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ItixtwBtrteX ami «ommetxtal SnJmata of tixe KwiM states.



X L IV .,

J U N E ,


I N C L U S I V E .


& CO.,


I 8 8 7 .





Embracing the Numbers from January I to June 31, 1887.
Editorial and. Communicated Articles.
P age .
German Elections......................
263 Pennsylvania’s Line to St. L o u is ............. 694
Alexander, Mr. E. P., and the Inter-State
Pennsylvania R R ’s P r o g r e s s .................. 288
Commerce B ill...... ........................... 259, 286 Gold Imports and Light W eight Coin........ 70 Philadelphia < Reading’s Reorganization a
Gold Movement Great Britain 29 y e a rs... . 100
Anthracite Coal Production............... 135, 411
Success........................................................ 28/
Gold Production of Australia Since 1851.. 104
Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe R R . . . . . . . . . . . 564
Gold Production of Russia Since 1822...... 104 Prices, Tariff and Foreign Exchange.........
Australia’s Gold Production Since 1851... 104
Gold Production of the W orld Since 1851. 102 Provisions, Breadstufls, Cotton and Petroleum Exports fiom U . 8 ..354. 476, 600, <66Gold and SilverCertificates, Proposed L a w
Baltim ore & Ohio’s Rumored Consolidation
Substituting Coin Certificates................. 196 Progress oi Trunk Line E arnings...... ..
with Philadelphia & Reading, &0....321, 354
Publio D ebt Paym ents........................692, 741
Bank Clearings and General Business. . . . . 452 Gold and Silver, Increased Circulation in
Nine Months. ...............
Bank Clearings and Speculation in 1886.. 34
R ailro ad Construction, Rapidity o f . . . . . . .
Bank Failure, Cincinnati........................... 793 Gold, Sufferings Caused by Appreciation of,
Railroad Earnings (w eekly).7, 52, 88, 108,
Mr. Samuel Smith’s, M. P., Lecture........385
Banks, National, G rowth o f....................... 476
140, 170, 202, 233, 264, 296, 332, 359,
Gold, U . 8. Imports and Exports of
Banks, N ew York, Loss of Reserve b y ...... 412
389, 418. 483, 516, 541, 610, 644, 671,
(monthly)............... 3, 256, 380, 536,666, 792
Bank Note Contraction and Comptroller’s
698,742, 772, 798Plan for Preventing it.............. - .......... . 160 Grain Movement at N ew Y ork and Trunk
Line Earn in gs...105, 232, 384, 478, 641, 796 Railroad Earnings (monthly).74, 107, 200,
Bank Reserves, Change in L a w as to, and
229, 329, 358, 479, 514, 606, 733, 770
The Money M arket........................... 382, 410 Great Britain in 1886................................. 137 R ailroad Earnings, Satisfactory CharacBelgium. The War Scare in...............------ 105 Great Britain, The Fisheries Dispute with. 161
ter o f.............. . . .........................325,381. 44^
Bismarck’s Speech and European Outlook. 73 Growth of the Coal Industry..................... 134 Railroads—Inter-State Commerce Bill. See
Bituminous Coal Production........ - .......- - - 135
Inter-State Commerce.
Boycotting, Legal and Practical V iew of.. 287 Illinois Central Report............................... 291 Railroad Mortgages, Rates of Interest on.
Breadstuffs Sales at N e w York in 1886—
36 Illinois Central System, G rowth o f............ 539
See Investors’ Supplement, May.
Immigration and Immigrants.................... 668
Breadstuff's, Provisions, Cotton and PetroRailroad Net Earnings, Course o f...... 107,
leum Exports from U. S...354, 476, 600, 766 Immigration Assisted..................................795
229, 358, 514,642, 776
Imports, Undervaluation of, and the For­
Breadstuffs Receipts at Lake and River
eign Exchange Market...............................356 Railroads—N ew Managers of old R oads... 769
Ports (m onthly)..76, 201, 330, 482, 609, 735
Railroad Rates, Lower, and St. P a u ls
Brokers’ Sales, L aw Proposing to T a x ....... 227 Inter-State Commerce Bill, Appointment
Earnings....................................... .......... 3“ 3
of Commissioners............................. 380, 410
Bulgaria and the Peace of Europe............ 416
Railroads Reorganized—The Status and
Inter-State Commerce B ill and Centraliza­
Prospects. See Investors’ Supplement,
tio n .........................
Canadian Pacific R R .................................. 639
M ar oh.
„ '
„ ...
Canada and the Fisheries Dispute............ 161 Inter-State Commerce Bill and Commis­
sioners’ Decision...................................... 448 Railroad Trunk Line Earnings...... ...3, 131
Canal and N ew York Grain R ec eip ts... . . . 105
Railroad Trunk Line Earnings and Grain
Capital and Labor Contests and Mr. Hewitt 639 Inter-State Commerce Bill, Dissatisfaction
Movement at N. Y ....1 0 5 , 232, o84, 4 <8, 641
with new Tariffs U nder.................
Central RR. of N ew Jersey Reorganization 691
Railroad Trunk Line Earnings, Progress of, 693
Centralization and Inter-State Com. B ill.. 133 Inter-State Commerce Bill, Effect of, and
of the Appointments to be m a d e .......... 286
Chamber of Commetoe and the Strikes.... 158
Silver Certificates (small bills) Issued in
Chicago & Alton’s Operations, Course of... 327 Inter-State Commerce Bill, Mr. Fink’s In­
Place of Legal Tenders............ ™ 6
terpretation......... ................................... 258
Chicago Burlington & Quincy R R — - - — *15
Silver Currency Issues................ 562, o9U, 73»
Inter-State Commerce B ill Passes the
Chicago M ilwaukee & St. P a u l’s Late Year. 260
House....................................................... 100 Silver Deposits, and Certificates Issued by
Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul’s Earnings
Western National Bank................... - - - - - 638
and Low er Railroad Rates....................... 383 Inter-State Commerce Bill, The Long and
Short-haul Clause............................ 4, 72, 767 Silver (Tiade) D ollar and the Action of the
Chicago & Northwestern R R ..................--• 289
. . . . . . . . . . ..... ................ .
Inter-State L a w and Mr. R eagan.............. 640
Chicago Rock Island & Pacific RR. and the
Silver H eld and issued by U. 8. Treasury.. 36
Effects of Competition............................... 731 Inter-State L aw , Are Railroads M aking it
Silver and Gold Certificates, Proposed L aw
O d io u s ...................... . . ..................510, 538
Chicago St. P a u lM . & O. O p eration s....... 262
Substituting Coin Certificates...... ..........19p
Circulation, Increase of, in Nine Months... 477 Inter-State L a w and Pacific Coast R ates.. 510 Silver Production of Russia Since 1822.... 104
Inter-State L aw , Strictly Enforced............ 538
Clearing House Returns (weekly, first page)
silver Production of the W orld Since 1851 102
Clearings (monthly)...... 35, 325, 453, 563, 729 Iron Development, O ur.............................. 163 Silver, U . S. Imports and Exports (m onth-__
Clearings and Business...............
ly) ...................... 3, 256, 380, 536, 666, 792
Clearings and. Speculation in U. S. in 1886. 34 L abo r and Capital Contests and Mr.
Smith," Mr. Samuel, on Sufferings Caused
H ew itt......................................... ............. 639
Cleveland Columbus Cin. & Ind. R R . - - - - - - 357
by the A p i reciation of Gold.................... 38o
Coal, Anthracite Production............... 135, 411 Labor and Legislation...............................- 511
Speculation and Clearings in U. S. 1886... 34
Coal Industry, Growth of........................... 134 Lake Shore & Michigan Southern and
Steel and Steel Rails, Growth of ProducMichigan Central Statement s . . . . ...........
Coal Production, Bituminous................
Land Speculation, Activity in .................... 666
Comptroller Trenholm and the Senate FinLegal and Practical View of Boycotting.. 287 Sterling Exchange, Advance i n . . . . . . .. . . 2 , 70
anoe Committee.............
Stock Exchange (N ew York) Sales in 1886. 3o
Legal Tender Notes (small bills) With­
Parliamentary Methods
St. Louis & San iran cisco R R ............ 563, 604
drawn, for Silver Certificate Issues........196
Should be Revised.................................... 261
(surplus in Treasury, and Treasurer JorLong and Short-haul Clause—Inter-State
Congressional Sessions............... .- - - - - - - - 603
dan’s Refunding B ill. . . . . . . . . . . . ------• • • • • ¿60CommeroeBiU....................................... 4, 72
Corn, Production of, in the U . S. in 1886 .. 71
Surplus Revenue and Bond Purchases.324, 32o
Cotton Acreage, Stand and Condition, 1887 7 36
Cotton, Breadstuffs, Provisions and P e t r o -___ H a n n in g ’s (Secretary of the Treasury) Resignation and Treasury Management— 228 T ariff, Protection, Prices and Foreign E x ­
leum, Exports from U. S . . . 354,476, 600, 766
change........................... -•-•-■----- . . . . . . . .
Cotton Consumption and Overland M o v e -___ Massachusetts, The Wealth o f................
Mercantile Failures................................ 36, 80 Tax-Avoiders, and Legal Tenders Locked
ment (monthly)...........50,166, 292, 454, 566
600, boo
Cotton, Ellison & Co.’s Annual Report — 137 Merchandise, U. S., Imports and Exports
(m onthly)............. 3, 256, 380, 536, 666, 792 T axing Brokers’ Sales, Proposed L a w ....... 227
Receipts at
601 Texas & Pacific Reorganization..............
(m o nthly).... ....7 6 , 202, 331, 481, 608, 734 Mexican Central R R ’s Prospeots............
Trade D ollar Redemption L a w as Passed
Michigan Central and Lake Shore & Michi­
Crops, Cereal, in U. 8. in 1686.......... .
by the House........................
gan Southern Statements........................
Culfom’s (Senator,) Speech and the Long
Treasury Accumulations, Bond Purchases
and Short-haul Clause.— - ..... .............. 72 Money Market, and the Action and Nonand Depositary Banks............................... 5^2
Action of Congress................................... 326
Currency Changes and Gov. S u r p lu s ....... 450
Treasury Cash Changes and Currency
Money M arket and Changes in L a w as to
CurrenoyExpansion......... ............. - - - - - - - - 768
Increase............... .
Bank Reserves............... . . . . ............382, 410
Currency Increase and Treasury Cash
Treasury Department and its Old and N ew
Money M arket and Government Purchases
Changes........................... - ........................ i®2
of Bonds, & c............................................ 324
Treasurer Jordan and the Senate Finance
D e b t Payment, P u b lio ..... . . . . . ........ 692, 741 Money Market, Legal Tenders and T a x AsCommit 16©. •••.•••••••••••
600, 638
D ebt Reduction Ought Not to Cease.......... 669
Treasury Management of Surplus............ 562
D elaware & Hudson R B , E a r n in g s ..... . . . 159 Money Market and Sub-Treasury Move­
ments........ ............................................... 256 Treasury and the Movements of Silver.... sa
Treasury Surplus and Currenoy Changes.. 450
Money Market and the Trade D ollar.........286
E n glan d, Bank of, Returns (Financial Situ­
Treasury Surplus, H o w to U se
- . . - . . . . . . 794
Money Market and Treasury Accumula­
ation, each week)
612 Trunk Line E a rn in g s -----3,131, 641, 693, 79o
England, Queen Victoria’s Jubilee.............798
Europe, The Peaoe of, and B ulgaria.......... 416
Europe, Taxation and Armies in ................ 605 National Banks, Growth of.......................... 476 U . S. Debt, Monthly Deorease, Seven Mo’s. 159
European Outlook and Bismarok’s Speech. 73 N et Earnings, Course of......................107, 229 U S. D ebt Reduction Ought Not to Cease.. 669
European Situation...... . . . . . . . . 231 N ew Managers of old Railroads................. 769 u ! S. Government Revenue, Seven Months 159
European W a r Rumors, Effect on Markets. 158 N ew York Banks, Loss of Reserve b y ........ 412 u l s! Government Surplus and Currency 459
Exchange Sterling, Advanoe i n ...............2 , 70 N ew York Chic. & St. L. RR. Decision........ 32
N. Y . Clearings and Stook Sales in 1886... 35 U S. Public D ebt Paym ent................. 692, 741
U. S. Treasury Cash Changes and Currenoy
Failures, in 1886................................... 36, 80 N ew Y ork Grain Receipts and Trunk Line
Increase........................... - - - —
Farmers, Debts o f....................................... 513
Earnings.......... 105, 232, 384, 478, 641, 796
Financial Review (monthly)......... 38,168,
N ew Y ork L. E. & West. R R ’s P rogress.... 602 Union Pacific RR. and Mr. Adam s’ Adm m 418
293,417,567,696 N ew Y ork Stock Exchange Share Sales
Financial Situation. (See first artiole each
(monthly)..........................325, 453, 563, 729
Victoria’s (Queen) J u b ile e ..................... 798
Nickel Plate First Mortgage Bonds and
Fink^s (Mr.) Interpretation of the InterJudge Jones’ D ecision............................ 32 Virginia DeDt, an Effort to Settle it .......... 451
State Commerce B ill................................ 258 Norfolk & Western R R ...........................• - - 482 Virginia Debt, Failure of the Conference.. 730
Fisheries Dispute With Great Britain....... 161
Northern Pacific’s H alf-Yearly Income, &o. 162
Foreign Exchange and Monthly Trade
Northern Pacific Operations, Nine Months. 540 W a r Rumors (European) Effect on Markets 458
W ar Scare in Belgium .......................
-•-•---••---2 5 6 , 380
Foreign Exchange Market and the Under­
Oats, Production of in the U. S. in 1886... 71 W ealth of Massachusetts.. . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . .
Wheat, Production of, m the U . S. in 1886. 71
valuation of Imports............................... 356
Wheat, Collapse of the C om er.................... 792
Foreign Trade of 1886, Features of........... 136 Pacific Railroad D eb t.............................
Wheat, Exports from India................
7 »*
France, Situation in -T h e N ew Ministry... 6 c5 Pacifio Railroads and the Pow er of the
President to Purchase Bonds.................... 324 Wheat, Winter, Condition in U . S...... .601, 729
G eorgia Central RR., Election..........
W orld’s Gold and Silver Production Since
Parliam entary Failures......................
Germany, Bismarck’s Speech and the
381> 537, 667
European Outlook...............
73 Pennsylvania R R .. 1 » ,

Janna y—June, 1887

1 JS U E X .


Foi’eigfn Correspondences Financial, Commercial, Railroads, &c.
[A n n u a l reports are indexed i n black-faced fig u re s.]


P age .


PAGE. Cincinnati Wash. & Balt R R .........90, 494, 7 8 0 Duluth & Iron Range R R ........................... 653
Agricultural Products in 1886.................... 39 City Bonds, Description of (bi-monthly).
Duluth South Shore & Atl. R R ....2 7 5 ,713, 751
Allegheny Valle? R R ........................... 21, 712
See I nvestor ’ s Supplement .
American B ell Telephone Co...... .............. 4 3 3 City Bonds, Prices of (monthly). Nee Stocks
Eastern (Mass.) R R .................... 149,184, 275
American Coal Co...................................... 2 7 4
and Bonds, General Quotations.
East Tennessee Virginia * Georgia R R ....
Arkansas State Finances............................. 420 Cleve.'Akron A.Columbus R y ___ 275, 369, 4 3 3
319, 149, 184, 211, 343, 494. 620, 621,
Atchison Top. & S. F. R R..2J, 59,148,245,
Cleveland * canton R R ___ 1 1 7 ,1 2 0 ,2 1 1 ,
750, 751
362, 400,466,551, 5 8 3 ,5 8 5 , 586,627
275, 400,433, 550, 621, 681, 751 E ast & West Railroad of A labam a............ 621
Atlantio & Northwestern R R ...... .............. 652 Cleveland Col. Cin. & End. R R ..2 1 .5 9 ,184,
Elizabeth, (N. J.) D eb t....................... ........ 211
Atlantic & Pacific R R ............ 21,143, 544, 751
308, 3 6 8 , 526, 620, 621, 750, 751 Elizabethtown Lex. & B ig Sandy R R ......... 343
Cleveland Lorain & Wheeling R R .............. 653 England. Bank of. See Bank.
Baltim ore & H arrisburg R R ....................... 812 Cleveland & Mahoning Valley R R .............. 653 English Correspondence and Cable Reports
( weekly). See Monetary and Commercial
Baltimore & Ohio R R . . ; . . . . 89, 343, 400, 433 Coin and Bullion, Prices in N ew Y ork
(weekly). See Bankers’ Gazette. Prices
English News.
Bankers’ Gazette (w eekly).. 12, 54,84,112,
in London. See Monetary and Commer­
Equitable Gas Light Co...............................204
144, 174, 205, 236, 267, 297, 336, 363,
cial News.
Evansville (Tnd.) Finances...... .......... .
393, 422, 460, 486, 519, 545, 573, 613,
647, 674, 702, 745, 775, 802 Colorado Central Consolidated Mining Co. 1 1 7 E xchange at and on London ( weekly). See
Monetary and Commercial English News.
Bank of England, Rateof Int., 1880to 1886 139 Colorado Coal * Iron R R . . . . . . . ................. 4 0 0
Colorado Midland R R ................................. 808 Exchange Market and Prices (weekly). See
Bank of England Statements (weekly). See
Columbus * Cincinnati Midland R R ........... 49o
Bankers’ Gazette.
Monetary and Commercial English News.
Bank Reserves, Act Changing Regulation. 345 Columbus & Hocking Coal & Iron Co........
Exohange Market and Prices in 1886..40, 43
Bank Returns of N ew York City in 1886.. 40
275, 276,278, 553 Exchange, Sterling, D aily Prioes of (month­
Columbus Hooking V alley & Toledo R R ...
ly). See Financial Review.
Bank Statements N ew York, Boston and
90,117,148, 211, 4 0 0 ,4 9 3 Exports of Great Britain. See British Board
Philadelphia (weekly)).
See Bankers’
Commercial Epitome (weekly). See Com­
of Trade Returns,
mercial TimesBank Stocks in N ew York (table and prices).
Exports and Imports of Leading Articles
See N ew York Local Securities.
Commeroial and Miscellaneous N ew s
at N ew York. See Commercial Times.
(weekly) ....9 , 52, 82,110,140,.171, 204,
Bank Stocks, Pi ices of, in all leading Cities.
Exports and Imports of Speoie and M er­
234. 296, 334, 361, 391, 420, 457, 485,
Nee Stocks and Bonds, General Quotations
chandise at N ew York, Value of (weekly)
of (monthly).
518, 543, 571,611, 64«, 672, 700, 743,
See Commercial and Miscellaneous News.
774, 801 Exports and Imports of the United States.
Banks, National, Abstracts from Reports to
See United States.
the Comptroller of the Currency ....21 2, 492 Commercial Times (w eekly)___ 23, 61, 92,
Banks, National, Organized (weekly). See
122,151,186, 217, 247, 279, 317, 345,
371,403, 440, 467, 500, 528, 553, 591,
Commercial and Miscellaneous News.
Failures. See Mercantile Failures.
Beech Creek R R ............................. .
362, 459
628, 659, €82, 718, 755, 783, 813 Financial R eview (monthly). See in Edi­
torial Articles.
Conoord R R .................................................6 5 2
Belt Railway of Chicago............ : ............. 7 8 0
Connecticut Central R R .... ................. 275,713 Fitchburg R R ......... ............ 59,119, 148,
Bonds, Prices of A ll Classes (monthly). See
Connecticut & Passumpsio R R ................... 400
Stocks and Bonds, General Quotations.
421,434, 494, 544, 681
Connecticut State Bonds............................. 808 Flint A P e re Marquette R R . 117, 434,526, 5 5 0
Bonds, Prices of (weekly). Nee Bankers’
Consolidation Coal Co..................................2 1 0 Florida R ailw ay & Navigation Co...... 494, 808
Consuls—D aily Prices of in London. See
Flour. See Breadstuff's.
Bonds. See Titles—United States, State,
Monetary and Commercial English New s
City, Municipal and Railroad Bonds.
Foreign Commerce of U. S. in 1886 ........... 39
(weekly). Financial Review (monthly).
Bonds. United States, held to secure depos­
Foreign Correspondence on markets (week­
its and Circulation. Nee U. S. Bonds.
ly ). See Monetary and Commercial E n g­
Corn’Meal, } See Breadstuff*.
lish New s.
Bonds, Unlisted. See Bankers’ Gazette.
Boston & Albany R R ............................212, 586 Cotton— See also the title ‘ 'Cotton” in Edi­
Foreign Exchange. See Exchange.
torial Articles.
Boston Concord & Montreal R R ................. 525
Fort Worth & Denver City R R ...... 90,184,
Boston Hartford & Erie R R ............... .
Aoieage, Stand and condition in
211, 308, 392, 400, 434, 499, 526, 551,
Boston Hoosac Tunnel & Western R R ......
1887........................ : . ........ ....... 736
681, 808
Fort Worth & Western R R .........
......... 117
212, 620, 681, 682
Agricultural Bureau’s R eports....
B o sto n * Lowell R R .59, 369,458, 544,751. 807
221, 632, 759 Freights. Ocean, Market for (weekly). See
Boston & Maine R R . .184, 369, 453, 544, 807
Commercial Epitome.
Amount of Crop in sight (weekly)
Breadstuff's, Exports of, from the U. S.192, 789
Charleston and Savannah Re­
Fremont Missouri Valley & Elkhorn R R 21
Breads uffs, Imports and Exports of Great
ceipts, Error in.......................... 374
Galveston H arrisburg & San Antonio R R 7 5 0
Britain, Liverpool Prices and Statistlos
Clearances from U. 8. Ports (week­
(weekly). See Monetary and Commercial
Galveston Houston & Henderson R R ....... 4 0 0
English News.
Gas Stocks.
See N. Y . Local Securities
Consumption and Overland Move­
(weekly) and General Quotations (month­
Breaastuffs Market and Statistics (weekly).
ment—December, 50; January,
See Commercial Times.
166; February, 292; March, 454;
British Board of Trade Returns (monthly).
General Quotations of Stocks and Bonds
April, 566; M a y .......................722
(monthly). See Stocks and Bonds.
109, 265, &90, 517, 645, 800
C ol sumption in Europe.. 137, 22),
British Imports and Exports of Gold and
349, 531, 632, 787 Georgia Pacific R R .......................................499
Silver (monthly). 110, 265, 391,517,645, 800
Gold Exports and Imports at N ew Y ork
Crop in Texas-----686
Broadw ay (N. Y.) R R .................................. 83
(weekly). See Commercial and Miscel­
Crop Report of the MefthpLi's Dis­
laneous News.
Brooklyn Elevated R R .........................212, 654
tric t.................
Grain. See Breadstuff's.
Brooklyn Fiatbush & Coney Island RR.83, 681
Do East India Crop ..125, 189, 250,
Buff. N , Y , & Phila. R R ..8 9 , 184, 210, 276,
Grand Rapids & Indiana R R ....... 22,184,
374, 406, 443, 470, 503, 532,
433, 550, 551, 652, 654, 681, 781, £07
235, 300,434, 550, 712
557, ot)5, 632,722, 761, 817
Great Britain. See British.
Buffalo Rochester & Pittsburg R R ___ 212,
D o Egyptian, Alexandria Report by
Great Britain in 1886.............
392, 402, 620, 654, 781
cable (weekly)
Bullion. See Gold and Silver.
D o Egyptian Crop..........................595, 760 Greenbacks. See U. 8 . Legal Tenders.
Burlington C. R. & North R R . . 90,184,494, 6 1 9
G ulf Colorado & Sante F e R R ..2 1 ,204,495,
Do Height of -clivers (weekly)
526, 551. 553, 751
India Shipments (weekly by cable)
Do Interior Towns Movement.............. 503 Gunny Bags (weekly). See Cotton Report.
Cairo Vincennes < Chicago R R ...... ......... 494
D 0 Interior Towns Movement ( weekly)
. California Central R R ................................ 585
H a rtfo rd & Connecticut V alley R R ...........631
Liverpool Market (weekly)
I j California Southern R R ...... 466, 550, 712, 751
Hartford & Connecticut Western R R ........ 308
Manchester Markets (weekly, by
^ Camden & Atlantio R R ............... ......4 9 4 , 550
Hoosac Tunnel R R .........................
II ' Cameron Iron & Coal Co............ 117, 149, 184
Manufactures, Exports of................ 683 Housatonic V alley R R ................................ 185
Canada Southern R R ................................... 21
Houston City D ebt.....................................
Do Market and Statistics (weekly),
Canadian Bank Returns. See Banks.
Houston East & West Texas R R ................. 244
Nee Commercial Times
Canadian Pacific R R ___ 59, 184, 308, 343,
Houston & Texas Central R R ........22,184,
Do National Exchange Report on
433, 525, 585, 620, 6 5 2 , 6 5 5 , 712
526, 653, 681,712, 751
Acreage and Condition........ .
1 Canal and Miscellaneous Stock and Bond
N ew York E x c h a n g e .............. 722,759 Huntingdon & Broad Top R R ...................... 184
List. See I n v e s t o r s ’ S u p p l e m e n t (biDo
Overland Cotton, Spinners’ Tak­
X monthly).
ings. See Editorial Articles.
v Central Io w a R R ......... 117, 211, 551, 653, 712
Illinois Central R R ....1 1 8 ,149, 244, 275,
Port Receipts and D aily Crop
r Central Pacific R R ........59, 400 ,4 59,553 ,7 81
3 0 7 « 3 1 0 , 343,494, 526, 653, 808
Movement (weekly).
Central RR. of Georgia_5 9 ,1 8 1,653,68 1
Illinois Midland R R ..................................... 184
Quotations for Middling at Other
Central RR. of N ew Jersey...21, 275, 362,
Imports and Exports of Great Britain. See
Markets (weekly)
466, 525,544, 620, 712, 714, 781, 808
British Board of Trade Returns.
Receipts from Plantations(weekly)
r Central & South American Telegraph____ 2 7 5
Im ports and Exports of Lead ng Artioles
South Carolina Report........*............ 632
Central Vermont R R ................................... 433
at N ew York. See Commercial Times.
Visible 8upply (weekly).
. Chartiers Valley Gas Co......................552, 533
Imports and Exports of Speoie and Mer­
Weather Record for December,
0 Chattaroi R R ........................ ..................... 343
chandise at N ew York, Value of (weekly).
January, February and M aicb,
^ Chesapeake & Nashville R R ......................... 335
See Commercial and Miscellaneous News.
504; April and M ay.................... 759 Imports and Exports of the United States.
Chesapeake & Ohio R R ..9 1 ,4 6 5 , 551,750,
W eather Reports by Telegraph
See United States.
781. 808
Ches. Ohio & Southwestern R R ......... 204, 7 5 0
Indiana Bloom. & West R R ...9 0 ,184, 211, 434
C h i c a g o & Alton R R .............................275, 3 0 7
Indianapolis Decatur & Springfield R R ...
Ü Chicago & Atlantic R R ..2 1 ,173, 343, 369, 494 D akota W ater Pow er Co............................... 449
211,362, 682
„ Chicago Burlington & Northern R R . . . ___ 525
Dayton Ft. W ayne & Chicago R R .............. 807 Insurance Stocks, Prioes in Leading Cities.
B Chicago Burlington & Quincy R R ........59,
See General Quotations of Stocks and
Dayton & Iron ton R R ...............
Bonds (monthly).
90,211,343, 4 3 2 . 466, 518,¿585, 750 Dayton & Michigan R R ............................... 751
* Chicago & Eastern Illinois R R ...4 3 3 , 458, 553 Debt Statement (monthly). See U. 8. Debt.
Insurance Stock Table and Prices in N ew
M Chicago & Grand Trunk R R ...................... 400 Delaware & Bound Brook R R ................... 211
York. See N ew York Local Securities.
n Chicago & Indiana Coal R R ............... 458, 495
D elaw are & Hud. Canal Co. 184, 212, 2 4 3 , 335 International & Great Northern R R ......... 4 0 0
■ Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul R R ___ 117,
Inter-State Commerce Bill, Full Text o f___ 214
Delaware Lackawanna & Western R R ___
i 149, 275, 343, 392, 399 ,5 26, 681, 712, 751
Inter-State.Commeree Commission.............. 421
149,212, 2 73, 654
C hicago * Northwestern R R ..21,308, 621, 713 Denver Circle R R ....................................... 184 Investments, Bi-monthly Article in I nvest­
Chicago Rook Island & Pacific R R ...... 91,
ors’ Supplement .
D e n v e r * Rio Grande R R ..2 1 .59,117,211,
335, 495, 526, 7 1 2 , 713, 752
244, 466, 585, 586, 6 5 2 , 653. 750, 808 Investments and Railroad Intelligence
Chicago St Louis & Pittsburg R R ___ 369 ,
(w eekly)..21, 58, 89,117, 148,184, 210,
D enver & Rio Grande Western R R .___ 59,
433, 525 , 525, 526, 652, 653
243, 273. 307, 342, 368, 399, 432, 465,
91, 211, 466, 620
Chicago St. Paul & Kansas City R R ........... 627
493, 525, 583, 619, 652, 680, 712,
D enver South Park & Pac. RR. ...586,627, 653
Chicago St. Paul Minn. & O. R R ........ 184, 493
Des Moines & Fort Dodge R R ___117, 308,
750, 780, 807
Chioago Santa Fe & California R R ............ 148
I nvestors’ Supplement (published the last
494, 525, 681, 751, 808
Cnioago & Western Indiana R R ......... 751, 7 8 0
Saturday of every other month) w ill be
Des Moines Osceola & Southern R R ___ 10, 308
Chicago & West Michigan R R .................. 5 25
found in this volume at the end of Mareh
Detroit Bay City & Alpena R R . . .335, 343,
Cincinnati & Eastern R R ............................ 59
and May respectively.
525, 553, 621, 681
Cincinnati Ham . & Dayton R R ...... 59, 90,
Iow a Falls & Sioux City R R ....................... 439
Detroit Lansing & Northern R R ........5 8 5 , 713
148, 211, 439, 526, 713, 751, 807 Dividends declared (weekly). See Bankers’
Iron & Steel Exports from Great Britain,
Cincinnati Indianapolis St. Louis & Chi­
1873 to 1886............................................ 138
cago R R .59, 90, 244, 275, 343, 494, 712, 808 D ry Goods Market and Statistics (weekly).
Cin. Jackson & M ackinaw R R . . . ........ 343,
See Commercial Times.
Jacksonville Tampa & Key West R R ........631
585,808, 812 Dubuque & Dakota R R ............... .............. 526
James R iver V alley R R ..... ........................ 90
Cincinnati N. O. & Texas Pacific R R ....2 1 , 2 4 * Dubuque & Sioux City R R ...2 1 , 235, 362,
Jersey Central Improvement Co___ . . . . . . . . 244
Cincinnati Sandusky & Cleveland R R ...... 90
Joliet Aurora & Northern R R ...................... 369


V J4 -Z O 0





K a n sas Central R R .'...........................
Kansas City .Fort Scott & G ulf R R ....1 8 4 ,4 3 2
Kansas City Memphis & Birmingham R R .. 275
"Kansas City Spring. & Mempbi* R R..24P, 585
Kentucky Central R R ..2 1 1 ,369, 551, 653, 750
Keokuk A Western R R ...........................
Kings County Elevated R R . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 421
Kingston A Pembroke R R ...........392, 401, 402
Kingston & Pembroke Iron Mining Co. 458, 682
“Knowlton” Agreement............................... 525

L a k e Erie A Western R R ........2 2 ,9 0 ,11»,
211, 401, 527, 553, 808
Lake Ontario R R ......................................... 83
Lake Shore < Michigan Southern RR. .22,
276, 401, 5 8 3 , 714
Lehigh Coal A Navigation C o..................... 2 7 4
Lehigh Valley R R ........................................ 1 1 7
Lehigh A Wiikesbarre Coal Co................... 2 7 4
Little Rock A Fort Smith R R..275, 30?,
434,495, 551,5 8 5
Little Rock Miss. R iver A Tex. R R ....2 2 ,
59, 185
Liverpool & London Markets (weekly). See
Monetary and Commer« ial English News.
Long Island R R ............ .............- .......212, 586
Louisiana Western R R ........................ 369, 6 2 0
Louisville & Nashville R R — 59, 185. 308,
434, 468, 585. 586. 712, 713, 751
Louisville N ew Albany & Chicago R R ......
59, 90, 3 4 2 , 40), 553, 5 8 4 , 621, 713
Louis vi le N ew Orleans A Texas R R ......
60, 185, 308, 434, 585, 712
Louisville St. Louis A Texas R R ......... 527, 713
Lykens Valley R R . . . ..........
Manchester & Lawrence R R ...................... 807
Manhattan Elev. R R .. .173, 244, 621, 652, 654
Manufactures, Mining, &c., in 1886........... 39
Mariposa R R ...............................
Marquette Houghton A Ontonagon R R . . .. 681
| arshall Consol. Mining Co.........................553
Memphis Arkansas & Texas R R .................. 434
Memphis A Charleston R R . . .22,149, 300,
434, 580,551,71?, 713
Memphis & Little Rock R R . . 149, 185, 495, 681
IMercantile Failures in U. S. and Canada,
1881 to 1886..................................... 38, 42
IMerchandise, Stocks of, in N ew York
(monthly)......... ..61,186, 317, 467, 591, 718
¡Mexican Central R R ....2 2 , 149, 211, 246,
275, 808, 343, 466, 585, 6 1 9 , 6 2 5 , 681, 712
Mexican National R R ......... 275, 369, 401, 681
Mexican Telegraph Co................................. 2 7 5
Michigan Central R R .....................
¡Michigan A Ohio R R ........................... 118, 343
¡Milwaukee Lake Shore A Western R R ......
90, 275, 308, 343, 3 9 9 , 553, 585
¡Milwaukee & Northern RR.244, 276, 781, 80S
Minneapolis A Pacific R R ...........204, 211, 213
¡Minneapolis & St. Louis R R ........495, 620, 750
Minnesota A Northwestern R R ...........204, 526
Mississippi A Tennessee R R .........................H P
Missouri K. A T . R R . . . . 80, 211,276. 4 0 0 ,
¡Missouri Pacifio System............ 3 6 8 , 370,3.
Missouri Paolfic R R ........... 343, 3 6 9 , 621, P
Mobile & Birmingham R R .................. 681, ? P
Monetary and Commercial English News
1 and M arket Prices by Cable ( w eekly). . . .
8, 80, 108, 140,170, 202, 233, 265, 296,
832, 360. 389, 418, 456, 483,516,542,
569, 610, 644, 671, 698, 742, 772, 799
Money Market (weekly).
See Bankers’
Money Market In London and Continental
Cities (weekly). See Monetary and Com­
mercial English News.
Money Market Rates, weekly, In 1886......
Montpelier A. Wells River R R ..................... 717
Morgan’s Loùislana A Texas R R ................434
Nash. C. A St. L. R R ...........118, 244, 370,
495, 525, 652, 653, 781
National Banks. See Banks.
Naugatuck R R ........ ..........................
Nevada Central R R ..................................... 781
N ew Central Coal Co. of M aryland............ 2 7 4
N ew Jersey Junction R R ..................... 276, 78 L
N e w Jersey & N ew Y ork R R ..................... 621
N ew p. N ew s & Miss. V alley RR..90, 344,
466, 7 8 0
N e w York Car Trust...................................
N e w Y ork Central A Hudson R iver R R ___
22, 58, 212,370, 621
N . Y . Chicago & St. Louis R R .....60, u s ,
211,212, 244, 276, 308,335, 344,
466, 495, 527, 621, 811
N . Y . City Bank Statement (weekly). See
Bankers’ Gazette.
N . Y . City Debt, «fee..................................... 204
N . Y . City Exports and Imports (weekly)
See Commercial and Miscellaneous News.
N . Y . City Foreign Trade (m onthly)..H O ,
235, 362, 572, 673, 801
N. Y . City A Northern R R ............ 90, 211,
235. 370, 499, 586, 752
N . Y . L. E. & West. (Erie) RR.22, 90,149,
212,308,369,401,466, 550, 551, 621, 681
; N . Y . Local Securities . . . . ___ 87,115, 240,
271, 340, 397, 490, 523, 617, 678
N ew Y ork A N ew England R R ___ 22,149,
185, 276, 308, 344, 550, 551, 6S2
N ew York N ew Haven & Hartford RR.
58, 212, 495, 586, 653, 681, 782
N ew Y ork Ontario A Western RR..212, 276
308, 434, 550, 551, 654, 712, 713
; N ew York Pennsylvania A Ohio R R ..3 4 2 , 370
|N ew York A perry Coal A Iron Co...... 277, 744
N ew York State, Railroads Operated in
1 (quartei ly reports)....................212, 244,
276, 621, 654, 682, 714
N ew York Stook Exchange— New Securi­
ties...........22, 60, 90,118, 149, 185, 204,
276, 308, 335, 392, 459, 495, 553, 621,
681, 751, 808
N ew York Susquehanna & Western R R ___
22,149, 335, 525, 6 1 9 , 752
N e w York & Texas Land Co.................

Jan is ry— June, 1887
P age .

N. Y . Woodhaven & Roekaway R R ..434, 713
Norfolk & Western R R 22,149, 212, 309,
335, 401, 434, 453. 4 9 3 , 4 9 6 , 550, 586,
654, 712, 751
North Carolina State Finances.................... 744
Northern Central R R ...8 3 ,149, 2 7 3 , 276,
401,550, 712, 732
Northern (N. H ) R R .................. 370, 541, 7 1 2
Northern Pacific R R ........60, 9 0 , 149,185,
212, 309,434, 550, 551, 700, 712, 713,
752, 782, 808
Northern R R. of N e w Jersey........................118
Oats Market (weekly.) See Breadstuff*.
Ogdensburg & Lake Champ R R . 212,714, 808
Ohio A Miss. R R ............60, 185, 309, 466,
527, 551, 712
Ohio Je Northwestern R R . . . . ..................... 421
Ohio R iver R R ..................................... 434, 495
Ohio Valley R R ........................................... 586
Omaha Division R R ............... ............. 713, 809
Omaha & St. Louis R R ................ 808, 809, 812
Ontario Silver Mining Co.................... £09, 810
Orange Belt (Fla.) R R . . . .........................
Oregon & California H R .............. 113, 370, 654
Oregon Improvement Co...... 91, 212, 466.
620, 621, 654, 750, 752. 809
Oregon Pacifio R R ...............
Oregon R ailw ay & Navigation C o ..60, 91,
204, 212, 276, 309, 392, 401, 434, 466,
550, 551, 621, 750, 752
Oregon Short Line R R ................. 149,185, 309
Oregon & Trans-Continental C o...................118
Pacific Mail Steamship Co.................212, 6 S 0
Pacific Railroad D eb ts..................................118
Pacifio Railroads...... '....................................782
Pacific Railroads, Bonds Issued to. See
United States Debt Statement (monthly).
Pacific RR. Investigation, Joiut Resolu­
tion Authorizing...................................... 345
Panam a R R . . ; ......... ......................... 212, 4 6 5
Pennsylvania R R .... 149, 276, 307 . 312,
401,466, 550, 551, 621, 681, 809
Penn. Slatingtou & N ew Eng. R R ......495, 527
Peoria Decatur A Evansville R R ........149,
212, 276, 309, 3 42, 552, 55 3
Ferkiomen R R .............................................. 335
Philadelphia Bank Statement and Prices of
Stocks and Bonds (weekly). See Bankers’
Philadelphia Company (N atural G a s )..........744
Philadelphia A Reading R R ___22, 60, 89,
9 !, 185, 212, 244, 2 7 3 , 276, 309, 344,
401,434, 459, 466, 527, 544 , 551, 585,
586,700, 712, 714, 752, 782, 8C9
Philadelphia Wilmington & Baltim oie RR. 185
Pittsburg Cincinnati & St. Louis R R ....... 3 4 2
Pittsburg Junction R R ............................. 118
Pittsburg A Lake Erie R R ....................91, 544
Pittsburg & Western R R . . .. ........ 370, 544, 752
Poitland A Ogdensburg R R ....................... 119
Poughkeepsie Bridge and Connections...... 782
Public Debt. Sec United States Debt

/I M uauacio
Railroad N et Earnings .525,550, 585, 620,
652. 681, 712, 750, 781, 807
Railroad and Miscellaneous Stocks, Prices
of in 18‘ 6 ............... .................... 48, 49,
Railroad Stock and Bond Lis * See I n v e s t ­
o r s ’ S u p p l e m e n t (bi-monthly)
Railroad Stocks. See Stocks.
Railroad Stocks and Bonds. Prices of. See
Bankers’ Gazette (weekly). See Stocks
and Bonds. General Quotations (month­
Railroads, Inter-State Com m erceBill........214
Railroar s Operated Vi ithin N e w York State
(Quarterly Report ) ..212, 244, 276. 536,
621, 654, 682, 714
Retrospect of 1 8 8 6 ................................. 38
Rich. & Alleghany B R . . 58,119, 370, 435, 495
Riohmond & Danville R R ........... 185, 335, 435
Richmond A Danville Extension Co......... 654
Richmond & West Point Terminal Co.. 91,
119, 149, 204, 212, 309, 343, 401, 435,
459, 621, 752
Rochester A Pittsburg R R ............................ 309
Rome A Deoatur R R ............................276, 277
Rome Watertown & Ogaensburg R R ..91,
119, 244, 3 4 2 , 654, 750, 752
St. Joseph & Grand Island R R ..23, 63,
185, 300, 466, 527, 585, 712
St. Joseph & St. Louis R R .......................... 149
St. Louis Alton A Terre Haute R R .... 550 , 752
St. Louis Arkansas & Texas R R . 91, 149
459, 654, 681, 808
S t Louis City Bonds................................... 586
S t Louis & Chicago R R ....................... 185, 527
S t Louis Fort Scott & Wichita R R .; 1* 9 ,
4 0 0 , 527, 714
St. Louis I. Mount’n & So. R R .. .212, 399 , 808
St. Louis K. C. & North, R R ....... 370, 713, 809
St. Louis Kansas & Southwestern R R ........204
S t Louis Keokuk * Northwestern R R ...... 782
S t Louis Ottumwa & Cedar Rapids R R .... 782
S t Louis & San Francisco R R ..435 , 459,
466, 551, 612, 61 9 , 62 2 , 654
St. Louis & Southern R R ........................... 621
St. Louis Vandalia & T . H . R R ..9 1 , 148 , 714
St. Louis A Western R R .......................... 752
8t. Paul & Duluth R R . 308,621, 682, 714
717, 753, 809
St. Paul Minneapolis & Manitoba R R . . 204,
309, 370, 402, 631
8t. P au l & Northern Pacifio R R ................. 90
San Antonio & Aransas Pass RR.495, 751, 809
Sault Ste. Marie Bridge Co......................... 752
Savannah Dublin A Western R R ............... 276
Savannah Florida A Western R R .............. 344
Schuylkill Navigation Co.. 150, 2 1 0 , 370,
392, 752, 782, 809

P age .
Shenandoah Valley R R ..23,150, 309, 495,
585, 6 8 0 , 712, 782
Shenango & Allegheny R R ............... 150, 527
Silver Bullion Certificates..................744, 751
Silver and Gold Coins, Prices of, in N ew
York. See Bankers’ Gazette, Prices in
London. See Monetary and Commercial
English News.
Silver and Gold Exports and Imports at
N ew York (weekly). See Commercial and
Miscellaneous News. Exports and Im ­
ports of the United States. See United
States Exports and Imports.
Silver, Prices of in London (monthly) in
1886, 1885 and 1884............................... 138
South Carolina R ailw ay.............................. 8 0 7
Southern ( ’entrai (N. Y .) R R .......................
Southern Kansas & Texas R R .................... 212
Southern Pacifio C o....204, 344, 370, 435,
527, 654, 782
Southern Telegraph Co............................... 185
South Pennsylvania R R ........ .
Specie. See Gold and Silver.
State Bond*, Description of. Set invest ­
ors’ Supplement (bt-moathly).
State Bonds, Market Prices, Ac. See Bank­
ers’ Gazette (weekly). See Stocks and
Bonds. General Quotations (monthly).
State Bonds, Prices in l t 8 s .......
......... 43
Staten Island Ray id Transit R R . . . , ............. 495
Sterling Exchange. See Exchange.
Stook and Bond Market and prices (weekly)
See Baukers’ Gazette.
Stock and Bond l'ables. See I nvestors’
Supplement (bi-monthly).
Stock Exchange—New Securities Listed...
22, 60, 90, 118,149, 185, 204, 276, 308,
335,392, 459. 495, 553, 621,681, 751, 808
Stocks and Bonds, General Quotations for
all Classes (m onthly)..___ .16, 178,301,
426, 577, 706
Stocks and Bonds, Market and Prices Dur­
ing 1886............................... 40, 41, 43 to 50
Stocks of Leading Articles of Merchandise
in N. Y . (monthly). See Merchandise.
Stocks, Range in Prices of (monthly). See
Financial Review of Month.
Sub-Treasury, N ew York, D aily Transact­
ions at (weekly). See Bankers’s Gazette
or Commercial and Miscellaneous News.
Sugar. See Commercial Epitome.
Summit Branoh R R ........ .........................
Susquehanna Canal . . .....................
8utro T u n n e l.......................................
Tennessee Coal Iron A RR. C o ... 91, 204,
235, 245, 401, 499, 809
Tennessee Midland R R ................................. 700
Terre Haute A Indianan« lis R R ......... 714, 751
Terre Haute A Peoria R R ............................ 495
Texas Central R R ........................................ 495
Texas & N ew Orleans R R .................. 370. 6 2 0
Texas A Pacifio R R ___ 119, 150, 276, 309,
495, 553, 782
Toledo Ann Arbor A North Michigan RR.
401, 527. 5 8 4
Toledo Cincinnati A St. Louis R R .___ .459, 782
Toledo Cinn. A Southern R R ....................... 809
Toledo A Ohio Ceu. R R ..9 1 .2 1 0 , 341,466, 682
Toledo Peoria A Western R R .............. 309, 435
Toledo St. Louis A Kansas City R R ___499,
714,752, 754, 809
Tonawanda Valley A Cuba R R ................... 235
Treasury. See United States Treasury.
Troy A Boston R R ...........59, 91,119, 309,
421, 527, 544, 551
Union Pacific R R ............ 23,60,149, 212,
344, 4 3 2 , 435, 4 3 6 , 585, 586, 621, 712
United States Bonds Called in ...... 10,141,
276, 392, 673
United States Bonds H eld to Secure De­
posits and Circulation (m onthly)...... 82,
172, 334, 457, 571, 700
United States Bonds, Prices and R eview of
in 1886..................
40, 42
United States D ebt Statement (m onthly)..
51,169, 295, 455, 568, 697
United States Government R evenu e.... 82,
172, 334, 457, 571, 700
United States Imports and Exports of M er­
chandise, Gold and Silver....7 ,1 4 0 , 331,
389, 541, 670
United States Legal Tenders (Greenbacks)
and National Bank Currency, Movements
of, Comptroller’s Statement (m <ntbly)..
82,172, 334, 457. 571, 700
United States Mints, Coinage by (monthly)
82,172,334.457. 611, 700
United States Securities,Markets and Prices
(weekly). See Bankers’ Gazette. D aily
Prices of at London (weekly). See M< netary and Commercial English News.
D aily Prices of in N ew Y ork and London
(monthly). See Financial R eview of
United States Treasury, Detailed Condi­
tion of Assets, Ac. (monthly) . . 52,169,
295, 456, 569, 693
Utica A Black R iver R R ............................. 276
V a lle y (Ohio) R R ........................................ 527
Vicksburg A Meridian R R . . . ............ 586, 6 8 0
Virginia Midland R R .......................... 204, 681
Virginia State Debt, A c ...... 495, 527, 572, 627
W .
W a b a s h R R .............
W abash St. Louis A Pacific R R ...... 10, 60,
119,173,185, 212, 235,309, 344,
401, 435, 621, 65 i, 682, 714, 782
W abash St. Louis A W esternRR................. 309
W abash A Western R R ........................ 344, 466
West Jersey R R ...... .................. 4 9 4 , 550, 782
Western Union Tel. C o ..___ . 344, 495, 553, 752
Wheat. See Breadstuffs.
Wheeling A Lake brie R R ....118,149, 553
Wool, Sales of Colonial in lx>ndon. See
Monetary and Commercial English News.
Worcester A Nashua R R ............................... 91
Wisconsin Central R R ................682, 807 , 8t>9