $492.59 86. 1 $ 1 1 7 . 17 80. 5 $12.10 43.6 $90.69 63.7 $147.87 84.3 $60.01 79.3 $87.87 62.7 $78.87 15.5 $45.90 67.0 $199.21 26.6 $534.50 99.4 $63.02 19.4 $471.48 99.4 18 T a b le 1. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES J / ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e rs . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d V acation, p leasu re t r i p s , t o t a l A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. Percent reporting ....................................... Food A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. Percent reporting ....................................... A lcoholic beverages A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. Percent reporting ..................... ................. Lodging A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. Percent reporting ....................................... T ransportation, t o ta l A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ................... Percent reporting ....................................... G asoline A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. Percent reporting ....................................... Other t r a n s p o r t a t io n A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. Percent reporting .................................... .. A ll expense tours A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. Percent reporting .................................... ... Other v a c a tio n ex p en se s Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . . . . Percent reporting .................................... .. Boats, a i r c r a f t , wheel goods A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. Percent reporting .............................. .. Other recreation, to ta l A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ................... ....................................... Percent rep ortin g T elevision s A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ................... Percent reporting ....................................... Other A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. Percent reporting ....................................... See f o o t n o t e s a t en d o f t a b le . i . | . | 1 .| . I I .| .| 1 . | .| 1 . | .| i .| . | 1 .1 .| • Item .| i . | .| i 1 1 . | . | i I 1 .| .| 1 . | .| 1 .| .| 1 $25,000 to $29,999 I I __ I__ $712.59 87.1 $168.58 82.1 $18.19 52.4 $118.18 67.5 $228.85 86.3 $65.76 80.1 $163.09 70.2 1 | | 1 | J I | | i | | 1 | | i | | 1 | | o 00 I | I __________ I__ 18.3 $67.92 70.6 $235.23 28.1 $622.11 99.8 $75.46 22.3 $546.65 99.8 | i | { i 1 1 | | i 1 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 Family income b e f o r e t a x e s Com plete r e p o r t i n g o f incom e $30,000 | $35,000 $40,000 1 to | to to $34,999 1 $ 3 9 , 9 9 9 __JL $49,999 i $715.92 88.0 $157.52 81.6 $23.31 56.5 $127.96 69.6 $223.96 86.0 $64.04 78.3 $159.92 71.5 $116.84 20.0 $66.32 71.9 $232.37 26.3 $698.52 99.4 $60.40 18.6 $638.12 99.4 1 | | 1 | | i | | 1 | | i | | I | | I | | 1 J | I | J 1 1 | | i 1 1 | J 1 | | I J | i__ $955.49 91.5 $199.03 85.3 $25.85 60.6 $193.29 73.7 $282.17 90.7 $63.82 82.7 $218.35 78.3 $168.54 27.1 $86.61 76.8 $242.20 30.4 1 | | I | | I | | I J | 1 | | I | ) I i | I | | I | | i 1 1 | | i 1 $1,005.36 89. 1 $ 2 0 7 . 16 86.3 $25.95 63.4 $163.95 72.9 $285.10 89. 1 $63.52 81.6 $221.58 72.4 $208.94 26.6 $114.25 70.7 $291.51 35.3 i $826.78 100.0 | | I $54.78 | 19.8 | I $772.01 | 100.0 | ______ I__ $784.20 100.0 $70.95 20.3 $713.25 100.0 1 1 1 I I J J I I I J i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 _1_ $50,000 and over $1 , 2 3 9 . 1 2 86.2 $246.66 79.3 $33.80 63.2 $226.15 68.4 $485.48 85.3 $64.48 73. 0 $420.99 73. 6 $141.04 19. 1 $105.99 66.9 $237.76 32.4 $1 , 1 1 8 . 6 5 99.4 $106.96 25.3 $1 , 0 1 1 . 6 9 99.4 1 1 1 I | | I | | I J | I | | 1 | | 1 | ( 1 | | 1 | | l | i 1 1 j j 1 1 | | I | | I | | ______________1__ Incom plete income reporting $346.96 62.4 $69.15 51.8 $7.94 23.2 $64.19 35.8 $116.23 58.7 $32.31 49.9 $83.91 43.0 $59.66 11.3 $29.80 37.0 $99.61 14.2 $331.96 87.8 $44.07 13.9 $287.89 87. 1 19 T a b le 1. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e rs . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t in u e d I I | I 1 1 1 1 Item Reading _ $47.72 84.0 $102.53 24.2 $62.05 10.4 $40.48 1 6 .7 | $75.08 67.7 Personal See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f t a b le $740.83 86.7 $249.11 70.9 $7.72 10.7 $483.99 70.8 $425.70 86.6 1 1 | | i 1 1 | | 1 | i I | | I | | i 1 i | | 1 Total $47.59 83.9 $97.08 24.2 $58.19 10.3 $38.89 16.8 $75.79 68.0 $760.24 87.5 $246.54 71.2 $7.99 11.1 $505.70 73.3 $428.26 87.1 Family income b e f o r e t a x e s C om plete r e p o r t i n g o f incom e 1 _ $5,000 | $4,000 | | Under | $3,000 | to | to | to | 1 I $5,999 1 $4,999 1 $3,999 1 $3,000 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I | $21.92| $15.85| $23.93| $29,621 | 57.4| 69.8 i 72. 11 76.7| 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 $ 1 8 . 9 9 | | $10.96| $19.92 J $16.10| 4.1 | | 10.4| 8.2| 10.2| 1 1 1 1 | $5. 2 8 | $10.28| $12,311 3.7 | | 2-4 | 1.0 | 3. 1I 1 I 1 I 1 | $5.83| $6.68 | $5.68| $11.22| 7.41 | 3.3 | 6. 1 J 7 .7 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 $30.82| $23.77| | $ 3 6 . 60J $42.121 54.1| | 38.8| 50.1 J 57.0| i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $173.89| | $239,421 $120.63| $67.03| | 56.2| 78.4| 82.71 6 7 . 4J 1 1 1 1 1 | $80.05| $45.71| $61.11| $99.471 57. 1 | 53.8| 3 9 .6| 46.7| | 1 I i I I $3.99| $2,861 $3.42| $ 2 .61| | 6.7 | 8.7 | 7.3 | | 7.2| 1 1 1 1 I $56.91 | $ 8 9 . 85| $137,081 $17.91| | | 22.8| 59.5J 53.2| 38.2| ■ i i i | I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 $221,831 $180.91| $113.47| $171.67) | 63.6 | 75.6J | 77.8| 81.5| J__ 1_ ___ 1__ - J __ 00 i n s u r a n c e and p e n s i o n s , t o t a l 1 A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. . | Percent reporting ......................................., . | L i f e , en d o w m en t, a n n u i t i e s and in c o m e 1 A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. . | Percent reporting ......................................., . | Other p e r so n a l in su ra n ce I A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. . 1 Percent reporting ....................................... . | R e t i r e m e n t and p e n s i o n s I A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. , . | Percent rep ortin g ......................................., . | ■ 1 G i f t s and c o n t r i b u t i o n s i A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. , . | Percent reporting ........................................ . | 1 _ I | | I i ! i 1 | | 1 1 | | i | | i | JL o r» m aterials A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. . | .................. .. ................. • I Percent reporting 1 Education, t o t a l 1 . 1 A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. Percent reporting ....................................... . | P rivate i A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. • | Percent reporting ....................................... . | P ublic I A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. . | Percent reporting ......................................., . | 1 M iscellaneous 1 A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. . | Percent reporting ....................................... . 1 i 1 A ll fam ilies \/ $6,000 to $6,999 $30.00 80.2 $23.92 12.5 $9.77 4. 1 $ 1 4 . 15 9.0 $45.67 64.0 $311.51 87.4 $110.29 60.2 $ 4 . 00 8.5 $197.22 69.3 $291.62 83.3 20 T a b le 1. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES j y ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e rs , U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d 1 1 _______ Item 1 $7,000 | 1 to | 1 $7*999 1 1 1 1 1 Reading m a t e r ia l s 1 1 $36,66 I A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. . J Percent reporting ....................................... 1 83.2 | 1 1 E ducation, t o t a l I 1 $28.90 | A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. . | 18.7 | Percent reporting ....................................... , | P rivate i i A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. - I $10.59 | 4.7 | Percent reporting ............ .......................... . I Public I I $18.31 | A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. . | 15.0 | Percent reporting ....................................... . | | 1 1 1 M iscellaneous 1 1 $60.06 | A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. . | Percent reporting ....................................... . | 65.6 | 1 1 P e r s o n a l i n s u r a n c e and p e n s i o n s , t o t a l 1 1 $384.84 J A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. . J 9 1 .3 | Percent reporting ....................................... . | L i f e , en d o w m en t, a n n u i t i e s and i n c o m e 1 1 $125.12 | A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. . J 65.2 | Percent reporting ....................................... . | Other p e r so n a l in su r a n c e I 1 $3.67 | A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. . | 7.8 | Percent reporting ....................................... . j R e t i r e m e n t and p e n s i o n s 1 1 A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. . | $256.05 | 76.9 | Percent reporting ....................................... . | i i 1 1 G i f t s and c o n t r i b u t i o n s i i $233.95 | A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. . | 84.5 | ....................................... . 1 Percent reporting 1 _______ 1__ See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f t a b le . $8,000 to $9*999 | J 1 1 1 1 $40.83 | 87.2 | I 1 1 $39.42 | 18.8 | I $20.86 | 7. 1 | I $18.56 | 12.9 | i 1 1 $70.84 | 72.2 | 1i 1 $545.81 | 93.7 | J $174.81 | 72.7 | 1 $5.73 | 9.2 | 1 $365.28 | 82.6 | i 1 1 $314.05 | 90.8 | JL Fam ily income b e f o r e t a x e s C om plete r e p o r t i n g o f incom e $10,000 | $12,000 to | to $11*999 I $14*999 I I I $45.16 | $53.95 90.7 | 92.3 i 1 1 $60.21 | $74.87 23.9 I 31.1 I $32.79 | $41.61 12.5 8.9 l I $27.42 | $33.26 16.9 | 21.8 i 1 $75.60 74.5 $750.91 97.0 $233.54 79.7 $8.83 9.5 $508.54 90.5 $322.91 92.0 i | J 1i 1 | | I | | 1 | | 1 | | i 1 i | | $15,000 to $19*999 $65.08 95.4 $139.70 37.8 $80.73 17.6 $58.97 25. 1 $87.15 79.6 $98.67 81.0 $ 9 4 5 . 17 98.0 $1,242.19 98.7 $281.57 85.5 $357.88 89.0 $8.26 12. 1 $11.07 15. 1 $655.33 93.3 $873.24 94.7 $399.80 95.7 $521.38 96.9 | | 1 1 1 1 J | 1 1 | i 1 | i I J | 1 J J i i 1 1 | | I | | I | | I | j 1 I 1 | | 1_ $20,000 to $24*999 $80.62 97.0 $245.63 47.7 $138.90 21.6 $106.73 34.3 $119.88 82. 1 $1,582.02 98.4 $465.44 90. 0 $14.36 15.6 $1,102.22 94. 1 $721.77 98. 1 21 T a b le 1. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES J / ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e rs , U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d Item Beading m aterials A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. ....................................... Percent rep ortin g Education, t o t a l Average annual e x p e n d itu r e - . . . . . Percent reporting ....................................... P rivate A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. Percent reporting ....................................... Public A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. Percent reporting ....................................... M iscellaneous Average Percent a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ................... reporting ....................................... Personal i n s u r a n c e and p e n s i o n s , t o t a l A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. Percent reporting ....................................... L i f e , en d ow m en t, a n n u i t i e s and i n c o m e A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ................... Percent reporting ....................................... Other p erso n a l in su ra n ce A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. Percent reporting ....................................... R e t i r e m e n t and p e n s i o n s A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .................. Percent reporting ....................................... I I ___________ | $25,000 I to I $29,999 I I i . | $95.62 -J 97.5 I 1 .| $325.79 .1 50.2 1 .1 $209.10 . | 27.4 I . | $116.69 •J 33.9 i 1 I -| $148.00 .| 82.6 i 1 1 . | $1,865.59 -I 99.1 1 .| $603.37 92.5 .1 1 -| . | 1 .| .| i $15.17 18.2 $1,247.05 91.0 1 G ifts and contributions 1 A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ................... . | Percent reporting ....................................... • | 1 See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f t a b le $978.37 98.4 _ | | I I I I | | 1 1 | | 1 | | I | | i 1 1 | | i 1 1 | | I | | 1 | | 1 | | i I 1 | | _ ______ 1- Family incom e b e f o r e t a x e s C om plete r e p o r t i n g o f incom e $35,000 | $40,000 $30,000 | to | to to | $34,999 1 $39,999 1 $49,999 1 1 1 1 1 I $111.17 | $123.85 J $117.22 97.6 | 99.2 | 99.2 i I I 1 I $431.47 J $602.22 | $421.21 50.9 | 57.9 | 41.3 J 1 $370.29 | $340.41 $236.19 J 25.8 | 30.3 35.1 | I I $80.81 $195.28 | $231.93 | 33.3 | 35.4 j 19.0 1 I 1 1 $211.94 $189.88 | $213.50 J 91.0 | 82.0 87.2 | i i 1 1 $2,136.12 98.2 $761.88 92.2 $18.02 20.6 $1,356.22 88.0 | | I | | I | | 1 | | 1 $2,364.63 96.5 $773.46 92.4 $43.78 17.9 $1,547.39 88.5 $1,243.30 | 99. 1 | 1- 1 1 1 | | 1 I | 1 | | I | | 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 $2,263.14 92.8 $896-91 83.6 $1,341.84 74.5 i i1 $2,943.29 1 $24.39 18.8 1 1 1 $2,239.10 99.4 I 1 i i 1 1 1 1 i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 | | I 1 1 1 I 1 100.0 1 _1_ __ _ ________ $50,000 and over _ _ $159.10 99.4 $1,007.66 55.5 $858.47 31.9 $149.19 31.9 $340.12 84.5 $2,967.42 95.6 1 1 | | 1 1 1 1 | | J 1 i | 1 | | i | | 1 1 | | 1 I 1 | J Incom plete income reporting $50.05 85.2 $200.01 25.7 $131.05 12.9 $68.96 16.5 $62.44 63. 5 $393.83 72.7 1 $1,551.55 89.7 $35.28 29.3 $1,380.58 82.3 i l l | I I J | 1 1 \ $3,583.46 | 98.4 1 _______ L_ $294.93 66.6 $2.90 4. 6 $96.00 24. 7 $380.02 77.7 22 T a b le 1. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFOBE TAXES ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n su m e rs , U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t in u e d L | Total | I _1 1 1 1 $11,419.16 | $11,944.54 99.8 98- 1 1 $8,539.60 | $8,958.21 78. 1 i 80.0 I $8,475.92 | $8,893.27 74.8 J 77.6 I -$17.53 -$18.22 17.2 | 17.8 | A ll fam ilies Item Mo n e y incom e b e f o r e t a x e s , t o t a l A n n u a l a v e r a g e ................................. Percent reporting ................... Wages a n d s a l a r i e s , t o t a l A n n u a l a v e r a g e . . . ......................... Percent reporting ................... Wages and s a l a r i e s , c i v i l i a n A n n u a l a v e r a g e ................................. Percent rep ortin g ................... Union d ues A n n u a l a v e r a g e ................................. Percent reporting .................. Other o c c u p a tio n a l ex p e n se s A n n u a l a v e r a g e ................................. Percent reporting .................. R ent r e c e i v e d a s pay A n n u a l a v e r a g e ................................. . Percent reporting M e a ls r e c e i v e d a s pay A n n u a l a v e r a g e ................................. Percent reporting .................. Wages and s a l a r i e s , armed f o r c e s A n n u a l a v e r a g e ................................. Percent reporting .................. Q u a r t e r s and s u b s i s t e n c e A n n u a l a v e r a g e ................................. Percent rep ortin g .................. S elf-em p loym en t incom e, t o t a l A n n u a l a v e r a g e ................................. . Percent rep ortin g .................. N e t i n c o m e f r o m own b u s i n e s s A n n u a l a v e r a g e ................................. Percent reporting .................. N e t i n c o m e f r o m own f a r m A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............... Percent reporting .................... i { -$33.57 21.2 | | 1 -$34.19 21.3 $8.78 .9 | i 1 1 | | 1 $9.91 . 9 $18.82 8.6 a t end o f t a b le | | | | 1 1 J | 1 I | 1 l | J 1 | | Under | 1 $3,000 i 1 1 1 $ 1,712.65| 9 8 .3| $372.04| 35.9| 1 $394.58| 32.2| -$.521 1.9J 1 1 —$ 3 9 . 0 7 | 5.7 | 1 1 $2,681 . 9| 1 1 $8 .9 7 | 6-31 $70.86 .9 | | $73.12 1.0 $15-32 1.0 | | i $15.63 1.0 | | ■ $ 1•06 | .3| 1 $875.24 12.9 | J l $916.75 13.5 | | 1 -$ 7 9 .56J 7.4| 1 $613.59 8.9 | i I $643.97 9.3 | J 1 $261.64 4-5 J | $272.78 4.7 | | -$88.59| 4.4 | 1 1 $9.03| 3.1| 1_ JL See f o o t n o t e s $18.68 8.6 Family ! i 1 1 1 1 i J j 1 | | J__ $4.35 J •4 | incom e b e f o r e t a x e s C om plete r e p o r t i n q o f $4,000 | $3,000 | to | to 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $4,494.041 $3,4 9 1 .1 5 | 100.0| 100.0J 1 1 $1,042,321 $1,946,611 49.4| 65.91 1 1 $1,011,261 $1,887,791 46.0| 61.5J 1 -$ 1 .5 2 | -$2,361 4.9 | 3.0 | 1/ - $ 6 .85 j 7.5 | i $10,801 1.21 1 $16.76| 7.71 $3,191 .31 1 $8.67J •5| 1 $156.24| 10.3| 1 $96,401 6.3J 1 $ 5 9 . 84J 4.31 JL income $5,000 to $5,999 | $6,000 | to 1 $6,999 1 1 1 $ 5,481.81l $6,478.31 100.0 100.0| 1 $2,7 3 3 .6 1 J $3,745.06 68.61 78.5 1 $2,705,491 $3,644.34 65.9| 73.9 i -$ 5 .20| -$8.55 8.0J 10. 1 1 - $ 7 . 101 -$13.79J -$23.31 10.9| 13.5J 14.0 1 J $3.35| $2,331 $ 2 0 . 15 .4J •5| 1.3 1 $16,391 $15.23l $19.25 9 .3 1 9.41 7.4 I I $43.121 $23,721 $77.10 1.11 .61 1.9 1 1 $6,591 $4,661 $16.07 .6 1 .61 1.5 1 1 $168,881 $273,361 $375.31 10.41 11.31 12.0 1 1 $73.17| $151,931 $247.77 5 .5 1 6.51 7.3 l 1 $95.71| $121,431 $127.54 5.1| 5.01 5.0 ______ l _ _______ L_ 23 T a b le 1. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e rs . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d Fa m i l y i ncome b e f o r e C om plete r e p o r t i n g o f Item | 1 1 1 1 Money income before taxes, total 1 Annual average................ .. . . | Percent reporting ........... ___ j Wages and salaries, total i Annual average................ ___ | Percent reporting ........... . . . | Wages and salaries, civilian i Annual average................ .. . . | Percent reporting ........... ___ j Union dues i Annual average................ ....1 Percent reporting • ...........___ j Other occupational expenses I Annual average. ....| Percent reporting . ...............| Rent received as pay 1 Annual average. ...... . ....| Per cent reporting ........... __ .| Meals received as pay I Annual average.......... .... .. ___ | Per cent report ing ................ j Wages and salaries, armed forces 1 Annual average................. ___ j Percent reporting .............. . . | Quarters and subsistence I Annual average................. .. . . | Percent reporting ... . | Self-employment income, total I Annual average.................. .. . . | Percent reporting ................ | Net income from own business 1 Annual average..... ___ ........ ___ | Percent reporti ng . ...........___ | Net income from own farm 1 ___ | Anri ua 1 a vera g e . . .............. , Percent reporti ng ............___ | I See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f t a b le $7,000 to $7,999 | | 1 1 1 1 $7,485.63 | * 100.0 *| i $4,894.34 J 84.8 | i $4,831.19 | ' 81.6| i -$ 10.12 | 12.9 j I -$17.79 | 16.6| 1 $1 1.13 | 1.3 | 1 $23.16 | 8. 5 | 1 $44.27 | 1.0 | I $12.49 | .9 J l $455.82 | 13.0 1 1 $246.68 | 8. 2 1 1 $209.14 | 5.4 | -L $8,000 to $9,999 $8,969.69 100.0 $6,489.69 89.0 $6,376.14 86. 3 -$16.16 18. 1 -$30.56 21.5 $14.08 1.3 | | 1 1 1 I | | I | | I J | I | | I | | I | | 1 [ $18.57 9. 1 | I $101.70 | 1.7 | I $25.93 | 1.5 | I $528.80 | 13. 7 | 1 $352.43 | 9.1 | I $176.37 | 5. 3 | $10,000 to $11,999 I I I I 1 1 $10,951.75 | 100.0 J 1 $8,816.84 J 94.0 | 1 $8,750.29 | 92.7 j 1 -$23.67 | 26. 1 | 1 - $ 2 5 . 13 J 22.5 j 1 $4. 54 j .8 | 1 $19.71 | 10.0 | 1 $72.71 | 1.0 | 1 $18.40 | .9 | 1 $605. 17 j 13.7 | 1 $430.94 | j 9.6 1 $174.23 | 4.5 | 1. .1 1/ taxes incom e $12,000 to $14,999 | J 1 $15,000 to $19,999 I i I i I I j | 1 | j J | $13,414.15 100.0 l | $17,237.42 100. 0 $11,130.59 96.1 | | $14,701.94 97.3 $11,049.35 95. 1 | | $14,639.52 96. 0 -$28.52 28.8 | | -$33.38 29. 9 -$27.18 27.1 | | -$53.61 32. 9 $17.27 1.1 | | $12.58 .9 $19.11 9.6 | | $20.02 8. 4 j | $79.78 1.1 | | $96.26 .8 | | $20.78 1.5 | $20.55 1.3 $653.80 13.8 i | $802.45 13. 8 $474.27 10.1 1 | $554.10 9.7 $179.53 4.2 | $248.35 4.6 | $20,000 to $24,999 $22,117.60 100.0 $18,910.89 97. 4 $18,778.54 96.5 J | j 1 j | 1 | 1 - $33.43 27. 0 -$54.06 35.2 $4.53 .1 $18.55 8. 5 1 $171.76 1.4 1 { | | | 1 j | 1 j | $25.01 1.3 $1,300.65 17.4 $919.35 12. 6 1 | | 1_ $381.30 5. 6 24 T a b le 1. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n su m e rs . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d Item I | 1 _1_ income b e f o r e t a x e s , t o t a l J A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................. Percent reporting .............................. _____| Wages an d s a l a r i e s , t o t a l I A n n u a l a v e r a g e ......................................... . Percent reporting .............................. _____i Wages and s a l a r i e s , c i v i l i a n i A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................. Percent reporting .............................. Union d u es I A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................. Percent reporting .............................. Other o c c u p a tio n a l e x p e n se s 1 A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................. _____ | Percent rep ortin g .............................. R en t r e c e i v e d a s pay 1 A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................. Percent reporting .............................. M ea ls r e c e i v e d a s pay i A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................. Percent reporting ............................. ---------| Wages and s a l a r i e s , arm ed f o r c e s l A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................. ---------I ..................... ... Percent reporting Q u a r t e r s and s u b s i s t e n c e I A n n u a l a v e r a g e .............................................---------| ............................. --------- | Percent rep ortin g Self-em ploym ent incom e, t o t a l I A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................. Percent reporting .............................. N e t i n c o m e f r o m o wn b u s i n e s s I A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................. Percent reporting .............................. N e t i n c o m e f r o m o wn f a r m I A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................. .............................. Percent reporting I $25,000 to $29,999 i Money S ee f o o t n o t e s at end o f t a b l e 1 1 __ 1__ 100.0 95.4 -$54.96 10.5 $222.45 $25.31 1.2 ______ I I I I I I J I I l I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Family income b e f o r e t a x e s C om plete r e p o r t i n q o f incom e $30,000 $35,000 $40,000 1 1 to to to I 1 $34,999 $ 3 9 , 9 9 9 . JL $49,999 | $32,165.71 100.0 $24,125.18 94.3 $24,013.61 91.1 -$29.05 20.8 -$81.35 36.3 ** ** $30.35 8.0 $165.00 1.3 $26.63 1.5 $4,421.07 27.7 $3,516.98 23.2 $904.09 5.6 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 i 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $27,894.78 1 93.5 1 1 $27,916.42 1 89. 1 1 1 -$21.02 1 13.0 1 1 -$70.08 1 42.5 1 1 $12.76 1 .4 1 1 $48.95 1 14.7 1 1 $ 2 . 10 1 .1 1 1 $5.66 I . 1 1 1 $5,631.39 1 26. 1 1 1 $4,990.91 1 21.4 1 1 $640.48 1 4.7 1 | $37,176.21 100.0 $43,696.10 100.0 $24,669.34 77.7 $24,699.50 75.9 -$27.30 16.6 -$31.64 27.5 ** ** $26.00 9.0 $2.41 (4) $.37 W $10,190.61 46.7 $6,613.99 35.3 $3,576.61 13.9 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 i 1 1 1 1 | $50,000 and over | | | 1/ Incom plete income reporting JL I $79,837.83 100.0 $42,866.40 90.8 $42,963.78 87.2 -$14.88 8.5 -$133.95 32. 4 ** ** $40.93 8. 3 $5.07 . 1 $5.45 .7 $23,020.86 49.8 $16,277.90 37.7 $6,742.96 14.8 i I i I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 i 1 1 1 1 | $2,026.69 69.0 $1,056.17 44.2 $1,014.81 24.6 -$5.24 5.3 -$22.45 17.9 $7.51 .8 $21.41 8. 5 $30.48 .3 $9.64 .5 $133.08 2. 4 $70.45 1.7 $62.63 .7 25 T a b l e (All 1, urban S e l e c t e d and family rural c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , famil i e s and s ingle annual e x p e nditures, consumers. U n i t e d A ll fam ilies se c u r ity , ra ilro a d retirem ent | A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................................j Percent reporting ............................................I Government r e t i r e m e n t , v e t e r a n s ' p aym ents,! and u n em p lo y m en t c o m p e n s a t i o n | A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................................ | Percent reporting ............................................I E sta tes, tr u s ts , dividends, in te r e s t, | r e n t a l in co m e, r o y a l t i e s , income | fro m r o o m e r s and b o a r d e r s I A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................................ | Percent reporting ............................................I R en ta l in com e, r o y a l t i e s , income | fro m r o o m e r s and b o a r d e r s | A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................................ | Percent reporting ............................................I Incom e from i n t e r e s t , d i v i d e n d s , | e s t a t e s and t r u s t s | A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................................ | Percent rep ortin g ............................................ | Income from a l l o t h e r s o u r c e s , t o t a l | A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................................ | Percent reporting ............................................I W e lfa r e and p u b l i c a s s i s t a n c e | A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................................ I Percent reporting ............................................j P rivate pensions I A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................................ i Percent reporting ............................................I R egular c o n tr ib u tio n s fo r support i A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................................| Percent reporting ............................................| O t h e r , i n c l u d i n g workmens' c o m p e n s a t i o n J A n n u a l a v e r a g e .........................................................I Percent reporting ............................................I and States, I l I I J__ s o u rces Co n s u m e r of i ncome c l a s s i f i e d E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w by F AMILY I S COME S u r vey, BEFO R E TA X E S 1_/ 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) -Cont i n u e d income b e f o r e t a x e s Com plete r e p o r t i n g o f incom e $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 | I to to to l I $3^999 JL $ 4 , 9 9 9 J __ $ 5 , 9 9 9 Family l. ] I 1_ Total Under $3,000 l I 1_ l I - 1 - $6,000 to $6,999 Social $577.61 25.0 $596.50 25.8 | | $813,661 52.5| $299.32 15.6 | | 1 ! 1 $533.25 64.6 $120.87 8.6 $552.81 66.3 $124.79 8.8 | ! I i | | J $105.07| 11.7| i I i $92.48| 38.5 J i $201,951 15.2] I $64,571 8.3J f o o t n o t e s at end of t a ble 1 1 $53,251 7.5 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 $337.32 17.5 1 1 1 $369,581 56.1] l I $90.44] 9.0J I I $279.14] 53.6] $413.98 59.7 $84.68 8.4 $179.97! 46.3] $236.89] 52.9J $408,961 49.11 $647.48] 58. 0 | $265,731 22.51 $379.79j 18.2] $707.33| 65.9J J $194,251 8. 11 $132.89 5.9 | j I | | $71.96 4.1 | | $44,621 5.6| $239,471 14.31 i $110,291 5. 2 . 1 $256.84 13.0 $70.38 4.0 $659.15] 63-6 | i $269.14| 12. 1 1 l $148.66] 12.4] I $85,291 5.3| $ 2 9 4 . 12 61.8 $304.65 63.5 $156.06| 50.51 $163.33] 54.21 $171.73 58.9 $412.38 62.7 $428.02 64.5 | | $600.81 68.0 $620.96 69.9 J | $107.30 6.4 $111.46 $129.00 5.7 $66.101 36.3j 1 1 6.6 1 1 $21.341 2.7 J 1 $83,421 8.5| 1 $77.28| 35.41 1 $60.31l 5.8 | i 1 | ! $329.31 56.8 1 1 $123,971 45.41 .1___________JL See 1 $290.141 55.41 $945.50 33.6 1 1 $274,651 16.2] I I 1 1 1 $26,381 5.51 $280,011 17.7] 1 1 $244.54] 49.3| $1,123.29] 39.91 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $292.65 15.2 $ 1 , 1 4 9 . 251 45.9| $1,198,621 53.8| $ 6 6 1 . 13 70. 1 $159.34 6.4 1 $73.22 5.0 26 T a b l e (All 1. u rban S e l e c t e d and family r u r a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , f a m i l i e s and s ingle a nnual expen d i t u r e s , c onsumers, U n i t e d Item | $7,000 | to | I 1 ________________ ____ _____ ___________ ____ 1 _ $ 7 , 9 9 9 1 1 S ocial se c u r ity , ra ilroad retirem ent | 1 $737.19 A n n u a l a v e r a g e .........................................................j 27.3 | .................................... . . | Percent reporting Government r e t i r e m e n t , v e t e r a n s ' paym ents,! 1 and unemploym ent c o m p e n s a t io n | 1 $305.77 | A n n u a l a v e r a g e .........................................................| 16.2 | ........................ . . . . . . 1 Percent reporting E sta tes, tr u sts, d ividends, in te r e s t , 1 I r e n t a l incom e, r o y a l t i e s , income 1 I from ro o m ers and b o a r d e r s | 1 $380.21 | A n n u a l a v e r a g e .........................................................| 60.2 | Percent rep ortin g .......................................... I R e n ta l in com e, r o y a l t i e s , income | I from r o o m e r s and b o a r d e r s | I $77.46 | A n n u a l a v e r a g e .........................................................| 8. 0 | .......................................... I Percent reporting In co m e from i n t e r e s t , d i v i d e n d s , i I e s t a t e s and t r u s t s I 1 $302.75 | A n n u a l a v e r a g e ......................................................... | 58.2 | .......................................... I Percent reporting Income from a l l o t h e r s o u r c e s , t o t a l | 1 A n n u a l a v e r a g e ......................................................... | $712.30 | 74.0 | Percent reporting ..........................................| W e lfa re and p u b l i c a s s i s t a n c e | I $127.28 | A n n u a l a v e r a g e .........................................................| 5.0 | Percent reporting ..........................................I P rivate pensions 1 I A n n u a l a v e r a g e .........................................................| $246.79 | Percent rep ortin g .......................................... | 10.4 | R egular c o n t r ib u t io n s fo r support i I $130.14 | A n n u a l a v e r a g e .........................................................I 6.7 | .......................................... I Percent reporting O th e r , i n c l u d i n g workmens' c o m p e n s a t io n 1 I A n n u a l a v e r a g e ...................................................... . | $208.10 | Percent reporting .......................................... I 66.3 | l _ ______________ 1__ \ See f o o t n o t e s at e nd of table. and States, s o u r c e s C o n s u m e r of i ncome c l a s s i f i e d E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w by FAM I L Y Survey, F a m i l y i n c o me b e f o r e t a x e s Comple t e r e p o r t i ng o f i n c o m e $8,000 | $10,000 $12,000 I I to | to to I I $9,999 1 $11,999 $14,999 I I 1 1 I 1 1 I $403.37 I $352.68 $577.93 | 1 20.7 | 15.3 I 13.7 1 I I 1 J i J $385.99 | $277.50 I $306.42 1 17.8 J 16.7 I 16. 1 1 1 I i I 1 I 1 I 1 $437.02 | $345.97 1 $405.07 1 64. 1 | 68.4 1 76.9 J I i 1 I i I $108.08 | $64.15 1 $91.92 1 8.9 | 7.0 1 8.5 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 $ 3 1 3 . 15 $328.94 | $281.82 1 1 61.2 | 66.7 I 75.8 1 1 1 I $550.26 | $502.90 1 $565.58 1 75.9 | 77. 1 1 79.8 I 1 1 $46.69 | $21.99 $39.92 1 1 2.7 | 1.6 2.1 1 1 1 J 1 $146.65 | $129.44 1 $130.53 6.6 | 4.7 1 4.8 1 I 1 1 $64.94 1 $108.04 | $68.66 1 5.0 | 3.5 1 3.0 I 1 i $248.88 | $268.60 1 $344.40 i 70.5 | 73.9 1 77.3 i 1__ .1 -l i i a I N C O M E B E F O R E TA X E S 1./ 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d $15,000 to $19,999 | | l I I $265.53 l 10. 1 | 1 I $338.97 | 15.7 | I I 1 $523.08 » 81.0 | I I $117.55 l 9.7 | i I $405.54 | 79.6 | I $605.45 | 78.7 | I $17.54 | 1.2 J I $109.08 | 3.3 | I $68.68 | 2.8 | l $410.14 | 77. 1 | ___________ L_ $20,000 to $24,999 $235.64 9.8 $337.57 14.6 $721.45 85.2 $158.01 11.2 $563.44 84.5 $611.40 74.8 $6.91 . 5 $85.84 2. 6 $52.93 2.2 $465.72 73.2 27 T a b l e (All 1. urban S e l e c t ed an d . family r u ral ch a r a c t e r i s t i c s , f a m i l i e s and single annual expenditures, consumers. Item U n i t e d $25,000 to $29,999 Social se c u r ity , railroad retirem ent A n n u a l a v e r a g e ......................................................... .......................................... Percent reporting Government r e t i r e m e n t , v e t e r a n s ' paym ents, and unemploym ent c o m p e n s a t io n A n n u a l a v e r a g e ........................................................ Percent reporting .......................................... E states, tr u sts, dividends, in te r e st, r e n t a l in com e, r o y a l t i e s , income fro m r o o m e r s and b o a r d e r s A n n u a l a v e r a g e ......................................................... Percent reporting .......................................... R e n t a l in com e, r o y a l t i e s , incom e fr o m r o o m e r s and b o a r d e r s A n n u a l a v e r a g e ......................................................... Percent reporting .......................................... Income from i n t e r e s t , d i v i d e n d s , e s t a t e s and t r u s t s A n n u a l a v e r a g e ........................... - .......................... Percent reporting .......................................... Income from a l l o t h e r s o u r c e s , t o t a l A n n u a l a v e r a g e .................................... . ................. Percent reporting ............... - ....................... W e lfa r e and p u b l i c a s s i s t a n c e A n n u a l a v e r a g e ......................................................... Percent reporting .......................................... P rivate pensions A n n u a l a v e r a g e ......................................................... Percent reporting .......................................... Regular c o n tr ib u tio n s fo r support A n n u a l a v e r a g e ........................................................ Percent reporting .......................................... O t h e r , i n c l u d i n g workmens' c o m p e n s a t io n A n n u a l a v e r a g e .......................................... .. Percent reporting ......................................... See f o o t n o t e s at e nd of t a ble $367.37 12.4 $467.82 15.4 $1,137.39 89.4 $264.53 13.3 $872.86 88.6 $718.65 72.7 $22.53 1.0 $129.14 2.2 $52.21 2.0 $514.77 70.8 and States, | | i I I | | I I I | 1 1 1 | | 1 1 | | 1 1 | | | | I | i I | | I | | I | | 1_ s ources C o nsumer of income c l a s s i f i e d E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w by Fam ily income b e f o r e t a x e s Com plete reportincr o f incom e $35,000 | $30,000 | $40,000 to | to | to $34,999 1 $39,999 1 $49,999 1 1 1 1 $473.74 $237.28 | $264.83 | 8.9 10.1 J 17.7 I 1 I 1 $350.84 $696.80 J $532.53 | 14.6 | 16.5 | 11.4 I 1 I 1 I 1 $1,656.07 | $1,925.48 J $5,143.01 89.4 90.6 | 90.3 | I I l I $426.37 | $285.22 | $1,251.88 14.6 | 15.1 | 22.5 I I I I $3,891.13 $1,370.85 | $1,499.11 | 90.0 | 90.6 | 88.8 I 1 $924.17 | $1,032.34 | $2,868.57 65.0 | 63.4 | 56.0 1 I ** $25.41 | $.38 | ** .3 | 1. 1 | I I $80.46 | $247.95 | $1,204.86 3.4 | 6.6 2.0 I I I $39.01 j $77.37 | $30.27 1.4 | 2.6 | 2.1 I 1 $706.64 | $1,633.45 $779.29 | 52.4 60.5 | 64.3 | 1. JL \ FAM I L Y Survey, | | i I N C O M E $50,000 and over | J $263.82 10.7 | | $741.24 12.2 | | $10,314.40 92.5 | | $2,406.08 18.3 j | $7,908.32 91.4 | | $2,631.11 49.2 | j ** ** | i $103.77 1.8 J | $31.94 -5 | | B EFORE TAXES 1/ 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d $2,495.41 48. 1 i i J J I I I | | I I | | I I I | | I I | | J I | | I | | 1 j | 1 | | I J | 1 j | 1_ Incom plete income reporting $239.84 11.3 $173.51 8. 9 $183.55 34. 1 $50.74 5. 1 $132.81 31.0 $240.54 33.8 $33.10 2.3 $59.41 2.0 $42.15 2. 4 $105.88 31.0 28 Table (All 1. urban S e l ected and family rural c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , f a m i l i e s and single ann u a l expendi t u r e s , consumers, U n i t e d a nd States, s o u r c e s C o n s u m e r of i n come c l a s s i f i e d E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w by F A M I L Y Survey, I N C O M E B E F O E E TA X E S 1 / 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Fam ily Item taxes, total A n n u a l a v e r a g e ........................ Percent reporting .... F ed era l incom e t a x e s A n n u a l a v e r a g e ........................ Percent reporting .... S t a t e and l o c a l in com e t a x e s A n n u a l a v e r a g e ........................ Percent reporting .... P e r s o n a l p r o p e r t y and o t h e r A n n u a l a v e r a g e ........................ Percent reporting .... O ther money r e c e i p t s A n n u a l a v e r a g e ........................ Percent reporting .... N e t c h a n g e i n a s s e t s and l i a b i l i t i e s , t o t a l A v e r a g e o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s ............. Percent reporting .... Net change in a s s e t s A v e r a g e o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s ............. Percent reporting .... Net ch ange in l i a b i l i t i e s A v e r a g e o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s ............. Percent reporting .... G oods and s e r v i c e s r e c e i v e d w i t h o u t d i r e c t expense A n n u a l a v e r a g e ......................................................... Percent reporting .... Market v a l u e o f f i n a n c i a l a s s e t s Average o f e n d -o f-y e a r v a l u e s . . . . . Percent reporting .... M ortgage p r i n c i p a l p a id on owned p r o p e r t y A n n u a l a v e r a g e ........................ Percent reporting .... A ll fam ilies 1 | -$1,687.93 80.6 | | -$1,399.11 75.0 | | -$234.05 59.6 | | -$54.77 25.6 | | $219.41 14.0 | J $824.23 85.5 | | $1,463.88 73.6 | | $639.65 64.4 | | $132.45 64.6 | | $7,094.67 76.6 | | -$301.46 35.6 | | Personal See footnotes at end of table. mo t a l | 1 ____ . . . . 1 1 1 -$1 ,7 6 0 .9 8 | 82.9 | 1 -$1 ,4 6 0 .0 5 | 77.6 l .. $ 2 4 4 . 6 9 | 61.8 | I -$56.24 | 26.2 | I $222.33 | 14.4 | 1 $801.48 | 86.2 | I $1 , 4 4 7 . 0 7 | 74.7 | I $645.59 | 65.1 | I I $133.69 | 65.4 | J $7 , 3 3 5 . 7 0 | 78.6 | 1 $302.74 | 35.9 | 1_ i Under | 1 $3,000 1 1 1 - $ 7 6 .46 I 32.8| 1 -$ 5 5 .98| 2 2.1| 1 -$ 8 . 4 4 | 16.0| 1 -$12.04| 13.2| 1 $118.82| 13.7| i -$ .5 0 | 58.7 J 1 $ 184.03| 46.6 | I $ 1 8 4 .53| 30.1| 1 1 $89.61J 56.6| 1 $ 1,400.78| 51.3| 1 - $ 6 6 . 05 J 5.5 | i n c o m e ib e f o r e t a x e s Com plete r e p o r t in q o f $4,000 | $3,000 | to | to | $3,999 1 $4,999 1 1 1 1 1 -$242.42| -$143.95| 51.5| 65.2| J 1 -$194.65| -$111.62| 3 7.9| 54.6 | 1 I -$13.97| - $ 2 7 .13| 26.3| 39.3| 1 1 -$18,374 -$ 2 0 .63| 18.6| 19.4| 1 I $140.58| $122,021 13.5| 11.3| 1 i $149.71j -$112.37| 72.0| 74.5| 1 J $345.32J $42.11| 60.4| 5 9.3| 1 $195.61| $154.49| 39.6| 4 3 . 5| 1 I I $108.50| $114.51| 57.7| 6 0 . 7J 1 1 $3,470,051 $4,380.28| 60.2| 66.1| 1 1 -$80.81| -$78.1 9 | 7.9 | 11.4| 1 _________ L__ income $5,000 to $5,999 | | 1 1 1 - $ 3 9 8 . 03J 75.8| 1 -$323.95| 65.4| 1 -S42.47J 48.5| 1 -$31.60| 23. 4 | 1 $258.86| 11.6| 1 $209,371 7 9.81 J $526,971 65.7| $317,601 50.7| 1 1 $147,521 63.31 1 $5,047,071 67.81 1 -$128,461 1 5 . 0J 1 $6,000 to $6,999 -$550.59 82.7 -$445.25 75.6 -$64.56 56.2 -$40.78 26.3 $236.68 14.1 -$107.94 85.4 $292.28 68.2 $400.22 56. 1 $105.98 62.4 $5,453.79 72.9 -$99.96 17.3 Ta b l e (All 1. urban Sele c t e d and family rural c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , f a m i l i e s Item and single annu a l I I 1 1 1 Personal taxes, to ta l A n n u a l a v e r a g e ...................... ................................ 1 Percent reporting . . . ................................ 1 F ed era l incom e t a x e s 1 A n n u a l a v e r a g e ........................ ................................ i Percent reporting . . . . ................................ 1 S t a t e and l o c a l i n c o m e t a x e s i A n n u a l a v e r a g e ...................... Percent reporting . . . ................................ 1 P e r s o n a l p r o p e r t y and o t h e r 1 A n n u a l a v e r a g e ...................... ................................ 1 Percent reporting .... O t h e r money r e c e i p t s 1 A n n u a l a v e r a g e ........................ Percent reporting . . . . ................................ 1 N et c h a n g e i n a s s e t s and l i a b i l i t i e s , t o t a l l A v e r a g e o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s ............ | Percent reporting . . . . ................................ 1 Net ch an ge i n a s s e t s 1 A v e r a g e o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s .............| Percent reporting . . . . ................................ 1 Net change in l i a b i l i t i e s 1 Average o f e n d -o f-y e a r v a l u e s . . . . . | Percent reporting .... Goods and s e r v i c e s r e c e i v e d w i t h o u t d i r e c t | expense 1 A n n u a l a v e r a g e ........................ .............................. 1 Percent reporting . . . . - .............................. 1 Market v a lu e o f f i n a n c i a l a s s e t s 1 A v e r a g e o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s .............i Percent reporting . . . . ................................ 1 | M ortgage p r i n c i p a l p a id on owned p r o p e r t y A n n u a l a v e r a g e ........................ Percent reporting . . . . .............................. I 1 See footnotes at end of table e x p e nditures, c onsumers. U n i t e d $7,000 to $7,999 -$770.25 90.6 -$628.45 85.5 -$9<*.28 66.4 -$47.51 25.6 $166.29 12.3 $214.98 88.5 $473.25 72.7 $258.27 63.3 $123.28 64.2 $5,829.96 75.5 -$207.84 22.6 and States, | J [ 1 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | I | | 1 | | 1 | 1 1 | | 1 1 | | I | | I | | 1_ s o u rces C o n s u m e r $8,000 to $9,999 | | I I I -$1,058.91 | 95.5 | 1 -$871.52 | 90.4 | I -$131.64 | 70.7 J I -$55.76 | 28.3 | 1 $235.35 | 14. 1 | 1 $202.68 | 89.9 | 1 $924.30 | 76.4 | 1 $721.62 | 68.8 | I I $126.98 | 65.4 | I $5,304.65 | 82.0 | 1 -$166.21 | 28.9 | 1- of inco m e c l a s s i f i e d E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w by FAM I L Y Survey, Family incom e b e f o r e t a x e s Com plete r e p o r t i n g o f incom e $12,000 | $10,000 | to | to | $11,999 1 $14,999 1 1 1 -$1,460.49 | -$1,929.42 | 98.7 | 99.2 | I -$1,608.60 J -$1,212.02 | 95.9 | 98.0 | I -$196.53 | -$265.12 | 77.9 J 80.8 | I -$51.95 | -$55.70 | 28.0 | 29.9 | I $215.38 | $168.73 | 13.0 | 15.6 | I $566.52 | $607.32 | 96.5 | 93.1 | J $1,291.42 | $1,581.53 l 80.2 | 85.8 | 1 $724.90 | $974.21 | 81.1 J 77.8 | 1 1 $123.47 | $141.40 | 67.8 | 70.6 | J $5,110.01 | $6,276.63 | 84.7 I 90.0 | I -$293.67 | -$347.36 | 51.7 | 41.2 | 1 I NCOME BEFO R E TAXES 1 / 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) -C o n t i n u e d $15,000 to $19,999 J | J -$2,696.83 99.6 | | -$3,747.36 99.7 -$2,251.10 98.6 | | -$3,139.90 98. 6 -$376.62 81.6 | | -$528.87 80.7 $20,000 to $24,999 -$69.11 30.0 i | -$78.60 31.2 $245.29 15. 1 i | $340.13 15. 5 $1,235.67 96. 1 | | $2,046.26 97.8 $2,187.29 87.3 | | $3,238.50 89.9 $951.62 82.6 | | $1,192.24 83. 4 $155.97 70.0 | | $169.87 70.4 | $11,836.69 93.3 i | -$566.98 64.3 $7,666.05 92.0 -$492.49 60.0 [ 30 T a b l e (All 1. u r ban S e l e c t e d and family r u ral cha r a c t e r i s t i c s , f a m i l i e s and single annu a l expendi t u r e s , consumers, Item taxes, total A n n u a l a v e r a g e ........................ Percent reporting ... F ed era l incom e t a x e s A n n u a l a v e r a g e ........................ Percent reporting ... S t a t e and l o c a l in com e t a x e s A n n u a l a v e r a g e ........................ Percent reporting .... P e r s o n a l p r o p e r t y and o t h e r A n n u a l a v e r a g e ........................ Percent reporting .... O t h e r money r e c e i p t s A n n u a l a v e r a g e ........................ Percent reporting .... N et c h a n g e i n a s s e t s and l i a b i l i t i e s , t o t a l | A v e r a g e o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s .............| Percent reporting .... Net ch an ge in a s s e t s A v e r a g e o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s .............| Percent reporting .... Net change in l i a b i l i t i e s A v e r a g e o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s ............ | Percent reporting .... Goods and s e r v i c e s r e c e i v e d w i t h o u t d i r e c t | expense A n n u a l a v e r a g e ........................ Percent reporting .... Market v a l u e o f f i n a n c i a l a s s e t s A v e r a g e o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s .............| Percent reporting .... M ortgage p r i n c i p a l p a id on owned p r o p e r t y | A n n u a l a v e r a g e ........................ Percent reporting .... U n i t e d $25,000 to $29,999 Personal 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ ** -$4,926.58 99.2 -$4,050.67 97.8 -$742.45 80.7 -$133.46 32.6 $605.84 19.5 $3,360.72 97.5 $4,248.39 92.2 $887.67 85.3 $199.87 71.6 $16,329.54 94.6 -$846.91 72.5 and States, | | 1 1 1 | | 1 | | 1 i | 1 | | 1 | | I | | I | | I | | I I | | I J l I | | J- s o u r c e s C o n s u m e r of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w by FAMI L Y Survey, Family income b e f o r e t a x e s Com plete r e p o r t i n g o f incom e $30,000 | $35,000 l $40,000 to j to to | $34,999 J $39,999 I $49,999 I I -$6,084.27 | -$7,311.31 | -$7,658.23 98.6 | 99.6 | 98.6 I -$5,086.92 | -$5,946.06 | -$6,225.89 97.3 J 94.8 J 88.7 I -$1,133.63 | -$834.51 | -$1,211.22 79.0 | 78.8 | 66.2 I -$162.84 | -$231.63 | -$221.13 50.4 37.5 | 41.4 | I $215.04 | $539.01 | $463.26 22.3 | 19.5 | 20. 1 I $4,132.55 | $2,128.07 | $5,527.53 98.0 | 99.4 | 98.5 I $5,361.52 | $2,657.34 | $7,417.55 93.5 | 95.5 | 92.1 I $529.27 | $1,228.97 | $1,890.02 82.7 | 83.9 | 78.3 J I $215.54 | $275.29 | $151.70 67. 1 | 74.5 | 62.5 I $21,467.71 | $29,442.83 | $60,990.36 92.0 | 94.7 | 93.2 I -$609.38 | -$991.42 l -$603.58 68.1 | 72.2 | 61.6 JL I N C O M E B E F O R E TA X E S \ / 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Incom plete incom e reporting $50,000 and over J 1 1 -$16,594.79 98.7 | J -$382.04 39.9 -$13,752.24 91.5 | | -$309.65 28.0 -$2,424.99 79.6 | | -$43.90 19.4 -$417.56 58. 1 J | -$28.49 15.8 $389.68 17.6 | | $167.27 7. 1 $11,733.21 95.7 | | $1,230.98 72. 1 $12,659.52 94.8 | | $1,764.36 53.9 $926.31 65.5 i | $533.38 52.2 $118.64 60.9 | | $110.24 52.0 $80,188.24 93.3 J | $2,785.83 39.8 -$1,814.78 56.4 | | -$278.47 30.2 Data i n colu m ns which r e p r e s e n t l e s s than 2 1 8 ,0 0 0 consum er u n i t s or i n c e l l s w h ich r e p r e s e n t l e s s th a n 1 8 ,5 0 0 consumer u n i t s are l i k e l y to have la r g e sam pling e r r o r s . P e r c e n t s may n o t s u m t o 1 0 0 d u e t o r o u n d i n g . Data r e p r e s e n t o n ly t h o s e e x p e n d it u r e s c o l l e c t e d in th e in t e r v i e w s u r v e y , n o t th e t o t a l o f a l l fa m ily e x p e n d i t u r e s . Value l e s s than 0 .0 5 p e r c e n t Data n o t a v a i l a b l e . 31 Table 2. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s / a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s / and c l a s s i f i e d b y HOUSING TENURE 1 / ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s / U n i t e d S t a t e s / Consumer E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) I 1 Item I A ll | fam ilies 1 J _______ 1 1 71,220 N u m b e r o f f a m i l i e s i n u n i v e r s e ( 0 0 0 s ) ............... . | 1 I S elected fam ily c h a r a c t e r is tic s 1 i 1 Average 1 1 F a m i l y s i z e ................................................................................ . | 2.9 1 Fam ily incom e before t a x e s . . . ........................... . ( Family income after Age o f h e a d ........................ ....................................................... . | I t a x e s ....................................... . | Number o f ch ildren Number o f persons Number o f autom obiles S | under 65 Percent^/ f o o t n o t e s at end of $9/731 48 1 8 ................................. . ) 1 1 a n d o v e r . . . . ............... . | 1.0 o w n e d .................. .............. . | I I i 1.3 Housing te n u r e J H o m e o w n e r ................................................................................ . | R e n t e r ......................................................................................... . | N o t r e p o r t e d ....................................................................... • 1 i 1 Race o f head 1 W h i t e ............................................................................................ . | B l a c k . ......................................................................................... . | O t h e r ............................................................................................ • I I E d u c a tio n o f head I 1 t o 9 y e a r s ....................................................................... . 1 9 y e a r s , n o t m o r e t h a n 12 y e a r s ............... . | M o r e t h a n 12 y e a r s . . . . . ....................................... . J N o t r e p o r t e d o r n o s c h o o l ................................. . | i 1 A utom obile ow nership 1 A t l e a s t o n e a u t o m o b i l e o w n e d ..................... . | See $11/419 table. .3 sources 89 10 1 21 43 29 6 80 incom e 1 i 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Housing Homeowner 41/871 l 1i 1 i 3.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 $13,502 1 ft 1 1 1 1 1.1 i $11/464 52 .4 1.6 1 1i 59 37 4 of J 1 1 I i I 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 J _ JL_ 100 ** ** 92 7 1 23 46 29 2 89 I | 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 | 1 1 I 1 1 i | I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 ft I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ft I 1 1 1__ tenure Renter 26/205 2.3 $7,959 $6,865 42 .8 .2 .9 ** 100 ** 82 16 2 20 40 29 12 65 I | 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 J 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 a I 1 1 1 1 1 1 J ■ < J J 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J I 1 ft 1 1 1 J— Other 3,143 2.9 $12/514 $10/550 39 1.1 . 1 1.4 ** 100 90 7 2 9 41 41 9 88 32 Table 2. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and c l a s s i f i e d b y HOUSING TENURE 1 / ( A l l u r b a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , Consumer E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Current consum ption e x p e n se s, e x clu d in g p e r s o n a l i n s u r a n c e , g i f t s and contributions 3/ A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............. . . . | ................................. Percent reporting I I J | I I I I I I I I A ll fam ilies $7,967.43 1 1 total 1 $1,695.56 A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............. . . . | Percent reporting ................................. F oo d a t home 1 Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . . Percent reporting ................................. Food away from home, e x c l u d i n g t r i p s 1 A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............ . . . | $369.11 Percent reporting ................................. M eals a s pay 1 Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . . Percent reporting ................................. 1i Food, A lcoh olic beverages A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............. Percent reporting ................................. Tobacco products A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............ Percent reporting ........................... .. H ousing, total Average Percent 1 ...1 i 1 1 ■ 1 1 a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............ reporting ................................. S h elter, to ta l A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............. Percent reporting ................................. Rented d w e llin g s A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............ Percent reporting ................................. Owned d w e l l i n g s A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............ Percent reporting .......................... Other lo d g in g , e x c lu d in g t r i p s A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .......... Percent reporting ................................. ...| $1,311.24 1 ...| 1 $718.51 63.6 ...| 1 ...| ...| f o o t n o t e s at end o f table. 1 1 _____________ 1 1 | Homeowner 1 1 1 1 1 1 I | $8,946.76 | 100.0 1 1 1 | $2,023.58 i 99.9 1 | $1,596.45 | 99.7 1 | $411.20 | 89.4 I | $15.93 | 8.0 lj 1 J $73.71 l 62.9 Ji 1 | $131.03 J 55.9 i 1 1 | $2,465.48 I 100.0 11 1i $20.83 7.7 1 See 62.7 sources 1 | $1,174.61 J 99.3 I I $.79 1 -1 I | $1,141.78 I 99.2 1 | $32.04 | 10.3 JL_ of income Housing tenure I | Renter .1 1 1 1 1 1 I | $6,258.08 | 100.0 1 1 | $1,241.58 J 99.5 I | $917.01 | 98.3 J j $300.97 | 83.4 I | $23.60 I 9.8 1i I J J____ 1 J 1 Other i 1 1 I $9 , 1 7 2 . 6 4 100.0 1 1 1 J $1 , 1 1 0 . 7 3 99.4 1 1 $716.66 1 98.4 J 1 $376.50 1 92.7 1 1 $17.57 1 7.3 1 1i 1 | $76.14 I 61.0 i 1 1 | $123.05 J 56.6 ■ 1 1 | $2,143.35 | 99.4 1 $78.17 J 73.5 I i 1 1 $140.29 1 63.2 J i 1 1 | $3 , 8 2 4 . 8 2 99.0 1 1 i 1 | $1,436.83 J 95.2 I | $1,429.37 | 94.7 l | | 1 | | _1_ $2.81 3.7 1fl I $2 , 0 8 4 . 1 6 95.5 1 1 | $1 , 0 3 0 . 8 1 92.1 1 1 | $1 , 0 4 6 . 9 9 1 88.0 1 $4.65 3.8 1 .J___ $6.37 6.4 33 T ab le 2. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and c l a s s i f i e d b y HOUSING TENURE J / ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , Consumer E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d sources of incom e Housing Item and u t i l i t i e s , t o t a l A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................................... Gas, t o t a l Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . . . Percent reporting .................................... Gas, d e l i v e r e d i n m ains (piped) A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................................... Gas, b o t t l e d or tank A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................................... E lectricity A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................................... Gas and e l e c t r i c i t y c o m b i n e d b i l l s A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................................... F u e l o i l and k e r o s e n e A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................................... O t h e r f u e l s , c o a l , wood A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................................... Water, t r a s h , sew erage A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................................... | 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fuel Housing e x p e n s e s , t o t a l A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................................... T elep h o n e, e x c lu d in g c o in phones A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................................... Other e x p e n se s, in c lu d in g dom estic services A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................................... See f o o t n o t e s at end of table ..| ..| A ll fam ilies Homeowner $409.01 90.3 $532.05 99.3 $92.86 54.6 $119.31 63.3 $77.64 45.2 $98.67 51.3 $15.22 10.4 $20.64 13.2 $156.80 76.1 $196.73 85.7 $40.47 13.4 $48.63 13.5 $51.19 20.1 $74.23 26.9 $4.97 9.1 $6.03 11.3 $62.73 62.3 $87.12 84.7 $301.16 93.6 $331.99 98.5 $173.10 89.5 $183.23 96.0 $128.06 68.8 $148.76 82.8 i ..| ..| 1 ..| ..J 1 ..j ..| I ..| 1 ..| --I 1 ..| ..} I ..| ..J 1 ..| ..| 1i 1 ..1 ..| 1 ..| ..| 1 1 ..J ..| I I 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 J 1__ tenure Renter $211.88 75.6 $51.40 40.8 $ 4 4 . 18 34.9 $7.22 6.3 $91.66 60.8 $26.49 12.8 $16.88 9.4 $3.43 5.5 $22.02 25.7 $234.69 85.7 $148.05 79.1 $86.64 45.8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 I ! ! 1 J 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 J 1 \ J 1 1 1 i 1 1 < ■ 1 i 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 Other $413.63 91.7 $86.21 55.5 $76.47 48.9 $9.75 8.8 $167.89 75.1 $48.33 15.9 $30.35 18.8 $3.54 9.7 $77.30 69.6 $444.62 95.1 $246.99 89.2 $197.63 74.7 34 Table 2. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and c l a s s i f i e d b y HOUSING TENURE 1 / ( A l l urban and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n su m e r s , U n ite d S t a t e s , Consumer E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t in u e d I | | 1 Item _ H o u se fu r n ish in g s, equipm ent, t o t a l A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ................ Percent reporting .................................... Household t e x t i l e s Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . . . Percent reporting ............... .................... Furniture A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ................ Percent reporting .................................... Floor co v erin g s A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................. ................. Major a p p l i a n c e s A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting ........................... .. Sm all a p p lia n c e s Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . . . Percent reporting ........................... .. Housewares A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... .................................... Percent reporting M iscellaneous A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting ................................. .. C lothing, to ta l A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e . ............. Percent reporting .................................... C l o t h i n g , m a le , 2 and o v e r A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................. .. .............. C l o t h i n g , f e m a l e , 2 and o v e r A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ................ .................................... Percent reporting C l o t h i n g , c h i l d r e n under 2 y e a r s A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................................... Dry c l e a n i n g , l a u n d r y A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ................ Percent reporting .................................... M a t e r i a l s and s e r v i c e s A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ................ Percent reporting .................................... See footnotes at end of table. i sources Homeowner ____________ $385.54 88.5 $426.83 91.2 $50.82 74.3 $58.02 79.3 $131.73 41.6 $133.71 43.4 $42.21 20.8 $53.84 23.3 $89.48 31.6 $100.48 34.3 $9.77 31.6 $11.09 33.9 $9.29 25.6 $10.27 27.2 $52.23 49.8 $59.43 51.3 $647.37 99.3 $708.43 99.4 $216.09 79.5 $ 2 4 3 . 15 85.1 $308.08 88.8 $350.36 94.2 $14.47 13.6 $12.38 11.3 $81.98 80.9 $69.94 79.9 $26.74 62.4 $32.60 68.6 1 . • | I ..| ..J 1 ..| ..J 1 ..| ..J 1 ..| ..| I ..| ..J I ..( ..| 1i I ..{ ..| 1 ..| ..J I ..| ..J J ..| . • | J ..| ..J I ..| .. | incom e Housing A ll fam ilies 1 1 I 1 ..| .-| of 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I J 1 I 1 1 1 i i 1 \ 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 J 1 1 1 J— tenure Renter Other $259.95 83.6 $882.41 91.9 $32.95 66.0 $103.97 75.7 $107.70 36.5 $305.62 60.9 $14.61 15.3 $117.48 32.0 $53.69 24.1 $241.38 57.7 $7.44 27.4 $11.60 37.8 $7.63 22.9 $10.25 26.5 $35.93 45.3 $92.11 66.1 $536.20 99.0 $760.69 99.6 $166.08 69.5 $ 2 7 2 . 51 87.1 $236.63 79.9 $340.62 90.4 $15.50 16.1 $33.73 24.4 $100.83 82.5 $ 8 5 . 19 80.0 $17.16 52.9 $28.63 60.8 35 Table 2. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and c l a s s i f i e d b y HOUSING TENURE ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , Consumer E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d \y I 1 | j 1 J 1 J 1 1 Item T ransportation, t o ta l, excluding tr ip s A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................................... V eh icle purchases (net ou tlay) A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................................... V ehicle finance charges A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................................... V ehicle o p eration s, to ta l A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ................ Percent reporting .................................... G asoline A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................................... Other A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ................ Percent reporting ........................ .. Other t r a n s p o r t a t io n A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................................... H ealth care, to ta l A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................................... Health in s u r a n c e , e x c l . em ployer share A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .............................. ... E x p e n s e s n o t c o v e r e d by i n s u r a n c e A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................................... Personal care (se le c te d expenses) A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... .................................... Percent reporting R ecreation, to ta l A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting .................................... Ow n e d See v a c a t i o n h o me A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... Percent reporting ........................... .. . . footnotes at end of table ..| sources of income Housing A ll fam ilies Homeowner .. _ 1 Renter Other $1,157.28 87.8 $1,743.25 96.9 $815.25 32.3 $508.96 26.8 $860.68 34.6 29.4 $91.02 30.7 $61.06 26.1 $83.09 39.9 $739.34 84.5 $877.51 91.5 $516.45 72.0 $756.96 94.0 $347.24 83.0 $412.58 90.4 $240.53 70. 1 $366.49 92.5 $392.10 $464.94 90.8 $275.92 68.8 $390.47 92.0 $54.97 24.3 $45.99 20.0 $70.81 30.9 $42.53 26.9 $473.86 96.2 $572.45 98.9 $ 3 1 6 . 10 91.9 $475.87 97.7 $196.39 91.1 $236.49 94.8 $133.13 85.1 $189.75 92.6 $277.47 86.2 $335.96 93.4 $182.97 74.4 $286.12 88.0 $100.22 84.2 $122.20 89.5 $66.60 75.5 $87.82 86.0 $636.33 92.5 $741.62 94.7 $456.71 88.7 $731.35 96.3 $13.05 3.9 $4.60 .9 $13.42 1.5 92.5 $1,829.76 95. 1 1 | 1 tenure 1 1 ..| 1 ..| I ..| ..| 1 ..| I . • I ..J | 1 i ..| ..| 1 ..| ..| J ..J .. ! 1 1 ..| ..| ii 1 ..) ..| < 1 1 •. | ..| 1 _ $9.96 2.7 ____ _____ 36 Table 2. Selected family characteristics* annual expenditures* and sources of income classified by HOUSING TENURE J/ (All urban and rural families and single consumers* United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey* 1972-1973)-Continued I I Item 1 All | families I 1 1 1 1 Vacation* pleasure trips* total 1 Average annual expenditure....... ..| $249.93 Percent reporting ..| 62.5 Food 1 Average annual expenditure....... ..1 $57.32 Percent reporting .................| 53.9 Alcoholic beverages i Average annual expenditure....... ,.| $6.96 24.7 Percent reporting .................J Lodging 1 Average annual expenditure...... .,.| $41.15 Percent reporting ........ . ..1 35.7 Transportation* total I Average annual expenditure....... ..| $86.50 Percent reporting .................| 60.0 Gasoline 1 Average annual expenditure...... .,.| $32.03 Percent reporting .............. .,.| 53.1 Other transportation l $54.47 Average annual expenditure....... ..| 39.0 Percent reporting .................J All expense tours I Average annual expenditure.........| $35.08 Percent reporting .............. ...| 7.7 Other vacation expenses I Average annual expenditure...... ...J $22.92 Percent reporting .................| 38.9 i 1 Boats* aircraft* wheel goods 1 $83.59 Average annual expenditure...... ...| .............. ,.| 15.3 Percent reporting i ! Other recreation* total 1 Average annual expenditure....... ,.| $292.86 90.4 Percent reporting .................| Televisions i Average annual expenditure...... ...| $46.54 .............. ...| Percent reporting 15.8 Other I Average annual expenditure.......,.| $246.31 .................J Percent reporting 89.7 1_________ See foo tn o tes a t end o f ta b le I I | | 1 1 I 1 1 1 | | 1 | | ! | | Housing tenure Homeowner $301.20 68.4 $70.98 60.3 $7.41 26.6 i [ J 1 | | J | J J | | I | J J | J j 1 1 | J i 1 1 $49.42 41.9 $99.50 65.9 $38.09 60.3 $61.42 42.7 $45.80 9.6 $28.08 44.8 $98.69 18.6 J $328.68 92.7 i | | $48.98 15.3 | 1 | J J $279.70 92.1 I | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 J J 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J __ Renter I l 1 Other $172.76 52.9 J | $210.52 64.4 $36.50 43.5 J ( $48.96 55.4 $6.33 21.5 | J $6. 15 25.3 $28.45 25.8 | J $36.92 36.3 $66.45 50.3 | | $80.41 61.6 $22.29 41.3 | J $32.54 56.4 $44.16 33.5 | J $47.87 36.5 $20.42 5. 1 J J $14.49 4.2 $14.60 29.8 J J $23.58 36.4 $54.19 9.5 | I $127.41 20.0 $225.16 86.3 | | $380.00 95.3 $39.99 15.9 | $68.68 21.5 $185.17 85.2 J | 1 $311.32 94.5 37 Table 2. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by HOUSING TENURE J/ (All urban and rural families and single consumers. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Reading materials Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. i 1 Education, total 1 Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Private I Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Public I Average annual expenditure...... ..| Percent reporting .............. ..| i 1 Miscellaneous 1 Average annual expenditure...... ..{ .............. ..| Percent reporting 1 Personal insurance and pensions, total 1 Average annual expenditure...... ..J Percent reporting .............. -.J Life, endowment, annuities and income 1 Average annual expenditure...... ..j Percent reporting .............. ..| Other personal insurance Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. ..J Retirement and pensions i Average annual expenditure...... ..| Percent reporting .............. ..1 i J Gifts and contributions 1 Average annual expenditure...... ..I Percent reporting .............. ..| 1 See footnotes at end of table. $102.53 Housing tenure Homeowner $54.11 90.3 $144. 13 31.2 $88.16 13.7 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 I Renter Other $37.55 73.9 $47.34 83.5 $44.59 14.9 $31.48 9.7 $25.90 6.1 $15.71 3.6 $18.70 9.8 $15.77 6.6 $58.93 57.4 $140-82 80.2 $475.84 82.1 $873.09 93.6 $139.35 56.6 $270.00 79.4 $40.48 16.7 $55.97 21.8 $75.08 67.7 $80.26 73.3 $740.83 86.7 $896.74 89. 1 $249.11 70.9 $316.23 79.2 to Item I 1 | All | families 1 1_. 1 1 1 1 $47.72 10.7 $9.34 12.5 i $4.81 7.7 $10.58 12.5 $483.99 70.8 $571.17 71.2 1 1 1 $331.68 68.7 $592.51 81.9 $519.23 92.9 1 1 J $270.61 76.4 $472.84 88.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 $425.70 86.6 ____ 1— 38 Table 2. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by HOUSING TENURE .1/ (All urban and rural families and single consumers. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued I I 1 1 1 Item Money income before taxes, total Annual average................. ........... Percent reporting Wages and salaries, total Annual a v erage................. Percent reporting ........... Wages and salaries, civilian Annual average................. ........... Percent reporting Union dues Annual average............. Percent reporting ........... Other occupational expenses Annual average.................. Percent reporting ........... Rent received as pay Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... Meals received as pay Annual aver a g e .... ............ Percent reporting ........... Wages and salaries, armed forces Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... Quarters and subsistence Annual average................. Percent reporting ............ Self-employment income, total Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... Net income from own business Annual average................. ........... Percent reporting Net income from own farm Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... See footn otes a t end o f ta b le All families ___ J 98.1 J ___ | $8,539.60 i --- 1 $8,475.92 1 ___ | I ___ I 17.2 -$33.57 I 1 1 I 1 1 Housing tenure Homeowner 1 J$ 13,502.28 | 98. 1 I | $9,894.63 | 78.0 1 j $9,883.30 | 74.8 1 | -$20.72 1 19.2 I | -$40-47 J 23.7 I | $.03 (<0 1 ___ 1 I .9 I | 1 1 ___ | 12.9 1 ____| 1 $613.59 1 1 J | | $15.93 8.0 $48.33 .5 $8.23 .5 $866.59 11.0 1 1 $360.31 J 6.4 - j ___ Other i l | | J | 1 | J$12,514.17 98.3 1 1 J$10,551.17 87.5 J 1 |$10,197.11 83.8 | 1 | $1,226.90 | 16.8 1 Renter ! | $7,959.35 I 98.2 1 J $6,133.23 I 77.1 I | $6,020.71 1 73.7 | 1 1 | | 1 | I 1 | 1 1 | 1 I I i I | 1 i i 1 | | 1 1 | j _JL. -$12.23 13.5 -$21.74 16.5 $25.78 2.3 $23.60 9.8 $76. 28 1.4 $20.83 1.5 $375.49 7.0 i | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | J I I J I | J -$19. 19 20.2 - $ 4 0 . 22 26.2 $6.32 •6 $17.57 7.3 $325.76 3. 1 $63.81 3.4 $357.11 10.7 1 $249.93 5.4 J | ! | $125.56 1 . 8 J ___ l $275.27 8.7 $81.83 2.3 39 Table 2. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by HOUSING TENURE 1/ (All urban and rural families and single consumers. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Housing tenure Item | 1 i 1 1 1 i Homeowner L_ I | 1 Renter I I I ! A $577.61 25.0 $700.84 29. 1 $416.03 20.2 $292.65 15.2 $343.67 16.3 $209.41 13.4 I l I ! I 1 1 $283.20 12.3 $307.03 15.0 J J 1 1 1 $743.45 72.4 $215.02 51.3 $120.87 8.6 $183.50 12.4 $25.40 2.4 $412.38 62.7 $559.95 69.8 $189.62 50.6 $600.81 $592.80 66.9 $610. 17 69.3 $107.30 6.4 $36.73 2.9 $229.97 12.5 $129.00 5.7 $167.57 7.3 $65.14 3.5 $70.38 4.0 $57.68 3. 1 $86.81 J 5.5 1 1 $294.12 61.8 $330.82 61.0 $228.25 62.2 1 J $386.26 72.1 J • CO t $533.25 64.6 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 i $82.39 9. 1 $303-87 70.1 $629.42 71.5 $24.80 1.9 $147.64 3. 1 1 . J__ See footnotes at end of table Other J o Social security, railroad retirement Annual average .................... Percent reporting ...............,.| Government retirement, veterans' payments,! and unemployment compensation | Annual average....... .............. j Percent reporting ...............,.| Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, J rental income, royalties, income 1 from roomers and boarders 1 Annual average..................... .| Percent reporting ...............,.{ Bental income, royalties, income 1 from roomers and boarders 1 Annual a v e r a g e .................... .| Percent reporting ......... . Income from interest, dividends, I estates and trusts I Annual average.............. ...... ,.| Percent reporting ............... • j Income from all other sources, total Annual average.................... .| Percent reporting ............... Welfare and public assistance 1 Annual a v e r a g e .................... , . ! Percent reporting ............... . , | Private pensions J Annual average.................... , . | Percent reporting ............... . | Regular contributions for support I Annual average .................... • I Percent reporting ............... , . j Other, incl. workmens' compensation 1 Annual a v erage.................... , . | Percent reporting ............... ,.| All families $102.66 4.5 $354.32 67.6 40 Table 2. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by HOUSING TENURE (All urban and rural families and single consumers. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued ±/ Item 1 1 All 1 1 families 1 ___ L_ P ersonal t a x e s , t o t a l A n n u al a v e r a g e . . . . , ....................................... Percent rep o rtin g ..................................... F e d e r a l in c o m e t a x e s A nnual a v e r a g e . . . , .......................................... Percent rep o rtin g ..................................... S t a t e and l o c a l in c o m e t a x e s A n n u al a v e r a g e . . . . . ..................................... Percent rep ortin g ..................................... P e r s o n a l p r o p e r t y and o t h e r A n n u a l a v e r a g e ................................................. Percent rep o rtin g ..................................... O t h e r money r e c e i p t s A n n u a l a v e r a g e . ............................................... Percent rep o rtin g ............................... N e t c h a n g e i n a s s e t s and l i a b i l i t i e s , t o t a l Average o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s . . . . . Percent rep o rtin g ..................... .............. Net ch a n g e i n a s s e t s A v e r a g e o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s ........... P ercent rep o rtin g .................................... N et c h a n g e i n l i a b i l i t i e s A v e r a g e o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s ........... P ercent rep ortin g ..................................... Goods and s e r v i c e s r e c e i v e d w i t h o u t d i r e c t expense A n n u a l a v e r a g e ................................................. P ercent rep ortin g .................................... Market v a l u e o f f i n a n c i a l a s s e t s A v e r a g e o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s ........... P ercent rep o rtin g ..................................... M o r tg a g e p r i n c i p a l p a i d on owned p r o p e r t y A n n u a l a v e r a g e .................................................. Percent rep o rtin g ..................................... 1 1 1 1 | J Housing tenure Homeowner 1 | _1_ 1 Renter | _______L. \ |- $ 1 ,687.93 80.6 | |-$ 1 ,399.11 J 75.0 | - $ 2 , 0 3 8 .53 | 83.6 -$1,094.58 75.0 1 | -$ 1 ,6 82.86 1 | —$ 1 , 9 6 4 - 4 2 89.0 J 1 J I 76.7 -$914.08 70.9 1 | | I I | I | -$282.27 61.7 -$154.87 55.3 1 | | -$73.39 31.5 -$25.63 16.4 $254.45 13.6 $159.42 14.3 | $1,227.86 | 90.2 $105.40 76.5 I -$234.0 5 59.6 \ { -$54.77 25.6 | | $219.41 14.0 | | $824.23 85.5 | | $1,463.88 73.6 l | | $1,431.58 80.1 $368.06 60.8 | | $639.65 64.4 | | $203.72 69.0 $262.66 54.4 1 $139.42 68.4 $122.16 58.5 J Other | - $ 1 f 662.92 85.8 -$251.85 67.9 I J I 1 | 1 | 1 -$49.66 24.5 $252.85 16.6 I J $1,440.31 J 96.6 I ($11,029.60 | 92.7 I I I | | $132.45 64.6 | | $7,094.67 76.6 1 | | $9,233.94 82.6 $3,813.98 65.6 | 1 -$301.46 35.6 J J 4 -$439.38 54.4 -$13.74 1.7 | .J_____ _ J J $9,589.29 I 87.2 I I 4 $125.36 | 65.8 I 4 $5,948.68 J 87.2 ! | J -$862.84 67.3 __ I______ 1/ Data in columns which represent less than 218,000 consumer units or in cells which represent less than 18,500 consumer units are likely to have large sampling errors. 2/ Percents may not sum to 100 due to rounding. 3/ Data represent only those expenditures collected in the interview survey, not the total of all family expenditures. 4/ Value less than 0.05 percent ** Data not available. 41 T ab le 3. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by TYPE OF AREA J / ( A l l u r b a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s a n d s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) Item Number o f f a m i l i e s i n u n i v e r s e I I I I ____ J I ( 0 0 0 s ) . . . . ------| A ll fa m ilie s 7 1 ,2 2 0 I I I 1 1 1 1 J J 1 1 1 A verage 1 ii F a m il y s i z e ................................................................ . . . 1 I F a m il y in co m e b e f o r e t a x e s ................ 1 F a m il y in co m e a f t e r t a x e s ............................ 1 1 Age o f h e a d ................................................................. 1 Number o f c h i l d r e n u n d e r 1 8 ....................... 41 Number o f p e r s o n s 65 and o v e r .................. 1■ Number o f a u t o m o b i l e s o w n e d ....................... 1i P ercen t2/ i ii H o u s in g t e n u r e i Homeowner................................................................ R e n t e r ........................................................................ Not r e p o r t e d ......................................................... ii Race o f h ea d i W h it e ........................................................................... B l a c k ...........................................................................— j O t h e r ........................................................................... ■ \ E d u c a t i o n o f head \ 1 t o 9 y e a r s ..................... 1 ............ ............... .. 9 y e a r s , n o t more t h a n 12 y e a r s . . . . — i More t h a n 12 y e a r s ......................................... — i Not r e p o r t e d o r no s c h o o l ....................... — i i A u tom ob ile o w n ersh ip i At l e a s t o n e a u t o m o b i l e o w n ed ............. — i i 1 1 i1 1 1i 1 1i 1 I I 1 f 1 1 41 i i < S ele c te d See fa m ily c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s footn otes at end o f ta b le 2 .9 $ 1 1 ,4 1 9 $9 ,7 3 1 48 1 .0 .3 1 .3 59 37 4 i 1i i 4i i i■ i i i i *i T otal in s id e SMS A 4 9 ,8 1 0 2 .8 $12,1 0 7 $ 1 0 ,2 5 7 47 1.0 .3 1 .3 55 40 5 i 89 10 1 21 43 29 6 80 i i i 1i i i i ! 1 1i 1 ! __J__ 87 11 2 18 44 32 6 79 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1i 1 J1 1 1 1 1 it 1 J 1 1i 1 1I 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1j 1 I 1 1 Ji 1 J 1 J 1 1 i 1 T ype o f a r e a I n s i d e SMSA Urban | C entral T otal u rb a n __I_____ c i t y ______ I 2 2 ,8 4 9 4 4 ,5 6 2 I I 1 1 l 1 1j 2 .8 2 .6 1 Ji $1 0 ,6 3 6 $ 1 2 ,0 1 6 1 1 $ 1 0 ,1 8 4 $ 9 ,1 0 2 1 I 47 47 1 4I 1.0 .9 i Ji .3 .3 i 1< 1 .1 1 .3 i 1i i ii i 53 45 i 43 51 i 5 4 i «i i 86 79 i 12 19 i 2 2 i 17 43 33 6 78 i i i i i *i i j __L O th e r urban | J 2 1 ,7 1 3 J 5,248 3 .0 | 3-3 $ 1 3 ,4 6 8 | $12,875 $ 1 1 ,3 2 2 1 $10,883 46 | 47 1 .1 | 1-3 .3 | .2 1.5 J 1.6 61 33 5 | 1 1 75 94 5 1 | J 95 4 J 1 20 43 29 7 14 44 36 5 J l | | 23 47 26 4 69 87 | 89 Rural 20 5 42 T a b le 3 . S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by TYPE OF AREA 1 / ( A l l u rb an and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , Consumer E x p en d itu re In te r v ie w Su rvey, 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u ed Type o f a r e a O u t s i d e SMSA Number o f f a m i l i e s i n u n i v e r s e S elected ( 0 0 0 s ) ............. fa m ily c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s A verage F a m i l y s i z e ...................................................................... F a m i l y in c o m e b e f o r e t a x e s ............................... F a m il y in c o m e a f t e r t a x e s . . . ........................... Age o f h e a d ...................................................................... Number o f c h i l d r e n u n d er 1 8 ............................. Number o f p e r s o n s 65 and o v e r ........................ Number o f a u t o m o b i l e s ow n ed ............................. P ercen t2/ H o u s in g t e n u r e H o m eo w n er............................................................ R e n t e r ............................................................................. Not r e p o r t e d .............................................................. R ace o f h ead W h i t e ................................................................................ B l a c k ................................................................................ O t h e r ................................................................................ E d u c a t i o n o f head 1 t o 9 y e a r s ............................................................. 9 y e a r s , n o t more t h a n 12 y e a r s ............. More t h a n 12 y e a r s ............................................... Not r e p o r t e d o r no s c h o o l ............................. A u to m o b ile o w n ersh ip At l e a s t o n e a u t o m o b i l e ow n ed ................... See fo o tn o tes at end o f t a b l e | J t I .| J I ! 1 1 1 . | I .| 1 .| 1 . | 1i . | 1i . | ■ . | J I 1 1 . I . J •1 i 1 J . | •i . I l ! . | •J . J . I 1i 1 . | 1 T otal o u tsid e SMSA 2 1 ,4 1 0 2 .9 $ 9 ,8 2 0 $ 8 ,5 0 8 50 1 .0 .4 1 .3 67 29 4 91 8 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ii 1 1i 1 1i [ 1i 1 1i 1 i1 1 I ! J 1 I 1 1 Ii 1 1 1 1 1 29 1 43 J 23 1 5 1 1i 1 82 J __J__ Urban 9, 139 to 'J It e m $9,9 0 9 $8,5 5 1 49 .9 .3 1 .3 59 37 4 89 10 1 24 42 28 6 79 I l I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1■ 1 11 1 i■ 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 J 1 1 i 1 1i i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1i 1 1 — 1__ R ural 12,2 7 2 3. 1 $ 9 ,7 5 3 $ 8 ,4 7 5 50 1. 1 .4 1 .4 73 23 4 93 6 1 33 43 19 4 85 43 T a b le 3. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by TYPE OF ABEA J / ( A l l u r b a n an d r u r a l f a m i l i e s a n d s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I | | 1 1 1 1 1 1 Item C urrent co n su m p tion e x p e n s e s , e x c lu d i n g p e r s o n a l i n s u r a n c e , g i f t s and co n tr ib u tio n s 3 / A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ........... ............................. Percent rep ortin g to ta l A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ........... Percent rep o rtin g ............................. Food a t home A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ........... Percent rep o rtin g . . . , ..................... Food away fro m home, e x c l u d i n g t r i p s A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ........... P ercent rep o rtin g ............................. M ea ls a s pay A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ........... Percent rep ortin g ............................. A ll fa m ilie s J I 1 Food, ...| i 9 9 .7 J ...| I 8 7 .3 l ...| $ 1 8 .8 2 ■ 1 A lco h o lic beverages 1 A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ........... Percent rep ortin g ............................. . . . J 6 2 .7 Tobacco p r o d u cts 1 A verage annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . . . . . | Percent rep o rtin g ............................. . . . 1 $128 .5 0 5 6 .5 i 1 ■ I H o u sin g , to ta l A verage annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . . P ercent rep o rtin g ............................. S h e lte r , t o t a l Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . . Percent rep o rtin g ............................. R ented d w e lli n g s A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ........... ............................. Percent rep o rtin g Owned d w e l l i n g s A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ........... P ercent rep ortin g ............................. O th er l o d g i n g , e x c l u d i n g t r i p s A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ........... Percent rep ortin g ............................. 1 See fo o tn o tes at end o f ta b le . 1 1 | $ 7 ,4 7 8 .4 3 | 1 0 0 .0 1 1 | $ 1 ,6 2 9 .4 2 J 9 9 .6 I | $ 1 ,2 3 5 .5 6 J 9 9 .0 ! | | $ 3 7 5 .4 0 8 5 .6 I I J I $ 1 8 .4 6 8 .3 T otal u rb a n $ 1 9 .5 6 8 .4 I i 1 ■ 1 1 1 | $1 3 3 .1 7 5 6 .5 1 1 $ 8 7 .4 3 68. 8 $ 1 3 2 .6 3 5 6 .4 | i 1 J | | | $ 6 7 4 .4 3 4 3 .2 1 | 1 $ 7 8 6 .6 8 6 0 .2 I I I I I ,5 1 1 .9 2 9 8 .3 $ 7 1 5 .6 6 4 5 .7 I $ 2 2 .2 2 7.2 1 1 1 1 1 J ___ $ 7 7 3 .9 7 5 8 .0 $ 2 2 .2 9 7. 1 I I | i I | J I J I J. 1 1 1 $ 1 3 7 .7 6 5 7 .8 | $ 1 ,4 8 3 .3 3 9 8 .2 1 I $1 , 4 3 0 . 2 5 9 9 .2 4 I $ 4 5 1 .9 4 1 9 2 .3 J 1 $ 2 0 .7 2 1 8 .5 1 $ 1 2 7 .7 5 5 5 .1 | 1 I | 1 $ 9 4 .4 7 7 3 .6 1 | $ 2 ,3 2 9 .1 0 | 9 9 .6 1 i 1 1 | $1 1 | $9 , 3 3 9 . 4 1 10 0 .0 i 1| 1 I $1 , 9 0 2 . 9 0 9 9 .8 i 1 1 i l $ 5 5 7 .9 9 4 9 .7 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 4 1 $1 ,6 7 4 .0 3 9 8 .5 $6 4 4 .8 9 3 7 .3 I $1 , 0 0 1 . 2 5 6 6 .6 4 1 J 5.9 I -1- 1 1 $2 , 5 2 2 . 4 1 9 9 .7 I 1 i $1 J 1 1 ,2 4 0 .5 2 9 6 .7 1 $ 3 2 4 .3 2 2 2 .2 J 1 J $894 .6 1 7 8 .9 1 1 $ 1 6 .9 8 $ 1 3 7 .7 6 5 7 .6 1 | 1 1 $ 7 0 .8 3 6 3 .8 1 1 $2 , 9 3 2 . 5 6 9 9 .8 1 | $14 .8 6 9. 0 i 1 1 J 1 1 $ 3 8 3 .8 6 89. 1 1 l J 1 1 $7 8 2 .9 1 5 3 .7 I $1 , 4 2 3 . 8 2 9 8 .8 J a i $ 1 ,3 5 7 .8 8 9 8 .2 R ural 1 1 1 J $81 ,7 6 5 .2 6 100-0 1 1 1 I $1 , 8 2 2 . 5 4 9 9 .6 J i 4 1 I 1 ! 1 J $ 8 0 .7 4 6 4 .3 i 1 $2 , 6 2 3 . 1 4 9 9 .7 O th er urban I I 1 1 4 I i i 1 | 7.7 I I | $8 , 3 8 5 . 2 0 10 0 .0 1 f 1 1 | $1 ,7 6 2 . 6 7 9 9 .7 J I I $1 , 3 3 0 . 4 2 99. 1 I i $ 4 1 2 .6 9 I 8 8 .9 I | 1 i 1 I | I J 1 1 i 1 1 $ 5 7 1 .9 0 $ 7 1 8 .5 1 6 3 .6 J 1 1 I $ 8 5 .6 8 6 8 .3 9 7 .6 I ...J $ 1 9 .0 6 8 .5 1 Type o f a r e a I n s i d e SMSA Urban | C en tral 1 c ity _ 1 1 I | ■ 1 1 1 1 | | 1 ...| ...J I | | i 1 $ 2 ,6 1 2 .5 2 I 9 9 .7 1 1 i ...| $ 1 ,3 4 0 .2 6 J 99. 1 I | $ 4 0 9 .6 6 | 8 8 .9 1 i ...| | $ 1 ,7 6 8 .9 8 J 9 9 .7 l | 9 9 .1 ...| 1 1 | T otal | in s id e 1 SMSA 1 1 1 1 1 | $ 8 ,4 2 5 .2 4 | 1 00.0 1 $ 2 7 .8 8 8.4 J 1 J _____ $ 2 1 .5 9 8. 6 Table 3Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by TYPE OF AREA !/ (All urban and rural families and single consumers. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Item I I 1_ I I 1 4 1 Current consumption expenses, excluding personal insurance, gifts and contributions 3/ Average annual expenditure..... Percent reporting ............. ...i i 1 Food, total i Average annual expenditure..... ...i Percent reporting ............. Food at home Average annual expenditure..... Percent reporting ............ ...i Food away from home, excluding trips 4 Average annual expenditure..... ...| Percent reporting ............. -.-I Meals as pay 1 Average annual expenditure..... -.-1 Percent reporting ............ ...1 i l Alcoholic beverages 4 Average annual expenditure..... ...| Percent reporting ............ ...1 ■ ! Tobacco products S Average annual expenditure..... ...| Percent reporting ............ ...j i l Housing, total i Average annual expenditure..... Percent reporting ............ ...| i 1 Shelter, total 1 Average annual expenditure..... ...| Percent reporting ............ ... J Rented dwellings 1 Average annual expenditure..... • • • J Percent reporting ............ Owned dwellings I Average annual expenditure..... ... J Percent reporting ............. ...1 Other lodging, excluding trips 1 Average annual expenditure..... ...1 ............ ...1 Percent reporting J See f o o t n o t e s at end o f t a b l e . Total outside SMSA ,902.36 100.0 $1 ,524.74 99.8 ,231.69 99.3 $274.79 83.7 $18.27 8.9 $49.48 49.6 $117.64 56.4 ,928.69 99.8 $910.88 96.3 $333.37 29.0 $559.92 71.5 $17.60 8.9 Type of area Outside SMSA I Urban 1 1 1 4 I J 1 I $7 ,045.13 100.0 1 ■ I 1 | $1 ,496.18 99.8 1 1 | $1 ,191.15 99.3 I 1 $289.59 1 85.5 1 1 $15.43 1 8.9 4 i 1 4 $55.43 1 54.9 J i l 1 $116.87 1 54.9 4 1 ! 1 $2 ,079.37 99.7 1 i 1 1 J $1 ,036.47 97.9 1 1 $449.91 1 38.8 1 1 $568.56 4 64.0 1 4 $18.01 1 9.3 1 -1 I 1 J 1 4 1 1 I I i 1 1 1 I 4 | I 1 1 4 1 1 4 i 1 1 1 I l I 1 1 4 1 1 | 4 I 1 J 1 4 1 1 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 J Rural $6 ,796.04 100.0 $1 ,546.02 99.8 $1 ,261.88 99.3 $263.76 82.3 $20.38 8.9 $45.04 45.6 $118.21 57.4 $1 ,816.48 99.8 $817.36 95. 1 $246.58 21.8 $553.48 77.2 $17.30 8.6 T a b le 3. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by TYPE OF AREA J / ( A l l u r b a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s a n d s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d — ! --Type of area 1 1 ' Inside SMSA All 1 1 Item families Urban Total 1 1 1 1 Total | Central Other Rural inside 1 1 1 1 1 urban __ 1__ urban __ 1_____city SMSA 1_ J ___ _________ L _ Fuel and utilities, total i Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting ............ - ..J Gas, total 1 Average annual expenditure...... .............. Percent reporting Gas, delivered in mains (piped) 1 Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Gas, bottled or tank I Average annual expenditure ...... ....... ....... ..J Percent reporting Electricity I Average annual expenditure....... Percent reporting .............. Gas and electricity combined bills I Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Fuel oil and kerosene I Average annual expenditure...... ..| Percent reporting .............. Other fuels, coal, wood i Average annual expenditure...... .............. Percent reporting Water, trash, sewerage 1 Average annual expenditure...... ...J Percent reporting .............. . • J ■ 1 Housing expenses, total 1 Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. ,. .| Telephone, excluding coin phones I Average annual expenditure....... .............. . Percent reporting Other expenses, including domestic J services 1 Average annual expenditure...... .................I Percent reporting i See footnotes at end of table. 1 1 90.3 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 10.4 1 $91.37 54.4 J $51.19 I i 1 i i $62.73 62.3 93.6 1 1 i i i i 1 J 4 I I 1 1 J 1 68.8 1 i 1 1 1 1 $386.09 88.0 $91.20 55.0 J 1 1 1 1 $50.35 16.8 1 1 1 $52.53 17.7 1 I $322.82 93.9 $184.32 91.0 $138.50 67.0 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 J J $1.38 2.2 1 $118.63 67.0 1 \ J 4 i 1 1 $1.89 5.6 4 $63.56 62.0 J i 1 1 $184.13 91.0 1 i 1 1 $139.33 66.1 1 1 J $92.35 50.8 I J $3.59 5. 1 I i 1 4 i 1 $172.33 88.7 $127.56 60.2 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 $92.89 49.8 $53.47 26.8 I \ $39.42 24. 1 J $157.24 74.3 $58.95 18.1 1 1 1 1 4 $222.08 85.2 $31.87 8.7 1 $52.61 18.3 1 J $97.84 35. 1 1 $3.37 8.6 1 I $7.71 12.3 1 $74.93 70.9 1 $299.88 91.8 I $514.21 95.4 I 1 $52.75 53.5 1 $323.46 93.7 J 1 1 1 I 4 I $95.93 54.7 1 $46.43 17.4 i 1 1 1 $443.04 91.7 1 $2.61 7.1 J 1 $85.31 53.6 J 1 \ 4 ! $25.59 10.6 1 1 1 1 I I 1 J $63.37 61.8 1 4 $38.76 14.3 1 $3.15 7.6 1 1 1 1 $86.69 55.2 1 J 1 1 $2.46 3.6 $137.44 70.6 J 1 I 4 1 $331.98 84.4 J 1 $44.98 16.5 I I 1 $146.36 72. 1 1 I $88.74 52.3 4 $6.35 5.8 J 1 1 1 1 $85.02 49.6 I 1 J 1 $399.59 88. 7 $348.27 95.7 $196.56 93.4 $151.71 72.2 1 i i l 1 $61.82 60.6 1 $317.41 95.4 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 $185.92 90.9 $131.49 74.6 Table 3. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by TYPE OF AREA (All urban and rural families and single consumers. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued \y Item | | I I I ..| i ta b le Rural $411.36 91.1 J | $445.51 95.8 $98.72 59.6 | | $94.54 51.9 $90.44 53. 1 | J $38.16 21.4 $8.28 7.3 l i $56.38 31.6 $152.93 78.6 | | $202.04 90.2 $29.33 9.2 | | $8.65 2.7 $43.44 17.8 | | $82.14 36.4 $5.05 8.7 | J $12.28 15.1 $81.88 75.6 | | $45.87 54.5 $284.70 93.4 J | $225.48 92.9 $155.79 87.9 | I $140.45 84.8 $128.91 71.9 | J $85.03 74.2 J 93.8 J ..| 34.9 J I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 00 • u> J 1 ..| 1 ..| $65.63 J ..J $9.19 5.5 1 i 1 Housing expenses, total 1 Average annual expenditure...... ..| Percent reporting .............. Telephone, excluding coin phones i Average annual expenditure...... ..| .............. Percent reporting Other expenses, including domestic 1 services 1 Average annual expenditure...... ..| ............ . Percent reporting I S ee f o o t n o t e s a t end o f J I • Fuel and utilities, total Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Gas, total Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Gas, delivered in mains (piped) Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Gas, bottled or tank Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Electricity Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Gas and electricity combined bills Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Fuel oil and kerosene Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Other fuels, coal, wood Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Water, trash, sewerage Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Total outside SMSA Type of area Outside SMSA I Urban I J I $250.76 $147.00 $103.76 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 J 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J _ ___L , 47 T ab le 3, S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s / a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s / a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by TYPE OP AREA J / ( A l l u r b a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s a n d s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s / U n i t e d S t a t e s / C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y / 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I I I Item All families 1 1 H o u s e fu r n is h in g s / eq u ip m e n t/ t o t a l I A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ....... .| ................................. .1 Percent rep o rtin g H o u s e h o ld t e x t i l e s 1 A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............... .| Percent rep o rtin g .................................. ,.| F u rn itu re ! A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .............. .| P ercent rep o rtin g ...................... ..J F lo o r c o v e r i n g s i A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e .............. ..| .j Percent rep o rtin g ............... Major a p p l i a n c e s i A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e , ....... ..J P ercent rep o rtin g ............... ..J S m a ll a p p l i a n c e s I A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............. .,.| P ercent rep o rtin g ................................ . Housewares { A verage annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . . . . . ....... ....... . Percent rep ortin g M isc e lla n e o u s 1 A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ...... ...| Percent rep ortin g ................................ .,.| __1__ $385.54 88.5 ta b le | J i $42.21 20.8 | J $89.48 31.6 | | J__ Total urban $55.20 74.9 $54.95 74.5 1 $144.35 42.6 $145.07 42.4 1 $45.33 21.5 $44.43 21.4 $86.65 30.9 $84.35 30.3 | | $9.50 31.7 $9.28 31.3 | | $52.23 49.8 | $647.37 99.3 | | $10.32 26.8 $10.48 26.8 $55.43 51.7 $53.10 51.7 $702.05 99.4 1 1 J 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I 1 J I 1 I | J $233.16 79.2 $231.66 78.3 $308.08 88.8 i I | $334.83 88.3 $337.74 87.9 $14.47 13.6 J J $467.22 91.1 1 1 $46.96 70.8 $63.37 78.4 $127. 15 38.0 $163.92 47.1 $34.27 18.4 $55.12 24.5 ( 1 1 1 1 J 1 $71.12 26.8 $98.27 34.0 1 1 J $8.23 28.4 $10.38 34.4 1 $8.90 24.2 $12.15 29.6 $42.72 46.2 $64.02 57.5 $15.44 14.2 $81.98 1 | 1 1 i 1 1 Rural $450.27 91.6 $57.33 78.3 $138.19 43.8 $52.95 22.3 $106.25 36.0 $11.36 35.0 1 $656.79 99.3 $756.76 99.6 1 1 J 1 1■ 1 J 1 1 $8.97 26.5 $75.21 52.4 $672.70 99. 1 1 1 $245.90 1 1 86.8 $207.37 74.1 $257.23 82.7 1 1 1 $310.51 85.4 $366.39 90.5 4 $15.33 14. 1 i $13.73 13.4 $17.01 14.7 1 J $16.37 15. 1 $92.03 83.5 $94.86 84.0 1 J $102.25 84.0 $87.07 84.0 $67.99 78.9 $26.59 62.2 $25.92 61.7 $22.94 58.2 1 1 1 1 $29.06 65.4 1 1 1 1 J __i— 1 $310.11 91.6 1 i I I 1 1 1 $216.09 79.5 J 1 1 $705.50 99.4 1 j $339.35 85.7 1 I i 1 1 __ 1__ 1 1 $9.29 25.6 \ 1 1 Other urban 1 $401.66 88.3 1 $9.77 31.6 Tvoe of area Inside SMSA Urban | Central 1 __ 1_____gjty_____ J __ $406.78 88.7 I o> a t end o f | | • o GO fo o tn o tes J 1 1 i $131.73 41.6 $26.74 62.4 1_________ See 1 J Total inside SMS A 1 $50.82 74.3 1 C lo th in g / t o t a l 1 A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ...... ...| Percent rep o rtin g ................ ....... ...J C l o t h i n g / m a l e # 2 and o v e r f A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ............. .,.| ....... ....... ..-I Percent rep ortin g C l o t h i n g / f e m a l e # 2 and o v e r i A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ...... ...| ...... ............I Percent rep ortin g C lo t h i n g / c h i l d r e n under 2 y e a r s 1 A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ...... ...j Percent rep o rtin g ............... ...J Dry c l e a n i n g / l a u n d r y 1 A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ...... , ,.| P ercent rep o rtin g ............... . M a t e r i a l s and s e r v i c e s I A v e r a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e ...... .,.| Percent rep o rtin g ..................J 1 1 1 1 1 1 __L _ $32.33 65.8 T a b le 3. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by TYPE OF AREA J/ ( A l l urban and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , Consumer E x p en d itu re In te r v ie w S urvey, 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C on tin u ed Item I_ I | } 1 ___________ Type of area Outside SMSA Total outside Urban | SMSA 1 1 1 Housefurnishings, equipment, total Average annual expenditure .........J Percent reporting -- ........... ...| Household textiles 4 Average annual expenditure.........| Percent reporting ..l Furniture J Average annual expenditure...... ..| Percent reporting .............. ..1 Floor coverings J Average annual expenditure ...... . . J Percent reporting ............... Major appliances I Average annual expenditure...... . Percent reporting ..| Small appliances i Average annual expenditure...... ..| Percent reporting .............. ..| Housewares i Average annual expenditure ...... ..| Percent reporting .............. ..| Miscellaneous 1 Average annual expenditure...... ..| Percent reporting ......... «... . .1 1 1 88.0 $346.84 87.5 4 J $328.13 88.5 $40.63 72.8 $43.35 72.3 | j $38.60 73.3 $102.37 39.5 $116.23 40.4 | J $92.05 38.8 $34.97 19.0 $35.69 18. 8 i | $34.43 19.2 $96.06 33.1 $93.23 31.8 | j $98.17 34.1 $10.39 31.5 $9.45 32.3 | | $11.09 30.9 $6.90 22.8 $7.72 23.2 | | $6.30 22.5 $44.79 45.1 $41.17 46.4 | | $47.48 44.2 $558.81 99. 1 J | $491.37 98.9 $179.97 74.6 l | $173.70 84.4 $269.43 88.8 | J $228.33 90.7 $13.74 11.9 | | $11.07 $70.06 78.9 l J $50.09 71.9 $25.61 63.0 | J $28.19 63.1 $336.11 Clothing, total Average annual expenditure...... ..J ‘ $520.16 Percent reporting ............ ..| 99.0 Clothing, male, 2 and over I $176.37 Average annual expenditure...... ..| Percent reporting .............. ..j 80.2 Clothing, female, 2 and over I $245.87 Average annual expenditure...... ..[ Percent reporting .............. ..I 89.9 Clothing, children under 2 years J Average annual expenditure...... $ 12.21 Percent reporting .................| 12.3 Dry cleaning, laundry I Average annual expenditure...... ..| $58.61 Percent reporting .............. ..| 74.9 Materials and services I $27.09 Average annual expenditure ...... ..J Percent reporting .............. . . 4 63.1 1 _ _____ See fo o t n o t e s at end o f t a b l e Rural 12.6 49 T ab le 3. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by TYPE OF AREA 1 / ( A l l u r b a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s a n d s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item I | | All families Total inside SMSA 1 1 1 1 1 Transportation, total, excluding trips Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Vehicle purchases (net outlay) Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Vehicle finance charges I Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Vehicle operations, total I Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Gasoline 1 Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. Other 1 Average annual expenditure...... ..| Percent reporting ............. Other transportation 1 Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. ..| i $392.10 24.3 1 1 Health care, total Average annual e x penditure...... ..| $473.86 96.2 Percent reporting .............. ..| Health insurance, excl. employer share 1 Average annual expenditure...... ..| $196.39 Percent reporting .............. Expenses not covered by insurance 1 Average annual expenditure...... ..| $277.47 Percent reporting .............. 1i Personal care (selected expenses) 1 $ 100.22 Average annual expenditure ...... ..| 84.2 Percent reporting ........... . . .| 1i Recreation, total 1 $636.33 Average annual expenditure...... ..| 92.5 Percent reporting .............. ..| I fl Owned vacation home J $9.96 Average annual expenditure ...... ..| ..| 2.7 Percent reporting ........ . I _______ See footn otes a t end o f ta b le Other urban Rural $1,605.03 93. 2 $1,562.15 93.1 $1,349.30 91.7 $1,786. 14 94.6 $1,969.13 94. 0 $703.87 29.6 $677.94 28.5 $564.14 24.7 $797.71 32.4 $924.00 39.2 $80.65 29. 0 $80.42 28.1 $74.52 24.7 $86.64 31.7 $82.59 36.2 $750.25 83.2 $728.38 82.1 $615.66 74.0 $846.99 90.5 $936.01 92.8 $340.42 81.9 $324.59 80.7 $269.30 72.7 $382.77 89.1 $474.86 91.9 $409.84 81.5 $403.79 80.3 $346.36 72.2 $464.22 $461.15 91.9 $70.25 29.3 $75.40 31.4 $94.97 39.7 $54.81 22.7 $26.53 $473.70 95.9 $466.92 95.6 $416.16 93.4 $520.33 97.9 $531.29 98.1 $189.53 90. 8 $187.30 90.5 $172.35 88.3 $203.02 92.8 $208.53 93.4 $284.17 85.0 $279.62 84.2 $243.82 79.1 $317.30 89.5 $322.76 92.2 $106.35 84.6 $106.88 84.6 $98.85 82.2 $115.32 87.0 $101.87 85. 1 $694.02 92.8 $692.97 92.6 $583.51 89.9 $808.15 95.6 $702.96 93.9 $ 11.66 $12.08 $9.21 2.3 $15. 10 3.4 $8.04 2.8 _ Total urban Type of area Inside SMSA Urban Central L city __ 2.8 88.8 11.1 2.8 50 Table 3. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by TYPE OF AREA J/ (All urban and rural families and single consumers. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued I Item 1 _____ Total outside SMSA | j 1 I I Transportation, total, excluding trips I Average annual expenditure ...... ..| $1,516.80 Percent reporting .............. Vehicle purchases (net outlay) I Average annual expenditure ...... Percent reporting .............. ..| 32.2 Vehicle finance charges I Average annual expenditure...... ..J $77.30 Percent reporting .............. Vehicle operations, total J Average annual expenditure...... ..| $713.94 Percent reporting .............. . .| 87.4 Gasoline 1 Average annual expenditure...... ..| $363.10 Percent reporting .............. other I Average annual expenditure...... ..| $350.84 Percent reporting .............. ..J 85.8 Other transportation I Average annual expenditure ...... ..| $19.40 Percent reporting .............. . • | 12.6 J Health care, total 1 Average annual expenditure...... ..| $474.24 Percent reporting .............. ..| 97.1 Health insurance, excl. employer share i Average annual expenditure...... ..| $212.35 Percent reporting .............. ..| 91.8 Expenses not covered by insurance i Average annual expenditure...... ..| $261.89 Percent reporting ............. ..( 88.8 1i Personal care (selected expenses) 1 Average annual expenditure...... ..J $85.98 Percent reporting .............. ..| 83.2 i 1 Recreation, total 1 Average annual expenditure ...... ..| $502.13 Percent reporting .............. ..| 92.0 1i Owned vacation home 1 Average annual expenditure...... ..J $6.00 Percent reporting .............. ..| 2.3 i See footnotes at end of fable Tvoe of area Outside SMSA Urban Rural L___ $1,429.67 89.0 $1,581.68 92.3 $669.74 29.6 $733.26 34.2 $81.26 30.0 $74.36 30.7 $652.96 83.1 $759.36 90.6 $318.37 81.3 $396.41 $334.59 81.5 $362.94 89.0 $25.71 16.7 $14.70 9.6 $463.38 96.7 $482.33 97.4 $205.04 91.7 $217.80 91.9 $258.34 87.6 $264.53 89.6 $94.55 83.0 $79.60 83.4 $556.94 93.9 $461.31 90.6 $7.63 2.7 $4.80 88.8 2.0 51 T a b le 3 . S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by TYPE OF ABBA J / ( A l l u r b a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s a n d s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d 1 Item 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 .1 Vacation, pleasure trips, total Average annual expenditure....... Percent reporting ............... .| Food S Average annual expenditure....... .| Percent reporting ............... .| Alcoholic beverages I Average annual expenditure...... ,.| Percent reporting ............... .| Lodging 1 Average annual expenditure ....... .| Percent reporting ...............,.| Transportation, total 1 Average annual expenditure....... .| Percent reporting .................J Gasoline 1 Average annual expenditure ...... .,.| Percent reporting ............ . ,.| Other transportation 1 Average annual expenditure ....... Percent reporting ............... All expense tours Average annual expenditure....... Percent reporting ............. . ..J Other vacation expenses 1 Average annual expenditure.......,.| Percent reporting .............. ...J 1 All families Other urban | J Rural | | 1- Total urban $284.70 63.7 | J $291.38 63.3 | J $242.46 57.7 J | $342.86 69.1 | | $227.93 67.9 $63.49 55.2 | J $63.95 54.8 | | $53.02 48.2 | J $75.45 61.7 | | $59.60 58.6 $ 8.02 27.6 | | $8.35 28.1 | | $6.97 23.3 | < $9.81 33.2 | | $5.25 22.7 $47.19 37.2 | | $48.35 36.9 | | $40.70 30.9 J | $56.40 43. 1 | i $37.35 40.0 $97.56 61.1 | J $99.88 60.7 j J $86.70 55. 1 | J $113.74 66.6 | | $77.93 64.9 $32.41 53.2 | | $31.81 52.3 i $26.45 45.3 J i $37.45 59.5 | J k $37.51 61.6 $54.47 39.0 | J t | J f | | $65.15 42.4 | | $68.07 43.0 | | $60.25 38.2 1 1 $76.30 48.0 | J $40.42 37.2 $35.08 7.7 | J $42.69 8.9 | | $44.58 9.2 | | $35.19 7.7 1 $54.47 10.8 4 I | $26.59 6.5 $25.74 40.9 | J $26.28 40.7 | i $19.89 34.6 J J $33.00 47. 1 | | $ 21.22 42.9 | J 1i $84.26 14. 6 ! | $77.54 13.4 | | $64.15 10.4 | | $91.63 16.6 | | $141.26 24.4 | 1 i | J $313.41 90.9 | J $311.96 90.8 | J $267.69 87.9 | J $358.55 93.9 | J $325.73 92.0 $46.82 16.0 | | $46.34 16.0 | J $41.12 14.8 | | $51.84 17.2 $266.59 90.4 | | $265.62 90.2 | | $226.56 87.2 | | $306.72 93.4 $249.93 62.5 1 1 1 1 1 | | 1 $57.32 53.9 $6.96 24.7 | | 1 | | 1 $41.15 35.7 $86.50 60.0 $32.03 53.1 $22.92 38.9 Boats, See footnotes at end of table. Type of area Inside SMSA Urban Central | | 1 citv 1 Total inside SMSA 1 aircraft, wheel goods 1 Average annual expenditure ...... ...J Percent reporting .................1 1I Other recreation, total i Average annual expenditure.......,.j Percent reporting ...............,.| Televisions i Average annual expen d i t u r e .......,.| Percent reporting .............. ...J Other 1 Average annual expenditure...... ...J Percent reporting .................J 1 | | $83.59 15.3 $292.86 90.4 $46.54 15.8 | | 1 1 | | 1 1 1 1 $246.31 | 89.7 1 ____ L { 1 $50.89 16.2 | ,| $274.84 91.3 52 Table 3. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by TYPE OF AREA J/ (All urban and rural families and single consumers, United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 197 2- 1973)-Continued Item I__________ _ Type of area _ _____ __ Outside SMSA | Total | I | outside | Urban I i SMSA 1 J 1 1 fo otn otes at end o f t a b l e J 1 | | J $200.60 63. 1 1 | | CD -Cr • -tr See 1 1 1 1 Vacation, pleasure trips, total i Average annual expenditure....... ,.| $169.07 Percent s p o r t i n g ............... 59.6 Food 1 Average annual expenditure....... ..| $42.97 Percent reporting .............. .. 1 50.9 Alcoholic beverages Average annual expenditure....... Percent reporting ............... 17.9 Lodging J Average annual expenditure ....... ,.J $27.12 Percent reporting .................| 32.2 Transportation, total J Average annual expenditure....... ,.| $60.75 Percent reporting .................1 57.2 Gasoline 1 Average annual expenditure....... ..1 $31.14 Percent reporting ...............,.| 52.9 Other transportation I Average annual expenditure ....... $29.61 Percent reporting .................J 31.2 All expense tours 1 Average annual expenditure....... ,.J $17.40 Percent reporting ............... ..| 4.8 Other vacation expenses J Average annual expenditure....... ,.| $16.35 Percent reporting .............. ...J 34.3 1i Boats, aircraft, wheel goods 1 Average annual expenditure....... ..| $82.03 Percent reporting .................J 17.1 1 I Other recreation, total i Average annual expenditure....... ,.| $245.03 Percent reporting .................| 89.3 Televisions i Average annual expenditure....... $45.89 Percent reporting .............. .,.| 15.3 Other i Average annual expenditure....... ..J $199.14 Percent reporting .............. 88.2 1____ ._______ | J | | \ I | ] 1 | J i 11 i | J i | J ! J | 1 4 $145.59 57.0 1 4 $5.59 21.5 I 4 4 $33.14 34.8 1 1 1 $38.25 48.5 $3.66 15.3 $22.64 30.2 J $73.38 60.5 $34.43 55.0 $38.95 35.3 $20.29 5.3 1 J $51.34 54.8 4 $28.70 51.4 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 $22.65 28.2 $15.24 4.5 J $18.88 36.7 1 1 | 1 1 $49.32 54.2 1 | | I | | I J Rural 1 J $14.46 32.6 1 4 $69.55 14.5 1 1 1 $91.32 19.0 4 $279.17 91.5 $47.57 15.7 1 1 1 1 4 $219.61 87.7 $44.64 15.0 1 $231.60 90.4 4 1 -J__ $174.97 86.5 53 T ab le 3. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y TYPE OF ABEA J / ( A l l u r b a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s a n d s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I All I I families I ___________ L_ Item Reading materials Average annual expenditure ...... ..J Percent reporting .............. . .J I Education, total 1 Average annual expenditure...... ..| .............. ..J Percent reporting Private Average annual e x p e nditure...... ..| Percent reporting .............. Public J Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. ..J i 1 Miscellaneous Average annual expenditure...... Percent reporting .............. $47.72 84.0 $102.53 24.2 $62.05 at end o f ta b le 4 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total inside SMSA $50.78 84.7 16.7 4 I $114.67 24.9 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 $7.72 10.7 4 4 70.8 1 1 1 12.2 $41.56 16. 1 $78.30 68.2 $794.82 87. 1 $262.99 71.4 J . ____ 1 1 $50.77 84.3 1 1 1 $116.58 24.7 1 J 1 1 1 1i 1 1 1 i l I 1 I 4 1 1 $74.56 12.4 $42.02 15.7 $77.57 67. 6 $785.77 86.9 $260.67 70.9 4 $7-43 10.0 $524.40 72.7 i i 1 1 Total urban I $73.11 1 J 4 ! I I jL. i I 4 i ♦ Personal insurance and pensions, total 1 Average annual expenditure...... .............. Percent reporting Life, endowment, annuities and income 1 Average annual expenditure ...... Percent reporting .............. Other personal insurance 1 Average annual expenditure ...... ..| ........... . ..J Percent reporting Retirement and pensions J Average annual expenditure...... ..J Percent reporting ...... ........ i I Gifts and contributions 1 Average annual expenditure....... .............. Percent reporting See f o o t n o t e s 1 1 1 1 I I I I | $452.15 86.9 1 i 1 1 1 ■ i 4 I 1 J__ $7.57 10. 1 $517.52 72.6 $456.79 86.6 Type of area Inside SMSA Urban | Central 1 __ 1___ city_____ J __ I I 1i 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1i 4 4 4 1i $44. 12 80.4 $96.53 22. 1 $62.25 11.4 $34.28 13.6 $66. 16 63.1 1 1 1 1 $664.86 84.7 4 $217.82 66.4 1 1 1 J 1 1 i i I 4 J _ 1 _- 1 I $57.77 88.5 4 $137.67 27.5 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 J 1 1 4 i i 1 1 4 4 J I ) 1 $87.51 13.4 $50.16 17.9 $89.57 72.3 $913.00 89.2 $305.76 75.6 $396.25 84.2 1 4 i i 4 1 4 1_. Rural __ 1__ I i 1i $50.81 88 . 1 1 4 4 1 4 1 4 1 i i 4 J 4 j i 1 1 J $98.45 26.8 $60.77 10.4 $37.68 19.6 $84.53 73. 1 $871.68 88.7 1 4 1 $282.63 75.9 4 $9.47 12.5 4 $441.27 69.3 1 4 i I J 1 $5.76 7.9 I Other urban 1 1 $6.26 8.6 4 $597.76 76.1 $520.50 89.2 1 J i I 4 J 4 1_ $582.79 73.6 $412.78 88.7 Table 3. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by TYPE OF AREA J/ {All urban and rural families and single consumers. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Item Reading materials Average annual expenditure Percent reporting ....... Education, total Average annual expenditure Percent reporting ....... Private Average annual expenditure Percent reporting ....... Public Average annual expenditure Percent reporting ....... Miscellaneous Average annual expenditure Percent reporting ....... Personal insurance and pensions, total Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Life, endowment, annuities and income Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting ........... Other personal insurance Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Retirement and pensions Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Gifts and contributions Average annual expenditure Percent reporting ....... See fo otn otes at end o f ta b le I I I I I I I i i I J Type of area Outside SMSA Total outside SMSA Urban Rural $40.61 82.3 $42.46 83.1 $39.24 81.8 1 1 1 1 $74.30 $ 86.66 22.4 $65.09 22.6 1 1 $36.33 6.4 $42.36 7.4 $31.84 5.7 $37.97 18.3 $44.30 17.5 $33.25 18.8 $67.60 66.8 $64.81 69.0 $69.68 65. 1 $615.22 $642.86 86.2 $594.64 85.7 $216.82 69.8 $224.95 70.4 $210.76 69.3 $8.41 12.4 $8.93 11.2 $ 8 . 02 13.3 $390.00 66.2 $408.98 68. 1 $375.86 64.8 $364. 18 $389.95 $344.99 \ i i i j i i i i i i i i 1 i j i i i i i i i i i i i 1 J ■ 86.0 86.0 86.1 22.8 86.0 55 T a b le 3. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by TYPE OF ABEA J / ( A l l u r b a n an d r u r a l f a m i l i e s a n d s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d All families Item Money income before taxes, total Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Wages and salaries, total Annual average............. Percent reporting ...... Wages and salaries, civilian Annual average............ Percent reporting ....... Union dues Annual average............. Percent reporting ...... . Other occupational expenses Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Rent received as pay Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Meals received as pay Annual average............ Percent reporting ....... Wages and salaries, armed forces Annual average............ Percent reporting ....... Quarters and subsistence Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Self-employment income, total Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Net income from own business Annual average....... ..... Percent reporting ....... Net income from own farm Annual average ............ Percent reporting ....... See footn otes a t end o f ta b le Total inside SMS A | | 1 Total urban T y pe of area Inside SMSA Urban Central | city J Other urban $11,419.16 98. 1 $12,106.71 97.9 |$12,016.28 J 97.9 $10,636.28 98.1 |$13,468.49 | 97.8 $8,539.60 78. 1 $9,271.64 79.4 | $9,215. 13 | 79.4 $7,984.78 76.3 |$10,509.84 J 82.6 $8,475.92 74.8 $9,188.03 76.1 J $9,129.94 |$10,413.87 J 79.3 -$17.53 17.2 -$33.57 { 76.0 $7,909.84 72.9 -$19.64 18.6 | | -$19.49 18.5 -$17.52 17.6 J | -$21.56 19.5 -$33.34 21.9 | J -$33.15 21.6 -$30.40 19.6 | j -$36.06 23.7 $9.78 .9 $8.77 .8 | J $8.34 $6.53 .8 j J $10.25 .9 $18.82 $19.06 8.5 J J $19.56 8.4 $18.46 8.3 J | $20.72 8.5 $70.86 .9 $89.06 1.1 | | $89.60 $79.75 1. 1 J | $99.97 $15.32 1.0 $19.70 1.2 | J $20.33 1.3 $18.10 1-0 | J $22.67 1.5 $875.24 12.9 $771.37 10. 1 | | $736.13 9.1 $626.99 7.9 | | $850.98 $613.59 8.9 $613.28 J | $608.15 7.8 $529.95 6.7 J J $690.44 8.9 $261.64 4.5 $158.09 | | $127.98 1.4 $97.04 1-3 21.2 8.6 8.2 2.2 .8 1.1 \ J 1.2 10.2 $160.54 1.5 I | i i J Rural 1 J$ 12,874.53 | 97.9 | $9,751.56 79.6 l | $9,681.27 | 76.7 I | -$20.94 1 19.5 l J -$34.96 J 24.3 I | $12.41 J 1.0 i | $14.86 9. 0 I J $84.51 J -9 I | $14.40 J \ 1 1-0 | $1,070.59 i 19.2 I J $656.84 J 11.4 I 1 $413.75 J 8.8 J____________ 56 Table 3. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by TYPE OF AREA J/ (All urban and rural families and single consumers. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Item | Total | outside 1 SMSA 1 1 Money income before taxes, total 1 Annual average- ... .................. | $9,819.62 ......I 98.6 Percent reporting Wages and salaries, total J Annual average............... ....... | $6,836. 58 75.2 Percent reporting ................| Wages and salaries, civilian J An n u a l a v e r a g e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... j $6,819.25 Percent reporting .......... ......j 71.8 Union dues I A n n u a l a v e r a g e . .............. ..... j -$12.62 13.7 Percent reporting .......... ......j Other occupational expenses ! A n n u a l a v e r a g e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......j -$34.08 Percent reporting .......... ......| 19.5 Rent received as pay l $12.13 Annual average....... . ....... ......| .9 Percent reporting ............... | Meals received as pay J $18.27 Annual average............... .......| Percent r e p o r t i n g .......... ......i 8.9 Wages and salaries, armed forces 1 A n n u a l a v e r a g e . .............. ......| $28.51 .5 Percent reporting .......... ...... | Quarters and subsistence I Ann u a l a v e r a g e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... | $5. 11 .5 Percent reporting •••••••••'......| Self-employment income, total I An n u a l a v e r a g e . .............. ......j $1,116.88 19.5 Percent reporting •••••••••.......| Net income from own business J An n u a l a v e r a g e . .............. ......| $614.32 10.6 Percent reporting •••••••••.......| Net income from own farm A n n u a l a v e r a g e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......| $502.56 Percent reporting ................j 10.0 I ______ . See fo o tn o te s at end o f ta b le Type of area Outside SMSA I I Urban Rural I I I I I I 1 I J 1 | $9 ,752.74 I $9 ,909.44 j \ 98. 6 98.6 1 1 | $7 ,257.48 | $6 ,523.14 j | 76.7 74.0 1 1 | $7 ,244.23 | $ 6 ,502.78 1 i 71. 1 72.8 1 1 1 J j | -$12.71 -$12.55 j j 13.9 13. 6 1 1 k 1 -$41.03 -$28.91 i 1 | 1 20.5 18.7 1 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | J | | 1 | ] 1 | | 1 1 1 J | $7. 51 .7 $15.43 8.9 $37.93 .6 $6. 12 .5 $633.46 12.1 1 | j 1 | | 1 | 1 1 1 J $15.58 1. 1 $20.38 8.9 $21.50 .5 $4. 36 .4 1 I $1 ,476.87 | 25.0 1 | $523.53 9.7 j $681.92 11.2 $109.93 3.0 1 i 1 1 1 $794.95 15.3 J___ 57 T a b le 3. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by TYPE OF ABEA \J ( A l l u r b a n a n d r u r a l f a m i l i e s a n d s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d All families Social security, railroad retirement Annual average.......... ..........,.| Percent reporting ............... .J Government retirement, veterans* payments,! and unemployment compensation | Annual average...................... j Percent reporting .............. .| Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, J rental income, royalties, income I from roomers and boarders 1 Annual average.................. . .J Percent reporting ............... ,.| Rental income, royalties, income \ from roomers and boarders 1 Annual average.......... ......... ,.| ............... Percent reporting Income from interest, dividends, estates and trusts I Annual average .............. . ,.| Percent reporting ........ ...... ..1 Income from all other sources, total I Annual average......... ........... ,.| Percent reporting ............... ,.| Welfare and public assistance l Annual a v erage ................ .... ,.| Percent reporting .............. ..| Private pensions ) Annual aver a g e .................... ,.| ............... ..| Percent reporting Regular contributions for support i .| Annual average................. . ............... Percent reporting Other, incl. workmens* compensation 1 Annual average .................... ,.| ............... ,. | Percent reporting \ See foo tn o tes a t end o f ta b le $577.61 25.0 $292.65 15.2 $533.25 64.6 $120.87 8.6 $412.38 62.7 $600.81 68.0 $107.30 6.4 $129.00 5.7 $70.38 4.0 $294.12 61.8 I 1 1 1 _1_- I J 1 1 1 I 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! i 1 J 1 1 1 1 Total inside SMSA 1, 1 i_ $544.31 22.8 \ $309.81 15.2 $558.65 66.3 $123.53 7.8 $435.12 64.6 $650.92 69. 9 $119.01 6.4 $141.92 6.0 $79.85 4.4 $310.15 63.7 J 1 1 1 J 1 1 J 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 J 1 Total urban $547.90 22.9 $315.08 15.2 $541.73 66.1 $114.63 7.6 $427.10 64.3 $660.33 70.3 $127.95 6.8 $143.91 6.0 $81.89 4.6 $306.58 63.9 Type of area inside SMSA Urban Central 1 1 city J __ __ L Other urban $562.46 24.3 $532.57 21.4 J 1 1 J 1 J 1 I 1 1 J 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 J 1 1 J 1 1 J 1 1 J 1 $303.93 14.6 $520.38 61.5 $115.55 7.8 $404.83 59.6 $637.74 69.3 $176.73 9. 1 $113.19 5.7 $77.39 4.7 $270.43 62.3 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 J 1 $326.80 15.9 $564.19 70.9 $113.65 7.5 $450.54 69.4 $684.09 71.4 $76.62 4.4 $176.24 6.3 $86.62 4.5 1 1 __ 1__ I I I 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J J Rural $513.90 22.5 $265.13 15.0 $702.31 68.0 $199.14 9.7 $503.17 66.3 $571.04 66.9 $43.10 3.5 $124.98 5.4 $62.52 3.4 ! $344.62 65.7 1 J 1 $340.45 61.3 58 Table 3. Selected family characteristics* annual expenditures* and sources of income classified by TYPE OF AREA \ / (All urban and rural families and single consumers* United States* Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey* 1972-1973)-Continued Type of area Outside SMSA Item | ! 1 1 Social security* railroad retirement \ Annual average.................... .| Percent reporting ............... .1 Government retirement* veterans' payments ,1 and unemployment compensation 4 Annual average .................... .| Percent reporting ............... .1 Estates* trusts* dividends* interest* rental income* royalties* income I from roomers and boarders I Annual average.................... .| Percent reporting ............... .| Rental income* royalties* income 1 from roomers and boarders I ' Annual average.... ............ . .| Percent reporting ............... Income from interest* dividends* \ estates and trusts \ Annual average.................... .| Percent reporting ............... .| Income from all other sources* total 4 Annual average....... ............. .| Percent reporting ............... .| Welfare and public assistance I Annual a v e r a g e .................... .| Percent reporting ............... . I Private pensions 1 Annual average.................... .| ............... . | Percent reporting Regular contributions for support I Annual average.................... .| ............... .| Percent reporting Other* incl. workmens' compensation i Annual average..................... •| ............... .| Percent reporting J S ee f o o t n o t e s at end o f t a b l e . Total outside SMSA $655.06 30.2 $252.73 15.2 $474.15 60.9 $114.67 10.3 $359.49 58.5 $484.22 63.5 $80.08 6.3 $98.96 5.1 $48.36 3.0 $256.83 57.4 _ _ I i | I 4 I 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 4 1 J 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 Urban $646.75 29.5 $294.35 16.3 $538.55 63. 1 $125.39 10.6 $413.16 60.9 $538.85 66.2 $91.16 6.6 $114.58 6.1 $68.05 3.9 $265.06 59.7 I I I I 4 I I I I 1 1 I 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 J I 1 1 I 4 1 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 Rural $661.25 30.7 $221.73 14.3 $426.20 59.2 $106.68 10.0 $319.52 56.6 $443.55 61.6 $71.83 6. 1 $87.33 4.5 $33.70 2.4 $250.69 55.6 59 T a b le 3* S e l e c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by TYP E OF AREA \/ ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e rs . U n it e d S t a t e s , C onsum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d Item A ll fam ilies Personal t a x e s , t o t a l Annua l a v e r a g e .................................................. -$1,687.93 Percent reporting ..................................... 80. 6 F e d e r a l income t a x e s Annual a v e r a g e .................................................. -$1,399.11 .......................... .... Percent reporting 75.0 S t a t e and l o c a l i n c o m e t a x e s A nnual a v e r a g e ................................................. -$234.05 Percent reporting ................ .................... 59.6 P e r s o n a l p r o p e r t y and o t h e r Annual a v e r a g e .................................................. -$54.77 Percent reporting ..................................... 25.6 O t h e r money r e c e i p t s Annual a v e r a g e . . . . . . ............................. .. $219.41 Percent reporting ..................................... 14.0 Net c h a n g e i n a s s e t s and l i a b i l i t i e s , t o t a l A v e r a g e o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s ........... $824.23 Percent reporting ..................................... 85.5 Net ch an ge i n a s s e t s A v e r a g e o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s ........... $1,463.88 Percent reporting ..................................... 73.6 Net c h a n g e i n l i a b i l i t i e s A v e r a g e o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s ........... $639.65 Percent reporting .................................. .. 64.4 Goods and s e r v i c e s r e c e i v e d w i t h o u t d i r e c t expense $132.45 Annua l a v e r a g e .................................................. Percent reporting .................................... 64.6 Market v a l u e o f f i n a n c i a l a s s e t s $7,094.67 A v e r a g e o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s ........... Percent reporting ..................................... 76.6 Mo r t g a g e p r i n c i p a l p a i d on owned p r o p e r t y -$301.46 Annual a v e r a g e .................................................. Percent reporting ..................................... 35.6 See footnotes at end of table. I 1 ______ | | j ____ Total inside SMS A 1 1 J-$1,849.48 4 81. 1 I |-$1,545.32 | 76.7 J I -$258.22 J 60.7 1 | -$45.95 | 21.4 I | $236.03 i 14.3 I | $795.48 | 85.0 I | $1,525.30 J 74.3 I | $729.82 | 65. 1 I I | $124.77 J 61.5 I | $7,459.87 I 76.8 1 | -$309.62 J 37. 2 _1_ Total urban -$1,832.72 80.7 -$1,530.99 76.5 -$257.65 60.3 -$44.08 20.2 $244.61 14.3 $738.67 84.6 $1,487.21 73.6 $748.54 64.7 $118.75 59.9 $7,597.60 76.5 -$284.86 36.4 Type o f a r e a I n s i d e SMSA Urban | Central | 1 city 1 1 1 J-$1,534.68 1 77. 1 I l-$1,280.64 I 73.0 1 | -$220.54 | 56.9 1 J -$33.51 | 17.8 I j $185.90 4 12.9 1 | $468.32 J 80.6 1 | $1,090.23 | 68.0 I | $621.91 i 59. 1 1 1 J $116.87 | 55.8 I l i 4 | J 1 $6,925.15 71.3 / 1 O t he r urban 1 1 |-$2,146.36 | 84.5 1 |— $1,794.45 | 80.3 1 i -$296.70 | 64.0 1 1 -$55.21 I 22.7 \ \ $306.39 4 15.8 I j $1,023.16 J 88.8 1 | $1,904.96 J 79.4 I i $881.80 I 70.6 1 J 4 $120.72 | 64.2 I | $8,304.59 j 82.0 1 -$210.71 28.4 4 J -$362.90 44.8 J _____ | i Eural 1 4 |— $1,991.77 J 84.2 i |-$1,666.93 | 78.4 I 1 -$263.08 1 64.2 1 | -$61.76 | 31.2 1 | $163.11 1 14.6 I | $1,277.89 i 88.8 i i $1,848.73 J 80.7 I J $570.84 J 68.0 I I | $175.96 | 75.7 I | $6,290.36 J 79.0 J | 4 -$519.82 43.7 J _______ 60 Table 3. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by TYPE OF AREA J/ (All urban and rural families and single consumers. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Item Total outside SMSA Personal taxes, total Annual a verage...... -$1,312.10 79.6 Percent reporting .... Federal income taxes Annual average......... -$1,058.97 70.9 Percent reporting .... State and local income taxes Annual average......... -$177.82 Percent reporting .... 56.9 Personal property and other Annual average......... -$75.30 Percent reporting .... 35.5 Other money receipts Annual average......... $180.75 13. 1 Percent reporting .... Net change in assets and liabilities, total | Average of end-of-year values.....| $891. 10 86.4 Percent reporting .... Net change in assets Average of end-of-year values.....| $1,320.98 Percent reporting .... 71.9 Net change in liabilities $429.87 Average of end-of-year values.... | Percent reporting .... 62.9 Goods and services received without direct J expense Annual average......... $150.30 Percent reporting .... 71.9 Market value of financial assets Average of end-of-year values..... I $6,245.07 76.1 Percent reporting .... J Mortgage principal paid on owned property -$282.47 Annual average ......... Percent reporting .... 31.9 Type of area Outside SMSA I | Urban 1 ______ 1 1 |-$1,358.72 ] 78. 1 I I-$1,133.28 | 72. 1 I 1 -$177.12 | 55.7 1 | -$48.33 | 28.0 1 | $172.16 | 14.5 1 | $958.02 | 86.8 1 | $1,383.05 l 71.8 1 | $425.03 | 64.8 1 1 | $112.64 J 64.7 I 1 $7,166.58 | 76.6 I | -$254.51 i 33.5 -1 1 | _± 1 Rural J |-$1,277.38 J 80.8 I l-$1,003.64 l 70.0 I J -$178.34 | 57.8 I | -$95.40 ! 41.0 I | $187.15 | 12.1 1 | $841.27 1 86.1 I | $1,274.75 | 71.9 I i $433.48 | 61.4 I I | $178.34 I 77.2 I 1 $5,558.84 1 75.7 1 | -$303.29 J 30.7 J _______________ 1/ Data in columns which represent less than 218,000 consumer units or in cells which represent less than 18,500 consumer units are likely to have large sampling errors. 2/ Percents may not sum to 100 due to rounding. 3/ Data represent only those expenditures collected in the interview survey, not the total of all family expenditures. 61 T a b le 4. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by EDUCATION OF FA M ILY HEAD 1/ ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e rs , U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1972-1973) E d u c a t io n o f Item Number of families in universe (000s). Selected family characteristics Average Family s i z e ......................... Family income before t a x e s ....... . Family income after t a x e s ......... Age of h e a d ......................... Number of children under 18....... Number of persons 65 and o v e r ..... Number of automobiles o w n e d ....... Percent^/ Housing tenure Homeo w n e r ......... ............. . Renter............................. Not reported...................... Race of head White.............................. Black.............................. O t h e r .............................. All 1 1 families I 1 71,220 1 1 1 1 I i I 2.9 ! -- 1 $11,419 i $9,731 1 1 48 1 1 1.0 .. ! I I .3 • •I f I 1.3 ..1 i I 1 i 1 59 37 4 ii 1 89 10 1 I 1 1 Education of head 1 to 9 years.............. ....... 9 years, not more than 12 years. More than 12 years............... ..1 Not reported or no s c h o o l ....... . . I i 1 Automobile ownership 1 At least one automobile owned... ..1 1 See f o o t n o t e s at end o f t a b le 21 43 29 6 IElementary 1 | I 1 to 8 1 J years 1 1 15,113 | 1 4 1 I 1 1 I 1 i 1 I i i j 1 2.7 | 1 1 1 $7,418 | 1 1 $6,626 | 1 I 60 | 1 J 1 .8 | 1 1 1 I I .6 1 1 1 I 1 1.0 | J 1 1 I 1 1 j j * i 1 1 64 | 1 34 | 1 2 ) I i li 1 1 1 84 1 15 | 1 I fl 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 J 1 i 1 1 ** ** ** 100 | | | | i 1 1 85 1 14 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** 100 1 ** 1 ** 1 i 1 1 80 1 1 66 | 1 fa m ily h ead 1 College High school 1 to 3 J Graduate 1 Graduate | 1 to 3 years 1 years J 4 years 1 4 years l 1 5,656 11,108 1 21,104 | 9,089 | J 1 I 1 J ■ 1 4 J 1 i I I 2.9 | 2.9 3.1 | 3. 1 i 1 1 $9,842 1 $12,095 | $13,260 | $17,087 1 1 I $8,524 1 $10,296 | $11,254 J $14,109 1 1 1 44 | 43 | 41 49 1 1 1 1.0 | 1.0 1.2 1 1. 1 | 1 I 1 1 .2 .3 1 .2 | .2 | i fl 1 1.5 \ 1.5 J 1-6 1.3 1 1 I 1 1 1 i 1 i i 1 1 58 4 61 1 62 J 58 36 | 36 36 1 33 j 4 1 6 5 I 8 I i 1 1 78 1 I 1 91 I 8 I 1 1 ** ** 1 1 j 94 | 6 J | i 1 1 87 | i 92 J 7 | 1 J 95 3 2 _____ I More than l 4 years I 4,851 I J I J 4i 1 No school | or not J reported 1 4,298 1 1 1 1 4i 1 1 l J i 1 1 4i 1 I 1 1 1 i 4 1 4i 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 4 i J 1 | I | 1 | 1 | I 1 | 4■ 1 1 41 4 4 1 4 1 1 1 3.0 $19,628 $16,009 43 1.0 .2 1.7 60 33 6 95 3 2 \ ** ** j j 100 | ** | ** ** 100 ** 88 ) 91 4 1 4 i 1 1 4 JL ** ** 100 ** 93 1.7 $5,628 $4,929 47 .5 -4 \ -8 1 1 1 i 1 | 4 I i 1 | I 4 4 4 4 j | j i J i | L 22 72 7 80 17 3 2 ** ** 98 55 62 T a b le 4. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by EDUCATION OF FA M ILY HEAD \ / ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e rs . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d 1 All 1 1 families ______L Item Current consumption expenses, excluding personal insurance, gifts and contributions 3/ Average annual expenditure.. . 1$7 ,967.43 ......... . J 100.0 Percent reporting 1 Food, total 1 Average annual expenditure.. . i$i ,695.56 99.7 Percent reporting ......... . i Food at home I Average annual expenditure.. . i$i ,307.62 99. 1 Percent reporting ......... . i Food away from home, excl. trips i $369. 11 Average annual expenditure.. • I 87.3 Percent reporting ......... Meals as pay 1 $18.82 Average annual expenditure.. . 1 Percent reporting ......... - 1 8.6 i1 Alcoholic beverages 1 $74.80 Average annual expenditure.. -1 62.7 Percent reporting ......... . 1 Tobacco products Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting ......... Housing, total Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting ......... Shelter, total Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting ......... Rented dwellings Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting ......... Owned dwellings Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting ......... Other lodging, excluding trips Average annual expenditure.. ......... Percent reporting See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f ta b le 1 1 •1 .1 i1 $128.50 56.5 i . |$2 ,406.95 99.7 1 l 1 . |$1 ,311.24 97.6 •1 1 •1 1 •1 • 1 $571.90 39.0 $718.51 63.6 1 - 1 • i $20.83 7.7 I 1Elementary 1 | 1 to 8 | 1 years J I$5 ,511.32 100.0 1 1 1 i$1 ,447.24 99.8 J I i$1 ,240.00 99.5 I I $192.77 I 71.5 1 I $14.47 I 7.1 I 1 1 1 J 1 I 1 1 1 i 1 1 $36.76 40.9 $113.98 53.2 | $1 ,542.49 99.8 J ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 J $753.74 96.7 $344.20 33. 1 $403.44 66.7 $6. 10 4.0 Education of family head Hiah school College 1 1 No school 1 to 3 | Graduate I 1 to 3 | Graduate I More than | or not years 1 4 years i years J 4 years -1- 4 years 1 reported I$7 ,259.82 100. 0 I 1 1 I 1$1 ,706.72 99.9 J < I $1 ,366.83 99.5 1 1 1 i 1 1 J i i I I$8 ,470.95 100.0 I 1 1 I |$1 ,802.91 99.9 J I 1$1 ,379.75 99.7 J I $320.52 I $406.33 86.3 I 93.2 I $19.37 J $16.82 9.2 1 8.9 1 1 1 $60.19 J $80.30 69.2 57.2 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 $160.66 65.5 1 1 1 1$2 ,070.60 99.9 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $10.31 5.3 1 1 1 1 J $143.74 60.2 | $2 ,523.41 99.9 1 i i J 1$1 ,096.66 |$1 ,368.69 98.5 I 99. 1 1 1 I 1 $499.46 I $574.42 38.2 4 37.3 1 1 I 1 $586.88 1 $774.58 64.9 1 67.5 1 1 1 1 I $9 ,506.65 100.0 I 1 1 1 1$1 ,852.17 99.9 J 1 1 $1 ,355.20 99.6 J 1 $475.39 \ 95.6 1 1 $21.59 1 9. 1 4 1 1 $95.47 J 74.9 1 1 1 $126.63 54. 8 1 1 1 1 1$2 ,948.57 J f l 99.9 $10,743,721 $12,080.87 $4,408.26 100.0 100.0 | 100.0 I I $1,925.22 |$2,107.48 $914.29 100.0 J 99.9 97. 1 I $1,354.98 I$1,498.41 $659.88 99.7 | 99.7 92. 1 1 $546.04 1 $591.70 $223.13 97.8 | 97.7 73.9 I $24.20 | $17.36 $31.28 9.9 9. 1 | 7.3 | 1 1 $116.77 J $119.47 $69.95 81.3 | 80.9 50.5 I 4 $112.21 J $91.06 $89.22 51.4 J 45.4 49.4 1 1 $3,552.95 99.9 1 J 1$1 ,654.56 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $19.69 i 8.5 1 98.7 $2,013.87 99.2 $721.69 41.2 $780.86 40.9 $912.17 63.6 $1,178,98 64.7 $20.70 9. 1 $54.03 13.6 | $ 3 ,985.11 | 100.0 I J |$2,241.57 I 98.8 $1,309.08 96.9 $843.20 85.6 1 | $857.17 j 38.2 I | $1,312.62 | 67.6 I J $71.78 | 16.1 $633.58 63.6 $205.11 24.2 $4.50 3.2 63 T a b le 4S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by EDUCATION OF FA M ILY HEAD J / ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e rs , U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d Item Fuel and utilities, total I Average annual expenditure....) Percent reporting ........... | Gas, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Gas, delivered in mains (piped) 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas, bottled or tank | Average annual expenditure....! ............ | Percent reporting Electricity ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas and electricity combined bills! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Fuel oil and kerosene | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Other fuels, coal, wood | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ............J Water, trash, sewerage ! Average annual expenditure.. . . J Percent reporting ....... •-••! i 1 Housing expenses, total | Average annual expenditure....! ........... ! Percent reporting Telephone, excluding coin phones ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... 1 Other expenses, including domestic! services J Average annual expenditure...-! ........... ! Percent reporting J See footnotes at end of table 1Elementary 1 | 1 to 8 | 1 years 1 Education of family head Colleqe Hiah school 1 | Graduate I 1 to 3 1 to 3 t Graduate years 1 4 years -1- years 1 4 years $409.01 90.3 | J $404.53 91.5 $92.86 54.6 | J $77.64 45.2 | | $15.22 10.4 l J $156.80 76. 1 | ! $40.47 13.4 | J $51.19 20. 1 J ! $4.97 9.1 | | $62.73 62.3 i J $301.16 93.6 J | $173.10 89.5 | ! $128.06 68.8 ] i | All I families 1 $374.62 | 93.3 1 4 $93.52 ! 59.2 | 1 $69.46 J 43.7 | J $24.06 | 16.3 J J $134.32 | 79.7 ! » $34.07 ! 12.1 | I $55.28 ! 24.3 \ I $8.79 J 10.4 J I $48.64 ! 59.1 J i 1 1 $184.93 ! 91.6 J l $126.10 | 84.3 ! I I $58.83 ! 62.2 | _JL $98.83 57.6 $82.11 47.7 $16.71 10.9 $155.38 78.7 $40.76 13.1 $49.54 20.4 $4.17 6.3 $55.85 62.3 $233.87 92.9 $158.32 88. 1 $75.55 66.2 I | ! 1 ! 1 1 I J I | J I | ! J ! | I ( J l I J I ! J i 1 1 | J 1 | J I 4 ! J 1 ! $437.69 J 92.3 ! 1 $97.77 | 56.1 l I $81.16 J 46.7 J I $16.61 J 10.5 J I $169.54 | 78.2 i 1 $42.62 | 13.9 | I $55.60 J 21.1 ! i $3.45 ! 7.4 ! I $68. 72 ! 66.5 | i 1 1 $300.11 J 96.1 | 1 $180.21 ! 93.2 | l 1 $119.90 ! 71.9 J ___ L $433.15 91.3 $91.89 53.6 $81.67 47.0 $10.21 7.7 $168.60 76.3 $47.60 14.9 $47.78 18. 1 $3.10 9.0 $74.19 65.0 $382.42 97.1 $209.86 95. 1 I | ! I 1 ! 1 ! ! 1 J J I J | I | J I J 4 I J 4 l i | i I 1 | | I I I I $468.26 91.4 $96.74 52.3 $89.57 46.9 $7. 17 6.5 $192.16 76.9 $41.01 13.3 $53.15 17.6 $5. 13 13. 1 $80.08 67.6 $491.03 98.4 $238.42 97.0 \ $172.56 J 75.6 J _1 $252.60 79.3 1 No school 1 More than | or not 4 years 1 reported I 4 l I J I I J l I I I I 1 J 1 J 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 4 1 i 1 4 4 1 1 1 4 i ! 4 1 $499.78 91.6 | 4 $169.28 60.9 $98.73 50.8 | ] $41.42 33.2 $93.61 47.5 ! 4 $35.38 27.4 $5.12 4.4 ! | $6.03 6.0 $197.12 75.2 | ( $59.90 45.8 $54.21 15.9 ! ! $20.36 10.0 $55.28 17.2 1 ! $19.42 10.6 $5.83 16.7 J 1 $3.78 6.2 $88.61 68.9 J 4 $24.41 32.9 $575.55 98.6 J ! $157.47 71.5 $253.00 97.3 | J $87.79 63.0 $322. 55 83.9 J | $69.68 38.8 64 T a b le 4. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by EDUCATION OF FA M ILY HEAD ± / ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e rs , U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d Item Housefurnishings, equipment, total Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Household textiles Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Furniture Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Floor coverings Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Major appliances Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting ........... Small appliances Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Housewares Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Miscellaneous Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Clothing, total Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Clothing, male, 2 and over Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Clothing, female, 2 and over Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Clothing, children under 2 years Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Dry cleaning, laundry Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Materials and services Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f t a b le 1 | All Elementary 1 | families 1 to 8 l years 1 J_____________ i I I l ) 1 | 1 1 $229.20 | | $385.54 J 88.5 82.9 | | 1 1 I $50.82 $30.65 1 | 74.3 67.U | I ) 1 | $131.73 $68.51 | I 41.6 27.4 J | ) 1 l $42.21 $22.03 | J 20.8 14.4 | 1 V | $89,118 $69.06 | I 31.6 26.5 i | 1 ) | $9.77 $7.85 | 25.0 ) l 31.6 1 ) 1 | $9.29 $5.13 | l 25.6 16.3 J | 1 1 $25. 97 | | $52.23 | 49.8 33.7 J i ■ i * i 1 1 1 l $647.37 $383.60 J 98.6 | 1 99.3 | 1 1 1 $216.09 $126.73 | | 79.5 72.5 J | 1 1 | $308.08 $177.84 | | 88.8 87.0 1 | 1 1 | $14.47 $6.11 | l 13.6 7.1 | 1 1 1 | $81.98 $56,116 | l 80.9 71.4 | 1 1 1 $16.47 | | $26.74 1 62.4 50.2 1 1 ________ L Education of family head Hiah school 1 Colleqe 1 to 3 | Graduate J 1 to 3 l Graduate years I 4 years I 4 years 1 years l I I I I l ) 1 1 $416.93 1 $478.44 | $579.79 $335.55 i 88.3 | 92. 1 1 92.3 l 95.1 1 1 1 $43.82 1 $53.42 | $64.44 | $84.33 73.4 | 78.7 | 78.4 | 82.5 1 1 1 $164.46 | $202.44 $108.89 | $141.95 \ 45.6 J 50.7 | 39.0 1 56.3 1 1 1 $47.79 | $38.02 1 $54.02 | $62.62 23.6 | 24.0 1 26.7 20.2 1 l 1 $86.73 | $100.14 | $111.17 J $111.15 30.9 J 35.3 | 36.9 1 36.7 1 1 1 $9.60 | $10.70 | $11.30 J $11.47 31.7 J 34.8 J 37. 5 36.0 J 1 1 1 $6.94 | $9.40 i $11.94 | $15.10 21.8 | 28.3 | 31.6 | 36.4 1 ! 1 $41.55 | $53.51 | $92.69 $61.11 | 44.7 | 54.6 1 69.9 59.3 1 1 ■ i i i 1 1 1 $562.65 J $676.25 1 $848.09 | $967.39 99.4 | 99.6 | 99.5 | 99.7 1 1 1 $185.51 | $220.77 | $292.91 | $330.33 83.5 | 80.4 1 83.6 J 85.5 ) 1 1 $266.37 | $329.85 1 $396.76 | $462.28 91.2 1 92.4 J 90.4 | 89.2 1 1 1 $12.81 | $16.73 l $21.23 | $20.23 14.1 1 16.7 J 16.5 ) 16. 1 1 1 1 $80.60 | $103.23 l $111.54 $78.52 | 78.2 | 82.2 J 88.8 J 91.1 1 1 1 $19.44 | $28.30 J $33.95 4 $43.01 66.0 1 57.2 | 70.9 J 75.9 1 1 No school or not reported More than 4 years I 1 1 l 1 I $668.21 94.5 I $139. 12 67.5 1 $79.33 83.6 1 $22.00 49. 0 1 $262.24 57.7 1 $53.26 22.6 1 $71.44 27.8 $11.85 8.2 $102.94 33.6 $26.47 12.4 1 1 $12.45 37. 2 1 $3.85 16.2 1 $20.35 39.3 i $3. 78 12.0 1 $119.46 69.9 i 1 $1,048.37 99.9 1 $354.73 87.2 1 $503.88 89.8 1 $21.36 17.4 1 $119.85 92.2 1 $48.56 81.6 $17.92 26. 1 i J $353.67 97.9 1 $117.08 56.7 1 $155.51 65.6 1 $7.40 6.7 1 $60.88 72.2 J $12.80 44.3 65 T a b le 4. S e le c t e d f a m ily c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by EDUCATION OP FA M ILY HEAD J / ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e rs . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d E d u c a t io n o f Item | I _____________________________ L All families Transportation, total, excluding tripsj Average annual expenditure-. . . |$1,578.50 92.5 Percent reporting .......... J Vehicle purchases (net outlay) i Average annual expenditure... | $704.55 30.4 Percent reporting ........... | Vehicle finance charges J $79.65 Average annual expenditure... | | 29.4 Percent reporting .......... Vehicle operations, total J Average annual expenditure... | $739.34 Percent reporting .......... J 84.5 Gasoline 1 $347.24 Average annual expenditure... \ | 83.0 Percent reporting .......... Other 1 Average annual expenditure... | $392.10 Percent reporting .......... I 82.8 Other transportation I $54.97 Average annual expenditure.•. | 24.3 Percent reporting .......... i i 1 H ealth c a r e , t o t a l 1 Average annual expenditure... J $473.86 .......... Percent reporting 1 96. 2 Health insurance, excluding 1 employer share 1 Average annual expenditure... | $196.39 .......... Percent reporting | 9 1 .1 Expenses not covered by insurance l Average annual expenditure... | $277.47 Percent reporting .......... | 86.2 i i Personal care (selected expenses) 1 Average annual expenditure... | $100.22 J 84.2 .......... Percent reporting i 1 Recreation, total 1 $636.33 Average annual expenditure... | J 92.5 Percent reporting .......... i 1 Owned vacation home 1 $9.96 Average annual expenditure... I | 2.7 .......... Percent reporting See f o o t n o t e s at end o f t a b l e IElementary I i 1 to 8 | I years 1 High school 1 to 3 | Graduate years 1 4 years $ 1 , 1 2 0 . 2 7 | $1,535.53 92.7 84.3 | 1 1 f a m i ly 1 to 3 years head College | Graduate I 4 years I No school More than | or not 1 reported | 4 years 1 |$1,771.58 |$1,824.49 | 97.4 96.5 | 4$1,842.18 | 98.1 $2,055.70 98.8 J | $836.25 32.2 $913.33 30.8 $459.79 | 22.7 | $671.89 31.9 | | $807.18 | 34.9 | $69.72 J 19.5 | $89.94 31.8 | i $88.33 | 34.8 J $75.53 | 35. 1 | $61.13 29.5 $94.34 28.4 $546.16 | 70.9 1 $715.35 82.5 | J $829.14 | 90.9 | $852.17 | 92.6 4 $871.64 95. 1 $948.60 95. 1 $270.43 | 69.8 J $360.66 | 81.5 | $394.42 | 89.4 J $384.14 4 91.0 J $380.04 93.0 $387.41 93.6 $275.73 69.3 $354.69 80.6 | | $434.72 J 89.5 | $468.03 91.0 4 | $491.60 94. 1 $561.19 94.2 $58.34 | 23.8 | $46.93 j 21.9 J $55.55 24.0 J 4 $73. 15 28.2 $99.43 32.7 | 1 $44.59 | 24. 1 1 $841.23 33.6 $406.07 | 94.3 I $430.78 94.5 | J $481.08 | 97.8 | $573.43 98.5 | | $601.38 99.0 $611.91 98.5 $181.71 l 88.2 J $185.36 89.4 | | $205.01 | 93.7 J $212.03 93.6 | J $225.63 94.8 $243.74 93.2 $224.36 | 82.2 | $245.42 83.7 | J $276.07 \ 88.9 | $361.40 89.7 | J $375.76 93. 1 $368.17 92.4 $74.90 | 80.8 J $99.33 84.2 | J $108.87 J 86.8 4 $116.46 86.6 4 J $125.27 88.5 $128.52 90.6 $293.80 | 83.2 I $488.78 92.2 | | $663.43 | 96.5 | $834.50 97.9 J $1,062.07 4 99.2 $1,339.53 99.0 $3.90 | 1.5 l $7.93 | 2.7 J $10.02 | 3.0 4 $10.38 | 3. 1 4 $15.46 3.1 $31.77 4.9 1 4 1 4 1 J 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 J 1 4 1 1 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 4 I 1 4 4 4 I 1 1 1 I $946.94 76.7 $447.69 21.7 $61.74 20.8 $390.69 62.0 $184.35 59.7 $206.34 58.3 $46.83 24. 1 $253.92 88.9 $109.20 81.2 $144.72 69.2 $49.90 65.3 $315.97 79.3 $3.45 1.1 66 T a b le 4. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by EDUCATION OF FA M ILY HEAD \ / ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e rs . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t in u e d E d u c a t io n Item | I All families 1 Vacation, pleasure trips, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Food Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ............ Alcoholic beverages Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Lodging Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Transportation, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... All expense tours Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ............ Other vacation expenses Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Boats, 1Elementary 1 | 1 to 8 | _l __ gears___ | | $249.93 62.5 j | | 1 $57.32 53.9 | | J | $6.96 24.7 | i | J $41.15 35.7 | | | J $86.50 60.0 | j | | $32.03 53.1 | J 1 1 $54.47 39.0 1 j 1 $35.08 7.7 | | | 1 $22.92 38.9 | | aircraft, wheel goods Average annual expenditure.... | ........... 1 Percent reporting $83.59 15.3 | | | | $292.86 90.4 | | | I $46.54 15.8 | | | 1 $246.31 89.7 I | Other recreation, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Televisions Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See f o o t n o t e s at end o f t a b l e \ i $108.10 | 43.0 1 1 $25.77 | 33.5 | 1 $2.13 | 8.7 | 1 $16.02 | 17.4 J I $37.89 J 40.3 J 1 $15.88 | 33.5 | 1 $22.01 | 22.4 | I $18.07 | 4.0 | 1 $8.22 | 19.6 J i 1 1 $37.54 | 9.6 | i 1 1 $144.26 | 79.2 | 1 $37.01 | 13.2 | I $107.25 | 77.4 J Hiqh school U o 3 | Graduate I 4 years years $165.67 55.3 $41.98 46.5 $4.51 17.0 $24.65 28.6 $57.19 52.5 $25.01 46-3 $32.18 31.5 $22.15 5.9 $15.18 30.9 $77.19 14.7 $237.99 90.2 ! J | I | | l | | I | J I | J I | J J | i I | J 1 | | i 1 1 | J i 1 1 ) | 1 $44.09 \ 15.8 { I $193.91 | 89.3 | 1 1 | I $248.16 J 67.5 J I $58.41 | 58.5 j 1 $6.66 | 26.9 J 1 $41.21 | 40.0 J I $83.84 | 64.8 J I $35.12 | 59.0 | 1 $48.71 | 41.0 | I $34.46 J 8.0 | 1 $23.59 | 43.2 J i 1 1 $95.90 | 18.4 | i 1 1 $309.34 | 94.9 J 1 $51.42 | 17.3 | 1 $257.92 | 94.4 J of 1 to 3 years fa m ily 1 __ L 1 | | 1 $74.41 J 67. 1 | $319.95 75.6 $10.26 34.5 | J 1 $52.69 1 46.3 J head Colleae Graduate 1 More tfian 4 years - X . 4 years $476.96 82.0 $99.07 75.6 $14.06 44.0 $84.86 55.9 i $107.32 73.1 $41.29 65.9 $66.03 48.8 $43.42 9.9 $31.85 52.2 $108.75 18.7 $395.42 97.0 $55.08 17.8 $340.34 96.9 | | I | | 1 j | 1 | J 1 J J i i 1 | J i 1 1 J | 1 J J I | J $167.03 80.2 $49.04 71.8 $117.99 60.5 I J I I i I I J J $114.96 45.5 $130.82 79.3 | J $28.53 37.0 $16.15 47.5 l J $5. 03 17.5 $16.32 19.9 $223.45 83.9 ) j $41.58 43.2 l J $17.90 34.6 J $163.19 67.4 | | $23.68 26.5 $81.79 14.5 i | $14.23 4. 1 $57.48 63.7 | J $9. 27 22.9 $147.83 18.4 | | $50.89 8.7 $543.79 98.6 | J $146.67 75.0 $55.52 17.4 | | $22.64 9. 1 $488.27 98.6 | | $124.02 74.2 i $411.79 98.3 | | | | $41.27 60.0 $55.35 17.9 $616.14 85.8 $106.45 60.9 $70.67 13.2 $467.14 98.5 No school or not reported I 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $102.51 17.7 j J 1 1 1 4 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $60.26 75.4 67 T a b le 4. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by EDUCATION OP FA M ILY HEAD J./ ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e rs . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d I | A ll | fam ilies 1 ___________ 1 1 Reading m a t e r i a l s J Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . | $47.72 ........................ | 84.0 Percent reporting 1 Education, t o t a l 1 A v er a ge a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e . . . I $ 1 0 2 . 5 3 24.2 Percent reporting ........................ \ Private I Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . | $62.05 Percent rep o rtin g | 10.4 ................ .. Public I $40.48 A v e r a ge a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e . . . I ........................ J Percent reporting 16.7 1 M iscellaneous 1 $75.08 Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . | | 67.7 Percent reporting ................ I t em $740.83 86.7 Elementary 1 1 to 8 | 1 J years 1 1 1 $22.42 J 70.7 | 1 1 $27.95 | 12.3 | I $15.07 | 3.6 | I $12.88 | 9.5 | 1 1 $41.82 | 52.0 | 1 1 $392.42 | 76.8 | $249.11 70. 9 $133.14 61.4 $7.72 10.7 $6.67 10.4 | $483.99 70.8 $252.61 51.0 \ I P e r s o n a l i n s u r a n c e and p e n s i o n s , t o t a l 1 A v e r a ge a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e . . . i Percent reporting ........................ | L i f e , endowment . a n n u i t i e s and i nc o me 1 Average annual expenditure... | Percent reporting ....................... J Other p e r s o n a l i n s u r a n c e I A v e r a ge a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e . . . | Percent rep o rtin g ........................ J R e t i r e m e n t and p e n s i o n s I A v e r a ge a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e . . . | Percent reporting | ........................ | 1 G i f t s and c o n t r i b u t i o n s 1 Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . | Percent reporting ........................ J 1 See footnotes at end of table. | | 1 | E d u c a t i o n o f f a m i l y he ad Hi ah s c h o o l 1 C olleae 1 to 3 | Graduate | 1 t o 3 J Graduate years 1 4 years I years I 4 years I 1 1 $62.03 J $85.12 $34.83 | $46.95 J 93.0 i 82.1 J 89.2 1 96.8 1 1 J $54.08 | $88.08 | $131.18 | $247.28 2 5 . 9 | 32.5 | 19.0 J 38.9 1 $50.97 | $26.53 | $71.18 l $161.28 13.7 | 10.7 | 7.0 J 20.9 I $86.01 $27.54 J $37.11 | $60.00 | 17.8 | 22.6 | 24.8 14.0 | 1 1 $93.64 | $105.87 $55.68 | $84.36 | 73.4 J 78.6 J 64.5 J 79.5 a I $616.64 87.1 J \ $803.08 91.4 $425.70 86.6 _ _ ____ $249.28 78.8 1 J J | l $343.18 44.5 $38.29 12.0 $240.72 25.6 $21.91 4.3 $102.46 27.2 $16.37 8.9 $139.30 82.7 $44.39 48.3 $1,464.87 92.4 $322.64 $309.78 74.3 J 1 $426.05 80.9 $525.09 81.3 $103.96 50.5 $8.99 11.5 | | $11.00 14.8 $16.45 16.6 $3.30 7.1 | $714.22 82. 4 $923.33 79.8 $215.38 56.4 $828.37 95.2 $889.30 95.7 $242.69 72.2 | J $6.98 10.0 $414.23 70.6 | ] $543.77 | 79.6 \ $564.45 78.1 1 $299.82 84.3 \ $383.45 89.5 $559.51 92.4 J J $22.63 59.6 93.5 J$ 1 , 1 5 1 . 2 8 $5.77 8.7 $252.33 76.2 $111.24 97.2 j j | No s c h o o l or not reported $883.22 90.4 $196.64 69.3 74.6 1 1 | 1 | j I J More t h a n 4 years | i I | i 1 1 J | 1 | 68 T a b le 4. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by EDUCATION OF FA M ILY HEAD 1 / ( A l l u rb a n and r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e rs . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d Item I | All | fam ilies 1 __ _ 1 1 1 Money i n c o m e b e f o r e t a x e s , t o t a l Annual a v e r a g e ................................ Percent reportin g ................... Wages and s a l a r i e s , t o t a l 1 Annual a v e r a g e ................................ Percent reporting ........... .. Wages and s a l a r i e s , c i v i l i a n i Annual a v e r a g e ............................... Percent reporting ................... Uni o n d u e s 1 A nnual a v e r a g e . . .......................... Percent reporting ................... Other o c c u p a t i o n a l e x p e n s e s 1 Annual a v e r a g e ................................ . . . | Percent reporting .................. S e n t r e c e i v e d a s pay 1 Annual a v e r a g e ................................ Percent reporting ................... . . . J M e a l s r e c e i v e d a s pay i Annual a v e r a g e . . . ........................ Percent reporting .................. Wages and s a l a r i e s , armed f o r c e s 1 Ann u a l a v e r a g e ............................... Percent reporting ................... Q u a r t e r s and s u b s i s t e n c e 1 A nnual a v e r a g e ................................ Percent reporting ................... Self -em p loym en t income, t o t a l 4 Annual a v e r a g e ................................ Percent reporting ................... N e t i n c o m e from own b u s i n e s s 1 A nnual a v e r a g e ..................... .. Percent reporting .................. N e t i n c o m e from own f ar m 1 Ann u a l a v e r a g e ................................ Percent reporting .................. . . . | 1 See footnotes at end of table. -$33.57 .9 4.5 Elementary 1 Hiah 1 to 8 1 1 to 3 X years J years 1 1 I $ 7 , 4 1 8 . 0 0 J$ 9 , 8 4 1 . 5 0 98.3 | 98.8 I $4,624.16 | $7,372.94 78.0 60.6 I I $4,634.93 | $7,384.71 57.6 I 75.2 I -$24.07 -$13.99 | 14.1 1 21.8 I -$30.79 -$20.22 | 12.6 J 21.3 l $6.27 $6.65 | .7 J .7 1 $14.47 | $19.37 7. 1 4 9. 2 I $15.37 $1.89 | .1 1 .4 1 $2.08 $.42 | . 1 4 -3 1 $548.03 | $573.17 13.1 4 11.7 1 $288.59 | $415.21 6.4 J 8.2 1 $ 2 5 9 . 44 | $157.95 7. 3 I 3.8 J_______ E d u c a t i o n o f f a m i l y head school 1 Colleqe | Graduate | 1 t o 3 | G r a du at e { years I 4 years 1 4 years 1 1 4 | $ 1 2 , 0 9 5 . 17| $ 1 3 , 2 6 0 . 3 6 | $ 1 7 , 0 8 6 . 5 2 4 97.7 J 98.3 \ 97.8 i | $9,431.84 | $10,233.36| $13,539.57 85.5 | | 84.2 | 88.0 1 J$ 9 , 3 5 6 . 6 2 | $ 1 0 , 0 8 9 . 9 2 | $ 1 3 , 3 2 5 . 2 8 80.8 | 82.2 J 84.8 J I | -$14.74 | -$23.02 | -$10.01 22.8 | 14.3 J J 11.2 I | -$33.75 | -$31.61 | - $ 2 6 .18 23. 1 1 23.0 J 26.3 J I | $7.89 | $9.90 | $12.65 .8 I 1.0 J | 1. 1 1 | $96.82 | $21.59 J $24.20 8.9 1 9. 1 J | 9.9 1 | $88.33 J $129.00 J $178.72 1.4 1.4 l 1.6 | J 1 | $18.94 J $29.29 | $34.92 1.5 J 1-9 1.4 ! J 1 | $930.13 | $914.70 | $981.98 13.2 J 13.9 J 13.0 | 1 $636.50 | | $649.80 | $726.11 9.3 J 10.6 J 10.1 | 1 | $293.63 | $264.90 | $255.87 4.3 | 3. 7 1 1 3.2 I 1 l More t h a n 1 4 years No s c h o o l or not reported I $19,628.08 $5,628.42 | 97.3 97.2 | $14,602.10 ] 87.5 $3,936.36 67.4 J $14,492.23 $3,891.46 J 82.6 62.7 -$11.53 11.5 -$8.71 8.3 1 -$101.27 4 36.9 -$ 24.24 12.8 | i | J $30.61 1.2 $11.61 1.2 4 I $17.36 7.3 $31.28 9. 1 4 j $138.15 1. 1 $30.17 .7 4 4 $36.55 2.3 $4.78 .4 | $2,706.77 4 19.1 $245.81 5.3 |$2,171.79 j 16.2 $173.31 3.6 4 4 $534.98 3.8 $72.50 2.0 69 T a b l e 4. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources (All u r b a n a n d r u r a l f a m i l i e s a n d s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r Item Social security, railroad retirement Annual average................ Percent reporting .......... Government retirement, vete r a n s 1 payments, and unemployment compensation Annual a v erage................ Percent reporting .......... Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, rental income, royalties, income from roomers and boarders Annual average................ . Percent reporting .......... Rental income, royalties, income from roomers and boarders Annual average................ Percent reporting .......... Income from interest, dividends, estates and trusts Annual average................ Percent reporting .......... Income from all other sources, total Annual average................ Percent reporting . t........ Welfare and public assistance Annual average................ Percent reporting .......... Private pensions Annual average................ Percent reporting .......... Regular contributions for support Annual average................ . Percent reporting .......... Other, incl. workmens' compensation Annual average................ Percent reporting .......... See footnotes at end of table All families Elementary 1 1 to 8 | years ] $577.61 25.0 $1,090.56 | 48.7 | $292.65 15.2 $233.83 | 15.2 1 of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y E D U C A T I O N O F F A M I L Y H E A D 1/ Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Education of family head Hiqh school 1 Colleae 1 to 3 | Graduate | 1 to 3 | Graduate years 1 4 years I years 1 4 years I I $598.01 I $412.86 | $417.66 | $306.74 16.6 J 16.9 J 12.7 25.9 I More than 4 years No school or not reported $252.06 10.9 $592.36 29.7 $307.50 $484.18 14.0 $144.85 11.4 1 , 186.00 $888.49 82.5 $200.40 51.6 { $249.49 | 15.2 | 1 1 $282.26 | 15.4 I i $425.77 | 19.3 J 12.1 J I $533.25 64.6 $350.74 51.7 J $120.87 $106.84 J 8.6 10.2 J \ $376.27 55.6 | { $482.56 68.5 $ 100.10 8.4 | J $121.40 I 8. 1 | J J I 1 $276.17 53.3 $600.81 $570.67 | 62. 1 | $671.62 | 70. 1 [ $107.30 6.4 $181.10 | | $206.01 12.2 | | $74.47 | 4.0 1 $129.00 5.7 $163.54 9.6 | J $135.88 | J $92.82 4.1 | $70.38 4.0 $30.89 | | $52.85 J 3.8 J $84.51 4.9 $294.12 61. 8 $195.15 51.0 | | 10.2 6.6 $276.88 64.2 | | J $361.15 | 66.8 | $243.91 | 48.3 | 2.6 J$ | 81.0 $146.24 | | $193.83 8.4 $147.66 8.2 10.2 $41.34 4.7 $561.58 73.5 1 | $992.18 80.5 $740.83 81.9 $159.06 50. 0 J | $764.72 71.2 $694.48 67.0 $508.66 62. 8 $25.42 | 1.6 J $9.50 .7 $9.72 .7 $165.96 11.9 1 $412.38 62.7 68.0 $707.82 74.8 | | $555. 53 71.1 { | I $561.06 69.3 $104.32 3.8 J J $216.83 4.6 $157.24 4. 1 $72.22 4.9 | | $96.65 4.9 | | $83.02 3.6 $61-20 2.5 $123.37 I J | $334.68 65.5 $455.38 | $466.32 63.9 $147.11 50.9 J $303.73 66.7 __ L J 68.0 6.0 70 T a b l e 4. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources (All u r b a n a n d r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s . U n i t e d Sta t e s , C o n s u m e r Item 1 1 1 __ L 1 All families ____ 1Elementary 1 I 1 to 8 | I years 1 Personal taxes, total -$1,687.93 -$791.63 Annual average ......... 80.6 63.2 Percent reporting .... Federal income taxes -$641.63 -$1,399.11 Annual a v erage....... . 53.9 Percent reporting .... 75.0 State and local income taxes -$106.34 -$234.05 Annual average......... 41.5 59.6 Percent reporting ..., Personal property and other -$54.77 -$43.65 Annual average ......... 25.6 25.0 Percent reporting .... Other money receipts $219.41 $117.16 Annual average......... 8.8 Percent reporting .... 14.0 Net change in assets and liabilities, | total Average of end-of-year values.| $356.93 $824.23 85.5 74.0 Percent reporting .... Net change in assets $543.61 Average of end-of-year values.| $1,463.88 58.7 73.6 Percent reporting .... Net change in liabilities $186.68 $639.65 Average of end-of-year values.| 64.4 47.9 Percent reporting .... Goods and services received without fl direct expense $132.45 $102.19 Annual average. ........ 62.4 64.6 Percent reporting .... Market value of financial assets $4,588.97 Average of end-of-year values.| $7,094.67 76.6 61.2 Percent reporting .... Mortgage principal paid on owned property -$134.98 -$301.46 Annual average......... 20.4 35.6 Percent reporting .... _1/ 2/ 3/ ** of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by E D U C A T I O N O F F A M I L Y H E A D 1J Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Education of family head High school Colleqe I i Graduate I 1 to 3 1 to 3 | Graduate years J 4 years JL__ Years I 4 years I 1 ______ "____ 1 No school More than | or not 4 years 1 reported I -$1,317.72J -$1,799.22 - $ 2 , 0 0 6 . 3 7 | -$2,977.52 79.6 J 88.5 92.7 87.9 | -$3,619.40 91.5 -$699.26 62.5 - $1,084.76|-$1,491.95 -$1,667.69| -$2,521.45 73.8 | 84.2 83. 1 | 88.6 -$2,991.36 87.5 -$576.94 57.8 -$279.38 | -$390.02 65.7 4 70.1 -$524.10 68.2 -$103.07 46.6 -$188.09 59.2 | -$248.37 67.9 | -$44.87 24.0 | | -$58.91 26.6 -$59.30 25.6 | | -$66.04 30.8 -$103.94 31.0 -$19.25 14.3 $209.79 | | $187.77 13.9 $323.74 J 18. 1 | $419.66 21.3 $393.06 21.2 $78.98 13.3 $376.28 j 83.8 J $775.39 90.5 |$1,578.03 94.5 J $2,182.73 93.8 -$103.56 69.9 $2,367.21 |$2,606.60 87.8 83.5 I $3,583.41 86.4 $247.32 57.0 $1,400.67 73.4 $350.89 45.9 $178.29 $86.80 50.7 11.2 $1,506.58 92.2 $802.40 68.2 |$1,536.26 79.4 J $426.12 63.9 I | $760.87 71.9 $860.63 72.6 |$1,028.58 | 74.8 $116.81 | 62. 1 1 $134.36 66.6 $155.84 68.3 | ) $4,833.23 70.4 |$6,499.51 J 82.3 $9,017.18 87.2 4 -$271.12 32.7 | -$348.39 J 42.4 $194.63 70.3 | $14,096.39 90.4 -$428.78 | -$482.13 49.4 44. 1 | 68.0 $14,589.12 89.8 $2,933.12 62.8 -$453.52 51.2 Data in columns which represent less than 218,000 consumer units or in cells which represent less than 18,500 consumer units are likely to have large sampling errors. Percents may not sum to 100 due to rounding. Data represent only those expenditures collected in the interview survey, not the total of all family expenditures. Data not available. -$56. 11 9. 1 71 T a b l e 5. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources (All u r b a n a n d r u r a l f a m i l i e s an d s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r I i Item Number of families in universe (000s). Selected family characteristics Average Family s i z e ......................... Family income before tax e s ........ Family income after t a x e s ......... Age of Number Number Number All I families l I I I 71,220 J I 1 1 1i 1 -.1 1 1 J h e a d ......................... • • J ) of children under 18....... .-1 1I of persons 65 and o v e r ..... .. 1 i I of automobiles o w n e d ....... J | Husband and wife only | 16,292 i l $11,419 $9,731 48 1.0 .3 1.3 J | | 1.9 $11,288 $9,562 | | | | 54 (2) .6 1.3 i i Housing tenure Homeowner......................... Renter............................. Not reported...................... 59 37 4 1i Education of head i 1 to 9 years ...................... .. i 9 years, not more than 12 years. More than 12 y e a r s ............... . . i Not reported or no s chool....... . . i i 1 Automobile ownership i At least one automobile owned... . . i See footnotes at end of table 3.3 $11,703 $9,915 28 1.5 ( 2) 1.5 i i 1 Race of head I White.............................. • • I Black.............................. ..1 O t h e r .............................. « 4 1 1 11 1 1I 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 89 10 1 21 I J \ | 1 I 64 31 5 93 6 1 6 I J | I 27 41 30 3 80 J 88 43 29 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 J_ 11 1I 1 J 1i I \ 1 1 1 Percent3/ Family composition Husband and wife families 1 Other L Husband and wife with children | Oldest J Oldest 1 Oldest 1 husband | child | child 1 child 1 and wife 1 under 6 j 6 to 17 | 18 or 1 families 1 1 older 1 1 I 1 J 1 5,827 9,308 1 13,298 I 3,111 I 1 1 J J I 1 I 1 1 I 2.9 of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y C O M P O S I T I O N J / E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e rview Survey, 1972-1973) J 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 J 11 1 1 1 1 4.6 I 1 $14,680 1 I $ 12,468 ! 39 2.6 1 1 \ 12 \ 1 89 9 2 5 48 45 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 J J 1 J 1 1 1 1 \ 1■ 1 1.6 1 1 1 ( 2) $15,186 51 1.2 .2 1 75 J 20 1 J 2.2 1 i i 1 1 \ J 5 1 1 13 51 34 2 94 1 2 1 J I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 J i 21 1 48 1 30 \ 2 1 1 1 95 1 JL ± $12,023 | $5,949 50 | 36 1 1.7 J 1 \ J 93 i 8 $6,554 1 1.8 < 1 $13,985 | 1 2 1 11 91 3.2 | 1 5 1 1 4.5 | .6 I 83 15 1 11 1 1i I i i \ 91 1 1 1 $18,108 I i 40 49 4.3 \ 11 1 1■ 1 J 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 \l 1 |0ne parent, | Single | at least | person | one child Jand other | families | under 18 J J___ I 1 3,470 19,913 | 1 J 1 I 1 I 1 2.2 ( 2) .8 I I i i 1.4 $6,586 $5,740 54 .2 .4 .7 J i i 1 78 J 18 | 4 | J J 80 | 17 J 3 | J I 32 J 45 i 21 | 2 l l 1 91 | ______ L_ 1 1i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 29 67 J i 40 57 3 1 1 1 3 70 28 2 15 58 17 10 56 \ i 85 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ± 27 34 24 14 56 72 T a b l e 5. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources (All u r b a n a n d r u r a l f a m i l i e s a n d s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r All families Item Current consumption expenses, excluding personal insurance, gifts and contributions 4/ Average annual expenditure. . . . |$7 ,967.43 100.0 ........ Percent reporting Food, total Average annual expenditure. Percent reporting ........ Food at home Average annual expenditure. Percent reporting ........ Food away from home, excl. trips Average annual expenditure. Percent reporting ........ Meals as pay Average annual expenditure. Percent reporting ........ 1 1 — i$1 ,695.56 99.7 ...1 I ... i$i ,307.62 99. 1 ...| 1 ...1 ... 1 $369.11 87. 3 1 ..-I ■ I 8.6 Alcoholic beverages 1 $74.80 Average annual expenditure. ... J 62.7 Percent reporting ........ -..I i 1 Tobacco products 1 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 $128.50 56.5 Percent reporting ........ . . . 1 i I Housing, total 1 Average annual expenditure. -- I$2 ,406.95 99.7 Percent reporting ........ — ! i Shelter, total Average annual expenditure. Percent reporting ........ Rented dwellings Average annual expenditure. Percent reporting ........ Owned dwellings Average annual expenditure. Percent reporting ........ Other lodging, excluding trips Average annual expenditure. Percent reporting ........ See footnotes / at end of table. 1 1 . . . |$1 ,311.24 ... J I ... I I ... J I ...I ... ! 100.0 1 1 1 |$1 ,453.84 99.9 1 1 1$1 ,101.16 99.7 1 1 1 $336.35 84.8 1 J $18.82 97.6 $571.90 39.0 $718.51 63.6 $20.83 7.7 Family composition Husband and wife families Husband and wife with children Other Oldest Oldest husband Oldest child child child and wife under 6 6 to 17 18 or families older Husband and wife only | $7 ,377.95 1 11 1 1 $16.33 6.5 I $70.10 62.5 1 11 1 1 $122.19 55.4 1 1 1 1 |$2 ,247.78 99.9 1 i 1 1 |$1 , 200.01 I J I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 98.3 $569.80 34.2 $625.86 69.4 $4.35 5.9 of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y C O M P O S I T I O N J / Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued I$8 ,474.02 100.0 1 1 1 |$1 ,379.51 J I 99.7 |$1 ,040.71 99.6 1 1 1 $326.73 J 94.4 1 1 $12.07 ! 1 1 1 J • 1 1 1 1 8.2 |$10,139.40| $ 12,119.45|$10,162.63 i 100.0 100.0 | 100.0 i f l I 1 1 J |$2,368.47 $2 ,645.12 |$2,405.59 99.9 J J 100.0 99.8 I 1 |$1,878-43 $2 ,058.93 |$1,952.77 J 99.9 99.9 J 99.7 I I $565.42 | $430.35 | $470.08 94.9 1 89.6 j 97.5 I 1 $20.77 | | $19.96 $22.48 10.5 | J 9.8 10.6 i 1 1 1 1 $76.11 78. 1 $133.79 63.5 l 1 I$3 ,139.55 100.0 1 1i 1 |$1 ,799.39 98.7 1 1 1 $969.40 58.7 1 1 1 $826.99 52.3 1 1 $3.00 1 4.5 1 J | i I 1 | j i 1 $85.95 72.6 $165.34 67.0 1 |$2,989.14 J 100.0 ■ J 1 |$1,523.81 J 98.7 I | $372.78 | 24.3 1 |$1, 145.50 | 80.3 1 | J $5.54 7.7 $91.43 72.2 | | 1 1 1 99.9 $1 ,509.65 98. 8 $257.03 15.9 $1 , 132.94 86.0 $119.68 24.2 i$6 ,339.87 100.0 I l 1 1 |$1 ,519.03 j I | J I | | I | 1 l |$1 ,240.90 1 1 J I 99. 1 J 1 1 1 $258.85 83. 1 J J $19.27 11. 8 1 1 1 1 1 97.8 J 1 1 $284.84 19.8 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a $733.10 97.6 $258.78 77.3 $20.52 8.0 I $37.86 47.2 J $29.66 10.4 J$4 ,850.89 100.0 I J I |$1 ,012.40 99.3 99.7 $181.55 $947.41 82.6 Single person and other families J I 1 $110.85 68.8 1 58.9 1 1 1 1 J$2,611.69 |$2 ,323.53 J 100.0 1 100.0 i 1 1 J 1 |$1,261. 91 |$1 ,397.47 $182.91 | 67.2 I i $2 ,946.31 $72.92 63.1 One parent, at least one child under 18 97.5 $977.27 68. 1 $413.23 35.0 $6.97 5.2 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 $69.77 49.8 $76.87 40.8 l 1 |$1 ,664.45 99. 1 1 a 1 |$1 ,017.38 i 1 1 \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 95.4 $711.66 55.6 $301-15 42.5 $4.57 2.6 73 T a b l e 5. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources (All u r b a n a n d r u r a l f a m i l i e s a n d s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r All 1 | families Item ____ 1 1 1 1 1 Fuel and utilities, total | Average annual expenditure.... 1 ........... | Percent reporting Gas, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ............ | Gas, delivered in mains (piped) | Average annual expenditure,. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Gas, bottled or tank | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Electricity J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Gas and electricity combined billsj Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... 1 Fuel oil and kerosene ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Other fuels, coal, wood | Average annual expenditure-...! Percent reporting ........... 1 Water, trash, sewerage | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ............| 1J Housing expenses, total | Average annual expenditure....! ........... J Percent reporting Telephone, excluding coin phones ! Average annual expenditure....! ........... ! Percent reporting Other expenses, including domestic! services I Average annual expenditure.... ! Percent reporting ........... | L See footnotes at end of table Husband and wife only Family composition Husband and wife families Husband and wife with children 1 Other Oldest 1 Oldest | Oldest j husband child J and wife J child 1 child under 6 1 6 to 17 | 18 or | families J , 1 1 older $409.01 90.3 $391.40 93.2 $396.07 90.9 $92.86 54.6 $88.09 55.9 $89.95 55.3 $77.64 45.2 $69.70 45. 1 $79.26 47.5 $15.22 10.4 $18.38 11.8 $10.69 9.2 $156.80 76. 1 $151.89 79.6 $166.73 76.6 $40.47 13.4 $35.87 12.9 $38.78 13.4 $51.19 20. 1 $51.28 20.9 $39.75 18.7 $4.97 9. 1 $4.78 8.4 $3.07 8.4 $62.73 62. 3 $59.50 64.3 $57.79 59.5 $301.16 93.6 $276.23 95.8 $408.53 95.0 $173.10 89. 5 $170.08 93.2 $190.41 89.0 $128.06 68.8 $106.14 69.4 o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y C O M P O S I T I O N J / Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued $218.13 81. 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 J 1 1 $549.60 97.1 $122.15 62.0 J ! J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $ 221.21 1 83.4 1 1 $51.11 1 J 13. 1 J 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 $101.37 50.2 J $20.78 13.7 $61.82 23.3 1 1 J 1 1 12.0 1 1 $88.47 1 77.2 1 i 1 1 $4.83 $575.12 ! 98.0 | $539.04 | 97. 1 J $324.62 82.4 $250.08 79.8 $123.10 J 61.0 J $116.88 60.3 | | $83.56 50.8 $61.80 45.3 $92.45 | 46.7 | $73.66 44.0 $53.30 38.4 | ! $9.90 7.3 $8.50 7.2 $211.87 J 83.0 | $195.21 ! 82.8 l $118.73 65.2 $89.78 65.8 $56.73 J 15.4 J $61.05 J 15.3 ! $44.92 15. 1 $26.03 12.4 $83.99 ! 27.9 1 $68.98 | 25.3 | $29.20 12.2 $33.09 14.7 $ 6.88 J 12.4 J $7.97 J 10.9 J $3.65 6. 1 $4.63 6.5 $105.24 | 51.1 | $17.86 10.8 | | $24.44 14.6 $92.56 J 79.5 ) $88.96 75.6 | i $44.57 44.4 $34.76 44.6 $353.34 J 97.5 1 $343.77 J 98.6 | $354.38 97.3 | | $350.99 89.8 $218.38 86.7 1 1 1 1 $221.17 ( 96.6 | $199.06 92.5 | ! $170.27 81.2 $133. 19 81.5 1 $155.32 77.3 ! | $180.72 60.0 $85.18 50.6 I $189.99 93.7 1 1 1 1 $163.34 83.6 JL Single !One parent, person at least and other ! one child families | under 18 1 1 J J_ $122.59 78.5 | 74 T a b l e 5. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources (All u r b a n a n d r u r a l f a m i l i e s a n d s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r | All l families < I Item Housefurnishings, equipment, total Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Household textiles Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Furniture Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Floor coverings Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting ..... . Major appliances Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Small appliances Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting ......... . Housewares Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting ........... Miscellaneous Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Clothing, total Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Clothing, male, 2 and over Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Clothing, female, 2 and over Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Clothing, children under 2 years Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Dry cleaning, laundry Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Materials and services Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... See footnotes at end of table 1 1 1 1 | J 1 | | Husband and wife only Family composition Husband and wife families Husband and wife with children 1 Other |<One parent, | at least Oldest | Oldest ) Oldest | husband J and wife 4 one child , child | child J child under 6 | 6 to 17 | 1 8 or | families j under 18 1 1 1 older 1 | | $456.36 92.9 $535.55 95.8 $562.40 96.5 | j $50.82 74.3 $49.13 74.4 $57.68 83.0 $70.24 86.9 | | $72.66 J 87.3 4 $60.48 | 83.0 J $131.73 41.6 $123.54 38.0 $195.72 66.5 $199.56 | 56.2 J $172.73 l 49.7 | $42.21 $41.65 20.2 $51.54 29. 1 $89.48 31.6 $92.06 31.8 $145.86 48. 6 $9.77 31.6 $9.37 29.1 $11.06 41.5 $14.07 43.1 J | $13.36 | 39.7 J $10.75 34.8 $9.29 25.6 $8.43 23.0 $ 12.10 34.2 $11.62 | 34.8 J $15.62 J 33.0 4 $10.46 | 27. 1 4 1 | $52.23 49.8 $55.96 49.4 $61.59 62.3 $72.23 62.4 $74.87 61.4 $47.90 51.9 4 1i 1 \ | | | $58.30 | 25. 1 4 $130.42 | 43.0 J $110.23 J 37.3 | $124.94 4 40.2 | $61*1.31 | J | 4 1 $59. 18 24.4 $17.77 17. 2 $19.48 11.9 1 $58.00 26.3 , $33.78 15.6 4 | $7.38 27.9 $5.42 19.5 $4.97 21.9 $5.25 15.9 | 4 $26.39 39.6 $27.68 34.0 $634.70 99.5 $370.17 98.4 i I 99.3 $536.02 99.3 $684.50 99.8 $882.43 99.9 j$1,027.79 J 99.7 | | $806.31 | 99.8 | $216.09 79.5 $168.10 93.0 $224.60 98.2 $337.72 98.9 | | $379.71 | 98.0 4 $261.18 96.6 | $153.45 4 68.6 $99.03 40.6 $308.08 88.8 $259.97 96.0 $261.85 98.3 $415.83 J 99.3 | $494.19 4 98.8 | $392.38 98.6 4 $346.30 93.0 $182.20 66 . 1 $14.47 13.6 $3.99 1.7 $73.89 76.4 $14.87 17.7 J | $14.91 | 7•1 J $23.19 | | $17.00 18.7 $3.38 3.3 $81.98 80.9 $80.46 82.4 $95.81 81.5 $76.38 | 82. 1 | $91.06 | 85.0 4 $98.93 | 78.8 | $99.89 75.5 $72.91 78.1 $26.74 62.4 $23.50 61.7 $28.34 70.5 $37.64 76.6 $47.93 | 76.6 j $30.64 | 68.9 J $18.06 52.6 $ 12.66 45.3 1 I J I 20.6 1 I | $98.38 36.2 1 I | | $27.83 55.9 I I | | I | J $37.57 73. 1 1 1 | J $178.61 75.2 1 $143.72 4 44.3 J I $58.11 | 26.3 | $64.27 27.7 $250.46 88.4 I 1 | J | 1 I | | \ $380.14 90. 1 20.8 $517.77 96.5 4 $385.54 88.5 I | J Single person and other families 1 1 1 i | I | | of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y C O M P O S I T I O N J / Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued | 4 1 75 T a b l e 5. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources (All u r b a n a n d r u r a l f a m i l i e s a n d s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s * C o n s u m e r I | All | families I I J_____________ I Item Husband and wife only of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y C O M P O S I T I O N J / Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Family composition Husband and wife families Husband and wife with children Single |One parent, I Other oldest | Oldest | Oldest ( at least person I husband child J child J child 1 and wife J one child and other under 6 | 6 to 17 | 18 or families 1 families j under 18 I I older I 1 Transportation, total, excluding trips 1 Average annual expenditure.• • • j$1,578.50 Percent reporting .......... 92.5 Vehicle purchases (net outlay) I Average annual expenditure... | $704.55 Percent reporting .......... | 30.4 Vehicle finance charges I Average annual expenditure... | $79.65 29.4 Percent reporting .......... J Vehicle operations, total I Average annual expenditure... | $739.34 Percent reporting .......... J 84.5 Gasoline I Average annual expenditure... | $347.24 1 83.0 Percent reporting .......... Other 1 Average annual expenditure... | $392.10 Percent reporting .......... | 82.8 Other transportation J Average annual expenditure... | $54.97 Percent reporting .......... J 24.3 1 I Health care, total 1 Average annual expenditure... J $473.86 Percent reporting .......... | 96. 2 Health insurance, excluding 1 employer share 1 Average annual expenditure... | $196.39 J 91.1 .......... Percent reporting Expenses not covered by insurance I $277.47 Average annual expenditure... | J 86.2 Percent reporting .......... i 1i 1 Personal care (selected expenses) Average annual expenditure.... I ........... 4 Percent reporting 1i Recreation, total 1 Average annual expenditure.... | ........... i Percent reporting 1i Owned vacation home 1 Average annual expenditure.... | Percent reporting ........... 4 l_ See footnotes at end of table i $2,812.16 $1,488.27 96.4 $1,731.75 99.2 $1,858.94 99.0 $677.96 26.3 $824.83 42. 1 $799.26 37.6 $63.90 24.4 $90.70 46.5 $95.96 41.2 $700.29 91.4 $770.50 96.7 $920.70 97.5 $320.20 90.2 $384.72 94.9 $459.47 | 96.4 | $586.97 95.8 $380.09 90.1 $385.78 94.4 $461.23 96.4 $702.36 96.4 $46.11 19.5 $45.72 18.2 | 99.0 |$1,280.73 | 48.3 J | $154.18 40.5 j$1,289.33 4 96.8 1 J 1 4 $2,287.45 4 97.9 | 1 1 1$1,063.86 4 39.9 | 1 1 1 $125.07 | 4 43.4 1 J$1,012.41 J 94.9 | 1 1 1 $504.39 1 $416.05 23.5 $352.69 16.8 $33.50 20.7 $44.50 14.8 $408.98 64.6 $398.88 62.5 $187.35 61.4 $174.70 60.7 93.7 4 1 $508.02 94.5 4 1 $221.63 60. 9 $224.18 60.0 $ 86.11 j 25.5 4 $72-60 33.9 $49.55 28.1 4 $43.02 | 18.7 ,| $845-62 80.4 4 1 | | | $931.12 85. 1 $87.92 1 32.3 4 4 $525.85 98.5 $497.75 98.4 $560.73 1 99.0 | $236.07 94. 1 $177.36 94.4 $211.89 94.8 $289.78 90.7 $320.40 92. 1 $ 100.22 84.2 $112.84 90.6 $61.64 83.8 $123.35 92.6 $636.33 92.5 $675.54 93.5 $601.40 98.8 $860.03 98.9 1 $680. 17 99. 1 4 4 1 $653.79 99.0 | | $230.51 78.3 $284.19 93.3 4 $270.93 95.6 | 4 $93.29 J $276.54 96. 1 66.6 $128.02 86.7 $348.84 J 94.3 J $403.64 94.5 $382.86 | 94. 1 I $137.22 63.8 $156.18 74.0 4 1 $151.37 93.7 4 4 $68.57 71.8 $62.43 70.3 | | $960.82 J 98.3 4 $717.02 J 95.7 4 $332.34 91.0 $353.79 82.8 $12.48 J 3. 1 | $1.47 .9 $5. 08 | 1 J 4 1 4 1i 4 1 1 1i 1 $131.75 90.0 1 $9.96 2.7 _ __J $14.07 3.7 $2.29 .9 $8.46 | 3.0 | $22.45 5.2 J 1 1 -1 1.2 76 T a b l e 5. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources (All u r b a n a n d r u r a l f a m i l i e s a n d s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r Item Vacation, pleasure trips, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ............ Food Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ............ Alcoholic beverages Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Lodging Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Transportation, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... All expense tours Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other vacation expenses Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Boats, of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y C O M P O S I T I O N J / Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued I I All I I families I J I I I I Husband I and wife only 1 Family composition Husband and wife families i |One parent. 1 Husband and wife with children i Other 1 Oldest 1 Oldest | Oldest I husband I at least J child 1 child 1 child l and wife I one child | 18 or * under 6 1 6 to 17 I families I under 18 J__ older____ J I $249.93 62.5 | | $333.69 67. 1 | ( $173.70 67.8 | | | 1 $57.32 53.9 | | $70.65 59.3 | | $43.70 58.3 | J | 1 $6.96 24.7 | | $8.14 28.0 | 1 $6.47 28. 1 | | | I $41.15 35.7 | $63.33 42.2 J | $26.15 36.0 | 1 | | | $113.09 65.3 | J $73.17 66.5 | J $86.50 60.0 | J $32.03 53.1 | i $40.96 59.3 | J $34.14 62.7 J $42.84 67.0 | J $54.47 39.0 J J $72.13 42.6 | J $39.03 37.9 | J $47.52 J 44.0 J | I $35.08 7.7 | | $54.12 7.4 | | $8.54 3.8 | | $27.58 1 1 J 8.6 | $55.20 | 13.0 J | I aircraft, wheel goods Average annual expenditure.... | Percent reporting ........... 1 Other recreation, total Average annual expenditure.... | Percent reporting ........... 1 Televisions Average annual expenditure.... | Percent reporting ............ 1 Other Average annual expenditure.... | Percent reporting ........... J $22.92 38.9 $83.59 15.3 1 $24.36 41.1 \ \ $85.50 14.7 | l | J J | $15.66 40.4 $87.85 17.8 1 j | | J | J $282.47 72.9 l J \ I $76.87 | 66. 1 J I $6.76 | 30.0 | I $46.64 | 46.1 | I $90.36 | 70.4 J $34.26 52.1 $130.31 25.1 1 j 4 1 J | | $242.27 90.5 | | $337.56 98.5 | 1 $438.79 98.6 $46.54 15.8 { $48.36 14.8 | | $62.65 20.4 | | $58.58 19.6 $193.91 89.7 | | $274.91 98.3 | | $380.22 98.1 $246.31 89.7 | | J | \ 1 | J I | | _____ L See footnotes at end of table $64.80 54.8 $88.73 | 62. 4 i 1 l $32.74 J 51.2 | 1 | | $118.48 | 70. 5 4 $41.95 | 65.7 I $76.53 J 48.2 J $152.46 48.8 $17.74 28.8 | | $29.22 38.8 $1.65 9. 1 J | $ 6 . 14 17.5 $ 10.01 14.1 | | $19.76 21.4 $36.93 35.2 | | $59.40 45.7 1 $31.76 57.1 $56.97 40.6 $48.75 9.6 $28.84 38.8 $96.18 18.3 | | | j \ J $16.06 34.1 $26.52 22.6 | J $43.33 31.5 $11.72 5.2 | | $24.81 $9.48 20.9 J | $13.12 25.4 $25.98 6.9 J 1 $36.26 5.8 1 | | 1 J i 1 1 1 | 1 1 | J $326.57 J 93.5 J $58.66 18.8 | | $387.35 97.4 | | 1 $10.41 26.7 1 $446.02 97.6 I J 1 1 1 $129.33 | 23.5 | I [ $87.53 39.8 1 [ 1 $9.23 | 31.2 J I $60.40 | 47.9 | 1 I 1 { | | I $ 6.88 J 21.3 I I $43-78 | 35.7 J \ J I $281.78 64.8 | 1 $86.98 | 65.9 | 1 \ $292.86 90.4 1 $363.03 | 73.4 4 I I Single I person Jand other I families 6.2 $217.36 90.2 | | $159.99 78.8 $35.52 15.8 | $26.42 10.5 $181.84 88.9 | 1 $60.23 20.2 | | J 1 $266.34 4 92.9 | ____ L ___________ L J $133.58 77.6 77 T a b l e 5. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources (All u r b a n a n d r u r a l f a m i l i e s a n d s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r All families Item Reading materials | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ............ i Education, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ............J Private ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Public ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ............I Miscellaneous Average Percent at $50.27 88. 1 $62.64 91.6 | ! $63.30 | 93.1 | $24.66 7.9 $43.77 20.7 $83.49 | 44. 1 J $459.10 i 56.7 | $62.05 10.4 $11.46 2.7 $28.22 10.5 $64.80 | 21.2 J $263.69 | 23.1 J $40.48 16.7 $13.20 5.7 $15. 55 12.2 $18.69 J 28.1 J $195.41 ! 42.6 1 ! annual expenditure....! $75.08 reporting i 67.7 $71.58 70.0 $73.99 77. 4 $98.89 ! 78.6 | $98.95 ! 74.7 | Gifts and contributions ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ............ | footnotes $49.30 87.6 Family composition Husband and wife families Husband and wife with children I Other |One parent. Single Oldest ! at least Oldest | Oldest l husband person child child 1 child J and wife J one child and other 6 to 17 | 18 or under 6 | families | under 18 families older I i I $102.53 24.2 Personal insurance and pensions, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ............ | Life, endowment, annuities and income | Average annual expenditure-...! Percent reporting ............ | Other personal insurance | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ............ J Retirement and pensions | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ............ J See $47.72 84.0 Husband and wife only of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y C O M P O S I T I O N _1/ Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued end of table J$1,232.32 J 96.8 ] | $740.83 86.7 $683.74 86.9 $846.93 96.9 $1,074.48 97.3 $249.11 70.9 $229.87 73. 1 $279.22 78.3 $370.21 85.6 $7.72 10.7 $ 8.22 11.3 $6.16 8.7 $483.99 70.8 $445.65 63.1 $561.54 91.3 $694.93 $425.70 $584.14 90.7 $261.43 87.3 $378.28 ! 91.8 J 86.6 J 1 $438.26 J 85.5 ! $9.34 | 12. 1 J $12.73 ! 14.5 ! 88.6 | J 1 1 $45.79 ! 84.7 J $29.21 69.5 $31.97 73.0 j ! $62.16 24-9 $28.01 8.9 $99.65 l 13.4 J I $57.26 ! 23.3 ! I l $91.83 ! 69.7 | $35.92 9.2 $15.92 3.4 $26.23 18.4 $12.09 $59.99 54.3 $51.22 54.6 $357.01 76.0 $335.78 72.4 $117.79 54.0 $96.45 51.7 $2.75 6.5 $4.47 i $236.47 62.7 J l I $391.99 ! $146.63 88.6 | 68.5 1- $234.85 51.1 $156.91 31.7 1 1 1 1 $965. 11 | 95.5 ! ! $333.45 | 81.2 \ 6.2 1 $781.33 87.4 ! i $580.50 ! 92.8 J $12.56 ! 12.8 1 $619.10 81.7 8.6 $357.36 79.6 78 T a b l e 5. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources (All u r b a n a n d r u r a l f a m i l i e s a n d s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r All families Item Money income before taxes, total Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Wages and salaries, total Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Wages and salaries, civilian Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Union dues Annual aver a g e ............. Percent reporting ....... Other occupational expenses Annual average............ Percent reporting ....... Rent received as pay Annual average ............. Percent reporting ....... Meals received as pay Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Wages and salaries, armed forces Annual a v erage............. Percent reporting ....... Quarters and subsistence Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Self-employment income, total Annual average............. Percent reporting Net income from own business Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Net income from own farm Annual a verage............. Percent reporting ....... See footnotes at end of table $11,419.16 98. 1 Husband and wife only $11,288.04 97.8 o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y C O M P O S I T I O N J/ Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued _________________ Family composition Husband and wife families _______ |One parent. Husband and wife with children Single 1 Other Oldest Oldest | Oldest person | husband | at least child child | child | and wife l one child and other 6 to 17 | 18 or under 6 j families | under 18 families older 1 i $11,703.24 $14,679,681 $18,108,011 $13,984.77 f$6,554.15 99.0 98.3 | 97.8 | 98.7 | 99. 1 $6,586.30 98.0 $8,539.60 78. 1 $7,485.47 72.2 $10,273.52 $12,305,321 $14,269,891 $10,688.07 |$3,820.46 93.4 J 95.3 92.7 J 73.4 88.2 J $4,188.15 60. 1 $8,475-92 74.8 $7,436.96 67.6 $10,027.58 $12,189.54| $14,245,531 $10,665.81 |$3,796.22 90.6 1 85.7 I 70.7 91.0 J 92.2 $4,168.42 56.3 -$17.53 17.2 -$15.71 15.6 -$19.96 21.3 -$26.53 | 24.2 I -$29.16 | 25.6 J -$23.07 J 22.4 | -$6.28 -$7.96 9.1 -$33.57 - $ 3 0 . 28 20.9 -$29.48 27.1 -$39.82 J 28.3 l -$57.80 29.9 | | -$32.59 22.4 1 -$9.85 13.2 -$26.23 | $9.78 .9 $14.68 $15.41 1.1 2.0 $7.65 | .5 | $10.09 l ] $9.52 l .7 1 $3.76 -5 $ 6. 51 .9 $18.82 $16.33 6.5 $12.07 1 $70.86 .9 $51.82 $15.32 $11.67 1.0 21.2 12.0 J J $20.77 | 10.5 | $22.48 10.6 $19.27 11. 8 $20.52 J $218.04 3.2 $130.55 | 1. 1 | $66.04 J .7 | $34.58 .8 J 1 $17.15 .3 $20.80 .4 1.1 $49.86 3.3 $23.98 J 1.2 J 1 $11.33 1 $.20 J •1 $6.09 .4 $875.24 12.9 $907.07 15.2 $660.58 11.5 $1,260.57 j$1,954.03 |$1,090.21 | 16.4 J 19.5 J 17.0 | -$21.09 4.4 $273.02 7.0 $613.59 8.9 $620.27 9.8 $517.65 9.3 $926.17 J$1,321.92 I 11.9 | 13. 1 | $819.32 10.9 | | -$68.78 3.8 $183.15 4.5 $261.64 4.5 $286.81 5.9 $142.93 $334.40 5.1 $270.89 | 6.7 1 $47.69 $89.87 2.7 8.6 1.0 8.2 2.6 $19.96 9.8 .6 8.6 J | $14.42 -8 J $632.11 | 7-3 1 .8 .6 8.0 79 T a b l e 5. Selected family characteristics/ annual expenditures/ and sources (All u r b a n a n d r u r a l f a m i l i e s and s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s / U n i t e d S t a t e s / C o n s u m e r | All | families Item Social security, railroad retirement Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... Government retirement, veterans' payments, and unemployment compensation Annual average.... ............ Percent reporting ........... Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, rental income, royalties, income from roomers and boarders Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... Rental income, royalties, income from roomers and boarders Annual average ................. Percent reporting ........... Income from interest, dividends, estates and trusts Annual average................. Percent rep o rtin g ............................ Income from all other sources, total Annual average................. ........... Percent reporting Welfare and public assistance Annual average................. ............ Percent reporting Private pensions Annual average................. ........... Percent reporting Regular contributions for support Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... Other, incl. workmens' compensation Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... Husband and wife only | J $577.61 25.0 $ 1, 011.20 35.8 | | $292.65 15.2 $407.76 16.7 | | $533.25 64.6 $882.39 72.8 | $120.87 J 8.6 $146.04 10.5 of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y C O M P O S I T I O N J / Expenditure I nterview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Family composition Husband and wife families Husband and wife with children 1 Other Oldest | Oldest | Oldest | husband child ( child J child J and wife under 6 | 6 to 17 | 18 or | families 1 1 older 1 I I $13.66 $87.12 1 $331.14 4 $883.21 J .7 2.9 I 12.2 J 41.7 I I I 3 $180.07 i $201.96 | $399.86 | $317.64 14.4 12.4 J 18.5 J 18.6 I I I $127.32 I $263.51 | $689.63 | $389.43 65.8 69.8 J 65.5 J 60.3 i i $77.67 | $195.47 4 $137.39 $29.23 i 7.4 j 11.1 4.3 10.2 1 i a footnotes at end of table | | $525.91 15.4 $791.90 43.2 | | $174.35 11.2 $258.59 14.7 | 4 $137.44 36.4 $564.85 60.2 | | $53.71 4.4 $130.17 $83.74 34.6 $434.68 57.9 $1,917.06 J 85.9 $509.79 59.7 8.6 i i | J $412.38 62.7 $736.34 71.0 $98.09 64.9 | | $600.81 68.0 $594.15 61.2 $448.10 81.2 | | $107.30 6.4 $26.04 1.9 $49.28 3. 1 | $129.00 5.7 $326.19 12.8 $3.99 .2 | $70.38 4.0 $7.64 .7 $10.67 1.3 | | $294.12 61.8 $234.28 52.5 $384.16 80.3 J | i i i i j i i i i i i i ! 1 1 1 J -JL See |One parent, Single | at least person 4 one child and other j under 18 families $185.84 63.8 | | $494.16 67.7 | J $252.04 57.6 | | $561.18 77.0 | $463.46 68.8 | J $616.21 71.7 | J $51.29 J 2.7 | $27.48 1.7 | | $129.23 1 10.4 J $14.97 $73.26 2.9 | 4 $132.16 7.2 $15.75 | 4 .8 j 1 $52.81 | 3.3 J $442.12 75.9 } 1 1.2 $346.97 67. 1 | 4 | | $38.51 | 4. 1 4 $316.31 63.9 | 4 $894.95 36.9 $124.79 9.7 $7.28 $127.18 .6 6.8 $622.59 30.3 $85.20 4.7 $392.24 72.9 $172.62 49.7 T a b le 5. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y FAMILY COMPOSITION J / ( A l l u r b a n a n d r u r a l f a m i l i e s an d s i n g l e c o n s u m e r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item I All I I families l \ Husband and wife only Family composition Husband and wife families Husband and wife with children Single Other |One parent, husband | at least Oldest | Oldest | Oldest person child | child | child and wife | one child and other under 6 J 6 to 17 J 18 or families | under 18 families 1 1 older I I Personal taxes, total I -$1,788.73 Annual average......... ....... I -$1,687.93 -$1,726.09 80.6 95.8 Percent reporting .... 80.2 Federal income taxes 1 -$1,429.80 Annual average......... ....... 1 -$1,399.11 -$1,498.90 71.7 Percent reporting .... 75.0 92.8 State and local income taxes 1 -$229.48 Annual average ......... ....... 1 -$234.05 -$248.33 56.7 73.7 59.6 Percent reporting .... ....... J Personal property and other 1 Annual average ......... -$54.77 -$41.50 -$66.80 Percent reporting ....•....... 1 25.6 29.2 24.0 Other money receipts 1 $219.41 $239.86 $122.11 Annual average...... ....... 1 19.9 Percent reporting .... ................. J 14.0 13.3 Net change in assets and liabilities, | total | $888.70 Average of end-of-year values.| $824.23 $614.52 85.5 85.9 96. 0 Percent reporting .... ....... 1 Net change in assets 1 $1,643.06 $2,912.13 Average of end-of-year values.| $1,463.88 73.6 76.9 Percent reporting ............ 84.2 Net change in liabilities $639.65 $2,297.60 Average of end-of-year values.| $754.36 64.4 55.7 88.7 Percent reporting ............ 1 Goods and services received without j direct expense I $132.45 $110.26 $172.09 Annual average... ..............| 66.4 76.2 Percent reporting .... 64.6 Market value of financial assets 1 Average of end-of-year values.| $7,094.67 $12,929.10 $2,377.77 82.4 76.6 Percent reporting ............ 1 82. 1 Mortgage principal paid on owned 1 property -$226.07 -$275.48 Annual average......... ........ 1 -$301.46 27.7 45.3 35.6 Percent reporting .... ________ L \ \ 1- $ 2 , 211.38 -$2,922.29 - $ 1 , 9 6 1 . 4 3 | -$605.52 I 94.0 92.6 88.9 | 64.2 -$846.58 63.6 |-$1,8 3 4 . 3 2 1-$2,405.47 -$1,625.20| -$492.34 89.4 83.7 J 59.5 J 90.6 -$706.46 56.7 | -$313.31 -$418.59 J 72.2 J 73. 1 -$92.82 48.2 -$113.70 44.2 -$268.18 | 65. 1 ] | I -$63.75 30.3 -$98.22 33.4 -$68.05 27.4 | J -$20.35 15.4 -$26.43 17.9 l | $244.63 15.5 $220.16 13. 0 $198.31 J 11.7 J $213.97 13.3 $218.20 12.7 |$ 1,523.97 J 95.0 $1,714.70 93.5 $639.07 | 92.2 | $203.37 78.9 $86.43 72.0 !$2,419.46 4 81.7 $1,927.20 80.0 $1,267.64 | 74.8 | $308.02 57.9 $270.88 62.0 J | $895.50 87.0 $212.50 78.8 $628.58 j 78.5 | $104.64 63.9 $184.45 40.5 i $140.24 73.0 $224.40 69. 1 $213.41 72.6 $186.53 69.4 $68.74 50. 1 |$4,502.47 81.4 $7,702.27 79.5 $5,718.49 74.0 |$2,055.94 J 53.8 $6,241.63 69.9 J -$553.92 1 64.9 -$504.69 53.7 -$386.10 | -$254.20 48.6 | 22.2 -$102.15 11.5 \ \ | | \ y 2/ 3/ 4/ ** Data in columns which represent less than 218,000 consumer units or in cells which represent less than 18,500 consumer units are likely to have large sampling errors. Value less than 0.05 percent Percents may not sum to 100 due to rounding. Data represent only those expenditures collected in the interview survey, not the total of all family expenditures. Data not available. 81 T a b le 6 . S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s / a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s / and s o u r c e s o f in c o m e c l a s s i f i e d ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f o n e p e r s o n . U n ite d S t a t e s , consum er E x p e n d itu r e I n te r v ie w S u rv e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 ) All families Item Total Fa m ily income before taxes Complete reporting of income $4,000 $6,000 $5,000 $3,000 to to to to $3,999 $4,999 $6,999 $5,999 Under $3,000 Number of families in universe (000s).,. 16,761 16,157 •9 | | $5,741| 1 $4,990| 1 1 53| .91 1 1 $5,928| .9 | 1 $1,788| 1 $5,157| $1,729| 6,299 1,807 Selected family characteristics Average Family s i z e ........................... Family income before taxes.......... Family income after t a x e s ........... Age of h e a d ........................... Number of children under 18......... Number of persons 6 5 and ove r ....... Number of automobiles o w n e d ......... Percent3/ Housing tenure Homeowner........................... Renter ............................... Not reported........................ Race of head White ................................ Black................................ Other ................................ Education of head 1 to 9 years....................... 9 years, not more than 12 years... More than 12 years................. Not reported or no s chool ......... Automobile ownership At least one automobile owned..... ( 2) I 1 .41 1 .6| J 1 1 1 34 | 63 | 3| 1 1 87 1 12 | 11 I I 241 331 26 | 16 | 1 1 531 i 1 See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f ta b le | I 53 | 1 (2) 1 I 1 .4 | 1 .6| 1 1 1 1 34 | 63 1 3| 1 1 87 | 12 | 1J I I 24 | 33 | 26 | 16 | I I 53 I by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ/ I 59 | 1 .1 1 i 1 . 6| 1 .4 | 1 1 1 1 35 | 63i 2| 1 1 8 11 18 | 11 1 1 39j 291 131 19 | I I 31* .9 $3,467 $3,298 57 (2 ) .5 .5 39 59 2 91 8 1 31 33 20 15 47 442 | I I I i I I .9 l 471 | I 125 | J 53 | I I i 1 • 4| 1 .61 1 1 i 1 36| 611 31 i 1 901 9I 1i I I 211 391 24 | 16 | I I 55 | 1,0671 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.01 $7,000 to $7,999 782 1,0071 1 1 1 1 i 1 1.0 | 1.0 $5,460| $6,4771 $7,458 $4,8531 1 491 $5,7001 1 47 1 $6,379 (2) (2) 1 i 1 .31 1 • 7| 1 1 1 i 34 | 611 51 I 1 89* 91 21 1 1 161 431 211 201 1 1 611 1 i 1 .31 1 .81 1 1 1 1 321 66 | 21 1 i 911 81 1i i 1 121 401 331 141 1 1 681 47 (2) .2 .8 31 66 3 92 7 1 12 42 30 15 72 82 T ab le 6. S e l e c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f o n e p e r s o n . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) Item I I | I Number of families in universe 1,385 (000s).. Selected family characteristics Average $8,000 to $9,999 I I I 1 1 i i Family s i z e .......................... 1.0 1 Family income before t a x e s ......... . 1 1 Family income after t a x e s .......... - 1 1 Age of h e a d .......................... i 1 Number of children under 18........ . 1 i 1 Number of persons 65 and o v e r ...... i 1 Number of automobiles o w n e d ........ - 1 1 Percent3/ 1 1 Housing tenure I Homeowner .......................... - I Rent e r ......... .................... Not reported....................... . 1 i 1 Pace of head 1 White ............................... Black ............................... O t h e r ............................... • i | 1 Education of head 1 1 to 9 years....................... - 1 9 years, not more than 12 years.. More than 12 years................ . i Not reported or no scho o l ........ • i i i $8,915 $7,539 43 (2) .1 1.0 25 73 2 89 10 1 I I j I I I I I I i i i 1 1 I 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 j 1 1 1 8 36 1 40 i 16 1 Automobile ownership 1 At least one automobile owned.... . 1 l 1 79 1 1 I See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f ta b le by FAMILY ISCOME BEFORE TAX ESJ/ Family income before taxes_____________________________ Complete reporting of income $10,000 I $15,000 I $12,000 I $20,000 1 $25,000 to and to to to I I 1 I $11,999 over I $19,999 I $14,999 1 I $24,999 I I 1 I 819 I 553 I 156 140 1 700 I 1 i I I I J l 1 I 1 1 1 J i J J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i 1 1 1 I 1.0 1 1.0 1 1.0 i 1.0 1 .9 J 1 i 1 1 1 1 $10,898 1 $13,394 i $16,899 1 $67,950 $21,791 1 I 1 1 1 $8,967 1 $10,841 1 $13,547 1 $17,688 1 $59,562 4 1 1 1 43 1 45 1 45 1 44 1 54 J I J j 1 1 1 I (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 1 1 1 1 i j I l 1 i I .1 1 .1 i .1 1 .2 (2) 1 i i 1 1 i 1 1.0 1 1. 1 1 1.1 1 1.2 i 1.0 | 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 33 1 34 1 30 1 32 1 51 65 1 62 J 63 1 62 43 7 1 3 1 4 i 6 1 6 I i i i I i 1 1 1 1 1 87 1 91 J 92 1 97 1 99 10 1 6 1 8 1 3 i 1 ** ** ** 2 1 3 1 1 1 i 1 4 i I 1 1 1 1 1 ** 5 1 2 5 i 3 1 37 1 33 1 18 1 28 1 10 48 1 55 1 61 1 74 1 85 11 1 6 1 10 1 8 1 2 i i i i i A i \ 1 1 80 1 -1 - i 1 86 i 1 1 1 89 1 _1 1 1 85 1 _1_ \ 1 I:ncomplete income | | r eporting 1 1 | 6 04 i i 1 1 1 i 1 .9 1 | $746 | 1 | $534 | ■ 1 | I I i i i i 1 I I | I .1 53 .3 .7 31 66 3 i I J | | I I | j | I 1 1 81 | ______ I__ 87 12 (2) 17 35 31 17 58 83 T a b le 6. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESjy ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f o n e p e r s o n . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d 1 I All | I Item | families | 1 I I _____ _ _ . 1 1 1 1 1 Current consumption expenses, excluding | 1 personal insurance, gifts and 1 1 contributions 4/ | 1 $4,284.89! Average annual expenditure...-! ........... | 100.0J Percent reporting 1 1 Food, total I ! $811.48| Average annual expenditure....! 99.2| Percent reporting ........... I Food at home | 1 $549.25! Average annual expenditure....! 97.2! Percent reporting ........... 1 Food away from home, excl. trips | 1 $242.54! Average annual expenditure.• . . | 76.7| Percent reporting ........... | Meals as pay ! 1 $19.68! Average annual expenditure....! 7.4! Percent reporting ........... I i 1 1 Alcoholic beverages | 1 $71.03! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! 50.5I i I 1 1 Tobacco products 1 ! $ 67.18| Average annual expenditure....! 38.5* Percent reporting ........... ! i i 1 I Housing, total ! 1 $1,578.24! Average annual expenditure....! 99.0! Percent reporting ........... 1 1 i 1 1 Shelter, total ! 1 Average annual expenditure.. . . | $1,016.57! 95.0! Percent reporting ........... i Rented dwellings 1 I $790.80! Average annual expenditure....! 61.7! Percent reporting ........... j Owned dwellings ! I $224.50! Average annual expenditure... . i ........... 1 36.11 Percent reporting Other lodging, excluding trips | 1 $1,261 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | 1.9 | 1. __ L See fo o tn o te s a t end o f ta b le Family income beforei taxes Complete reportinq of income 1. 1 $5,000 1 $6,000 Total 1 Under 1 $3,000 1 $4,000 1 to | to | to 1 to 1 1 1 1 1- $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 i $6,999 1. $3,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $4,263.60| $2,616.02| $3,497,181 $3 , 7 6 7 . 5 8 | $4, 171.021 $4,860,711 100.01 100.0! 100.0| 100.0J 100.01 100.0| i i ■ i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $803,261 $906,991 $804.981 $710.12! $576,791 $760,881 9 8. 7 | 99.41 98.61 100.01 99.3| 100.01 1 1 I 1 1 1 $547.321 $485.97| $525,421 $574.39| $523.56| $618.411 96.71 99.2| 95.91 97. 11 97.4J 97.0| 1 1 1 1 1 1 $262,641 $167,891 $ 8 1.16| $269,491 $161,911 $238.03! 73.7J 82.01 57.61 76.6| 89.31 94.1 l 1 1 1 1 1 I $9.66| $22,791 $18,601 $17,061 $19,091 $19.63! 6.4 | 9.51 8. 1 1 7 -4! 9.01 5.61 i i i i i i l i 1 i 1 $7,000 to $7,999 $5,200.98 100.0 $930.31 100.0 $574-28 98.9 $312.86 91.5 $43. 16 7.6 1 1 1 I i i $74,271 $71.571 $60.861 $19,361 $38,631 $65,301 $110.25 49.01 60.8J 50.81 31. 1| 43.31 58.2| 68.3 i i i i I i l 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 $57,341 $88.07 $67.20| $50.94| $52,671 $77.13| $77.50| 33. 4! 33. 11 34.7J 38.7| 45.21 43.71 46.0 i I i i i l 1 1 1 l i 1 1 1 1 1 1 $1,937. 16 $1,563.54! $1,082,941 $1,375,601 $1,430,081 $1,455,731 $1,717.82| 98.41 99.6| 99.4| 99.61 99.5 99.11 99.21 i 1 i i 1 i l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $1,280.87 $957,791 $1, 124.371 $699,491 $1,010,291 $896,721 $895,081 95.61 98.41 98.4 91.81 96.81 95.91 95.2! 1 1 1 1 1 1 $784.731 $555.70| $680,111 $685,671 $740.56| $881.45| $993.83 61.7J 58. 1 1 57.81 60. 1 | 60. 91 65.81 67.8 1 1 I 1 1 1 $285.92 $216,901 $240,871 $224.261 $143.161 $214,621 $208,101 35.51 38.9| 33.01 41.51 37.5| 36.3| 33.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 $2,051 $1,991 $1,311 $.331 $1. 12 $1.30! $.621 2.4J 2.01 2.3 2.21 2. 11 • 6| 1.9! JL_ 1. 1.. _ 1. 8a T ab le 6 . S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f o n e p e r s o n . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item I I | 1 ______________ 1__ Current consumption expenses, excluding personal insurance, gifts and contributions 0/ Average annual expenditure-.. Percent reporting ........... 1 1 1 | 1 1 Food, total 1 Average annual expenditure... i Percent reporting .......... I Food at home I Average annual expenditure... I Percent reporting .......... i Food away from home, excl. trips I Average annual expenditure... I Percent reporting .......... I Meals as pay I Average annual expenditure... I Percent reporting .......... I i 1 Alcoholic beverages 1 Average annual expenditure... 1 Percent reporting .......... 1 i I Tobacco products 1 Average annual expenditure... 1 Percent reporting .......... 1 i 1 Housing, total 1 Average annual expenditure... I Percent reporting .......... I i 1 Shelter, total 1 Average annual expenditure... I Percent reporting .......... I Rented dwellings I Average annual expenditure... I Percent reporting .......... Owned dwellings I Average annual expenditure... I Percent reporting .......... I Other lodging, excluding trips 1 Average annual expenditure... 1 Percent reporting .......... 1 1 See footn otes at end o f ta b le $8,000 to $9,999 1 $10,000 to 1 __i_ $11,999 J I I $5 ,740.17 I 100.0 I I I $1 ,009.26 I 100.0 i I $568.10 I 98.3 1 1 $409.16 1 95.4 1 1 $32.00 1 9.0 1 1 1 $116.75 1 74.0 1 i I 1 $84.41 1 43.5 1 1 1 $1 ,900.81 1 99.4 1 1 1 1 $1 ,275.63 1 97.3 I 1 $1 ,067.23 1 72.1 1 1 $204.73 1 28.5 t 1 $3.67 1 5. 1 1 -1_ Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 I | to | to I 1 $14,999 1 $19,999 1 $6 ,876.51 100.0 $1 ,186.74 100.0 $669.45 97.2 $487.72 96.2 $29.57 8.5 $160.85 79.9 $93.26 46.8 $2 ,241.78 100.0 $1 ,454.78 99.5 $1 ,110.95 66.8 $343.32 37. 1 $.51 2.0 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i I 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I $7,755.20 I 100.0 I 1 I 1 $1,216.16 i 100.0 1 1 $631.24 1 97.6 i l $565.13 96.9 1 1 $19.80 1 6.9 i i 1 1 $210.20 1 80.3 i i 1 1 $111.65 1 50.9 1 i l 1 $2,451.75 1 100.0 1 i 1 1 $1,571.16 i 98. 2 1 1 $1,203.23 1 65.2 i 1 $365.44 1 38.0 i 1 $2.50 1 4.2 1 -i i $20,000 to $2a,999 1 i - 1 $25,000 and over 1 1 Incomplete income 1 1 reporting __L $8 ,884.08 | $10,115.60 J $12,243.54 100.0 | 100.0 J 100.0 $1 ,343.77 100.0 l | $1,680.49 | 100.0 J $1,896.91 100.0 $647.76 98.5 | | $758.62 | 100.0 | $849.95 96.5 $653.98 97.9 | | $853.87 96.6 $42.03 4.3 | | $246.86 87.6 | | $204.20 92.3 | | $257.05 90.9 $102.51 51.8 | j $109.37 54.9 | | $92. 17 39.5 $3 ,002.11 100.0 | | $3,395.99 | 100.0 | $4,976.72 100.0 $1 ,988.53 99.0 | | $2,232.50 99.9 l | $2,442.60 100.0 $1 ,575.82 68.9 | j $1,703.22 68.2 | | $1,064.99 49.3 $411.11 37.4 J | $529.27 | 40.3 | $1,376.51 56.6 $1.60 2.5 | | 1 J j $1,034.76 100.0 $68.00 | 9.5 | $12.19 7.6 ** ** | j __ 1__ $1.09 2.7 I i I J I l I I I I I J I I I I I I l I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i $4 ,854.04 100.0 $985. 13 97.4 $600.94 93. 1 $362.98 78.3 $21.21 8.4 $56.66 42.6 $66.70 33.4 $1 ,971. 12 96.5 $1 ,184.27 89. 0 $953.03 60.9 $231.00 30.9 $.24 .8 85 T ab le 6. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAHILY IHCOHE BEFORE TAXES 1 / ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f o n e p e r s o n . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I I All ) I Item l families ) i 1 ____ _____ _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fuel and utilities, total | i $206.04| Average annual expenditure.... I 75.5| ........... j Percent reporting Gas, total | 1 Average annual expenditure....! $50.36| Percent reporting ........... | 40.9| Gas, delivered in mains (piped) | 1 $43.41| Average annual expenditure.... | Percent reporting ........... | 34.5) Gas, bottled or tank | I Average annual expenditure.. . . | $6.95) 6.6 | Percent reporting ........... | Electricity | I Average annual expenditure....! $75.22) Percent reporting ........... | 61.6) Gas and electricity combined bills! I Average annual expenditure....! $21.56) Percent reporting ........... 1 11.6| Fuel oil and kerosene | 1 Average annual expenditure.... | $26.70| Percent reporting ........... 1 12.6) Other fuels, coal, wood | I Average annual expenditure....! $ 3.27| Percent reporting ........... | 5.3) Water, trash, sewerage | I Average annual expenditure....! $28.92) Percent reporting ........... | 39.1| i i 1 1 Housing expenses, total ! 1 Average annual expenditure.. . . | $193.68| 84.5) Percent reporting ........... J Telephone, excluding coin phones 1 ! Average annual expenditure....! $122,621 79.0) Percent reporting ............ | Other expenses, including domestic) 1 services | 1 Average annual expenditure....) $71.05! Percent reporting ........... | 46.0| 1 __1 See footn otes a t end o f ta b le . I Total j I I I I i $205.69 § 75.8) 1 $50.75| 41.2| 1 $43.66! 34.7) 1 $7.09| 6.7) 1 $74.90) 61.7| I $21.84) 11.7) l $26.26! 12.6 ) I $3. 19) 5.3) I $28.74! 39.3| i 1 ) i $3,000 1 1 1 1 $184.77| 71.8J 1 $51.38) 42.3J I $42.33! 33. 7| I $9.05| 8.8) I $61,331 57.5) ! $19.27) 10.2| 1 $22.77| 13.8| I $5.33| 6.7) I $24 . 7 0 | 38.6) 1 1 1 $189.46) $121,521 84.7! 78.7) I i $12 2 . 12| $78.33| 79.1 | 70.4) 1 1 1 $67.33) $43.19! 46.3| 42. 9 | _L_ _1 i Under i Family income before taxes Complete reportinci of income J $5,000 | $6,000 1 $7,000 $3,000 | $4,000 to to j to | to 1 to 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 ! $5,999 1 $7,999 1 $6,999 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 $199.93* $212.21) $196.38! $214.90 $216,351 79.7) 77.7) 74.3) 72.9| 76.0 I I I 1 $53.27) $55.49| $55.87! $44.60! $50.68 38.9 i 46.7 | 43. 1) 38.8) 39. 1 I I 1 1 $43.35) $45.95 $38.91) $47.67! $53.76) 34. 1) 38.6| 35. 9 J 36.8) 35.0 I I 1 J $5.70| $7.82| $9.92| $2.11) $4.73 5.0) 8.61 7.5) 2.1) 4.0 I 1 1 1 $77.99| $65.02! $68.47) $81.06) $88.53 59. 1 J 61.4 60. 0) 60.9) 66.0) I 1 1 1 $27.16) $16.22| $24.79! $21,471 $21.76 15. 1 j 10.5) 14.41 10.2| 11.0 I 1 1 1 $30.74) $31.56) $23.54 * $21.09) $28.63 12.3J 14.9 j 10.8) 8.81 13.7 I l 1 J $1.12) $2.32) $ 1.00| $5.16| $.15 3.6! 2.9 | 2.8! 1.3 3.11 I I 1 i $31.30| $28.63| $ 27.75| $29.25| $25. 15 44. 5! 36.7| 43.2) 38. 11 36.4 i ■ | 1 1 1 1 1 J I 1 $165.71| $187,901 $161,921 $209,671 $255.38 86.6) 87.0| 84.61 85.71 85.7 1 1 1 1 $103,651 $117.97) $116.82) $159.56 $154.58| 81.4! 81.0) 79. 2) 80. 4) 84.7 I I I 1 I I I 1 $62.07) $43.94) $71.09) $55,091 $95.82 52.6| 48.4 | 43.8) 42.6 44.9! ___ I__ 1 __ L_ 86 T ab le 6. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s # a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s # a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TA XESJ/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f o n e p e r s o n # U n i t e d S t a t e s # C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y # 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I | I Item Fuel and utilities# total | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Gas# total 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas# delivered in mains (piped) | Average annual expenditure.. . . | ........... | Percent reporting Gas# bottled or tank | Average annual expenditure....! ........... 1 Percent reporting Electricity | Average annual expenditure....) Percent reporting ........... ! Gas and electricity combined bills! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Fuel oil and kerosene J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other fuels# coal# wood J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Water# trash# sewerage | Average annual expenditure.. . . J ........... | Percent reporting i 1 Housing expenses# total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Telephone# excluding coin phones ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other expenses# including domestic! services I Average annual expenditure....! ........... 1 Percent reporting 1 See fo o tn o tes a t end o f ta b le $8# 000 to $9# 999 I I __±_ $193.01 77.9 $38.64 35.7 $33.50 30.8 $5.14 5.4 $79.66 64.3 $24.30 13.6 $24.94 11.7 $.42 6.2 $25.05 31.9 $226.66 88.0 $171.07 86.2 i | | i | ! i | | 1 | | I ! j i ! | 1 | | 1 | ! 1 J j ■ 1 1 J | 1 | | I I | $55.59 41.5 ___ I_ { $10#000 to $11,999 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $ 12# 000 | $15# 000 | | to | to | I $14,999 I $19,999 1 $230.34 81.9 $55.74 43.8 $52.41 40.8 $3.33 3.6 $105.06 74.6 $16.37 8.8 $23.37 10.5 $2.40 6. 1 $27.40 37.6 $243.25 92.7 $180.20 90.8 $63.05 53.1 ! | | I | | I ! | 1 J ! 1 | | I | | i l | I | | I | | i I 1 | J 1 | | ! I | | 1__ I | | I $46.26 J 42.0 | I $41.65 | 36.7 l $4.61 J 5.3 | I $99.84 J 74.2 j I $24.93 | 12.2 | i $30.66 ! 11.9 | I $1.41 | 6.3 l I $38.09 | 44.8 | i 1 1 $302.71 | 96.4 | I $204.14 J 93.6 | I 1 $98.57 ! 48.8 j 1 $241.18 84.0 \ $265.49 86.4 $45.93 33.4 $37.69 28.4 $8.24 5.6 $117.36 66.1 $37.49 17.8 $26.20 9.9 $2.60 9.8 $35.91 42.4 $343.28 97.2 $196.49 94.6 $146.79 57.8 1 1 | 1 ! J 1 | ! 1 | | 1 | ! I | | I ! | I | | I | | i 1 I | | 1 ! 1 1 1 l | 1_. $20# 000 to $24,999 I $25,000 and 1 over __L_ $307.57 82.3 $73.64 44. 1 $73.56 44. 1 $.08 2.6 $97.51 63.9 $35.61 13.7 I | | I | | I | j I | J I | j ! » | 1 Incomplete income 1 1 reporting __L $526.63 89.5 $100.78 36.8 $88.54 34. 1 $12.24 2.7 $161.86 77. 1 $24.10 15. 1 \ $8.32 5.6 l $130.80 ) 13.9 I $6.70 j $2. 14 13.3 J 2.9 I $85.79 | $106.95 49.9 | 45.4 1 1 $441.03 | $1,060.11 93.2 | 94.2 1 $248.79 | $300.82 93.2 | 91.9 1 1 $192.24 | $759.29 58.4 | 76.5 _1_ I l I I I I J i i I I I I 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 i I 1 i i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I J 1 $215.51 67.8 $39.99 34.6 $36.67 29.3 $3.32 5.3 $83.84 58. 2 $14.02 9.5 $38.63 14.2 $5.34 5.2 $33.69 32.2 $306.48 80.4 $135.96 75.4 $170.52 40.5 87 T ab le 6. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJl/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f o n e p e r s o n . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item I I Housefurnishings, equipment, total | Average annual expenditure.. . . | ........... I Percent reporting Household textiles I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Furniture | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Floor coverings 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Major appliances I Average annual expenditure....! ........... I Percent reporting Small appliances ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Housewares ! Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . | ........... I Percent reporting Miscellaneous 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! i Clothing, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... 1 Clothing, male, 2 and over | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... ! Clothing, female, 2 and over | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Clothing, children under 2 years J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Dry cleaning, laundry ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Materials and services 1 Average annual expenditure....! ........... I Percent reporting See f o o t n o t e s at end o f 1 1 ! 1 ___ 1__ I I | $161.95| 73.5| | $23.90! 52.9! | $60.18| 23.3! j $14.67| 10.9J | $28.67 | 14.4! i $4.79* 18.0! All | families ta b le . $4.67! 15.1! | $25.07| 32 . 8 1 1 i ! $314,221 98.11 ! $84.47| 36.5| 1 $145.40| 61.2| | $2.17! 1.91 i $71.54| 78.3! I $10.64| 42.6| _____ L . ! Total | Under | I 1 1 1_ $3,000 I I 1 I 1 1 $158 . 1 0 | $77. 1 5 | 64.7| 74.0| 1 1 $21,961 $11,531 53.5| 45.5| 1 1 $ 60.25| $24.77| 23.61 15.91 I ! $6.47| $12. 7 4 | 10.9| 6.91 1 1 $28.69| $20.76| 14.4| 12.0! 1 I $4,871 $3.08| 12.5| 18.21 1 1 $4.69| $1.40| 15. 1| 10.31 1 ! $9. 151 $24.90| 19.6| 33.0* i < i i I t $311,011 $147,811 96.5| 98.2) 1 1 $28.23! $84.20| 36.5| 25.2| t i $69.06| $142.72| 67.5| 61.2! 1 1 $ 1.9 7 1 $2. 2 2 | 2.0 | 2. 1 1 1 I $ 7 1 . 12| $43,161 78.4| 69. 0 1 I I $10.74| $5.39! 33.4| 42.71 1 1- Family income before taxes Complete reportina of income | $5,000 l $6,000 $3,000 | $4,000 | $7,000 to l to 1 to i to 1 to $3,999 1 $4,999 I $6,999 1 $7,999 1 $5,999 I I I I I l I 1 1 1 1 1 $113,241 $134.88| $186.01 $139.65| $167.42| 71.4| 76.7! 76.5| 80. 1 | 79.3 1 1 1 1 $16,581 $20.80! $33.84 $17,521 $25.08| 49.5! 53. 1 1 55.5* 58.2| 63. 1 1 1 1 I $42,871 $78.99 $38,921 $52.70| $69.10| 20.91 22.41 24.91 24. 9 | 32. 1 1 1 1 1 $11.96| $16.80| $9.13| $8.98 $9.76| 12.51 12.21 13.0| 14.2 11.8| 1 1 1 ! $33.34 $30.67) $20,971 $39,031 $22,361 12.4 j 18.31 13.9 14.7| 13.21 1 1 i 1 $4,491 $4,601 $4.18* $6.01 $6,531 19.3| 25.51 16.9! 20.3 19.2| 1 I 1 1 $4,481 $3.96 $4.08| $1.68| $2•89| 11.2! 15.3| 19. 11 20.31 17.0 1 1 1 1 $14.11| $19.70| $22.43| $21.79| $20.88 27.9| 36.8| 38. 81 37.8 36.9l i i 1 i i i i i ! ! ! ! $260.57| $311,701 $358.23| $220,201 $4 12.32 98.41 98.9* 99. 1 1 99.31 100.0 1 i 1 ! $84.20 $74.56| $66.13| $45.21| $53,421 33.91 41.3 35.21 35.0! 39.3| l l ! ! $155,561 $221.75 $135.75| $191,081 $107.44| 63.7| 61.1J 61.6 63.5! 68.2| 1 1 1 1 $.661 $3.03| $2.08| $5,651 $.83 4.0| 1.0 1.41 2.31 1.2| 1 1 1 I $68.58| $79,591 $89.94 $57.61| $57.12| 77. 9 | 88.8 78.9| 85.4| 80.9| ! ! ! ! $12.34| $15.78| $15.60 $6.91| $12. 18 | 46.51 39. 1| 45.9! 53.9 48.6| i_ 1_ 88 T a b le 6. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TA XESJ/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f o n e p e r s o n . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d $8,000 to $9,999 Item Housefurnishings, equipment, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Household textiles Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Furniture Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Floor coverings Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Major appliances Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Small a p p l ia n c e s Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Housewares Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Miscellaneous Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, male, 2 and over Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, female, 2 and over Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, children under 2 years Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Dry cleaning, laundry Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Materials and services Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f ta b le . $205.51 81.4 $28.60 61.1 $89.66 31.3 $6.51 12.2 $31.02 14.8 $6.61 23.7 $6.78 19.9 $36.32 43. 1 $461.46 99.3 $127.06 50.1 $210.40 51.2 $.77 1.3 $106.73 85.2 $16.51 49.0 ___________ Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income J $10,000 | $15,000 | $12,000 | to | | to | to | 1 $14,999 I $11,999 1 $19,999 I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I $313.41 | | $336.69 | $404.80 | 84.7 j 92.4 | | 91.0 | 1 1 I I $39.96 | $53.04 I | $45.01 | | 72.4 | 62.9 | 69. 1 | I I 1 I | $105.51 | $156.40 | $166.40 | 39.4 | | 42.8 J 33.8 | I I I 1 | $48.14 | $29.40 | $19.53 | 12.4 j | 16.5 | 22.8 | I I I I | $54.83 | $41.28 | $49.05 | 19.3 | 21.4 j 19.3 | | 1 1 1 1 | $9.67 | $8.03 | $7.90 J 27.4 | 27.6 1 25.6 | | i i 1 1 $10.90 | | $7.98 | $20.72 | 25.2 j 20.0 \ | 25.0 | I I 1 1 $59.74 | $63.64 | $57.78 | | 55.6 | 65.6 | | 56.2 | i i fl 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 | $593.38 | $669.51 | $766.83 | 99.1 | | 100.0 | 100.0 | I I I I | $177.25 | $251.25 | $313.30 | 50.1 | | 68.6 j 59.6 | I I I I | $263.72 | $281.99 | $280.32 | 52.9 | 43.4 | 36.1 | | I 1 1 I i $.54 | $4.04 | $2.48 j | 1.1 | 2.2 j 2.0 | I I I I $152.41 | | $129.41 | $116.48 | 91.9 | | 92.8 | 88.5 | I I I 1 $22.45 | $17.42 | $16.64 | j 56.3 | 59.5 | 56.9 | | L. ___L 1 1 $20,000 to $24,999 $414.89 88.8 $42.12 61.6 $125.30 35.5 $65.00 15.2 $44.00 21.1 $8.83 24.4 $32.10 20.4 $97.54 63.8 $860.58 100.0 $459.34 64.3 $208.83 36.0 $16.55 6.4 $149.97 88.4 $25.88 56.6 | | 1 1 1 I | J I | | 1 | | 1 | | I | | I | | I | | I | | 1 1 | j 1 J | 1 | | 1 | | I | | 1 | | 1 1 Incomplete income $25,000 | reporting and | : over 1 1 1 1 $947.39 | $264.86 58.9 90.8 1 $78.54 J $75.79 67.8 i 36.8 1 $414.30 | $58. 10 39.2 | 14.0 I $53.96 | $66.24 17.2 | 11.1 1 $89.67 | $28.24 32.0 | 14.2 1 $7.87 | $2.70 16.5 | 12.0 1 $50.67 | $4. 22 29.3 | 13.5 1 $252.37 | $29.57 59.2 { 26. 1 1 1 $1,069.16 j $400.00 100.0 J 97.9 I $497.47 | $91.60 65.5 | 34.9 I $388.34 | $216.94 36.6 j 61.0 I ** | $.75 ** j 1.0 I $170.24 | $82.76 100.0 | 75.6 1 $13.11 J $7.95 46.1 | 39.4 ______ L_ { 89 T ab le 6. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE T A X E S !/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f o n e p e r s o n . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consumer E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I All families Item | | I ____ Transportation, total, excluding trips Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle purchases (net outlay) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle finance charges Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle operations, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health care, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health insurance, excluding employer share Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Expenses not covered by insurance Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Personal care (selected expenses) Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Recreation, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting ... I I I I $732.161 78. 4| I $316.23| 15.5| i $39.30| 13.81 1 $333,651 60.3| 1 $147.07| 58.3| 1 $186,581 57.3| See fo o t n o t e s a t end o f ta b le . I $186.85| 57.3| I I $42.98) 26.0| 1 1 1 $236.49| 92.6| 1 1 $109.79| 85.8| 1 $126.70| 71.41 i 1 1 $53.25| 68.7| i 1 $42. 191 25.9| 1 1 $334.30| 81.7| 1 Owned vacation home Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting 1 Total | 1 ________ 1 1 1 1 $733.34| 78.3| 1 $317.30| 15.6| 1 $40.05| 13.9| 1 $333.791 60.3| 1 $146.94| 58.4 | 1 $3. 6 4 | 1.0| 1 1 1 $236.61| 93.0| 1 1 $110.35| 86.6 | i $126.261 71.61 1 1 $53.02| 68.81 1 1 $335.39| 82.0| i 1 1 $3.42| 1.0| Under | 1 $3,000 1 1 1 1 $375,661 60.81 1 $173,601 10. 1| I $20. 9 3 1 6.0| 1 $147.78| 38.4| 1 $76.36| 37. 11 1 $71.41| 33.51 1 $33.351 25.9| i 1 1 $176.77| 86.31 1 1 $77.46| 75. 91 1 $99.31| 62.81 i 1 1 $32 . 13| 55. 1 | i 1 1 $115.44| 67. 8 1 i 1 1 $.87| .4| J_ Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income 1 $6,000 | $5,000 1 $3,000 | $4,000 to 1 to | to 1 to 1 $3,999 | $4,999 1 $5,999 1 1 $6,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 J $543.31| $662.49| $583,201 $975,261 79.91 80.6| 88.8| 91.5| 1 I 1 1 $243.83| $197.37) $215.89| $427.50| 14.51 12.51 14.71 18.6| 1 1 1 1 $13.22| $21,851 $18,371 $76,691 8.51 11.11 20.01 11.5| 1 1 1 1 $243,941 $377,771 $322,321 $422,681 59.91 71. 11 55.51 76.31 i 1 1 1 $109.33| $137.70| $175,831 $192.82| 57- 9 | 53.31 69.4| 74.01 1 1 1 J $134.60| $201,941 $184.62| $229,861 57.61 67. 11 73.61 53.11 1 1 1 1 $42,321 $50,461 $48,381 $41.66| 29. 5J 30.81 27. 1 | 27.2J | l 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 $274,941 $230,271 $254.37| $243,231 94.01 96.2| 98.01 98.3J 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 $120.41| $109,091 $110,681 $128,221 90.1 | 92.4| 94.31 95.31 I 1 1 1 $132.55| $133.96| $121,181 $146,721 74.5j 75.71 77.61 73.71 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $50.47| $58.65| $49,871 $77.56| 69.9| 71.3| 75.71 80.01 i i i i 1 1 1 $7,000 to $7,999 $854.03 94.5 $296.35 15.8 $30.64 24.0 $465.65 77. 1 $204.43 75.6 $261.22 77. 1 $61.39 26. 1 $277.65 98.5 $137.21 95.0 $140.44 80.9 $74.03 76.9 1 1 $213,461 81.3J i 1 1 $1,331 .4 1 1_. 1 $241,411 86.51 i 1 1 $2,031 1.0 | _L_ 1 $394,311 87.61 1 1 $2,361 .9| __ L_ 1 $325,041 92.91 | $422.08 95.2 1 1 $.871 .71 _______ L_ $.93 1.3 90 T ab le 6. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESiy ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f o n e p e r s o n . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item j Transportation, total, excluding trips| Average annual expenditure.. . . | ........... | Percent reporting Vehicle purchases (net outlay) | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Vehicle finance charges j Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... j Vehicle operations, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Gasoline j Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... I other | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Other transportation I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Health care, total j Average annual expenditure....! ........... i Percent reporting Health insurance, excluding | employer share I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Expenses not covered by insurance ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Personal care (selected expenses) ! Average annual expenditure.. . . J ........... ! Percent reporting Recreation, total ! Average annual expenditure....! ........... I Percent reporting Owned vacation home | Average annual expenditure....! ........... ! Percent reporting See fo o tn o te s at end o f ta b le $8,000 to $9,999 $1,231.42 95.1 $541.36 25. 1 $77.15 30. 1 $574.24 87.1 $237.26 85.3 $336.98 86.3 $38.68 19.3 $264.26 98.3 $124.08 93.5 $140.18 80.3 $69.20 78.8 $456.65 96.2 $5.23 1.4 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income ! $12,000 | $10,000 | I $15,000 | to l to to | 1 i $11,999 1 $ 14.999 1 1 $19,999 I 1 1 1 1 1 I i I 1 I 1 J $1,398.74 ! $1,616.74 I $1,632.75 | ! 95.8 | 97.4 99.5 ! I J I i | $688.45 J $706.48 1 $760.11 | i 25.3 ! 29.7 1 25.7 J I ! I I ! $59.78 ! $204.50 I $49.34 J | 25.8 ! 33.7 22.1 ! I 1 i I | $586.83 | $791.49 | $642.32 1 | 86.3 | 91.1 1 94.7 ! I i 1 | $264.68 1 $234.92 | $301.20 | | 82.5 | 87.6 i 91.7 ! ! 1 1 I $351.91 | $377.64 1 $490.28 | l | 85.5 ! 89.6 1 94.7 | I I 1 I ! $63.68 ! $63.44 i $31.81 | | 24.2 | 24.3 i 19.2 l i 1 i 1 1 I 1 1 1 I i | $290.26 J $308.64 i $320.04 1 ! 98.4 | 99.0 ! 98. 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $159.98 | ! $152.36 1 $165.36 ! ! 97.6 | 94.6 1 93.6 ! 1 I 1 I $130.29 | $156.28 1 $154.67 ! ! ) 77.1 | 77.5 1 81.3 | i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | $78.11 i $77.18 | $82.12 l j 78.7 l 88.5 1 91.6 | i i ■ i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 | $685.11 | $914.02 ! $1,188.66 i | 96.8 ! 99.3 | 96.7 i ■ i i i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 $4.11 | ! $9.05 1 $9.81 | 3.4 ! 2.8 i 1 1.6 ! 1_ .1 1- i i $20,000 to $24,999 $1,438.08 94.4 $670.39 27.0 $30.67 20.0 $681.91 94.4 $282.06 90.8 $399.84 91.5 $55.11 22.4 $451.70 100.0 $180.05 94.2 $271.65 84.6 ! | I 1 1 1 l J ! | i J ! j I ! | I ! ! 1 ! | 1 ! J I I j | 1 1 1 ! 1 | | I $105.37 91.9 $1,586.35 100.0 ! | | ! I | | | 1 1 | | $125.47 8.3 _______ L_ $25,000 and over $1,387.69 91.5 $598.57 19.7 $55.81 20.7 $675.36 82.7 $276.15 76.9 $399.22 82.6 $57.94 32.4 $664.94 97.3 I Incomplete ! income | reporting I I I I ! $700.64 | 81.5 1 i $287.46 ! 13.0 ! | $19.20 | 9.6 ! | $329.77 1 59.6 1 ! $150.56 | 56.3 I $179.20 | 56.7 I ! $64.21 ! 29.6 ! I | $233.24 | 82.3 i i ! | | ! $392.87 | 79.5 ! 1 1 $119.60 | 92.8 | $272.07 90.0 $1,075.34 100.0 $2.97 2.8 ! 1 | J ! I | J ____ L. $94.82 63.4 $138.42 65.6 $59.39 67.8 $305. 16 73.9 $9.55 1.3 91 Table 6. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1/ (All families of one person. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued • Item Vacation, pleasure trips, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Food Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Alcoholic beverages Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Lodging Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Transportation, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... All expense tours Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other vacation expenses Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Boats, aircraft, wheel goods Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other recreation, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Televisions Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See footnotes at end of table. Family income before taxes I | Complete reporting of income | ! $3,000 ( $4,000 Total J Under | $5,000 1 $6,000 | $7,000 to ! to | to | to to 1 i I ! I $3,999 i $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 1 $7,999 1 _ 1 $3,000 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I i I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 $100.53| $144.62| $1h4.30| $126.27! $113.89! $43. 1 4J $121.70! $190.49 47. 4 | 47.6| 26.2! 48. 1 | 51.2! 59.6 | 52- 2 1 60.0 1 I I 1 I ! l $27.23| $27.32! $17.44! $8. 2 2 | $24.95! $ 22.68| $19.65! $32.50 37.6| 37.8| 17.2| 36.3| 39.7 | 41.9| 44.0J 49.2 1 1 i I I 1 I $6.55| $6. 7 1 | $ 2.90| $1.32| $3.85 | $2,191 $8.94 $5.51| 18.1| 5.4! 13.5! 16.0| 17.9| 19.3! 16.3! 24.8 1 i 1 I 1 1 1 $17.96| $17.77! $5.41| $ 6.7 9 | $12.16* $14,371 $16.02 $14.22| 20.7 | 20.6| 5.7! 17.7! 15.8| 23.6! 30.8 27.0! I I 1 1 I 1 1 $57.35| $57.21| $47.02| $41.84! $19.43! $51.19! $54.60| $75.33 44.5! 23.4 | 44.3| 43.8J 47.4 l 58.4 49-4 | 56.3! i I 1 I I 1 $15.34| $15.37! $4.12* $8.09! $16.24! $12.33! $20.28! $21.93 32.7| 32.9! 15.0J 27.8J 34.3! 38.7! 46.0! 42.5 I 1 i I I i 1 $41.86| $41.98| $15.31! $38.93| $34.95! $29,511 $34.32j $53.40 30.11 30.1! 14.3< 33.3! 30.9| 29.3| 33.0| 37.5 I I I 1 I 1 i $23.58| $23.65| $5.43! $19.03| $13.96| $30. 4 0 | $21.68! $42.57 5.91 5.8! 2.1 j 5.2! 5.6! 6.0J 5.8! 9.9 i I I i 1 1 ! $11.70! $11.90* $3.34! $7.35| $7.78J $11.46! $9.36! $15.13 23.7! 8.3* 21.3! 24.6 ! 23.9| 26.2! 28. 1 | 37.8 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I i 1 I 1 1 $37.45! $36.98| $9.18| $5.29j $33.29| $17,121 $31.88! $18.82 5.3! 5.4J 2.8! 5.6 j 6. 3 1 5.7! 4.4 i i i i i 1 1 1 1 ! I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $149.37* $149.901 $106.32! $62.25! $232.39! $108.38! $170.59! $211.83 77.9! 63. 1! 81.51 77.41 76.2! 82.6| 90.8J 90.9 I I 1 1 1 1 I $27.04* $13.69! $23.20| $26,961 $24.45! $30.36! $36.09! $51.37 10.7! 10.8! 7.8! 14. 11 8.8! 10.7| 11.9| 15.9 I I < i 1 1 1 $122.41! $122.86! $ 48.56| $83.11| $83.93| $202.03| $134.50! $160.46 76.5! 60.9J 76.1! 74.5! 80.3! 82.6j 89- 9 1 90.4 ________ L . 1_. JL_ _1_ 1_. __ L __ L_ All families i l 3.1 \ 92 Table 6. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY IHCOME BEFORE TAXESJ./ (All families of one person, United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Item I | I _L_ aircraft, wheel goods | Average annual expenditure....1 Percent reporting ........... ! Other recreation, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Televisions ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! See footnotes at end of table 1 $212.44 70.1 | | 1 $44.21 | 61.4 | 1 $10.26 l 34.0 ! 1 $25.48 37.2 $83.75 66.1 ! ! ! | ! I $31.54 55.3 $52.21 44.2 | l i | ! ! $34.91 l 9.6 ! I $13.83 ! 38.2 { i 1 1 $45.51 | 5.9 ! 1t 1 $193.47 92.3 $35.74 14.0 $157.73 91.4 ! ! I | | ! | ! 1_ $10,000 to $11,999 1 | | ! $60.76 J 67.6 | ! $15.78 | 43.2 | i $41.19 J 46.6 | $342.51 73.0 1 $388.10 | 75.3 | I $501.61 84.0 I $72.92 | 67.8 | $83.58 75.2 I $20.38 J 42.9 j I $47.78 | 48.9 l $37.02 49.9 $66.65 53.8 ! ! I | | ! | | 1 I | $20,000 to $24,999 1 1 ! $731.68 | 92. 1 | $25,000 and over 1 Incomplete income 1 1 reporting __L I $556.56 71.6 I $196.10 | 83.5 ! ! $57.47 J 51.0 l I $137.85 ! 52.5 | ! J 1 $109.50 67.0 ! l I $27.53 | 49.4 1 1 $143.82 | 40. 1 ! I I 1 1 | ! ! $32.43 | 58.7 i $160.37 | 73.8 | ! $36.12 | 56.2 i $275.33 I 87.2 | I $23.41 ! 4.8 | I $41.52 | 59.3 | I $109.12 l 17. 1 J I $36.09 ! 50.2 | i 1 1 ! i 1 I I ! | I $66.68 | 14.0 | $124.25 | 57.7 ! I $49.03 | 10.1 | i ! | 1 $37.63 | 48.4 I $176.18 | 80.7 J 1 $37.52 | 65.4 J 1 $138.66 | 60.5 | I $85.19 ! 15.7 | l $53.00 | 54.5 l 1i 1i 1 $53.36 | 12.5 ! 1i 1 $184.50 | 13.7 j i ■ 1 $328.33 | 15.8 | i 1 $125.10 72.0 $92.67 55.3 $33.01 50.4 1 1 $285.12 | 96. 1 | 1 $42.20 J 14.2 | I $242.92 | 95.8 | 1_ 1 $332.36 95.6 ( | I $53.78 8.2 1 $348.92 95.4 1 $59.36 | 14.5 | ! $273.00 | 95.0 | $180.53 68.5 | | 1 $31.93 12.6 | | I $316.99 | 95.1 | 0- $675.42 100.0 ! J ! i | | i i ! | | $24.93 33.4 10.9 $23. 10 18.5 1 $130.50 68.3 1 $94.79 67.8 $135.98 42. 1 00 Boats, I I CM Vacation, pleasure trips, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Food | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Alcoholic beverages | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Lodging I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Transportation, total ! Average annual expenditure...-! Percent reporting ........... | Gasoline I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other transportation | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! All expense tours I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other vacation expenses | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I $8,000 to $9,999 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 | | to | to | 1 $14,999 1 $19,999 1 | | $53.38 38. 1 1 $26.03 44.3 $104.47 52.1 1 | i J | $14.65 26.8 $38.73 30. 1 $25.60 6.2 $6. 49 18.4 1 $36.38 10.2 ! | i 1 $24.42 2.5 1 $479.42 97.7 J 1 1 1 $68.30 | $75.56 | 28.7 | 18.1 | i ! $607.12 | $403.87 ! 97.7 i 100.0 | ____ L. ___________ 1_ $135.21 65.3 $24.84 8.4 $110.38 64.2 93 Table 6. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES 1./ (All families of one person. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued o u> 5.6! 1 $4.60! 2.0! 1 $5.74! 3.81 i 1 1 $46.73! 53.9! i 1 1 $281.81| 00 See footnotes at end of table. ! Total | 1 ______ i 1 1 1 $29.88! 71.2| I 1 • O r-» i I All | I Item | families ! I 1 . _ ____ ______ i _____ 1 I 1 i 1 Beading materials | 1 $29.71! Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting 70.9! I 1 Education, total | 1 Average annual expenditure.. . . | $10.96| 5.4 | Percent reporting ........... | Private | i Average annual expenditure....! $5.43| Percent reporting ........... | 2. 1| Public | I Average annual expenditure.. . . | $5,531 Percent reporting ........... i 3.7! i 1 1 Miscellaneous ! 1 Average annual expenditure.. . . J $45.88| Percent reporting ........... ! 53.8| I i 1 1 Personal insurance and pensions, total | 1 Average annual expenditure....! $275.34! Percent reporting ........... ! 69.8| Life, endowment, annuities and income | 1 Average annual expenditure....! $74.90! Percent reporting ........... | 47.4| Other personal insurance | i $3.57! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! 7.8! Retirement and pensions | 1 Average annual expenditure....! $196.88! 4 8.2! Percent reporting ........... I 1 1 1 Gifts and contributions I 1 $332.63 | Average annual expenditure....! 78.5! Percent reporting ........... j 1 ____ 1__ ! $74.88! 47.6! 1 $3.70| 8. 1! I $203.23| 49.7| | 1 1 $337.96| 79.1 J __L_ Under | I $3,000 I I I I $15.08! 56.8! 1 1 $3.95! 1.71 1 $1 -0 0 | .4J 1 $2.95| 1.3| a 1 1 $19.16| 37. 5! 1 1 $51.97| 53. 41 1 $33,651 36.91 1 $1,981 6. 5! 1 $16.35| 21.11 1 1 $109,611 65. 31 _L_ Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $6,000 J $5,000 1 $7,000 $3,000 | $4,000 to i to | to | to to 1 1 $7,999 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 $22.09! $25,851 $34,211 $37. 10 $29,941 71.91 76.1 l 76.9| 87. 1 78.61 1 1 I 1 1 i 1 1 $10.38| $19,871 $7,611 $8.99| $3.93 3.91 5.01 5. 8 1 8.01 6.5 1 1 1 1 $3.31| $3,341 $14.04| $2,581 $.95 1.61 1.31 3.4* 1.5 | 1.3 1 1 i 1 $7.03| $5,681 $5,831 $5,031 $2.98 2.51 3.71 4.51 4.81 5.2 i 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 $18.42| $32.78| $ 4 9.12| $54.05 $44.53| 53.31 54.81 57.31 66.41 68.0 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $169,721 $251,671 $301,421 $379.23 $98,031 64.71 76.01 82.51 85.31 86.2 1 1 1 1 $44,291 $58,891 $67,361 $68,471 $73.37 49.51 52.4 43. 1 | 52.91 46.01 1 I 1 1 $3,141 $4. 56 $1,791 $2.62| $2,861 6.01 6. 11 7.41 10.8 5.7 | 1 1 1 1 $107,701 $51.S5| $181,691 $301.30 $230.09| 40.11 66.21 72.3| 57.61 75. 1 i 1 J | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $179,081 $234,981 $267,461 $404,681 $347.36 80.91 88.7 84.0| 85.61 86.31 1_ _JL . ____ L_ ___L_ 94 Table 6. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1./ (All families of one person. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Item Reading materials Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting $8,000 to $9,999 $46.60 82.9 Education, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Private Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Public Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... $16.92 8.7 Miscellaneous Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... $75.87 72.5 Personal insurance and pensions, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Life, endowment, annuities and income Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other personal insurance Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Retirement and pensions Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gifts and contributions Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting See footnotes at end of table $23.48 12.5 $6.57 4.0 $531.96 88.3 $112.94 61.7 $5.45 11.0 $413.57 79.2 $495.50 92.3 ____ Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $10,000 | I $15,000 | to | to to | 1 1 $11,999 1 $14,999 1 1 $19,999 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 $54.98 | $64.23 1 | $69.09 | 88.7 I | 90.0 j 85.0 | I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 | $20.17 | $27.69 | $12.68 I | 13. 1 | 12.3 | 11.9 1 I 1 1 I $15.04 | $7.51 1 $17.79 | | | 5.6 | 3.7 1 10.9 | I I 1 I | $12.65 | $2.37 | $5. 18 1 9. 1 | i 9.3 1 2.5 | i i I 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 | $109.18 | $66.53 | $101.49 73.4 | | 75. 1 1 76.8 | i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $791.30 | | $963.46 1 $1 ,045.92 | | 93.7 94.0 1 89.9 | I 1 1 1 | $155.57 | $217.19 1 $205.37 | | 69.5 | 70.3 1 62.9 | I I 1 1 | $5.53 | $5.00 1 $10.15 | | 12.5 | 15.6 | 12.0 I I 1 1 I $741.27 1 $630.20 | | $830.40 | 89.0 | 1 85.1 | 88.6 i « i 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 | $509.26 | $728.42 1 $1 ,111.22 | | 90.6 | 96. 1 1 96.1 j L_ 1 1_ i l $20,000 to $24,999 $62.84 86.8 | l 1 1 1 1 | i 1 1 $17.51 | 5.8 | I $17.51 | 5.8 | 1 ** | $25,000 and over $85.95 91.0 $8.47 10.3 ** ** $8.47 10.3 1 I 1 $609.54 $203.12 | 74.4 | 72.4 1 1 $857.70 $1,175.31 | 91.2 | 81.6 I $297.65 | $281.41 63.5 | 57.4 J $44.43 | $18.52 10.6 J 29.4 I $833.23 | $557.77 83.2 | 62.8 I I $1,621.99 | $4,424.06 96.1 | 97.9 ___ L_ I 1 Incomplete | income | reporting 1 1 1 i | $25.22 j 64.8 I I | $27.52 | 2. 1 I | $27.47 j 2. 1 1 | $. 05 | .7 1 1 1 i $23.26 | 51.9 1 1 | $102.57 | 43.5 I | $75.32 40.5 I | $. 07 | .6 I J $27. 18 l 5.7 I I | $190.02 | 62.5 { 95 Table 6. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY IHCOHE BEFORE TAXESJ/ (All families of one person. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued 1 1 All | families 1 1 1 I 1 Item Money income before taxes, total Annual average ............... Percent reporting ......... Wages and salaries, total Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Wages and salaries, civilian Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Union dues Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Other occupational expenses Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Rent received as pay Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Meals received as pay Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Wages and salaries, armed forces Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Quarters and subsistence Annual average ............... Percent reporting ......... Self-employment income, total Annual aver a g e ............... Percent reporting ......................... Net income from own business Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Net income from own farm Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... ..| 1 1 1 ..| 97.9| 1 1 i 1 -$6.92| 8.5| i ..| 1 11.7| i . . j 1 I 1 . . | 1 1 1 1 $7.91| . . | 1 $222.40| 1 ..| I $163.60| 1 ..| 1 $58.81| 1 See footnotes at end of table. I | | 1 1 1 1 1 __ L. Family income befores taxes Complete reporting of income L | $6,000 | $5,000 Total | Under | $3,000 | | $4,000 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 1 1 l $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 1 $6,999 1 $3,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $5,927,591 $1,788.40| $3,466,801 $4,471.05| $5,459,571 $6,476,771 99.6| 99. 01 100.0J 100.01 100.01 100.01 l 1 1 1 1 1 $3,758.371 $348.12| $1,207,731 $2,324,521 $3,297,711 $4,230.181 58.4| 49.41 32. 51 67.71 78.51 71.1| 1 1 1 1 1 i $3,714,431 $343.75| $1,167,411 $2,269,121 $3,290,211 $4,157,851 68.41 74.41 55.11 29. 1 | 46.41 62.61 I i 1 1 1 1 - $ 7 . 15 | -$.57 J -$2,131 -$10,451 -$3,101 -$6,971 8. 81 5.31 4.01 10.91 13.41 2. 2 | I 1 1 1 1 J -$14.4 5 | -$11,091 -$5,911 -$7,911 -$12,981 -$15,621 5. 1 l 8-31 13.31 13.9J 9.61 11.5| 1 l 1 1 1 1 $9.00 | $14,921 $5,031 $2.23* $2,771 $25,361 1 •0 | .51 • 2| 1-31 1.51 . 91 1 i 1 1 1 1 $9,661 $22.79| $19.63| $18,601 $17,061 $ 19.09 | 7. 4| 6. 4 | 9.01 9.51 8. 1J 5.61 i 1 1 1 I 1 $28.72 | $3,771 $2.38J $10,271 $41.56 J $36.18| . 2 1 .51 .31 .31 1.01 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I * * j $.37| $8.28| $6,591 $9,741 $8.21| ** i . 7J .31 - 21 .5| .61 1 1 I 1 1 1 $224,091 $105,261 $21.46| $145,301 $198,311 $161,821 5.61 7.61 6. 2 | 4.61 7.31 4.91 1 1 1 1 1 1 $169.72| $12.83| $55. 19 | $50,591 $167.39| $100,141 4.1| 3.41 5.61 3.3| 2-8 l 1.8| 1 I 1 I 1 1 $50.07| $94.70 1 $54.37| $8,631 $30,921 $61,681 2.21 2.81 3.91 2.01 2.8J 1.71 ___ L_ 1_ JL _1_ ______ L jL_ i i $7,000 to $7,999 $7,458.39 100.0 $5,358.71 83.8 $5,326.67 81.1 -$9.70 14.0 -$16.39 13.2 $14.96 1.5 $43- 16 7.6 ** ** ** ** $212.89 4.2 $154.89 2.2 $58.01 1.9 96 Table 6. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFOEE TAXESJ./ (All families of one person. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Item I I | I ___ L Money income before taxes, total Annual aver a g e ............... Percent reporting ......... Wages and salaries, total Annual aver a g e ............... Percent reporting ......... Wages and salaries, civilian Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Union dues Annual a v e r a g e ............... Percent reporting ......... Other occupational expenses Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Rent received as pay Annual a v erage ............... Percent reporting ......... Meals received as pay Annual a verage............... Percent reporting ......... Wages and salaries, armed forces Annual a v e r a g e ............... Percent reporting ......... Quarters and subsistence Annual a v erage............... Percent reporting ......... Self-employment income, total Annual a v e r a g e ............... Percent reporting ......... Net income from own business Annual aver a g e ............... Percent reporting ......... Net income from own farm Annual average ............... Percent reporting ......... See footnotes at end of table $8,000 to $9,999 I $10,000 to I _ 1 _ $11,999 1 1 ..| $6,816.99 I I 17.6 1 ..| I ..| 21.2 $21.36 I I .. | I ..| .. | I ..| .8 $20.61 1.1 $240.30 i ..| I 5.5 ..l 1 1.9 Family incomei before taxes Complete reporting of income i $12,000 | $15,000 | i to I to | I $14,999 1 $19,999 J 1 1 $10,897.58 100.0 1 1 1 $8,901.84 90.4 1 1 1 $8,852.78 89.4 1 1 -$20.33 1 24.4 I 1 -$21.08 1 17.4 1 1 $7.95 1 .8 i i $29.57 1 8.5 i I $43.08 1 •5 i 1 $9.87 1 .5 1 1 $340.62 1 7.1 1 1 $194.13 1 5.6 1 1 $146.49 1 1.5 i .1- 1 $ 13,394.46 | . | 100.0 I | , $ 10,947.04 l 91.2 I $ 10,775.29 | . | 88.7 I | -$22.52 | 23.4 I | -$19.90 | 25.4 I $21.25 | 2.4 | I | $19.80 6.9 | I | $130.83 | 1.2 I | $42.29 1.8 | I | $516.03 | 10.3 I | $443.78 | 7.9 I | $72.25 | 2.4 1_ 1 1 $16,899.30 100.0 1 1 1 $12,882.36 92.2 1 1 1 $12,639.26 85.8 1 1 -$24.37 1 24.5 1 1 -$54.35 1 28.5 1 1 $10.73 1 .9 i 1 $42.03 1 4.3 1 1 $215.33 1 1.4 i 1 $53.72 1 2. 1 1 i 1 $1,055.33 9.0 1 1 $749.13 1 5.1 1 1 $306.20 1 3.8 1 .1. $20,000 to $24,999 I $25,000 and 1 over __L_ I I $21 ,791.40 100. 0 I I I $17 ,319.04 94.6 I I I $17 ,312.39 92. 1 I i -$13.44 I 16.1 I I -$47.91 I 36.4 i I ** I ** I I $68.00 I 9.5 I I ** I ** I I ** I ** I I $810.72 I 8.4 I I $810.72 I 8.4 I I I ** I ,L 1 | Incomplete | income | reporting 1 I 1 I $67,949.75 | 100.0 | I I I $45,548.74 | 66.5 | I 1 I 1 $45,579.75 | 63.1 | 1 1 -$5.13 | 1 5.4 | 1 1 1 -$38.08 | 1 22.9 | 1 1 1 ** | l ** | 1 i 1 $12.19 | 1 7.6 j i 1 I ** | 1 ** | I 1 I 1 ** 1 ** j 1 1 1 i $5,618.94 | 27.5 l 1 1 1 i $5,540.22 | 26.5 | 1 1 1 $78.71 | 1 1.0 | 1 _____L_ -L i i $745.75 51.4 $152.69 29.7 $142.63 2. 9 -$.70 1.0 - $ 3 1. 14 16.2 $20.69 2.6 $21.21 8.4 ** ** ** ** $177.37 1.4 ** ** $177.37 1.4 97 Table 6. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY IHCOME BEFORE TAXESJ/ (All families of one person, United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Item I | | J _ _____ 1 1 1 $698,461 39.7| 1 1 1 $223.50| 13.3| 1 1 1 $543.51| 59.8| 1 1 $116.71| 7.91 i 1 $426.80| 57.9J 1 $424.50| 57.0| i $89.56 J 8.0i 1 $124.32| 6. 4 | I $66.75| 4.0| 1 $143.88| 46.9| All | families Social security, railroad retirement | Annual average................. | Percent reporting ........... I Government retirement, veterans* | payments, and unemployment | compensation | Annual average................. I Percent reporting ........... I Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, | rental income, royalties, income | from roomers and boarders J Annual average................. | Percent reporting ........... | Rental income, royalties, income | from roomers and boarders | Annual a v erage................ .| Percent reporting ........... I Income from interest, dividends, | estates and trusts I Annual average-.--.............I ........... I Percent reporting Income from all other sources, total | Annual average................. | Percent reporting ........... | Welfare and public assistance | Annual average ................. | Percent reporting ........... | Private pensions I Annual aver a g e ................. | Percent reporting ........... I Regular contributions for support | Annual average................. | Percent reporting ........... I Other, incl. workmens* compensation | Annual average................. | Percent reporting ........... | _____ L . See footnotes at end of table. 1 Total | J 1 1 1 $719.51| 40.9 | 1 1 1 $229.98| 13.5| 1 1 1 $559.55| 61.2| 1 1 $119,691 8. 1 1 I I $439.87| 59.3| 1 $436.091 58.3| 1 $91.77| 8.21 I $127.87| 6.6 | 1 $68.531 4.11 1 $147.92| 48.0l I Under | I $3,000 I I I $890.27* 58.81 1 1 1 $110.981 12.5| 1 1 1 $106,811 43.7| 1 1 $29,031 5.81 1 1 $77.78| 41.71 1 $310.76| 45.31 1 $200.171 19. 1 | I $23.53| 3.0 | I $37,891 5. 11 1 $49.17| 30.91 _1_ Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $6,000 1 $5,000 1 $7,000 $3,000 | $4,000 to 1 to | to 1 to 1 to $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 1 $7,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $574,661 $677,261 $905.191 $1,180,101 $451.31 58.71 43.21 30.5| 28.2| 19.8 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 $275.64| $296,051 $217,431 $338.33 $279,851 17.31 17. 81 14.81 13.11 12.3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $526,991 $449.141 $727.91| $672.44 $385,081 64.41 71.01 66.71 72.71 71.5 1 1 J 1 I 1 1 $89,271 $88,061 $151,841 $137.97 $145,251 9.71 9.8J 10.51 8.71 9. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $297.02| $381.75| $576,081 $534.47 $359.87| 68.6J 64-71 71.2J 69.4 62.21 1 1 1 1 $371.20| $463,241 $367,051 $506,551 $424.71 54.91 63.5J 67.41 70.61 71.9 1 1 1 1 ** $93,791 $7,431 $27,561 $1,011 ** .61 5. 1 | 1.31 .51 I 1 1 1 $138,741 $182.93| $252,631 $253.41 $252.04| 13.51 12.71 10.71 7.5 13.31 1 1 1 i $60.55| $103,471 $14.49 $59.43| $60.16| 5.41 4.61 3. 11 5.71 1.0 I 1 J i $96.00| $78,511 $143.75| $150.03| $156.80 51.41 62.71 58.8* 66.6 39.61 i .J__ __ L_ ______ L_ _$6,999 _ i 98 Table 6. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1/ (All families of one person. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Item I I | I ___________ I__ Social security, railroad retirement Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... Government retirement, veterans' payments, and unemployment compensation Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, rental income, royalties, income from roomers and boarders Annual a verage ................. ........... Percent reporting Rental income, royalties, income from roomers and boarders Annual aver a g e ................. ........... Percent reporting Income from interest, dividends, estates and trusts Annual a v erage................. Percent reporting ......... Income from all other sources, total Annual a v erage................. Percent reporting ........... Welfare and public assistance Annual average .............. Percent reporting ......... Private pensions Annual average .............. Percent reporting ......... Regular contributions for support Annual a verage .............. Percent reporting ......... Other, incl. workmens' compensation Annual average .............. Percent reporting ........... See footnotes at end of table | | | | | | | | | | | J | | | I | | | | j J | | | | J | | | | | | 1 j | Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $8,000 | $12,000 | $15,000 I $10,000 I to to I to | to I I $9,999 _ 1 _ $11,999 1 $14,999 1 $19,999 1 i i i i 1 i 1 1 $321.44 | $160.94 | $199.46 1 $238.32 | 13.7 | 9.4 | 10.8 1 11.0 | I I 1 i I I I 1 I 1 I I $451.84 | $241.69 | $302.86 J $306.39 1 9.2 | 12.6 | 14.2 | 11.0 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 I l I 1 $666.18 | $876.57 i $1,609.02 1 $693.48 | 78.7 | 84.4 | 70.2 | 84.8 1 I I I 1 J I i 1 $87.56 | $121.59 | $153.43 | $277.71 1 9.4 | 5.9 | 10.6 | 10.3 1 l 1 I I I I I 1 $723.14 J $1,331.31 1 $571.89 | $578.62 | 77.4 | 69.0 | 82.4 | 84.5 i I 1 I 1 $417.75 | $481.63 | $591.02 | $846.74 1 72.4 | 71.8 | 74.5 | 66.2 i I $2.57 | •3 | I | | I $122.34 | ** ** I | j I ** ** I | j I $99.09 3.9 $170.94 | 4.3 j I I 2.5 $103.52 | 2.4 | $79.81 | 1.1 \ | i $193.76 | 69. 1 | 1_ $157.25 | 3.8 | i $207.17 J 68.5 | 1 $353.96 73.5 I | | 1 ** ** $84.97 3.3 $125.50 1.7 $636.27 63.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 $20,000 to $24,999 1 1 __i $81.43 8. 1 1 1 Incomplete $25,000 income 1 and i reporting over 1. i 1 $319.76 | $136.03 18.9 j 7.7 I J $139.47 10.6 I $882.89 | 7.0 i \ $2,069.61 89. 1 $12,334.32 93.8 $679.03 21.6 $3,023.33 20.7 $1,390.58 86.6 $9,310.99 93.8 $1,371.13 78.6 $3,245.10 51.2 ** ** ** ** $816.83 6.1 $554.29 74.9 1 1 | | 1 1 | | 1 1 | | 1 | | I | j I $1,589.96 | ** ** 3.9 | $50.37 5.6 $114.61 21.8 $37.13 2.9 $77.49 18. 9 $114.67 21.1 $30.36 1.4 $29.47 1.8 I j j I $19.06 1.3 $1,655.14 | 51.2 | $35.78 19.3 ** ** _____I_ 99 Table 6. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ/ (All families of one person. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued I 1 All | I Item | I families I 1 1 _ L 1 1 Personal taxes, total 1 1 -$750.75| Annual average ......... ....... 1 Percent reporting ... ........ 1 61.2| Federal income taxes 1 1 Annual a v erage ......... -$631.56| Percent reporting .... ....... 1 54.3 | State and local income taxes 1 1 -$96.6 8 1 Annual average......... 41.7| Percent reporting ... ........ 1 Personal property and other 1 1 Annual average......... ....... 1 -$22.50| 16.5| Percent reporting ............ 1 Other money receipts I i $194.82| Annual average......... ....... 1 13.31 Percent reporting ............ 1 Net change in assets and liabilities, | 1 total 1 1 - $ 23.72| Average of end-of-year values.| 71.3| Percent reporting ............ 1 Net change in assets 1 1 Average of end-of-year values.| $ 228.18| 63.1J Percent reporting ....■....... 1 Net change in liabilities 1 1 $251.91| Average of end-of-year values.| Percent reporting ............ 1 38.0| Goods and services received without | 1 direct expense 1 1 $60.21l Annual average ......... ........ 1 Percent reporting .... 48.8| Market value of financial assets 1 I $5,792.53| Average of end-of-year values.| 70.9| Percent reporting ............ 1 Mortgage principal paid on owned 1 1 property 1 1 -$75.8 5 | Annual average......... ....... 1 7.81 Percent reporting ............1 1 See footnotes at end of table. Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income L 1 $5,000 | $3,000 1 $4,000 Total | Under 1 $6,000 1 $7,000 to 1 to 1 to 1 to | to 1 I 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1. $3,999 1 $7,999 1 $6,999 J $3,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -$ 7 7 0 . 9 0 | -$59.17 2 -$168,391 - $ 3 4 5 . 7 1 | -$607,061 - $ 7 7 6 . 3 1 | -$1,079.36 62.6| 30. 0| 54.91 72.91 85.91 88.5| 93.9 I 1 1 1 1 1 -$44 . 8 4 j - $ 1 3 4 . 3 3 | -$284,521 -$649.49| -$510,911 -$919.24 -$653,111 43.71 64.71 55.9| 79.61 83.51 91.7 21.1| 1 1 1 1 1 1 -$99,451 -$5,981 -$40,201 -$70.2 8 | — $96. 2 8 | -$19,041 -$130.69 46.8J 43.01 14.91 31.21 62.61 65.31 71.3 1 1 1 1 1 1 -$21.9 5 | -$8.35| -$15.03| -$20.99| -$25,861 -$29.43 -$26,921 15.2J 18.41 16.5| 19.81 20.4J 17.7 10.31 1 1 1 1 1 1 $147,451 $195.48| $92.67| $136.10| $330.57| $380,981 $115.23 13.7J 13.51 12.4| 13.51 14.51 13.31 11.8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -$78.2 4 | -$84.46| $228.17| -$30,611 $64,861 $215.89 -$15,631 55. 81 70.71 73.21 79.31 85.9| 72.0| 87.9 1 1 1 1 1 1 $ 2 18.20l $93.54| $206,011 $142.91l $465,481 $250,561 -$40.32 63.9 j 63.31 65. 9 | 70.9| 75.3J 79.0 47.31 I 1 1 l 1 1 $78,051 $237,311 $248.81| $171,781 $290,461 $266.181 -$256.21 38.4| 34. 1 l 31.7| 25. 31 54.7 42.21 48.31 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $61,431 $66.61 | $63,701 $45,881 $45.71 $55,431 $50,651 49.7| 49.4J 45.31 50.41 47.9| 48.3 50. 6 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 $5,9 7 2 . 1 8 | $1,602.34| $5,391,431 $6,453,571 $6,692.95| $8,363,081 $8,407.32 73. 11 79.51 72.6 | 84.7J 83.8 56. 11 76.61 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 -$43,051 -$33.3 4 | -$379.29 -$42,001 -$75.9 7 l -$ 1 7 . 5 8 | -$19,691 10.4 7.81 7.8 | 3. 21 5.21 5.9J 11.0| ___ L_ 1_ __ L __ L __ L JL 100 Table 6. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY IHCOME BEFORE TAXESJ/ (All families of one person, United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued I_ l_ $8,000 Item 1 to I $9,999 1 1 Personal taxes, total 1 Annual a v erage......... ....... 1 -$1,375.54 95.2 Percent reporting .... ....... 1 Federal income taxes 1 Annual a v erage......... ....... 1 -$1,161.23 93.4 Percent reporting .... ....... 1 State and local income taxes 1 -$182.15 Annual average ......... ....... 1 75.3 Percent reporting .... ....... 1 Personal property and other 1 -$32.16 Annual average ......... ....... 1 23.7 Percent reporting .... ....... 1 Other money receipts 1 $189.70 Annual average......... ....... 1 15.2 Percent reporting .... Net change in assets and liabilities, | total I $293.99 Average of end-of-year values.| 86. 1 Percent reporting .... ....... 1 Net change in assets 1 Average of end-of-year values.| $491.47 76.4 Percent reporting ....-....... 1 Net change in liabilities 1 $197.48 Average of end-of-year values.| 53.0 Percent reporting ............ 1 Goods and services received without | direct expense I $60.95 Annual average ................. I 51.9 Percent reporting ............ 1 Market value of financial assets 1 $8,235.99 Average of end-of-year values.i 89.6 Percent reporting ............ 1 Mortgage principal paid on owned 1 property 1 -$59.51 Annual a verage ......... ........ 1 8.2 Percent reporting ............ 1 J_!/ 2/ 3/ 4/ ** | | 1 1 1 | i I | | I | | I | | I | | I I | | 1 | | I | | I I | | 1 | | I i | | 1 Family incomei before taxes Complete reporting of income $10,000 | $12,000 | $20,000 I $15,000 to | to to | to I $11,999 I $14,999 I $24,999 I $19,999 I 1 -$1,930.37 | -$2,553.56 1 -$3,352.28 | -$4,103.50 98.9 1 98.5 | 98.7 | 95.1 1 -$1,638.93 | -$2,171.29 1 -$2,792.48 | -$3,409.97 91.7 97.5 | 97.6 1 94.8 | 1 -$261.82 | -$483.27 | -$649.45 -$341.25 1 75.9 | 80.7 j 80. 1 1 83.3 1 -$29.61 | -$41.02 1 -$76.52 | -$44.08 26.4 | 22.7 | 26.6 1 15.4 1 $580.08 | $71.62 | $663.62 l $393.62 10.4 j 9.9 1 12.5 | 6.1 1 i $298.53 | -$541.07 i $1,235.49 ft -$885.18 94. 1 I 88.8 | 95.5 | 98.4 I $855.39 | $576.44 $152.95 I $1,624.94 | 88.6 | 94.7 83.2 | 88.4 l I $389.44 | $1,461.63 $556.86 | $694.02 1 61.4 i 54.7 | 66.1 t 57.3 1 i $50.09 | $84.44 I $72.02 | $101.42 48.9 | 45.1 51.9 | 53.8 i 1 $8,090.00 | $12,075.37 1 $15,844.82 | $26,562.62 91.7 j 90.2 | 97.5 92.3 l l I -$472.34 | -$88.81 | -$123.88 1 -$827.02 18.9 | 18.1 | 20.9 i 29.3 .1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 Incomplete $25,000 | income and | reporting over 1 1 1 -$8,387.94 i -$212.21 23.7 98.3 1 1 -$7,359.89 | -$152.39 91.8 11.1 I -$893.58 | - $ 2 2 . 62 68.4 | 6.2 1 -$134.47 | -$37.21 15.6 35.5 | I $775.65 | $177.24 15.8 | 7.2 I I -$7,532.79 | $160.28 94.9 | 51.1 I -$5,316.66 | $494.93 90.3 | 40.6 1 $2,216.12 | $334.65 60.1 | 26.8 1 1 $22.89 | $27.68 33.9 | 25.7 1 $40,174.16 J $990.65 89.4 | 23.9 1 i -$165.38 | -$72.56 31.8 | 7.5 __________ L. i Data in columns which represent less than 218,000 consumer units or in cells which represent less than 18,500 consumer units are likely to have large sampling errors. Value less than 0.05 percent Percents may not sum to 100 due to rounding. Data represent only those expenditures collected in the interview survey, not the total of all family expenditures. Data not available. 101 Table 7. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY IVCOHE BEFORE TAXES J./ (All families of two persons. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973) All families Item Total Under $3,000 Number of families in universe (000s)... 19,447 18,347 2. 0 1 I $10,787| 1 $9,160| 1 I 54 1 1 1 . 11 I •6 | 1 1.3| J I I I 62 | 33 J 51 I I 921 7| 1I I I 27 | 42 | 28 j 3| I I 841 2.0 | I $11,300| 1 1 $9,594| 1 1 53 | 1 .1 1 I •6 | l 1.3| 1 1 J 1 62 | 33 1 5| 1 1 92 | 7! 1i I l 27! 42 j 27! 3! 1 1 84 | 1,700 F amily inco me before taxes Complete reporting of income $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $3,000 to to to to $6,999 $3,999 $5,999 _3> 4 ^ 9 9 9 , 1.9 234 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.9 | $3,501 511 J $5,482| $6,476| $7,489 $3,368 3381 1 61 | 1 -1I l 1.0! i .9 J 1 1 1 I 61 | 371 2| 1 j 89 | 10) 11 I 1 47J 321 151 6| 1 1 701 $5,215| $6,0311 $6,797 1,227 Selected family characteristics Average Family s i z e ........................... Family income before t a x e s .......... Family income after t a x e s ........... Age of h e a d ........................... Number of children under 18......... Number of persons 65 and o v e r ....... Number of automobiles o w n e d ......... Percent2/ Housing tenure Homeowner ........................... Renter............................... Not reported........................ Face of head White ................................ Black ................................ O t h e r ................................ Education of head 1 to 9 years........................ 9 years, not more than 12 years... More than 12 years................. Not reported or no s chool......... Automobile ownership At least one automobile owned .... See footnotes at end of table 1.9! I $1,448| i $1,351| 1 1 57! . i .3! 1 .8| 1 .7! i ! i 1 501 48 | 2| 1 1 79 | 19J 21 1 1 45J 331 12 | 10 | 1 1 541 $7,000 to $7,999 62 .1 1.0 .8 58 40 2 90 10 1 50 31 13 6 67 1,1561 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.01 601 i •11 l 1.01 1.01 1 1 1 1 66 | 301 41 1 1 881 111 1I I I 44 | 391 141 4| 1 1 751 1, 189 j 1 1 1 1 1 i 2.01 1,080 581 I • 11 1 .8 1 1 1.01 1 1 1 1 621 351 3| 1 1 891 9j 21 1 1 371 401 191 4| 1 1 81) 1.9 53 .1 .6 1.2 59 39 2 91 8 1 30 44 21 5 83 102 T a b le 7. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s / a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t w o p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w L L | I I Item $8,000 to $9,999 Housing ten u re Homeowner.............................................................. | R e n t e r ...................................................................... 1 Not r e p o r t e d .......................................................1 l1 Race o f h e a d I W h i t e .........................................................................I B l a c k ......................................................................... 1 O t h e r .........................................................................1 I I I I 2,150 I I I I I I i1 2.0 1 1 $8,941 1 ! $7,934 1 1 52 i J 1 . 1 1 1i .5 1 1j 1.3 1 11 1 1i J 62 1 34 1 4 J 1 i 1 92 i 8 1 1 1 i 1 i I E d u c a t i o n o f head 1 1 t o 9 y e a r s ....................................................... I 9 y e a r s , n o t more t h a n 12 y e a r s . . . ! More t h a n 12 y e a r s ....................................... I Not r e p o r t e d or no s c h o o l ..................... | I 1 Automobile ownership 1 At l e a s t o ne a u t o m o b i l e o wn e d ...........1 i 25 1 47 1 25 1 3 1 I l 1 89 1 Number o f f a m i l i e s in u niverse (000s)..,| S elected fam ily c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s Average 1 1 | 1 J il F a m i l y s i z e .............................................................. | 1 F a m i l y i nc o me b e f o r e t a x e s ....................... | 1 F a m i l y i n c o me a f t e r t a x e s .......................... | 1 Age o f h e a d .............................................................. 1 Number o f c h i l d r e n u n d e r 1 8 ..................... | Number o f p e r s o n s 65 and o v e r . . . . . . . | 1 11 1i Number o f a u t o m o b i l e s o w n e d ..................... | 1 I I1 I Percent2 / 1. See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f ta b le _jL_ o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d S u rv ey , 1972-1973) Fa mi l v inc ome! b e f o r e t a x e s C o m p l e t e r e p o r t i n q o f i n c o me $10,000 I $12,000 I I $15,000 to to to I I 1 $11,999 $19,999 I $14,999 I ] 1 I I 2,166 1 1,837 I 2,462 I I i 1 I 1 1 1 i i iI ii 1i 1 I I i1 i1 i 2.0 i 2.0 i 2.0 1 1 1 1j $13,356 1 $17,240 1 $10,961 1 j 1 1J I 1 $14,317 1 $9,444 i $11,345 1 i 4 1 1 1 I 50 1 50 1 48 ii i II 1 . 1 I (4) (4) 1 1 iI 1i l .4 1 .3 1 .2 1 l■ i ii 1.5 I 1.6 1 1.4 1 11 1i 1| 1 1 I i■ 1i ii 1 1 1 65 1 58 1 68 1 35 1 28 i 25 1 7 J 7 1 7 i Ii t l i i 1 1 1 95 I 96 1 95 1 4 I 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 ii 1i 17 53 28 1 92 1 1 1 I 1 i i 1 1 1 18 i 48 1 33 i 1 1 i i 1 94 1 J. 1 13 1 49 1 36 1 1 1 i1 1 97 1 .1 by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAX ESJ/ $20,000 to $24,999 1/142 2.0 $22,074 | | 1 1 | I I I 1i 1 1 | 1 I $25,000 and over 1,004 2.0 $36,787 I $17,948 | $28,859 I 54 49 J 1 («) i 1i -2 J 1 1.6 J 1| 1 i i 1 65 | 26 | 9 I 1 (4) .3 1.7 i i1 1 75 1 18 1 7 1 i 1 95 | 4 1 1 | i■ 1 11 1 41 I 47 | 2 | l1 66 31 3 l 98 1 2 1 1 i 90 9 1 1 1 ** 1 5 1 32 1 63 1 l i ■ 1 95 | ____L_ I I Incom plete income I 1 reporting I 1 1,100 1 1 1 i 1i 1 1i 1.9 i i i $2,222 1 11 $1,918 1 11 56 1 1J (4) 1 i1 .5 J Ii 1.3 1 1I 28 34 33 5 1 93 1 -1- 87 103 T ab le 7. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t w o p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w All | Item I families I I 1 I ___ _ 1 i 1 I Current consumption expenses, excluding I 1 personal insurance, gifts and 1 I contributions 3/ I 1 Average annual expenditure... - I $7,197,721 Percent reporting .......... . j 100.0| 1 I Food, total 1 I Average annual expenditure... . I $1,449,351 . \ Percent reporting .......... 99.9| Food at home 1 I Average annual expenditure... - I $1,104,301 Percent reporting .......... . | 99.6| Food away from home, excl. trips 1 I $328.43| Average annual expenditure... • I .| 83.9| Percent reporting Meals as pay I 1 $16.62| Average annual expenditure... . I . | Percent reporting .......... 6.8 | 1 I Alcoholic beverages I 1 $69.41| Average annual expenditure... • I Percent reporting .......... . \ 60.3| i I Tobacco products 1 I $119.70| Average annual expenditure... • I Percent report ing .......... . | 54.8| 1 I Housing, total 1 I Average annual expenditure... • I $2,223,011 99.9| ........... . | Percent reporting 1 I Shelter, total 1 I $1,192,601 Average annual expenditure... . I .| 98.21 Percent reporting Rented dwellings I 1 $583,601 Average annual expenditure... • I .| 35.91 Percent reporting Owned dwellings 1 I $603.56| Average annual expenditure... • I .| 67.51 Percent reporting Other lodging, excluding trips 1 I $5,441 Average annual expenditure... - I 5.6 | .......... . I Percent reporting See fo o tn o te s at end o f ta b le Total | Under 1 i- $ 3 . 0 0 0 i o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ./ S u rv ey , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i $7,162,571 $3,554.43| 100.0| 100. 0 1 1 I I 1 $1,438.25| $906,911 99.9 l 100.01 I 1 $808,751 $1,100,431 99.7| 100.0| 1 1 $92,301 $321,661 84.1j 53. 1 | l 1 $16. 151 $5.86| 4.4 | 6.8| 1 1 1 1 $69. 181 $18,611 27.7| 60.51 I 1 1 1 $119,481 $87.83| 52. 51 55.21 1 1 1 1 $2,208.331 $1,338.93* 99.6| 99.91 1 1 1 1 $777.87| $1,184,221 94.3| 98.31 1 1 $586.08| $520,791 36.11 45.31 1 1 $253,971 $592.52| 67.51 50.91 1 $5,621 5.7 | 1 $3,111 2.81 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $5,000 1 $6,000 J $3,000 1 $4,000 to | to j to | to | 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $6,999 1 $5,999 1 i 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 $4,185,671 $4,912.34| $5,117.60| $5,683,251 100.01 100.0| 100.01 100.01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $1,087.94l $1,175,071 $1,206,811 $1,243,901 99.7J 99.7 | 100.01 100.01 l 1 1 1 $973,571 $1,042.23| $1,026,681 $ 1,013.13| 99.7 J 99.71 98.91 100.01 1 I I 1 $120,911 $167,551 $100.78| $208,821 69.31 64.0| 82.51 75.21 1 1 1 1 $13,601 $11,931 $12,571 $21,951 9. 3 | 5. 4 | 6. 1 l 6.2 | 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 l $36,171 $33,941 $27,701 $24,921 42.8J 36.8| 44.91 50.31 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 $87,891 $95,311 $91,081 $81.08| 49.7J 49.7J 50.8J 50.21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $1,386.08| $1,558,591 $1,662,621 $1,809,521 99.7J 100.01 100.01 100.01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $827.75| $861,551 $948,731 $722.10| 95.61 97.61 98.8) 98.4| 1 1 1 1 $461.46| $499,661 $446,851 $508,481 38. 11 33.2| 36. 11 36.81 1 i 1 1 $413,771 $437,291 $258,921 $319.70| 70. 1J 65.41 61.91 60.8J 1 1 1 1 $1,721 $8,381 $.921 $2,951 3. 4 | 3.9J 5 -8 | 5.3| $7,000 to $7,999 $6,019.65 100.0 $1,235. 12 99.7 $1,007.05 99.7 $208.27 80. 9 $19.80 8.9 $54.68 57.6 $124.40 53.7 $1,879.49 100.0 $972.41 99.7 $589.18 40.8 $376.09 61.8 $7. 14 4.5 104 T a b le 7. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TA XESJ/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t w o p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Current consumption expenses, excluding personal insurance, gifts and contributions 3/ Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Food, total Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting Food at home Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Food away from home, excl. trips Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Meals as pay Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Alcoholic beverages Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting Tobacco products Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting Housing, total Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting Shelter, total Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Rented dwellings Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting Owned dwellings Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Other lodging, excluding trips Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... 1 1 | | 1 1 1 1 1 1 | l I I | | I | | i | j I | | i 1 1 | | 1 1 | | i 1 1 | | 1 1 | | l | | l | | I | 1 1 See fo o tn o te s at end o f ta b le _ ___ $8,000 to $9,999 $6,714.16 100.0 $1,355.07 100.0 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $1,089.29 99.5 1 1 1 $250.02 1 90.4 1 1 $15.77 1 8.8 1 i 1 $57.53 61.5 1 1 1 i 1 1 $121.21 1 58. 1 1 i 1 1 $2,015.02 1 99.8 1 i I 1 $1,092.52 1 98.5 1 1 $576.95 1 36.9 I 1 $510.25 1 66.7 1 $5.32 5.9 1 1 1 | Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $20,000 $10,000 | $12,000 I $15,000 to | to | to to I $11,999 1 $14,999 I $24,999 I $19,999 I I I I I $7,269.29 | $8,059.24 I $9,573.09 J $10,586.60 100.0 J 100.0 I 100.0 | 100.0 1 1 $1,457.68 | $1,574.71 $1,765.89 | $1,849.63 99.8 | 100.0 I 100.0 | 100.0 1 $1,122.54 | $1,173.99 1 $1,233.02 | $1,218.17 99.8 99.1 | 99.8 | 100.0 1 $322.88 I $388.28 1 $506.56 | $619.18 92.8 | 94.7 I 96. 1 1 96.4 1 $12.26 | $12.45 1 $26.31 | $12.28 6.5 | 7.6 | 5.6 1 6.0 i 1 1 1 $71.82 69.0 | $138.49 58.1 | | $133.03 58.3 $2,170.58 | 100.0 | $2,381.20 100.0 $1,202.60 99.1 | | $1,283.68 99.4 $648.84 | 40.8 | $615.18 34.4 i $550.24 | 65.7 J $3.52 4.6 | | $69.57 69. 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 i i 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $663.34 1 72.0 1 1 $5. 16 1 6.0 1 I $118.43 | 81.5 | $156.71 61.4 | | | j I $25,000 and over Incomplete income | | reporting I | $14,034.09 | 100.0 | | $7,783.96 100. 0 | | $2,381.09 100.0 | | $1,634.52 100.0 | | $1,475.20 | 100.0 | $1,168.85 98.5 | | $875.29 99.6 | i | | $441.25 80.9 $30.60 | 6. 1 i $24.42 6.4 $73.25 56.1 $119.30 83.0 | | $196.68 | 87.5 | $135.82 55.2 | | $137.02 52.3 | | $2,824.12 100.0 | | $3,240.36 | 100.0 | $4,363.84 100.0 j $2,467.74 100.0 $1,506.51 99.1 i j $1,716.45 | 99.0 | $2,305.61 99.5 | | $1,332.40 96.4 $622.22 31.4 | | $706.19 34.0 $820.59 | 23.8 | $542.28 31.7 $873.79 | 75.7 | $10,49 7.6 | J | | $999.74 j 74.5 | $10.52 | 7-3 | $1,478.81 83.8 | $123.38 48.6 | j $787.70 67.7 $6.20 | 11.3 J $2.42 4.0 105 T ab le 7. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ./ ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t w o p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item 1 I l | Fuel and utilities, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Gas, total I Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gas, delivered in mains (piped) | Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Gas, bottled or tank | Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Electricity | Average annual expenditure...Percent reporting ........... Gas and electricity combined bills| Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ............ Fuel oil and kerosene | Average annual expenditure. ... Percent reporting ........... Other fuels, coal, wood | Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Water, trash, sewerage | Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... i Housing expenses, total | Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Telephone, excluding coin phones | Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other expenses, including domestic| services I Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See footnotes at end of table. 1 | | 1 . J I I I $386.92| 93. 11 i $88.98| 56. 5 J | $71.35| 46. 1j | $17,631 11.41 | $148,211 79.4| | $35.79| 13.11 | $51,481 20.8| | $5 - 13| 8.5J | $57.33| 63.2| i i | $288.57| 95.61 | $168,971 92.5| 1 I $119.61| 69.61 ______1__ All families 1 Total | Under | i 1 1 i $3,000 I I I ! 1 1 $383.981 $278.71| 86.9| 93.2| 1 1 $80,081 $88.651 56.71 54.6| 1 1 $70.631 $53.88| 46.11 39. 11 1 1 $26.20| $18.02| 11.61 16.6| | i $147.57l $104.36| 79.6 | 75.6| 1 1 $35 . 2 8 l $17,581 13.01 8.4 | 1 1 $50,881 $36,511 20.9| 20.81 1 1 $7.30| $5. 0 3 | 8.51 10.9| 1 1 $56.581 $32,881 44.4| 63.0| i i i i I 1 $284.55| $169.94| 95.71 82. 21 1 1 $ 1 67.39| $95.82| 92.6 ( 74.01 1 1 I 1 $117. 17| , $74,131 51.61 69.91 1_ 1 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $6,000 l $5,000 1 $7,000 $3,000 | $4,000 to | to 1 to 1 to to l 1 $7^999 $3,999 1 $4,999 I $5,999 1 $6,999 I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 $354.63 $356,941 $352,221 $328.79| $335,401 90.91 90. 0 92.5| 91.5| 93.31 1 1 1 1 $90,141 $73,691 $89,601 $72,841 $78. 19 56.71 60.41 54.11 48.9 64.7| 1 1 1 1 $64.37 $54.40| $64,551 $55.21| $64.42| 47.4| 41.31 46.4| 41.7 43.01 1 1 1 1 $19,291 $25.72| $25,041 $17.64| $13.82 15.71 18. 11 14.71 7.6 12. 4| 1 1 1 1 $122.74| $115,541 $127,841 $147.94 $138,331 72.8| 79.51 78.61 81.2 83.3| 1 1 1 1 $15,771 $33.63| $33,711 $23.59 $37,151 14. 1 l 9.7 13.3| 12.9| 9.5| 1 1 1 1 $5 7.2 8 | $43,031 $48.191 $58.261 $55. 12 22.81 23.7| 21.3 21.61 22. 4| 1 1 1 1 $13.84| $8,721 $2-961 $3,761 $3.03 4.3 10.81 6.81 6.0 | 5.01 1 1 1 1 $43,281 $43.01 | $46.76 $50,001 $50.03| 57.7 | 53.8| 63.6J 58.6 60.71 i i i i i i i i 1 I 1 1 $212,361 $240.44 $205,951 $174,801 $251,731 94.3 | 94.21 94.8 95.6| 94.6| 1 1 1 1 $120,741 $127,661 $150.01| $131,061 $155.45 87.6| 88.21 90.31 93. 11 92.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $84.70| $74.89| $54,061 $101,721 $84.98 66.11 67.21 71.61 70.0| 67. 1 1_ _L_ __ 1__ ______L_ 106 T ab le 7. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t w o p e r s o n s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Item I | I I Fuel and utilities, total | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... 1 Gas, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas, delivered in mains (piped) | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas, bottled or tank 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Electricity | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas and electricity combined bills! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Fuel oil and kerosene | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Other fuels, coal, wood ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Water, trash, sewerage | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Housing expenses, total j Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Telephone, excluding coin phones | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other expenses, including domestic! services | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | See footnotes at end of table $8,000 to $9,999 $367.39 93.5 $88.71 57.2 $74.70 49.5 $14.01 8.7 $145.34 80.0 $29.72 11.4 $46.43 19.5 $2.53 6.3 $54.66 65.1 $251.68 96.1 $160.69 94.7 $90.99 68.5 I I | I i | 1 | | I J | I | | I | | I | | I | i i | J 1 ! | i 1 1 | | I | | I I J | $10,000 to $11,999 o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ./ S u rv ey , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 I $20,000 i to I to to I I $ 14.999 I $19,999 . 1- $24,999 1 $374.60 | 93.2 ! 1 $84.97 | 56.6 | 1 $69.02 | 46.8 | i $15.94 | 10.7 | I $147.20 j 79.8 l I $33.01 | 13.6 { I $52.56 | 20.0 ! I $2.55 ! 7.8 | 1 $54.31 j 62. 1 ! i 1 i $258.76 ! 98.2 ! 1 $174.10 | 95.5 | I I $84.65 | 67.3 i I $402.19 | 95.3 | 1 $88.01 | 57.1 ! I $71.33 | 47.2 | I $16.68 | 11.0 i J $155.92 | 80.5 | I $42.86 | 14.7 | I $47.49 | 19.7 J I $4.69 | 9.7 | 1 $63.20 j 67.9 | 1 1 $298.39 | 98.6 | 1 $182.09 | 96.9 | I I $116.30 | 70.3 ! 1 | I 1 $99.85 ! 57.7 | 1 $85.04 ! 49.7 | 1 $14.82 ! 9. 1 | l $172.20 | 81.5 | l $46.82 | 15.6 | I $58.90 | 21.1 | $449.84 96.4 $3.46 9.2 | | 1 $68.62 | 72.7 | ■ 1 1 $334.45 ! 98.8 I 1 $209.08 | 98.1 | I I $125.36 ! 76.9 | 1 1 __L $441.87 96.6 $92.10 55.0 $80.01 46.1 $12.09 9.7 $171.04 79.7 $50.19 17.3 $47.46 18.4 $4.42 9.9 $76.65 69.6 $388.30 99.7 $222.14 99.2 $166.16 78.4 I | i ! | ! i l | I | J I ! | 1 | I ! ! ! I | | I | | 1 1 i | 1 | | I I | | $25,000 and over $575.59 95.8 $125.12 56.4 $105.22 50.9 $19.91 7.0 $224.04 81.5 $57.56 14.0 $64.79 19.4 $7.03 16. 1 $97.05 74.6 $725.70 100.0 $275.42 97.4 $450.28 89.5 1 Incomplete income 1 i reporting I | ! I | | I | ! I | l I | l I ! j I | | ! | | I l i 1 1 i | j I ! | 1 1 l | $435.88 92. 1 $94.60 52.8 $83.43 45. 1 $11.17 7.8 $158.85 76.4 $44.26 14. 9 $61.44 22.2 $6.76 8.4 $69.97 65.8 $355.57 94.6 $195.27 92.3 $160.31 65.0 107 T ab le 7. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t w o p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Housefurnishings, equipment, total | Average annual expenditure....! ........... I Percent reporting Household textiles | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Furniture | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Floor coverings ! Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... ! Major appliances i Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Small appliances l Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Housewares I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Miscellaneous | Average annual expenditure.... | Percent reporting ........... | Clothing, total l Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Clothing, male, 2 and over | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... ! Clothing, female, 2 and over | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Clothing, children under 2 years | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Dry cleaning, laundry ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Materials and services | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I See f o o t n o t e s at end o f ! | ! I ____ I I I I $35h.91J 89.2| I $47.54! 73.3! 1 $113.27! 37.2| I $39,661 1 9. 7 J 1 $85.16| 30.2! 1 $9.10! 28. 9 | ! $8.02| 22.6| 1 $52,151 47.6| 1 1 $532.54| 99.3! 1 $158.73! 86.0! I $265.22! 94.7! I $4.82! 3. 6 1 I $81.21| 81.5J I $22.56| 60.4! _L All j families ta b le . Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income l ! $3,000 | $5,000 Total ! Under | $6,000 | $4,000 1 $7,000 to 1 to 1 to 1 to to .1 I I ! $4,999 $3,000 1 $3,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 1 $7,999 ______ J 1 I i 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I i 1 1 1 1 $355.57| $112.41! $183.08| $160.39| $242,901 $252.12| $312.02 89.6 | 74. 0! 82.21 83.61 85.51 86.7| 89. 9 1 ! I 1 1 1 $47.78J $23,371 $19.32| $33,511 $26,421 $40,351 $39.03 73.9J 57.31 66.0| 64.21 68.51 75. 0 71.1| 1 1 1 1 1 1 $38.44| $59,141 $71,641 $112.51| $36.91| $57.89| $98.50 37.7! 21. 1! 22.0J 24.01 30. 11 27.71 36.3 1 I 1 1 1 1 $20.10| $40. 12| $10.12| $13.21| $29.46| $46,061 $29.48 19.9 J 8.8J 12.31 12.31 16.7! 18. 2J 19.6 1 1 1 1 I I $85.83| $30.54! $57,291 $65.66! $66,211 $91.16 $44,351 30.31 23.7J 15.0| 20.61 25.8! 25.71 34.3 i 1 1 1 I 1 $4,611 $9.24| $2.74| $7.20J $6.45! $6,851 $10.71 17.7| 29.1| 15.8| 23.7| 26.0! 25.6| 25.0 1 1 I 1 I 1 $5,641 $8.28| $2. 0 9 | $3,031 $6.41 | $3,611 $7.52 22.9J 12.5J 15.2| 15.91 14.91 18.81 21.9 1 1 1 1 1 1 $ 51.81l $10.70| $17.82| $22.83| $29.77| $31,161 $35.62 25.41 48.0 | 22.51 31.91 39.61 39. 11 49.0 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 i 1 1 $524.82| $198.37| $236.03| $267,421 $343.76» $313,921 $409.32 95. 91 99.3! 98.0| 100.01 99.31 99.4| 99.3 I 1 1 1 1 1 $156.58| $49.59| $59.24| $72,871 $82.70| $84.85| $113.99 62.0| 84. 81 86.2 l 74.5| 82.11 83. 81 83.6 I 1 1 1 1 1 $260.50| $113,861 $91.72| $128,811 $159.01| $164,151 $204.10 94.7J 90.8| 86. 11 93.0| 93.71 93.81 94.7 i 1 1 1 1 1 $4. 9 1 1 $6. 1 6 1 $5,231 $3.42! $1,381 $2,461 $4.59 3.6 | 8.41 4.9 | 3.3 1 2.51 3. 71 3.8 I 1 1 1 1 1 $46.07| $42.90| $51.81| $58,451 $80.02! $71.75| $66.50 81.5! 72.41 63. 6 j 76.61 74.2| 78.91 80.0 i 1 1 1 1 1 $22,811 $8.01| $11,631 $12.38| $10,521 $20. 14 $20,531 37. 51 53.71 61.0! 52.61 52.9| 53.51 61.7 1_ 1_. 11 _ L _ __________ L_ 108 T ab le 7. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t w o p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w I $8,000 | to I ____ L . $9,999 Item Housefurnishings, eguipment, total | Average annual expenditure.... I Percent reporting ........... | Household textiles | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Furniture I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... 1 Floor coverings ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Major appliances | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Small appliances | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Housewares J Average annual expenditure.... ! Percent reporting ........... | Miscellaneous | Average annual expenditure.. .. | Percent reporting ........... | Clothing, total 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Clothing, male, 2 and over | Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting Clothing, female, 2 and over | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Clothing, children under 2 years | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Dry cleaning, laundry I Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting Materials and services 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | See footn otes a t end o f ta b le $303.43 91.1 $40.93 72.6 $98.31 37.0 $30.97 19.2 $78.78 28.5 $9.37 32. 1 $7.74 23.2 $37.34 46.0 $445.96 99.7 $126.92 86.0 $221.27 96.7 $2.95 4.2 $72.10 81.8 $22.72 64.2 i 1 I | | i | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | I | | I | | 1 1 i | 1 ! | I ! l I | | I | l 1 | | $10,000to $11,999 o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ/ S u rv e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income I $12,000 | $15,000 I I to | to I 1 $1U.999 1 $19,999 _ i I $334.62 | 92.7 i 1 $43.37 | 75.8 | i $94.51 | 41.6 | I $32.56 | 23.4 | I $87.20 | 32.2 | 1 $9.31 J 34.5 l I $5.73 | 22.4 l I $61.94 J 59.6 | j 1 1 $513. 19 | 100.0 | 1 $161.71 | 91.8 | I $243.74 | 95.9 ! I $2.35 | 2.5 J I $81.57 | 86.4 | I $23.81 | 63.6 | JL_ $396.95 94.6 $53.14 79.2 $131.01 47.2 $37.42 23.4 $98.90 35.3 $12.39 34.9 $9.82 26.2 $54.27 56.9 $555.00 99.9 $168.26 93.6 $276.13 96.9 $4.27 2.3 $80.26 85.5 $26.09 66.4 i | j I | | 1 j j I | ! i ! j 1 | | i | *| 1 1 | | 1 1 | | 1 | ! I | | I | I I | | I | | 1 $533.32 95.9 $66.73 83.2 $171.51 49.2 $62.33 24.4 $122.11 40.7 $12.47 36.3 $13.29 31.7 $84.88 62.5 $787.95 100.0 $252.99 95.7 $394.47 97.6 $1.84 2.3 $105.83 89.4 $32.82 69.7 I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I i .1 $20,000 to $24,999 I I __L $25,000 and over 1 $693.74 96.1 \ { $756.94 97.0 I Incomplete income I 1 reporting 1 I | i I I | $109.58 | | 83.9 i l I $262.06 l $232.03 | 54.8 | 50.0 | I I $73.87 ! $111.54 | 29. 1 l 29.5 | 1 1 $149.06 J $129.55 | 39. 1 j 36.0 | I 1 $14.55 | $11.73 | 34.5 l 32.3 | i i $9.97 | $25.15 | 29.8 | 37.4 | I I $99.68 | $137.35 | 67.6 J 62.8 | I I I I $905.05 | $1,375.53 | 100.0 I 100.0 | I l $298.30 | $406.58 | 95.5 | 94.8 | 1 1 $444.72 | $721.87 ! 97.1 | 97.8 | I 1 $3.43 | $31.03 | 2.0 | 3.9 | I I $121.55 | $171.31 | 91.3 | 92.8 | I I $37.06 J $44.75 | 73.0 | 78.5 | _1_ ________ L_ $84.54 84.8 $343.88 82.7 $43.55 64.3 $125.92 28.8 $31.98 15.9 $73.93 29.2 $6.80 24.5 $3.80 17.4 $57.90 41.7 $661.33 99. 1 $194.74 82. 1 $343.88 93.8 $3.33 3. 1 $100.95 81.8 $18.43 51.9 109 T a b le 7. S e l e c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t w o p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Item Transportation, total, excluding trips Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Vehicle purchases (net outlay) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle finance charges Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Vehicle operations, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health care, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health insurance, excluding employer share Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Expenses not covered by insurance Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Personal care (selected expenses) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Recreation, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Owned vacation home Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See fo o tn o te s a t end o f I | | I I 1 1 1 $1,417.44| 94.9| 1 $633,711 25.01 1 $62.32| 23.2| 1 $671.14| 88.0| 1 $304,721 86.6| 1 $366.41| 86.7| 1 $50.27| 21.8| 1 1 $505,421 97.3| 1 1 $225.79J 92.4| 1 $279.63| 89. 1 1 1 1 1 $108.94| 87.8| 1 1 1 $623.41| 92. 6 | 1 1 $13.13j 3.4J _1 All families ta b le . 1 Total | 1 1 1 1 1 $1,421,991 94.9| 1 $637.23| 25.3| 1 $62.90| 23.21 i $671. 85 I 88.1| 1 $304.601 86.71 1 $367.251 86.81 1 $50.00| 21.91 1 1 1 $506. 12J 97.5| 1 1 $226.81| 93-41 1 $279.31J 89.41 i 1 1 $107.60| 87.71 ■ 1 1 $ 6 16.96| 92.7 | i 1 1 $ 12.59| 3.3 j Under o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ/ S u rv ey , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d l I $3,000 I 1 1 1 $486,711 78.31 1 $162.67| 12.0J 1 $12,431 7.41 1 $267,461 61.6| 1 $145,651 59.31 1 $121,811 56.1 l I $44.151 23.5J i 1 $275.07| 83. 81 1 1 $103,571 71.71 1 $171.51 l 66.6 | i 1 1 $39,101 65. 71 I 1 i $141,541 71.4J 1 1 $3,401 1.11 i Family income before taxes Complete reportinq of income 1 | $5,000 1 $6,000 $3,000 1 $4,000 to | to j to 1 to 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 1 $6,999 1 $5,999 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i $935,391 $1,131,321 $607,591 $887,821 87. 11 89.7| 90.81 95.01 1 1 1 1 $168,041 $346,451 $486.89| $409,761 20.21 19.61 13.3| 17.61 1 1 1 1 $59,021 $44,631 $26,681 $89,591 8. 4 | 13.01 9.51 14.31 J 1 1 1 $409,811 $541,901 $366,801 $470,911 86. 41 75.71 76.81 81.01 1 1 1 1 $188,841 $213,111 $165.58| $246,121 85.21 73.51 75.51 79. 11 1 1 1 1 $201.23| $220.97| $257,801 $295,781 74.2J 76. 1| 79.81 85. 1* I 1 1 1 $28,051 $43,511 $28.121 $41,971 20.5 1 21. 11 20.0J 22.21 i | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $384,891 $482,671 $439,491 $528,981 94.91 97.9| 97.21 99.11 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 $190,981 $192,991 $231,171 $156,211 87.11 91.71 92. 1 | 97.21 I l 1 1 $228,671 $289.68) $248,511 $297,821 87. 1 | 90.41 85.2| 88.31 i i i i 1 1 I i 1 1 1 i $55,741 $64,531 $83,711 $81,271 84.61 81.1f 87.81 85.2J i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $235,981 $269,501 $279,191 $310.09| 87.71 89. 11 81.5| 92.21 i i i i 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 $.591 $3,241 $5,081 $4,741 2.41 2. 1| -9| 2-5 | ___ L_ _1_ 1_ $7,000 to $7,999 $1,239.82 96.4 $572.93 26.9 $33.84 19. 1 $593.94 88. 1 $268.92 87.3 $325.02 87.4 $39. 12 18. 8 $452.76 98.8 $209.32 93.5 $243.44 91.1 $89.30 84.7 $418. 14 93.3 $.36 .9 110 T a b le 7. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES.!/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t w o p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d $8,000 to $9,999 Item Transportation, total, excluding trips Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Vehicle purchases (net outlay) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle finance charges Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle operations, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health care, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health insurance, excluding employer share Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Expenses not covered by insurance Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Personal care (selected expenses) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ' ........... Recreation, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Owned vacation home Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f ta b le. | | i I I I $1,405.53 i 98.5 | 1 $612.78 | 27.4 | 1 $88.85 | 26.1 | I $656.76 | 92.6 | i $306.32 | 91.6 j 1 $350.43 | 91.1 | i $47.14 22.2 $566.88 99.2 $228.79 96.7 $338.09 91.5 | | i 1 1 | | 1 1 | | 1 | | i 1 1 | | i 1 1 $505.52 | 97.7 | i 1 1 $2.91 | 1.6 | I $91.78 89.2 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $10,000 | $12,000 | $15,000 to | to j to | $11,999 i 1 $14,999 I $19,999 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 $1,599.92 | $1,833. 59 | $2,068.46 | 99.6 | 99.9 | 99.3 | I 1 1 $882.48 | $992.30 | $705.51 | 34.6 | 30.0 | 30.5 | 1 I I $61.95 | $79.49 | $71.41 | 34.9 J 36.5 | 31.5 | I I 1 $846.42 | $953.22 | $769.30 | 95.4 | 95.9 | 98.7 | I I 1 $420.44 | $347.84 | $393.21 | 94.7 | 94.6 | 97.3 | I I 1 $421.47 | $453.21 | $532.78 J 95.3 | 95.0 | 98.2 | I I 1 $42.74 l $45.62 | $51.53 | 21.1 | 21.3 | 18.2 | i i i I 1 1 1 1 1 $591.67 | $499.11 | $522.80 j 99.5 | 99.8 | 99.9 | I 1 I I I I $261.47 | $237.37 | $286.26 | 98.4 | 97. 1 | 98.5 | I I l $261.34 | $261.75 | $305.42 | 93.3 | 94.7 | 92.3 | i i i 1 1 1 1 | | i 1 1 $553.26 | 97.2 | i 1 1 $13.86 | 4. 1 | I $106.83 91.7 1 $120.61 } 92.0 j ■ 1 1 $701.89 | 97.4 | i 1 1 $15.96 | 4.7 | _______ L $152.16 94.3 $910.87 99.3 $9.56 3.7 $20,000 to $24,999 | | 1 1 1 1 $2,011.79 | 99.3 | 1 $931.61 | 32. 1 | 1 $73.14 | 34.0 | 1 $934.56 | 97.1 { I $429.23 | 96.4 | I $505.33 | 96.0 | I $72.48 | 24.8 j i 1 1 $590.94 J 99.7 | 1 1 $280.39 | 98.7 | 1 $310.56 | 95.6 | i 1 1 $171.05 | | 94.6 i 1 1 | $1,317.89 99.8 | i 1 1 | $34.39 6.4 | 1_ 1 | | i 1 1 | | i l 1 | i 1 $25,000 and over $2,322.60 99.3 $1,073.07 27.5 $99.07 20.6 $1,008.79 95.2 $398.87 93.5 $609.92 94.7 $141.66 32.3 $721.66 99.6 $313.09 94.4 $408.58 96.4 1 1 Incomplete income | | reporting 1 1 1 1 | $1,341.51 94.7 i 1 J $574.90 j 21.3 I | $52.69 | 23.2 1 | $659.17 87.8 J I J $306.81 | 85.9 1 | $352.36 | 85. 1 1 $54.76 | ) 21.4 i 1 1 t $493.72 | 93.7 I I | $208.73 | 74.9 I | $284.99 | 83.0 i 1 i $243.94 j 98.8 | 1 1 $1,934.50 | 99.4 | i 1 1 $79.12 | 11.2 | 1 $131.23 89.3 $731.09 90.0 $22.24 4.7 111 Table 7. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1./ (All families of two persons. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972--1973)-Continued Item Vacation, pleasure trips, total Average annual expenditure. ........ Percent reporting Food Average annual expenditure. Percent reporting ........ Alcoholic beverages Average annual expenditure. ........ Percent reporting Lodging Average annual expenditure. Percent reporting ........ Transportation, total Average annual expenditure. Percent reporting ........ Gasoline Average annual expenditure. Percent reporting ........ Other transportation Average annual expenditure. Percent reporting ........ All expense tours Average annual expenditure. Percent reporting ........ Other vacation expenses Average annual expenditure. Percent reporting ........ Boats, aircraft, wheel goods Average annual expenditure. ........ Percent reporting Other recreation, total Average annual expenditure. ........ Percent reporting Televisions Average annual expenditure. .................... Percent reporting Other Average annual expenditure. Percent reporting .................... See fo o t n o t e s a t end o f ta b le . 1 1. All | 1 | 1 families 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 $304.45| ...1 6a. 2| ... 1 1 1 $63.71| ... 1 55.8| ... 1 1 1 $7,431 ...| 25.9| ...! 1 1 $56.62| ...1 ... | 38.9| 1 1 $103.48| ... 1 62.0| ... 1 1 1 ... | $36.69| 55.0| 1 1 $66.79| ... 1 40.9| ... 1 1 1 $50.07| ... 1 7.41 1 i $23.14| ...1 39.1| ... 1 | 1 1 1 1 $73.25| ...1 13.3| ... 1 i i 1 1 1 1 $232.58| ... 1 89.7| ... 1 1 1 $44.38| ... 1 14. 1| ...1 1 I $188.20| ... 1 88.91 1 1. l_ | Total | Under 1 1 i I $3,000 * 1 1 1 1 $37.98| $297.08| 6a.a i 27.3| 1 1 $7.79| $62.82| 56.1| 19.2| 1 1 $ 7 . 37J $.861 4.31 26.3| 1 1 $ 54.87 | $4,541 39.3| 7. 51 1 1 $16,951 $101.57{ 24.7| 62.2| 1 1 $36.90| $7,081 55.5| 19.8| 1 1 $64.67| $9.87| 40.8| 14.6| i 1 $4. 6 9 | $47.86| 7.21 1.91 1 i $22.58| $3.15| 39.4| 9.71 | 1 1 1 1 1 $12,801 $ 75.35| 3. 5 | 13.5| i 1i 1 1 1 $231,941 $87.36| 89.9| 67.01 1 1 $44.79| $23.65| 11.51 14.2| 1 1 $187.151 $63,711 63. 11 89.2| __ L 1 Familv income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $5,000 $3,000 | $4,000 1 $6,000 1 $7,000 to l to l to 1 to 1 to $3,999 I $4,999 I $5,999 1 $7,999 i $6,999 1 I I i 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 $192.74 $137,041 $132. 16 l $142,601 $120.70| 40 -9 | 47. 6 l 50.91 54.7) 58.0 1 1 1 1 $29.54| $20,641 $29,701 $32.50| $40.36 39. 4| 31.51 39.11 47.2) 49. 1 1 I 1 1 $2,821 $3.32| $ 1.4 5 1 $2,681 $4. 16 10.71 9. 11 8.21 19. 9 13.61 1 1 I I $15.71) $15,391 $28,791 $21,831 $29.64 19.8| 14.6| 23.3| 33.8 26.0) 1 1 1 1 $47,641 $55.58) $69.37 $49.711 $64,671 36.9| 46.01 48.01 53.51 55.0 1 1 1 1 $ 1 3.49 | $18,201 $18.49| $24,531 $29.27 30.5 j 38.8) 38.31 46.9) 46.3 1 1 1 1 $29,161 $37,381 $40,141 $36,221 $40. 10 18.01 26.41 26.21 34.0 32. 21 1 1 1 1 $ 16.26 | $13.12| $38,161 $8,171 $34.83 3-7 | 5. 11 4.21 3. 0) 6.0 1 1 1 1 $7.56 | $4,371 $10.11| $12.75| $14.38 20.5| 20.41 16.91 29.21 36.2 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $4.81l $3,501 $17.42| $19.23| $50.09 8.4 | 2.51 5. 7 J 10.9 7.11 il i1 i1 i1 1 I 1 1 $143.51| $174.94 $132,271 $116,681 $111,191 74.61 82.7 | 82.51 88.6) 90.9 1 1 1 1 $14.58| $28.71| $39,481 $45.04| $37.82 7.21 11.01 12.5) 13.61 13.9 1 1 1 I $96,611 $87.97) $92.79) $98.47| $137.12 82. 4 | 74.31 81.2| 87.71 90.5 _J__ _______ L_ ___L_ 112 T a b le 7. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t w o p e r s o n s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w 1 | 1 1 Item Vacation, pleasure trips, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Food | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Alcoholic beverages ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Lodging j Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... j Transportation, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gasoline | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... \ Other transportation ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! All expense tours 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... 1 Other vacation expenses | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Boats, aircraft, wheel goods 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Other recreation, total 1 Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Televisions J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Other ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f ta b le $8,000 to $9*999 1 $10,000 to 1 _ i_ $11,999 1 $218.65 J 68.6 ! I $47.81 ! 57.6 | I $5.18 l 22.6 i I $36.41 | 39.7 J I $83.80 l 66.3 l I $38.98 J 59.5 l I $44.82 | 38.4 ! I $25.99 ! 4.9 | I $19.46 ! 37.5 J i 1 1 $61.61 | 15.4 ! i 1 1 $222.35 | 95.4 | 1 $53.14 l 16.4 | 1 $169.21 | 94.5 | o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAX ESiy S u rv e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 | I to | I to ! $14,999 1 $19,999 I I $255.47 i 70.7 j 1 $58.35 | 63.6 1 1 $6.74 | 28.7 | 1 $49.98 | 43.9 | 1 $89.95 | 68.7 | 1 $41.71 ! 63.2 | I $48.24 | 42.3 | I $29.84 | 5.2 i I $20.62 | 44. 1 | 1 1 $42.63 | 17.3 ! i 1 1 $241.30 { 95.4 | I $46.18 | 15.4 | 1 $195.13 J 95.1 | I $330.01 ! 77.7 { I $72.51 i 71.4 j J $8.21 | 34.4 J i $65.40 | 51.7 i I $103.31 J 75.7 J I $47.08 J 70.8 j 1 $56.23 ! 52.4 | 1 $54.29 ! 8.4 ! 1 $26.29 1 53.3 1 i 1 1 $94.76 | 18.7 | ■ 1 1 $261.16 | 96.6 ! 1 $48.87 | 14.9 ( 1 $212.29 | 96.4 | $473.10 83.3 $104.15 75.5 $13.63 45.3 $86.12 59.0 $160.31 81.2 $55.96 75.0 $104.35 57.3 $70.48 10.1 $38.40 57.4 $105.52 19.9 $322.70 98.1 $59.79 17.6 $262.90 97.8 I J | I | | i | J I | J I ! | I J | I | | ! | ! I ! J i 1 1 | 1 i 1 1 ! | I | | 1 | ! $20,000 to $24,999 i I __1 1 $624.07 | 85.7 ! 1 $114.13 | 80. 1 ! 1 $10.59 ! 47.6 | I $129.55 ! 66.5 | I $172.02 | 84.1 j I $63.48 | 77.9 ! I $108.54 | 65.7 i I $154.68 | 15.3 i I $43.11 ! 66.4 | 1 1 $251.13 ! 24.5 ! i 1 1 $408.30 ! 98.5 | 1 $62.08 1 14.7 ! I $346.21 | 98.5 ! $25,000 and over I Incomplete income I I reporting __L $1,002.85 90.5 $206.44 82.6 $29.80 61.0 $195.88 71.3 $336.57 90.2 $70.83 78.2 $265.73 74. 1 $163.35 22.6 $70.81 68.3 $288.54 19.7 $563.99 99.4 $64.93 17.7 $499.06 99.4 I | 1 1 1 | 1 ! | I | | I | ( I ! ! I | j 1 i | I ! ! 1 1 J ! I i | | I J ! i ! J $427.36 60.6 $78.60 50. 7 $8.33 20. 1 $85.75 33.0 $135.38 57.6 $33.24 47.0 $ 102. 14 42.4 $86.94 10.8 $32.36 34.0 $38.24 10.0 $243.26 85.5 $37.49 11.1 $205.76 84.4 113 T a b le 7. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t w o p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w All families Item Total o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ./ S u rv ey , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $5,000 $6,000 $4,000 $3,000 to to to to $5.999 $6,999 .$3^999, .liUSSSL Under -lli_000_ Reading materials Average annual expenditure Percent reporting ....... Education, total | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Private 1 Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... { Public 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... 1 i l Miscellaneous 1 Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... 1 I 1 Personal insurance * and pensions, total | Average annual expenditure.... 1 Percent reporting ........... | Life, endowment, annuities and income | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... 1 Other personal insurance | Average annual expenditure.... | ........... | Percent reporting Retirement and pensions | Average annual expenditure.. . . | ........... | Percent reporting ■ i Gifts and contributions I Average annual expenditure....! ........... ! Percent reporting See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f ta b le $47. 17 86.2 1 $28.47* 9.5! 1 $13.11| 3. 4 | J $15.36| 6.6| 1 1 $72.86! 67.6! i 1 1 $645,381 86.0J 1 $217,641 71.9J 1 $7.88! 11.01 1 $419,861 62.9| i 1 1 $552,021 89.21 $47.04 86.2 $29.21 9.7 $13.33 3.4 $15.88 6.8 $73.58 67.8 $663.29 87.0 $214.76 72.5 $16.19| 62.21 1 1 $9-991 4.4 | $1.91 J •8 | I $8. 0 8 | 3.6 | I I $35.17| 40. 01 1 1 $76.58! 63.0J I $52.66| 46. 1 | i $8. 06 11.2 $440.47 65.4 $7.68! 9. 5 | 1 $16,241 23.4( 1 $552.66 89.6 1 $112.83| 62.81 .1 $25.80| 75.8| 1 1 $27.85! 5.51 | 1 $22.4 4 J 1.61 $22.22| 74.6| 1 1 $21,471 5.61 $5.41| 4.31 1 1 $31.78! 48.9 | I I $137,881 68. 51 1 $69.51| 51.51 1 $3,631 8. 0 1 1 $6 4.74| 29.01 1 1 $239,101 81.91 $ 16.94| 4. 1 1 1 1 $44,251 55.6| 1 1 $154,271 77.4| $4.53 J 2.3 | $30,711 80.31 1 1 $8,221 4. 11 1 $5,241 2. 0 | $61,111 39.3j $2.99| 2.51 1 1 $38.15| 57.3| 1 I $194,561 76.7j 1 $106.39| 64.31 1 $3,461 7.41 1 $84,711 38.9| i 1 J $89,311 61.11 $3.85| 10.0| 1 1 $212.50| 84. 1 l 1 $277,111 86.81 $7,000 to $7,999 $31,651 82.61 1 $33.92 85.5 i $23,941 6.71 1 1 $16,911 4.01 $29.82 10.6 $7,031 3.71 $27.35 8.9 $2.46 1.7 1 1 $44,891 65.51 1 I $250,391 83. 1J I $115,221 65.4| $3,531 8. 1 l l $131,641 52.91 1 1 $320.161 87.81 $52.89 67.4 $322.44 90.3 $127.25 70.7 $3.49 6. 1 $191.70 64.8 $232.22 89.5 114 T ab le 7. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t w o p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w 1 1 Item 1 1 1 1 1 Reading materials 1 Average annual expenditure. ... | ........ Percent reporting 1 1 Education, total 1 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 Percent reporting ........ Private 1 Average annual expenditure. ... | Percent reporting ........ ... | Public 1 Average annual expenditure. ... | Percent reporting ........ ... | i 1 Miscellaneous 1 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 Percent reporting ........ ... j ■ i Personal insurance and pensions, total | Average annual expenditure. ... 1 Percent reporting ........ ... 1 Life, endowment, annuities and income | Average annual expenditure. ... 1 Percent reporting ........ ... 1 Other personal insurance 1 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 Percent reporting ........ ...1 Retirement and pensions 1 Average annual expenditure. . . . | Percent reporting ........ ...1 $8,000 to $9,999 $43.41 91.2 See fo o tn o tes a t end o f t a b l e . i 1 1 I | { I I $35.83 | 8.7 | I $20.22 | 4.0 ) I $15.61 | 5.2 | i 1 1 $70.43 | 70.7 | 1i $492.33 91.2 $159.80 73.1 $7.27 10.4 $325.25 73.4 1 Gifts and contributions 1 Average annual expenditure. ...1 Percent reporting ...1 1 | | 1 | | 1 l | J | | I | | i 1 1 $387.87 91.3 | | I o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ/ S u rv ey , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $10,000 | $12,000 | $15,000 | to | to j to | $11,999 1 $14,999 | $19,999 1 1 I 1 I 1 I $46.62 | $65.80 | $52.82 | 92.9 j 92.4 | 94.0 | 1 1 1 1 $35.20 | $33.06 $41.02 | 13.6 | 13.0 | 10.0 | I I $10.78 | $14.09 | $24.51 | 4.4 j 3. 1 | 3.7 I I $18.97 | $16.51 | $24.42 | 7.7 | 10. 1 | 9.5 | i i 1 1 1 1 $76.57 | $90.01 | $80.95 | 71.9 | 78.2 | 80.0 | i i 1 1 1 1 $696.08 | $843.05 | $1,152.78 | 95.5 | 95.5 | 97.7 | 1 1 $240.03 | $228.56 1 $325.44 | 82.0 | 84.2 | 85.9 | 1 1 $13.76 | $7.75 | $9.04 | 8.3 J 12.6 | 17.0 | I $448.30 | $605.44 | $813.58 | 84.9 | 85.6 | 89.9 | i i i { 1 1 $374.45 | 95.2 | 1 $502.28 96.0 1 1 j | 1 $660.32 97.8 | | $20,000 to $24,999 | | 1 I 1 1 $86.88 1 96.3 | 1 1 $37.77 | 18.3 J $5.97 | 5.3 | 1 $31.80 | 13.6 | i 1 1 $120.11 | 81.7 | | i $25,000 and over $111.71 98.9 $30.55 12.8 $18.32 8. 1 $12.23 6.2 $214.96 85.5 I $1 ,453.47 95.2 $352.31 82.6 1 | | 1 | { i $12.09 | 13.9 | I $ 1 ,089.07 | 89.7 | f l 1 $ 1 ,029.17 i 97.1 | 1- $2,138.54 96.2 $771.48 88. 1 1 1 Incomplete income | | reporting 1 1 1 1 l $49.29 | 86.5 1 1 1 | $16. 15 | 5.7 1 | $9.45 | 2.8 I | $6.71 | 3.4 i 1 1 } $60.76 | 65.0 1 1 | $346.84 69.7 | I | $265.74 | 62- 1 1 $16.44 20.0 j \ $4.96 6.4 [ $1,350.61 | 75.5 | I I $3,017.70 | 99.6 | _L_ $76. 13 20.8 $541.50 82.8 115 T a b le 7. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t w o p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w All families Item Total Money in c o m e b e f o r e t a x e s , t o t a l | A nnual a v e r a g e ...........................................| $ 1 0 , 7 8 6 . 8 2 Percent rep o rtin g ............................ | 9 7 .9 Wages and s a l a r i e s , t o t a l | A nnual a v e r a g e ........................................... | $ 7 , 1 4 3 . 3 7 Percent rep o rtin g ............................ | 72. 1 Wages and s a l a r i e s , c i v i l i a n | A nnual a v e r a g e ........................................... | $ 7 , 1 0 2 . 6 2 Percent rep o rtin g ............................ | 6 7 .8 U n io n d u e s | A nnual a v e r a g e ...........................................| -$ 1 4 .6 8 Percent rep o rtin g ............................ | 1 5 .0 O ther o c c u p a t i o n a l e x p e n s e s | A nnual a v e r a g e ...........................................| -$ 2 7 .9 7 Percent rep o rtin g ............................ | 19.7 R ent r e c e i v e d a s pay I A n n u al a v e r a g e ......................................... f $ 1 1 .3 0 Percent rep o r tin g ............................I .9 M e a ls r e c e i v e d a s pay | Annual a v e r a g e ...........................................| $ 1 6 .6 2 Percent rep o r tin g ............................ | 6 .8 Wages and s a l a r i e s , armed f o r c e s | A nnual a v e r a g e ......................................... | $ 4 5 .6 9 Percent rep o rtin g ............................J .9 Q u a r t e r s and s u b s i s t e n c e 1 A n n u a l a v e r a g e ...........................................| $ 9 .8 0 Percent rep o r tin g ............................ | .9 S e lf -e m p lo y m e n t in co m e, t o t a l | A n n u al a v e r a g e ...........................................I $ 7 9 3 .4 6 Percent rep o rtin g ............................I 1 4 .2 N e t in c o m e from own b u s i n e s s | $ 5 2 2 .9 2 A nnual a v e r a g e . . . . ................................ I Percent rep o rtin g ............................ I 9 .2 N e t in c o m e from own farm j A n n u al a v e r a g e ...........................................| $270 .5 5 Percent rep o rtin g ............................ I 5 .5 1 See fo o tn o te s at end o f ta b le j 1 ____1 1 1 i $11,300,391 99.7| I $7,520.24| 74.0| 1 $7,480,701 70.7| -$15.26| 15.6| 1 -$28. 79 J 19.9j 1 1 $11.23| .9 | $16.15| 6.8) 1 $46. 47 i .9 | 1 1 $9.7U| •9| I $832.03| 14.8| $545.27| 9.51 1 $286.771 5. 9| 1. o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE T A X E S !/ S u rv ey , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income Under | $3,000 1 $5,000 1 $4,000 1 $6,000 | to | to 1 to | to 1 1 $3,000 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 1 $6,999 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $1,447.70| $3,501,131 $4,510,601 $5,482.181 $6,476,331 97. 0| 100.01 100.0| 100.0| 100.01 1 1 1 1 $438.17| $719,321 $1,416.08* $1,751.121 $2,683.84) 41.91 35. 7 | 53.71 51.5) 67.61 1 1 1 I $696,961 $1,340.30| $1,719,231 $2,555.38) $440.48| 32.4| 59.51 49.11 47.81 37.21 1 1 1 1 -$4.411 -$1,331 - $ . 16| -$1.061 -$6,221 1.01 6.91 3.31 2.2| 6.71 1 I 1 1 1 -$14.4 8 1 -$6,271 -$6. 74| -$4.36) -$21.20) 9.91 5.7 | 19. 1 1 7.81 9.31 1 $3,631 $3. 93| $5,751 $.821 $24.15| •71 1.21 .3) 1.41 .31 1 1 $11,931 $5.86| $13.60| $12,571 $21.95| 4.41 9.3) 6. 1 l 5. 41 6.21 1 1 1 1 $.671 $1,831 $55.89) $20,751 $101,511 1.41 .51 • 61 2. 1 l •1I 1 1 | 1 $. 0 3 | $8.27) $11.63) $11,091 $6.52| .4 1 .8| 1.2j 1.5) (4) I 1 1 $145.68| -$508,891 $213.70| $550.63| $167.50) 11.71 13.31 15.91 11.7) 16. 11 i 1 $76,061 -$503.31| $126,961 $57,501 $382.70| 7. 6| 5.41 6.61 10.51 11. 11 1 1 1 $167.93) $69,621 -$5,581 $110,001 $86.74| 6.41 5.41 5.7) 5.5J 6.6) _1__L _______ L_ _JL $7,000 to $7,999 $7,488.97 100.0 $3,996.79 73.0 $3,933.86 68.9 -$11.00 12. 1 -$17.94 14. 1 $7.55 1.0 $ 19.80 8.9 $54.82 1.2 $9.69 .8 $435.05 13.0 $175.37 7.5 $259.68 7.2 116 T a b le 7. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t w o p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w i Item | I 1__ Money income before taxes, total Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Wages and salaries, total Annual average ............... Percent reporting ......... Wages and salaries, civilian Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Union dues Annual a v e r a g e ............... Percent reporting ......... Other occupational expenses Annual aver a g e ...... ........ Percent reporting ......... Rent received as pay Annual average....... ....... Percent reporting ......... Meals received as pay Annual average ............... Percent reporting ......... Wages and salaries, armed forces Annual a v e r a g e ............... Percent reporting ......... Quarters and subsistence Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Self-employment income, total Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Net income from own business Annual average............... ......... Percent reporting Net income from own farm Annual a v erage............... Percent reporting ......... I I I ..| I I ..| i .. | I ..| I ..( ..| I ..| ..| i 1 1 ..| I See f o o tn o te s a t end o f t a b l e $ 8 ,0 0 0 to $ 9 ,9 9 9 $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 to __ L_ $ 1 1 , 9 9 9 I I o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESjy S u rv e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d F a m ily in c o m e b e f o r e t a x e s C o m p le t e r e p o r t i n g o f in com e | $ 1 2 ,0 0 0 $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 | 1 to | | to 1 i $ 1 4 ,9 9 9 _ i $ 1 9 ,9 9 9 I I I $10,960.99 100.0 I I I $8,010.67 89.5 I 1 1 $7,999.20 78.2 i 87.6 I -$20.79 1 23.3 1 1 -$19.19 1 21.9 17.1 J 1 $5.69 1 .7 1.5 1 1 $15.77 1 $12.26 6.5 1 1 $126.73 1 $26.42 2.3 1 .3 1 $7.09 $24.43 1 .3 1.9 1 1 $559.55 1 12.7 1 1 $383.48 1 8. 1 1 1 $176.07 $170.87 1 5.0 1 _____ J l i | $13,355.68 | 100.0 I | $10,157.69 90.6 | I | $10,144.60 | 89.4 I | -$27.08 | 28.2 I ) -$22.73 24.1 l i | | I | | I | I I | | I | | I | | I | | 1_ $29.74 1.5 $12.45 5.6 $15.35 .6 $5.37 .9 $685.73 13.6 $499.96 9.0 $185.77 5.3 1 $ 17,240.36 | , | 100.0 I | $13,838.76 93.7 | 1 | $13,823.93 | 91.9 I | -$27.81 26.8 | I -$50.64 | | 33.0 1 | $14.18 | .8 I | $26.31 | 7.6 I | $42.21 | .5 I | $10.57 1.4 | I | $899.93 | 14.9 I | $565.78 9.6 I | $334.15 | 6.0 \ 1 $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 to $ 2 4 ,9 9 9 $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 I and I over __L_ | In co m p lete | in c o m e | rep o rtin g J __ 1 I 1 $22,074. 18 i $36,786.51 100.0 I 100.0 1 1 I J $17,886.33 I $21,753.00 93. 1 i 85.8 1 1 1 1 $17,911.92 1 $21,709.78 92.7 i 79.8 1 1 1 -$34.34 1 -$21.83 1 26.2 i 16.6 1 1 1 -$47.85 1 -$84.84 1 34.6 1 34.3 1 1 1 $.04 1 $32.41 1 -9 (4) 1 1 1 1 $12.28 1 $30.60 I 6.1 6.0 1 1 1 1 $37.31 1 $75.30 1 .3 i •7 i 1 1 $6.98 1 $11.60 1 .3 i •9 i 1 1 1 $1,565.78 1 $6,666.42 18.0 1 28.3 1 1 1 1 $1,078.67 1 $4,675.15 12.9 1 22.0 1 1 1 $487.11 1 $1,991.27 1 5.8 i 7.5 1 .1. J.. ___________ 1 | 1 1 | | 1 | | I | | 1 | | 1 | | I j | 1 | | 1 | | I | | 1 | | 1 | | L_ $2,221.94 68.0 $858.30 40.6 $797.45 19.9 -$5.04 5.7 - $14.40 16. 8 $12.43 .9 $24.42 6.4 $32.66 .5 $10.78 .9 $150.25 3.5 $150.25 3.5 ** ** 117 T ab le 7. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t w o p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Item Social security, railroad retirement | Annual average................. I ........... | Percent reporting Government retirement, veterans' | payments, and unemployment | compensation | Annual average ................. | ........... | Percent reporting Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, | rental income, royalties, income | from roomers and boarders | Annual average................. | ........... | Percent reporting Rental income, royalties, income | from roomers and boarders | Annual average................. | Percent reporting ........... I Income from interest, dividends, | estates and trusts | Annual average................. | ........... I Percent reporting Income from all other sources, total | Annual average................. | Percent reporting ........... | Welfare and public assistance | Annual average ................. | Percent reporting ........... I Private pensions I Annual average................. I Percent reporting ........... I Regular contributions for support | Annual average................. I Percent reporting ........... I Other, incl. workmens' compensation | Annual average ................. | Percent reporting ........... | See fo o tn o te s a t end o f t a b l e . I | | I 1 1 1 $992.52| 37.4| 1 1 1 $391.19| 16.8| 1 1 1 $827.14| 70.6 | I I $149.56| 10.6| 1 1 $677.58| 68.5| 1 $639.14| 63.2| 1 $62.26| 4.4J 1 $292,901 11.8| i $45,431 2.8 | 1 $238.55| 54.2| 1 All j families of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES iy Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued 1 Total { 1 1 1 1 $ 1,023.14| 38.3 | I I I $400.71I 17.1 | 1 1 1 $859.92) 72.4| 1 1 $154.91J 10.8| 1 1 $705.00| 70.5| 1 $664.35| 65.3| 1 $64.79j 4.51 1 $303.43| 12.21 1 $47.551 3.0| I $248.571 56.0| 1 Under J 1 $3,000 1 1 1 $856,791 49. 81 1 1 1 $107,661 10.4| 1 1 1 $75.62J 32.4| 1 1 $29,201 6.21 1 1 $46.43| 29.2| 1 $478.34| 51.5| 1 $332,001 25.4| 1 $17.54| 2.41 1 $37,311 5.51 1 $91.49| 39.21 1_ Familv income before taxes Complete reporting of income 1 $6,000 $3,000 1 $4,000 1 1 $5,000 to 1 to | to 1 to 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $6,999 1 1 $5,999 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 $1,763,281 $1,891,891 $2,078.92| $1,690,141 69.4| 67.01 67.0| 55.21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $453,171 $331,591 $214.89| $323.82* 17. 01 19.71 18. 6J 20.21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $270,371 $170,651 $497,421 $485,361 50.51 61.7| 67.5| 68. 1 | 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 $89,651 $36,641 $73.28| $53.95| 8. 0 | 11.61 8.81 10.6 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $116,711 $407,771 $233,731 $412,081 58.41 47.11 64.7| 65.41 1 1 1 1 $419,291 $462.76! $655,621 $613,191 55.51 64.4 1 49.8| 61.21 1 1 1 1 $226,071 $115,591 $87.26| $17.11| 14.01 7.61 4.81 1.21 1 1 1 1 $63,741 $203.65| $405.59| $464,001 18.71 26.81 24. 1| 7.5j 1 1 1 l $40,141 $21,311 $78,341 $38.44l 4.61 3.71 3. 6 l 2.21 I 1 1 I $89.34| $122,211 $84.43| $ 93.6 3 1 37.4J 39.01 39.81 46. 7 l _L 1_ _± $7,000 to $7,999 $1,326.79 47.8 $391.20 18. 7 $509.74 72.8 $86.38 9.6 $423.37 71.2 $829.40 72.2 $22.86 1.4 $525.01 23.1 $118.74 6.6 $162.79 59.0 118 T ab le 7. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t w o p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w I I I I I I Item Social security, railroad retirement Annual aver a g e ................. I Percent reporting ........... I Government retirement, veterans* I payments, and unemployment I compensation l Annual average ................. I ........... I Percent reporting Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, I rental income, royalties, income I from roomers and boarders 1 Annual a v erage ................. .1 Percent reporting ........... •1 Rental income, royalties, income 1 from roomers and boarders 1 Annual average..,.,. .......... 1 Percent reporting ........... .1 Income from interest, dividends, 1 estates and trusts 1 Annual average ................. 1 Percent reporting ........... .1 Income from all other sources, total 1 Annual aver a g e ................. 1 ........... 1 Percent reporting Welfare and public assistance 1 Annual average................. 1 Percent reporting ........... 1 Private pensions 1 Annual ave r a g e ................. 1 Percent reporting ........... . 1 Regular contributions for support 1 Annual average................. 1 Percent reporting ........... 1 Other, incl. workmens* compensation 1 Annual a v erage................. 1 ........... 1 Percent reporting 1 See fo o tn o te s at end o f ta b le $8,000 to $9,999 $1,047.44 37.5 $496.28 20.2 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i $695.03 74.3 1 1 1 I $187.05 13.5 1 1 l 1 1 $507.98 71.3 $577.73 70.9 $7.07 .5 $320.28 14.3 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $37.83 3.2 1 $212.55 62.0 1 1 1 1_ o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TA XESiy S u rv ey , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $10,000 | $12,000 $15,000 I I to j to to I I $11,999 1 $14,999 $19,999 I I I I 1 I I 1 $430.41 I $739.57 | $656.37 I 15.3 I 27.8 | 26.0 I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 i $494.65 I $428.51 | $433.41 I 15.4 1 18.4 i 20.0 | I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 $605.21 | $792.15 I $953.93 1 78.4 | 84.7 88. 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 $84.72 | $147.21 I $165.75 1 7.6 | 10.9 i 11.5 1 1 I I I 1 1 $520.49 | $644.94 1 $788.18 1 77.7 | 83.8 1 87.0 I 1 1 $617.48 | $630.33 1 $622.69 1 70.4 1 74.2 | 73.3 1 1 I 1 $10.57 1 $2.00 | $1.20 i .7 1 .5 | .3 1 I 1 1 $304.60 | $317.48 i $297.35 1 7.4 1 10.3 | 10.6 1 I 1 1 $67.76 | $32.64 1 $44.35 1 3.1 | 1.9 1 1.4 1 i i I $243.12 | 69.3 | ____ L $257.93 68.2 1 1 1 .1 $20,000 to $24,999 $310.90 I 12.8 I .1 $25,000 and over $522.57 15.2 I i I I $656.25 13.3 $157.10 12.4 $1,034.87 87.0 I i I I I I I 1 1 1 1 $689. 16 1 67.0 1 1 $12.19 1 .8 i 1 $262.05 1 6.0 1 $5 ,350.03 93.8 $929.41 21.1 i $413.61 63.7 1 1 1 1 I | | I $232.39 12.4 1 j | 1 1 | | $280.52 39.9 $60.31 6.9 I 1 $4 ,420.61 93.2 | i $220.21 35.2 I $1 ,838.24 58.5 | | $218.73 28. 1 i ** ** i | $19.99 1.7 1 $650.22 | 6. 1 | 1 $1.31 1 .3 $481.74 22.7 I I $1,191.97 87.0 | | I i I $430.04 12.0 I Incomplete | income | reporting 1 I I I i 1 $291.51 1 67. 1 1 I I I I I $117.21 3.6 I $84.79 | .8 | $10. 19 .5 1 $1 ,103.23 54.6 | | _____________ L_ $71.33 24.9 119 T ab le 7. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t w o p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d All families Item Total F amily income before t axes Complete reporting of income $5,000 $6,000 $4,000 $3,000 to to to to $5.999 $6.999 $4.999 -i3.*£99_ Under $3.000 Personal taxes, total Annual a verage ......... ........ 1 -$1,626.83| -$1,706. 13 81.4 Percent reporting .... 79.0| Federal income taxes I 1 Annual a v erage...... ........ 1 -$1,343.81| -$1,410.00 73.4 Percent reporting ............ 1 70.8| State and local income taxes 1 I -$229.99 -$219.42| Annual average ......... ........1 58.8 56.5| Percent reporting ............ 1 Personal property and other 1 1 -$66. 15 -$63.6 0 1 Annual average......... ........ 1 Percent reporting .... 28.0| 28.8 Other money receipts 1 1 $235. 41 $ 2 3 6 . 12| Annual average......... 13.3 12.8| Percent reporting .... Net change in assets and liabilities, | 1 total 1 1 $832,201 $823.95 Average of end-of-year values.| 85.4 84.3| Percent reporting ............ 1 Net change in assets 1 1 $1,491.07 Average of end-of-year values.| $1,490,561 75.6 Percent reporting .............1 74.2| Net change in liabilities 1 1 $667.12 Average of end-of-year values.| $658,361 55.6 54.9| Percent reporting ............ 1 Goods and services received without | 1 direct expense 1 1 $105.56| $106.05 Annual aver a g e ......... ■....... 1 65.7 64.8| Percent reporting ............1 Market value of financial assets 1 1 Average of end-of-year values.| $11,976,291 $12,437. 12 82.0 79.7| Percent reporting .............1 Mortgage principal paid on owned 1 1 property 1 1 -$240.96 -$235.01| Annual average......... ....... 1 27.3 26.9| Percent reporting ............ 1 1 S e e f o o t n o t e s a t end o f ta b le -$97. 16| 37.6| 1 -$69,531 22.3| 1 -$13.7 2 1 17. 5 | 1 l -$13,911 18.8| 1 $206.97| 14.5| 1 1 -$267.31| 63.0| i -$100.11| 48.0| 1 $167.20| 34.8| 1 1 $114.64| 66.7| -$132.89| 49.4| I 1 -$100.29| 29.9 | a -$172,921 57.61 I 1 -$135.98| 4 2.9| 1 -$266.96| 59.1| I 1 -$216.44| 46. 8 1 1 -$11.34| 21.9| 1 1 -$21.26j 25.81 1 $90.05| 13.9| 1 1 -$86.8 4 | 72.6| I 1 — $49.42| 60.6| -$ 1 7 . 9 2 | 30.61 1 -$19,031 23.9| -$26,761 32.6| I -$23,761 22.51 1 $220,211 10.81 1 1 $196,421 75.4| $37.41| 36.6| I I $110. 111 64.0| 1 $1,113.19| $2,493.51| 46.7| 65. 2 1 1 1 1 i -$24 2 . 0 8 | -$42.88j 8.51 9. 0| i i $7,000 to $7,999 -$445,811 74.8J 1 -$692.32 84.6 -$345,671 62.8J -$549.03 75.6 i -$45,901 45.91 | 1 -$54,241 32. 11 -$94.38 62.0 $267.33| 15.81 1 I $40,561 84.21 I $233.29 11.3 $448,541 $257,691 $563,461 63.41 65.7| 70.3| 1 1 1 $205.84| $367.04| $407,981 41.3 1 40. 1J 43.51 1 1 1 1 1 1 $97,601 $101.92| $87.63| 63.61 64.51 62.3| 1 1 1 $4,323,091 $7,476.97| $7,349,271 71.71 77.51 79.7| 1 1 1 1 1 1 -$65,571 -$95,831 -$105,691 15. 1 l 14.01 15.51 i i i $238.15 74.8 i $135.02| 9.81 1 1 $51,851 75.51 1 -$48.91 24.6 $173.04 85.8 $65. 12 52.9 $94.74 64.7 $9,595.91 82.4 -$120.23 18.8 120 T ab le 7. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t w o p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Item L L i I l I I Personal taxes, total Annual average ......... Percent reporting .... .................. I Federal income taxes I Annual ave r a g e ......... Percent reporting .... State and local income taxes I Annual average ......... ....... I Percent reporting .... .................. I Personal property and other I Annual a v erage......... ...................I Percent reporting .... .................. I Other money receipts I Annual average ......... .................. 1 Percent reporting ......................... 1 Net change in assets and liabilities, | total i Average of end-of-year v a l u e s . | Percent reporting ......................... 1 Net change in assets 1 Average of end-of-year v a l u e s . | Percent reporting ........................ 1 Net change in liabilities 1 Average of end-of-year val u e s . [ Percent reporting ......................... 1 Goods and services received without | direct expense 1 Annual average......... ..................... 1 Percent reporting ........................ 1 Market value of financial assets 1 Average of end-of-year v a l u e s . | Percent reporting ......................... 1 Mortgage principal paid on owned 1 property 1 Annual a v erage ......... .................. 1 Percent reporting ........................ J ______ L V/ 2/ 3/ 4/ ** o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAX ESiy S u rv ey , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | | $15,000 to | l to | i $14,999 i I $19a 999 $8,000 to $9,999 j $10,000 to | 1 $11,999 1 1 -$1,006.79 | -$1,516.56 93.4 j 97.8 I -$814.27 | -$1,258.62 85.6 | 94.6 I -$119.63 | -$199.17 78.1 66.0 | I -$58.77 -$72.89 | 29.5 30.2 | I $253.14 | $187.96 13.4 | 12. 1 I I I Incomplete income $25,000 | and J reporting over I * I -$7,927.16 | -$304.21 39.6 98.3 | I -$239.94 -$6,508.44 | 92.4 | 27.5 I -$1,167.37 | - $43.21 76.9 | 18.5 $20,000 to $24,999 | | 1 | -$2,010.34 | -$2,923.69 97.7 | 99.1 | | -$4,126.01 | 99.5 | | | -$1,701.81 94.9 | | -$3,472.57 99.1 | | | -$401.41 80.9 | -$572.90 82.9 | | | | -$80.54 31.4 | -$251.35 43.9 $387.83 [ 14.4 | $553.45 16.6 | | | -$2,419.34 | 97.3 -$247.03 J 77.7 | | | 1 | -$61.49 29.5 | -$102.94 32.8 | | $156.98 | 13.4 | $258.97 13.6 | | $650.73 | 90.2 | $645.42 | 94.0 | $1,212.79 94.4 | | $3,792.45 96.7 | | $4,420.16 94.9 $2,361.39 87.5 | $5,948.45 90.9 | | | $5,648.65 92.5 $1,148.61 | 72. 1 | $2,156.00 69.9 | | $1,228.49 64.7 $92.57 64.8 | | $108.69 67.6 | | $173.60 66.8 | $12,374.51 | $14,435.78 93.8 | 92. 1 I | $21,816.60 92.3 | $68,678.56 94.9 -$328.36 44.6 | | -$423.98 46.9 | I | | i $373.55 88.4 $932.97 79.2 $559.42 57.8 $105.99 66.9 $8,027.09 87.5 | | I | | I | | 1 1 | | I | | I 1 | | -$142.88 24.8 ____ L $1,313.23 79.3 | | $1,444.94 | 85.5 | $662.50 | 64.8 | $799.52 | 66.9 | | | $99.96 i 67.2 i $108.98 66.7 $9,082.15 89.6 -$275.06 29.2 | | -$271.43 | 35.9 | | | -$21.07 16.0 | i i | | 1 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | I I | J I | | 1 1 | | $247.94 5.2 $969.85 66.0 $1,482.09 50.6 $512.25 43.2 $97.47 51.0 $4,291. 11 41.8 -$813.31 52.5 ___________ L Data in columns which represent less than 218,000 consumer units or in cells which represent less than 18,500 consumer units are likely to have large sampling errors. Percents may not sum to 100 due to rounding. Data represent only those expenditures collected in the interview survey, not the total of all family expenditures. Value less than 0.05 percent Data not available. -$135.64 20.7 1 21 T a b le 8. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t h r e e p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) 1 I All | 1 I | Item 1 Total j Under I families 1 I 1 1 1 I _____ 1 $3,000 1 _ I 1 1 1 11,456| Number of families in universe (000s). 10,7371 545| I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Selected family characteristics 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Average 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 2.91 2.91 2.9 | Family s i z e ......................... i 1 1 1 $13,5941 $12,893| $1,894| Family income before t a x e s ........ 1 1 1 $11,470| S10,882| Family income after t a x e s ......... .. 1 $1,7621 1 1 1 l 44J 441 471 Age of h e a d ......................... ..1 f i 1 | 1 1 1 1 .81 •71 1. 11 Number of children under 18....... 1 1 i 1 .2| .21 .41 Number of persons 65 and o v e r .... .- 1 1 1 1 1 1.6J 1 -6 | Number of automobiles o w n e d ....... .71 1 1 1 1 Percent2/ 1 1 1 1 i i i i i i i i Housing tenure 1 1 1 1 60 | 37 | 601 Homeowner ......................... 33 1 34 | 601 Renter............................. .. 1 71 6| Not reported...................... .. 1 31 i i 1 i i i 1 1 Race of head 1 1 I 1 88 | 881 70| White.............................. 111 291 Black.............................. 111 1l Oth e r .............................. .. 1 11 1I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I Education of head 1 1 1 1 181 18 | 381 1 to 9 years ...................... 48 | 411 9 years, not more than 12 years. 481 3 11 31 l 141 More than 12 years............... .. 1 3| 3| 71 Not reported or no s c h o o l ....... -. 1 i i i i 1 l 1 1 Automobile ownership 1 1 1 1 891 89| 491 At least one automobile owned... -. 1 1 ______L_ __ L_ 1 i See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f t a b l e by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES 1./ Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income 1 $7,000 1 $6,000 $3,000 1 $4,000 1 $5,000 to | to 1 to to 1 to 1 1 $7,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 1 1 i 545 406| 5211 490| 3861 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 2.9 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 I 1 I 1 $6,424| $7,519 $4,5171 $5,5241 $3,499| I 1 I 1 1 1 $6,764 $4,287| $5,8781 $3,388| $5,1531 1 I 1 i 1 38 441 42 1 441 451 1 ■ 1 i 1 1 1.0 1.01 1.0 1 -91 1-21 1 | 1 1 1 I 1 .4 1 .1 .41 .21 .4 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1.4 1.21 1.01 1.11 .91 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I i i i i 1 i i 1 1 1 1 41 J 281 43 42J 421 56 1 67 | 531 50 521 7 5| 51 51 31 i i j i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 791 85 70 1 781 791 181 14 291 201 20J 41 1 1I 21 1I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 321 39 1 291 321 16 441 48 | 521 54 51 I 121 101 131 26 16 | 8| 4 3l 61 71 i i i i l 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 58 | 761 8 11 89 701 _1_ _1_ __ L_ _______ l_ i i 122 T ab le 8. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t h r e e p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) I I Item | I 1. 1 Number of families in universe (000s)...| 1 I Selected family characteristics | i Average | i j Family s i z e ........................... i 1 Family income before t a x e s .......... | 1 Family income after t a x e s ........... | 1 Age of h e a d ............................| i 1 Number of children under 18......... | I1 Number of persons 65 and o v e r ....... | ■ 1 Number of automobiles o w n e d ......... | 1 Percent2/ | i 1 Housing tenure | H omeowner............................| Rent e r ............................... J Not reported........................ | j 1 Race of head | White ................................ | Black................................ | O t h e r ................................ | i I Education of head | 1 to 9 yea r s ........................ | 9 years, not more than 12 years.. . | More than 12 years ................. | Not reported or no scho o l ......... | 1 Automobile ownership | At least one automobile o wned.....| 1 See f o o t n o t e s at end o f ta b le $8,000 to $9,999 1,159 Family income before taxes Complete reportina of income I $15,000 I $12,000 I $10,000 I to to to I I I I I I $19,999 l $14,999 I $11,999 I I I I 1,844 I 1, 187 I 1,918 I I I I I I 1 I l I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I I i i i i i 1 1 1 2.9 1 2.9 1 2.9 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 $10,984 1 $13,397 1 $17,231 1 1 a 1 i 1 1 1 1 $9,489 1 $11,428 1 $14,499 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 40 1 42 1 44 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .8 1 .7 1 .6 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 .1 1 .1 1 1 a 1 i i1 1 1 1 1.5 1 1.8 1 1.8 1 1 i 1 I 1 i 1 1 1 i i i 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 54 1 65 1 76 1 i 37 1 27 1 18 1 i 9 1 8 1 6 1 i i 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 91 1 92 1 91 1 i 8 1 7 1 6 1 i 1 1 2 1 1 1 i 1 i i 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 18 1 16 I 12 1 i 51 1 51 1 49 1 i 27 1 37 1 32 1 i 4 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i i i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 93 1 97 1 99 1 i j _L_ J. 1 by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ/ $20,000 to $24,999 940 i 2.9 $9,024 $7,965 40 .9 .2 1.4 47 44 9 86 13 (4) 15 55 27 3 88 2.9 $22,192 $18,326 49 .4 .1 2.0 82 11 7 94 5 2 12 41 46 1 97 1 1 Incomplete income 1 $25,000 1 and 1 reporting I over I 1 1 1 798 1 718 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I i 1 1 2.9 1 2.9 1 1 i $37, 177 i $2,422 1 1 i $29,369 i $2,093 1 1 i 51 i 49 1 1 i .4 i . 5 1 1 i .2 i .2 1 1 i 2. 1 i 1.7 1 1 i 1 i ■ i 1 1 1 j 86 i 68 1 11 i 27 1 3 i 5 1 1 i i i 96 i 91 1 2 i 8 1 2 i J i i 1 i 6 i 18 1 32 i 44 1 61 i 33 1 4 1 i 1 i 1 i 97 i 90 1 _L_ _L 123 T ab le 8. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAHILY IHCOHE BEFORE T A X E S!/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t h r e e p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Current consumption expenses, excluding personal insurance, gifts and contributions 3/ Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting Food, total Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Food at home Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Food away from home, excl. trips Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Meals as pay Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Alcoholic beverages Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Tobacco products Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Housing, total Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Shelter, total Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Rented dwellings Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Owned dwellings Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Other lodging, excluding trips Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... See fo o t n o t e s at end o f ta b le 1 1 1 All | j families j 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | $8,844,261 | 100.0| 1 1 1 I | $1,767,811 i 99.8| 1 1 | $1,353,861 | 99.7| 1 1 | $396.96| 1 92.11 1 1 | $16.99| 1 8.9| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | | 1 1 1 | | 1 1 i | I 1 | 1 1 | 1 1 | 1 1 1. Total | Under | 1 1 1 i_ $3,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 $8,793,131 $4,191.85| 100.01 100.01 1 1 1 1 $1,754,991 $1,071,371 99.9| 99.6| 1 1 $954.50| $1,345.96| 98.7| 99.8| 1 1 $391.64| $105,461 65.7| 92.2| 1 1 $11.41| $17.38| 8.9 | 11.7| i 1 1 1 1 $74. 1 4 | $74.90| $21,051 67.1| 67.3| 32. 7| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $132.41 | $150.65| $149.89| 67. 2 | 64.0| 64.0| 1 ■ ■ 1 1 1 i 1 1 $2,676.96| $2,655.69| $1,540,721 100.0| 99.9J 99.9| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 $927.08| $1,417. 13| $1,426.95| 94.6| 98.2| 98.3| 1 1 1 $586.34| $677.15| $583.31| 56.6| 38.3| 37.9| 1 1 1 $808. 131 $246.06| $816,511 66.8| 43.1| 67.3J 1 1 i $27.13| $22.66| $3.88| 9. 1 | 9.8| 3.8| ________ L. _L J- Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income 1 $5,000 $3,000 | $4,000 | $6,000 1 to | to 1 to 1 to 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5*999 1 $6,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $4,478,421 $5,202.88| $5,498.55| $6,252.34| 100.0| 100.0| 100.0| 100.0| I 1 1 1 ! 1 i 1 $1,225,991 $1,369,761 $1,253,621 $1,286,251 100.01 100.0| 100.01 100.0| 1 1 1 1 $ 1 , 117.74| $1,242.10| $1,051,051 $1,050,451 100.0| 100.0| 100.0J 100.01 1 1 1 1 $105.76l $102,701 $180,281 $225,751 80.8| 70.21 90. 1 J 90.5| 1 1 I J $ 5.551 $21.91| $22,281 $10,051 12.6| 5.01 9.31 15.01 i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $22.44| $38,561 $50.191 $19.42| 42.51 45.2| 49.5| 53.3| 1 I i 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 $107.45| $131,611 $128,301 $138,761 57. 1 J 61.4| 64.6| 61.91 i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $1,649,421 $1,677,551 $1,910,331 $2,009,851 98.81 100.01 100.OJ 100.01 ■ i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $976,171 $1,024.91| $1,035,821 $1, 117.88| 94.51 95. 1 l 97.41 100.01 1 I 1 1 $787.09| $768,411 $755,801 $781,141 67. 1 | 54.71 56.61 55.71 1 1 1 1 $183,061 $272,581 $335,811 $247. 16| 35.21 44 . 5| 48.91 47.61 1 I 1 1 $6,021 $9.33! $7,441 $.931 3.6 1 2.01 4.5 | 1.81 _L 1_ _L $7,000 to $7*999 i $6,801.72 100.0 $1,250.77 100.0 $1,015.09 99.3 $228.24 90.3 $7.43 7.7 $34.11 57.6 $122.21 58.3 $2,217.11 100.0 $1,201.58 96.6 $787.97 54.7 $407.95 47.7 $5.66 6.2 124 T a b le 8. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t h r e e p e r s o n s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , Consumer E x p e n d i t u r e Item Current consumption expenses, excluding personal insurance, gifts and contributions 3/ Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting Food, total Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Food at home Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Food away from home, excl. trips Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Meals as pay Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Alcoholic beverages Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting Tobacco products Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Housing, total Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting Shelter, total Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting Rented dwellings Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Owned dwellings Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting Other lodging, excluding trips Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting See fo o tn o te s at end of ta b le . I I | | I I I I I I | | 1 1 | | I | | I | | I | | i 1 1 | | i 1 1 | | 1 1 | | • 1 1 | | I | | 1 | | 1 | 1 1 $8,000 to $9,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $7,146.96 1 100.0 1 1 1 $1,473.84 1 99.7 1 1 $1,176.24 1 99.7 1 $10,000 to $11,999 s o u r c e s o f in c o m e In te r v ie w S urvey, c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d Familv income before taxes Complete reporting of income | | $12,000 | $15,000 | to i to | I $14,999 I I $19,999 $20,000 to $24,999 | | 1 IN C O M E BEFORE T A X E S j y $25,000 and over Incomplete income | | reporting 1 $8,244.67 | 100.0 | $8,853.67 | $10,397.99 | $12,572.00 | $15,762.24 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 [ $1,663.30 | 100.0 | $1,753.91 | 100.0 i $2,030.40 99.7 | | $2,356.05 99.7 | | $2,813.96 100.0 | | $1,959.55 98.7 $1,296.10 100.0 | | $1,333.49 | 100.0 | $1,517.65 99.7 | | $1,715.19 99.7 | l $1,873.67 100.0 | 1 $1,471.87 98.7 $345.74 | 93.2 | $393.92 | 96.4 | $501.67 | 98. 1 | $632.75 98.2 l | $901.16 98.9 | | $476.48 90.5 $21.47 | 9.7 | $26.50 | 9.7 | $11.09 7.6 | | $8.10 | 5.3 | $39.13 | 9.3 | $11. 19 8.7 $74.60 71.6 | | $74.37 | 73.9 { $87.01 77.3 J | $119.26 | 78.9 | $167.46 90.6 | | $86.20 70.3 $137.20 64.0 | | $154.66 | 67. 1 | $173.09 66.9 | | $178.96 64.6 | | $164.68 61.0 | | $162.08 63. 1 $2,432.90 | 100.0 | $2,725.40 | 100.0 | $3,018.94 | 100.0 | $3,333.48 100.0 | | $4,675.77 J 100.0 | $2,994.85 100.0 $1,272.69 97.8 | | $1,465.79 99.5 $1,567.91 | 99. 1 | $1,685.34 98.7 | | $2,379.67 98.5 | | $1,573.76 99.0 $646.89 42.4 | | $581.03 | 34.5 | $426.32 22.9 | | $312.06 16.4 | J $435.94 | 12.9 | $538.02 31.6 $617.66 | 63.8 | $871.54 | 73.8 | $1,106.82 81.7 | $1,302.32 J 88.5 | $1,877.33 J 88.5 | $941.81 73.7 $13.21 | 10.5 | $34.77 11.9 | $70.95 | 18.3 | $66.41 | 17.7 | $93.93 19.6 $9,608.60 100.0 i $283.38 93.4 i i i $14.22 i 8.7 i i i $58.45 i 59.5 i i i i i i i i $2,262.11 i 100.0 i ■ i i $1,273.73 i 99.2 i i $693.90 i 52.6 i i $573.26 l 57.8 i i $6.57 i 5.4 i i $140.93 61.8 $8.13 6.1 | | | j | | 125 T a b le 8. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t h r e e p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , Consumer E x p e n d i t u r e I 1 All | I | Item | families 1 I 1 1 1 1 ! 1 Fuel and utilities, total | 1 $446,251 Average annual expenditure....} 93.51 ........... I Percent reporting Gas, total | 1 Average annual expenditure....! $103,341 Percent reporting ........... | 59.0| Gas, delivered in mains (piped) | 1 $88,001 Average annual expenditure....| Percent reporting ........... | 49. 1| Gas, bottled or tank | 1 Average annual expenditure....! $15.34| 11.01 Percent reporting ........... | Electricity ! 1 $172,891 Average annual expenditure....! 79.41 Percent reporting ........... ! Gas and electricity combined bills! i Average annual expenditure....! $43.03| Percent reporting ........... 1 13.8* Fuel oil and kerosene ! I $53.28| Average annual expenditure...-! 20.8 | Percent reporting ........... I Other fuels, coal, wood | l Average annual expenditure....! $6.02! Percent reporting ........... | 10.2| Water, trash, sewerage ! 1 $67.69| Average annual expenditure....! 66.81 Percent reporting ........... ! i i 1 1 Housing expenses, total I 1 $342.91| Average annual expenditure....! ........... I 96.8! Percent reporting Telephone, excluding coin phones | 1 $193.46| Average annual expenditure....! 92.4| Percent reporting ........... 1 Other expenses, including domestic! 1 services I 1 $149,441 Average annual expenditure.• . • | 76.3| ........... ! Percent reporting 1 ___ 1__ See footnotes at end of table. s o u r c e s o f in c o m e In te r v ie w S urvey, 1 | Total 1 Under 1 1 i J $3,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 $440,671 $275.06! 93.41 82.81 i 1 $65.11| $101.55| 54.71 59.01 I I $41.84| $86,051 48.91 30.81 1 1 $23,261 $15,501 11.2| 24.6| I 1 $1 15.771 $170.97| 79.4 J 72. 51 I 1 $42.53! $14.49| 13.7! 9. 2 | 1 1 $52,011 $35.36| 20.6| 22.7| 1 1 $6.15 | $16,651 10.2| 16.7| 1 1 $67.45| $27.68| 66.61 40. 1 l i i 1 1 1 1 $336,671 $179.51| 96.61 86.6| 1 1 $190.64J $121,581 92.1| 73.51 1 1 1 1 $146.02| $57,931 76.61 60.61 1_ c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d INC OM B BEFORE T A X E S J / Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income 1 $6,000 1 $5,000 1 $7,000 $3,000 1 $4,000 to I to 1 to | to | to 1 $6,999 1 $7,999 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $369,971 $317.39| $256,681 $371,661 $383. 19 81.61 91.2* 89.41 95.5 87.01 1 1 1 1 $55.39| $83.65| $89,951 $94.68 $105,881 58.71 57. 11 43.61 62. 11 63.4 1 1 1 1 $38,931 $69,941 $72.12 $60,801 $63.92| 41.4J 45.71 46.0 45.2| 32. 1 l I 1 1 1 $16,461 $29,151 $19,741 $35,941 $22.56 17.41 11.5| 11.51 18.4| 19.0 1 1 1 1 $117,371 $161.37 $92.49| $114,801 $133,261 62.6| 72.31 71.81 73.91 85.5 1 1 1 1 $49,781 $44.26| $77.73| $31.28| $21.84 18.31 11.71 17.71 13. 11 11.6 1 1 1 1 $25.97| $21,701 $32.37} $43,561 $45.65 13.71 16.71 18.81 12.21 24.0 1 1 1 1 $7,521 $7,771 $11,791 $3,021 $13.20 5.8 | 5.71 15. 11 9.9J 9.3 1 1 1 1 $35,321 $31.30| $51,321 $48,221 $46.45 39.51 41. 11 54.71 54. 3 | 51.5 i i i i 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 $177,751 $233.78| $248,291 $295.95 $206.75| 94.41 85.6| 92.2| 91.2* 92.6 1 1 1 1 $123,601 $134.19| $163.77 $145,631 $162,561 81.4| 69.1 l 79.71 89.5 81.61 l 1 1 1 l 1 1 l $43,561 $88,141 $83,151 $85,731 $132. 18 57.41 59.71 70.61 71.01 60.7 ___ 1__ __________ L_ ___________ L_ ____ L 126 T a b le 8. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t h r e e p e r s o n s . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consumer E x p e n d it u r e Item I 1 | 1 1 . Fuel and utilities, total 1 Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . | Percent reporting ........... | Gas, total 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas, delivered in mains (piped) J Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Gas, bottled or tank | Average annual expenditure....) ........... | Percent reporting Electricity | Average annual expenditure.... | Percent reporting ........... J Gas and electricity combined bills! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Fuel oil and kerosene | Average annual expenditure....) Percent reporting ........... ) Other fuels, coal, wood ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ) Water, trash, sewerage 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! i Housing expenses, total ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Telephone, excluding coin phones 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other expenses, including domestic! services 1 Average annual expenditure....) Percent reporting ........... ) See footnotes at end of table $8,000 to $9,999 1 1 _ 1_ 1 $376.37 ) 92. 1 | 1 $93.03 J 57.7 l 1 $75.40 J 44.8 | 1 $17.63 | 13.8 ) ! $153.00 | 79.5 ) ! $30.32 | 11.7 | I $43.79 J 21.1 | 1 $3.49 | 5.7 ) ! $52.74 | 61.8 ) i i 1 $252.93 | 97.0 1 ) $158.33 | 93.0 | I I $94.60 | 77.4 { I- $10,000 to $11,999 $99.58 58.3 $86.02 50. 1 $159.06 78.4 $50.94 15.3 $46.65 19.2 $3.30 7.6 $61.94 66.9 $319.54 98.5 $191,35 94.3 $128.19 76.7 c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income i $12,000 | $15,000 I | to | to I 1 $14,999 I $19,999 1 $421.47 94.6 $13.56 9.4 s o u r c e s o f in co m e In te rv ie w S urvey, 1 | | 1 l ) I l | I | ) I | | I ) | ! | ) 1 | l 1 | | i i 1 | ) 1 | | 1 1 | | 1_ 1 $457.80 ! 96.2 ) 1 $104.62 | 63.4 1 1 $89.36 | 54.1 ) I $15.27 | 10.2 ) I $181.19 ! 84.4 | I $39.89 | 12.6 | 1 $57.58 } 21.6 | 1 $6.76 | 8.5 | ) $67.76 ) 70.6 | i i i $338.67 ) 98.5 | 1 $196.05 ) 97.2 | I 1 $142.62 l 79.2 | 1 $496.52 97.1 $103.55 58.5 $96.46 52.6 $7.09 7.2 $205.44 81.6 $45.60 14.6 $56.16 20.9 1 ) | 1 | | 1 | ) 1 | ) ! | | I ) ) 1 | i 1 $3.96 | 11.2 ) 1 $81.81 ) 79.3 ) i i 1 $360.67 | 99. 8 | 1 $211.75 | 98.6 | 1 1 $148.91 ! 83.7 J 1 $20,000 to $24,999 IH C O H E i 1 __L_ 1 $558.30 ) 98.0 j 1 $127.18 J 60.3 ) I $116.48 ) 54.7 | I $10.70 | 6.5 | l $196.34 l 80.4 l I $63.49 | 17.3 ) 1 $66.93 | 22.6 ) I $2.90 ) 13.6 I 1 $101.47 | 84.7 | 1 i 1 $416.38 | 100.0 I 1 $236.56 | 98.9 | 1 1 $179.82 | 85.6 J _±_ BEFORE T A X E S J / $25,000 and over i 1 Incomplete income 1 1 reporting __L 1 ) | 1 $144.45 ) 59.7 ) ! $135.53 | , 56.9 | 1 $8.92 | 5.3 ) $656.06 93.7 $529.69 94. 1 $130.08 59.4 / $117/17 53.2 $12.91 7.2 $249.87 y 84. 1/j $201.54 79. 8 $39/96 | 11.6 | $50.55 14.8 $93.87 25.3 $72.20 23.5 $6.76 16.5 ) ) i ) i ( | ) i i 1 $728.84 | 100.0 | J $294.28 | 99.5 J ! 1 $434.56 j 90.0 » _1_ $121.16 82.7 $4. 05 9.9 $71.27 70.6 $436.18 98.7 $235.60 96.7 $200.57 72.6 127 T a b le 8. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t h r e e p e r s o n s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , Consumer E x p e n d i t u r e All | families Item I | | I 1 1 1 Housefurnishings, equipment, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Household textiles | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Furniture | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Floor coverings I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... j Major appliances i Average annual expenditure.... j Percent reporting ........... ! Small appliances J Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... J Housewares I Average annual expenditure.... | Percent reporting ........... | Miscellaneous I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Clothing, total I Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting Clothing, male, 2 and over | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ............| Clothing, female, 2 and over ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Clothing, children under 2 years l Average annual expenditure....! ........... i Percent reporting Dry cleaning, laundry l Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Materials and services ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! See fo o tn o te s at end of ta b le . 1 $460,851 94. 1! I $57.09| 81.0! I $159.68| 49.7| 1 $46.75! 23.9| 1 $117.53| 38.5| 1 $11.12| 36.21 1 $10.22! 27.6! I $58.46! 55.2| 1 1 $722,071 99.8| 1 $235.56| 93.0| 1 $338.92| 97.9! 1 $29,061 25.8! I $89.64| 82.0| 1 $28.89| 67.8! _1 Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $461,231 94.3| 1 $57.26| 81.5J i $160.41| 50.11 1 $46.121 24.3| 1 $117.40! 38.7! I $11. 2 0 | 36.31 1 $10.351 27.91 J $58.501 55.8| 1 J 1 $716.601 99.8| 1 $235.331 93.3 1 1 $335.421 97.91 1 $28.411 26.5! 1 $88.80| 82.0| 1 $28.64| 67.81 1 s o u r c e s o f in c o m e In te rv ie w S urvey, Under $3,000 | 1 1 1 1 1 $159.07| 78. 11 1 $20.37| 58.61 1 $56.141 26.71 1 $7,241 11.51 1 $45,991 28.61 1 $6. 2 4 | 27.9| 1 $3.161 16.6| 1 $19,921 25.31 1 1 $329.58| 100.0| 1 $95.841 73.5| 1 $131.41| 91.6| ! $17,651 19.21 1 $76,401 70. 41 1 $8.2 7 1 39.2| 1 c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d IN C OM E BEFORE T A X E S J / Family income before taxes Complete reportina of income 1 $7,000 1 $5,000 1 $6,000 $3,000 | $4,000 to | to | to | to to | 1 $7,999 1 $5,999 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $6,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i $273.71| $269,071 $336.39 $157.51| $209,811 82.41 85.81 93.21 96.01 92.9 1 1 1 1 $24.20| $19,301 $36.30| $33.00| $38.84 65.51 68. 1 l 80.51 80.6 81.4| I 1 1 1 $52,461 $67,161 $85,301 $110,041 $125.82 35.4J 33. 1 1 37.5| 46.0| 54.6 1 1 1 1 $13,341 $4,631 $18,121 $25,871 $17.51 14.61 14.3| 25.4| 17.3| 17.6 1 1 1 1 $65,081 $100.89| $53,531 $110.55 $60,021 26.3| 25.21 30.31 30.31 42.9 1 1 1 1 $5,571 $5.90! $6,841 $9,021 $11.18 25.71 20.81 43.9 31.01 32. 91 1 1 1 1 $5,251 $4.87| $3,911 $6,601 $6. 08 20. 21 19.41 16.9J 21.9J 25.3 1 1 1 1 $29.21| $17.71| $16,831 $26.41 $29.15| 31.4J 39.81 52. 11 49. 2 32.9 | 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 $429,331 $367.68| $400,701 $508,421 $532.28 100.01 99. 1 | 98.21 100.01 99.4 I 1 1 1 $84,611 $124.08* $87,931 $144,321 $163.65 72.81 82.51 86. 51 91.2 90. 2| 1 1 1 1 $191.99| $193,561 $169.62| $231. 17 $224,021 96.51 93.71 95.51 98.61 95.2 1 1 1 1 $29.44! $24,271 $23.22| $24,361 $32.47 21.81 31.41 27.81 33.91 37.5 1 1 1 1 $68,271 $75,241 $95,251 $84.09 $85.51| 68.7| 74.31 74.81 80.21 75.0 1 1 1 1 $13,801 $20,471 $20.91 $12,421 $13.76! 50.21 45.9| 60.61 59.6 58.3j __ L_ 1 _______ L_ 128 T a b le 8. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s / a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t h r e e p e r s o n s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , Consumer E x p e n d i t u r e s o u r c e s o f in c o m e In te rv ie w S u rvey, c l a s s i f i e d by F A H I L Y 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d III C O H E BEFOBE T A X E S J / Family income before taxes 1 __ 1__ Housefurnishings, equipment, total Average annual expenditure--.. Percent reporting ........... Household textiles Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Furniture Average annual expenditure.. ^. Percent reporting ........... Floor coverings Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Major appliances Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Small appliances Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Housewares Average annual expenditure-... Percent reporting ...................... Miscellaneous Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, male, 2 and over Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, female, 2 and over Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, children under 2 years Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Dry cleaning, laundry Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Materials and services Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See fo o tn o te s at end of ta b le $8,000 to $9,999 i 1 i_ 1 $359.08 | 96.3 | 1 $35.10 | 79. 1 | I $117.45 | 47.8 | I $35.36 | 22.9 | $118.55 43.0 I | | $10,000 to $11,999 $419.21 96.4 $46.85 85.7 $143.84 53.1 $29.19 22.6 $130.26 43.9 I $6.60 | 29.2 | $6.99 27.3 $39.04 52.9 $558.83 1 | J 1 | | 1i 1 | 100.0 | I $166.58 | 95.0 | I $262.63 | 98.3 | I $33.07 | 33.5 | $72.81 74.5 $9.71 36.9 $7.59 27.5 $51.77 57.3 | I | | I | | I | | 1 | | 1i 1 $624.35 | 99.8 | I $463. 14 | 95.8 | I $55.93 | 84.6 | 1 $149.21 | 55.4 | 1 $46.34 | 28.2 | $14.53 41.5 $8.70 29.8 $53.93 63.6 | | I | | I | | I | | $690.30 | $209.36 96.4 1 | | 1 $280.43 99.0 | | $328. 94 | 99.1 | $32.78 34.6 | | 1 | | 1 1 $74.64 | 82.0 | $77.57 | 87. 1 | 1 | | $14.22 40.7 $12.94 30.2 $83.03 63.6 $805.57 99.7 $278.50 97.7 | | 1 | I l | I | | I | | 1 1 | | 1 | | 1 J 1 | | 1 $71.51 J 86.3 | 1 $251.48 | 53.7 I 1 $71.30 | 27.7 | $673.47 97.3 $25,000 and over 1 Incomplete i nc o me 1 1 reporting __L 1 | | 1 $126.05 l 88. 1 | 1 $365.35 | 57.0 | 1 $108.21 | 31.3 | $911.19 96.9 I $150.43 41.6 $11.95 37.3 $18.08 32.6 $98.71 67.9 $140.05 38.6 I | | I | 1 1 | 1 | | I $27.14 | 41.5 | I $ 1 2 7 . 15 | i 68.7 | | $17.25 42.6 | 1 1 $1,089.64 | $1,524.25 | 100.0 j 100.0 1 1 J $395.85 | $535.77 | 98.2 | 98.4 | 1 1 1 I 1 | | $37.58 | 15.7 | $15.00 1 9.6 | $96.16 85.4 | | $97.73 89.7 $512.60 98.7 | | $767.82 99.2 1 J | | $54.63 74.0 43. 6 $56.22 18.3 $119.51 35.5 $9.92 34. 1 $8.30 22.8 $57.95 45.4 I I $24.75 20.9 $35.66 72.5 $455.23 90.9 I | I | | I $29.14 73.9 I | 1 1 $370.49 98.8 I $32.83 32.1 I $27.15 73.3 $134.17 38.2 1 1 J | | | I $593.85 | 97.5 | I $85.53 | 85.9 | I $191.95 | 56.0 | I $72.00 | 29.2 | 1 $134.50 43.8 100.0 | I $221.83 | 97.3 | I 1 $23.75 67.4 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | I | $20,000 to $24,999 o | 00 Item C o m p l e t e r e p o r t i n g o f i n c o me | $12,000 | $15,000 I I to | to I 1 $1U,999 I $19,999 _ 1 -Cr 1 | | 1 $45.88 | 77.9 | | | $803.87 99.3 $238.94 88.6 $391.21 97.5 $38.77 14.8 1 $157.04 92.8 | | $102.25 81.9 1 $48.61 79.1 | | $32.69 67.7 129 T a b le 8. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t h r e e p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , Consumer E x p e n d i t u r e Item Transportation, total, excluding trips Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle purchases (net outlay) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle finance charges Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle operations, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting Other transportation Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health care, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health insurance, excluding employer share Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Expenses not covered by insurance Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Personal care (selected expenses) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Recreation, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... fo o tn o te s at end of ta b le . 1 $662.89| 96.5| i 1 1 o o ** Owned vacation home Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting .......... . See I J | 1 1 1 1 1 $1,906,291 97.6| 1 $855.68| 36. 1| i $107,921 37.2| 1 $879.69| 92.8| 1 $414,281 91.3| 1 $465.41J 91.4| 1 $63.00| 25.0| 1 1 1 $522,221 96.9| 1 1 $219.94| 92.7| 1 $302.28| 90.4| i 1 1 $109.16| 87.7| i 1 All families 2.8| 1_ s o u r c e s o f in c o m e In te rv ie w S urvey, 1 Total | 1 1 1 1 I $1,900.38| 97.6 l I $849.41| 36.4| 1 $110,811 37.7| 1 $878.03| 92.9| 1 $412.85| 91.4| 1 $465. 181 91.5| 1 $62. 13| 24.8 j 1 1 $523.25| 97.1| 1 1 $220.25| 93.7| 1 $303,001 90.5| i 1 I $107.31| 87.7| i 1 1 1 $3,000 1 1 1 1 $557.80| 81.1| J $180.95| 11.11 I $9.56| 9.51 1 $315.68| 62.8| 1 $175.78| 59.9| 1 $139.90| 56.2| 1 $51.61| 22.6| 1 1 $224.92| 74.7 j 1 1 $91.79| 55. 6J 1 $133.14| 59.4| i 1 1 $47.49| 67.71 i 1 1 $662. 36 j 96.6| i 1 1 $8.83| 2.71 1 $174.78| 78.6| i 1 1 ** j ** j Under _1 _ c l a s s i f i e d by F A H IL Y 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d IH C O H E BEFOBE T A X E S J / Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $5,000 | $6,000 $3,000 | $4,000 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $6,999 1 1 $5,999 1 1 1 1 J 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 $540.62| $1,024,821 $890.41| $1,358.33| 87.91 99. 11 92.41 96.7| 1 1 1 1 $498.36| $520.71| $187.13| $278,981 33.6 1 23.9| 23.51 38.21 1 1 1 1 $16,881 $16.48| $45,901 $21,831 12.81 21.81 26.21 26.51 1 1 1 1 $287.41| $460.25| $536,321 $608.84| 81.5| 64.91 83.5J 87.21 1 1 1 1 $147.80| $238,921 $299,011 $274,801 60.81 79.6| 79.51 86.31 1 1 1 1 $139.61| $221.33| $261,521 $309,831 79.51 61.5| 82.7| 82.71 1 1 1 i $49.21l $49,731 $53,281 $182.89 l 25. 1 l 29.91 29. 2| 35.8| 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I $223.101 $466,411 $408.081 $285. 1 1 l 74.7| 99.11 99.81 90.9 | 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 J $117,031 $182.46| $150.57| $75.12| 66.61 86.71 95.71 90.01 1 1 l 1 $147,981 $168,081 $283,951 $257.51| 84.91 91.01 59.91 73.01 i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $47.13| $64.17| $56.47| $71.32| 70.31 76.31 80.71 75.81 i i i i I I I J 1 $165.62| 84.91 i 1 1 $.101 .4| 1 1 $192.76| 90.2| i 1 1 $2,741 .9| 1 1 $235,231 93.51 i 1 1 $5,071 1.81 _1_ 1 $328.35| 97.31 1 1 $5,001 1.51 1_ $7,000 to $7,999 $1,491.12 97.4 $705.14 38.9 $54.75 34.5 $690.34 92.7 $330.89 91.8 $359.45 92.7 $40.88 23.5 $478.54 98.6 $170.63 93.4 $307.91 89.0 $72.46 84.4 $408.57 95.8 $.45 .7 130 T a b le 8. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t h r e e p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , Consumer E x p e n d i t u r e $8,000 to $9,999 Item Transportation, total, excluding trips Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Vehicle purchases (net outlay) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle finance charges Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle operations, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health care, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Health insurance, excluding employer share Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Expenses not covered by insurance Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... | | I I I I $1,477.19 | 99.0 | I $605.77 | 34.0 | I $67.59 | 41.5 | 1 $758.48 | 95.7 | i $363.97 94.2 $394.50 94.3 $45.35 19.9 $529.38 100.0 $213.62 97.9 $315.76 94.2 Personal care (selected expenses) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... $70.96 84.2 Recreation, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting $433.35 98.5 1 | 1 | | 1 | | i 1 1 | | 1 1 | | I | | i 1 1 | | ■ 1 1 | | 1 Owned vacation home Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting ) | 1_ See fo o tn o te s at end of ta b le . c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $10,000 | $12,000 I $15,000 I to | to to I i $11,999 1 $14,999 I $19,999 I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 $1,965.20 l $1,969.06 I $2,387.34 I 99.8 I 99.2 | 99.8 I I I I $883.83 | $829.13 I $1,087.76 I 39.5 i 39.1 | 39.0 J I I I $135.04 I $163.39 I $131.72 | 47. 1 I 44. 1 I 46.7 | I I I $962.77 1 $1,087.56 I $886.05 | 99.3 I 98.2 1 96.6 | I 1 I $466.79 I $499.01 I $446.74 | 94.5 | 97.8 1 98. 0 I I 1 I $588.54 I $495.98 1 $439.32 | 97.9 1 98.3 I 95.2 | I 1 I $63.60 | $48.63 I $42.12 1 20.5 | 20.3 1 24.3 I • i i 1 I 1 1 1 1 $499.11 | $597.35 1 $549.87 i 100.0 | 100.0 1 100.0 1 1 I 1 1 I I $214.13 | $247.02 1 $258.50 1 98.6 | 98.2 1 99.2 1 1 I 1 $284.98 | $302.86 1 $338.85 1 93.8 | 97.2 1 96.2 1 1 i i 1 I 1 1 1 1 $85.37 J $107.96 1 $136.82 1 94.4 1 90.5 | 92.6 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 $568.42 | $623.03 1 $854.73 1 98.0 | 99.6 1 99.0 1 i i ■ 1 I i 1 $1.23 .8 s o u r c e s o f in co m e In te rv ie w S urvey, $3.28 1.6 1 | | 1 1 $.95 1 1.7 1 ± 1 $10.39 5.0 1 1 .1 - $20,000 to $24,999 $3,065.49 100.0 $1,518.49 43.2 $244.50 42.5 $1,224.19 99.5 $566.44 99.0 $657.75 99.1 $78.30 29.3 $703.57 100.0 $310.04 97.8 $393.53 97.1 $172.80 95.6 $1,093.53 99.1 | | 1 I 1 1 | j I | i I | | I | | I | | I | J I | | i 1 1 | J 1 1 | | 1 | | f t 1 1 | | | 1 1 | | i IN C O M E BEFORE T A X E S J [ / 1 1 Incomplete income $25,000 | and | reporting over 1 1 1 1 $3,036.64 | $1,994.69 99.8 | 96.8 1 $1,472.66 | $949.45 44.9 J 31.6 I $100.83 | $64.71 33.7 i 28.9 I $1,357.93 | $904.50 99.8 | 90.6 I $435.64 $529.67 | 98.2 { 89.4 1 $828.27 | $468.86 99.5 | 89.2 1 $105.22 | $76.03 33.8 | 28.4 i 1 1 $735.53 | $506.80 99.7 | 94.4 1 1 $304.58 | $215.24 77.8 98.3 | 1 $430.94 | $291.56 95.4 | 89.3 1 1 $215.65 | $136.80 95.6 | 86.8 1 1 $1,727.54 | $670.87 100.0 | 95.0 i 1 1 1 $19.29 | 4.2 | 1 $54.65 9.1 | | ______ L_ $28.66 4.4 131 T a b le 8. S e le c t e d f a m ily c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t h r e e p e r s o n s . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consumer E x p e n d it u r e Item Vacation, pleasure trips, total | Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting Food | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Alcoholic beverages | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Lodging | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Transportation, total j Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gasoline | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Other transportation I Average annual expenditure.. . . j Percent reporting ........ -••! All expense tours ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other vacation expenses | Average annual expenditure-. . . i Percent reporting ........... I Boats, I J ! I . . i I I I $249.37! 66.6 | ! $60.07| 56.9| I $6.6U| 25.4| 1 $i»0.65| 38.1| 1 $90.60! 64.5! 1 $35.02| 59-7 J 1 $55.59! 39.7J All | families aircraft, wheel goods J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Other recreation, total I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Televisions | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Other ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! $30.53! 7.2! 1 $20.88! 40.8J 1 1 $85.89! 17. 1! i 1 1 $317.56| 95.5J 1 $52.73| 17.5| 1 $264.83! 95.1! _____L . See fo o tn o te s at end of ta b le . Total ! ! 1 1 1 1 $245.481 66.5| 1 $59,431 57.0| 1 $6.65| 25.3| 1 $38.50| 37.7| 1 $89.43! 64.4| i $35.20! 59.8| 1 $54.23| 39.3J 1 $30 . 8 9 | 7.2 | 1 $20.57! 40.8* l 1 1 $87.13| 17.2! i 1 1 $320.93! 95.7! 1 $53.91! 17.8J I $267.02| 95.4 J ___J__ s o u r c e s o f in co m e In te rv ie w S u rvey, Under | I $3,000 I I J I $42.07| 30. 7 1 i $13.98! 22.2! I $.64! 5.3! I $10.01| 11.9! I $14,281 27.5| 1 $6.90! 23-3| 1 $7.38| 13.5| 1 $.07| .71 1 $3.09! 11.1! I ! $2.20! 3.8! i 1 1 $130.51! 76.0! I $25.7 9 | 11.4| 1 $104,721 74. 1 | ___ L_ c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d INC OME BEFORE T A X E S 1 ./ Family income before taxes Complete reportinq of income $3,000 | $4,000 | $5,000 l $6,000 l $7,000 to | to l to l to l to $3,999 I $4,999 I $5,999 I $6,999 1 $7,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 $20.30 1 $88.07* $43.07| $66,421 $90.52 26.6| 45.61 52.41 55.6 43.31 1 1 1 1 $5.67! $10,461 $23.99 $15,791 $15.03! 20.5! 30.2| 38.51 29.5| 40.7 1 1 I 1 $6.69! $.11! $1,821 $3.83| $3.48 2.3! 9.31 7-91 10. 1 i 12.8 ! l 1 1 $3.65| $4.271 $8.00! $6.21| $11.44 9.6* 15.31 22.4 16.0| 11.11 I i 1 1 $ 1 9.87| $9.14! $30,121 $40,261 $41.46 24.4j 42.91 48.7| 40.21 53. 1 I 1 1 1 $17,871 $6.02! $11.81| $15,361 $25.62 19.9! 38.21 49. 1 39.3! 36. 21 1 1 1 I $14,761 $3,121 $8,071 $22,391 $15.84 11.1| 22.01 19.61 17.31 26.8 J 1 1 1 ** j $.02| $2,671 $13.90| $3.86 ** | 1.71 5.51 4.4 (4) 1 1 1 1 1 $1,711 $3,971 $6,571 $8,101 $6.28 15. 1 | 21.7| 15.4| 9.2 | 23.8 I 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 $10,411 $13.89| $9,331 $70.27 $28,631 7.41 6. 11 9.3! 12.3 10.21 i i i i I j 1 1 1 1 1 1 $133,061 $154,411 $116,591 $224,861 $247.33 86.6| 91.61 94.4 83.5| 96.21 1 1 1 1 $58.71 $39,091 $29,531 $26.06| $68,731 17. 1 l 13.01 21. 11 20.6 20.31 1 1 1 1 $128,351 $77.50| $103,531 $156.13! $188.62 94.4 83.51 86.6J 89.71 96.2! 1_ _JL _± _1 132 T a b le 8. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t h r e e p e r s o n s , U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I | 1 1 Item Vacation, pleasure trips, total I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Food | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Alcoholic beverages | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Lodging | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Transportation, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Gasoline I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... 1 Other transportation | Average annual expenditure....] Percent reporting ........... | All expense tours ! Average annual expenditure....] Percent reporting ........... | Other vacation expenses | Average annual expenditure.. . . J Percent reporting ........... | Boats, aircraft, wheel goods | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Other recreation, total | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Televisions J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | See fo o tn o te s at end of ta b le $8,000 to $9,999 1 $10,000 to l __L_ $11,999 $117.89 61.9 $29.18 49.4 1 ] | I | | 1 $ 2. 23 ( 15.7 | $15.87 27.3 $47.11 60.2 $23.40 56.0 $23.71 30.0 ! ] | I | | ! ! | I | i $12.32 33.7 I ] J 1i I $185.29 70.4 J $50.54 59.8 | $5.56 25.5 J | $23.55 37.2 $69.25 68.8 i $53.27 13.6 $260.95 97.9 $53.24 18.7 | ] i 1 1 1 | ! | l I $207.71 | 97.3 ] ___ l_ ] I ! I 1 | | | ] 1 $35.30 | 65. 1 | $33.96 36.3 $19.05 6.5 $17.34 44.9 I | | 1 ] ! ! | | 1i 1 $104.36 | 21. 1 | Ii 1 $275.49 97.7 J 1 ! | ] I $229.83 ] 96.6 | __ I_ $45.66 15.5 c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d Family income before taxes Complete reportinq of income | $12,000 | $15,000 i | to | to I 1 $14,999 I $19,999 _ i 1 $11.19 | 3.2 l s o u r c e s o f in c o m e In te r v ie w S urvey, $223.55 75.4 I i i $81.20 69.4 I $4.99 | 27.7 i $8.52 32.0 I | | I $48.06 51.9 $91.52 l 73.5 | $110.54 74.7 $33.20 40.0 l 1 . 1 1 $302.84 76.8 I $49.97 | 66.7 ] $20,000 to $24,999 J ] 1 | l I l ] I l ! ! | ] $112.83 81.1 $10.93 42.4 $82.02 62.8 $154.46 84.1 I ! $47.89 1 70.5 ] $61.25 80.4 1 i ] ! $93.20 59.9 $26.44 6.4 I ] | I | ] I $62.65 49.3 $25.72 8.7 | $17.44 l 46.8 | $28.81 51.3 l l $67.09 18.5 ] i i $147.46 23.6 | $394.03 98.3 1 J $66.23 19.2 ! | 1i 1 | i $331.44 l 99.2 ] I $66.34 | 19.7 ] I $265.10 | 99.2 ] 1 | 1 1i 1 1 1i 1 $60.84 16.0 $327.80 98. 1 ] 1 J i 1 | | l ] | ! | | $25,000 and over $142.22 23.4 $475.88 99.1 $426.34 99.1 $858.95 87.4 1 ] { 1 $307.53 68.5 $186.14 80.1 ] J $69.60 56. 1 $23.46 59.7 $143.92 68.5 I ] ] I | l I I $277.78 l 86.8 i | 1 I | 1 ! | 1 j | I | Ii 1 | $58.11 79.4 $219.67 73.3 $163.37 19.5 $64.27 68.4 ] $177.34 24.2 | | $636.60 99.6 1i 1 I | ] I ] | I | ] 1 | | 1■ 1 | 1 1i 1 | | ] | ! $55.19 l 16.0 ] 1 I I $49.54 15.9 | Incomplete | income | reporting J $35.07 64. 1 J 1 I i BEFORE T A X E S , ! / 1 $456.14 86.5 $39.21 l 68.8 ] $52.31 44.4 INC OME | | _1 $581.41 ] 99.6 J ______I_ $6.45 26.9 $72.75 44.6 $108.16 65. 8 $32.34 58.8 $75.82 45.9 $25.09 7.4 $25.49 41.5 $67.43 15.0 $267.25 92.3 $35.14 12. 1 $232. 11 92. 0 133 T a b le 8. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t h r e e p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , Consumer E x p e n d i t u r e I All s l families Item i ..... . .. ......._..... I I I Reading materials | Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting ! Education, total l Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting Private j Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Public | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | 1 1 Miscellaneous | Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting f l 1 Personal insurance and pensions, total ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Life, endowment, annuities and income ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ...... .....| Other personal insurance ! Average annual expenditure.... \ Percent reporting ...........1 Retirement and pensions | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | 1i Gifts and contributions ( Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting -i .......... i 1 See fo o tn o te s at end of ta b le . I f 1 i 1 1 1 $49.45J 88. 1 | I I $123,541 29.61 i $73.51| 11.3| 1 $50,031 20.2| 1 1 $78.31| 72.01 i 1 1 $883.81l 93.91 1 $302,701 79.3| i $7.98} 12.0! I $573.14| 83.0| 1i 1 $417.50| 88.7| ________ 1__ Total S 1 1 1 1 1 $49.561 87.9J i 1 $121.13! 29.5J I $73.07! 11.21 1 $48.061 20.11 1 1 1 $77.84| 72.41 1 1 $912.07| 94.6! I $299.491 79.5! 1 $ 8 .43 \ 12.4 | i $604. 14 | 86.4 l 1■ s o u r c e s o f in c o m e In te rv ie w S urvey, INC OME BEFORE T A X E S j l / Family income before taxes _ Complete, reporting of income Under j \$3,0 0 0 " " j $47606 r $5,000 ] $6,000 j to 1 to 1 to | to 1 I $3» 000 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 I $6,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I i 1 1 1 $20,271 $17,721 $22,791 $18.161 $25,401 62.5j 56. 91 76.6J 80.41 71.1| 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 $14,971 $42.26| $23.33| $34,551 $26,991 13.2| 17.31 20.7J 17.8j 18.21 1 1 1 1 1 $24.18| $12,001 $10,851 $13.13| $13.78| 4.1| 8.21 5.5J 3.61 4.0| 1 1 I 1 1 $4,121 $14,991 $18.08| $10,201 $20,761 13.3| 13.41 9.0| 12.3! 15.51 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J $66.28| $31,291 $31,431 $24,881 $40,001 44. 2 | 44.8| 48.81 55.21 63.2J i 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $128,451 $267,341 $209,471 $126.66| $369,501 86.41 59. 91 69.6| 93.2| 95.61 1 1 1 1 1 $110,171 $103,531 $76.83| $123,081 $ 1 39.61l 50.4! 44.4| 45.3| 62.71 60.7fl 1 I 1 i $2.451 $7, 95} $3.08} $2,011 $ 3 - 26} 7,51 14„6 i 7.0J 8.5 1 7.5! 1 i I 1 i $20.10| $49.171 $91.36| $142,261 $226,641 26. 5 i 45.01 65.51 77.81 83. 0! 1 1 1 1 1i 1 l 1 $424,471 89.31 $94,911 53. 61 1. c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d _J_ 1 $83.36| 61.1| 1 1 1 < $76.75 | 74.3* _1__ $151,631 79.01 „L $7,000 to $7,999 $44.05 83.6 $69.95 26.7 $41.93 7.7 $28.02 19. 9 $80.57 67.5 $438.62 96.5 $154.31 72.8 $ 3 -4 0 8. 6 $280.91 88.7 1 i $230.29| 83.31 J- $242.50 80. 1 134 T a b le 8. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t h r e e p e r s o n s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , Consumer E x p e n d i t u r e 1 1 Item 1 1 ! 1 1 Reading materials 1 Average annual expenditure- ... | ........ ...1 Percent reporting 1 Education, total 1 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 ........ Percent reporting Private 1 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 Percent reporting ........ ... 1 Public 1 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 Percent reporting ........ ...1 i 1 Miscellaneous 1 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 Percent reporting ........ ... ! I i Personal insurance and pensions, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........ ... 1 Life, endowment, annuities and income | Average annual expenditure.. . . | ........ Percent reporting Other personal insurance 1 Average annual expenditure. ...1 Percent reporting ........ ... i Retirement and pensions 1 Average annual expenditure. ...| ........ ...1 Percent reporting 1 1 Gifts and contributions 1 Average annual expenditure. ...1 ........ Percent reporting 1 See fo o tn o te s at end of ta b le $8,000 to | | $9 , 9 9 9 i $40.20 88.9 $41.74 23.7 $21.53 8.2 $20.21 16.5 $59.98 72.8 $599.19 97.7 $208.07 80.8 $3.88 6.4 $387.24 90.5 $176.81 92.6 1 I 1 | j 1 1 | | I | | I l | i 1 1 | | i 1 1 | | I | | I | | I | | i 1 1 | | 1_ s o u r c e s o f in c o m e In te r v ie w S urvey, c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d Familv income before taxes Complete reporting of income $10,000 | $12,000 | I $15,000 to | to | to I $11,999 ! $14,999 I J $19,999 I I I 1 1 I 1 1 l $61.64 | $40.27 | $47.70 I 91.5 j 92.9 1 96.2 | i 1 1 1 $63.72 25.5 $34.00 8.9 $29.72 17.3 $90.23 77.3 $757.15 99.0 $264.90 83.2 $9.87 9.9 $482.38 93.2 $302.78 93.0 1 | | 1 | I 1 | | i 1 1 | | 1 1 | | I | | I | | I | l ■ 1 i | | 1 1 1 1 $46.55 1 11.7 1 1 $38.10 1 18.8 1 i 1 i $72.78 1 80. 1 1 ■ 1 1 $962.58 I 98.5 1 1 $288.62 I 88.0 1 1 $8.25 i 12.8 1 1 $665.71 1 96.2 1 i i 1 $331.76 I 95.4 1 JL $84.65 28.4 $167.85 38.6 $79.35 14.5 $88.50 26.7 $77.25 79.6 $1,258.96 99.8 $357.98 91.7 $11.65 17.5 $889.33 97.0 $485.40 97.5 i | | I | i l | | i 1 1 | | i 1 1 | | I | | I | | I | j 1 1 1 | 1 $20,000 to $24,999 | | 1 1 1 1 $75.27 | 96.7 | i 1 $269.90 43.5 $177.09 16.5 $92.80 32.4 $114.05 82.3 $1,638.46 98.9 $493.85 92.3 $14.76 17.2 $1,129.85 94.8 $736.00 98.4 ___ 1 | J 1 | | I | | 1 1 | | i 1 1 | | 1 | | 1 | I I | | i J 1 | 1 L_ IN C O M E BEFORE T A X E S J ./ 1 1 Incomplete $25,000 | income and | reporting over 1 1 1 1 $110.17 | $47.87 97.8 | 90.4 i 1 $424.00 46.5 $320.94 24.7 $103.06 24.6 $166.61 84.1 $2,151.47 98.4 $794.03 91.6 $15.79 19.3 $1,341.65 94.0 $1,657.08 99.2 ___________ 1 1 | 1 | J 1 | | i 1 I | l ■ 1 1 | | I | J I | | 1 i | 1 1 1 | | L_ $159.60 30.9 $80.18 12.4 $79.41 21.2 $85.43 65.8 $461.49 83.0 $350.64 76.6 $1. 17 5.0 $109.68 32.6 $313.24 79.4 135 T a b le 8. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t h r e e p e r s o n s . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , Item Money income before taxes, total Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Wages and salaries, total Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Wages and salaries, civilian Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Union dues Annual average ............... Percent reporting ......... Other occupational expenses Annual average ............... Percent reporting ......... Rent received as pay Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Meals received as pay Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Wages and salaries, armed forces Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Quarters and subsistence Annual a v erage............... Percent reporting ......... Self-employment income, total Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Net income from own business Annual average ............... Percent reporting ......... Net income from own farm Annual average............... Percent reporting ........ . I I All | families I 1 1 1 1 ..| I 98.4| 1 ..| 1 88.5| 1 $10,036,931 1 1 1 a t end o f ta b le . 1 1 1 1 ..| 1 $16.99| 1 1 ..1 i 1.4| i i ..| ..| i i $929.29| 13.6| i ..| I 9.2| i 1 See f o o t n o t e s I. | | 1 1 1 1 1 __ L c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES_1/ 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d Family income before! taxes Complete reporting of income 1. | $5,000 | $3,000 Total | Under | $6,000 1 | $4,000 to | to | to J to | 1 1 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 1 1 $3,000 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $13,593,961 $1,894.02| $3,499.41| $4,516.92| $5,524.11| $6,423,861 96.4| 99.8| 100.01 100.0| 100.0J 100.0| 1 1 1 1 1 1 $10,730.77| $533.45| $ 9 8 9 . 1 3 | $2,174.23| $3,319,871 $4,283,291 76.5| 86.71 91.1| 86.31 50. 1| 53. 6 | I 1 1 1 1 I $519.47| $ 9 6 8 . 9 7 | $2,070.79| $3,238,321 $4,089.95| $10,628.22| 51.3| 85.7| 89.0 | 41.3| 85. 2 1 71.7| 1 I 1 1 1 1 -$.70| -$ 1.361 -$21.3 7 | - $ 2 .4 9 | -$4.22j - $ 6 .22| 6. 1 j 9.61 7.71 21.8| 1.8 | 3. 8 | 1 I 1 1 1 1 -$23.9 5 | -$7.8 1 | -$34.931 -$ 10.321 -$13,401 -$7.06| 9.7 | 17.81 12. 2 | 13.4| 24.9| 5. 5 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** | ** i $4. 7 8 | $ 11.13| $9,281 $.79| ** j ** | 1.8 | .8| 1- 0 | 1.7| I 1 1 1 1 1 $17.38| $11.41| $5. 5 5 | $21.91| $22,281 $10,051 12.6| 11.7| 5.0 | 8.91 15.01 9.31 1 1 1 1 1 1 $114.18| $16.69| $12.66| $91.05| $51,021 $144.37| 1.5| 3.81 .5| 2. 5 | 1.0 | 1.21 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** j $ 22.51| $9.75| $.04| $15.50| $56.53| ** | 1.7 | -8| 1 .51 4.51 1.51 1 1 I 1 1 1 $213.11| $281.79| $411.64| $388.31| $981.92 I -$15.98| 13.4| 12.9| 15.2| 13.9| 14.3| 15.31 1 1 1 1 1 -$69.5 6 | $118.49| $103.70| $696.31| $200,581 $298.22| 9.71 7. 1 1 6.0| 6.1| 8.21 10.61 1 1 1 1 I 1 $211.06| $285.61| $90.091 $53.59| $94.62| $178,091 7.5 J 5.4 | 7. 5 J 7.0 J 6.81 4.81 1 _L ___ L_ 1. 1. i $7,000 to $7,999 $7,518.98 100.0 $5,370.20 96.2 $5,197.35 91.7 -$ 10.31 14.8 -$22.71 20.8 $14.29 2.3 $7.43 7.7 $143.68 2.8 $40.46 2.3 $481.58 16.0 $241.91 10.0 $239.68 6.5 136 T a b le 8. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1./ ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t h r e e p e r s o n s . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d Item | I I $8,000 to $9,999 S $10,000 to $11,999 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $15,000 i $12,000 I | to to I I $14,999 I $19,999 I I I Money income before taxes, total Annual average ............... ..| Percent reporting ......... ..| Wages and salaries, total I Annual average..... ......... Percent reporting ......... ..| Wages and salaries, civilian I Annual average... ........... Percent reporting ......... Union dues 1 Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... ,..| Other occupational expenses 1 Annual aver a g e ............... Percent reporting ......... ...| Rent received as pay I Annual a v e r a g e ............... ...| ......... Percent reporting Meals received as pay I Annual av e r a g e ............... Percent reporting ......... Wages and salaries, armed forces I Annual a v erage............... ......... Percent reporting Quarters and subsistence I Annual a v e rage,............. Percent reporting ........., Self-employment income, total I Annual aver a g e ............... ...| ......... Percent reporting Net income from own business I Annual average............... ......... Percent reporting Net income from own farm I Annual aver a g e ............... ,..| ......... Percent reporting I See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f t a b le . $9,024.13 100.0 93.5 $10,984.00 | $13,397.43 100.0 100.0 | $9,279.88 97.6 | $11,528.47 98.2 | $9,227.91 | $11,416.09 97.4 96.0 | l - $ 2 9 . 50 30.7 I 20.5 -$21.20 24.2 27.1 -$29.20 | 24.7 | -$30.08 26.5 $.28 | .7 | $12.40 .9 $21.47 | 9.7 | $26.50 9.7 $66.75 | 1.2 | $112.06 1.3 $5.34 | | I I I I $17,231.40 100.0 I I I $14,928.84 98.8 I I I $14,874.94 97.4 I I I I l I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 i $59.52 2.4 $13.87 1 1.2 l $20.99 1.8 f $547.97 $578.02 | 12.4 | $523.18 1 10.4 i . $20,000 to $24,999 $22,191.50 100.0 $18,933.62 97.8 $18,755.62 96.4 -$35.69 33.0 -$33.35 27.8 -$58.71 33.7 -$43.02 31.0 ** ** $2.35 .8 $11.09 7.6 $8. 10 5.3 $112.44 1. 1 $234.07 1.5 $150.25 $102.29 3.3 | | 1 1 i 1 $120.48 1 2.7 1 .1 . $402.70 8.1 1 ! $25,000 and over $12.19 1 1. 1 i $663.88 11.7 $1,124. 15 l 18.8 i $6,376.34 26.9 $503.51 8.6 $567.50 10.4 $4,734.85 20.3 1 ** l l $160.37 4. 1 JL ! Incomplete income i I reporting i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $37, 177. 14 1 100.0 1 1 1 i 1 $25,655.79 1 95.0 1 1 1 1 1 $25,550.95 1 93.8 1 1 1 1 -$28.90 1 1 18. 2 1 1 1 1 -$64.00 1 1 32-8 1 1 1 1 ** 1 i ** 1 1 1 1 $39.13 1 1 9.3 1 1 1 1 $158.61 1 1 .7 i 1 1 1 $22.42 1.2 1 $475.72 | 9.6 | S 1 1 l $556.65 1 9.2 1 J- $1,641.49 7.9 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $2,422.00 76.4 $1,184.63 50.2 $1,198.40 31.9 -$3.04 3.8 - $24.92 23. 2 $3.00 .5 $11.19 8.7 ** ** ** ** $142.68 2.6 $116.98 2. 1 $25.70 .5 137 T a b le 8. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r is t ic s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s of in co m e c l a s s i f i e d (All families of three persons, United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview' Survey, i All I J families Item S I Social security, railroad retirement | Annual average................. I Percent reporting ........... | Government retirement, veterans' | payments, and unemployment | compensation | Annual average ...... ........... I ........... | Percent reporting Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, | rental income, royalties, income | from roomers and boarders | Annual average................. I ........... I Percent reporting Rental income, royalties, income | from roomers and boarders | Annual average................. | Percent reporting ........... | Income from interest, dividends, | estates and trusts | Annual average................. | ........... I Percent reporting Income from all other sources, total | Annual average................. | Percent reporting ........... | Welfare and public assistance | Annual average............. ...J Percent reporting ,„ ,. £ Private pensions 1 Annual average ................. | Percent reporting ........... | Regular contributions for support | Annual average................. I Percent reporting ........... | Other, incl. workmens' compensation | Annual average ................. I Percent reporting ........... | 1 See f o o t n o t e s at end o f t a b le . J | | 1 J 1 i $425.90| 16.7| 1 1 1 $346.29| 17.4| 1 1 1 $475.90| 65.6| 1 1 $118.95| 8.4 j 1 1 $356.95| 63.6| 1 $583.88| 73.4| 1 $117.50| 6.5| 1 $80.76| 3. 6 | i $66.01| 4.5| 1 $319.61| 69.8| 1_ by FA M ILY IHCOHE BEFORE T A X E S jy 1972-1973)-Continued .... --... . Family income before taxes Complete reporting income _ ____ __ j “"$37 *6 Total j Under 00“.7 .$47000 ].“T s V o o o -’T .. $67’6 o6“’"~T “‘$"7/006“ “"“ to to I to I to J to j J 1 ! $4,999 I $5,999 I $6,999 8 $7,999 ! $3,999 1 $3,000 1 1 i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 $609.24 $934.09| $877.91| $642.18| $438.01| $775.23| $428.13| 21.2 31.7| 33.5| 25.31 17. 2 j 28. 1 j 30.8| 1 I 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 $188.58| $237.00| $341.78| $320.38! $317.59 $269.91| $75- 5 5 | 11.7| 17. 1 1 17.7| 9.0| 16. 1| 21.6 24.31 1 1 1 l I 1 i 1 1 I I 1 i I 1 I I 1 $103.66 | $115.96| $495.79| $46.74| $110,271 $208.33 $133.92| 26.8| 67.5| 19.5| 32-9 | 47.2| 52.41 53.9 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 $ 41.97| $55.4 2| $32.13| $57.05 $7. 62 | $40,081 $123.35| 8.1 | 6. 1| 7.9 5.2 | 6. 5 | 8.6 | 3.3| 1 I 1 I I 1 i I 1 1 I 1 $151.27 $372.44| $70,201 $71.53| $78.50| $73 . 9 8 | $39.12| 65.5] 17.5| 23. 0| 30.3| 44.3| 48. 1 | 52.4 1 1 I 1 I 1 $826. 13 | $1,302.03| $809.42| $532.04 $605.70| $546.38! $536,021 67. 1 | 62.0| 70.0| 65.0j 71.2| 76.7 75.5 | I I 1 1 1 1 $544.15| $1 , 032.86| $165.15! $123.26| $498,891 $203.39! $88.40 3 9,91 U6,6! 9 n9 l 11.11 6 „8 i 19,^| 3 :9 ! i ! i i i $87.48 | $21.14| $5-771 $52.27| $97,251 $27.09 $80.65 | 4.7 | 3.6 | 1.5 | 4.9! 2.3 .4| 7. 1 l i 1 1 1 J 1 $144.67| $179.84 $68.84 | $67.97| $69.28| $78.44| $73,301 4.6 | 7.5! 6.21 9.3 7-9 | 8.3 | 4-81 I 1 1 1 i 1 $332.95| $182,411 $195.43| $188.98| $138.72| $236.71 $172,441 55.7| 72.0| 57.7| 65.0| 56.3| 61.91 72. 1 _1 1_. _1 ._ _______ L_ __ 1__ 1_ of. 138 T a b le 8. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t h r e e p e r s o n s , U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , Item | Social security, railroad retirement Annual average ................. ........... Percent reporting Government retirement, veterans* payments, and unemployment compensation Annual aver a g e ................. ........... Percent reporting Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, rental income, royalties, income from roomers and boarders Annual a v e r a g e ................. Percent reporting ........... Rental income, royalties, income from roomers and boarders Annual a v e r a g e ................. Percent reporting ........... Income from interest, dividends, estates and trusts Annual aver a g e ................. ........... Percent reporting Income from all other sources, total Annual aver a g e ................. Percent reporting ........... Welfare and public assistance Annual average ................. Percent reporting ........... Private pensions Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... Regular contributions for support Annual average ................. Percent reporting ........... Other, incl. workmens* compensation Annual average ................. ........... Percent reporting See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f t a b le | j | | | | | | | | J | j | | I | | | I | | | I | | I | | I $8,000 to $9,999 | | I I I $565.21 | 17.8 | I I I $343.90 | 22. 1 | I I I $212.44 | 66. 1 | I I $90.19 | 7.9 j I I $122.25 | 62.6 | I $524.35 | 81.6 I $20.22 | 2.0 j I $107.76 j 4.6 | i [ I 7.7 I | I | Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $10,000 | $12,000 I I $15,000 to | to to I I $11,999 I $14,999 I I $19,999 I I 1 I 1 I $303.43 | $295.48 l $313.43 I 12. 1 | 12.7 I 11.2 I I I I I I I I I I $244.56 | $293.65 l $410.39 I 18.3 | 17.2 l 17.6 J I t I I I I 1 1 I $199.50 | $413.08 1 $261.92 1 78.8 i 67.8 | 81.1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 $103.32 1 $45.54 | $67.44 l 5. 1 | 8.2 l 9.5 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 $153.96 | $194.49 1 $309.76 1 66.4 | 77.8 79.8 1 1 I 1 $476.77 1 $378.62 | $519.73 1 80.5 | 81.4 1 81.9 1 1 I 1 $10.78 j $21.50 1 $8.58 1 .6 I 2.0 | 1.1 1 i 1 1 $66.22 | $93.21 J $102.55 1 4.1 i 3.8 1 3.4 1 i I $129.53 | | l $50.45 | 4.2 | I $266.84 | 78.3 | 1_ c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE T A X E S jy 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d $251.16 77.0 I | | 1_ 1 $53.99 1 2.9 1 $36.23 2.4 1 $308.07 1 80.0 J .1 $372.38 80.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1_ $20,000 to $24,999 | | 1 i 1 Incomplete $25,000 | income and , | reporting over 1 1 1 $263.21 | $244.90 11.5 J 9.8 I I I $585.03 | $413.63 16.3 12.0 I I $353.44 15.5 | J $539.98 17.3 | | $799.35 85.4 | | $3,088.78 92.8 $246.36 14.4 | | $626.54 14.6 $552.98 84.2 | | $2,462.24 91.1 $440.97 67.8 | J $1,207.99 62.6 i \ | | 1 1 | | I i | i I j | $53.09 6.5 $125.42 35.2 $257.65 41.9 1 ** | j $68.18 3.1 | | $19.49 | .8 j I $118.27 | 3.4 | $11.39 | 1.8 | $64.91 | 3.2 | ** $178.50 37.9 $31.36 3.0 $82.41 2.6 1 $23.66 2.0 1 $361.40 65.7 | | $1,005.32 I 60.5 | _____________ L_ $120.22 37. 9 139 T a b le 8. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t h r e e p e r s o n s . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , All families Item Total Under $3,000 Personal taxes, total Annual average......... ■....... 1 -$2,011.00| -$ 2,123.52 91.5 Percent reporting ............ 1 88.71 Federal income taxes I 1 Annual average......... ........ 1 -$1,684.46| -$1,779.62 84.7| Percent reporting .... 88.1 State and local income taxes 1 1 - $ 2 70.16| -$285.75 Annual average ......... ....... 1 69.7 67.0 | Percent reporting ............ 1 Personal property and other 1 I Annual average......... .........1 -$5 6 .38| -$5 8 . 15 27.9| 28.6 Percent reporting . . .. Other money receipts 1 I $188.47| $198.02 Annual average......... 13.7 13.3| Percent reporting ....■....... 1 Net change in assets and liabilities, | 1 total 1 1 $1,146.49 $1,223.29| Average of end-of-year values.| 92. 1 91.2| Percent reporting ... . ........ 1 Net change in assets 1 1 $2,265.43| $2,188.35 Average of end-of-year values.| 76.3J 77.8 Percent reporting .... Net change in liabilities 1 1 $1,042.13| $1,041.86 Average of end-of-year values.| 77.7 Percent reporting .............1 76.4 | Goods and services received without | I direct expense I 1 $151,751 $155.44 Annual average......... 70.4 69.6| Percent reporting ............ 1 Market value of financial assets 1 1 $6 , 2 3 0 . 6 6 | $6,428.42 Average of end-of-year values.| 77.9| 80.1 Percent reporting .... Mortgage principal paid on owned 1 1 property 1 1 -$308.97| -$316.64 Annual average......... -....... 1 42.4 41.8| Percent reporting .... -$131.85| 41.6| -$99.80 | 27.3| c l a s s i f i e d by F A H IL Y INCOME BEFORE T A X E S jy 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d Family income before taxes Complet e reporting of income $6,000 $4,000 $5,000 $3,000 to to to to $6,999 $5,999 $3,999 _J4*.999_ -$111.25| 44.4| | 1 -$82.6 2 | 36.8| -$229.86) 68.5| 1 1 -$179.56| 58.4| a t end o f t a b le -$545,401 86.9| 1 1 -$447.471 82.3| -$24.76 | -$57,311 — $ 5.3 5 1 — $ 7.2 6 | 43.9| 57.11 22.7| 14.9| 1 1 1 1 1 — $ 2 1.3 8 | -$40,611 - $25.5 4 | -$26.7 0 1 18.4| 25.51 15.9| 21.1| 1 $62,851 $85.31| $55.171 $148,651 $104.84| 14.8J 8.9 1 12.7| 14.31 8.5 | 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 -$506,871 -$516.92| $251.42| $624.37| $1,502.08| 88.4| 71.7J 71.1 j 87.31 69. 8 | 1 1 l 1 1 $410.86| $23.40 | $119.77| $542.68| $1,740,951 64. 51 46.9| 50.8| 42.4 | 65.01 1 1 1 $159,441 $530,271 $238.87| $636,691 -$81.69| 49.8| 57.8| 68.9| 72.2| 50.3| 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 $121,261 $161.03| $146.01| $177.11| $165.25| 71.7 | 74.5| 67.01 75.5J 70. 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 $856.02| $1,870.86 | $1,557.54| $1,380,341 $1,715,851 47.51 61.81 34.3| 62. 8 1 35.9 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -$77.201 -$78.721 - $ 1 8 0 . 5 9 | -$31 3 . 1 0 | - $ 54.73| 13.41 7.31 19.81 18.6| 11.0| 1 See f o o t n o t e s -$370,711 85.9| 1 1 -$285.451 76.21 f t - $ 3 7 .6 2 1 56.2) 1 -$47.6 4 | 31.81 $7,000 to $7,999 -$755.01 95.6 -$621.94 93.6 -$84.39 67.2 -$48.68 27. 9 $246.34 17.0 -$64.72 92.7 $949.10 75.1 $1,013.82 73.2 $194.71 71.4 $1,991.52 73.5 -$172.65 25.4 T a b le 8. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f t h r e e p e r s o n s . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , L L Item $8,000 I to I $9,999 I I Personal taxes, total I Annual average......... ....... I -$1,059.13 Percent reporting .... ....... i 96.8 Federal income taxes i Annual aver a g e ......... ....... I -$889.14 Percent reporting .... ....... I 93.1 State and local income taxes I Annual average......... -$125.68 Percent reporting .... ....... I 71.6 Personal property and other I Annual average......... ....... I -$44.30 Percent reporting .... ....... I 29.6 Other money receipts I Annual average ......... ....... I $349.99 Percent reporting ........... | 13.9 Net change in assets and liabilities, | total I Average of end-of-year values.| $19.43 Percent reporting .... ....... I 93.8 Net change in assets I Average of end-of-year values.| $1,254.55 Percent reporting .... 78.6 Net change in liabilities I Average of end-of-year values.| $1,235.12 83.1 Percent reporting ........... j Goods and services received without | direct expense ! $158.22 Annual average....,,... Percent reporting .... ....... I 71.7 Market value of financial assets l $2,854.66 Average of end-of-year values.| Percent reporting .... ....... I 83.2 Mortgage principal paid on owned i property I -$229.46 Annual average ......... .............. i 35. 1 Percent reporting .... ....... I I X/ 2/ 3/ 4/ ** | | I | | I | | I | | I | | l | | I | | I | | I | | 1 | l | | I I | | c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE T A X E S jy 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $10,000 i $12,000 J $15,000 {~.$20';000“ 'T to | to | to | to j $11,999 j $14,999 I $19,999 i $24,999 I I I -$1,494.85 | -$1,969.07 | -$2,731.92 | -$3,665.54 | 99.6 | 99.6 | 100.0 | 100.0 | I I I J -$1,256.14 | -$1,643.84 | -$2,311.95 | -$3,256.25 | 99.4 | 99.1 | 96.3 | 99.0 | I I I I -$190.04 | -$369.25 | -$276.15 | -$519.91 | 79.5 | 82.6 | 80.4 | 81.2 | I I I I -$48.68 | -$49.08 | -$50.72 | -$89.38 | 28.8 | 27.7 | 28.3 | 35.2 | I I I I $76.54 | $90.82 | $242.56 | $425.88 | 14.6 | 15.4 | 14.3 | 9.2 | I I I I I $440.79 | $681.39 | $1,093.30 | $2,308.33 | 97. 1 | 96.2 | 95.6 | 97.6 | I I I I $1,610.43 | $2,192.67 | $2,254.26 | $3,350.38 | 84. 1 | 80.5 | 86.6 | 90.2 | I l I I $1,169.64 | $1,511.28 | $1,160.96 | $1,042.04 | 87. 1 J 84.0 83.6 | 82.5 | i ] $153.74 1 $132.86 1 $136.72 | $169.46 | 73.8 | 70.3 | 70.1 | 67.6 | I I I I $3,271.30 | $4,554.58 | $7,106.30 | $11,281.57 | 84.5 | 91.7 92.0 | 93.8 | I I I I I i I I -$256.59 | -$440.23 | -$214.26 | -$610.10 | 45.0 | 49.5 | 59.5 | 64.6 | 1 { i ..... i $25,000 and over Incomplete | income J reporting I -$7,807.88 99.3 | | I -$6,523.74 | 97.0 | I -$1,106.73 | 79. 1 | I -$177.41 J 40.6 | l $340.59 | 15.2 | I | | i $8,422.72 l 94.1 | I $1,456.45 | 78.5 | $6,966.27 98.9 -$329.03 47.7 -$261.99 33.8 -$37. 16 26.5 -$29.88 17.3 $45.66 6. 7 $2,371.29 77.7 $3,417.45 54.8 $ 1,046. 16 57.3 i $156.93 62.9 $30,907.19 96.1 -$772.95 61.3 J | I | | | I | | $96.60 57.4 $3,274.50 45.3 Data in columns which represent less than 218,000 consumer units or in cells which represent less than 18,500 consumer units are likely to have large sampling errors. Percents may not sum to 100 due to rounding. Data represent only those expenditures collected in the interview survey, not the total of all family expenditures. Value less than 0.05 percent Data not available. -$194.40 32.9 141 T a b le 9. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in com e c l a s s i f i e d ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f f o u r p e r s o n s , U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1972-1973) Number of families in universe (000s) . .. 1 1 1 _ 1 10,668 10,053 3.9 | 1 $14,963| 1 3.91 I $15,740! 1 $12,649| 1 40 | 1 1.7 | 1 . 1I I 1.71 I I I I 71 | 24 | 5| I I 90 | 8| 2| I I 13 | 481 36 | 2| I I 921 $13,312j 1 40J 1 1.7! I •1I f l I 1.7 | 1 ! 1 1 71 ! 25 | 5| ! I 91 | 8| 1I I ! 14| 48 | 36 | 2! I I 92 | Ondec $3,000 1 1 1 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $3,000 1 $4,000 | $5,000 1 $6,000 to | to | to to 1 $6,999 $3^999 1 $ 4A99 9 1 $5^999 1 234 232 3.9 Selected family characteristics Average wamily s i z e ................. Family income before taxes. Family income after taxes.. Age of h e a d ................. Number of children under 18 Number of persons 65 and o v e r ....... Number of automobiles own e d ......... Percent2/ Housing tenure Homeowner........................... Renter............................... Not reported........................ Race of head Whi t e ................................ B l a c k ................................ O t h e r ................................ Education of head 1 to 9 years........................ 9 years, not more than 12 years... More than 12 years ................. Not reported or no sch o o l ......... Automobile ownership At least one automobile o w n e d .... I $1,7401 1 $1,638| 1 42! I 1 2. 1! I .2! I 1 .9 | ! ! 1 1 32 | 64 | 3| 1 1 63 | 34 | 2| 1 1 351 48 | 91 71 1 1 51 | .1__________________ 1 ________________ 1 See f o o t n o t e s at end o f t a b le $3,531 $3,409 37 2.2 .1 .9 29 69 2 73 25 2 38 54 5 3 60 240 | ! I I I I I 3. 9 | I $4,484| l $4,335| I 39 | I 2.2 | I .2! I .9 | I ! ! I 43! 56 | 1I I I 71 | 27 | 2| I I 38 | 44 | 9| 9I l I 65! 2321 I I I I I I 3.9 | I $5, 4 6 8 | $5,055! 38! I 2.0| 1 .1 I | 1. 1 | I I I I 44 l 47 | 9| I I 74 | 18 | 9! I I 25! 52 | 15 | 8| I I 73! 1 1 1 274 | l I I l I I 3.9 | I $6,489| I $5,968J I 41 | $7,000 to $7,999 353 3.9 $7,514 $6,860 39 1.9 | 1 1 . 2J to o Item 1 1 Total 1 1 1 . u> 00 1 All 1 1 families 1 1. by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES 1/ 1.2! I I I I 46 l 51 l 3l I I 81 | 18 | 2l I I 34 | 52J 10J 4| 1 1 80! 1.5 .1 54 41 5 85 15 ** 18 68 12 2 89 142 T a b le 9. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f f o u r p e r s o n s , U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1972-1973) Family_income_ before_taxes Complete reporting of income $12,000 $15,000 I I I to to I I I .1 $14,999 -1 $19,999 .1 I | I 1. 1 Number of families in universe (000s)...| 1 1 Selected family characteristics | •Average $8,000 to $9*999 I I -1 i 1 922 1 1 1 1 $10,000 to $11,999 1 1,176 1 1 1 1 I .1 ■ 1 1 2,310 1 1 1 1 1,318 1 1 1 1 $25,000 and over I i 1 1,032 1 1 1 1 i I i I i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 | 1 1 1 1 I i i 1 ■ 1 i l 3.9 Family income before t a x e s .......... | 1 i 1 3.9 $9,011 1 $10,917 1 Family income after t a x e s ........... | $7,990 1 1 $9,552 1 $11,589 1 1 Age of h e a d ............................| 1 Number of children under 18......... | 35 1 1 1.9 1 37 1 1 1.8 1 Number of persons 65 and o v e r ....... | .1 1 Number of automobiles o w n e d ......... | 1.5 i 1 Percent2/ 1 i 1 Housing tenure 1 H o m eowner............................i Renter............................... I Not reported ........................ I I | I I 1 Education of head | 1 to 9 years........................ I 9 years, not more than 12 years..,| More than 12 years................. | Not reported or no school.........| i I Automobile ownership I At least one automobile o w n e d .... | 1 1 1 1 .1 1 ■ 1 1.5 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 I ■ 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 51 1 44 1 5 1 i i Race of head White................................ Black................................ Oth e r ................................ 1 1 1 1 1 65 30 5 i 1 87 12 1 14 64 20 2 1 1 1 1 f l 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 91 1 .1 92 6 2 15 53 31 1 1 1 $17,282 1 1 .1 1 ■ 1 1.7 1 $14,628 1 1 1 1.6 1 1 1 1 $18,390 1 1 1 1.3 1 l 1 .1 1 1 $1 ,820 I I 46 1.2 1 1 1 I .1 1 1 1 1 81 1 14 1 5 1 i I 96 3 1 i 1 9 47 42 2 98 ( 84 1 12 1 4 1 i l i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 94 5 1 10 38 50 2 99 1.5 .1 i 1 2.3 1 1.9 i i 1 90 1 7 1 3 1 74 20 6 i 1 1 1 1 97 1 2 1 1 1 fl 1 1 3 1 28 1 68 1 1 1 i 1 1 97 1 _1 _1_ i i 43 1 i I 1 -1- $2,272 2. 1 1 i i 3.9 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 $28,787 1 i i 1 93 1 6 1 1 1 $35,617 1 .1 1 ■ 1 1.9 1 1 77 I 18 1 5 1 1 ■ 1 43 615 i 3.9 i I 1 40 ! i l i i 1 96 $22,105 i i I 13 52 34 2 1 i 1 1 1 1 1.7 1 3.9 1 ■ 39 1 i i 1 i l 1 93 1 .1 i I 3.9 1 $13,454 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 3.9 i 1 1 a t end o f t a b l e I i l Family s i z e ............................| See f o o t n o t e s 1 1 1 1 1 Incomplete income I reporting -1. — I $20,000 to $24,999 i i i 00 Item NJ , by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE T A X E S iy 88 9 3 9 46 42 2 93 1 43 See f o o t n o t e s at end o f t a b le i it* f §OOliiY_iOCome_bef or e_ taxes________ Complet e_r eport ing_of_inco[ne_ All 1 $5,000 J $6,000 | | $3,000 Total | Under Item | families | | $4,000 to | to | to | to | I 1 I I 1 $5,999 l J $3,999 L $4,999 I $6,999 1 I 1_ $3,000 I I 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I 1 Current consumption expenses, excluding 1 I I 1 1 I I I personal insurance, gifts and 1 1 I I 1 I I I contributions 3/ I I I 1 I I 1 1 Average annual expenditure... I $10 ,300.64| $10 ,237.33| $5,262.23| $5,104,401 $5,207.56| $5,87 8 . 5 2 | $6,24 4 . 6 0 | 100.0J 100.0J 100.0 | 100.0| 100.0| Percent reporting .......... 100.0| 100.0| I | 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Food, total 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 $2 ,209.84| $1,357.07| $1,407.88| $1,534.62! $1,523,721 $1,609.06 J Average annual expenditure... I $2 ,214.23| 98.5! 100.0| 100.0| 100.0| 100.0 | 99.9| Percent reporting .......... 99.9| I Food at home 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 Average annual expenditure... | $1 ,719.551 $1 ,719.99! $1,216.40| $1,278.50| $1,324.83| $1,309.94| $1,369.96| 9 8.5| 100.0| 99.6| 99.8| 99.9! 100.0| Percent reporting .......... 100.01 I Food away from home, excluding trips| I I 1 1 1 1 1 $137.92! $198.04| $467 . 7 7 | $114.83| $210.11| $214.77| $473.03| Average annual expenditure... I 71.4! 68. 1 | 87.4J 95.9| 96. 11 93. 4 | Percent reporting .......... 90.6| I Meals as pay I I 1 I 1 I 1 I $2.75J $3.67| $14.55! $11.75| $24.33| $21.64| $22.09| Average annual expenditure... I 3.6! 7.8 | 5.3J 5.0J 8.3 | Percent reporting .......... 9. 2 | 9.3 | I I 1 fl 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 Alcoholic beverages 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 $ 22.2 3 | $24.72 J $32.57! $41.27| $80 . 1 8 | $61.19| Average annual expenditure... 1 $79.99| 29.6 | 46.9| 50.4| 49.1| 72.3| Percent reporting ....... . 72. 1 | 47.5| 1 i i i i i i i i 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 Tobacco products 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 $169.38| $113.66| $159.07| $102.58! $158.24| $15 8 . 4 1 | $128.53| Average annual expenditure... 1 65.7| 68.3| 53.6 | 56.9| 71.31 Percent reporting .......... 65.9 | 70.8 | 1 i 1 ■ i i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Housing, total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $1,987.22! $ 1 , 733.01| $1,704.37! ,$1,846. 1 4 | $1,870.76 | Average annual expenditure... | $2 ,989.98| $2 ,975.45| 100.0| 100.0| 98.6 | 100.0| 100.0| Percent reporting 100.0| .......... 100.01 1 i i i ■ ■ ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Shelter, total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $931.86| $1,069.59! $1,069.72| Average annual expenditure... | $1 ,559.02| $1 ,556.98! $1,088. 5 3 | $1,070.67! 98. 6 | 91.0! 97. 2 | 99.0| 98.8| 99.1 | .......... Percent reporting 91.1| I Rented dwellings I 1 I 1 I I 1 I $ 7 40.93| $831.03! $654.47| $708 . 2 0 | $780,841 Average annual expenditure... I $454.18| $453. 98 | 54. 5 | 52.9| 27.9| 28.1 | 58.1 | 6 6.2! 50.7! Percent reporting .......... I Owned dwellings 1 I I I I 1 I 1 $347.13| $238.92| $262.81! $359.26! $286.42| $1 ,069.02| Average annual expenditure... | $1 ,067.86| 54. 0 | 53.4| 76.5J 37.9| 35.6| 76.7| Percent reporting .......... 43.3 | I Other lodging, excluding trips 1 I I I I 1 I 1 $33.98J $.72J $36.99| $.48| $2.12j $2.46 | $14.59! Average annual expenditure... I Percent reporting .......... 11.7| 11.4! 2. 7J 3. 2 | 8.3! 6.2 | 3.8 | I l t*i T a b le 9, S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in com e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES 1 / ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f f o u r p e r s o n s , U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d ,000 to ,999 $6 ,456.37 100.0 $1 ,748.97 100.0 $1 ,490.69 100. 0 $231.62 97.1 $26.66 9.1 $36.93 65.5 $154.21 71.7 $1 ,939.47 100.0 $962.97 97.9 $542.00 42. 8 $414.14 63.2 $6.84 11.4 T a b le 9. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE TA X ES 1 / ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f f o u r p e r s o n s . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d Item I l I I I Current consumption expenses, excluding | personal insurance, gifts and | contributions 3/ | Average annual expenditure....! ........ ...I Percent reporting I Food, total I Average annual expenditure. Percent reporting ........ ...I Food at home I Average annual expenditure. Percent reporting ........ ... I Food away from home, excluding trips! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting .••.•••• Meals as pay I Average annual expenditure. Percent reporting ........ ... I ■ 1 Alcoholic beverages 1 Average annual expenditure. ........ ...1 Percent reporting | 1 Tobacco products 1 Average annual expenditure. ........ ... 1 Percent reporting i 1 Housing, total 1 Average annual expenditure. ........ ... i Percent reporting ■ 1 Shelter, total 1 Average annual expenditure. ...1 ........ ... 1 Percent reporting Rented dwellings 1 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 ........ ... ! Percent reporting Owned dwellings 1 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 ........ ... 1 Percent reporting Other lodging, excluding trips 1 Average annual expenditure. ...1 ........ ... 1 Percent reporting 1 See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f t a b le $8,000 to $9,999 I I I I I I I I $7,480.04 I 100.0 I I I $1,755.13 I 100.0 I I $1,493.84 I 100.0 I I $253.20 I 95.8 I I $8.09 I 8. 1 I i 1 1 $42.02 1 59.5 1 f l 1 ! $142.54 1 63.0 1 i 1 1 $2,461.41 1 100.0 1 1 1 $1,386.50 1 98.9 1 1 $729.98 1 46.8 1 1 $648.15 1 57.6 1 1 $8.38 1 6. 1 ! _1 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $10,000 | $12,000 | $15,000 I $20,000 to | to | to to ! $11*999 j $14,999 1 $19,999 I $24*999 I I I I ! $8,210.58 | $9,386.54 | $11,212.27 I $13,178.11 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 I 100.0 l 1 1 $1,812.51 | $2,102.64 | $2,370.10 1 $2,782.01 99.7 100.0 J 100. 0 1 100.0 ! 1 $1,462.88 | $1,685.62 | $1,804.52 1 $2,078.90 99.7 100.0 | 100.0 i 99.9 1 1 $321.55 | $395.76 | $547.44 1 $679.10 95.9 | 97.3 | 99.3 98. 7 1 1 $28.08 | $21.26 | $18.13 1 $24.01 13.8 J 11.6 ! 8.3 8.1 ! I 1 1 $52.03 | $72.96 | $89.85 1 $118.52 74.7 | 76. 9 1 70.8 J 86.6 ■ 1 1 $184.94 $144.68 J $156.72 | $169.67 1 61.4 | 66.5 J 69. 2 1 69.2 l 1 $2,464.30 ! $2,731.81 ! $3,217.32 1 $3,610.54 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 1 100.0 1 1 $1,325.72 | $1,434.51 | $1,646.80 1 $1,839.27 99.8 | 99.8 1 99.4 100.0 | 1 $548.50 | $364.53 l $365.74 I $302.27 34.6 | 23.2 | 19. 1 1 15.5 1 $762.09 J $1,049.57 | $1,252.70 1 $1,493.52 71.1 | 81.7 | 86.7 1 88.2 1 $43.47 $15.13 i $20.42 l $28.37 1 13.7 1 11.7 7.5 | 9.8 | 1 i _1. | Incomplete | income I $25,000 and | reporting I over I I I ! l I J I I I I I ! $17,285.68 | $11,335.60 100.0 I 100.0 I 1 I 1 ! 1 $3,161.62 | $2,285.88 100.0 | 100.0 1 1 I 1 $2, 194.24 | $1,712.38 100.0 | 99.3 ! 1 I $921.37 ! $559.12 1 100.0 | 92. 7 1 1 I $46.01 ( $14.38 ! 9.4 J 6.7 1 i l 1 I 1 1 $76.98 $153.11 | 1 87.4 | 68. 3 1 f l 1 1 1 1 $160.67 | $155.42 1 63.3 60.3 | 1 i ■ I 1 1 1 1 $4,773.96 ! $3,227.56 100.0 1 100.0 1 f l 1 I 1 1 1 $2,419.65 | $1,592.34 99.5 | 97.6 1 1 I $269.89 ! $457.45 1 10.3 | 24.5 ! 1 I 1 $2,003.85 | $1,048.80 94.2 | 79.9 1 1 I $145.91 | $86.09 1 25. 1 | 16. 5 1 .1. .1 145 T a b le 9. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in com e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE T A X E S !/ S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t in u e d (All families of four persons, U n it e d — Family income before taxes I 1 All | Complete reporting of income I 1 Item | Total | Under | $3,000 | $4,000 | $5,000 1 $6,000 | $7,000 I families to | to l to | to | to I 1 1 ! | $4,999 | $3,999 l $5,999 I $7,999 1 $6,999 1. 1 _ 1 $3,000 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 Fuel and utilities, total 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 $510.59| $507. 12 | $341.08| Average annual expenditure-- - • 1 $290,481 $332.91| $323.08| $393.21 l $410. 18 85.7| 86.7| Percent reporting .......... . 1 96.2| 95.8J 96.2| 86. 1 | 96.0 91.7| Gas, total 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 $73.541 Average annual expenditure-.. . 1 $112.04| $111.86 | $73.99J $85.41l $ 84.33| $124.64! $109. 12 Percent reporting .......... . 1 61.0| 61.0| 61.5J 61.4| 68.0 49.2J 37. 5 | 58.0| Gas, delivered in mains (piped) 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 Average annual expenditure... . 1 $67.58| $96.81| $96.46 | $58.52| $53.65J $59,841 $81.92| $73.42 Percent reporting .......... . 1 51.2| 26.8| 39. 1 | 38.5| 46. 1 | 45. 2 51.0| 44. 6 | Gas, bottled or tank 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 Average annual expenditure... - 1 $15.22| $15.47| $15 . 4 0 | $5.96l $31.75| $24.48! $35.70 $42.72| Percent reporting .......... - 1 11.6! 10.7| 10.2| 15.3| 13.31 11.3| 23.0| 22. 8 Electricity 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 $126.64! Average annual expenditure... . 1 $204.02| $202.89| $137.78| $132.17| $139.40| $157.58 $118,701 Percent reporting .......... . 1 81.7| 81.9| 78.2| 70.3| 69.6| 80.5 73. 7 | 77. 9 | Gas and electricity combined bills| 1 1 I 1 1 1 I $52.24| Average annual expenditure... • 1 $35.94| $30.36 | $50,761 $28.96| $30.35| $51.20 | $29.00 Percent reporting .......... 14.6| 14.4| 13.8| 14.3| 9.7 17.6| 9.8 | 8. 6 | Fuel oil and kerosene 1 1 ! 1 1 ! 1 I Average annual expenditure... • 1 $55.65| $54.71| $2 3.5 4 | $25 . 8 1 l $29.45| $21.96| $40.41 $47,311 Percent reporting .......... 21.7| 21.8| 16.8| 16.3| 15.9| 15.5| 21.4| 20.8 Other fuels, coal, wood 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Average annual expenditure... - 1 $4. 64 | $4.65 | $4. 8 3 | $17.03| $10.53! $6.91| $2.89| $3.35 Percent reporting .......... 10.9| 10.9| 5.6 18.6| 6.31 9.2 | 11.8| 4. 0 | Water, trash, sewerage 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 Average annual expenditure... . 1 $81.81| $81.82| $50.53| $31.76| $38.061 $48.75| $48.63| $70.72 Percent reporting .......... - 1 33.4J 54.7J 41.3| 46.0 | 75.6 | 56.71 63.4 75.61 1 ■ i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Housing expenses, total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $387.97| $383.89! $252.35| Average annual expenditure... . 1 $243.25! $201.75! $283.88 $1 9 0 . 9 4 | $238.20| Percent reporting .......... . 1 97.8| 96.2! 88.0| 91.6J 94. 5 97. 9 1 86. 8 | 82. 8 | Telephone, excluding coin phones 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 $ 1 45.04J $140. 1 1 | $159.56! $145.79! Average annual expenditure... . 1 $204.08| $202 . 9 2 | $126.82| $158.46 Percent reporting .......... - 1 94.3| 94.1 | 70.5 | 81.2| 81.4 78.4 | 73. 3 l 67.3 | Other expenses, including domesticl 1 I I I ! I 1 services 1 1 I I I I I 1 $183.89| $180.97| Average annual expenditure... . 1 $107.31| $50.83| $78.64| $97.46| $74.93| $125.43 Percent reporting .......... . 1 83.0| 82.9| 63.0| 62.0 | 75. 1 63. 0 | 59.7| 58. 0 | 1 1 . 1 1 . I . 1 _ 1 . _ 1 See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f t a b le 146 T a b l e 9. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A H I L Y (A ll f a m i l i e s o f f o u r p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I Item r~ i i Fuel and utilities, total ! Average annual expenditure-.- . 1 Percent reporting .......... . 1 Gas, total 1 Average annual expenditure-.. . ! Percent reporting .......... . 1 Gas, delivered in mains (piped) ! Average annual expenditure... . 1 Percent reporting .1 Gas, bottled or tank 1 Average annual expenditure... . 1 .......... . 1 Percent reporting Electricity 1 Average annual expenditure... • 1 Percent reporting ........ . - 1 Gas and electricity combined bills| Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting .......... - 1 Fuel oil and kerosene 1 Average annual expenditure... - 1 Percent reporting .......... . 1 Other fuels, coal, wood » Average annual expenditure... . 1 .......... . 1 Percent reporting Water, trash, sewerage 1 Average annual expenditure... . 1 .......... . 1 Percent reporting i Housing expenses, total 1 Average annual expenditure... . 1 ......... . . 1 Percent reporting Telephone, excluding coin phones 1 Average annual expenditure... . 1 Percent reporting .......... . 1 Other expenses, including domestic! services I Average annual expenditure....! .......... • 1 Percent reporting 1 See footnotes at end of table $8,000 to $9,999 1 1 1 I I I ! $93.64 I 64. 8 I I $78.45 I 49.8 I I $15.19 I 17.0 I I $163.06 I 81.4 I I $45.74 I 13. 6 I I $47.77 ! 20.5 I ! $4.54 I 6.8 I I $55.86 I 61.8 I i I 1 $318.88 1 96.3 1 1 $179.48 1 92.2 1 1 1 $139.40 1 75.9 1 $410.63 94.4 $10,000 to $11,999 Familv income before taxes Complete reporting of income I $12,000 I $15,000 I to to I I I $19,999 I $14,999 1 i I I I I $116.46 I 64.5 I I $91.49 I 50.7 I I $24.97 I 1 5. 1 I I $175.12 I 79.5 I I $47.00 I 14.4 I I $46.92 I 20.5 I I $5.13 I 6.8 I I $70.07 I 67.2 I i 1 1 $272.59 1 97.8 I 1 $175.22 1 93.8 1 1 1 $97.37 1 79.8 1 .1 $460.71 95.3 I $490.82 I 96. 1 I l $106.70 I 56.6 I I $91.39 I 47.5 I I $15.31 I 10.3 I I $204.27 I 84.7 I I $37.53 ! 11.2 I I $62.70 I 25.0 I I $2.57 I 6.9 I I $77.06 ! 79.0 I i i 1 $344.10 1 99.6 1 1 $186.24 1 98.1 1 1 1 $157.86 1 86.8 ! .1 $558.38 98.3 $117.55 63.8 $105.82 55.7 $11.73 11.1 $226.79 84. 9 $56.33 14.6 $59.58 22. 1 $3.27 11.6 $94.86 86.2 $417.09 99.8 $224.02 99.1 $193.07 88.0 1 J ! 1 | | I | | I | | I ! | I ! | I | | I | J I | | i 1 1 | J I J | I I | l 1 $20,000 to $24,999 $599.34 98.8 $115.81 62. 1 $109.91 57.5 $5.90 6. 2 $237.66 82.5 $66.59 17.9 $73.63 24.5 $4.35 16.0 $101.30 88.1 $446.11 100.0 $231.16 98.9 $214.95 89.7 INCOHE BEFORE 1 $25,000 and 1 1 . over I ! I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I ! I I I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 TAXESiy 1 1 Incomplete income 1 1 reporting _ 1. $672.77 99.6 $140.88 59.5 $133.63 55.8 $7.25 5.6 $269.71 82.4 $79.05 19.5 $55.00 19.1 $7.24 21.2 $120.89 90.6 $703.03 100.0 $285.74 99.2 $417.29 94.7 I | J 1 | | I J | ! | | I ! | I | | ! | | I | ! I | J i 1 1 J | I l | I I | | ! $567.36 96. 0 $114.93 60.5 $102.62 53.6 $12.31 6.9 $222.42 79. 1 $69.22 16.8 $71.06 24.1 $7.99 10.7 $81.74 75. 8 $454.72 100.0 $222.94 98.6 $231.78 83.5 1 47 T a b l e 9. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y (All f a m i l i e s of f o u r p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t ates, C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Sur v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d See footnotes at end of table. Total | 1 1 1 1 1 *527.46| 95.7| 1 *69.08| 86.6| 1 *186.28| 55.3 | I $62. 8 2 | 27.7 | I $116 . 2 4 | 41.3| 1 $12.62| 39.5| 1 $13. 06 | 34. 1 | I $67. 3 6 | 61.4| 1 1 $859.32| 99.9| 1 $308. 35 | 97.7| 1 $405.01| 99.2| 1 $25. 17 | 26.2 | I $ 84.23| 83.7 | I $36.57| 74.6| Under | I $3,000 I I I I $ 3 05.26| 80.5 | I $45,521 59.7| 1 $93 . 0 7 | 38.4| 1 $47.21| 18.5| 1 $64.43| 31.2| 1 $4,851 23.4| 1 $7.11| 20. 1 | I $43.08| 29. 2| I I $462 . 1 1 | 96.9 | I $1 44.0 8 | 78.6| I $192,571 89.21 1 $32.41| 28.7| 1 $80,731 67. 1 | I $12.32| 40. 1 l $3,000 to $3,999 ! | I I I I $180.91| 83. 31 1 $ 31.31| 77.7 l I $36,141 25.6| 1 $14.01| 18.4| 1 $69.29| 33.4| 1 o 00 • r- | I families I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 Housefurnishings, equipment, total | 1 Average annual expenditure. ... I *532.401 ........ ...I 95.6| Percent reporting Household textiles I 1 Average annual expenditure. ...I $70.01| Percent reporting ........ ... I 86.7| Furniture I 1 $189.62| Average annual expenditure. -- I Percent reporting ........ 54.8| Floor coverings I 1 $63.87| Average annual expenditure. ... I 27.6| Percent reporting ........ ...I Major appliances I I Average annual expenditure. ...I $115,491 Percent reporting ........ ... | 40.8| Small appliances I 1 Average annual expenditure. ... I $12.48| Percent reporting ........ ...I 39.2 | Housewares I I Average annual expenditure. ---I $ 13.13| Percent reporting ........ 34.0| Miscellaneous I 1 Average annual expenditure. ... I $67.80| Percent reporting ........ ...I 61.0| f l 1 1 Clothing, total 1 I Average annual expenditure. ... ! $868.51| Percent reporting ........ ... 1 99.9 | Clothing, male, 2 and over 1 I $311.04| Average annual expenditure. ...1 97.6| Percent reporting ........ Clothing, female, 2 and over 1 1 $409.43| Average annual expenditure. ... | Percent reporting ........ ... 1 99. 1 1 Clothing, children under 2 years 1 I Average annual expenditure. ... 1 $24.67| Percent reporting ........ ... 1 25.7| Dry cleaning, laundry 1 1 $ 86.17| Average annual expenditure. ... 1 83.8 | Percent reporting ........ ... | Materials and services 1 I $37.21| Average annual expenditure. ... 1 74.7| Percent reporting ........ ...1 BEFORE TAXES!/ F a m i l y _ i n c o m e _ b e f g r e _ t a x e s ___________ C om plete_reporting_gf_incgm e_ All Item INCOME 30.1 l I $7,061 26.6| 1 $15.31| 32. 8 | 1 1 $438.60| 100.0J 1 $131.00| 93.31 1 $178,841 98.6| 1 $28.78| 38.01 1 $92.23| 76.9| 1 $7.76! 53. 2J $4,000 to $4*999 | 1 1 1 1 1 $201,401 83.61 1 $23,641 76.81 1 $50.59| 23.7| 1 $21.78| 18.2| 1 $69.14| 33.5 | l $ 9.51| 39.6 | I $4. 4 0 | 11.3| 1 $22.33| 28.91 1 1 $471.08| 100.01 1 $135.93| 88.2| 1 $222,351 98.51 1 $24.29| 30.9! 1 $69. 46 1 70.9J 1 $19,061 61.3| $5,000 to $5*999 | | 1 1 1 1 $210.22| 89.8| 1 $32.56| 68.9| 1 $56,651 27.6| 1 $17.98| 15.4| 1 $68.89| 31.91 1 $15,471 37.9| 1 $5,181 28.3! 1 $13.49| 39.9| 1 1 $442,881 99. 4 | 1 $14 5 . 1 4 | 94. 7 | I $186.29| 99.41 1 $32,351 41.2| 1 $60.00| 76.1 | l $19.11| 67.5| $6,000 to $6,999 | 1 | 1 1 1 $206.07| 87.51 1 $32,681 78. 1 | I $43.68| 32.4 | I $18.68| 15.4 | I $62.82| 28. 5 | I $9.20| 33.7 l l $8.56 | 27.2 | l $30.44| 41.31 1 1 $476,401 99. 1 | I $174,001 97.9| 1 $195.16| 97.41 1 $12,991 26.31 1 $75.61| 77.9 l I $18.63| 56.21 $7,000 to $7,999 $282.43 96.4 $33.67 79.1 $83.18 36.7 $14.96 18.8 $91.76 42. 1 $17.91 30. 9 $12.57 37.7 $28.38 49. 8 $465.83 100.0 $158.79 94.8 $206.03 100.0 $12.27 25. 5 $61.27 69.8 $27.47 67.8 148 T a b l e 9. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y (A l l f a m i l i e s o f f o u r p e r s o n s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I I $8,000 | Item I to | I | 1 _ $9,999 1 I 1 I Housefurnishings, equipment, total | 1 $345.40 | Average annual expenditure. ...1 94.5 | ........ ... 1 Percent reporting Household textiles 1 1 $37-24 | Average annual expenditure. ...1 81.5 | Percent reporting ........ ... 1 Furniture 1 I $116.44 | Average annual expenditure. . . . 1 52.0 | Percent reporting ...1 Floor coverings 1 I Average annual expenditure. . . . 1 $25.69 | 21.8 | Percent reporting ........ . . . 1 Major appliances 1 I $105.40 | Average annual expenditure. . . . | 36.5 | Percent reporting ........ . . . 1 Small appliances 1 I $9.11 | Average annual expenditure. . . . 1 35.0 | ........ . . . 1 Percent reporting Housewares 1 I $7.38 | Average annual expenditure. . . . 1 28.0 | Percent reporting ...... .. . . . 1 Miscellaneous 1 I $44.13 | Average annual expenditure. . . . 1 53.0 | Percent reporting ........ . . . 1 1 1i Clothing, total 1 1 $634.41 | Average annual expenditure. . . . | 100.0 | Percent reporting ........ . . . 1 Clothing, male, 2 and over I 1 $201.81 | Average annual expenditure. . . . 1 96.2 | Percent reporting ........ . . . 1 Clothing, female, 2 and over 1 I $289.62 | Average annual expenditure. . . . 1 98.6 | ........ . . . 1 Percent reporting Clothing, children under 2 years 1 I $36.57 | Average annual expenditure. . . . 1 43.7 | Percent reporting ........ . . . | Dry cleaning, laundry 1 I $83.52 | Average annual expenditure. . . . 1 75.6 | ........ . . . 1 Percent reporting Materials and services I 1 $22.89 | Average annual expenditure. . . . 1 67.8 | ........ . . . | Percent reporting 1 .1 See footnotes at end of table. IHCOME BEFORE TAXES1/ Familv income• before taxes Complete reportinq of income ___________ 1 Incomplete income $10,000 | $12,000 | $15,000 | $20,000 | I $25,000 and | reporting to to | to | to | I $11,999 I $14,999 I $19,999 1 $24,999 over | I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 1 $595.05 I $462.38 I $725.82 I $978.51 | $613.13 $405.28 | 97.5 I 97.6 1 94.4 | 98.0 I 99.4 | 94.4 I I 1 I 1 $55.11 I $73.02 I $108.47 1 $45.73 | $142.81 | $85.24 91.6 I 87.6 I 91.0 I 85.5 | 93.3 l 88.3 I I 1 I 1 $150.61 I $266.67 1 $131.22 | $217.90 I $386.55 | $244.07 60.0 I 62.0 I 51.2 | 63.0 1 67.3 | 45.8 I I 1 I I $49.27 I $75.34 I $44.51 | $110.06 1 $81. 16 $113.42 | 36.7 | 23.6 | 26.0 I 30.8 I 37. 1 1 27. 1 I I I 1 I $125.77 I $129.48 I $118.65 1 $117.70 | $142.11 | $103.22 43.0 I 43. 5 | 43. 0 l 44.6 1 43.0 | 33. 4 I 1 I I I $10.98 I $11.47 | $14.58 I $ 15.92 1 $13.24 | $10.25 40.4 I 34.9 | 43.0 I 49.3 1 35. 0 37.0 | I I I 1 I $14.95 I $15.96 1 $9.79 I $28.25 | $8.91 | $14.20 35. 5 I 28.3 1 36.0 I 37.1 1 48.3 | 32. 5 I 1 I 1 I $45.74 | $60.85 I $69.78 I $90.10 1 $152.14 | $74.98 64.1 I 71.3 1 58.9 | 78.9 | 66. 5 I 54.3 ii 1i 1i 1i 1i 1 1 1 1 1 $923.82 1 $1,139.23 1 $1,640.10 | $1,018.65 $708.48 1 $662.72 | 100.0 1 100. 0 1 100.0 1 100.0 | 99.3 100.0 | 1 1 1 I I $338.24 1 $419.37 1 $261.38 1 $244.86 | $586.73 | $354.95 99.0 1 99.8 1 97.9 | 99.3 1 99.5 | 96.4 I 1 1 1 I $557.78 1 $316.67 1 $435.32 1 $297.43 | $830.23 | $481.65 99.5 1 99.6 | 99.9 1 99.5 1 99.7 | 97.8 I 1 1 1 I $23.45 1 $27.23 | $30.47 1 $20.41 1 $17.47 | $16.51 30.7 1 16. 2 20.3 1 17.7 1 33.3 | 11.8 | I I 1 1 1 $93.46 1 $117.87 $145.71 l $85.48 1 $65.45 | $62.70 1 87. 3 1 89.5 1 94.6 | 85.8 80.3 | 84.0 1 1 I 1 1 I $41.34 1 $48.20 1 $59.96 | $47.67 $37.27 1 $27.76 | 81.7 1 83.5 | 76.5 77.8 1 80.3 1 69.8 | .1 . -1 . 1 .1 _ ~ l 149 T a b l e 9, S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y (All f a m i l i e s of f o u r p e r s o n s . U n i t e d States, C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Survey, 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d INCOME BEFORE TAXESl/ _Family_incgme_befgre_taxes_ All families Item I Transportation, total, excluding trips Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Vehicle purchases (net outlay) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle finance charges Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle operations, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health care, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health insurance, excluding employer share Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Expenses not covered by insurance Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Personal care (selected expenses) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ............ Recreation, total Average annual expenditure...Percent reporting ........... Owned vacation home Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See footnotes at end of table. | | $3,000 1 $4,000 | $5,000 1 $7,000 | $6,000 Total | Under to | to | to 1 to to | 1 1 I 1 $4,999 J $3,999 1 $5,999 1 $6^,999 J $7,999 1 $3^000 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 $812.04| $1,146.38| $1,185,061 $1,249.89 $2,115.63| $2,128,991 $665.15| $777.49| 95.7| 73.7| 100.0 98.3| 98.3| 92.5| 89.2| 96.6| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $963.94| $298.37| $479.20| $249,371 $435,451 $977.43| $200.73| $511.91 39.9 41.0| 17.1| 34.3J 28.2| 35.9| 36.6| 41.21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $36.00 $104.16! $115.98| $38.66| $110.26| $46.18| $113.03| $110,311 33. 4 19.51 7. 8 | 29.3| 30.5| 28.0J 42. 1 | 42.7| 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 $607.63| $665.65 $417.95| $544.05| $310.89| $380.28| $985.50| $984.85| 95.3 70.41 74.51 87.6| 56. 1 | 81.31 95.3J 95.3| 1 1 1 1 I I 1 $471 . 7 7 | $ 186. 9 0 1 $219,871 $215.82| $312.89| $294,331 $352.39 $473.28| 93.9 85.8| 66.6 | 81.3| 94.0| 71.2| 94.0| 54.4 | 1 1 1 1 1 I I $513 . 0 8 | $160.41| $313.26 $512.22| $202.14! $231.16| $313.29| $123.99| 67.2| 74.4| 86.0J 93. 1 94.5| 94.5 I 50.0| 69.8J 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 $50.91l $53.81 | $60.181 $40.55J $52.06| $36.33 $55.80| $43. 2 2 | 27. 1 | 39.3| 25. 5 | 23.2| 28. 1 l 13. 3 25. 9 | 23.0 | 1 1 1 | | | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $583.70| $ 5 83.32| $191,361 $184.73| $256,741 $364,231 $362.75| $378.97 73.4 j 79.2| 89.7| 97.5J 87.3! 100.0 98.2| 98.2| 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $78.26| $157.69 $40.51J $153.25| $226.65| $229.45| $63.22| $124.60| 93.9| 95.2| 65.9| 57. 9 | 73.0| 80.71 94. 1 J 96.8 I 1 I 1 1 1 I $144.22| $353.87| $ 128.14| $209.50! $221.27 $178.48| $239,631 $357,051 93.4| 93.2| 72.0 J 60.0| 67.8| 79.6! 86.9 89-7 | ■ i i ■ i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 $66.97| $119.76| $116.57| $41.99| $60.08| $38.50! $52.86 $40.26| 78.5| 85.7J 91.0| 75.3| 75.0| 80.7! 90- 9 1 81.5 i 1 i i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $830 .03| $251.70| $817. 14 | $303,821 $247.20| $312.09| $300.48 $176,291 97. 1| 98.7J 98.7| 82.91 89.9| 96.3! 93.0| 98.9 i i i i i i i 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** | ** | ** $10.41| $10.70| $1.30| $3,741 $6,821 ** j ** | ** 1.5 | 3. 2 | 3.3 | 1.5 | 2.21 _L . I _ 1 . 1 . 1_ 1 1 . 150 T a b l e 9, S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y (A ll f a m i l i e s o f f o u r p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item | I Transportation, total, excluding trips! Average annual expenditure....! ........... ! Percent reporting Vehicle purchases (net outlay) | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Vehicle finance charges | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Vehicle operations, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Gasoline l Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other transportation | Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting Health care, total | Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting Health insurance, excluding | employer share ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Expenses not covered by insurance | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | $8,000 to $9,999 $1,393.13 99.0 $500.75 37.a $89.56 38.2 $747.58 94.0 $385.86 92.6 $361.72 93. 5 $55.24 21.7 $429.70 99.6 $172.16 98.0 $257.54 89. 6 Personal care (selected expenses) | Average annual expenditure....! ........... I Percent reporting $81.55 83.9 Recreation, total J Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting $398.09 99.0 Owned vacation home l Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting See footnotes at end of table. ** ** ! I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 ! 1 1 i l 1 1 1 .1 Familv incomet before taxes Complete reporting of income $10,000 ! $12,000 I $15,000 I to to ! to I I $11,999 | $14,999 I .1 $19,999 I 1 I i ! I 1 I I $1,717.13 | $2,001.98 1 $2,433.97 I 99.7 1 99.6 i 99.2 l I 1 I $916.72 1 $1,113.49 I $785.98 l 39.0 I 42.0 1 43. 2 I I I 1 $88.17 ! $99.08 1 $125.85 I 44.4 J 47.8 1 50. 4 I I 1 I $959.17 ! $1,151.55 I $809.80 | 97.1 | 98.5 1 99.6 I I 1 I $402.91 | $472.81 1 $556.14 I 97.4 ! 98.7 ! 95.9 ! I ! I $595.41 I $406.88 J $486.36 1 96.8 l 98.2 I 99.3 I 1 I $33.18 | $27.01 1 $43.08 I 17.3 | 15.5 1 21.3 I i 1 1 1 1 ! 1 $580.76 J $640.62 1 $571.19 1 99.7 | 100.0 1 100.0 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 $258.71 1 $206.29 | $237.79 I 95.6 J 98.3 1 98.8 1 1 1 ! $374.47 J $333.40 1 $381.91 1 95.7 J 97.4 1 96.2 1 • 1 I ! 1 1 1 $92.77 | $109.40 ! $125.80 1 87.7 ! 94.5 1 93.0 1 ■ I 1 1 1 1 1 1 $495.63 J $690.96 1 $907.10 1 98.6 1 100.0 1 100. 0 1 i i I l 1 1 1 ! $.77 | $5.87 1 $11. 16 1 1.2 | 2.6 ! 5.6 1 1 i i $20,000 to $24,999 I I I I I I $2,792.01 I 99.4 I I $1,264.87 I 44.0 I I $198.70 I 46.9 I I $1,256.06 ! 99. 1 I I $559.52 I 97.9 I I $696.54 ! 98.9 I I $72.38 I 27.3 I i 1 l $725.94 1 100.0 1 1 1 $294.56 1 99.4 1 1 $431.38 1 97.9 1 1 1 $163.29 1 97.7 1 i 1 1 $1,221.11 1 99.7 1 1 1 $24.27 1 5.2 1 -1 INCOME BEFORE $25,000 and over $3,524.30 99.5 $1,832.19 50.6 $110.37 40.1 $1,449.38 99.1 $629.00 97.8 $820.38 99. 1 $132.36 37.7 $865.87 99.6 $328.22 97.3 $537.65 98.4 $206.59 98. 1 $1,883.82 100.0 $34.74 5.7 TAXES1./ 1 1 Incomplet e | income | r eporting I 1 1 i | $2,347.46 | 98.9 1 ! $1,198.03 | 38. 1 I | $64.99 | 31.5 ! | $996.08 ! 95.6 I | $498.01 92.7 | ! $498.07 | 94.9 | I $88.36 | 26. 8 | 1 1 | $589.95 | 98.6 1 1 J $180.95 | 71.5 1 | $409.01 | 96. 5 1 1 | $171.82 | 93.5 ! I J $1,040.70 98. 6 | i 1 1 | $5.66 2. 6 J 1 151 T a b l e 9. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y (All f a m i l i e s o f f o u r p e r s o n s . U n i t e d States, C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Sur v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Vacation, pleasure trips, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Food Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Alcoholic beverages Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Lodging Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Transportation, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting All expense tours Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other vacation expenses Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Boats, aircraft, wheel goods Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ....... . Other recreation, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Televisions Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ............ Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See footnotes at end of table. 1 I All | I | I families 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 $283.22| I 73.0| I I 1 $70.77| I 65.7| I I 1 $7. 7 4 | I 30.4| I I 1 $45.68| I 46.5| I I 1 $95.26| I 70.6( I I 1 $39.54| I 65.9J I I 1 $55.72| I 4 5.4| I I 1 $33.30| I 8. 8 | I I I $30.47| I 51.3| I 1 1 1 1 1 $121.20| 1 22. 1 | 1 i i 1 1 1 1 $415.20| 1 98.2| 1 1 1 $59.02| 1 19.4| 1 1 1 ** | 1 ** | 1 1 1 1 Total | 1 1 1 1 1 $279.99| 73.0| 1 $70. 94 | 66.0| 1 $7.40 | 30.4| 1 $45.31| 46.51 I $94.23| 70.8| I $ 39.4 9 | 66.1 | I $ 54.74| 45.3 | I $31.77| 8.4 | I $ 30.35| 51.5| | 1 1 $115.52| 22. 1| i 1 1 $410.93| 98.21 I $57.99| 19.4| I ** ** . j | i Under $3,000 | I I I I $123.53| 27.5| 1 $ 15.56| 22.41 1 $ 1.56| 10.0| I $6.11! 9. 2 | I $47.07| 27. 5 | 1 $7. 7 6 | 22.3| 1 $39.31| 20.4| 1 $36.72| 4.2| 1 $16.50! 19.3| | 1 1 $10.46| 6.21 fl 1 1 $163.02| 81.4| 1 $29.22| 16.4| 1 ** j ** j 1 INCOME BEFORE Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $3,000 | $4,000 | $6,000 | $5,000 | to | to | to | to | $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 I 1 $6,999 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 $36.83| $83.52| $38.97| $49.58| 37.3| 38.2J 44.8| 41.9| 1 1 1 1 $23.05| $10.48 J $12.32| $12.98| 27.2J 35.4| 34.5J 29.0| 1 I 1 1 $ 1.55| $2,031 $3.64| $. 27 | 15.6! 8- 3 I 9.1 | 9.2 1 I 1 I 1 $10.01| $4.21| $6.47| $3. 3 8 | 14.7J 17.5| 13.8J 13.6| 1 I 1 1 $17.41! $22.27| $28.15| $14.91| 32.3| 3 5. 0 | 42. 1| 36.3| 1 I I 1 $12.28| $11.26! $17 . 2 2 | $11.81| 36.9J 34.4| 28.8J 28.3! 1 I I 1 $15 . 8 7 | $6.15| $5.05 | $3.11! 14. 8! 13.9! 14.5! 13.7! I I 1 I ** j ** | $2.44| $. 13 J ** j ** j 3. 5 | 1.3| I I 1 I $18.67| $4.46 | $4.52| $ 5.5 4 | 24.7 | 22.4) 15.9| 18.9! 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I $8.26( $4.68J $5.36| $102.98! 3. 1 | 11.0| 10.0! 13.5! i ■ ■ 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 $158.62! $192.26| $166.40 | $134.78! 97. 1 l 89.9! 90.8| 93.9J I ! 1 I $18.67| $22.31| $8.99| $27.10| 11.8! 8.3 | 10. 5| 14.3| 1 I I I ** j ** j ** | ** | ** j ** j ** j ** j 1 1 -i 1 TAXESiy $7,000 to $7,999 $64.98 56.1 $15.33 42.5 $. 80 8.7 $13.61 20. 0 $26.56 55.0 $18.89 49.3 $7. 67 20.7 $2.74 4. 2 $5.93 19.9 $26.23 10. 8 $209.28 98. 9 $30.36 11.7 ** ** 152 T a b l e 9. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y ( All f a m i l i e s o f f o u r p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Vacation, pleasure trips, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Food Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Alcoholic beverages Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Lodging Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Transportation, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... All expense tours Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other vacation expenses Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Boats, aircraft, wheel goods Average annual expenditure.... ............ Percent reporting Other recreation, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Televisions Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See footnotes at end of table. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $8,000 to $9,999 | I I I I I $111.04 I 60.3 I I $24.70 I 50.0 I I $1.98 I 15. 8 I I $16.37 I 28.6 I I $45.07 I 58.2 I I $20.44 I 52.8 I I $24.63 I 32.5 I I $11.42 I 4.0 I I $11.49 I 34.2 I 1 1 $35.65 1 15.9 1 i 1 1 $251.40 1 97.6 1 1 $36.82 1 14.6 1 1 ** 1 ** I .1 Family incomei before taxes Complete reporting of income $10,000 | $12,000 | $15,000 I to | to | to I $11,999 I $14,999 I $19,999 I I I I I I I I I I $138.10 I $210.98 I $290.99 I 70.6 I 77.9 I 81.9 I I I I $39.43 I $60.43 I $83.30 I 61.9 I 76.5 I 70.2 I I I I $4. 10 I $5.45 I $7.94 I 20.2 I 30.5 I 35.8 I I I l $18.36 I $33.93 I $49.06 I 36.5 I 47.5 I 56.2 I I I I $52.27 I $70.42 I $90.48 I 67.5 I 76.5 I 79.3 I I I I $27.37 I $44.38 I $47.20 I 63.2 I 71.5 I 75.4 I I I I $26.03 I $24.90 I $43.28 I 35.3 I 47.2 I 51.6 I I I I $17.34 I $8.07 I $30.07 I 5.6 I 6.9 I 7.7 I I I I $15.87 I $23.42 I $30.16 I 53.8 I 44.9 I 61.5 I i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $97.17 1 $61.41 1 $169.02 1 16. 1 1 24. 9 1 25.0 1 ■ I 1 1 I I 1 1 $295.35 1 $376.94 1 $435.92 1 97.9 1 99.8 1 99.6 1 1 1 1 $52.32 1 $68.13 1 $59.19 1 16.6 1 20.3 1 21.2 1 1 1 1 ** ** ** 1 1 1 ** ** ** 1 1 1 . _1_ . .1 . i INCOME BEFORE 1 I Incomplet e income | | reporting | 1 1 1 | $335.97 | 72.9 I | $68.05 | 60.6 I | $13.42 | 29. 5 I | $51.65 | 46. 3 I | $111.98 | 68.4 I | $40.29 | 62. 7 I | $71.69 | 46.7 I | $58.31 | 14. 5 I | $32.56 | 47.7 I I | $214.08 | 23. 4 I I | $484.99 | 97.5 I | $75.87 | 19.9 I | ** j ** I $25,000 and I over I I I I $790.16 $451.50 I 86.7 I 88.3 I $116.42 I $165.00 81.4 I 85.4 I $12.63 I $20.19 44.8 I 55.2 I $78.75 I $126.94 66.2 I 72.8 I $139.53 I $280.27 85. 2 I 86.6 I $56.12 I $62.95 81.8 I 79.5 l $83.41 I $217.32 64.8 I 69.8 I $54.21 I $114.57 15.0 I 20.7 I $49.96 I $83.19 73.4 69.2 I I 1 1 $165.40 1 $228.20 30.0 1 32.2 1 1 $579.94 1 $830.72 99.7 1 100.0 1 $79.18 1 $89.42 25.6 1 25.1 1 ** ** 1 ** ** 1 -1 . I $20,000 to $24,999 TAXESJl/ 153 T a b l e 9. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y (A l l f a m i l i e s o f f o u r p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Education, total Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting Private Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting ......... Public Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting ......... 1 .. 1 ..1 1 .. 1 .. 1 1 .. 1 .. 1 i 1 Miscellaneous 1 Average annual expenditure.. .. 1 Percent reporting ......... ..1 ■ i | Personal insurance i and pensions, total Average annual expenditure.. -- 1 Percent reporting Life, endowment, annuities and income | Average annual expenditure.. .. 1 Percent reporting ......... Other personal insurance 1 Average annual expenditure.. I Per cent reporting ......... .. 1 Retirement and pensions 1 Average annual expenditure.. 1 Percent reporting ...... 1 i 1 Gifts and contributions 1 Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting ......... • • 1 $62.53 91.4 end of table $22,071 51.0J 1 1 $11.94| 18.2| $14,111 60.8| 1 1 $7.64J 23.6J $35.00| 69.4| 1 1 $20.70| 25.9 1 $99.89 19.4 $5.9 7 | 5. 31 1 $4.67| 6.7 | $12.43| 6. 3 | $70.29 30.0 $1,094.90 97.3 $5.97| 14.3J 1 1 $50.65| 42.6J 1 1 $147,501 71.0| $2. 96| 16.9J 1 1 $54.88| 48.01 1 I $129.13| 76.2| $365.02 84.2 $113 . 2 1 l 51.4 | $10. 17 13.0 $5.32| 8.01 1 $28.98| 42.4J 1 1 $113,101 56.2| $73,271 51.0| I $1,111 6. 1 l I $54.75 | 49. 1| I I $63,231 59.6| $8,271 21.1J l 1 $23,071 53.3J 1 1 $219,381 80.31 1 $107.04| 59.6J $62.77 91.2 1 $177.62| 43.91 I $106.79| 19.7| 1 $70.83| 29.9| 1 1 $87.051 76.4| i 1 1 $1,063.06) 96.71 1 $367.11| 83.91 1 $9.92| 12.6| I $686.03| 88.3| i 1 1 $370,751 91.1| 1 at TAXESJ/ _Family_income_before_taxes_ _Complete_reporting_of_income_ $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 Total Under $3,000 $7,000 to to to to to 1____________ 1____________ 1__$3X000__1__$ 3*999__1__$4*99 9__ 1__$5*9 99__ 1__$6*999__J__$7*99 9 Reading materials Average annual expenditure.... ........ Percent reporting footnotes BEFORE All f amilies Item See INCOME $170. 18 43.6 $88.50 76.9 I $719.71 91.6 $377.24 92. 1 $3,971 8. 6 | 1 $108,371 62.9| I I $60.34| 62.3J $17,571 73-5| 1 1 $41.86| 22.8| 1 $33.71| 7. 9 | $8.15| 16.5| 1 1 $51.62| 61.0| 1 1 $301.88| 87.71 1 $136.23| 60. 9J 1 $.61J 1.4J 1 $165.03| 75.71 1 1 $92.19| 71.8| $36.34| 86.2| 1 1 $46,911 20.9J 1 $3.36| 4.8 | 1 $43.55| 16. 1 | I I $58.01| 61.6| 1 1 $396.02| 94.6| 1 $136,411 61.7| 1 $8.98| 12.6| 1 $250.63| 86.6J 1 1 $114.41| 77.5| $39.77 86.2 $26.07 36.4 $10.78 8.4 $15.29 29.2 $62.92 66.2 $429.42 95. 5 $156. 11 64.6 $1.27 6.8 $272.04 89.0 $127.75 80.9 154 T a b l e 9. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y ( All f a m i l i e s o f f o u r p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item | I l I I s | annual e x p e n d itu r e .. . . | .............................. | reporting I Education, t o t a l I annual e x p e n d it u r e ....! reporting .............................. | P rivate I annual e x p e n d it u r e ....! reporting .............................. | i1 Public annual e x p e n d it u r e ....! reporting ..............................J 1 M iscellaneous 1 annual e x p e n d it u r e ....! reporting .............................. | i 1 : and p e n s i o n s , t o t a l J annual e x p e n d it u r e ....! reporting .............................. | a n n u i t i e s and in c o m e | annual e x p e n d itu r e ....! reporting .............................. J nsurance J annual e x p e n d it u r e ....! reporting .............................. •ensions ! annual e x p e n d itu r e .. . . | reporting .............................. | li tions J annual e x p e n d itu r e .. . . | reporting .............................. | 1 \ See footnotes at end of table. $8,000 to $9,999 $37.02 86. 1 $45.96 26.7 | ! I 1 ! 1 J ! I I | | $10,000 to $11,999 $46.77 92.2 $67.65 34.5 | | 1 $35.00 13.6 | ! ! ! $59.07 | 75.8 | i 1 1 $560.17 l 97.7 | I $197.89 | 74. 1 | I $3.25 | 7.3 | I $359.03 J 90.9 | ii I $201.68 l 90.1 | i $32.65 23.5 $26.28 9.2 $19.68 19.3 $73.63 78.6 $811.85 99.0 $247.40 80.5 $6.94 8.2 $557.51 94.6 $264.73 92.8 Fam ilv incom e b e f o r e t a x e s C om plete r e p o r t i n q o f income | $15,000 $12,000 I I to | to I I $19,999 $14,999 I I I I I I I I I I I I J $57.18 I $67.83 I 93.4 I 96.7 l | I I I ! ! I | $100.70 I $171.11 I 44.6 ! | 47.2 I i l 1 $110.94 ! | $62.71 1 l 22.6 ! 18.5 1 I i i l ! ! $37.98 1 $60.17 1 J 30.7 1 31.7 1 1 ! 1 ! 1 1 ! $82.52 1 $95.09 1 J 79.3 1 81.3 1 i i 1 1 1 I 1 1 J $997.78 1 $1,297.69 1 100.0 1 100.0 1 l ! 1 ! $326.53 1 | $385.01 1 | 90. 1 1 93.8 1 I 1 1 | $9.31 1 $8.96 1 ! 14.2 1 14.9 1 I 1 1 $903.38 ! J $662.29 1 | 97.7 I 97.3 1 i1 ii ii 1 ! 1 | $415.53 1 $306.51 1 | 97.0 1 97.2 1 1 .1 .1 $20,000 to $24,999 $83.74 97.6 $252.39 61.5 $104.61 27.5 $147.78 45.6 $104.39 82.5 $1,593.67 100.0 $516.00 91.9 $9.88 13.9 $1,067.79 97.1 $535.53 98.6 I I I l I ! I I i I I I 1 1 ! I 1 1 1 1 1 1 i l 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 ! ii 1 1 1 _1 INCOME BEFORE $25,000 and over $127.02 98.8 $625.43 64.4 $405.17 38.1 $220.27 37.2 $163.20 86.1 $2,194.62 99.3 $841.67 94.3 $34.48 24.7 $1,318.47 92.1 $916.49 99.4 TAXES1/ ! 1 Incom plete incom e | | reporting 1 1 1 1 J $58.52 94.6 | I ! J $299.23 J 47.8 | 1 | $219.60 | 24.3 1 J | l ! | ! i 1 1 | | I | | I | | I l ! i 1 1 | | $79.64 28.9 $63.44 68.9 $542.60 86.3 $401.33 80. 0 $ 5 . 81 5.7 $135.46 34.5 $264.67 76.2 155 T a b l e 9. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y (A l l f a m i l i e s o f f o u r p e r s o n s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Mo n e y income b e fo r e t a x e s , t o t a l A n n u a l a v e r a g e .................................... Percent reporting ..................... Wages a n d s a l a r i e s , t o t a l A n n u a l a v e r a g e .................................... Percent reporting ..................... Wages and s a l a r i e s , c i v i l i a n A n n u a l a v e r a g e .................................... Percent reporting ..................... Union dues A n n u a l a v e r a g e .............................. . . Percent reporting ..................... Other o c c u p a t io n a l e x p e n se s A n n u a l a v e r a g e .................................... Percent reporting ..................... Rent r e c e i v e d a s pay A n n u a l a v e r a g e .................................... Percent reporting ..................... M eals r e c e i v e d as pay A n n u a l a v e r a g e .................................... Percent rep ortin g ..................... Wages and s a l a r i e s , armed f o r c e s A n n u a l a v e r a g e .................................... Percent rep ortin g ..................... Q u a r t e r s and s u b s i s t e n c e A n n u a l a v e r a g e .................................... Percent reporting ..................... S elf-em p lo y m en t incom e, t o t a l A n n u a l a v e r a g e .................................... Percent reporting N e t i n c o m e f r o m own b u s i n e s s A n n u a l a v e r a g e .................................... Percent reporting ..................... N e t i n c o m e f r o m own f a r m A n n u a l a v e r a g e .................................... Percent rep ortin g I A ll | fam ilies I I _____ _ I I I footnotes at end of table. Total 1. | I 1 1 1 1 $15,739,621 99.8| I i I I i I I i i i i I See | | I I I I I I i I I i I I i i i i 1. 1 $13,127,971 95.7| 1 $13,037.97| 9 4 . 4| 1 -$ 2 5 .86| 23.4| 1 -$44.74| 27.4| 1 $13.72! • 9| I $22.09| 9.3 | I $101.36| 1.1J I $23.44| 1.3 | 1 $1,186.86| 15.8| I $ 9 2 9 . 53 | 11.7| 1 $257.33| 4.4 | _ 1. INCOME BEFORE TAXES1/ C om plete r e p o r t i n g o f income J $3,000 J $4,000 | $5,000 | $6,000 | to 1 to | to | to | 1 $3,000 1 $3,999 1 $4*999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $ 1 ,7 4 0 .2 8 ! $3,530,941 $4,483,521 $5,467,891 $ 6 ,4 8 8 .9 3 | 90. 3 | 100.01 100.0| 100.0| 100.01 I 1 ! 1 1 $588.25| $1,196,701 $1,941,531 $3,343,441 $4,759,261 6 0 . 8J 74.7| 86. 1 | 57. 5 1 96.0| 1 1 1 I I $589,831 $1, 144.931 $ 1 , 9 3 3 . 52| $ 3 , 3 0 6 . 4 3 | $ 4 ,6 2 8 .9 4 | 72.4 | 55.0| 57.61 82.8 J 92.7| 1 1 I ! 1 ** | -$ 2 .8 3 | -$ .2 5 | -$ 2 .58| -$20.01| ** | . 6 J 7.8 l 5 . 1| 12.8J 1 I ! I 1 -$32.16| -S15.18J -$ 1 .0 6 | -$47.64! -$ 7 .28| 6.9! 3.5 | 8. 2 1 26.6 | 12.6| 1 I 1 I 1 ** | ** | $26,461 $.15| $23.70| ** j * * j 3.5J . 7 | 2.0 | 1 1 I 1 1 $2.75| $14.55| $11,751 $3 .67| $24,331 3.6J 7.8 1 5.3 | 5. 0 l 8.31 1 1 1 I 1 ** j ** | $23.17| $83.56| $89.29| ** j ** j 1.8 | 1.5 | 2.71 1 1 1 1 1 ** j ** | $4,901 $25.94| $20.29| * * j * * | 1.81 1.71 1.2 | 1 1 1 1 1 $33,781 $225.03| $177.85| $489.54| $556.82| 11.71 16.4 | 13.9! 9.9 | 13.81 I 1 i 1 1 -$29,751 $316.86| $76.40| $272.49| $349,161 4.6 | 7.01 8.3J 6.9 | 12.31 1 1 1 1 1 $101.45| -$91,821 $63,531 $207.66| $217.04| 4.8J 2.9 | 5.2J 6.8J 8. 1 | _ 1. 1. 1_ 1. 1 Under $7,000 to $7,999 $7,514.25 100.0 $5,628.10 96.5 $5,564.76 93.9 -$7.80 11.4 -$16.22 19.3 $19.73 1.0 $26.66 9. 1 $18.05 1.0 $22.93 2.0 $295.37 12.6 $147.21 8. 5 $ 1 4 8 . 16 4. 1 156 T a b l e 9. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y (A l l f a m i l i e s o f f o u r p e r s o n s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d ________F a m i l y Item income b e f o r e t a x e s , t o t a l A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............. ......................... ........................ Percent rep ortin g Wages a n d s a l a r i e s , t o t a l A n n u a l a v e r a g e ....................................... Percent reporting ........................ Wages and s a l a r i e s , c i v i l i a n A n n u a l a v e r a g e ....................................... Percent reporting Union dues A n n u a l a v e r a g e . . . .............................. Percent reporting ........................ Other o c c u p a t io n a l e x p e n se s A n n u a l a v e r a g e ....................................... Percent reporting ........................ Rent r e c e i v e d a s pay A n n u a l a v e r a g e ....................................... Percent reporting ........................ M eals r e c e i v e d as pay A n n u a l a v e r a g e ....................................... Percent reporting ........................ Wages and s a l a r i e s , arm ed f o r c e s A n n u a l a v e r a g e ....................................... ........................ Percent rep ortin g Q u a r t e r s and s u b s i s t e n c e A n n u a l a v e r a g e ....................................... ........................ Percent rep ortin g S elf-em ploym ent incom e, t o t a l A n n u a l a v e r a g e ....................................... ........................ Percent reporting N e t i n c o m e f r o m own b u s i n e s s A n n u a l a v e r a g e ....................................... Percent reporting ........................ N e t i n c o m e f r o m own f a r m A n n u a l a v e r a g e ....................................... ........................ Percent reporting | | 1 1 1 1 Mo n e y 1 ..| 97.0 1 ..| $7,258.37 1 ..I 21.8 I . . | I footnotes at end of table. 21.3 i I . . | I ..| 1.5 $14.18 i ..| 15.5 i ..| ..| $380.88 10.8 i ..| 5.6 I See $8,000 to $9,999 income before INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ/ t a x e s ______________________________________ $10,000 $12,000 $15,000 $20,000 I I I I to to to to I I I I $11,999 $14,999 $19,999 $24,999 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I $ 1 0 , 9 1 7 . 2 5 I $ 1 3 , 4 5 4 . 0 5 I $17 , 2 8 1 . 7 7 I $ 2 2 , 1 0 5 . 1 3 100.0 I 100.0 I 100.0 I 100.0 I I I I I $ 9 , 2 7 6 . 3 9 I $ 1 1 , 5 5 9 . 4 3 I $15 , 4 2 1 . 3 0 I $ 1 9 , 6 6 9 . 5 8 I 99.1 I 98.0 I 99.3 I 99.3 I I I I I $ 9 , 2 2 2 . 6 4 I $ 1 1 , 4 6 5 . 2 2 I $15 , 3 4 7 . 7 0 I $ 1 9 , 4 5 1 . 3 8 I 97.0 I 98.5 l 98.6 98.9 I I I I I I -$25.20 I - $ 2 7 . 38 I -$31.59 I - $ 3 3 . 13 I 26.2 I 26.4 I 29.2 I 27.3 I I I I I -$33.36 I - $ 3 2 . 41 I -$55.68 I -$52.36 l 31.3 I 31.1 I 26.9 I 33.2 I I I I I $2.06 I $23.65 I $11.84 $10.03 I I .7 I 1.3 I . 7 I .3 I I I I I $28.08 I $21.26 I $18.13 l $24.01 I 11.6 I 8. 1 13.8 I 8.3 I I I I I $61.67 I $81.75 I $107.69 I $232.70 I 1.3 I .9 I 1.0 I 1.7 I I I ! I $27.35 I $20.50 I $25.01 I $35.15 I 1.4 I .9 I 1.6 I 1.6 I I I I I $690.79 I $709.76 I $896.91 $625.72 I I 16.4 I 15.0 I 13. 5 I 14.2 I I I I I $406.16 I $ 4 6 4 . 12 I $516.63 I $748.26 I 11.1 I 11.1 I 9.9 I 11.6 I I I I I $226.67 I $219.56 I $193.13 I $148.65 I 6.2 I 3.9 I 3.7 I 2.9 I | .1. .1. .1, | | 1 $25,000 and over $35,617.32 100.0 $26,911.94 97.0 $26,887.01 95. 1 -$36.37 24.3 -$96.06 33. 2 $.51 .4 $46.01 9.4 $85.41 .3 $25.43 1.6 $5,982.09 27.6 $5,077.73 24.0 $904.36 4.6 1 income I I reporting I I I I $2,271.62 I 69.7 I I $1,637.41 I 48.5 I I $1,486.84 I 34.6 I I -$11.40 I 10. 8 I I -$20.86 I 17. 9 I I ** l ** I I $14.38 I 6.7 I I $128.56 I 1.2 I I $39.89 I 1.4 I l $72.26 I 1.9 I I $9.98 I .7 I I $62.28 I 1. 3 I . 1. 157 Table 9. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1/ (All families of four persons. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Family income before taxes All Item | families Total | | I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I Social security, railroad retirement | 1 l $217.38l Annual average................. | $210,35| 8. 1| Percent reporting ........... | 7-9 | Government retirement, veterans' | I I payments, and unemployment | I I compensation | I I Annual average................. | $234,55| $245.88| ........... | 14.5J 15.11 Percent reporting Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, | 1 1 rental income, royalties, income | 1 1 from roomers and boarders | 1 1 $307.23J Annual average................. | $299.1 5 | ........... | 67 -4 | Percent reporting 69.3| Rental income, royalties, income | 1 I from roomers and boarders J 1 I $88.10J Annual average................. | $87.6 8 1 ........... | Percent reporting 8. 1 J 8. 0 | Income from interest, dividends, | I I estates and trusts | I I Annual average ................. | $211.47| $219.13| ........... | 67.6| Percent reporting 65.6| Income from all other sources, total | 1 I Annual average................. | $631.00| $654.30| Percent reporting ........... | 76.5| 7 9.0| Welfare and public assistance | 1 I Annual average................. | $99.86| $104.67| Percent reporting ......... . . | 5. 1| 5.2 | Private pensions j I 1 Annual average................. | $23.43| $24.871 1.4 | Percent reporting ........... | 1.4 | Regular contributions for support | 1 I $98,591 $ 98.37| Annual average................. | 4.9 J 4.91 Percent reporting ........... | Other, incl. workmens' compensation | I 1 $426.401 Annual average ................. | $409.11| 76.4| ........... | 74.01 Percent reporting I . 1 . 1 See footnotes at end of table. J $4,000 J $5,000 | | $3,000 | $6,000 to | to | to | to | 1 $3,000 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 1 $6*999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 $313,041 $296.85| $377.46| $310.16| $218,231 12.41 14. 21 15.6J 9.8 | 12.4 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 $50,871 $178.95| $58,721 $289.531 $161.44| 4.7 | 19. 1 | 10.8| 9.2| 11.7| I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 $56.46| $51.64| $96.89| $38,391 $4.2 0 | 10.6| 14.11 31.6| 27. 4 1 37. 0 | 1 1 I 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 ** | ** | $25.14| $33,081 $38.90| ** j ** | 4. 4 | 4. 1 | 3-3 | 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 ! I $4,201 $12.74| $5,301 $96.89| $31.32| 10.6| 9.71 31.61 27.4| 32.9| 1 1 1 1 1 $837,101 $1,706.92| $1,791,461 $1,044,391 $516.69| 79.5J 81.71 63.81 73.3| 78.6| 1 1 1 1 1 $499,951 $1,249,031 $1,030,451 $ 3 90.01| $194,721 33.5J 48.9| 3 8.51 19.2| 8.9J 1 1 1 1 1 ** j ** | ** | ** 1 $40,011 ** j ** | ** | ** 1 2.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 $116,421 $510.35| $341.60| $45,791 $187.81| 12.7J 22.41 12.9| 11.9| 6.7 | 1 1 1 1 1 $270.07| $250.66| $220,731 $312.78| $236.18| 67.4J 53.1| 71.0| 71.7J 69. 7 | i. 1 . __ I. 1_ 1 Under $7,000 to $7*999 $521.02 16.0 $202.83 12.6 $94.50 45.6 $46.73 9. 6 $47.78 41.6 $772.42 76.0 $193.64 10. 1 $32.26 3. 9 $317.91 14.3 $228.61 70. 1 158 Table 9. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1./ (All families of four persons. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Family income before taxes Item | Social security, railroad retirement | Annual average................. | Percent reporting ........... I Government retirement, veterans* payments, and unemployment | compensation l Annual average................. | Percent reporting ........... I Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, | rental income, royalties, income | from roomers and boarders | Annual average ................. I Percent reporting ............| Rental income, royalties, income | from roomers and boarders | Annual average................. | Percent reporting ............ | Income from interest, dividends, | estates and trusts | Annual average ................. I Percent reporting ........... | Income from all other sources, total | Annual average................. I ........... | Percent reporting Welfare and public assistance | Annual aver a g e ................. | ........... I Percent reporting Private pensions I Annual aver a g e ................. | ........... | Percent reporting Regular contributions for support | Annual average................. | ........... I Percent reporting Other, incl. workmens* compensation | Annual average................. I ......... ..| Percent reporting \ See footnotes at end of table. $8,000 to $9,999 $163.49 7.2 $173.22 14.3 $128.65 53.6 $35.78 6.5 $92.87 49.7 $582.50 82.6 $73.50 4.3 $15.75 1.0 $227.14 9.3 $266.11 77.7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I .1 $10,000 to $11,999 I I I I I $264.06 I 9.4 I I I I $237.63 I 17.8 I I 1 1 $126.93 1 65.2 1 1 1 $35.88 1 6.3 1 1 1 $91.05 1 63. 5 1 1 $386.52 1 77.8 1 1 $48.51 1 2.5 1 1 $24.38 1 1.4 1 1 $37.32 I 2.6 1 1 $276.31 1 76.8 1 .1 $12,000 to $ 14^999 $204.80 6.6 $277.10 15.0 $186. 17 76.3 $78.45 7.3 $107.72 75. 1 $535.76 82.5 $15.87 2.2 $50.69 2.9 $73.47 3.2 $395.73 80.5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1. $15,000 to $19,999 I I I I I $151.60 I 5.8 I I I I $239.53 I 15.6 I I I ! $251.06 I 79. 7 I I I $77.30 I 8.7 I I I $173.76 I 78. 0 I I $508.52 I 82.7 I I $5.37 I .7 I I $20.74 I 1.1 I I $49.95 I 2.5 I I $432.47 I 81.8 I .1 $20,000 to $24,999 I I I I I $192.90 I 7.2 i I I I $245. 14 I 15.7 I I I I $471.64 I 88.4 I I I $125.49 I 12. 1 I I I $346. 15 I 87.2 I I $628.97 I 80.7 I I $6.71 I .5 I I $36.82 I 1.8 I I $59.21 I 3.4 I I $526.24 I 79.3 I .1 income I I reporting I I I $95.41 $204.62 I 4. 4 7.8 I I I I $49.31 $407.21 I 16. 1 I 4.7 I I I $166.99 $1,165.75 I 36. 4 89.6 I I I $80.81 $281.80 I 13.0 I 6.2 I I $86.18 $883.95 I 32. 3 89.0 I I $945.71 I $250.24 36. 5 65.9 I I $10.99 I $21. 34 2.5 .7 I I ** $. 37 I ** I I $102.31 $17.03 I 5.2 .8 I I $126.58 $917.32 I 65.6 I 34.6 .1$25,000 and over 159 Table 9, Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1/ (All families of four persons, United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued See footnotes at end of table. o 00 o IT) I I. All | I L Item | Total | Under | I families I 1 1 I 1 1 $3*000 _ I _ I 1 I I Personal taxes, total I I 1 1 Annual average........ ....... I -$2,313.80| -$2,427.72| -$102.4 2 l Percent reporting ... ........ I 95.8| 93.0| 36.0 | Federal income taxes I 1 i I Annual average......... ........ I -$1,915.22| -$2,009.6tt| - $ 7 4 . 74| Percent reporting ... ........I 90.4| 93.5| 28. 5 | State and local income taxes I 1 i I Annual average ......... -$332.56 -$349 . 5 7 | -$ 16.07 I Percent reporting .... 75.8| 72.9| 28.1| Personal property and other I 1 1 1 Annual average ......... ....... I - $ 6 6 .0 2 1 -$ 11.611 -$68.5 1 | Percent reporting ............ I 28. 4 1 29.4| 11.6| Other money receipts I 1 I 1 $ 1.3 4 | Annual average......... $218.76| $222.43| Percent reporting ............ I 16.1| 16.5| 3.2 | Net change in assets and liabilities, | 1 1 1 total | 1 1 1 Average of end-of-year values.J $1,257.93| $1,283.59| $1,897,641 Percent reporting .... 60.0| 94.01 94.7 | Net change in assets l 1 I 1 Average of end-of-year values.I $2,176.09| $ 2,218.44| $3,097.53| 24. 6 | Percent reporting ....•....... I 82.5| 81.1| Net change in liabilities I 1 1 1 Average of end-of-year values.| $934 . 8 5 | $1,199,891 $918.16| Percent reporting ............ I 84.4| 85.1| 52. 1 | Goods and services received without | I I 1 direct expense | I I 1 Annual average................. | $163.80| $149.22| $165.17| Percent reporting ............ I 72.0| 72. 5 J 78.7| Market value of financial assets I I 1 Average of end-of-year values.| $5,179.43| $132.70| Percent reporting ....•....... I 83.1| 23.7| 80.9| Mortgage principal paid on owned I 1 1 1 property I 1 1 1 Annual average......... ........ I -$427.65| -$421. 2 4 1 — $ 96.23| 58.4J 59.1| 10.7| Percent reporting ............I I 1_ . 1 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income 1 $5,000 $3,000 | $4,000 | $6,000 l to | to 1 to 1 to | $3,999 1 $4*999 1 $5,999 | 1 $6,999 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 -$121.64| -$148.45| -$ 4 1 2 . 9 2 | -$521.03| 60.0 | 62.61 92. 4! 92.3| I 1 I 1 — $ 8 6 . 0 5 | -$108.22| -$319.20J -$402.69| 43.9| 58.2| 76.8J 88. 8 | I 1 I 1 -$ 6 . 5 9 | -$25.69! -$72.6 7 | -$15.68! 22. 1 | 36. 1 1 53.7 | 70.9| I I I 1 -$29.0 0 | - $24.55! -$68.03! -$ 4 5.6 7 | 10.7| 18.0| 33. 4 | 27.7| 1 1 I 1 $122.58| $13.60| $76.81| $129.08| 12.0| 16.7J 10. 1! 19.4| 1 I I ! 1 I I 1 —$57 .50| $102.26|- ■$1,245.77| -$11,561 82. 1 1 84. 1 | 91.71 84.6! I I 1 1 $3 6 7 . 7 9 |- $1,565.57| $708.04| $226,941 60.2| 62.3J 64.4 | 64. 81 I ! 1 1 $265.53! $765.54| $238.50| -$ 3 1 9 . 7 9 | 69. 5 | 56. 1 | 75.7J 74.51 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 $196.25! $266.58| $623,631 $276.82| 71.7| 72.4| 71.1| 65. 8 | 1 1 1 1 $161.58| $2,606.98| $482.28! $1,064,921 29.9! 51.2| 54.0| 58.7| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -$196.76 J - $209.44J -$177.41! -$161,011 16.81 14.8| 35. 4 1 28.9! 1_ 1 _ 1_ 1 $7,000 to $7,999 -$654.51 96.0 -$531.30 95.0 -$79.58 72.2 -$43.63 28. 1 $80.39 16.5 $351.59 90.6 $1,195. 17 65. 2 $843.58 77.6 $186.22 76.7 $1,787.71 69.4 -$145.15 39.5 160 Table 9. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1/ (All families of four persons, United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-197 3)-Continued Complete reportina of income L $8,000 | $10,000 | $12,000 | $15,000 I I $20,000 I $25,000 to | to | to j to and to I I I | $14,999 1 $19,999 $9,999 I $11,999 over l I $24^999 I I I I 1 I I Personal taxes, total I 1 I I I I Annual a v erage ......... ....... I -$1,020.64 | -$1,365.41 | -$1,865.38 | -$2,653.36 ! -$3,715.49 I -$6,830.36 98.9 | 98.7 | 99.8 | 100.0 I Percent reporting ............I 99.6 100.0 I Federal income taxes I I I I I I Annual average ......... ....... I -$838.81 | -$1,131.08 | -$1,524.69 | -$2,226.03 I -$3,118.83 I -$5,595.03 Percent reporting .... 94.8 | 96.3 | 99.6 | 99.5 ! 98.9 I 97.4 State and local income taxes I I I I I l Annual average......... ....... I -$129.40 | -$275.69 | -$376.71 I -$186.17 | -$530.16 I -$1,034.05 Percent reporting .... ....... I 76.5 | 76.9 | 83.1 | 82. 8 I 81.6 I 78.1 Personal property and other I I I I I -$52.43 | -$48.16 | -$50.61 I Annual a v erage ......... -$65.01 | -$66.51 I -$201.28 28.7 I Percent reporting ....■....... I 28.8 | 32.8 | 28.9 | 30. 4 I 36.3 Other money receipts I I I I I I $177.24 | Annual average......... -....... I $247.16 | $134.99 I $382.51 I $370.83 | $325.56 Percent reporting .... 15.4 | 15.8 | 18.4 | 14. 2 I 19.4 I 20.8 Net change in assets and liabilities, | I I I I I total | I I I I I $848.73 | $71.79 | $672.83 j $1,149.70 I $1,981.52 I $4,972.40 Average of end-of-year values.| 94. 4 | Percent reporting .............I 98. 1 | 97. 9 I 98.5 I 98.4 91.0 | Net change in assets I I I I I I $1,318.48 | $1,721.78 | $1,601.97 | $2,036.35 I $2,924.42 I $6,443.24 Average of end-of-year values.| 88.4 l Percent reporting ............ I 76.3 | 81.9 | 87.9 | 90.9 I 93.1 Net change in liabilities I I I I I I $929.14 | $873.06 | $1,246.69 | $886.65 I Average of end-of-year values.I $942.91 I $1,470.84 Percent reporting ............ I 82.3 | 84.3 | 90.6 | 89.6 I 89. 5 I 89.3 Goods and services received without l I I I l I direct expense | I I I I I $118.79 | Annual average ................. | $172.61 | $125.01 | $155.43 I $139.54 I $166.87 72.6 | 72. 1 | 74.6 | Percent reporting ............ I 72.9 I 70.3 I 70.9 Market value of financial assets I I I I I I Average of end-of-year values.| $2,226.62 | $3,098.05 | $2,889.36 | $3,738.16 I $8,256.42 I $19,390.26 Percent reporting ............ I 85.2 | 90.7 | 74.8 | 92.4 I 93.7 I 91.6 Mortgage principal paid on owned l I I I I I property l I I I I I -$175.61 | Annual average ......... ........ I -$348.05 | -$514.62 | -$557.87 -$560.20 I -$521.50 l 43.6 | 66.4 | Percent reporting .............I 53.9 | 70.7 I 71.5 I 75.9 1 1 ______ . 1 -1. .1. Item 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ ** I Incomplete income I I r eporting I I I -$451.58 I 46.6 I I -$371.77 I 38.9 I I -$54.56 I 25. 4 I l -$2 5 . 25 I 12. 1 I I $158.70 I 9.8 I I I $838.44 I 82. 1 I I I $1,483.76 58.6 I I $645.32 I 72.0 I I I $141.25 I 62. 4 I I I $2,271.49 44. 6 I I I -$532.29 I 46.9 I .1. Data in columns which represent less than 218,000 consumer units or in cells which represent less than 18,500 consumer units are likely to have large sampling errors. Percents may not sum to 100 due to rounding. Data represent only those expenditures collected in the interview survey, not the total of all family expenditures. Value less than 0.05 percent Data not available. 161 Table 10. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESiy (All families of five persons, United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973) I I j All | Item | families J I I S f I I Number of families in universe (000s).. .| 6,406| I I [ Selected family characteristics S 3 I l Average I I i i 1 1 Family s i z e .......................... -1 4.9| l Family income before t a x e s ....... .| Family income after taxe s . . . ....... .| 1 Age of h e a d ............... ........... . | 1 1 Number of children under 18........ .| 1 Number of persons 65 and o v e r ...... . | i 1 Number of automobiles o w n e d ........ . | 1 1 Percent3/ 1 i 1 Housing tenure 1 H o m eowner .......................... . 1 R enter.............................. . | Not reported....................... . | i 1 Race of head 1 W hite ............................... . | Black............................... . | Other............................... . | i 1 Education of head 1 1 to 9 years ....................... . | 9 years, not more than 12 years.. -I More than 12 years................ . | Not reported or no school........ . | i 1 Automobile ownership 1 At least one automobile owned.... . | I See footnotes at end of table. $16,155| $13,675| 1 41 | 1 1 2. 5 | 1 .1| i ! 1- 8 | 1 1 1 i l 1 74 | 22 | 4| i 1 1 89 | 10 | 21 i 1 1 15 | 5 11 321 21 i 1 1 911 1 . 1 Total \ 1 1 6,054| 1 3 S l 1 1 4.9 | $16,954| 1 $14,367| 1 41 | I 1 2.5 | 1 1 .1 I I 1 -8 | 1 1 1 i 1 1 74 | 221 41 i I 1 89 | 10 | 2| i I 1 15 | 51 | 32 | 2I i 1 1 911 1 .- Under | 1 $3,000 I 1 120| I i i 1 1 | 4.8 | 1 51,9331 1 $1,543| 1 44| 1 3.0| 1 1 .2| i 1 •9 | 1 1 1 i 1 46 | 54 | ** | ■ 1 1 69 | 27 | 4| i 1 1 52| 36 | 6I 6| ■ 1 1 59 | _ . 1 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income____ _ $3,0C0 J $4,000 • $5,000 | $6,000 | ’$7‘ , 000 to | to | to | to | to $3,999 | $4,999 ! $5,999 1 $6,999 i $7,999 1 1 1 1 209| 155| 243 150| 99 1 1 1 1 1 i ! ! 3 i i ■ ■ i | 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 4. 9 4.91 4.9| 4.9 | 4.8 | 1 ■ 1 1 $7,447 $4,521| $6,586 J $3,622| $5,510| 1 f | 1 $6,154| $6,771 $3,486| $4,382| $5,228| 1 | 1 1 I 40 41 | 38 | 37 | 40 | 1 I 1 I 1 1 3. 1 | 2.8 3.2 | 2. 9 | 2.8 | | 1 1 | 1 1 1 .2| (2) | (2) .1 I .1 I ■ i i i 1 1 1. 4 | .5| .8 | 1.4 | 1. 4 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I ■ i l 1 1 1 ** ** I 34 | 66 | j ■ I 1 67 | 29| 4| i 1 1 28 | 66 | j 61 i 1 1 39 | 1 ** 1 36 | 64 | | i 1 1 72 | 26 | 2| i 1 1 40 | 45 | 11 | 4| i 1 1 49 | 1 . ** 1 331 66 | 11 i 1 1 70| 26 | 4| ■ 1 1 311 64 | 51 | i l 1 76 | 1 ** 1 41 | 53 | 6l i 1 1 71 | 29 | | i I I 33 | 51 I 15 | 1I i 1 1 79 | 1 . 49 47 4 76 23 1 31 53 8 8 90 162 Table 10. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1/ (All families of five persons. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973) I I I I I i Item Number of families in universe (000s). Selected family characteristics •Average I I l i i 1 i I Family s i z e ......................... i Family income before t a x e s ........ $20,000 to $24*999 796 4.9 $22,214 $18,678 43 2. 3 (2) 2. 1 89 7 5 96 3 2 4 46 49 (2) 97 I I I I I I I I i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 | $25,000 and over 810 4.9 $38,956 00 in =r See footnotes at end of table. I I I I 472 I I I I i I 1 i 1 4.9 1 1 $8,931 1 1 $8,072 1 1 38 1 1 1 2.7 1 1 1 .1 1 i 1 1.4 ! i 1 1 i i 1 55 1 40 1 5 1 i 1 1 77 1 21 1 2 1 I 1 1 20 1 61 1 17 1 2 1 i 1 1 86 1 .1 I A 00 i Family income after t a x e s ......... .. I i Age of h e a d ......................... .. 1 i i Number of children under 18....... 1 I Number of persons 65 and ove r ..... i i Number of automobiles o w n e d ....... I i i Percent3/ 1 i 1 Housing tenure 1 Homeowner. ............... ........ Renter....................-........ Not reported ...................... ■ i Race of head 1 W h i t e .............................. Bla c k .............................. .. 1 O t h e r .............................. -• 1 1 1 Education of head 1 1 to 9 years ...................... 1 9 years, not more than 12 years. More than 12 years............... .. 1 Not reported or no s c h o o l ....... 1 i i Automobile ownership 1 At least one automobile owned... .. 1 1 $8,000 to $9,999 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $10,000 I I $15,000 I $12,000 to to to I I ! $19,999 $11,999 I 1 I $14,999 1 I I 1,373 I 1,003 1 625 I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I i i i 1 1 i 1 1 1 i i i i 1 4.9 1 4.9 1 4.9 1 I I 1 1 I $13,464 1 $10,882 I $17,225 1 I 1 1 1 $9,686 1 $14,666 1 $11,732 1 I i 1 1 1 41 1 39 1 39 1 I l I 1 1 2.7 1 2. 5 1 2.6 1 I 1 i 1 1 1 .1 1 .1 1 (2) 1 i I 1 1 1.7 1 1.8 1 2.0 1 ■ ■ 1 l 1 1 1 ! 1 i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 70 1 78 1 86 1 23 1 18 1 10 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 I 90 1 90 1 95 1 8 1 8 1 5 I 3 1 2 1 (2) 1 i I 1 1 1 1 1 16 1 20 1 9 1 61 1 57 1 54 1 16 1 27 1 35 1 2 1 3 1 (2) 1 i i i l 1 1 1 1 1 96 1 93 1 97 1 _1 . .1 45 1.9 .1 2.4 90 5 5 96 2 2 4 31 65 (2) 97 Incomplete income I I reporting I I 352 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 4.9 1 1 $2,416 1 1 $1,765 1 1 46 1 1 2. 1 1 f l I .1 1 1 1 1.9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 76 1 22 1 2 1 1 1 1 89 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 15 1 39 1 44 1 1 1 1 1 1 93 1 -1- 163 Table 10. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJl/ (All families of five persons. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Family income before taxes I L Complete reportincr of income All | I. I | $4,000 | $5,000 J $6,000 1 $7,000 Item | f am ilies | $3,000 T otal | | Under to | to to | to | to | I 1 I I ! $3*999 1 $4,999 | $5,999 I $6*999 1 .12*999__ 1 $3,000 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I Current consumption expenses, excluding I 1 J 1 1 1 1 I personal insurance, gifts and I 1 1 1 ! ! I 1 contributions 4/ 1 I I ! 1 1 1 1 $7,167.02 Average annual expenditure... i $ n ,058-11| $10 ,910.651 $5,333.55| $4,687.73! $4,973.58| $7,070.01| $7,030.33| 100.0 100. 0 1 100.0| 100.0J 100.0! 100.0| 100.0 | .......... I 100.0| Percent reporting | i 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I Food, total 1 1 1 ! 1 I 1 I $1,986.46 $2 ,465.65) $1,502.82! $1,734.90| $1,453.19! $2,143.97! $1,805.41! Average annual expenditure... | $2 ,498.601 93.4 | 100.0J 100.0J 100.0| 100.0 100.0J 99.8| 99.8J Percent reporting .......... I Food at home I 1 I I ! ! I 1 $1,742.42 Average annual expenditure... | $1 ,996.31| $1 ,977. 75 | $1 ,333.78| $1,618.19| $1,341,821 $1,928.12| $1,579,221 100.0 100.0J 99.7| 93.4| 100.0| 99.8| 100.0! 100.01 Percent reporting .......... I Food away from home, excluding trips! ! ! ! 1 1 I 1 $172.47| $234.14 $481.74| $198.96| $149.62| $99.28| $104.59| $468. 20 | Average annual expenditure... I 71.7| 69.3| 86. 1 | 88. 81 90.3 95.9 | 95.8| 69.1| Percent reporting .......... I Meals as pay 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I $17.43J $6.77| $ 43.38| $27,231 $9. 90 $20.55| $19.71j $19.42! Average annual expenditure... I 11.4| 9.8 | 10.9| 26. 9 | 5.8 9.2| 10.2J 11.7| Percent reporting .......... I 1 ■ i i i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Alcoholic beverages 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 $16.77| $12.90| $23.60| $42.68 $85.57| $85 . 1 9 | $27.58| $66.44| Average annual expenditure... 1 16.5J 63.5J 44.7! 72.5J 39. 2| 46.9| 72. 3| 53.0 .......... Percent reporting 1 I i ■ i i I ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tobacco products 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $143.65| $78.67| $140.85| $139.24 $172.89| $98.66! $156.20| $172.16| Average annual expenditure... 1 43.4| 70.7| 61.1| 71.81 6 6 . 2| 45.2| 63.0 66-2 | Percent reporting .......... 1 1 i i i i i i I l i 1 1 1 1 1 1 Housing, total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $1,841.92 Average annual expenditure... | $3 ,103.18| $3 ,069.21J $1,432.72| $1,361.63! $ 1,770.13| $2,312.15| $2,140.57| 100.0| 96.5J 100.0| 100.0J 100.0J 98. 0 99.9| 99.9 | Percent reporting .......... 1 i • i i 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Shelter, total 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 $913.81 $530.02| $832,951 $1,202,671 $1,414.00! $1,175.67| Average annual expenditure... | $1 ,598.83| $1 ,590.82| 98.7| 87.2| 100.0J 96.3! 98.0| 97.7| 98.7| 85.3 Percent reporting .......... I Rented dwellings ! 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 $304.16| $953.48| $1,198,501 $735.23| $550.90 $594.39! $ 388.15| $389.39| Average annual expenditure... I 66.5J 40.2 60.7| 63.3| 54.3| 24.7| 24.7J 44.3| Percent reporting .......... I Owned dwellings 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I $209.81| $195.70! $248.33! $215.10| $419.03| $356.06 Average annual expenditure... | $1 ,158.26| $1 ,152.42| 37. 5 | 37. 8 J 37.2J 49.3| 48.8 79.3J 79.3) 45.8| Percent reporting .......... I Other lodging, excluding trips I 1 I I 1 1 1 I $42.85! $.86| $21,411 $6.85 $50.25! $ 16. 0 5 1 $.40| $51.18| Average annual expenditure... ! 4. 0 13. 2 1 2.7| 3.8! 4.8J 3. 4 1 8.21 13.1| Percent reporting .......... I I i. 1. 1. 1. I, 1__ _L See footnotes at end of table 164 Table 10. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJl/ (All families of five persons. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued \ I i I I Current consumption expenses, excluding I personal insurance, gifts and S contributions 4/ l Average annual expenditure... . I Percent reporting ........... - I I Food, total I Average annual expenditure... . I Percent reporting .......... . I Food at home I Average annual expenditure... . I Percent reporting .......... - I Food away from home, excluding trips| Average annual expenditure... - I Percent reporting .......... . I Meals as pay I Average annual expenditure... . I Percent reporting ........ . . I i l Alcoholic beverages 1 Average annual expenditure... . 1 Percent reporting .......... | I Tobacco products l Average annual expenditure... - 1 Percent reporting .......... • 1 ■ 1 — Housing, total 1 Average annual expenditure... . 1 Percent reporting .......... . 1 i 1 Shelter, total Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Rented dwellings Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Owned dwellings Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Other lodging, excluding trips Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting $8,010.52 100.0 $2,066.97 100.0 $1,718.70 99.3 $323.32 95.3 $24.95 10.7 $55.36 65.2 $180.05 64.9 $2,424.21 100.0 $1,302.37 100.0 1 .1 .1 1 •1 -1 1 .1 .1 \ I 7 i i i 1 .1 .1 1 See footnotes at end of table $8,000 to $9,999 $683.03 44.8 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 1 i i i i 1 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i $609.64 i 61.9 i i $9.71 i 10. 1 i .1 o o o o It era Family income before taxes Compl ete reporting of income | $15,000 ] $20,000 I $12,000 to to | to | to I $ 1 1.999 i $14,999 « $19,999 I $94,999 I I I i I i ! $8,621.70 I $9,360.04 l $11,245.35 | $13,477.20 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 I 100.0 $2,159.84 99.4 $1,754.37 99.4 $386.90 97.2 $18.57 14.0 $50.93 60. 9 $169.27 66. 8 $2,250.77 100.0 $1,128.80 100.0 $411.63 29.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Incomplete ; income I reporting i V I I i ] l | $18,740.97 I $13,594.10 100.0 | 100.0 I S | ! $25,000 and ovpr 1 1 1 $2,199.81 100.0 | | $2,563.46 100.0 | | $2,903.54 100.0 | | $1,797.77 100.0 | | $2,059.09 100.0 l | $2,306.72 100.0 | | $383.80 98.5 | | $489.61 | 99. 2 | $582.62 99.5 | | $18.25 13.3 | | $14.75 7.9 | | $14.20 10.5 | | $65.85 72.8 | | $96.20 80.0 I | $118.70 83.8 | | $184.82 71.3 | | $187.97 65.4 | | $177.94 66.0 | | 1 $3,065.25 100. 0 1 1 $2,479.56 1 $2,315.55 100.0 1 100.0 1 $714.65 $928.83 1 100.0 1 94.3 1 $31.25 1 $35.04 17.9 12.4 1 1 1 1 $160.41 1 $92.08 69.5 91.5 1 I 1 1 $176.24 1 $159.60 66. 6 67.9 1 $2,617.34 | 100.0 | $3,105.56 100.0 | | $3,542.95 100.0 | | $5,542.22 100.0 $1,322.67 99.3 | | $1,550.58 | 99. 5 | $1,863.49 | 99.7 | $2,897.82 100.0 $327.37 | 21.5 | $231.50 | 13.5 | $184.00 11.6 | | $297.87 10.1 $1,613.84 93.1 | | $2,396.84 95.4 $65.65 16.9 | | 1 $3,439.65 100.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $3,687.39 100. 0 $1,736.56 99.0 1 $707.01 77.4 1 1 $981.40 84.1 | | $1,281.73 | 90. 9 | $10.17 9.4 1 1 1 $13.90 12.1 | | 1 $37.35 13.0 | | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $203. 12 1 26.0 1 -1. $410.55 24.5 $1,258.79 79.6 $67.21 14. 4 165 Table 10, Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1/ (All families of five persons, United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued 1 I All | I Item | families | I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I Fuel and utilities, total | 1 $565.92| Average annual expenditure....! 97.5| ........... | Percent reporting Gas, total | 1 $122.11! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | 59.8! Gas, delivered in mains (piped) | I Average annual expenditure....! $101*. 8 1 1 Percent reporting ........... I 49.9| Gas, bottled or tank | 1 Average annual expenditure....! $17.30| Percent reporting ........... | 11.3| Electricity | 1 $222.47! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | 82.6| Gas and electricity combined bills! 1 Average annual expenditure....! $56.42! Percent reporting ........... | 14.8! Fuel oil and kerosene I Average annual expenditure....! $70.03| Percent reporting ........... J 25. 3 | Other fuels, coal, wood | I $5.7 5 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | 12.4| Water, trash, sewerage | 1 $89.13| Average annual expenditure....! 76.5| Percent reporting ........ -•-! i ■ 1 1 Housing expenses, total | ! $371.79| Average annual expenditure....! ........... | 96.2| Percent reporting Telephone, excluding coin phones 1 1 Average annual expenditure....! $199,651 92.6| Percent reporting ........... ! Other expenses, including domestic! 1 services | ! $172.14| Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! 79.8! 1 1 \ See footnotes at end of table. Familv income before taxes Complete reportina of income J $6,000 | | $5,000 $3,000 | $4,000 to | to | to ! to | 1 $3,999 l $4,999 J $5,999 1 $6,999 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $309.07| $432.13| $391.84| $286,901 75. 4 1 87.6| 94.3! 91.2| ! 1 I 1 $64.11! $85.79| $101,871 $76.53! 3 9.4! 39. 1 J 65.5| 52.6| 1 I 1 1 $45. 1 8 | $52,631 $41.09 ! $72.32| 25.21 31.5| 28.9| 45. 4 | I I 1 1 $35.44| $18.94! $29,541 $33.171 12. 4 | 14.3| 21.9| 21.1| 1 1 1 1 $147. 1 8 | $102.28! $155.25| $149.02| 73.7| 71.6! 65.2J 76.2| 1 I I I $37.41| $65.48| $32.31| $31,061 22.2| 15.2| 10. 1 | 11.4| I I 1 ! $30.22J $20.41J $61,261 $45.24| 17.5| 19.3J 20. 5 1 25. 2 1 I I 1 I $8.55! $1.61 | $17 . 9 1 | $10.72| 14.8| 14.2| 6.9! 10.6! ! 1 I I $46.67! $22.55! $36.51J $70.00| 39.8! 35.9| 45.3J 60.5 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $121 .63| $133.96| $174.61| $190.62| 73. 3 1 76.7| 87. 3! 86.01 ! 1 I ! $98.07| $80.78| $106.20! $126.10| 6 2. 5 l 59 . 5| 68. 4! 73. 51 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 $40.85! $6 8. 42| $64.51| $35.88| 38. 5 | 40.3| 59.1 J 58. 8 | l_ I Total I Under 1 1 1 1 $3,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 $404.35! $560.36J| 93.6| 1 1 $90.09| $121.18| 55.3| 59.8J I 1 $71,561 $103.52| 49.8 | 34.2| I 1 $17.66| $18.53| 11.4| 21.1! 1 ! $219.89J $177.79| 82.3J 79.6| I 1 $57.44| $16.62| 15.0| 9.8! 1 1 $68.03| $57. 1 5 | 3 1 .7J 25.0J 1 I $5.58| $11.36! 12.6| 17.5| 1 1 $88.24J $51.35! 76.2J 47. 2 | 1 1 1 1 $359.74| $295.84! 96.3| 63.8J 1 1 $195.99| $98.80| 92.5| 55.8| 1 1 1 1 $163.76| $197.04| 57.3| 80.0 | 1 1 . 1 . J___ 1 1 $7,000 to $7,999 $430.90 93. 5 $101.37 58.9 $81.33 43.6 $20.04 18.2 $172.80 81.1 $36.27 15.9 $50.48 23. 0 $10.33 13.4 $59.65 53.3 $175.72 87.0 $129.12 71.8 $46.61 74.7 . 166 Table 10. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1/ (All families of five persons. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued I Item ! I | I I Fuel and utilities, total I Average annual expenditure... . I .......... - I Percent reporting Gas, total ! Average annual expenditure... . I Percent reporting .......... - I Gas, delivered in mains (piped) I Average annual expenditure... - ! .......... . I Percent reporting Gas, bottled or tank I Average annual expenditure... - I Percent reporting ...... . .I Electricity I Average annual expenditure... . I Percent reporting .I Gas and electricity combined bills| Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... - I Fuel oil and kerosene I Average annual expenditure... . I Percent reporting ......... . . I Other fuels, coal, wood I Average annual expenditure... . I .......... - I Percent reporting Water, trash, sewerage I Average annual expenditure... . I Percent reporting .......... . I i l Housing expenses, total 1 Average annual expenditure... - 1 .......... . 1 Percent reporting Telephone, excluding coin phones 1 Average annual expenditure... • 1 Percent reporting .......... . 1 Other expenses, including domestic! services J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting .......... . 1 1 See footnotes at end of table. $8,000 to $9,999 $445.14 95.1 $106.90 57. 1 $80.73 39.7 $26.17 19.1 $189.73 81. 1 $34.53 10.8 $44.65 22.3 $5.05 7. 1 $64.27 63.2 $281.92 98.0 $166.28 90.0 $115.64 72.3 | | 1 1 1 1 | | I | | I | | i | | I | | I | | ! | | I l | I | | i 1 1 | | I J J I I l | 1 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $10,000 t $12,000 I $15,000 to | to to | ! ! $11,999 1 $14,999 I $19,999 I I 1 I I ! 1 I I $506.43 | $552.17 ! $584.29 J 97.6 | 99.2 I 98.9 | 1 I I $113.31 | $122.84 I $132.59 | 64.7 l 57.4 | 60.8 I I I I $110.46 I $82.19 | $117.00 | 56.9 | 53.6 I 44.6 | I I I $31.12 | $12.39 I $15.59 | 8.5 I 9. 1 | 14.0 | I I I $198.84 J $232.76 I $226.35 | 86. 0 I 83.0 J 83.0 J I I I $61.15 J $41.30 | $44.60 I 13.3 I 14.9 | 15.8 | I I I $61.35 | $80.03 J $74.11 I 27.0 ! 30.0 l 22.2 J ! I I $3.40 I $5.80 | $4.01 l 16. 1 | 7.6 | 7.8 I I I I $68.94 | $74.46 I $97.05 | 66.6 | 77.7 I 86. 0 | i i i 1 1 l 1 1 1 $247.19 | $289.86 1 $354.40 | 98. 1 | 99. 1 1 99.7 | I 1 ! $171.99 | $183.26 1 $204.20 ! 97.6 1 97.9 J 96.3 | I 1 1 I 1 1 $75.21 | $106.60 1 $150.21 ! 79.5 1 84.8 J 77.0 | _1. 1 $20,000 to $24,999 I I I I I I $646.06 ! 100.0 I I $136.05 I 62.6 ! I $129.44 I 57. 1 I I $6.61 I 7.0 I I $234.83 I 84. 9 I I $78.60 I 15.2 I I $77.75 I 25.7 I I $4.90 I 12.2 I I $113.92 I 91.5 I i l 1 $414.13 1 100.0 1 1 $214.83 1 99.9 1 1 1 $199.30 1 92.1 1 .1 $25,000 and over $761.64 99.8 $137.89 58.1 $123.95 51.6 $13.95 8.2 $290.55 81.8 $94.51 20.2 $93.06 27.2 $5.79 20.3 $139.84 91.6 $749.85 99.3 $318.35 99.3 $431.50 94.1 Incomplete | income J reporting | 1 1 1 | $661.45 97. 9 | I | $138. 10 60. 1 J I $126.89 J | 51.3 ! $11.21 l 9.4 | I | $266.79 87. 5 J I | $38.96 10. 5 | I | $104.38 30. 1 l I $8.76 | 9.7 | I | $104.48 | 82.0 ■ 1 1 | $579.05 | 95.0 1 | $262.69 | 95.0 I I | $316.37 | 76.9 1 167 Table 10. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ/ (All families of five persons. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued 1 I All | I Item | I families I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I Housefurnishings, equipment, total | 1 $566.64| Average annual expenditure. ... 1 ...... Percent reporting ... | 96. 1 1 Household textiles 1 I $70.19| Average annual expenditure. ... | Percent reporting ........ ... 1 87.3| Furniture I 1 $204.65| Average annual expenditure. ...1 Percent reporting ........ ... | 55.9| Floor coverings ! 1 Average annual expenditure. ...1 $59.90| Percent reporting ........ ...1 25.8| Major appliances 1 1 Average annual expenditure. ... | $129.72| Percent reporting ........ ... | 41.2| Small appliances 1 1 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 $13.01| 41.41 Percent reporting ........ ... | Housewares 1 1 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 $12.55| Percent reporting .... . ... | 34. 4| Miscellaneous 1 I $76.62| Average annual expenditure. ... 1 Percent reporting ........ 62.5! 1 I Clothing, total 1 I Average annual expenditure. ... 1 $963.09| Percent reporting ........ ... | 99.7J Clothing, male, 2 and over 1 1 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 $358.71| Percent reporting ........ 98. 1( Clothing, female, 2 and over 1 I $460.28| Average annual expenditure. ... ! Percent reporting ........ ...1 98.9 | Clothing, children under 2 years 1 I $18.42| Average annual expenditure. ...1 21.6| Percent reporting ........ ...1 Dry cleaning, laundry 1 1 $83.34| Average annual expenditure. ...1 ........ ... 1 80.81 Percent reporting Materials and services 1 1 $42.34| Average annual expenditure. ...1 Percent reporting ........ ...1 75. 2 1 1 1 See footnotes at end of table. Total | 1 1 1 1 1 $558.28| 96.3| 1 $69.88| 87.4| 1 $196.14| 55.9| I $60 . 0 1 | 25.8 | I $130.61| 41.5| 1 $13. 31 | 41.5| 1 $12.45| 34.4| I $75.88| 62.4 | I I $ 9 43.00| 99.9 | I $ 3 53.83| 98.3| I $ 4 47.86| 99.1| 1 $ 1 8.21l 21.9! I $81 . 0 2 | 80.4! I $ 4 2.07| 75.0 | Under $3,000 | I 1 I 1 $202.50| 78. 5 1 1 $31.87| 72. 5 1 1 $63,181 35.5| 1 $7.66| 9.4 | 1 $50,191 33.81 1 $4.4 6 | 15.71 1 $2. 1 7 | 12.4| 1 $42.97| 25.9! 1 1 $510.83| 96. 51 1 $161.10| 91.01 1 $251.72| 9 6.5| 1 $14,441 27. 4 1 1 $73,411 63. 9 | 1 $10.161 63.3| 1 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $3,000 | $4,000 | $5,000 | $6,000 | $7,000 to 1 to I to 1 to 1 to $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 1 $7,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $120,151 $124.43| $291,411 $382.44! $321.49 95.7J 92. 1 1 88.9| 91.6J 92.6 1 I 1 1 $29. 17 $23,261 $24.21 l $34.83| $35,031 79.6| 76.0| 86.0| 68.6| 81.9 1 1 1 1 $54.57| $24,531 $52.27| $152.17| $121.32 28.3| 26.1 | 22.6| 45.7| 38.9 I 1 1 1 $1,531 $5,351 $4.48| $12.19 $12.55| ' 15.2 8.3 | 6.21 17. 41 17.41 1 1 1 1 $105.14 $27,721 $50,931 $130.71| $126.03| 40.6| 25.0| 22.2| 36.5| 36.5 1 1 1 1 $7,841 $5.12| $8,731 $10.17| $9.62 26.8| 35.5| 3 9.4| 27.0 | 33. 8 1 1 1 1 $8,731 $14,361 $6.54 $1.93| $3.71| 15. 1| 23.5| 21.5| 17. 51 27.2 I 1 1 1 $ 8.06l $43.59 | $5.80| $40.19| $37.50 29.61 32. 2 | 35. 11 40.3| 51.5 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 $608.19| $581,091 $457.39| $531.53| $596.56 100.0| 100.0! 100.0| 100.0| 100.0 I 1 1 1 $173.79| $231,671 $154,001 $192,911 $228.58 97.4| 98.2| 92. 3 1 85.9J 98. 2 1 1 1 1 $247,421 $199.23| $231,231 $228.37| $249.88 100.01 96. 1 | 98.6 100.01 100.01 1 I 1 1 $48.78| $16.69| $15,881 $21.31| $27.74 39.01 32.3 39.6J 29.0| 25. 3 1 1 1 1 l $94.66| $114,081 $80,201 $67,091 $58.58 64. 1 | 76.6| 57.7| 57.21 71.2 l 1 1 1 $16.44| $7,281 $15.33| $21,851 $31.79 42.5 | 44.7| 48.6| 58. 1 l 60.4 1 1 . 1 . _L _ 168 T ab le 10. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f f i v e p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w I Item I I L I I Housefurnishings, equipment, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........ ... I Household textiles I Average annual expenditure. ... | Percent reporting ........ I Furniture I Average annual expenditure. -..I Percent reporting ........ I Floor coverings I Average annual expenditure. ... I Percent reporting ........ • ..I Major appliances I Average annual expenditure. ...| ........ Percent reporting Small appliances I Average annual expenditure. ... | Percent reporting ........ ...I Housewares ! Average annual expenditure. ... | Percent reporting ........ ... | Miscellaneous I Average annual expenditure- ... I ........ Percent reporting i 1 Clothing, total 1 Average annual expenditure. ... | ........ ... | Percent reporting Clothing, male, 2 and over 1 Average annual expenditure. ... | ........ ... | Percent reporting Clothing, female, 2 and over 1 Average annual expenditure. ... | ........ ... | Percent reporting Clothing, children under 2 years 1 Average annual expenditure. ... | ........ ... 1 Percent reporting Dry cleaning, laundry 1 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 ........ ...1 Percent reporting Materials and services 1 Average annual expenditure. ...| ........ ... | Percent reporting 1 See fo o t n o t e s a t end o f t a b l e . $8,000 to $9,999 $394.79 90.9 $48.30 79.9 $120.66 52.0 $53.24 19.6 $122.69 41.8 $8.61 31.7 $9. 46 26.2 $31.82 47.8 $657.07 100.0 I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I ■ 1 1 1 1 1 $221.69 97.5 1 1 1 $289. 19 1 97.7 1 1 $27.25 1 35.0 1 1 $82.23 1 66.7 1 1 $36.71 1 71.3 1 _1 o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE T A X E S !/ S u rv ey , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d Family incomei before taxes Complete reportincr of income $10,000 I $15,000 I $12,000 I I $20,000 to to to to I I I I $11,999 $24,999 I $14,999 I 1 I $19,999 I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I I $619.27 $368.34 I $452.64 I $616.29 1 I 97.5 I 98. 8 1 97.0 I 98.2 I I I ! I $39.56 I $53.39 I $78. 12 1 $80.55 I 84.5 I 90.1 I 91.2 1 90.5 I I I 1 I $126.11 I $153.40 I $227.48 1 $241.27 I 61.7 50.6 I 56.6 I 66. 1 I 1 I I 1 I $32.17 I $52.68 l $60.14 1 $61.81 I 28.7 1 26. 2 I 27.5 I 28.9 I I I 1 I $106.39 I $110.88 I $155.97 1 $123.22 I 37. 1 I 40.4 I 45.8 ( 43.8 I I I 1 I $9.61 I $11.61 I $15.29 1 $13.65 I 42.7 I 38.5 I 45.7 1 45.4 I I I 1 I $13.24 1 $10.41 I $7.08 I $13.89 I 25.9 I 35.1 I 40.8 1 41.0 I I I 1 I $47.41 I $60.26 I $66.05 1 $84.87 I 62.4 I 70. 4 1 74.8 I 50.5 I • i i i 1 1 l 1 ! 1 1 1 $676.47 1 $744.05 1 $983.13 1 $1,158.66 1 99.3 1 100.0 1 100.0 1 100.0 1 1 1 1 1 $287.77 1 $263.89 1 $372.19 1 $463.11 1 98.9 1 99.5 1 97.0 1 99.7 1 1 1 1 1 $343.36 1 $302.03 1 $476.71 1 $546.44 1 99.6 1 99.6 1 99.4 1 98.0 1 1 1 1 1 $17.03 1 $17.49 1 $17.03 1 $10.57 1 19.5 1 23.6 1 20.3 1 11.1 1 1 1 1 1 $70.76 1 $58.11 1 $82.70 1 $59.47 1 80.4 1 74. 1 1 84.9 1 87.3 1 1 1 1 1 $55.84 1 $34.96 1 $36.41 1 $46.44 I 79.4 1 84. 1 1 82.1 1 68.0 1 .1. .1 .1 .1 $25,000 and over $1,132.91 98.8 $149.59 92.6 $384.56 69.0 $155.01 33.8 $191.84 47.9 $23.50 49.7 $24.92 43.8 $203.49 84.4 $1,749.09 100.0 $631.01 99.4 $893.49 99.5 $18.73 15.6 $140.96 96.0 $64.90 82.2 I J Incomplete income I I reporting I I I I $710.33 I 93. 1 I I $75.52 I 86.4 I l $351.00 I 55.5 I I $57.99 I 26.9 I I $114.25 I 34. 6 ! I $7.91 l 39. 6 I l $14.15 I 34. 8 I I $89.50 I 63.3 I i 1 1 1 $1,308.58 97. 1 1 1 $442.62 1 94.7 1 I $673.85 1 94.7 1 1 $22.03 1 17.5 1 1 $123. 17 ! 86. 5 1 1 $46.92 1 77.2 1 JL 169 T a b le 10. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f f i v e p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w All families Item I Transportation, total, excluding trips Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Vehicle purchases (net outlay) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle finance charges Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ...... . Vehicle operations, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health care, total Average annual expenditure.... ............ Percent reporting Health insurance, excluding employer share Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Expenses not covered by insurance Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Personal care (selected expenses) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Recreation, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Owned vacation home Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See fo o tn o tes a t end o f t a b l e . | I I I I I $2,158.55| 98.2| 1 $971,041 42. 1 1 I $107.65| 41.7| 1 $1,027.67| 95.0| 1 $497.40| 94. 1 | I $530.27| 93.5| 1 $52. 19| 23.61 i 1 1 $622.55| 97. 71 1 1 $226.77| 94.5| 1 $395.78| 92.0| i 1 1 $129. 6 0 1 91.0| i 1 1 $903.22| 98.6| i l 1 $12.91| 3.81 1 | | Under 1 1 1 1 $3,000 1 1 ! 1 1 1 $2,133.49| $888,431 98.2| 94.5| I 1 $953.57| $441.22| 32.4| 42.6| 1 1 $109.65| $26.15| 10.7| 42.01 1 1 $393.64| $1,019. 2 4 | 74.5| 94.9 | 1 I $493.52| $221,981 74.5| 94.21 I 1 $525.72| $171.66! 93.6 | 65.2! I I $51.03| $ 27.42| 23.4| 27.8 | i i 1 1 1 1 $614 . 2 1 | $278.59| 78. 4| 98. 1 | I 1 I 1 $226.24| $95.40| 95.5 | 56.2| I 1 $387. 96 | $183.19| 92 - 2 1 59,81 i i 1 1 1 1 $127.23| $6 1 .08| 81.7| 90.6 | i i 1 1 1 1 $886.77! $316.28| 84. 4! 98.5| i i I 1 1 1 $12.38| $.03| 3.7 | .1I 1 . 1 Total o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ/ S u rv ey , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d _Family income before, tax e s Complete reporting of income | $6,000 $3,000 | $4,000 | | $5,000 to | to | to ! to | $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 1 $6,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $949.01| $1,453,421 $456.73| $589.52| 88. 4 1 85.0| 83.2| 96. 1 | 1 1 1 I $109.39| $222,091 $358.30| $675.50| 34.5| 36. 6J 41.0| 24.0| 1 1 1 1 $74.14| $41.00| $11,811 $45.40| 24.3| 45.6 | 10.5! 26. 4! 1 I I 1 $234.14| $295.0 4 | $669.79| $493,651 79.7| 83.4| 67.6! 47.2| 1 1 I 1 $389.28| $279.97| $174,031 $164.64! 83.4| 62.4J 77.3| 45. 2 1 1 I 1 1 $6 9.5 0 | $121.01| $213.68| $280.51| 83.4| 59.3| 77.8| 33.8! 1 1 I 1 $51.66| $31.40| $33.99| $101.39| 39.8f 23.9| 19.6| 32. 1 | i i ■ I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $422.57| $466.29| $121.35| $130,981 56.9| 86.7| 92.4| 92.8| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $66.27| $163,261 $55.69| $157.40| 77.7 | 54.9| 90.8| 88.2| 1 1 1 i $55.08| $259.31| $308.90| $75.29| 51.3| 80.0! 77.0| 42. 1 | i i i 1 1 l i l 1 1 1 1 $32.62| $50.20| $52.68| $45.69| 73.8| 66.4| 77.0| 88.0| i i i i 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 $270,451 $254.58| $200.83| $198.58| 92.0( 86.2| 93.2J 94.8| 1 1 i 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 ** | ** j ** j ** j ** j ** | ** j ** | _ 1 1 JL _JL $7,000 to $7,999 $1,471.37 98. 5 $606.15 36. 1 $129.70 41.3 $703.39 96.4 $336.76 95. 5 $366.63 96.4 $32.14 17.5 $509.88 100.0 $188.56 95.5 $321.32 87.9 $75.63 86.6 $374.55 98. 3 $1.75 1.4 170 T a b le 10. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s / a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s / and s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f f i v e p e r s o n s / U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Item | I Transportation, total, excluding trips| Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Vehicle purchases (net outlay) | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Vehicle finance charges ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ...... ..... | Vehicle operations, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gasoline | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting | Other | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other transportation J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J $8,000 to $9,999 $1,523.23 98. 1 $639.32 40.2 $80.41 39.1 $756.19 91.3 $417.14 91.3 $339.05 91.3 $47.32 20.4 Health care, total I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Health insurance, excluding | employer share I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Expenses not covered by insurance | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I $212.19 90.2 Personal care (selected expenses) | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | $90.88 85.2 Recreation, total I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I $391.63 100.0 $179.43 96.7 l | I 1 1 1 | | I | J I J | ! J | ! J | I | | I | | ■ 1 1 | | I I | | I J | 1 Family income before taxes Complete report ing of income | I $15,000 $10,000 | $12,000 to | to ! to | $19,999 1 i $11,999 I $14x999 I I I I I l $1,937.38 J $1,920.81 J $2,318.53 I 99.4 | 99.7 I 99.6 | I I $931.98 J $991.18 I $838.70 ( 49.1 J 44.2 | 41.9 I I I $52.90 | $97.66 l $174.94 I 37.5 J 45.4 J 49.7 ! I ! $920.82 | $953.55 | $1,107.74 I 96.4 J 99.3 | 99.2 ! I ! $478.76 | $480.57 | $528.54 I 95.3 | 98.6 ! 98. 8 l I I $472.97 J $442.06 J $579.20 l 94.7 | 98.1 | 98.6 I I ! $31.68 J $44.67 ! $30.90 | 16.9 | 20.8 I 21.2 | i i 1 l 1 1 $493.35 J $622.36 1 $580.18 | 99.8 | 100.0 1 100.0 ! I 1 I 1 $209.97 | $251.26 ! $220.88 1 96.9 | 99.8 | 98.9 1 I 1 $283.38 J $328.92 | $401.48 1 93.8 | 96.3 | 96.7 1 i 1 I 1 $457.77 96.0 1 | | i 1 $106.58 88.8 1 I $503.28 | 99.6 | i I | | i 1 o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAX ES1/ S u rv e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d | J f l I $20,000 to $24x 999 $2,758.65 99.4 $1,305.30 43.6 $107.18 45.1 $1,288.25 99.4 $591.53 99.0 $696.72 99.0 $57.91 25. 1 $717.00 100.0 $255.03 97.9 $461.98 98.3 1 $95.37 90.7 ! ! $133.43 94.0 1 1 1 $667.69 J 100.0 | $885.31 100.0 1 1 1 I Incomplete income | $25,000 ! and | I r eporting 1 ___over____ JL I 1 1 I J I J $3,285.36 I $2,589.53 | 98.9 I 98.9 1 I | $1,511.75 I $1,271.40 | 46.4 I 33. 3 I I $73.22 | $131.49 I t 41.8 I 36.6 I ! | $1,535.28 I $1,172.77 | 98.5 I 95.8 I I | $671.36 I $564.28 | 98.0 I 92. 4 I I J $863.93 I $608.48 | 97.4 I 92.4 I ! ! $106.84 I $72. 14 ! 33.1 I 27.7 i i 1 1 1 1 | $1,073.45 1 $766.02 | 100.0 1 92.2 I 1 I 1 | $326.39 1 $235.88 J 97.2 1 76.0 I 1 l $747.06 1 $530.13 l 88.8 99.3 1 1 1 I 1 $146.02 94.4 | ! ! I $1,316.91 ! 100.0 | i 1 1 Owned vacation home I 1 1 1 1 $35.62 1 $.85 J $1.07 | $6.55 | $17.37 1 Average annual expenditure....! .6 J 2.2 | 5.2 1 8.4 | 2.1 | ........... ! Percent reporting _____________ 1_ ____________ 1_ ____________ 1 _____________.1__ ___________ J_ See fo o tn o tes at end o f ta b le . $260.92 98.3 $2,013.36 100.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i $170.40 97.9 $1,186.25 100. 0 1 $18.15 5.4 1 1 1 _.1. $22.01 6.8 171 T a b le 10. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s * a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s * an d s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f f i v e p e r s o n s * U n i t e d S t a t e s * C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TA XESiy Survey* 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) -C o n tin u e d ___ Family_income_before_taxes_ All | Item I families 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I Vacation, pleasure trips* total 1 I $308.69| Average annual expenditure.... I ........... ! Percent reporting 69.9| Food I 1 Average annual expenditure.... I S81.46I Percent reporting ........... I 63.7| Alcoholic beverages I 1 $7. 7 3 | Average annual expenditure.... I Percent reporting ........... I 29.2| Lodging I 1 Average annual expenditure.... I $50,441 Percent reporting ............ I 42.5| Transportation* total I 1 $98.29| Average annual expenditure.... I 67.4| Percent reporting ........... I Gasoline I 1 Average annual expenditure.... I $42.07| Percent reporting ........... I 64. 2| Other transportation I 1 Average annual expenditure... . I $56.22| Percent reporting ........... I 44.2| All expense tours I 1 $35.93| Average annual expenditure.... I Percent reporting ........... I 11.0| Other vacation expenses I 1 Average annual expenditure.... I $34.84| Percent reporting ...... . 49.6J I l 1 Boats* aircraft* wheel goods 1 1 $136.41J Average annual expenditure.... 1 26.5| Percent reporting ........... I i ■ 1 1 Other recreation* total 1 1 Average annual expenditure.... 1 $445.22| 98.3| Percent reporting ........... 1 Televisions 1 1 $56.72| Average annual expenditure.... ! 19.3| Percent reporting ........... 1 Other 1 1 ** j Average annual expenditure.... 1 ** j Percent reporting ........... 1 1_ _ 1 . See f o o t n o t e s at end o f ta b le . Under | 1 $3,000 1 1 1 1 $163.01! 37. 5 | I $24.7 8 | 31.2| 1 $.57| 6. 1 | l $25 . 1 4 | 17.9| 1 $60.17J 37.5! ! $22.17| 34.8| 1 $38.00| 19.3| 1 $37.79J 6. 8! 1 $14.57| 18.8| ! 1 $.84| 2.9| | 1 1 $152.41! 84. 4 | I S42.20J 21.7| 1 Total j 1 1 1 1 1 $301.75| 69.8| 1 *80. 31 | 64.0| l $7.64| 29.01 I $49.24| 42 -7 1 I $97.26| 67.5 | I $42. 10 | 64.41 I $55. 16 | 44.0 | I $33. 25 | 10.6| 1 $34. 0 5 | 50.0J I 1 1 $131.59| 26.7| I 1 1 $441,051 98.1 | I $56.40| 19.2| I ** ** j ** ** I 1 . | j _ 1 Complete reporting of income | $5*000 | $6*000 | $4*000 1 ! to | to 1 to J 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 | 1 $6*999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 $32. 16 | $49.63| $30.38| $55.26| 21.4| 23.7| 32.2J 40.2| 1 1 1 1 $5.29| $5.65| $13.77| $11.95! 18.5! 16.3| 28.3J 38.2| I 1 1 I $.05J $ 1.8 0 1 $2.11| $ 1.0 8 | 6.9 | 1.3 | 4.6 | 7.6 | 1 1 1 I $4.13| $. 35 | $5.38| $4.91 | 6.8 | 4.1 | 11.9| 15.7| I I 1 1 $16.86 | $23.58| $22.78| $31.93| 17.6J 23.7! 28.3| 37.6| 1 I 1 1 $5.03! $3.23| $12.04| $13.46| 14.7 | 16. 1| 24.6| 34.9| I I 1 1 $20.34! $11.82| $10,751 $18.48| 9.7 | 14.4| 25.7J 10.8| 1 1 1 1 ** j ** | ** j ** j ** | ** | ** | ** j 1 1 1 1 $ 4. 0 8 | $.75J $5.58! $5.39J 13.5| 15.4| 8.3 | 16.2| 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $7.07| $24. 80 | $7.88| $32.17| 3.6J 9.7 | 5.81 7. 4 | 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 $160.79| $196.02| $167.15| $ 1 6 1 . 14| 86.2| 89 -4 | 90.9! 94.8) 1 I 1 1 $35.97| $46.98| $47.24| $45.52! 30.4J 17.9| 16.8| 16.7| 1 I 1 1 $3*000 to $3,999 ** ** | j i ** ** j j 1 ** ** j | 1 ** ** | | 1 $7*000 to $7*999 $137.94 56.7 $31.39 49.6 $1.35 10.9 $6.90 20.2 $74.03 55. 4 $21.21 50.8 $52.82 26.4 $13.47 8.0 $10.80 26.0 $28.58 18.7 $206.27 97. 4 $31.86 12.7 ** ** 172 T ab le 10. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f f i v e p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w I I $8,000 I to I 1 . $9,999 Item Vacation, pleasure trips, total 1 Average annual expenditure.... | Percent reporting ........... | Food | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Alcoholic beverages | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Lodging | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... J Transportation, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gasoline | Average annual expenditure.. . . j Percent reporting ........... ! Other transportation | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J All expense tours J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other vacation expenses J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Boats, aircraft, wheel goods | Average annual expenditure....! ............ | Percent reporting Other recreation, total | Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting Televisions | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other J Average annual expenditure....! ........... 1 Percent reporting See fo o tn o te s at end o f ta b le 1 1 _ 1 $113.90 54.2 $37.15 45.6 $2.26 18.2 $17.73 19.4 $40.62 52.2 $26.12 48.8 $14.49 29.0 $3.54 4.6 $12.60 32.2 $77.66 21.0 $265.37 96.0 $65.67 20.9 ** ** I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 _JL_ $10,000 to $11,999 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income I $12,000 | $15,000 I I to | to I | $14,999 | $19*999 1 $115.08 57.4 $34.89 49. 1 $4.57 16.1 $19.18 24.6 $37.28 55. 5 $22.51 52.0 $14.77 29.5 $7.14 6.6 $12.02 35.2 $76.92 30.5 $310.21 98.2 $46.63 15.6 ** ** o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESiy S u rv ey , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d 1 J | I J | I | | ! J | I | | I l | I | | I | J I | | ■ 1 ! J | i 1 1 J | I | | I j | 1 . $182.72 73.7 $49.42 66.7 $4. 19 24.8 $26.42 41.3 $67.80 70.3 $36.69 67.5 $31.11 43.7 $12.27 7. 1 $22.61 50.1 $121.02 28. 1 $357.40 99.8 $60.50 20.7 ** ** I I ! I I I I I I ! I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 $283.32 82.7 $87.23 75.9 $7.11 33.8 $48.74 51.9 $91.53 79. 1 $51.36 77.6 $40.17 48.2 $15.61 10.9 $33.10 59.4 $102.12 29.2 $482.51 100.0 $64.24 20.6 ** ** ! » ! I ! I I I l I I ! I I ! I I I I I ! I I I I I I i 1 1 1 1 i l 1 1 1 ! 1 1 t ! 1 $20,000 to $24,999 1 1 _ 1 $450.72 84.0 $120.72 79.9 $10.98 42. 1 $74.65 61.9 $123.82 82.5 $56.88 78.2 $66.94 59.8 $69.45 18.0 $51.10 70.7 $220.84 31.7 $609.73 100.0 $43.53 15.2 ** ** 1 | | 1 l | I ! | I | J I | | I | ! I ! | I ( | I | | « 1 1 | | ■ 1 1 J J I | | I | j 1 $25,000 and over $852.74 86.4 $203.50 84.5 $22.80 57.0 $145.58 72.2 $264.32 85.9 $77.16 82.9 $187.15 72.2 $121.47 22.9 $95.08 74.6 $315.59 36.9 $826.88 100.0 $70.95 21.1 ** ** 1 Incomplete income i 1 r eporting 1 J | 1 J I 1 | J 1 I | I | l I | J I | | I | | I ! | 1 1 | J i 1 1 | | ! | | I j | 1 $427.97 70.4 $101.23 59.2 $9. 12 31.7 $71.20 40.3 $116.05 66.4 $41.66 60.3 $74.39 48. 7 $82.00 17. 4 $48.38 43.4 $219.35 23.7 $516.91 100.0 $62.35 22.0 ** ** 173 T a b le 10, S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f f i v e p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES l y S u rv ey , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d 1 1 All ! 1 Item | families j 1 1 8 l 1 I 1 I Reading materials | 1 Average c*ITix<1JL-t. O 0i icl1 Q !L0 « **® • | SS1.35J Percent reporting ......... *. j 89.3 j i I Education, total 1 I Average annual expenditure.. . . | $252.95| Percent reporting ........... | 48. 4J Private 1 1 Average annual expenditure.... | $166.33| Percent reporting ........... | 23. 4! Public 1 1 Average annual expenditure....! $86.62| Percent reporting ........... | 32.9| | 1 1 1 Miscellaneous 1 1 $107.29| Average annual expenditure.... | ........... | Percent reporting 76.3| 1 i 1 Personal insurance and pensions, total | 1 Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e - . - . | $1,093.41| ........... | Percent reporting 96.6J Life, endowment , annuities and income | I Average annual expenditure.. . . | $396.21J Percent reporting ........... | 8 4. 6 | Other personal : I nsurance | I Average annual expendi*ure. ... | $11.40| Percent reporting ........... | 11.6! Retirement and ]pensions | I Average annual expenditure.. . . | $685.81| ........... | Percent reporting 88. 2 1 i ■ 1 i Gifts and contributions | 1 $401.44| Average annual expenditure....! 89.3! Percent reporting ........... i Family income before taxes Comnlete report ing of income $3,000 j $4,000 1 $5,000 | $6,000 j to 1 to 1 to | to | $ 9 „9 Q 9 ! $ £1.999 1 $ 5 „9 9 Q ! $6 .gqp i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i "7[t ? $ ^ ? f- Q j $24. 19 i $27.19] 43. 3 ' 66.11 7C .4 j 55.*5i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $93.75| $31.88| $32.53| $73,131 18.3| 24.41 34. 1 l 20.5| 1 1 1 I $2,041 $89.33! $11.22| $15.50| 3.1! 5.6 | 9. 1 | 11.6J \ I I I $29.84! $4.42| $21 . 3 1 l $57.63l 15.2! 21.2| 22.5 | 14.8| I 1 1 I I 1 l 1 $46.43| $62.87| $2 3.76| $35,991 68.4 | 53. 1| 44.7 | 55.8| | 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I $143.82| $237.97| $270.62| $391.48| 63.81 87.71 94.2! 92.8| 1 1 1 I $89,071 $98.92| $112.02| $162,751 46.7| 47.2| 57.9| 73.5| 1 1 1 1 $2,071 $1,271 $4.26 | $9,251 4.2J 6.6 | 16.8J 12.2| 1 1 1 1 $53.49| $136.99| $154.34| $219,481 39.01 81.61 73.2J 80.9| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $23.161 $46.09| $104.93| $174,771 43.2| 44.81 66.6| 77.9| _ .1 . 1 . 1 . 1 1 _ See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f ta b le Total i I 1 1 1 1 $60. 77 ' 39.3j 1 1 $242.42| 48.5| 1 $157.65| 23.4 J I $84.77) 33.1| 1 1 $109.83| 76.7| 1 1 1 $1,121.23| 97.6| I $ 3 93.85| 85.1 | I $12.03| 12.1J I $715.35| 91.5| ■ 1 1 $405.98| 89.7| 1 _ Under j 1 $ 9 00 0 5 1 1 1 3^3 04' 4 5. 5 ! 1 1 $194.80| 26.7| I $178.49| 5.7J 1 $16.31| 21.0! I I $ 23. 5 3 | 47.2 | I I $119,651 69.3| 1 $ 93. 1 7 | 50.4| 1 $6.09! 14.81 1 $20.38| 28.2| i 1 ! $432,891 52. 5! 1 $7,000 to $7,999 l *>r • jZ.t/ 6 9. 1 $28.67 37.7 $6.72 14. 6 $21.95 29.6 $64.79 58.8 $466.95 98.4 $163.75 68.7 $1.84 3.0 $301.36 88. 8 $168.54 78.5 174 T ab le 10. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f f i v e p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w 1 | 1 Item m aterials | Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . ! Percent reporting .............................. | 1 Education, t o t a l | Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . ! .............................. | Percent reporting P rivate | Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . ! Percent reporting .............................. | Public ! Average annual ex p en d itu re. . . . | Percent reporting .............................. | I 1 M iscellaneous ! Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . ! Percent reporting .................... . . . ! ■ 1 P e r s o n a l i n s u r a n c e and p e n s i o n s , t o t a l | Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . ! Percent reporting .............................. | L i f e , en d o w m en t, a n n u i t i e s and i n c o m e ! Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . ! Percent reporting ............................! Other p e r s o n a l in s u r a n c e I Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . ! Percent rep o rtin g ............................ I R e t i r e m e n t and p e n s i o n s | Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . ! Percent reporting ............................| $8,000 to $9,999 Reading and contributions I Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . ! ............................| Percent reporting $10,000 to $11,999 1 $30.37 79.0 t | $31.34 12.6 J | 1 J | $161.96 4 2.4 $86.15 69.7 $611.13 99.0 I ! | | 1 1 1 | | | ! $39.27 28.9 J | $730.83 98.2 $144.58 87.1 | ! i 1 1 | | I | | I I I 1 | | 1 $241.85 J 81.5 ! $115.30 48.2 $70.38 21.9 $44.92 33.5 | | $473.65 92.8 J J $112.62 82.0 ! I ! | I | | I | | $166.70 52.5 $85.04 27.3 $81.66 33.9 | J $115.68 82.0 $1,286.05 100.0 $320.49 | 89.5 J $398.83 92.8 $952.17 100.0 J | I I l ! I | | I | | ! 1 I I | | I | | I 1 J J I J | I I $8.80 | 9.5 | $8.91 | 12.5 | I $622.89 96.2 1 1 J ! | I $67.01 96.9 a I $209.37 88.6 1 ! I I I $15.32 9.5 I $372.32 94.7 | $69.98 | 73. 1 | I $9.79 11.4 ! I I | $56.19 94.1 I I $229.01 75.0 | $122.68 J 18.7 | ! $15.50 | 20.3 | F a m i l y i nc o m e b e f o r e t a x e s C o m p l e t e r e p o r t i n g o f i n c o me | $12,000 | $15,000 I | to | to I | $14,999 J $19,999 - 1 i $41.89 91.5 1 ! $46.84 30.2 i 1 G ifts 1 1 1 o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y FAMILY INCOHE BEFORE TAX ES1/ S u rv ey , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d J | J | | | a I I I I ! I $393.24 I 64. 1 I I $236.21 I 30. 1 I ! $157.03 ! 46.9 I I I $163.56 I 83.6 I ! I $1,738.23 I 99.6 I I $550.51 96.0 $20.13 16.3 J | $25,000 and over $109.05 98.0 $767.18 66.4 $216.09 42.6 $164.04 86.2 at end o f ta b le I I | | $71.29 90. 1 $434.11 46.7 | | I | | I I | | $315.71 22.8 $118.39 29.0 $63.61 68.5 I I $2 ,030.27 98.7 J J $614.90 80. 6 I $858.12 95.3 ! ! ! I I l J $436.74 76. 1 I $21.79 15.9 l | 43 2.7 $. I l $1 ,150.36 I 90.1 | l $177.73 31.4 I I ! I $537.43 98.2 l | | I $551.09 39.0 I $1 ,032.26 I 97.6 1____________ 1_____________1_____________1_____________1___ See fo o tn o te s 1 Incomplete income 1 1 r eporting _ 1_ I $1,167.60 97.5 I $406.22 96.7 1 1 -1 $80.04 98.1 I $878.31 98.3 1 1 $286.69 94.1 $20,000 to $24,999 J | $323.32 82.5 175 T ab le 10. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f f i v e p e r s o n s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Item Money income before taxes, total Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Wages and salaries, total Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Wages and salaries, civilian Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Union dues Annual average.............. ........ Percent reporting Other occupational expenses Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Rent received as pay Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Meals received as pay Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Wages and salaries, armed forces Annual average.............. Percent reporting ......•• Quarters and subsistence Annual a v erage........ . Percent reporting ...... Self-employment income, total Annual average.............. ........ Percent reporting Net income from own business Annual average .............. ........ Percent reporting Net income from own farm Annual average .......... Percent reporting ........ See f o o t n o t e s at end o f t a b l e I I All | families I I I I I I | | I I I I I I I I I ...| i 90.6| i I I ...l I 27.2| I ...| 1 -5| 1 1 1 1 1 i i ...| 1 ...| 18.4| 1 $1,238,151 1 1 l 1 o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES 1^/ S u rv ey , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u ed Family income beforei taxes Complete reporting of income 1 | $3,000 | $5,000 | $6,000 | $7 ,000 Total | Under | $4,000 to | to | to | to J to 1 1 1 1 $3X 9 99 1 $4^999 $5,999 | $6,999 | $7 ,999 1 $3,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $7 ,447.37 $16,953.85| $1,933.43| $3,621.61| $4,521.02| $5,509.65| $6,585.63| 100.0| 100.0| 100.0| 100.0| 100.0| 100.01 100.0 1 1 I 1 1 1 $568.03| $1,116.33! $2,030.48| $3,657.54| $4,977.16| $13,469.37| $5 ,377.38 53. 9 | 95.6 | 86.5| 91.0| 90.71 62.01 95.3 I 1 I 1 1 1 $13,307. 39 | $555.00| $ 1,100.59| $2,035.70| $3,634.29| $4,938,641 $5 ,390.39 90.7J 90.7| 93.7 94.0 | 50. 2 | 84.5| 49.2| I 1 l 1 1 1 ** | -$2.64| -$28.58 | -$ 2 . 2 5 | -$6,381 -$13.75 - $ 5 .18| ** j 25.3 | 3.7 | 6.9 | 6.0 | 12.9| 16. 0 I 1 I 1 1 1 -$36.5 9 | -$9.9 9 | -$9.3 6 | -$ 2.4 7 | -$35.51l -$15.64 -$ 8.4 3 | 15.0| 9.7 | 13.6| 27.9! 9. 7 | 19.7 5.7 | I 1 I 1 1 1 ** | ** | ** | $10.95| $. 78 | $26.10| $6. 48 ** | ** j ** | -5| 3. 1| 2. 6 | 1.5 1 I 1 1 1 1 $19.71| $19.42| $6.77| $17.43| $43.38! $27.23| $9.90 26. 9 | 5.8 11.4| 9. 8 1 9 .2 | 10.9! 10.2| 1 I I 1 ! 1 ** ** | ** j ** | ** j $ 13 .5 8 | $163.60| ** j ** j ** | ** | ** 1 .4| .3| 1 I I 1 1 1 ** | ** ** j ** | $ 6 .9 9 | $5.85| $32.89| ** j ** j ** ** | 1.71 2 .9 | 1.9! 1 1 I 1 1 1 $ 2 .6 4 | $256.72| $176.27! $259.95! $ 4 0 7 . 6 4 | $1 ,086.25 $1,992.74 | 7.7J 13.4| 17.6| 25.3 19.5| 25.3| 15.3| 1 1 I ! 1 1 -$43.37| $86.84J $140.66| $157.98| $171,771 $1,310.1 4| $729.19 7. 7 | 5. 7 J 11.8J 13.8| 9. 7 | 20.3 11.1| 1 1 ! I 1 1 $119.29| $235,871 $357.06 $682.60 | $46.01| $89.43| $98.73| 5. 1 6.21 15.6| 7- 9 | 2.0 | 3.9 | 9. 9 | 1_ 1 1. 1 1. 1 176 T ab le 10. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f f i v e p e r s o n s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Item Money income before taxes, total Annual average.. „ . ,,„ „ « . Percent reporting • Wages and salaries, total Annual average ............... Percent reporting ......... Wages and salaries, civilian Annual a v erage............... Percent reporting Union dues Annual a v erage............. Percent reporting ......... Other occupational expenses Annual average ............... Percent reporting ......... Rent received as pay Annual a v erage ............... Percent reporting ...... Meals received as pay Annual a v erage............... Percent reporting ......... Wages and salaries, armed forces Annual a v e r a g e ............... Percent reporting ......... Quarters and subsistence Annual aver a g e ............... Percent reporting ......... Self-employment income, total Annual average............... Percent reporting Net income from own business Annual a v erage.......... . Percent reporting ......... Net income from own farm Annual aver a g e ............... Percent reporting ......... See footn otes a t end o f ta b le . I | | I I I o„i . . I I .. | I ..| . . | I ..| $8,000 to $9,999 $8,930.67 100.0 96.8 -$18.90 | I | | I | -$26.69 I | $6,960.81 93.7 I ..| i i I I .. | $24.95 i | $114.94 I | I .• | I I 1.6 I ..| | S I I I | l I $572.34 | I I | I I I 1 o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAX ESJ/ S u rv ey , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d Familv income before taxes I Complete reporting of income I Incomplete $10,000 i $12,000 $25,000 income $20,000 I $15,000 ! ! and to | to to to I I I reporting $11,999 l $14,999 $19,999 $24,999 over 1 I I 1 I I I ! I 1 I I $10,882.16 l $13,463.86 I $ 1 7 , 2 2 5 . 1 0 $22 , 2 1 4 . 2 0 I $38,955.98 l $2,416 «27 100*0 100*0 I 100* 0 1 72.8 100.0 ! 100.0 I I I 1 $19 , 1 8 4 . 7 4 I $ 2 6 , 1 6 8 . 3 8 I $ 1 , 8 9 5 . 9 9 $ 9 , 1 6 8 . 1 5 | $ 1 1 , 6 1 1 . 11 1 $ 1 5 , 3 2 1 . 9 5 99.6 1 99.3 98.7 I 51.7 95.8 | 94.3 I 1 I \ $ 8 , 9 9 1 . 6 4 | $ 1 1 , 4 3 9 . 4 7 1 $15, 196.97 $18 , 9 5 4 . 7 6 I $ 2 5 , 8 3 7 . 7 0 I $ 1 , 8 9 1 . 4 7 98.6 1 98.3 97.9 I 94.8 | 31.7 92.2 I I I 1 -$34.23 | -$40.17 i -$6.76 - $ 3 2 . 10 1 -$25.99 I -$37.45 34.7 | 4. 1 32.1 1 17.7 I 29.3 I 32. 0 I I 1 -$22.53 1 -$36.19 | -$48.07 -$47.72 I -$54.76 I -$23.76 21.6 | 24.7 1 34.0 14 . 5 36. 1 I 37.3 I 1 I I ** | ** $.71 1 $7.57 $8.96 I $35.71 I ** | ** .1 1 .5 .2 I .7 I 1 I I $18.57 | $18.25 1 $14.75 $14.20 I $31.25 I $35.04 10.5 I 14.0 | 13.3 1 12.4 I 7.9 17. 9 I 1 I ** $167.77 1 $160.47 $244.41 I $167.18 | $303.50 I ** 2.6 | 1.9 1 1. 1 2.2 I 1.4 I I I 1 ** $39.55 1 $27.71 $61.18 | $50.29 I $40.97 I ** 2. 1 I 2.2 | 2.2 1 1.4 1.9 I I I 1 ** $714.06 1 $760.48 $1 , 5 6 3 . 9 4 I $ 9 , 6 2 8 . 1 9 I $794.73 | ** 14.4 21.6 I 19.0 | 19.9 1 28.8 I I I 1 ** $635.97 | $381.87 1 $561.49 $966.79 I $6,273.6 4 I ** 10.3 15. 8 I 13.6 1 21.5 I 14.0 | 1 I I ** $198.98 $597.15 I $ 3 , 3 5 4 .5 6 I $158.76 | $332.19 1 ** 6.6 1 5.6 | 4. 4 6.3 I 7.8 I 1 . 1. . 1. 1 1 177 Table J ill 10* Selected fa m ilie s family of fiv e characteristics, persons, U n ite d annual S tates, expenditures, and sources C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w of i ncome Survey, Family classified by F Ah l L f I1COHE BtiOibE 1972-1973)-C ontinued incom e before taxes A ll Item | families 1 1 Social security, railroad retirement | Annual average................. | Percent reporting ........... | Government retirement, veterans' | payments, and unemployment | compensation | Annual average................. | Percent reporting ........... 1 Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, | rental income, royalties, income | from roomers and boarders j Annual average...... | ............................ j Percent reporting Rental income, royalties, income | from roomers and boarders j Annual average................. | Percent reporting ........... | Income from interest, dividends, | estates and trusts | Annual average................. | ........... | Percent reporting Income from all other sources, total | Annual average................. | Percent reporting ........... | Welfare and public assistance | Annual average................. | Percent reporting ........... | Private pensions | Annual average................. | Percent reporting ............................ | Regular contributions for support | Annual average................................. 1 Percent reporting ............................ | Other, incl. workmens' compensation | Annual average...........................................| Percent reporting ............................ j 1. See fo o tn o tes a t end o f ta b le . | 1 I 1 1 $215.69| 8. 4| 1 1 1 $229. 17| 13.9| 1 1 1 $364,831 62.5| 1 1 $126.69| 6. 7 1 1 I $238. 14| 61.0| 1 $628.68| 77.0| 1 $107.59| 5. 4 | 1 $21.83| 1. 3 1 1 $78.31| 4.5| 1 $420,941 74. 6J i . Total | 1 1 \ 1 $222.30| 8.51 1 1 1 $241.07| 14.51 1 1 1 $377. 89 J 64.4| I 1 $133.23| 7.0 | I I $244.66| 62.9| I $650.47| 79.0| I $112.05| 5. 6 | I $20. 10| 1.21 1 $82.74| 4 .7 | 1 $435 . 5 9 | 76.6| 1 | $6,000 1 $7,000 | $5,000 | $3,000 | $4,000 to | to | to | to to | 1 1 $5,999 1 $7,999 | $4,999 1 $6,999 $3,000 1 $3,999 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 $382.55| $220.96 $260,331 $203,831 $189.60| $156,491 14.1| 19. 1 l 7. 9 1 4.4 | 9. 2 11.5| 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I $61. 1 9 | $136.27 $186.08| $160.48| $306 . 7 9 | $ 20.12| 3. 4 1 6.2 l 22.9| 12.9| 14.3| 13.2 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 $.34| $65,201 $47.50| $21,931 $140,141 $31.45 28.21 8. 8 | 4. 8 | 17.9| 37.5| 39. 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** j $17.67| S41.86I $20.43| $127.28| $3. 80 ** | 3. 5 | 1.7 | 1.4 9.0| 13.7| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $4,271 $44.76| $.34| $27.65 $5,641 $12.86| 5. 3 | 22.0| 4.8 | 16.2| 30. 1| 38. 3 1 1 1 1 I $792.69| $2,052.46| $1,746,801 $1,180,311 $743,721 $595.07 66.31 83.0| 83.4| 75.3| 64.4| 73.3 1 1 1 1 1 $536.38| $1,599.35| $ 1 ,1 43.04| $731,871 $272.39| $49.55 34.4| 58.6J 49.5| 29.9J 6.6 13.91 I 1 1 1 1 ** j ** | ** j $32.35| $6.51 | $45.34 ** j ** j ** j 6. 9 | 1.4 1.8| 1 1 1 1 1 $34,241 $61.07| $205,741 $102.52| $159.59| $236.79 5.7 | 6. 2 | 9- 4 | 6. 1 | 9.5 8. 3 | 1 1 1 1 I $418,871 $162.90| $345,931 $391.52| $311,751 $263.40 47.5J 75. 1 J 75.8| 64.4J 69.6 72. 0 | 1.. _ _ 1. 1_ 1 . 1 . Under 178 T ab le 10. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f f i v e p e r s o n s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w I I | I I I | Item Social se c u r ity , ra ilro a d retirem ent A n n u a l a v e r a g e .............................................| .............................. I Percent reporting Government r e t i r e m e n t , v e t e r a n s ' j p a y m e n t s , and u n e m p lo y m e n t | com pensation | A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................. | .............................. | Percent rep ortin g E sta tes, tr u sts, divid en ds, in te r e s t, | r e n t a l in c o m e , r o y a l t i e s , income | f r o m r o o m e r s and b o a r d e r s | A n n u a l a v e r a g e .............................................| .............................. | Percent reporting R e n ta l in co m e, r o y a l t i e s , income | from r o o m ers and b o a r d e r s | A n n u a l a v e r a g e ....................................... .. . | .............................. I Percent reporting Income from i n t e r e s t , d i v i d e n d s , | e s t a t e s and t r u s t s | A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................. I ..............................| Percent reporting Income from a l l o t h e r s o u r c e s , t o t a l l A n n u a l a v e r a g e .............................................| ........................ ... . | Percent reporting W e l f a r e and p u b l i c a s s i s t a n c e | A n n u a l a v e r a g e .............................................I Percent reporting .............................. | P rivate pensions | A n n u a l a v e r a g e ............................................. | Percent reporting .............................. I R egular c o n tr ib u tio n s fo r support | A n n u a l a v e r a g e .............................................| Percent reporting .............................. | O th e r , i n c l . workmens' c o m p e n s a t io n | A n n u a l a v e r a g e .............................................| .............................. I Percent reporting I See fo o tn o te s a t end o f ta b le. $8,000 to $9,999 I I I I I $185.59 I 9.4 I I I I $298.76 I 15.7 I I I I $101.91 I 45.7 I I I $16.77 I 5. 1 I I I $85.14 I 43.1 I I $550.24 I 78.5 I I $88.68 I 5.7 I I $2.80 I .8 I I $134.90 I 6.3 I I $323.86 I 76.6 I A o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ/ S u rv e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )-C o n tin u e d Family income b e f o r e t a x e s C om plete reportincr o f incom e $15,000 | $10,000 $12,000 I I to to | to I I $11«_999 $14,999 $19,999 | I .1 1 I I 1 I I $294.60 1 $218.10 I $169.80 | 7.8 I 10.1 1 6.2 | 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 $177.60 1 $174.48 I $172.58 | 14.7 1 13.5 | 18.0 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I $69.82 I $216.53 | $136.40 1 76.6 | 54. 1 I 68.9 1 1 I I I 1 l $41.35 1 $71.76 | $25.59 I 6. 3 I 5.2 1 8.9 | 1 I I 1 I I $95.05 1 $44.23 I $144.77 | 68.6 1 74.6 | 51. 1 I 1 I I $530.08 1 $583.76 | $456.88 I 84.4 | 85.7 1 82.6 I I 1 I $16.44 1 $7.86 | $13.40 I 1.4 1 1.7 I .9 | I 1 I $6.87 I $21.85 1 $31.17 | 1.4 | .6 I 1.2 1 I 1 I $71.52 | $69.25 I $102.80 1 5.9 1 3.9 | 5.0 I I 1 I $367.36 I $388.99 1 $473.21 | 79.7 l 83.7 1 83.6 | .1 . 1 . 1- $20,000 to $24* 999 $207.36 7.0 $235.72 13.9 $516.55 86.2 $97.81 5.4 $418.74 86.2 $505.90 76.5 ** ** $7.65 .5 $44.69 2.5 $453.55 76.0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A I 1 Incom plete $25,000 | income and | reporting over | 1 1 $257.09 | $101.87 10. 1 | 6.0 I I I $24.41 $561.38 | 3. 5 15.3 | I I I $1,611.03 | $140.13 83.4 | 29.8 I I $14.09 $659.50 | 12.4 j 2. 3 I l $951.53 | $126.04 83.4 | 28.6 I $253.87 $729.90 | 67.5 | 42. 1 I $.25 | $30.94 .2 | 2. 4 I $36.26 | $51.65 2.3 | 2.2 I $14.56 | $ 2 . 22 1.5 | 1.1 I $678.82 | $169.06 64.7 | 40. 1 1 179 Table 10. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESiy (All families of five persons, United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Item Personal taxes, total Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... Federal income taxes Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... State and local income taxes Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... Personal property and other Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... Other money receipts Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... Net change in assets and liabilities, total Average of end-of-year values. Percent reporting ........... Net change in assets Average of end-of-year values. Percent reporting ........... Net change in liabilities Average of end-of-year values. Percent reporting ........... Goods and services received without direct expense Annual average ................. Percent reporting ........ . Market value of financial assets Average of end-of-year values. Percent reporting ........... Mortgage principal paid on owned property Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... See footnotes at end of table All families I | I 1 Total 1 1 1 - 1 -$2,480.42| -$2,586.771 92.4| 95.4| 1 -$2,048.59| -$2,137.92| 92.4| 88.9| 1 1 -$373.67| -$358.23| 73.7| 71.0| I -$73,601 29. 5 1 1 $308.02| 16.8| 1 1 $1,283.29| 94.4| 1 $1,926.63| 79.61 1 $643.34| 86.3| 1 1 $197.42| 72.3| 1 $4,831.94| 77.0| 1 1 -$648.30| 61.6| - $ 7 5 . 19| 30.1 | I $ 3 10.16| 17.1| 1 1 $1,264.79| 94.9| 1 $ 1 , 924.41| 80.6 | I $65 9 . 6 2 | 87.4 | I I $198.84| 72.7| I $4 , 9 6 6 . 4 1 | 79.3 | I I -$670 . 9 6 | 62.71 Under $3^000 1 1 i Family income before taxes Complete reportina of income $3,000 | $4,000 1 $6,000 1 $5,000 to | to to to 1 1 $6,999 $3*999 1 $4,999 . 1 . $5,999 _ 1 - $ 3 8 9 . 9 4 | -$135.63 48.8 | 38.8 I -$104.03 -$242.71| 18.8| 31.1 1 -$13.12 -$60.81| 24.51 20. 3 1 1 -$18.48 -$86.4 2 1 32.9| 22.6 1 $144.85 $145.24! 13.6| 12. 2 1 1 $832.88! $41.91 78.4| 60.0 1 $378.37 $1,114.84! 40.7 47.5J I $281.96| $336.45 58. 2 60.2| 1 1 $132.43| $177. 13 75. 0! 84.0 1 $154.70 $1,225.91| 21.7 27. 7J 1 1 -$103.53 |-■$1,421.30 25. 1 | 22.9 -$138.54! 54.7 | l -$102.13| 45.4J I -$23.77! 35. 5J f l 1 -$12.64J 13. 1 | I $44 . 3 0 | 14.9J I I -$111.84| 69.7 | | 1 -$6 4 . 8 8 | 31.0| 1 $46.97| 65.9| 1 1 $183.03| 74-91 1 $8.62| 17.9| 1 1 -$48,661 24.2| 1 1 1 -$282.08! -$431.24! 87. 1 l 82.5 | I I -$225.60| -$346.4 8 | 74. 4 | 82. 5! I I -$45.86! —$43. 6 5 | 60. 8 | 60. 2 l I I -$12,831 -$38.91| 16. 81 30. 1 J 1 I $514.91| $538.88| 3. 7 | 11.5| 1 1 1 1 -$377,541 -$892.51! 85.9| 91.0| 1 I 1 $52.36! $236,491 63.6J 63.6| ! 1 $429.901 $1,129.00| 72.9J 88.4| 1 1 1 1 $329.29| $153.56| 74.6J 71.3J 1 1 $156.06| $808.01| 33.91 61.6J 1 1 1 1 -$68,011 -$442.23| 12.9| 35.0! $7,000 to $7*999 -$675.94 98.5 -$527.04 87.5 -$76.09 65. 4 -$72.81 39.9 $51.16 10.2 $503.00 94.7 $1,101.01 63. 5 $598.00 80.4 $200.51 70.0 $878.98 54. 1 -$132.12 33.7 180 T a b le 10. ^ S e le c te d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f f i v e p e r s o n s , U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w Item L I. I I 1. i i 1 Personal taxes, total Annual average........ Percent reporting ... Federal income taxes 1 Annual a v e r a g e ........ Percent reporting ... State and local income taxes 1 Annual a v erage......... Percent reporting ... Personal property and other 1 Annual average........ Percent reporting ............ 1 Other money receipts 1 Annual average ......... Percent reporting .... Net change in assets and liabilities, I total 1 Average of end-of-year values.| Percent reporting ............1 Net change in assets 1 Average of end-of-year values.| Percent reporting ............1 Net change in liabilities 1 Average of end-of-year values.| Percent reporting ....•....... 1 Goods and services received without I direct expense 1 Annual average......... Percent reporting .... Market value of financial assets 1 Average of end-of-year values.| Percent reporting .... Mortgage principal paid on owned 1 property 1 Annual average......... ....... 1 Percent reporting .... — 1 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ ** *58,000 to $9*999 -$858.62 96.8 -$703.66 93.3 -$104.86 72.5 -$50.10 25.5 $42.77 9.5 -$169.30 91.9 $889.46 69.4 $1,058.76 84.2 $103.09 62.3 $1,369.65 67.8 -$379.85 45.9 o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1./ S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 | | to | to | I $14,999 j $19*999 | | $10,000 $20,000 I $25,000 | to to and I | $11,999 $24*999 over 1 I 1 | | -$1,195.81 | -$1,732.13 | -$2,559.53 | -$3,536.66 I -$7,497.87 | 98.2 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 99.6 1 | | -$983.88 | -$1,416.03 | -$2,147.65 | -$2,936.60 I -$6,183.35 | 95.3 | 99.5 | 100.0 | 99.4 | 95.8 1 | | -$154.50 | -$265.71 | -$353.23 | -$529.93 I -$1,106.68 | 73.2 | 80.8 | 81.0 | 79.8 | 76.8 I | | -$57.43 | -$50.39 | -$58.64 | -$70. 12 I -$207.84 | 26.5 | 31.9 | 29.7 | 25.9 | 41.8 I | | $80.94 | $66.36 | $529.89 | $164.22 I $790.95 | 12.3 | 19.3 | 21.2 | 18.3 | 22.8 ! | I | | $336.72 | $920.26 | $1,316.23 | $1,030.96 I $4,919.21 | 94.7 | 97.9 | 98. 1 | 97.4 | 100.0 I | l $711.11 | $2,235.15 | $2,125.66 | $1,598.61 I $4,787.82 | 75.9 | 84.8 | 89.4 | 87.0 | 95.6 I | | $374.39 | $1,314.89 | $809.43'| $567.64 I -$131.39 | 86.3 | 93.5 | 91.0 | 91.0 | 90.5 I I 1 I j | $181.63 | $198.52 | $167.37 | $240.57 1 $270.48 | 6 3.9 | 75.7 | 76.0 | 75.4 | 72.4 I | | $1,210.84 | $2,095.25 | $4,119.29 | $7,932.75 I $17,363.73 | 75.9 | 87.1 | 91.8 | 94.4 | 91.8 I | I | | -$524.46 | -$391.87 | -$791.84 | -$765.76 I -$1,470.84 | 53.8 | 69.9 | 73.4 | 77.3 I 82.1 1_ 1. 1 Incomplete | income | reporting | | | -$651.33 41.1 | | -$512.23 29. 6 | | -$92.76 24.7 | | -$46.34 19.7 | | $271.35 10. 7 | | $1,601.58 85. 1 | | $1,964.87 64. 1 | | $363. 28 66.4 | | $173. 1 1 65.0 | | $2,519.29 37.9 | | -$258.60 44.0 Data in columns which represent less than 218,000 consumer units or in cells which represent less than 18,500 consumer units are likely to have large sampling errors. Value less than 0.05 percent Percents may not sum to 100 due to rounding. Data represent only those expenditures collected in the interview survey, not the total of all family expenditures. Data not available. 181 Table 11, Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES ly (All families of six persons or more. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973) Item I Number of families in universe I | | 1 1 1 6,4821 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 6.81 I All I I families I (000s). Selected family characteristics Average I I I 1 1 i 1 Family s i z e ......................... 1 Total | 1 1 1 6,099| 1 1 1 1 1 1 6.81 1 Family income before tax e s ........ 1 Family income after t a x e s ......... .. 1 1 Age of h e a d ......................... 1 Number of children under 18....... .. 1 1 Number of persons 65 and o v e r .... 1 i 1 Number of automobiles owned....... .. 1 1 Percent3/ ! i 1 Housing tenure 1 Homeowner......................... .. I Renter............................. Not r e p o r t e d . . . ^ ................ i i Race of head 1 White.............................. .. 1 Black.............................. ..1 Oth e r ................ ............. .. 1 1 Education of head 1 1 to 9 years...................... ..1 9 years, not more than 12 years. More than 12 years............... -.1 Not reported or no s c h o o l ....... -.1 ■ 1 Automobile ownership 1 At least one automobile owned... - • 1 $14,881| $12,971| 1 42 | | 1 4. 2 | | 1 - 11 1 1.8| 1 1 i i 1 751 22 | 3| i 1 1 821 16 | 2| i 1 1 22 | 50 | 261 21 i 1 1 90 | i See footnotes at end of table $15,690| 1 $13,698| 1 421 | 1 4 •2 1 | 1 •1 I I 1.8 | l I i i . _ Under | 1 $3,000 1 1 167| 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 6.8! 1 1 $7621 $6871 1 40 1 1 1 4.81 1 (2) 1 75 1 22 | ** 3| i 1 1 82 | 16 | 2| ■ 1 1 221 51 I 25 | 2l i 1 1 90! JL_ . I ■ 1. 1| I I i i 1 33 | 67 | | i 1 1 61 | 32 | 71 i 1 1 441 4 31 10 | 4| i 1 1 661 i Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $7,000 | $5,000 | $6,000 $3,000 | $4,000 to | to | to | to to 1 I $7,999 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 1 1 1 1 1 72 | 2561 248 213| 137| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 7.0 6.8 | 7.0| 6. 6 | 7. 1 | 1 1 I ■ $7,480 $5,499| $6,528| $3,532| $4,508| | 1 1 1 I $7,055 $5,287| $3,451| $4,383| $6,264| f l 1 1 1 41 | 40 421 41 | 40| 1 | 1 | 1 1 4.9 4.9 | 4.8 | 4.91 4.8 l 1 1 < i 1 1 1 I (2) .1l .1I .1 I .1 I i i ■ I 1 1.0 | 1. 1 .9 1 1.2J 1.0| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I 1 i i i i 1 1 1 1 37 | 29 | 391 43J 57 60! 551 551 38 71 | ** | 3| 51 5 31 i I 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 66 | 56J 67 43 | 59| 57) 301 29 40 1 42! ** | 4| 4 2| 1l i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 46 | 41 l 401 43 421 47 | 40 | 521 50 50 | ** | 9J 5 7I 61 4| 5| 2 9| 21 i ■ i 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 54 | 66 | 75 | 68J 75 1 i . 1 _L 182 Table 11* Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1_/ (All families of six persons or more, United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973) I Item Number of families in universe I I I I (000s). I I Selected family characteristics I I Average I i l Family s i z e ......................... .. 1 1 Family income before t a x e s ........ 1 Family income after t a x e s ......... .. 1 ! Age of h e a d ......................... 1 | 1 Number of children under 18...... . | 1 Number of persons 65 and o v e r ..... -- 1 i 1 Number of automobiles o w n e d ....... .. 1 i 1 Percent3/ 1 i i Housing tenure 1 Homeowner..................... Renter............................. Not reported...................... .. 1 i 1 Race of head 1 White.............................. Black .............................. O t h e r .................... ........ .. 1 1 Education of head 1 1 to 9 years...................... -• 1 9 years, not more than 12 years. More than 12 years............... .. 1 Not reported or no s c h o o l ....... 1 i 1 Automobile ownership 1 At least one automobile owned... .. 1 1 See footnotes at end of table. $8,000 to $9,999 | | I 506 | 6.9 | $9,081 | $8,411 | 40 | 4.6 | .1 I 1.6 | 66 | 30 | 4 I 79 | 18 | 2 | 31 58 9 2 I | I I 89 | Familv incomei before taxes Complete reporting of income $10,000 I I $15,000 I $12,000 to to to I I I $11,999 I I $19,999 I $14,999 I I I 1,380 I 933 I 635 I I I I I I I I I I i i I 1 I 1 1 I i i I i i I 6.6 1 6.7 I 7. 1 1 ■ i 1 1 1 $13,470 1 $17,314 1 $11,067 1 1 1 1 1 1 $15,124 1 $11,944 1 $10,002 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 41 1 40 1 43 1 I i I 1 1 1 4. 6 1 4.2 1 4.0 1 I 1 1 1 .1 1 .1 1 .1 1 i i i 1 I 1 1.8 1 2.0 1 1.7 1 i i i 1 l 1 1 1 1 i i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 73 1 81 1 86 1 14 1 24 I 10 1 5 1 4 1 4 1 i i 1 i I 1 1 1 1 86 1 82 1 89 1 15 1 12 1 9 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 i i ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 1 30 1 13 1 58 1 55 1 57 1 11 1 25 1 28 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 1 I 94 1 94 1 97 1 1 .1 .1 $20,000 to $24,999 692 6.8 $22,067 $18,874 43 3.8 (2) 2.3 89 9 2 92 7 (2) 11 49 41 ** 98 I I I I I I I I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 $25,000 and over 761 6.7 $34,517 $28,977 45 3.4 -1 2.4 92 5 3 95 3 2 5 33 59 2 95 1 1 Incomplete income | | reporting 1 1 | 383 I I I 1 1 I | 6.7 I | $1,995 ■ | $1,381 i 44 | i 3.8 | ■ 1 .1 I I 1.8 | i 1 1 1 i i 77 | | 21 J 1 i 1 1 | 79 19 I 2 I i 1 1 | 19 | 40 | 36 4 1 i 1 1 90 | JL 183 Table 11. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1/ (All families of six persons or more, United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued All Item | families J Total | I ! ! I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I Current consumption expenses, excluding | ! 1 personal insurance, gifts and | 1 1 contributions 4/ | 1 1 Average annual expenditure....! $11,348.87| $11,160,661 ........... | Percent reporting 100.0| 100.0J I 1 1 Food, total | 1 1 Average annual expenditure....! $2,945.40| $2,920. 2 4 1 Percent reporting ........... ! 99. 9 1 100.0! Food at home | 1 I $2,426.24| Average annual expenditure.... | $2,438.39| Percent reporting ........... | 99.9| 100.0| Food away from home, excluding trips! 1 1 Average annual expenditure....! $486.89| $474.56| Percent reporting ........... ! 94.0| 94.0J Meals as pay I 1 1 $19.44J Average annual expenditure....! $20.12! Percent reporting ........... | 12.7| 13.0J i 1 i 1 1 1 Alcoholic beverages ! 1 Average annual expenditure....! $78.03! $81.32| 67.7J Percent reporting ........... | 68. 1 | 1 | 1 1 1 1 Tobacco products ! 1 1 $179.54| $182.21| Average annual expenditure....! 70.3| Percent reporting ............ | 70.0| i 1 1 1 1 Housing, total | 1 1 $2,931. 03! Average annual expenditure....! $2,976,921 Percent reporting ........... ! 100.0| 100.0! ■ 1 1 1 Shelter, total | 1 1 $1,532.64! $1,517.98! Average annual expenditure....! 98. 1| 98.21 Percent reporting ........... | Rented dwellings | I I Average annual expenditure.. . . J $324.68| $318.65! 23.7J 23.9 | Percent reporting ........... 1 Owned dwellings I 1 I $1,151.54! $1,158.08! Average annual expenditure....! 79.4 | 79.3J Percent reporting ........... | Other lodging, excluding trips J I I $47.79! Average annual expenditure.... J $49.88! Percent reporting ......... ..| 13.9| 13.9J See footnotes at end of table. Under $3,000 | I I I I ! I $5,238.58| 100.0| 1 1 $1,642.26! 100.0| 1 $1,479.94! 100.0! I $154.67! 66.7 l I $7.6 6 | 7.1| 1 1 1 $28.90| 42.7| | 1 1 $111.93! 69.9 | 1 1 ! $1 ,338.74! 100.0| 1 1 $649.99! 85.21 1 $483.18| 56.2| 1 $162.74! 35.3! I $4.06| 3.7| Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $3,000 | $4,000 1 $5,000 1 $6,000 | to ! to ! to | to J $3,999 | $4,999 1 $5,999 I $6,999 | I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 $4,884.29! $5,364.87| $6,113,821 $6,901,031 100.0! 100.0| 100.0J 100.0| I 1 ! 1 ! 1 I 1 $1,912.40| $1,905.65| $2,180,891 $2,365.54| 100.01 100.0| 100.0| 100.01 ! 1 1 1 $1,738.33| $1,783.03| $2,009,951 $2,140.30| 100.0| 100.0| 100.0| 100.0| 1 1 1 1 $165.06| $114.74| $161.03! $209.45| 71. 1 | 66.7| 80. 7 | 84.91 I 1 I 1 $9.00| $7.88| $9.91| $15.79| 4.9J 13.0| 14.9| 13.7| 1 f | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $7.50! $16,481 $28.92! $17.55| 27.4J 20.1 | 38.4| 44.3| 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 $128. 3 5 | $124.44! $142.52| $164. 37 J 69.7 | 71.3! 71.0! 70.4 | I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! ! 1 $1,376.09! $1 ,454.62! $1,778.56| $1,967.12| 100.0J 100.0! 100.0! 100.0| i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $658.00! $728.26| $896,551 $1,017,291 96.4| 100.0| 92.81 96.2J 1 1 1 ! $403,831 $589.88! $573.13| $727.36| 63.4| 53.5J 53.7J 67.5J 1 1 1 1 $133.42| $317.03| $254,171 $280,671 39.9! 47.6! 46.2! 51.2! 1 1 1 I ** | $4.96| $6.39J $9.26! ** | 4. 6 | 7.0! 1. 5| $7,000 to $7,999 $6 ,817. 14 100.0 $2,360.37 100.0 $2,045.14 100.0 $297.88 94.5 $17.36 13.2 $24.16 54.6 $124.16 65.9 $1,782.75 100.0 $880.74 96.4 $492.82 42. 3 $386.44 61.8 $1.49 7. 9 184 Table 11. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ/ (All families of six persons or more, United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued See footnotes at end of table Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 | I to I to I I $14,999 I $19,999 I Incomplete income reporting | 1 1 $10,000 to $11,999 $8,483.78 100.0 | | $9,003.58 100.0 | $10,312.91 I 100.0 $2,536.71 100.0 | i $2,474.28 100.0 | | $2,832.19 | 100.0 | $3,163.43 100.0 | | $3,420.87 100.0 | | $4,025.58 100.0 $3,346.30 98. 5 $2,159.25 100.0 | | $2,146.43 100.0 | | $2,381.93 100.0 | | $2,615.78 100.0 | | $2,713.30 100.0 | | $3,100.19 100.0 $2,631.92 98. 5 $316.97 | 94.2 | $433.84 97.1 | | $526.90 | 99. 5 | $679.88 98.5 | | $891.62 100.0 $683.40 93.5 $27.69 | 15.3 J $33.78 14.9 $30.98 9.0 $8,000 to $9,999 $360. 58 | 92.4 | | $12,018.72 100.0 | $10.88 11.5 | I $16.42 | 12.8 | $20.74 | 13.3 | $42.55 63.8 | | $53.03 61.8 | | $69.48 | 69.9 | $92. 42 | 78.9 | $204.96 75.2 | | $191.20 77.3 | | $178.80 69.9 | | $208.55 72.5 $2,134.17 100.0 | | $2,422.36 100.0 | | $2,638.32 100.0 | | $1,044.55 97.8 | | $1,219.09 97.9 | ! $1,270.60 98.4 $409.37 31.5 | | $368.74 26.5 $626.77 71.2 | | $840.48 78.5 VO • 00 | | 7.2 $20,000 to $24,999 | $14,290.15 | 100.0 $16.88 11.5 00 -p o 1. Item 1 1 1 1 1 Current consumption expenses, excluding 1 personal insurance, gifts and 1 contributions 4/ 1 Average annual expenditure... 1 .......... Percent reporting 1 1 Food, total 1 Average annual expenditure... 1 .......... Percent reporting 1 Food at home 1 Average annual expenditure... 1 Percent reporting .......... 1 Food away from home, excluding trips! Average annual expenditure... 1 Percent reporting .......... 1 Meals as pay 1 Average annual expenditure... 1 Percent reporting .......... 1 i 1 Alcoholic beverages 1 Average annual expenditure... 1 Percent reporting .......... 1 i 1 Tobacco products 1 Average annual expenditure... 1 Percent reporting .......... 1 i 1 Housing, total 1 Average annual expenditure... 1 .......... Percent reporting 1 1 Shelter, total 1 Average annual expenditure... 1 Percent reporting .......... 1 Rented dwellings 1 Average annual expenditure... 1 Percent reporting .......... 1 Owned dwellings 1 Average annual expenditure..- 1 Percent reporting .......... 1 Other lodging, excluding trips 1 Average annual expenditure... 1 Percent reporting ........... 1 | | l $25,000 and over | $19,374.87 100.0 | $14,347.15 100.0 $101.07 77.2 | | $174.91 87.6 $133.83 74.3 | | $169.21 62.1 | | $180.37 66. 1 $224.80 65.4 $3,144.10 100.0 | | $3,450.43 | 100.0 | $5,369.06 100.0 $3,707.99 100.0 | | $1,571.70 99.7 | | $1,695.61 | 99.5 | $3,200.29 100.0 $1,766.24 97.3 | | $267.68 | 17.4 | $236.36 13.5 | | $198.14 10.3 | | $159.94 7.7 $420.88 21.2 | | $988.72 85.5 $1,282.86 90.5 | J $1,411.63 l 90.9 | $2,869. 16 95.6 $1,262.15 79.1 | | $85.85 | $171.19 $14.20 | $52.48 | 15.6 | 17.9 l 32.8 9.5 | 11.8 | | 1 _____________ 1_____________ i_____________ 1_____________ 1_____________ 1 $83.21 14.2 185 Table 11, Selected family characteristics* annual expenditures* and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1./ (All families of six persons or more* United States* Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey* 1972-1973)-Continued Item I All I | families I 1 | | 1 J I I Fuel and utilities* total | Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting Gas* total I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ............ | Gas* delivered in mains (piped) | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas* bottled or tank ! Average annual expenditure....) ........... | Percent reporting Electricity | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Gas and electricity combined bills! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Fuel oil and kerosene | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Other fuels* coal* wood | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ...... ..... | Water* trash* sewerage | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | 1 1 Housing expenses* total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........ ...| Telephone* excluding coin phones | Average annual expenditure....) Percent reporting ........... ! Other expenses* including domestic! services I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ............ ) See footnotes at end of table _ 1 1 ! $612.12| 97.3| 1 $ 135.431 61.2! I $108.35| a8.51 I $27.08| 14. 3) I $222.44| 82.0| I $63. 7 3 | 14.8| 1 $83.97| 28. 1 | I $6.46| 12. 11 I $100.09) 76.0| ■ 1 1 $330.38! 96.3) 1 $202.83| 91.6J 1 1 $127.55| 78. 1 1 I . ! | Under I 1 1 I $3,000 I 1 I 1 I 1 $604.37J $354.22| 94. 1 J 97.3) ! I $90.26| $135.08| 61.8J 33.6) 1 I $106.67| $58.54| 48.5| 17.9| 1 1 $28.41 | $31.72| 14.9| 18.3| 1 1 $220.871 $143.19| 82.0| 78.3 1 1 1 $61.15) $14.59| 14.7| 4.61 1 1 $81.39J $32.251 21.7| 27.81 1 1 $6.55) $21.0 11 12.2J 31.6| I 1 $52,931 $99.34| 43.7| 76.2| i i 1 1 1 1 $312.08| $134.97| 73. 0 | 96.3| 1 I $78.4 8 | $198.27| 91.4J 48. 9! I I I I $113.81| $56.50| 51.9| 78.0 | 1 . 1 Total Family income before taxes Complete reoortina of income 1 $5*000 | $6*000 1 $7*000 $3*000 | $4,000 to to | to | to 1 to | $6X 999 i_ $3^999 1 $4^999 1 $5X 999 1 ___ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $420. 11 $352.05| $479.27| $458,291 $370,501 94.8| 93.9 92.4| 93.1| 93.3| ! 1 1 1 $93. 11 $84.57| $127.73| $128,521 $115.10| 63.2 65.6| 55.5| 68.0| 61.1| I 1 1 1 $104.08! $105.14| $75.79 $59.48) $49.33| 43. 5 | 46.7 34.5| 47.4| 28.9| 1 1 1 l $24.44| $17.33 $65.78! $25.09! $22.59| 36.7| 20.6| 18.6| 18. 1 23.0J 1 1 1 1 $198,671 $153.15| $151. 19 $128.86| $1 1 6 . 4 1 | 77.1 | 75.5 84.8| 78. 3| 71.0J 1 1 1 I $35.41| $36.17| $10,461 $61.78| $66. 16 12.71 3.81 13.31 23.4 13.0| 1 1 1 1 $62.37| $39,161 $41.45 $21.82| $30.83| 23. 8| 24.4| 17. 2 | 11.9 16.21 1 1 I 1 $20,241 $7.20 $23.611 $11,571 $14.69| 22. 21 20.71 17.2| 7.8 11. 1 | 1 1 1 1 $31.74| $69.46| $68,471 $69.32| $60.99 56.7J 35.0J 41.8| 50.9| 58.0 i i i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $128.78| $ 1 59.15| $182.39| $211.58 $169.29) 86.6 | 84. 1 | 75.0| 98. 4 89.2| I 1 l 1 $97.16 l $126,651 $164.12 $130.52| $129.83| 60.7! 65.0 J 75.8| 77.9| 90.6 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I $42.64| $52.56| $47.46 $31,631 $28,621 54.4| 39.6| 51.7| 58.3| 62.3 1 1 . 1 1- 186 Table 11. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1/ (All families of six persons or more. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Item I I $8,000 I to I 1 . $9,999 Fuel and utilities, total 1 Average annual expenditure... . ! .......... Percent reporting Gas, total 1 Average annual expenditure... • 1 Percent reporting .......... . ! Gas, delivered in mains (piped) 1 Average annual expenditure... - 1 Percent reporting .......... . 1 Gas, bottled or tank 1 Average annual expenditure... . 1 Percent reporting .......... . 1 Electricity 1 Average annual expenditure... . 1 Percent reporting .......... - 1 Gas and electricity combined bills| Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting •1 Fuel oil and kerosene 1 Average annual expenditure... . ! Percent reporting .......... . 1 Other fuels, coal, wood ! Average annual expenditure... . ! .......... • 1 Percent reporting Water, trash, sewerage 1 Average annual expenditure... - 1 .......... . 1 Percent reporting i 1 Housing expenses, total 1 Average annual expenditure... - 1 .......... . 1 Percent reporting Telephone, excluding coin phones 1 Average annual expenditure... • ! .......... . 1 Percent reporting Other expenses, including domestic! services | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting .......... • 1 1 See footnotes at end of table 1 1 - i $533.58 94.3 $129.03 61.2 $91.03 43.4 $38.00 17.8 $215.07 84.5 $34.27 9.2 $70.64 27.9 $5. 24 6.7 $79.34 67.6 $229.08 95.9 $177.54 86. 3 $51.54 72.3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 .1 $10,000 to $11,999 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 I | to | to I 1 $14,999 1 $19a 999 1 $560.11 98.4 $152.84 66.6 $111.66 50.1 $41.18 17.5 $202.07 83.3 $58.20 14.6 $56.34 25. 1 $3.96 5.1 $86.70 76.6 $241.53 98.5 $176.29 94.0 $65.23 73.3 - 1 J | I | J I | | I | | ! | | I | | I | J I | ! I | J i 1 1 | | I | | I I | | 1 — I I I I $143.19 ! 68.3 i I $108.99 I 54.7 I I $34.20 ! 17.5 I I $217.61 l 86. 2 ! I $55.41 I 13.5 I I $75.23 I 28.1 ! I $3.24 I 9.7 I I $89.70 I 79.8 I i 1 1 $288.64 1 99.4 1 ! $190.45 1 97.8 1 1 ! $98.19 1 82. 1 1 .1— — $584.38 99.1 $662.45 98.4 $114.02 56.0 $97.78 46. 5 $16.24 10.3 $238.32 81.5 $77.39 18.0 $104.57 34.7 $5. 20 11.6 $122.96 86. 5 $346.29 99.2 $221.70 97.8 $124.59 86.1 I I I I I ! I I I ! I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I i 1 1 1 ! ! 1 1 i 1 1 -1-— $20,000 to $24,999 1 1 . 1 $25,000 and over .1 | Incomplete | income | reporting I I $824.82 I $735.58 I 98.4 I 96.8 ! I I $159.81 I $172.81 I $141.05 61.4 I 51.9 66.3 I ! I $134.19 I $144.01 I $135. 16 54.1 I 57. 3 I 48.6 ! l $5.89 $25.62 I $28.80 I 10.3 I 9.4 I 4.8 I I $252.59 ! $292.78 I $247.53 82.4 I 82.0 I 81.3 I ! $74.97 I $79.33 I $104.77 16. 1 l 16.1 I 16. 1 I I $89.12 I $135.12 I $125.05 27.9 ! 31.4 l 32. 9 I I $3.52 I $4.98 I $5.00 14.2 I 16.5 I 10.5 I I $113.25 I $139.80 I $112. 18 89.9 I 88.4 I 73.1 f l I 1 1 1 1 $380.36 ! $553.98 1 $621.89 98.9 1 99.5 1 96. 3 1 1 $239.59 1 $273.63 1 $275.49 97.4 1 97.8 1 93. 8 1 1 1 1 $140.77 ! $280.35 1 $346.40 93.4 J 88.9 1 78.8 .I__ __________ .1— ___________ $693.26 99.0 187 Table 11. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY IHCOHE BEFORE TAXES!/ (All families of six persons or more. United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued _Family_incgme_befgre_taxes_ Item All | families I I Housefurnishings, equipment, total | Average annual expenditure.. . . | ........... | Percent reporting Household textiles | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Furniture | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ...... ..... { Floor coverings ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Major appliances J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Small appliances J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Housewares | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ............ | Miscellaneous | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | 1 Clothing, total 1 Average annual expenditure....! ........... ! Percent reporting Clothing, male, 2 and over | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Clothing, female, 2 and over | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Clothing, children under 2 years | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Dry cleaning, laundry ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Materials and services ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | I See footnotes at end of table. 1 1 1 1 1 1 $501.78| 95.9J 1 $68.48| 87.2J 1 $155.39! 52.7 | i S59.95| 27. 5 1 ! $127.56| 43.2| I $14.56| 45.2J 1 $13.91) 35.6J I $61.93J 59.4 | 1 I ! $1,045.33J 99. 9 | I $396.92! 99. 1 | ! $485.67| 99.3 | I $28.72 | 24.51 I $89.53| 79.5 | I $44.49| 77.6 | 1 Total | Under | 1 1 1 1 _$3^000 1 1 1 1 1 $199.56! $496.60| 96.11 78.9! 1 I $65. 7 4 | $21.96| 87.2J 72. 5 | 1 1 $155.20| $52.50| 52.8J 19.9| I 1 $57. 26 | $6,561 27. 6 | 5.4! I 1 $129.06| $57.42| 43.1| 23.3J 1 1 $14.58| $8.71| 45.4 | 23.7! I 1 $13. 19 | $4,511 35.6! 23.2J 1 1 $61.58| $47,901 59.6! 32.3| | 1 1 1 1 $ 1,003.84| $486,921 99.9| 96.2( I 1 $384.07| $189,231 99.2! 93. 1 l I l $470. 151 $215.95| 99.4| 91.7| 1 1 $5,141 $21. 16 J 25.51 24.2 | l 1 $62,451 $84.61| 79.3! 65. 6 | I 1 $43.85! $14.16! 77.4! 45. 4| 1 1 | 1 $4,000 | to J 1 $4X 999 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 $205.03| $218,811 90.0| 89.4 J 1 1 $32.47| $20.47| 69.2! 70.7| 1 1 $82.28) $70.20| 38.2| 27.4| 1 ! $8.61| S3-84( 16.91 17.0| 1 1 $88,861 $72.98| 36.4| 30.2| 1 1 $8.11| $2,541 30.41 17.6| 1 1 $ 1.6 9 | $5,381 17.3| 21.2! 1 I $ 8. 7 8 | $17,621 31.3) 27.5! 1 1 1 1 $509.05! $493.10| 100.01 100.0J 1 1 $184.23| $162.75| 98.5| 98.1| 1 ! $222.38| $218.75| 97.0J 100.01 ! 1 $17,221 $30.91| 25.31 29.6| 1 1 $66.24| $71.88| 58. 3! 55.41 1 1 $13.34| $14.45| 40.0| 59.5| 1 1- $3,000 to $3X 999 $5,000 to $5^999 | | 1 1 1 1 $243.59| 91.91 ! $26,491 75.3| 1 $92.05| 52.1| 1 $13,031 16. 1 | I $63.7 9 | 33. 9 | I $ 8.9 0 | 34. 4 1 I $4. 9 1 1 27.2! I $34.43| 44. 9 | I l $547.36| 100.0| 1 $205 . 1 1 | 100.0| 1 $237.09| 98.5| 1 $14.84| 34.0| 1 $77.04| 67.6| 1 $13,291 59. 1| 1 $6,000 to $6,999 | | | 1 1 1 $309,151 91.1| 1 $38.49| 78. 4 1 1 $120.52| 41.1J 1 $30.80| 15.9| 1 $98,591 34.7| ! $8.24| 36. 51 1 $4.89| 26.51 1 $7.62| 30. 1 J I I $662.48| 100.0! I $202.85| 95. 9 | 1 $313,021 98.9J 1 $21,861 27.6J 1 $109.88| 74.21 1 $14.87| 52.2| JL. $7,000 to $7,999 $270.32 95.2 $30.20 81.9 $77.99 43. 3 $12.27 19.7 $114.35 40.4 $8.33 37.3 $4.50 29. 5 $22.67 29.9 $668.70 100.0 $262.56 98.6 $284.79 100.0 $15.08 28.2 $86.44 75.0 $19.82 66.4 188 Table 11. Selected family characteristics, annual expenditures, and sources of income classified by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1/ (All families of six persons or more, United States, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 1972-1973)-Continued Family income before taxes I Complete reporting of income I | $15,000 $8,000 Item I I $12,000 I $20,000 I $25,000 I $10,000 and to l to to to to I I I I I i over $ 19*999 $9,999 I $11,999 1 I $14,999 I 1 . $24*999 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I Housefurnishings, equipment, total | I 1 I I I $494.70 | $563.66 $401.63 $326.96 $789.98 $681.19 Average annual expenditure....! I 1 I I 97.4 l 97.3 I 96. 5 1 99.7 I 96.5 I 98.6 ........ ... 1 Percent reporting Household textiles 1 I 1 I I I $102.34 I $59.77 I $55.08 | $71.49 1 $115.13 Average annual expenditure. ... ! $38.57 I 83.5 I 82.7 I 88.8 | 92.5 1 92.6 Percent reporting ........ ... | 95.0 I Furniture I I 1 I I I $115.37 I $113.80 I $168.94 | $171.05 1 $207.43 I $232.45 Average annual expenditure. ... | 46.7 I 55.3 | 57. 4 1 46.7 I 61.7 I 65.3 Percent reporting ........ ... 1 Floor coverings 1 1 I ! I I $32.63 I $44.18 | $83.04 1 $98.28 I $98.64 $25.66 I Average annual expenditure. ... | 34. 4 1 23.5 I 33. 1 36.1 I ........ ... | 21.7 I 28.2 | Percent reporting Major appliances I I I 1 1 I $141.46 | $96.00 I $139.79 I $131.51 1 Average annual expenditure. ... | $150.33 I $172.00 45.4 | 46. 9 ! 49.9 I 48.1 33.9 I 43. 1 I Percent reporting ........ ... | Small appliances 1 I I I 1 I $17.31 | $17.71 1 $9.70 I $10.66 I $18.39 I $19.52 Average annual expenditure. ...1 52.6 I 42. 1 I 41.0 I 48.9 | Percent reporting ...... . ... | 51.1 1 52.8 Housewares I I I 1 1 I $11.14 | $4.52 I $10.48 I Average annual expenditure. ... | $13.08 1 $16.12 I $34.92 29.5 I 20.7 I 33.3 | 42.6 1 43.6 I Percent reporting ........ 49.9 Miscellaneous I I 1 I 1 I $37.14 I $56. 59 | $34.50 I $75.79 1 Average annual expenditure. ... | $88.31 I $117.32 53.2 I 71.6 1 45. 3 I 64.3 | 73.3 I ........ ... 1 Percent reporting 75.8 i i i 1 1 1 1 l I 1 Clothing, total 1 1 1 1 1 1 $773.56 1 $817.04 1 $904.00 | $1,067.44 1 $1,291.62 1 $1,727.67 Average annual expenditure. ... | 100. 0 1 100.0 1 100.0 | 100.0 1 Percent reporting ........ ... 1 100.0 1 100.0 Clothing, male, 2 and over 1 I 1 1 1 1 $328.57 1 $348.46 | $297.82 1 $405.10 1 Average annual expenditure. $524.51 1 $644.79 1 99.0 1 ........ ... | 99. 2 1 Percent reporting 100.0 | 99.8 1 100.0 ! 99.6 Clothing, female, 2 and over 1 1 1 I 1 1 $316.30 1 $353.71 1 $424.97 | Average annual expenditure. ... 1 $507.94 1 $602.93 1 $871.28 99.5 I 100.0 | 99.8 1 Percent reporting ........ ... 1 99.2 1 100.0 1 99.9 Clothing, children under 2 years 1 1 1 I 1 1 $22.21 1 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 $22.18 1 $22.01 | $27.33 1 $11.74 1 $21.51 20.4 1 Percent reporting ........ ... 1 36.2 ! 26.0 1 26.9 | 13.7 1 21.0 Dry cleaning, laundry 1 1 1 1 I 1 $80.18 1 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 $96.16 1 $87.04 1 $69. 80 | $118.70 $74.80 1 81.7 1 ........ ... 1 70.9 1 77.5 | 81.8 1 Percent reporting 91.6 1 87.8 Materials and services 1 1 I I 1 1 $41.07 1 $32.41 1 $38.76 | $52.27 1 $71.39 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 $65.40 1 75.7 1 71.7 1 79.9 | 84.8 1 87.5 1 92.9 ........ ... 1 Percent reporting 1__ __________ -1-___________ _J_____________ 1_ ____________ JL_ See footnotes at end of table 1 1 Incomplete | income | r eporting I 1 1 1 | $584.28 93.6 | 1 | $112. 14 | 86.8 I | $158.41 51. 1 | I | $102.78 | 26. 1 I | $103.67 43.7 | I | $14.29 | 41.7 I | $25.43 | 36.5 I | $67.57 | 57. 0 1 1 1 | $1,706.31 | 100.0 I | $601.55 | 97.4 I | $732.94 | 97.6 I | $149.22 | 29.5 I | $167.97 | 83.3 I | $54.62 | 79.9 1 . 189 T a b le 11. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in com e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY IKCOHE BEFORE T A X E S J/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s o f s i x p e r s o n s o r m ore, U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d Item Transportation, total, excluding trips Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Vehicle purchases (net outlay) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle finance charges Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle operations, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ............ Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health care, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Health insurance, excluding employer share Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Expenses not covered by insurance Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Personal care (selected expenses) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Recreation, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Owned vacation home Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See f o o t n o t e s at end o f I | | I I I I I $2,191.74| 97.6| 1 $941.72| 45.6| 1 $107.91| 41.8| 1 $1 ,054.89| 93.2| 1 $518.07! 92. 0 | I $536.82| 92. 1| I $87.2 31 28.3 | f I I $573.47| 96.6| 1 1 $204,371 90.7| 1 $369.10| 90.3| i 1 I $118.60| 89.4| i 1 1 $826.62| 97.5| i 1 1 $12.90| 2 •4 | 1 All families t a b le . i Total | 1 1 1 1 1 $2,173.20| 97.6! I $938,691 45.8J 1 $102.49! 42.5 | I $1,056.37J 93.1 | I $519.49 j 92.21 I $536 . 3 8 | 92.01 I $75.64| 27.3| 1 1 1 $576.73| 96.9| 1 1 $207.83| 92.4| 1 $368.90| 90.4! ■ 1 1 $117.26| 89.31 ■ 1 1 $801. 19! 97.4 | i 1 1 $13.62| 2.5 | 1 _ Under \ $3,000 1 1 1 1 $983.69! 88.7| 1 $491.34| 40.0| 1 $23.38| 18.8| 1 $389.06! 74.0| 1 $230.68| 72.3| 1 $158.38| 60.9| 1 $79.90| 24.8 | 1 1 1 $237.09! 76.5| 1 1 $49.66| 46.5| 1 $187.43 | 6 3. 3 | ■ 1 1 $55.46| 62.0| i 1 1 $268.35! 80. 0 | i I 1 ** | ** | 1 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $3,000 | $4,000 1 $5,000 | $7,000 | $6,000 to J to | to | to | to $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $7,999 1 $6,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $825.97| $540.72| $850.72! $1,163.41 $950.31| 84.7| 91.8| 90.6| 90.3 | 90. 4 1 1 1 1 $95.88| $361.23 | $284.91l $344.40| $459.91 17.6| 35. 1 | 41.8| 30.2| 29. 5 1 1 1 $47.56! $31.80| $39.88 $17.77| $29,931 29.8| 21.6| 27.9! 27.2 26. 4 1 1 1 I 1 $421.44! $370.75| $455.42| $494,451 $613.90 64.6| 81.9| 70.7J 80.7 75.0| 1 1 1 1 $251.81| $262.48! $224.02J $326.45 $246.87| 64. 61 73.71 80.8| 69.5! 80.7 1 1 1 1 $146.74 J $174,581 $231.97| $203 . 6 1 | $287.45 79.6J 58.7 | 75.0 | 69. 9 1 79. 1 I 1 I 1 $44.15| $ 3 8.07| $50.28| $79.67| $49.72 36.3 | 26.8| 30.7| 20. 1 | 23.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $240.48| $198.18| $351,051 $281.13 $195,651 75.4| 88. 2 1 82.9| 94.0| 90.9 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 $53.51J $57.24| $127.89| $132.81 $67.59| 71.4| 61.0| 67.3| 85.3! 85.0 ! 1 i 1 $128 . 0 6 | $144.67| $183.24| $223.16| $148.32 68.7 57. 8 | 74.6| 73.4| 71.71 i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $47.75| $52.67| $78.63| $66.72 $57.02| 74. 1| 72.5| 69.5| 85.5 90.0| i i ■ i 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 $196.22| $243.69 $112.78! $221.63! $260.70| 81.7| 92.0 | 96.4| 89. 4 1 ' 89.8 i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** | ** ** | ** | $6.12| ** | ** 1 ** ** | •7 J 1 _ i . 1 . J__ 190 T a b l e 11. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E (All f a m i l i e s o f s i x p e r s o n s o r m o r e , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I Item $8,000 I to I $9,999 I I I Transportation, total, excluding tr ips | Average annual expenditure. ... | $1,601.38 Percent reporting 97.8 ... I Vehicle purchases (net outlay) I Average annual expenditure. ... | $651.00 ........ ... | Percent reporting 42.0 Vehicle finance charges I Average annual expenditure- ... | $67.81 Percent reporting ........ ...I 38.8 Vehicle operations, total I Average annual expenditure. ... I $839.27 Percent reporting ........ 94.3 Gasoline I $465.14 Average annual expenditure. ... | Percent reporting ........ ... | 93.6 Other I Average annual expenditure- ... | $374.13 percent reporting ........ ... I 91.0 Other transportation I $43.30 Average annual expenditure. ... I Percent reporting ...... . 25.9 i 1 Health care, total 1 $455.39 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 Percent reporting ........ ... | 97.8 Health insurance, excluding 1 employer share 1 $199.48 Average annual expenditure- ... | percent reporting ........ ... 1 88.8 Expenses not covered by insurance 1 Average annual expenditure. ... | $255.91 Percent reporting ........ ...1 91.8 i 1 Personal care (selected expenses) 1 $83.35 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 Percent reporting ........ 81.0 i 1 Recreation, total 1 $454.28 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 98.5 Percent reporting ........ ... 1 i 1 Owned vacation home 1 $.20 Average annual expenditure- ... 1 .6 percent reporting ........ ...1 1 _ See footnotes at end of table. | | | 1 1 1 | | I | | I | | I | | I | | I | | ! | | i 1 1 1 | 1 1 | | I | | i 1 1 | | i 1 1 | | 1 1 | I 1 Familv income before taxes Complete reporting of income $10,000 | $12,000 | I $15,000 to | to to | I $11,999 1 $14,999 l .1 $19,999 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 $1,766.30 | $2,170.00 1 $2,307.30 | 99. 1 | 100.0 1 99.7 | I 1 I $752.12 | $897.20 1 $976.91 | 51.0 | 45.3 1 48.0 | I 1 I $101.60 | $171.70 1 $88.37 | 43.7 | 43.7 1 48. 1 | I 1 I $868.08 | $1,049.49 1 $1,172.33 | 94.3 | 96.6 1 99. 1 | I 1 I $446.87 | $532.90 1 $567.56 | 93.7 | 96.0 1 97.8 | I 1 l $421.22 | $516.59 1 $604.77 | 94.3 | 96.6 1 98.8 | I 1 I $44.50 | $51.61 1 $69.69 | 17.9 | 22.2 1 30.2 | i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 $506.57 | $538.89 1 $636.22 | 98.7 | 100.0 1 100.0 | 1 1 I 1 1 I $204.17 | $203.33 1 $240.66 | 97.2 | 99.7 1 98.9 | I 1 I $302.39 | $335.56 1 $395.57 | 89.3 | 97.8 1 96. 1 | i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 $100.25 l $105.06 1 $132.27 | 88.9 | 90.5 1 93.2 | i i I 1 1 1 1 1 $514.60 | $615.04 1 $832.64 j 99.5 | 99.3 | 99.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $.73 | $16.73 | $11.90 1 1.0 | 2.3 1 2.8 | -1 1 1 $20,000 to $24,999 $3,015.81 100.0 $1,275.14 49.4 $133.09 51.1 $1 ,521.05 99.0 $743.11 99.0 $777.94 98.3 $86.53 27.0 $820.91 100.0 $270.53 97.8 $550.38 98.7 $143.87 97.4 $1,291.45 100.0 $7.36 3.8 I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 BEFORE $25,000 and over $3,857.56 99.5 $1,880.18 58.2 $148.24 50.8 $1,647.53 99.0 $711.40 97.5 $936.13 98.7 $181.62 39.0 $927.16 99.5 $293.62 97.1 $633.54 96.9 $205.20 98.1 $1,899.37 100.0 $55.13 7.0 TAXESiy 1 Incomplete income | | r eporting | 1 1 1 | $2,487.16 | 98.5 1 | $989.91 | 42.8 I | $194. 16 | 30.3 I | $1,031.32 95.7 | I | $495.44 | 89. 2 I | $535.88 | 94.8 I | $271.77 | 43.2 I I | $521.52 | 93. 1 I I | $149. 14 | 64.7 I | $372.37 | 88.7 I I | $139.92 | 90.3 I l | $1,231.73 | 98. 1 I I | $1.38 | 1.5 1_ 191 T a b l e 11. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s * a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A H I L Y I N C O M E ( All f a m i l i e s o f s i x p e r s o n s o r m o r e , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item I Vacation, pleasure trips, total | Average annual expenditure.. . . | ........... | Percent reporting Food | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Alcoholic beverages l Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Lodging I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ...... .....| Transportation, total ! Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... I Gasoline | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other transportation ! Average annual expenditure...-! Percent reporting ........... ! All expense tours | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ............ | Other vacation expenses | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Boats, I | | ! I I I I $247.68! 64.8! I $65. 10| 56. 1| I $5.11J 23.4J I $39.02| 36.5! I $77.94J 61.5| 1 $33.62| 56.7J 1 $44.32! 39.6| 1 $29.84| 9.2J 1 $30.67| 43.5! i 1 1 $116.93| 22.0| i 1 1 $449.12| 96.8! 1 $62.13! 21.5J I ** | ** | All j families aircraft, wheel goods ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Other recreation, total ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Televisions I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ....... . . - . | 1_ . See footnotes at end of table. Total | I I I I I $233.96! 64.9 | ! $63.95| 56.2| I $4.91| 23. 2 1 I $37.41J 36.6 | I $71.38J 61.7J I $33. 47! 57.3 | I $37.91! 39.0| I $26.60! 8.7 | i $29 . 7 2 | 43.4J 1 1 $114. 16 l 22.11 i 1 1 $439.45| 96.9| 1 $63.381 21.8| 1 ** | ** | . 1 Under $3,000 1 1 1 1 1 $52.43| 27.6J 1 $16.05! 23.3! I $.33| 3.4J ! $7.14| 12.3| 1 $19,571 25. 4! 1 $11.04| 25.4 1 1 $8.53! 10.0| 1 $1.18| 2. 1 | ! $8.16| 12.6| i 1 1 $60.55| 10.0! i 1 1 $155.37J 76.0! I $22.17| 15.9| 1 ** | ** j 1 . BEFORE Familv income before taxes Complete reporting of income $3,000 | $4,000 1 $5,000 1 $6,000 | to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I $33.17| $57.05! $9.70| $26.91| 28.7| 26. 6 | 35.9| 18.8| 1 I 1 1 $10.57! $1,751 $4.811 $13.69| 18.7| 29.0J 10.3! 20.0| I 1 1 1 ** | $. 75 | $.55J $.52| ** | 4.41 3. 7| 2.6 | I 1 ! I $4. 56 | $8.02! $.21| S 1 - 79| 7. 1 J 8.1J 2.61 2. 1 J 1 I I 1 $17.34! $12,921 $23,311 $6.16| 26.6J 18.8| 23. 1 ! 33.0| 1 I I 1 $3.86 | $6.56| $7.69! $12.41| 21. 1 J 23.7| 18.8 1 26.6 | 1 I I 1 $5.23! $10,901 $2.3 0| $10.78| 4. 8 | 14.0| 10. 4 1 20. 8| 1 1 1 I ** | ** | $7.74| $.331 ** j ** | 2.0| 4-2| 1 1 1 I ** j $3.70| $4. 3 8 | $3.7 5 1 ** | 5.31 10.2| 16.2| i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** j $ 1-2 4 | $ 16.93| $10,521 ** j 12.0| 8. 1 | 6.3 | 1 i 1 I 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 $168.06| $165,411 $193.13! $103.08| 87. 4 1 95.0J 81.71 92.0| I 1 1 1 $30.05| $67,061 $37.86| $41,281 18.51 27.1 | 19.8| 17.0| 1 I 1 1 ** | ** | ** | ** | ** j ** | ** | ** | 1 1 1 1 TAXESiy $7,000 to $7,999 $42.79 42. 9 $10.20 25.0 $. 53 6.7 $7.20 20.0 $19.36 41.4 $11.65 37.3 $7.71 15.0 $1.65 3.1 $3.86 16.9 $8. 46 2. 1 $192.44 89.8 $44. 12 14. 4 ** ** . 192 T a b l e 11. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s * a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s * a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( All f a m i l i e s o f s i x p e r s o n s o r m o r e * U n i t e d S t a t e s * C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y * 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d | Item Vacation* pleasure trips* total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Food l Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ...... .....j Alcoholic beverages | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Lodging | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Transportation* total J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gasoline | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other transportation J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ......... . . | All expense tours ! Average annual expenditure....! ........... I Percent reporting Other vacation expenses l Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting Boats* aircraft* wheel goods J Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting Other recreation* total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ............ | Televisions ! Average annual expenditure....! ........ •••! Percent reporting Other J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | See footnotes at end of table. $8*000 to $9,999 I I I I I l $101.48 ! 54.0 I I $34.25 I 43. 1 I I $1.98 I 16.4 I I $11.57 I 22.2 I I $31.06 I 4 9.2 I I $21.38 I 45.0 ! I $9.68 I 23.7 I I $3.76 I 4.9 I I $18.86 I 29.3 ! 1 1 $38.35 I 16.6 ! i 1 1 $314.25 1 96.0 1 I $61.68 1 21.9 ! ! ** 1 ** 1 .1 Family incomes before taxes Complete reporting of income $15*000 $10*000 | $12*000 $20*000 I I I to to to J to l ! I $19*999 $14*999 $11*999 | $24*999 I ! ! I ! I I I I I ! I I I I $101.46 J $141.51 I $403.31 I $236.30 I 57. 1 | 62.3 ! 78. 8 I 86.4 I I ! I I $34.49 | $43.91 ! $68.58 I $109.54 I 53.9 ! 70.3 I 78.7 I 48.4 | 1 ! I I $2.41 I $5.60 l $1.52 | $7.29 I 10.6 ! 18.6 I 29. 3 I 37.0 I I I I I $16.20 | $21.93 I $35.05 I $69.99 I 26.9 | 35.0 I 43. 1 I 60.2 I I I I I $44.06 I $32.00 J $72.81 I $116.89 I 58.6 I 75.0 I 84.3 ! 52.3 | I I I I $23.74 | $27.3A ! $40.58 ! $56. 54 I 69.4 I 47.9 | 55.3 I 78.7 I I » I I $32.23 I $8.25 | $16.71 ! $60.35 I 47. 2 I 30.9 I 27.2 | 59.8 ! I ! I I $26.34 I $7.01 | $11.29 I $47.24 I 5.7 | 5.6 I 15.6 I 11.2 I I I I I $10.24 J $17.91 I $27.93 ! $52.37 I 53. 1 I 32.5 | 42.9 I 65.3 l | c i 1 1 1 I ! 1 1 1 $98.95 J $80.63 1 $122.75 1 $259.82 1 23.8 i 25. 5 1 22.0 | 26.0 1 i ■ 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 $313.45 | $381.01 1 $456.86 1 $620.96 1 99.0 J 99.2 1 99.2 1 100.0 1 I 1 1 1 $65.03 » $63.19 1 $66.85 1 $73.44 1 21.5 J 20.5 1 23.1 1 21.8 1 I I 1 1 ** j ** ** ** 1 ! 1 ** | ** ** ** 1 1 1 1 . .1 1_ -1 BEFORE $25*000 and over $692.69 89.2 $167.42 81.4 $16.30 50.8 $116.28 65.8 $205.34 87.9 $60.99 83.2 $144.36 75.2 $96.84 17. 1 $90.51 75.6 $224.52 38.5 $927.03 100.0 $82.93 27.9 ** ** T A X E S 1/ ! ! Incomplete income I I r eporting I I I I $466.23 I 63.7 I I $83.31 I 55. 0 I I $8. 30 ! 26.4 I I $64.78 I 33.9 I I $182.53 I 58. 6 I I $36.09 I 47. 7 I I $146.43 I 49.0 I ! $81.51 I 17.6 t I $45.81 I 43. 6 I I I $161.06 I 19.8 I I I $603.06 I 95.0 I I $42.24 I 16. 7 I I ** I ** ! A . 193 T a b l e 11. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A H I L Y I N C O M E (All f a m i l i e s o f s i x p e r s o n s o r more, U n i t e d States, C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Survey, 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I 1 All | I Item | I families I I 1 I 1 I I 1 Reading materials 1 I $55.05| Average annual expenditure. .I Percent reporting ........ 86.5| .I 1 I Education, total I ! $252.16| Average annual expenditure. -I Percent reporting ........ 51.61 .I Private I 1 Average annual expenditure. $158.36| .I Percent reporting ...... 23. 9 | .I Public I I Average annual expenditure. $93. 80 | .I ........ Percent reporting 37.1| .I 1 1 Miscellaneous 1 1 Average annual expenditure. $100.03| .1 Percent reporting ........ 74. 0 | -1 i f l 1 1 Personal insurance and pensions, total 1 1 Average annual expenditure. - - - 1 $1,026.32| Percent reporting 93.9| ........ -1 Life, endowment, annuities and inco me 1 I $359.69| Average annual expenditure. .1 Percent reporting ........ 79.3| Other personal insurance 1 I Average annual expenditure. $10.31| -1 11.4| Percent reporting ........ .1 Retirement and pensions I 1 $656.33| Average annual expenditure. •1 Percent reporting ........ 84.9| i 1 1 1 Gifts and contributions 1 1 $416.32| Average annual expenditure. 86. 1| ........ Percent reporting -1 See footnotes at end of table. I j Total | Under I 1 1 I _$3*000 1 I 1 I I 1 $15.61| $54.59| 86.6 | 49.8j 1 1 1 1 $49.73| $223.93| 51.3| 28.7| 1 1 $13,971 $141.47 | 23.4 | 4.5 | I 1 $35.76| $82. 4 6 | 26.51 37.0 | 1 1 1 1 $101.08| $19.911 74.9| 45. 91 1 1 1 1 1 $1,065,451 $170,701 94.8| 52.6| 1 1 $362.19| $112,771 79 . 8| 32. 1 | I I $10.82| $ 10-93| 11.8| 8. 9 1 1 1 $692. 44 | $47.00| 88.5| 40. 1 l i 1 1 1 1 $406. 13| $97,281 86.4| 56.31 BEFORE Family income before taxes Complete reportincr of income $3,000 1 $4,000 | $5,000 | $6,000 | to 1 to | to 1 to 1 $3*999 1 $4^999 1 $5,999 1 1 $6,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $6.87) $29.65| $33.96| $13,331 45.6| 40.01 70.7J 70.0| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $11,941 $11.92| $26,561 $7.50| 28.61 22.9J 30.0| 23.61 1 1 1 1 $6.68| $.57| $.08| $18.20| 6.3 | 12. 1 l 2.81 3.8| 1 1 I 1 $5,241 $6.9 4 | $8.36! $11.85| 19.91 20.7| 24.8| 22. 4 | 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 $41,691 $59,431 $23,391 $34.30| 45. 1 | 54. 1 1 49.3| 51.1| 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 $189.31l $354.74| $142.84| $267.97| 77.11 74. 2| 78.7| 88.3 | I 1 I 1 $110,911 S69.35J $125,601 $132.52| 50.4J 57.8| 54.5) 42.81 1 1 1 1 $8.35| $3.51| $4.99| $3.70! 10.5| 7.9 | 7. 9 | 7. 2 | 1 1 1 1 $70.06| $68.50| $138.86! $218.52| 53. 1| 57.4J 80.6| 62.7 | | 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I $60,201 $99.39! $82.62| $40.50| 51.9| 39.3| 61.9| 60. 1 1 TAXESly $7,000 to $7,999 $27.95 69.4 $17.68 31.1 $11.04 6.8 $6.64 27.3 $56.43 52.0 $394.08 87.2 $133.01 62.2 $7.50 9.7 $253.57 80.9 $80.12 70. 1 194 T a b l e 11. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E (All f a m i l i e s o f s i x p e r s o n s or more. U n i t e d States, C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d BEFORE TAXES!/ _Fami!y_income_before_taxes_ See footnotes at end of table. $74.22 42.2 $41.58 16.7 $32.64 30.1 1 | J i 1 1 $563.67 | 97.6 | 1 $239.16 | 77.9 | I $4.94 J 7.1 | I $319.58 | 86.3 ! i 1 1 $180.72 | 85.3 | I $90.92 71.8 $10,000 to $11^999 I I I I I I $37.63 1 86.8 1 i 1 1 $54.05 1 36.9 l 1 $24.58 1 11.8 l 1 $29.47 1 29.0 1 i 1 $66.27 72.2 $704.59 97. 1 $222.87 70.3 $11.42 11.0 $470.29 94. 1 $190.66 84.5 1 ! 1 I J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I 1 1 1 I $12,000 to $14,999 $52.82 90.1 $107.93 48.1 $51.28 19.8 $56.65 35.0 $100.39 83.0 $984.52 100.0 $313.85 87.5 $7.06 8.7 $663.61 97.9 $344.37 94.6 _ J J i I l I ! | i I 1 | | I J J I | | • 1 1 | l ■ 1 1 J | I ! l I I ! I | | ■ 1 1 | | 1 $15,000 to $19,999 I I I I I I $60.47 I 95.0 I i 1 1 $245.15 ! 60.7 1 1 $153.35 1 30.5 1 I $91.81 1 1 i 1 1 $128.72 1 85. 1 I i 1 1 $1,255.79 1 99.2 1 1 $390.62 1 89.6 ! I $10.95 I 11.4 1 1 $854.23 1 96.0 1 ■ 1 1 $378.69 1 94.2 1 .1 $20,000 to $24,999 $75.85 98.2 $419.14 65.5 $284.28 37.7 $134.86 41.9 $89.91 81.3 $1,478.16 100.0 $453.30 93.8 $13.38 19.4 93.2 $580.09 98.4 I I I I I I I I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 ! 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 -1 $25,000 and over $105.34 97.8 $710.44 80.8 $473.21 42.9 $237.23 61.8 income I I r eporting I I I I $62.37 I 84. 1 I i 1 1 $701.90 1 55.8 1 1 $427.43 1 32. 1 ! 1 $274.47 1 39.0 1 i l 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 $2,322.06 1 98. 1 1 1 $869.39 1 93.4 ! 1 $23.50 1 18.0 1 1 $1,429.17 1 92.0 1 f 1 I $1,215.66 1 98.2 1 .1. $192.19 83.9 $83.34 60.0 $403.01 79.0 $319.77 72.0 to to 4= $32.28 87. 1 | | 1 1 1 1 | j I I J | I | | I | | i I • & 00 I I Reading materials | Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting 1 Education, total | Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting Private | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ............ | Public | Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting ■ 1 Miscellaneous I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | i 1 Personal insurance and pensions, total | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... J Life, endowment, annuities and income \ Average annual expenditure....! ......... -•! Percent reporting Other personal insurance 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Retirement and pensions | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | i 1 Gifts and contributions I Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting 1 $8,000 to $9„999 —k * O |" I -po o Item 5.6 $80.99 28.8 $578.73 81.7 195 T a b l e 11• S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E (All f a m i l i e s o f s i x p e r s o n s o r mor e . U n i t e d States, C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u rvey, 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Money income before taxes, total Annual a v erage.............. Percent reporting ........ Wages and salaries, total 1 Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Wages and salaries, civilian 1 Annual average.......... . ........ Percent reporting Union dues 1 Annual average...... ....... ........ Percent reporting Other occupational expenses 1 Annual average .............. Percent reporting ........ Rent received as pay 1 Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Meals received as pay 1 Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Wages and salaries, armed forces i Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Quarters and subsistence 1 Annual average.............. ........ Percent reporting Self-employment income, total 1 Annual average ............. Percent reporting ........ Net income from own business 1 Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ ...| Net income from own farm 1 Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ ! See footnotes at end of Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income 1 | $4,000 | $5,000 J $6,000 1 1 $3,000 Total | Under to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 1 l I $4,999 I $5A999 1 $6^999 1 1 $3,999 1 $3,000 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 $762,461 $3,532,161 $4,507,971 $5,498,581 $6,528,221 $15,690.36| 100.0| 98.4J 100.0J 100.0| 100.0| 100.0| 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 $12,587.43J -$370,041 $1,627,081 $2,007.90 1 $2,552.47| $3,843,321 94.6| 70.7| 78.9| 84.9| 74. 4 l 87.51 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 $12,594.33| $1 ,048.58| $1,625,701 $2,015.29| $2,548,281 $3,942.65| 93.8 | 75.9| 85. 31 68. 5 | 72. 1 l 82.91 I I 1 1 I 1 -$27.9 9 | -$1,821 -$2.47! -$1,491 -$ 9.7 0 | — $ -7 3 1 4. 1 l 1- 9 | 2.4 | 24.6 l 3.01 12.9| 1 I I ! I 1 1 -$5.81| -$12,791 -$4.22J -$120,121 - $ 8 1.63|-$1,425.54| 11.7| 8. 4| 13.0| 28.8 ( 2.9 | 9. 2| I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** | ** j ** j ** j $ 10.05| $14.69| ** | ** j ** | ** | .9 1 1.2 | 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 $19.44| $7.66| $9,001 $7.88| $9. 9 1 | $15.79| 7. 1 | 13.01 14. 9| 13. 7J 4.91 13.01 i 1 l 1 1 I 1 ** | ** j ** | ** | ** j $62.28| ** j ** j ** | ** | ** | .7 j 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 ** j ** j ** j ** | ** | $10 . 9 5 | ** j ** | ** | ** j ** | .7 | 1 I I 1 1 I 1 $1,378.59| -$128,331 $104,791 $261.01| $665.85! $231,681 21.61 4.81 7.41 18.0| 8.0 | 17.81 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 $13,951 $973.24J -$15,191 $157.01| $291.00| $117.99| 3. 5J 10.6| 3.21 13.0| 12. 9 | 12.3| 2.3| 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 $405. 3 5 1 -$113.141 $90,841 $103,991 $374.84| $113.69| 6.1j 8.7J 2. 4 1 4.51 7.2| 4.2J 1. 1. 1 1. 1. 1 1 I I All | families I 1 1 1 1 Item table. BEFORE I. | | I 1 1 1 1 TAXES1./ $7,000 to $7,999 $7,480.45 100.0 $4,775.33 87.2 $4,779.87 86.4 -$6.87 7. 3 -$15.03 22.9 ** ** $17.36 13.2 ** ** ** ** $865.54 22.2 $525.40 13.7 $340.14 8. 5 196 T a b l e 11. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E (All f a m i l i e s o f s i x p e r s o n s o r more, U n i t e d S t ates, C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d | I 1 1 1 Money income before taxes, total 1 Annual average ............... . . | Percent reporting ......... Wages and salaries, total 1 Annual average............... ......... Percent reporting Wages and salaries, civilian i Annual average.......... . ......... ..| Percent reporting Union dues 1 Annual average ............... ,.. | Percent reporting ......... Other occupational expenses I Annual a v e r a g e ............... ......... ... | Percent reporting Pent received as pay I Annual aver a g e ............... Percent reporting ......... Meals received as pay I Annual ave r a g e ............... Percent reporting ........ .... | Wages and salaries, armed forces I | Annual average............... ... | Percent reporting Quarters and subsistence I | Annual a verage.............. . Percent reporting ......... I Self-employment income, total I Annual average............... ...| ......... Percent reporting Net income from own business I Annual average .............. . ........ .... | Percent reporting Net income from own farm 1 Annual average.............. . Percent reporting ......... Item See footnotes at end of table. $8,000 to $9^999 | | 1 1 1 1 $9,080.57 | 1 i 94.9 -$16.14 | 1 | I 23.9 | I I 11.5 ** ** ** ** $980.66 | I | l I | I I | I 11.4| 1 Family_income_before_taxes_ Complete_repgrting_of_income_ $10,000 I $15,000 I $12,000 I $20,000 to to to to I I I $11,999 I $24,999 I $19,999 .1 $14,999 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I $11,066.91 1 $13,470.33 I $17,314.16 I $22,067.43 100.0 1 100.0 I 100. 0 I 100.0 1 I I $8,977.69 1 $11,429.52 I $14,835.56 I $19,132.20 95. 3 1 99.1 I 98. 5 I 99.5 1 I I $8,786.56 1 $11,440.64 I $14,829.77 I $19,051.55 97.9 94.9 1 98.8 I 98.3 I 1 I I -$27.74 1 -$32.67 I -$42.70 I -$28.90 31.7 I 32.5 I 26.3 31.1 1 1 I I -$13.83 1 -$32.53 I -$53.55 I -$91.07 44. 5 31.4 I 35.3 I 19.6 1 1 I I ** $13.84 1 $.91 l $33.94 I ** .5 I 2. 1 I 2. 1 1 1 I I $20.74 I $10.88 1 $16.42 I $27.69 12.8 13.3 15.3 11.5 1 I I I 1 I $29.05 l $144. 10 $183.38 1 $39.45 I .4 I 2.2 1 .3 I 1.7 1 I I $7.71 I $7.90 I $24.60 1 $28.83 1.3 I .6 I 2.2 1.1 1 1 I I $807.80 l $916.62 I $1 ,667.92 $904.21 1 16.9 1 15.3 I 16. 4 I 17.6 I I 1 $580.74 I $1,427.45 $633.86 1 $697.04 I 12.6 I 12.2 I 14.2 11.4 1 I I 1 $240.47 $270.35 1 $110.75 I $335.89 I 5.5 1 3.6 I 5.2 I 5.7 BEFORE $25,000 and over $34,516.98 100.0 $26,558.47 97.2 $26,486.60 96.5 -$39.70 27.4 -$47.27 36.0 ** ** $33.78 14.9 $ 107.85 1.4 $17.21 .5 $4,879.11 30.0 $3,450.52 23.7 $1,428.59 9.4 TAXESiy income I I reporting I I I I I $1,994.88 80.7 I I I $1,104.47 52.5 I I I $1, 107.87 35.8 I I -$5.85 I 5.9 I I -$28.52 I 16.8 I I ** I ** I I $30.98 I 9.0 I I ** I ** I I ** I ** I I $215.84 I 3. 3 I I $26.97 I 2.0 l I $188.87 I 1.3 I 197 T a b l e 11S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E (All f a m i l i e s o f s i x p e r s o n s o r m o r e . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d BEFORE Family income before! taxes I I Complete reporting of income All | I 1. | $6,000 | | l $3,000 | $4,000 1 $5,000 Item | families Total | Under to 1 to 1 to | to | I I 1 I $6*999 1 1 $3*999 1 $4*999 1 $5*999 1 I I 1 $3*000 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 Social security, railroad retirement | 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 $441.98| $317.98| $374.45| $262.56J $25.97| $465.49| $250-48| Annual average................. I 15.2| 3. 7 | 24.91 20.81 9. 5 1 9 -9 | 11.2| Percent reporting ..... Government retirement, veterans* | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 payments, and unemployment | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 compensation | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $233,871 $107.47| $249.12| $48.70| $143.76| $232.50| $239.41| Annual average ................. | 8.6 | 10.7| 10.2| 15.8| 8.9 | 14.0| 14.2| Percent reporting ........... | Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rental income, royalties, income | 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 from roomers and boarders | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $39,561 $13.63| $289.87J $2,851 $278.05| $15.91| $22.80| Annual average .....- ..... ..... | 7. 6 | 8. 0 J 22.3J 56.7J 14.9| 26.3J ........... | 55. 1 1 Percent reporting Rental income, royalties, income | I 1 1 1 1 1 1 from roomers and boarders | I 1 1 I 1 1 1 ** j $38,671 $2.23| $14.32| $102. 29 | $97.77J $. 29 | Annual average................. | ** | 7.7 | 2.3 | 6. 1| 2.1 J 2. 9 J 7.4 | Percent reporting ............ | Income from interest, dividends, | 1 I I 1 I ! 1 estates and trusts | I 1 I 1 I 1 $8.49| $11.39| $ 2 . 5 6 | $187.58| $15,911 $.89! $180.28| Annual average................. I 54.7J 14.9J 4.7 | 5. 7 | 21.2| 20.2| 53.2| Percent reporting ........... | Income from all other sources, total | 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 $922.78l $1,170.25| $1, 188.201 $1,650.05! $1,706.98| $1,831.28| $894.39| Annual average ................. | 74. 51 86.3| 78.7| 80.9 | 78.8| 75.5| 76.9 | Percent reporting ........... | Welfare and public assistance | 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 $293.78| $632.98| $843,201 $1,055.67! $1,026,391 $1,248,131 $282.29| Annual average................. | 46.6 1 49.4 | 25.9| 37.6| 11.8| 40.2| 11.3| .... -..... | Percent reporting Private pensions l 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 ** j $56.85| $24.93 J $15.21| $8.791 $14.48| $14,311 Annual average ................. | ** j 2. 5 | 1-1 | 3.3J 1.11 1-51 1.5J ........... | Percent reporting Regular contributions for support l 1 I I 1 1 1 1 $93.07| $228.97| $ 1 49.87| $88,431 $105.76l $17.82| $108.09| Annual average................. I 4. 2J 4. 2 | 10.0| 6.2 | 4.8 | 6.81 4. 9 | ........... | Percent reporting Other, incl. workmens' compensation | 1 1 1 1 I 1 I $ 3 87.41| $318.38| $491.47! $394,761 $465.15| $508.04| $489.70| Annual average................. | 65. 1 | 66.7! 67.4| 59.3 | 75.8| 78.0 | 77. 4 | Percent reporting ........... | I. 1 . 1_ 1-___ 1. 1 1. 1 See footnotes at end of table TAXESiy $7,000 to $7,999 $166.37 9.2 $117.65 13. 2 $20.64 23.8 $8. 61 1.7 $12.03 22. 1 $1,534.92 80. 5 $1,050.44 30.5 ** ** $63.72 5. 4 $420.75 75. 8 198 T a b l e 11. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E (All f a m i l i e s o f s i x p e r s o n s o r more, U n i t e d States, C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Survey, 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item I I .1 1 Social security, railroad retirement 1 Annual average.......... . 1 ........... 1 Percent reporting Government retirement, veterans* 1 payments, and unemployment 1 compensation 1 Annual a v erage................. 1 Percent reporting ........... 1 Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, 1 rental income, royalties, income 1 from roomers and boarders 1 Annual average................. .1 Percent reporting .......... ..1 Rental income, royalties, income 1 from roomers and boarders 1 Annual average ................. .1 Percent reporting ...... . .1 Income from interest, dividends, 1 estates and trusts 1 Annual average ................. .1 Percent reporting ........... . 1 Income from all other sources, total 1 Annual aver a g e ................ .1 ........... . 1 Percent reporting Welfare and public assistance 1 Annual average ................. 1 ........... . 1 Percent reporting Private pensions 1 Annual average ................. .1 ........... .1 Percent reporting Regular contributions for support 1 Annual average................ ..1 ........... . 1 Percent reporting Other, incl. workmens* compensation 1 Annual average................. ■1 ........... . 1 Percent reporting 1 See footnotes at end of table $8,000 to $9,999 I I .1 1 1 $435.93 1 9. 9 1 1 1 1 $302.70 1 15. 5 I 1 1 1 $102.23 1 36.5 1 1 1 $86.60 1 7.5 1 1 1 $15.63 1 31. 9 1 1 $797.01 1 78. 5 1 1 $308.60 1 14.2 1 1 $.92 1 .9 1 1 $75.70 1 4.9 1 1 $411.78 1 74. 5 1 -1 Family income before taxes Complete reportina of income $10,000 I $12,000 I I $15,000 to to to I I I $11,999 I $14,999 I .1 $19,999 I ! I ! 1 I $270.55 I $205.37 1 $242.14 I 7.5 1 8.9 I 9.9 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I $123.56 I $306.99 I $232.36 1 15.0 1 17.7 I 10.0 I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I $99.12 I $130.23 1 $231.98 I 47. 1 I 59.0 1 73.3 I I 1 I I I I $45. 16 1 $55.72 I I 7.7 I 7.6 1 9. 1 I 1 I I 1 I I $43.40 I $85.07 1 $131.98 I 43. 4 I 57.3 1 71.4 I I 1 I $691.77 I $665.06 1 $780.86 I 79.7 I 83.7 1 82.7 I I 1 I $265.67 I $83.22 1 $96.22 I 5.3 I 9.0 I 5. 2 I I 1 I $15.03 1 $2.50 I $17.31 I .5 I 1.0 1 1.6 I I 1 I $80.99 I $100.09 1 $183.85 I 5. 1 I 3.9 1 5.9 I I 1 I $342.62 I $466.72 1 $483.49 I 77.2 I 83.1 1 81.2 I .1 .1 .1 o o o o I $20,000 to $24,999 $96.54 5.8 $243.17 14.6 $278.55 73.7 $65.56 7.8 $213.00 73.2 $649.05 83.4 $17.30 1.2 $19.61 .7 $37.93 2.7 $574.21 83.4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I BEFORE $25,000 and over $352.14 12.3 $386.90 13.3 $1,308.83 89.5 $403.27 13. 4 $905.55 89.2 $1,031.53 77. 1 $57.97 2.2 $22.47 1. 1 $67.03 3.5 $884.07 77.0 TAXESiy I I Incomplet e income I I c eport ing I I I $58.02 I 3. 2 I I I I $84.80 I 9.8 I I I I $89.75 I 30.5 I I I $25.72 I 2.0 I I I $64.03 I 30.5 I I $441.99 I 42.7 I I $99.22 I 3.9 I I ** I ** I I $145.21 I 6. 5 I I $197.56 I 39. 8 I 199 T a b l e 11, S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E (All f a m i l i e s o f s i x p e r s o n s o r more. U n i t e d States, C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w survey, 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d All | I 1. Item | ( Total | Under I families 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 $3,000 1 I I 1 Personal taxes, total I 1 1 I -$7 5 .3 9 | Annual average......... ■....... I - $ 1 ,910.51| -$1,991.89| 45.9| 89. 4| Percent reporting ............I 92.5 | Federal income taxes I I I -$3 4 . 5 3 | Annual average......... ........ I - $ 1 ,554.24| -$1,6 1 6 . 5 5 | 32.8| 84.8 | 88.5 | Percent reporting ............ I State and local income taxes 1 I I I -$9.16| - $ 284.49| -$300.46| Annual average. ........ 72.2 | 22.2 | Percent reporting ............I 68. 8 | Personal property and other I I I I -$31. 7 0 | - $ 7 1.77| Annual average......... -$74.8 8 | 29. 4 i 23.8 | 30.3 | Percent reporting ............ I Other money receipts I I I I $201.04| *399.80! $209. 52 j Annual average......... ....... I 14.7| 6.2| 14.1| Percent reporting ............I Net change in assets and liabilities, | I 1 1 total I I 1 1 $346.54| $1,120.26| $1,076,201 Average of end-of-year values.| 72. 0 | 92.7| 93.2| Percent reporting ............ I Net change in assets I I 1 1 $561.13| $1 ,519.77| Average of end-of-year values.| $1,533,051 Percent reporting ............ I 75.6| 47.2! 76.2 | Net change in liabilities I I 1 I $214.60| $412.79| $443.58| Average of end-of-year values.I 47.3J 85.4| 86.8 | Percent reporting .... Goods and services received without | 1 1 I direct expense 1 I 1 ! $341.3 8 l $249.98| $253.41| Annual average......... ........ I Percent reporting ............ I 76.8| 90. 6 | 78-0 | Market value of financial assets I 1 I I $3,104.82| $ 4 06.27| $3,007.02| Average of end-of-year values.| 73.7 | 27.6J 71.9| Percent reporting ............ I Mortgage principal paid on owned I 1 I I property I I I 1 -$504. 0 6 1 — $ 70.0 9 | -$520.50| Annual average ......... 59. 8 1 Percent reporting ............I 59. 1| 1 4. 2 | 1 I 1. 1. See footnotes at end of table BEFORE Family income before taxes .Complete_r eportinc[_of_ income. $3,000 | $4,000 1 $5,000 1 $6,000 1 to J to | to J to | $3*999 1 $4,999 1 1 $5,999 1 $6*999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -$211.70| - $ 8 1.16| -$124,991 -$263.88| 46.0! 59.8| 67.5| 77.2| 1 1 -$97,371 - $ 6 5 .95| -$145,721 -$191,121 31.0| 52.9| 47. 51 71.8| 1 1 1 1 -$7,971 -$ 4 3 . 8 4 | -$7.6 3 | -$11+. 79 | 25.9J 36.0| 49.0 | 31.8| 1 1 1 1 -$7.57| -$19.66! -$51,191 -$28.93| 20. 4! 8.0J 16.0! 26.2| 1 $727.77| $262.93| $12.92| $26.92| 14. 31 8.31 5.5J 7.01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $973.86| $20,911 -$285.25| $681. 12| 75.7| 76.7| 73.0J 80.6| 1 1 1 1 $667,101 - $ 1 8 3 . 0 9 | $1,128.171 $380.92! 44.4J 37.7| 44.01 44.3| 1 I 1 1 -$14.02| $102. 1 6 | $154,311 $360.01| 68. 1 J 73.4J 71.8| 67.4J I I 1 1 I ! 1 1 $417.06| $210,291 $179.86! $166.05! 74. 1 l 89. 0 | 88.5| 86.2J 1 I 1 l $576.64| $23.80 | $360,391 $311.07! 9.3 | 31.5| 17.8J 37. 8 | 1 I I I I I 1 I -$73.41| - $ 4 3 7 . 14J -$75.51| -$75.90J 15.01 18.41 23.6 | 20.9! 1 1 11 TAXESJ/ $7,000 to $7,999 -$425.37 80.7 -$309.22 75.4 - $39.52 61.0 -$76.62 32.7 $94.59 3.3 $533.01 83.9 $428.66 57. 8 -$104.35 77. 2 $169.96 73.0 $344.87 53.4 -$289.37 35.9 200 T a b l e 11. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E (All f a m i l i e s o f s i x p e r s o n s o r more. U n i t e d States, C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Survey, 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I Item I I l I Personal taxes, total I Annual average ......... ....... I Percent reporting .... ....... I Federal income taxes I Annual average......... ....... I Percent reporting .... ....... I State and local income taxes l Annual average......... ....... I Percent reporting .... ....... I Personal property and other I Annual average......... ....... I Percent reporting .... ....... I Other money receipts I Annual average......... ....... I Percent reporting ............ I Net change in assets and liabilities, | total I Average of end-of-year values.| Percent reporting .... ....... I Net change in assets I Average of end-of-year values.| Percent reporting ....■....... I Net change in liabilities I Average of end-of-year values.| Percent reporting ............ I Goods and services received without | direct expense | Annual average ................. I Per cent r eporting ............ I Market value of financial assets I Average of end-of-year values.| Percent reporting ............ I Mortgage principal paid on owned I property I Annual average......... .........I Percent reporting ............ I 1 J/ 2/ 3/ 4/ ** $8,000 to $9,999 -$669.24 95.9 -$497.04 85.5 -$87.03 63.2 -$85.17 32. 1 $180.20 16.5 $231.90 94. 1 $629.87 66.9 $397.97 87.0 $264.54 71.4 $601.66 61.6 -$196.23 45.7 | | 1 1 1 | | 1 1 | 1 | | 1 | | I | | I I | | I | | I | | I I | | I | | I I | | 1 Family incomei before taxes Complete reportinq of income $10,000 | $12,000 I $15,000 I $20,000 to to to | to I I $11,999 | $14,999 $19,999 1. $24,999 1 1 I 1 1 1 I -$1,064.98 | -$1,526. 10 1 -$2,189.75 1 -$3,193.13 99.4 | 99.8 1 99.5 1 99.4 1 1 I -$818.90 | -$1,263.29 1 -$1,794.07 1 -$2,652.30 97. 1 | 98.5 1 96.7 98.8 1 i 1 I -$322.95 1 -$440.36 -$177.37 | -$208.00 1 83.2 | 80.5 1 83. 5 1 75.3 1 I ! -$68.71 | -$54.80 I -$72.73 1 -$100.46 29.0 | 30.6 1 30.9 1 36.2 I 1 1 $96.05 | $192.06 I $255.66 $222.69 1 16.4 1 15. 1 1 16.7 11.3 | 1 1 I 1 I 1 $690.79 $606.97 | $775.59 1 $1,538.24 1 97.4 | 98.4 1 95.2 1 99.0 I 1 1 $968.71 l $1,021.28 1 $2,323.12 1 $1,635. 10 83.6 1 88.6 84.6 1 79.2 | I 1 1 $361.74 | $944.31 $245.69 1 $784.88 1 92.0 1 91.5 1 91.9 92.5 | 1 1 I I 1 1 $224.84 1 $273.56 1 $193.79 | $306. 16 78.5 1 76.6 | 76.7 1 78.7 I 1 1 $776.34 | $1,946.57 1 $3,104.40 1 $4,458.00 88.4 1 71.7 | 82.0 1 91.0 I 1 1 I 1 1 -$596.55 1 -$519.70 1 -$353.00 | -$476.35 61.3 | 68.9 1 73. 6 1 71.1 i 1 .1. BEFORE I $25,000 and I over I I I I -$5,540.29 99.0 I I ! -$4,481.87 96.9 I I -$924.42 I 85.3 I I -$134.00 I 36.0 I I $286.02 I 24.2 I I I I $3,010.09 98.4 I I I $3,217.57 91.3 I I $207.48 I 90.5 I I I $271.92 I 77.8 I I I $11,253.73 95.5 I I I I -$1,220.53 79.6 I .1. TAXES!/ I I Incomplete income I l reporting I I I -$614.02 I 39.6 I I -$561.66 I 26.0 I I -$30.08 I 14.7 I I -$22.29 I 14. 8 I I $66.01 I 4. 9 I I I I $1,822.20 84. 3 I I I $1,744.58 66. 0 I I - $ 7 7 . 62 I 64.0 I I I $195.31 I 57. 6 I I I $1,449.16 43. 0 I I I -$782.28 I 48.9 I __L Data in columns which represent less than 218,000 consumer units or in cells which represent less than 18,500 consumer units are likely to have large sampling errors. Value less than 0.05 percent Percents may not sum to 100 due to rounding. Data represent only those expenditures collected in the interview survey, not the total of all family expenditures. Data not available. 201 T a b l e 12. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d u n d e r 25 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) I I All I i I families I I I __L 1_ Item Number of families in universe (000s). Selected family characteristics Average I I I J I i l Family s i z e ......................... 1 Family income before t a x e s ........ 1 1 Family income after t a x e s ......... .. 1 1 Age of h e a d ......................... | I Number of children under 18....... l 1 Number of persons 65 and o v e r ..... .. 1 i 1 Number of automobiles o w n e d ....... -- 1 1 Percent3/ I 1 Housing tenure 1 Homeowner ......................... R enter............................. Not reported.. ............. ...... 1 1 Race of head 1 White.............................. B lack .............................. Oth e r .............................. 1 Education of head I 1 to 9 years...................... 1 9 years, not more than 12 years. More than 12 years............... Not reported or no sch o o l ....... • • 1 1 Automobile ownership I At least one automobile owned... ..1 1 See footnotes at end of table. Total 6,1641 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 .81 1 $ 6,881| 6,328| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.8 | $6,724| $5,773| 1 22| i 1 .5| i (2) 1 i 1.2| 1 1 1 1 9| 85| 6| 1 1 87 | 11 | 21 1 I 3| 44 | 381 16 | I I 77 | __ L I J Under I 1_ S3.000 $5,9071 1 221 t 1 .51 I I 1 1,439| 1 1 1 1 1 i 1.01 1 $1,3901 1 $1,2561 1 211 1 .41 . 1 i 1.21 1 1 1 1 9| 851 6I 1 1 87 | 11 | 21 1 1 3| 44 | 381 16 | l l 77 l (2) 1 i 1 -71 1 1 1 1 41 95| 1I I I 83l 15 | 21 1 1 4| 391 32 | 25 | 1 1 56 | J__ BEFORE Family income before taxes Complete reportina of income $3,000 I $4,000 | $5,000 1 $6,000 i to | to | to to 1 1 $6,999 -J— $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 _1 601 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1.61 1 1 $3,486| I $3,192| 1 1 221 1 1 -61 1 I (2) INCOME (2) 1 1 .B| 1 1 1 1 1i 96 | 3| I l 82 I 171 1l I l 3I 48 l 29 l 20 l l I 62 J i 499 | I l I I l i 1.71 1 1 $4,491| l $4,006| 1 I 22J 1 1 .5 1 437J 1 1 1 1 1 i 1.9 | 1 $5,535| 1 $4,843| 1 1 22 | I 1 .6| 425J 1 1 1 1 1 i 1.81 I $6,5201 1 $5,634| 1 221 1 .51 TAXES!/ $7,000 to $7,999 475 2.2 $7,456 $6,441 22 .6 I (2) | i 1.1| 1 1 1 1 11 96 l 2l l I 84 | 121 31 I 1 51 391 351 20 | 1 1 741 1 (2) | ■ 1.2| 1 1 1 1 81 831 9| l 1 861 121 1I l i 3| 42 l 321 241 1 1 751 J__ (2) 1 i 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 81 88 I 4| 1 1 86 1 111 31 1 1 5| 471 36] 12 | 1 1 78 J ____ 1__ (2) 1.4 10 86 4 90 8 2 3 48 36 14 88 202 T a b l e 12S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d u n d e r 25 y e a r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) I I I I I I Item Number of families in universe 870 (000s). I I I 1 1 i I Selected family characteristics Average Family Age of Number Number Number i 1 i l income before t a x e s ........ .. 1 1 income after t a x e s ......... 1 h e a d ......................... • 1 of children under 18....... 1 of persons 65 and o v e r ..... .. 1 i I of automobiles own e d ...... | 1 1 $8,927 1 1 $7,662 1 1 22 i ■ 1 .5 1 1 1 (2) 1 i 1 1.4 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 J 10 1 Percent3/ Housing tenure Ho m e o w n e r ..................... R e n t e r ........................ Not reported .................. 1 I Race of head White ......................... Black .............................. O t h e r ......................... Education of head 1 to 9 years .................. 9 years, not more than 12 years. More than 12 y e a r s ............ Not reported or no scho o l ...... 1 ..1 .. 1 1 1 ..1 .. 1 Automobile ownership At least one automobile owned... .. See I i I I I I I I I J 2.2 Family s i z e ......................... Family $8,000 to $9,999 footnotes at end of table 82 1 8 1 i 1 I 89 i 10 1 1 1 1 45 44 9 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 92 1 _±_ Family income before taxes Complete reportincr of income $10,000 | $12,000 j $15,000 | I $20,000 to | to 1 to to | I $11,999 I $14,999 1 $19,999 1 L. $24,999 1 I I 489 | 66 | 237 I 602 | 1 I I 1 I I i 1 I 1 I 1 i i 1 1 l 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 i • i 2.4 { 2.2 1 2.3 1 1.8 | j 1 l I $10,910 | $13,447 | $17,014 1 $21,629 | I I 1 $9,277 | $11,221 | $13,916 1 $18,287 | ■ 1 1 1 I 23 | 23 1 23 | 23 | i | i ■ 1 1 1 .6 1 .3 1 -6 | (2) 1 i I 1 1 .0 J (2) | (2) | (2) 1 1 i 1 i I 1.4 i 1.6 | 1.9 1 1.6 | 1 1 I 1 I 1 i i 1 1 i 1 1 21 I 69 | 9 I i 1 21 I 62 | 17 | i 1 1 92 | 1 95 | 7 I 1 | I 3 | 2 I I 1 1 3 I 50 | 42 | 6 I i I 1 I 46 | 48 | 5 | i 1 1 1 91 | 1_ 97 | 1 1 i i 22 64 14 ** 3 44 51 2 97 BBFOBE $25,000 and over 22 3.0 $43, 584 $39, 074 21 1.2 .2 1.4 1 ! 1:ncomp lete income | \ i reporting 1 1 164 I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 1.8 1 | $822 1 | $714 1 22 I I | -5 i | (2) 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 10 I 75 | 16 | i 1 7 | 82 | 11 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 ** 1 94 | 6 1 | 100 ** ** i 1 5 | 30 | 58 | 6 I 1 1 83 | ___ L_ 1. 1 1 i 1 1 TAXESjy I 1 1 92 8 INCOME 18 30 52 ** 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 | | | 1 9 86 5 83 17 ** 2 46 36 16 1 1 100 | _____I__ 71 203 T a b l e 12, S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( A l l f a m i l i e s v i t h h e a d u n d e r 25 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I I I All | | families j Item I I 1 _____ 1 i 1 1 1 Current consumption expenses, excluding ! 1 personal insurance, gifts and 1 1 contributions 4/ 1 1 Average annual expenditure-- - | $5,906.49| .......... Percent reporting I 100.0| 1 1 Food, total 1 1 $821,391 Average annual expenditure... | Percent reporting .......... 1 99.6| Food at home 1 1 Average annual expenditure... 1 $524.17| Percent reporting .......... 1 98.1| Food away from home, excl. trips 1 1 Average annual expenditure... | $272.44J Percent reporting .......... | 92.2| Meals as pay J 1 $24.78| Average annual expenditure... 1 Percent reporting .......... 1 12.3| i i 1 1 Alcoholic beverages $69.88| Average annual expenditure... | Percent reporting .......... 1 72.1| t i 1 1 Tobacco products 1 1 Average annual expenditure... | $95.65| Percent reporting .......... 1 52.9| i i 1 1 Housing, total 1 1 Average annual expenditure... | $2,073.52| | 99.3| Percent reporting .......... 1 I 1 1 Shelter, total 1 1 Average annual expenditure... | $1,386.54j | 96.81 Percent reporting .......... Rented dwellings 1 1 Average annual expenditure... | $1,246.63| Percent reporting .......... 1 87.5| Owned dwellings 1 1 $134,871 Average annual expenditure... 1 Percent reporting .......... 1 16.91 Other lodging, excluding trips 1 1 $5,041 Average annual expenditure... | Percent reporting .......... 1 3. 0 ( 1 _ _ 1 See footnotes at end of table L Total J I _ 1 1 1 1 1 J $5,919,741 100.0| i 1 1 $823.81l 99.81 I $524,941 98.2| 1 $273. 7 1 1 92.5| 1 $ 25.15| 12.4 1 ■ 1 1 $71.14 j 72.6 l i 1 1 $95.121 52.8| 1 1 1 $2,071.401 99.2( 1 1 1 $1,383.99| 96.9| 1 $1,241,691 87.5{ 1 $137. 161 17.1| 1 $5.14 j 3.11 1- Under | 1 $3,000 1 J 1 1 1 1 $3,395.15| 100.oi f l I 1 $406.36| 99.4| 1 $247.30| 97.3| 1 $144.51| 85.8| 1 $14.55| 11.71 1 1 $30.90| 59. 01 1 1 $76,081 49.71 | 1 1 $1,370.24| 97.6| | 1 1 $1,067,201 92.8J 1 $1,047.45| 89. 1 j l $15.79| 5.2| 1 $3.96| 1.4 | 1. BEFORE Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income 1 $5,000 1 $6,000 $3,000 1 $4,000 1 to | to | to | to | $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 1 $6,999 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $4,334.20| $4,964,841 $4,939,571 $5,996.40| 100.0| 100.01 100.01 100.01 i | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $653,881 $666,981 $779,121 $808,851 100.0| 100.01 99. 01 100.01 I 1 1 1 $459.97| $565,351 $385,001 $531.96| 97.71 99.1 * 94.91 98.81 1 1 1 i $192,041 $178,781 $255,761 $249,371 82.41 93.8J 95.6| 94.81 1 1 1 1 $28.22| $21,721 $13,111 $27,521 11.6| 16.6J 10.91 13.71 i 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 $58.82| $80,791 $106,191 $86,281 62.7| 71.2| 76.6| 74.61 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $100.95| $79.08 | $89,541 $96.92| 47.71 50.01 55.81 54.71 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $1,722,801 $1,749,811 $1,746,941 $2,073. 19 J 98.7J 98.91 100.01 100.01 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i $1,274,281 $1,298,961 $1,212,311 $1,394.36| 97.21 97. 1 | 94.11 100.01 1 l 1 1 $1,254,471 $1,261. 14 | $1,123.24| $1,320,561 94.71 95.8 J 85.31 90. 11 1 I 1 1 $15,291 $33,121 $88,761 $71,441 7.61 8.7J 16. 31 15. 8 J 1 1 1 I $4,521 $4.70) $.311 $2,361 3.01 5.4 | 1.91 2.01 1_ 1_ TAXESJ./ $7,000 to $7,999 $6,624.52 100.0 $933.78 100.0 $602.17 98.3 $252.45 97.3 $79. 15 15.2 $68.00 75.2 $112. 18 57.7 $2,496.27 100.0 $1,566.71 99.2 $1,370. 12 89.5 $192.80 14.4 $3.80 4. 7 204 T a b l e 12. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d u n d e r 25 y e a r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item | | I Current consumption expenses, excluding personal insurance, gifts and contributions 4/ Average annual expenditure.... | Percent reporting ......... . | total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Food at home Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Food away from home, excl. trips Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Meals as pay Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... $8,000 to $9,999 $6,872.38 100.0 Food, | | $993.54 100.0 | I $671.10 100.0 | | $311.51 96.8 | | $10.93 11.5 Alcoholic beverages Average annual expenditure.... | ........... | Percent reporting $76.86 77.5 Tobacco products Average annual expenditure.... | ........... | Percent reporting $101.34 52.8 Housing, total Average annual expenditure.... | Percent reporting ........... | $2,310.07 100.0 Shelter, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Pented dwellings Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Owned dwellings Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other lodging, excluding trips Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See footnotes at end of table. | | $1,451.70 99.8 | | $1,316.56 90.0 | I $129.61 19.6 | | $5.53 5.3 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 | $20,000 i $10,000 to | to | to | to 1 1 $14,999 I $19,999 i $24,999 1 $11,999 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 $8,033.93 | $8,999.42 | $10,265.77 | $10,743.71 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 1 I 1 I i 1 $1,142.16 | $1,282.75 | $1,359.56 | $1,249.46 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 1 1 I $763.58 | $709.20 | $737.04 | $637.35 1 99.2 | 97.9 | 100.0 | 100.0 1 1 I $353.82 | $529.01 | $579.95 | $608.38 1 97.6 | 95. 1 | 99. 1 \ 100.0 1 1 I $24.76 | $16.70 | $70.41 | $3.73 i 12.3 | 11.1 | 13.9 | 6.2 i i i 1 1 1 $82.18 | $91.02 | $122.78 | $123.28 1 85.4 | 83. 1 | 89.0 | 84.7 1 1 I 1 I 1 $115.90 | $105.66 | $91.54 $116.48 | I 55.9 | 59.9 | 50.6 | 44.2 1 i i i 1 1 1 I $2,491.13 | $3,060.59 | $3,097. 34 | $3,440.33 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 1 i 1 1 1 1 I 1 $1,470.46 | $1,857.41 | $1,876.60 | $2,446.97 95.7 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 99.9 1 1 I 1 $1,169.44 | $1,416.69 | $1,431.73 | $2,158.72 74.5 | 78.6 | 77.8 { 90.2 1 1 I $300.53 | $439.30 | $440.92 | $288.25 1 30.7 | 40.4 | 43.4 | 25.4 1 1 1 ** $.49 | $1.42 | $3.95 | i ** 2.4 | 2.3 | 3.9 | 1 1 _L_ | | 1 BEFOBE $25,000 and over | $13,441.94 | 100.0 | { $2,039.45 100.0 | | $1,174.67 100.0 | | $785.55 100.0 | | $79.22 7. 1 | | $218.21 100.0 | | $134.83 51.6 | | $3,896.66 100.0 | | $2,219.34 100.0 | | $1,532.51 92.9 | | $173.13 40.7 | j $513.71 17.1 TAXES1, / I 1 Incomplete | income | reporting 1 1 1 1 1 1 | $5,407.78 100.0 J l I | $730.34 | 94.3 1 | $495. 12 | 94.3 1 | $224.43 83.7 | I | $10.78 | 7.0 l l | $22.29 | 54.7 I I | $115.40 | 56.8 I I | $2,153. 15 | 100.0 I I | $1,482.52 | 94.8 I | $1,432.51 | 89.3 I l $48.78 | 11.0 I | $1.23 | 2.3 1_ 2 05 T a b l e 12. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d u n d e r 25 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I All I | families I 1 ____ Item 1 1 Fuel and utilities, total | Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting Gas, total ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ( Gas, delivered in mains (piped) ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Gas, bottled or tank ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... 1 Electricity | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Gas and electricity combined bills! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Fuel oil and kerosene 1 Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... ! Other fuels, coal, wood 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Water, trash, sewerage | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I i 1 Housing expenses, total J Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting Telephone, excluding coin phones | Average annual expenditure...-! Percent reporting ........... ! Other expenses, including domestic! services ! Average annual expenditure....| Percent reporting ........... I 1 See footnotes at end of table. 1 ! ! i 1 | I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $189.82! 72.9 | I $43. 59 | 37.6 | I $36.54! 31.1| $99.71| 55. 3 | I $25.03! 27.6 | I $22.53| 22.7 | I $2.50! 4.9| I $43.02| 38.8! I $17.97| 11.4| J $189.76| 72.8! 1 $43.45 J 37.5| ! $36.56| 31.1! I $6.89! 7. 1! I $87.37| 58. 5 | I $20.28! 11.3| 1 $15.92| 10.2! I $1.64J 4.2J I $21.11! 27. 1| i 1 ! $ 196.15| 82.7* 1 $139.68| 75.9! 1 1 $56.47! 40.0! ___ L _ Total 1 $7.05| 7.2 | 1 $87.61! 58.5 | 1 $20.23! 11.2J i $15.88| 10.3J 1 $1.59| 4.21 1 $20.921 27.01 i 1 1 $196.361 83.01 1 $140.33! 76.2J I 1 $56,031 40.21 __ L_ Under | 1 $3,000 1 1 $6.46 | 6. 2 | 1 $.10| 1- 2 | 1 $28.34| 23.21 I $1,911 2.31 1 $26,061 12.01 1 1 $8,281 9.81 1 $2,401 4.1 | I $15,731 24.21 i I 1 1 $.461 4.7 | $.40 | 2.61 1 1 $11,591 18.5J i 1 $20.111 21.81 i 1 1 $76.80! 59.41 I 1 $19,471 19.3| 1 $136,891 82.81 1 $103.98| 71.51 1 1 $32.91| 35.81 1 $14,681 9.6 | $6.4 9 | 7.41 1 1 TAXESJ/ Family income before taxes Complete reportina of income | $6,000 | $5,000 1 $7,000 $3,000 | $4,000 to 1 to 1 to 1 to to 1 1 $7,999 1 $5,999 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $6,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $239.28 $106,161 $153,031 $167,381 $175,701 67.7J 67. 1 l 81.6 64.2| 75.81 1 1 1 l $47,241 $62.25 $24,721 $34,121 $41,761 30.41 46.41 33.61 45.3 26.6| 1 1 1 1 $31,441 $49.85 $21,961 $30,381 $37.60| 24. 1 l 23.3| 29.8| 36.8 39.21 1 1 1 1 $ 2.76| $3-75| $ 9. 6 4 | $10,321 $12.39 4.7 | 6.3J 8. 7 J 9.5 3.31 1 1 1 1 $39,141 $65,851 $79,051 $81.91| $125. 12 41.9| 53.7| 59.9| 51.21 73.2 $7,121 13.61 i 1 $96,281 66. 4 | BEFORE 1 $133.94| 79.51 1 $107,031 70.0| i i $26.91| 36.4 l 1__ 1 $157.72| 79.11 1 $111.01| 65.8| 1 1 $46,711 38.9| 1 1 $18,741 8. 81 1 $8.92| 8.21 $9. 12 6.4 $18.85 13.7 1 $2.711 1.91 $1.57 2.4 1 $21,661 25.91 i 1 $22.37 29.3 J $208.12| 81.2J $288.85 85.9 1 $155,081 71.91 $175.69 83.0 1 1 $53.03| 34.31 $113. 16 46.1 2 06 T a b l e 12. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d u n d e r 25 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I | I Item 1 . Fuel and utilities, total | Average annual expenditure.... I Percent reporting ........... | Gas, total J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas, delivered in mains (piped) | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Gas, bottled or tank | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Electricity I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas and electricity combined bills| Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Fuel oil and kerosene | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Other fuels, coal, wood ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Water, trash, sewerage | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Housing expenses, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... i Telephone, excluding coin phones | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Other expenses, including domestic! services i Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ( $8,000 to $9,999 $232.50 82.2 $54.64 42.0 $41.76 32.6 $12.88 10.8 $113.00 72.8 $12.02 5.6 $25.12 15.6 $1.14 6.0 $26.59 32.7 1 1 1_ I | 1 1 J j 1 l | 1 | i ! ! | 1 | | 1 | ! I J ! I J | i 1 $10,000 to $11,999 $275.00 85.6 $50.20 46.6 $43.97 38.3 $6.23 9.6 $125.55 71.6 $25.58 12.0 $30.55 16. 1 | | I I $37.91 43.9 | ! $86.77 53.6 l | i I J | i 1 1 $273.14 95.4 I $179.86 86.8 I | | I | | l | | I | ! I J | ! ! J ! | ! $5.21 | 9.0 | 1 $266.63 91.9 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 | | to I to | I $14,999 I $19,999 I | j I $311.58 | 89.3 i I $66.93 | 51.0 | I $58.58 | 44.2 | 1 $8.35 | 9. 1 | I $129.18 J 72.8 | I $36.22 l 15.3 l I $38.68 | 15.5 | I $3.89 J 7.9 l l $36.67 ! 44.6 | i 1 ! $295.80 | 97.6 ! I $189.49 90.6 | | $314.26 93.8 $64.95 47.9 $53.13 38.7 $11.82 9.2 $170.16 86.8 $16.48 7.0 $27.43 12.8 $.65 3.3 1 $265.34 100.0 J i | ! $201.90 94.5 | ! I I I I $83.65 | 61.9 ! $84.51 ! 52.7 | footnotes at end of table. I $167.99 ! 80.3 | » $39.22 ! 9.8 | I $17.80 | 12. 1 J $.33 10.9 $25,000 and over _L I J | I $203.60 | 75.8 | 1 $203.60 J 75.8 ! 1 ** | ** j 1 $194.47 ! 100.0 J I ** j ** | I $43.15 | 17. 1 | $462.64 100.0 I | $.71 | 7. 1 ( i I I l | i 1 1 $221.52 1 85.8 ! $20.71 | 18.2 ! i 1 $36.40 34.6 l ! I I | | $46.65 J 42.3 J $187.60 70.7 $38.26 35. 0 $37.59 31.3 $.67 3.7 $78.32 57.4 $21.84 13. 1 $17.41 9.3 $3.40 6. 1 $28.38 28.9 1 $417.65 100.0 | | $323.66 100.0 | ! 1 $174.87 85.8 TAXESJ/ I Incomplete income I I reporting I I I i See I ! | I $35.99 | 30.3 | I $35.99 i 30.3 J I ** | ** | I $63.44 56.3 I I I $297.72 85.8 I $34.59 | 43. 1 | i 1 1 $211.29 96.5 I | J I | | I ! | I J ! I J | I J l l | l ! | ! $20,000 to $24,999 BEFORE $ 188.29 70.8 1 $115.48 64.3 I I $94.00 52.2 | | $72.81 32. 1 2 07 T a b l e 12. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d u n d e r 25 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Housefurnishings, equipment, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Household textiles Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Furniture Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Floor coverings Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Major appliances Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Small appliances Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Housewares Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Miscellaneous Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, male, 2 and over Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, female, 2 and over Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, children under 2 years Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Dry cleaning, laundry Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Materials and services Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See footnotes at end of I | | I I I I I $301.06| 85.9| 1 $28.30| 66.4| 1 $129.61| 47.8| 1 $16.72| 20.3| 1 $80.58| 32.2| 1 $6.91| 30. 3| 1 $8.50| 27.3| 1 $30.44| 44.8| 1| 1 $470.91| 99.3| 1 $147.01| 74.9| 1 $194.88| 77.3| 1 $25.21| 27.8| 1 $87.73| 81.9| ! $16.08| 51.7J I Ail families table. 1 ! Total I Under 1 1 1 _ i $3,000 i 1 1 1 1 $107.05! $301.23| 85.9J 70. 4 | 1 I $12.17! $28.64| 66.6| 44.3| 1 1 $129.74| $47.04| 27.5J 47.9! 1 1 $3.26| $16.40| 20.3! 10.21 I 1 $25,681 $80.48* 15.3| 32.3! 1 1 $6.88! $3.7 5 1 30.3| 21.2| 1 1 $8.64 | $3.481 17.71 27.6| ! 1 $30.45! $11.68| 24. 1 | 45.0! i 1 1 1 1 $472.67| $237.48| 99.5J 97.81 1 1 $147.69| $59.33| 74.9 | 46.6| I 1 $195.74! $82 . 4 7 | 77.4J 61.61 I 1 $15.04| $25.14! 27.8! 15.6| I 1 $73.54! $87.77| 82.0! 80. 91 I 1 $7. 1 0 | $16.32! 51.7| 33. 0! 1_ 1 BEFORE TAXESJ/ Family income before taxes Complete reportina of income | $5,000 | $6,000 1 $7,000 $3,000 | $4,000 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 $6,999 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $7,999 1 $5,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $163,881 $209,521 $295.021 $401.43 $205,481 79. 1 l 79.1 l 87.51 89.2 93.2| I I 1 1 $24.11 | $24,971 $18.90! $27,241 $33.19 70.61 74. 1 66.9 | 58.3! 74. 91 l 1 1 1 $81.66l $166.91 $95.13| $69,951 $138,051 41.01 41.71 37.2! 53.21 51.8 1 I 1 1 $11,811 $5.99J $9,951 $20.79| $16.81 18.4J 15.81 19.3 14.2| 13.01 1 1 1 1 $28.02| $68,881 $130.78 $73,661 $44,521 21.2| 21.8| 29.2| 34.5! 47.8 1 1 1 1 $5.48| $6,841 $8,621 $7,851 $8.39 29.41 27.8| 35.91 32.9| 32.0 1 1 1 1 $6.86 | $7.99| $10.70| $11.97 $5,201 25.6 | 21.51 27.41 26.71 28.0 1 1 1 1 $16.44| $13,831 $17,231 $23,231 $33.38 31.8! 42.11 49. 1 l 53. 9 33.31 | t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $367,061 $372.17| $413 . 2 6 l $450.07| $513.28 99.31 100.0! 100.01 100.01 100.0 1 1 1 1 $88.99| $98,271 $137.91| $122,811 $157.19 63.6| 69. 1 l 75.81 83.8 82. 3 1 1 l 1 1 $153.43| $186,721 $180,781 $211.26 $151,701 72.4| 71.2| 74.3| 76.51 85.8 1 1 1 1 $20,841 $28.77 $29,001 $19,751 $20,531 24.7| 29.5| 25.0| 34. 01 33.0 1 1 1 1 $92,151 $78,311 $73.69| $91.97| $100.88 78.6 83.2! 84.31 78.81 82.9| 1 1 1 1 $14,881 $11.64| $10.30| $18.87| $15.18 45.91 52.81 50.51 56.5 55.51 1__ 1 1_ 1_ 208 T a b l e 12. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d u n d e r 25 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d 1 1 Item | 1 i _ Housefurnishings, equipment, total Average annual expenditure-... Percent reporting ........... Household textiles Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Furniture Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Floor coverings Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Major appliances Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Small appliances Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Housewares Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Miscellaneous Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, male, 2 and over Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, female, 2 and over Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, children under 2 years Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Dry cleaning, laundry Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Materials and services Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See footnotes at end of table $8,000 to $9,999 $359.24 95.4 $32.79 74.3 $145.86 56.2 $16.97 24.2 $109.06 35.9 $7.97 33.4 $10.95 34.8 $35.65 53.9 $561.49 100.0 $175.40 88.4 $233.89 85.7 $28.55 31.0 $102.96 81.6 $20.70 59.6 1 I I | | I l | I | | I | | I l | I | | I | | 1 | | i I 1 | | J | | I | | I | | I | | 1 | | 1_ $10,000 to $11,999 Family income before taxes Complete reportinq of income | $12,000 | $15,000 l | to | to | I $14,999 I $19,999 I $472.54 96.8 $39.51 81.3 $206.54 64.0 $18.58 34.4 $130.77 50.3 $10.32 38.3 $9.83 34.4 $56.99 62.6 $660.57 100.0 $254.59 95.3 $257.65 88.2 $35.34 39.8 $90.51 82. 1 $22.48 66.0 1 | | 1 | | I | | 1 | | I | | I J | I | | 1 | | i 1 1 | | I | | I | | 1 | | 1 | | I | | JL $595.80 97.2 $55.89 82.9 $274.93 73.2 $45.73 37. 1 $134.57 49.7 $7.45 37.0 $16.74 36.7 $60.49 69.0 $720.32 100.0 $250.65 97.9 $306.76 92.3 $38.63 41.8 $95.61 85.4 $28.67 67.4 I | | I | | i | | I | | I | i I | | I | | I j | i 1 1 | | I | | I | | 1 | | I | | I | | 1 $641.14 100.0 $49.20 79.5 $285.22 77.6 $43.97 37. 1 $178.70 54.1 $6.30 28.2 $13.33 39.0 $64.41 70.5 $837.02 100.0 $279.80 99.2 $409.71 99. 1 $30.52 21.6 $88.23 85.6 $28.77 63.9 1 | | I | | I | | 1 | | I | | I | J I | | I | | i 1 1 | | l l j 1 | i I | | I | | I | | 1 BEFORE TAXESJ/ 1 l Incomplete $20,000 to $24,999 I I __L $474.13 94.4 $43.69 82.0 $105.66 58.8 $61.12 25.4 $136.65 39.2 $10.45 38.4 $4.68 36.7 $111.88 74.0 $1,211.37 100.0 $455.72 94.4 $617.62 80.1 ** ** $93.53 88.1 $44.50 44.2 1 | | 1 | I 1 | | 1 | J I | | I | | I | | I | | i J 1 | | I i j 1 | | I | | I | | I | | 1 $25,000 and over $797.02 100.0 $118.52 59.3 $231.34 76.4 $106.34 41.3 $177.47 82.5 $3.33 11.3 $15.55 46. 1 $144.46 76.4 $1,450.93 100.0 $467.50 100.0 $647.23 76.4 $138.26 40.8 $157.23 71.6 $40.71 77.2 | income reporting J ___ | 1 | | 1 | | 1 j | 1 | | I | | I | | I | | I | | i 1 1 1 | I | | 1 | | 1 | | I | | 1 J | _ $294.74 84.4 $15.54 56.4 $124.44 43.3 $28.81 22.0 $84. 19 29.6 $8. 16 30.7 $3.34 16.5 $30.28 38.4 $404.68 97. 1 $121.33 73. 7 $162.41 76.4 $27.64 29.5 $86.45 76.5 $6.85 54.8 2 09 T a b l e 12. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d u n d e r 25 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Transportation, total, excluding trips Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Vehicle purchases (net outlay) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle finance charges Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle operations, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure--.. Percent reporting ........... Health care, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Health insurance, excluding employer share Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Expenses not covered by insurance Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Personal care (selected expenses) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Recreation, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Owned vacation home Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting See footnotes at end of I | | I 1 1 1 1 $1,506,721 94.3| 1 $797.74| 43.2| i $62.32| 38.7| All families table. i $605.44| 86.8| J $294.70| 84.5| 1 $310.74| 81.2| 1 $41.21| 20.4| i I 1 $224.31| 92.6| 1 1 $95.88| 88.0| 1 $128.44] 70.6 | 1 1 $30.181 64.8| i 1 1 $490.58! 96.5] i 1 1 ** ] ** j ! Total 1 j 1 1 J 1 1 $1,508.53| 94.4] 1 $795.58| 43.0| 1 $ 62.02| 38.9J 1 $610.12| 87.1| 1 $296,401 84.8| 1 $313.72| 81.5| 1 $40.82] 20.3| i 1 1 $226.46| 93.3| 1 1 $97,281 89.01 1 $ 1 29.18| 71.41 i 1 1 $30.27J 65.3J i 1 1 $49 5 . 9 1 l 96.8| i 1 1 ** j ** | 1 Under | 1 $3,000 1 i 1 1 $906.82| 86.31 1 $512,631 30. 1 l l $25.64] 19.7| 1 $329.19] 72.5 | l $198,831 70.7| 1 $130.35| 58. 1] I $39.37] 21.3| i 1 1 $61,091 81.6| 1 1 $26.85] 72.4| 1 $34,241 42.21 i 1 1 $20.74| 53. 21 i 1 1 $229.46] 92.4] i I 1 ** ] ** | 1 BEFORE Familv income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $5,000 J $6,000 ] $3,000 ] $4,000 to ] to ] to ] to | $3*999 1 $4,999 1 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 i J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 $842,151 $1,210,291 $1,150.06| $1,706.95] 95.9] 91.6] 90.1| 97. 1 1 i 1 1 1 $541.96] $369.60 | $600.73] $990,281 54. 1] 39.0] 43.9] 34.3] I 1 I I $31.23] $69.04] $25.13] $28.29] 27.8| 38.6] 30.6| 22. 0 | 1 l I I $522.78] $531.94] $614.46] $407.83] 83.7] 91.6| 76.5] 84.2] I 1 I 1 $272.44] $244.43| $286.36 | $206.51| 80.5] 71.7] 89.7| 82.2] l 1 l I $278,361 $201.32] $259.50| $328.10| 72.3] 78.0] 89.8] 79. 1 l 1 l 1 1 $44.93] $33.17] $39.59! $58,491 26.01 22. 2] 20.8| 29.8 | i i ■ i 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 $173.35| $227.66| $245.59| $121,621 96.0] 83.8| 98.3] 97.7] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $35.44 | $77,951 $82.92| $72,921 77.41 92.31 96.8| 97.7] 1 1 1 1 $86.17] $95.40] $154.74] $162.67] 64.6| 58.3 | 74.9| 78. 2 | i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $23.96] $27.25] $34.43] $20.26] 51.31 53.5| 67. 11 68.31 i i i i 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 $369.34] $413.54| $331.23| $417,401 93.81 94.4] 96.8] 100.0] i i i i 1 1 I J 1 1 1 1 ** ] ** ] ** ] ** ] ** j jL ** j i_. ** j 1 ** | __ L_ TAXESJ./ $7,000 to $7,999 $1,511.99 99.2 $802.17 46.3 $64. 10 48.3 $616.08 94. 1 $291.98 91.8 $324.10 93.5 $29.63 14.2 $313.47 100.0 $131.49 95.5 $181.98 80. 9 $28.89 65.4 $517.96 99.2 ** ** 210 T a b l e 12. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d u n d e r 25 y e a r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item l $8,000 to $9,999 Transportation, total, excluding trips| Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Vehicle purchases (net outlay) | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Vehicle finance charges | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Vehicle operations, total | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... I Gasoline I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Other ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Other transportation ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I $1,718.88 98.9 $859.42 48.8 $93.43 55. 1 $721.52 96.9 $337.31 96-2 $384.21 93.6 $44.52 19.1 Health care, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Health insurance, excluding J employer share ! Average annual expenditure.... I ........... ! Percent reporting Expenses not covered by insurance | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | $177.85 88.3 Personal care (selected expenses) ! Average annual expenditure.. . . | ........... ! Percent reporting $30.75 72.6 Recreation, total I Average annual expenditure....! ........... ! Percent reporting $579.19 99.5 Owned vacation home ! Average annual expenditure....! ........... I Percent reporting See footnotes at end of table. $320.44 99.5 $142.59 95.4 ** ** Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income i $10,000 | $12,000 i I $15,000 I $20,000 to | to | to 1 to I I 1 $14,999 1 ! $11,999 I $24,999 I $19,999 I I ! l 1 1 1 I I ! 1 I 1 I I | $2,310.51 ! $2,164.51 I $3,178.91 ! $2,594.21 ! 100.0 I 100.0 I 100.0 | | 99.0 | I 1 1 I I | $1,267.62 | $1,076.95 I $1,855.36 i $1,377.24 J 53.7 l 1 45.5 I 65.0 I 58.2 | 1 I I l I 1 $104.71 | $118.13 I $149.48 I $69.02 | 63.5 I 54.1 | 65.7 I 45.2 J ! I 1 ! 1 I $912.94 | | $931.16 I $1,103.56 1 $1,138.00 | ! 98.1 | 100.0 i 98.2 I 100.0 | I I i 1 1 $429.54 | | $411.36 I $487.29 1 $516.52 ! 94.1 | | 97.3 I 97. 6 1 100.0 ! ! i I I 1 $616.27 ! $483.40 | $519.81 I $621.47 | ! 97.3 | 96.4 I ! 99.9 | 98.9 1 I 1 I ! ! $25.24 J ! $38.26 I $70.51 1 $9.96 | ! 21.2 ! 22.7 i 14.3 i 9.1 i i i i i i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $400.73 ! $354.51 1 $340.63 1 ! $388.58 ! ! 99.3 | 99.2 1 100.0 1 100.0 | i ! 1 1 I 1 1 ! 1 i $152.09 J $176.60 1 | $198.67 | $202.14 I J 99. 1 l 97.9 1 97.0 1 100.0 i I I 1 1 I | $188.54 l $177.91 1 $198.58 1 $189.91 | 96.8 1 ) 90.8 j 94.2 ! 91.3 i i i i 1 1 i 1 1 ! 1 1 I 1 $44.46 | $38.68 1 $62.25 1 | $53.35 | 80.0 1 81.0 1 85.3 1 82.7 | ! i i i i i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $854.52 ! $1,335.97 | J $699.93 | $1,001.77 1 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 1 100.0 1 i i i i i 1 i 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 ** ** ** j ** | j 1 1 ** ** | ** | ** | 1 1 1 .1 .1 . __________ L_ 1_ BEFORE $25,000 and over $2,919.02 100.0 $1,616.25 68.7 $22.00 58.2 $1,092.62 100.0 $539.44 100.0 $553.18 100.0 $188.15 17. 1 $786.92 100.0 $365.84 100.0 $421.08 100.0 $71.64 99.6 $1,454.36 100.0 ** ** TAXESJ/ 1 1 Incomplete 1 income | reporting 1 1 » 1 | $1,438.37 90.4 | I i $879.28 | 50.5 I $73.84 | 32.9 ! I | $429.54 ! 76.2 I $230-77 1 | 74.3 I | $198.76 68.6 | l ! $55.72 | 23.2 i 1 ! ! $143.56 | 66.9 I 1 | $42.95 | 52.4 I | $100.60 ! 42.3 i I 1 | $26.78 ! 48.2 i 1 1 ! $289.72 | 86.3 1 1 1 j ** ** 1 _1_ 211 T a b l e 12. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d u n d e r 25 y e a r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d i J All 1 1 Total 1 families 1 1 1 1_ -1 . Item Vacation, pleasure trips, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Food | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... i Alcoholic beverages ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Lodging 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Transportation, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Gasoline ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other transportation ! Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... 1 All expense tours | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other vacation expenses | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Boats, aircraft, wheel goods i Average annual expenditure....! ........... 1 Percent reporting Other recreation, total 1 Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting Televisions ! Average annual expenditure.... | Percent reporting ........... ! Other | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J i $119.72! 58. 8 | i $26.6 5 1 48.7! 1 $5.69| 26.1! i $15.92| 28.5| 1 $50.04! 56.6! 1 $26.46! 51.8| i $23.58| 32. 1! I $8 -2 3 | 3. 3 | I $13 . 19| 34.0! 1 1 1 $85 . 7 5 | 17.3! 1 1 1 $285.11! 95.9 | l $51.41| 21.5| ! ** j ** | ___ L See footnotes at end of table 1 1 Under 1 jL_ $3,000 i $121,051 59.4| 1 $26.95! 49.3| 1 $5.83| 26.61 1 $16.09| 28.6! I $50.40J 57.1! I $26,691 52.2| 1 $ 2 3.70| 32.4! 1 $8.45| 3.4 | 1 $13.34! 34.5J < 1 1 $87.37! 17.3J i 1 1 $287.50! 96.11 1 $50.981 21.5! I ** j ** i 1 1 1 I $43.48| 37.0 | l $9.38! 28.7! J $2-37| 12.61 1 $3,971 10.01 1 $20,711 35.21 1 $10.40| 28.5| 1 $10,311 17.71 1 $3.27| 1.6 | 1 $3.781 15.61 1 1 $29.31| 8.61 1 1 $156,671 91.2| 1 $17,991 13.0| 1 ** j ** j 1_ BEFORE Family income before taxes Complete reportinq of income $3,000 | $4,000 | $5,000 1 $6,000 to | to | to to 1 $3 #9 99 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1_ $6,999 1 $111.66| 50.21 1 $27,601 40.41 1 $6,131 24.0| 1 $13.66| 16.9! I $53,131 45.5| 1 $14.81| 39.0J I $38.32! 30-0 | l $.43 | 1.31 1 $10,711 28.3| 1 1 1 $13,751 6.6 | 1 1 $205,831 93.4| 1 $21.61 | 14.9| 1 ** j 1 . 1 $118,511 63.71 1 $23,511 53. 1 l I $6 -0 0 | 29. 1 l 1 $15.64| 29.6J 1 $56,291 60.8J 1 $28,231 55.21 1 $28.06 J 35.71 1 $5.301 3. 1 l I $11,781 38.2| 1 1 $51.65| 15.41 1 1 i $199. 181 93.4| 1 $24,321 19.21 1 ** j ** | _1_. 1 $88 . 6 3 | 61.81 1 $27,411 49.9J 1 $4,441 22.91 1 $8.56J 25.01 1 $36,991 56.5| 1 $21,621 49. 91 1 $15,371 29.41 1 $.97| 2.5J 1 $10,271 33.5| 1 1 $68,541 15. 11 J 1 $256,371 95.9| 1 $60,451 29.01 1 ** j ** j 1 1 1 1 $93,031 66.31 1 $14,121 43.0| 1 $1,591 18.3| 1 $9,411 21.61 1 $55,121 63.51 1 $ 2 8.11l 57-2 | 1 $27,021 29.31 1 $4.6 0 | .91 1 $8,191 28.3| 1 1 $37.14 J 16.71 1 1 $287,241 100.01 1 $53,381 19. 4J 1 ** j ** | _J____ TAXESJ/ $7,000 to $7,999 $110.57 59.3 $25.29 44.6 $6.48 28.0 $18.49 35.4 $38.85 59.3 $29. 15 56. 1 $9.70 26.1 $9.56 2.5 $11.90 36.4 $108.58 20.3 $298.80 98.3 $46.61 27.0 ** ** 212 T a b l e 12S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d u n d e r 25 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d 1 1 j 1 ___________ L_ Item Vacation, pleasure trips, total | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Food | Average annual expend i t u r e - ...| Percent reporting ........... | Alcoholic beverages | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Lodging J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Transportation, total | Average annual expenditure-...! Percent reporting ........... | Gasoline | Average annual expenditure-.-.! Percent reporting ........... I Other transportation | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | All expense tours | Average annual expenditure...-! Percent reporting ........... | Other vacation expenses | Average annual expenditure . . . . \ Percent reporting ........... ! Boats, aircraft, wheel goods | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other recreation, total l Average annual expenditure...-! Percent reporting ........... ! Televisions I Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting Other I Average annual expenditure....! ........... J Percent reporting $8,000 to $9,999 $151.28 70.8 $32.14 61.3 $7.59 31.2 $17.14 37.3 $68.51 69. 1 $40.78 65.0 $27.74 38.9 $10.32 6.4 $15.58 39.1 $92.75 20.2 $335.17 99.0 $75.39 25.8 ** ** 1 1 1 J l l J | I ! | i i | 1 l | 1 | | 1 | | I ! | I | ! 1 1 J ! ■ 1 1 | l I | | I | | JL. See footnotes at end of table. $10,000 to $11,999 Familv income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 I | to | to I 1 $14,999 i $19^999 $164.04 70.6 $35.92 62.9 $9.01 34.6 $20.10 39.2 $56.17 69. 1 $36.44 67.6 $19.74 40.8 $22.09 3.9 $20.74 47.4 $131.53 29.4 $404.35 100.0 $90.90 27.7 ** ** I | ] I J J I | | f | | I | ! I | ! I | | I | | i J | i 1 1 J | i 1 1 | | I | ! ! | j 1_. $207.37 77.5 $48.72 71.5 $10.06 46.9 $30.83 48.4 $82.27 77.5 $37.70 74.4 $44.56 50.7 $10. 19 6.5 $25.30 55.7 $325.83 32. 1 $468.58 100.0 $93.95 24.4 ** ** I I I » I I I I I I I I ! I i ! I ! I I I I I I I I i i 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 .1 $287.28 80.3 $66.48 75.6 $11.73 53.8 $56.82 64.4 $90.17 77.3 $49.42 76.3 $40.75 55.4 $26.46 4.5 $35.63 62.9 $118.61 25.7 $448.63 98.4 $79.68 31.2 ** ** I ! I I I ! I I I I ! I I I ! ! I I I ! I I I I i I I i i 1 1 1 i I 1 1 I 1 1 ! 1 1 1 .1 $20,000 to $24,999 I I __1 $374.50 79.3 $73.42 79.3 $6.19 29.9 $78.70 57.6 $110.61 79.3 $55.48 73.9 $55.13 57.7 $47.69 14.2 $57.89 68.1 $58.82 14.2 $902.65 100.0 $74.51 43.2 ** ** 1 | | 1 | j 1 | | I ! J I | l 1 | I. 1 | | I ! | 1 1 ! i 1 1 ! i i 1 1 | | I | ! I j | _J__ BEFORE $25,000 and over $74.92 52.5 $9.74 52.5 $.73 11.7 $5.28 52. 1 $15.53 28.8 $2.49 28.8 $13.05 18.0 $38.53 17. 1 $5.10 34.8 $620.89 57.6 $758.55 100.0 $82.69 23.6 ** ** TAXESiy I | Incomplete | income ( reporting _L I | | I | I 1 J i I ! | 1 | | 1 | i ! J | I | l I l ! f l 1 1 | | i 1 1 | | I | | I j j J__ $69.61 36.7 $15.57 26. 1 $.35 5.8 $9.64 23. 5 $36.52 36.7 $17.60 36.7 $18.92 20.6 ** ** $7.53 15.5 $24.82 15.5 $195.29 86.3 $67.57 20.4 ** ** 213 T a b l e 12S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d u n d e r 25 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Reading materials Average annual expenditure-... Percent reporting ........... Education, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Private Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Public Average annual expenditure. ... Percent reporting ........... Miscellaneous Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Personal insurance and pensions, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Life, endowment, annuities and income Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other personal insurance Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Retirement and pensions Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gifts and contributions Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting See footnotes at end of I | | I 1 1 1 1 $32.72| 77.5| 1 1 $39.83| 13. 1| I $15.89| 3. 7 i 1 $23.94| 9. 9 1 1 1 $50.81| 63. 2 | ■ 1 1 $ 4 29.81| 90.6 | l $100.08| 53. 21 1 $1,981 5.31 1 $327,761 85.2| | 1 1 $106,541 73.7| 1 All families table. BEFORE TAXESjy Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income 1 1 $7,000 1 $3,000 1 $5,000 Total j Under 1 $6,000 l $4,000 to | to l to | to 1 to 1 1 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $7,999 1 $6,999 1 $3,000 1 I i I i i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 $23,101 $31.04j $32.941 $38. 16 $30.36| $17.02| $22,211 77.5| 61.91 73.61 78.3| 74.01 76.51 82.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $39.57 $40.171 $18,871 $34,911 $40,371 $70,401 $18.77l 13.31 14.0| 15.01 11.01 18.8 7. 2 | 8.9 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 $7,111 $16.31l $1,661 $57,941 $24,291 $16,661 $2.39 3 -8 | 3.81 • 7| 4.21 4.81 5.71 3.3 I 1 1 1 1 1 $23. 86 J $33.26| $17,111 $12.47| $10,631 $37. 18 $2,211 6.51 9.81 12.51 7.11 10.0| 3.21 15.5 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $20.19J $51.31l $34,341 $30,701 $37,931 $43,001 $50.99 46. 9 | 60.6 j 47.01 57.7| 63.71 63.91 67.4 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $249.64 | $ 4 38.18| $77.07| $137.59l $405.121 $449.55 $337.05| 92.4 | 91.31 76.6| 97.31 83.5 | 100.01 98. 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 $30.20| $30.4 7 | $100.21| $51.90| $ 68.55| $92.58| $1 13.42 53. 1 J 31.1| 41.21 44.31 60.21 63.4 33.9 | I 1 I 1 1 1 $.471 $3,711 $2.021 $1,151 $ 1.4 8 | $1,821 $.93 3.41 5.31 8.41 6.8 | 3. 11 5.81 3.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 $335.951 $105,971 $194.04| $46,391 $267,021 $310,721 $335.21 76.71 86.9| 67.6| 90.81 94.71 97.71 95.6 | 1 1 J 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 $106,951 $33,601 $97.13* $95,411 $54.99| $103,491 $85. 14 74.5| 53. 1 l 67.6| 72.6| 75.7| 77.51 79.3 1_ _JL_ 1_ __ L_ 214 T a b l e 12. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d u n d e r 25 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I 1 1 1 1__ Item Reading materials Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Education, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Private Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Public Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Miscellaneous Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Personal insurance and pensions, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Life, endowment, annuities and income Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other personal insurance Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Retirement and pensions Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gifts and contributions Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See footnotes at end of table $8,000 to $9,999 $46.67 87.5 $43.58 18.5 $16.97 5.6 $26.61 13.3 I 1 1 I | | I I | | I | l I | | i 1 1 $89.55 77.9 | | i 1 $10,000 to $11,999 i 87.8 | I I $52.20 | 13.4 | I $10.86 | 2.7 | I $41.34 | 10.7 | ■ 1 $1.61 4.9 | | I $436.38 | 95. 1 | 1 1 1 $168.59 | 86.8 | ___ L_. $28.40 | 16. 1 | I $5.66 | 4.6 | I $22.74 | 11.5 | $70.07 78.6 | | i 1 $88.96 | 85.3 | i $779.28 99.3 | | $996.94 99.2 1 | | I $.67 | 3. 1 | | | | | 8.2 $28.68 16.9 $74.51 77.7 $1,176.27 97.0 $240.35 74.5 1 $7.43 | 9.3 | $3.06 9.2 1 | | f t $755.24 95.2 | | 1_. $171.33 91.5 1 1 $140.94 86.5 $70.33 1 $234.27 80.9 1 $605.83 97.8 $99.01 20.9 1 1 1 $172.77 73.8 $62.68 93.6 1 1 1 1 1 $134.46 | 69. 1 | I $52.01 | 87.3 | 1 1 1 $572.45 | 98. 1 | Family income before taxes Complete reportinq of income | $12,000 | i $15,000 to | | to I I $14,999 I .1 $19,999 | | 1 1 | | 1 . $932.86 96.2 I I I I I I J I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J $156.28 1 92. 4 1 -1 $20,000 to $24,999 I I __± 1 $92.51 93.8 | | I I $22.43 | 12.8 | I $. 15 | 7.4 j I $22.29 | 5.4 | I I $140.68 | 78.6 | BEFORE $25,000 and over | | I | | I I $357.25 | 17.7 | I $8.78 | 17.7 | I $348.46 | 17. 1 | I J | I $18.46 | 22.8 | I $1,323.94 | 90.5 | I I $695.77 | 85.1 | _1_ $24.46 78.2 $26.96 5.6 ** ** $26.96 5.6 1 $85.63 58.7 | | $655.84 82.4 1 | $100.33 35.0 J | I | | $32.06 44.9 1 1 1 $179.29 61.7 I | Incomplete | income | reporting J ___ $27.05 59.5 1 1 $1,521.70 93.9 TAXESJ./ $115.09 61.5 1 ** ** I | J I 1 $203.35 | 100.0 | _J__ $555.52 82.4 $95. 11 56. 7 $.32 2.7 $19.65 19.7 $91.21 43.5 215 T a b l e 12. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d u n d e r 25 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d All families Item Money income before taxes, total Annual average.............. Percent reporting ....... . Wages and salaries, total Annual average .............. Percent reporting ....... . Wages and salaries, civilian Annual average.............. Percent reporting ....... Union dues Annual average.............. Percent reporting ....... . Other occupational expenses Annual average.............. Percent reporting ....... . Rent received as pay Annual average.............. Percent reporting ....... Meals received as pay Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Wages and salaries, armed forces Annual average.............. Percent reporting ....... . Quarters and subsistence Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Self-employment income, total Annual a v e r a g e ............ . Percent reporting ....... . Net income from own business Annual average.............. Percent reporting ....... . Net income from own farm Annual average.............. Percent reporting ....... . See footnotes at e n d of table | I _ _______ 1 I I 1 $6,723.90| 98.6| 1 $5,946.34| 92.3| 1 $5,744,281 88. 2| 1 -$13.211 17.0| 1 -$25.15| 20.0| 1 $13 . 9 8 | 2.0| 1 $24.78| 12.3| 1 $159.57| 3. 8| 1 $42.08| 3. 4 1 | j Under 1 1 1 1 $3,000 i 1 1 1 1 1 $6,880.75| $1,389,981 97.5| 99.4| i 1 $895.66| $6,098,851 83.4| 93.7| 1 1 $5 , 8 9 4 . 9 9 | $890.80| 77.0| 90.2| I 1 -$ 1.751 -$ 13. 5 1 1 17.3| 7. 2 | 1 1 -$24.88 J - $ 4 0.7 6 | 20.1| 15.3| 1 1 $5,341 $14.35| 2.01 2. 1 | I 1 $25. 15| $14.55| 12.4| 11.7| 1 1 $22.47| $159.83| 3.91 2.0 | Total i $42.91| 3.5 | 1 1 $190.08| 5.51 $189,231 5.6 | 1 1 $147.91| 4.41 $ 1 45.93 | 4.4 | 1 $42.18 | 1-21 1_ I $43.30 | 1.3| JL 1 F amily income b efore taxes Complete reporting of income 1 $5,000 | $6,000 | $3,000 | $4,000 to | to l to 1 to 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 1 $6,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $3,486.35| $4,490.83| $5,534,581 $6,520.20| 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 1 I 1 1 $2,329,121 $3,734,891 $4,974,541 $5,994,631 97.41 96.01 84.81 100.01 1 1 1 1 I 1 $2,230,681 $3,454,541 $4,867,941 $5,314,891 96. 9J 93.01 90.91 82.11 -$3,341 7.61 -$12,371 11.8| $29,771 2.01 1 1 $28,221 11.6| 1 $21,201 2.01 1 $5.00| 1.61 $34,951 2.61 $32.31| 4.71 $123.14| 6.91 -$5.711 12.6 1 1 -$13,301 18.81 $.33| -41 | 1 $21.72| 16.6J 1 $248.50| 6.71 1 -$12.77| 19.9| | 1 -$35,061 24.2| I $7.55| 1.01 1 $13.111 10.9| 1 $102.171 2.81 $31.59* 3.4J $77.37| 5.71 $72.05| 5.41 $75.65| 5.4 | $58.88| 3.71 $99.67| 5.81 1 1 $9,031 1- 11 _L $23,471 1.1 J L $7,455.95 100.0 $6,802.10 99. 1 $6,433.65 95.8 -$18.33 19.2 $126,511 10. 41 1 1 $104,711 1-71 $54.91 3.6 -$7.84 15.2 $25.07 2.8 $79.15 15.2 $235.50 5.0 $13,171 1.7 | —L $83.32 2. 1 1 $104.71| 1.71 $34.74 1.3 1 | J $48.58 .8 1 $1,721 -4 1 _L $7,000 to $7,999 -$11,951 19.61 1 -$13,061 15. 5 j J $17.37| .81 1 $27,521 13.71 1 $533,351 12.8| 1 1 TAXESJ/ 1 $28,811 3.51 1 $23.28| 3.61 BEFORE ** ** 216 T a b l e 12. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d u n d e r 25 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Money income before taxes, total Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Wages and salaries, total Annual average ............... Percent reporting ......... Wages and salaries, civilian Annual average ............... Percent reporting ......... Union dues Annual average ............... Percent reporting ......... Other occupational expenses Annual average ............... Percent reporting ......... Rent received as pay Annual aver a g e ............... Percent reporting ......... Meals received as pay Annual average ............... Percent reporting ......... Wages and salaries, armed forces Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Quarters and subsistence Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Self-employment income, total Annual average............... Percent reporting ......... Net income from own business Annual average ............... ......... Percent reporting Net income from own farm Annual average............... ......... Percent reporting See footnotes at end of table. I __ _______ I | $8,000 | to I $9,999 I I I ..| I I ..| I ..| ..| I ..j ..| 1 ..| I 1 ..J 100.0 $7,627.27 -$16.09 19.0 -$15.55 22.3 3.5 $358.23 1 1 ..| ..| 1 $244.69 7.5 ..| 1 6.7 1 _____ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J_ Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $10,000 | $12,000 | $20,000 I $15,000 to | to to | to 1 $11,999 1 $14,999 I $24,999 1 $19,999 1 1 1 $10,910.44 j $13,446.91 1 $ 17,013.51 $21,628.99 100.0 | 100.0 1 100.0 100.0 1 $10,041.59 | $12,646.92 1 $16,158.40 $16,609.10 99.4 | 100.0 I 100.0 99.9 1 $9,981.19 | $12,404.31 1 $16,123.16 $18,702.58 97.9 J 98.3 1 96.4 100. 0 1 -$30.55 | -$34.56 1 -$23.78 -$15.32 29.6 | 34.9 1 17.8 27.6 1 -$23.89 | -$ 28.22 1 -$30.69 -$81.89 26.5 | 29.2 1 31.1 46.3 1 ** $1.40 | $61. 10 1 $6.81 ** 3.4 1 1.8 | 3. 1 1 $24.76 | $16.70 1 $70.41 $3.73 12.3 | 13.9 11. 1 1 6.2 1 ** $71.53 | $158.52 1 $1.74 ** 1.7 1 •9 | (2) 1 ** $17.14 | $69.08 1 $10.75 ** 1.2 | 3. 1 1 2.2 1 $347.19 | $253.92 1 $191.29 $2,486.74 6.0 | 3.8 1 10.0 26.3 1 $188.23 | $253.92 1 $1,792.77 $125.96 2.8 | 3.8 1 7.8 22.8 1 ** $158.96 | $65.33 $693.97 1 ** 3.2 | 2.2 3.5 1 ± JL BEFORE TAXESJ./ i i Incomplete J income | reporting 1 1 1 1 | $821.79 67.4 | I | $207.40 | 41.7 I | $73.10 | 11.2 I | - $ 1 . 98 | 2.8 I | -$35.02 | 16.2 I j ** | ** 1 | $10.78 | 7. 0 1 j $149.46 | 1.9 1 | $11.07 | 2.7 1 | $222. 15 | 1.5 1 | $222.15 | 1.5 I | ** | ** I $25,000 and I over I 1 1 1 1 $43,584.19 100.0 J 1 1 $34,854.06 100.0 1 1 1 $34,872.97 82.4 1 1 -$25.58 1 22.8 I 1 -$72.55 1 49.3 1 1 ** 1 ** 1 l $79.22 I 7. 1 J 1 ** 1 ** 1 1 ** 1 ** 1 1 1 $6,170.66 17.6 1 1 1 $6,170.66 17.6 1 1 ** 1 ** 1 __________ L 217 T a b l e 12. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d u n d e r 25 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I 1 All | I 1 | | Item | families Total | Under I 1 1 1 I __ 1 1 ___ 1 $3,000 1 1 1 1 Social security, railroad retirement | 1 1 1 $39.27| $ 18.63| $ 1 8.15| Annual average................. I 3.7 | 2. 0 | 2.0 | Percent reporting ........... I Government retirement, veterans' | I 1 I payments, and unemployment | 1 I I compensation I 1 I I $43.31| $102.55| $102.55| Annual average ................. | 10.4 | 6.4 | 10.3| Percent reporting ........... I Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, | 1 I 1 rental income, royalties, income | 1 1 1 from roomers and boarders | i 1 1 $ 44.96| $22.68| $44.52 J Annual average ................. | 56.4| 43.6| 55.9| Percent reporting ........... | Rental income, royalties, income | 1 1 1 from roomers and boarders | 1 1 1 $1.37| $6.57| $6,431 Annual average................. I .7 l 1.51 1.4 J ........... I Percent reporting Income from interest, dividends, | I I 1 estates and trusts | I I 1 $21.3 2 1 $ 38.38| $38.09| Annual average ................. | 43.6 l Percent reporting ........... | 55.5| 56.0! Income from all other sources, total | 1 i I $356.74| $426.53| $422,261 Annual average................. | 54.7j 75.1 | Percent reporting ........... | 74.2| Welfare and public assistance | i I I $189.16| $142.45| $142.12| Annual average................. | 7.4 | 12.8| 7.3 | Percent reporting ........... I Private pensions | I I 1 ** j ** | ** | Annual average ................. | ** | ** | ** | Percent reporting ........... | Regular contributions for support j j I I $83.60 | $69.26| $71.10 J Annual a v erage................. J 5.8| 6.0| 11.9| Percent reporting ........... | Other, incl. workmens' compensation | I 1 1 383.99| $212.99 J $210.89| Annual average................. | 70.9| 71.7| 46.2| Percent reporting ........... | _1__ 1_ 1 1 See footnotes at end of table. BEFORE Family income before taxes Complete reportinq of income | $6,000 1 ! $5,000 $3,000 1 $4,000 to | to | to 1 to 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 I $5,999 1 $6,999 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 $21.93| $1,371 $14.03J $40. 7 2 J 3.0| 3.3! 3.6 | •1I I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 l 1 I 1 $104,111 $98,911 $121.47| $100.49| 8. 7 | 11.8! 10.4! 9.0| 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 $23.51| $30.01! $45.53| $28.49| 43.8j 45.4! 57.41 53.1| 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 $7.41| $ 1.9 5 | $1.04| $2,521 .8| .7 | 1.9| 1.61 1 1 ! I 1 1 1 I $20,991 $22.59! $43.57! $27.46j 55.8J 43.8! 44.5J 52.3| 1 1 1 I $864.381 $497.53| $331.94| $297,081 82. 5J 79.4 J 75.3J 78.2| 1 1 I 1 $21.43| $592.46| $267.72| $81.22| 23.9| 11.3! 3.71 2. 1J I 1 1 I ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ! 1 1 1 $54.76! $50.121 $79,531 $114.51! 3.7 | 5.41 9.7 J 3.01 1 1 I 1 $157.41 I $175.05! $200,591 $196,111 81.9| 77.0| 72.8J 72. 1 | i _1_. _1 TAXESJ/ $7,000 to $7,999 ** ** $65.35 9.3 $15.52 57.6 ** ** $15.52 57.6 $489.66 83.0 $83.07 3.2 ** ** $125.20 5.9 $281.39 83.0 218 T a b l e 12. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d u n d e r 25 y e a r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item | Social security, railroad retirement | Annual a v e r a g e ................. | ........... | Percent reporting Government retirement, veterans' | payments, and unemployment | compensation | Annual average ................. | ........... | Percent reporting Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, J rental income, royalties, income | from roomers and boarders j Annual average ................. | ........... I Percent reporting Rental income, royalties, income | from roomers and boarders | Annual ave r a g e ................. | ........... | Percent reporting Income from interest, dividends, | estates and trusts | Annual a verage ................. | ........... I Percent reporting Income from all other sources, total | Annual average ................. | Percent reporting ........... | Welfare and public assistance | Annual a v erage ................. I Percent reporting ........... I Private pensions | Annual average ................. | ........... I Percent reporting Regular contributions for support | Annual average ................. I ........... I Percent reporting Other, incl. workmens' compensation | Annual average ................. | ........... | Percent reporting See footnotes at end of table $8,000 to $9,999 $13.81 1.2 $187.78 13.7 $51.63 61.3 $15.95 2.3 $35.68 60.9 $361.32 83.6 $25.38 1.4 ** ** $80.95 3.5 $254.99 82.1 | | 1 1 1 | | 1 1 1 | | I I I | | 1 1 | | 1 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $10,000 | $12,000 I I $15,000 to | to to I I $11,999 1 $14,999 1 I $19^999 1 1 I 1 1 I ** $6.46 | $3.32 1 I ** 1. 1 | 1.0 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I $144.00 | $95.69 1 $135.74 1 16.7 | 11.8 1 7.9 1 i 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 $41.34 | $101.46 1 $186.07 1 6 9.8 | 82.0 1 79.3 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 ** $17.38 1 $11.32 | 1 ** 2.7 | 3.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $186.07 1 $30.02 | $84.08 1 69.8 | 81.4 1 79.3 1 1 1 1 $329.86 | $348.92 1 $338.69 1 82.1 | 85.9 1 81.1 1 1 I 1 $2.50 | $10.42 1 $8.85 1 .6 | .9 1 1.0 1 I 1 1 ** | ** ** 1 1 ** ** | ** 1 1 I 1 1 $40.97 | $20.55 1 $13.43 1 2.0 | 1.7 1 2.9 1 1 I 1 $286.38 | $325.07 1 $309.29 1 80.7 | 85.9 1 80.2 1 1_ .1. i - $20,000 to $24,999 ** ** $13.77 14.8 $143.62 57.4 $47.33 3.5 $96.29 57.4 $375.76 76.5 $20.32 6.8 ** ** ** ** $355.44 76.5 I I | I I I I I 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 _1 BEFORE TA XES1./ _____ 1 1 Incomplete $25,000 | income and | reporting over 1 1 1 ** | ** ** j ** 1 1 1 $5.26 | $102.48 .9 | 9.0 1 i 1 $46.32 | $28.22 100.0 | 37. 8 I 1 $13.79 i $.93 7.1 J 1.9 1 1 $32.53 | $27.29 100.0 | 35.9 I $2,507.89 | $261.54 65.2 l 42.3 I ** | $129.69 ** | 9.8 1 ** ** | ** j ** 1 ** | ** ** | ** 1 $2,507.89 | 65.2 | __________ L_ $131.85 42.3 2 19 T a b l e 12. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d u n d e r 25 y e a r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d See footnotes at end of table. _k o O 1 Total | 1 1 1 1 -$973.81| 89.81 1 -$834. 101 87.3| 1 -$125.56l 68.4 | I -$14. 151 13.0| 1 $167.01| 21.2| 1 1 -$419.90 fl 90.9 | I $846.48| 80.91 1 $1,266.39| 72.9J l I $174.99| 73.4 | l $91 3 . 2 1 l 77.7 | I I -$59.69 | 11.11 1 Under $3,000 | 1 1 1 -$134.44| 69.31 1 -$112,441 63.8| 1 -$15.90| 46.21 1 -$6.10| 6.9 | I $209.95| 23.2 | I I - $ 460.13| 82.3 | l -$71.2 8 | 70.4| I $388,851 52. 1 l I I $138.10! 68. 7 | l $580,061 66.4| 1 1 -$1.15J 1. 1| 1 TAXESJ./ Family income before taxes Complete reportina of income | $5,000 | $6,000 $3,000 | $4,000 1 $7,000 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $7,999 1 $6,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 -$691,541 -$484,821 -$886.491 -$1,014.69 -$294,691 79.81 92.81 99.21 100.01 98.3 1 1 1 J -$250.71| -$424.89 1 -$603,951 -$768.38| -$871.99 91.7J 97.4| 97.5 76.6 | 100.0J 1 1 1 1 -$52,861 -$78.46| - $ 1 0 6 . 8 9 | - $ 3 1.88| -$134.14 61.51 75.81 77.5 59.3| 77.7 | 1 l 1 -$ 9.1 2 | -$12,101 -$11.221 -$8.56 13.71 18.6* 9.61 11.2 10.21 1 1 1 i $52,781 $158.11| $124.08| $217.47 $91.70| 16.4| 22.91 13. 21 22. 11 15.8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $93.091 --$1,126.481 -$626,721 -$328.01 -$268,501 90.1| 83.31 90.21 96.61 97.6 1 1 1 1 $140,661 $168,511 $578,421 $277,371 $670.53 74.6( 75.8 1 78. 4| 84. 6 | 84.9 1 1 1 1 $795,231 $485,341 $1,403,851 $409,161 $998.53 58.01 67.71 88.2 70.01 82.01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $154,351 $207,451 $136,701 $190.92 $333,401 68.4J 73.71 74.8| 70.9J 71.4 1 1 1 1 $622,441 $583,651 $462.27 $814.10| $1,660,331 77.8 64.01 72.6| 70. 01 73.6| 1 l 1 1 1 1 I 1 -$26,881 -$28.53 -$371,991 -$4,421 -$.91| .6| 9.8 2.2( 9.0| 11.0| 1 1 1 1 i -j o -j I J All | 1 | Item 1 families 1 1 1 1 1 1 Personal taxes, total 1 1 -$951.39| Annual average......... ....... 1 88. 1| Percent reporting ... ........ 1 Federal income taxes 1 I Annual average......... ....... 1 -$ 8 1 4 . 5 1 | 85. 4) Percent reporting ... ........1 State and local income taxes 1 I Annual average......... -$122.73| 66.9| Percent reporting ... ....... 1 Personal property and other 1 1 -$14,151 Annual average ......... ....... 1 Percent reporting ............ I 12.91 Other money receipts 1 1 Annual average......... ....... 1 $167.63| 21.1| Percent reporting ............1 Net change in assets and liabilities, | 1 total I 1 -$398.22| Average of end-of-year values.| 90.51 Percent reporting ............ 1 Net change in assets 1 1 $867,241 Average of end-of-year values.| 80.41 Percent reporting .............1 Net change in liabilities 1 1 $1,265. 46 * Average of end-of-year values.| Percent reporting ............ 1 72.3| Goods and services received without | I direct expense I I $173.69| Annual average................. I 73. 31 Percent reporting ............ 1 Market value of financial assets 1 Average of end-of-year values.| 76.61 Percent reporting ............ 1 Mortgage principal paid on owned 1 1 property 1 1 -$58.81| Annual average......... ........ 1 Percent reporting ............1 11.0| 1 1. BEFORE 220 T a b l e 12. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E (A ll f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d u n d e r 25 y e a r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item $8,000 | $10,000 1 to | to I $9,999 1 $11,999 1 1 1 ....... j -$1,264.78 | -$1,633.46 | -$2,226.22 ....... I 100.0 9 8.7 | 100.0 i i ....... j -$1,084.49 | -$1,392.12 | -$1,906.17 ....... j 95.7 | 97.3 | 100.0 i ....... i -$159.20 | -$296.54 -$215.83 | ....... i 78.4 | 84.7 81.9 | Personal taxes, total Ann na 1 avpra gp .......... Percent reporting .... Federal income taxes Annua 1 a vera g e . . ....... Percent reporting .... State and local income taxes Annual average......... Percent reporting .... Personal property and other i Annual average......... .........| . .......j Percent reporting ..... Other money receipts i Annual average......... ....... i Percent rennrtiner __ _........ i Net change in assets and liabilities, | total I Average of end-of-year values.| Pprrpnt renortinrr ___________ 1 Net change in assets i Average of end-of-year values.| Percent reporting ............ | Net change in liabilities 1 Average of end-of-year values.| percent rennrtina __ -.........i Goods and services received without | direct expense I _________ 1 Ann na 1 a vera rre___ _ Percent reporting .............| Market value of financial assets 1 Average of end-of-year values.| Percent reporting .............j Mortgage principal paid on owned 1 property 1 Ann ua1 average...... .. ......... j Percent reporting ............ 1 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ ** Family income before taxes Complete report ing o f income | $15,000 | $12,000 | to | | to | 1 $14,999 I I $19,999 $20,000 to $24,999 | | 1 BEFORE $25,000 and over | -$3,097.66 | 100.0 | -$3,342.33 | -$4,510.33 | 93.9 | 100.0 | -$2,650.66 99.2 | | -$2,897.90 | -$3,480.15 93. 9 | J 100.0 | | -$425.69 | 88. 0 | -$420.51 71.9 i | -$894.22 71.6 | | -$25.51 | 20.7 | -$23.50 | 15.1 | -$21.31 20.8 | | -$23.92 | 15.4 | -$135.96 3 5.7 $258.40 | 27.7 | $117.69 | 18.6 | $165.68 | 27.2 | $148.21 | 15. 0 | $12.98 | 7. 4 | $59.34 24.2 -$21.09 15.1 -$231.85 94.7 | | -$305.76 | -$1,199.33 96.7 96.2 | | | $2,291.53 91.1 | | $1,322.89 | 85.5 | $1,251.00 90.6 | | $1,554.73 | 83.8 | $1,556.75 | 87.3 | $162.79 76.9 | | $125.86 | 83. 1 | $928.63 89.4 | | $852.43 91.1 -$49.33 | 14. 1 | | | -$78.35 J 25.4 | $2,358.35 100.0 | -$1,561.52 | 100.0 $7,576.46 94.7 1 | $868. 16 100.0 $5,218.11 | 88. 7 | $2,429.68 76.4 | $75.71 73.0 | | $1,435.63 82.0 -$31.26 | 100.0 | $3,858.33 93.7 i l $3,490.86 | 89.0 | $3,889.59 | 90. 6 | $189.31 77.5 | | $156.03 73.6 $1,514.52 93.6 1 | $1,583.52 94.3 | | $4,228.98 100.0 | | $829.08 100.0 -$117.32 1 30.8 | -$103.87 31.6 | | -$51.40 25.4 l | -$12.01 18.4 l TAXES,!/ | income | reporting 1 1 1 -$107.72 | | 22.5 I -$77.54 | | 13.4 I -$16.21 J | 8. 0 I | -$13.96 | 8. 9 I | $191.06 16.9 | 1 1 $417.73 | 73. 3 | I | $1,648.21 | 59. 1 I | $1,230.48 | 50.7 1 1 | $125.00 | 69.8 I ) $445.36 | 38.4 1 1 ) -$25.92 | 8.5 Data in columns which represent less than 218,000 consumer units or in cells which represent less than 18,500 consumer units are likely to have large sampling errors. Value less than 0.05 percent Percents may not sum to 100 due to rounding. Data represent only those expenditures collected in the interview survey, not the total of all family expenditures. Data not available. 221 Table 13. Selected (A ll fa m ilie s w ith family c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y FAMILY INCOME BEFOBE TAXES1/ 34 y e a r s . U n i t e d States, C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Survey, 1972-1973) hea d 25 - I 1 All 1 I Item | I families I i I _- I I 1 Number of families in universe (000s). 14,160| 1 I I 1 Selected family characteristics I 1 1 1 Average 1 1 i 1 l Family s i z e ......................... 3.2| 1 1 Family income before t a x e s ........ .. 1 $11,764| i $9,969| Family income after t a x e s ......... .. 1 1 Age of h e a d ......................... 291 1 i 1 Number of children under 18....... .. 1 1- 5 1 | 1 Number of persons 65 and o v e r ..... .. 1 (2) | i i I Number of automobiles o w n e d ....... 1.4j 1 1 Percent3/ 1 1 i i i Housing tenure 1 1 Homeowner ......................... 401 511 R enter............................. Not reported...................... .. 1 9| i i I 1 Race of head 1 1 White.............................. ..1 87 | Black. ............................. 111 O t h e r .............................. • • I 2| 1 1 Education of head 1 I 1 to 9 years...................... 51 46 | 9 years, not more than 12 years. 44 | More than 12 years............... .. 1 Not reported or no s c h o o l ....... •• 1 5| i i I 1 Automobile ownership 1 1 861 At least one automobile owned... .. 1 1 ______ L See footnotes at end of table. 1 Total 1 1 ______ 1 1 13,660| 1 1 1 1 1 j 3.21 1 $12,1351 1 $10,2861 29J 1 1 1 -5 1 (2) | i 1.41 1 1 i 1 1 40 | 50 1 91 i 1 1 87 | 11 | 2| l I 5| 46 | 43 | 5| 1 1 86 | 1_ Under | 1 $3,000 1 1 7811 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 2. 2 1 1 $1,717| $1,596| 1 l 28 | 1 1.4J (2) 1 1 • 7| 1 1 1 1 91 85 | 6| 1 1 75 1 241 21 1 1 13 | 461 23 I 19| i 1 1 491 1- Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income J $5,000 1 $6,000 | $3,000 1 $4,000 to | to 1 to 1 to J 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 1 1 1 511 | 4951 582| 685 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 2.91 2.91 2. 8 | 2.9| 1 1 1 $4,483| $5,5011 $6,436 1 $3,5531 1 1 1 $4,117| $3,336| $4,9681 $5,776| | 1 1 1 1 29 | 291 291 29 | 1 1 | 1 1 1 1.4 | 1.61 1.7| 1.5 | 12) I I 1 •7| 1 1 i 1 1 11 l 86 1 3| ■ 1 1 73| 25 | 21 1 1 14 | 55 | 22 | 9| i 1 1 49 | 1 (2) | | 1 -9| 1 1 i 1 1 16 | 81 | 3l i 1 1 811 17| 3| 1 1 121 471 28 | 13 | i 1 1 651 ___ 1__ (2) I i 1.1 l 1 1 i 1 1 23 | 70 i 7j 1 1 78 | 18J 51 1 1 91 531 26 | 12 | i i 72 1 1 (2) | 1 1 1.11 1 1 i 1 I 181 77{ 5| 1 1 801 19 | 21 1 1 111 481 321 8| 1 1 1 771 _______ L_ $7,000 to $7,999 677 3. 1 $7, 491 $6, 594 29 1.5 (2) 1.2 27 67 6 82 16 2 4 55 32 9 83 T a b l e 13. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 25 - 34 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) I. I. Item | I 1 1 Number of families in universe (000s)...| 1 1 Selected family characteristics | 1 Average | 1 Family s i z e ........................... I 1 Family income before t a x e s .......... | 1 Family income after t a x e s ........... | $8,000 to $9,999 1,780 3.0 $8,971 $7,757 i Age of h e a d ........................... I | 1 Number of children under 18......... | I 1 Number of persons 65 and o v e r ....... | 1 1 Number of automobiles o w n e d ......... | 1 Percent3/ | 1 Housing tenure | Homeowner............................| R e n t e r ............................... | Not repor t e d ........................ I i I Race of head | W hite................................ | Black ................................ 1 O t h e r ................................ | 1 Education of head | 1 to 9 years ........................ | 9 years, not more than 12 years.. . | More than 12 years................. | Not reported or no s c h o o l ......... | i 1 Automobile ownership 1 At least one automobile owned.....| 1 See footnotes at end of table 29 1.4 (2) 1.3 30 63 7 I I I I I I I I I I l I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I 1 83 1 15 1 2 1 1 1 5 1 53 1 36 1 6 1 i 1 88 1 1 _±_ Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $10,000 | $15,000 I $12,000 I to to to | I I I $19,999 $11,999 l $14,999 I I i I 2,503 i 1,855 I 2,409 | I I I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 3.4 | 3.2 1 3. 4 1 1 1 I 1 1 I $10,912 1 $13,413 | $17,088 1 1 1 1 I $9,339 1 $11,358 | $14,241 1 I I 1 I 1 29 1 29 i 30 1 1 1 1 1 1.5 1 1.4 1 1.6 | i I I 1 1 (2) (2) 1 (2) 1 1 1 i Ii 1 1.6 | 1.4 1 1.6 1 i J I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 55 | 57 1 40 1 31 1 49 1 35 | 10 | 11 1 12 1 i i 1 1 1 1 92 1 6 1 2 1 I 1 1 5 1 51 1 40 1 4 1 i 1 1 92 | 6 i 1 I I I 4 I 46 | 49 | 1 i 1 1 1 91 1 _1_ l I 92 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 2 ! 42 1 53 1 2 1 i 1 95 | 1 $20,000 to $24,999 | 1 1 1 888 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.4 | I $21,911 | l $18,061 | 1 30 | 1 1.4 | 1 (2) 1.6 57 25 17 1 89 | 8 I 3 | 1 1 2 1 28 | 69 | 1 1 Jl I BEFORE $25,000 and over 494 3.6 $34,317 $28,396 31 1.6 (2) 1.7 67 24 9 97 2 1 1 15 83 1 i 1 1 I 96 | i | l I I I | | | i 1 INCOME 97 | ________ L 90 TAXESJ/ i I Incomplete income I 1 reporting 1 I 500 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3. 0 1 1 $1,626 1 1 $1,285 1 I 1 29 1 1 1.4 1 1 1 (2) 1 1 1 1.3 1 1 1 1 i 36 1 54 1 10 1 1 1 1 85 1 14 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 43 1 46 1 6 1 i 1 1 1 _L 83 223 T a b l e 13. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 25 - 34 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Current consumption expenses, excluding personal insurance, gifts and contributions 4/ Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting Food, total Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Food at home Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Food away from home, excl. trips Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Meals as pay Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Alcoholic beverages Average annual expenditure..• .......... Percent reporting Tobacco products Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Housing, total Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting Shelter, total Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Rented dwellings Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Owned dwellings Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Other lodging, excluding trips Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... See footnotes at end of table I I I All | J families J I i I I I I I i i i i i i i | $8,474.68| | 100.0| 1 1 1 1 | $1,543.83| I 99.8| 1 1 | $1,111.52| | 99.1| I 1 | $410.19| 1 95.1| 1 1 | $22.12| 1 9.81 i i 1 1 1 I | $94.39| 1 76.4| i i 1 1 i i | $140.36| 1 63.7| 1 1 1 1 1 1 | $2,912,031 | 99.9| I 1 1 1 i 1 | $1,688.10| 1 98.7| 1 1 | $953.77| | 58.3| 1 1 | $729,791 | 50.61 1 1 I $4,531 1 5.31 1 1_ 1_ Total 1 Under | 1 1 1 _ . _ L $3,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $8,461,791 $3,802.67| 100.01 100.0J l 1 1 1 $1,539.99| $713,861 99.8| 98. 1 | I 1 $1,110,891 $ 5 62.47| 96.7 | 99.2| 1 I $406.80| $140.45| 95.3J 78.81 1 1 $22.30| $10.94| 10.01 6. 11 1 i 1 1 1 1 $94.541 $34.77| 76.51 54.31 1 1 1 1 1 1 $138,401 $139,781 67.7J 64.01 i 1ft 1 1 1 $2,904,871 $1,654,511 99.91 98.91 1 I 1 1 $1,682.83l $1,197,801 96. 91 98 - 8 l I 1 $ 951.67| $1,096,101 87.5| 58.31 1 1 $726.59| $99,551 50.71 17.51 1 1 $4.57| $2.14| 3. 1 l 5.31 Jl 1. BEFORE Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $5,000 | $6,000 $3,000 | $4,000 1 to 1 to | to | to 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 1 $6,999 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $4,851,371 $5,310,531 $5,816.29| $5,881,811 100.01 100.0| 100. oi 100.01 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 $1, 106.461 $1,154,611 $1, 165.831 $1,167.771 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 1 1 1 1 $91 1.041 $913,241 $893,141 $909,861 100.01 99.3| 98.0| 97.71 1 1 1 1 $174.77| $222.46 1 $252.44| $235,791 76.81 87.2| 90.9J 92.4| 1 1 1 1 $20,651 $18.92| $20.25| $22,121 8.61 10.5J 14.41 6.0J 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 $33.36| $44.761 $63,301 $65,771 48.31 68.0J 63.51 63.31 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 $112,081 $113,521 $109.591 $109,231 60.5| 62.0J 61.7J 59.31 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 $1,792,451 $1,951.52| $2,183,331 $2,002,721 100.01 100.0| 100.01 100.01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I $1,152,081 $1,256.33| $1,388,241 $1,269,331 98.0| 97.41 98.91 98.4| 1 1 1 1 $1,031.70| $1,105,721 $1,172,601 $1,098,191 86.01 81.61 75.2| 79.7| 1 1 1 1 $147,531 $120,081 $215.00| $170,881 22.41 20. 11 30.31 24.01 1 1 1 1 $.31| $3.08| $.64| $.26| 4.2J 1.81 2.51 3.31 i. _1_ __ L ______L_ TAXESJ/ $7 ,000 to $7 .999 $6 ,295.34 100.0 $1 ,256.37 100.0 $911.84 100.0 $317.90 96.3 $26.63 13.1 $87.23 71.0 $122.99 61.4 $2 ,096.98 98.7 $1 ,274.38 96.0 $1 ,027.39 70.2 $242.10 34.2 $4.90 3.3 224 T a b l e 13, Selected family (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 25 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E - 34 years. U n i t e d States, Cons u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Survey, 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Current consumption expenses, excluding personal insurance, gifts and contributions 4/ Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting Food, total Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting Food at home Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Food away from home, excl. trips Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Meals as pay Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Alcoholic beverages Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting Tobacco products Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting Housing, total Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... I I | | 1 1 1 1 1 1 | | I 1 | | I | | I J | I | | i 1 1 | | i 1 1 | | i 1 1 1 | I I Shelter, total 1 Average annual expenditure... | | Percent reporting .......... Rented dwellings I Average annual expenditure... | | .......... Percent reporting Owned dwellings I Average annual expenditure... | .......... Percent reporting | Other lodging, excluding trips I Average annual expenditure.... ,| ........... .I Percent reporting I See footnotes at end of table $8,000 to $9,999 I I I I I I I » $7,134.55 i 100.0 I I 1 $1,359.31 1 99.8 1 1 $1,012.58 1 98.6 1 1 $317.97 1 96.9 1 1 $28.77 1 11.6 1 i I 1 $77.89 1 74.8 1 i I 1 $129.62 1 59.6 1 i 1 $2,435.30 100.0 $1,485.65 99. 1 $1,074.77 68.7 $408.40 38.3 $2.48 5.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $15,000 $10,000 | $20,000 I $12,000 to to | to | to I 1 $19,999 $11,999 1 $24,999 I $14,999 I I I I I $8,149.48 I $9,043.06 | $10,981.21 | $12,307.68 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 I 100.0 1 1 1 $1,502.92 1 $1,689.10 | $1,870.49 | $2,033.95 99.8 1 100.0 | 99.8 | 99.6 1 $1,080.74 1 $1,255.55 | $1,309.80 | $1,340.88 99.7 | 99.3 1 99.8 | 99.6 1 $406.76 1 $412.66 | $537.50 | $668.76 99.0 | 99.5 | 96.7 1 98.2 1 $20.89 | $23.19 | $15.42 1 $24.31 10.4 1 8.8 | 8. 1 11.1 | i 1 1 $104.47 1 $123.37 | $102.11 | $120.52 78.6 1 79.6 | 87.5 j 90.3 i I 1 $153.23 1 $153.28 | $154.77 | $136.06 65.7 | 66.6 1 66.6 | 63.9 i 1 1 $2,662.20 1 100.0 1 1 1 $1,537.47 1 99.5 1 1 $964.79 1 58.5 1 1 $568.23 1 52.0 1 1 $4.45 1 6. 1 1 | | 1 BEFORE $25,000 and over | $15,813.20 | 100.0 | | $2,525.53 100.0 | | $1,531.33 100.0 | | $950.77 100.0 | | $43.43 9.6 | | $185.11 92.3 | | $148.45 60.8 $3,034.10 | 100.0 | $3,755.87 | 100.0 j $4,305.43 100.0 | i $5,335.25 100.0 $1,741.76 | 99.2 | $2,048.52 99.7 | | $2,345.25 99.2 | | $2,828.54 99.0 | | $881.64 43.0 | | $836.60 42.3 | | $892.53 32.0 $970.82 | 64.8 | $1,158.95 69.6 | | $1,504.25 75.2 | | $1,924.18 78.4 $5.35 | 6.6 j $7.92 6.8 | | 1 $4.39 4.7 | | $11.84 6.8 $765.59 43.9 TAXESJ./ I I Incomplete income I I reporting I I I 1 1 I 1 $8,826.89 100.0 I 1 1 1 $1,648.67 j 99.3 1 1 $1,128.69 96.9 1 1 $502.79 1 89.6 1 1 $17. 19 1 6. 1 1 1 1 1 $90.33 1 73. 1 1 1 1 1 $156.23 1 55.2 1 1 I 1 1 $3,107.64 100.0 1 1 1 1 $1,832.06 95.5 1 1 1 $1,011.18 59.0 1 1 $817.26 1 47.2 1 1 $3.62 1 3.4 1 _L 225 T a b l e 13. Selected family (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 25 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E - 34 years, U n i t e d Sta t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u rvey, 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d All families Item Fuel and utilities, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gas, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gas, delivered in mains (piped) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gas, bottled or tank Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Electricity Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gas and electricity combined bills Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Fuel oil and kerosene Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ............ Other fuels, coal, wood' Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Water, trash, sewerage Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Housing expenses, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Telephone, excluding coin phones Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other expenses, including domestic services Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See footnotes at end of table | | I i I I 1 $376.93| 88.6| 1 $84,361 51.8| 1 $72.161 43.4| 1 $12.20| 9. 7 { 1 $160,621 74.6| 1 $37.02| 13.4| 1 $36.82| 16.8| 1 $2.57| 8.6 | $55.55| 55.0| 1 1 $353.44j 94.0| 1 $193,951 89.5| 1 1 $159.49| 70. 1| 1 . 1 Total J 1 J 1 1 J $376.31| 88.8| 1 $84.03| 52.1 | I $71.90| 43.7| 1 $12. 1 3 1 9.7 | i $160.05| 74.8| 1 $36 . 7 8 | 13.4 | 1 $37. 0 2 | 16.9| $2.57| 8.6 | $55. 85 | 55.3| 1 1 $350.921 94.0| 1 1 $19 3 . 3 4 | 89.5| I I $ 1 57.57| 70.3 | __ L Under | I $3,000 1 1 1 1 $176,401 66. 1 1 I $ 42.9 4 | 32-8 | I $40.24 J 27.3| 1 $2.70| 5.7 | 1 $74,051 52. 1 l $15.38| 9. 01 1 $13.73| 11.3| 1 $2.49J 7. 0 | 1 $27,801 28.61 1 I $145,601 77. 51 1 $94.461 66.01 1 1 $51.14| 41.81 BEFORE Family income before taxes Complete reportina of income | $5,000 1 $6,000 1 $3,000 | $4,000 to 1 to 1 to 1 to | 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $202.84| $232.36| $254,771 $270,081 78.61 79.51 81.6| 71.31 1 $44.99| $53.50| $58,791 $59,111 37.81 49. 01 38.81 49.0| 1 1 $43.60| $37,281 $50.03| $44,761 35. 41 30.51 29.81 40.2| 1 $7,711 7.31 1 $83.61l 59.51 $20,781 12.01 1 $24,111 15.5| 1 $2.01l 5.4 j l $27.34| 29. 4) I I $217,071 82.9| 1 1 $125.91l 67.2 l I I $91,151 51.4| 1_ $8,741 9.01 1 $91.62| 55. 91 1 $45.14| 20.81 1 $18.90| 14.01 $2,221 5-9 1 1 $20,981 31.5| 1 1 $262.31) 88.2| 1 1 $166.83| 78.4| 1 1 $95,481 48. 1 l I $8,761 9.41 1 $112.78| 63.5| $29,371 9.91 1 $27,421 11.4| TAXESJ./ $7,000 to $7,999 $284.74 85.9 $61.10 46.6 $49. 18 35.3 $15,511 14.61 $11.93 12.4 $105,731 66.31 1 $26,291 10.21 $115. 13 70.6 $31,191 15.71 $2,361 $3,921 4.81 8.41 1 1 $39,361 $28.52| 38.71 30.61 1 1 1 1 $232.53| $247,201 88.41 85.31 | I 1 $149,641 $128.78| 73.81 80.71 1 1 I 1 $103.74| $97,561 57.61 58.2| _________ L___________ L_ $35.72 14.0 $27.52 15. 2 $1.95 4.8 $43.32 45.4 $270.78 87.4 $167.78 79.6 $103.00 57.3 226 T a b l e 13. Selected family (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 25 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E - 34 y e a r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I | Item I 1 Fuel and utilities, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas, delivered in mains (piped) ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas, bottled or tank ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Electricity I Average annual expenditure.. .. ! Percent reporting ........... J Gas and electricity combined bills! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Fuel oil and kerosene ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Other fuels, coal, wood | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Water, trash, sewerage | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Housing expenses, total ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Telephone, excluding coin phones J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Other expenses, including domesticl services ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I See footnotes at end of table $8,000 to $9,999 $319.42 87.4 $76.38 50.5 $59.20 39.3 $17.18 12.6 $134.22 72. 1 $31.99 14.2 $29.44 14.8 $2.12 5.9 $45.28 46.8 $292.79 93.7 $176.37 90.5 $116.43 64.5 1 1 1_ ! | | I l J I J | I | ! I | J I ! | I l ! I | ! I ! | i 1 1 | 1 ! ! | I 1 l | 1_ $10,000 to $11,999 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $15,000 | | $12,000 | to I to | 1 $14,999 I $19,999 I $382.96 91.8 $95.58 56.5 $78.01 47.8 $17.57 10.0 $161.95 78.2 $35.45 13.7 $33.82 16. 1 $1.19 5.2 $54.97 55.2 $307.93 96.4 $191.22 91.9 $116.71 70.4 1 | | I | | I | 1 i | 1 1 J | 1 | | I J | l l | I l | i 1 1 | | 1 | | I 1 | ! I $437. 80 | 94.0 i I $94.62 | 56.0 l I $81.06 | 47. 1 | I $13.57 | 10.7 | I $192.86 l 83.4 | I $33.93 | 11.4 | I $50.89 ! 21.1 l I $1.99 | 7.1 J I $63.50 I 67.0 | i 1 1 $361.84 | 98.6 J 1 $201.49 | 97.3 | I I $160.35 ! 79.7 | 1 1 ! | 1 $101.72 | 57.5 | 1 $90.77 ! 50.8 ! ! $10.96 i 7.9 ! I $206.10 ! 82.4 ! I $48.58 | 15. 1 | I $45.95 | 20. 1 J I $2.78 | 11.6 | 1 $73.07 | 70.6 | i 1 1 $465.58 | 99.0 ! 1 $244.70 | 97.7 ! 1 1 $220.88 | 83. 1 | _JL_ $478.20 95.9 $20,000 to $24,999 $111.24 61.9 $106.79 57. 1 $4.45 6.8 $209.03 83.0 $45.56 13. 1 $45.35 16.7 $5.03 19.8 $88.56 76.0 $528.95 100.0 $252.10 98.3 $276.85 83.7 ! l I | l I | ! I ! | I ! | I i | I l | 1 | | I | | i 1 1 | ! I J J I I J 1 TAXESJ./ I Incomplete income I I reporting l $25,000 and I over __L_ $504.77 96.6 BEFORE __L $567.33 96.2 $109.41 51.8 $100.87 47.6 $8.53 6.8 $240.71 77.5 $63.14 18.7 $49.51 16.3 $7.11 21.1 $97.44 74.9 $711.06 98.7 $280.00 96.4 $431.05 94.3 1 | | 1 J i I | | 1 | 1 1 ! | I | | 1 J | 1 | j I | | i 1 1 ! i I ! | 1 1 ! | $394.02 84.2 $93.47 44.3 $79.24 36. 1 $14.23 9.0 $176.07 68. 3 $43.58 13.8 $31.24 12.5 $2.34 9. 0 $47.31 45.4 $422.27 91.8 $210.51 90.4 $211.76 62.8 2 27 T a b l e 13. Selected family (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 2 5 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E - 34 years, U n i t e d States, C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Survey, 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d All families Item Housefurnishings, equipment, total Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting ...... . Household textiles Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting ......... Furniture Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting ......... Floor coverings Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting ......... Major appliances Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting ......... Small appliances Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting ......... Housewares Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting ......... Miscellaneous Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting .......... Clothing, total Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting ......... Clothing, male, 2 and over Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting ......... Clothing, female, 2 and over Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting ......... Clothing, children under 2 years Average annual expenditure.. ......... Percent reporting Dry cleaning, laundry Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting ......... Materials and services Average annual expenditure.. Percent reporting ......... See footnotes at end of table I I I 1 $H93.57| 93.2| 1 $55.85| 79. 71 1 $189,331 56.3| i $47.01| 25.81 1 $116,491 39. 11 1 $10.84| 37.9| 1 1 $11,391 32.31 1 $62,651 60.91 1 1 $718,361 99.71 1 $251.151 88.2| 1 $307.52| 90.01 1 $30,341 33.01 1 $100,491 83.01 1 $28,861 67.4| __ L Total 1 1 Under 1 1_ $3,000 $494,821 93.4| 1 $55.911 80.21 1 $189,011 56.6| 1 $47.59| 26.0| $117,201 39.51 1 $10.99| 38.31 I 1 $11.44 1 32.5| 1 $62.67| 61.31 1 1 $712.63| 99.7 | $249.25| 88.3 | 1 1 $304,331 90.2| 1 $30.40| 33.3| 1 $99,971 82.9J 1 $28.69| 67.6| 1__ | | 1 $134,731 78.2| 1 $22.85| 58.4J 1 $43.091 28.3| $10,271 10.4| 1 $41,581 22.8 1 I $ 5.08| 23. 1 l 1 1 $2,891 16.9| $8,971 26.0f 1 1 $295,661 97.2| 1 $87,281 60.9| j $99.88| 69.8| 1 $6.19 | 16.5J 1 $95,391 78. 91 1 $6.91| 33.2| 1 BEFORE TAXESJ/ Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $3,000 | $4,000 | $5,000 1 $6,000 to | to | to to 1 $3,999 _1 $4^999 1 $5,999 _1_ $6,999 $220.47| 83.3| f 1 $25.87| 67.21 1 $90,471 43.8| $17,381 17.8| $53.24| 21.1| 1 $4,611 21.41 1 1 $8,411 24. 1 | I $20.50* 34.3| 1 1 $447.61| 100.0J 1 $118.61| 77.0 | 1 $182.89| 85.8J 1 $23,961 27.51 1 $108.57| 78.81 1 $13,581 47.8| $200,521 84.91 I 1 $30,221 66.41 $68,281 31.9| $292.49| 88.3| I 1 $30.33| 71.1 | I $104,141 37.61 1 $15,411 18.31 i 1 $95,341 35.21 1 I $9.28| 33.51 $19,671 17.2| 1 $47.62| 25.5| 1 $7.55| 29.8J | 1 $6,421 $7,861 29.3| 25.31 1 1 $30.141 $20.76| 49.61 38.3 1 1 1 1 1 $525,951 $432,581 98.7| 100.01 1 1 $143,861 $108,751 76. 1 l 75.9 1 1 1 1 $250.05| $197,481 84.7| 85.2J i $17,801 $21,921 23.8| 25.7| I i $92.45| $99,521 85.8j 78.81 1 I $11,971 $14,731 58.5| 52.3j 1 1 . 1 $7,000 to 1 1_ $7,999 $231,421 90.41 1 $29,561 73.71 1 $100,421 39. 1 | $267.07 91.5 $29.61 75.6 $111.71 47.8 $12,921 24. 01 $5.86 16.4 $47,211 25.81 i $8.53| 31.81 $76.48 31.7 $3.79) 22.0) I $28.98) 55. 31 1 1 $505,621 100.01 1 $122,961 72.4J 1 $8.93 31.1 $8.27 34.4 $26.21 48.2 $545.99 100.0 $172.42 80.4 $236,261 90.61 1 $242.99 90.2 $21,161 25.5) 1 $99.89 J 80.9) $19.95 30.9 $25.35) 50.81 1_ $20.31 61.8 $90.33 79.3 228 T a b l e 13. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 25 - 34 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d 1 I 1 1 Item Housefurnishings, equipment, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Household textiles 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Furniture | Average annual expenditure.... | Percent reporting ............! Floor coverings ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Major appliances | Average annual expenditure.... | Percent reporting ........... | Small appliances | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Housewares | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Miscellaneous J Average annual expenditure....! ........... I Percent reporting | 1 Clothing, total J Average annual expenditure....! ........... 1 Percent reporting Clothing, male, 2 and over ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Clothing, female, 2 and over ! Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting Clothing, children under 2 years | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... j Dry cleaning, laundry J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Materials and services | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! ! See footnotes at end of table $8,000 to $9,999 1 $10,000 to 1 1_ $11,999 1 I J 1 $37.55 | 76. 1 | 1 $118.18 | 51.2 ! I $28.00 | 19.8 | $337.43 92.0 i $1)33.83 | 95.0 | 1 $46.00 ! 81.5 | | | $585.22 100.0 1 ! ( $181.98 83.2 | | $177.01 63. 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $300.62 71.7 1 J | 1 | | 1 | | $84.91 34.8 J i $763.57 97.8 $84.92 88.6 $119.51 41.0 1 | I I I $10.54 37.3 | | $13.75 | 43. 1 J $8.79 31.0 | | $12.26 ! 44.8 1 1 $9. 26 1 34.4 1 1 $61.47 1 70.0 1 I 1 1 $708.25 1 100.0 1 1 $259.57 1 95.6 1 ! $294.74 1 93.9 1 1 $39.68 1 43.2 1 1 $81.51 1 82.7 1 1 $32.74 1 76.5 1 $44.15 31.1 I I I $55.89 | 63.2 J ■ 1 1 $631.66 | 99.7 | I $240.17 93.4 | i I I ! ! 1 $32.40 | 38.6 | 1 $97.09 1 77.7 i 1 $22.72 | 68.1 | __ L $243.56 J 90.7 | I $27.78 33.6 | | $91.51 81.8 | | $28.64 67.5 |. 1 I I $138.36 44.2 .1 $20,000 to $24,999 $926.46 98.9 $108.08 88.8 1 1 1 | | 1 l J $97.51 36.7 | J ! | J I I $160.21 | 49.3 J $175.82 ! 48.3 ! I $17.02 49.7 I $16.54 | 40. 1 | $938.17 99.9 | i $128.89 81.0 | ! 1 ! | I I I I | | $1,100.74 | 100.0 ! 1 $422.92 1 98.3 | 1 $481.75 1 96.0 | 1 $35.86 | 29. 1 | I $352.82 98.3 J | | | I $398.96 | 95. 1 J I $37.13 | 35. 1 ! 1 $112.97 | 86.6 | I $36.29 ! 77.3 l 1 l | | $158.25 93.2 i ! ! | ! ________ L_ $47.98 81.7 $459.29 85.6 I $54.03 67.4 I $477.77 78.7 ! | 1 $175.58 | 40.0 ! ! $196.36 ) 4 6.5 l ! $15.17 ! 35.4 ( $198.04 46.5 $31.09 20.9 $97.09 30.5 $6.80 28.0 I $43.91 54.7 $161.29 80.7 ! | 1 | | $10.11 27.0 $62.13 48. 1 I I $1,606.82 100.0 $575.39 99.1 | | 1 ! l $770.74 96.2 | | $874.98 99. 1 $303. 12 85.8 I $394.77 84.6 I $39.32 | 28.9 | I $112.21 | 90.0 ! TAXESJ/ 1 Incomplete income 1 1 reporting $1,228.33 97.3 I $16.54 34.6 I $102.61 75.6 $25,000 and over I $382.60 70.0 I i ! I $251.03 86.3 $50.19 85.4 I I I I $32.14 22.2 I $9.57 | 38.2 I ! $9.54 J 30.6 | 1 $39.62 ! 53.2 ! i 1 $492.70 97.5 I $160.95 | 58.5 | I $94.98 37.3 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 I $15,000 | | to 1 to | 1 $14,999 1 $19,999 1 BEFORE $28.84 24.9 I $164.54 95.1 ! | $114.73 84.5 I $56.82 81.5 l | _____L_ $33.53 59.3 2 29 T a b l e 13. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E (A ll f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 25 - 34 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d BEFOBE TAXES_1/ Family income before taxes 1 | Complete reportinq of income Item Total | Under J | $4,000 | $5,000 | $6,000 | $7,000 | $3,000 to to | to | to 1 to 1 1 1 1 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 1 $7,999 1 $3,000 ______ ___ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Transportation, total, excluding trips 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $826.77| $1,690.37| Average annual expenditure.... $1,680.93| $545.101 $915,241 $977.95| $1,285,001 $1, 150.85 76.9| 96.5| 89. 1 | 96.4 ........... 89.61 Percent reporting 96.6 | 94.9| 94. 1 | Vehicle purchases (net outlay) I I 1 I 1 I 1 Average annual expenditure.... $774.77| $406,971 $213.45| $449.08 $781.52! $399,051 $393,751 $560,191 Percent reporting ........... 36.7| 36.9 | 22.7 | 31.51 27.6 30.71 31.3| 29. 3| Vehicle finance charges I I 1 I 1 1 i Average annual expenditure.... $98.35| $99 . 9 6 | $17.16| $36.08| $47.10| $44,171 $53.83 $21,961 42.5| 42.9| 13. 21 Percent reporting 21.91 ........... 21.0| 26.51 29.61 37.0 Vehicle operations, total I i 1 I 1 1 1 $756.67| Average annual expenditure.... $279.28| $494.58| $540.761 $321,381 $437.81! $ 7 58.25| $608.71 91.4| Percent reporting ........... 82.71 91.5| 84.8J 87.8 61.31 66.2| 78.0 J Gasoline 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 $260,641 Average annual expenditure.... $368.50| $208,541 $369.21| $183.111 $264,131 $294.98 $169,751 Percent reporting ........... 89.5| 89.6| 60.8| 58.21 74.5| 79.11 83.6| 86.7 Other 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Average annual expenditure.... $389.04| $96.171 $388. 171 $151,621 $229,271 $233,941 $276,631 $313.73 Percent reporting ........... 52. 1 1 78.31 89.5| 62.31 72.91 80.31 87.0 89. 4 1 Other transportation I 1 1 I 1 1 1 Average annual expenditure.... $ 51.13| $50.651 $35,211 $42.51| $62,341 $56.42| $139.89| $39.24 Percent reporting ........... 21.41 20.2| 35.7| 25-81 21.4| 25.71 20.7 23.6| 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I Health care, total 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Average annual expenditure.... $424.58| $426.541 $283,181 $101,981 $100.151 $186,351 $281,151 $363.22 Percent reporting ........... 73.4| 93.91 96.2| 96.31 70. 11 89. 1 | 96.31 98.3 Health insurance, excluding 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 employer share 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 $170.77| $91,671 Average annual expenditure.... $170.19| $119,301 $132.61 $29,311 $38.83| $64.49 | 59. 11 91.4| 92.3| 63.2| 74.4-J 87.51 Percent reporting ........... 95.4 92.9J Expenses not covered by insurance 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $72,671 $121,871 $ 2 54.40| $255.77! $61.32| $191,511 $161,851 $230.61 Average annual expenditure.... 53.81 68.41 85.6 86.5| 44.2| 79.41 78.91 Percent reporting ........... 86.3| i i 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Personal care (selected expenses) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $71.13| $39.18| $40,711 $37.35| $52,051 $54.90 Average annual expenditure.... $71.72! $38.52| 83.3 82.91 61.71 73.61 72.81 83.01 75.5| 74.8J Percent reporting ........... i i i i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Recreation, total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $323,441 $450.66 $208,601 $322.71| $328,901 $326.92| $693.58| Average annual expenditure.... $686,921 86.7J 89.41 98. 1 97.81 94.31 94.31 96.31 Percent reporting ........... 97.81 j i 1 i i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 Owned vacation home 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** ** j ** | $2.0 5 | $ 1.0 8 | Average annual expenditure.... $2.94| $2.95| $2.31| ** ** j ** | 1.51 Percent reporting ........... 1.21 .71 1.21 1.01 ___ 1__ _1 _1_ __1 ___ 1__ __ 1_ ________ L_ All families See footnotes at end of table. 230 T a b l e 13. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 25 - 34 years, U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Transportation, total, excluding trips Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Vehicle purchases (net outlay) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle finance charges Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle operations, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health care, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health insurance, excluding employer share Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Expenses not covered by insurance Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Personal care (selected expenses) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Recreation, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Owned vacation home Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting .......................... See footnotes at end of table. Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $8,000 | $10,000 | $15,000 | $12,000 | to | to | to | to | $9,999 1 $11,999 1 $14,999 1 $19,999 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 $1,465.89 | $1,775.50 | $1,886.08 | $2,248.42 | 98.5 j 99.4 | 99. 1 J 99.5 | I I I $638.06 | $873.77 | $858.43 | $1,072.21 | 35.6 | 41.8 | 40.6 | 41.9 | I I I $88.07 | $83.40 | $141.93 | $143. 35 | 47.7 | 51.8 | 54.9 | 41.9 | I 1 I $772.19 | $987.87 | $858.19 | $703.17 i 93.8 | 96.2 | 97.8 | 98.9 | I I 1 $385.88 | $341.67 | $426.88 | $462.42 | 93.0 | 93.8 | 96.6 | 97. 1 | 1 1 1 $386.31 | $431.31 | $361.50 | $525.45 | 93. 1 | 95.3 | 98. 1 | 97.3 | I I I $41.47 | $41.25 J $26.11 | $46.40 | 18.4 | 21.0 | 20.7 | 16.3 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 $358.90 | $460.41 | $472.60 | $569.08 | 100.0 | 99.3 | 99.9 { 100.0 | I I 1 I I 1 $161.14 | $191.73 | $203.57 | $215.18 | 97.0 | 96.7 | 97.9 | 97.7 | J I 1 $197.76 | $268.67 | $269.03 | $353.90 | 89. 1 | 92.9 | 94.4 | 95.0 | ■ 1 1 I 1 1 1 $60.73 | $65.68 | $73.57 | $93.68 | 83.6 | 78.0 | 88.5 | 89.7 | i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 $489.11 | $613.20 | $708.64 | $965.88 | 98.7 | 99.4 | 100.0 | 99.7 | i ■ 1 1 I 1 1 1 $.89 | $3.77 | $.26 | $3.69 | 2.4 | .7 | .6 | .7 | ______ L_ JL_ 1 BEFORE TAXESJ/ I I Incomplete $20,000 | $25,000 income | and | reporting to | over 1 $24,999 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 $2,414.20 | $2,716.05 | $1,422.89 98.6 | 99.7 | 95.5 1 1 $1,142.39 | $1,344.28 | $590.47 38.4 | 40.9 | 30.6 I 1 $178.60 | $117.12 | $54.37 51.9 ( 44.3 | 31.2 I I $1,015.72 | $1,134.49 | $713.61 98.0 | 88.4 96.2 | I 1 $474.58 | $498.71 | $349.14 94.6 | 98.0 J 84.9 I 1 $541.14 | $635.79 | $364.47 96.5 | 94.4 | 86.2 I 1 $77.48 | $120.16 j $64.44 26.6 | 28. 1 j 21.0 I I I 1 $633.20 | $771.02 | $370.99 100.0 | 99.5 | 94.3 I 1 I 1 $257.46 | $268.82 1 $154. 13 98.7 | 93.4 | 67. 1 I 1 $375.74 | $502.20 | $216.87 93.9 I 97.7 | 80.9 I 1 I 1 $104.12 | $149.38 | $88.01 90.7 | 95.7 | 84.2 I I I I $1,206.41 | $1,967.39 | $875.56 100.0 | 100.0 | 97.8 a I I I I $13.03 | $13.36 | $2.67 3.1 | 4.1 | .9 _1 _ ______________ L_ 231 T a b l e 13. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 2 5 - 34 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I J All | I Item i I families I i I ___ 1 1 I 1 I Vacation, pleasure trips, total I I $218.99| Average annual expenditure.... I Percent reporting ........... I 69.0| Food I 1 $53.13| Average annual expenditure.... I 60.6| ........... I Percent reporting Alcoholic beverages I 1 $8,831 Average annual expenditure.... I 32.5| ........... I Percent reporting Lodging I 1 $32.98| Average annual expenditure.... I 39.9| Percent reporting ........... I Transportation, total I 1 $86.91| Average annual expenditure.... I 67.3| Percent reporting ........... I Gasoline I 1 $37 . 12| Average annual expenditure.... l Percent reporting ........... I 61.9{ Other transportation I i $49.79| Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . I 42.4 | Percent reporting ...... I All expense tours I 1 Average annual expenditure.... I $14.86| 5. 3 1 ........... I Percent reporting Other vacation expenses I 1 $22.28 J Average annual expenditure.... I ........... I 45.9| Percent reporting 1 1 1 Boats, aircraft, wheel goods 1 1 $120.22| Average annual expenditure.... 1 18.7| ........... 1 Percent reporting i i 1 1 Other recreation, total 1 1 $351,431 Average annual expenditure.... 1 97.3| ........... 1 Percent reporting Televisions 1 1 $55.57| Average annual expenditure.... 1 19.0| Percent reporting ........... 1 Other I 1 ** | Average annual expenditure.... 1 ** | Percent reporting ........... 1 1 _________ 1__ See footnotes at end of table. BEFORE TAXESjy Family income before taxes Complete reoortina of income | $6,000 | $7,000 | $5,000 Under | $3,000 | $4,000 to | to | to | to to J 1 1 $5,999 1 $7,999 1 $4,999 $3,000 1 $3,999 1 $6,999 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $101.44| $85.73| $154.37 $99.731 $99.59| $50.49| 30.5| 42.1 | 50.5| 64. 0 49.2| 52.5| 1 1 I 1 1 $24.61| $22.35| $20.69| $21.56| $27.84 $10.83| 42.5| 52.4 31.9| 36.7| 41.5| 20. 1| I 1 1 1 1 $2.55| $2.08| $ 2.84 | $4.4 4 | $5.93 $5.32| 15.6| 11.6| 19.8| 13.3| 19.5| 23. 1 1 1 1 1 1 $7.50| $7.25| $12.49 $15.19| $ 9 . 12| $3.63| 18.7 j 15.9| 28. 1 10. 3 | 23. 2| 23.4| I 1 1 I I $51.88| $51,481 $81.80 $25.00| $50.381 $36,731 47. 8 | 48.5| 49.4| 29. 1 | 39.0| 61.2 1 I 1 1 I $ 12-55| $17.29| $28.05 $24.31| $9.03| $21,921 54.4 23. 1 1 33.6| 38.7| 40. 9| 45.8| I 1 1 1 1 $26.06 | $24.18| $34,591 $15,971 $29.55| $53.75 28.4 | 16.7| 31.4| 23.6| 31.4 20.8| 1 1 1 1 l $6.46| $4.14| $3.98| $1.33| $.48| $12.79 5.5 j 2. 1 | .9 | 3. 7 | 4.8 1.21 1 I 1 1 I $8.80| $12.72| $13.53 $4.96 J $8.98| $9.69| 14. 1 J 24.7| 38.6 21.2| 29.2| 28.8| i i ■ 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $8.41| $20.14 | $38.83| $41.26 $30.02| $12.43| 6. 6 J 7. 2 | 6 -8 | 5.8 11.0| 9-41 i i i i i 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 $207.32| $218.92| $126.04| $223.47| $182.57| $255.02 89.4| 85.4| 93.0| 93.7| 94.9| 98. 1 1 1 1 1 i $29.04| $23.27| $27.79| $56.36 $36.62| $27.03| 18.6| 16.4| 14.9| 19.0 13.9| 11.8| 1 1 J 1 i ** ** j ** | ** | ** j ** ( ** ** j ** j ** | ** | ** 1 1 1_ _1_ _1_ __ L_ I Total | 1 I 1 1 1 $216.34 | 69.2 | I $52.78| 60.8 | I $8.98| 32.7 l I $32.01| 39.9| 1 $85.80J 67.6| 1 $37.05| 62.4| i $48. 7 4 | 42.3| I $ 1 4.51| 5.4 I I $22.27| 46.1| i 1 1 $116.96| 18.8| i 1 1 $350.67J 97.3| 1 $55 . 7 0 | 19.11 1 ** | ** j 232 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E - 34 years. U n i t e d States, C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u rvey, 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Vacation, pleasure trips, total 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Food 1 Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Alcoholic beverages 1 Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Lodging 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Transportation, total 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ............| Gasoline ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other transportation 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | All expense tours ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other vacation expenses J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | i Boats, aircraft, wheel goods 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | i Other recreation, total ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Televisions i Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | $8,000 to $9,999 $133.54 65.9 $30.11 56.2 $3.91 27.2 $17.92 31.8 1 $10,000 to 1 JL_ $11,999 1 | J I | | i | i 1 | | 64.0 I ! ] I $30.61 58.6 | J $59.85 1 { | ! $7.08 ! 3.3 | i $14.66 ! 38.8 | i i 1 $68.69 I 15.6 | i i 1 $285.99 ! 97.5 | 1 $50.19 | 19.4 ! 1 ** | ** | $29.24 36.8 _______ I_ See footnotes at end of table. Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 I $20,000 | to | to to 1 1 $14,999 I $19,999 1 . $24,999 1 $192.43 73.6 | $49.64 65.2 | $9.82 32.8 $27.79 39.5 j 1 | 1 | | 1 | | i $72.38 1 72.0 1 $37.23 67.2 $35.14 39.7 1 | | 1 i l 1 $14.05 5.7 J | l $18.75 47.3 ! | ii 1 $88.37 ! 23.2 * ■ i 1 $328.62 ! 99. 1 ! I $60.08 ! 20.5 | 1 ** | ** | J_ $218.95 77.4 $52.93 68.9 $7.95 34.5 $32.25 46.0 $94.14 76.3 1 | | 1 ! | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | ! $51.60 I 48.7 | 1 $10.18 ! 4.4 | l $42.54 71.5 $21.49 51.9 $97.28 23.3 $392.16 99.8 | | 1i 1 | ! i i 1 | | 1 $71.86 J 21.2 | I | | ** ** 1 $305.74 83.0 1 | | $380.36 83.6 1 $81.32 76.8 $14.96 45.6 $50.55 55.9 $112.61 81.2 | | 1 | | 1 ( | ! | | 1 $50.51 77.6 J l $62.10 53.9 J $89.28 77.5 $15.67 50.6 $64.31 61.3 6.0 $29.95 60.2 $194.41 25.2 $462.04 99.4 $70.49 21.5 ** ** 1 ! ! 1 | 1_. $176.77 89.0 | ! ! | 1 | $25.68 64.3 $118.77 72.6 | $263.97 91.2 1 $55.04 79.5 $66.44 61.6 $38.78 12.3 1 ! | 1 l | I i ! 1 | ! 1 ! J $291.40 61.3 $62.65 55.6 $4.77 28.0 $59.62 41.2 $ 117.24 59.4 1 | | 1 ! | 1 | | ! | | i i 1 | | i i 1 | | 1 | ! 1 | | $740.31 91.2 ! ! 1 l | ! $25,000 and over $121.48 | 83. 1 | ! $16.35 1 1 I TAXES!/ 1 | Incomplete | income 1 reporting _L $70.97 80.9 | $193.01 75.4 | ! 1 $82.50 18.7 | 1 | | $72.61 | $38.97 48.6 $78.27 45. 5 $24.42 4.2 ! $50.82 68.3 $300.94 28.8 $512.08 100.0 $54.73 18.5 ** ** | | 1 i 1 ! | i i 1 | | ! o • I 1 | 1 _______ 1— BEFORE 00 T a b l e 13. Selected family ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 25 i 1 $453.62 25.8 $760.09 100.0 J $76.82 | ! j | 19.0 _JL_ $22.69 41.4 ** ** J | 1 i 1 ! | 1 | | 1 | | _1 $209.25 14.0 $372.23 95.5 $52.13 16.5 ** ** 233 T a b l e 13. Selected family ( All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 2 5 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E - 34 y e ars. U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Sur v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Reading materials Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Miscellaneous Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Personal insurance and pensions, total Average annual expenditure--Percent reporting ........... Life, endowment, annuities and income Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other personal insurance Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Retirement and pensions Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gifts and contributions Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting footnotes at end of table TAXESjy Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income 1 1 $7,000 1 $5,000 1 $6,000 | $4,000 1 $3,000 Total | Under to to 1 to 1 to 1 to | 1 1 1 $7,999 1 $5,999 1 $4,999 1 $6,999 1 $3,999 1 $3,000 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $48.49 $38.081 $43.42| $32.181 $26.68| $17.08) $55.91l 88.3 55.41 64.6| 72. 1 l 74.51 80.61 87.8 | i i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I $48.65 $23,371 $53,161 $61,271 $15,661 $11,711 $55.84l 24.9 19.41 17.81 9.61 17.21 20. 21 27.5 | 1 1 1 1 I $39,591 $6,901 $32.16 $35,791 $ 35.53| $4,321 7.8J 9.5 6.21 5.31 9.31 12.3| 2. 1 | 1 l 1 i 1 1 $25.48| $13.57| $16.47| $16.49 $20,311 $11,341 $8,831 13.21 17.8 17.81 7.51 11.91 13.61 11.91 i i i i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $35.17| $25,301 $47,661 $43,601 $69.01 $83.261 $41,821 66.41 53.31 71.4| 67.9 74.9| 4 0.6| 51.71 i i i i i i 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 $461.48 $206.46 1 $844-49| $355,951 $303,521 $210.98| $97,851 72.7l 84.61 89.9J 92.7| 97. 9 95.01 65.21 1 1 I 1 1 1 $85,401 $94,501 $46,891 $65,431 $89,411 $128.25 $239. 28 | 51.71 34.81 4 1.7 | 48.4J 53.21 69. 1 75.31 1 1 1 1 1 1 $1,541 $3,141 $2.24 $7.59| $.521 $3,351 $1,321 6.41 10.6| 3.6J 9. 11 7.3 3. 01 9.0J 1 1 1 1 1 1 $49,641 $205,871 $597,631 $119,511 $330.99 $145,021 $263,191 93.7 83.3J 88. 81 71.81 58.21 90.2| 55.9| i i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $147.27 $108,051 $114,861 $122,341 $51,251 $258.24| $80,861 79.6 57.81 66.6J 58.7| 70.31 79.31 87.3| 1_ ___ 1__ _1_ ___ L_ JL_ 1_ 00 CO CN Education, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Private Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Public Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See I | | I 1 1 1 I $55.62| 87.5| 1 1 $57.06| 27.5| 1 $36.83| 12.5| 1 $20.22| 17.7J i 1 1 $82.21| 74.4| i 1 1 $826.19| 94. 11 1 $238,621 74.8J 1 $7.33| 10.3| 1 $580.24| 87.8| i 1 1 $255,961 86.61 _1_ All families BEFORE 23a T a b l e 13. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s # a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 25 - 3 4 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 Item Reading m a t e r i a l s Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . 1 Percent reporting ................... . . . » 1 Education, t o t a l 1 Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . 1 Percent reporting ................... . . . ! Private 1 A v e r a ge a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . 1 .................. Percent reporting Public 1 Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . 1 Percent reporting .................. . . . 1 1i M iscellaneous J Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . 1 .................. - . . 1 Percent reporting il P e r s o n a l i n s u r a n c e and p e n s i o n s , t o t a l | Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . ! .................. . . . 1 Percent reporting L i f e , e ndowme nt , a n n u i t i e s and i n c o m e | Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . ! Percent reporting ................... . . . 1 Other p e r s o n a l i n s u r a n c e 1 Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . 1 Percent reporting .................. . . . I R e t i r e m e n t and p e n s i o n s 1 Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . 1 Percent reporting .................. . . . 1 1 G i f t s and c o n t r i b u t i o n s 1 Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . 1 .................. . . . i Percent reporting 1 See footnotes at end of table Family income b e f o r e t a x e s C o m p l e t e r e p o r t i n g o f i n c o me $8,000 | $12,000 | $10,000 | $15,000 | to ! to | to | to ! I $14,999 $9,999 1 $11,999 I $19,999 l i 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I $73.17 J $43.30 1 $60.40 | $52.10 J 87.5 | 95.8 | 91.2 | 95.7 | 1 1 1i I 1 ! I 1 $53.28 J $55.36 1 $44.66 ! $82.82 J 28.2 ! 32.6 | 32.5 ! 21.9 i I I I 1 $23.18 | $61.40 | $28.80 | $32.75 ! 8.4 ! 14.7 J 8. 1 ! 18. 1 | I I I I $24.48 J $21.47 ! $21.41 J $22.61 ! 21.4 ! 21.5 ! 18. 1 | 15.1 | 1i 1 1■ 1 ! I 1 1 $76.01 ! $83.46 | $99.56 | $105.50 | 77.3 | 84.6 ! 77. 1 ! 84.0 ! Ii 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 $804.84 ! $1,0 0 8 .4 5 | $1,250.67 ! $643.02 | 98.4 J 98.8 | 99.4 ! 99.9 | 1 ! I I $190.74 J $228.25 ! $286.55 ! $334.17 | 75.5 ! 79.2 | 88.6 | 89.7 ! I 1 I I $6.40 | $7.61 | $8.65 | $11.81 J 11.8 | 10.4 ! 8.0 ! 15.3 ! i I I I $568.98 | $713.25 ! $445.88 | $904.69 | 93.4 ! 96.5 | 97.1 J 96.8 ! 1i 1i Ii 1 1 1 1 1 $233.01 | $229.66 | $293.86 | $306.36 | 89.4 ! 91.3 | 95.9 | 95.7 | ______ L_ __ L_ 1 1 BEFORE TAXESJ/ 1 Incomplete i $25,000 | i nc o m e | and ! reporting ! over ! 1 1 1 J ! ! $117.50 J $47.53 $85.83 ! 97.1 | 96.9 ! 79.2 1| 1| 1 1 $78.69 | $93.94 | $90.33 40.1 J 43. 1 | 29. 9 1 1 $52.44 ! $80.29 ! $72.45 19.6 J 30.9 | 16.6 I 1 $26.25 l $13.65 | $17.88 26.9 ! 17.4 ! 14.2 1 I 1 ! $88.54 | $196.76 | $53.71 79.0 | 81.3 ! 59.8 1| I I 1 $1,569.08 J $1,874.85 J $ 3 2 6 . 18 99. 1 J 100.0 J 68.8 I I $394.34 ! $633.88 1 $220.70 89.6 | 90.0 ! 59.0 I 1 $13.02 | $17.06 | $.30 14.6 J 15.4 | 3. 1 I ] $1,161.72 | $1,223.91 | $105.17 96.4 ! 86.3 J 23.5 | 1 1 1 1 $445.34 ! $872.64 | $193.82 97.7 1 98.7 ! 67.7 ____L_ _1 $20,000 to $24,999 235 T a b l e 13. Selected family (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 25 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E - 34 y e a r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Money i n c o m e b e f o r e t a x e s , t o t a l Annual a v e r a g e .................................. ..................... Percent reporting Wages and s a l a r i e s , t o t a l Annual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent reporting ..................... Wages and s a l a r i e s , c i v i l i a n Annual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent reporting ..................... Uni on d u e s Annual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent reporting ..................... Other o c c u p a t i o n a l e x p e n s e s Annual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent rep o rtin g ..................... Rent r e c e i v e d a s pay Annual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent rep ortin g ..................... Me a l s r e c e i v e d a s pay Annual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent rep o rtin g ..................... Wages and s a l a r i e s , armed f o r c e s Annual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent reporting ..................... Q u a r t e r s and s u b s i s t e n c e Annual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent rep o rtin g ..................... Self-em ploym ent income, t o t a l A nnual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent reporting ..................... N e t i n c o me from own b u s i n e s s Annual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent reporting ..................... N e t i n c o m e from own f a r m Annual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent reporting ......... I All I | fam ilies I 1_ I I I I I i i 1 98.9| 1 1 93.4| 1 i i 1 1 -$ 3 2 .9 31 i i ..| ..| ..| ..| 1.0| 1 -. | footnotes at end of table 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 11 . 4J 1 1 1 ..| ..| 1 See $22.12| 2.7| 1. Total I j I BEFORE TAXESJ/ F a m i l y i nc o me b e f o r e t a x e s Complete r e p o r t i n g o f income Under $3,000 | $4,000 | $5,000 $7,000 i 1 $6,000 i to | to | to to to I 1 1 $3,000 _1_ $ 3 ,9 99 1 $4,999 1 $ 5 , 9 9 9 __L_ $ 6 , 9 9 9 _ 1 _ $ 7 , 9 9 9 i I 1 I 1 1 $ 1 2 , 1 3 5 . 4 8 | $ 1 , 7 1 7 , 2 1 1 $ 3 , 5 5 2 . 8 9 | $4, 4 8 2 . 7 2 1 $ 5 , 5 0 1 . 3 5 | $ 6 , 4 3 5 . 8 5 | $7,490.61 99 - 9 | 98.4| 100.0| 100.0J 100.0| 100. 01 100.0 J 1 1 1 1 J $ 9 0 5 . 2 6 | $ 1 , 7 3 7 . 3 4 | $2 , 9 2 5 . 0 7 | $ 4 , 0 8 0 . 5 1 | $ 5 , 1 0 7 . 7 9 1 $6,309.24 $10,505,451 85.5| 95.1| 71.01 92. 31 74. 4 | 98.2 9 3 . 0J 1 1 1 1 1 1 $10,383.53| $ 9 0 5 . 4 2 | $ 1 , 6 9 5 . 3 2 | $2 , 8 3 6 . 8 9 | $ 4 , 0 2 0 , 4 2 1 $ 5 , 0 6 3 , 5 8 1 $6,246.98 72. 4 | 6 9 . 21 82.71 9 0. 41 91.5| 96.5 93-6 f 1 1 1 1 I 1 —$ 2 . 2 2 | -$14,241 -$9.71 -$ 2 . 1 1 1 -$1,751 -$4.54| - $ 2 1 . 321 5. 5 | 6.6J 9.71 20.7J 7. 31 13.0 6. 6 | 1 1 1 1 1 I -$ 2 1 .00 | -$15,651 -$33.23| -$ 1 0 . 3 3 1 -$ 15,471 -$18.23 - $ 15.59| 12.6| 25.7| 13.6| 12.4| 21.81 12. 81 17.5 1 I 1 1 1 1 $11.30| $. 5 1 J $10.77| $.07| $12,331 $ 1 6 . 12 S.84 | 1.8 | . 91 . 3| 1. 1 | 2.6 •31 1. 11 I I 1 1 1 1 $22.30| $10.94| $20,651 $18.92| $20.25| $22.12| . $26.63 10.0| 6. 1 | 8.61 10.51 14.4| 6. 01 13. 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 ** | $63.17| $39,241 $115.68| $9.03| $56,961 $37.93 ** | 1.5 | 1.5 | 1.3 | - 71 .7 . 5| 1 I 1 l 1 1 $27,471 $ 2 . 14J $18,571 $ 2.5 11 $27.73| $.221 $9.52 1.8| .5! .8| -71 .7 - 31 • 9| 1 I 1 1 1 1 $103.09| $2.8 3 | $285,751 $299.68| $286.20 $666.58| $41.92| 11.7 j 9.81 8. 5! 6.21 10. 11 11. 9J 8.2 I I 1 1 1 1 $66.35| $255,491 -$3.65l $70.11 | $177,811 $156.50 $505.25| 8.7 | 7.21 8.61 6.5 3.9 l 7.0! 9 .21 1 1 1 I I I $36,751 $107,941 - $ 2 8 . 18| $44.19| $129.70 $6.48| $161.34| 1.7 2 .6 1 3 . 31 2.7 | 1.5 | 1.3 j 2. 4 | ____ L_ 1. -1. __ L _L _L 236 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E - 34 ye a r s , U n i t e d Sta t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I . 1 . 1 1 1 Item Money i n c o m e b e f o r e t a x e s , t o t a l Annual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent reporting ..................... Wages and s a l a r i e s , t o t a l Annual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent reporting ..................... Wages and s a l a r i e s , c i v i l i a n Annual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent reporting ..................... Uni o n d u e s Ann u a l a v e r a g e .................................. Percent reporting ..................... Other o c c u p a t i o n a l e x p e n s e s Annual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent reporting ..................... R e n t r e c e i v e d a s pay A nnual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent reporting ..................... M e a l s r e c e i v e d a s pay Annual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent rep ortin g ..................... Wages and s a l a r i e s , armed f o r c e s Annual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent reporting ..................... Q u a r t e r s and s u b s i s t e n c e Annual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent reportin g ..................... S elf-em ploym ent income, t o t a l Annual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent reporting ..................... Net i n c o m e from own b u s i n e s s Annual a v e r a g e .................................. Percent reporting ..................... N e t i n c o m e from own f a r m A nnual a v e r a g e .................................. ..................... Percent reporting footnotes at end of table 1 1 _ 1 1 ..| ..| $8,971.32 100.0 1 1 ..| 95.4 1 1 .. | I ..| 29.1 2.3 I ..| $28.77 I I ..| ..| $46.65 2.4 I ..| 13.0 i I I See $8,000 to $9,999 ________ _» © o o o T a b l e 13, Selected family ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 25 to $11,999 F a m i l y i nc o m e b e f o r e t a x e s C o m p l e t e r e p o r t i n g o f i nc o me | $12,000 | $15,000 | | to I to | 1 $14,999 I $19,999 1 I | $10,912.17 | 100.0 I | $9,696.03 I 98.2 1 | $9,593.61 | 97.4 I | -$23.75 I 25. 1 I | -$24.53 | 25.4 1 | $4.19 | 1.0 1 | $15.42 | 10.4 I | $103.47 | 1.6 I | $27.60 I 1.4 I | $495.17 | 10.9 I | $361.24 | 8.4 I | $133.93 | 2.9 J __ $20,000 to $24,999 1 1 __L $25,000 and over BEFORE TAXESJ/ 1 | Incomplete | i n c o me | reporting J ____ I I I I 1 $1,625.59 I $13,412.72 I $17,088.38 i $21,910.82 1 $34,316.88 | 1 0 0 . 0 100. 0 70.7 100.0 1 100.0 | I I I I I I 1 1 $938.98 I $12,096.87 I $15,630.40 1 $19,829.87 1 $25,417.90 | 99. 1 I 98. 9 1 99.5 1 93.9 | 48. 0 I I 1 I 1 I $725.49 I $11,943.01 I $15,426.67 1 $19,776.84 1 $25,363.43 | 97.9 I 97.5 1 99.4 1 91.6 | 23.2 I I I 1 1 ) - $ 2 8 . 15 I -$31.40 1 -$30.84 1 -$24.98 | -$5.32 I 28.8 I 27.4 1 25.4 1 19.2 | 6. 1 I I I 1 1 1 - $ 2 4 . 10 I -$46.58 1 -$36.21 1 -$24.89 -$74.73 | I 28.7 I 32. 1 1 31.6 1 34.7 | 23.6 I I I 1 1 1 ** | $10.70 I $10.43 1 $.05 1 I ** | ** .9 I .7 1 (2) I 1 I I 1 1 1 $20.89 I $23.19 1 $24.31 1 $43.43 1 $17.19 I 11.1 I 8.8 1 8. 1 1 9.6 | 6. 1 I I I 1 1 1 $136.04 I $91.35 1 $205.74 I $92.43 | $181.02 I 2.0 I 1.9 1 .4 J .6 | 2.0 I I I 1 1 1 $38.49 I $42.35 1 $ 4 . 38 1 $18.32 | $45.49 I 3.3 I 2.8 1 .5 1 1.0 | 2.0 I I I 1 1 I $482.04 I $552.00 1 $807.25 1 $ 7 ,2 0 8 .9 5 | $178.06 I 13.0 I 9.9 1 13.2 1 30.3 j I 3.3 I I 1 1 I $348.09 I $384.36 1 $722.00 1 $ 5 ,8 0 9 .8 0 | $48.24 I 10.6 I 7.5 1 12.0 1 25. 1 | 1.6 I I I 1 1 1 $167.64 1 $133.96 I $85.25 1 $ 1 ,3 9 9 .1 5 | $129.82 I 2.5 1 2.3 1 2.5 1 5.9 J 1.7 I .1. .1. -L _1. ____L_ 2 37 T a b l e 13. Selected family (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 25 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E - 34 years. U n i t e d States, Con s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Survey, 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I Item J All fam ilies | J I I Social se c u r ity , railroad retirement | Annual a v e r a g e ....................................... | Percent reporting .......................... | Go vernment r e t i r e m e n t , v e t e r a n s ' | p a y m e n t s , and u n e mp l o y me n t | compensation j Annual a v e r a g e ....................................... | .......................... | Percent reporting E states, tr u s ts , dividends, in t e r e s t , | r e n t a l in co m e, r o y a l t i e s , income | f rom r o o me r s and b o a r d e r s | Annual a v e r a g e ....................................... | .......................... | Percent reporting R e n t a l i n c o m e , r o y a l t i e s , i nc o me | f r om r o o m e r s and b o a r d e r s | Annual a v e r a g e ....................................... j Percent reporting .......................... | Income from i n t e r e s t , d i v i d e n d s , | e s t a t e s and t r u s t s | Annual a v e r a g e ....................................... | .......................... I Percent reporting Income from a l l o t h e r s o u r c e s , t o t a l | Annual a v e r a g e ....................................... | Percent rep ortin g .......................... | W e l f a r e and p u b l i c a s s i s t a n c e | Annual a v e r a g e ....................................... | Percent reporting .......................... | P rivate pensions | Annual a v e r a g e ....................................... | Percent rep o rtin g .......................... | Regular c o n t r i b u t i o n s f o r support | Annual a v e r a g e ....................................... | Percent rep o rtin g .......................... | O t h e r , i n c l . workmens' c o m p e n s a t i o n | Annual a v e r a g e ....................................... | Percent rep o rtin g .......................... | See fo o t n o t e s at end o f ta b le . I I $63.05| 2. 3 1 I I I $159.84| 12.9| 1 1 Total 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 $21.98| 1 . 41 1 1 1 $81.13| 9.4 l 1 1 1 1 $129,091 65.11 1 1 $ 4 0 . 70 | 4.8 | J I $95.80| 6.21 1 $364.96| 78.4| ______________ 1__ $3,000 | 1 1 1 $ 6 4 . 63| 2.4 | 1 1 1 $160.78| 13.0| $127.84| 64.0| 1 1 $39.68j 4.7| 1 1 $88. 16| 62.7| 1 $596,651 80.7| 1 $131.62| 6.4 | $4.28| -4| Under 1 1 $88.39| 63.81 1 $608.95| 82. 1 1 1 $135.34l 6.6 | I $4,441 • 4| 1 $ 9 6 . 74| 6.2 | 1 $372,431 79.7| ___1_ I I I Family income b e f o r e t a x e s C o mp l e t e r e p o r t i n g o f i n co m e $3,000 | 1 $6,000 $4,000 1 $5,000 1 to | to | to 1 to | $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 1 $6,999 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 $69.03| $85.68| $46.80| $135,221 3.11 2.91 3. 21 3.91 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J $208.29| $199.02| $248,681 $169,821 10.81 14. 11 16.71 16. 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $35.75| $38,261 $13,881 $69,921 25.71 39.41 41.21 52.21 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 $1,581 $15,961 $3,001 $47,321 1.8| 2. 0 | • 5| 5.81 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $34.17| $22,291 $10,881 $22.60| 24.41 38.21 41.21 48.8| 1 1 1 1 $1,460,561 $1,120,821 $836.51| $653,421 85. 1 J 73.4| 70.41 81.31 $ 2 9 . 12J 31.5| 1 1 $7,371 1.2 | 1 1 $21.75| 3 0 . 81 1 $676.89| 66.2J 1 I $411,401 $ 1 , 0 8 6 ,9 1 1 30.5| 44.2| 1 1 ** j $3,981 * * j .51 1 1 $92.74| $131,631 12.6J 13. 21 1 1 $168,761 $242.02| 55.71 76.61 _± BEFORE I $595,291 21.31 1 ** ** | j 1 $307,681 14.2| 1 $217.86| 67. 1 J _ J ___ 1 $386.49| 12.9| 1 ** ** | | 1 $240.31| 11. 01 1 $209,711 6 5. 3 1 _1 TAXES!/ $7,000 to $7,999 $57.06 2.3 $ 1 7 9 . 13 13. 1 $141.44 50.0 $7.88 3.0 $133.55 48.2 $517.55 83.4 l $188,061 8. 41 1 * * ** $112.06 5. 1 | j $5.08 .6 1 $195.29| 1 3. 01 $173.88 11.0 1 $270.07| 77.51 ________ 1__ $226.53 83.2 238 T a b l e 13. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 25 - 34 y e ars. U n i t e d S t ates, C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item J Social se c u r ity , railroad retirement | Annual a v e r a g e ....................................... | .......................... | Percent reporting Government r e t i r e m e n t , v e t e r a n s ' | p a y m e n t s , and u n e mp l oy me n t | compensation | Annual a v e r a g e ....................................... | Percent reporting .......................... I E states, tr u s ts , dividends, in t e r e s t , | r e n t a l i n c o m e , r o y a l t i e s , i n c o me | f r om r o o me r s and b o a r d e r s | Annual a v e r a g e ....................................... | Percent reporting .......................... | R e n t a l i n c o m e , r o y a l t i e s , i nc o me | f r o m r o o m e r s and b o a r d e r s | Annual a v e r a g e ....................................... J .......................... | Percent reporting Inc ome from i n t e r e s t , d i v i d e n d s , | e s t a t e s and t r u s t s | Annual a v e r a g e ....................................... | .......................... I Percent reporting Income f r om a l l o t h e r s o u r c e s , t o t a l | Annual a v e r a g e ....................................... | Percent reporting .......................... | W e l f a r e and p u b l i c a s s i s t a n c e | A nnual a v e r a g e ....................................... | Percent reporting .......................... I Private pensions I Annual a v e r a g e ....................................... | .......................... | Percent reporting Regular c o n t r i b u t i o n s f o r support | Annual a v e r a g e ....................................... I Percent reporting .......................... I O t h e r , i n c l . workmens' c o m p e n s a t i o n | Annual a v e r a g e ........................................I Percent reporting .......................... | See footnotes at end of table F a m i l y i nc o m e b e f o r e t a x e s C o m p l e t e r e p o r t i n g o f i nc o me $15,000 $8,000 | $12,000 | $10,000 | I to to | to | to | I I $14,999 I $19,999 $9,999 1 $11,999 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I $75.95 | $39.78 | $70.77 | $62.95 I 2. 1 | 2.9 | 1.8 I 1.9 | I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 i 1 I 1 $183.42 | $119.04 I $202.92 | $134.41 | 12.5 | 17.3 | 13.9 | 10.9 i I I I I l I I I I I I I $93.14 | $72.50 | $96.32 | $163.15 I 66.4 | 75.6 | 80.8 I 60.5 | I I I I I I I I $46.93 I $27.34 | $35.02 J $27.23 | 4.4 | 5.8 I 4.7 | 4.3 | I I I I I I I 1 $65.80 | $45.27 | $61.30 | $116.22 1 65.3 | 75.0 | 79.5 1 57.9 i I 1 I I $483.29 | $560.83 1 $385.13 | $479.17 | 85.7 i 82.6 | 82. 1 | 87.3 | 1 i I I $28.77 | $19.85 | $7.95 1 $58.33 | 1.3 | .8 1 3.3 | 2. 1 I I 1 I I $5.41 | $9.05 | $5.18 | $1.99 1 •4 | .8 | .3 1 -2 | I 1 1 I $56.81 l $52.40 1 $111.70 | $46.95 | 3. 4 1 5.7 | 4.0 | 3. 1 I I I 1 I $401.46 | $498.50 1 $303.73 | $300.36 | 85.8 | 85.5 i 80.8 | 80.6 | 1_ 1 .1 ____ L_ BEFORE TAXESjy I 1 Incomplete $25,000 | $20,000 | i nc o m e and | reporting to | over 1 $24,999 1 1 I 1 1 $73.36 | $19.86 $59.90 | 2.3 \ 2.6 | 1.2 1 1 I 1 1 1 $ 1 3 4 . 14 $147.23 | $136.30 | 10.3 6.2 | 11.1 | 1 I 1 I 1 I $682.21 | $93.88 $306.85 | 34.4 92.9 | 86.5 | I I I I $11.84 $266.02 | $78.14 | 12.4 | 1.7 9.5 | I I l I $228.71 | $416.20 | $82.04 92.3 | 32.7 86.1 1 J I $787.22 | $260.67 $770.65 | 74.6 | 44. 1 85. 1 J I I $16.33 | $29.77 $25.12 | 2.0 1.0 | 1.1 | I I ** $9.90 | $5.96 | ** . 7 | -5 | i 1 $44.68 | $70.15 $66.53 | 4.2 | 2.1 | 5.3 1 I $716.31 | $673.03 | $160.75 73.3 | 42.2 84.5 | ________ L_ ______ L_ 239 T a b l e 13. Selected family (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 25 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s / a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s / a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E - 34 y e ars. U n i t e d Sta t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Survey, 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d See footnotes at end of table TAXESiy F a m i l y i n c o me b e f o r e t a x e s Complete r e p o r t i n g o f income $4,000 | $5,000 | $3,000 i $6,000 1 $7,000 to | to | to 1 to to | $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $7,999 1 $6,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -$216,441 -$365,921 -$532,981 -$659,521 -$896.90 7 5 . 1 1 57.2| 89.61 92.4| 97.8 1 1 1 1 -$182,881 -$308.941 -$446,641 -$549.74| -$750.61 82.7J 51.9| 70.9| 88.7| 97.5 1 1 I 1 -$2 2 . 8 3 | - $ 5 6 . 561 -$47.18| - $ 8 1.4 0 | -$115.54 36.61 55.21 6 1. 7 1 64.71 76.9 1 1 1 1 -$9.80| -$10.731 -$29,781 -$28,381 -$30.75 7.71 14.61 18. 1 1 25. 11 21.6 1 1 I 1 $223,211 $147,661 $226,821 $131,311 $98.91 19.9| 22.3| 19.01 20.4| 16.2 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 J $129.14| - $ 6 2 7 . 8 5 | -$230,071 -$330.04| $49.85 79. 1 l 7 5. 6J 83.91 87.31 93.3 I 1 1 1 $ 8 1 1-29| -$607.32| $690.90| $579.02 $91,331 58.0| 57.5| 68. 11 77. 1 68. 01 1 1 1 1 $20,531 $920,971 $682.15| $421,361 $ 5 2 9 . 17 60.6 1 62.2| 7 3. 3 1 78.5 72.0| 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 $193.35| $172,471 $181.70| $141.65 7 0. 4 1 73. 1| 69.9| 69.41 71.8 I 1 1 1 $387.04| $932.46| $474,221 $822.99| $1,706.95 60.31 59.3J 71.0J 77.1 40.21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -$81.90| -$195.85| -$108,581 -$58,461 -$115.95 9.91 11.4| 21.31 14. 11 24.9 1_ _1_ 1_ _1_ ["* • IT) r^- I 1. A ll | I 1. Item | Total | Under | I fam ilies 1 I I 1 1 1 1 $3, 0 0 0 ____ 1 1 i 1 1 Personal ta x e s , t o t a l 1 1 I 1 Annual a v e r a g e ..................... ................ 1 - $ 1 , 7 9 5 . 7 6 | - $ 1 , 8 4 9 . 0 2 | -$120,791 Percent reporting . . . . .................. 1 93.81 92.0| 58. 1 l F e d e r a l income t a x e s 1 1 I I -$96.54l Annual a v e r a g e ..................... ................ 1 - $ 1 , 5 0 2 . 8 1 | - $ 1 , 5 4 7 . 8 1 | Percent reporting . . . .................. 1 89.7| 91.8| 52-9 | S t a t e and l o c a l i n c o m e t a x e s 1 1 1 I Annual a v e r a g e ..................... -$261.40| -$11,821 -$253.58| 32.61 Percent reporting . . . .................. 1 71.3| 73.0] P e r s o n a l p r o p e r t y and o t h e r 1 1 1 1 Annual a v e r a g e ..................... .................. 1 -$39.3 7 | -$12,431 -$39.81| 23.5| Percent reporting . . . . .................. I 23.8 | 10.61 O t h e r money r e c e i p t s 1 1 I 1 Annual a v e r a g e ..................... .................. 1 $ 1 8 9 . 75 i $144.25| $189.53| Percent reporting . . . . .................. 1 18.6| 14.61 19.01 Ne t c h a n g e i n a s s e t s and l i a b i l i t i e s , | I 1 1 total 1 1 1 1 Average o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s . | $938,201 $885.22| $813.21| Percent reporting . . . . .................. I 92.7| 93.3| 74.81 Net c h a n g e i n a s s e t s 1 1 1 1 A v er a ge o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s . | $2,602.941 $ 1 ,5 2 0 .7 9 | $2,657,001 80.7| 81.41 Percent reporting . . . « ................ 1 58.01 Net c h a n g e i n l i a b i l i t i e s 1 1 1 1 Average o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s . | $1,718,801 $1,717.72| $707.58| 82.6| Percent reporting . . . . .................. 1 83.3 | 51.9J Goods and s e r v i c e s r e c e i v e d w i t h o u t j 1 1 I d ir e c t expense 1 1 I 1 Annual a v e r a g e ..................... .................. 1 $153.53| $154.89| $ 1 2 1 . 14| 73.4 | 66.2| Percent reporting . . . . ..................1 72.9| Market v a l u e o f f i n a n c i a l a s s e t s 1 1 I 1 $2,637.33| $818.50| A v e r a ge o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s . | $2,615.02| 82.5 l 48.5| Percent reporting . . . . ................ 1 61.2| Mo r t g a g e p r i n c i p a l p a i d on owned 1 1 I 1 property 1 1 I 1 Annual a v e r a g e ..................... ................ 1 -$270.90| -$274.62| —$ 4 6 . 3 6 | Percent reporting . . . . .................. i 43.0| 10. 1 1 43.5 | 1 1_ _____ L BEFORE 240 T a b l e 13. Selected family (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 25 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E - 34 years. U n i t e d S t ates, C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Sur v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d L L I l Item ________ I $8,000 to $9,999 1 | 1 $10,000 to $11,999 Fa mi l y i n c o m e b e f o r e t a x e s C o m p l e t e r e p o r t i n q o f i nc o me | $12,000 | $15,000 | to | | to | 1 $14,999 1 $19,999 1 I Personal ta x e s , t o t a l I Annual a v e r a g e ..................... ................I - $ 1 , 2 1 4 . 5 5 | - $ 1 , 5 7 3 . 3 4 98.0 | Percent reporting . . . . ................I 100.0 F e d e r a l income t a x e s I Annual a v e r a g e ..................... ................I - $ 1 , 0 2 2 . 5 1 | - $ 1 , 3 2 4 . 0 4 97.0 | Percent reporting . . . . ................ I 98.4 S t a t e and l o c a l i n c o m e t a x e s I -$153.90 | A nnual a v e r a g e ..................... -$209.23 79.2 75.8 i Percent reporting . . . . ................I P e r s o n a l p r o p e r t y and o t h e r I -$38.14 | -$40.07 Annual a v e r a g e ..................... ................ I 25.6 | 23.4 Percent reporting . . . . .................. I O t h e r money r e c e i p t s I $279.56 $247.40 | A nnual a v e r a g e ..................... ................ 1 16.6 | 18.8 Percent reporting . . . . - ................ 1 N e t c h a n g e i n a s s e t s and l i a b i l i t i e s , | total 1 $119.18 | $867.50 Average o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s . | 95.5 | 95.6 Percent reporting . . . . ..................1 Net c h a n g e i n a s s e t s 1 $1,408.26 | $2,277.07 Average o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s . | 80.0 | 84.5 Percent reporting . . . . .................. 1 Net c h a n g e i n l i a b i l i t i e s 1 $1,409.57 $1,289.08 | Average o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s . | 87.6 83.8 | Percent reporting . . . . .................. 1 Goods and s e r v i c e s r e c e i v e d w i t h o u t | d ir e c t expense 1 $129.80 | $141.06 Annual a v e r a g e ..................... ...................1 71.4 | 73.6 Percent reporting . . . . .................. 1 Market v a l u e o f f i n a n c i a l a s s e t s 1 $2,680.05 $1,130.50 | Average o f e n d - o f - y e a r v a l u e s . | 83.9 | 87. 1 Percent reporting . . . . ..................1 Mor t gage p r i n c i p a l p a i d on owned 1 property 1 -$180.41 | -$279.81 A nnual a v e r a g e ..................... .................. 1 32.3 | 44.4 Percent reporting . . . . .................. 1 1 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ ** $20,000 to $24,999 | | 1 BEFORE $25,000 and over TAXESjy Incomplete i nc o m e | | reporting 1 | -$2,054.45 99.4 | | -$2,847.67 | -$3,850.20 | 100.0 | 99.5 | -$5,920.47 | 99.3 | | -$340.79 43.2 | -$1,722.18 | 99.2 | -$2,405.68 98.8 | | -$3,207.47 | 98.5 J -$4,819.64 96.0 | | | -$273.47 31.4 | | -$292.57 81.5 | | -$398.89 80.4 | | | | -$949.43 74.5 | | - $ 4 0. 15 23.9 | | -$39.71 28.1 | | -$43.09 25.4 | | -$51.46 | 28. 1 | -$151.41 37.7 | | - $ 2 7 . 17 15.2 J | $76.42 17.8 | j $213.37 21.1 | | $240.55 21.6 | | $230.37 23.4 | | $183.43 8.7 | | $224.66 98.7 | { $1,423.84 97.6 | | $3,394.10 99.0 | | $6,279.24 99.6 | | $2,385.58 75.2 | | $1,936.36 | 89. 1 | $3,920.38 90.4 | | $7,876.75 | $10,569.26 94. 1 J 95.0 | | $4,133.89 61.7 | | $1,711.70 94.4 | | $2,496.54 90.2 | | $4,482.65 91.2 | | $4,290.03 90.8 | | $ 1,748.31 62.0 | | $152.65 74.8 | | $163.72 76.2 | | $139.44 77.6 | | $244.78 78.6 | | $116.22 58.2 | | $2,230.04 93.7 | | $3,345.15 93.8 | | $7,399.09 95.5 | $11,003.77 J 94.3 | | $2,005.57 46.9 | | -$324.21 59.3 | | -$424.68 63.7 | | -$488.48 65.6 | | | | -$169.28 30.5 -$591.27 86.6 -$556.36 72.4 Dat a i n c o l u m n s wh i c h r e p r e s e n t l e s s t h a n 2 1 8 , 0 0 0 c o n s u m e r u n i t s o r i n c e l l s w h i c h r e p r e s e n t l e s s t h a n 1 8 , 5 0 0 consumer u n i t s a r e l i k e l y t o have l a r g e sam p lin g e r r o r s . Value l e s s than 0 .0 5 p ercen t P e r c e n t s may n o t sum t o 100 due t o r o u n d i n g . D at a r e p r e s e n t o n l y t h o s e e x p e n d i t u r e s c o l l e c t e d i n t h e i n t e r v i e w s u r v e y , n o t t h e t o t a l o f a l l f a m i l y e x p e n d i t u r e s . Data n o t a v a i l a b l e . 24 1 T a b l e 14. Selected family (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 3 5 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y - 44 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) Item Number o f Selected fam ilies in u n iv e r s e (000s). fam ily c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s Average F a m i l y s i z e ......................................................... F a mi l y i nc o me b e f o r e t a x e s .................. F a mi l y i n c o m e a f t e r t a x e s ..................... Age o f h e a d ......................................................... Number o f c h i l d r e n un d e r 1 8 ................ Number o f p e r s o n s 65 and o v e r ........... Number o f a u t o m o b i l e s o w n e d ................ Percent3/ Housing t e n u r e Homeowner......................................................... R e n t e r ................................................................. Not r e p o r t e d ................................................. Race o f h e a d W h i t e ................................................................... B l a c k ................................................................... O t h e r ................................................................... E d u c a t i o n o f head 1 t o 9 y e a r s ................................................. 9 y e a r s , n o t more t h a n 12 y e a r s . More t h a n 12 y e a r s .................................. Not r e p o r t e d or no s c h o o l ................ 1 I All | I | I fam ilies 1 I 1 I 1 I 12,024| 1 i 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 il i 4- 31 I $ 14,2971 ..1 1 $ 1 2 , 1 1 U| 1 39 | -- 1 I 1| 2 . 31 ..1 I (2) I .. 1 1 li 1.6 | .. 1 11 11 1 1 1i 1i 1 1 681 .. 1 27 | 51 Ii 1i 1 1 87 | 121 2| .. 1 | 1 l I I 14J 49 | 341 •• 1 3| -. 1 li 1i Automobile ownership 1 At l e a s t on e a u t o m o b i l e o w n e d . . . . . 1 1 See footnotes at end of table 1 891 1 Total | 1 L 1 11,3441 1 1 1 1 1 i 4.31 $15,0511 $12,7571 1 39 | 1i 2.31 (2) 1 i 1. 61 1■ 1 1i 1 681 27 | 5| 1i 1 87J 12 | 2| 1 1 141 50J 331 3| Ii 1 89 | Under 1 1 $3,000 1 1 4161 1 1 1 1 1 i 2. 6 | i1 -$14 9 | 1 -$2971 1I 40 | 1I 1 . 51 (2) 1 1i - 71 11 1 1i 1 251 70 | 51 1i 1 631 34 1 31 1 1 271 45 | 141 15 | 1i 1 501 1 INCOME BEFORE F a m i l y i nc o m e b e f o r e t a x e s C o m p l e t e r e p o r t i n g o f i n co m e J $5,000 1 $6,000 1 $3,000 1 $4,000 to | to | to 1 to | $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 1 $6,999 i 1 1 1 300| 318| 274| 3821 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1i 1i 1■ 11 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 4.0 | 4.01 3.51 3 . 41 1 I 1 I $3,5121 $4,5591 $5,4711 $6,5081 1 1 l 1I $4,3371 $5,1141 $6,0081 $3,321| 1 i 1 i 39J 401 391 U0| 1 l 11 11 2. 51 2.1 | 2. 0 1 2.4 | I 1 1 1 (2) | (2) 1 (2) 1 .11 i1 1 1i 1i .81 . 81 .8| -91 1i 1i 1i 1i 1 1 1 1 1i 1 1i 1i 1 1 1 1 371 371 231 301 581 581 751 68 | 5J 51 21 21 li li 1i 1i 1 1 1 1 691 621 701 73 | 301 30 | 25J 35 | ** j 3| 21 11 1 1 l 1 1 i 1 1 361 30 | 351 36 | 491 52 | 45 | 46 | 101 71 11 1 11 I 11 J 8l 91 51 Ii 1 1i 1i 1 1 1 1 56 | 60| 53 | 67 | _L_ _1 _L _1 TAXES!/ $7,000 to $7,999 487 3.9 $7,506 $6,706 39 2.3 (2) 1. 1 38 56 5 81 18 1 27 57 13 3 82 242 T a b l e 14. Selected family (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 35 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y - 44 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) I. I. | I I I Item Number o f Selected fam ilies in u n iv erse (000s)...| fam ily c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s Average F a m i l y s i z e .............................................................. | $8,000 to $9,999 1,041 I I | 1i | ii 4.0 1i $9,046 F a mi l y i n c o m e b e f o r e t a x e s ........................| 1 F a mi l y i n c o me a f t e r $8,060 t a x e s .......................... | 1 39 Age o f h e a d ...............................................................I Number o f c h i l d r e n u n d e r 1 8 ..................... i ! 2.2 I Number o f p e r s o n s 65 and o v e r ................ | 1.3 Number o f a u t o m o b i l e s o w n e d ..................... | 1 1 ii J Percent^/ Housing te n u r e Homeowner.............................................................. I R e n t e r ...................................................................... 1 Not r e p o r t e d .......................................................I i1 Race o f h e a d 1 W h i t e .........................................................................I B l a c k ......................................................................... I O t h e r .........................................................................1 1i E d u c a t i o n o f he a d 1 1 t o 9 y e a r s .......................................................I 9 y e a r s , n o t more t h a n 12 y e a r s . . . | More t h a n 12 y e a r s ....................................... | Not r e p o r t e d or no s c h o o l ..................... | 1I Automobile ownership 1 At l e a s t on e a u t o m o b i l e o w n e d ...........| I See footnotes (2) at end of table. 58 37 5 84 15 1 18 61 18 3 85 $20,000 to $24,999 1,360 4.6 $22,111 $18,469 40 2.4 (2) 2.0 85 10 5 94 6 1 4 43 51 1 98 BEFORE I $25,000 and 1 over _1_ 1 1,061 1 1 1 1 1i 1 ii 4.7 1 i1 $34,642 1 1i $27,792 1 1i 40 1 1i 2.3 1 I1 . 1 1 ii 1 iI 1 1i 1 83 1 11 1 6 1 ii 1 96 1 2 i 2 1 1 1 3 1 29 1 67 1 1 1 ii 1 96 1 | o (N ii F a mi l y i n c o m e b e f o r e t a x e s C o m p l e t e r e p o r t i n g o f i nc o me | $15,000 I $12,000 I $10,000 I to to | to I I i 1 $19,999 I $14,999 I $11,999 1 1 1 I I 1,144 I 2,689 1 1.872 | I I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I i1 iI il i1 1 1 1 1 ii i j •i ■ 4.6 1 4.5 | 4.5 1 i i1 1 I 1i $11,037 1 $17,306 1 $13,442 | 1 I I Ii 1 1 $11,661 | $14,680 1 $9,721 1 1 i i1 1i i 39 1 39 | 40 1 1 i 1i 11 1 1 2.6 1 2.5 | 2.3 1 1 l 1 1 1 (2) (2) (2) I 1 1 1 i i ii i 1 1.8 1 1.6 1 1-7 | 1 i1 i1 i1 ii 1 1 1 1 1i i■ i1 ii 1 1 1 i 77 J 67 i 81 1 1 15 1 28 I 18 | 1 4 1 5 1 5 | 1 ii i1 •i ii 1 I 1 1 84 1 90 | 92 I 1 6 1 13 1 8 I 1 1 1 3 I 1 I 1 i1 ii 1 1■ 1 I 1 1 17 1 12 | 9 1 1 56 I 57 | 51 1 1 26 I 39 1 30 | 1 1 I 1 1 2 l 1 ii ii ii i1 1 1 1 1 93 I 95 | 98 1 1 | 1 _JL_ _l_ INCOME TAXESJ/ i I Incomplete i n c o me I 1 reporting JL i 680 1 1 1 1 Ii 1 ii 4.3 1 ii $1,727 1 ii $1,390 1 i 40 1 11 2.2 l 1i (2) 1 i■ 1.5 1 ii l 1i 1 69 1 27 1 4 1 ii 1 85 1 12 1 2 1 ii 1 12 1 38 1 46 1 4 1 i■ 1 87 1 1 T a b l e 14. Selected family ( All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 3 5 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E - 44 y e a r s . U n i t e d Sta t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Current consumption e x p e n s e s , e x c lu d in g p e r s o n a l i n s u r a n c e , g i f t s and contributions 4 / Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . Percent reporting ........................ F o o d, t o t a l Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . Percent reporting ........................ Food a t home Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . ........................ Percent reporting Food away f rom home, e x c l . t r i p s A v e r a ge a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e . . . Percent rep ortin g ....................... Me a l s a s pay A v er a g e a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e . . . Percent rep ortin g ........................ A lcoholic beverages Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . Percent reporting ....................... Tobacco p r o d u c t s Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . Percent reporting ........................ Housing, total A v e r a ge a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e . . . Percent rep o rtin g ........................ Shelter, to ta l A v er a ge a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e . . . Percent reporting ........................ Rented d w e l l i n g s A v e r a ge a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e . . . Percent reporting ........................ Owned d w e l l i n g s Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . Percent reporting ........................ O t he r l o d g i n g , e x c l u d i n g t r i p s Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . Percent reporting ........................ See footnotes at end of table I I. I All | !. I fam ilies | Total I I I 1 I _ I ____ I I I 1 l I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I $10,131,501 $10,088,881 | 1 0 0 . 0J 100.0! I 1 1 1 1 1 | $2,349,231 $2,333.39| 99.8| I 99.9| i 1 1 | $1,828,691 $1,821.10! 99.6 | 1 99.6| ! 1 1 | $500.07| $ 4 9 2 . 24| 1 95.2| 95.2| 1 1 1 | $20.47| $20.05| | 10.3| 10.1| 1i 1i 1■ I 1 1 | $93.65| $92.42! 71.4! 1 71.4| 11 11 1i 1 1 1 I $160.99| $161,621 64.9J I 64.9| 11 11 11 1 1 1 | $2,926.97| $2,913,621 99.9! | 99.9! 11 1I 11 1 1 1 1 $1,549.28! $1,549.03| | 98.4| 98.4 | I 1 1 ! $468.27! $466.38l | 29.9| 29.9 | 1 1 1 | $1,065.95| $1,067,631 73.8| 1 73.8! 1 1 1 | $15.06| $15.03! 8.9! 1 9.0! 1 ____ L 1. Under $3,000 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 $4,699.91! 100.0! 1 1 $1,070.79! 97. 9 | I $888.24* 96.9 | I $174.79* 63.4| 1 $7.76! 9.6* 1i 1 $44.51| 48.9* 1i 1 $130.92| 67.6| 1 1 $1,735.28* 9 8 . 5| 1 1 1 $1,105.91* 92.4 | I $793.96| 64.6| 1 $311.60! 31.4* I $. 36 | 3.2! 1. BEFORE F a m i l v i n c o me b e f o r e t a x e s C o m p l e t e r e p o r t i n g o f i nc o me $4,000 | $5,000 | $6,000 * $3,000 | to | to ! to 1 to 1 1 $5,999 $3,999 ! $4,999 1 $6,999 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $4,627.49* $4,877,631 $5,265,311 $ 6 ,4 0 4 .6 7 | 100. 01 100.0* 1 00 . 0 1 100. 0| 1 11 1I 1 1 1 1 1 1 $1,338.88* $1,437.70* $1,595,101 $1,573.39* 98-3 | 100.0* 1 00 . 0 1 1 0 0 . 01 I 1 1 1 $1,146.40* $1,249.16* $1,302.571 $1,300,061 95.7J 1 00 . 0 1 98.7| 98.61 I 1 1 1 $167.15| $268,071 $258.92| $162,191 79. 1 * 80.2! 90.3| 91.5| i I 1 1 $30.29* $21,391 $14,411 $24,461 21. 11 10.2J 16.41 12. 5* 1I 1 1i 11 1 1 1 1 $29,881 $35.03! $57.48* $47.11| 46.2* 4 6 . 8* 48.0* 4 9. 2 * 1i ii 1a 1i 1 1 1 1 $130.32| $127.70| $137,891 $189,851 59.0| 62.8* 71.6| 6 8 . 0* 11 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 $1,661.76* $ 1 ,6 1 1 .0 6 | $1,621.05* $ 2 , 1 3 9 . 0 4 l 100.0J 100.0| 10 0 . 01 10 0 . 01 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 $1,054,741 $1,027,441 $ 8 9 1 . 1 9 | $1, 167.611 100.0| 90. 1l 96.61 96.51 1 I I 1 $834,431 $835.02* $681.19| $789,931 77.0J 6 2 . 0! 58.0| 58.7* 1 1 1 1 $220.21| $185.06l $208.87| $375,931 31.9J 30.4| 4 5 . 91 41.6* 1 I 1 I $.10| $7.37| $1,141 $1,751 1. 1 l 4.8 | 2 .9 1 4. 21 1 1. ________L_ TAXESJ/ $7,000 to $7,999 $6,479.36 100.0 $1,745.52 100.0 $1,462.23 100.0 $272.82 94.3 $10.48 7.0 $35.97 63.4 $161.27 66.6 $1,922.30 100.0 $982.82 96. 1 $667.87 58.5 $312.89 44.4 $2.05 4.8 244 T a b l e 14. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 3 5 - 4 4 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d 1 1 | Item | 1 1 1 Current consumption e x p e n s e s , e x c lu d in g 1 p e r s o n a l i n s u r a n c e , g i f t s and 1 contributions 4/ 1 Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . | ........................ I Percent reporting 1 F o o d, t o t a l 1 Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . | Percent reporting ........................ | Food a t home I Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . | Percent reporting ........................ | Food away f r o m home, e x c l . t r i p s I Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . | Percent reporting ........................ | Me a l s a s pay I A v e r a ge a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e . . . | Percent reportin g ........................ | 1i A lcoholic beverages 1 Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . | ........................ | Percent reporting 1i T o b a cc o p r o d u c t s 1 Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . | Percent reporting ........................ | 1i Housing, t o t a l 1 Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . | Percent reporting ........................ | 1i Shelter, to ta l 1 Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . | Percent reporting ........................ | Rented d w e l l i n g s I Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . | Percent reporting ........................ | Owned d w e l l i n g s I Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . | Percent reporting ........................ j Other l o d g i n g , e x c lu d i n g t r i p s I Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . . . . | Percent reporting ........................... J I See footnotes at end of table Family income b e f o r e t a x e s C o m p l e t e r e p o r t i n g o f i n c o me | $15,000 | $8,000 $20,000 I $12,000 I $10,000 to to | to to | to I I I $19,999 I $24,999 $9,999 I $11,999 I $14,999 I I I I I I I I I I $8,006.73 I $8,648.54 I $9,485.09 | $11,036.93 | $13,490.98 100.0 I 100.0 I 100.0 | 100.0 J 100.0 1 I 1 I $ 2 , 0 0 0 . 5 7 I $ 2 , m y . 79 1 $ 2 , 2 9 5 . 0 3 | $2,576.84 | $2,886.69 9 9 . 7 100.0 | 100.0 100.0 | 100.0 I 1 I 1 $2,001.44 | $2,188.46 $1,611.13 I $1,738.00 1 $1,822.47 | 99.7 1 100.0 | 99.7 I 100.0 | 100.0 J 1 $377.34 1 $374.04 I $450.69 | $560.47 | $683.69 94.7 1 97.6 | 99. 0 | 99.7 95.2 I I 1 $29.45 1 $21.88 | $14.93 | $14.53 $15.39 I 8.4 8.0 | 9.9 I 12.6 1 11.1 | i1 i1 1 1 $59.68 1 $63.49 1 $84.47 | $113.89 | $117.56 70.4 | 81. 1 | 84.8 61.6 1 65.6 1 1i 1i 1 1 $153.54 | $148.59 1 $179.75 | $164.49 $166.31 i 65.9 | 63.9 1 68.2 | 59.9 63.7 1 ii ii 1 1 $3,671.77 $2,456.81 1 $2,385.90 1 $2,640.23 | $3,073.95 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 99.6 1 100.0 1 i1 ii 1 1 $1,874.29 $1,603.24 | $1,479.42 1 $1,266.38 1 $1,339.16 | 98.8 1 99.6 | 99.4 | 99. 1 97.6 1 1 1 $487.99 1 $334.99 | $331.69 | $659.83 1 $258.90 39. 1 1 22.2 | 17.8 | 14.0 31.2 1 1 1 $1,250.64 | $1,595.54 $767.99 1 $993.88 | $814.08 1 82.7 | 85.4 | 73.6 1 89.9 65.2 1 1 1 $10.40 1 $10.28 | $20.91 | $19.86 $5.50 1 8.4 10.7 | 10.7 | 8.7 1 4.7 J ____ __1_ _±_ 1 1 BEFORE $25,000 and over $17 , 4 0 2 . 6 4 100.0 $3 , 3 7 2 . 8 8 100.0 $2 , 3 9 4 . 6 4 100.0 $940.07 100.0 $ 3 8 . 17 9.8 $186.86 88.0 $162.42 60.1 $5 , 3 0 7 . 6 3 100.0 $2 , 7 8 0 . 3 2 99.6 $491.83 17. 1 $2 , 2 4 5 . 2 1 89.8 $43.27 16.7 TAXESjy i I Incomplete income I i reporting I I I I I i I $10,842.13 100.0 I 1i 1 1 $2,613.46 100.0 1 1 1 $1,955.31 99.4 1 1 $630.70 1 94.9 1 1 $27.45 1 12.6 1 iI 1 $114.22 1 71-0 1 1i I $150.46 1 65.5 1 i1 1 1 $3,149.43 100.0 1 1i 1 1 $1,553.33 97.9 1 1 $499.83 1 30.7 1 1 1 $1,037.94 73.3 1 1 $15.56 1 10. 1 1 245 T a b le 14. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFOBE T A X E S jy ( A l l f a m i l i e s w it h h ead 35 - 44 y e a r s , U n it e d S t a t e s , Consumer E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d Item Housing expenses, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Telephone, excluding coin phones Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other expenses, including domestic services Average annual expenditure...Percent reporting ........... at end o f t a b le . r^ 00 Fuel and utilities, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Gas, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gas, delivered in mains (piped) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gas, bottled or tank Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Electricity Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gas and electricity combined bills Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Fuel oil and kerosene Average annual expenditure...Percent reporting ........... Other fuels, coal, wood Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Water, trash, sewerage Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See f o o t n o t e s I | | I _____ 1 1 1 1 $513 . 1 3 | 94.2| I $113.40| 59.1| 1 $94.87| 49. 1| I $18.53| 11.3| I $198. 14| 79.1| 1 $54.52| 15.0| 1 $57.63| 20.7| 1 All families 11.4| I $84.36| 71.9| 1 1 1 $337.80| 95.8| 1 $193.48| 92.7| 1 1 $144.32| 75.3| __ 1__ 1 Total | 1 1 1 1 1 $ 5 10.78| 94.2| 1 $113.18| 58.9| 1 $ 94.20| 48.8| 1 $ 18.98| 11.5| 1 $197.64| 78.9| 1 $54.34| 15.2| 1 $57.20| 20.7| 1 $4.66 | 11.5| 1 $83.76| 71.9| i 1 1 $329.34| 95.7| 1 $191.65| 92.6| 1 1 $137.69| 75.3| 1 Under | 1 $3,000 1 1 1 1 $ 2 45.46| 76.0| 1 $67.24| 44.31 1 $48.20| 33.0j 1 $19.04| 13.4| 1 $93.24| 60.2| 1 $22.08| 11.0| 1 $21.73| 12.01 1 $9,471 10.7| 1 $31,711 34.9J i 1 1 $220,531 71.2| 1 $98.59| 63.4| 1 I $121,941 45.4| _L Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income l $5,000 1 $6,000 $3,000 | $4,000 | $7,000 to | to 1 to | to | to $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 J $7,999 1 $6,999 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $270.86| $291,681 $372,051 $359.28 $396.18| 81.21 90.6J 89.5| 87.4 85.91 1 1 1 1 $82,371 $51.02| $94.891 $77. 19 $102.11l 40.81 55. 11 65.61 51.7J 53.5 1 1 1 1 $72.45| $68,781 $63,601 $27.72| $54.33 24. 1 | 50.71 37.81 37.31 39.0 I 1 1 1 $23.30| $13,591 $22,441 $38.51) $22.86 17.4| 16.7| 15.9| 14.5| 15.3 1 1 1 1 $145.16| $114.91| $112,831 $147.69) $151.52 67.8J 71.41 74.81 73.4 68-5 | 1 1 1 I $42.61| $24,541 $27.25| $56 . 2 4 | $38.30 11.31 13.51 16.2) 14.5 16.31 1 1 1 l $24.94| $37,711 $30,581 $29,021 $46.71 12.4| 14.2| 17.6| 14.3| 18.9 1 1 1 1 $6,431 $3,401 $7,541 $2,831 $1.53 11.0| 7.21 5.01 2.5 8. 4 | 1 1 1 1 $25.31| $43,601 $59,501 $58.29| $44.03 36.51 43.3| 46. 11 53. 21 44. 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 •$165,941 $144,921 $158,421 $187.26) $247.93 75.1 l 85.21 83.8J 93.7 84.7 | I 1 1 I $136,201 $126.40| $139.17| $144.87) $161.38 69.5| 74.9| 69.51 85.5 77. 7 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $29,731 $18,521 $19.25) $42,391 $86.55 36.1 | 40.5| 47.51 47.4 | 60. 1 _L 1_ ____L_ _L_ 246 T a b le 14. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE T A X E S jy ( A l l f a m i l i e s w it h head 35 - 44 y e a r s . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d I | I 1 Item Fuel and utilities, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas, delivered in mains (piped) | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Gas, bottled or tank ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... 1 Electricity ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas and electricity combined bills! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Fuel oil and kerosene | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Other fuels, coal, wood ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Water, trash, sewerage ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | 1 Housing expenses, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Telephone, excluding coin phones | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Other expenses, including domestic! services 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | 1 See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f t a b le $8,000 to $9,999 1 1 _ $412.72 91.8 $92.38 58.9 $72.36 43.9 $20.02 15.7 $165.38 78. 1 $44.35 14.2 $49.29 19.9 $2.52 6.3 $58.81 60.7 $241.02 94.4 $165.50 88.4 $75.51 67.0 1 l | I | l I | | I | | J ! ! I | | I | | I | | I | J i 1 1 1 ! 1 ! | 1 1 I l 1_ $10,000 to $11,999 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 I | to | to I 1 $14,999 1 $19,999 __1 $495.18 95.4 $126.39 60.3 $96.00 48. 1 $30.39 13.4 $183.58 81.6 $49.45 14.7 $55.19 22.3 $5.69 8.2 $74.89 69.4 $247.99 98.3 $178.89 96.6 $69.10 76.1 I l | I | | I ! J 1 1 | I | ! I | ! I ! | ! ! | I | | i 1 1 ! ! 1 | | I I i | I $507.25 | 97.2 J 1 $117.35 | 61.3 | I $97.84 ! 52.8 | I $19.52 | 9.6 | i $203.96 | 84.5 J I $47.43 | 12.9 ! I $59.16 ! 23.4 | I $3.43 | 9.9 | l $75.92 | 76.1 ! i 1 1 $314.57 ! 99.3 | I $187.11 ! 98.0 | I I $127.47 ! 79.6 | ___ L_ $564.28 96.9 $115.53 59.7 $102.57 52.5 $12.96 9.5 $219.68 80.5 $58.83 16.0 $60.06 21.1 $4.35 13.9 $105.83 83.8 $334.32 99.7 $202.88 98.4 $131.44 84.8 i | ! I | l I ! | I ! J ! l 1 1 | i I ! l I | | I | J i 1 1 ! | 1 ! | 1 1 | l i $20,000 to $24,999 i I __L I | | 1 $132.29 | 59.5 | ! $117.00 | 52.7 | ! $15.28 | 9.4 | I $228.50 | 79.2 J ! $80.21 | 18.9 | 1 $75.91 ! 24.5 ! ! $5.16 ! 16.1 | I $107.62 ! 89.2 i i 1 1 $419.01 | 100.0 ! I $229.67 | 99.4 | 1 1 $189.34 ! 89.2 | _±_ $629.69 98.1 $25,000 and over | Incomplete | income | reporting .1 ! | ! ! $150.27 | 64.7 | I $135.02 l 57.1 | i $15.25 | 8.6 | 1 $278.90 I 82.6 ! 1 $75.90 J 16.7 ! I $83.08 J 20.6 | ! $7.20 | 19.3 | 1 $126.57 ! 84.7 ! i ! 1 $678.60 | 98.8 ! 1 $277.46 ! 97.5 | ! 1 $401.14 * 90.2 | _1_ $721.92 97.3 $552.31 93.2 $117.03 62.2 $106.02 54.6 $11.01 8.5 $206.54 81.3 $57.62 11.9 $68.42 20. 5 $8.35 9.7 $94.36 71.3 $479.00 96.8 $224. 11 94.1 $254.90 75.5 247 T a b le 14. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAM ILY INCOME BEFORE T A X E S jy ( A l l f a m i l i e s w it h h ead 35 - 44 y e a r s . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d Item . . .. . ‘. . Housefurnishings, equipment, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Household textiles Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Furniture Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Floor coverings Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Major appliances Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Small appliances Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Housewares Average annual e x p e n d i t u r e . . Percent reporting ........... Miscellaneous Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Clothing, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Clothing, male, 2 and over Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, female, 2 and over Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, children under 2 years Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Dry cleaning, laundry Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Materials and services Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting See f o o t n o t e s at end o f I | | I 1 1 1 1 $ 5 26.76| 94.5) 1 $67.83| 84.7| 1 $190.91| 52.1| 1 $59.54| 25.5| 1 $114.74| 39.0| 1 $12.18| 38.0| 1 $12.28| 3.3.31 1 $69.27| 60.0| 1 1 $903.85) 99.8| 1 $330,251 92.8| 1 $432.42| 93.3) I $14.25| 14.6| 1 $90.46| 84.3) 1 $36.46) 72.2j _±__ All families t a b le . 1 Total ) 1 1 1 1 1 $524.48| 94.6| 1 $67.40| 84.9) 1 $187.82) 52.4) 1 $59 . 4 6 | 25.8| 1 $115.85| 39.2) I $12.33| 38.1) I $ 12.36| 33.5) I $69.26) 60.3 | I 1 1 $889.44| 99.8) 1 $328.09| 92.8| 1 $423.61) 93.2| I $13.43| 14.4) I $87.80| 84.2) I $36.51) 72.1| 1 Under ) 1 $3,000 1 1 1 1 $163.37| 75. 0) 1 $23.18| 58. 1 ) I $42.61| 22. 1 | 1 $12.00) 8.0) I $46.24) 23.6 | I $5.20| 24. 4 ) I $1.53| 11.0| 1 $32.61) 23. 8 | 1 1 1 $333.28) 98.2| 1 $105.61) 58.4) I $136.66) 78.8) I $17.55| 18.7) I $65.11) 75.3) I $8.34) 33.7) _JL Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income ) $5,000 ) | $6,000 $3,000 J $4,000 to | to | to ) to | 1 I $6,999 I $5,999 $3,999 1 $4,999 I i i i 1 I I 1 1 i I ) $387.98) $199.38| $170.21| $147,011 82.4) 88.0| 89.0) 88.6) 1 1 1 i $28.71| $25.10) $25.07) $47.41) 74. 0) 72. 1) 64.0| 74.61 l I 1 1 $35.94| $68.48) $113.91) $44.05) 23.8) 26.0 | 42.2| 36.5 | 1 I 1 I $20.84) $5.02) $14.02| $79.83) 10.4) 16.9) 18.8) 8.3| 1 ) 1 1 $108.38| $51.43) $48.11| $52.60) 27.5) 28.7) 28. 1 | 26.7) I ) i 1 $3.69| $7.83| $9.26| $6.55| 29.7) 17. 1) 34.2) 27.6) I I 1 1 $2.61| $2.54) $1.88) $7.82) 18. 4 j 14.7| 26.7| 25.7) I 1 1 1 $19.61| $22.40) $24.08) $27.42) 33.1 | 39.8| 34.3| 41.1| ■ 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 $489.35| $538.26) $4 4 2 . 6 1 | $456.89| 98. 1 | 99.5| 100.0| 99.4 | 1 I 1 1 $145.18| $176.02) $157.35| $110.62) 80. 9) 69.3) 80. 1 | 86. 4 | I I I 1 $209.91| $204.64| $263.97| $224.08| 85.8) 85.0) 84.2| 88.7) 1 1 1 1 $7.09| $7.04) $5.37) $10.29| 11.4) 12.6) 11.0| 12. 2 1 I 1 I 1 $89.34) $80.01) $88. 7 0| $92.11) 75.4) 74.9) 65.3) 76.0) I I I I $11.54) $14,631 $14.55) $14.72) 37.8 | 47.8) 53.9| 57.5) l J 1 1 $7,000 to $7,999 $332.28 95.8 $37.57 84.6 $114. 11 40.5 $22.90 17.9 $91.55 39.3 $18.22 33.0 $9.21 38.3 $38.72 47.9 $580.22 100. 0 $200.63 85.2 $263.61 89.5 $12.07 12. 1 $77.44 81.7 $26.46 59.8 248 T a b le 14. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA H IL Y INCOME BEFORE T A X E S jy ( A l l f a m i l i e s v i t h head 35 - 44 y e a r s . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d Item I I I _________ I__ Housefurnishings, equipment, total | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Household textiles | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Furniture | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Floor coverings J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Major appliances | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Small appliances | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Housewares J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... 1 Miscellaneous I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | 1 Clothing, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Clothing, male, 2 and over ! Average annual expenditure.• • . | Percent reporting ........... | Clothing, female, 2 and over ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Clothing, children under 2 years ! Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... 1 Dry cleaning, laundry I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Materials and services ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | 1 See f o o t n o t e s at end o f t a b l e $8,000 to $9,999 I $10,000 to 1 __L_ $11,999 $323.65 90.5 $38.00 75.3 $129.67 43.5 1 | J 1 | | I | f $376.36 94.7 $47.70 84. 1 $107.19 44.3 \ $23.17 20.0 $89.27 29.2 $6.20 28.6 $5.78 20.6 $31.56 45.5 $672.43 100.0 $219.55 90.2 $302.68 90.1 $12.29 16.1 $101.94 78.2 $35.97 67.2 ! | I | ! ! | J I ! i 1 | | 1 1 ! | I | | ! | ! I | | I J ! I ! ! Family income before tax es Complete reporting of income | $12,000 I $15,000 I | to to 1 I 1 $14,999 _ 1 $19,999 __1 $32.48 24.5 $118-36 40.9 $8.50 31.9 $11.79 31.5 $50.35 57.6 $779.98 99.5 $277.99 91.6 $373.94 94.3 $12.57 14.0 $82.79 84.3 $32.69 72.4 I | ! I | { ! | | I ! | I | ! I | | I ! | I | | 1 1 | ! 1 | | I | ! I | | I | | I | ! 1_ $479.24 96.6 $57.50 88.3 $177.03 56.7 $53.25 25.3 $113.27 40.2 $11.75 39.7 $11.43 36.1 $55.01 63.2 $787.38 100.0 $301.40 97.2 $371.19 95.8 $12.21 14.2 $64.70 83.7 $37.87 77.2 I ! l I | ! I | | I J | i | | 1 | | 1 | | I ! l 1 1 | | I ! J I | | 1 | ! I J | I | ! 1 $572.11 97.7 $75.87 90.7 $195.22 58.2 $65.31 29.7 $130.56 42. 9 $14.55 43.6 $15.00 36.2 $75.60 69.2 $955.48 100.0 $361.66 98.5 $461.37 95.0 $13.14 14.6 $80.60 85.8 $38.71 78.6 1 | | 1 1 | 1 ! J I | | I | i 1 J i I | ! I | J 1 1 ! | | I l | I J | I J i I ! | I ! | 1 $20,000 to $24,999 I 1 . 1 $25,000 and over | Incomplete | income | reporting J ___ 1 ! | $1,126.80 | $564.78 ! 99.0 i 92.8 1 1 $100.73 | $143.60 | $74.98 91.7 | 92.2 ! 82.5 ) I $265.26 ! $465.83 ! $242.36 65.7 | 71.8 ! 46.0 I I $100.64 | $134.50 i $60.87 37.3 | 33.8 | 20. 8 i l $146.04 | $163.56 | $96.22 46.8 | 45.8 ! 36.2 I ! $16.81 | $18.67 | $9.81 47.3 J 46.2 j 35.7 I ! $15.77 | $25.72 i $11.04 42.4 | 46.4 J 29.4 I I $103.53 1 $174.91 J $69.50 74.0 J 80. 1 | 55.6 ! 1 1 I $1,219.47 ! $1,653.23 | $1,143.95 100.0 J 100.0 | 100.0 I 1 $476.61 l $620.54 | $366.29 99.4 | 98.5 J 93.3 1 1 $578.64 | $814.46 | $579.34 97.8 ! 96.2 | 95.0 1 1 $17.09 | $19.71 | $27.87 13.8 J 16.3 ! 18. 5 I I $94.59 | $143.21 ! $134.77 93.0 ! 86.5 93.2 ( I I $52.54 ! $55.30 | $35.68 81.2 ! 86.9 | 74.0 _1_ __ L_ $748.78 97.8 249 T a b le 14. S e le c t e d f a m i ly c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ/ 44 years. U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 19 7 3 ) - C o n t in u e d (All families with head 35 - Item Transportation, total, excluding trips Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle purchases (net outlay) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle finance charges Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle operations, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health care, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health insurance, excluding employer share Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Expenses not covered by insurance Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Personal care (selected expenses) Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Recreation, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Owned vacation home Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting See f o o t n o t e s at end o f Family income before taxes I Complete reporting of income | I 1 $6,000 | $3,000 Total | Under J 1 $7,000 | $5,000 | $4,000 to to | to 1 to ] to | 1 I i I $4,999 1 $3,999 1 $7,999 1 $6,999 1 $5,999 I $3,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I $743,631 $1, 173.281 $1,158.30 $727.76! $507.89| $1,952.08| $754.86| $1,944.90| 97.71 79.51 84.0| 93.6| 95.71 97.7 88.3| 97.7| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $ 871.67| $378,771 $868.24j $80.09| $312.57! $463,191 $205,831 $443.42 23.7| 28.81 29.3 38.0| 18.8| 13.6| 38.5| 24.3| 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 $133,001 $104.59| $58.69| $29.84| $36. 1 4 | $29.22 $103.06| $75.77| 22.4| 31.81 38.7| 10. 1| 23. 31 28.0 38.8 | 11.7| I 1 1 1 1 I 1 $272.40| $284.16| $420.89| $491.60| $628.94 $913,831 $324.55! $918.08| 92.0| 64.1| 69.91 73.6J 58.8| 87.0 92.0| 56. 0 | 1 I I 1 1 1 1 $224.11! $445.91| $202.83| $144.25| $263,681 $448.00l $316.09 $143.53| 90.7 | 54.6| 60.4| 73.6| 84.9 56.2| 90.6| 69.3| I 1 1 I 1 1 1 $128.86| $139,911 $196,791 $467.92| $121.73! $227.92| $312.85 $470.08| 87. 0 90.8J 91.0| 53.1 | 62.5| 68.71 69. 1 l 50.0| 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 $73.41! $80,771 $59.77| $57.75| $45.00| $55.25| $85,491 $56.73 23.7j 30.4| 37.0 | 35. 81 22.7 31.31 33. 11 23.8J | 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $237,911 $276,921 $310.96 $193,731 $208.69| $510.91| $508.33| $225.43! 79.9| 90.7| 96.9J 94.0 96.8| 97.0| 70. 0| 83.3| 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $136.34| $200.38| $84.09| $135.44 $196.41| $60,871 $69.53| $71.92| 81.11 91.6| 93.2| 50.9| 70.5| 75.61 88.3 89.3| i 1 1 1 1 1 1 $136.77| $155.90| $153.82| $140.58| $311.92| $132,861 $310 . 5 3 | $175.52 88.7| 67.4| 72.8J 76.8 53.8| 63.9| 75. 1| 88.7 | i i i i i i 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 $54.12! $48.23! $49.51 l $76,351 $78.15 $122.99| $121.32| $53,921 90.2| 67.6) 78.4! 86.8| 90.3| 73.2| 70.71 82.2 i i i i i i ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $186.73! $278.481 $356.33 $239.46| $ 1 6 2 . 18| $839,951 $834. 04 | $295.78| 74.5| 88.1 1 98.4 97.3| 90.21 93. 1| 97.2| 81.1| i i i i i i 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** ** j ** j ** | $10.77| $4-091 $3.85| $10 . 4 7 | ** ** | ** | ** j 2.7 | 1.01 2.8 J • 51 __ L_ _1. 1 J__ _1_ __ L_ 1_ All families t a b le . 250 T a b le 14. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE T A X E S J/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s w it h head 35 - 44 y e a r s . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d Item Transportation, total, excluding trips Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle purchases (net outlay) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle finance charges Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle operations, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health care, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Health insurance, excluding employer share Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Expenses not covered by insurance Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Personal care (selected expenses) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Recreation, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Owned vacation home Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f t a b le Family income b e fore taxes Complete reporting of income $8,000 | $10,000 | $12,000 { 1 $15,000 to | to | to | to 1 I I $14,999 $9,999 I $11,999 1 $19,999 i 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I $1,515.43 | $1,770.40 | $1,963.34 1 $2,209.47 | 99.5 | 99.6 1 99.8 | 98.6 | 1 1 1 $790.28 | $957.18 | $607.55 | $862.05 1 37.3 | 42.9 1 40.0 | 41.1 | 1 1 I $84.88 | $89.57 | $97.29 1 $128.72 | 46.4 | 42.9 | 40.7 1 34.7 | 1 I 1 $757.84 | $846.04 | $969.44 1 $1,075.44 | 99.5 | 97.9 1 91.3 | 94.3 | I I 1 $413.71 | $413.91 | $480.85 1 $518.95 | 93.4 | 97.0 1 98.9 | 89.3 | I I 1 $344.13 | $432.13 | $488.58 1 $556.48 | 89.8 | 93.6 | 97.5 1 99. 1 | 1 1 1 $65.16 | $44.50 | $34.57 1 $48.13 | 21.8 | 25.7 | 18.1 | 18.2 1 i ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 $465.90 | $415.70 | $568.51 | $540.45 1 98.0 | 99. 1 | 99. 9 1 100.0 | 1 1 I 1 1 I $196.02 | $221.70 1 $179.86 | $225.34 | 98.4 | 94.7 | 94.2 | 99. 1 1 I I 1 $235.83 | $269.89 | $318.74 1 $343.17 | 94.7 1 85.8 | 88.6 l 95.0 | i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 $113.47 | $88.92 | $131.50 | $116.92 1 84.4 | 91.5 | 93.4 1 93.7 | • i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 $449.41 | $579.68 | $676.33 1 $920.26 j 99.9 | 97.2 | 99. 1 | 99.7 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 $12.06 | $.60 | $8.03 1 $.39 | 2.2 1 4.3 | .9 | .6 | 1 ___ l_ 1_ _1 $20,000 to $24,999 I | I 1 1 1 $2,752.30 | 99.7 | 1 $1,330.44 | 45. 1 | 1 $152.25 | 47.8 | I $1,223.19 | 99.4 | I $572.49 | 97.6 | I $650.70 | 99. 1 | I $46.42 | 22.0 | i 1 1 $682.71 | 99.8 | I I $255.82 | 97.8 | I $426.89 | 97.3 | 1 1 $169.63 | 98.0 | 1 1 $1,391.87 | 100.0 | i 1 1 $27.52 | 6.1 | _1 1 Incomplete income | | reporting 1 i 1 1 $3,071.80 | $1,825.31 98.4 | 97.9 I $1,528.60 | $811.07 47.4 | 29.5 1 $120.98 | $77.66 36.7 40.0 1 1 $1,292.42 | $843.08 97.6 \ 91.2 I $583.16 | $41 1.23 95.5 | 87. 8 I $709.26 | $431.85 97. 1 | 88.5 I $129.80 | $93.51 29.7 | 25.7 I 1 $773.80 | $465.32 99.2 | 93.7 1 1 $264.38 | $130.31 96.0 | 64.5 1 $509.43 | $335.01 95.5 | 87.6 1 1 $203.29 | $150.69 96.6 | 92.0 1 1 $1,994.71 | $938.54 99.6 J 97.0 • 1 $25,000 and over J $31.37 | 4.8 | __________ L_ $5.50 3.4 251 T a b le 14. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE T A X E S J/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s w it h head 35 - 44 y e a r s . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d I All I I families I 1. Item Vacation, pleasure trips, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Food | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Alcoholic beverages ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Lodging | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Transportation, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gasoline J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other transportation ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! All expense tours ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other vacation expenses | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Boats, aircraft, wheel goods J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Other recreation, total | Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting Televisions 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other i Average annual expenditure.... I Percent reporting ........... ! 1 1 1 1 | 1 $286.59! 70.1| 1 $73.49! 62.2| 1 $8.60| 28.6! 1 $45.96| 42.8! 1 $93.65! 67.0! 1 $38.49! 61.3| 1 $55.161 43. 5! 1 $29.97| 9. 3 1 1 $34.91| 48.9| 1 1 $ 131.16| 23.3! i 1 1 $411.72| 96.51 1 $51.67! 18. 1 1 I ** j ** j J__ See f o o t n o t e s at end o f t a b le Total 1 1 1 _1_ I $285.70! 70.3! I $74.20! 62.4 | i $8.31| 28.6! 1 $46.30| 43.1 | I $92.62! 67.3 | l $38.85! 61.6J I $53.77| 43.4| ! $29 . 2 8 | 9.1| 1 $34.991 49.6| ■ 1 1 $131.07| 23.3! i 1 1 $406.501 96.5| 1 $52.081 18.1| 1 ** | ** j 1_. Under $3,000 Family income before taxes Complete reportinq of income | $6,000 | $4,000 | $5,000 1 $3,000 i $7,000 to 1 to I to to | to 1 1 1 $6,999 _L_ $7,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1- $3,999 1 $106,901 29.01 1 $26.93! 25.21 1 $6.99| 8.71 1 $18.43| 10.91 1 $ 2 0.15| 27.1 | I $11.84| 24. 1| I $8,301 13.4J 1 $18.21| 3.01 1 $16.191 15.2| 1 1 1 $19.70| 3. 1! i 1 1 $165.33| 72.71 1 $29.871 18.7| 1 ** | ** j _1 1 $68,801 26.3| 1 $10,691 19.7| 1 $.811 4.91 1 $3,071 7.21 I $24,621 22.51 1 $5,951 17.3| 1 $18.66| 14.81 1 $20.16| 3.6 | I $9.46l 14.01 1 1 $6.83| 6.81 i 1 1 $111. 101 80. 11 1 $14,081 8.41 1 ** j ** j _1 . 1 $40.79| 34.3| 1 $5,371 23.8| 1 $.691 6.5J 1 $3.99J 14. 11 1 $23,051 30.7| 1 $5. 191 23.0J 1 $17.86l 17- 7 l 1 $.26| 1.61 1 $7,421 16.0| i 1 1 $.211 2.21 i 1 1 $121.18| 85.5| 1 $30,701 18.21 1 ** j ** j 1__ 1 $51,871 39.0| 1 $10,991 26.6| I $2.22| 8.21 1 $9.36| 16.01 1 $19,381 33.31 1 $ 8. 6 9 | 24.91 1 $10,691 16. 11 1 $.29| 1.91 1 $9,631 15.41 i 1 1 $30.21| 12.21 i 1 1 $153,281 86.71 1 $17,131 11.7| 1 ** j ** j ____ 1__ 1 $63,781 40.41 1 $11. 141 32.71 1 $.50| 5.31 1 $9,501 18.01 1 $17,581 36.51 1 $10,121 30. 21 1 $7.46 | 17.31 1 $22.33| 6.91 1 $2,731 13.5| i 1 1 $23.98| 9.31 i 1 1 $190,721 92. 11 1 $49,651 16.2| 1 ** j ** | __ 1__ $108.43 59.2 $25.07 46.4 $1.21 12.9 $12.24 24.0 $55.23 56.5 $23.62 45.9 $31.62 27. 1 $6.87 5. 1 $7.80 26.7 $29.55 10.6 $218.35 96.2 $34.69 12.6 ** ** 252 T a b le 14. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAM ILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1./ ( A l l f a m i l i e s w it h h ead 35 - 44 y e a r s . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t in u e d I I | I 1 . Item Vacation, pleasure trips, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Food | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Alcoholic beverages | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Lodging | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... I Transportation, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gasoline 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other transportation | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | All expense tours ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other vacation expenses | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... 1 Boats, aircraft, wheel goods | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other recreation, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Televisions | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | $8,000 to $9,999 1 $10,000 to 1 . 1_ $11,999 $129.83 60.3 $33.77 46.8 $5.54 17.0 $20.82 27.0 $45.90 56.0 $23.61 49.4 $22.29 30.7 $8.60 6.2 $15.20 32.5 $60.05 15.9 $259.14 95-3 $54.46 19.8 ** ** 1 | l I J J I | ! I J ! I ! l i ! | l | | I | | I ! | i 1 1 | J i 1 1 | | I ! l I | j ______ L See f o o t n o t e s at end o f t a b le . $181.29 65.4 $45.31 55.7 $4.23 18.9 $26.84 37.2 $63.26 62.6 $27.54 56.5 $35.72 37.6 $18.42 6.9 $23.23 46.8 $87.69 20.9 $310.09 98.4 $35.55 12.2 ** ** Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 | | to I to | I $14,999 1 $19,999 I I | | 1 ! | I J l I | | l i | l ! | I | | I | | ! | | i 1 1 | ! ■ 1 1 | | I | | I j ! 1- 1 $208.47 | 71.7 | I $56.93 | 64.6 | I $6.71 | 27.0 | I $29.41 | 42.9 ! $298.89 82.3 $88.53 75.8 $9.07 36.0 $47.38 51.5 $69.51 J 69.0 l 1 $37.85 | 63.9 | 1 $31.66 | 42.6 | ! $18.99 | 7.2 | $93.30 78.6 $26.92 | f 53.3 l i 1 1 $102.78 | 25.9 J i 1 1 $357.05 | 99.3 | 1 $52.27 | 18.3 | 1 ** j ** j $36.35 58.7 i $47.27 73.7 $46.03 49.5 $24.26 9.8 $143.27 27.5 $466.04 99.5 $58.62 18.8 ** ** 1 | 1 1 J j 1 | | 1 | ! I i l I i | I | J I | | I ! J i ! 1 | J i 1 1 1 | 1 | | I | j 1 $20,000 to $24,999 I I __L $479.73 88.9 $120.08 81.7 $10.71 41.8 $83.68 65.4 $151.82 86.7 $67.11 81.5 $84.70 62. 1 $58.74 14.2 $54.70 70.2 $268.76 34.5 $615.87 100.0 $72.46 23.4 ** ** 1 1 | 1 J | I | | I | ! I ! | I | | I J 1 1 | | I | l f l 1 1 | ! I 1 i J I | ! I | | ____________ L . $25,000 and over $831.55 91.6 $198.83 87.6 $25.71 59.8 $145.39 72.0 $264.90 90.5 $65.06 85.2 $199.83 75.8 $90.71 19.6 $106.01 78.9 $317.87 36.1 $813.92 99.6 $68.44 21.8 ** ** I I Incomplete income I I reporting I | I I | | I | ! 1 I | I ! ! I 1 | i | | 1 l ! i ! | I I ! | f l 1 1 ! | I ! | I | | _J__ $301.49 66.3 $61.69 58. 1 $13.49 27.6 $40.26 38.0 $110.86 62. 0 $32.64 55.5 $78.22 45.3 $41.57 12.9 $33.63 38.4 $132.76 22.8 $498.79 96.9 $44.81 16.6 ** ** 253 T a b le 14. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE T A X E S !/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s w it h head 35 - 44 y e a r s , U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d All families Item Total Under .$3*000__1 Reading materials Average annual expenditure. ........ Percent reporting Education, total | Average annual expenditure.... I Percent reporting ........... | Private 1 Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting Public 1 Average annual expenditure.. . . | ........... | Percent reporting 1 Miscellaneous 1 Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting i i Personal insurance and pensions, total | Average annual expenditure.- -. ! Percent reporting ........... | Life, endowment,r annuities and income ! Average annual expenditure.. . . | ........... i Percent reporting Other personal insurance I Average annual expenditure.... 1 Percent reporting ........... | Retirement and pensions | Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting i i Gifts and contributions I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... 1 See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f t a b le $59.31 87.9 1 $125.31| 41.0| 1 $84,341 19.2| 1 $40.97| 27.81 1 1 1 $96,031 74.3| i l 1 $1,046. 11 | 95. 1| ! $351.45| 81.01 1 $10,021 11.91 1 $684,631 86.7| i 1 1 $446,711 89.61 $58.77 87.9 $122.91 41.2 $81.62 19.3 $41.29 28.0 $25,391 51.01 1 I $15,861 11.11 1 $9.9 1 | 3.8! $349.97 81.6 $5,951 8. 2 | 1 1 $30.64| 39. 0| 1 1 $146,831 64.81 1 $103.90| 47.4| $10.53 12.4 $6.7 4 | 7. 8| $718.71 89.9 $36 . 1 9 | 36.3 | I I $250.42| 58. 3 | i $98.36 74.7 $1,079.21 96. 1 $454.75 90.1 F amily income before taxes Complete reporting of income $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $3,000 to to to to $ 6 ,999 $3,999 Ji4*999_ $5,999 $16,761 50.51 1 1 $9. 171 16.8| 1 $5,331 6.0| 1 1 $3.84| 12.41 1 1 $32.45| 35.71 1 1 $220,001 84.01 1 $128.161 59.61 1 $3.94| 3.61 1 1 $87.91| 65.9| I I $134,011 62.7| i $24. 111 64.2| 1 1 $20.21| 21.91 1 $11,251 8.31 ] $8,961 16.01 1 1 $29.131 44.91 1 1 $209.77| 83. 11 1 $88.76| 55.7| 1 $3.94 | 7.51 1 $117,061 68.5J 1 1 $50,291 57.41 i $17,731 71.1J 1 1 $7,701 17.61 $3,511 3.41 I I $4,191 16.41 1 1 $63,881 52.01 1 1 $285.91| 86-8| 1 $118.28| 55.41 1 $3,031 9 -9 | 1 $164,601 71.9| 1 1 $182,601 76.2| i $25.79| 69.4J 1 1 $20.381 17.31 1 $3,601 4.51 $16.79 l 12.91 1 1 $65,821 53.81 1 1 $346.46| 92.31 1 $135,251 63. 11 $7,351 9.71 1 $203,861 78.51 1 1 $137,071 76.3J i $7,000 to $7,999 $36.38 74.7 $15.67 27.8 $3.85 7.9 $11.82 22.5 $78.29 59.6 $395.02 90.3 $112.07 51.0 $2.71 7.4 $280.24 84.7 $248.65 76.2 254 T a b le 14. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ./ ( A l l f a m i l i e s w it h h ead 35 - 44 y e a r s , U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d I 1 Item 1 1 1 1 1 Reading materials 1 Average annual expenditure. ... | Percent reporting ........ ... 1 I Education, total 1 Average annual expenditure. ... | Percent reporting ........ Private 1 Average annual expenditure. 1 Percent reporting ........ ... 1 Public 1 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 Percent reporting ........ ... | i 1 Miscellaneous 1 Average annual expenditure. ... | Percent reporting ........ ... | i i Personal insurance and pensions, total | Average annual expenditure. ... | Percent reporting ........ ... | Life, endowment, annuities and income j Average annual expenditure. ...1 Percent reporting ........ ... 1 Other personal insurance 1 Average annual expenditure. . .. | Percent reporting ........ ... 1 Retirement and pensions 1 Average annual expenditure. ... i ........ ... | Percent reporting i 1 Gifts and contributions 1 Average annual expenditure. Percent reporting ........ ... | 1 See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f t a b le . $8,000 to $9,999 $35.62 83.3 $50.96 30. 1 $31.29 11.6 $19.67 20.3 $94.90 75.6 $598.12 96.9 $191.48 71.2 $6.99 7.0 $399.65 91.0 $300.17 88.2 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income 1 $10,000 j $12,000 | $15,000 | $20,000 | to | to | to to i 1 $11,999 I $14,999 I $19,999 1 $24,999 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I | $45.60 | $55.52 | $68.02 | $88.00 | 92.7 | 91.6 | 95.4 | 97.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | $86.76 | $84.45 | $226.85 $126.95 | | 37.1 | 46.0 | 48.0 | 53.6 I I 1 I $59.89 | | $50.20 J $81.95 | $152.30 24.4 | | 16.3 | 19.7 | 27. 1 I I I I | $26.87 | $34.26 | $45.01 | $74.56 | 25.3 | 32.7 l 30. 6 | 37.5 i i i < 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | $63.98 J $112.33 | $119.64 $87.42 | | 74.0 | 83.9 | 81.2 | 81.8 ■ i i i 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 | $771.02 | $1,015.52 | $1,339.64 | $1,717.37 98.4 | | 99.5 | 99.8 | 99.8 I I I 1 $254.46 | | $307.25 | $397.30 | $537.35 | 81.0 | 86.5 | 92.3 j 94.8 I I I 1 | $9.38 | $7.38 | $10.89 | $19.81 | 11.9 | 11.2 | 14.9 | 15.1 I I I I | $507.18 | $700.88 | $931.45 | $1,160.20 | 93.1 | 97.6 | 96.9 | 96.3 i i i | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | $305.06 | $344.79 | $498.12 | $662.54 91.3 | | 95.3 | 96.5 | 99.3 1 1 ____________ 1_ ___ L | $25,000 and 1 I over i 1 1 $108.58 | | 97.5 I 1 1 | $377.69 | 60.6 1 | $273.20 | 34.2 I | $104.49 J 37.8 1 1 | $189.76 | 84.1 i 1 1 | $2,165.21 | 98.6 1 | $806.75 | 94.6 1 | $20.03 | 19.8 I | $1,338.43 | 90.9 I I | $1,152.74 | 97.7 L_____________ i l Incomplete income [ J reporting I I I I | $68.37 | 89.3 1 1 J $165.21 | 37.5 1 $129.71 | | 18.3 1 | $35.50 | 25.2 | 1 1 J $57.16 | 67. 5 i I 1 | $494.20 | 78.3 1 | $376. 16 j 72.2 1 | $1.49 | 3.3 I | $116.54 | 33.3 1 1 | $312.61 | 80.9 L_ 255 T a b le 14. S e le c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d it u r e s , and s o u r c e s o f in co m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M ILY INCOME BEFORE T A X E S J/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s w it h head 35 - 44 y e a r s . U n it e d S t a t e s , Consum er E x p e n d it u r e I n t e r v ie w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 )- C o n t in u e d Family income before taxes A ll fa m ilies Item Money income before taxes, total Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Wages and salaries, total Annual a v erage............. Percent reporting ....... Wages and salaries, civilian Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Union dues Annual average.............. Percent reporting ....... Other occupational expenses Annual average.. .......... Percent reporting ....... Rent received as pay Annual average.............. Percent reporting ....... Meals received as pay Annual average ............. Percent reporting ....... Wages and salaries, armed forces Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Quarters and subsistence Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Self-employment income, total Annual aver a g e ............. Percent reporting ....... Net income from own business Annual a verage ............. Percent reporting ....... Net income from own farm Annual average............. . Percent reporting ....... See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f t a b le | | I _ J I I I $14,297,471 98.5| Total 1 | 1 ______ 1 _ I 1 1 $15,051,441 99.8| 1 1 $11,997,841 $12,651,721 95.1| 92.4| i $11,885,871 89.8| $12,533.69! 9 3 . 3| -$23.83| 23.0| -$ 24.86| 24.0 | i -$54.81J 2 6 . 1| I $5 .94| .8| -$ 5 7 .33| 2 7 . 0| 1 1 $6 .10| •81 Under | $3,000 I 1 $3,000 to $3,999 C o m p le te r e p o r t i n a o f income $4,000 1 $5,000 1 $6,000 | to ! to 1 to J $4,999 1 1 $6,999 $5,999 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 -$148.68| 94.7| I $544.17| 56.4J $3,512.42! 1 0 0 . 0J l $1,733,401 83.8! 1 $ 9 8 1 .6 4 | $1,708,341 81.01 50.71 • 1 -$3,411 -$ .70! 2.5! 5.81 I 1 1 1 1 1 $4,559,151 $ 5 ,4 7 0 .9 7 | $6,508,081 100.0| 100.01 100.01 1 1 1 $3 ,2 1 3 .4 1 | $4,012,931 $2,366,301 82.51 85.61 88.01 1 1 $2,328,931 $3,204 .91 | $4,087,001 78.71 83.8| 8 6 . 11 1 | 1 $137.52| 1.2| 1 $26.70| 1- 4 1 1 $999.34| 15.3| 1 $697.48! 11.4| 1 $301.86| 4.5 | 1 $ 2 0 . 05 J 10.1| 1 $145.77| 1-3! 1 $28.30! 1.5! -$4,871 6.7| 1 -$447.63| 5.7 | i I $1.41| 3. 1| —$ 8 . 2 7 | 11.61 1 $6.45| 4. 1 l -$2,471 5.3 | 1 -$ 7 .8 1 | 10.7| | I $26,271 2.61 $7.76! 9.6 | 1 ** | ** j $3 0.29| 21.11 1 ** | ** j $21.39| 10.21 ! ** I ** j ** ** 1 | j 1 1 j ** ** 1 | | 1 $1.69J .8| I 1 $ 1 ,0 5 8 .2 0 | - $1,734 .01| 16.1| 12.8| $738.23|- $1,696.77| 8.71 12.0! I $ 3 1 9 . 97J 4 .7 1 ___L_ 1 | | ** ** ** ** i -$11,091 1 4 . 1| ■ 1 ** i ** j ___L. $24.46| 16.4J 1 $159,671 10. 2 1 1 $294.21| 8 .2 1 $621,391 15.01 $13,341 5.8 | 1 $141.54| 4.5 | 1 $330,981 10.41 $152.67| 3.8 | 1 $290,411 6 . 1| 1 -$37.23| 4. 1 | $146.33| 5.71 ±. $7,000 to $7,999 1 1 1 1 $20.47| 10.3| 1 1 1 __L -$9,561 12.5| | 1 -$86,181 14.6 1 1 $5 .48j -51 1 $14.41| 12.51 1 ** | ** | 1 $1,791 1.01 I $629.70| 14.81 1 $7,505.92 100.0 $5,427.13 92.0 $5,438.32 87.9 -$13.25 17.2 -$38.37 25.2 $.29 . 4 $10.48 7.0 $13.07 .7 $16.60 1.5 $862.47 17.8 $461,441 11.0| $662.65 13.8 $168,251 3.81 $199.83 4.8 _________L . 256 T a b l e 14. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 3 5 - 44 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I | I 1_ Item Money income before taxes, total Annual average............. Percent reporting ........ Wages and salaries, total Annual average .............. Percent reporting ........ Wages and salaries, civilian Annual average .............. Percent reporting ........ Union dues Annual a v e r a g e .............. Percent reporting ........ Other occupational expenses Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Rent received as pay Annual aver a g e .............. Percent reporting ........ Meals received as pay Annual average .............. Percent reporting ........ Wages and salaries, armed forces Annual aver a g e .............. Percent reporting ........ Quarters and subsistence Annual a v erage.............. Percent reporting ........ Self-employment income, total Annual av e r a g e .............. Percent reporting ........ Net income from own business Annual av e r a g e .............. Percent reporting ........ Net income from own farm Annual average .............. Percent reporting ........ footnotes at end of table I $10,000 to I __1_ $11,999 1 ...| I 100.0 I ...| I ...| l i ... | 1 1 I 97.3 i i i 20.3 i i i i i i .4 i i i i i i i $803.41 18.2 $561.02 12.3 I ... | $9,327.16 97. 1 $9,124.00 96.2 -$21.22 25.2 -$31.14 25. 1 $.53 .4 $29.45 12.6 $178.33 2.3 i I ...| ...| l I I i 1 ...| ...| I $11,037.39 100.0 I I I I See $8,000 to $9,999 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 I $20,000 | to J to to I I $14,999 1 $19,999 _ 1_ $24,999 7.4 i i i i i i i j I i i $47.20 1.8 $605.22 15.6 $429.43 11.8 $175.79 4. 1 I 1 __L BEFORE $25,000 and over i 1 I I | $13,442.26 1 $17,306.19 I $22,111.42 I $34,641.70 | 100.0 1 100.0 I 100.0 I 100.0 I 1 I i | $11,814.11 1 $15,366.32 I $19,527.12 I $27,334.47 | 99. 1 1 99.3 1 99.5 i 96.0 I 1 1 I | $11,684.66 1 $15,275.03 1 $19,110.07 I $27,145.92 | 98.5 i 94.9 98. 1 1 97.3 I I 1 1 I J -$30.37 1 -$32.40 1 -$33.02 I -$32.25 | 32. 1 1 27.9 I 31.3 1 19.2 I 1 1 I | -$32.51 1 -$60.91 1 -$53.47 l -$38.49 28.8 29.6 1 36.8 i | 31.5 1 I 1 1 I ** | $5.60 1 $10.99 1 $.49 I ** | .7 1 .9 I .4 I I 1 1 I | $21.88 1 $14.93 I $14.53 I $38. 17 | 8.0 1 8.4 I 9.8 11.1 1 I 1 1 I | $139.45 1 $134.09 1 $408.70 I $188.66 | 1.6 1 1.0 1 3. 1 I 1.2 I 1 1 I | $25.39 1 $24.60 1 $80.31 I $31.98 | 1.7 1 3.6 I 1.7 1.1 1 I 1 1 I | $648.92 1 $797.78 1 $1,328.29 I $4,747.80 | 15.0 1 13.8 1 17.5 I 26.1 1 1 1 I | $516.51 1 $611.67 1 $1,064.43 I $3,103.92 | 11.1 1 10.9 1 13.2 I 19.8 I 1 1 I | $132.41 1 $186.11 i $263.86 I $1,643.88 | 4.1 1 3.3 1 4.5 I 8. 1 .1. JL_ -1. _L TAXESJ/ 1 Incomp lete income 1 1 reporting I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 I $1,727.42 76.5 $1,096.51 47. 1 $1,085.48 32. 2 -$6.68 6.3 -$12.91 11.9 $3. 17 .5 $27.45 12.6 ** ** ** ** $18.07 1.4 $18.07 1.4 ** ** 2 57 T a b l e 14. Selected family (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 35 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E - 44 years. U n i t e d States, C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Sur v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I 1 All | I 1 Item | families | Total | I 1 1 i __ _ 1 _ 1 1 1 I Social security, railroad retirement | 1 1 $156.80| $151.45| Annual a v erage................. I 6. 1| ........... | Percent reporting 5.9| Government retirement, veterans* | 1 1 payments, and unemployment J 1 1 compensation I 1 1 $199.62| $191.74| Annual a v erage ................. | 12.3| Percent reporting ........... I 11.91 Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, | 1 1 rental income, royalties, income | 1 1 from roomers and boarders | 1 1 $260.77! $255. 16| Annual average................. | 63. 5 1 65. 1 | Percent reporting ........... I Rental income, royalties, income | I 1 from roomers and boarders | I 1 $79.36| $79.76| Annual average ................. I 7.3 | 7.51 ........... I Percent reporting Income from interest, dividends, | I 1 estates and trusts I 1 I $181.02| $175.81| Annual average................. I 63.3| 61.7| Percent reporting ........... I Income from all other sources, total | 1 1 $724.34| $701.94| Annual average................. | 76.4| 78.4| Percent reporting ........... | Welfare and public assistance | 1 1 $137.46| $142.48| Annual average................. | 6.1 | 5.9J ........... I Percent reporting Private pensions I 1 1 $9.411 $9-41| Annual average................. I .7 J .8 | Percent reporting ........... 1 Regular contributions for support | 1 I $129.58| $131. 161 Annual average ................. I 6.3 | 6.2| ........... I Percent reporting Other, incl. workmens* compensation 1 1 1 $441.28| $425.48| Annual average ................. I 76.0 | 74.0| Percent reporting ........... I I 1 __ L See footnotes at end of table. Under | I $3,000 1 i 1 $95.83| 6.0| 1 1 1 $70.63| 6. 1 | I I I $ 60.06| 17.4| 1 1 $5.95| 2.31 1 1 $54.11| 17.4| 1 $814.64| 67. 1| 1 $486.47| 30.4| 1 $9.3 4 | 2.0J 1 $144.99| 11.11 1 $173.84| 54. 1 | 1. BEFORE TAXESjy Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $5,000 1 $7,000 1 $6,000 $3,000 | $4,000 to 1 to to | to | to | 1 $7,999 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 1 $49.36 $434.171 $364,491 $254,491 $250,191 13.8| 3.2 16.2| 12.3| 11.8| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $128.88 $177,411 $168,521 $224.29| $288,601 16.9| 11.91 17.21 14.2| 11.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 $61.89 $25,531 $61.41| $11.41| $88,301 39.51 45.6 17.01 28.91 17.2| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** | $32.73| $15.84 $.20| $12,091 ** | 4.31 5.31 3.2 1.0 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $61.41| $46.05 $11.21| $13,451 $55,571 45. 1 16.21 17.01 26.71 36.21 1 1 1 1 $976. 19 $1, 133.46| $1,234,541 $1,178,741 $1,124,061 77.8 77.3| 79.0! 65. 91 72. 11 1 1 1 1 $336.74 $564.14| $852.38| $716.10| $728,531 32.61 24. 1| 10.5 20.81 34.3| 1 1 I 1 ** ** | ** | $4.40| $13.63| ** | ** ** | .7 1 1.61 1 1 1 1 $1 11.421 $269,051 $329.96 $138.70| $102,281 14.4 6.71 10.4J 9- 6 | 8.91 1 1 1 1 $261.83| $270,731 $331,921 $305,681 $309.49 72.4| 61.81 72.0 69.1| 67.8| 1 _±_ _1. ___ L_ 258 T a b l e 14. Selected family (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 3 5 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E - 44 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item l Social security, railroad retirement Annual a v e r a g e ................. Percent reporting ........... Government retirement, veterans* payments, and unemployment compensation Annual a v e r a g e ................. Percent reporting ........... Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, rental income, royalties, income from roomers and boarders Annual a v erage................. ........... Percent reporting Rental income, royalties, income from roomers and boarders Annual a v erage................. ........... Percent reporting Income from interest, dividends, estates and trusts Annual aver a g e ................. ........... Percent reporting Income from all other sources, total Annual aver a g e ................. Percent reporting ........... Welfare and public assistance Annual average ................. ........... Percent reporting Private pensions Annual average ................. Percent reporting ........... Regular contributions for support Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... Other, incl. workmens* compensation Annual average ................. Percent reporting ........... | | | | | | | I | | j | I | | I I | | I | | | | J | I I | I | I I | | 1 1 1 $191.07 | 6.8 | 1 1 1 $259.03 | 14.1 | I I I $158.33 | 50.3 | I I $69.55 | 7.6 | I I $88.79 | 45.9 j I $692.94 | 79.0 | I $60.48 | 4.6 | I $7.22 | .8 | I $307.69 | 12.5 | | | | $8,000 to $9,999 1 $317.55 | 74.6 | 1_ See footnotes at end of table. Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $10,000 | $12,000 I $15,000 to | to | to I 1 $11,999 I $14,999 I $19,999 1 I I 1 I I $111.05 | $124.79 I $200.55 | 4.6 | 6. 1 | 4.6 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I $221.37 | $177.06 | $143.22 I 12.4 13.9 | 12. 1 | I I I I 1 I I 1 I I $174.78 1 $268.40 | $120.78 | 59.6 | 74. 1 1 78.3 | 1 1 I I 1 1 $49.20 1 $99.44 | $58.18 | 9.4 | 6.6 1 9. 1 | I 1 I 1 I I $125.59 1 $62.61 | $168.96 | 54.5 | 72.9 1 76.7 | I 1 I $606.61 | $536.43 1 $541.26 | 79.8 | 83.0 1 81.3 | I 1 I $141.23 | $14.35 1 $22.53 | 1.4 | 3.8 | 1.4 1 1 i I $16.12 1 $.83 | $4.32 | .8 | I $155.54 l 7.2 | I $305.51 | 76.3 | i_ 1.1 $107.02 5.3 $398. 94 82.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1. .3 $90.28 3.8 | 1 | | 1 $427.62 | 80.9 | 1 BEFORE TAXESJ/ _ I ______ ____ I Incomplete income $20,000 | $25,000 | and | reporting to | $24,999 1 over 1 i 1 1 1 $106.41 | $62.25 $179.80 | 2.4 5.0 | 6.1 | I I 1 I 1 I $60.41 $170.73 | $307.12 j 9.5 | 4.8 9.5 | I I I 1 I 1 $161.64 $410.98 | $874.96 | 83.6 | 37. 1 86.3 | 1 I I 1 $94.17 | $237.07 | $72.66 7.2 | 12.9 | 4.5 I I I 1 $316.81 | $637.89 | $88.98 82.6 J 86.0 | 36.0 I I $567.89 | $1,197.55 l $328.55 78.9 | 71.4 | 42.6 I I ** j $28.82 | $53.75 ** j .9 | 2.8 I $25.88 | 1.0 | 1 $34.85 | 2.5 | $507.16 78.6 1 | | _1 I | 1. 1 | 1 $16.27 $77.43 | 3 .3 | 1 $1,075.03 | 70.6 | __ L $9.41 .5 $103.27 4.5 $162.12 39.9 259 T a b l e 14. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E (A ll f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 3 5 - 4 4 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I l_ All | I 1. Item | | Total | Under I families 1 I 1 I 1 I ____ _ I 1 $3,000 I I 1 Personal taxes, total I I 1 1 Annual average ......... ....... I -$2,183.78| -$2,294.53| -$148.28| 94.71 Percent reporting ... ........ I 44.91 91.81 Federal income taxes I 1 1 1 -$90,941 Annual average ......... -$1,813.89| -$1,905.59| 88.4| Percent reporting ... ........I 91.81 34.21 State and local income taxes I 1 1 1 -$307.30 -$323.631 -$20,691 Annual average ......... 74.41 Percent reporting .... ....... I 71.3j 29.3| Personal property and other 1 1 I 1 -$62,591 -$36.6 6 | Annual average......... ........ I -$65.311 Percent reporting ....■....... I 29.0| 30.0| 18.6| Other money receipts I 1 1 1 $178,241 $238.03| $249.72| Annual average......... ........ I 14.91 15.21 Percent reporting ............ I 11.3| Net change in assets and liabilities, | 1 1 1 total | 1 1 1 $1,174.67| $1,740,181 $1,169,891 Average of end-of-year values.| 64. 1 l 93. 11 Percent reporting ............ I 93.5 | Net change in assets 1 I I 1 $1,883,761 Average of end-of-year values.| $1,892. 311 $1,647,851 Percent reporting ............ I 78.21 41.0J 79.3| Net change in liabilities 1 I 1 1 $713.87| Average of end-of-year values.| $717.64| -$ 92.3 3 1 83.41 Percent reporting ............ I 84.41 50. 01 Goods and services received without | 1 1 1 direct expense | 1 1 1 $165,461 Annual a v e r a g e ................. | $1 14.151 $168. 09 I 68.4| 67. 01 Percent reporting ............ I 6 9.2 | Market value of financial assets 1 l 1 l $4,202.20| $589,461 Average of end-of-year values.| $4,092.101 80.71 Percent reporting .............I 78.81 29. 2 | Mortgage principal paid on owned 1 I 1 1 property I 1 1 1 -$543.68| -$672.85| -$532.27| Annual average......... ........ I Percent reporting .............I 60.11 59. 11 15. 3 | I 1_ _1 _1_ See footnotes at end of table. BEFORE Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $5,000 | $6,000 $3,000 | $4,000 1 to J to 1 to 1 to | $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 1 $6,999 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 -$357,441 -$221,781 -$499.841 -$191,301 64.11 70.9| 85.71 85.61 1 1 1 1 -$153,301 -$171.12| -$257.47| -$385,931 63.5J 69.2| 81.6| 56.6| 1 1 1 1 -$17,971 -$37,101 -$20,001 -$59,851 37.81 41.0| 60.51 61.61 1 1 1 1 — $30 . 65| -$20,031 -$62,871 -$54,051 13.71 16.3| 30.61 30. 3 1 1 1 1 1 $365.04| $4.06 | $27,931 $68.81| 10.31 6. 11 11.91 3. 6 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $431,551 -$158,421 $16,631 $414,831 68. 1 | 69.4| 82.9| 88.81 I 1 1 1 -$171,211 $616.95| $704,371 $883,031 43.91 43.6| 59. 2 1 56.0| 1 1 1 1 $468.20| $185,401 $687.74| -$12.79| 61.7J 62.81 48.81 78.11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $129. 131 $186.76| $224.36| $110.81| 64.4| 6 8. 7 | 76.8| 61.2| 1 I 1 1 $ 5 4 4 . 6 4 | $1,738.38| $483,741 $1,001,921 35.4| 29.9J 48.7| 59.2| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I -$55,611 -$57,731 -$259,761 -$570,501 14.7J 15.1| 29.31 21.2| _J__ J_ ___ L TAXES!/ $7,000 to $7,999 -$799.97 94.8 -$652.64 92.6 -$78.43 68.5 -$68.89 29.6 $224.38 10.0 $57.96 87.2 $388. 17 65.3 $330.21 74.0 $130.22 67.2 $1,169.28 62.6 -$177.49 29.2 260 T a b l e 14. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 3 5 - 4 4 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d i I $8,000 Item I to I $9,999 _ 1_ I Personal taxes, total I -$986.35 Annual average......... ....... I Percent reporting .... 97.7 Federal income taxes I Annual average......... ....... I -$794.45 Percent reporting .... ....... I 92.0 State and local income taxes I -$129.01 Annual average......... ....... I Percent reporting .... ................. I 70.2 Personal property and other I Annual a v erage......... ....... I -$62.90 Percent reporting .............I 30.3 Other money receipts I $235.02 Annual aver a g e ......... ....... I Percent reporting ....■....... I 13.8 Net change in assets and liabilities, | total | $169.66 Average of end-of-year valu e s . J 92.5 Percent reporting .... Net change in assets I Average of end-of-year values.| $728.07 72.4 Percent reporting ....................... I Net change in liabilities I $558.41 Average of end-of-year values.| Percent reporting ............ I 81.2 Goods and services received without | direct expense I $153.77 Annual aver a g e ................. I 61.6 Percent reporting ............ I Market value of financial assets 1 $1,712.06 Average of end-of-year values.j 72.6 Percent reporting ....................... 1 Mortgage principal paid on owned 1 property 1 -$267.17 Annual average......... ...................1 Percent reporting ....................... 1 46.0 _JL_ J/ 2/ 3/ 4/ ** | $10,000 | to I $11,999 1 1 | -$1,316.88 | 97.8 1 | -$1,073.49 | 95.9 1 | -$189.56 | 79.1 1 | -$53.83 | 32.9 1 | $103.15 | 12.3 I I $629.17 | | 96.0 I | $1,194.48 | 78.2 I $565.30 J 86.7 | I I | $153.86 64.5 | Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 | | to | to | 1 $14,999 I $19,999 I $20,000 to $24,999 | | 1 | -$1,780.95 | -$2,625.95 | -$3,642.39 99.8 | | 100.0 | 100.0 | | | -$1,472.69 | -$2,199.50 99.4 | 99.5 | | | | -$3,066.23 | 97.8 -$368.53 | 82.6 | | | -$253.89 | 83.4 | | | -$54.38 | 33.2 | -$57.92 30.2 | | -$76.48 | 28.7 | | | $214.53 | 18. 1 | $340.55 14.2 | | $260.22 18.6 | | -$499.68 77.4 | | | | $1,239.75 98.4 | | $1,212.05 97.3 | | $1,433.41 99.4 | | | | $1,911.22 | 86.7 | $1,737.99 87.4 | | $2,569.96 91.3 | | | | $671.47 | 89.7 | $525.95 90.3 | | $1,136.55 92.5 | | | | $158.51 | 73.6 J $164.54 70.0 | | $256.96 74.4 | | BEFORE i 1 Incomplete $25,000 | income and | reporting over 1 1 1 -$6,849.90 | -$337.44 44.4 99.0 1 1 -$5,691.24 | -$285.15 95.9 J 31.6 I -$1,019.07 | -$34.98 81.2 | 19.2 I -$139.59 | -$17.30 34.0 | 13.8 I $451.33 | $43. 17 25.4 | 9.2 1 1 $3,709.60 | $1,090.20 85.4 99.2 | 1 $5,713.42 J $1,741.11 93.7 | 59.7 i $2,003.83 93.1 | | I I $156.46 | 69.3 | I | | 1 1 | | 1 $1,626.62 82.2 TAXESJ/ | | -$431.21 | 57.7 | $3,333.10 89.7 | | -$547.73 | 68.2 | $4,042.02 92.2 -$634.47 73.1 | | | | $7,291.59 94.9 -$772.83 79.4 | $14,110.59 | 95.4 | | 1 | | $650.91 66.5 $121.65 54.7 $2,256.49 46.9 1 1 -$901.16 | 83. 1 | _____ L Data in columns which represent less than 218,000 consumer units or in cells which represent less than 18,500 consumer units are likely to have large sampling errors. Value less than 0.05 percent Percents may not sum to 100 due to rounding. Data represent only those expenditures collected in the interview survey, not the total of all family expenditures. Data not available. -$341.98 42.3 261 T a b l e 15. Selected family (All f a m i l i e s w i t h hea d 45 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y - 54 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) Item Number of families in universe (000s).. Selected family characteristics Average Family size .......................... Family income before t a x e s ......... Family income after t a x e s .......... Age of h e a d .......................... Number of children under 18........ Number of persons 65 and o v e r ...... Number of automobiles o w n e d ........ Percent3/ Housing tenure Homeowner.......................... Renter.............................. Not reported....................... Race of head White............................... Black ............................... O t h e r ............................... Education of head 1 to 9 years....................... 9 years, not more than 12 years.. More than 12 years................ Not reported or no s c hool........ Automobile ownership At least one automobile owned.... See footnotes at end of table 1 I All | I | I families I 1 | 1 I 1 12,977| I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 3-51 1 $15,529| -1 1 $13,069| -1 1 1 49 | 1 J 1. 1| i 1 •11 .1 i i 1 1.7 | -1 1 1 1 1 i i i ■ 1 1 73 | -1 24 | 3| •1 i i i 1 1 1 88 | 10 | .1 2J •1 1 1 1 1 20 | .1 49 | 28 | .1 3| -1 i i 1 1 1 1 89 | .1 1 __ L Total | 1 1 1 12,019| 1 1 1 1 1 i 3.5 | 1 $16,586| $13,972| 1 49 | 1 1 -2 | 1 1 •1I i 1.7| I I i i 1 73 | 24 | 3| i 1 1 89 | 10 | 1| I I 20 i 49 | 27 | 3| i 1 1 89 | Under | 1 $3,000 I 1 657| 1 1 1 i I 1 1 2. 0| 1 1 $1,438| I $1,255| I | i 1 .6| i 1 i 1 1 34 | 64I 2| i 1 1 66 J 32 j 2| 1 1 40 | 4 11 9| 1 1| i 1 1 44 | _L BEFORE Family income before taxes Complete reportinq of income $3,000 | $4,000 | $5,000 | $6,000 | to 1 to | to | to J $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 1 1 1 1 i 357| 337| 4851 3401 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 < i 2-5 | 2.9 | 2.81 2.7J 1 1 $4, 511 I $3,484| $5,4401 $6,5311 1 1 1 1 1 $4, 186 | $4,9971 $3,314| $5,8571 1 1 I 50 | 1 • 7| (2) INCOME 50 | i •9| (2) | J 1 .7 | 1 1 i 1 1 43| 54 | 31 i 1 1 77| 20 | 2! 1 ! 44 | 41 | 6I 9| i J 1 54 | _1 501 ! 1.31 1 (2) 1 l I • 9| 1 1 i 1 1 511 45 | 4| i 1 1 791 201 11 1 1 43 | 45J 5 1 7 | i 1 1 621 1__ 501 1 1.1 | (2) | 1 I -9| 1 1 i 1 1 46 | 53J 1I i I 1 721 26 1 21 1 1 351 541 6] 51 1 1 1 681 _1 50 | 1 1. 1 | (2) | I 1.0| 1 1 i 1 1 55! 41 1 4| i 1 1 76 1 211 31 1 1 31 I 53 J 11 1 5 | 1 1 1 791 1_ TAXES1/ $7,000 to $7,999 456 3. 1 $7,500 $6,738 50 1.2 .1 1.2 59 35 5 84 14 2 33 52 8 7 83 262 T a b l e 15. Selected family (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 4 5 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y - 54 y e a r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) I. L | I Item 1 1 Number of families in universe $8,000 to $9,999 I I I I 912 (000s)...| 1 1 Selected family characteristics i | i 1 Average I i i Family s i z e ........................... I 2.9 1 $8,966 Family income before t a x e s .......... | 1 $7,856 Family income after t a x e s ........... j 1 Age of h e a d ........................... | i 1 Number of children under 18......... | f l I Number of persons 65 and o v e r ....... | i 1 Number of automobiles o w n e d ......... | 50 1. 1 (2) 1.3 1 I i i Housing tenure I Homeowner............................1 R e n t e r ............................... 1 Not reported........................ 1 i 1 Race of head I White ................................ 1 Bla c k ................................ I O t h e r ................................ 1 See footnotes at end of table 1 58 39 3 3.5 $10,953 $9,491 50 1.3 .1 25 52 17 5 1.6 1 I $13,450 $11,503 49 1. 1 .1 1.8 1 i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 71 25 4 29 54 14 3 1 1 94 90 8 2 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 75 23 2 1 1 1 1 3.8 $17,336 $14,705 90 8 2 22 55 21 2 95 .1 1,588 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 3.9 $22,125 $18,305 i I 49 1.3 .1 2.0 85 12 3 l i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 J. i i i i i i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 _1 3.4 1 i I 86 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 $20,000 to $24,999 1 i i i I I i 83 16 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 I I Percent3/ Education of head I 1 to 9 y ears........................ I 9 years, not more than 12 years...| More than 12 years................. I Not reported or no s c h o o l ......... | i 1 Automobile ownership I At least one automobile owned.... | 1 1 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $10,000 i $12,000 I $15,000 I to to to I I I $11,999 I $14,999 .1 .1 $19,999 I 1 1 1,607 1 2,462 1 1,068 I I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 i i i I 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 49 1.2 (2) 2.2 86 12 2 93 5 1 J i 95 4 1 13 54 30 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 49 39 2 1 1 98 i I 98 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 | INCOME BEFORE $25,000 and over 1,750 4.2 $38,783 $31,901 TAXESJ/ i I Incomplete income I I reporting I I 957 l I 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 i 3.5 $2,259 $1,723 i 49 1.2 1 ■ 1 1 50 1. 1 I .1 2.5 91 7 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 (2) 1.8 74 22 4 96 I 2 1 1 1 i 86 12 2 5 34 60 1 15 45 35 5 98 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 | 90 263 T a b l e 15. Selected family (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 4 5 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E - 54 y e a r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I All I I families I 1_ Item Current consumption expenses, excluding personal insurance, gifts and contributions 4/ Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... I I I I __ Total l_. I Under I 1_ $3^000 Family income before taxes Complete reportinq of income $3,000 | $4,000 | $5,000 1 $6,000 to I to I to to 1 $6,999 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 ] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | $10,163,941 $10,054.14) $4,140.45] $4,250.54| $4,632.06] 100.0] 100.0] 100.0| 100.0| | 100.0| 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 Food, total 1 1 1 1 1 1 $ 2,228.18| $1,057.40| $1,214,331 $1,302.89| Average annual expenditure... | $2,239,221 100.0] 1 00.0| 100.0] | 100.0| Percent reporting .......... 100.01 Food at home 1 1 1 I I I Average annual expenditure... | $1,730,871 $1,732. 10 | $905.97] $1,041,551 $1,121.661 96.5] 100.0] 99.7| 100.0] Percent reporting .......... 1 99.7| Food away from home, excluding trips| | 1 1 I I $138.37| $157.89] $471.79| $138.80] $484.42| Average annual expenditure... | 57. 7 | 67.3] 75.6 | 92.2 | Percent reporting .......... 1 92.1| Meals as pay 1 I I I i i $34.41] $ 2 4.28| $12.63| $23.33] $23.93| Average annual expenditure... 1 18.4 ] 9. 5 | 13.7] 10.3| Percent reporting .......... 1 10.3| 1 1 i I i i 1 I I 1 1 1 Alcoholic beverages 1 1 1 1 1 1 $ 93.77| $29.26] $37.56] $27.21] $94.15J Average annual expenditure... | 30.6 ] 36.0] 34. 9] j 68.2| 68.3] Percent reporting .......... i i i | i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tobacco products 1 i i i 1 1 $128.54| $171.62| $171,421 $121.76] $126.38] Average annual expenditure... | 60. 1 ] 60.9] | 66.3| 66.5] 60. 8] Percent reporting .......... 1 I ■ i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 Housing, total 1 1 1 1 1 1 $2,699.71] $1,499.78| $1,327.54] $1,504.59] Average annual expenditure... | $2,736.34| 99.4| 100.0| 99.9 | 100.0| | 99.8| Percent reporting .......... i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 Shelter, total 1 I i i 1 I $1,429,991 $ 7 7 7 . 18| $829.86] $812.37] Average annual expenditure... | $1,439.08| 98.3] 98.5] 91.4] 98.5] I 98.3| Percent reporting .......... Rented dwellings 1 1 I 1 I I $533.58] $537.61| $552.20] $379.19| $375.90| Average annual expenditure... | 25.5| 58.4] 54.3] 47.6 ] Percent reporting .......... 1 25.4| Owned dwellings 1 I 1 I 1 1 $226.51] $997.87| $998.49| $292.15| $247.30] Average annual expenditure... | 45.9] 56.0| 76.1| 35.3] | 76.2| Percent reporting .......... Other lodging, excluding trips I I 1 1 1 1 $12.87| $56.22] $4.13| $13.06] Average annual expenditure... | $61.40] 4.4 ] 5.2] Percent reporting .......... | 14.8| 14.4| 2. 1 | _L 1. 1. 1. 1 1. See footnotes at end of table BEFORE 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I $5,556.23] $5,916.07] 100.0| 100.0] 1 i 1 I 1 1 $1,565,451 $1,605.09| 100.0] 100.0] I I $1,3 4 3 . 6 1 | $1,338.43| 100.0] 100.0| 1 I $171.15] $228.09] 81.5| 88.7] 1 l $38.57] $50.69] 8.6 | 20.2] i i i 1 1 1 $69.21| $34.78] 45.8] 43.3| i ■ 1 1 1 1 $145,851 $149.45] 63.2| 64.5] i i 1 1 1 1 $1,703.16] $1,808.16] 99. 0 1 100.0] i i 1 1 1 1 $953.30| $1,031.58| 96.8] 97.6] 1 1 $615.13| $590.19| 52.1] 43. 1 | I I $ 3 34.76| $430.41| 59.5 | 48. 6 | I I $3.40| $10.98] 4.6] 4.0 | I J TAXESiy $7,000 to $7,999 $6,282.54 100.0 $1,531.36 100.0 $1,240.97 99. 1 $282.81 87.7 $7.58 5.4 $68.40 55.6 $125.74 60.6 $1,822.92 100.0 $977.89 96.3 $549.67 39.0 $419.26 61.9 $8.96 8.9 264 T a b l e 15. Selected family (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 4 5 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E - 54 y e a r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I I | I Item Current consumption expenses, excluding personal insurance, gifts and contributions 4/ Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... 1 1 1 | | 1 Food, total 1 Average annual expenditure... | | Percent reporting .......... Food at home I Average annual expenditure... | | Percent reporting .......... Food away from home, excluding trips| Average annual expenditure... | l Percent reporting .......... Meals as pay I Average annual expenditure... | | Percent reporting .......... i 1 Alcoholic beverages 1 Average annual expenditure... | Percent reporting .......... | i 1 Tobacco products i Average annual expenditure... | | Percent reporting .......... i 1 Housing, total 1 Average annual expenditure... | | Percent reporting .......... Shelter, total Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Rented dwellings Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Owned dwellings Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Other lodging, excluding trips Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... See footnotes at end of table i 1 1 | | I | | I | | I | I I $8,000 to $9,999 $6,730.04 100.0 $1,650.44 100.0 $1,310.07 99. 5 $323.35 93.3 $17.02 6.4 $75.43 56.6 $149.10 61.2 $1,823.80 99.6 $965.41 98.0 $480.11 40.0 $476.46 63. 1 $8.84 7.2 I $10,000 to I 1_ $11,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 Family income before taxes Complete reportinq of income | $12,000 | $15,000 | | to | to J 1 $14,999 i $19,999 1 $7,886.15 100.0 $1,907.06 100.0 $1,564.95 98.9 $325.67 94.1 $16.44 8.5 $74.87 63. 1 $160.43 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 $9,116.55 | $10,909.87 100.0 j 100.0 $20,000 to $24,999 BEFORE 1 $25,000 and 1 over __L_ TAXESJ/ I | Incomplete | income J reporting 1 | $12,878.61 l $17,650.98 | $11,542.36 | 100.0 | 100.0 100.0 | $2,159.98 | 100.0 | $2,455.34 100.0 | | $2,795.40 100.0 | | $3,260.10 100.0 | | $2,377.81 100.0 $1,720.16 99.7 | | $1,925.44 99.9 | | $2,109.27 100.0 | | $2,330.99 100.0 | | $1,715.32 99.6 $414.33 94.2 | | $509.80 98.2 | | $664.30 98.5 | | $891.38 | 99.5 | $642.95 91.8 $25.49 | 9.9 | $20.10 10.7 | | $78.71 73.5 | | $96.45 76.6 | | $121.50 81.5 $189.15 | $198.04 69.6 | | $193.25 69.1 $2,823.06 100.0 | | $1,454.28 99.5 | $1,578.91 | $2,764.37 | $1,553.30 | 99.1 | 99.8 | 96.6 65.7 1 71.3 | 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 $2,075.09 1 $2,306.94 | 100.0 1 100.0 | 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 $1,021.62 1 $1,196.36 | 98.9 1 99. 1 | 1 1 1 $355.14 1 $428.61 | 1 27.0 1 24.8 j 1 1 1 $647.55 1 $746.60 | 1 76. 1 1 77.2 | 1 1 1 $18.92 1 $21.15 | 1 8.6 1 12.9 | 1 I 1 $21.83 | 9.0 | $37.73 12.4 | | $19.54 10.3 | | $176.11 89.8 | | $98.86 67.8 | | $175.24 66.1 | | $174. 10 62.7 $3,114.59 | 100.0 | $4,975.72 100.0 | | $3,196.24 98.6 $270.70 14.4 | | $245.72 13.3 | | $274.50 8.8 $1,132.19 88.5 | | $1,252.33 | 87.0 | $2,297.71 93.3 $51.39 17.4 | | 1 $80.86 19.9 | $192.16 28.4 | | l $420.58 23.2 | $1,006.36 77. 1 | | | $126.36 19.5 265 T a b l e 15Selected family (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 45 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E - 54 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I i l i Item All families I I I I __ Fuel and utilities, total | Average annual expenditure.... | Percent reporting ........... | Gas, total | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Gas, delivered in mains (piped) | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas, bottled or tank | Average annual expenditure....! ........... J Percent reporting Electricity J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas and electricity combined bills! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Fuel oil and kerosene | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... J Other fuels, coal, wood 1 Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... J Water, trash, sewerage | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J i 1 Housing expenses, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Telephone, excluding coin phones J Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Other expenses, including domestic! services | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! 1 See footnotes at end of table 1 $506.32! 94.1| 1 $111.63! 58. 1 | I $95.64| 48.6| I $15.99| 10.6| 1 $191.26! 79.5J ! $53.19! 14.5| 1 $62.87| 23.0! 1 $5.69| 10. 3! I $81.68! 72.9J i i 1 $ 3 26.01J 96.0! I $200.91| 92.9J 1 1 $125.11| 72.2! __ L Total I I I 1 1 $500.151 94.31 1 $110.58! 58.2 | I $94.30| 48.5J I $16.29| 11.0| 1 $188.61! 79.5! I $53.62! 14.6| 1 $60.55! 22.61 1 $5.67| 10.41 1 $81.131 73.01 i 1 1 $312,931 96.01 1 $196.92| 92.91 1 1 $116.01| 72.3! J__ Under $3,000 1 1 _1 1 $255.12| 76. 0! I $ 60. 8 4 | 45. 2 | I $50.43! 31.3! I $10.41| 13.81 1 $94,821 61.1| 1 $30,611 9. 71 1 $27.551 16.91 1 $9.22| 10.01 1 $32.09| 36.5J I 1 1 $198,321 79.71 1 $121.99| 66.0| 1 1 $76.33| 47. 51 1 BEFORE TAXESJ/ Family income before taxes Complete reportinq of . i ncome $3,000 | $4,000 | $5,000 1 $7,000 1 $6,000 to to | to J to to 1 1 $3*999 1 $4*999 1 $5*999 | $6*999 _ 1 _ $7*999 1 $270,021 82.6 1 1 $68.791 54. 1 | I $52.18| 37.51 1 $16.61| 16.61 1 $109,221 71.9| I $20.64| 10.8| J $28.761 19.21 1 $10.24| 7.81 1 $32,361 43.4| i 1 1 $135.57| 77.91 1 $108.50| 72.51 1 1 $27,071 41.3| 1 $322,481 91.2| 1 $78,911 52.41 1 $45,001 34.3 1 1 $33,911 20. 1 1 I $122,741 76. 1 | I $35,871 11.31 1 $25.60| 18. 1 l l $12.82| 11.6| 1 $46.53| 54.81 i i 1 $161,461 90.01 1 $133.08| 78.71 1 I $28.38| 54.01 _l__ 1 $393,501 91.31 1 $92,341 62. 1 | l $60.41| 45.21 i $31.93| 16.9| 1 $116.60| 73.7! 1 $96.31| 19.61 1 $34,111 13.71 1 $8.41| 10.21 1 $45,731 53.81 1 1 $163.60| 90. 11 1 $136,091 84.91 1 1 $27.51| 44.51 ____ L . 1 $382,701 92.3| 1 $117,481 62.6 1 i $86,171 46.51 1 $31,321 17.01 1 $134,061 81.5| 1 $27,911 9.61 1 $49.17| 20.91 1 $2.41l 3.5 l l $51,661 61.6 1 i 1 $200,601 93.21 1 $156.08| 82.51 1 1 $44,521 56.81 J__ $396.67 89. 0 $93.22 58.0 $75.23 43.4 $17.99 15.3 $163.11 77.4 $25.07 11.4 $37.46 17. 9 $14.69 11.3 $63.11 55.7 $211.67 91.8 $157.59 88.0 $54.08 59.5 266 T a b l e 15Selected family character i s t i c s , annual expenditures, and s o u r c e s of income c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY I N C O M E ( All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 4 5 - 54 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d 1 1 1 Item 1 Fuel and utilities, total | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... I Gas, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas, delivered in mains (piped) | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Gas, bottled or tank ( Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Electricity I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Gas and electricity combined bills! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Fuel oil and kerosene l Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other fuels, coal, wood J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Water, trash, sewerage | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Housing expenses, total ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ............ | Telephone, excluding coin phones | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Other expenses, including domestic! services ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! $8,000 to $9,999 1 1 _ $370.32 90.0 ! | | $92.51 53.9 | | $10,000 to $11,999 $444.34 94.3 I | | $106.24 61.4 l | I I | ! $86.53 | 47.5 ! ! $19.71 | 14.5 | ! $163.11 | 77.9 l I $8.83 7.7 | ! ! $149.08 ! 78.2 | ! $30.90 | 10.8 J I $41.63 l 19.9 i I I $3.18 | 5.0 | $107.31 59.0 | ! $554.23 98.4 I I $92.28 49.8 | | I $15.03 ! 10.4 ! I | | | | 1 $97.00 ! 50.5 J 1 $13.11 | 10.3 J I I $208.41 J 80. 9 | 1 $67.87 | 17.6 l ! $70.14 | 24.4 ! 1 $4.81 | 11.4 | i $92.90 ! 84.8 | i 1 I $41.10 13.1 $62.74 24.0 $4.79 7.6 I ! | 1 | | 1 J 1 1 | ! i 1 1 | | ! | | J I I I I I I I | j $57.00 | 65.5 | $65.13 | 69.6 | $75.81 75.0 $247.66 98.3 $182.53 96.9 footnotes at end of table I I __L_ | ! $128.88 60.6 J l ! | | | I $11.35 | 7.5 | 1 $225.96 | 83.2 | 1 $67.61 1 15.7 | I $72.69 24.5 $3.94 10.8 $102.43 85.3 $345.84 99.7 $222.10 99.0 I I $121.82 82.1 | | 1 ! J $710.15 98.3 $149.07 59.2 I $117.52 54.3 I $210.49 98.8 $25,000 and over I $601.52 98.7 J $332.31 99.6 .1 See $20,000 to $24,999 I $110.10 59.0 $182.79 | 83.4 | $64.95 | 67.7 | i 1 1 $233.69 | 98.0 ! 1 $176.69 | 95.0 | I $39.26 61.0 | j I $48.63 J 14.5 ! ! $58.23 J 23.4 ! $3.76 ! 7.2 ! ! $52.44 ! 60.5 | i 1 1 $202.59 | 91.7 ! $163.33 88.0 I $474.52 95.4 I I $83.68 46.5 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 | | to I to | I $19,999 I 1 $14,999 BEFORE $123.74 85.8 | | TAXESJ/ I I Incomplete income I reporting I ! | l | | $583.73 91.8 $124.71 56.6 I $129.98 54.5 | 1 1 $19.10 J 7.0 ! $112.53 50.6 $12. 18 6.2 I $268.03 | 82.5 f ! $72. 12 J 17.4 | l $85.24 J 25.0 ! I I | ! ! | | 1 1 ! | 1 J | 1 1 | J $6.11 | 18. 1 ! $224.59 79.9 $47.90 12.5 $92.04 27.8 $5.98 9.7 I $129.56 87.6 ! ! 1 $616.22 100.0 | ! $88.51 71.3 I $490.24 96.0 I $289.60 99.1 | | $250.98 93.8 I I $326.62 91.0 | | $239.27 71.4 T ab le 15. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 4 5 - 54 y e a r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m er E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d 1 All 1 1 families 1 __________ L Item Housefurnishings, equipment, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Household textiles Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Furniture Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Floor coverings Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Major appliances Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Small appliances Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Housewares Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Miscellaneous Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Clothing, male, 2 and over Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ............ Clothing, female, 2 and over Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Clothing, children under 2 years Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ............ Dry cleaning, laundry Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Materials and services Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See fo o tn o te s a t end o f ta b le 1 1 1 1 __ 1 $464,921 91.3| i $64.62 J 79.3| 1 $148.36| 43.81 1 $54.48| 22.5| 1 $103.76| 34.4| 1 $12.23| 35.8| 1 $12.4 5 j 29. I $69.02| 55.0| I I $868.96| 99.7| 1 $297.78| 87.8| 1 $429.22| 92.7| 1 $12.87| 6. 8 | I $91.70| 82.8| 1 $37.38| 69.0| __ L_ 2[ Total 1 1 Under 1 1 $3,000 1 $456.63| 91.8| 1 $63. 27 | 79.6| 1 $144.71| 44.1| 1 $51.48| 22.3| 1 $104.45| 34.3| I $12.50| 36.4| 1 $12.32| 29.3| I $67.90| 55-3 | I 1 $847.97| 99.8| 1 $291.98| 87.8| 1 $420.721 92.8| 1 $9.39| 6.71 1 $89,341 82.9J 1 $36.54| 69.0| __ 1__ 1 $216,481 70.4| 1 $34,951 55. 4 | 1 $82.76| 28.91 1 $23.40| 13.6| 1 $40.65| 19.51 1 $6.071 17.21 1 $6.03| 18.31 1 $22,611 22.41 1 1 $352.51| 97.6| 1 $100.39| 48.91 1 $171,451 77.4| 1 $9,441 6.5| 1 $60,901 69. 51 1 $10,321 40. 1 1 1 Family income before taxes Complete reportina of income $3,000 | $4,000 | $5,000 1 $7,000 1 $6,000 to j to | to to to 1 1 1 $5,999 $3,999 1 $4,999 | $6,999 _±_ $7,999 1 1 $208.28| $144,781 75.8J 78.8| 1 1 $25.71 l $26.57 | 59.0| 55.8 | l 1 $87.48| $25 . 7 7 | 27.4J 19.51 1 1 $10,011 $15,871 18.91 1 1.01 1 1 $58,421 $45.26| 21.6| 18.01 1 1 $5,741 $7,491 20.0| 21.31 1 1 $1.34| $2,301 15.91 15.01 1 1 $16.04| $25.07| 31.71 26.9| 1 1 1 1 1 1 $312.74| $334.12| 100.0| 99. 1) 1 1 $98.03| $97,301 60.41 72.0| 1 1 $171,051 $153,381 83.6J 85.71 1 1 $4,711 $6.33| 7.5 | 5.8J 1 1 $ 50.09| $44,221 64. 1 J 66. 1 l l 1 $15.21| $6.53| 44.8 l 50.71 1 . 1 _ 1 $192,761 82. 11 I $25,941 62.21 1 $42.97| 23.61 1 $15.93| 10.01 1 $65,891 25.71 1 $5,531 23.31 1 $2,861 15.31 1 $33.64| 36.71 1 1 $417,861 100.01 1 $117,011 66. 11 1 $190,861 87.51 1 $10,231 11.11 1 $83.57| 74.0| 1 $16,201 48.71 1 ._ 1 $193.29| 83.31 1 $25,511 65.91 1 $64.01| 26.41 1 $14.86| 15.81 1 $49.40| 21.01 1 $8,081 29.61 1 $7,971 20.81 1 $23.45| 30.6| | 1 1 $490.62| 100.01 1 $141.01| 71.51 1 $213,561 88. 1 l I $6,211 11.41 1 $109.71| 73.8| 1 $20.14| 49.71 _______ 1__ $236.70 83.7 $43.79 68.7 $58.97 30.2 $17.02 17. 1 $81.78 29. 0 $10.02 31.6 $1.94 12.5 $23.18 33.2 $497.30 100.0 $160.04 80. 1 $227.38 87.4 $6.23 7.2 $74.48 73.0 $29.17 56.6 2 68 T a b le 15. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 4 5 - 54 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I | I Item Housefurnishings, eguipment, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........ . | Household textiles | Average annual expenditure.. . . | Percent reporting ........... | Furniture | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Floor coverings ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Major appliances ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Small appliances ! Average annual expenditure.. . . | ........... J Percent reporting Housewares ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... 1 Miscellaneous | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J i 1 Clothing, total 1 Average annual expenditure-...! ........... ! Percent reporting Clothing, male, 2 and over | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Clothing, female, 2 and over | Average annual expenditure.... ! Percent reporting ...........| Clothing, children under 2 years J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Dry cleaning, laundry ! Average annual expenditure....! ........... ! Percent reporting Materials and services 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... 1 1 See fo o tn o te s at end o f ta b le . $8,000 to $9,999 I $10,000 to I . 1_ $11,999 $285.49 89.2 $39.42 71.0 $93.84 33.3 $20.84 16.9 $71.97 30.1 $7.86 28.9 $7.05 20. 1 $44.50 48.8 $545.33 99.5 $175.51 83.9 $260.56 83.5 $5.54 7.6 $80.10 76.3 1 1 | 1 ! | I | ! I | | I ! ! 1 J | 1 | i ! | | i 1 i | ! 1 J | I | l I ! l ! | | I $23.62 | 62. 1 t 1 $375.44 96.0 $49.69 81.5 $100.65 41.4 $43.51 21.1 $116.33 36.9 $9.92 35.7 $8.16 21.9 $47.18 53.4 $596.76 99.6 $197.76 87.8 $293.10 93.4 $11.84 8.4 $67.25 82.0 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 I $15,000 I to | to I I 1 $14,999 - i $19,999 1 1 ! i 1 ! J i | | I | l I J ! I | | I | i I | J i 1 1 | | 1 | | I | | I ! | I J ! $388.39 93.6 $49.80 80.8 $106.79 43.5 $36.16 18.5 $111.53 36.4 $15.21 38.6 $7.75 28.7 $61.15 57.0 $694.88 100.0 $238.41 93.9 $344.99 93.6 $4.47 5.5 1 1 $78.88 1 86.0 1 I $26.81 | 64.7 ! 1_ I I I I I I I I 1 1 » 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 ■ l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $482.23 96.2 $64.97 87.4 $152.88 49. 1 $60.30 24.7 $114.87 35.8 $14.07 41.4 $13.82 34.3 $61.32 61.9 1 $911.25 J 100.0 | l $320.65 | 96.3 ! I $445.11 | 97.2 | I $10.87 | 4.0 | I $87.24 ! 86.8 | 1 $28.14 71.0 1 1 .1 1 i | 1 i J 1 J ! I J ! I l | I | l ! J J l | ! i 1 I $47.37 77.7 ! | i { $20,000 to $24,999 1 1 _1_ $588.32 97.7 $84.79 89.2 $206.17 55.2 $74-57 27.2 $116.33 40.9 $13.53 42.6 $14.32 35.0 $78.60 69.8 $1,130.23 100.0 $397.39 96.8 $570.89 98.0 $14.77 6.8 $98.49 87.6 1 I | 1 ! | 1 | ! ! | | I J l I | ! I | 1 1 | | I $25,000 and over $884.97 97.7 $122.59 89.7 $287.95 61.2 $104.80 33.5 $155.74 43. 1 $18.86 45.5 $30.15 45.9 $164.88 74.8 Incomplete | income | reporting J __ 1 i 1 1 ! | I | | I | ! I ! | I 1 | 1 | | 1 ! ! 1 1 1 ! | I ! | I ! | I | 1 1 | | ! ! | I J ! I i ! I 1 ! 1 | | J $48.70 | 80.3 | ____ L_ $1,622.31 100.0 $582.56 98.2 $829.52 98. 1 $10.52 7.8 $138.68 93.0 $568.97 85.2 $81.52 76.3 $194.27 40.7 $92.18 25.0 $95.09 34.7 $8.79 28.2 $14. 14 28. 1 $82.98 50.4 $1,132.42 98.3 $370.71 87. 1 $535.83 92.3 $56.49 7.6 $121.39 82.6 I $61.03 i 82.0 ! _1_ $48.00 69.9 269 T a b le 15. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 4 5 - 54 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Transportation, total, excluding trips Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle purchases (net outlay) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle finance charges Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle operations, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure...Percent reporting ........... Health care, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Health insurance, excluding employer share Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Expenses not covered by insurance Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Personal care (selected expenses) Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Recreation, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Owned vacation home Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f I | | I 1 1 1 J $2,131,471 96.7| 1 $950.55| 36.9| 1 $100.46| 34.7| i $1,004.00| 91.6| 1 $465.60| 90.5| 1 $538,401 91.0| 1 $76.4 5 | 27.8| i I 1 $575.96| 96.6| 1 1 $233.49| 91.8| 1 $342.47| 89.2| ■ 1 i $141,441 91.4| 1 1 1 $801.27| 95.5| ■ 1 1 $14.84| 4. 3 | i All families ta b le . Total | 1 1 1 1 1 $2,115,001 96.7| 1 $937.26| 37.1| 1 $103.76| 35.4| 1 $ 1 , 002.53| 91.6| 1 $463.08| 90.6| 1 $ 5 39.45| 91.0| 1 $71.44| 27.5| i 1 1 $579.09| 97.3| 1 1 $237.35J 93.7| 1 $341.74| 89.5| i l 1 $139.91 | 91.3| i 1 1 $788.08| 95.5| i 1 1 $14.44| 4.4 | 1 Family income before taxes Complete reportinq of income Under | $3,000 | $4,000 | $5,000 | $6,000 | $7,000 to | to | to | to | to 1 $3,000 J $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 1 $7,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $1,351.47 $732.70| $551.23| $929,991 $893.83| $694,661 74.7| 96.0 90.4| 82.3| 90.5| 93.0J 1 1 1 1 1 $190.25| $551.20 $279.30| $246.04| $ 3 25.12| $278,711 30.4 20.8| 26. 1| 22.41 20.3! 11.1| 1 1 I 1 1 $6.4 8 1 $10.09| $50,611 $58. 18 $29.63| $35.79! 6. 7 | 30.6 6.9 | 27.6| 26.9J 18.31 1 1 1 1 J $286.07| $551,341 $340.69| $476,161 $690.23 $396.83| 89.7 48.5| 62.7| 75.91 69.3| 82. 4 | I 1 1 1 1 $144.78| $165.01| $259.10| $331.40 $212,371 $253,301 46.4| 89.7 6 1.6 J 69.3| 73.0| 80.51 1 1 1 1 1 $141.29| $175.68| $184.46| $222,861 $358.83 $292.24| 61.7| 46. 1 | 75. 91 82.31 89.0 67.6| I 1 1 1 1 $56,761 $51.87 $68.431 $64.59| $60,201 $49.331 29.6| 20.6 33.3| 29.8| 31.81 26.3| 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $191.67| $372.64| $237,621 $256.29| $406.97 $384,501 69.0| 84.6| 96.7| 96.61 99.5| 98.3 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $ 68.17| $164. 171 $102.98| $83.38| $171,021 $163.56 86.1 | 71.2| 86.8| 92. 1 93.9| 49.9 | I I 1 1 1 $154.24| $243.41 $123.49| $153.31 | $208.47| $213,481 55.9| 81.4| 75.61 86.51 84.9 63.0 | | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $52.08| $50.48| $52.82| $74 . 7 4 | $90,791 $83.06 77.7| 79.8| 67. 0 1 74.0| 83.8| 86. 9 j i I ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 $179.35! $175.10| $227,711 $188.69| $259.30 $284,631 78.3| 69.8 | 92.4| 89.81 92.7| 88.3 1 i | I I J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** j $3.58| $. 141 SI.3 5 | $.73J $1.72 ** j 1. 1 | .6| .8| 2.4 1.2| _1_ 1 . ___ 1_ 1_ 270 T a b l e 15 S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES1/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 4 5 - 54 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item $8,000 to $9,999 Transportation, total, excluding trips Average annual expenditure-............. Percent reporting Vehicle purchases (net outlay) Average annual expenditure--.. Percent reporting ........... Vehicle finance charges Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle operations, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gasoline Average annual expenditure-.-. Percent reporting ........... Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health care, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Health insurance, excluding employer share Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Expenses not covered by insurance Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Personal care (selected expenses) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Recreation, total Average annual expenditure-... ........... Percent reporting Owned vacation home Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... | | I I I i $1,432.99 | 97.9 | I $563.06 | 29.0 | I $113.28 | 33.5 | I $708.73 | 91.4 | I $349.33 | 90.2 | I $359.40 | 90.8 | I $47.92 | 21.0 | i 1 1 $444.09 | 97.6 | 1 1 $194.76 | 95. 1 | Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $10,000 | $12,000 | I $15,000 to | to to | I $11,999 1 $14,999 1 1 $19,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 $1,779.55 | $2,172.14 1 $2,371.61 | 99.0 | 99.9 1 99.8 | i 1 $922.47 1 $1,039.21 | $809.38 | 40.4 | 39.4 1 42.5 | I 1 $171.07 1 $73.95 | $95.47 | 33.7 | 44.1 1 40.5 | I 1 $837.72 | $1,017.44 1 $1,186.79 | 95.7 | 97.0 1 99.2 | 1 I $425.77 | $490.07 1 $543.45 | 95.7 | 95.5 1 98.4 | I 1 $411.95 | $527.37 1 $643.34 | 96.4 1 95.4 | 98.8 | I 1 $50.14 | $58.50 | $61. 16 1 23.9 1 21.0 | 25.3 | i i 1 1 1 1 $636.17 | $506.59 | $529.62 1 99.7 J 99.7 1 99.5 | 1 1 1 1 $249.79 1 $204.00 | $273.08 | 98.5 | 98.0 1 98.9 | I $249.34 86.5 $98.01 91.2 $377.40 98.3 | | i 1 1 | | i 1 1 | | 1 1 $.89 | .6 | $302.59 87.4 $104.29 88.2 1 | | i 1 1 | | i 1 1 $430.39 | 96.2 | i 1 1 $2.98 | 2.5 | $279.83 93.7 $131.39 94.7 $613.01 97.6 $12.79 5.0 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 .1 See f o o tn o te s a t end o f ta b le $20,000 to $24,999 | | 1 i 1 $337.14 98.4 1 Incomplete | income 1 reporting 1 1 1 1 | $2,338.20 | 96.9 1 | $1,117.43 | 33.9 I | $59.04 25. 1 | I | $1,022.45 | 92.8 1 | $497.18 J 89.7 1 | $525.27 91.2 I | $139.28 | 31.5 1 1 1 | $536.63 | 89.0 1 1 | $185.04 | 67.5 $612.25 97.1 I | | $25,000 and over J $2,895.86 99.5 | 1 1 $1,318.03 | 44.1 | I $171.34 J 42.0 | I $1,331.94 | 98.8 | $3,460.24 99.8 $1,685. 12 47.7 $115.04 41.2 $1,513.06 99. 1 J $618.33 98.6 | | I $713.60 | 98.5 | 1 $74.56 | 27.4 | i 1 $626.04 97.6 $887.02 98.8 $147.03 39.8 J $717.21 100.0 | I $949.39 100.0 J $296.24 98.6 I | | $420.97 97.6 | | I $363.08 95.5 | $159.93 95.9 | $861.60 99.5 $10.51 5.2 | | i 1 1 $182.92 | 97.4 | 1 1 | $1,185.64 | | 99.5 | i 1 1 | | $25.65 6.9 | | _1_ i $351.59 85.2 I $233.18 98.6 1 | | 1 1 $1,772.06 | $160.54 93.0 | $966.84 94.9 $45.17 | 8.9 | $19.85 2.7 100.0 i 1 1 _____L_ 271 T a b le 15. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y FAMILY IHCOME BEFORE TAXESjy ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 4 5 - 54 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I tern Vacation, pleasure trips, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Food Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Alcoholic beverages Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Lodging Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting Transportation, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... All expense tours Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other vacation expenses Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Boats, aircraft, wheel goods Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Other recreation, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Televisions Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... I | 1 | Total | I 1 1 _ _____ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $321.47| $329.42| 68.9| 68.9| 1 1 $78 . 8 4 | $79.29| 61.6| 62.0| 1 1 $8. 8 11 $8.80| 28.6 | 28.51 1 i $54.47| $ 52.88| 43.7| 44.0| 1 1 $109.50| $107.45| 66.2| 66.1| 1 1 $39 . 1 8 | $39.68| 60. 3] 60.5 J I 1 $67 . 7 7 $70.32| 45.0| 44.8| 1 J $46 . 5 8 | $43. 7 0 | 10.7| 10.3| 1 1 $30.77| $29.79| 45.9| 46.0| 1 1 1 1 $87.47 J $91.18| 18.9| 19.0| I 1 1 1 1 $364.70| $365.83| 93.7| 93.9| 1 1 $55.64| $54.86| 17.8| 17.8| 1 1 ** | ** | ** | ** | All families l 1 . See footnotes at end of table. 1_ Under $3# 000 | 1 1 1 1 $78.67| 29. 11 I $13.03| 21.7| 1 $ 1.24| 7.4 | 1 $12.67| 10.6| 1 $33.87| 26.7| 1 $ 5.20| 18-5| 1 $ 28.6 7 | 16.5| 1 $10.32| 2- 7 | 1 $7.55| 9.8 1 | I 1 $3.72| 4. 6| I 1 1 $95.60| 63.6| 1 $22.20| 10.5| 1 ** j ** j 1_ Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income 1 $5,000 $3,000 | $4,000 1 $6,000 | $7,000 to 1 to | to 1 to 1 to $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 1 $7,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $79.77| $55.92| $54.22| $82.95 $64.83| 37.9| 40.71 42.71 46. 1 l 38.8 i 1 1 1 $14.48| $12,691 $15.23| $17,181 $26.73 28.4J 33.4| 37.31 34.3 31.0| 1 1 1 1 $2,751 $2,761 $.76| $2,361 $6.30 6.61 9.41 10.71 6.3| 10.9 1 1 1 1 $9.30| $5,831 $7,521 $10.101 $11.91 15.9| 8.81 13.0| 14.91 21. 1 1 1 1 1 $24.28| $27. 5 9 | $28.191 $ 3 6 .13| $26.80 37.41 35.8| 39.71 40.91 38.0 1 1 1 1 $16.83| $8.62| $8.85| $13.74| $16.63 29.0| 31.9| 28.3| 34.01 33.6 1 1 1 1 $7.45| $19,571 $18,741 $22,381 $10.17 18.6| 19.7! 23. 11 20.9| 15. 1 1 I 1 1 ** j $4,761 $7,371 $7,481 $6.79 ** | 2-5 1 3.51 3.4 | 3.9 1 1 1 $3.41| $3.70| $4.35 | $4.41 $6,521 16.91 14.3| 14.3J 20.51 16.7 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 $29.171 $7,691 $4.42J $22.48 $34,321 4.6 | 11.31 7.8 | 4.71 12.3 f l | 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 $128.35| $91.56| $151.61| $169.81| $152. 15 69. 41 86.61 81.51 91.3J 86.8 i 1 1 1 $25.30| $49.37| $33.37| $58.71| $28.98 10.6J 18.4| 14.91 9.0 21.31 1 1 1 1 ** | ** | ** 1 ** j ** ** | ** | ** ** | ** | 1 JL_ i __ L_ i 272 T a b le 15. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TA XESiy ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 4 5 - 54 y e a r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item I I I I __________ l__ Vacation, pleasure trips, total 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Food | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Alcoholic beverages 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... 1 Lodging 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Transportation, total 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... 1 Gasoline 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other transportation 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J All expense tours ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Other vacation expenses 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | i Boats, aircraft, wheel goods ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! i Other recreation, total ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Televisions I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ............ | $8,000 to $9,999 I I __1_ $144.76 59.7 $36.58 49.2 $5.19 15.2 $19.70 30.7 $62.29 56.9 $24.92 51.2 $37.36 30.3 $7.50 3.2 $13.51 32.8 $18.69 10.0 1 | | I | ! 1 l | 1 l | 1 | I 1 | | 1 ! J ! ! | 1 | | 1 i 1 1 ! i i 1 ! ! $213.06 97. 1 I $39.92 J 12.5 | 1 ** I ** | 1— See fo o tn o te s at end o f t a b l e $10,000 to $11,999 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 I $15,000 I | to to 1 I I $14,999 1 .1. $19*999 $166.07 64.8 $41.54 55.3 $4.22 18. 1 $22.37 34.2 $60.85 61.5 $27.65 56.6 $33.20 37.5 $24.61 8.5 $12.48 36.4 $35.15 15.2 1 | ! | | | 1 i ! 1 J | 1 | ! 1 | l 1 ! | ! ! | 1 | | 1 i 1 | | ■ i 1 | ! $226.20 94.5 I $41.14 | 14.4 | 1 ** J ** J 1_ $235.92 72.8 $57.23 66.2 $5.37 26.0 $43.51 42.7 $79.32 68.9 $37.15 63.5 $42.17 43.8 $28.88 8.8 $21.61 46.9 $57.28 20.3 1 ! | 1 | i 1 J | 1 ! l 1 | ! 1 | ) i | | 1 ! ( 1 | | 1 i 1 | | 1 i 1 | | $307.02 97.0 ! $54.14 | 17.9 ! 1 ** | ** j 1 . $334.65 80.0 $83.58 72.8 $8.56 32. 1 $51.95 52.7 $112.62 76. 6 $47.56 71.6 $65.06 50.6 $42.30 11.5 $35.63 56.2 $131.58 23.3 $384.87 98.6 ! $61.84 20.0 ** ** I I 1 | | ! 1 ! | 1 | | ! l i 1 | ! 1 | | 1 | | 1 | ! 1 i 1 i | i i i | i | ! 1 | j 1_ \ $20,000 to $24,999 1 $25,000 and 1 over __L_ $493.61 87.2 $137.08 82.7 $13.78 44.5 $86.68 66.8 $147.38 85.3 $62.00 81.2 $85.38 65.3 $64.25 16.5 $44.44 68.2 $159.21 25.1 | | 1 1 | | ! J | 1 | | 1 J ! ! | ! 1 ! | 1 i | 1 | ! 1 i 1 | | i i 1 | | $507.17 99.5 ! ! $59.24 | 17.9 | 1 ** j ** j ____ L_ $788.03 86.4 $177.55 82. 1 $21.77 55. 1 $132.48 70.6 $257.84 85.3 $68.53 78.9 $189.31 70.2 $126.78 20.5 $71.62 70.2 $162.62 31.2 $776.23 99.8 | Incomplete | income | reporting J __ 1 | 4 i | | 1 1 | 1 | 4 1 | | ! | 1 1 ! | 1 ! | 1 1 ! 1 i 1 J | i i ! ! | $429.20 68.8 $84.97 57.4 $8.64 27.5 $74.47 39.4 $135.33 66.5 $33.00 58.0 $102.33 47. 7 $82.71 16.3 $43.08 43.7 $137.74 17.7 $380.05 92.0 $86.82 25.5 | 1 1 $65.35 17.2 ** ** J ** ** j ______L_ 273 T a b le 15. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TA XESJ/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 4 5 - 54 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m er E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I I All | I Item ) Total | 1 families 1 1 J 1 1 i1 1 1 1 1 1 Reading materials 1 1 1 Average annual expenditure. ...1 $56.15| $56. 56 | ........ ...1 Percent reporting 87.4| 87.6| 1 J 1 Education, total 1 1 1 Average annual expenditure. ... | S2H8.24I $234.47| Percent reporting ........ ...1 38.4| 38.5| Private 1 1 1 Average annual expenditure. --- 1 $146.74| $138.95| Percent reporting ........ 15.9| 16.2| Public 1 1 1 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 $101.50| $95. 5 2 1 27.9| Percent reporting ........ ... 1 27.8| 1 1 1 1 1 1 Miscellaneous 1 J J Average annual expenditure. ... | $99.14| $99.98| 72. 1 | 72. 7 | Percent reporting ........ i 1 1 1 1 1 Personal insurance and pensions, tota 1 l 1 1 Average annual expenditure. ...1 $1,085.54| $1,134.63| Percent reporting ........ ... 1 94.6| 95.6| Life, endowment, annuities and income | i 1 Average annual expenditure. ... 1 $371.66| $370.67| Percent reporting ........ ...1 80.9| 81.3| Other personal insurance 1 1 1 Average annual expenditure. ...1 $10 . 9 7 | $11.55| 13.3| 13.9| Percent reporting ........ ...1 Retirement and pensions 1 1 1 $751. 4 2 | Average annual expenditure. ... 1 $703,901 83.81 88.2 I Percent reporting ........ ...1 | I 1 1 1 Gifts and contributions 1 1 1 Average annual expenditure. $551.68| $558.65| 90.4| 91.2| Percent reporting ........ ... J 1 ____ L_. See footn otes a t end o f ta b le . Under | 1 $3,000 1 1 1 1 $ 18.87| 55.3| 1 1 $47.98| 10.2| 1 $37.13| 2.9 | 1 $10.85| 7. 9 | a 1 i $38.58| 38.7| | 1 1 $110.69| 66.3| 1 $81.85| 49. 0| 1 $2.88| 8. 9 | 1 $25.96| 30.5| 1 1 1 $187.84| 57.8| 1 Family income before taxes Complete reportinq of income $3,000 | $4,000 I $5,000 | $6,000 | to | to | to | to | $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $17.68| $21.56| $21.13| $20,321 63.8| 69.2| 75.5| 61.3| 1 1 1 I J 1 1 ) $20.78| $70.78| $17.55| $18.01| 15.4| 21.9| 19.2| 18.1| 1 1 1 1 $3.77| $ 1.44 | $12 . 13| $26.62| 4.4 | .8| 5.8J 3.6| 1 1 1 1 $16.11| $17.02| $5.88 I $44.161 12.6 | 18.4| 19.4| 13.3| | 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 $33.03| $46.13| $68.98| $46.21| 48.0j 65.9| 41.1J 62.8) I | 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 $165.82| $273.17| $237,611 $401.34| 74.3| 85.9| 94.8| 92-3 | 1 1 I 1 $87.04 | $109.30| $116.23| $143.89| 52.2| 51.6| 6 6.5| 64.3| 1 1 1 1 $.90| $3.37| $2-69) $3.79| 6. 5 | 10.4| 7.2 | 1 1 1 1 $77.88| $124.51| $153.57| $254.75) 55.4| 73. 4 | 77.2| 84.2) f l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $85.54| $125.48| $167.28| $337.41| 68. 1 1 79.7| 79.3) 71.5| 1_ __ 1_ J__ 1.1 \ $7,000 to $7,999 $25.73 80.5 $32.54 19.8 $14.46 4.2 $18.09 16.5 $77.73 57.5 $433.50 97.8 $146.61 67.5 $7.01 11.2 $279.88 84.4 $221.92 84.6 T a b le 15. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXES_1/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 4 5 - 54 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d $8,000 to $9,999 Item Reading materials Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Education, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Private Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Public Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Miscellaneous Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Personal insurance and pensions, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Life, endowment, annuities and income Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other personal insurance Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Retirement and pensions Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gifts and contributions Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting See fo o t n o t e s a t end o f ta b le $37.56 84. 1 $27.82 20.6 $14.42 8.6 $13.40 14.1 $68.08 65.5 $610.19 96.9 $204.75 76. 1 $6.48 11.0 $398.95 87.8 $286.19 90. 1 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $10,000 | $12,000 | $15,000 i | to | to | to I 1 $11,999 I $14,S99 I $19,999 I I 1 1 I i 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 $43.57 | $47.23 | | $60.75 1 | 87.3 | 89.6 | 95.3 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 $105.36 | $246.58 1 $113.32 | | 27.4 | 34. 1 | | 47.5 I I I 1 $60.47 | $60.81 | | $128.06 1 | 12.9 | 12.5 | 17.6 1 I I I 1 | $44.56 | $52.85 | $118.52 1 | 24.4 | 35.8 I 18.0 | 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 $89.09 1 | $88.14 l $94.21 | 75.6 | 79.3 1 74.0 | | 4 ■ i ■ I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | $771.84 | $962.75 | $1,302.85 1 98. 1 | | 99. 1 | 99.3 I I 1 I 1 $236.56 | | $316.83 | $388.33 1 | 80.3 | 86.5 | 90.0 1 I 1 I 1 | $10.92 | $9.06 | $10.99 1 9.4 | 13.5 | 15. 1 1 | I I I 1 | $524.37 | $636.86 | $903.54 1 J 92.0 | 96.9 j 96.8 1 i i i I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 $328.43 i $454.00 | | $569.67 1 94.2 | | 95.0 | 98.0 1 1_ 1 1 i $20,000 to $24,999 $76.40 97.2 $337.43 57.5 $165.15 25.0 $172.28 42.2 $128.17 82.8 $1,635.34 99.8 $492.94 91.1 $10.28 15.0 $1,132.12 96.8 $732.30 97.6 | | 1 1 1 1 | J 1 1 | | 1 | | I J | I i | | I 1 1 J | I | | I | | 1 | 1 1 1 | | i 1 Incomplete $25,000 | income and | reporting over 1 1 1 1 $112.79 i $50.97 99.2 | 84.9 I 1 $719.68 | $421.05 39.7 60.6 | 1 $495.59 | $244.45 32.8 | 19.6 $224.09 40.9 $194.14 86.5 $2,403.43 98.9 $846.46 93.6 $30.94 23.8 $1,526.03 93.5 $1,307.93 99.1 | | 1 1 | l 1 1 | | 1 | | 1 | J 1 | | l 1 | | ±_ $176.60 26.5 $88.70 65.4 $469.30 81.9 $358.32 75.6 $3.69 5.9 $107.29 28.7 $464. 19 81.0 2 75 T a b le 15S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TA XESiy ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 4 5 - 54 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m er E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Money income before taxes, total Annual aver a g e .............. Percent reporting ........ Wages and salaries, total Annual average .............. Percent reporting ........ Wages and salaries, civilian Annual average .............. Percent reporting ........ Union dues Annual average .............. Percent reporting ........ Other occupational expenses Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Rent received as pay Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Meals received as pay Annual average.............. ........ Percent reporting Wages and salaries, armed forces Annual average .............. Percent reporting ........ Quarters and subsistence Annual a verage .............. Percent reporting ........ Self-employment income, total Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Net income from own business Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Net income from own farm Annual average .............. Percent reporting ........ See f o o t n o t e s a t end o f ta b le . F amily income before taxes Complete repor tinq of income All I i 1. l $5,000 1 $6,000 | 1 $4,000 | $3,000 Total | Under | families | to l to 1 to 1 to | 1 I l 1 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 1_ $3,000 __ I____ I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... | $15 ,528.73| $16,585.76| $1,438.36| $3,483.76| $4,510,591 $5,439,811 $6,530,551 96.71 97.7| 99.8| 100.0| 100.01 100.01 100.0| 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 $682,151 $1,617,141 $2,609.701 $3,437,301 $4,675,091 ,368.86| $13,245,631 51.5| 85.5| 88.8| 92.7| 90.4| 93.2| 67.3| ... 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 $757.51| $1,595,091 $2,59 5 . 8 0 | $3,427,061 $4,628,331 ,337.03| $13,209.55| 85.51 87.3| 91.8| 47.2| 64.4| 82.0| 89.3| ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -$2.45 J -$4,041 -$26.12| -$27.5 8 | -$.33| -$4,591 — $ 9- 0 8 | 24.9| 3.9J 4.8J 5.61 1.5 | 14.7| 23.6| ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -$11,171 -$43.4 9 | -$87.6 6 | - $ 9 .4 21 -$36.4 0 | -$4 2.7 3 1 -$15,651 26.7J 27.1 | 11.71 16.11 13. 3 J 14. 71 7. 8 | ... | 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 ** | ** j $1,641 $17.16| $4,191 $32,931 $15.89| ** | ** | 1.0J .2| 1.5 | • 8| •9| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $24. 2 8 1 $34,411 $38,571 $23.93| $12.63| $23,331 $50.69! ... 1 18.4 1 13.7| 10. 3 1 10.3| 9. 5 | 20.2| 8.61 ... 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** j ** j ** j ** | ** | $ 54.09| $58.40| ... 1 ** j ** j ** | ** 1 ** | .5 | . 41 ... 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** i ** | ** | ** j ** | $6.77| $7.311 ... 1 ** | ** | ** j ** | ** | .5| . 4| ... 1 I 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 $363,791 $1,644.99| -$336.9 0 | $340,801 $494,431 ,546.78| $541,141 15.4| 16.4| 10.2| 13.61 13.0| 13. 11 15.21 ... 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 I 1 $1,159.49| - $ 335.64| $2 7 8 . 1 8 | $132,081 $292,341 ,085.22| $430,851 9. 4 | 5.8J 6- 6 | 11.0| 10.8| 11.5| 10.51 ...1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $485.50| -$1.26| $62 . 6 2 | $63.58| $461.56| $231.72| $248.80| 5. 2 j 5.5J 3.71 7.2J 2.21 5. 2 J 5.61 ...I I 1 ___ L_ 1. ___ L $7,000 to $7,999 $7,500.41 100.0 $5,231.33 95.9 $5,214.63 94.6 -$11.08 15.2 -$8.74 13.4 $28.95 2.0 $7.58 5.4 ** ** ** ** $721.92 20.4 $307.48 12.6 $414.44 8.7 2 76 T ab le 15. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESjy ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 4 5 - 54 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d See f o o t n o t e s at end o f ta b le | | $7,025.56 95.0 | | $7,035.48 92.7 | | -$16.72 23.2 | | -$17.93 16.6 | | $1.39 | .8 | $17.02 | 6.4 | ** ** j | $6.32 | .5 | $585.47 | 12. 1 | $344.32 7.3 | I $241.15 5.3 | 1 1 -P $8,966.43 100.0 \ 00 Money income before taxes, total Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Wages and salaries, total Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Wages and salaries, civilian Annual average.............. Percent reporting ....... Union dues Annual a v erage............. Percent reporting ....... Other occupational expenses Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Rent received as pay Annual ave r a g e .............. Percent reporting ....... Meals received as pay Annual a v erage............. Percent reporting ....... Wages and salaries, armed forces Annual a v erage............. Percent reporting ....... Quarters and subsistence Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Self-employment income, total Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Net income from own business Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... Net income from own farm Annual average............. Percent reporting ....... i I l -P s $8,000 to $9,999 Item Family income before taxes Complete repor t ing of income $10,000 $15,000 I $12,000 i $20,000 1 $25,000 to to to and to I I I 1 $11,999 over I $14,999 I $19,999 l $24,999 1 I I l 1 I I i 1 I I I 1 $10,953.25 I $13,450.08 1 $17,336.30 I $22,125.48 1 $38,782.83 100.0 1 100.0 I 100.0 l 100.0 1 100.0 I 1 1 I 1 $9,083.44 1 $11,303.36 1 $14,809.40 I $19,706.91 1 $28,242.49 95.3 1 98.3 1 99. 0 i 99.0 1 95.7 I 1 1 1 $9,098.15 1 $11,315.65 1 l $19,614.22 1 $28,048.60 98.0 1 94.3 1 98.6 1 98. 1 i 94.0 1 1 1 l 1 -$31.78 1 -$ 40.14 i -$32.35 1 -$36.12 1 -$34.65 33.3 1 31.2 1 33.5 l 28.8 1 25. 1 I 1 1 I l 1 -$27.40 1 -$34.72 1 -$47.78 l -$57.48 1 -$70.66 27.4 1 20.4 1 35.9 i 36. 1 1 38.0 i 1 a 1 I 1 1 $11.74 i $29.30 1 $19.19 i $14.32 1 $25.22 1.7 1 1.0 i .4 1 1.2 1 .5 i 1 i 1 $16.44 1 $25.49 1 $20.10 l $21.83 1 $37.73 8.5 1 9.9 1 10.7 I 12.4 9.0 1 a 1 1 i 1 ** $16.30 1 $35.04 I $142.35 1 $212.70 1 ** .4 1 .4 I 1.3 1 1.2 1 1 1 l 1 ** ** $7.78 1 $11.59 l $23.53 1 1 ** ** .8 i .7 1 1.2 1 1 t I I 1 $793.97 1 $830.04 1 $892.91 I $864.59 1 $7,257.23 16.3 1 14.9 1 14.6 l 13.2 1 28.7 I I 1 l 1 $627.69 1 $553.22 1 $595.15 l $572.12 1 $5,313.85 10.4 1 11.2 1 9.7 l 8.9 1 23.0 a I 1 1 l 1 $240.75 1 $202.35 1 $297.76 i $292.47 1 $1,943.37 6.4 1 4.4 1 5.8 l 4.6 1 6.7 .1. -1. _L | income | reporting 1 | | $2,259.08 71.4 | | $1,362.11 54.1 ) | $1,383.67 31.7 | | -$7.85 8. 1 | | -$33.25 22.2 | | ** ** | | $19.54 10.3 | | ** ** | | ** ** | | $313.95 3.4 | | $152.86 2.0 | | $161.09 1.4 277 T a b le 15, S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INCOME BEFORE TAXESJ/ ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 4 5 - 54 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C on su m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d See footn otes at end o f t a b l e . 00 00 00 m I I All | I 1 Item | families Total | | I 1 I I 1 _.... I. . 1 I I Social security, railroad retirement | 1 I $263.40| $247.96| Annual average................. I Percent reporting ........... | 11.7| 11.0| Government retirement, veterans* | 1 1 payments, and unemployment | 1 1 compensation I 1 1 $341.12| $354.33| Annual aver a g e ................. | 18.8| 18.1| ........... I Percent reporting Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, | 1 1 rental income, royalties, income | 1 1 from roomers and boarders | 1 J $508.61 | $485.08| Annual average................. | 67.4| 64.9| Percent reporting ........... I Rental income, royalties, income | 1 1 from roomers and boarders | 1 1 $151.39| $145.33| Annual average................. | 9.4 | Percent reporting ........... | 9.6 | Income from interest, dividends, | 1 1 estates and trusts | 1 1 Annual a v erage................. I $357.22| $339,751 63.0| 65.8| ........... I Percent reporting Income from all other sources, total | 1 1 $538.94| Annual average................. | $568.81| Percent reporting ........... j 68.0| 70.9 | Welfare and public assistance | 1 I $75.24| $80.40| Annual average................. I 4.8 | ........... | 4 -6 | Percent reporting Private pensions | I 1 $24. 12| Annual average ................. J $23.25| Percent reporting ........... | 1.31 1 .4| Regular contributions for support | 1 $79.33| Annual average ................. I 3.3 | 3. 2 1 Percent reporting ........... | Other, incl. workmens' compensation | 1 1 $382.41| $3 6 1 .ill Annual average ................. | 68.6| 65.8| Percent reporting ........... I I _±_ 1 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income j $7,000 | $5,000 | $6,000 Under | $3,000 | $4,000 to to | to | to | to | 1 1 $7,999 $3,000 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $332.34| $610.12 $442.57| $ 4 06.12| $489.11| $246,431 15.4| 23.7 15.4| 17.8| 23.9| 18.9| 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 77.91| $327.00 $365.50| $192.04| $128.04| $433.26| 15.4| 25. 9 | 19.9 J 18.2 16.0J 14.0| 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 J $165.51 $109.56| $170.73| $143.93| $59.50| $150.191 37.5| 45.7 19.4| 29.2| 38.6 J 41.6| I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 $46.11| $29.87| $36.34| $53.34 $68.85| $29.60| 5. 7 | 5.7 | 10. 1 | 9. 0 4.9 | ■ 5.6| 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $140.86| $81.34| $63.45| $ 2 3 . 16| $114,331 $112. 17 25.8| 34.6| 38.4| 37.1| 40. 7 18.2| 1 1 1 1 1 $659.13| $700.74| $600.77| $586.26| $384.27| $444.52 66.5| 62.0| 61.5| 62.9 64.5| 68.3| 1 1 1 1 1 $286.96| $482.66| $465.97| $166.56| $111.70 $160.12| 34.0| 25.4| 12.5| 7. 5 | 7. 7 6.5| 1 1 1 1 1 $1. 6 7 | $19.96| $ 9.8 7 1 $82.99| $33.87| $30.02 .3| 1. 1 | 2.2 | 1.7 2. 8 | 2- 9 | 1 1 1 I 1 $45.64| $59.81| $45.89| $29.71| $210.95| $104.23 5.3 | 7. 2 1 9.7 | 4. 1 4.3 | 2. 5 | 1 1 1 1 1 $129.17| $244. 13| $168.92| $125.77| $198.58 $160.58| 54.7| 61.6| 56.3| 59.6| 64.3| 58.5 __ L 1 _1 . _______ L_ 1_ $3 i 278 T a b l e 15. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 4 5 - 54 y e a r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item | Social security, railroad retirement | Annual aver a g e ................. I Percent reporting ........... | Government retirement, veterans' | payments, and unemployment | compensation | Annual average................. | ........... | Percent reporting Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, | rental income, royalties, income J from roomers and boarders | Annual a verage................. J Percent reporting ........... I Rental income, royalties, income | from roomers and boarders | Annual average................. I Percent reporting ........... | Income from interest, dividends, | estates and trusts | Annual average................. | ........... | Percent reporting Income from all other sources, total | Annual ave r a g e ................. | Percent reporting ........... | Welfare and public assistance | Annual average ................. I ........... I Percent reporting Private pensions | Annual average ................. | ........... | Percent reporting Regular contributions for support | Annual average................. | ........... I Percent reporting Other, incl. workmens' compensation | Annual aver a g e ................. | ........... | Percent reporting See footnotes at end of table $8,000 to $9,999 $360.62 14.0 $382.03 20.4 $215.47 55.2 $111.95 6.5 $103.51 51.3 $397.28 72.4 $78.88 2.9 $22.77 1.9 $89.31 5.4 $206.32 70.8 l | l I I | | I I I | | I 1 1 | | I I | | I I | | I | | I | | I | | I | | I | | Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $10,000 | $12,000 I $15,000 I $20,000 I to 1 to to to 1 I 1 $11,999 1 $14,999 1 I . $24,999 .1 $19^999 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 $287.59 | $258.04 1 $143.71 1 $190.36 I 9.2 1 9. 1 I 12.0 | 6.8 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 $349.75 1 $208.79 | $490.20 I $341.97 1 16.7 | 21.0 1 21.4 I 17.2 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I $424.92 1 $186.52 | $305.93 1 $561.89 i 61.8 | 71.1 1 80.3 1 84.3 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 $115.18 1 $28.85 | $106.94 1 $161.69 1 4.2 10.6 1 11.9 1 11.1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I $157.66 | $198.99 1 $309.74 1 $400.20 1 61.8 | 78.9 1 69.2 1 83.9 1 1 I 1 1 $392.94 | $402.95 J $528.51 1 $506.40 1 72.7 1 73.5 | 71.6 1 75.9 1 l 1 1 1 $17.20 | $25.80 1 $22.24 1 $2.62 1 1.7 | 2.5 1 1.4 1 .2 1 I 1 1 1 ** | $38.16 1 $27.30 1 $24.44 1 ** j 1.3 i 2.2 1 1.6 1 I 1 1 I $105.86 | $84.37 1 $80.60 1 $90.25 1 3.9 | 2.5 1 2.5 1 1.9 1 l 1 1 1 $254.61 1 $269.88 | $398.37 1 $389.09 1 72.0 | 70.3 1 74.8 1 71.0 1 -L. .1. 1 J. i BEFORE TAXESiy 1 1 Incomplete $25,000 | income and | reporting over 1 1 1 $195.26 | $54. 12 9.2 | 3.3 I I I $351.47 | $175.28 16.4 | 9.5 I I I $1,690.83 | $189.72 90.4 | 33.4 1 J $491.33 | $69.28 13.2 J 6.5 1 1 $1,199.50 | $120.44 89.8 | 28.1 I $1,045.55 | $163.90 68.2 | 31.8 1 $8.00 | $10.49 .6 | 1.2 1 $18.36 | $12.30 .8 | .5 I $63.90 | $47.31 1.9 | 2.6 I $955.29 | $93.80 30.7 67.2 | _L_ 279 T a b l e 15. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 4 5 - 54 y e a r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I I All I I families I I I I J_ _J__ Item Total Personal taxes, total Annual average ........ ......... I -$2,460.03) -$2,613.27 Percent reporting .... 93.7 90. 1| Federal income taxes I 1 Annual a verage......... ........ 1 -$2,038.42| -$2,164.66 Percent reporting .... 86.4) 90.7 State and local income taxes 1 1 Annual average......... ........ 1 -$345.69| -$369.48 68.3| Percent reporting ............ 1 72.0 Personal property and other 1 1 Annual average........ ..........1 — $75.93| -$79. 13 29.4| Percent reporting ............ 1 30.3 Other money receipts 1 1 Annual average......... •....... 1 $225.68| $233.30 12.7 Percent reporting ............ 1 12.3| Net change in assets and liabilities, l 1 total 1 1 Average of end-of-year values.| $ 1 , 203.49| $1,180. 13 91.1) Percent reporting ............ 1 92. 2 Net change in assets 1 I $1,528.71) Average of end-of-year values.| $1,464.98 75. 4) 76.9 Percent reporting .... Net change in liabilities 1 I Average of end-of-year values.| $325.22| $284.85 77.7 Percent reporting ............ 1 76.6| Goods and services received without | ) direct expense 1 1 Annual average......... .........1 $145,651 $148.94 62.9) 63.7 Percent reporting ............ 1 Market value of financial assets 1 1 $6,689.73| Average of end-of-year values.| $7,048.70 76.2| 79.3 Percent reporting ............1 Mortgage principal paid on owned 1 1 property 1 1 -$504.69) Annual average......... ....... 1 -$502.21 50.6) Percent reporting ............ 1 51.1 See footnotes at e n d of table I I I Under $3# 000 BEFORE Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $4,000 | $5,000 I $3,000 I $6,000 to | to to I to I I I $4,999 I $5,999 1_ $3,999 1_ $6,999 -$183.01) 39. 7 | -$169.77) 61.7| -$137.12) 28.8) 1 -$120.47) 52. 1 i 1 1 -$17.79| 36. 1) I -$31.511 19.7) I $55.18) 6.4 | I I $2,230.30) 73. 0 1 l $2,589.70) 47.7) -$27.73| 20.3) - $ 18.16| 17. 1 ) • 1 $207.40) 14.5) I I $168.10| 69. 4 | -$324.42) 81.1| 1 -$241.96) 70.9) 1 1 -$33.65| 49. 1) I -$48.82| 23.0) I $313.46) 8.7 | I I $428.32| 82.9) 1 $550.40| 56.9) 1 $122.08) 65.3 | I ) $142.69| 65.1) -$443.03| 88.7| 1 -$358.98) 79.8) 1 -$49.23) 55.7) 1 -$34.8 3 | 25.8) ) $329.34) 9.0) 1 1 $69.51) 78.8) 1 $324,831 51.9) I $255.32) 58.9) I i $122.77) 53.0| TAXESJ./ I $7,000 to I !_ $7,999 -$673.31) 90.6 | I -$533.51) 86.4) ) -$83.2 0 | 67.2! l -$56.6 0 | 29. 7) 1 $328.39) 13. 2 | 1 i —$ 70.05| 84.7) ) $213.00| 62. 1 ) $478,701 42.7) f t 1 $310.61) $359.39) $283.05| 46.2) 53. 7 | 67. 0 | I 1 I i i 1 $120.49| $124.38| $81.79| 49. 1 | 54. 6) 57.5) 1 I $871.12| $1,223,211 $2 , 7 6 5 . 1 0 | $2,913.13) $1,764,451 49.9) 31.4| 44.3) 54.0) 61.6) 1 I ) 1 1 l 1 1 1 i -$155.80| -$60.50) -$118.96| -$151.13| -$110.25| 24.1 J 18.8| 10. 2) 15.0) 23.7| i i i i i -$762.26 91.9 -$597.55 83.9 -$99.81 64.0 -$64.89 33.7 $108.37 10.7 $553.65 88.7 $53.22 63.5 -$500.43 68.7 $147.76 57.7 $1,773.49 67.3 -$761.80 32.2 280 T a b l e 15. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 45 - 54 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I_ $8,000 Item I to I $9,999 i_ I Personal taxes, total I Annual average......... ....................I -$1,110.36 97.4 Percent reporting .... ................... I Federal income taxes I -$915.65 Annual a v erage......... ....... I 93.6 Percent reporting .... ....... I State and local income taxes I -$135.71 Annual average......... . . . . . . . | 74.5 Percent reporting .... ................... I Personal property and other I Annual average......... ....................I -$59.00 30.4 Percent reporting . . . . ................... I Other money receipts I $239.24 Annual average .......................... ................... I Percent reporting . . . . ....................I 7.9 Net change in assets and liabilities, | total I Average of end-of-year v a l u e s . | $204.52 87. 1 Percent reporting .... Net change in assets I $649.22 Average of end-of-year valu e s . | Percent reporting .... ................... I 66.0 Net change in liabilities I Average of end-of-year v a l u e s . | $444.71 Percent reporting . . . . ................... I 70.5 Goods and services received without | direct expense I Annual average ......... $141.39 Percent reporting .... ....................I 57.9 Market value of financial assets I Average of end-of-year valu e s . | $2,374.75 Percent reporting .... ................... I 75.7 Mortgage principal paid on owned I property I -$214.06 Annual average ......... ................... I Percent reporting .... ................... I 37.6 J/ 2/ 3/ 4/ ** | j 1 1 i | | I | | I | | TAXESjy Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income 1 Incomplete $10,000 | $12,000 | $20,000 | $15,000 | $25,000 | income to | to | to | to | and | reporting $11,999 1 $14,999 I $19,999 I $24,999 over 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 -$1,462.71 | -$1,946.76 | -$2 ,630.84 | -$3,820.43 | -$6,882.06 | -$536.41 99.4 | 99.7 | 99.9 | 99.7 | 100.0 | 45.4 I I 1 -$1,201.99 | -$1,610.66 | - $2 ,200.42 | -$3,210.10 | -$5,671.18 | -$453.63 99.7 | 95.8 | 98.7 | 99.5 | 97.9 | 32-2 I -$203.03 | 75.9 | I | | -$57.69 29.3 I | | $120.32 9. 1 I I | | BEFOBE -$267.37 79.8 - | $361.90 79.7 | -$68.74 | 29.4 | -$68.53 30.5 1 | | $166.92 11.9 | | $538.63 96.4 | | I -$1,010.69 J | 79.5 | | -$200.20 39.4 I | | -$35.74 17.7 I | | $129.98 6.6 | $172.01 12.6 I | | $293.41 13.5 | | $407.05 20.2 $937.22 96.3 I | | $1,515.86 96.9 | | $3,839.08 98.7 { $1,496.70 77.4 J I | -$4 7 . 04 22. 1 | -$61.20 | 31.2 | I I $413.94 | 95.3 | | I -$549.13 81.3 I 1 | I | I | | l $956.77 77.9 1 | | $1,003.82 | 79.3 | $1 ,177.68 J 85.6 | $1,814.77 86.6 | | $3,987.40 93.8 I | | $2,328.71 56.4 1 | | $542.83 81.9 1 | | $465.19 83.0 $240.46 83.2 1 | j $298.91 85.3 | | $148.32 87.0 I | | $832.01 62.7 I I | | I | | I I | | I I | I $122.52 63. 1 | $119.72 62.6 1 | | $4,272.83 82.9 $2,915.40 79. 1 -$274.83 45.2 I I | | | | J | I | -$387.03 | 53.3 | $157.65 68.2 $6 ,896.56 90.8 - $574.92 62.5 1 1 | | I | | I I | | $146.88 65.7 | $8,725.62 91.9 | | -$522.10 68.0 | | | $225.41 71.2 $21,206.16 93.9 -$1,196.37 74.9 1 1 | | $104.36 52.8 1 | | $2,183. 30 38.2 I I | | Data in columns which represent less than 218,000 consumer units or in cells which represent less than 18,500 consumer units are likely to have large sampling errors. Value less than 0.05 percent Percents may not sum to 100 due to rounding. Data represent only those expenditures collected in the interview survey, not the total of all family expenditures. Data not available. -$535.86 44.5 281 T a b l e 16. Selected family (All f a m i l i e s with h ead 55 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y - 64 y e ars. U n i t e d S t ates, C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1972-1973) All families Item Total Under _$3^000_ Number of families in universe (000s)... 11,481 10,656 1,182 467 ! Average Family income before t a x e s .......... Family income after t a x e s ........... Age of h e a d ........................... Number of children under 18......... Number of persons 65 and o v e r ....... Number of automobiles o w n e d ......... Percent3/ Housing tenure Homeowner ........................... Ren t e r ............................... Not reported........................ Race of head White ................................ Black................................ O t h e r ................................ Education of head 1 to 9 years ........................ 9 years, not more than 12 years... More than 12 years................. Not reported or no s chool......... Automobile ownership At least one automobile own e d ..... 2. 3| 1 286| 277| 1 591 I .3| | 1 - 11 i 1.4 | 1 1 1 1 74 1 24 | 2| 1 1 90 | 9| 1I I I 30 | 44 | 221 4| I I 83 | 1 See footnotes at end of table 2.31 1 $13,079| 1 $10,949| 1 59 | 1 .3J 1 •1 I i 1.4J 1 1 1 1 74 | 24 | 2| 1 1 90 | 9| 11 I I 31 I 44 | 211 4| I I 82 | 1.7 1.51 $1,809| 1 $1,711| 1 60 1 1 I .2| 1 (2) I i 1 .5 | l 1 1 1 46 | 51| 3| 1 1 69 | 30 | 11 I I 50 | 311 6| 131 1 1 4 1| BEFORE Family in come before taxes Complete reporting of income $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $3,000 to to to to $6.999 $3.999 $5.999 Selected family characteristics Family s i z e ........................... INCOME $3,474 $3,275 563 l I I 1 1 I 1 1.81 1 $4,491| 1 $4,183| I 60 .1 .1 .8 49 49 2 86 14 ** 43 38 10 9 58 601 I 1 .3 | k 1 . 11 l .8 l I I I I 63 | 35 l 21 1 1 83| 16 | 1| 1 1 491 34 | 101 71 1 1 67 | 1 530| 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.0| 519| 1 1 1 1 1 1 2. 2 1 $5,475| 1 $4,972| $6,4751 1 $5,8391 1 601 1 .4J t - 11 I 60| 1 I .41 1 1 • 11 1.01 1 1 1 1 67 | 3 11 3| 1 I 83 | 14] 2| 1 1 441 44 | 61 6| 1 1 731 1 TAXESJ./ $7,000 to $7.999 1.0 | 1 1 1 1 701 29 | 11 l 1 86 | 12 | 2| I I 371 48 | 11| 51 1 1 77 | __ L_ _ 526 2.2 $7,471 $6,590 60 .4 .1 1.2 71 28 1 91 9 ** 35 50 12 4 81 282 T a b l e 16. Selected family (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 55 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y - 64 years. United States, Consumer E x p e nditure I n t e r v i e w Survey, 1972-1973) I. Item | I _____________ I I Number of families in universe (000s)... | I I Selected family characteristics | i 1 Average I 1 Family s i z e ........................... 1 i 1 Family income before t a x e s .......... | 1 Family income after t a x e s ........... | 1 Age of h e a d ........................... I | 1 Number of children under 18......... | i 1 Number of persons 65 and o v e r ....... | I 1 Number of automobiles o w n e d ......... | 1 Percent.3/ 1 i i Housing tenure | Homeowner............................1 Rent e r ............................... 1 Not reported ........................ j i 1 Race of head 1 White ................................ 1 Black ................................ | O t h e r ................................ i 1 Education of head I 1 to 9 y ears........................ I 9 years, not more than 12 years...| More than 12 yea r s ................. | Not reported or no s c h o o l ......... | I 1 Automobile ownership I At least one automobile owned.....| See footnotes at end of table $8,000 to $9,999 1,070 2. 1 $8,933 $7,821 60 .2 .1 1.3 73 24 2 (2) I I I I I I I 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 93 1 6 1 1 ■ 1 1 32 1 50 1 13 1 4 1 i 1 1 87 1 Family income before taxes Complete reportina of income $10,000 I $15,000 I $12,000 I to to to I I 1 $11,999 I i $19,999 I $14,999 I 1 I 1,053 I 1,361 1 1,557 I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i i 1 2.7 1 2.5 1 2.3 1 i i 1 1 1 $17,311 1 $10,977 1 $13,401 1 i i 1 I 1 1 $9,459 1 $11,348 1 $14,501 1 1 1 1 59 1 59 1 59 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 I .3 1 .3 1 .3 1 i i l l 1 .1 1 .1 1 .1 1 i i i 1 1 1.4 1 1.6 1 1.8 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 ■ i 1 1 1 77 1 85 1 83 1 14 1 21 1 15 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 i i i i i 1 1 94 1 6 1 1 1 i 1 1 27 1 54 1 16 1 3 1 i l 1 91 1 1 95 1 5 1 1 1 i 1 1 31 1 47 1 21 1 1 1 i 1 i 93 1 1 96 1 4 1 1 1 i < 1 21 1 53 1 25 J 1 1 i 1 1 96 1 $20,000 to $24,999 908 3.0 $22,290 $18,510 59 .3 -1 2.0 86 12 2 | | 1 1 | 1 1 1 i l 1 1 | 1 | 1 | i | 1 1 J 1 I ■ | 1 ) 1 i 1 | | I i 1 1 97 | 2 I 1 I ■ 1 1 17 | 41 | 40 2 I i 1 1 96 | INCOME BEFORE $25,000 and over 920 2.9 $39,503 $30,951 59 .3 .1 2. 1 88 9 3 l (2) TAXESJ/ I Incomplete inco me I I reporting I 1 824 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i i 2.6 1 i 1 $2,031 1 1 $1,585 1 I 1 59 1 1 .2 1 i 1 .1 1 i I 1.7 1 J 1 i 1 79 1 19 1 2 1 i 1 i 1 97 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 5 1 32 1 63 1 1 i 1 1 95 1 93 6 (2) 26 40 31 3 94 283 T a b l e 16. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 5 5 - 64 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d 1 I All | I ! Item | families i I 1 I 1 I I 1 Current consumption expenses, excluding | 1 personal insurance, gifts and J 1 contributions 4/ | 1 Average annual expenditure....! $7,741,341 100.0! ........... I Percent reporting I 1 Food, total | 1 Average annual expenditure.... i $1 ,736.75| ........... I 99.71 Percent reporting Food at home i 1 Average annual expenditure....! $1,359,551 99.1J Percent reporting ............ | Food away from home, excluding trips! 1 $358.40! Average annual expenditure 86.4! Percent reporting ........... | Meals as pay ! 1 $18.80! Average annual expenditure....! 7.7! Percent reporting ........... | i i 1 1 Alcoholic beverages | 1 $67 * 2 0 | Average annual expenditure....! 57.2! Percent reporting ........... J 1 1 1 1 Tobacco products | 1 $134.62! Average annual expenditure....! 57.2! Percent reporting ........... | i i I I Housing, total I 1 $2,103,851 Average annual expenditure....! 99.7J Percent reporting ........... 1 i i 1 1 Shelter, total 1 1 $1,051.13j Average annual expenditure...-! 97.6| Percent reporting ........... 1 Rented dwellings 1 I $326.63! Average annual expenditure....! 24.2! Percent reporting ........... | Owned dwellings 1 I $694.56| Average annual expenditure....! 76 . 0 1 Percent reporting ........... ! Other lodging, excluding trips | I $29.9 4 1 Average annual expenditure....! 9.3! Percent reporting ........... 1 1 ___ L ....\ See footnotes at end of table BEFORE Family income before* taxes Complete reportina of income J. J $5,000 1 $6,000 ! $3,000 | | $4,000 Total ! Under to 1 to | to | to | 1 I 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 1 I $3,000 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 » 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $7,597.09! $2,918,871 $3,868.29| $3,978,851 $5,004.11| $5,784.00| 100.01 100.0| 100.0 I 100.0| 100.01 100.0! i 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $1,716.94| $832.83! $1,005,601 $1,046,651 $1,395,771 $1,408.60! 98.8| 99.11 100-01 100.01 99.8! 100.01 1 1 1 1 1 1 $865,401 $932.99| $1,182,621 $1, 126.651 $742.80! $1,348,421 99. 1 l 100.01 98.51 99.31 97.3| 99.3| 1 1 I 1 1 1 $116,671 $97,881 $196.67| $261.93| $350.26! $69.04! 53.3| 73.01 85.61 69.3| 79.0| 86.3! 1 I 1 1 1 1 $20.99| $23.53| $16,481 $15.78| $18.25! $20.02| 7. 7 | 7.7J 7.71 7.0| 8.8 | 7.71 i i i i i i l 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $4 0 . 7 6 | $33,241 $28.55| $67.05| $19.68| $34.02! 23. 6J 38.31 38.3| 47.8| 57.1 | 38.01 i i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $104.27| $75.72| $118.031 $133.76! $84.82| $92.28| 51.7| 47.6| 57-51 50.8| 49.2| 55.0| i j i i i i 1 1 1 i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $2,059.90! $1,022.79! $1,228,561 $1,258.85| $1,496,781 $1,588,421 100.01 99.7J 98. 9! 97.5| 100.01 100.0| i i 1 1 l 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 $709,981 $783,381 $560,291 $663.99| $657,281 $1,025.77J 98.6J 98.7| 93. 41 89.3| 96.01 97.7 | 1 1 1 1 I I $379.441 $419.76 i $318.00| $316.22| $316,281 $324.89| 34.71 30.91 29. 31 43. 1 J 24.5! 48.2! 1 I 1 J 1 1 $463.99| $330.22! $389.12| $179.01i $235.21| $672.35| 63.7j 72.31 47. 9 | 69.51 75.8| 48.3| I 1 1 1 1 1 $9.07| $4.64| $3,111 $ 1. 8 4 | $ 9.02| $28.53J 5. 3 | 4.61 3.71 6.4 | 2. 1 j 9.1! __L _______ L_ 1. 1. —L l J TAXESJ/ $7,000 to $7,999 $5,735.11 100.0 $1,444.07 100.0 $1,208.46 100.0 $220.25 83.0 $15.36 6.2 $55.69 51.6 $123.56 56.3 $1,547.67 100.0 $763.53 96.6 $326.78 26.2 $433.56 71.0 $3.20 4.4 28a T a b l e 16. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 5 5 - 6 h y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item Current consumption expenses, excluding personal insurance, gifts and contributions 4/ Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... 1 1 1 | | I Food, total I Average annual expenditure... i l Percent reporting .......... Food at home I Average annual expenditure... | | Percent reporting .......... Food away from home, excluding trips| Average annual expenditure... | | Percent reporting .......... Meals as pay I Average annual expenditure... | J Percent reporting .......... 1 1 Alcoholic beverages 1 Average annual expenditure... | | Percent reporting .......... i 1 Tobacco products 1 Average annual expenditure... | | Percent reporting .......... I 1 Housing, total 1 Average annual expenditure... 1 | Percent reporting .......... ■ I Shelter, total 1 Average annual expenditure... | | Percent reporting .......... Rented dwellings 1 Average annual expenditure... | | Percent reporting .......... Owned dwellings 1 Average annual expenditure... | | Percent reporting .......... Other lodging, excluding trips 1 Average annual expenditure... | I Percent reporting .......... ? See footnotes at end of table $8,000 to $9,999 $6,357.76 100.0 $1,529.73 100.0 $1,256.42 99.3 $250.24 88.9 $23.07 8.7 $52.68 51.9 $144.27 63.2 $1,751.25 99.6 $837.83 97.2 $298.65 24.5 $527.85 75.3 $11.34 7.7 1 1 1_ o © o * o i l | I 1 to $11,999 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 | | to I to | i $14,999 I $19,999 I I I I 1 I 1 I $7,018.90 1 100.0 1 I i I 1 I 1 I $1,718.98 1 100.0 1 I I 1 I $1,396.18 1 99.7 1 I I 1 $302.90 1 I 92. 8 1 I 1 I $19.90 1 I 9.9 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 1 $58.44 1 1 60.4 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 $142.96 1 1 56.9 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 $1,891.56 1 100.0 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 $987.32 1 1 100.0 1 1 1 1 $338.31 1 1 22.7 1 1 1 1 $644.92 1 1 80.3 1 1 1 1 $4.09 I 1 3.5 1 1 J JL $8,106.24 100.0 $1,847.33 100.0 $1,468.41 100.0 $365.48 95.8 $13.44 7. 1 $66.40 66.3 $145.50 61.0 $2,072.77 100.0 $993.61 99.5 $284.04 16.7 $691.11 85. 1 $18.46 8.5 I I I I I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 $20,000 to $24,999 I I __ L $25,000 and over BEFORE i I I I T A X E S 1_/ Incomplete income reporting __L $9,519.78 100.0 | $11,669.81 | 100.0 | $15,372.48 | 100.0 $2,081.63 100.0 | | $2,420.09 99.5 | | $2,850.37 100.0 $1,575.07 99.5 | | $1,818.55 | 99.5 | $1,953.80 99.4 $495.38 96.4 | | $585.48 97.2 $11.18 5.4 | | $86.96 70.2 | | $119.53 77.0 | | $150.93 87.8 $167.12 63.1 | | $174.52 63.8 | j $148.13 55.3 $2,431.81 | 100.0 j $2,963.08 | 100.0 [ $4,199.66 100.0 $1,154.39 98.9 | | $1,496.27 99.6 | | $2,129.68 99.6 $287.88 14.7 | | $319.10 14.3 | | $363.58 11.0 $820.27 86.4 | | $1,084.13 88.6 | | $1,669.65 92.6 $46.23 13.1 | | $93.04 | 18.5 | $96.45 22.6 | | $867.59 99.7 $16.06 | 9. 1 | $28.98 8.3 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 i i i 1 i 1 i l 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _1 $9,606.51 100.0 $1,992.90 98.5 $1,503.39 97. 1 $463.67 87.8 $25.84 7.5 $69. 12 58.4 $145.69 52.6 $2,672.10 100.0 $1,378.98 96.5 $349. 1 1 19. 8 $981.71 78.4 $48.16 11.6 2 85 T a b l e 16. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s / a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s / a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 55 - 64 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item All families i | | I i Fuel and utilities, total Average annual expenditure-... ........... Percent reporting Gas, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gas, delivered in mains (piped) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gas, bottled or tank Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Electricity Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gas and electricity combined bills Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Fuel oil and kerosene Average annual expenditure--Percent reporting ............ Other fuels, coal, wood Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Water, trash, sewerage Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Housing expenses, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Telephone, excluding coin phones Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other expenses, including domestic services Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting See footnotes at end of table. I I I $433.27| 94.21 1 $99.39| 59.3| 1 $82.23| 48.7| 1 $17.16 j 11.2| 1 $160.65| 81.6| 1 $38.80| 12.3| 1 $62.32| 23.1| 1 $ 5 . 34| 8.71 1 $66.77| 70. 5J | 1 1 $296,281 94.8| 1 $177,571 91.8| 1 1 $118,711 71.71 ____L_ 1 1 Total 1 Under 1 1 1 1 $3^000 1 1 1 1 1 1 $251,791 $425.94| 94.1| 83. 9 1 1 $98.821 $70,491 59.71 53.31 1 1 $80.891 $50,751 48.8J 38.41 1 1 $ 17.93l $19,741 15.51 11.6| 1 1 $99.56| $158.22| 81.51 73.41 1 1 $37.76| $11.55| 12.21 6. 4 1 1 1 $59.541 $32,901 22.4| 18. 81 1 1 $5. 2 3 | $6.02| 8.7 | 11.11 1 1 $66.38| $31,271 70. 1 l 46.61 i 1 1 1 1 $287.89| $111,091 94.6| 75.61 1 J $173 . 9 7 | $85.08| 91.4| 66. 1 | 1 I 1 I $26,011 $113.92l 71.71 47. 71 JL_ 1 1 BEFORE TAXESjy Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | 1 $5,000 1 $6,000 $3,000 1 $4,000 to | to | to | to 1 1 $5,999 1 1 $4,999 1 $6,999 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $303,411 $384,601 $304,721 $349.22| 87.8J 90.8| 94.11 92.21 1 1 1 1 $82,631 $75,271 $107.67| $85,281 60.71 59.4| 62.71 57.71 1 1 1 1 $53,071 $55,421 $62,941 $88,131 50.8| 40. 1| 52.31 40.21 1 1 I 1 $19,681 $22,201 $19,541 $29,861 10.51 17.6| 19.2| 12. 1 1 1 1 1 1 $117,801 $123.55| $117,821 $137.22| 79.41 80.5| 79.81 80.71 1 1 1 1 $20,791 $38.60| $17.95| $26,781 8.31 15.31 6.81 9. 2 1 1 i 1 1 $31,721 $42,791 $51,661 $36,751 14.71 19.5| 26.01 14.51 1 1 1 1 $8,721 $5,461 $5,661 $13,451 8.61 8.5 | 5.9 | 5.81 1 1 1 1 $45.24| $44,661 $41,751 $62.73| 55.41 54.6| 62.41 62.71 | 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 $153.47| $202,091 $154,751 $221.501 86.4| 92.5| 88.21 94.9J 1 1 1 1 $111.37| $117.84 J $144,631 $150,621 77.5| 78.6 l 86.3| 91.6| 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 $42.09| $36,921 $57,461 $70,881 51.0| 69.4J 63.5| 53.3| ____L _ ___ 1 __ $3,999 $7,000 to $7,999 $354.84 91.4 $89.38 59.4 $71. 13 47.4 $18.26 12.8 $135.08 80.6 $24.20 12.5 $54. 12 25.0 $4.64 5.5 $47.43 61.3 $193.74 95.0 $144.67 91.4 $49.07 64.2 286 T a b l e 16. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 55 - 64 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item I 1 | 1 1 Fuel and utilities, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas, delivered in mains (piped) | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas, bottled or tank ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Electricity I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gas and electricity combined bills! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Fuel oil and kerosene | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Other fuels, coal, wood | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Water, trash, sewerage | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | i I Housing expenses, total | Average annual expenditure....! ........... J Percent reporting Telephone, excluding coin phones | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other expenses, including domestic! services J Average annual expenditure....! ........... ! Percent reporting 1 See footnotes at end of table $8,000 to $9,999 $400.03 95.5 $87.72 60.6 $74.18 50.8 $13.53 11.2 $157.67 83. 1 $35.81 12. 1 $59. 19 22.3 $2.64 5.3 $57.00 71.5 1 1 | i I I I l ! I I I i l I ! ! ! I I I I 1 1 i J 1 1 1 1 i l 1 i 1 1 $162.11 ! 97.6 1 1 1 $67.20' 1 72.2 1 _1_ $229.31 98.2 $10,000 to $11,999 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 | | to | to J ! $14,999 I $19,999 1 $414.26 94.5 $95.16 59.4 $76.29 49.0 $18.87 11.1 $150.99 82. 1 $42.79 12.7 $64.26 23. 1 $2.43 6.2 $58.62 69.0 $243.40 98.4 $166.18 96.9 $77.22 71.0 1 i l ! | J l 1 | 1 | | I J 1 1 J i I ) | I | | 1 | ! i 1 1 ! J 1 l J I I l | J_ $461.23 97.9 $105.05 63. 1 $83.76 51.3 $21.29 12.7 $165.85 84.2 $47.79 14.2 $60.31 23.1 $5.64 8.3 $76.59 78.4 l | ! i | | I | | I i l I ! | 1 | l I | | I ! i I | | i 1 1 $301.12 | 99. 1 l I $186.86 ! 97.6 ! I I $114.26 J 80.0 | 1 $504.89 97.7 $111.77 61.0 $95.90 51.7 $15.87 9.7 $189.28 84.4 $42.65 13.4 $77.66 25.7 $4.28 9.2 $79.25 81.2 $309.95 99.3 $197.44 98.6 $112.51 79.7 $20,000 to $24,999 1 1 1 I ! | I J ! I J J ! | | I | ! I | i I l | 1 | | 1 | ! i 1 BEFORE $25,000 and over 1 | Incomplete | income | reporting 1 | 1 ! l l I | J I ! ! I | 1 1 | ! I | ! I ! | I | ! i 1 $180.23 80.4 1 I J 1 ! J ! I ! | 1_ 1 1 | $767.55 | | 100.0 | 1 I $225.30 | $314.40 | 99.2 I 99. 1 | 1 1 1 1 $164.02 ! $453.15 1 86.3 ! 94.6 | _1_ _____________L_ $525.09 98.8 $108.64 58. 1 $98.86 52.2 $9.78 6.1 $59.39 19.5 $72.90 24.5 $2.97 9.0 $100.95 83.5 $389.32 99.7 $654.12 96.7 $142.35 60.9 $127.58 55.5 $14.76 5.7 $247.20 85- 1 $57.69 12. 1 $88.66 23.9 $7.14 17. 1 $111.09 86.3 TAXESiy 1 | | i J ! I ! i I ! | I J ! I | | I | | I | J J | ! i 1 $528.04 95.3 $106.79 54. 1 $99.66 47. 8 $7.14 6.7 $192.01 82.8 $52.28 13.5 $98.30 32.7 $6.83 8.8 $71.83 74.8 $404.74 98.0 $224. 15 96.4 $180.59 71.8 287 T a b l e 16• Selected family (A l l f a m i l i e s v i t h h e a d 5 5 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l expe n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s of inco m e c l a s s i f i e d by FA M I L Y I N C O M E - 64 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d All families Item ... ._ ____ _______ -.. __ ______ . .. Housefurnishings, equipment, total Average annual expenditure-............. Percent reporting Household textiles Average annual expenditure-... Percent reporting ........... Furniture Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Floor coverings Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Major appliances Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Small appliances Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Housewares Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Miscellaneous Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, male, 2 and over Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, female, 2 and over Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Clothing, children under 2 years Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Dry cleaning, laundry Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Materials and services Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See footnotes at end of table* __ . ____ I | | I i_ I I I $ 3 23.17| 88.0| i $49.60| 73.11 i $90. 16| 32.7 | I $42.71| 18.4| 1 $73.75| 26.9| 1 $10.20| 29.7J 1 $8.10| 20.4| 1 $48.64| 4 5. 5 1 1 1 $581.78| 99.3| 1 $183.17l 77.7| 1 $288.27| 91.4| 1 $6.38| 3.3| 1 $78.80| 81.6| 1 $25.15| 61.3| __ L 1 Total l Under | 1 1 1 1 $3,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 $99.63| $320.29| 88.2| 69. 8 | i 1 $15.27| $49. 10 | 52.5| 73.3 | I 1 $88.771 $26.46| 32.9| 16.8| i 1 $8. 8 7 | $43. 06 | 7.4 | 18.5| 1 1 $72.28| $25.91| 26.6| 15.2| 1 1 $2.71| $10,301 29.6| 13.1| 1 1 $8. 15| $1.63| 20.6 | 13.6| I 1 $48.63| $18.78| 45.7 | 23.7J I I 1 I $161.53| $568.45| 99.4 | 95. 91 I 1 $177.58| $37.04| 77.4 i 38.7| 1 1 $81.81| $283.60! 80.5| 91.3| 1 1 $.49| $5.55| 3.2 | 1.8J 1 I $76.37| $34.181 81.5| 65.01 1 1 $ 25.35I $8.0 11 40.01 61.4| 1 1_ BEFORE TAXESly Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income 1 $5,000 $3,000 | $4,000 1 $6,000 1 $7,000 to 1 to | to | to 1 to $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 1 $7,999 1 1 I i 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 $142.09| $107,691 $198.94| $235,491 $235.56 78.0| 80.5! 82.3J 81.81 85.9 1 1 1 $20.48| $19,651 $30. 1 8 | $38,831 $31.05 55.5| 61.3| 63.31 68.0| 71.2 1 1 1 1 $22,901 $47,151 $62,931 $38,881 $81.80 18.81 21.61 22.81 19.71 32.6 1 1 1 1 $16,101 $10.87| $21,281 $30,701 $17.47 13.0| 9.7 | 12.5| 14.9| 16.6 1 1 1 1 $28.80| $76,711 $48.11| $37,221 $71.46 15.71 14.6| 26. 21 18.8| 23.7 1 1 1 1 $6,561 $5.181 $6-77| $7,031 $8.74 20.61 23. 1 | 24.91 28. 11 22.8 1 I 1 1 $5,771 $1.56| $2,231 $6,821 $3.42 13.71 8. 7 l 13. 11 16. 1 l 15.5 I 1 1 I $31.8 5 1 $28.57l $11.29| $19,791 $21.60 25.21 28.6 1 41.51 33. 2 l 40. 2 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 I $351,471 $373.03 $315,851 $220.191 $251,081 99.3| 99.3| 99.31 99.3| 100.0 1 1 1 1 $51,511 $48.29| $82,201 $81,681 $97.38 53.4| 50.6| 61.71 63.5| 75.0 1 1 1 1 $154.87| $115.301 $ 187.18| $193. 11 $130,151 86. 41 82.5| 89.31 87.6 90.81 1 1 1 1 $ 4 -9 7 | $2,301 $2,731 $1,931 $2.77 2.41 2.71 3.31 3.5 3. 21 1 1 1 1 $45,821 $63. 12 $61,451 $64.04| $53,601 80.8| 76.61 80.8 71.6 1 72.3| 1 1 1 1 $10,871 $8.48] $14,601 $16.63| $16.65 47.71 49.7| 54.71 49.2J 59.2 __ L 1_ _J__ 1 l 288 T a b l e 16. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 5 5 - 64 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I j I ________ I__ Item Housefurnishings, eguipment, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Household textiles | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Furniture 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Floor coverings ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Major appliances 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Small appliances I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Housewares J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Miscellaneous ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Clothing, total I Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... 1 Clothing, male, 2 and over ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Clothing, female, 2 and over | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Clothing, children under 2 years | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Dry cleaning, laundry 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Materials and services J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J See footnotes at end of table. $8,000 to $9,999 $284.07 90.3 $41.29 75.1 $79.06 31.2 $41.21 17.9 $71.98 25.2 $10.01 26.7 $4.07 18.1 $36.46 41.2 $443.05 99.3 $122.51 78.0 $235.88 90.7 $1.68 2.4 $58.65 77.8 $24.33 59.9 I I 1 1 1 1 | | I l | ! ! | ! | i I | | I ! | l | | i 1 1 ! I J ! | 1 | ! ! | | J | | I | | 1__ $10,000 to $11,999 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 I | to | to I 1 $14,999 1 $19,999 _ 1 $246.59 91.0 $42.85 77.3 $56.63 31.0 $32.79 18.2 $45.72 24.0 $9.94 34.5 $3.70 16.1 $54.95 48.7 $512.79 100.0 $157.59 85.5 $253.15 93.1 $.75 2.8 $75.85 84. 1 $25.45 65.4 I | | I ! l I i | 1 1 | ! | | I ! | I l | I | J i I 1 | | 1 | | 1 J ! ! | ! I ! | ! | ! 1 $316.81 | 92.2 | I $49.57 | 77. 1 ! I $81.04 | 38.8 | » $31.58 J 20.6 ! I $83.92 | 30.9 i I $13.91 | 34.8 * I $8.62 ! 20.5 | ! $48.15 ! 50.3 | 1 1 $563.13 | 100.0 I I $168.99 J 91.2 | I $289.28 | 95.3 ! I $6.85 i 3-7 | I $70.97 | 85.7 | I $27.04 ! 67.3 | 1 . 1 $462.58 i 96.5 1 1 $71.01 | 83.3 j I $118.76 ! 41.9 ! I $76.47 i 23.5 ! I $97.95 | 35. 1 J » $16.82 | 39.4 ! I $10.86 | 26.7 | I $70.70 ! 59.1 | 1 1 $728.10 J 99.8 | 1 $241.48 l 94.3 | i $357.05 J 94.2 | ! $2.31 | 3.3 ! ! $93.56 ! 87.6 | I $33.70 | 68.3 | 1 $20,000 to $24,999 1 J 1 1 | 1 ! $67.51 | 83.8 | ! $189.03 ! 50.0 | I $72.02 i 27.4 | l $118.15 | 37.7 | 1 $12.46 l 34.7 J I $16.46 J 31.3 | I $76.78 | 61.1 | 1 1 $877.92 | 100.0 ! I $342.78 ! 96.5 | I $387.57 l 97.6 | ! $6.66 ! 4.0 ! I $97.03 | 88.3 | I $43.88 | 76.6 | ____ L $552.40 95.6 BEFOBE $25,000 and over 1 Incomplete income 1 1 reporting ! | | 1 $112.41 l 87.2 | I $184.52 ! 44.3 ! I $100.32 | 28.6 | 1 $111.79 | 33.2 J ! $12.11 | 35.4 i l $24.64 | 36.9 | I $102.52 ! 64.3 | i l $1,486.96 1 100.0 J I $484.58 | 96.2 ! 1 $759.08 | 97.6 1 1 $32.04 | 5-5 | i $163.69 J 94.5 ! » $47.57 | 77.5 | _L_ $648.31 97.4 TAXESJ/ $360.34 84.8 $56.06 70.5 $108.21 30.3 $38.17 16.8 $92.73 30.4 $8.85 30.8 $7.52 17.9 $48.78 42.4 $754. 10 99.3 $255.52 80.7 $348.65 93.2 $17. 17 3.8 $110. 18 83.7 $22.58 58.8 2 89 T a b l e 16. Selected family charac t e r i s t i c s , annual expenditures, and sour c e s of income c l a s s i f i e d by FAMILY INC O M E (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 5 5 - 64 y e a r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d 1 All families Item 1 | Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $1,586,541 94.3| $1,547,651 94.0| _______ 1 Transportation, total, excluding trips Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Vehicle purchases (net outlay) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle finance charges Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle operations, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health care, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health insurance, excluding employer share Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Expenses not covered by insurance Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Personal care (selected expenses) Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Recreation, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Owned vacation home Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting See footnotes at end of table. i | . ______ 1 $689.62* 25.7| 1 $70.20| 2 2 .2 | 1 $769.31| 8 6 .6 | 1 $352. 16 J 85.3 | i $417,161 86 .0 | 1 $57.41| 25.3| 11 1 1 $665 . 2 1 | 25.5 | i $ 66 . 6 8 | 21.9| 1 $758.48| 86.1 | I $345.64| 84.8 | I $412.84| 85.5| 1 $57.28| 25.2| I Under | I $3,000 I I I I $367,831 72. 1 | I $ 1 0 1 .0 2 | 7.9 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $647.86| 85.3| $714.51| 85. a i I $277.30] 17.5| 1 1 1 1 $877,291 93.71 $1,094,821 93.61 1 $285.44| 17.2| 1 1 $345,481 12.31 $444,601 21.7| 1 1 1 1 $9.69| 8 .0 | $9.98| 10.9| $11,771 $48,621 13.01 1 1 1 $198.77| 47. 81 $305.25| 67.0| $401,291 72.71 8. 6 1 1 $475,231 80.51 1 $544.09| 82.4| 1 1 1 1 1 $97.51| 45.6| $149.50| 65.5| $192.90| 72.71 $232.27| 80. 1 1 I $242.95| 79.6| $269.12| 79.4| 1 1 1 $101.26| 45.7| $155.75| 6 6 .0 | $208.39| 71.5| i 1 $50.31| 28.6| $47.48J 27. 4 | $551.98| 96.2| $ 5 47.55| 96.3| $234.06| 77. a i 1 1 1 1 1 1 $241.65| 89.8| $241,521 90.9| $98,321 56.5| 1 1 1 $310.33| 88 .8 | 1i $306.03| 88 .7| 1i $135,751 62.5| 1i 1 1 1 $126.19| 89. 1| $123,761 88 . 8 | 1i $38.24| 60. 1 | i 1 1 1 $619.41| 91.0| 1i $605.79| 91.0| 1i $99,031 59.5| 1i 1 1 $ 21.17| 4.3| __ L_ 1 | 1 11 1 $20.98| 4.4 | _J_ Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $3,000 | $4,000 | $5,000 | $ 6 ,0 00 to J to | to | to $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 $17.73| 5.3 | 1 1 1 1 BEFORE 1 $3.05| 1.0 | 1_ 11 1 1 $25.95| 16.4| 1i 1 1 $57,511 25. 4J 1i 1 11 1 $340.28| 90.2J $377.69| 93.2| $378.75| 95.9| $680,241 99.3J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $150.27| 81.11 I $190,011 75.51 11 1 $64.67| 77.9| 1 1 $147.37| 78.2| 1 1 $.36| . 11 _ L_ $162.60| 88. 6 | $229,921 95.71 1 1 1 $200,291 84.21 1i $450,311 92.01 1i 1 1 1 $59,651 79.91 1i $78,501 84.91 1i $104.50| 86.31 1i 1 1 1 $144,091 83.21 i i $247,711 87.1| 1i $307,491 89.81 1i 1 1 $1.76| 1.3| ____ L $1,192.70 95.0 $523.38 27.0 $58.77 14.0 $558.94 84.4 $253.33 84.0 $305.61 84.4 $51.62 20.5 1 $215,091 78.5| 1■ $.09| .7 1 — 1__ $7,000 to $7,999 1 $274,971 81. 71 $44.81l 20 . 6 J I $178.46| 87.61 TAXESJ/ 1 $13.13| 2-81 ___ L_. $446. 17 99.6 $206.82 92.6 $239.35 90.7 $112.70 85.4 $335.50 92.7 $.02 .7 2 90 T a b l e 16. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 5 5 - 64 y e a r s , U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d $ 8, 000 to $9,999 Item Transportation, total, excluding trips Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Vehicle purchases (net outlay) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle finance charges Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Vehicle operations, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gasoline Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other transportation Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health care, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Health insurance, excluding employer share . Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Expenses not covered by insurance Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Personal care (selected expenses) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Recreation, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Owned vacation home Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See footnotes at end of table. $1,235.49 97.6 | | I I I I | | 1 $495.49 22.9 | | $43.34 22.3 | | 1 1 $657.12 | 92. 1 | 1 $317.07 | 91.3 | 1 $340.04 | 91.3 | I $39.54 | 19.7 | 1i 1 $587.98 | 99. 1 | 1 $224.87 94.2 J | | 1 $363.11 91.1 $109.47 92.5 | 1 1i 1 | | 1■ Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $15,000 $ 1 0 , 00 0 | $ 12,000 | to | to | to | I $19,999 $11,999 I $14,999 I I I I I I I I I I $1,454.24 | $1,824.55 | $2,137.65 | 98.9 | 99.3 | 99.8 | I I 1 $563.36 | $811.40 | $929.88 | 24.3 | 30.8 | 32.5 | 1 l I $57.91 | $90.25 1 $111.09 | 24.7 | 31.6 | 32.7 | 1 I 1 $747.00 | $903.22 | $1,043.86 | 95.5 | 93.2 | 98.2 | 1 I I $338.35 | $427.94 | $479.94 | 92.4 | 94.8 | 96.2 | I 1 I $408.65 | $475.28 | $563.93 | 93.0 | 95.2 | 98.2 | 1 I I $53.64 | $52.01 | $52.81 | 24.4 j 24.2 | 23.8 | 1■ 1 I 1 1 | 1 00 .0 | I J $264.12 | 97.8 | I $263.90 | 93.0 J $600.09 | 99.7 | $528.02 $121.00 95.7 $387.90 95.0 | | 1i 1 $3.44 | 2.4 | _______ L_ $452.27 96.5 | | 1 i $12.42 I 4.6 | __ L_ $300.93 99.3 | | i l $142.00 95.7 | | i I $156.54 97.6 1 $621.54 98.5 | | 1i $2,516.79 99.6 $1,111.28 36.5 $116.20 34.2 $1,184.74 97.3 $520.33 96.5 $664.41 96.9 $104.57 32.6 j j a I I | | I $825.93 99.3 | | 1i 100.0 | | I | | I | | I | | I | | I | | I | | I | | I | | I $311.19 97.7 | | $422.40 98.6 | $163.50 96.0 1 I 1 $1,337.70 98.3 $538.85 96.9 $798.85 98.3 $94.10 34.4 $810.57 99.6 $46.29 | J I | | I | | I | J I | | I i | | $352.96 95.9 | | $457.61 96.3 | | $115.64 26.2 $909.34 94. 1 $436.41 91-2 $472.94 93.3 $59. 11 26.0 $609.30 95.3 $243.36 75.0 1 $365.94 89.8 1 1 $244.17 97.9 | l $1,802.50 99.8 | 6.0 I _±_ $1,005.32 28.3 1 1 | | l 1 1 $2,089.42 98. 1 1 $128.66 25.4 1 1 $1,144.85 99.3 1 1 1 1 | | I $1,419.50 | 40.3 | 1 { | income | reporting $2,979.96 99.1 1 1 $31.15 7.8 $25,000 and over 1 $733.59 1 J $19.12 | 6. 1 | i | | I i j | J | I I 1 1 1 $331.29 95.7 1 1 1 1 | | 1 $322.04 94.7 1 1 | | i 100.0 1 1 $278.05 98.5 $20,000 to $24,999 TAXESJ/ 1 1 Incomplete ____ 1 $632.22 BEFORE | | $157.69 92.3 1 1 | | 1i $795.62 92.0 1 $87.69 | 9.5 | 1_ $18.52 5.5 291 T a b l e 16. Selected family (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 5 5 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E - 64 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I I I I Item All families I Vacation, pleasure trips, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Food J Average annual expenditure....] Percent reporting ........... | Alcoholic beverages J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Lodging | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Transportation, total i Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gasoline | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Other transportation | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | All expense tours | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Other vacation expenses J Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Boats, aircraft, wheel goods | Average annual expenditure....! ........... | Percent reporting Other recreation, total l Average annual expenditure....] ........... | Percent reporting Televisions ] Average annual expenditure....] Percent reporting ........... | Other | Average annual expenditure....] Percent reporting ........... ] I I I I _1_ ! $301.07] 64.51 footnotes at end of table i $289.99| 64.01 1 $ 6 .4 5 | 23.5| 1 $47.05J 37.4] I $99.74! 62.3J ! $34.00! 55.0| ] $65,741 41.01 1 $59.89] 9. 3] 1 $22.93] 38.61 ! Under I I $3,000 1 $45.84| 27.5| 1 1 $62 . 6 1 | 55.0| i $ 6 .19 | 23.3 | I $ 44.73| 37.2| I $96.97! 62.1 | I $33.36] 5 4 .8 | I $ 6 3.61l 40.3 | I $57 . 5 5 | 8.9] I $21.94] 38.2] $9.59 | 18.6| 1 $65.02| 55.1| 1 11 1 $58.20| 12.1 ] 1i $58,671 1 2 .1 ] 1i 1 $.62| 3. 2] 1 $6,621 7.81 1 $22,391 23.7| i $3.99] 17.2| 1 $18.41| 13.9| 1 $ 3.75 1 1.3] I $ 2 .8 8 ] 1 0 .2 ] I l $3.20| 1.9] 1i l $75.97] 45.0 | I $15.74] 33. 1 | I $1.53| 1 0 .0 ] l $7.37! 15.0| ** ** 1 | j __ L_ ** ** 1 | ] _1 1 1 $17.21] 22.9| $24,231 27.3] 1 1 1 $2.72] 15.31 1 1 1 1 $4.40] 4.9] ■ 1 1 $73.75] 78.41 1 $21.45] 11.5| ** ** 1 j | _J__ $10,821 5.21 i ** ** 1 j | __ . $37.63 50.2 $4. 52 16.4 $27.08 28.9 $42.00 56.9 $22.32 44. 7 $19.67 37-2 1 $10.75] 2.7] I $11.69] 24.5] I l $28.13l 8 .2 ] $24.98 9.9 $14.75 34.8 $30.15 8.8 11 1 1 1 $133.09] 83. 2 1 I $4 4 . 3 5 | 13.3| $150.96 59.0 1 $3.72| 12.1 ] l $18.67] 20 . 1 ] l $47.78| 50.2| I $23.55] 41.8] 1 $5.00] 17.0! I l $1,331 1.4] 1i 1 1 $126.66| 51.6] I $34.05] 42. 6 | $20.64] 18.91 $24.38] 2.1 ] I $4.13] 15.61 1 1 1 $12.72] 30.8 | 1 $69.71] 70.5! I $17.63] 8 .0 J I ** j ** | | j 1 $33.36| 38.21 $. 89 | 1 .9 | 1 ** ** 1 $12,421 15. 8 ] I $35.01| 44.21 I $17.80] 39.8] 1 $46.93] 53.81 1 1 $14,751 4.21 1 $13.46] 7.7! 1 $102.04] 44.2] I $24.47] 34.2! I $1,641 7.5] $13,831 17.6| 1 $10.24] 35. 8 | I $21.35| 24.0] $235.95] 88.1 | 1 1 $65.85] 40. 1 l I $13.05| 27.9] ! $1.99| 8 .2 ] 1 $31.59| 42.8| 1 $41.39] 1 2 .8 | TAXESJ/ Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $3,000 | $4,000 I $5,000 I $ 6, 000 I $7,000 to | to | to to to I I $3,999 I $4,999 I $5,999 _ 1 _ $6,999 _L_ $7,999 $239.17| 88 . 0 J I $40.41] 12.5| _____1__ See Total I I I __L. BEFORE $139.57| 87.2| $154.38 88 . 1 1 $33.08] 10.3| ** ** 1 1 j ______ 1__ $39.02 7.8 ** ** T a b l e 16. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 5 5 - 64 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I Item | I I Vacation, pleasure trips, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Food | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Alcoholic beverages 1 Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Lodging | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Transportation, total | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Gasoline | Average annual expenditure.... | Percent reporting ........... ! Other transportation | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! All expense tours | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... ! Other vacation expenses | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Boats, aircraft, wheel goods i Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... J Other recreation, total ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | Televisions ! Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... 1 Other | Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting ........... | $ 8,000 to $9,999 I I | 1 $204.36 68.3 $41.31 56.6 $3.36 20.1 $27.74 36.7 $71.11 65.4 $27.87 56.4 | | 1 | | ! | | I | J ! | | ! 1 J i $43.24 | 37.7 | ! $42.10 | 6.1 ! I $18.75 ! 37.4 | i footnotes at end of table. I $214.41 ! 66.5 | I $50.73 | 61.4 | $35.69 11.7 ! ! i I $144.41 90.7 ! | I | | 22.2 $31.87 37.8 $72.37 64.9 $29.44 56.5 $42.92 37.0 $36.02 7.5 $19.23 41.1 10.6 ** ** I | j | | I | | I ! | I ! | I | ! I | ! I | | ■ 1 $5.41 25.7 $43.13 45.0 $94.57 75.5 $46.21 69.1 $48.36 46.0 $43.50 8.4 $21.77 47.2 1 1 $37.19 J 11.3 J 1i 1 $34.48 I $274.70 ! 77.7 | I $66.32 ! 68.2 | 1 $4.19 1 1 _________ I__ See $ 10,000 to $11,999 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 I | to | to I 1 $14,999 I $19,999 1 $188.25 93.9 1 1 | 1 $35.26 11.0 ** ** ! | I j | $95.72 14.3 | ! I J ! I | | I ! ! I ( ! I | ! I | | i I ! | | 1i $401.87 77.2 ** ** I | | 1 . $25,000 and over __L_ 1 | | I $92.38 l 68.4 | i $10.04 J 31.4 ! i $65.34 | 53.0 l I $128.93 | 75. 9 1 J | I $78.62 J 54. 1 J l $76.17 | 12.8 ! I $29.02 J 51.0 J 1■ i $103.82 J 18.6 ! i I $100.66 77.2 $7.65 41.0 $72.56 59.6 $150.12 79.7 $53.61 73.4 $96.51 58.5 $147.83 16.9 $32.46 58.5 | J 1 $48.23 ! 15. 1 | l ** j ** j 1 | | I ! | I | * I | | I | | I ! | I | ! ! l ! I | | $92.57 19.5 $494.72 98.6 | ! 1i 1 1 J $930.37 87.9 $182.12 77.3 $2 2 . 0 2 54.4 $149.52 64.9 $315.04 87.9 $59.48 80.5 $255.55 72. 1 _______ L_ I | | ! i | ! | ! i | J I | | I | l l | l $444.32 70. 4 $96.21 56.4 $9. 78 26.2 $76.95 39.3 $135.55 65. 9 $42.31 56.8 $93.24 49.8 1 $190.00 23.2 $71.67 64.7 | l » ! | $90.16 13.8 $35.67 43.7 1 1 $140.06 23.0 ! ! i ! ! $644.37 ! 99.8 | 1 $58.00 J 14.9 | ! ** j ** | TAXESJ/ 1 Incomplete income 1 1 reporting __ L_ 1 1 1 $289.08 97.8 1 1 1 $511.28 82.7 1 $50.31 69.9 1 $231.99 | 97.9 | I $57.10 J 16.4 I $ 20 ,0 00 to $24,999 BEFORE $52.10 12.6 $280.68 85.7 1 $69.72 20.0 ! | $27.72 9. 1 I ** j ** | __________ 1__ ** ** 293 T a b l e 16. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E { A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 5 5 - 64 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d 1 All families Item Reading materials Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting . .. ____ ___ _ Education, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ...... Private Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Public Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Miscellaneous Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ............ Personal insurance and pensions, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting Life, endowment, annuities and income Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other personal insurance Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Retirement and pensions Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gifts and contributions Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... | | footnotes at end of table. Total | 1 1 __ _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Under | $3,000 1 1 1 1 1 $45.73| 84.9J $45.271 84.5| $13,031 52.71 1 1 1 1 1 1 $11U.39| 17.8| J $66,231 7.0 | 1 $ 48.16| 12.91 1 1 $72.90| 67.01 1 1 $794.68| 90.91 1 $288,531 77.7J 1 $8,981 12.9| 1 $497.17| 71.8| 1 1 $567,131 89.71 $106.13| 17.81 $11,371 3. 6 | 1 See 1 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $3,000 1 $4,000 1 $5,000 | $ 6, 00 0 to 1 to 1 to | to $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 i I I $19,721 66 . 1 l I I $5,181 7.0 1 1 1 l $17,441 68-5J 1 1 $8.56| 4.91 1 1 1 1 $58.771 $6,621 $1,271 1.7 1 $6,931 3. 1 l 6.8 | 1 $47 . 3 6 | 13.01 1 1 $74.861 66.9| 1 1 $ 8 16.31| 91.81 1 $280. 16 | 78.0 l I $9.26| 13.4| 1 $526.891 75.5J 1 1 $569.501 90.0| 1 1.21 1 $4,751 2. 6 1 1 1 $33,661 39. 1 | I I $79 . 9 0 | 65. 51 1 $61,021 54. 1 l l $2. 4 9 | 7. 9 | I $16.39| 17.4| i 1 $96.38| 65. 01 1_ BEFORE 1 1 $3,911 5.3 1 1 1 $32,451 55.5| 1 1 $157,341 77.91 1 $89.37| 59.91 1 $3.94| 9. 1 | l $64,031 45.61 1 1 $173.60| 77.0| $1,631 2. 7 1 1 1 $26.96 | 53.41 1 1 $225,531 87.5J 1 $112.94| 65.21 1 $3,041 8.51 1 $109.55| 66.4| 1 1 $147,711 78. 11 __ 1 1 1 $24,841 78.3| I 1 $10,021 4 .8 | 1 1 1 1 1 I $25,021 82.2| TAXESjy $7,000 to $7,999 $33.50 80.8 1 1 $13,521 5.9 1 ** i 1 1 ** j $3,281 1 .5 | 1 $10.02| 4.81 1 1 $33,561 55.8| 1 1 $297,651 88.71 1 $ 145.27l 69. 9 1 l $3.48| 9.6 1 1 $148,901 63.71 1 1 $228,071 82.21 $10,241 4.4 J 1 1 $57,881 57. 1| l I $372,071 92.61 1 $157,541 68.21 1 $4,731 11.51 1 $209,801 6 9.8| J 1 $249,211 87.5| $19.54 15.8 $.73 .9 1 ___L _____________ l_ . $18.81 14.8 $50.97 68.2 $442.55 92.8 $155.52 72. 1 $6.05 10.8 $280.98 79.2 $317. 12 91.4 294 T a b l e 16. Selected family (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 5 5 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E - 64 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d $ 8, 000 to Item Reading materials Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Education, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Private Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Public Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Miscellaneous Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Personal insurance and pensions, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Life, endowment, annuities and income Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other personal insurance Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Retirement and pensions Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gifts and contributions Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting | | $9,999 I I I I $35.40 | 87.9 | I I $40.14 | 13.3 | I $20.30 | 5.2 | I $19.84 | 9.2 | I I $40.39 j 64.5 | 11 1 $541.00 94.6 | | I $195.04 | 78.0 | I $7.17 | 12.9 | 1 $338.80 | 80. 0 | i 1 1 $329.24 93.3 | | 1_ See footnotes at end of table Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $ 1 0, 00 0 | $ 12,000 I $15,000 to | to | to I $11,999 I $14,999 l I $19,999 I I i I I 1 I 1 I $38.26 | $48.35 I $54.81 | 91.3 | 95.5 | 92.5 I 1 1 I I I 1 1 $89.07 1 $121.50 | $31.32 | 12.6 | 19.7 1 25.9 | I 1 $17.96 | $45.17 J $57.01 J 11.4 | 4.6 | 5.2 1 I 1 I $43.90 1 $13.36 | $64.49 | 8.4 J 15.6 1 18. 1 | 1 I I I 1 I $69.07 | $85.51 1 $95.52 | 69. 1 | 74.6 1 76.9 | 11 11 I 1 1 I $749.53 | $925.16 1 $1,174.72 | 95.8 J 99.3 1 99.5 | 1 1 I $247.66 | $262.60 1 $336.69 | 84.5 | 86.5 \ 87.9 | 1 1 I $15.24 | $9. 18 I $12.71 l 13.7 | 14.5 1 17.3 | I 1 I $486.63 | $653.38 1 $825.31 l 87.9 | 95.4 | 91.9 1 1 l 1 1 1 I $494.39 | $529.55 1 $644.90 | 95.0 | 97.8 1 97.6 | I JL_ jL $ 20 , 0 0 0 to $24,999 $73.00 95.8 $334.34 38.5 | J 1 1 1 1 | | BEFORE $25,000 and over 1 $195.75 14.3 | | I $138.59 | 29.4 | I I $148.60 | 83.7 | | | $455.55 88.5 | | 1 1 1 $118.00 98.0 $432.32 38.6 $264.37 2 0 .6 | | I I | | I | l | | $148.90 83.3 | | $2,171.04 98.3 | | $58.52 12.2 $47.60 6 8. 6 $515.04 79.5 1 $14.80 | 18.0 | I $1,034.51 | 90.6 | 1 1 1 1 | | $162.71 9.4 1 1 | I I $16.61 | 18.3 | I $1,282.05 | 86 . 0 | $826.77 98.1 $221.23 18.7 1 1 1 1 $51.73 90.6 1 $167.96 25.8 1 1 $1,504.86 97.4 I 1 Incomplete income | | reporting I 1 1 | | TAXESjy $872.38 91.8 $2,201.08 | 99.3 | _JL_________________ L_ $396.77 74.6 $5.38 6.3 $112.90 24.5 $536.51 85.7 2 95 T a b l e 16. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 55 - 64 y e ars. U n i t e d Sta t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Survey, 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I I All | families I 1 ______ Item 1 1 Money income before taxes, total Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Wages and salaries, total Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Wages and salaries, civilian Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Union dues Annual average .............. ........ Percent reporting Other occupational expenses Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Rent received as pay Annual aver a g e .............. ........ Percent reporting Meals received as pay Annual average .............. Percent reporting ........ Wages and salaries, armed forces Annual average .............. Percent reporting ........ Quarters and subsistence Annual a verage .............. Percent reporting ........ Self-employment income, total Annual average .............. Percent reporting ........ Net income from own business Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Net income from own farm Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ footnotes at end of table. Total 1 _____ I 1 L | 1 1 1 1 1 Under $3,000 | 1 1 1 1 1 Family income befores taxes Complete reporting of income 1 $5,000 1 $ 6 , 0 00 $3,000 | $4,000 to 1 to | to 1 to 1 $5,999 1 $6,999 $3,999 I $4,999 J J ... | $12,286,051 $13,079. 18| $1,808.64| $3,474.11| 99.7J 97.3| 100.01 1 1 1 1 1 $9,303.89| 83.1| 1 $9,328.90| 80.4| i i 1 -$19.381 18.7| 1 1 1 -$33.4 2 | 2 2 .6 | 1 1 1 ...| $9.63| $9.26| .8 1 1 1 ...| 7.7| i 1 ...1 (2 ) i 1 1 1 ... I 1 See L | | I | i i 1 1 6-71 1. 1 $18.25| 7.71 I $. 05 | I (2 ) I $. 23 | (2 ) | I $1,321. 10J 18.0| 1 $393.74| 36.6| 1 $371.62| 31.5| ** ** 1 | | 1 -$ 9 . 4 3 | 5. 7 | 1 $10.56| 1-71 1 $20.99| 7. 7 | 1 ** ** | | ** ** | | 1 1 $91.50| 14.1| 1 1 $974.69| 1 1 .6 | $63.21| 6.51 1 1 $346. 4 1 1 7.2 1 $28.29J 7.71 _L JL BEFOBE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $4,lt90.66| $5,474,531 $6,474,961 100.01 1 0 0 .0 J 1 00 .0 1 1 1 $2,449.24| $2,943,381 $3,918,811 78. 1 1 71.41 82.51 I 1 1 $1,077,251 $2,446,021 $2,940,301 $3,895,221 50.8| 73.6 | 67.41 80. 4 | I I 1 - $ 1 .0 7 | -$9,641 -$9.701 - $ 4 .8 8 | 2.4( 15. 11 7.3 | 1 0 . 11 I 1 1 -$ 3.18| -$7.68! -$3,761 -$17,501 15. 41 6.2 | 10.3| 1 1 .6 | $23,531 7.7 | ** ** | j 1 $15.78| 7. 0 | ** ** | j ** ** ** ** | j ** ** $368.55| 20. 1 | 1 1 1 j 1 | | 1 $187.64| 9.4( ** ** 1 j | 1 $16.48| ** ** ** ** 8.81 1 j | 1 j j 1 $ 2 0 ,0 2 1 7.71 1 ** ** j j ** ** j j 1 1 1 $505.48| 15.11 I $326,031 8 . 11 1 1 $64.56| 3.91 $134,731 10.51 $147,851 8 .5 | $123,081 5.51 __ L_ 1 1 $30.76 | 3.01 $432.20| 19.4| $220.70| 12.3| 1 $297,471 9.5 | ____ L _ $7,000 to $7,999 $7,470.72 100.0 1 $1,106,431 55.0| $9.90| 1.6 | T A X E S 1./ $4,804.76 85.9 $4,817.28 82.6 -$9.94 13.0 -$17.95 22.5 ** ** $15.36 6.2 ** ** ** ** $435.96 14.9 $185.06 9.1 1 $179,451 7.01 _______ L_ $250.90 7.2 296 T a b l e 16. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 5 5 - 64 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d l I | Item 1 1Money income before taxes, total Annual average .............. Percent reporting ........ Wages and salaries, total Annual a v erage.............. Percent reporting ........ Wages and salaries, civilian Annual a v erage .............. ........ Percent reporting Union dues Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Other occupational expenses Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Rent received as pay Annual a v erage .............. Percent reporting ........ Meals received as pay Annual average .............. Percent reporting ........ Wages and salaries, armed forces Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ Quarters and subsistence Annual average .............. Percent reporting ........ Self-employment income, total Annual average .............. Percent reporting ........ Net income from own business Annual average.............. ........ Percent reporting Net income from own farm Annual average.............. Percent reporting ........ $ 8,000 to $9,999 $ 1 0 , 00 0 to __L_ $11,999 1 ...| $8,932.61 I ...| ...| $6,059.22 88.5 I I I I .. . | | ** ** I I | j ** ** I | j ** ** $753.31 I ... | 11.5 I ...| I I $10,977.17 | $13,401.47 100.0 | 1 0 0 .0 I I I $8,248.77 | $10,547.17 93.5 | 95.5 I I I $8,271.58 | $10,562.44 90.8 | 94.6 I I -$28.67 -$23.15 l I 27.6 27.2 | I I -$25.95 | - $ 2 3 . 10 I 26.7 21.3 | I I $6.39 | $23.05 I -4 | 1 .1 i I $19.90 | $13.44 I 9.9 | 7. 1 I 1 ** ** | 1 ** | ** 1 1 ** ** | 1 I I ...| 1 1 $190.09 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -L See footnotes at end of table Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $12,000 | $15,000 I | to J to I I $14,999 1 $19,999 1 ** | $875.92 | 19. 1 | $702.77 | 13.8 | $173.15 | 6.1 | I I $17,311.38 1 00 .0 I I I $14,237.72 98.5 1 1 1 $14,331.08 96.6 1 1 -$34.58 1 30.2 1 1 -$77.96 1 37.5 1 1 $6.59 1 .8 1 1 $11.18 1 5.4 1 1 ** 1 ** 1 1 $1.42 1 ** .2 1 1 $797.86 1 $1,058.57 14.5 1 18. 1 1 $724.01 $619.43 1 9.7 I 10.8 1 $334.56 $178.43 1 5.4 1 8.1 -1. $ 2 0 ,0 00 to $24,999 1 1 __L I I $22,290.01 100.0 I I I $17,922.83 95.3 I I I $18,000.62 94.9 I I -$36.50 I 28.4 I I - $ 5 8 . 16 I 35.6 I I ** I ** i I $16.06 I 9. 1 I I $.56 I .4 I I $.26 I .2 I I I $1,827.72 22.6 I I I $1,235.23 15.9 I I $592.49 I 8.4 1 -JL BEFORE $25,000 and over I I $39,502.85 100.0 I I I $24,667.33 91.3 I I I $24,717.48 87.7 I I -$25.63 I 16.6 I I -$72.31 1 34.9 1 1 $18.80 1 .7 1 1 $28.98 1 8.3 1 1 ** 1 ** 1 1 ** 1 ** 1 1 1 $7,444.75 29.7 1 1 1 $5,869.46 24.2 1 1 1 $1,575.29 7.5 1 _L TAXES!/ I | Incomplete | income | reporting J __ I I I I I 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J_ $2,031.01 65.8 $1,152.42 43.7 $1, 124.06 24. 1 -$ 4. 10 4.0 -$22.09 2 0 .8 $14.35 1.0 $25.84 7. 5 ** ** $14.35 .5 $51.40 1.8 $30.60 1.4 $20.80 .4 297 T a b l e 16. Selected family (All f a m i l i e s w ith he a d 55 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E - 64 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d All | families Item J Social security, railroad retirement Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... Government retirement, veterans* payments, and unemployment compensation Annual average ................. Percent reporting ........... Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, rental income, royalties, income from roomers and boarders Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... Rental income, royalties, income from roomers and boarders Annual a v erage................. Percent reporting ........... Income from interest, dividends, estates and trusts Annual average ................. Percent reporting ........... Income from all other sources, total Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... Welfare and public assistance Annual average ................. Percent reporting ........... Private pensions Annual a v erage ................. Percent reporting ........... Regular contributions for support Annual average................. Percent reporting ........... Other, incl. workmens* compensation Annual a v erage................. Percent reporting ........... | | | | | | | | I | { | | j | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | J | | | | I | | I _ 1 1 1 footnotes at end of table. Total _ _ | _ 1 1 1 1 Under $3,000 | 1 1 1 1 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | $5,000 $3,000 | $4,000 l $ 6, 00 0 to | to | to l to $3,999 1 $4,999 I $5,999 1 $6,999 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 $559.62| $1,057.51| 53. 1 | 40. 0| I 1 I 1 I 1 $195.04J $171.44| 14.7| 15.2| $761.68| 39.6| 1 1 $253.74| 16.8| $323.39| 16.71 I $287.58J 12.71 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $416.35| 16.6| $431. 18| 17.1| 1 1 1 $903.17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 69.0| $958.79| 71.7| $115.42| 33. 5 | $298.77| 51.1| $270.49| 56.6| $417.80| 59.9| $499.72| 61.4| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $693.29| 32.9| $755.90| 32.2| 1 1 J J 1 1 $200.80| 1 2 .6 | $213.85| 13.1| $36.97| 8 .0 | $91.04| 1 0 .8 | $66.83| 9.0| $144.06| 14.01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 $702.37| 6 6 . 7| i $549.42| 62.6| $744.94| 69.5| $78.45| 29.3| $207.73| 48.9| $203.65| 54.7| $273.74| 56.0| $434.88| 58.6| 1 1 1 1 1 $476.92| 49.8| $447 . 8 1 | 53.5| I $180.05| 10.7| $567.87| 66.3| 1 $664,461 69.7 | $507,461 64. 91 1 1 1 $71.07| 5 •2 1 $ 75.30| 5.5 | $320,251 26.4| 1 $116.05| 9-9 | 1 $107,991 7.9J $64.84| 9.91 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 $209.51| 8.1 | I $27.58| 1.6 | $42.56| 3.71 $105.90| 9.4 | $173,221 11.9| $298.91| 13. 11 $284,881 14.6| 1 1 1 1 1 $19.60| 3. 1 I I $94.51| 36.7| $22.33| 3.3| $41.98| 1.71 $38.11| 1.51 1 1 $251.45| 57. 1| $265.43| 59.6| 1 $139.53| 46.2| 1 $75,621 4. 1 | I $202.98| 53-5 | __ 1 1 $215.57| 58.7J $127.41| 54.2| -1 $283.23 18.0 $536.58 70.6 $159.90 12.9 $376.69 68. 0 $709.51 66.3 1 $ 5 7.06| 4.5 | 1 $26.33J 1.5| $700.69 33.6 1 $200.56| 7.7 J 1 $7,000 to $7,999 1 $486,421 25.7| $577.82J 65.3| TAXESiy I 1 $468.47| 24.81 1 See 1 BEFORE 1_ $125.08 3.8 $386.55 12.6 $36.88 2.5 $161.00 60. 0 T a b l e 16. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I H C O H E ( All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 5 5 - 64 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d Item j Social security, railroad retirement | Annual average................. | Percent reporting ........... | Government retirement, veterans* | payments, and unemployment | compensation | Annual a v erage................. | ........... i Percent reporting Estates, trusts, dividends, interest, | rental income, royalties, income | from roomers and boarders | Annual average................. | ........... I Percent reporting Rental income, royalties, income | from roomers and boarders | Annual a verage................. | ........... I Percent reporting Income from interest, dividends, J estates and trusts | Annual a v erage ................. | Percent reporting ........... J Income from all other sources, total | Annual a v erage................. | Percent reporting ........... | Welfare and public assistance | Annual average ................. | ........... I Percent reporting Private pensions | Annual aver a g e ................. | Percent reporting ........... I Regular contributions for support | Annual average ................. | ........... I Percent reporting Other, incl. workmens* compensation | Annual average.................| Percent reporting ........... | See footnotes at end of table $ 8,000 to | | $9,999 1 1 1 $561.46 27.5 $454.51 20. 1 | | I I i | j I I I | J Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income J $15,000 $ 1 0 , 00 0 | $12,000 1 to | to to | 1 I $19,999 $11,999 1 $14,999 1 1 1 I I 1 1 $441.58 | $417.91 | $257.02 1 23.3 | 23.6 | 13.3 1 1 1 1 $146.17 | 15. 1 | $354.73 | 15.3 J I I I $610.03 | 78.3 | I I $125.07 | 11.5| 1 1 1 1 $596.89 73.4 1 1 $450.73 70.6 | | $484.95 76.0 | | $469.83 70.6 | | $6.33 | | 1 $507.21 71.2 | | I $23.55 | 1.7 | $622.58 82.6 $175.28 13.4 $447.30 81.5 $619.89 74.6 1 1.1 1 $260.11 | 10.4 | $255.35 | 7.9 | 1 | 1.0 | I $219.33 | 66.4 | ___ l_ I $372.39 | 17.6 | 1 1 $4.22 1 1 $25.92 1.8 $220.47 8.9 1 $4.59 .8 | | 1 $203.56 | 68. 6 | $514.24 16.5 1 1 1 | | 1 1 | | I I | | I | | I | | I | | $715.51 82.7 $151.99 13.4 $563.51 81.0 $528.32 69.8 $ 2 0 .2 2 1.3 $193.10 6.2 1 $62.14 1.8 | | $29.55 .6 1 $311.37 | 71.3 | 1 $285.45 66.9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BEFORE TAXESJ/ 1 $ 20 ,0 00 to $24,999 $313.84 14.7 | | 1 | | $25,000 and over $156.29 8.7 I Incomplete | income | reporting 1 1 1 | | $236.42 12.8 1 1 1 $1,081.48 | 19.2 | I I I $5,204.25 | 91.3 | I I $1,145.10 | 21.3 | I $579.37 20.5 | | $1,096.26 90.0 | | $158.62 15.5 | | $937.63 | | $4,059.15 90.2 | | $948.74 52.3 $224.60 10.6 $184.02 34.0 $32.06 5.3 1 88. 8 $549.99 66.1 $5.16 | .4 I $182.22 | 4.5 | $18.04 | 1 .1 | | J I | J $20.15 | .9 | I $230.67 | 4. 1 | ** ** 1 | j $151.96 31.6 $182.15 27.7 $16.44 1.0 $84.91 2.5 $ 1 0 . 18 .8 1 $344.57 64.2 | | $697.92 | 49.8 | __ L_ $70.62 25.6 299 T a b l e 16. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E (A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 5 5 - 64 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d BEFOBE TAXESJ/ F amily income before t axes Complete reporting of income All | Total | Under Item 1 $7,000 | $5,000 | $ 6, 000 | $3,000 | $4,000 I families to | to I to | to 1 to 1 I 1 I 1 $3,999 1 $7,999 1 $6,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 . 1 1 $3,000 I ! 1 1 I i 1 1 Personal taxes, total 1 1 1 1 1 I l 1 -$636,141 -$307.24! $ 5 0 2 . 1 8 | -$97.39! -$880.39 -$2,009.21| - $ 2,130.12| Annual a v erage......... -$199.15| 85-4! 63.9| 81.4| 84.5| 87.7| 87.01 94.8 Percent reporting ............I 33. 4 | Federal income taxes 1 1 I 1 1 ! 1 1 - $ 2 4 7 . 0 5 | - $ 3 9 4 . 6 0 | -$511.33| -$69.9 7 | -$150.20| -$729.34 Annual average ......... ....... I -$1,654.79| -$1,755. 62 | 73.71 72. 1 ! 53.0| 80.91 90.7 78.4| 82.0 | Percent reporting ... ....... I 17.3| State and local income taxes 1 1 I I i I 1 1 -$ 7 - 1 7 1 -$17.2 7 J -$37,611 -$53,511 -$68,721 -$104.66 -$292. 76 J Annual average......... ....... I -$276.06| 14. 1 | 52.3| 57.0| 57.8| Percent reporting ............ I 74.3 63.6| 66.6 | 29. 8 1 Personal property and other 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 -$54,071 -$22.58J -$56,091 -$ 8 1 . 7 3 1 -$ 20 .2 5 1 -$46.40 —$78.351 Annual average......... ....... I -$31.68| 26.4| 23. 1 | 24.9 | 36.0J 28.9 Percent reporting ............ I 31.7| 32 . 8j 32. 11 Other money receipts I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 $130.58| $252,271 $304.84| $60.23| $170.78| $267.70| $203.27 $297.75| Annual average......... ........ I 14.3| 9.7! 10.5| 9. 2 | 9.21 1 2 . 11 10.3 1 0 .0 | Percent reporting .... Net change in assets and liabilities, | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 total | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -$398.04| $384.16 -$51 3 . 9 4 | -$34,571 $472.80! $56.10| $1,160. 6 8 1 $1, 151.231 Average of end-of-year values.| 84.7 | 85.5 71.8| 60. 9 | 74.9! 77.3| 84.8| Percent reporting ............ I 85.8| Net change in assets 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 $ 5 9 5 . 6 4 | -$117,901 $ 1 , 165.58| - $ 1 83.08| $1,133,281 $29.73| -$399.32 i $326.40 Average of end-of-year values.| 59.4| 61.4J 70. 1 74.5 | 46.4| 62. 4 | Percent reporting ............ I 72.9| 62.5J Net change in liabilities I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 $4. 9 0 1 -$57.76 $214.96| $122.83| -$26.36| -$83,331 $114,621 Average of end-of-year values.| -$17.95| 34. 1 | 56 . 7 1 39.7| 40. 21 46.91 46.6 49.91 56.1| Percent reporting ............ I Goods and services received without | 1 1 1 1 I I 1 direct expense I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 $108,041 $58,491 $93.27 $73,021 $117.10| $113.90| $114.49| $104.85| Annual a v e r a g e ................. I 56.8| 61.8| 58.7| 48. 1 | 51.51 59. 1 58.31 Percent reporting ............ I 61.1| Market value of financial assets I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 Average of end-of-year values.| $11,671.58] $12,308. 74 | $1,553.26| $3,662.95! $4 , 5 2 5 . 6 4 | $4,936.54| $8,260,631 $12,132.73 77.5 61.5| 67.9| 69.9! 74.21 78.8 | 42.2| 75.9| Percent reporting ............ I Mortgage principal paid on owned ! 1 » 1 1 1 I I property 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I -$182,631 -$181.87 -$42.5 0 | -$134,821 - $ 286.56| — $ 5 9 . 5 9 | -$123,851 -$281.25| Annual average......... ........ I 20.41 24.7| 24.6 19.5| 31.7| 8. 8 1 1 2 .2 ! 31.2| Percent reporting ............ I I _L ____ L ______L _________L JL 1. ___ L See footnotes at end of table. 300 T a b l e 16. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d b y F A M I L Y I N C O M E ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 5 5 - 64 y e a r s . U n i t e d S t a t e s , C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 3 ) - C o n t i n u e d I L $ 8, 000 Item I to I $9,999 I I Personal taxes, total I Annual a v erage ......... ....... J -$1,111.80 Percent reporting .... ....... I 96.3 Federal income taxes I -$897.37 Annual average......... ....... I 89.2 Percent reporting .... ....... I State and local income taxes I -$139.12 Annual average ......... 71.5 Percent reporting .... ....... I Personal property and other I -$75.30 Annual average......... ....... I 33.7 Percent reporting .... ....... I Other money receipts I $228.74 Annual average......... ....... I 9.9 Percent reporting .... ....... I Net change in assets and liabilities, | total I Average of end-of-year values.| $610.38 87.1 Percent reporting ............I Net change in assets I $608.45 Average of end-of-year values.| 76.0 Percent reporting ............ I Net change in liabilities I -$1.93 Average of end-of-year values.I Percent reporting ............ I 52.2 Goods and services received without | direct expense l $113.57 Annual average................. I 63.6 Percent reporting ............I Market value of financial assets I $7,296.56 Average of end-of-year values.| 84.4 Percent reporting ............I Mortgage principal paid on owned I property I -$122.56 Annual average ......... ........ I Percent reporting ............I 22.8 I jy 2/ 3/ 4/ ** | | I | | Familv income before taxes Complete reporting of income _____ $ 1 0 , 00 0 | $ 12,000 | $ 20,000 | $25,000 I $15,000 to | to | to | to and I $11,999 I $14,999 I $24,999 over 1 I $19,999 I I I I -$1,517.73 i -$2,053.31 1 -$2,810.75 | -$3,780.05 | -$8,551.41 99.4 | 99.8 1 99.3 | 99.0 | 99.3 | -$1,236.58 | 96.2 | | -$205.79 80.1 | | -$75.36 33.5 | | $104.25 6.4 | J $321.16 87.9 | | $157.44 74.5 J | -$163.72 64.3 1 $80.96 61.1 | | $7,683.84 82.2 | 1 | -$1,729.52 | 97.5 I | -$256.56 80.2 | I | -$6 7 . 23 \ 33.2 I | $511.19 | 11.0 l I | $764.81 J 93.6 l | $875.16 84.7 | I $110.35 | | 62.9 I I | $113.96 | 68 . 1 1 | | $9,311.65 91.0 1 | | BEFORE -$385.13 33.5 I | | 1 -$251.41 36.5 1 1 -$2,315.67 | -$3,156.07 98.0 | 99.3 1 1 -$398.73 | -$508.01 1 84.8 | 81.6 1 1 -$96.36 | -$115.98 1 35.1 | 35.7 1 1 $187.27 | $685.76 1 12.1 | 10.2 1 1 1 1 $1,636.34 | $1,725.99 93.6 | 97.4 1 1 1 $1,707.10 | $1,690.23 85.3 | 89.5 1 1 $70.77 j -$35.76 1 72. 1 | 71.7 1 1 1 $147.14 | $118.12 1 6 6 .2 | 65.5 1 1 1 $11,267.12 | $18,133.59 88.8 | 91.2 1 1 1 -$405.84 | -$546.15 1 46.4 | 48.1 1 .1 TAXES jy i l Incomplete inco me | 1 reporting 1 1 1 | | I | -$7,033.29 | | 94.3 | -$445.89 42.5 -$351.09 32.4 1 | -$1,267.50 | | 81.2 | - $ 6 0 . 13 23.8 1 | J i | | J | | | | -$250.63 44.7 | | -$34.67 16.9 1 $738.89 | 13.0 | I $206.07 4.0 1 $7,045.54 97.1 | | I $6,722.78 | 93.0 | I -$322.76 | 66.3 | $1,029.02 71.7 $715.66 51.6 -$313.36 47. 7 1 1 | | $178.53 63.5 | | | $53,482.66 | 92.3 | | $106.27 51.5 1 $3,433.21 37.9 1 1 | 1 -$692.57 | 53.2 J _L Data in columns which represent less than 218,000 consumer units or in cells which represent less than 18,500 consumer units are likely to have large sampling errors. Value less than 0.05 percent Percents may not sum to 100 due to rounding. Data represent only those expenditures collected in the interview survey, not the total of all family expenditures. Data not available. -$212.54 25.2 301 T a b l e 17. Selected family (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 65 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y y e a r s a n d over. U n i t e d States, C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w Survey, 1972-1973) 1 I I Item I Number of families in universe All families | | I I 1 1 I 1 (000s). Under | $3,000 1 1 1 906 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1.71 1.71 $6,292| $6, 4 6 7 | 1 1i 1 i 1 -2 | I $1,9961 $5,764| 1 1 -- 1 73 | I 18....... « 1 Number of persons 65 and over..... -- 1 1 Number of automobiles own e d ....... -Percent3/ Housing tenure Homeowner ......................... -Renter............................. Not reported ...................... -- 11 .1 | -- 1 1 ■ (2 ) 1 1 1 - 731 21 21 i 1 1 1 91 J 8| 85 | 14 | 11 1| 1.0 21 i i 1 93| 71 1 1 1 81 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 1 1_ 1 28 | _1 72 1.4 531 27 | 581 ■ 1 1 1 46 I 30 | 151 8| 46] 30 | 16| 721 1 1 1-5 | I I 55 | 23 | 7l 141 1 731 1-51 33 | (2 ) $7, 148 i 1 1.41 66 | i 1 $6,2351 .1 ■ 1 -71 1 321 $7,489 I -1 1 ■ 1 321 $6,4521 - 11 1 52 | 451 2| 1.9 1 - 11 1 1 661 1.81 i 1 i 1 1 66 | $5,3181 630 1 1 1 1 i 1 I l 1 1 $4,4151 1 1 58 | __ L _ $5,4701 ■ 1 $7,000 to $7,999 11 1 1 1 i $4,482| i 1 1 table 1 1 TAXESiy 1 i i I 1 1 1.8 1 1 i 1.71 1 1 of 751 751 1 1 1 I 1 1 i i 1 1 1 91 | 81 1I $3,430| 1 .61 i l i i 1 .31 1 1 i I end $3,4781 .81 J at 1 1.31 Education of head 1 1 to 9 years ...................... 9 years, not more than 12 years. More than 12 years ............... - - 1 Not reported or no school....... -- 1 i l Automobile ownership 1 At least one automobile owned... -- 1 footnotes 1-51 1.1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1| 1.31 i i 1 See 1 .3 ■ 1 | .8 | 1 -- 73 $1,972l 1 | 1 I i Race of head White.............................. Black.............................. Oth e r .............................. • $5,9251 i 1 1 1 i i I 1 1 1 Number of children under 1 1.0751 1 Age of h e a d ......................... 1 1/3941 1 Family income after t a x e s ......... 1 1 1 1 1 1.8171 I 1 Family income before tax e s ........ -- 1 1 1 1 4,591| I Family s i z e ......................... 1 Family income before taxes Complete reportina of income 1 $ 6 ,0 00 | $5,000 $3,000 | $4,000 to to 1 to 1 to | 1 $5,999 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $6,999 13,604| l I Average Total BEFOBE 14,250| I Selected family characteristics 1 INCOME 121 81 1 55J 1 671 31 | 2l 1 1 I 92J 7| 1I I I 46 | 311 14J 81 i 1 1 1 • 1 -9 .9 | 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 I 1 7 11 1 71 | 27 | 26 l 3l 11 i l 1 1 94 | 61 1l 81 18 1 i l 93| 61 * * | 93 6 1 1 1 l I 48 l 34 | 431 33 | 40 35 121 201 20 41 5 7| 1 1 1 58 | 69 | _L 1__ i i 1 1 751 ______ 1__ 77 302 T a b l e 17. Selected family ( A l l f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 65 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A H I L Y y e a r s a n d over. U n i t e d States, C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S urvey, 1972-1973) I I I I I I Item Number of families in universe $ 8, 000 to $9,999 (000s). Selected family characteristics Average 920 I I I I I i i i i 2.0 1 I $8,967 1 Family income after t a x e s ......... .. 1 1 $8,434 .1 Number of persons 65 and ov e r ..... .. 1 i l Number of automobiles o w n e d ....... - - 1 1.1 1 Percent3/ 1 i1 Housing tenure 1 H omeowner......................... 1 Rent e r ............................. . . 1 Not reported ...................... 1 i 1 1 82 17 1 (2 ) end of table 75 23 2 1 96 1 4 1 | at 1.2 li 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 footnotes 2.1 1 1I $10,901 1 1l $9,822 1 1 71 1 1 .1 1 1fl 1.4 1 96 1 4 1 Education of head 1 to 9 years ...................... 9 years, not more than 12 years. More than 12 y ears ............... .. 1 Not reported or no s chool....... i I Automobile ownership 1 At least one automobile owned... .. 1 i i l 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 li 1 1 1 1 35 1 38 1 24 1 3 1 Ii 1 84 1 i l 1 See I 1 1 1.5 1 « I Race of head 1 W hite .............................. . . 1 B lack.............................. O t h e r .............................. . . 1 1 f 1 18....... i 1 72 1 Age of h e a d ......................... Number of children under 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Family s i z e ......................... Family income before t a x e s ........ I I I I I I I I I Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income $ 1 0 , 00 0 | $15,000 I $ 12,000 I to to to I i 1 $11,999 1 $19,999 | I $14,999 1 I 1 555 I 637 | 548 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 ** 1 i 1 31 42 25 2 86 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 | ■ 2.2 | 1 2.3 $13,298 | $17,023 $11,892 $14,869 11 | 1 70 | 70 1 .1 •1 I i 1.4 | 1.4 i 1.6 1.4 | 1 1 1 i 1 | 78 17 | 5 | 84 15 2 i 1 1 95 | 4 | 1 I i 1 1 | 29 40 | 27 | 4 | 2 25 42 29 3 1 1 1 1 1 96 1 1 2.5 i | $22,372 | $18,934 | .1 1 1 71 | I .2 J 1 I I Incomplete income I 1 reporting i i I I I i I J i i 2.4 I I $41,067 I I $32,676 I i 71 I i .1 i i 1.6 l (2 ) 1 1.3 I .9 60 39 l 5 1 1 1 I I 2 I 98 (2 ) 1 I 92 8 (2 ) J 1 10 ** 1 J 33 l 58 1 85 40 27 l 22 10 l 1 68 1i 1 95 | 73 11 1 ** $2,387 i 1 98 33 J 34 | 34 | | 1• $2,607 i 84 I 1 ** 1.9 1.7 i I i i1 1 82 1 18 | j i | 2 I | i I 647 I I I ** TAXESjy 313 l 1.6 BEFORE $25,000 and over 1.4 J i 1i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1i 93 | | J i I 218 | I I f t 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1i 1 1 1 1 97 (2 ) 1 1 1 i 1 1 11 1 1 I 1 11 1 1 1 $ 2 0 ,0 00 to $24,999 INCOME _L 303 T a b l e 17. S e l e c t e d f a m i l y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E B E F O R E (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 65 y e a r s a n d over. U n i t e d States, C o n s u m e r E x p e n d i t u r e I n t e r v i e w S u r v e y , 1972-1973) - C o n t i n u e d Item 1 1 1 All | families | | ( 1 1___ _______ 1 1 1 1 1 Current consumption expenses, excluding I 1 personal insurance, gifts and 1 1 contributions 4/ 1 1 Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting | I i I total 1 Average annual expenditure... | .......... I Percent reporting Food at home 1 Average annual expenditure... | | Percent reporting .......... Food away from home, excluding trips| Average annual expenditure....! Percent reporting .......... 1 Meals as pay 1 Average annual expenditure... | 1 Percent reporting .......... 1i Alcoholic beverages I Average annual expenditure... | | .......... Percent reporting I Tobacco products 1 Average annual expenditure... | .......... 1 Percent reporting 1i Housing, total 1 Average annual expenditure... | | Percent reporting .......... Food, 1 Shelter, total Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting Rented dwellings Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... Owned dwellings Average annual expenditure... .......... Percent reporting Other lodging, excluding trips Average annual expenditure... Percent reporting .......... See footnotes at end of table.* I | 1 $4,734,451 1 0 0 .0 | I 1 1. Total | 1 .1 1 1 1 1 Under | $3,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 l $4,665.24| $2,521,231 1 00 -oi 1 0 0 .0 | i I 11 Family income before taxes Complete reporting of income | | $ 6,000 $3,000 | $4,000 | $5,000 to | to | to 1 to 1 $3,999 1 $4,999 1 $5,999 1 1 $6,999 I i 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 I 1 1 $3,549.79| $ 4 , 2 1 3 . 4 6 | $4,630.26| $5,057.04| 1 0 0 .0 | 1 0 0 .0 | 1 0 0 .0 J 1 0 0.0| 1i 1i 1i 1i $7 ,000 to $7 ,999 $5 ,621.20 100.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $1,154.67| 99.4| $1,141,531 99.4| $711,221 98.8| $981,551 99.0| $1,094,381 99.8| $1,193.111 99.81 $1,252,151 $1 ,311.74 99.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 100.01 1 $983,451 98.8| | $164.331 67.2| $976.92| 98.9| $655.87| 97.8| $874,301 98.8| $983.15| 99.5| $1,042.28| 99.8| $1,062,691 99. 1| 1 1 1 1 1 1 $158.24| 67.1 | I $6.36| 3.4 | 1i $51.98| 46.3| $102,391 62. 1 | I $4.87! 2. 9 | 1i $103.29| 69.2| $148,481 76.8| $185,011 82.0| 1 $6.90| 3.5 j 1i 1 $30.12| 36.9| 1 1 $59.70| 34.4| i 1 1 $1,558,561 99.5| 1 1 $795.61| 95.5| 1 1 | 1 $353,361 30.1| 1 $29. 3 7 1 36.7| 1 $3.37| 3. 5 | 1i 1 $9.69| 17.7| 1 1 11 1 1 $32.32| 25.5| 1i $59 . 3 0 | 34.5| i 1 1 1 $7.93| 4.8 | $2.35| 1 1 1.0 1 1i 1 $16,351 30.9| $25.24 | 33.6| $25.89| 41.21 1 1 1 1 1 1 $48.96| 34.0| 1i $58.84| 33. 1 | i I $61,141 40.4| 1 1 1 1 1 1 $549,511 91. 1| I $338.34| 40.0| $664.83| 96.5| I $339.59| 30.9| $702.05| 96.1 | I $346.1b| 29.2| $791,001 98.0| $842,351 97.41 1 $ 3 42.57I 29.9| 1 1 $356,051 27.8| $383,271 25.9| J $455.08| 72.51 1 1 1 1 1 1 $432.09| 67.4| $210.82| 52.21 $324.39| 67.21 $352.67| 67. 5 1 $433.20| 73.1| i $4.62| 3. 6 1 _L_ 11 1 $437.63| 67.1| i 1 $30. 1 1 l 45.3| l I $57,901 36.4| $779. 10| 95.6| 1 1 1 $4.45| 2.71 1i 1 1 1 1 i 1 $1,526.22| $1,006.17| $1,276,631 $1,404.76| $1,504.41| $1,66 0 . 9 1 | 99.6| 99. 0 | 99.8| 1 0 0 .0 | 99.41 99. 6 | 1I i | I 1i 1■ J 1i | 1 1 1 TAXESJ/ 1 $4.44 i 3-6 | J- 1 $.36| .6 | _L- 1 1 1 1 $.84| 2.1 ) I $3.22| 3.41 $1.76| 3.21 _L $3.99| 4.41 $1 , 158.27 99.4 $148.66 74.3 $4.81 3.7 $37.92 46.6 $81.64 38.2 $1 ,810.35 1 0 0 .0 $879.35 99.7 $311.32 19.4 $561.32 81.0 $6.71 6 .0 T a b l e 17. Selected family (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 65 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , annu a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , and s o u r c e s of inco m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E B E F O R E years and over. United States, Consumer E x p e nditure I n t e r v i e w Survey, 1 9 7 2 -1973)- C o n t i n u e d Item I Current consumption expenses, excluding personal insurance, gifts and contributions 4/ Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... $ 8,000 to $9,999 $6,173.47 100.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $ 1 0 , 00 0 to $11,999 1 00 .0 Alcoholic beverages Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Tobacco products Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Housing, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Shelter, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Rented dwellings Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Owned dwellings Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Other lodging, excluding trips Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting $1,506.96 1 0 0 .0 $1,270.62 1 0 0 .0 $230.33 85.8 $ 6. 0 0 4.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 i $50.75 53.9 1 1 $85.29 45.3 1 1 1 1i $1,781.59 1 00 .0 footnotes at end of table 1 00 .0 $1,318.82 99.1 $283.78 89.8 1i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 $14.41 1 3.6 1 i i * $38.50 1 64. 2 1 i l $7,581.93 100.0 $1,574.88 100.0 $1,294.66 100.0 $278.10 89.7 $ 2 . 12 2.5 $25,000 and over i i 1 l I 1 l I 1 l i I I I $9,266.64 | $10,474.20 1 0 0 .0 | 100.0 $15, 134.11 100.0 $2,053.87 | | $2,095.31 $2,691.45 100.0 100.0 ) $1,624.16 1 0 0 .0 $1,721.59 | $399.08 | 92. 1 | $460.05 92.3 $950.87 99.4 $33.45 | 4. 1 | $ 1 1 . 10 5.7 $18.98 3.7 $82.48 68.7 $96.40 71.8 $161.35 83.6 1 0 0 .0 $1,621.34 98.9 100.0 1 $93.14 44.9 1i 1i 1 1 1 $2,115.87 1 1 $2,248.95 100.0 1 100.0 | | 1 1i 1 $856.76 i 99. 1 1 1 $241.64 1 17.8 1 1 $609.11 1 83.8 1 1 $6 . 0 1 1 6.7 1 1 $1,136.79 1 1 00 .0 1 1 $391.68 1 25.1 1 1 $741.56 1 78.6 1 1 $3.55 1 4.3 1 i i I $1,081.85 1 98.9 1 1 $336.68 I 20.4 1 1 $732.86 I 84.0 1 1 $12.31 1 9.5 1 J L .1 $1,431. 09 99.2 $1,120.63 96.9 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 $292.35 67.9 $18.11 5.3 $45.74 40.2 i I $120.74 48.0 | | $119.72 43.0 1 1 1 $68.24 33.4 $2,731.62 $4,668.51 100.0 100.0 1 1 i $2,238.47 98.8 $115.72 43.3 1i 1i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J i ■ I I I 1 Incomplete income 1 1 reporting 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $ 6 , 189.71 1 0 0 .0 1 1 i 1 1 l I $41.47 I 56.0 i i i $91.99 42.5 JL See $1,617.01 I I $ 20,000 to $24,999 i I $6,954.70 1 i I I I I I I I I Food, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Food at home Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Food away from home, excluding trips Average annual expenditure...Percent reporting ........... Meals as pay Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Family income> before taxes Complete reporting of income $15,000 | I $12,000 I to | to I I I I $19,999 I $14,999 TAXESJ/ $2,372.97 100.0 | | $1,198.50 98.3 | | $1,276.37 1 0 0 .0 $2,168.02 98.2 $287.57 15.3 l | $467.58 18.5 $535.61 15.9 $897.94 | 85.5 | $790.83 81.5 $1,579.29 86.9 $17.96 13. 1 $53.12 18.6 $12.99 7.3 | | 1 1■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _L $1,142.92 94.6 $580.23 35.0 $554.24 61.7 $8.45 3.7 305 T a b l e 17. Selected family (All f a m i l i e s w i t h h e a d 65 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n n u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s , an d s o u r c e s of i n c o m e c l a s s i f i e d by F A M I L Y I N C O M E B E F O R E years and over, United States, Consumer Expenditure I nterview Survey, 1972-1973)- C ontinued All families Item Fuel and utilities, total Average annual expenditure.... ........... Percent reporting Gas, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gas, delivered in mains (piped) Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gas, bottled or tank Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Electricity Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Gas and electricity combined bills Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Fuel oil and kerosene Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other fuels, coal, wood Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting Water, trash, sewerage Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Housing expenses, total Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Telephone, excluding coin phones Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... Other expenses, including domestic services Average annual expenditure.... Percent reporting ........... See footnotes at end of table. I | | I 1 1 1 1 $342.25| 89.6| 1 $83.57| 54.5| 1 $66.71| 43.9| 1 Total | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $30.76| 1 2 .8 | $ 29.55| 12.5j 1 $55.91| 2 2 .31 I $7.95| 8 .9 J 1 $49.60| 61.1| i 1 1 $246.21| 93.3| 1 $121,101 87.9| 1 $19.87| 9. 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 $20.43| 13.8| $18,721 13.8| 1 1 $100.30| 76.4| ! $27.53| 1 2 .6 ! I $47.76| 20.5| $105.63| 75.8| 1 1 $74.11 l 47- 9 | I $19,611 11.4| $64,481 4 3.2| 1 $112,831 75.31 1 1 $31.73| $35.38| 14.81 1 1 1 $32.72| 49. 1| 1i $45.70| 59. 21 1i 1 1 $62.81| 55. 4 | _L 1 $128,231 76.91 1 12.81 1 $62.05| 22.9| $40.95| 60.3| i 1 $52.03| 64.51 i 1 1 1 $228,741 97.0| $199,991 95.9| 1 $7,571 7. 71 $52.28| 67.91 1i $85.86 48.4 $15.52 7.4 $151.54 84.6 $29.41 11.4 $75.79 24.5 $6.53 6.6 $55.46 72.6 1 $253,641 96.3| 1 1 $120.51| 93.2| $141,971 93.31 1 1 $79. 4 8 | 76.0| JL_ $101.38 55.8 1 1 $112.44| 73.1 | _L_ $420.11 95.7 1 $71,071 26.0| $116.30! 90.6! I 1 $7,000 to $7,999 1 $10,901 6 . 71 $32.53| 14.2| 1 1 $369.911 91.61 1 1 $81.81| 77.4| 1 1 1 1 $75,381 49.61 1 1 | 1 $9.35| 6 -7 | $185.19! 95.2 | I $109.53! 89.9 | I I $75.67| 72.8! ____ L_ 1 $93,721 58.91 1 1 . 1 $60.70! 46.5| $341.54* 90.91 $9.76! 7. 8 | $144.61| 86 . 1 | 1 $329.94| 91.8| ! $79.42| 59.8! 1 1 $9.7 4 | 10.91 1 1 1 1 $48.35* 2 1.1 | I $2,891 6.6 | $34.20|