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CONGRESSIONAL TESTIMONY of BOARD MEMBERS AND STAFF OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 1913 - 1964 CONGRESSIONAL TESTIMONY of BOARD MEMBERS AND STAFF OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 1915-1964 Research Library Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Washington, D.C. 20551 NOTES The subject entries for the hearings are not an index to their contents. The numbers refer to the hearing entries which are arranged by Committee* * Denotes am appointive Board Member. No. Ad Hoc Subcommittee on the Government Securities Market..... . ••• Adjusted-compensation certificates, Payment of ••••• 132, 133* 138, Administered prices .......... ••••••..... .................... 3*+3» Administrative procedure ........................ ...... . Agriculture: Agricultural Adjustment Act, Amendments •••••..... •••• 1, 186, Agricultural inquiry ••••••••............ Agriculture relief •••••...... ........... ............ .. Allen, Carl £•s Investigation of the financial condition of the U.S.......... . Retirement of Federal Reserve Bank stock........ ....... .. Anglo-American financial agreement .......... 19* Antitrust See Clayton Antitrust Act Appropriations, Permanent ......... ........... k Area redevelopment •••••..... .................. 20, 199♦ Armaments, Control and reduction o f ....... ............ ..... . Assignment of Claims A c t .......... ............ .......... 124, Audit of Federal Reserve System by Comptroller General ••••*•• 101, 165 330 3^2 3^6 187 1^7 184 328 78 198 200 333 201 162 2 No. Balance of payments: International payments imbalances and need for strengthening international financial arrangements............... ..... 169 Recent .changes in monetary policy and balance of payments problems ••••»•...... ............................ . ?k State of economy and policies for full employment ........... . 182 The United States balance of payments..... ............ ..... lS3 *Balderston, C. Canby: Banking and currency bills - 1961 (letters) ••••••............ 207 Coin shortage (letter) .............................. . 99 Credit needs for small business *......... .................. 218 Employment Act of 19^6 (letters) ........................... 98 Extension of Small Business Administration •••»••••••......... 226 Federal conflict of interest legislation (letters) •••••.... .. 118 Federal Reserve Act amendments ........ ................... . kB 233 Federal Reserve direct purchases (letter) ................... Federal Reserve System after fifty years.... ............... k9 Finality of Clayton Act orders (letter) •••••••••..••••••...... 119 Financial Institutions Act of 1957 .............. ••••..... ••• 50 Government price statistics (letter) ...... ..... . 168 2k7 Housing Act amendments, 1957 ♦ ....... .................... Insurance of deposits and share accounts •... ....... ••••••••• 58 Member bank reserve requirements ............. ...... .. 6k, 255 Monetary policy, 1955-56 ........... ....................... 178 National bank legislation (letter) .............. 68 Nomination to Board....... ....... ................... ..... 266 Old Series Currency Adjustment Act (letter) ...... ..... ...... 23^ Problems of small business financing ......... .............. Ikk Recent changes in monetary policy and balance of payments problems.................... ......... ....... ......... ?k Regulation of bank mergers ........... 77 and 289 (letters) 288 SEC legislation......... .......... ....... 299 (letters) 298 Small business amendments of 1959 (letter) ....... ........ .... 302 Welfare and pension plans investigation .................. ... 339 Bank contributions for charitable purposes ................... 202 Bank examinations: Crimes against banking institutions ................ ..... . 100 Bank holding companies: Bank holding b i l l ........................................ 203 Bank holding company legislation .......... ••••••...... •••••• 23 Bank holding legislation ............... ......... ....... . 20k Control and regulation o f .................. .. 32, 33» 3^, 216 Current antitrust problems.......... ••••••............. . 117 Premerger notification legislation ...................... . 350 Providing for control and regulation of ••••••.... .......... 285 Study of the antitrust l a w s .......... ........••••••••••••••• 352 Bank mergers: Amending sec. 7 and 11 of the Clayton Act ......... ........ .. 115 Bank mergers .............................. •••••.... ...... 116 Board report on South Dakota bank merger proposal............ 63 Consolidation of national banking associations ••••••••..••••••• 31 Current antitrust problems ....•••«.......... ....... ........ 117 Legislation affecting corporate mergers ........ . 3^8 3 No. Bank mergers: (continued) Legislation affecting sec. 7* H and 15 of the Clayton Act 3^9 National banks - consolidation - charters .............. 69 Nomination of James J. Saxon to be Comptroller of the 272 Currency.... ....................................... . Premerger notification ..... .................. 120, 350 Regulation of bank mergers.......................... 77 * 288, 289 Study of antitrust laws ...... ......... .......... ......... 352 To amend sec. 7 and 11 of the Clayton Act ••••••••.... . 123 Bank reports: "Window dressing" ................ ..................... . ••• 102 Bank robberies: 100 Crimes against banking institutions ........... ............. Bank services: Bank service corporations ....................... ....... 68, 257 61 Legislation to prohibit ... nonbanking services.... ......... Service charges on dormant accounts..... ............ ...... 207 Bank supervision: Proposed Federal Banking Commission....•••••..... ..... . 73 Banking Act of 1935 •••••••.... ........................... 24, 205 206 Banking and currency •••••••••••••••.••........................ Banking and currency reform ....... ....................... . 25 Banking laws: 30 Conflict of Federal and State banking laws ............... .... Study of banking laws ...... .........«••••••*••••......... . 307 Banking systems, Operation of the national and Federal'Reserve 280, 281 Barbonchielli, J. L.: Investigation ... of disappearance of $7»5 million U.S. Govern 60 ment securities ............ •••••........ . Bertram, Clarence: Investigation ... of disappearance of $7»5 million U.S. Govern 60 ment securities..... ...... ........... ........... . *Black, Eugene: Extension of credits to industry and broadening of the powers hZ of the Federal Reserve...... ....... . Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Texas...... •••••......... •.. 112 Stock exchange practices ........... ............... . 305 Stock exchange regulation .................. 107 To establish the Federal Monetary Authority ............. ..... 87 Bloomfield, Arthur I.: Scope of Soviet activity in the U.S. ..... ............ . 351 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System: 180 Annual report for the year I960, Review of Audit by Comptroller General ....... ................... 101, 162 Meeting with House Committee on Banking and Currency ••••••»•••• . 63 Membership qualifications ••••••••..... ......... 12, 195 Nominations: 266 Balderston, C. Canby.... ....................... . Daane, J. Dewey...... .......... ............ .......... 271 Eccles, Marriner S. ................. ............... •.... 273 King, George Harold, Jr. ............... ..... . 2691 278 McCabe, Thomas B. ................. ..... ••••..••••»...... 212 k No. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System: (continued) Nominations: (continued) Martin, William McChesney, Jr. ••••.............. .. £75, Meyer, Eugene, Jr. ............... ................ •••• Miller, Paul £....... .............. .................. Mills, Abbot L., Jr............................... 265, Mitchell, George~W............. ................ ••••••••• Robertson, James L. .......................... . 277« Shepardson, Charles Noah ••••••............. ..... . Report on proposed bank merger in South Dakota .......... ..... To investigate the Bureau of Internal Revenue and certain practices of the Federal Reserve Board ............ Bonds, Government See Securities, Government Bonds, State and local: Increased flexibility for financial institutions.... ...... .. Bonuses, Soldiers ........ ......... .......... . 132, 133* 138 Boothe, Gardner L., II: Defense Production Act Progress Report No. 39 •••••••••••••••••• Bopp, Karl R.: Credit policies ......... ....... ....... ......... ..... .. Federal Reserve System after fifty years ................... Inflation control .............. .................... ..... Investigation of the financial condition of the U.S.......... Monetary, credit and fiscal policies................ Branch banking: Amendments to the Federal Reserve Act ............ ......... Authority over national bank branches.... ................. Authority over the trust powers of national banks and national bank branches ..... ...................... .............. Branch, chain and group banking ....................... ..... Branches in conversions and mergers ......................... Branches, Foreign ......... ..... ....................... 11 86 Bret ton Woods Agreements Act - Amendment ••..••••........ .. 27* ♦Broderick, Joseph A.: Operation of the national and Federal Reserve banking systems... Brokers' loans ........ ............ ...... . Brown, Edward E.: Monetary policy and the management of the public debt Proposed amendments to the Securities Act of 1933 and to the Securities Exchange Act of 1 9 3 ^ ...... ....... ........ . To extend consumer credit controls and to provide for bank reserve requirements............ .............. ......... To provide for the regulation of consumer credit for a temporary period............. ................ .......... Bryan, Malcolm H.: Federal Reserve System after fifty years ••••••••*•••••••••••••• Investigation of the financial condition of the U.S. ••••••.... Monetary policy and the management of the public debt ••••• 162, Problems of small-business financing............. ........... State of economy and policies for full employment ............. United States monetary policy: recent thinking and experience .. 276 268 27U 277 270 279 267 63 ll*f 56 330 1^9 153 ^9 57 328 161 197 257 21 26 , ,208 257 197 280 209 162 105 313 316 **9 328 163 lkk 182 165 No. Bureau of Internal Revenue, To investigate ............... ...... Burgess, W. Randolph: Gold Reserve Act of 193^ ......... ......................... Operation of the national and Federal Reserve banking systems .. Stabilization................. ........... .......... ..... To extend consumer credit controls and to provide for bank reserve requirements................ . Capital movements................. .................. ....... Case , J. H.: Operation of the national and Federal Reserve banking systems .. Censuses of manufactures, mineral industries and other businesses relating to the year 195^ ............................. . Central Statistical Committee and Central Statistical Board ..... Chain banking..... ......................................... Charitable purposes, Bank contributions f o r ..... ••••••...... ... Check clearing and collection............... .............. 7» Cherry, Alfred K.: Federal Reserve Act amendments (Sections 14 and 16) •••••••••••• Civil defense - Fallout shelter program .•.......... ........... Claims against the U.S., Assignment o f .... .......... 124, Clarke, John J.: Retirement of Federal Reserve Bank stock ................... . Review of annual report of the Federal Reserve System for the year i960 (letter) ...... .............................. Clay, George H.: Federal Reserve System after fifty years .......... •••••..... ♦Clayton, Laurence: Statehood for Hawaii..... .............. ............... . Clayton Antitrust Act: Amending sections 7 and 11 ...... ............... Bank mergers............. ...... ......... ...... ....... .. Current antitrust problems........ ....... ...... ..... ..... Finality of Clayton Act orders ......... ...... .......... Legislation affecting corporate mergers ..... ••••••......... . Legislation affecting sec. 7« 11 and 13 ..................... Premerger notification ................................ 120, Regulation of bank mergers ................................. Study of antitrust laws .......................... ......... To amend sections 7 and 11 ......... ................. . Coinage: Additional mint facilities Coin shortage... ............... ........... Content of silver coins....... ...... ..... . Retention of "196b" on all coins........ ...... . Collins, Charles W.: Inquiry on membership in Federal Reserve System ••••••••*••••••• Commission on Money and Credit: Review of report of the Commission •••••••..•••••....... . Common trust funds......... ....... ......... .......... . Community Facilities Act of 1958 ............... ....... ........ Ilk 2kl 281 82 313 182 280 109 95 26 202 189 ^7 5 201 78 180 ^9 3^1 115 116 117 119 348 3^9 350 288 352 123 190 99 215 293 lk6 181 103 211 6 No* Comptroller of the Currency: Abolish Office of ...... ......... ........ ................. 10 Authority over trust powers of national banks ........... . 21, 257 Nomination of James J. Saxon .............. ...... 272 Service charges on dormant accounts by national banks ••»••••••• 207 Conflict of interest legislation, Federal .................... 118 Connell, J. J.: Defense Production Act - Progress Report No. 28 ....... . 1^8 Consumer credit: Consumer buying intentions................... ............. 182 Consumer credit control ............ ....................... 213 21k Consumer credit labeling bill.................... ...... .. Defense Production Act: Act of 1950........................................... 37 Amendments of 1951 ......... ....... ................. 35« 220 Amendments of 1952 ............................. ........ 221 Government credit ....... ..... ............. ...... . 52 Inflation control ................ ....... ............ 57 * 251 Price control bill .............................. ....... 72 150 Regulation V - Automotive.......... ................... Standby economic controls ...... ....................... . 30*f To extend consumer credit controls ............ ........... 313 To provide for the regulation of consumer credit for a temporary period .................................... 316 318, 319, 320 Truth in lending............................. Consumers, Establish a Department of ......... ................. 337 9b Consumers' price index ........................ .......... .. Coombs, Charles A.: International payments imbalances and need for strengthening international financial arrangements ............... ...... 169 Credit facilities of the Federal Reserve System, Liberalizing the., 62 Credit unions: .Federal Credit Union Act ........................ ........... 229 Increased flexibility for financial institutions......... .... 56 Crimes against banking institutions .......................... .. 100 ♦Crissinger, Daniel R.: 31 Consolidation of national banking associations ............... Inquiry on membership in Federal Reserve System .............. 146 National banks - consolidation - charters ......... 69 138 Soldiers' adjusted compensation .................. . ♦Cunningham, Edward H.: Agricultural inquiry ....................................... 1^+7 Brokers' loans ............................ ............... . 209 Consolidation of national banking associations .............. . 31 Stabilization ........... ..... ..... ............. ....... . 83 Currency Adjustment Act, Old Series ................... . 2J>k Currie^ Lauchlinr Investigation of concentration of economic power........... . 357 Curtis, J* F.: Abolition of the subtreasuries ..... ............. .......... 6 To incorporate the Federal Reserve pension fund ............. . 31^ 7 ♦Daane, James Dewey: Federal Reserve System after fifty years .. ••......... . Nomination to Board... .................................. ♦Davis , Chester C•: Agriculture relief...................... ................. Farm Credit Act of 1940................................... Full Employment Act of 1945 (letter) •••«••.•••••*..... McNary-Haugen bill................ .............. ...... ... Monetary, credit, and fiscal policies, Compendium •••••••...... Dawes, Henry M.: Consolidation of national banking associations............... Inquiry on membership in Federal Reserve System ....... ....... Defense Production Act: Act of 1950.......................................... 37, Amendments of 1951 •••..... •......................... . 35« Amendments of 1952......... ....................... .. 36, Defense Production Act extension, I960 ..................... Defense Production Act amendment - 1964........ ............ Progress Report No. 2 8 .......... ...................... •••• Progress Report No. 39 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..... Regulation W - Automotive........................... . *Delano, Frederic A.: Inquiry on membership in Federal Heserve System •...... . Deming, Frederick L.: Federal Reserve System after fifty years Investigation of the financial condition of the U.S. «•••••••••• Department store sales: Transfer of collection of statistics to Census ............ 3« Deposits, Guaranty of: Amendments to Federal Deposit Insurance A c t ............... . Extension of temporary plan for deposit insurance ............ Federal Deposit and Savings Insurance Board........ ........ Federal Deposit Insurance A c t ........................ ..... Federal deposit insurance assessments ........... ..... ...... Insurance of deposits and share accounts ......... .......... To provide a guaranty fund for depositors in banks....... . War loan deposit accounts, exempt from assessments *...••••• 46, Deposits, Interest on .............. ...... ............ •••••••• Deposits, Time: Interest rates on foreign governments time deposits •••••••• 54, Dingle, Mona: State of economy and policies for full employment... ........ Discounts: Acceptances......... ............. ....... ................ Notes, etc., of cotton factors or commission merchants •••..... Notes, etc •, of finance and credit companies....... •••••••••• Dollar: Federal Reserve foreign bank: Stabilizing the dollar exchange in neutral countries .................................. . Restoring and maintaining the average purchasing power of the dollar.................................... ........ No. 49 271 184 228 239 2 160 31 146 223 217 221 222 219 148 149 150 146 49 328 188 194 44 73 45 230 58 89 321 49 253 182 197 193 196 235 292 8 ♦Draper, Ernest G.: Federal Reserve assistance in financing small business ••••••••• Investigation of economic problems......... ........... . To provide for the insurance of loans to business............ Unemployment in the United States ....... ................. Dreibelbis, J. P.: Absorption of exchange and collection charges.........••••• 7, Foreign accounts in Federal Reserve Banks ••••••••••••••....... Earhart, C. E.s : Monetary, credit, and fiscal policies. Compendium ............. Monetary policy and the management of the public debt •••••••••• *Eccles, Marriner S.: Absorption of exchange and collection charges by member banks .. Anglo-American financial agreement ....................... 19* Anti-inflation program .......... •••••••••••.... ........... . Bank contributions for charitable purposes............. ..... Banking Act of 1935 .................................... 24, Bretton Woods Agreements Act •••••........»••••••............. Business loans by Federal Reserve Banks •••••••••......... . Consumer credit control .............. ............ ........... 32, Control and regulation of bank holding companies ......... Credit policies...................... ...................... Defense Production Act of 1950 ............. ............... .. Direct purchases of Government securities by FR Banks ...... . Economic Report of the President, January 1951 ............... Economic stabilization aids •••••............. ............... Employment, growth, and price levels............. •••••...... 17, 191, Federal Home Loan Bank Act, Amendments ......... . Federal Reserve assistance in financing small business ........ Federal Reserve notes: Destruction and replacement........ ........ ............. Direct obligations of U.S. as security f o r ...... 9* 28, 88, Foreign accounts in Federal Reserve B a nks........... ........ Full Employment Act of 1945 ........ . Government credit.... ......... ............................. Government ownership of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks .......... Housing, 1948 •••••.................... ....... ......... -.... Inflation control ............. ...... ................... 57, Insurance of private loans by the Federal Reserve B a n k s .... . Investigation of economic problems ........ ............ . Investigation of the financial condition of the U.S........ . Investigation of the national defense program.............. . Monetary, credit, and fiscal policies....... ................ 18, National Housing Act, Amendments.............. ....... . Nomination ................ ••••••••••••.... •••••........ ••••• Price control......... ..................... 43, 71, 72, 227, Proposed amendments to the Securities Act of 1933 and to the Securities Exchange Act of 1 9 3 4 ............. ............. RFC Act amendments of 1 9 5 1 ....... ............. ..... . RFC and subsidiaries, Inquiry into the operations o f ....... No* 232 327 315 325 189 238 160 163 189 198 151 202 205 208 210 213 285 153 223 £8 156 4l 166 310 232 22 192 238 239 52 53 243 251 59 327 329 354 l6l 311 273 263 105 286 252 9 *Eccles, Marriner S.: (continued) Reduction in reserve ratio for Federal Reserve notes and deposits ......................... ..... . 76 , Revenue revision of 1941 .................................... Review of report of the Commission on Money and Credit ........ Second War Powers Act ................................ ....... Silver........... ........... ............. •••••............ Stabilization Acts extension ......................... 70, 71» State of economy and policies for full employment........ . To amend Section 13b of the Federal Reserve A c t ....... ...... To amend Sections 7 and 11 of the Clayton Act ................. To amend the Federal Reserve Act (reserve requirements) •••••••• To authorize the use for war purposes of silver held or owned by the U.S............................................... To provide for the insurance of loans to business............ To provide for the regulation of consumer credit for a temporary period ......................................... To repeal the Silver Purchase Act of 1 9 3 4 .................... Unemployment and relief......... ........................... War-loan deposit accounts.................... ........... 46, Works Financing Act of 1939 ....................... . Economic controls, Standby............................. . Economic power, Investigation of concentration of ............... . Economic problems, Investigation o f ............................ Economic Report of the President: January 1949 ................ ............ ..... .......... ... January 1 9 5 1 ................. ........... ............. ..... January 1954 .......................... ........ ............. January 1955 ............... .............. ................. January 1956 ................ ............................... January 1957 .................... ................. January 1958 .......... ................ ....... ............. January 1959 ....................... ........... .......... .. January i960 ......................... .................... .. January 1 9 6 1 .......... .............. ...... •.... ..... ..... January 1962 ••. •....................... ..... ............. .. January 1963 ...... ••........................... ........... . Proposed midyear Economic Report ............................ . Economic statistics ................. ............... . 154, Edge Act See Foreign banking corporations Elliott, Milton C.: Trading with the enemy ........................... ......... .. Ellis,, George H.: Federal Reserve System after fifty y e a r s ............. . Employment: Employment Act of 1946: Amending •.. to include recommendations on monetary and credit policies •••..•••••••••........ ............. 97* Employment Act amendments .......... .................... Employment, growth and price levels ............ No. 287 135 l8l 121 355 263 182 309 123 85 312 315 316 317 356 321 322 304 357 327 155 156 157 158 159 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 284 164 324 49 98 224 166 10 No. Employment: (continued) Pull Employment Act of 19^5 ............................ 96, 239 State of economy and policies for full employment 182 Erickson, Joseph A*: Investigation of the financial condition of the U.S. ••••••..••• 328 Monetary, credit, and fiscal policies. Compendium..... 159 Monetary policy, 1955-56........ ....... .......... . 178 Monetary policy and the management of the public debt •••••••••• 163 United States monetary policy: recent thinking and experience .. 165 ♦Evans, Rudolph M.: Bank holding legislation...... ............ .............. . 20*fr Control and regulation of bank holding companies ............. 3^ Defense Production Act: Act of 1950 ........................................... 37 Amendments of 1952 ..... .......... ..... ......... . 221 Inflation control •..••.•••••••...... ............. 57 To provide for the regulation of consumer credit for a temporary period ...... ............................. ... 3X6 Exchange charges, Absorption of ........... ........... . 7« 189 Export-Import Bank Act, Amendments ...................... . 225 Farm Credit: Confirmation of members of the Federal Farm Loan Board ..••••••• 29 Farm Credit Act of 19^0 ................................... 228 Federal Farm Loan Act. Amendments................... 15« 16, 195 Sale of farm loan bonds.............. .................... 295 Farrell, John R.: Banking and currency bills - 1961 .............. .......... 207 Coin shortage .........•••••.... ..... ..................... 99 Federal Reserve Act amendments ............................. *f8 Silver legislation ............ ........................ . 8l 73 Federal Banking Commission proposed ..•••••••........ •••••••••••• Federal Deposit and Savings Insurance Board proposed ............ 73 Federal Deposit Insurance Act. Amendments: Federal Deposit Insurance A c t ............... .......... 2, 19^ Federal deposit insurance assessments ....................... 230 5^t 253 Interest on foreign governments time deposits ••••...•.... Regulation of bank mergers •••••........ ..... ........... 77* 289 Federal Home Loan Bank Act. Amendments .......... .. 17, 191» 296, 310 Federal Monetary Authority, To establish a ...... ............... 87 Federal Open Market Committee: Audit of by Comptroller General ...................... . 101 Report of Ad Hoc Committee on the Government Securities Market.. 165 Federal Reserve Act: Appointment of Committee for investigation of administration of. Ill Federal Reserve Act. Amendments: Advances to member banks... ....................... •••••••• 62 Authority over trust powers of national banks and national bank branches ...... ..................... .......... 21, 257 Banking Act of 1935 ................................... 2k, 205 Board Members, Qualifications o f .......... ............. 12, 195 Buildings, Federal Reserve Banks and branches ... 12, 13, ^8, 65 * 207 Collection charges, Absorption by member banks...... ..... 7* 189 11 No. Federal Reserve Act. Amendments: (continued) Deposit insurance, Extension of temporary plan f o r .......... . 44 Direct purchases of Government securities by Federal Reserve Banks............... 8, 14, 38 , 39, 47, 63, 66, 231, 233, 234 Discounts: Acceptances.... ..••••«•.••••••............ ••••........ 197 Notes, etc., of cotton factors or commission merchants .... 193 Notes, etc., of finance and credit companies •••..•••••.... 196 Exchange charges, Absorption by member banks ••••.......... 7, 189 Federal Reserve foreign bank ••••••......................... 235 Federal Reserve notes: Collateral: Direct obligations of U.S. ...... .......... 9, 28, 88, 192 Gold............................................. . 197 Reduction in reserve ratio .......................... 76, 287 Foreign accounts in Federal Reserve Banks ................. . 238 Foreign banking corporations .......... ...... ••••••• 11, 197 , 250 Foreign branches of national banks ••••••••..... . 68 , 86 , 207 , 257 Increased flexibility for financial institutions............. 56 Industrial loans: Business loans by Federal Reserve Banks........ ..••••••••• 210 Extension of credits to industry and broadening of the powers of the Federal Reserve................... ..... 42 InsuranceQof private loans by the Federal Reserve Banks ••••• 59 To amend Section 13b of the Federal Reserve Act.••••••••.... 309 Interest rates on foreign governments time deposits ....... 54 , 253 National bank amendments.............................. 67 , 260 National bank loans on forest tracts.......... •••••••••• 254 , 261 234 Old Series Currency Adjustment Act ..................... . Real estate and construction loans...........•••••••••••• 68, 257 Reserves: Member bank reserve requirements....••••••••••........ 64, 255 Power to change reserve requirements.................... 83 Reduction in reserve ratio for Federal Reserve notes and deposits...................... ............ ..... 76 , 287 Retirement of Federal Reserve Bank stock 78 War loan deposit accounts ................. ••••••....... 46, 321 Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Texas....••••••••••..... . 112 Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco: Investigation of ... disappearance of $7*5 million of Government securities from the vault...... ............... 60 Federal Reserve Banks: Audit by Comptroller General .......... ........... •••••.... 101 Bank contributions for charitable purposes.... . 202 Buildings................................. 12, 13, 48, 65 , 207 Capitol stock •••••............ ............................ 49 Direct purchases of Government securities..................... 38 , 39, 47, 65 , 66 , 231, 234 Distribution of profits •••••... ...... •.................... 40 Earnings and expenses......... .......................... 49 Foreign accounts in ••••••••............... ••••••.......... 238 12 Federal Reserve Banks: (continued) Government ownership of ••••••••••..........•••••........... Pension fund •••••••••••••.... .......... ......... . Retirement of Federal Reserve Bank stock.......... ..... ••••• Federal Reserve Consultant Committees on Economic Statistics, Reports o f .... ................. ........................ Federal Reserve foreign'bank ........... ...... ................ Federal Reserve notes: Collateral: Direct obligations of U.S..................... 9, 28, 88, Gold ................................................. Destruction and replacement o f ............................ Old Series Currency Adjustment Act .......... ............. .. Redemption of •••••••....... ............ .............. 47, Reduction in reserve ratio for Federal Reserve notes and deposits .•............... ...... ................... 76 , Repeal of silver purchase acts........ ••••••••••..•••..... .. Silver legislation ................................... .. Federal Reserve System: Administrative procedure bills exemption .............. Audit by Comptroller General..... .................... 101, Federal Reserve Syste.m after fifty years ....••......... ..... Inquiry on membership in ...... •••••••••..................... Legal basis for foreign exchange operations .......... *....... Liberalizing the credit facilities of.**........ .......... . Operation of the national and Federal Reserve banking systems .................... ....... ............... 280 , State of economy and policies for full employment ••••••...... Federal Securities Act ............. .......................... Fentress, Robert: Investigation of the financial condition of the U.S...... 328, Financial condition of the U.S., Investigation of ...... .. 328, Financial institutions, Increased flexibility for •••..••........ Financial Institutions Act of 1957 .......................... . Fiscal policy: Financial Institutions Act of 1957 •••..... ••••..... ..... . •• Fiseal policy implications of the economic outlook and budget developments .*••••................. ........•••••• 328, Investigation of the financial condition of the U.S...... Monetary, credit and fiscal policies •••••••............ 160, Monetary policy and the management of the public debt.... 162, Review of report of Commission on Money and Credit....... .. State of economy and policies for full employment........... . Flanders, Ralph E.: Full Employment Act of 1945 •••••••......... ......... . 96, Foreign bank, Federal Reserve ............................... Foreign banking: National bank branches in foreign countries ••••••..••• 68, 207, Foreign banking corporations: Branches ..................... ...... .................. 86, Edge Act ................................. ...... ........ . Incorporating institutions to engage in foreign banking ...... No. 53 314 78 164 235 192 197 22 234 231 287 291 8l 343 162 49 146 27 62 281 182 104 329 329 56 50 50 167 329 l6l 163 l8l 182 239 235 257 197 11 250 13 No. Foreign debt funding legislation................ ............. 128 Foreign exchange bank, Establishment of Federal Reserve ......... 235 Foreign exchange operations: International payments imbalances and need for strengthening international financial arrangements .................... 169 Legal basis for Federal Reserve System operations ............ 27 State of economy and policies for full employment .......... . 182 Foreign governments: Interest rates on time deposits of ...... ........... .... 54, 253 331 Refunding of obligations of ................... ...... ...... Foreign trade policy................ ......... ......... . 126, 129 Forest tracts, Loans o n .......................... •••••••• 254, 26l Fulton, W. D.: Investigation of the financial condition of the U.S........... 328 United States monetary policy: recent thinking and 165 experience .......................... .................. Furth, J. Herbert: Bretton Woods Agreements Act amendment.... ................. 27 Gardner, Walter: Inter-American bank .•..... ..................... .......... 336 Garfield, Frank: Consumers' price index .................................... 94 Reports of Federal Reserve Consultant Committees on Economic Statistics ...................... ...... . 164 51 German reparation bonds...... ............... .......... Gidney, Ray M.: Absorption of exchange and collection charges by member banks •• 189 Monetary, credit, and fiscal policies ...................... 160 Monetary policy and the management of the public debt ..•••••••• 163 Gilbert, R. R.: Full Employment Act of 1945 (letter) ....................... 239 Monetary policy and the management of the public debt •••••••••• 163 Glass, Carter: Fifth liberty bond bill................................... 127 Gold reserves: Gold Reserve Act of 1934 and amendments ........... . 93* 240, 241 International payments imbalances and need for strengthening international financial arrangements..... ..... ......... 169 Goldenweiser, E. A.: Banking Act of 1935 ....... ••••••........... .............. 24 Central Statistical Committee and Central Statistical Board •••• 95 Exchanging agricultural surplus products for silver •••••••••••• 185 Monetary policy and the management of the public debt •••••••••• 162 National Economic Council, Establishment of ................. 340 Payment of adjusted-compensation certificates ................ 132 Price-control bill ......... 72 Second War Powers Act, Extension o f .... ••••••••».... ....... 122 Stabilization................ ....... ................ .... 83 Stabilization of commodity prices ......... . 84 Stock exchange practices..... ........................... . 305 Stock exchange regulation .... ....... •••••• 107 3A Government credit ..•••••••••.......... ................ ....... Government lending agencies .................. Government ownership of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks ....... . Group banking ............ ............................ ..... . Hackley, Howard S.: Assignment of Claims Act of 19^0, To amend the .............. Regulation of bank mergers.......... ............ ......... ♦Hamlin, Charles S.: Abolition of the subtreasuries................... ......... Banking Act of 1935 ..................... ............ ..... Federal Reserve Act, Amendment ••••••••.... •••••••...... ••••• Inquiry on membership in Federal Reserve System............. Munitions industry ........................... ...... ...... Operation of the national and Federal Reserve banking system ... Stabilization................................... ......... ♦Harding, W. P. G.: Abolition of the subtreasuries ...... ..... .........••••..... Agricultural inquiry ........... ............. ............. Amendments to Federal Farm Loan Act and Federal Reserve Act .... Appointment of committee for investigation of the administration of the Federal Reserve Act ............... . Comptroller of the Currency, Abolish Office of t h e ........... Distribution of profits of the Federal Reserve Banks ......... Federal Reserve Act. Amendments................ 11, 12, 193* Federal Reserve foreign bank ............................. Incorporating institutions to engage in international or foreign banking.... ........... ................. . Sale of farm loan bonds ••••••••....... .................. Soldiers* adjusted compensation ...... ..... ................. War Finance Corporation •••••••••... ............. .. 91 * 1^5* Harriman National Bank, Investigation of •••..•••••....... ..... . Harris, Innis: Civil defense - Fallout shelter program............ ........ Harrison, George L.: Abolition of the subtreasuries... .......... ............ .. Federal Reserve Act amendment (Edge Act) ...... ....... ...... Operation of the national and Federal Reserve banking systems ............... ............ ............... 280, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Creation o f ........ . Stabilization of commodity prices........ ............ ..... Hawaii, Statehood for ................................... 338, Hayes, Alfred: Federal Reserve System after fifty years.......... ......... International payments imbalances and need for strengthening international financial arrangements.... ............... . Investigation of the financial condition of the U.S. ......... Monetary policy, 1955-56 ..................... ........... . Problems of small-business financing ....................... Retirement of Federal Reserve Bank stock.... ........... . Review of annual report of the Federal Reserve System for i960 . State of economy and policies for full employment ............ No. 52 2^2 53 26 12*f 77 6 ^05 197 1^6 353 280 83 6 1^7 195 Ill 10 kO 197 232 250 295 138 326 3^7 5 6 11 281 217 84 3^1 *f9 169 328 178 Ikk 78 180 182 15 No. Hexter, David B.: Financial Institutions Act of 1957 ........................... 50 Increased flexibility for financial institutions ............. 56 Hickman, W. Braddock: Federal Reserve System after fifty years •••••.............. . 49 Higgins, Joseph D.: Abolition of the subtreasuries................... ........... 6 Hilyard, H. L.: 12 Federal Reserve Act amendment........... .................... Hitt, F. Guy: Full Employment Act of 1945 (letter) ......................... 239 Housing: 264 Emergency housing (1958) ..................... . Federal Home Loan Bank Act. Amendments ............... 17, 191, 310 55, 243, 244, 245, 247 Housing Act amendment........ ............ Housing Act of 1959 ............ .......... ..... ............ 246 248 Housing for farm l a bor .................... ........ ........ . Housing legislation of 1964 ........ ........................ 249 Middle-income housing .............................. •••••.... 256 National Housing Act amendment ........................... 18, 311 President's message disapproving of S.57, Housing Act of 1959 •• 283 Study of mortgage credit ••••............ .............. ..... 308 Houston, David F.: War Finance Corporation................................. 90, 145 Industrial credit: Business loans by Federal Reserve Banks .................... . 210 Extension of credits to industry ............................. 42 Insurance of private loans by the Federal Reserve Banks •••..••• 59 To amend Section 13b of the Federal Reserve Act ......... . 309 To provide for the insurance of loans to business............ 315 See Also Small business Inflation: Anti-inflation program................... ................... 151 Inflation control ....................................... 57, 251 Information, Freedom o f ............. ............... ........... 346 Inter-American bank ............ ..... ..... ............... . 336 Interest on deposits......... ............................... . 49 Interest rates: Farm Credit Act of 1940 .................... •••••..... ...... 228 Maximum interest rate permitted on U.S. savings bonds .... ••••• 130 Public debt ceiling and interest rate ceiling on bonds ........ 134 Recent changes in monetary policy and balance of payments problems ....................................... 74 State of economy and policies for full employment ......... . 182 Time deposits of foreign governments •••••••••••••......... 54, 253 169 International financial arrangements ......... ..... . International Monetary Fund: Bretton Woods Agreements Act amendment ................. ••••••• 27 International payments imbalances and need for strengthening international financial arrangements............ ......... 169 Inventory fluctuations and economic stabilization ................ 170 16 Investment funds, Collective ..... ............................ Irons, Watrous H.: Federal Reserve System after fifty years ............ ...... . Investigation of the financial condition of the U.S.... . United States monetary policy: recent thinking and experience •• *James, George R.: Banking Act of 1935 •••...... . Stabilization ...•••.................. ........... •••••••••• Jay, Pierre: Abolition of the subtreasuries..... .......... •••••••••••••• Johns, Delos C.: Investigation of the financial condition of the U.S....... . Monetary policy and the management of the public de b t ..... . Problems of small business financing..... ........... ••••••• Jones, Homer: Reports of Federal Reserve Consultant Committees on Economic Statistics .................. ..... ........ .......... . Kenyon, Kenneth A.: Quality stabilization (letter) ...... ...... ............ .. Kenzel, E. R.: To incorporate the Federal Reserve pension fund .............. *King, George Harold, Jr.: Nomination to Board.... ............................. 269« Klopstock, Fred H.: Scope of Soviet activity in the U.S. ............... ...... . State of economy and policies for full employment......... . Knapp, J. Burke: Participation by small business in foreign exports ••••••••••••• Koch, Albert R.: Financing small business..... •••••................... ••••• Problems of small-business financing ...... .................. Larkin, John L.: Employment, growth, and price levels...... ................. Leach, Hugh: Full Employment Act of 1945 (letter) ...... ................ . Investigation of the financial condition of the U.S. •..••.••••• Monetary, credit, and fiscal policies ....•.... ••••••••••••••• Monetary policy and the management of the public debt ....... .. Problems of small-business financing ••••••........ .......... Leedy, H. G.: Inflation control........... ............. ................ . Investigation of the financial condition of the U.S....... . Monetary, credit, and fiscal policies.... ................. . Monetary policy and the management of the public debt ••••••..•• Leisner* J. M.: Defense Production Act - Progress Report No. 2 8 .............. Leonard, Robert F.: Federal Reserve Act amendment.................. . Financial Institutions Act of 1957 ..... ..... ....... ....... Liberty bond bills............................. 127$ 136, 141, Liquidity, International....................... ............. No. 103 49 328 165 205 82 6 328 163 144 164 323 314 278 351 182 282 237 144 166 239 328 160 163 144 251 328 160 163 148 47 50 333 I69 17 McAdoo, William Gibbs: Establishment of War Finance Corporation ............... 143, Second emergency bond issue............. ............. 136, Third liberty bond bill ........... .......... ....... ...... Trading with the enemy ...... ................. ............. ♦McCabe, Thomas B.: Amendments to Federal Deposit Insurance Act ••••••••.... . Bank holding bill ............ ................ ........... Defense Production Act of 1930...... ...................... Defense Production Act - Regulation W - Automotive........... Economic Report of the President, January 1949 ..... Inflation control.......... ....... ................... 57» Middle-income housing •••••••...... ........................ Monetary, credit, and fiscal policies............. .. 160, Nomination •••••••..................... ............... . Small Business Act of 1950 .................... ....... •••••• To extend consumer credit controls and to provide for bank reserve requirements •••••••••..... ..................... ♦McKee, John K.: Absorption of exchange charges....................... . Assignment of claims under public contracts......... ........ McKinney, George: Investigation of the financial condition of the U.S. ...... . McLarin, William S., Jr.: Monetary, credit, and fiscal policies ..................... .. McNary-Haugen bill ••••••••••••.... ••••••••••••••••••••..... .... Mangels, H. N.: Investigation of the financial condition of the U.S........... Retirement of Federal Reserve Bank stock... ••••••......... Marget, Arthur: Foreign trade policy......... ..................... . 126, Investigation of the financial condition of the U.S....... . Marsh, Spencer S., Jr.: Employment, growth, and price levels.... ........ .......... ♦Martin, William McChesney, Jr.: Additional mint facilities............. ......... ..... . Amendment of Sec. l4b of Federal Reserve Act (letter) •••••••••• Area redevelopment (2 letters) and testimony •••••••••• 20, 199* Audit of Federal Reserve System .................... ........ Bank holding companies...... .................. 23 * 34 , 204 , Banking and currency bills - 1961 (letter)........ •••••....... Bretton Woods Agreements Act amendment...................... Censuses of manufactures, mineral industries and other businesses •••••••••••••••••••....... ..... ....... . Civil defense - Fallout shelter program.............. ....... Clayton Act, Legislation affecting sec. 7, 11, and 15 ......... Coin shortage ••••...•••..................... .......... Collective investment funds ............. ............. •••••• Community Facilities Act of 1958 ............................ Conflicting official views on monetary policy: April 1956 •••••• Consumer credit labeling bill ........ ••••••••••......... . No. 326 333 l4l 324 194 203 223 150 155 251 256 l6l 212 301 313 7 201 329 160 2 328 78 129 329 166 190 14 200 101 216 207 27 109 5 349 99 103 211 152 214 18 No. ♦Martin, William McChesney, Jr.: (continued) Content of silver coins (letters) •••.... ........... ........ 215 Control and reduction of armaments ••..•••••....... ........... 335 Credit needs of small business 218 Crimes against banking institutions (letters) ............... .100 Current antitrust problems ••••••••••.......... ............ ..117 Defense Production Act: 35* 220 Amendments of 1951 •••........ •............. . Amendments of 1952 ••••••............ .............. 36 , 221 Defense Production Act amendment - 1964 (letter) .......... .219 Defense Production Act extension, i960 (letter) ....... ...... 222 Department store sales, Transfer of collection of statistics to Census Bureau (letter) •••••••••••••••........ •••••.... .188 Direct purchases of U.S. obligations by Federal Reserve Banks..................................... . 8 , 39, 47, 231 Economic Report of the President: January 1954, (No.157); January 1955* (N0 .I58 ); January 1956, (No.159)5 January 1957* (No.171); January 1958, (No.172); January 1959$ (No.173); January i960, (No.174); January 1961, (No. 175); January 1962, (N0 .I76); January 1963, (No.177) Proposed midyear Economic Report... ............ ........ 284 Emergency housing (1958)............. .................. .. 264 Employment Act of 1946. Amendments •••••••• No.97; (letters) 98, 224 Employment, growth, and price levels ..... .................. 166 Establish a Department of Consumers (letter) ........... •••••• 337 Export-Import Bank Act. Amendments............•••••...... . 225 226 Extension of Small Business Administration ................... Federal Credit Union Act (letter) ...••••................ . 229 Federal Deposit Insurance Act (letter) ............... ••••••• 45 Federal deposit insurance assessments (letter) ...... ••••••••• 230 Federal Reserve Act, .Amendment of Section 1 0 ........... ..... 13 Federal Reserve direct purchases (letter) ................. .. 234 Federal Reserve monetary policies................... . 236 Federal Reserve System after fifty years............... . 49 Financial Institutions Act of 1957 ......... . •..... ••.... . •• 50 Financing small business ................................... 237 Fiscal policy implications of the economic outlook and budget developments ....................... ............ 167 Freedom of information (letter) ••••..... ..... ............. 346 Gold Reserve Act amendments ............................... 240 Government lending agencies ............ .................... 242 Higher interest rates on time deposits of foreign governments .. 54 Housing Act amendments ...... ..................... 244 , 245 , 247 Housing Act of 1959 ........ •...................... . 246, 283 Housing for farm labor (letter) ............................ 248 Housing legislation of 1964 (letter) .................. ..... 249 Increased flexibility for financial institutions ............. 56 Interest rates on foreign official time deposits (letter)..... 253 Inventory fluctuations and economic stabilization ..... ....... 170 Investigation of ... disappearance of $7*5 million U.S. Qovernment securities (letter) ••••••.... ........... ....• 60 19 No. Martin, William McChesney, Jr.: (continued) Investigation of the financial condition of the U.S. ........ . 329 Legislation affecting corporate mergers ......... ............. 3^& Legislation to prohibit banks from performing certain non 6l banking services (letters) ............................... Maximum interest rate of United States savings bonds ......... 130 Meeting with House Committee on Banking and Currency ........ . 63 Member bank reserve requirements (letters) ........ 255 Miscellaneous bank bills (letters) .............. ............. 257 178 Monetary policy, 1955-56 ............... .................... Monetary policy and the management of the public debt ....• 162, 163 Mortgage financing.............. ......... .................. 258 259 Mortgage market problems........................ ............ National bank amendments ............................. 67 * 68, 260 National bank real estate loans (letter) •••..•.•••••••••••••••• 262 2751 276 Nomination to B o a r d .................. ........... ...... Participation by small business in foreign exports ............ 282 Premerger notification.... ..... ........ ............... 120, 350 Problems of small-business financing ••••..................... l*f*f Proposed Federal Banking Commission..... .................... 73 Public debt ceiling and interest rate ceiling on b o n d s ........ 13^ 106 Public Health Service Act (letter) .......................... Recent changes in monetary policy and balance of payments problems..................................... ........... 7^ 286 RFC Act amendments of 1 9 5 1 .............................. . Regulation of bank mergers ............. . 77» 288, 289 Repeal of Silver Purchase A c t s ............... ........ . 290, 291 Retention of "1964" on all coins (letter) ........... . 293 Retirement of Federal Reserve Bank s t o c k ..................... 78 Revenue Act of 1963 ...... ................................... 332 Review of annual report of the Federal Reserve System for the year i9 6 0 .................. ........ ............. .... 180 Savings and loan holding companies (letter) .................. 296 300 SEC legislation, 1963 ........................ ............... Secondary market facilities for conventional mortgages (letter), 297 Silver legislation............................. ....... ..... 8l Small business amendments of 1959 (letter) ................... 302 Small Business Investment Act - 1961 (letter) .............. .. 303 Standby economic controls ........................ ........... 30k State of economy and policies for full employment............ 182 Statehood for Hawaii (letter) ............................. .. 338 Stock market s t u d y ..... ..................................... 306 Study of the antitrust l a w s ...................... 352 Tax&tion of savings banks and savings and loan associations ...• 139 Truth in lending..... ......................... .. 318, 319, 320 United States balance of payments............ ....... . 183 United States monetary policy: recent thinking and experience •• 165 Masters, Robert C •: Welfare and pension plans investigation............... ...... 339 Mellon, Andrew W.: Amendment to the Farm Loan A c t ........................ . 15 20 Mellon, Andrew W.: (continued) Amendment to the Federal Reserve A c t ................ . Foreign debt funding legislation ........ ......... ...... . Refunding of obligations of foreign governments .............. Rural credits ......... *.................... ........ ........ Soldiers * adjusted compensation......... ••••••••••••••••••••• Tax-exempt securities ............... ...................... . War Finance Corporation ...................... .............. . Mergers See Bank mergers *Meyer, Eugene: Amendments to the Federal Reserve Act permitting discounting notes of finance and credit companies ........ ........... .. Confirmation of members of the Federal Farm Loan Board ..••••••• Fifth liberty bond b i l l ..................................... Inquiry on membership in the Federal Reserve System ........... Liberalizing the credit facilities of the Federal Reserve System.................................................. National Economic Council, Establishment o f .................. Nomination ......... ....... .................. ............... Operation of the national and Federal Reserve banking systems •• Payment of adjusted-compensation certificates ................ Reconstruction Finance Corporation..... ••••...... ....... 75* Restoring and maintaining the average purchasing power of the dollar.................. ...................... Rural credits ...... ................................. 79, 80, Stabilization of commodity prices.................... ....... To investigate the Bureau of Internal Revenue and certain practices of the Federal Reserve B o a r d ........... ...... . War Finance Corporation............ ............. 90, 91, 92, Middle-income housing.................... .................... .• *Miller, Adolph C.: Banking Act of 1935 ......................... ................ Munitions industry .......... ....... ..... ........... . Operation of the national and Federal Reserve banking systems •• Restoring and maintaining the average purchasing power of the dollar ........................................... . Stabilization........................................... 82, Miller, J. Z.: Agricultural inquiry........................................ *Miller, Paul E.: Nomination......... .......................... ............. *Mills, Abbot L., Jr.: Defense Production Act - Progress Report No. 28 (letter) •••..•• Federal Reserve System after fifty years ..................... Increased flexibility for financial institutions .............. Monetary policy;, 1955-56 ............. ........ .............. Nomination to Board ......... ....... .................... 265, Problems of small-business financing Proposed Federal Banking Commission.... ..... ................ Mills, Ogden L.: Liberalizing the credit facilities of the Federal Reserve System .............. ...... ....... ...................... No. 12 128 331 294 138 140 92 196 29 127 146 62 340 268 281 132 217 292 294 84 114 145 256 205 353 280 292 83 147 274 148 49 56 178 277 144 73 62 21 Mills, Ogden L.: (continued) National emergency relief........................... ....... Payment of adjusted-compensation certificates ....... . 75 * Reconstruction Finance Corporation.... ........ •...... .. Mint facilities, Additional................................... . Mints and Assay offices, Repeal of obsolete provision of laws relating t o ................................................ *Mitchell, George Wilder: Coinage shortage (letter) .............. ......... . Federal Reserve System after fifty ye a r s................... .. January 1963 Economic Report of the President ......... . Nomination to Board ....................................... . Proposed Federal Banking Commission.... . *Mitchell, John R.: Farm Loan Act - amendment ............. ................ ...... McNary-Haugen bill .............. ... *Moehlenpah, Henry A . : Banking and currency.............................. ...... . Rural credits.....*........... ..................... ....... Monetary Authority, To establish t h e ................. .......... Monetary policy: Banking and currency reform........... ......... ....... ..... Conflicting official views on monetary policy: April 1956 ..... Credit policies............................................. Employment, growth and price levels ................... ...... Federal Reserve monetary policies............. .............. Federal Reserve System after fifty y e a r s ............. ....... Financial Institutions Act of 1957 ..... .............. ....... Foreign exchange transactions ............................... Investigation of the financial condition of the U.S. •••••• 328, Monetary, credit, and fiscal policies.................. . 160, Monetary policy, 1955-56 .................... ...... ..... .... Monetary policy and the management of the public debt .... 162, Recent changes in monetary policy and balance of payments problems.................... ............................ Review of Board*s Annual Report, i960 Review of report of Commission on Money and Credit..... State of economy and policies for full employment....... To establish the Federal Monetary Authority.................. United States monetary policy: recent thinking and experience .. Morgenthau, Henry: Banking Act of 1935 .............. •........ •.... ...... ..... Federal Monetary Authority, To establish the ................. Silver Purchase Act of 1 9 3 ^ .......... ....... ............... To amend the Second Liberty Bond A c t ............ ........... . Morrill, Chester: Absorption of exchange and collection charges by member banks .• Administrative procedure (letter) ............................ Permanent appropriations............................. . Mortgages: Mortgage financing ....................... ......... . No. 131 132 21? 190 207 99 ^9 177 270 73 16 2 206 80 87 25 152 153 166 236 **9 50 27 329 161 178 163 7*+ 180 l8l 182 8? 165 205 87 137 33^ 189 3^3 k 258 22 Mortgages: (continued) Mortgage market problems •••••...... ....................... Secondary market facilities for conventional mortgages ••••••••• Study of mortgage credit....................... ••••••••••«• Mosher, Curtis: Agricultural inquiry ........... ...... ........... ......... Multer, Rep# Abraham J.: Board's answers to questions on bank reserves •••........ ••••• Munitions industry .............. ............ ................ Mutual savings banks, Taxation o f ..... ...... ......... ....... Nardin, William T.: Full Employment Act of 19^5 (letter) ............. ......... National banks: Authority over the trust powers of ............... ...... 21, Bank service corporations ....... ....................... 68 , Branches in conversion of, or merger with, State banks ........ Consolidation of national banking associations............. . Foreign branches..... ................ 11, 68, 86, 197, 207, Increased flexibility for financial institutions........ . Loans on forest tracts ..... ................. ............. Miscellaneous bank bills .................................. National bank amendments.......................... . 67 * 68, National banks - consolidation - charters............... .... Operation of the national and Federal Reserve banking systems......... ........... ..................... 280, Real estate and construction loans ................ . 68, 257» Service charges on dormant accounts ........................ National defense program, Investigation of t h e ........ ......... National economic accounts of U.S........ ............ ......... National Economic Council, Establishment of .................... National Housing Act. Amendments.......... ..... ...... 18, 296, Norris, George W.: Gold Reserve Act of 1934 .................................. Stabilization.......... .................... ....... . Noyes, Guy E .: Defense Production Act. Amendments, 1951 and 1952 ........ 36, Department store sales statistics (letter) .................. Inventory fluctuations and economic stabilization ............• Investigation of financial condition of U.S....... ..... ..... O'Connor, J. F. T.: Banking Act of 1935 ................................... 24, Old Series Currency Adjustment Act ........................ . Open market operations: Comptroller General to audit the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Open Market Com mittee and Federal Reserve Banks ....................... . Report of the Ad Hoc Subcommittee on the Government Securities Market of the Federal Open Market Committee ..... ......... Review of Annual Report of Board, i9 6 0 ................ . State of economy and policies for full employment ............ United States monetary policy: recent thinking and experience .. No. 259 297 308 147 64353 139 239 257 257 257 31 257 56 26l 257 260 69 281 262 207 354179 340 311 93 82 220 3 170 329 205 234 101 165 l80 182 165 23 Parry, Carl E.: Proposed amendments of the Securities Act of 1933 and to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ........................... To provide for the regulation of consumer credit for a temporary period................... ..................... Partee, J. Charles: Increased flexibility for financial institutions .............. Pensions: Pension plans investigation ••••••.......... ..... . To incorporate Federal Reserve pension fund .................. Personal property leasing by banks, Prohibition o f .............. Peyton, J. N.: Monetary, credit, and fiscal policies................... . Monetary policy and the management of the public debt ..•••••••• *Platt, Edmund: Branch, chain and group banking (letter) .................... . Brokers1 loans.......................... ............... . Inquiry on membership in Federal Reserve System .............. National banking associations, Consolidation of .............. Operation of the national and Federal Reserve banking systems .• Rural credits ........................... . 80, To incorporate the Federal Reserve pension fund .............. War Finance Corporation, Establishment o f ............... . Pole, John M.: Branch, chain and group banking.................... ........ . Harriman National Bank, Investigation of ..................... Operations of the national and Federal Reserve banking systems.... ..... ............ ............ . 280, To provide a guaranty fund for depositors in banks Postwar planning.... ..... ........... ......................... ♦Powell, Oliver S.: Defense Production Act, Amendments of 1952 ................. Monetary policy and the management of the public debt ......... Presidents Economic Report See Economic Report of the President Prices: Administered prices................................... ..... Employment, growth and price levels ..................... . Extension of Emergency Price Control A c t ......... 43, 71 , 227, Government price statistics.........•••••..... .............. Price-control b i l l .......................................... Quality stabilization............. ......................... Stabilization of commodity prices ................ ............ Profits of Federal Reserve Banks, Distribution o f .... ••••••..... Public debt ceiling and interest rate ceiling on bonds ........... Public Health Service Act ........... ..... ..... ............... Purchasing power of the dollar.............. . ♦Ransah, Ronald: Absorption of exchange charges ........... ................... Clayton Act, To amend sections 7 and 11 of .... ................ Federal Home Loan Bank Act. Amendments....................... Foreign accounts in Federal Reserve B an k s .......... ......... No. 105 316 56 339 314 61 160 163 26 209 147 31 280 294 314 143 26 347 281 89 110 221 162 342 166 263 166 72 323 84 40 134 106 292 7 123 310 238 24 No. *Hansom, Ronald: (continued) Government ownership of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks 53 Second War Powers Act, Extension of .................... 122, 3kk To amend the Federal Reserve Act with respect to foreign branches and agencies of national banks .................. .86 To provide a guaranty fund for depositors in banks •••........ .89 Real estate and construction loans ............. . 68, 257, 262 Reconstruction Finance Corporation: Creation o f .... ........... ...................... .... 75 * 217 Inquiry into the operation of RFC and subsidiaries *••••••.... .252 RFC Act amendments of 1951....... ••....................... .286 Refunding of obligations of foreign governments ..••••••••....... .331 Relief: National emergency relief......... .................... ..... 131 Unemployment and relief.............................. ......356 Reserve requirements: Member bank reserve requirements...... ....... .......... 64, 255 Power to change............••••••........... ............ ..85 Reduction in reserve ratio for Federal Reserve notes and deposits ••................................... ..... 76 , 287 To extend consumer credit controls and to provide for bank reserve requirements ............................. ...... .313 War-loan deposit accounts ... exempt from............... 46, 321 Reserves, International monetary ...............................169 Retirement of Federal Reserve Bank stock •. •.................... .78 Revenue Act of 1963 ••..................•..................... .332 Revenue revision of 1941......... ...... •.................... .135 Riefler, Winfield W.: Central Statistical Committee and Central Statistical Board .... 95 Control and reduction of armaments..... ................... .335 Credit policies............... ........................... .153 Economic Report of the President: January 1954 ............................ ........... .... 157 January 1955 ......... •................ ..... .......... .15& Economic statistics............. .................. ........154 Fiscal policy implications of the economic outlook and budget developments ....... ......................... ...... 167 Housing Act amendments ..*•.......... ....... ....... 55 , 245 , 247 Investigation of financial condition of the U.S..... 329 Mortgage market problems... ...... ................ .........259 Stock exchange regulation ...................... ............. 107 ♦Robertson, James L.: Bank holding companies....... ............. .. 33 , 34 , 204 , 216 Bank mergers •••••........... ......................... 116, 289 Crimes against banking institutions..... .................. .100 Current antitrust problems.... ........................... .117 Federal Reserve System after fifty years .....................49 Financial Institutions Act of 1957 ..... ......... ••••••.... ..50 Monetary, credit, and fiscal policies..... ............ ...... l6l National bank loans on forest tracts (letter) ............ ..... 261 Nomination to Board ................................... 277, 279 25 ♦Robertson, James L.: (continued) Nomination of James J. Saxon to be Comptroller of the Currency (letter) No. 272 Problem of small-business financing ................ 144 Proposed Federal Banking Commission ............ ............ 73 Recent changes in monetary policy and balance of payments problems.......... ............. ......... ............ 74 Study of banking laws................ ................ 307 * 352 "Window dressing" in bank reports.... ........ ......... .... 102 Roosa, Robert V .: Employment, growth, and price levels.................... . 166 Problems of small-business financing ......... .............. 144 Retirement of Federal Reserve Bank stock ........... ......... 78 Rouse, Robert G.: Employment, growth, and price levels ..................... .. 166 178 Monetary policy, 1955-56................................ . Review of Annual Report of the Federal Reserve System for the year I960 ........... .............. .......... ..•••••••• 180 Rural, Beardsley: Full Employment Act of 1945............................... 239 Post-war planning............... ............. .......... 110 Rural credits •••••••............ . 79* 80, 294 Savings and loan associations: Increased flexibility for financial institutions.... ......... 56 Insurance of deposits and share accounts........ ............. 58 Proposed ... Federal Deposit and Savings Insurance Board •••••••• 73 Savings and loan holding companies .......................... 296 Taxation o f ........................ ...................... 139 Savings banks, Taxation o f ............ .............. ........ . 139 Saxon, James J.: Nomination to be Comptroller of the Currency 272 Scanlon, Charles J.: Federal Reserve System after fifty years ••••••••........ ..... 49 Seay, George: Stabilization ................... ......... .......... . 82 Second Liberty Bond Act, To amend .............................. 334 Second War Powers Act: Act of 1942 .............................................. 121 Extension of .............. .................. 122, 125 , 344 , 345 Securities, Government: Direct obligations of U.S. as security for Federal Reserve notes...................................... 9, 28 , 88, 192 Direct purchases by Federal Reserve Banks............... 8, Ik, 58 , 39, ^7, 65 , 66, 231, 233 , 23^ Fifth liberty bond bill ............... ......... .......... 127 Investigation ... of disappearance of $7*5 million ... at Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco ••••••••••••••••»•••••• 60 Public debt ceiling and interest rate ceiling on bonds ,.••••••• 134 Report of Ad Hoc Subcommittee of the Federal Open Market Committee on the Government Securities Market ........ ••••• 165 Second emergency bond issue ....... ................... . 136, 333 Third liberty bond bill............. ..... ........ ...... .. l4l 26 Securities Act, Federal.... .......................... ......... Securities Act of 1933* Proposed amendments.................. . Securities and Exchange Commission: SEC legislation................................... 298, 299* Study of the Securities and Exchange Commission ............... Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Proposed amendments ........... . Service charges on dormant accounts ............................ . *Shepardson, Charles Noah: Federal Reserve System after fifty years ..................... Monetary policy, 1955-56 ........... .............. ..•••••••••• Nomination to Board ••••••••••........................ •••••••• Problems of small-business financing ...... ............ ...... Sherman, Merritt: Conflict of Federal and State banking laws (letter) ........... Shuford, Harry A.: Federal Reserve System after fifty years ..................... Silver: Content of silver coins ........... ............... ........ . Exchanging agricultural surplus products for silver.... ...... Repeal of Silver Purchase A c t s ......••••••......... 290, 291, Silver....................... .......... .».................. Silver legislation .......................................... Silver Purchase Act of 1934 ........ ........................ To authorize the use for war purposes of silver held or owned by the U.S.......................................... Small business: Credit needs of small business •••••••••......... . Extension of Small Business Administration ••••••••........... Federal Reserve assistance in financing small business ........ Financing small business........... ............ ......... . Participation of small business in foreign exports.......... . Problems of small-business financing ..... .......... ......... Small Business Act of 1950 •••••............................. Small business amendments of 1959 ............................ Small Business Investment Act ............... ............ . Small loans (Truth in lending) ........... ............ 318, 319, Snyder, Carl: Stabilization ................................ ............. .. Solomon, Frederic: Authority over the trust powers of national banks and national bank branches •••••••••••••••...•......................... Crimes against banking institutions ............ .............. Defense Production Act, Amendments of 1951 .................... Federal Reserve Act. Amend Section l 4 b .... . Miscellaneous bank bills ............. ........... ............ Study of Securities and Exchange Commission .................. To provide for the regulation of consumer credit for a temporary period................. ....................... Soviet activity in the U.S., Scope o f ........ . Sproul, Allan: Bretton Woods Agreements Act ................................. Credit policies......... ...................... ...... ..... No. 104 105 300 108 105 207 49 178 267 144 30 49 215 185 317 355 8l 137 312 218 226 232 237 282 144 301 302 303 320 82 21 100 220 66 257 108 316 351 208 153 27 No. Sproul, Allan: (continued) Full Employment Act of 1945 (letter) ......................... Inflation control Monetary, credit, and fiscal policies ................... 160, Monetary policy and the management of the public debt ..••• 162, To extend consumer credit controls and to provide for bank reserve requirements...................................... To provide for the regulation of consumer credit for a temporary period............. ........................... United States monetary policy: recent thinking and experience •• Stabilization: Economic stabilization aids .................................. Stabilization (1926-27) ..... ..... ...... .............. . Stabilization (1928) ................... ...... .............. Stabilization Acts, Extension of ......... ............ 70, 71, Stabilization of commodity prices ............................ Standby economic controls..................... ................. Statistics, Economic.................. ............. . 154, Stevens, Eugene M.: Stock exchange practices ................... ............ . Stewart, Walter: Stabilization................. ......................... .... Stock exchange practices ......... .............. ..... ......... Stock exchange regulation........... .......................... Stock market study................................ ............ *Strauss, Albert: Federal Reserve Act. Amendments (Edge Act)..... ..... ..... .... Strong, Benjamin: Agricultural inquiry............... ........................ Munitions industry........................................ .. Stabilization.................. ........................ 82, War Finance Corporation, Establishment of .............. ...... Subtreasuries, Abolition o f ................ ...... ............. Swan, Eliot J.: Federal Reserve System after fifty years ..................... Investigation of ... disappearance of &7*5 million U.S. Government securities............... ....... ............. January 1963 Economic Report of the President ...... ........ .. *Szymczak, M. S.: Banking Act of 1935 .............. .......... •••..... . Loans on forest tracts ..... •••••..................... ...... Problems of small-business financing..... ................... Retirement of Federal Reserve Bank s t o c k..... ................ Review of report of the Commission on Money and Credit ........ United States monetary policy: recent thinking and experience .. Tax-exempt securities......... ........ ....... ................ Taxation: Mutual savings banks and savings and loan associations ••••••••• Revenue Act of 1 9 6 3 .................... ••.................. ♦Thomas, J. J.: Banking Act of 1935 ......................................... 239 251 l6l 163 313 316 165 41 82 83 263 84 304 164 305 * 82 305 107 306 11 147 353 83 326 6 49 60 177 205 254 144 78 l8l 165 140 139 332 205 28 Thomas, Woodlief: Absorption of exchange charges.......... .................... Administered prices (letter) ................................ Credit policies Defense Production Act - Regulation W - Automotive .......... Federal Reserve Act, Amendments to Section l 4 b .... ........ ... Financial Institutions Act of 1957 ........................... Inflation control................................... .... 57, Investigation of financial condition of the U.S. ........... . Member bank reserve requirements ......................... 64, Stock exchange practices .................................... Stock exchange regulation.... ............................... Townsend, J. Leonard: Bank holding bill ........................................... Clayton Act, Amending Sections 7 and 11 .................. 115, Providing for control and regulation of bank holding companies .............................................. Trading with the enemy..................... ......... . Treasury tax and loan accounts................................. Trust powers of national banks, Authority o v e r .....•••••••••• 21, Truth in lending ....... .............................. 318, 319 , Unemployment: Unemployment and relief............... .............. ....... Unemployment in the U.S..................................... . Unemployment insurance ................... ........ ......... . United States savings bonds, Maximum interest rate o f ....... . Usury charges against banks, Investigation o f .................. . *Vardaman, James K., Jr.: Problems of small-business financing.......... .............. United States monetary policy: recent thinking and experience .. Vest, George B.: Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, To amend .................... Defense Production Act, Amendments of 1951 ...... ......... 35, Economic Report of the President, January 1949 ............ . Federal Reserve Act, Amendments to Section 10 and 14b ......... Inflation control ........ ...... ......... .......... . Legislation affecting corporate mergers ...... ....... ........ Premerger notification........................ .............. Regulation of bank mergers ................................ . Second War Powers Act, Extension o f ............... . 125, Standby economic controls ............... ................... Study of banking l a w s ........ .............. ................ Welfare and pension plans investigation...................... Veterans' bonuses................. ............ . 132, 133, 138, War Finance Corporation: Establishment of ....................................... 143, Hearings, 1920, 1921, 1922 ....................... 90, 91, 92, War-loan deposit accounts .......... ...................... .. 46, *Warburg, Paul M .: Banking and currency reform.............. ............ ...... Federal Reserve Act. Amendments ....... ......... . Inquiry on membership in Federal Reserve System No. 7 342 153 150 65 50 251 329 255 305 107 203 123 285 324 49 257 320 356 325 142 130 113 144 165 124 220 155 65 57 348 120 288 345 304 307 339 330 326 145 321 25 197 146 29 No. *Warburg, Paul M. : (continued) Munitions industry 353 War Finance Corporation, Establishment of ...•••....... 143, 326 Wartime and post-war financing, 1914-1923* Exhibits on .......... .353 Wayne, Edward A .: Coin shortage (letter) ........... .......... ............ . 99 Federal Reserve system after fifty years ..................... 49 Investigation of financial condition of U.S................... .329 Welfare and pension plans investigation............ ............ .339 Williams, Alfred: Inflation control............................. ........... ...251 Monetary, credit, and fiscal policies......... . 160, l6l Monetary policy and the management of the public d e b t .......... 163 To extend consumer credit controls and to provide for bank reserve requirements ............. .................... ..... 313 United States monetary policy: recent thinking and experience .. 165 Williams, John Skelton: Agricultural inquiry......... ...................... ....... .147 Investigation of usury charges against banks ....... ............ 113 "Window dressing” in bank reports................... .......... ..102 Wood, Ramsay: Study of mortgage market ..................... ........ ........ 308 Works Financing Act of 1939 ........... ........ ........... ...... 322 Wyatt, Walter: Administrative procedure........... ............. ........... .343 Assignment of claims under public control................. .... 201 Inquiry on membership in Federal Reserve System ........... .....146 Inter-American bank ............ ..... ....................... .336 To amend Federal Reserve Act with respect to foreign 86 branches and agencies of national b a n k s ........... ...... . Young, C. S.: Inflation control ........................ ....................251 Monetary, credit, and fiscal policies ...... ................... 160 Monetary policy and the management of the public d e b t ........ .163 Young, Ralph A.: Administered prices.......... .............................. .342 Consumer credit labeling bill ............................. .... 214 Defense Production Act: Act of 1950 .............................................. 37 Amendments of 1951 .................... ....... ....... 35» 220 Amendments of 1952 ......... .............................. .221 Regulation W - Automotive ............................. .... 150 Economic Report of the President: January 1954 ............................ ................ .137 January 1958 ..............................................172 January 1 9 6 1 ........... ........... ..... ................ .175 Employment, growth and price levels ............ ............ ...166 Federal Reserve Act. Amendments ......... ..... ......... •••••• 47 Federal Reserve Act - Amend Section 14b ........................ 66 Federal Reserve monetary policies ................ .............. 236 Financing small business ..... ............................. ...237 Housing Act of 1958 ............................... .......... .245 30 Young, Ralph A.: (continued) Interest rates on foreign official time deposits ........... . Investigation of financial condition of the U.S. ............ . Monetary policy and the management of the public debt •••••••••• Mortgage market problems.... ................................ National economic accounts of U.S....................... . Problems of small-business financing ....... .......... . Public debt ceiling and interest rate ceiling on bonds ....... . Reports of Federal Reserve Consultant Committees on Economic Statistics ......... ......................... ........ .... Standby economic controls ....... ............ ................ State of economy and policies for full employment ........... .. Stock market study ...................................... To extend consumer credit controls and to provide for bank reserve requirements ..... ............... ......... . *Young, Roy A.: Branch, chain and group banking........* ................... . Brokers1 loans ...................... ............... . Gold Reserve Act of 1934 .................................... Nomination of Eugene Meyer to be a member of the Federal Reserve Board ............... ........ ......... ••••....... Stabilization..... .................................... ..... No. 253 329 162 259 179 144 134 164 304 182 306 313 26 209 24l 268 83 31 House. Committee on Agriculture 1. Include sugar beets and sugarcane as basic commodities, Hearing, 73d Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 7907. February 19-23, 1934. Davis, Chester C. February 20 pp.61-68 2. McNary-Haugen bill, Hearings, 68th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 5563. January 21-March 19, 1924. Davis, Chester C. February 25 pp.355-384 Mitchell, John R. March 12 pp.501-515 House. Committee on Appropriations 3. Commerce Department and related agencies appropriations for 1961: (Transfer of collection of department store sales statistics from Federal Reserve to Census Bureau.) Hear ings, 86th Cong., 2d Sess., January 11, 1960. Noyes, Guy E. (letter) January 11 p.68 4. Permanent appropriations, Hearing, 73d Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 9410. February-March, 1934. Morrill, Chester A. March 23 pp.835-852 House. Committee on Armed Services 5. Civil defense—Fallout shelter program. Hearings, 88th Cong., 1st Sess., before Subcommittee No. 3 . . . on H.R. 3516. Pt.2, vol.l, June 3-July 31, 1963. Harris, Innis June 5 pt.2, v.l, pp.3697-3701 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. June 5 pt.2, v.l, pp.3697-3701 House. Committee on Banking and Currency 6. Abolition of the subtreasuries, Hearing, 66th Cong., 2nd Sess. on H.R. 12209. February 10, 1920. Curtis, J. F. February 10 pp. 17, 19, 20-47 Hamlin, Charles S. February 10 pp.3-4, 8-9, 16-17 Harding, W. P. G. February 10 pp.4-10, 15-16 Harrison, George L. February 10 pp.7-10, 15-16 Higgins, Joseph D. February 10 pp. 24-26, 37, 40-43 Jay, Pierre February 10 pp. 18-20, 22-44 7. Absorption of exchange charges, Hearings, 78th Cong., 2d Sess. on H. R. 3956. December 10, 1943-February 9, 1944. Dreibelbis, J. P. December 17 pp.98, 140, 154 February 2 pp.497-545 February 4 pp.564-589 February 7 pp.591-615 February 8 pp.617-648 February 9 p.649 32 HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) Absorption of exchange charges (continued) McKee, John K. Ransom, Ronald Thomas, Woodlief December 10 December 15 December 16 December 17 December 10 December 15 December 16 December 20 December 10 December 15 February 8 pp.25-31 pp.58-62, 66 pp.84-87 pp.96-97, 106-108 pp. 1-25, 31 pp.33-67 pp.95-112 pp.138-151, 154, 470 pp.20-25 p.61 p.648 8. Amend Section 14(b) of the Federal Reserve Act, Hearing, 88th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 11499 . . . to extend for 2 years the authority of Federal Reserve Banks to purchase U.S. obligations directly from the Treasury. June 11, 1964. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. June 11 p.2 9. Amend the Federal Reserve Act, Hearings, 77th Cong., 1st Sess. on S.1471. June 21-25, 1941. Eccles, Marriner S. June 23 pp.41-54 June 24 pp.55-72 June 25 pp.73-90 10: Amendment to abolish office of Comptroller of the Currency, etc., Hearing, 67th Cong. June 1, 1921. Harding, Wm. P. G. June 1 pp.3-48 11. Amendment to Federal Reserve Act, Hearings, 66th Cong, on S.2472 (Edge Act) September 19-25, 1919. 3 parts. Harding, Wm. P. G. September 19 p t.l, pp.5-9,17-40 Harrison, George L. September 22 pt.2, pp.48-70 September 25 pt.3, pp.77-102 Strauss, Albert September 22 pt.2, pp.45-46, 48-70 September 25 pt.3, pp.77-102 12. Amendment to Federal Reserve Act, Hearing, 67th Cong., 2d Sess. on S.2263. March 15 and 16, 1922. Harding, Wm. P. G. March 15 pp.27-38 Hflyard, H. L. (letter) January 14 pp.17-21 Mellon, Andrew W. March 15 pp.2-14 13. Amendment to section 10 of Federal Reserve Act, Hearing, 83d Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R.4605. May 5, 1953. .Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. May 5 pp.1-47 3a HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 14. Amendment of Section 14(b) of the Federal Reserve Act, Hearing, 87th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 11654. June 19, 1962. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) June 13 p. 12 15. Amendment to the Farm Loan Act, Hearings, 67th Cong., 1st Sess. on S.1837. June 7, 1921. Mellon, Andrew W. June 7 pp.3-19 16. Amendment to the Farm Loan Act, Hearings, 67th Cong., 1st Sess. on S.1811. July 22, 1921. Mitchell, John R. July 22 pp.9-16 17. Amendments of 1939 to Federal Home Loan Bank Act, Hearings, 76th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 5535 superseded by H.R. 6971. April 25-June 6, 1939. Eccles, Marriner S. (letter) June 7 pp.439-441 18. Amendments to National Housing Act, Hearings, 75th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 8520. November 30-December 10, 1937. Eccles, Marriner S. December 2 pp.59-87 December 7 pp. 106-123 19. Anglo-American financial agreement, Hearings, 79th Cong., 2d Sess. on H. J. Res. 311 and S. J. Res. 138. May 14-June 7, 1946. Eccles, Marriner S. May 22 pp.263-324 20. Area Redevelopment Act, Hearings, 87th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 4569. February 24-March 13, 1961. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. March 8 pp.568-575 21. Authority over the trust powers of national banks and national bank branches, Hearings, 87th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 12577 and H.R. 12825. August 14, 1962. Solomon, Frederic August 14 pp. 12-13 22. Authorizing the destruction of certain Federal Reserve notes and their replacement, Hearings, 75th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.J. Res. 377. June 15-July 23, 1937. (Typed copy only— hearings never printed) Eccles, Marriner S. ]uly 14 L-514, pp.1-17 July 15 L-514, pp.18-42 July 23 L-514, pp.43-57 34 HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 23. Bank holding company legislation. Hearings, 88th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 10668 and H.R. 10872. April 28-June 30, 1964. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) May 1 pp.56-57 24. Banking Act of 1935, Hearings, 74th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 5357. February 2-April 8, 1935. Eccles, Marriner S. March 4 pp.179-186 March 5 pp.187-214 March 11 pp.215-241 March 13 pp.243-261 March 14 pp.263-303 March 15 pp.305-350 March 18 pp.351-393 March 19 pp.395-431 Goldenweiser, E. A. March 19 pp.431-463 O'Connor, J. F. T. March 1 pp. 143-178 March 26 pp.661-691, 695-703 25. Banking and currency reform, Hearings, 62d Cong., 3d Sess. January 7-February 28, 1913. Warburg, Paul M. January 7 pp.60-85 26. Branchy chain and group banking, Hearings, 71st Cong., 2d Sess. under H.Res. 141. February 25-June 11, 1930. 15 parts in 2 volumes. Platt, Edmund June 27 v.2, pt.15, pp.2006-2011 (letter) Pole, John W. February 25-27 v.l, pt.l, pp. 1-96 March 4-6 v.l, pt.2, pp.97-232 March 12 and 14 v.l, pt.3, pp.235-298 March 18 v.l, pt.4, pp.299-419 Addresses (1929) v.2, pt.9, pp. 1013-1026 Young, Roy A. March 18-21 v.l, pt.4, pp.419-533 March 25 and 26 v.l, pt.5, pp.535-590 April 1-4 v.l, pt.6, pp.591-705 April 8 and 11 v .l, pt.7, pp.707-785 27. BrettonrWoods Agreements Act amendment, Hearings, 87th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 10162. February 27 and 28, 1962. Furth, J. Herbert February 28 pp. 109-110 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. February 28 pp.89-109 (letter) March 13 p.96 28. Collateral security for Federal Reserve notesy Hearings, 78th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 2634. Revised. May 10 and 11, 1943. Eccles, Marriner S. May 10 pp. 1-22 May 11 pp.23-42 35 HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 29. Confirmation of members of the Federal Farm Loan Board, Hear ings, 70th Cong., 1st Sess. January 13-26, 1928. Meyer, Eugene January 13 pp.5-46 January 17 pp.55-92 30. Conflict of Federal and State banking laws, Hearings, 88th Cong., 1st Sess. April 30-May 6, 1963. Sherman, Merritt (letter) Jan. 31, 1962 p.215 31. Consolidation of national banking associations, etc., Hearings, 68th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 6855. April 9-18, 1924. Crissinger, D. R. April 18 pp.231-243 Cunningham, Edward H. April 18 pp.243-245 Dawes, Henry M. April 9 pp.7-46 Platt, Edmund April 18 pp.205-231 32. Control and regulation of bank holding companies, Hearings, 80th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 3351. July 16-21, 1947. (Gallev proof only) Eccles, Marriner S. July 16 15 pages July 17 4 pages 33. Control and regulation of bank holding companies, Hearings, 82d Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 6504. June 24, 1952. Robertson, J. L. June 24 pp.9-29, 31-35 34. Control and regulation of bank holding companies, Hearings, 84th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 2674. February 28-March 9, 1955. Evans, R. M. March 8 pp.502-518 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. February 28 pp.13-22, 100-129 Robertson, James L. February 28 pp.84-129 35. Defense Production Act amendments of 1951, Hearings, 82d Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 3871. May 8-June 8, 1951. 3 parts. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. May 10 pt.l, pp.137-168 Vest, George B. May 10 pt.l, pp. 146, 160-161 Young, Ralph A. May 10 p t.l, pp.150-151, 155 36. Defense Production Act amendments of 1952, Hearings, 82d Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 6546. April 29-May 28, 1952. 2 parts. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. May 21 pt.2, pp.1357-1372 Noyes, Guy E. May 21 pt.2, p.1371 36 HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 37. Defense Production Act of 1950, Hearings, 81st Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 9176. July 24 and 25, 1950. Evans, R. M. July 25 pp.41-88 Young, Ralph A. July 25 pp.81,84 38. Direct purchases of Government securities by Federal Reserve Banks, Hearing, 80th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 2233 superceded by H.R. 2413. March 3-5, 1947. Eccles, Marriner S. March 3 pp.2-18 March 4 pp. 19-42 March 5 pp.77-126 39. Direct purchases of United States obligations by Federal Reserve Banks, Hearings, 84th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R 9285. February 27 and 29, 1956. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. February 29 pp. 15-39 40. Distribution of profits of Federal Reserve Banks, Hearings, 67th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 12208. June 28, 1922. Harding, Wm. P. G. June 28 pp.1-12 41. Economic stabilization aids, Hearings, 80th Cong., 1st Sess. November 25-December 9, 1947. Eccles, Marriner S. December 8 pp.279-321 42. [Extension of credits to industry and broadening of the powers of the Federal Reserve], Hearings, 73d Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 8717. (Gov. Black’s testimony only, typed copy, hearings never printed.) Black, Eugene May 2, 1934 pp.1-78 43. Extension of Emergency Price Control Act, Hearings, 78th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 4376. April 12-May 19, 1944. 2 vol umes. Eccles, Marriner S. May 10 v.2, pp. 1559-1579 44. Extension of temporary plan for deposit insurance, Hearings, 73d Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 3025. April 16-May 15, 1934. O’Connor, J. F. T. May 15 pp.131-146 45. Federal Deposit Insurance Act, Hearings, 86th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 8916 and H.R. 8928. April 5 and 6, 1960. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) March 30 p.38 46. Federal Reserve Act amendments, Hearings* 78th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 1699. (amends sections 12B and 19) Revised. March 25-April 7, 1943. 37 HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) Federal Reserve Act amendments (continued) Eceles, Marriner S. April 2 April 5 April 7 pp.51-73 pp.75-85, 132-140 pp. 142-149 47. Federal Reserve Act amendments (,Sections 14 and 16), Hearings, 83d Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 8729 and H.R. 9143. May 26 and 27, 1954. Cherry, Alfred K. May 27 pp.44-45,57 Leonard, Robert F. May 26 p.29 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. May 26 pp. 1-30 May 27 pp.31-44, 47-64 Young, Ralph A. May 27 pp. 43-44 48. Federal Reserve Act amendments (Sections 10 and 3), Hearing' 87th Cong., 2d Sess. on 3.1005. May 11, 1962. Balderston, C. Canby May 11 pp.6-13 Farrell, John R. May 11 p.7 49. The Federal Reserve System after fifty years. Hearings, 88th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 3783, H.R. 9631, H.R. 9685, H.R. 9686, H.R. 9687, H.R. 9749. January 21-April 29, 1964. 3 volumes. Balderston, C. Canby Jan. 21-22 v.l, pp.9-102 Bopp, Karl Jan. 30 v.l, pp.421-521 Bryan, Malcolm H. Jan. 30 v.l, pp.444-521 Clay, George H. Feb. 5 v.l, pp.784-842 Daane, James Dewey March 4 v.2, pp. 1191-1214 Statement in response to Rep. Reuss’ request v.3, pp. 1929-1945 Deming, Fredrick L. Feb. 4 v.l, pp.688-749 Ellis, George H. Jan. 29 v.l, pp.267-270; 320-419 Hayes, Alfred Feb. 3 v.l, pp.525-662 Letters to Rep. Patman and Rep. Vanik March 31, April 8 and 14 v.3, pp.2161-2171 Statement in response to Rep. Hanna’s request v.3, pp.2172-2193 Hickman, W. Braddock Jan. 29 v.l, pp. 133-266 Irons, Watrous H. Feb. 6 v.l, pp.843-902 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. Jan. 21-22 v.l, pp.9-102 Mills, Abbot Low, Jr. Jan. 23 v.l, pp.103-132 Mitchell, George Wilder March 4 v.2, pp.1179-1214 Statement in answer to Prof. Brunner v.3, pp. 1955-1958 Statement in response to Rep. Reuss’ request v.3, pp.1929-1945 Robertson, James Louis Jan. 23 v.l, pp.103-132 38 HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) The Federal Reserve System after fifty years (continued) Scanlon, Charles J . Feb. 5 Statement in respon to Rep. Reuss’ request Shepardson, Charles Noah Jan. 23 Shuford, Harry A. Jan. 29 Statement in answer to Rep. Vanik Swan, Eliot J. Feb. 4 Wayne, Edward A. Jan. 29 Statement in answer to Rep. Vanik v .l, pp.751-842 v.3, pp.2121-2126 v.l, pp. 103-132 v.l, pp.290-419 v.3, pp.2131-2132 v.l, pp.664-749 v.l, pp.270-289; 320-419 v.3, pp.2127-2128 50. Financial Institutions Act of 1957, Hearings, 85th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 1451 and H.R. 7026. July 15, 1957-February 7, 1958. 2 parts. pt.2, pp.1655-1656 Balderston, C. Canby August 28 p t.l, pp.58-60, 77, July 16 Hexter, David B. 82, 183 July 17 p t.l, pp.94-5, 97, 101-102 July 31 p t.l, pp.371, 390, 394 p t.l, pp.410-1, August 1 413-5, 426-7 August 2 pt. 1, pp.440, 452, 454, 459 p t.l, pp.506, 522August 5 523 p t.l, pp.536-539, August 6 541-2, 547-548, 554 p t.l, pp.394-396 July 31 Leonard, Robert F. August 2 pfc.l, pp.448-9, 453-5, 470 August 5 p t.l, pp.500-501, 520 p t.l, pp.535-6, 539, August 6 555-6 p t.l, pp.19-56 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. July 15 p t.l, pp.57-89 July 16 p t.l, pp.91-124 July 17 p t.l, pp.293-327 July 26 p t.l, pp.367-399 July 31 p t.l, pp.401-435 August 1 August 2 p t.l, pp.437-471 p t.l, pp.495-525 August S p t.l, pp.529-576 August 6 pt.2, pp.1656-1671 (letter) October 7 39 HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) Financial Institutions Act of 1957 (continued) (answers to questions) February 25 Robertson, James L. July 15 Thomas, Woodlief July 16 July 17 July 26 July 31 August 1 August 2 August 5 August 6 pt.2, pp. 1672-1822 pt.l, pp. 19-56 p t.l, pp.72, 74, 79, 87-88 p t.l, pp. 104-112, 115, 121 p t.l, pp.294-5, 299301, 303, 310, 324-7 p t.l, p.392 p t.l, pp.418, 429 p t.l, pp.441-448, 454-5, 461, 463-4, 470-1 p t.l, pp.502, 522 p t.l, pp.530-1, 544-6, 555 51. German reparation bonds, Hearings, 71st Cong., 2d Sess. under H. J. Res. 364 prohibiting the purchase . . . by national banks, Federal Reserve Banks, and member banks of the Federal Reserve System. June 25 and 26, 1930. Mellon, Andrew W. June 25 pp.2-32 52. Government credit, Hearings, 80th Cong., 1st Sess. May 19June 12, 1947. 3 parts. Eccles, Marriner S. June 3 pt.3, pp.297-348 June 10 pt.3, pp.377-382 June 12 pt.2, pp.273-293 53. Government ownership of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks, Hear ings, 75th Cong., 3d Sess. on H.R. 7230. March 2-April 19, 1938. Eccles, Marriner S. April 12 pp.443-463 April 13 pp.466-479 Ransom, Ronald April 13 pp.479-484 April 19 pp.485-508 54. Higher interest rates on time deposits of foreign governments, Hearings, 87th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 12080. July 10-18, 1962. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. July 17 pp.81-123 55. Housing Act of 1957, Hearings, 85th Cong., 1st Sess. March 4-15, 1957. Riefler, Winfield W. March 4 pp.116-130 40 HOUSE COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 56. Increased flexibility for financial institutions, Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 5845, H.R. 7878 September 23-December 13, 1963. Hexter, David B. Sept. 24 Dec. 13 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. Sept. 24 (letter) Oct. 23 Dec. 13 Mills, Abbot Low, Jr. Sept. 23 (letter and attachments) Partee, J. Charles Sept. 24 57. Inflation control, Hearing, 80th July 29-August 4, 1948. Bopp, Karl R. Eccles, Marriner S. Evans, R. M. McCabe, Thomas B. Thomas, Woodlief Vest, George B. Hearings, 88th (and other bills) pp. 101-116 pp. 1013-1054 pp.89-131 pp.122-123 pp.1001-1054 pp. 129-131 pp. 109-110 Cong., 2d Sess. on S. J. Res. 157. August August August August August August 2 3 2 2 2 2 pp. 159-160 pp.163-217 pp.103-160 pp.85-162 pp.87-161 pp.124-127 58. Insurance of deposits and share accounts, Hearings, 88th Cong., 1st Sess., on H.R. 5130. April 24-26, 1963. Balderston, C. Canby April 25 pp.39-42 59. Insurance of private loans by the Federal Reserve Banks, Hearings, 78th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 4804. August 23, 1944. (Galley proof only—hearings never published.) Eccles, Marriner S. August 23 26 pages 60. Investigation of the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of $7.5 million of U. S. Government securities from the vault of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, California, Hearing . . . 88th Cong., 1st Sess. April 22, 1963. Barbonchielli, J. L. April 22 pp.86-87; 107-115 Bertram, Clarence April 22 pp. 19-46 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) April 1 p.9 Swan, Eliot J. April 22 Testimony through out whole hearing 61. Legislation to prohibit banks from performing certain nonbanking services and from engaging in the business of personal property leasing, Hearings, 88th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R.9548 and H.R. 9822. February 25 and 26, 1964. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) Feb. 24 p.2 (letter) Mar. 25 p.4 (letter) Mar. 26 pp.5-6 41 HOUSE COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 62. Liberalizing the credit facilities of the Federal Reserve System, Hearings, 72d Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 9203. February 12, 1932. Meyer, Eugene February 12 pp. 2-20 Mills, Ogden L. February 12 pp.20-34 63. Meetings with department and agency officials, Hearings, 88th Cong., 1st Sess. Jan. 29-Feb. 20, 1963. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. January 29 pp.2-12 Report by Board on proposed December 3,1962 merger of banks in South Dakota pp.168-174 64. Member bank reserve requirements, Hearings, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 5237. April 7-9, 1959. Balderston, C. Canby April 7 pp. 1-10, 54-62 Board’s answers to questions submitted by Rep. Abraham J. Multer pp.63-101 Memoranda submitted pp. 11-53, 101-173 Thomas, Woodlief April 7 pp.56-57, 59 65. Miscellaneous hearings, Hearings, 81st Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 1161, 1660, 1732, 2730, 5044, 5533, 6305, and H. J. Res. 188 and 2d Sess. on H.R. 7102, 7846, 8737, 8569, 7894, 8458, S. 1069, 2590, 3105. January 27, 1949-July 24, 1950. 2 volumes. Contains: Amendments to Federal Reserve Act—Section 10, Hearing, 81st Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 3105. June 14, 1950. Vest, George B. June 14 v.2, pp.361-367 and Amendments to Federal Reserve Act—Section 14 (b), Hearing, 81st Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 7894. June 14, 1950. Thomas, Woodlief W. June 14 v.2, pp.343-345 Vest, George B. June 14 v.2, pp.343-345 66. Miscellaneous hearings, Hearings, 82d Cong, on H. J. Res. 196 and 197, H.R. 5745, 5120, 6102, 6909, 7726 and S. 2128 and 2252. March 14, 1951-July 1, 1952. Contains: Federal Reserve Act—Amend Section 14 (6), Hearing, 82d Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 6909. March 21, 1952. Solomon, Frederic March 21 pp.93-95 Young, Ralph A. March 21 pp.93-95 67. National bank amendments, Hearings, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 6092 and H.R. 6093. May 26 and 27, 1959. Statement of the Board June 1 pp.59-62 42 HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 68. National bank legislation, Hearings 87th Cong., 1st and 2d Sess. on H.R. 7796 (real estate and construction loans); S. 1771 (bank branches in foreign countries); and H.R. 8874 (bank service corporations). P t.l, Sept. 12, 1961; pt.2, July 19 and 20, 1962. Balderston, C. Canby (letter) July 14, 1961 pt.l, p.5 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) Sept. 11, 1961 pt.l, p.16 July 19, 1962 pt.2, pp.32-37 69. National banks—consolidation—charters, Hearings, 67th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 4905 and H.R. 6776. November 2, 1921. Crissinger, Daniel R. November 2 pp.3-14 70. 1945 Stabilization Extension Act, Hearings, 79th Cong., 1st Sess. on H. J. Res. 101. Revised. June 4-14, 1945. Eccles, Marriner S. June 15 pp. 1058-1064 71. 1946 extension of the Emergency Price Control and Stabilization Acts of 1942, as amended, Hearings, 79th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 5270. February 18-March 27, 1946. 2 volumes. Eccles, Marriner S. February 25 v.l, pp.l69T208 72. Price-control bill, Hearings, 77th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 5479 (Superseded by H.R. 5990). Revised. August5- September 23, 1941. 2 parts. September 29 pt.2, pp. 1243-1303 Eccles, Marriner S. September 30 pt.2, pp. 1305-1359 October 1 pt.2, pp. 1364-1383 September 29 pt.2, p.1261 Goldenweiser, E. A. October 1 pt.2, pp. 1357-1358 73. Proposed Federal Banking Commission and Federal Deposit and Savings Insurance Board, Hearings, 88th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 729 . . . and H.R. 5874. May 7-15, 1963. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) May 6 pp. 167-168 May 8 pp. 168-173; 205-215 Mills, Abbot Low, Jr. May 8 pp. 181-184 Mitchell, George Wilder May 8 pp. 184-196 Robertson, James Louis May 8 pp. 174-181 74. Recent changes in monetary policy and balance of payments problems, Hearings, 88th Cong., 1st Sess. July 22-26, 1963. Balderston, C. Canby July 22 p.32 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. July 22 pp.9-92 Robertson, James Louis July 22 pp.15-92 43 HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 75. Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Hearings, 72d Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 5060 and H.R. 5116. December 18, 1931January 7, 1932. Meyer, Eugene December 18 pp. 10-64 Mills, Ogden L. January 5 pp.64-74 76. Reduction in reserve ratio for Federal Reserve notes and deposits, Hearings, 79th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 2124. February 27-March 5, 1945. Eccles, Marriner S. February 27 pp.2-28 March 5 pp.49-71 77. Regulation of bank mergersy Hearings, 86th Cong., S. 1062. February 16-18, 1960. Balderston, C. Canby (letter) May 8, 1959 Hackley, Howard H. February 16 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. February 16 (letter) February 19 2d Sess. on pp.74-75 p.69 pp.65-77 p.74 78. Retirement of Federal Reserve Bank stock, Hearings, 86th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 8516 and H.R. 8627. June 6-August 25, 1960. 2 parts. p t.l, pp.7-44 Allen, Carl E. June 6 p t.l, pp.45-71 June 7 p t.l, pp.88, 168, June 10 Clarke, John J. 175-176 June 10 p t.l, pp.73-90, Hayes, Alfred 163-188 p t.l, pp. 189-210 June 17 Mangels, H. N. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. p t.l, p.91 (letter) June 3 p t.l, pp.221-259 June 10 (letter) October 12 pt.2, pp.333-347 p t.l, pp.178-179, 186 Roosa, Robert V. June 10 pt.2, pp.261-299 Szymczak, M. S. August 25 79. Rural credits, Hearings, 67th Cong., 3d Sess. on S.4063 (H.R. 13033) November 24, 1922. Meyer, Eugene November 24 pp.15-18 80. Rural credits, Hearings, 67th (H.R. 13033). April 12, Meyer, Eugene Moehlenpah, Henry A. Platt, Edmund Cong., 3d and 1922-February January 31 April 12 January 31 4th Sess. on S.4280 19, 1923. 2 parts. p t.l, pp. 1-102 pt.2, pp. 147-153 pt.l, pp.102-107 44 HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 81. Silver legislation, Hearings, 88th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 4413. March 11-14, 1963. Farrell, John R. March 12 pp.39-42 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. March 12 pp.31-49 (letter) March 20 pp.40-41 82. Stabilization, Hearings, 69th Cong., March 24, 1926-February ' Burgess, Randolph May 4 May 6 April 8 James, George R. Miller, Adolph C. April 20 April 21 April 30 April 9 Norris, George W. Seay, George April 8 Snyder, Carl April 13 Stewart, Walter April 20 April 8 Strong, Benjamin April 9 April 12 April 13 1st Sess. on H.R. 7895. " pt.2, pp.907-935, 964-991 pt.2, pp.994-1022 pt.l, pp.276-286 pt.2, pp.663-690 pt.2, pp.690-734 pt.2, pp.842-907 pt.l, pp.380-398 pt.l, pp.262-276 pt.l, pp.581-604 pt.2, pp.735-790 pt.l, pp.290-348 pt.l, pp.349-379 pt.l, pp.421-519 pt.l, pp.519-581 83. Stabilization, Hearings, 70th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 11806 (Strong Bill) March 19-May 29, 1928. Cunningham, E. H. (letter) May 22 p.385 Goldenweiser, E. A. pp.22-55, 86-87, March 20 100-101 May 6 pp.283-311 May 23 Hamlin, Charles S. pp.389-408 Miller, Adolph C. April 30 pp.105-129 May 2 pp. 160-193 May 8 pp.211-250 May 15 pp.250-269 May 16 pp.270-297 May 17 pp.297-366 Strong, Benjamin pp.12-21 March 19 Young, Roy A. pp.62, 93 March 21 p.237 May 9 pp.410-422 May 29 84. Stabilization of commodity prices, Hearings, 72d Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 10517. March 16-April 14, 1932. 2 parts. Goldenweiser, E. A. April 14 pt.2, pp.562-570 Harrison, George L. April 13 pt.2, pp.459-519 Meyer, Eugene April 14 pt.2, pp.521-562 45 HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 85. To amend the Federal Reserve Act, Hearings, 77th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 7158. June 17, 19, 1942. Eccles, Marriner S. June 17 pp.2-24 June 19 pp.25-62 86. To amend the Federal Reserve Act with respect to foreign branches and agencies of national banks and corporations engaged in foreign banking, Hearings, 75th Cong., 3d Sess. on H.R. 10845. June 7, 1938. (Typed copy only—hearings never printed) Ransom, Ronald June 7 pp.40-41 Wyatt, Walter June 7 pp.42-53 87. To establish the Federal Monetary Authority, Hearings, 73d Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 7157 as amended and reintroduced as H.R. 8780. January 30-March 8, 1934. Black, Eugene March 1 pp.391-409 Morgenthau, Henry March 1 pp.378-391 88. To extend the period during which direct obligations of the United States may be used as collateral security for Federal Reserve notes, Hearings, 75th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 417. February 16 and 18, 1937. Eccles, Marriner S. February 16 pp.2-24 February 18 pp.25-57 89. To provide a guaranty fund for depositors in banks, Hearings, 72d Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. (10241) 11362. March 14April 8, 1932. Pole, John W. March 14 pp.6-56 Ransom, Ronald April 2 pp. 169-177 90. War Finance Corporation, Hearings, 66th Cong., 3d Sess. on S. J. Res. 212. December 14-16, 1920. 3 parts. Houston, David F. December 16 Pt.3, pp. 16-42 Meyer, Eugene December 16 Pt.3, pp.3-16, 42-84 91. War Finance Corporation, Hearings, 67th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 1915. August 9, 1921. Harding, Wm. P. G. August 9 pp.6-19 Meyer, Eugene, Jr. August 9 pp.20-37 92. War Finance Corporation, Hearings, 67th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 11517 and S. 2775. May 3 and 4, 1922. Mellon, Andrew W. May 4 pp.43-47 Meyer, Eugene May 3 pp.3-40 46 House. Committee on Coinage, Weights and Measures 93. Gold Reserve Act of 1934, Hearings, 73d Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 6976. January 15-19, 1934. Norris, George W. January 19 pp.126-149 House. Committee on Education and Labor 94. Consumers' price index, Hearings, 82d Cong., 1st Sess. pursuant to H. Res. 73. May 8-June 29, 1951. Garfield, Frank A. May 11 pp. 119-125 House. Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments 95. Central Statistical Committee and Central Statistical Board, Hear ings, 74th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 7590. May 7-24, 1935. Goldenweiser, E. A. May 15 pp.83-86 Riefler, Winfield W. May 15 pp.96-100 96. Full Employment Act of 1945, Hearings, 79th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 2202. Sept. 25-Nov. 7, 1945. Flanders, Ralph E. October 19 pp.591-599 House. Committee on Government Operations 97. Amending the Employment Act of 1946 to include recommendations on monetary and credit policies and proposed price and wage increases, Hearings, 85th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 12785. July 21 and 22, 1958. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) June 27 pp. 101-102 98. Amending the Employment Act of 1946. (To include recommen dations on monetary and credit policies.) Hearings, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 1225, 2772, 3317, 4870, 5503, 5552, 5658, 6263, and H. J. Res. 238. March 25-April 9, 1959. Balderston, C. Canby (letter) April 1 pp.205-207 (letter) April 8 p.208 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) February 18 p.205 (Same letter printed under incorrect date of Feb. 2 on p.208.) 99. Coin shortage. Hearings, 88th Cong., 2d Sess. 1964. Balderston, C. Canby (letter) August 7 Farrell, John R. July 1 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. July 1 (letters) 1960-1964 Mitchell, George W. (letter) June 29 Wayne, Edward A. (letter) Sept. 24, 1963 June 30-July 2, pp.252-253 pp. 79,81, 85-86 pp.50-96 pp.223-236 p.93 pp. 138-139 47 HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS (continued) 100. Crimes against banking institutions, Hearing, 88th Cong., 1st Sess. October IS, 1963. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) May 3 pp. 111-114 (letter) Sept. 27 p. 121 Robertson, James Louis Oct. 15 pp.3-18 Solomon, Frederic Oct. 15 pp.3-18 101. H.R. 7602, a bill to direct Comptroller General to audit the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Open Market Committee, and the Federal Reserve Banksy Hearing, 83d Cong., 2d Sess. June 2, 1954. (Stenographic transcript only—hearing never printed) Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. June 2 pp.42-63 102. “Window dressing” in bank reports, Hearings, 88th Cong., 1st Sess., October 2, 1963. Robertson, James Louis October 2 pp.2-18 House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce 103. Collective investment funds. Hearings, 88th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 8499 and H.R. 9410. June 9-11, 1964. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. June 10 pp.103-108 (letter) March 26 pp.8-9 104. Federal securities act, Hearings, 73d Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 4314. March 31-April 5, 1933. Letter from Board April 3 pp.180-181 105. Proposed amendments to the Securities Act of 1933 and to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Hearings, 77th Cong., 1st and 2d Sess. on H.R. 4344, H.R. 5065 and H.R. 5832. October 1941-May 1942. 6 parts. Brown, Edward E. November 18 pt.2^ pp.527-548 (letter) March 2 pt.4, pp. 1049-1051 Eccles, Marriner S. (letter) November 12 pt.2, p.519 (letter) January 30 pt.5, pp.1366-1367 Parry Carl E. January 20 pt.4, pp. 1041-1044 106. Public Health Service Act, (Mortgage Loan Insurance), Hear ings, 83d Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 7700. April 28-May 7, 1954. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. March 26 p. 18 (Letter re: utilization of services and facilities of Federal Reserve Banks) 48 HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE (continued) 107. Stock exchange regulation, Hearings, 73d Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 7852 and H.R.8720. February 14-March 24, 1934. Black, Eugene March 23 pp.808-817 Goldenweiser, E. A. February 16 pp.65-81 Reifler, Winfield March 23 pp.788-806 Thomas, Woodlief February 15 pp.51-64 108. Study of Securities and Exchange Commission, Hearings, 82d Cong., 2d Sess. January 9-May 21, 1952. 2 parts. Solomon, Frederic March 19 p t.l, pp.857-875 House. Committee on Post Office and Civil Service 109. Censuses of manufactures, mineral industries, and other busi nesses, relating to the year 1954, Hearing, 83d Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 8487. March 29, 1954. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) March 25 p.67 House. Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds 110. Post-war planning, Hearings, 78th Cong., 2d Sess. November 23, 1943-March 2, 1944. Ruml, Beardsley January 19 pp. 181-188 House. Committee on Rules 111. Appointment of committee for investigation of administration of Federal Reserve Act, Hearing, 66th Cong., 2d Sess. on H. Res. 476. May 4-6, 1920. Harding, Wm. P. G. May 5 pp.42-57 112. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Texas, Hearings, 70th Cong., 1st Sess. on H. Con. Res. 24. March 16, 1928. Black, Eugene R. March 16 pp.12-17 113. Investigation of usury charges against banks, Hearings, 64th Cong., 1st Sess. on H. Res. 64. January 17 and 21, 1916. Williams, John Skelton January 21 pp.16-46 114. To investigate the Bureau of Internal Revenue and certain practices of the Federal Reserve Board, Hearings, 72d Cong., 1st Sess. on H. Res. 68 and H. Res. 249. July 9 and 11, 1932. Meyer, Eugene July 11 pp. 106-119 House. Committee on the Judiciary 115. Amending sections 7 and 11 of the Clayton Act, Hearings, 80th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 515. March 19-April 21, 1947. Townsend, J. Leonard March 19 pp.57-61 49 HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY (continued) 116. Bank mergers, Hearings, 84th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 5948. July 5 and 6, 1955. Robertson, J. L. July 6 pp.49-56 117. Current antitrust problems, Hearings, 84th Cong., 1st Sess. May 10-June 17, 1955. 3 parts. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. June 13 Pt.3, pp.2159-2181 Robertson, James L. June 13 Pt.3, pp.2160-2177 118. Federal conflict of interest legislation, Hearings, 86th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 1900, 2156, 2157, 7556 and 101575. February 17-March 3, 1960. Balderston, C. Canby (letters) March 20, 1959 pp.30-32 119. Finality of Clayton Act orders, Hearings, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 432, H.R. 2977, H.R. 6049 and S. 726. May 27 and 28, 1959. Balderston, C. Canby (letter) April 1 pp.38-39 120. Premerger notification, Hearings, 85th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 264 and H.R.2143. March 6-21, 1957. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. March 8 pp.225-245 Vest, George B. March 8 pp.231, 234-238, 242 121. Second War Powers Act, Hearings, 77th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 2208. January 30 and February 2, 1942. Eccles, Marriner S. memorandum pp.44-45 January 30 pp.46-62 122. Termination of hostilities and extension of Second War Powers Act of 1942, Hearings, 79th Cong., 1st Sess. on H. Con. Res. 85, H. Con. Res. 86, H. Con. Res. 91, H. J. Res. 245 and H. Con. Res. 98. October 26 and 29, 1945. Serial No. 10. Goldenweiser, E. A. October 26 pp.32-38 Ransom* Ronald October 26 pp.29-38 123. To amend sections 7 and 11 of the Clayton Act, Hearings, 79th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 2357. Serial 8. May 23-September 20, 1945. Eccles, Marriner S. (letter) March 21 pp.360-361 Ransom, Ronald September 20 p.336 Townsend, J. Leonard September 20 pp.336-349 124. To amend the Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, Hearings, 82d Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 2947. March 7-April 12* 1951. Hackley, Howard S. March 21 p.60 Vest, George B. March 7 pp.2-13 50 HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY (continued) 125. To amend the Second War Powers Act, 1942, as amended, Hearings, 79th Cong., 2d Sess. (subsequently H.R. 5716) March 4 and 5, 1946. Serial No. 14. Vest, George B. March 4 pp.31-32 House. Committee on Ways and Means 126. Administration and operation of customs and tariff laws and the trade agreements program, Hearings, 84th Cong., 2d Sess. September 7-December 6, 1956. 4 parts. Marget, Arthur September 18 p t.l, pp.105-122 127. Fifth liberty bond billy Hearings, 65th Cong., 3d Sess. February 13 and 14, 1919. Glass, Carter February 13 pp.6-31 Meyer, Eugene February 13 p.26 February 14 pp. 72-90 128. Foreign debt funding legislation, Hearings, 69th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 4743, H.R. 4744, H.R. 4745, H.R. 4746/ H.R. 4747 and H.R. 4748. January 4-6, 1926. 2 parts. Mellon, Andrew W. January 4 pt.l, pp. 1-24 129. Foreign trade policy, Hearings, 85th Cong., 1st Sess. pursuant to H.Res. 104. December 2-13, 1957. Marget, Arthur W. December 4 pp.154-165, 188-197 130. Maximum interest rate of United States savings bonds, Hearing, 85th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 4734 and H.R. 4735. February 21, 1957. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. February 21 pp.31-37 131. National emergency relief, Hearings, 72d Cong., 1st Sess. on H. R. 12353. May 31-June 2, 1932. Mills, Ogden L. June 2 pp.260-275 132. Payment of adjusted-compensation certificates, Hearings, 72d Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 1 and 19 other bills. April 11May 3, 1932. Goldenweiser, E. A. May 2 pp.737-754 Meyer, Eugene April 27 pp.630-637 April 28 pp.639-668 Mills, Ogden L. April 27 pp.605-629 133. Payment of soldiers' adjusted compensation certificates, Hearings, 71st Cong., 3d Sess. on H.R. 3490 and 42 other bills. Jan uary 29-February 5, 1931. Case, J. Herbert January 29 pp.33-47 Mellon, Andrew W. January 29 pp. 1-28 Young, Roy January 30 pp.47-62 51 HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS (continued) 134. Public debt ceiling and interest rate ceiling on bonds, Hearings, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. June 10-12, 1959. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. June 11 pp.173-216 Young, Ralph A. June 11 pp.187, 191, 196-197 135. Revenue revision of 1941t Hearings, 77th Cong., 1st Sess. Revised. April 24-May 28, 1941. 2 volumes. Eccles, Marriner S. May 7 v.l, pp.679-697 136. Second emergency bond issue, 65th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 5901. August 28 and 29, 1917. McAdoo, William G. August 28 and 29 pp.3-88 137. Silver Purchase Act of 1934, Hearings, 73d Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 9745. May 25 and 26, 1934. Morgenthau, Henry, Jr. May 25 pp.9-11 138. Soldiers' adjusted compensation, Hearings, 67th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 10874. March 14, 1922. Crissinger, Daniel R. March 14 pp.15-19 Harding, Wm. P. G. March 14 pp. 19-26 Mellon, Andrew W. March 14 pp.3-15 139. Taxation of mutual savings banks and savings and loan associa tions, Hearings, 87th Cong., 1st Sess. August 9 and 10, 1961. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) March 30 pp.23-24 (letter) August 3 p.23 140. Tax-exempt securities, Hearings, 67th Cong., 2d Sess. On H.J.Res. 102, 211, 231 and 232. January 16-March 7, 1922. Mellon, Andrew W. January 16 pp. 13-30 141. Third liberty bond bill, Hearing, 65th Cong., 2d Sess. March 27, 1918. McAdoo, William G. March 27 pp.3-35 142. Unemployment insurance, Hearings, 83d Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 7659. March 21-30, 1934. Draper, Ernest G. March 29 pp.283-288 143. War Finance Corporation, Hearings, 65th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 9499. February 18-22, 1918. McAdoo, Wm. Gibbs February 18 and 22 pp.3-23, 60-92 Platt, Edmund February 22 pp. 140-144 Warburg, Paul M. February 18 pp.23-60 52 House. Select Committee on Small Business 144. Problems of small-business financing, Hearings, 85th Cong., 1st and 2d Sess. pursuant to H.Res. 56. November 19, 1957-April 28, 1958. 2 parts. April 16 Balderston, C. Canby pt.2, pp.501-512 November 19 Bryan, Malcolm pt.l, pp.6-39 November 19 Hayes, Alfred p t.l, pp.3-42 pt.l, pp.7-42 November 19 Johns, Delos C. April 16 Koch, Albert R. pt.2, pp.417, 433-436, 440 November 19 pt.l, pp.6-41 Leach, Hugh p t.l, pp.318-361 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. November 21 pt.2, pp.447-464 April 17 Mills, Abbot L., Jr. pt.2, pp.465-471 April 17 Robertson, J. L. pt.l, pp. 14-40 November 19 Roosa, Robert V. pt.2, pp.471-484 Shepardson, Charles N. April 17 pt.2, pp.413-445 Szymczak, M. S. April 16 pt.2, pp.485-500 Vardaman, James K. April 28 November 21 p t.l, pp.336, Young, Ralph A. 356, 358 House and Senate. Committees on Agriculture and Forestry 145. Reviving the activities of the War Finance Corporation, Joint hearings, 66th Cong., 3d Sess. on S.J.Res. 212. December 2-14, 1920. Harding, Wm. P. G. December 3 pp.51-98 Houston, David F. December 3 pp.35-51 Meyer, Eugene December 2 PP-4, 13-32 December 3 pp.98-102 December 6 pp.121-131 House and Senate. Committees on Banking and Currency 146. Inquiry on membership in Federal Reserve System, Joint hear ings, 68th Cong, pursuant to Public Act No. 503. October 2-12, 1923. p.154 October 3 Collins, Charles W. pp.2-41, 171-172 October 2 Crissinger, D. R. pp.131-174 Dawes, Henry M. October 3 pp.364-380 October 10 Delano, Frederick A. pp.174-187 Hamlin, Charles S. October 3 pp. 189-223 October 4 Meyer, Eugene, Jr. pp.l 18-130 October 2 Platt, Edmund pp.252-274 Warburg, Paul M. October 5 pp.41-46 October 2 Wyatt, Walter 53 Joint Commission of Agricultural Inquiry 147. Agricultural inquiry, Hearings, 67th Cong., 1st Sess. under S.Con.Res. 4. July 11-November 16, 1921. 3 volumes. Cunningham, Edward H. v.l, pp.293-306 July 16 Harding, Wm. P. G. August 4 v.2, pp.269-446 Miller, J. Z. August 24 v.3, pp.739-788 Mosher, Curtis August 15 v.3, pp.251-268 Strong, Benjamin August 8 v.2, pp.447-626 August 9 v.2, pp.627-814 August 2 v.2, pp.3-268 Williams, John Skelton Joint Committee on Defense Production 148. Defense Production Act—Progress Report No. 28, Hearings, 83d Cong., 2d Sess. July 7-29, 1954. Connell, J. J. July 9, 1954 pp.127-145 Leisner, J. M. July 9, 1954 pp.127-145 Mills, Abbot L., Jr. (letter and exhibits) July 11, 1954 pp. 145-173 149. Defense Production Act: Progress report—No. 39, Hearing, 85th Cong., 1st Sess. May 28, 1957. Boothe, Gardner L., II May 28 pp.33-36 150. Defense Production Act—Regulation W —Automotive, Hearings, 81st Cong., 2d Sess. December 6-11, 1950. McCabe, Thomas B. December 6 pp.76-118 Thomas, Woodlief December 6 pp. 111-113 Young, Ralph A. December 6 pp.96-99, 106, 116 Joint Committee on the Economic Report 151. Anti-inflation program as recommended in the President's message of November 17, 1947. Hearings, 80th Cong., 1st Sess. November 21-December 10, 1947. Eccles, Marriner S. November 25 pp. 133-169 December 10 pp.595-643 152. Conflicting official views on monetary policy: April 1956, Hear ing, 84th Cong., 2d Sess. June 12, 1956. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. June 12 pp.24-51 (letter) May 16 pp.4-5 54 JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE ECONOMIC REPORT (continued) 153. Credit policies, Hearings, 80th Cong., 2d Sess. April 13May 27, 1948. Bopp, Karl R. May 27 pp. 138-152 Eccles, Marriner S. April 13 pp. 1-53 Riefler, Winfield W. May 27 pp.131 Sproul, Allan May 12 pp.87-107 Thomas, Woodlief May 27 pp.131-137 154. Economic statistics, Hearings, 83d Cong., 2d Sess. July 12 and 13, 1954. Riefler, Winfield W. July 13 pp.267, 326 155. January 1949 Economic Report of the President, Hearings, 81st Cong., 1st Sess. February 8-18, 1949. McCabe, Thomas B. February 14 pp.344-381 Vest, George B. February 14 pp.367-368 156. January 1951 Economic Report of the President, Hearings, 82d Cong., 1st Sess. January 22-February 2, 1951. Eccles, Marriner S. January 25 pp. 149-184 157. January 1954 Economic Report of the President, Hearings, 83d Cong., 2d Sess. February 1-18, 1954. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. February 3 pp. 107-149 Riefler, Winfield W. February 16 pp.667-670, 701- 702, 709, 716-718 Young, Ralph A. February 3 pp.118, 121-122, 133, 137 158. January 1955 Economic Report of the President, Hearings, 84th Cong., 1st Sess. January 24-February 16, 1955. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) Dec. 14, 1954 pp.1010-1018 Riefler, Winfield W. January 31 pp.408-410, 489-491 159. January 1956 Economic Report of the President, Hearings, 84th Cong., 2d Sess. January 31-February 28, 1956. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. February 7 pp.254-309 (three letters) February 15, 20 pp.692-693 160. Monetary, credit, and fiscal policies, Compendium of materials . . . A collection of statements submitted to the Subcom mittee on Monetary, Credit and Fiscal Policies by Govern ment officials, bankers, economists, and others. 81st Cong., 2d Sess. Sen Doc. No. 132. 1950. McCabe, Thomas B. pp.21-90 55 JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE ECONOMIC REPORT (continued) Monetary, credit, and fiscal policies (continued) Presidents of Federal Reserve Banks pp.91-199 Contains System answers and individual answers by Chester Davis, C. E. Earhart, Joseph A. Erickson, Ray M. Gidney, Hugh Leach, H. G. Leedy, Wm. S. McLarin, Jr., J. N. Peyton, Allan Sproul, Alfred H. Williams and C. S. Young. 161. Monetary, credit, and fiscal policies, Hearings, 81st Cong., 1st Sess. September 23-December 7, 1949. November 16 pp.33-44, 49-50, 52-55, Bopp, Karl R. 57-59, 62, 67, 71 Eccles, Marriner S. November 22 pp.213-247 pp.461-500 McCabe, Thomas B. December 3 November 16 pp.75-103 Robertson, J. L. December 2 pp.430-459 Sproul, Allan Williams, Alfred H. November 16 pp.27-75 162. Monetary policy and the management of the public debt, Hearings 82d Cong., 2d Sess.' March 10-31, 1952. Brown, Edward E. March 19 pp.565-584 Bryan, Malcolm pp.407-441 March 19 Goldenweiser, E. A. March 26 pp.761-797 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. March 11 pp.73-141 (letter) March 19 pp.463-504 Powell, Oliver 0. March 19 pp.463-504 pp.506-552 March 20 Sproul, Allan (letter) April 22 pp.983-985 Young, Ralph A. (letter) April 18 p.983 163. Monetary policy and the management of the public debt, Replies to questions and other m aterial. . . 82d Cong., 2d Sess. Sen. Doc. No. 123. 1952. 2 parts. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. p t.l, pp.207-632 President of Federal Reserve Banks pt.2, pp.633-846 Contains joint answers and individual statements by Mal colm Bryan, C. E. Earhart, Joseph A. Erickson, Ray M. Gidney, R. R. Gilbert, Delos C. Johns, Hugh Leach, H. G. Leedy, J. N. Peyton, Allan Sproul, Alfred H. Williams and C. S. Young. Sproul, Allan pt. 1, pp.623-632 164. Reports of Federal Reserve Consultant Committees on Economic Statistics, Hearings, 84th Cong., 1st Sess. July 19-October 5, 1955. Garfield, Frank A. October 4 p.482 October 5 p.711 Jones, Homer October 4 pp.387-388 Young, Ralph A. July 19 pp.52-53 July 26 p.235 56 JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE ECONOMIC REPORT (continued) 165. United States monetary policy: recent thinking and experience, Hearings, 83d Cong., 2d Sess. December 6 and 7, 1954. Bryan, Malcolm December 7 pp.250, 253 p.242 Erickson, Joseph A. December 7 Federal Open Market Committee. Report of Ad Hoc Subcommittee on the Government Securities Market, November 12, 1952. pp.257-331 pp.243-244 Fulton, W. D. December 7 Irons, Watrous H. December 7 pp.242-243 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. December 7 pp.218-254 pp.223-241, Sproul, Allan December 7 250-252 Szymczak, M. S. December 7 pp.247-250 Vardaman, James K., Jr. December 7 pp.249, 252 p.253 Williams, Alfred H. December 7 Joint Economic Committee 166. Employment, growth and price levels, Hearings, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. March 20-0ctober 30, 1959. 10 parts. March 25 p t.l, pp. 199-228 Eccles, Marriner S. Larkin, John L. August 5 pt.6B, pp.1523-1527, 1536-7, 1539, 1542, 1550 Marsh, Spencer S., Jr. August 5 pt.6B, pp.1526, 1547 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. pt.4, pp.755-759 Answers to questions March 20 pt.6C, pp. 1763-1820 no date pt.10, pp.3420-3433 July 24 November 18 pt.10, pp.3347-3419 December 9 pt.10, pp.3453-3455 Letter pt.6A, pp. 1231-1333 July 27 Testimony pt.6A, pp.1451-1504 July 30 Roosa, Robert V. pt.6A, pp.1277-1278, July 27 1284, 1296-1298 pt.6B, pp.1507-1557 August 5 Rouse, Robert G. pt.6A, pp.1282, 1326Young, Ralph A. July 27 1327 167. Fiscal policy implications of the economic outlook and budget developments, Hearings, 85th Cong., 1st Sess. June 3-14, 1957. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. June 14 pp.316-328 Riefler, Winfield June 14 p.321 168. Government price statistics, Hearings, 87th Cong., 1st Sess. January 24-May 5, 1961. 2 parts. Balderston, C. Canby (letter) May 5 pt.2, p.788 57 JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE (continued) 169. International payments imbalances and need for strengthening international financial arrangements, Hearings, 87th Cong., 1st Sess. May 16-June 21, 1961. Coombs, Charles A. June 20 pp.83-107 Hayes, Alfred June 20 pp.83-92 170. Inventory fluctuations and economic stabilizationf Hearings, 87th Cong., 2d Sess. July 9-13, 1962. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. July 13 pp.217-243 Noyes, Guy July 13 pp.224-231 171. January 1957 Economic Report of the President, Hearings, 85th Cong., 1st Sess. January 28-February 6, 1957. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. February 5 pp.587-632 172. January 1958 Economic Report of the President, Hearings, 85th Cong.,' 2d Sess. January 27-February 10, 1958. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. February 6 pp.383-411 Young, Ralph A. February 6 pp.394-5, 397-8, 403-406 173. January 1959 Economic Report of the President, Hearings, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. January 27-February 10, 1959. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. February 6 pp.457-495 174. January 1960 Economic Report of the President, Hearings, 86th Cong., 2d Sess. February 1-16, 1960. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. February 2 pp.163-216 175. January 1961 Economic Report of the President and the economic situation and outlook, Hearings, 87th Cong., 1st Sess. February 9-April 10, 1961. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. March 7 pp.462-501 Young, Ralph A. March 7 pp.477-478 176. January 1962 Economic Report of the President, Hearings, 87th Cong., 2d Sess. January 25-February 8, 1962. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. January 30 pp. 170-203 (letter) February 19 p.840 177. January 1963 Economic Report of the President, Hearings, 88th Cong., 1st Sess. . . . January 28-February 6, 1963. 2 parts. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. February 1 p t.l, pp.337-378 Mitchell, George Wilder February 1 p t.l, pp.379-435 (letter) February 13 p t.l, p.401 Swan, Eliot J. February 1 p t.l, pp.387-399 58 JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE (continued) 178. Monetary policy, 1955-56, Hearings, 84th Cong., 2d Sess. December 10-11, 1956. Balderston, C. Canby December 11 p.97 Erickson, Joseph A. December 11 pp. 137-138 Hayes, Alfred December 11 pp.85, 100-110, 131133, 142-150 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. December 11 pp.71-162 Mills, Abbot L., Jr. December 11 pp.96-97 Rouse, Robert G. December 11 pp. 115-117, 130-132, 141, 150-152 Shepardson, Charles N. December 11 pp. 140-141 179. National economic accounts of the United States, Hearings, 85th Cong., 1st Sess. October 29 and 30, 1957. Young, Ralph A. October 30 pp.82-84 180. Review of annual report of the Federal Reserve System for the year 1960, Hearings, 87th Cong., 1st Sess. June 1 and 2, 1961. Clarke, John C. (letter) June 13 pp.83-85 Hayes, Alfred June 2 pp.45-85 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. June 2 pp.85-132 Rouse, Robert G. June 1 pp.2-44 181. Review of report of the Commission on Money and Credit, Hear ings, 87th Cong., 1st Sess. August 14-18, 1961. Eccles, Marriner S. August 14 pp.35-57 Szymczak, M. S. August 14 pp.58-77 182. State of economy and policies for full employment, Hearings, 87th Cong., 2d Sess. August 7-22, 1962. pp.545-570 August 15 Bryan, Malcolm H. pp.59-68 August 8 Dingle, Mona pp.519-544 August 15 Eccles, Marriner S. pp.571-601 August 16 Hayes, Alfred pp.487-517 Klopstock, Frederick H August 14 pp.601-662 August 16 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. p.972 (letter) August 9 p.955 (letter) August 16 pp.955-956 (letter) August 21 p.609 (letter) August 29 pp.644-648 August 6 Young, Ralph A. 183. The United States balance of payments, Hearings, 88th Cong, 1st Sess. July 8-November 15, 1963. 3 parts. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) November 5 pt.3, pp.379-383 59 Senate. Committee on Agriculture and Forestry 184. Agriculture relief, Hearings, 69th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 4808 and S. 5088. January 18-20, 1927. Davis, Chester C. January 19 pp.43-51 185. Exchanging agricultural surplus products for silver, Hearings, 73d Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 7581, H.R. 1577, and S. 3039. March 27-April 2, 1934. Goldenweiser, E. A. March 29 pp.69-99 March 30 pp. 101-127 186. To amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act, Hearings, 73d Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 3326. May 8-11, 1934. Davis, Chester C. May 11 pp. 192-207 187. To make cattle a basic agricultural commodity under the Agricul tural Adjustment Act, Hearings, 73d Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 7478. February 9 and 13, 1934. Davis, Chester C. February 13 pp.7-32 Senate. Committee on Appropriations 188. Commerce Department and related agencies appropriations, 1961, (Transfer of collection of department store sales statistics from Federal Reserve to Census Bureau) Hearings, 86th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 10234. February 16 and 20, 1960. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) February 17 pp.729-730 Senate. Committee on Banking and Currency 189. Absorption of exchange and collection charges by member banks, Hearings, 78th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 1642 and H.R. 3956. December 7-15, 1944. Dreibelbis, J. P. December 7 pp.74-76 Eccles, Marriner S. December 14 pp.267-271 Gidney, Ray M. December 11 pp.76-93 Morrill, Chester (letter) January 24 pp.258-262 190. Additional mint facilities, Hearing, 88th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 874. March 26, 1963. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) March 6 pp. 17-18 (letter) Nov. 16 p. 19 191. Amending Federal Home Loan Act of 1933, as amended, Hearing, 78th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 756, S. 757, and S. 1034. May 23, 1944. Eccles, Marriner S. (letter) May 24 pp.28-30 (letter) December 16 pp.72-77 60 SENATE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 192. Amending sections 16 and 18 of the Federal Reserve Actt Hearing, 78th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 658 and S. 1041. May 4, 1943. Eccles, Marriner S. May 4 pp.2-17 193. Amending the Federal Reserve Act, Hearing, 66th Cong., 3d Sess. on S. 4666. January 8 and 12, 1921. Harding, Wm. P. G. (letter) Dec. 9, 1920 pp.30-34 194. Amendments to Federal Deposit Insurance Act, Hearings, 81st Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 80, S. 2094, S. 2300, S. 2307 and S. 2822. January 11-30, 1950. McCabe, Thomas B. January 30 pp.102-123 195. Amendments to Federal Farm Loan Act and Federal Reserve Act, Hearing, 67th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 2253 and S. 2263. July 18 and 19, 1921. Harding, Wm. P. G. July 19 pp.37-53 196. Amendments to Federal Reserve Act permitting the discounting of notes of finance and credit companies, Hearing, 72d Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 4454 and S. 4550. January 18, 1933. pp.16-17 197. Amendments to the Federal Reserve Act, Hearings, 64th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 5078 and H.R. 13391. March 22-May 20, 1916. March 22 pp.9-21 Hamlin, Charles S. May 9 pp.26, 40, 49, 52, 55-62 pp. 84-94 May 20 pp.10-19 March 22 Harding, Wm. P. G. pp. 24-62 Warburg, Paul May 9 May 20 pp.74-94 198. Anglo-American financial agreement, Hearings, 79th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. J. Res. 138. March 5-20, 1946. Eccles, Marriner S. March 8 pp.221-264 199. Area redevelopment, Hearings, 87th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 1, S. 6, S. 9 and S. 750. January 18-February 20, 1961. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) January 16 pp.45, 442 (letter) February 14 p.442 200. Area Redevelopment Act, Hearings, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 268, S. 722 and S. 1064. February 25-March 6, 1959. 2 parts. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) February 26 P t.l, pp.46-47 61 SENATE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 201. Assignment of claims under public contracts, Hearing, 76th Cong., 3d Sess. on S. 4340. September 14, 1940. McKee, John K. September 14 pp.7-8 Wyatt, Walter September 14 pp.2-4 202. Bank contributions for charitable purposes, Hearing, 85th Cong., 3d Sess. on S. 4022. May 18, 1938. Eccles, Marriner S. (letter) May 17 pp.5-6 203. Bank holding bill, Hearings, 81st Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 2318. March 1-23, 1950. McCabe, Thomas B. March 1 pp. 14-56 March 2 pp.58-60 March 17 pp.211-218 Townsend, J. Leonard (letter) March 13 p. 145 March 17 pp.219-232 204. Bank holding legislation, Hearings, 83d Cong., 1st and 2d Sess. on S. 76 and S. 1118. June 10, 1953-July 23, 1954. 3 parts. Evans, R. M. June 10, 1953 P t.l, pp. 19-20 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. June 10, 1953 P t.l, pp.14-43 Robertson, James L. June 10, 1953 P t.l, pp. 16-34 205. Banking Act of 1935, Hearings, 74th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 1715 and H.R. 7617. April 19-June 3, 1935 Eccles, Marriner S. May 10, 13 pp.279-311, 313-325 (letter) May 21 pp.673-675 Hamlin, Charles S. June 3 pp.940-957 James, George R. May 31 pp.922-931 Miller, Adolph C. May 24, 27 pp.675-741, 743-776 Morgenthau, Henry, Jr. May 17 pp.503-509 O’Connor, J. F. T. April 22, 25 pp.61-69, 99-118 April 26, 30 pp. 119-141, 143-158 May 1 pp.159-174, 177-178 (letter) June 6 pp. 1004-1005 Szymczak, M. S. June 3 pp.966-973 Thomas, J. J. June 3 pp.964-966 206. Banking and currency, Hearings, 63d Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 7837 (S. 2639) September 2-October 25, 1913. 3 parts. Moehlenpah, Henry A. October 2 Pt.2, pp.1539-1565 207. Banking and currency bills—1961, Hearing, 87th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 1005, S. 1486, S. 1771 and S. 2130 . . . Federal Reserve Bank branch buildings. July 10, 1961. Balderston, C. Canby (letters) May 4, 12 pp.3, 11 Farrell, John R. July 10 pp.25-39 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) January 30 pp.23-24 62 SENATE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 208. Bretton Woods Agreements Act, Hearings, 79th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 3314. Revised. June 12-28, 1945. Eccles, Marriner S. June 28 pp.521-523 Sproul, Allan C. June 21 pp.301-317 209. Brokers’ loans, Hearings, 70th Cong., 1st Sess. February 9-March 7, 1928. Cunningham, Edward H. March 7 Platt, Edmund March 7 Young, Roy A. March 7 on S.Res. 113. pp.94-96 pp.77-94 pp.66-77 210. Business loans by Federal Reserve Banks, Hearings, 76th Cong., 3d Sess. on S. 2998 and S. 3839. June \ 2 and 14, 1940. Eccles, Marriner S. June 12 pp. 14-30 211. Community Facilities Act of 1958, Hearings, 85th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 3497. March 19-26, 1958. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) March 24 pp.87-88 212. Confirmation of Thomas B . McCabe, Hearings, 80th Cong., 2d Sess. March 3-30, 1948. McCabe, Thomas B. March 10 pp.49-59 March 24 pp. 149-175 March 30 pp. 192-205 213. Consumer credit control, Hearings, 80th Cong., 1st Sess. on Regulation W. June 25 and July 2, 1947 Eccles, Marriner S. June 25 pp. 1-20 214. Consumer credit labeling billf Hearings, 86th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 2755. March 23-May 6, 1960. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. April 5 pp.199-226 Young, Ralph A. April 5 pp.202-225 215. Content of silver coins, Hearings, S. 2671. April 1 and 2, 1964. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) (letter) (letter) 88th Cong., 2d Sess. on Jan. 13 Mar. 31 April 1 pp.84-88 pp.23-24 pp.27-29 216. Control of bank holding companies, Hearings, 84th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 880, S. 2350 and H.R. 6227. July 5-14, 1955. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. July 5 pp.43-81 Robertson, James L. July 5 pp.46-74 217. Creation of a Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Hearings, 72d Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 1. December 18-22, 1931. Harrison, George L. December 19 pp.66-75 Meyer, Eugene December 18 pp.6-37 Mills, Ogden L. December 19 pp.39-66 63 SENATE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 218. Credit needs of small business, Hearings, 85th Cong., 1st and 2d Sess. on various bills. June 3, 1957-May 23, 1958. 2 parts. Balderston, C. Canby (letter) June 7 p t.l, pp.52-53 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. June 20 p t.l, pp.499-512 (letter) February 19 p t.l, pp.53-54 (letter) May 27 p t.l, pp.54-55 , 219. Defense Production Act amendment—1964 Hearing, 88th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 10000, to amend the Defense Production Act of 1950. June 24, 1964. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) April 7 p.5 220. Defense Production Act amendments of 1951, Hearings, 82d Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 1397, S. 1928, S. 2092 and S. 2104. May 7-September 20, 1951. 4 parts. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. May 11 pt.l, pp.311-347 Noyes, Guy E. May 11 p t.l, p.327 Solomon, Frederic May 11 p t.l, p.332 Vest, George B. May 11 pt.l, pp.328-329 Young, Ralph, A. May 11 p t.l, pp.328, 334-335 221. Defense Production Act amendments of 1952, Hearings, 82d Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 2594 and S. 2645. March 4-May 20, 1952. 5 parts. Evans, R. M. March 4 pt.l, pp.95-96 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. March 4 p t.l, pp.75-108 Powell, Oliver S. March 4 pt.l, pp.86-87, 107 Young, Ralph A. March 4 pt.l, pp.105-106 222. Defense Production Act extension, 1960, Hearing, 86th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 3472. June 7, 1960. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) May 16 p.14 223. Defense Production Act of 1950, Hearings, 81st Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 3936. July 24-26, 1950. Eccles, Marriner S. July 18 pp.293-294 McCabe, Thomas B. July 25 pp.54-59 224. Employment Act amendments, Hearings, 86th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 64 and S. 2382. February 24-26, 1960. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) Feb. 11, 1959 pp.4-5 (letter) Feb. 19, 1960 pp.8-10 225. Export-Import Bank Act amendments, Hearing, 82d Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 2006. August 28, 1951. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) August 28 p.29 64 SENATE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 226. Extension of Small Business Administration, Hearings, 84th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 16, S. 150, S. 381, S. 382, S. 383, S. 5100 and S. 1802. May 5-11, 1955. Balderston, C. Canby May 11 pp.161-166 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) March 23 pp.74-75 227. Extension of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, Hearings, 78th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 1764. March 15-April 28, 1944. Eccles, Marriner S. March 24 pp.269-282 228. Farm Credit Act of 1940, Hearings, 76th Cong., 3d Sess. on S. 3509. May 7-June 7, 1940. Davis, Chester May 16 pp. 189-193 229. Federal Credit Union Act, Hearing, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 1786, S. 1985 and H.R. 8305. August 21, 1959. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) August 20 pp.34-35 230. Federal deposit insurance assessments, Hearing, 86th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 12465. June 30, 1960. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) January 21 p.17 231. Federal Reserve Act amendments, Hearing, 83d Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 3206 and S. 3268. May 13, 1954. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) March 31 pp.4-5 May 13 pp.5-7 232. Federal Reserve assistance in financing small business, Hearings, 80th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 408. April 17, 1947. Draper, Earnest G. (letters) April 25 pp.28-29 Eccles, Marriner S. April 17 pp. 10-28 233. Federal Reserve direct purchases, Hearing, 87th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 3291. June 20, 1962, Balderston, C. Canby (letter) May 22 p.4 234. Federal Reserve direct purchases—Old Series Currency Adjust ment Act, Hearing, 86th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 3702 and S. 3714. June 24, 1960. Balderston, C. Canby (letter) March 25, 1959 p.10 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) June 22, 1960 p.4 235. Federal Reserve foreign bank; stabilizing the dollar exchange in neutral countries, Hearings, 65th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 3928. June 11-27, 1918. Harding, Wm. P. G. June 17 pp.350-367 65 SENATE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 236. Federal Reserve monetary policies, Hearing, 85th Cong., 2d Sess. February 19, 1958. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. February 19 pp.1-40 Young, Ralph A. February 19 pp.14, 21, 24, 26 237. Financing small business, Hearings, 85th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 2160, S. 2185, S. 2286, S. 3191, S. 3643 and S. 3651. April 21-May 2, 1958. Koch, Albert R. April 21 pp.51, 54, 60, 62-63, 70-71 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. April 21 pp.49-78 Young, Ralph A. April 21 pp.55, 59-60, 63, 72-3, 77 238. Foreign accounts in Federal Reserve Banks, Hearings, 76th Cong., 3d Sess. relative to S. 4174 and H.R. 10127. June 21 and 22, 1940. Dreibelbis, J. P. June 21 pp.2-14, 17-19 Eccles, Marriner S. June 21 pp. 18-19 June 22 pp.22, 25-28 Ransom, Ronald June 21 pp.15-17 June 22 pp.23-25, 27 239. Full employment Act of 1945, Hearings, 79th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 380. July 30-September 1, 1945. Revised. Davis, Chester C. (letter) April 28 p. 1053 Eccles, Marriner S. June 1 pp.408-412 (Insertion of statement before House Select Committee on Small Business—never published) Flanders, Ralph E. August 23 pp.365-369 Gilbert, R. R. (letter) July 19 pp. 1086-1087 Hitt, F. Guy (letter) May 1 p. 1103 Leach, Hugh (letter) July 13 pp.1116-1118 Nardin, Wm. T. (letter) April 30 pp.1176-1177 Ruml, Beardsley August 24 pp.393-400 Sproul, Allan (letter) July 20 pp.1219-1221 240. Gold Reserve Act amendments, Hearings, 83d Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 13, S. 2332, S. 2364, S. 2514. March 29-April 1, 1954. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. March 29 pp.39-41 241. Gold Reserve Act of 1934, Hearings, 73d Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 2366. January 19-23, 1934. Burgess, W. Randolph January 20 pp.235-239 Young, Roy A. January 19 pp.91-103 66 SENATE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 242. Government lending agencies, Hearings, 83d Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 892, S. 1523, S. 1559, S. 1771, S. 1907, S. 1912, S. 1913 and H.R. 5141. May 20-July 14, 1953. 2 parts. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. May 20 P t.l, pp.96-108 243. Housing, Hearings, 80th Cong., 2d Sess. on perfecting amend ments to S. 866. March 31-April 1, 1948. Eccles, Marriner S. (letter) April 5 pp.210-211 (statement) Nov. 25, 1947 pp.211-213 244. Housing Act amendments of 1953, Hearings, 83d Cong., 1st Sesson S. 1621, S. 1848, S. 1864 and S. 2103. June 15-18, 1953Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) June 12 p.5 245. Housing Act of 1958, Hearings, bills. May 12-22, 1958. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) (letter) Riefler, Winfield W. Young, Ralph A. 85th Cong., 2d Sess. on various May 13 April 2 May 22 May 13 May 13 pp. 181-194 pp.56-57 p.57 p.186 p.189 246. Housing Act of 1959, Hearings, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. on various bills to amend the Federal Housing laws. January 22-28, 1959. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) January 28 pp.760-761 247. Housing amendments of 1957, Hearings, 85th Cong., 1st Sess. on various bills. March 6-April 3, 1957. Balderston, C. Canby (letter) February 7 p.47 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. March 19 pp.269-282 (letter) March 16, 1956 p.72 (5 letters) April 3-10 pp.47, 52, 65-68, 72, 75 Riefler, Winfield March 19 pp.273-274,277-279 248. Housing for farm labor, Hearing, 87th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 1127 and S. 1249. May 21 and June 1, 1961. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) April 7 p.28 249. Housing legislation of 1964, Hearings, 88th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 2468. February 19-March 3, 1964. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) Sept. 27, 1963 pp.44-46 (letter) Oct. 18, 1963 pp.99-100 67 SENATE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 250. Incorporating institutions to engage in international or foreign banking, Hearings, 66th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 2472. July 23, 1919. Harding, W. P. G. (letter) July 21 pp.22-24 251. Inflation control, Hearings, 80th Cong., 2d Sess. July 29August 4, 1948. Eccles, Marriner S. July 29 pp.48-78 July 30 pp. 117-149 Leedy, H. G. August 3 pp.262-270 July 29 McCabe, Thomas B. pp.2-48 August 3 Sproul, Allan pp.227-245 July 29 Thomas, Woodlief pp.6-43 pp.245-256 August 3 Williams, Alfred H. Young, C. S. August 3 pp.256-261 252. Inquiry into the operation of the Reconstruction Finance Corpora tion and its subsidiaries under Senate Resolution 132, Hear ings, 80th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. Res. 132. December 3, 1947-January 22, 1948. 2 parts. Eccles, Marriner S. December 12 pt.l, pp.126-144 253. Interest rates on foreign official time deposits, Hearings, 87th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 12080 and S. 1413. September 18, 1962. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) April 7, 1961 p.6 Young, Ralph A. Sept. 18, 1962 pp.34-37 254. Loans on forest tracts, Hearing, 83d Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 2069. July 20, 1953. Szymczak, M. S. (letter) July 20 p.32 255. Member bank reserve requirements, Hearings, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 860 and S. 1120. March 23 and 24, 1959. Balderston, C. Canby March 23 pp. 13-42 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) January 22 p.7 (letter) March 6 pp. 10-11 Staff study January 29 pp.9-243 Thomas, Woodlief March 23 pp.20-40 256. Middle-income housing, Hearing, 81st Cong., 2d Sess. January 12-February 16, 1950. 2 parts. McCabe, Thomas B. February 16 pp.355-408 257. Miscellaneous bank bills, Hearing, 87th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 7796, H.R. 8874, H.R. 12577 and H.R. 12899. August 30, 1962. 68 SENATE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) Miscellaneous bank bills (continued) Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) (letter) (letter) (letter) Solomon, Frederic August 9 August 17 August 29 August 29 August 30 p.5 p. 12 p.34 p.39 pp.63-66 258. Mortgage financing, Hearings, 82d Cong., 2d Sess. (Round table conference) February 6-8, 1952. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. February 6 pp.13-17 259. Mortgage market problems, Hearings, 84th Cong., 1st Sess. (Round table discussion) November 28 and 29, 1955. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. November 28 pp.14-39, 43, 59, 62, 73, 81-87 Riefler, Winfield November 28 pp.26, 38 Young, Ralph A. November 28 pp.30, 32, 73 November 29 p. 166 260. National bank amendments, 1959, Hearing, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 8159 and H.R. 8160. August 14, 1959. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) August 13 p. 14 261. .National bank loans on forest tracts, Hearings, 88th Cong., 2d Sess., on S. 2259 and H.R. 8230 . . . amend Sec. 24 of the Federal Reserve Act. March 4 and 10, 1964. Robertson, James L. (letter) Dec. 23, 1963 p.26 262. National bank real estate loans, Hearings, 88th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 2576. March 4 and 10, 1964. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) May 13 pp.29-31 263. 1946 extension of the Emergency Price Control and Stabilization Acts of 1942, as amended, Hearings, 79th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 2028. April 15-May 10, 1946. 2 volumes. Eccles, Marriner S. May 8 V.2, pp. 1613-1632 264. 1958 emergency housing legislation, Hearing, 85th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 2995, S. 3258, S. 3336 and S. 3373. March 4,1958. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) March 6 pp.93-94 265. Nomination of Abbot L. Mills, Jr., Hearing, 85th Cong., 2d Sess. February 7, 1958. Mills, Abbot L., Jr. February 7 pp. 1-21 266. Nomination of C. Canby Balderston, Hearings, 83d Cong., 2d Sess. August 5, 1954. Balderston, C. Canby August 5 PP-2-3 SENATE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 267. Nomination of Charles Noah Shepardson, Hearing, 84th Cong., 1st Sess. February 25, 1955. Shepardson, Charles N. February 25 pp.2-13 268. Nomination of Eugene Meyer to be a member of the Federal Reserve Board, Hearings, 71st Cong., 3d Sess. January 27February 7, 1931. Meyer, Eugene January 28 pp.79-96 January 31 pp.97-131 February 2 pp.133-184 February 3 pp. 185-228 February 5 pp.259-262 February 6 pp.270-271, 302-323 Young, Roy A. January 27 pp.68-78 269. Nomination of George Harold King, Jr. to be a member of the Federal Reserve System, Hearing, 86th Cong., 2d Sess. February 4, 1960. King, George H. February 4 pp.2-33 270. Nomination of George W. Mitchell to be a member of the Federal Reserve System for the remainder of the term of 14 years from February i, 1948. Hearing, 87th Cong., 1st Sess. August 15, 1961. Mitchell, George W. August 15 pp.1-15 271. Nomination of J . Dewey Daane to be a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Hearing, 88th Cong., 1st Sess. November 7, 1963. Daane, J. Dewey Nov. 7 pp.3-17 272. Nomination of James J. Saxon to be Comptroller of the Currency, Hearing, 87th Cong., 2d Sess. February 6, 1962. Robertson, James L. (letter) July 24, 1961 pp.28-29 273. Nomination of Marriner 5. Eccles to be a member of the Federal Reserve Board, Hearing, 74th Cong., 1st Sess. April 15 and 19, 1935. Eccles, Marriner S. April 15 pp.1-16 274. Nomination of Paul E. Miller, Hearing, 83d Cong., 2d Sess. August 2, 1954. Miller, Paul E. August 2 pp.2-3 275. Nomination of William McChesney Martin, J r ., Hearing, 82d Cong., 1st Sess. March 19, 1951. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. March 19 pp.4-26 70 SENATE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 276. Nomination of William McChesney Martin, Jr., Hearings, 84th Cong., 2d Sess. January 20 and 27, 1956. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. January 20 pp. 1-11 January 27 pp. 13-69 277. Nominations of Abbot L . Mills, Jr. and James L. Robertson, Hearing, 82d Cong., 2d Sess. February 1, 1952. Mills, Abbot L., Jr. February 1 pp.3-5 Robertson, James L. February 1 pp.5-19 278. Nominations of George H. King, Jr. (to be a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System) and Karl Brandt . . ., Hearing, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. March 11, 1959. King, George Harold, Jr. March 11 pp.2-4 279. Nominations of Hugh F. Owens to be a member of the Securities and Exchange Commission and James L. Robertson to be a member of the'Federal Reserve Board, Hearing, 88th Cong., 2d Sess. March 11, 1964. Robertson, James Louis March 11 pp.5-42 280. Operation of the national and Federal Reserve banking systems, Hearings, 71st Cong , 3d Sess. pursuant to S. Res. 71. January 19-March 2, 1931. 7 parts. pt 1, pp.271-283 January 30 Broderick, Joseph A. pt 1, pp.106-121 January 22 Case, J. H. pt 1, pp.163-181 January 23 Hamlin, Charles S. pt 1, pp.31-60 January 20 Harrison, George pt 1, pp.61-106 January 22 pt 1, pp.123-163 January 23 Miller, Adolph C. pt 1, pp.209-226 January 26 Platt, Edmund pt 1, pp.2-30 January 19 Pole, John W. 281. Operation of the national and Federal Reserve banking systems, Hearings, 72d Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 4115. March 23-30, 1932. 2 parts. pt.2, pp.497-498 March 30 Burgess, W. Randolph Feb. 6 and Harrison, George L. pt.2, pp.499-508 April 7 (letters) pt.2, pp.357-422 Meyer, Eugene March 29 pt.2, pp.422-437 March 29 Pole, J. W. 282. Participation by small business in foreign exports, Hearings, 80th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 414. March 25 and April 8, 1947. Knapp, J. Burke April 8 pp. 105-108 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. April 8 pp.59-105 71 SENATE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 283. Presidents message disapproving S. 57, (Housing Act of 1959), Hearings, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. July 23-31, 1959. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. July 29 pp.456-472 (letter) July 30 p.472 (letter) July 31 pp.472-473 284. Proposed midyear Economic Report, Hearing, 85th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. Res. 321. July 14, 1958. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) July 10 p.4 285. Providing for control and regulation of bank holding companies, Hearings, 80th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 829. May 26-June 11, 1947. Eccles, Marriner S. May 26 pp.9-30 June 11 pp.162-171 (letter) June 13 pp.171-174 Townsend, J. Leonard June 11 pp. 169-170 286. RFC Act amendments of 1951, Hearings, 82d Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 514, S. 515, S. 1116, S. 1123, S. 1329, S. 1376 and S. J. Res. 44. April 27-May 23, 1951. Eccles, Marriner S. April 27 pp.45-88 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) May 21 p.87 287. Reduction in reserve ratio for Federal Reserve notes and deposits, Hearings, 79th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 510. February 20March 7, 1945. Eccles, Marriner S. February 20 pp.2-54 March 7 pp.77-98 288. Regulation of bank mergers, Hearings, 84th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 3911. June 12 and 18, 1956. Balderston, C. Canby June 12 pp.33-45 (letter) June 13 p. 12 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) June 7 pp.8-9 Vest, George B. June 12 pp.43-45 289. Regulation of bank mergers, Hearings, 86th Cong., S. 1062. March 18 and 19, 1959. Balderston, C. Canby (letter) March 26 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) February 27 Robertson, James L. March 18 1st Sess. on p.68 pp.7-8 pp.62-68 290. Repeal of silver purchase acts, Hearings, 84th Cong., 1st and 2d Sess. on S. 1427. July 13, 1955-January 10, 1956. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) June 1 p.6 July 13 pp.37-44 72 SENATE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 291. Repeal of silver purchase acts, Hearings, 88th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 5389. April 29, 1963. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. April 29 pp.27-31 (letter) May 1 p. 31 292. Restoring and maintaining the average purchasing power of the dollar, Hearings, 72d Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 11499 and S. 4429. May 12-18, 1932. Meyer, Eugene, Jr. May 18 pp. 161-220 Miller, Adolph C. May 18 pp.221-253 293. Retention of 1964 on all coins, Hearing, 88th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 2950. July 21, 1964. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) July 14 p.6 “ ” 294. Rural credits, Hearings, 67th Cong., 4th Sess. on S. 4063 and S. 4103. December 12-30, 1922. 2 parts. Mellon, Andrew W. December 30 pt.2, pp.390-402 Meyer, Eugene December 12 pt.l, pp.9-11 December 14 pt.l, pp.45-67, 203208, December 20 pt.l, pp.252-255 Platt, Edmund December 22 pt.l, pp.350-373 295. Sale of farm loan bonds, Hearings, 67th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 620 and S. 2183. April 8 and 15, 1922. Harding, Wm. P. G. April 8 pp.2-13 296. Savings and loan holding companies, Hearings, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 7244 and S. 2517. August 18 and 19, 1959. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) August 20 p.9 297. Secondary market facilities for conventional mortgages, Hearings, 88th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 810, S. 811 and S. 2130. Septem ber 17-19, 1963. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) Sept. 27 pp.61-63 298. SEC legislation, Hearings, 85th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 594, S. 1168 and S. 1601. May 20-29, 1957. Balderston, C. Canby May 22 pp.87-97 299. SEC legislation, Hearings, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 1178, 1179, 1180, 1181 and 1182. June 15-25, 1959. Balderston, C. Canby (letters) May 6 pp.638-640 73 SENATE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 300. SEC legislation, 1963, Hearings, 88th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 1642. June 18-25, 1963. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) June 21 pp.223-225 June 24 pp.167-170 301. Small Business Act of 1950, Hearings, 81st Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 529, S. 2943, S. 2947, S. 2975, S. 3386 and S. 3625. June 22-28, 1950. McCabe, Thomas B. June 27 pp.128-148 302. Small business amendments of 1959, Hearings, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. on various bills to amend Small Business Act of 1953 and the Small Business Investment Act of 1958. June 22July 22, 1959. Balderston, C. Canby (letter) May 21 p.22 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) June 23 p.23 303. Small Business Investment Act—1961, Hearings, 87th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 902. July 31 and August 2, 1961. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) August 8 pp.138-139 304. Standby economic controls, Hearings, 83d Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 753 and S. 1081. March 2-April 1, 1953. 4 parts. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. March 30 pt.4, pp. 1472-1489 Vest, George March 30 pt.4, pp. 1472-1473 Young, Ralph A. March 30 pt.4, pp. 1476-7, 1487-8 305. Stock exchange practices, Hearings, 72d Cong., 2d Sess. and 73d Cong., 1st and 2d Sess. on S. Res. 84 and S. Res. 239 (72d Cong.); S. Res. 56 and S. Res. 97 (73d Cong.) to investigate the matter of banking operations and practices . . . January 11, 1933-May 4, 1934. 20 parts and index. Black, Eugene March 23, 1934 pt.16, pp.7415-7436 Goldenweiser, E. A. Feb. 26, 1934 pt.15, pp.6436-6449 Stevens, Eugene M. Feb. 9, 1934 pt.12, pp.5811-5828 Thomas, Woodlief Feb. 26, 1934 pt.15, pp.6449-6461 306. Stock market study, Hearings, 84th Cong., 1st and 2d Sess. on S. 879 and S. 2054. March 3, 1955-July 6, 1956. 3 parts. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. March 14, 1955 pt.l, pp.549-596 June 27, 1955 pt.2, pp. 1026-1036 Young, Ralph A. March 14, 1955 pt.l, pp.588-589 307. Study of banking laws, Hearings, 84th Cong., 2d Sess. and 85th Cong., 1st Sess. November 9, 1956-January 19, 1957. 2 parts. 74 SENATE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) Study of banking laws (continued) Robertson, James L. Vest, George B. November 9 February 12 November 9 pt.l, pp. 163-238 pt.2, pp.852-887 pt.l, pp.232-235 308. Study of mortgage credit, Hearings, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. May 14-29, 1959. Wood, Ramsay May 14 pp.39-45 309. To amend section 13B of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, Hearings, 78th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 1918. August 24 and 25, 1944. (page proof only—hearings never printed) Eccles, Marriner S. August 24 pp.2-19 August 25 pp.23-48 310. To amend the Federal Home Loan Bank Act, Hearings, 76th Cong., 3d Sess. on S. 4095 and H.R. 6971. June 11-20, 1940. Eccles, Marriner S. June 13 PP-41, 48-52 Ransom, Ronald June 13 pp.41-48 311. To amend the National Housing Act, Hearings, 75th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 3055. December 1-10,1937. Eccles, Marriner S. December 8 pp.164-191 312. To authorize the use for war purposes of silver held or owned by the United States, Hearing, 77th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 2768. Oct. 14, 1942. Eccles, Marriner S. (letter) October 15 p.59 313. To extend consumer credit controls and to provide for bank reserve requirements, Hearings, 81st Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 1775 and S.J.Res. 87. May 11-13, 1949. Brown, Edward E. May 12 pp.74-79 Burgess, W. Randolph May 12 pp.79-87 McCabe, Thomas B. May 11 pp.4-65 Sproul, Allan May 12 pp.67-70 Williams, Alfred H. May 12 pp.107-112 Young, Ralph A. May 13 pp.168-174, 186 314. To incorporate the Federal Reserve pension fund, Hearings, 69th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 3657. April 13 and 27, 1926. (separate pages) Curtis, James T. April 13 pp.3-9 April 27 pp.3-7 Kenzel, E. R. April 13 pp.4-9 Platt, Edmund April 13 pp.3-9 75 SENATE. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY (continued) 315. To provide for the insurance of loans to business, Hearings, 76th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 1482 and S. 2343. May 31-June 29, 1939. Draper, Ernest G. June 2 pp.78-86 Eccles, Marriner S. June 5 pp.87-115 316. To provide for the regulation of consumer credit for a temporary period, Hearings, 80th Cong., 1st Sess. on S.J.Res. 157. Nov. 24-Dec. 8, 1947. Board of Governors November 25 pp.98-101 Brown, Edward E. December 5 pp.206-225 Eccles, Marriner S. December 4 pp. 163-203 Evans, R. M. November 24 pp. 1-25 Parry, Carl E. November 24 pp.12-16, 18, 55-65 Solomon, Frederic November 24 pp.5, 10 Sproul, Allan December 8 pp.227-243 317. To repeal the Silver Purchase Act of 1934, Hearings, 76th Cong., 1st Sess. and 3d Sess. on S. 785. April 19, 1939March 19, 1940. 2 parts. Eccles, Marriner S. April 20 P t.l, pp.63-87 318. Truth in lending bill, Hearings, 87th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 1740. July 17-27, 1961. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. July 19 pp.275-303 (letter) July 6 pp.16-17 (letter) August 10 pp.770-771 319. Truth in lending—1962, Hearings, 87th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 1740. May 8-18, 1962. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. May 8, 1962 pp.32-34 (letter) July 6, 1961 pp.31-32 320. Truth in lending, 1963-64, Hearings, 88th Cong., 1st and 2d Sess. on S. 750 . . . August 16, 1963-January 11, 1964. 2 parts. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) Feb. 20, 1963 pt.2, p. 1260 (letter Feb. 17, 1964 pt.2, pp.1308-1312 and Comments of the staff) 321. Wartime suspension of certain provisions of Federal Reserve Act, Hearings, 78th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 700. February 17, 1943. Eccles, Marriner S. February 17 pp. 17-44 322. Works Financing Act of 1939, Hearings, 76th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 2759. July 12-20, 1939. Eccles, Marriner S. July 19 pp. 178-201 76 Senate. Committee on Commerce 323. Quality stabilization, Hearings, 88th Cong., on S. 744. June 5, 1963-February 19, 1964. Kenyon, Kenneth A. (letter) August 12, 1963 p.27 324. Trading with the enemy, Hearings, 65th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 4960. Tuly 23-August 2, 1917. Elliott, Milton C. July 27 pp.116-120 August 2 pp. 194-221 McAdoo, Wm. G. July 27 pp.113-116, 120-130 Senate. Committee on Education and Labor 325. Unemployment in the United States, Hearings, 70th Cong., 2d Sess. pursuant to S.Res. 219. December 11, 1928-February 9, 1929. Draper, Ernest G. December 11 pp.27-33 Senate. Committee on Finance 326. Establishment of a War Finance Corporation, Hearings, 65th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 3714. February 8-15, 1918. Harding, Wm. P. G. February 8 pp.30, 37-42 McAdoo, Wm. Gibbs February 8 pp.7-37 February 11 pp. 69-88 Strong, Benjamin February 14 pp. 137-167 Warburg, Paul M. February 8 pp.43-67 327. Investigation of economic problems, Hearings, 72d Cong., 2d Sess. pursuant to S.Res. 315. February 13-28, 1933. 8 parts. Draper, Ernest G. (statement) no date pt.8, pp. 1125-1127 Eccles, Marriner S. February 24 pt.6, pp.703-733 328. Investigation of the financial condition of the United States, Compendium of comments of the Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks, executives of corporations, officials of trade and business associations, professors, and economists in 85th Cong., 2d Sess. 1958. April 15 pp.l 14-122 Allen, Carl E. Bopp, Karl R. March 31 pp.76-84 April 3 pp. 109-114 Bryan, Malcolm April 3 pp.126-138 Deming, Frederick L. April 3 pp.64-69 Erickson, J. A. pp.85-102 April 14 Fulton, W. D. March 28 pp.70-76 Hayes, Alfred 77 SENATE. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE (continued) Investigation of the financial condition of the U.S. (continued) Irons, Waltrous H. Johns, Delos C. Leach, Hugh Leedy, H. G. Mangels, H. N. April 10 March 31 March 31 April 2 April 11 pp.143-157 pp.122-126 pp. 102-108 pp. 138-143 pp.157-161 329. Investigation of the financial condition of the United States, Hearings, 85th Cong., 1st and 2d Sess. June 18, 1957April 25, 1958. 6 parts. Eccles, Marriner S. April 16 pt.6, pp.1691-1755 April 17 pt.6, pp,1757-1811 August 14 pt.3, pp.1279-1290 Fentress, Robert August 19 pt.3, pp. 1439-1467. 1492Marget, Arthur W. 4, 1513-1515, 1523, 1545-8, 1591-2 April 23 pt.6, pp.1961-1965 Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. August 13 pt.3, pp.1257-1272, 1276 August 14 pt.3, pp.1277, 1298-1313 August 15 pt.3, pp.1315-1360 August 16 pt.3, pp.1361-1395 August 19 pt.3, pp.1397-1596 August 22 pt.6, pp.1847-1882 pt.6, pp.1883-1984 April 23 McKinney, George August 14 pt.3, pp.1290-1297 Noyes, Guy E. August 19 pt.3, pp.1446,1506,1531, 1560, 1568, 1573 Riefler, Winfield W. August 15 pt.3, pp.1353-1355, 1359-60 August 16 pt.3, pp.1365-1366 August 19 pt.3, pp.1446, 1531, 1533-5, 1568-1573, 1576, 1589 April 22 pt.6, p.1873 April 23 pt.6, pp.1906-1907, 1916, 1937-1939 Thomas, Woodlief August 15 pt.3, p.1360 Wayne, Edward August 13 pt.3, pp.1272-1276 August 14 pt.3, pp.1277-1278, 1297-8 Young, Ralph A. April 22 pt.6, pp.1872-1873 April 23 pt.6, pp.1885-1886, 18956, 1923-1924, 1937-9, 1952, 1964 330. Payment of veterans’ adjusted service certificates, Hearings, 71st Cong., 3d Sess. January 26-February 3, 1931. Mellon, Andrew W. January 28 pp.53-78 78 SENATE. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE (continued) 331. Refunding of obligations of foreign governments, Hearings, 67th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 2135. June 29-July 28, 1921. 5 parts. Mellon, Andrew W. June 29 pt.l, pp.9-31 pt.2, pp.33-53 July 14 pt.3, pp.55-64 July IS pt.4, pp.69-70, 74-88 July 18 pt.4, pp.89-90, 98-107 July 20 pt.4, pp.153-178 July 21 pt.5, pp.179-194 July 28 332. Revenue Act of 1963, Hearings, 88th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 8363. October 15-December 18, 1963. 6 parts. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. Dec. 10 pt.5, pp.2695-2735 333. Second emergency bond issue, Hearings, 65th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 5901. September 11 and 12, 1917. McAdoo, Wm. G. September 11 pp.3-29 September 12 pp.34-36, 39, 42, 44-50 334. To-amend the Second Liberty Bond Act, Hearings, 74th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 4304. January 29, 1935. Morgenthau, Henry, Jr. January 29 pp.3-22 Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations 335. Control and reduction of armaments, Hearings, 84th Cong., 2d Sess. and 85th Cong., 1st Sess. pursuant to S. Res. 93 S. Res. 185 and S. Res. 286 (84th Cong.) and S. Res. 61 (85th Cong.). January 25, 1956-March 13, 1957. 14 parts. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. March 7 pt.13, pp.1249-1264 Riefler, Winfield March 7 pt.13, pp.1256-1257 336. Inter-American bank, Hearings, 77th Cong., 1st Sess. on Execu tive K. (76th Cong., 3d Sess.) May 5 and 6, 1941. Gardner, Walter R. May 6 pp.33-34, 37 Wyatt, Walter May 6 PP-34, 36-37 Senate. Committee on Government Operations 337. Establish a Department of Consumers, Hearings, 86th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 1571. June 23 and 24, 1960. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) June 7 pp. 15-16 Senate. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs 338. Statehood for Hawaii, Hearing, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 50. February 25, 1959. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) January 11 p.93 79 Senate. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare 339. Welfare and pension plans investigation, Hearings, 84th Cong., 1st Sess. pursuant to S.Res. 40. March 21-December 6, 1955. 3 parts. Balderston, C. Canby July 20 pt.3, pp.864-898 Masters, Robert C. July 20 pt.3, pp.889, 892-3, 896-7 Vest, George B. July 20 pt.3, pp.894-895 Senate. Committee on Manufactures 340. Establishment of National Economic Council, Hearings, 72d Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 6215 (71st Cong.) October 22December 19, 1931. Goldenweiser, E. A. October 22 pp.3-44 Meyer, Eugene October 29 pp.353-362 Senate. Committee on Public Lands 341. Statehood for Hawaii, Hearings, 80th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 49 and S. 114. January 5-April 15, 1948. Clayton, Laurence April 15 pp.450-460 Senate. Committee on the Judiciary 342. Administered prices, Hearings, 85th and 86th Cong., pursuant to S.Res. 57 and S.Res. 231. July 9, 1957-September 30, 1959. 13 parts. Thomas, Woodlief (letter) March 12, 1959 pt.10, p.5103 Young, Ralph A. March 10, 1959 pt.10, pp.4859-4897 (letter) February 5, 1959 pt.10, pp.5110-5112 343. Administrative procedure, Hearings, 77th Cong., 1st Sess., on S. 674, S. 675 and S. 918. April 2-July 2, 1941. 4 parts. Morrill, Chester (letter) July 15 pt.4, pp.1561-1563 Wyatt, Walter May 14 pt.2, pp.761-782 344. Extension of Second War Powers Act, 1942, as amended, Hear ings, 79th Cong., 1st Sess. on H.R. 4780. December 10, 1945. Ransom, Ronald December 10 pp.23-30 345. Extension of Second War Powers Act, 1942, as amended, Hear ing, 79th Cong., 2d Sess. on H.R. 5716. May 31, 1946. Vest, George B. May 31 pp.12-14 80 SENATE. COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY (continued) 346. Freedom of information, Hearings before Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure, 88th Cong., 1st Sess. on S. 1666 and S. 1663. October 28-31, 1963. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letter) July 11 pp.293-294 347. Investigation of Harriman National Bank, New York City, Hearing, 73d Cong., 1st Sess. pursuant to S.Res. 55. April 28-June 26, 1933. 2 parts, Pole, John W. May 10 pt.l, pp.91-115 348. Legislation affecting corporate mergers, Hearings, 2d Sess. pursuant to S. Res. 170 on S. 3341, H.R. 9424. May 23-June 2, 1956. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. May 23 (letter) June 1 Vest, George B. May 23 84th Cong., S. 3424 and pp.47-63 p.454 pp.53-58 349. Legislation affecting sections 7, 11, and 15 of the Clayton Act, Hearings, 85th Cong., 2d Sess. on S. 198, S. 721, S. 722 and S. 3479. April 1-May 7, 1958. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. April 15 pp.217-220 (2 letters and Statement of the Board with respect to S. 198 and S. 722) 350. Premerger notification legislation, Hearings, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. pursuant to S. Res. 57 on S. 442 and S. 1005. March 5-24, 1959. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. (letters) April 15 pp. 140-144 351. Scope of Soviet activity in the United States, Hearings, 84th Cong., 2d Sess. Parts 31 and 32. June 15-September 6, 1956. Bloomfield, Arthur I. June 15 pt.31, pp. 1668-1692 Klopstock, Fred H. June 15 pt.31, pp.1679-1692 352. A study of antitrust laws, Hearing, 84th Cong., 1st Sess. pursuant to S. Res. 61. May 3-December 9, 1955. 9 parts. Martin, Wm. McC., Jr. June 24 pt.2, pp.679-707 Robertson, James L. June 24 pt.2, pp.680-685, 688-701 Senate. Special Committee Investigating the Munitions Industry 353. Munitions industry, Hearings, 73d Cong., 2d Sess.—74th Cong., 2d Sess. pursuant to S. Res. 206 (73d Cong.), S. Res. 8 and S. Res. 211 (74th Cong.) 1934-1936. 39 parts and index. Hamlin, Charles S. pt.30, pp.9555, 9619 pt.31, pp.10142, 10147, 10167, 10168, 10173 81 SENATE. SPECIAL COMMITTEE INVESTIGATING THE MUNITIONS INDUSTRY (continued) Munitions industry (continued) Miller, Adolph C. Strong, Benjamin Warburg, Paul pt.31, p.10145 pt.30, pp.9527-9588, 9680-9682 pt.31, pp.9919, 9920, 9935-9973, 10145, 10149, 10165, 10169-10174 pt.32, pp.10429-10431, 10469 pt.30, pp.9526, 9547, 9555, 9558, 9587, 9588, 9680-9682 pt.31, pp.9913, 9920, 9937, 9941, 9942, 9948, 9953-9968, 10138, 10140, 10145, 10149, 10173 Senate. Special Committee Investigating the National Defense Program 354. Investigation of the national defense program, Hearings, 77th Cong., 1st Sess.—80th Cong., 1st Sess. pursuant to S. Res. 71 (77th Cong.), S. Res. 6 (78th Cong.), S. Res. 55 (79th Cong.) and S. Res. 46 (80th Cong.). April 15, 1941November 22, 1947. 43 parts. Eccles, Marriner S. July 23, 1941 pt.6, pp. 1655-1663 Senate. Special Committee on the Investigation of Silver 355. Silver, Hearings, 76th Cong., 1st Sess. and 77th Cong., 2d Sess. on S.Res. 187 (74th Cong.), and as amended by S.Res. 261 (77th Cong.) February 7, 1939-July 24, 1942. 10 parts. Eccles, Marriner S. March 21, 1939 pt.2, pp.45-73 March 23, 1939 pt.3, pp.75-124 Senate. Special Committee to Investigate Unemployment and Relief 356. Unemployment and relief, Hearings, 75th Cong., 3d Sess. pursuant to S.Res. 36. January 4-April 8,1938. 2 volumes. Eccles, Marriner S. January 4 v.l, pp.54-80 Temporary National Economic Committee 357. Investigation of concentration of economic power, Hearings, 75th Cong., 3d Sess. and 76th Cong., 1st Sess. pursuant to Pub.Res. 113 (75th Cong.) December 1, 1938-April 26, 1940. 31 parts. Currie, Lauchlin May 16, 1939 pt.9, pp.3520-3538