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Conclusions a n d R esolutions IN BEHALF OF THE YOUTH OF THE WORLD A dopted by the In tern a tio n a l L a b o r C onference in the Twenty-Seventh Session , P aris, F ra n ce, O ctober 1 5 to N ovem ber 5, 1 9 4 5 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR CHILDREN’S BUREAU PUBLICATION 315 ¿ ¿ > ¿ ,7 194 6 Digitized ( 4 ~ r f for o ' FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INTRODUCTION by KATH ARINE F. LENROOT, Chief Children9s B ureau1 U. S. Department of Labor Against a background of war and plenty in the utmost measure. The work of the Conference cen destruction, and amidst the stirring of reconstruction, representatives of Gov tered upon four main subjects: mainte ernments, employers, and workers of nance of high levels of employment; 48 nations assembled in Paris October protection of children and young work 15, 1945 for the twenty-seventh session ers; minimum standards of social policy of the International Labor Conference. in dependent territories; and constitu Created after the first World War, the tional questions relating to the struc International Labor Organization was ture and functioning of the Interna established on the principle that lasting tional Labor Organization and the ways peace could be founded only on social in which it may be brought into rela justice. Its vitality and record of solid tion with the United Nations Organ achievement make it one of the most ization. It is significant indeed that the prob important international instruments of lems of children and youth should have the present postwar era. An American who has not before been given so prominent a place in the visited war-torn Europe can fully meas work of this first postwar International ure the depth of the impression made Labor Conference. Their needs and only on her return, when she sees here measures necessary to assure adequate the streets full of automobiles, the peo protection were considered in a tri ple well-clothed and well-fed, the shops partite committee of representatives of and markets full of goods at prices governments, employers, and workers, which bear at least some measurable which held 22 sessions and presented relation to prewar levels, and knows two reports to the Conference in plenary that everywhere in the country homes session. As is customary, the Director’s re and buildings are intact, streets bril liantly lighted, and houses warmed. port and speeches commenting upon it Even after a short absence one feels a gave opportunity for bringing general sense of unreality about the security matters before the Conference. This which has saved our mainland shores year delegates from European countries from attack and destruction through were asked particularly to describe two world wars, but which will not briefly the general conditions in their again protect us should we and. our own countries. Their statements of allies fail to take measures to make a loss, suffering, deprivation, and cou third cataclysm impossible. The only rageous determination to rebuild were way in which we can share in the unforgettable. Cold, hunger, tuberculosis, and sep spiritual rebuilding of peoples arising from the ashes of destruction, as we aration of families through deportations shared in the battles which brought for forced labor in Germany, service in victory to the free nations', is to make the armed forces and in the resistance their cause our own and give of our movement, all have had serious effects 1 Miss Lenroot attended the I. L. O. Conference as an official adviser to the delegates for the Govemment of the United States of America. 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis upon children and young persons in all Troclet, Minister of Labor and Social the occupied countries. In Belgium, Welfare of Belgium. Mr. David Zellerone-sixth of the working population bach, employers’ member for the United had been deported to Germany or, in States of America, and Miss Florence lesser numbers, to occupied France, for Hancock, workers* member of the forced labor. From Poland, the Minister United Kingdom of Great Britain and of Labor and Social Welfare reported Northern Ireland, were vice-chairmen. that of the 7 million children under T he writer and Mrs. Alva Myrdal, the age of 14 years, 650,000 are full Swedish Government member, served orphans; 300,000 had been forcibly as reporters and presented the work of abandoned by their parents, most of the committee to the plenary session of whom had been placed in concentra the Conference. Many of the 56 mem tion camps or taken for conscript labor; bers of the committee (24 government 1,000,000 are half-orphans; and 2,000,- members, 16 employers’ members, and 000 more have to be clothed and fed 16 workers’ member) had come from because their parents are too impover countries recently liberated from enemy ished to care for them. There are 1,000,- occupation. They brought to the com 000 homeless persons, about 300,000 of mittee their deep conviction that the whom “are compelled to occupy holes protection and welfare of children and dug in the earth. Some of them have young persons are matters of the most neither clothing nor even shoes.” In urgent importance, and must be given personal conversation the speaker said, priority in plans for social reconstruc “Our people can stand being without tion. The first part of the committee’s food; they are used to it. But they can’t stand being without clothing in the work dealt with proposed lists of points winter cold.” for consultation with governments, The Government delegate from Italy preparatory to nexY year’s conference reported that Italian towns, large and when draft conventions will be drawn small, are largely in ruins, and that up for presentation to member govern eight and a half million people have ments for ratification. The subjects dis no roof to cover them during the com cussed were medical examinations for ing winter. Very few schools are left, fitness for employment and restriction most of them having been destroyed or of night work, both relating to children requisitioned for other purposes. In the and young persons. Netherlands, though progress has been It was proposed that the medical ex made since liberation, the food supply amination convention cover both indus is still scanty. 'There is an appalling trial and nonindustrial occupations, and shortage of clothes, shoes, and other that the night-work convention cover necessities. People in many districts are nonindustrial undertakings, since in living in cellars or barns. Infant mortal dustrial undertakings had already been ity is at a high level. In France, in covered in the night-work convention formation brought to the writer’s atten of 1919. It was pointed out that young tion indicated that the weights of chil agricultural workers also need the pro dren at birth are down 200 to 300 grams tection of medical examinations. and infant mortality has increased. A resolution was adopted recom Adolescent children present grave prob mending that the staff of the I. L. O., lems of malnutrition and tuberculosis. in consultation with the Permanent Clothing, fuel, and food are seriously Committee on Agriculture, undertake short. Juvenile delinquency is causing a study of the possibility of extending great concern. the protection of medical examinations The Committee on Protection of for fitness for employment to children Children and Young Workers met un and young persons engaged in agricul der the chairmanship of Mr. Leon Eli tural occupations. Another resolution 2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis adopted by the committee requested come an instrument of progress even the Governing Body to examine the though for some countries certain of possibility of revision of the 1919 con the standards proposed constitute an vention on night work for young per objective that can only be realized step by step. They thought such a plan sons in industrial occupations. Employers’, Workers’, and govern might stimulate interest in these prob ment members were all in general lems and encourage collaboration be agreement on the importance of medi tween all the administrations concerned. Included in the resolution are sec cal examinations and restriction of night work. T he report of the committee, tions on: General Social Protection, including containing revised lists of points for consultation and the two resolutions maintenance, health, and social protec noted above, was adopted unanimously tion; Educational Opportunities; Ad by the Conference, and the Governing mission to Employment; Protection of Body later placed these matters on the Young Workers; Administration of agenda of next year’s International La Protective Policies; and Collaboration bor Conference, which will meet in on an International Basis. Discussions of the subjects of hours of work and Montreal. Twelve meetings of the committee wages gave rise to the adoption of were devoted to a draft resolution on compromise texts concerning which cer the protection of children and young tain reservations were made. The reso workers and another on youth of lib lution as amended was adopted by the erated countries. T he text of the first committee without opposition, though resolution, proposed by the Office, had with certain reservations, and was in been prepared after consultation with turn adopted by the whole Conference a group of experts from some 12 coun without a negative vote. The text tries, which met in Montreal last spring. should receive careful study by all con It aimed to present a coordinated cerned with the protection of our own scheme of various measures for the children and young persons and the de realization of the essential objectives velopment of international standards. The draft resolution concerning the of the International Labor Organiza tion on the protection of youth, formu youth of liberated countries, with minor lated in its constitution and in the amendments, received the unanimous Declaration of Philadelphia. In the approval of the committee and the words of the report of the committee Conference. It calls for giving full ma to the Conference, “It amalgamates the terial and moral support in the task of many decisions already formulated by reconstruction by all nations which are the Conference in the form of conven able to do so, and in particular by those tions and recommendations, and sug which have escaped the ordeal of oc gests supplementary standards on ques cupation by the enemy. Two other resolutions were adopted: tions which have not yet been studied by the Conference.” A representative One requests the Governing Body to of the Conference of Allied Ministers place on the agenda of an early—if pos of Education attended the sessions of sible the next—session of the Interna the committee and collaborated in its tional Labor Conference the question of regulating the underground work work. During the general discussion of the of young persons in mines. The other resolution, many employers’, workers’, requests the Governing Body to set up and government members of the com a n advisory committee for studying the mittee gave their warm approval to the problems of young workers. broad outlines of the plan and expressed N ote .— T he material which follows is the hope that the resolution might be- quoted from the official report of the meeting. 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CONCLUSIONS AND RESOLUTIONS OF TH E COMMITTEE ON PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG WORKERS ADOPTED BY TH E INTERNATIONAL LABOR CONFERENCE, 1945 The Committee on Protection of Children and Young Workers at the 27th session of the International Labor Organization Conference held in Paris, October 15 to November 5, 1945, presented two reports to the Conference as a whole. The first report, printed as No. 25 of the Provisional Record of the Conference, presents the committee’s conelusions on points for consultation with Governments, preparatory to the drafting of Conventions or Recommendations on medical examination for fitness for employment (young workers) and restriction of night work of children and young persons (nonindustrial occupations). Two resolutions were also presented, relating to future work of the International Labor Conference in relation to medical examinations and night work. The second report, printed as No. 34 of the Provisional Record of the Con ference, presents a Draft Resolution concerning the protection of children and young workers, and draft resolutions on underground work of young persons in mines and the setting up of an advisory committee in juvenile work. The Resolutions and Conclusions were unanimously adopted by the Conference. The Resolution concerning the pro tection of Children and Young Workers is here presented first because of its broad scope and great importance, co n ce rn in g th e p ro te ctio n o f ch ild ren an d y o u n g w o rk e rs Whereas the preamble to the constitution of the International Labor Organization includes among the objects of the Organization the protection of children and young persons and the organization of vocational and technical education; and Whereas article 41 of the constitution declares the “abolition of child labor and the imposition of such limitations on the labor of young persons as shall permit the continuation of their education and assure their proper physical development” to be of special and urgent importance; and 4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Whereas the Declaration of Philadelphia recognizes the solemn obligation of the International Labor Organization to further among the nations of the world programs which will achieve “provision for child welfare and maternity protection” and “the assurance of equality of educational and vocational opportunity”; and Whereas these solemn commitments involve the acceptance by the public authorities of member states of responsibility for ensuring by all appropriate means that children, the citizens and workers of the future, are brought into the world and grow up under condi- instruments of social progress, affords tions which afford opportunities for a unique opportunity of reviewing the proper physical, mental, and moral de- work already accomplished under the velopment and for training for a use- auspices of the International Labof ful employment or career; and Organization for the benefit of childWhereas, although the war and the hood and youth and of drawing up for abnormal living conditions resulting the future a comprehensive policy by from it have gready aggravated some formulating the general principles to of the social problems relating to chil- be followed in order to achieve these dren and young workers, many of these ends within the framework of the problems are of a permanent character fundamental objectives of the Internaand require the adoption of coordinated tional Labor Organization; measures, in order to improve the soThe General Conference of the Incial conditions on which the well-being ternational Labor Organization, meetof children and young persons depends; ing in its twenty-seventh session in an(j Paris, this day of November 4, 1945, Whereas the reconstruction period, hereby adopts the present resolution during which all democratic nations concerning the protection of children will seek to restore and improve their and young workers. 1. G EN ERA L PR IN C IPLE 1. The Conference, conscious of its obligation to further the material and spiritual advancement of working people everywhere, Reaffirms its conviction that in order to develop to the fullest extent the capacities of the workers and citizens of the future it is necessary that governments, whilst encouraging the fullest discharge of individual and family obligations, should accept responsibility for assuring the health, welfare, and education of all children and young persons and the protection of all youthful workers of either sex, regardless of race, creed, color or family circumstances, both by national action and by appropriate measures of interna- tional cooperation, 2. The Conference recognizes that questions relating to the health, education, employment, protection, and general welfare of children and young persons are interrelated, and cannot be solved in isolation, 3. The Conference further recognizes that certain of the matters dealt with in this resolution will be primarily the responsibility of other intergovernmental agencies, either existing or projected, and expresses the hope that such agencies will carefully consider the views which are stated in the resolution. II. G EN ERA L SOCIAL PR O TEC TIO N OF C H ILD R EN AND YO UN G PERSONS 4. The Conference affirms its deep interest in the furtherance among the nations of the world of programs which will make possible the complete abolition* of child labor by providing for every child proper maintenance and such conditions of life as will foster the talents and aptitudes of the child and his full development as a citizen and worker, , _ . A . JM ilifttCttilflCC 5. All necessary measures should be taken to assure the material well-being of children and young persons by: {a) The adoption by members of 5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis policies calculated to secure full em Medical Care and ployment; Health Services: ( b ) the provision of a living wage (a) Medical-care services, curative for all employed persons sufficient to maintain the family at an adequate and preventive, for pregnant women, infants, children of preschool age and standard of living; (c) relieving the financial pressure school age, and young workers, de on the family by such measures as sub veloped in the light of the special needs sidized housing suitable for family life, of urban and rural communities and supplementary feeding for children, and organized in accordance with the prin other social services, family allowances, ciples set forth in the medical-care and tax concessions, thereby redistribut recommendation, 1944; (b) general health services for main ing the cost of maintenance of children; (d) appropriate provision for family taining and improving the health of responsibilities under national income- children and young persons, including, security schemes, based on the guiding for example, services providing ade principles and suggestions for applica quate food for pregnant and nursing tion set forth in the income-security mothers, infants and school children, recommendation, 1944, and including instruction in elementary nutrition and hygiene, physical culture, and holidays more particularly: (/) The provision under insurance in the country, and provision, where schemes of supplementary allowances necessary, for children requiring such for dependent children, designed to services as home help and day-nursery meet contingencies and emergencies care; (ic ) special mental-hygiene services, which destroy or impair the wage assuring children arxl young persons earner’s ability to provide a livelihood for his children, and of maternity al expert guidance to prevent or assist in correcting mental ill-health and to aid lowances; ( « ) the provision of similar al in normal adjustment to family, school, lowances under other income-security and vocation; schemes; and Social Services: (iii) general measures of social as (d ) The encouragement of the or sistance to secure the well-being of de ganization of facilities for leisure-time pendent children and young persons; (<?) services through which homeless activities adapted to different age normal children and young persons, if groups and the encouragement of youth not placed in private homes, are cared organizations, for the purpose of pro for in circumstances approximating to moting the physical, intellectual, and home life as closely as possible, in or moral development and public spirit of der to place such children on an equal children and young persons; (<?) measures to protect children and footing with other children of their age, as regards well-being, health care, young persons from moral or physical and general and vocational education neglect and harmful influences; (/) the services and institutions nec suited to their aptitudes. essary to ensure the legal protection, proper care, and reeducation of chil B. Health and Social dren and young persons with special Protection handicaps or adjustment problems, in 6. In order to safeguard the general cluding those who require care away health and well-being of all children from their own home, with a view to and young persons, the following serv helping them to become socially ad ices and facilities should be provided justed and useful members of the com as a minimum: munity. 6 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis III. ED U C A TIO N A L O PPO R TU N ITIES signed to meet among other purposes the actual needs of children and adoles Vocational Guidance cents and of facilities to enable each child to receive the kind of education 7. The Conference reaffirms the con best suited to his age and aptitudes, viction expressed in the Declaration of taking into account: Philadelphia that the assurance of (/') Special circumstances among va equality of educational opportunity is a rious elements of the population; necessary condition for equality of voca (it) special needs of children whose tional opportunity. schooling has been retarded or inter 8. All children and young persons rupted; and should be provided free of charge with (//V) special problems of children general education which should be of with physical and mental handicaps, a standard and duration permitting who need rehabilitation for a useful adequate physical, intellectual, and life. moral development. 11. The vocational interests of chil 9. ( 1) Preschool education should be dren and young' persons should be fos accessible to all children, without be tered and their selection of an employ ing compulsory, as soon as possible and ment or career guided through: as far as practicable. (a ) ~Programs for prevocational prep(2 ) School attendance should be eration which are destined to develop compulsory up to an age not lower an idea of, taste for, and esteem for than 16 years ingpll countries as soon work and are consistent with the pur as circumstances permit and should in poses of general education, according all cases be compulsory up to the gen to the principles laid down in part III eral minimum age for admission to of the vocational-training recommenda employment; the school-leaving age tion, 1939; should be raised simultaneously with (b ) free vocational-guidance services, the minimum age for admission to em offered through the school or the em ployment in accordance with the pro ployment service and available to all visions of paragraph 19 (2 ) below. adolescents during their years of school 10. Effective access to suitable educa attendance and at the time when they tion should be guaranteed through: leave school, the use of such facilities (a) Provisions to make educational being encouraged as the best means of facilities universally accessible, espe helping young persons to choose suit cially: able careers, in keeping with the pro (/) The establishment of a sufficient visions of paragraph 37 (b ) of the un number of schools of varied types with employment (young persons) recom adequate and qualified teaching staffs; mendation, 1935, and of paragraph 32 ( « ) measures to facilitate school at (1 ) of the employment (transition tendance by children and young peo from war to peace) recommendation, ple who live at a distance from centers 1944. of population by such means as group 12. The continued education of transportation and boarding schools; young workers should be required un and til they reach the age of 18; in ac (/«) the assignment of a high pri cordance with the principles laid down ority to public works for the establish in paragraph 8 of the unemployment ment, restoration, or improvement of (young persons) recommendation, 1935, educational facilities. through supplementary courses de (b ) the provision of instruction de- signed principally to promote general A . General Education and 7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis education but also providing general and trade knowledge; these courses training for occupational activity and might form part of the compulsory organized on a part-time basis for em continued education provided for above ployed young persons in conformity in paragraph 12 for young persons un with the conditions laid down in para der the age of 18, and could be made available to all young persons over 18 graph 25 ( b ) below. 13. Young persons who can benefit who wish to attend them in order to thereby should be encouraged to con obtain a better post; provided that noth tinue their full-time education in sec ing in this paragraph shall be construed ondary and technical schools beyond as prejudicing the general educational the compulsory school-leaving age, in character of continued education. (2 ) Young workers who are obliged accordance with the principle laid down, in paragraph 7 (1 ) of the un to attend part-time technical and voca employment (young persons) recom tional training should be protected by workmen’s compensation against acci mendation, 1935. 14. In order to promote the develop dent during the course of such training. ment of the child, schools should co operate closely with parents and with C. Economic Assistance institutions and agencies interested in the welfare of children and young per 16. (1 ) Economic assistance should sons or in their occupational career. be provided, to aid in raising the school-leaving age, and effectively as B. Technical and Vocational sure equal access to all stages of techni cal, vocational, and higher education, T raining in accordance with fcie principles laid down in paragraphs 1, 5, and 7 (2 ) of 15. (1 ) In order that young per the unemployment (young persons) sons may obtain the knowledge neces recommendation, 1935, in paragraph 6 sary for carrying on the occupation in of the vocational-training recommenda which they intend to engage and to tion, 1939, and paragraphs 30 (2 ) and maintain the supply of trained workers, 31 of the employment (transition from technical and vocational-training op war to peace) recommendation, 1944. portunities should be provided by (2 ) This assistance should consist, as means of: circumstances and needs may require, (a) Free technical and vocational of: schools and courses, organized in the (a) The free use of textbooks and manner defined in the vocational-train other materials and school equipment; ing recommendation, 1939, and the vo ( b ) free or low-cost meals; cational-education (agriculture) rec ( c ) free or reduced-cost transporta ommendation, 1921, which make avail tion; and able programs adapted to the economic ( d ) maintenance allowances during requirements of each region or locality the period of compulsory education and and of the country as a whole and pro student aid to enable young persons to vide young persons with adequate tech continue, subject to proof of merit, their nical or trade knowledge; vocational, technical, or higher educa (t>) part-time supplementary courses tion beyond the compulsory period. organized in the manner defined in paragraph 12 of the vocational-training recommendation, 1939, which provide D . Apprenticeship and for all young workers, whether or not In-Plant Training they have received vocational training 17. (1 ) Special consideration should before entering employment, the op portunity of extending their technical be given to the development of appren- 8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ticeship for young workers and in par ticular to measures for making appren ticeship fully effective in accordance with the principles laid down in the apprenticeship recommendation, 1939, and in paragraph 33 of the employ ment (transition from war to peace) recommendation, 1944, with a view to ensuring sustained improvement in the standards and methods of apprentice ship and the widening of the responsi bilities of public authorities in this field. (2 ) Special efforts should be made, in collaboration with employers’ and workers’ organizations, to develop sys tematic arrangements for ensuring in accordance with paragraph 34 of the employment (transition from war to peace) recommendation, 1944, that all young workers employed in any under taking have an opportunity to acquire or to improve their specialized techni cal training and to acquaint themselves with the operations of the undertaking as a whole. IV . ADMISSION TO EM PLOYM ENT A . Regulation of Minimum Age 18. The Conference reaffirms its duty to promote the abolition of child labor, and, convinced that it is in the best interests of children in order to assure an adequate preparation for their future to fix the minimum age for admission to employment as high as possible for all categories of employment: (a) Invites all members to ratify as soon as possible either the four conven tions fixing at 14 years the minimum age of admission to industrial employ ment, employment at sea, nonindus trial employment, and employment in agriculture, or preferably as regards the first three categories of employment, the revised conventions in which the minimum age for industrial employ ment, employment at sea, and non industrial employment is raised to 15 years; and (b ) urges them to take as their objective the gradual raising to 16 years of the minimum age of admission to employment. 19. (1 ) When regulating the mini mum age of admission, consideration should be given to the following prin ciples, which would appear to afford an appropriate basis of regulation. (2 ) The gradual raising of the mini mum age should be accompanied, at each successive stage, by simultaneous measures for assuring the maintenance of children in accordance with the pro visions of paragraph 5 above and for organizing compulsory school attend ance until at least the same age, in accordance with the provisions of para graphs 9 (2 ) and' 10 above. (3 ) So far as possible the minimum age should be fixed simultaneously for the various important categories of oc cupations and especially for industrial and nonindustrial employments carried on mainly in urban areas, in order to avoid the risk that application of stricter rules to industrial employments may induce younger children to enter em ployments which are inadequately regu lated and in which they will therefore receive less protection. (4 ) Attention should be given to regulating the admission of a child to domestic service outside of his own family in the same way as to other non industrial occupations in accordance with the provisions of the minimumage (nonindustrial employment) con ventions, 1932 and 1937; special efforts should be made to eliminate forms of employment involving the placing of children in, or their transfer on a basis of quasi adoption to, the family of an employer where they work for main tenance. (5 ) The employment of children of school age should be carefully regulated 9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to prevent interference with schooling prove his compliance with the law. (7 ) The regulations concerning the and to ensure full opportunity for study, recreation, and rest, with due m in i m u m age for admission to employ ment which are already applicable to regard for the following standards: (a) No child of school age should be certain categories of family undertak allowed to work during school hours, ings in accordance with the minimumwhether on his own account, for his age (agriculture) convention, 1921, the minimum-age (nonindustrial employ parents, or for an employer; ( b ) exemptions permitting the em ment) conventions, 1932 and 1937, and ployment of children of school age out the minimum-age (industry) (revised) side school hours should be eliminated convention, 1937, should be extended as soon as possible and pending such to all family undertakings in the spirit elimination should be strictly limited of the minimum-age (family under in accordance with the following pro takings) recommendation, 1937. (8 ) For those occupations which, by visions: (*) As regards the nature of the em their nature or the circumstances in ployment, such exceptions should be which they are carried on, are danger granted only for light agricultural em ous to the life, health, or morals of the ployment or for nonindustrial employ children and young persons employed ments which are clearly unobjection therein, an age higher than the general minimum age should be fixed in ac able; ( « ) as regards the number of hours cordance with the provisions of the and other conditions under which em minimum-age (industry) (revised) con ployment might be authorized by the vention, 1937, and the minimum-age competent authority, so that it is not (nonindustrial employment) conven harmful to the health or normal devel tions, 1932 and 1937; & fixing this age opment of the child and is not such as it would be advisable: (a) To fix the minimum age for the to prejudice his attendance at school or capacity to benefit from instruction admission of young persons to employ there given, in accordance with the pro ment as trimmers and stokers on vessels visions of article 3 of the minimum-age at not less than 18 years in accordance (nonindustrial employment) conven with the provisions of the minimumage (trimmers and stokers) convention, tions, 1932 and 1937; (/«) as regards age, exemption should 1921; (b ) to fix the minimum age for the be granted only to children who are not more thân 2 years below the minimum admission of young persons to employ ments liable to cause lead poisoning at age of admission to employment. not less than 18 years, in accordance (6 ) In order to ensure the effective application of the regulations concern with the provisions of the white-lead ing the minimum age of admission to (painting) convention, 1921, and the employment, documentary proof of age lead-poisoning (women and children) should be required before any child or recommendation, 1919; young person is permitted to enter em (c) to adjust the minimum age for ployment; such proof of age should: other hazardous occupations to the seri (a ) Be furnished by means of a birth ousness of the physical or moral risks certificate issued free of charge for the for young workers in each occupation, purpose or, where the system of birth so as to afford them adequate protec registration is inadequate, by means of tion, with an ultimate goal of at least other recognized types of documentary 18 years; evidence or by medical examination; ( d ) to prohibit or to lay down con ( £ ) be recorded in documents to be ditions safeguarding the entry of young kept by the employer or the young persons below the age of 18 into occu worker in his possession in order to pations bringing them into contact with 10 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis the public such as certain of those in quate schooling in conformity with the the hotel industry which may be blind- law and all appropriate measures are alley occupations and may involve being taken to make up any educa tional deficiencies; moral risks; (e) to consider carefully the risks (c) the competent authority should involved for children or young persons have the power to lay down in the in the carrying on of certain types of work permit special conditions, in con itinerant trading and similar occupa formity with the law, taking into con tions in the streets or in places to which sideration both the health of the child the public have access, in order to fix or adolescent as determined by the an appropriate minimum age of admis medical examination, and the nature of sion for these employments as required the employment; the permit should be by the minimum-age (nonindustrial renewed at intervals and, in any case, employment) conventions, 1932 and at every change of employment; ( d ) should local conditions make it 1937. impossible to raise to 18 years the age of admission to itinerant trading or B. Authorization for similar occupations in the streets or in Employment or Work. places to which the public have access, the carrying on of such trades or occu by a child or young person 20. As the conditions under which pations a child or young person enters employ under 18 years of age, whether for an ment may have a lasting effect on his employer, for his parents or on his own future, entry into employment should account, should be subject to the pro be subject to the following safeguards: curing of a special permit and to the (a) The consent of the parents or wearing of a badge as provided for by guardian of the minor should be re the minimum-age (nonindustrial em quired for the entry into employment ployment) recommendation, 1932. of a child or young person under the age of 16 years; C. Juvenile "Placement ( b ) the entry into employment of (1 ) In order that young persons children and young persons under t&to 21. age of 18 years should be subject to the may be placed in the employment written authorization of an appropriate where they can best utilize their apti tudes and resources, gain a good liveli authority responsible for verifying: (?) That satisfactory proof has been hood, and enjoy personal satisfaction in furnished that the child or young per their work, the employment service in son seeking employment has reached each country should provide special ar the minimum age for the occupation rangements for the placing of juveniles, direcdy or in cooperation with other in which he is to be engaged; (??) that the child or young person appropriate agencies in accordance with has been found fit for the said employ a coordinated program under the lead ment by a medical examination made ership of the employment service; the free of charge to the child or young chief purposes of these arrangements person by a doctor approved by the should be: ( a) T o offer to young persons who competent authority, in accordance with the provisions already laid down for are seeking employment, or who wish employment at sea by the medical ex to change from one employment to amination of young-persons (sea) con another, free vocational guidance which vention, 1921, or in a comparable man would take into account their special ner in the case of employment in other aptitudes, the general economic situa tion and existing employment possibili categories of occupations; (???) that the child has received ade ties and which would supplement the 11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis may obtain income security as soon as possible, apart from any indirect claim which certain young workers might possess as dependents of either an in sured person or a person entitled to social-security benefits, young per sons should be compulsorily included under social-insurance or social-security schemes on entering employment. (2 ) In the case of apprentices who receive no remuneration: (a) The benefits of a sickness insur ance or social-security medical-care serv ice should be available at once without payment of contributions by the appren tice; (b ) the compensation for employ ment injuries should, as from the date at which they would have completed their apprenticeship for their trade, be based on the wages current for workers in that trade, according to paragraph 20 (2 ) of the income-security recom mendation, 1944. (3 ) Young persons employed for re muneration and apprentices receiving no remuneration who become invalids at a time when they are not yet entided to social-insurânce or social-security benefits sufficient for their needs should be entided to maintenance allowances tSou g h social assistance, in accordance with paragraph 29 of the incomesecurity recommendation, 1944. D. Liability to Social-Insur (4 ) Workmen’s compensation should payable in respect of any occupa ance or Social-Security be tional accident occurring to a child Schemes illegally employed; in such cases the employer should be liable for the pay 23. (1 ) In order that young workers ment of additional compensation. guidance which these young persons received at school in the course or at the end of their studies, as provided for by paragraph 11 ( ¿ ) above, close col laboration being maintained with edu cational authorities for this purpose; ( b ) to place them in employment or help them to change their employment; (c) to maintain contact with the young workers who have been placed by the service in order to give them the opportunity of discussing their prob lems with experienced advisers and to help them to solve these problems. (2 ) This employment service should be entrusted to a special staff and ad vised by bodies composed of representa tives of other public authorities, of em ployers, of trade unions, and of young workers. 22. Suitable work opportunities should be provided for young persons either in private employment or in public-works programs. In applying the policy of timing public works provided for in the public-works (national planning) recommendation, 1937, consideration should be given to the possibility of including works which will give em ployment to young workers in accord ance with paragraph 6 of that recom mendation. V . PR O TEC TIO N OF YO U N G W ORKERS 24. The Conference reaffirms its obli A . Hours of Work gation to lay down international stand 25. In order to restrict the working ards for the protection of young work ers with the object of extending and hours of children and young persons improving the protection of such work within limits compatible with the main tenance of their health and with their ers in all types of occupation. 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis recreational and educational needs, there should be: (a) Strict regulation of the daily and weekly hours of work, with due regard for the varying needs of young people at different ages; efforts to reduce, in so far as may be practicable, the work ing week of young persons and chil dren not attending school, to not more than 40 hours; (b ) suitable arrangements during working hours permitting young work ers to attend the continuation courses of general or technical education pro vided for in paragraph 12 above until they attain the age of 18 years at least, an appropriate maximum being fixed by legislation for the aggregate hours of school and work and an appropriate minimum for the number of hours dur ing which young workers should be released in every day, week, month, or year for attending school, these hours being preferably paid working time. order to limit such exceptions to the indispensable minimum and to elimi nate them so far as possible; (b ) to prohobit night work in agri cultural undertakings by requiring rest periods not shorter than those provided for in the night work of children and young-persons (agriculture) recommen dation, 1921; ancj (c) to prohibit night work in non industrial occupations in a m a n n e r which is adapted to the conditions and takes into account the special risks in volved in nonindustrial night work for children and young persons of differ ent age groups. C. Rest Periods and Holidays 27. In order that all young workers may enjoy daily breaks, weekly rest periods, and annual holidays of suffi cient duration to restore the loss of physical and mental energy resulting B. Night Work from continued employment, young persons under 18 years of age, irrespec 26. In order to protect all young tive of occupation, should be assured: workers under 18 from the adverse (a ) Regular breaks during working effects of night work, which include hours and a rest period of a fixed mini undue fatigue and interference with the mum length allowing sufficient time time normally free for recreational and for a meal in the middle of the working cultural activities, measures should be period; taken: (b ) a weekly rest period in every (a) To prohibit night work in in week without exception which should dustrial employment, at least to the whenever possible be of 36 hours and extent to which such work is prohibited should in all cases include 24 consecu by the provisions of the night-work tive hours; the rest period should nor (young persons) convention, 1919, mally include Sunday or the day estab which requires a rest period of at least lished by the traditions or customs of 11 consecutive hours including the in the country or district, and the substi terval between 10 o’clock in the evening tution of another day for the weekly and 5 o’clock in the morning for young rest should be limited to cases in which workers under 18 years of age; with such substitution is authorized by the additional limitations for children and competent authority as being in the young persons below the age of 16 years public interest and should be authorized to cover a consecutive rest period of at only on condition that a longer com least 12 hours; and to undertake a pensatory rest period is granted; thorough examination of the cases in ( c) annual holidays with pay, of a which night work is authorized for minimum duration of: young persons over 16 for continuous (/) Twelve working days per year processes in prescribed industries in taken in a single period for all young 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Hi) experienced supervision to in culcate safe working habits and ensure that the young worker uses guards and protective equipment correctly, avoids work postures likely to cause physical deformation, and observes all safety rules and practices; and (ip) enforcement of particularly rig orous measures of hygiene in work places where there is a danger of indus trial poisoning or disease; (c) to fix shorter working hours or provide more frequent breaks for young persons engaged in exacting occupa D . Industrial Safety and tions; ( d ) to require a renewal of medical Hygiene examinations at shorter intervals in the 28. Without prejudice to the fixing case of young persons engaged in occu of a higher age of admission for certain pations which are unhealthy or exact occupations especially hazardous to life ing. and health, as provided for in para graph 19 (8 ) above, special conditions E . Moving of Loads of employment should be prescribed 29. In order to protect young workers for children and young persons en gaged in occupations which involve from exertion beyond their physical special hazards to the health and safety strength, the lifting, carrying, drawing, of the young worker; to this end meas or pushing of loads which are unrea sonably heavy in view of the age and ures should be taken: (a) T o arrange for the inclusion in sex of the child or young person should the curricula of elementary schools and be prevented by: (a ) Prescribing the maximum weight continuation courses of lessons in acci dent prevention and first aid and to of loads which a young worker may give systematic instruction in accident move or carry by his own efforts, hav prevention in vocational schools of all ing regard to the age and sex of the grades as recommended in paragraph worker and to the conditions in which 13 of the prevention of industrial acci the work is done, as for example, the dents recommendation, 1929, and in characteristics of the load, temperature, the vocational-education (building) rec and ventilation of work place, the dis tance covered, the gradients climbed, ommendation, 1937; (b ) to make employers responsible the heights at which the load is picked for providing for young workers train up and deposited, the technical method ing in safety methods and supervision, of transport, the frequency and length of the exertion and the physical devel by the following means: (?) Information on the general ar opment of the worker in relation to the rangements in the undertaking for pre weight of the load; (b ) prohibiting the employment of venting accidents and promoting safety; (ii) explanation of the possible dan children and young persons in work gers of the work, or the^ machinery or which consists essentially in carrying plant connected with the work, and heavy loads; and precise training in the use of machines ( c) promoting the use of mechanical and tools so as to ensure that the young devices to reduce the physical effort worker knows how to work safely be required in moving loads and of safe fore he is permitted to start on the job; methods of lifting loads. workers and apprentices under 18 years of age, in accordance with the principle already established for young workers and apprentices under 16 years of age in industry and commerce by article 2 (2 ) of the holidâys-with-pay conven tion, 1936, except that the 1-year period of service therein referred to need not be continuous; and (it) eighteen working days per year for young workers engaged in particu larly unhealthy or exacting occupations. 14 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F . Wages G. Board and Lodging 31. In order to assure proper living 30. Provisions with reference to wages conditions for young workers who are paid to young workers should have the away from home for the purpose of objective of assuring that they are paid vocational training or employment, pro wages commensurate with the work vision should be made for: performed, observing wherever possible the principle of equal pay for com(a ) Fixing proper standards of saniparable jobs. Provision should be tation, comfort, moral decency, and ademade for inexperienced young workers quate nutrition to be complied -with through learners’ rates when substan- when an employer furnishes board and tial periods of learning are required lodging to a young worker or apprenand through apprenticeship programs, tice, and making an appropriate author* Wherever the arrangements normally ity responsible for ensuring that these made by means of collective bargaining standards are respected; are not effective, special efforts should ( £ ) satisfactory living quarters and be made to assure: meals for young workers living away , from home, whose employers do not {a) The payment to apprentices of j ^ and lodging, if necessary fair and reasonable rates of compensa- b enco ; the ° s4 lis h m e n t of tion for productive labor performed as h’ sttls or bf eMblishing them, a part of training, and the inclusion in J ° apprenticeship contracts of provisions regarding the method of determining H . Methods of Supervision remuneration and the scale of increase of remuneration during the apprentice32. In order that the regulation of ship, in accordance with the provisions the employment of children and young of paragraph 4 (1 ) of the apprentice- persons may be fully effective, appropriate methods of supervision, includ ship recommendation, 1939; ing the following, should be established: ( ¿ ) the application of the following (a ) Labor inspectors should be speprinciples where the wage rates for young workers not employed under cially trained so that they will pay parapprenticeship are customarily fixed ticular attention to the working condiseparately from those of adults; tions of children and young persons and will supplement legal measures with 0 ) Responsibility for fixing the rates practical advice regarding the applicashould be entrusted to joint-wage boards tion 0f the meaSures to particular cases; or to other suitable bodies on which the special training should also be provided interests of the employer and worker for vocational-guidance counselors and are represented; and placement personnel; ( « ) the rates should be fixed in the light of educational requirements, experience, job content and the average output of young workers, with provision for successive increases in minimum-wage rates commensurate with the average time needed to gain proficiency, and without prejudice to the principle of equal pay for equal work, fhere remuneration is based on output, special safeguards against overstrain should be introduced. (b ) supervisory authorities should be assigned, within limits carefully defined by law, authority to suspend employment or to modify conditions of employment which might be injurious to young workers; (c) there should be close collaboration between the employment and laborinspection services, the public medical and sqcial services and the appropriate departments of undertakings in super vising the employment conditions of 15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis young workers, in a combined effort to obtain for children and young persons suitable job assignments; ( J ) joint supervision by the employ ment and social-service authorities of the working and living conditions of young persons employed in private households or institutions; (e ) arrangements should be made to obtain the full cooperation of local and educational authorities and of private a n d public social agencies with labor inspectors, in order to supervise em ployment in street trading and similar occupations; and (/) employers should be required to facilitate the task of inspectors by plac ing at their disposal-the special register provided for in the minimum-age (in dustry) conventions, 1919 and 1937, and in the minimum-age (nonindus trial employment) (revised) convention, 1937, and all other useful documents which give precise information on chil dren and young persons in their em ployment and on the conditions under which they are employed. I. Right of Association 33. Young workers should have the same freedom as adults to join the trade union of their own choosing as from their entry to employment. V I. AD M IN ISTRATIO N OF PR O TEC TIV E PO LICIES 34. The Conference considers that an (c ) put into execution the various adequate and coordinated framework parts of the unified national program, of law and administration is essential as defined above, in an integrated man for the application by governments of ner through satisfactory methods of co the broad social policies necessary for ordination suited to the administrative the full protection of children and structure in each country; (d ) ensure by appropriate means a young persons and that, for this pur guiding policy in the protection of chil pose, it is necessary to: (a ) Draw up the laws and regula dren and young persons so that the tions proposed above in a coordinated programs relating to each problem may manner so as to cover all the problems be continually revised and improved and revise them periodically so as to with a thorough understanding of their ensure consistency and progressively total needs; (e) stimulate the interest, and obtain harmonize statutory provisions with the support and participation of the current trends; (b ) organize competent, specialized general public as well as appropriate services to administer the proposed so organized movements, and especially cial programs, and provide these serv youth movements with social aims, in ices with the requisite authority, suffi order to achieve a complete realization cient resources, and adequate, profes of these protective policies. sionally qualified personnel; V II. CO LLABO RATIO N ON AN IN T ER N A T IO N A L BASIS 35. The Conference, realizing that national bodies interested in certain asthe problems of children and young pects of these problems already exist or. persons may be considered from many may be established, declares its convicdifferent angles, and that other inter- tion that the fullest collaboration be16 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (£ ) coordinated action so that, by tween all the international bodies con cerned is desirable in order to secure: utilizing to the greatest possible extent the respective means of international (a) The exchange of information and the sharing of experience and tech action, the progress of institutions and nical knowledge so that each body may social measures for the well-being of obtain a more comprehensive oudook children and young persons may be on the needs of children and young better assured. persons; RESOLUTION co n ce rn in g th e y o u th o f lib e ra te d co u n trie s Whereas the Conference, at its twentysixth session in 1944, expressed the hope that the United Nations and other members of the Organization will unite in their efforts to promote in every way the economic and social recovery of all the countries sorely tried by enemy occupation and the devastation of war, and asserted the determination of the International Labor Organization to associate its endeavors with the con certed will of the oppressed nations for the purpose of rebuilding their social life according to principles of interna tional solidarity and of respect for fun damental spiritual and human values; W hereas victory has now been achieved and the liberation of the coun tries which suffered occupation is now an accomplished fact; Whereas millions of children have died under enemy oppression, and mil lions of others face a seriously com promised future since, in each of the occupied countries, countless numbers of children and young people have suf fered from undernourishment and neg lect, from the loss of parents, friends, and homes, from the horrors of concen tration camps and the slavery of labor camps, from the complete lack of oppor tunities for educational, social, and cultural development, or, uprooted from their own countries, have lost their nationality and even their identity; Whereas it is a universally recognized principle that children and youth con stitute the first claim upon the services of relief and reconstruction; The Conference, mindful of the suf ferings and the heroic achievements of youth on the batdefield and in resist ance movements and convinced that the speedy reconstruction of liberated coun tries is indispensable to the future secu rity and happiness of all free peoples, hereby adopts the following resolution: I. 1. It is the earnest hope of the Con ference that the nations of the world which are able to do so and in particu lar those which have escaped the ordeal of occupation by the enemy will con tinue to give as long as necessary full material and moral support to the task of reconstructing the liberated countries of Europe and will give similar assist ance to the countries of Asia which have also now been liberated, in order that the collaboration of all free and united nations in this stupendous task may manifest their spiritual solidarity, their common ideals, and their mutual economic and social dependence. II. 2. Bearing in mind the declaration made at its twenty-sixth session in 1944 by the delegations of the occupied coun tries in Europe which intimated that “the first task, and the most urgent, will be to improve nutrition, to provide 17 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis medical aid and to distribute medica losses may be rapidly overcome and so that the youth of these countries may ments,” the Conference: soon be placed in conditions which per (a ) Expresses its satisfaction that sev eral members with relatively abundant mit vocational training and normal cul food supplies have decided to continue tural development. food rationing and have even curtailed food consumption, or have adopted IV . other measures, in order to supply food to the populations of devastated coun 4. For displaced children and young tries, and especially to the children in persons who are homeless, stateless, these countries, and looks forward to the maintenance and extension of this orphaned, or separated from their fam ilies, measures for registration, identifi policy as long as circumstances so re cation, location of relatives and repatri quire; ( ¿ ) renews the appeal made in 1944 ation are of the first importance, and it in the employment (transition from is the hope of the Conference that the war to peace) recommendation to the members will give every possible assist spirit of cooperation of members, in ance, through national and international order that, when requested, they may means, to obtain for these children and supply to the liberated countries tech young persons the necessary care and nical and material aid for the prompt to ensure that questions relating to their reestablishment of medical care and nationality and citizenship should be general health services so that the popu settled in a spirit of generosity and with lations in these countries, especially a view to their future welfare. youth, may speedily recover their vi tality. in. . 3. The Conference, recognizing that other international organizations are endeavoring, within the limits of their resources, to assist liberated countries in restoring educational facilities, expresses the hope that comparable assistance will continue to be made available to these countries for the complete reconstruc tion of educational and social institu tions which serve the interests of child hood and youth, so that educational V. 5. The Conference, realizing that re construction is viewed by liberated countries not only as a mere emergency task, but also in terms of lasting social progress, invites these countries, when they frame and administer their pro grams of social reconstruction, to take into account the international standards which the International Labor Organ ization has formulated in the resolution concerning the protection of children and young workers adopted by the Conference at its present session. RESO LUTIO N [co n cern in g th e re g u la tio n o f th e u n d e rg ro u n d w o rk o f y o u n g persons in m ines The Conference requests the Govern- of the International Labor Conference ing Body to place on the agenda of an the question of regulating the underearly and, if possible, the next Session ground work of young persons in mines. 18 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RESO LUTIO N co n ce rn in g th e s e ttin g u p o f an a d v iso ry co m m ittee on ju v en ile w o rk . In order that the work of the twentyseventh session of the International Labor Conference concerning the pro tection of children and young workers may have the most fruitful results and in order to hasten the application of the principles stated in the resolution on this question, the Conference re quests the Governing Body to set up an advisory committee for studying the problems of young workers. CONCLUSIONS I. M EDICAL EXA M IN A TIO N FO R FITN ESS FO R EM PLOYM ENT (Y O U N G W O RK ERS) (it) detailed list, as in the Holidays with Pay Convention, 1936, subject to addition of itinerant trading and other occupations carried on in the streets or in places to which the public have access. (3 ) Necessity for covering all family undertakings, or solely those in which the work carried on is dangerous to 1. Form of the regulations health. (4 ) Classes of undertakings or em (1 ) One or more Draft Conventions ployments, if any, to be excluded. rather than a Recommendation. (2 ) Desirability of a Recommenda tion establishing supplementary pro 3. Scope as regards age of visions. the young persons to he This Conference, Having examined the report submit ted by the International Labor Office on the medical examination for fitness for employment (young workers), Invites the International Labor Office to consult the Governments on the following points: 2. Scope as regards employ ments to he covered (1 ) Necessity for covering both in dustrial and nonindustrial occupations. (2 ) Definition of scope: (a) Industrial occupations: (*) General definition broadly indi cating the categories to be covered; or (ti) detailed list as in previous Con ventions, subject to revision. (b ) nonindustrial occupations: (t) Definition by exclusion of indus trial, agricultural and maritime occu pations; or protected (1 ) (a ) Necessity of applying regu lations to all persons under the age of 18 years in the occupations concerned; or (b ) necessity of applying regulations to all persons under the age of 21 years in the occupations concerned. (2 ) D esirability of prescribin g a lower age-limit in the case of all persons covered hereunder, such lower age to be 16 years, or such age between 16 and 18 years as may be considered desirable, pending legislation in each country pre scribing a higher age-limit. 19 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tablish lists of occupations involving a cimil ar health risks for the purpose of avoiding unnecessary reexaminations on changes of employment. (3 ) Necessity of providing health and social measures for children and young persons found by medical exam 4 • Provisions concerning ination to have physical handicaps or limitations, and of assuring effective medical examinations liaison between health, educational and for fitness social authorities for the purpose of en suring that such children and young (1 ) Provisions for free and thorough persons shall, as the circumstances of medical examination in relation to em the case demand: ployment: (a) Receive the medical treatment (a ) A thorough general examination required; (b ) be encouraged to return to school combined with medical advice to be used in vocational guidance, before en or be guided towards suitable occupa tering employment and, preferably, be tions and trained for such occupations; (c) have the advantage of other use fore leaving school; or (b ) a specific examination as a con ful measures, including financial aid. (4 ) Desirability of vesting in the dition of entrance into employment, taking into account the suitability of authorities responsible for the super vision of measures relating to fitness of the particular kind of work; or (c) a thorough general examination, employment: ( a ) The duty of drawing up a table as indicated under (a) above, combined with a specific examination as an obli of occupations and trades showing the gation for certain occupations or for risks which they may involve for the groups of occupations specified by order health of workers who are physically of the supervisory authorities as involv handicapped or in a poor state of health, ing similar health risks in order to together with a table of occupations and trades suitable for such persons; avoid unnecessary examinations. (b ) the power to grant authoriza (2 ) Provisions for subsequent exam tion for employment or medical certifi inations: (a) An annual reexamination com cate limited to particular occupations bined with an examination on change or under special conditions, or to grant temporary authorization or medical cer of employment; or (b ) an annual reexamination com tificate covering a fixed period at the bined with a special examination either end of which the young worker should by order of the supervisory authorities appear for reexamination; (c) the power to lay down specified or at the request of parents in relation to the state of health of the young conditions in particular cases to safe worker in question or the nature of the guard the health of the young worker. occupation; or (c) an annual reexamination, an ex 5. Administration and amination on change of employment enforcement and a special examination as indicated in (b ) above; (1 ) Necessity for making the em (d ) necessity of reexamination at shorter intervals in special circum ployment of a juvenile illegal unless employment has been duly authorized stances; ( f ) possibility of leaving to national through: (/) An employment certificate or a authorities discretionary powers to es- (3 ) D esirability of prescribing higher age-limit for occupations which involve special hazards to the health of young workers. 20 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis work book, on which a statement con taining evidence as to fitness must be endorsed; or _ (it) a medical certificate of fitness for employment. (2 ) Desirable methods of issue and of renewal of medical certificates of fitness. (3 ) Supervisory authorities: (a ) Authorities responsible for the issue of documents authorizing employ ment; (b ) desirability of establishing tri partite bodies to examine disputed cases; ( c ) desirability: (*) Of making examining doctors responsible to public authorities; and (it) of having examining doctors paid by public authorities; (d ) desirability of having examining doctors experienced in matters relating to the health of children and young persons, and wherever possible, with specific knowledge of the occupations concerned; (e) authorities responsible for en forcement of the laws as to health and safety in employment, and authorities responsible for enforcement of laws re lating to the employment of children and young persons. (4 ) Responsibilities of the employer in regard to enforcement: (a) Obligation to keep available: ( i) Either the authorization of em ployment, such authorization to include a statement as to medical examination and limitations as to employment pre scribed as a result of medical examina tion; (//) or the medical certificate of fit ness; or (Hi) if (i) is preferred, desirability of making provisions in order that the confidential information contained in the certificate of fitness should in no case come to the knowledge of the employer, the latter receiving from the supervisory authorities only thé author ization for employment based on the medical certificate. (b ) obligation to send a notification of the employment of young persons to the competent supervisory authorities. (5 ) Measures to assure the identifi cation and supervision of children and young persons engaged in itinerant trading or in any other occupation carried on in the streets or in places to which the public have access. (6 ) Desirability of providing for the prohibition of employment of young persons under the age of 16 years in occupations carried on in fairs and for public entertainment, which arc dan gerous to their life and health. II. R ESTR IC TIO N OF N IG H T W O RK OF C H ILD R EN AND YO U N G PERSONS (N O N IN D U STR IA L O C C U PA TIO N S). a Recommendation. This Conference, (2 ) Desirability of a Recommenda Having examined the report submit ted by the International Labor Office tion relating to administrative methods on the restriction of night work of of application. children and young persons (nonindus trial occupations), 2. Scope as regards employ Invites the International Labor Office ments covered to consult the Governments on the fol lowing points: (1 ) Necessity of covering all non industrial occupations: ) Without exception, or 1. Form of the regulations (a (b ) excluding domestic service in (1 ) A Draft Convention rather than private households. 21 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (b ) determination of the interval of night hours during which all work is prohibited: (/) By the national authority, pro vided that the prohibited night hours are coterminous with the total consecu tive rest period of fourteen hours or sixteen hours according to the alterna tive chosen; (it) By a provision included in the 3 . Scope as regards Draft Cpnvention. (3 ) Provisions applicable: persons covered (x ) T o young persons between 14 (1 ) Necessity of covering all children and 16 years of age; or ( * * ) T o young persons between 14 and young persons up to the age of 18: (a ) Without exclusions; or and 18 years of age: (b ) by leaving to the discretion of (a ) Abolition of night work during the competent authority in each coun a consecutive rest period of: try the decision to exempt children and (?) Twelve hours in every twentyyoung persons engaged in family un four hours; or dertakings in which only parents and (it) Fourteen hours in every twentytheir children or wards are engaged, four hours; provided the activities carried on are (b ) The interval of night hours dur recognized as not being harmful, preju ing which all work is prohibited to dicial or dangerous to children or young include: persons. (i) A t least the interval between (2 ) D esirability of prescribing a 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.; or lower age-limit in the case of all per (ii) A longer interval, for example sons covered hereunder, such lower age 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. to be 16 years or such age between 16 (4 ) If the alternative 3 ( * * ) is npt and 18 years as may be considered accepted, provision applicable to young desirable, pending legislation in each persons between 16 and 18 years of age: country prescribing a higher age-limit. (a ) Abolition of night work during a consecutive rest period of twelve hours in every twenty-four hours; 4. "Protective provisions (b ) the interval of night hours dur (1 ) Fixing of separate and appro ing which all work is prohibited to priate standards: include: (a ) For children under 14 years of (*) At least the interval between age; 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.; (b ) either for young persons between (it) possibility for the Governments, 14 and 16 years of age and young per in exceptional circumstances which af sons between 16 and 18 years of age, fect certain areas and occupations, and or for young persons between 14 and after consultation with the employers’ 18 years of age. and workers’ organizations concerned, (2 ) Provisions applicable to children to substitute the interval between under 14 years of age: 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. for the above(a ) Abolition of night work during mentioned interval. a consecutive rest period of: , (/) Fourteen hours in every twenty5. Exemptions four hours; or ( « ) sixteen hours in every twenty(1 ) In countries where the climate four hours; renders work by day particularly try- (2 ) Definition of nonindustrial occu pations: (a ) By excluding from the regulation those occupations which are recognized as industrial, agricultural or maritime, including sea fishing; or ( b ) by listing types of nonindustrial occupations. 22 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ing to the health, provisions authoriz 6. Administration and ing a shorter night period, in the case enforcement of children and young persons 14 years of age or older, provided that the com (1 ) Provisions to be included in the pensatory rest is granted during the Convention to specify certain measures day. to be taken for ensuring its enforce ( 2 ) In cases of serious emergency ment: declared by the Government to affect (a ) Adequate public supervision and the public interest, provision for tem inspection by men or women as the porary night work by young persons authorities may deem appropriate, in over 16 years of age. cluding inspections at the request of (3 ) In public entertainment, the au parents; thorization of night work in the inter (b ) requirement that employers keep est of art, science or education, under records showing name and date of the following conditions, and only in birth of children and young persons in most exceptional circumstances: their employment and hours worked, (a) Conditions applicable to children except in the case of young persons and young persons under 16 years of employed in itinerant trading or in any age: other occupation carried on in the (i) No night employment in an oc streets of in places to which the public cupation deemed by national authori have access, and whose working time, ties to be, by its nature or the circum under national regulations, is not stances in which it is to be carried on, deemed to be directly within the em dangerous to the life, health or morals ployer’s control; of the child; (c) suitable means of assuring the ( « ) no night work except in the case identification and supervision of chil of children who attend academies and dren and young persons engaged in other institutions for dramatic or musi itinerant trading or in any other occu cal instruction; pation carried on in the streets or in (tit) no employment on more than places to which the public have access; three evenings a week; (d ) penalties applicable to the em (tv) no employment after midnight; ployer or other responsible adult for (v) strict safeguards to assure the breaches of the night-work prohibition. child’s health, morals and kind treat (2 ) Desirability of a Recommenda ment and to avoid interference with tion suggesting administrative methods the child’s education; and techniques useful in applying effec (vi) guarantee of a consecutive rest tively night-work regulations to non period of fourteen hours or sixteen industrial employment: hours in every twenty-four hours ac (a ) For shops and other commercial cording to the alternative chosen; undertakings, offices and similar estab (b ) conditions applicable to young lishments, a system of employment cer persons between 16 and 18 years of age: tificates or work books to determine (*) no night employment in an the child’s or the young person’s age occupation deemed by the national au and eligibility for employment under thorities to be, by its nature or the specified conditions, including the pro circumstances in which it is to be car hibition of night work; ried on, dangerous to the life, health or (b ) for street trading and similar lorals of the young person; occupations: (it) no employment after midnight; (i) System of licensing or special (tit) guarantee of a consecutive rest permits, with requirement that em period of twelve hours in every twenty- ployed children and young persons four hours. wear a special badge, to facilitate en23 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis forcement and inspection; (it) arrangements for full cooperation of local and educational authorities and social agencies with labor authorities in enforcing night-work regulations; (iii) where an employer-employee re lationship exists, provision for holding the employer legally responsible for vio lations of the night-work prohibition; (tv) where no employer-employee relationship exists, provision for requir ing those who supply the child or young person with merchandise or sup plies for sale or resale to assure them selves that the minor is legally employed and to keep suitable identifying records, as an aid to the authority responsible for enforcement of the night-work pro hibition; (c) in public entertainment (if ex emption 5 (3 ) is adopted), provision for a system of licenses or special per mits issued to the child by the national or local authorities for a fixed period. RESOLUTION The Conference requests the Govern ing Body to examine the possibility of placing on the agenda of an early Session of the International Labor Con ference the question of the extension to agriculture of medical examination for fitness for employment of children and young persons under the age of 18 years. RESOLUTION The Conference requests the Govern national Labor Conference the question the revision of- the Night Work ing Body to examine the possibility of placing on the agenda of an early and, [ fc,ung Persons) Convention, 1919. if possible, the next Session of the Inter U. S . GOVERNMENT PRINTING O FFICE: 1946— 685B 73 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. - Price 10 cents 24 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis