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UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR W. N. DOAK, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS ETHELBERT STEWART, Commissioner BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES I BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS/ • • • • SAFETY CODE CCC fl|0» DDO SERIES CODE OF LIGHTING: FACTORIES, MILLS AND OTHER WORK PLACES REVISION OF 1930 AMERICAN STANDARD Approved by the AMERICAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION AUGUST 18,1930 SPONSOR ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING SOCIETY New York, N. Y . October, 1931 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON s 1931 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C« Price 15 cents CONTENTS Page Introduction____________________________________________________ Part 1.—Advantages of good illumination__________________________ Reduction of accidents_______________________________________ Economy of operation________________________________________ Part 2.—Suggestions and general information_______________________ Measurement of illumination__________________________________ Recommended levels of illumination____________________________ Natural lighting_____________________________________________ Maintaining the level of illumination___________________________ Avoidance of glare___________________________________________ Rating light sources from the glare standpoint (Table 4)_____ Factors affecting glare________________________________________ Brightness of source__________________ ____________________ Total volume of light____________________________________ Location in the field of view_______________________________ Contrast with background________________________________ Time of exposure________________________________________ Glare by reflection___________________________________________ Importance of adequate electrical wiring________________________ Specification of adequate wiring________________________________ Locating switches___________________________________________ Part 3.—Suggested minimum regulation to be established by State authorities____________________________________________________ Purpose-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exceptions_________________________________________________ Scope______________________________________________________ Rules------------------------------------ ------- --------------------------------------General requirement_____________________________________ Rule 1.—Illumination required____________________________ Rule 2.—Avoidance of glare----------------------------------------------Rule 3.—Exit and emergency lighting______________________ Notes on rules______________________________________________ Subject index_________________________________ _________________ m 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 7 9 9 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 21 Illuminating Engineering Society The Illuminating Engineering Society was organized in 1906 for the advancement of the theory ana practice of illuminating engineering and the dissemination of knowledge relating thereto. The society now has about 2,000 members who are interested in the subject of lighting from various standpoints—engineering, economic, hygienic, and esthetic. The society has no affiliation with any commercial organization. Anyone interested in its objects may become a member. Note on Revision of Code The present code was revised under the rules of procedure of, and has been officially approved as an “American standard” by, the American Standards Association. For this purpose it was first submitted to and approved by a sectional committee made up of representatives officially designated by the following societies and organizations: Gas A s s o c i a t i o n : W. J. SerriU, United Gas Improvement Co., 1401 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. A m e r i c a n I n s t i t u t e o f A r c h i t e c t s : LeRoy E. Kern, technical secretary, Structural Service Department, The Octagon. 1741 New York Avenue, Washington, D. C. A m e r i c a n I n s t i t u t e o f E l e c t r i c a l E n g i n e e r s : Prof. Lewis FusseU, depart ment of electrical engineering, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa.; Charles H. Moore, American Can Co., 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. A m e r i c a n S o c i e t y o f M e c h a n i c a l E n g i n e e r s : L . A. Blackburn, Oakland Motor Car Co., Pontiac, Mich. A s s o c i a t i o n o f E d i s o n I l l u m i n a t i n g C o m p a n i e s : G. Bertram Regar, Phila delphia Electric Co., 1000 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. A s s o c i a t i o n o f G o v e r n m e n t a l O f f i c i a l s i n I n d u s t r y : Charles H. Weeks, deputy commissioner of labor, New Jersey Department of Labor, Trenton, N. J. I l l u m in a t in g E n g in e e r in g S o c i e t y : Ward Harrison, chairman, General Electric Co., Nela Park, Cleveland, Ohio. WilUam F. Little, secretary, Electrical Testing Laboratories, Eightieth Street and East End Avenue, New York, N. Y. A m e r ic a n I n t e r n a t io n a l A s s o c ia t io n o f I n d u s t r ia l A c c id e n t B oards and C o m m is s io n s : Thomas C. Eipper, State industrial commission, 124 East Twenty-eighth Street, New York, N. Y. N a t i o n a l A s s o c i a t i o n o f B u i l d i n g O w n e r s a n d M a n a g e r s : W. E. Malm, Arcade Building, Cleveland, Ohio. T h e N a t i o n a l A s s o c i a t i o n o f C o t t o n M a n u f a c t u r e r s : F. M. Gunby, 201 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass. N a t i o n a l B u r e a u o f C a s u a l t y a n d S u r e t y U n d e r w r i t e r s : R. E . Simpson, Travelers Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn. N a t i o n a l E l e c t r i c L i g h t A s s o c i a t i o n : Alexander Maxwell (alternate), Na tional Electric Light Association, 420 Lexington Avenue, New York, N. Y .; W. T. Blackwell, Public Service Electric & Gas Co., 80 Park Place, Newark, N. J. N a t i o n a l E l e c t r i c a l M a n u f a c t u r e r s A s s o c i a t i o n : P. C. Keller, Ivanhoe Divi sion of the Miller Co., Meriden, Conn. v NOTE ON REVISION OF CODE VI N a tio n a l S a fe t y C o u n c il : W. Dean Keefer, 20 North Wacker Drive, Chicago, 111 . U n it e d S t a t e s B ureau of Standards Washington, D. C. U n it e d S t a t e s D Washington, epartm ent of : Dr. L abor: M. G. Lloyd, Bureau of Standards, W. F. Kelley, 122 Raleigh Street S E ., D . C. S t a t e s N a v y D e p a r t m e n t : W. G. Hill, Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. U n i t e d S t a t e s P u b l i c H e a l t h S e r v i c e : Dr. J. E. Ives, 16 Seventh Street SW., Washington, D. C. U n i t e d S t a t e s W a r D e p a r t m e n t : George E. Lamb, Quartermaster Corps, 39 Whitehall Street, New York, N. Y. M e m b e r s a t L a r g e : J. M. Woltz, safety director, Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co., Youngstown, Ohio; N. L . Ramsey, safety engineer, Joseph Reid Gas Engine Co., Oil City, Pa.; H. L . Miner, manager safety and fire-protection diyision, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. (Inc.), Wilmington, Del. U n it e d BULLETIN OF THE U. S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS m o . 556 WASHINGTON O c t o b e r , 1931 CODE OF LIGHTING: FACTORIES, MILLS, AND OTHER WORK PLACES Introduction The accompanying code of lighting for factories, mills, and all other work places1has been prepared and issued by the Illuminating Engineering Society as a guide for factory owners and operators in their efforts to improve lighting conditions in their factories. It makes available authoritative information for legislative bodies, factory, boards, industrial commissions, and others who are interested in enactments, rules, and regulations for better lighting. Parts 1 and 2 of this code discuss the advantage oi good illumi nation and describe the essentials of such illumination. Part 3 contains a set of regulations suggested for adoption by State authorities. Since the first edition of this code was issued a number of the States of the Union, recognizing the beneficial effects of adequate illumination on the health and safety of employees, have adopted factory lighting regulations. These regulations stipulate the mini mum illumination permissible for different classes of industrial operations. They also indicate the desirable as distinguished from the minimum illumination values and the kinds of lighting equip ment which will avoid glare and give a good distribution of light. The preface to the Wisconsin Industrial Lighting Code explains as follows why the State is concerned in the regulation of factory lighting: Insufficient and improperly applied illumination is a prolific cause of indus trial accidents. In the past few years numerous investigators studying the cause of accidents have found that the accident rate in plants with poor lighting is higher than in similar plants which are weU illuminated. Factories which have installed improved lighting have experienced reductions in their accidents which are very gratifying. Of even greater importance, poor lighting impairs vision. Because diminution of eyesight from this cause is gradual, it may take the individual years to become aware of it. This makes it all the more important to guard against the insidious effects of dim illumination; of glaring light sources shining in the eyes; of flickering light; of sharp shadows; of glare reflected from polished parts of the work. To conserve the eyesight of workers is a distinct economic gain to the State, but regardless of that, humanitarian considerations demand it. Finally, inadequate illumination decreases the production of the industries of the State and to that extent the wealth of its people. Factory managers who have installed improved illumination are unanimous in the conviction that better lighting increases production and decreases spoilage. 1 Revision o f original code which was approved as American Standard by American Engineering Standards Committee, Dec. 81, 1921. Eevision approved Aug. 18, 1930. 1 2 IN D U STRIAL LIG H TIN G CODE Part 1.— Advantages of Good Illumination The advisability of good natural and artificial illumination is so evident that a list of its effects may seem commonplace, but these effects are of such importance in their relation to management that they are worthy of careful1attention. The effects of good illumina tion, both natural and artificial, and of bright and cheerful interior surroundings include the following: 1. Reduction of accidents. 2. Greater accuracy in workmanship, resulting in improved quality of goods. 3. Increased production. 4. Less eyestrain. 5. Greater contentment of the workers. 6. Greater cleanliness. 7. More order and neatness in the plant. 8. Supervision of the employees made easier. Reduction of Accidents The National Safety Council in its publication “Accident Facts— 1929 ” estimates the number of fatalities in the United States arising out of or in the course of gainful employment as 24,000 for the year 1928, and also that during the same period the lost tkne noniatal accidents reached the staggering total of 3,125,000—about 1 acci dent for every 4 persons engaged in industry, or 1 for every 14 persons gainfully employed. According to E. E. Simpson, of The Travelers Insurance Co., there is warrant for assuming that defective vision and deficient or unsatisfactory lighting installations are contributing factors in 18 per cent of these accidents. Simple computation will show that from these causes industry is being deprived of the equivalent of the services of 35,000 men throughout each entire year due to the lost time nonfatal accidents, and that the accepted actuarial methods of evaluating fatal accidents will bring the total loss to 125,000 men annually. This is indeed a high price to pay for neglect of light and vision. That these conditions could exist year after year is all the more reprehensible because of the fact that the remedy is so easily ap plied and has beneficial results in many ways other than the safety involved. Accidents caused by carelessness, inattention, or igno rance can be eliminated only by a long-continued painstaking edu cational campaign, often involving a change in long-established habits. On the other hand, elimination o f accidents due to in adequate or improper lighting is simply a matter of purchasing the proper equipment, installing and operating it under competent direction. In fact, it seems logical to include adequate illumina tion in the list of safeguards, for the reason that lamps and re flectors act as a guard because the resultant illumination points out the hazards and aids in avoiding them just as effectively as a rail ing points out the danger of and provides protection against the hazard of a revolving flywheel. Compensation-insurance premiums for a plant are based on the amount of the pay roll, and the rate is determined by the accident IN D U STRIAL LIG H T IN G CODE 3 experience of a given industry, modified by the experience of the particular plant under consideration. With a rate of 1y2 per cent the annual premium in the case of 1,000 employees at an average wage of $40 per week would be $31,200. An insurance carrier might on an average pay the claims re sulting from four accidents per month in this plant and meet its own overhead costs, and still have a slight margin of profit. An experience of five accidents per month, one-fifth of them due to improper lighting (a not unlikely event), would probably leave the insurance carrier no option but to increase the rate by 25 per cent. The premium would then be $39,000—an increase of $7,800. If poor lighting costs only $3 per employee, or $3,000 per year total, the owner’s annual expense for poor illumination actually amounts to $10,800, of which $7,800 is required by the insurance company to meet additional accident claims. An expenditure of $6 to $8 per year per employee for more adequate illumination might save a large portion, if not all, of the latter amount. The important point here is the fact that the cost of accidents due to poor illumination greatly exceeds the cost of providing adequate illumination. Economy of Operation While it is difficult to appraise the savings effected in increased production and improved quality by good illumination, it by no means follows that such savings are insignificant or unsubstantial. The factory owner who ignores them neglects his own interests. Other items in the foregoing list, even more difficult to value defin itely, are none the less real: taken together, they constitute a power ful argument in favor oi the best available illumination m the factory. The following estimate, conservatively based on practical condi tions, gives an idea of the relative costs of good illumination by artificial means, and of labor, in the factory. Assume that the lamps are so spaced that one 100-watt incan descent electric lamp will take care of one operator; that in this par ticular case the lamp burns on the average 2 hours per day, 300 days per year; that the life of the lamp is 1,000 burning hours; and that the operator works 8 hours per day, 300 days per year. Investment: Cost of lamp (list price)_________________________________ Cost of enameled steel reflector (list)______________________ Cost of wiring per outlet--------------------------------------------------- $0.35 2.50 8. 00 Total investment------------------------------------------------------------- 10. 85 Cost of operating per annum: Interest on investment, $10.85 at 8 per cent_________________ Depreciation on reflector and wiring at 12y2 per cent_________ Renewal of lamp X%°A X $0.35------------------------------------------Cleaning, at 3 cents per cleaning, two per month------------------Energy at 5 cents per kilowatt hour--------------------------------------- . 87 1.31 .21 . 72 3.00 Total annual cost of maintaining good illumination: Per man per year_____________________________________________ 6.11 Cost of labor, annual wages per man per year: Eight hours at 45 cents per hour; 8 X 300 X $0.45___________ 1,080.00 68793°—31----- 2 4 INDUSTRIAL, L IG H T IN G CODE If an operator, because of the good illumination, saves—in more production or better quality of product—the equivalent of only 3 minutes per day for 300 days, he will offset the annual cost of the illumination. Good illumination is, relatively speaking, inexpensive, and its introduction and maintenance are good investments on the part of the factory owner. These figures, illustrating the low cost of good lighting compared with the cost of labor, also illustrate how large may be the losses unconsciously sustained by the factory owner from the use of a poor lighting system. An operator losing, say, 30 minutes per day loses more than $60 per year, or about 10 times the cost of giving him good illumination. The factory owner, when approached by the lighting salesman, should weigh carefully any argument in xavor of a change in his lighting system which is based solely upon a resultant saving in energy consumption. The example given above shows how greatly the gain in increased output, due to good lighting, overbalances any possible saving in energy consumption effected by changes in the system of illumination. If the proposed new system sacrifices any thing in the quality of illumination, or if it merely substitutes one inadequate system for another, it should be rejected, and the factory owner should insist that if his lighting installation is changed the new system must meet the requirements of good illumination, even thougn this involves the consumption of more energy than before. First, a good lighting system, and then as much economy in energy consumption as is consistent with the illumination requirements— such a policy is the wise one for the factory owner. Part 2.— Suggestions and General Information Measurement of Illumination The foot-oandle is the unit of illumination, in terms of which light ing requirements are specified. A general idea of the amount of illumination represented by foot-candle values can be obtained by holding a newspaper at different distances from a bare 25-watt tung sten filament lamp so that the light rays fall perpendicularly upon the surface. For 16 foot-candles the distance should be 15 inches; for 8 foot-candles, 21 inches; for 4 foot-candles, 2y2 feet; for 1 footcandle, 5 feet; for one-fourth foot-candle, 10 feet. In this connection it should be realized that the brightness of the surface will depend not only upon the foot-candles of incident illumination but also upon the nature of the surface. That is, with equal illumination, white paper will be much brighter than cast iron. Tt is impractical and frequently misleading to attempt to estimate foot-candle values simply by viewing an illuminated surface. The simplest instrument for measuring these values is a foot-candle meter (see fig. 8), with which foot-candles can with a little practice be read accurately enough for ordinary purposes. Points at which measurements should be taken.—In checking rec ommended or required intensities of illumination with an instrument such as the foot-candle meter, it is extremely important that the 5 IN D U ST R IA L L IG H T IN G CODE measurement be made at the point and in the plane where the given illumination is needed. Thus, for any operation the illumination should be measured on the plane on which the work or operation is performed, whether it be horizontal, vertical, or at some intermediate angle. The illumination over an area such as a hallway or aisle refers ordinarily to the floor level and is measured in the horizontal plane. Recommended Levels of Illumination Table 1 gives the range of illumination values that are considered desirable for different classes of work. These values are based upon practice established through years of experience. Persons of ad vanced years or with defective eyesight require more light than do those having perfect vision. A range of foot-candle values is given for each group of operations; in modern practice it will usually be found desirable to select values in or even beyond the upper portion of the range. It is recognized that any specified process when carried on in dif ferent factories is performed with different degrees of fineness and with other variations, so that one factory may need more illumination than another for the same class of work. In the table, ranges of foot-candle values are given to correspond to the variations actually existing in practice. Attention is called to the fact that the values in Table 1 are operat ing values; that is, they apply to measurements of the lighting system in ordinary use, not simply when the lamps and reflectors are new and clean. T able 1.— Recommended levels of illumination for industrial interiors Class of work Aisles, stairways, passageways................... Assembling: Rough.................................................... Medium_______________ ___________ Fine......... ................. ......... ................. Extra fine........................................ ...... Automobile manufacturing: Automatic screw machines................... Assembly line........................................ Frame assembly.................................... Tool making.......................................... Body manufacturing—assembly, fin ishing, and inspecting........................ Bakeries....................................................... Bookbinding: Folding, assembling, pasting, etc------Cutting, punching, and stitching-----Embossing............................................. Candy making............................................. Canning and preserving.............................. Chemical works: Hand furnaces, boiling tanks, station ary driers, stationary or gravity crys tallizing............................................... Mechanical furnaces, generators and stills, mechanical driers, evaporators, filtration, mechanical crystallizing, bleaching............................................ Tanks for cooking, extractors, perco lators, nitrators, electrolytic cells____ Footcandles recom mended 3-2 8-5 12-8 20-12 100-25 15-10 15-10 12-8 20-12 100-25 12-8 8-5 12-8 15-10 12-8 12-8 5-3 6-4 10-6 Class of work Clay products and cements: Grinding, filter presses, kiln rooms___ Molding, pressing, cleaning, and trim ming____________________________ Enameling............................................. Color and glazing_____ _____________ Cloth products: Cutting, inspecting, sewing— Light goods................................ . Dark goods..................................... Pressing, cloth treating (oil cloth, etc.)— Light goods.................................... Dark goods..................................... Coal breaking and washing, screening........ Construction—Indoor general.................... Dairy products............................................ Electric manufacturing: Storage battery, molding of grids, charging room................................... . Coil and armature winding, mica work ing, insulating processes................... . Elevator—Freight and passenger.............. . Engraving.................................................... Forge shops and welding............................ . Foundries: Charging floor, tumbling, cleaning, pouring, and shaking out................. . Rough molding and core making.......... Fine molding and core making............ . Footcandles recom mended 5-3 8—5 10-6 15-10 15-10 100-25 12-8 20-12 5-3 5-3 12-8 10-6 20-12 8-5 100-25 10-6 8-5 10-6 15-10 6 IN D U ST R IA L L IG H T IN G CODE T a b l e 1 .— Recommended levels of illumination for industrial interiors— C o n td . Class of work Garage—Automobiles: StorageDead__________ ___ _____ . . . . . . _ L i v e ............................................... Repair department and washing__.... Glass works: Mix and furnace rooms, pressing and lehr, glass-blowing machines.............. Grinding, cutting glass to size, silvering. Fine grinding, polishing, beveling, in spection, etching and decorating........ Glass cutting (cut glass), inspecting fine. Glove manufacturing: Light goods— Cutting, pressing, knitting........... Sorting, stitching, trimming, and inspecting____________________ Dark goods— Cutting, pressing, knitting, sort ing, stitching, trimming, and inspecting.......... Hat manufacturing: Dyeing, stiffening, braiding, cleaning, and refining— Light............................................... Dark__________________________ Forming, sizing, pouncing, flanging, finishing, ironing— Light............................................... Dark__________________________ SewingLight............................................... Dark__________________________ Ice making—Engine and compressor room. Inspecting: Rough_____________________________ M edium ..__ . . . . . . . ___ - ____ . . . . . . . . Fine....................................................... Extra fine_________________________ Polished surfaces.* Jewelry and watch manufacturing............ Laundries and dry cleaning.____________ Leather manufacturing: Vats....................................................... Cleaning, tanning, and stretching.. __ Cutting, fleshing, and stuffing_______ Finishing and scarfing__________ ____ Leather working: Pressing, winding, and glazing— Light............................................... Dark________________ ______ ___ Grading, matching, cutting, scarfing, sewing— Light__________________________ Dark.......................................... .... Locker room s.... . . . . . __ . . . __ ___ ____ _ Machine shops: Rough bench and machine work......... Medium bench and machine work, ordinary automatic machines, rough grinding, medium buffing and polishing............................................. Fme bench and machine work, fine automatic machines, medium grind ing, fine buffing and polishing......... Extra fine bench and machine work, grinding (fine work)_______________ Meat packing: Slaughtering........................................ Cleaning, cutting, cooking, grinding, canning, packing_________________ Milling—Gram foods: Cleaning, grinding and rolling___ . . . . Baking or roasting__________ . . . . . . . . Flour grading........................................ Footcandles recom mended 3-2 8-5 15-10 10-6 12-8 15-10 50-15 12-8 15-10 100-25 10-6 15-10 12-8 15-10 15-10 100-25 10-6 10-6 15-10 25-15 100-25 100-25 12-8 5-3 6-4 10-6 15-10 12-8 15-10 15-10 100-25 6-4 10-6 15-10 20-12 100-25 8-5 12-8 8-5 12-8 25-15 Class of work Offices: Private and general— Close work_____ ___ ___________ No close work__________________ Distribution of mail in post offices____ Drafting room______________________ Packing: Crating____________________________ Boxing____________ . . . . . . __________ Paint manufacturing_______________. . . . . Paint shops: Dipping, spraying, firing...................... Rubbing, ordinary hand painting, and finishing_________________________ Fine hand painting and finishing.......... Extra fine hand painting and finishing (automobile bodies, piano cases, etc.)_____________________________ Paper-box manufacturing: Light...................................................... Dark______________ _______________ Storage of stock____________________ Paper manufacturing: Beaters, machine, grinding__________ Calendering________________________ Finishing, cutting, and trimming____ Plating.............................................. ........... Polishing and burnishing_______________ Power plants, engine rooms, boilers: Boilers, coal and ash handling, storage battery rooms___ _________________ Auxiliary equipment, oil switches, and transformers_____________________ Switchboard, engines, generators, blowers, compressors______________ Printing industries: Matrixing and casting, miscellaneous machines, presses_________________ Proofreading, lithographing, electro typing___________________________ Linotype, monotype, typesetting, imposing stone, engraving____ Receiving and shipping_________________ Rubber manufacturing: Calenders, compounding mills, fabric preparation, stock cutting, tubing machines, solid tire operations, mechanical goods, building, vulca nizing___________________________ Bead building, pneumatic tire building and finishing, inner tube operation, mechanical goods trimming, tread _______ __ ___ ing Sheet-metal works: Miscellaneous machines, ordinary bench work_____________________ Punches, presses, shears, stamps, welders, spinning, fine bench work.. Tin plate inspection..... ........................ Shoe manufacturing: Hand turning, miscellaneous bench and machine work........................... . Inspecting and sorting raw material, cutting, lasting and welting (light).. Inspecting and sorting raw material, cutting, stitching (dark)___________ Soap manufacturing: Kettle houses, cutting, soap chip and powder__________________________ Stamping, wrapping and packing, fill ing and packing soap powder............ Steel and iron mills, bar, sheet and wire products: Soaking pits and reheating furnaces... Charging and casting floors__ . . . . . . . . . *Usually require glint reflections from specially located light source. * Special glint lighting recommended. Footcandles recom mended 15-10 10-8 15-10 25-15 6-4 10-6 10-6 8-5 12-8 15-10 100-25 10-6 12-8 5-3 6-4 10-6 12-8 8-5 12-8 5-3 8-5 10-6 12-8 1&-10 100-25 6-4 12-8 M-10 12-8 15-10 * 25-15 12-8 15-10 100-25 8-5 10-6 3-2 6-4 IN D U ST R IA L L IG H T IN G CODE T ab l e 1 . —Recommended 7 levels of illumination for industrial interiors—Oontcl. Class of work Steel and iron mills, etc.—Continued. Muck and heavy rolling, shearing (rough by gage) pickling and clean ing_____________________ _________ Plate inspection, chipping-................. Automatic machines, red, light and cold rolling, wire drawing, shearing (fine hy line)__________ Stone crushing and screening: Belt conveyor tubes, main-line shaft ing, spaces, chute rooms, inside of bins,.___________________ ________ Primary breaker room, auxiliary breakers under b in s .____ _______ Screen rooms_________ _____ ________ Store and stock rooms: Rough bulky material______________ Medium or fine material requiring care. Structural-steel fabrication______________ Sugar grading._______________ __ ______ Testing: Rough_________ ___________________ Fine....................................................... Extra fine instruments, scales, etc____ Textile mills: C ottonOpening and lapping, carding, drawing-frame, roving, dyeing.. Spooling, spinning, drawing-in, warping, weaving, quilling, in specting, knitting, slashing (over beam end)__ ___________ Footcandles recom mended &-5 25-15 12-8 3-2 6-3 8-5 3-2 8-5 10-6 25-15 8- 5 15-10 100-25 8-5 12-8 Class of work Textile mills—Continued. S ilk Winding, throwing, dyeing........... Quilling, warping, weaving, and finishing— Light goods_________________ Dark goods_________________ Woolen— Carding, picking, washing, and combing_____________________ Twisting and dyeing____________ Drawing-in, warping— Light goods_________________ Dark goods_________________ W eavingLight goods_________________ Dark goods_________________ Knitting machines__________ Tobacco products: Drying, stripping, general___________ Grading and sorting________________ Toilet and wash rooms_________________ Upholstering: Automobile, coach, and furniture____ Warehouse____________________________ Woodworking: Rough sawing and bench work_______ Sizing, planing, rough sanding, me dium machine and bench work, glu ing, veneering, cooperage.................. Fine bench and machine working, fine sanding and finish_____________ Footcandles recom mended 12-8 15-10 20-15 04 10-6 10-6 15-10 12-8 20-12 15-10 3-2 25-15 6-4 15-10 3-2 8-5 12-8 15-10 Where the higher levels are specified for particular processes such illumination need not be supplied in all parts of a room, nor on all parts of a machine, but only at locations where work of the type indicated is likely to be performed. Thus, in a workroom, a general illumination providing the value specified for aisles and passage ways or storage spaces might be supplemented at proper locations by higher illumination, specified for work of different degrees of fineness in the table. The high illumination may be required over small areas only, as in watchmaking and machine sewing, or over wide areas, as in automobile assembly and finishing. In practice the lower values required in the room will often be considerably exceeded, in order to provide conveniently for the higher values. The latter is fortunate, since it avoids the possibility of having ex treme contrasts between the actual working area ana the surround ings. (See p. 13.) Natural Lighting It is of interest to note that the range of illumination under which the eye can function with some degree of success is extremely wide, varying from a few hundredths of a foot-candle in the moonlight up to as much as 10,000 foot-candles out in the sunlight on a clear day. In planning a new factory building or other work place the design should be such that the foot-candle values for daylight should be at least twice those stated in Table 1. The natural light ing is frequently many times these figures; in fact, illuminations of a hundrea foot-candles or more can be measured near the window in almost any shop. However, wide extremes in illumination are 8 INDUSTRIAL. L IG H T IN G CODE not conducive to best vision. The window openings should be so designed as to admit the greatest amount of light possible without producing objectionable glare. Factory owners in most industries are particularly interested in making the best possible use of their daylight facilities, so as to render useful and valuable all parts of the floor space, and also to shorten the period when artificial lighting is needed. The saw tooth, monitor, or skylight windows of modern factory construction (fig. 5) permit of an adequate and more uniform daylight illumina tion of the entire floor area and are desirable when practicable. When rooms are illuminated through side windows it is often diffi cult or impossible satisfactorily to light all parts of the floor space, furnishing adequate illumination to the workers without subjecting some of them to objectionable glare. In some cases the use of re fracting or diffusing glass which redirects the rays of light so as to improve the distribution of daylight in the room, especially in the part of the room remote from the windows, is desirable. If only one side wall contains windows, the width of the room perpendicular to this wall should be less than twice the height of the top of the windows above the floor; if windows are in two parallel side walls, the width of the room between these walls should not exceed six times this window height. A monitor gives best results when its width is about half the width of the building and the height of the windows in the monitor is one-half of the monitor width. The height of the windows in saw-tooth construction should be at l'east one-third of the span. In general, single-story industrial buildings should have a window area of at least 30 per cent of the floor area. Reflection of daylight from surfaces outside a building has an important effect upon the lighting of a room. Faces of structures, walls of courts, and roofs of saw-tooth buildings should be finished in the lightest practicable colors and so maintained. The possibility of glare from such surfaces should, however, be considered. Windows should be equipped with adjustable devices so that the illumination may be accommodated to changing exterior conditions. Window shades of light tones should be used, for at night they will reflect artificial light back into the room; shades transmitting diffuse ly a large part of the natural' light they receive will generally improve the daylight illumination. When practicable, shades should be mounted so as to permit of covering any desired parts of the windows. Venetian type blinds are effective means to control the distribution of natural illumination as well as the glare from windows, if properly finished and adjusted. Any devices for adjustment of natural light ing should be controlled by some specified individual. Rapid changes in illumination levels result in dangerous, even though temporary, inability to see, due to the time required for adap tation of the eyes. An example of this is when one steps from bright sunlight into a dimly lighted interior. A passageway adjacent to a highly illuminated area, therefore, needs relatively high and gradu ated illumination. Again, where the eye has been afforded the ad vantages of a high level of illumination throughout the day and artificial light is turned on to reinforce the failing natural light, a higher total illumination is ordinarily needed than at night under artificial1lighting alone. IN D U STRIAL L IG H T IN G CODE 9 Maintaining the Level of Illumination The proper and adequate maintenance of equipment for both natural and artificial lighting is essential. Systems which are ade quate when first installed will soon deteriorate unless properly main tained. The factory owner should establish a regular definite system of maintenance so as to insure that sky windows, side windows, lamps, and accessories are at all times kept clean, in proper adjustment, and in good repair. Means should be provided for easy access to all light ing units by the employee in charge of their maintenance. Walls and ceilings should be repainted, preferably in light tones, at regular intervals, particularly where, as in indirect systems of lighting, a large part of the illumination comes from the ceiling. It should be kept in mind that the illumination requirements given in the tables apply to the lighting equipment under adverse operating conditions, not simply new and clean as when first installed. Figures 6 and 7 show the very considerable loss in illumination which results from the collection of dirt on lamps and lighting fix tures. To insure that a given level of illumination will be maintained even where conditions are favorable, it is necessary to design the system to give initially at least 25 per cent more light than the required minimum. In locations where the dirt will collect rapidly and where adequate maintenance is not provided the initial value should be at least 50 per cent above the minimum requirement, and it is evident from a study of the charts that even this allowance may prove insufficient. Especially in connection with the maintenance of lighting systems attention is called to the desirability of having available in the fac tory an instrument with which the foot-candles of illumination received at any point can be measured. One instrument, the footcandle meter (fig. 8), while not designed for precise measurements, has a wide field of usefulness because with a little practice determina tions are easily made with it and are accurate enough for most prac tical purposes. The foot-candle meter is small, light in weight, and entirely self-contained. Illumination is read directly from the scale without computation or manipulation. In one large establishment where the superintendent uses a foot-candle meter systematically as a check on his maintenance department, readings of illumination are taken at regular intervals at fixed stations throughout the plant. These readings are recorded in such a way that the successive read ings are readily comparable. When any inconsistency appears in the records an investigation is made and the remedy applied. The illumination in that establishment is never allowed to fall below six foot-candles without immediate correction. By measuring light actually delivered to the work the foot-candle meter automatically reveals the combined effect of all possible causes of depreciation. Ignorance of the magnitude of depreciation has often been the cause of inadequate maintenance. Soap and water cost less than electrical energy. Avoidance of Glare It is not a particularly difficult problem to supply a factory or office with the amount of light specified in Table 1, and reflectors IN D U STRIAL L IG H T IN G CODE 10 are available which provide these levels economically. There are many installations, however, where poor conditions for vision exist in spite of an adequate foot-candle level. This is usually because precautions were not taken to provide illumination without glare. Glare may be defined as any brightness within the field of vision of such a character as to cause discomfort, annoyance, interference with vision, or eye fatigue. Always a hindrance to vision, it often, like smoke from a chimney, represents a positive waste of energy as well. It is one of the most common and serious faults of lighting installations; the code properly requires the shading of lamps in industrial plants to guard against glare. Glare is objectionable because (1) when continued it tends to injure the eye and to disturb the nervous system; (2) it causes discomfort and fatigue and thus reduces the efficiency ox the worker; and (3) it interferes with clear vision, and thus reduces the efficiency and in many cases increases the risk of accident or injury to the worker. From both a humanitarian and a business viewpoint the owner or operator of a factory should be interested in avoiding glare, whether caused by daylight or by artificial light. There has been considerable call for a simple instrument for meas uring glare. If such were available a forward step would be taken in educating users of light through quantitative comparisons. How ever, there are so many factors entering into the situation that it has not been found practical to develop any instrument which will properly evaluate them all, and such glare data as can be assigned to a particular light source must be based upon the impression which it creates upon the eye itself. The eye has the quality of estimating, with a fair agreement among different observers, which of two light sources is the more glaring, taking into account both brightness and oandlepower when the two sources are located side by side and viewed ugainst the same background. This quality of the eye has been used as the basis of a relatively simple system of glare rating. I f a series of comparison standards is supplied, using respectively 10,15, and 25 watt lamps and also larger sizes, each placed in a 6-inch frosted ball globe, then a light source can be judged as to com parative glare by placing these standard globes bieside it one by one and finding which one appears to be equally glaring. For example, it might be found that a 16-inch semi-indirect lighting unit contain ing a 300-watt lamp appears to the eye just about equal from the glare standpoint to a 50-watt lamp in the 6-inch frosted ball globe. The 300-watt unit would then be classified arbitrarily as Grade E. (See Table 2.) T Grade A____________ B____________ C____________ D------------------E____________ F------------------G------------------H____________ I_____________ J____________ K____________ able 2 S tand ard 10-w. tung. fila. lamp in 6" frosted ball globe. 15-w. tung. fila. lamp in 6" frosted ball globe. 25-w. tung. fila. lamp in 6" frosted ball globe. 40-w. tung. fila. lamp in 6" frosted ball globe. 50-w. tung. fila. lamp in 6" frosted ball globe. 60-w. tung. fila. lamp in 6" frosted ball globe. 100-w. tung. fila. lamp in 6" frosted ball globe. 150-w. tung. fila. lamp in 6" frosted ball globe. 300-w. frosted lamp. 500-w. frosted lamp. 1,000-w. frosted lamp. 11 IN D U ST R IA L L IG H T IN G CODE The above classification is identical with that given in the I. E. S. Residential Lighting Equipment Specification. It will be observed that Grade K is representative of light sources which are extremely bright and glaring whereas Grade A (a 10-watt lamp in a 6-inch frosted ball) can be placed almost anywhere in the field of view without causing discomfort. Where lamps are located at considerable heights above the eye level relatively bright light sources can be tolerated, and this is particu larly true in locations such as out of doors at night where little close discrimination of detail is required of the eye. On the other hand, where light sources are hung low and are constantly in the field 01 view of a worker seated at a table or work bench, then the light source should be of Grade A or B.—i. e., very soft and free from glare. Again, the effect of glare is cumulative; therefore in a long room where a considerable number of light sources are in one’s field of vision it is necessary to have better diffused sources than in a room of limited area where only one or two units are visible to a man seated at his desk. T able 3 . — Grades of light source glare which should not J)e exceeded for good conditions of vision Space or work to be lighted1 Offices and Height of light source above floor in feet Roadways and Ordinary man drafting work ufacturing yard thorough Storage spaces and certain operations fares manufacturing operations * 6.5 or less___________________________ 6.5 to 7.5.................................................. 7.5 to 9.......................................................... 9 to 11...................................................... 11 to 13.................................. .................. 13 to 16..................................................... 16 to 20..................................................... 20 and u p .......................... ..................... F G H H I J D D E G G H I J C C D E G H I J A A C D E F G H i Where backgrounds are very dark in tone, a light source 1 grade softer than above is recommended for interiors. * Those operations in which workers are seated facing in one direction for long periods of time. For convenience a number of more common light sources have been rated for glare in accordance with the classification given in Table 2. The grades assigned to them are shown in Table 4. T able 4 . —Specific classification of common light sources from the standpoint of glare, as derived from Table 2 Grade Natural light sources (as seen through windows): Sun................................................................... Bright southern sky........................................ Dull or northern sky_..................................... Sun shining on prism glass............................... Mercury vapor tubes............................................. . Carbon incandescent lamps: 16 candlepower................................................ . 32 candlepower................................................ . 6 8 7 9 3 ° — 3 1 -------- 3 K G C J G F G IN D U ST R IA L L IG H T IN G CODE 12 T a b le 4 .—Specific classification of common light sources from the standpoint of glare, as derived from Table Continued Watts Tungsten filament lamps: Bare lamps..... ....................................... Frosted lamps or frosted globes1......... 8-inch opal globes______________ - ___ 12-inch opal globes_____ ______ ______ 16-inch opal globes__________________ Flat reflectors—filament position visi ble....................................................... Dome reflectors—steel or dense glass: Filament position visible from working position......................... Filament position not visible.......... Pome reflectors—white bowl lamps. Bowl reflectors—steel or dense glass: Filament position visible................ Filament position not visible_____ Totally indirect lighting i________ Semi-indirect bow l1_____________ 40 60 100 150 to 200 300 500 to 1,000 Grade G Orade Grade 1 G F E Grade Grade J I Grade H G F H G I H D c H F E J K J-K G H I J J K G B H B I D J D F J E G G G G C H C D I J E B-C C-D J G C C-E H B B -D K K D D-G 1 Where a range is given, the best grade—that is the lowest—applies to bowls that are of dense glass, and the poorest to bowls which have a decidedly bright spot in the center. Factors Affecting Glare In order that the various factors affecting glare may be better understood, the principal causes are outlined below: 1. Brightness of Source.—The light source may be too bright; that is, it may have too high a candlepower per square inch of area. A glance at the sun proves that an extremely bright light source within the field of vision is capable of producing acute discomfort. Light sources of far lower brightness than the sun, such, for example, as the filament of an incandescent electric lamp or the incandescent mantle of a gas lamp, may also cause discomfort, although the annoying effect is usually not quite so marked. 2. Total Volume of Light.—The light source may be too powerful for comfort; that is, it may have too great a total candlepower in the direction of the eye. Too frequently glare is assumed to be entirely a question of the bright ness of the light source; of equal importance is the question of its total candlepower. Experience has shown that a 500-watt lamp in a 10-inch opal globe, or a mercury-vapor lamp of an equivalent light output, hung 7 or 8 feet above the floor and a similar distance in front of the observer will prove quite as glaring as the exposed filament of a 50-watt incandescent lamp in the same location. The brightness of the opal globe unit is only a few times that of a candle flame, but its total candlepower and con sequently the quantity of light which reaches the eye is altogether too great, so that its effect is worse than that of the bare filament of lower candlepower, although the latter may have a brightness as high as 3,000 candles per square inch. An unshaded window often causes glare, due, of course, to the large volume of light rather than to the high brightness of the sky. 3. Location in the Field of View.—A given light source may be located at too short a distance from the eye or it may lie too near the center of the field of vision for comfort; that is, within too small an angle from the ordinary line of sight. F i g u r e 1.— C otton -m ill ligh tin g using 200-watt w h ite b o w l lam ps in R . L . M . Standard dom e reflectors. T h e average illu m in ation is 8 foot-candles F i g u r e 2.— A n office ligh ted b y 200-w a tt lam ps in sem idirect units. is 12 foot-candles A vera ge illu m in ation F ig u r e 3.— L ig h tin g a drafting room b y 500-watt lam ps in sem idirect units. illum ination is 30 foot-candles T h e average F i g u r e 4.—Illu m in ation o f tim b e r d o c k b y units suspended from catenary con stru ction to a v o id o bstru ctin g poles F i g u r e 5 .— Saw -tooth roof con stru ction , w ith glass facing n orth sky, u sually results in w ell- diffused dayligh t illu m in ation Lamps Replaced with New Lamps of Proper Voltage Lamps and Reflectors Cleaned Interior Repainted Illumination as Found F i g u r e 6 .— R esults of a test on a carelessly m aintain ed lighting system , sh ow in g h o w each factor co n trib u te d t o th e p o o r result. Illustrates th e im p ortan ce o f using lam ps o f the p rop er voltage, cleaning equ ip m en t system atically , and repaintin g interior at reasonable intervals MAINTENANCE RECORD JA M FE B MAR A P R MAY 1 IS I 19 i iS i *5 / /5 12 12 12. w f t ! s //f IIS i/s#5 /l5 f If 75 75 JS 7.0 } g o f 1 8 s f 75 7< to 601 7} * ? r i f fr ? r /.C I f t 7.^ 10 t t & ? I f 7.r >r 7 f fr > f5 f * ? * 7.f I f 7 .f 7* 7o } SV Z f K 7*' 7c ?0 2o 7° 7P ?o 7.0 & » t S iff f 9 s * I t 7 f 75- 75 7o 70 - Ih tiu rtu f. St&uairtM d k 5 *> 20 70 7.0 3 * f J 75 7 f V 75 IS 7.0 z 2. 2. ■4. 2- 1. * /) 2. 2 2 2. / f Z /.5 2 J U N J U L AUG SEP OCT NO V DEC / /*■ /• / IS / is / / IS / '5 Ho 70 f 7o 7o 00 jio lo 10 70 f 5- 7-5 7o 7.o ?o 7* 7o 70 7o 7» 7o 7o 70 7o r S 7* ;.*■ U' OS f 5 io To 7o 7-o 2. f.S ■2. 2 /S X. 2 JU__ f F ig u r e 7.— L ig h tin g m aintenance record 8.— A su rvey of actual ligh tin g co n d itio n s can re a d ily be m ade w ith the footcandle m eter. T h is instru m en t is v e r y useful in “ ch eck in g u p ” a ligh ting system to see th at it is bein g p ro p e rly m ain tain ed F ig u r e 9a and 9b.— W h en ever local ligh ting is used it should be su p p lem en ted b y som e general illu m in ation . N o te the absence o f glare and contrast b etw een ligh t and dark areas in F igure 9b as com pared w ith Figure 9a, w here there is n o general illu m in ation . I n Figure 9b, although a local lam p is su p p lied for each m achine and ben ch , the in d i v id u a l sources of ligh t are scarcely apparent, because of the general illum ination F ig u r e s 10b F i g u r e s 10a and 10b.— T h e u p p e r figure illustrates a strictly loca l ligh ting system . T h e low er figure illustrates the sam e loca tion u n d er general illu m in ation . O bserve the harsh shadow s and glaring ligh t sources w ith local ligh ting, and the absence o f such sh ad ow s and glare u n d er general ligh tin g F ig u r e 11.— A textile operation (qu illin g) illu m in ated b y lam ps m eans o f m e rcu ry -va p o r F i g u r e 12.— A n exam ple of w ell-d istrib u ted general illum ination a pp lied to a m odern m achine sh op. H ere 300-watt lam ps in glassteel diffusers are used on 12-foot centers, 15 feet a b ove the floor. T h e illu m in ation level is 12 foot-candles th roughout. T h e diffusing equ ipm en t and the high m ou n tin g co m b in e to elim inate glare and produce soft shadow s F igure 13.—A press department illuminated with mercury-vapor lamps F ig u r e 14.— A factory office ligh ted b y 200-watt lam ps in glassteel diffusers. T h e average illu m in ation is 12 foot-candles IND U STRIAL LIG H T IN G CODE 13 The 500-watt opal globe unit discussed in the previous illustration would seldom cause discomfort if placed, say, 80 feet away from the observer, for at this distance the total quantity of light entering the eye would be only one one-hundredth of that received at 8 feet. Again, the same light source would probably be found quite unobjectionable at a distance of 8 feet from the eye, provided this distance were obtained by locating the lamp 4 feet ahead of the observer and 7 feet above the eye level; in this case the lamp would scarcely be within the ordinary field of view. The natural position of the eye during intervals of rest from any kind of work is generally in the horizontal direction, and it is desirable that during such periods the worker should be freed from the annoyance caused by glare. Glare is the more objectionable the more nearly the light source approaches the direct line of sight. While at work the eye is usu ally directed either horizontally or at an angle below the horizontal. Glaring objects at or below the horizontal should especially be prohibited. The best way to remove light sources out of the direct line of vision is to locate them well up toward the ceiling. Local lamps—that is, lamps placed close to the work—if used must be particularly well screened. 4. Contrast with Background.—The contrast may be too great be tween the light source and its darker surroundings. It is a common experience that a lamp viewed against a dark wall is far more trying to the eyes than when its surroundings appear relatively light. In order to provide a light background (usually ceiling or side walls) which will minimize contrasts, the surfaces should be painted a light color and the system of illumination employed should be such as to direct some light upon the background. In many cases the ceiling appears almost black under artificial light simply because no light reaches it. With daylight, on the other hand, the walls of a room are often so well illuminated that they appear brighter than the work itself and this also, is a condition which is not conducive to good vision. In general, a light tone for ceilings and hisrh side walls and a paint of medium reflecting power for the lower side walls will ordinarily be found most satisfactory under both artificial and natural lighting. Where strictly local lighting systems are employed—that is, where individual lamps are supplied for all benches and machines—and no overhead lighting is added, the resulting contrasts in illumination will usually be found so harsh as to be objectionable even though the lamps themselves are well shielded. The eyes of the workman looking up from his brightly-lighted machine or bench are not adapted for vision at low illuminations; hence, if adjacent objects and aisles are only dimly lighted he will be compelled either to grope about losing time and risking accident, or to wait until his eyes have become adapted to the low illumination. Glancing back at his work, he again loses time while his eyes adjust themselves to the increased amount of light which reaches them. If long continued, this condition leads to fatigue, as well as to interference with vision, and to accidents. In other words, where local lamps are employed, there should also be a system of overhead lighting which will provide a sufficient illumination of all surrounding areas to avoid such undesirable contrasts. 5. Time of Exposure.—The time of exposure may be too great; that is. the eye may be subjected to the strain caused by a light source of given strength within the field of vision for too long a time. Where an operator is seated and his field of vision is fixed for several hours at a time, light sources of lower brightness and lower candlepower are required than where the operator stands at his work and shifts his position and direction of view from time to time. In the first case the image of the light source is focused on one part of the retina for consider able periods of time and is obviously more likely to cause discomfort and eyestrain than when present for short periods only. Those who are forced to work all day at desks facing the windows are particularly likely to* suffer from this form of glare. 14 IN D U ST R IA L L IG H T IN G CODE Glare by Reflection Another way in which glare is produced is by the reflection of light from polished surfaces in the field of vision. The difficulty experi enced in protecting the eyes from this kind of glare is sometimes very great. The brightness of the image on the working surface is, of course, proportional to the brightness of the light source above it, and hence one way in which to minimize this effect is to diffuse the downward light; that is, to use a bowl-frosted or bowl-enameled lamp, or an inclosing fixture, or to employ semi-indirect or totally indirect lighting fixtures. In some cases the light source can be so located that its reflection is directed away from, rather than toward, the eyes of the workers. The avoidance of highly polished surfaces in the line of vision is another good way to minimize reflected glare. There are some instances, on the other hand, where sharp shadows and specular reflection from the materials worked upon actually assist vision. For example, in sewing on dark, goods the thread is much more easily distinguished when illumination is secured from a concentrated lisrht source, such as a brilliant lamp filament, which casts sharp shadows and gives rise to a distinct glint from each thread. However, in these cases the light source must be particularly well shielded from the eyes of the worker. Importance of Adequate Electrical Wiring In specifying electrical wiring for a new building, or the revision of old wiring, it is important to observe the following points: 1. The National Electrical Code regulations are intended to insure protection from fire hazard, but do not necessarily provide a wire size sufficient to permit of the most efficient use of lamps and equip ment, nor do they make provision for future increases of illumina tion. To take them as a criterion of adequate capacity of a wiring system, therefore, in the interests of low first cost, is not good economy in the long run. 2. Wiring should provide for economical distribution of electrical energy. Electrical wiring of inadequate size introduces a source of energy loss between the meter and the outlet, and at the same time causes a reduction in the voltage at the lamp socket, so that lamps (unless specially ordered for lower voltage) are operated at a voltage below that for which they were designed. Operation of lamps at reduced voltage means that the efficiency of light generation is lower, and the overall cost of light is higher, than when they are operated at rated voltage. When wiring is inadequate, as more lamus are turned on, the voltage at each socket decreases. Thus as daylight fails and more artificial light sources are required the illumination secured from each lamn decreases, producing an annoying variation in illumina tion at different times and places. 3. Wiring should be of sufficient capacity to provide for future requirements, as the trend of lighting intensities is ever upward. Recommended lighting practice and the appreciation on the part of factory owners and ihanagers for the value of good lighting have IN D U STRIAL L IG H T IN G CODE 15 a distinct forward trend, and an installation considered up-to-date when made may be found quite inadequate at a later date. The cost of rewiring finished buildings is many times greater than the additional cost of providing capacity for future requirements in the original installation. Specification of Adequate Wiring The following paragraphs are abstracted from a specification pre pared by the National Electric Light Association to express the quantitative requirements which good illumination practice imposes upon the wiring. This specification is in conformity with the regulations of the Na tional Electric Code, as regards current-carrying capacity and in addition makes reasonable provision for economical distribution of energy and the probable lighting requirements of the near future. In this specification, it is assumed that each branch circuit will be fused for 15 amperes. Branch circuits.—A single branch circuit should not be required to supply the general lighting for a work space greater than 400 square feet or a bay approximately 20 feet by 20 feet, nor should it be required to supply the overhead lighting for more than 800 square feet of hall or passageway or other nonproductive area. Based on the wattage of outlets specified on the plans, branch cir cuits should be so arranged that the initial load on a single circuit will not exceed 1,000 watts, except in the case of a single lamp of larger size. The smallest size wire that should be used is No. 12 gage, and for runs from a panel board to the first outlet of from 50 feet to 100 feet, No. 10 gage wire is the smallest that should be used, with No. 12 between outlets. Runs exceeding 100 feet from panel board to the first outlet should be avoided by addition or relocation of panel boards. Where such runs can not be avoided, the lamp load should be limited to 600 watts for each branch circuit. Convenience outlets should be placed on a circuit separate from that supplying general lighting. Such outlets should be of the duplex type, with not more than six grouped on one circuit. For runs from the panel board to first outlet under 100 feet, wire not smaller than No. 12 gage should be used and No. 10 gage where the runs must be longer. Panel boards.—Panel boards should contain at least one spare circuit position for each five active circuits or fraction thereof. It is generally desirable to supply each circuit position with a switch. There should be provided at least one panel board on each floor of the building. Wherever possible, panel boards should be so located that branch-circuit runs exceeding 100 feet to the first outlet can be avoided. Feeders.—The current-carrying capacity of a feeder should be sufficient to supply 7.5 amperes (115 volts) to every 15-ampere circuit position provided for on the panel board or boards which it feeds. The feeders should be of such size that the voltage drop from the service switch to the panel board will not exceed iy2 per cent with a 16 IN D U ST R IA L L IG H T IN G CODE load of 7.5 amperes (115 volts) on every branch circuit provided for. Conduits for inclosing feeders should be of sufficient size to permit replacing the original feeders with wires two standard gage sizes greater in capacity. Locating Switches The switches which turn on and off the light in entrances and halls of buildings should be located near the point of entrance. Likewise a switch which controls at least one circuit of lamps in a room should be located near each principal point of entrance to that room. In locating switches or control devices in factory and mill aisles care should be exercised to arrange them systematically; that is, on columns situated on the same side of the aisle and on the same rela tive side of each column. This plan materially simplifies the finding of switches or control devices by those responsible for turning on and off the light. For control purposes groups of lamps may constitute a square, a row parallel to the windows, or a row perpendicular to the win dows. The arrangement on a square has the most to recommend it, as any worker within the area gets the benefit of several near-by lighting units. A row parallel to the windows is occasionally desir able, since when daylight fails those workers farthest from the windows can have one or two rows lighted to supplement the natural light. If two rows are used, the merits of the square arrangement are to a great extent retained. Control of rows perpendicular to the windows is usually to be avoided, as grouping in a square can almost always be applied to better advantage. Part 3.— Suggested Minimum Regulation to be Estab lished by State Authorities Purpose The purpose of this code is to make reasonable provisions for the safety of workers by requiring such illumination as may be neces sary to conserve vision and to facilitate the utilization of eyesight for the prevention of accident. Exceptions In cases of practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship the enforc ing authority may grant exceptions from the literal requirements of this code or permit the use of other methods but only when it is clearly evident that safety is thereby reasonably assured. There are occasional operations which need to be performed practically without light, such as photographic and photometric processes in dark rooms. Again, there are some operations which are best ob served by their own light, as in certain parts of the process of working with glass. In all cases in which work must be performed under very low illumination, special 'precaution should be taken to safeguard the workers from accident. IN D U ST R IA L L IG H T IN G CODE 17 Scope This code applies to all factories, mills, offices, storage buildings, yards, power houses, and other industrial and mercantile establish ments and work places. Rules General Requirement.—Illumination, daylight or artificial light, in accordance with the following rules, shall be supplied for— 1. Traversed spaces such as hallways, roadways, etc., during work ing hours, and 2. Work when attended by operators. N o t e : It should be recognized that the foot-candles specified represent mini mum limits, and that tolerance for depreciation must be made in the design of the installation. The values are established to meet the needs of safety and are not to be interpreted as providing for effective and economical operation of processes. Higher levels representing good lighting practice are recommen ded in Table 1, and general suggestions for design will be found on pages 14 to 16. Information on the measurement of illumination values will be found on page 14. Rule 1. Illumination Required.—The illumination maintained shall be not less than given in Table 5. T able 5 1. Minimum foot-candles on traversed spaces Foot-candles Roadways; yard thoroughfares-------------------------------------------------------- 0.02 Storage spaces, aisles and passageways in workrooms, excepting exits and passages leading thereto_________________________________________ .5 Spaces, such as haUways, stairways, exits, and passages leading thereto___ 75 Spaces, such as stairways, locker rooms, wash rooms, toilet rooms, and passageways where there are exposed moving machines, hot pipes, or live electrical parts, also elevator cars, and landings________________ 1 2. Minimum foot-candles at the work Where discrimination of detail is not essential------------------------------------ 0.5 Work, such as handling material of a coarse nature; grinding clay products; rough sorting; coal and ash handling; foundry charging. Where slight discrimination of detail is essential--------------------------------- 1 Work, such as rough machining, rough assembling; rough bench work; rough forging; grain milling. Where moderate discrimination of detail is essential___________________ 2 Work, such as machining; assembly work; bench work; fine core making in foundries. Where close discrimination of detail is essential_______________________4 Work, such as fine lathe work, pattern making; tool making; weav ing or sewing light-colored silk or woolen textiles; office work; accounting; typewriting. Where discrimination of minute detail is essential_____________________8 Work, such as drafting; weaving or sewing dark-colored material; very fine inspection or inspection of very dark goods. Rule 2. Avoidance of Glare: Diffusion and Distribution of Light.— Lighting, whether natural or artificial, shall be such as to avoid glare, objectionable shadows, and extreme contrasts, and to provide a good distribution of light; in artificial lighting systems, lamps shall be so installed in regard to height, location, spacing, and reflectors, shades, or other suitable accessories as to accomplish these objects. 18 IN D U STRIAL L IG H T IN G CODE Bare light sources, such as exposed lamp filaments, located within the ordinary field of the worker’s vision, are presumptive evidence of glare. For a specification of definite requirements under this rule refer ence should be had to Tables 2, 4, and 6. Rule 3. Exit and Emergency Lighting.—The lighting to be provided under rule 1 in all important stairways and all exits of work places and in the passageways appurtenant thereto shall be supplied so as not to be subject to failure because of the failure of the room or work-space lighting from internal causes. In the case of artificial illumination the service should be preferably from an independent connection or connections extending back to the main service entrance for the building. In cases of unusual danger which may exist on account of the type of building or nature of the work, crowded conditions, or lack of suitable exit space, an independent service shall be insured by connecting to a separate source of supply without or within the building. During the hours of occupancy, when daylight of the value given in rule 1 is lacking, this separate source of supply shall be connected so as to function continually or to come on auto matically upon failure of the regular lighting service. Notes on Rules Notes on Rule 1. Illumination Required.—In Table 5 the lower values, up to 1 foot-candle, are required principally to enable employees to see well enough to avoid accident, while the higher values have the additional purpose of preventing eyestrain and so conserving vision. The values have been assigned on the basis of engineering experience and assume the average conditions found in practice. There are no sharp lines of demarcation. A specified process is carried on in different establishments with varying degrees of fineness. Where especially close attention to the fine detail is required, it is obvious that more illumination is needed than where the process is made more automatic or operated on a coarser scale. Where such special conditions exist the next higher or lower classification may be found the reasonable requirement. Notes on Rule 2. Avoidance of Glare.—It is assumed that in inter preting the enforcing of the regulation against glare the enforcing officer will not insist upon what he might consider as pleasing or desirable practice in any given case. It is the intention of the rule merely to prevent conditions which are prejudicial to the physical welfare of the worker. Table 6 shows the harshest grade of light source that may be used under any particular set of conditions. It is based on the system of glare rating described on pages 9 to 12, where an explana tion of the symbols used will be found. 19 IN D U ST R IA L L IG H T IN G CODE T a b l e 6 .— Limiting grades of light sources permissible for various conditions1 [The grades given in this table are limiting values; from 1to 2 grades softer are recommended, see Table 3] Space or work to be lighted1 Height of light source above floor in feet Roadways and yard thorough fares Storage spaces Ordinary manufactur ing operations * Short rooms3 6.5 or less___________________ 6.5 to 7.5.................................... 7.5 to 9...................................... 9 to 11........................................ 11 to 13...................................... 13 to 16...................................... 16 to 20...................................... 20 and up.................................. H I J J K K F Q H I J J K K D F H I J J K K Long rooms3 D F G H I I J K Offices a n d drafting work an d certain manufacturing opera tions Short rooms8 0 E G H I I J K Long rooms4 0 E F G H H I J 1 Where backgrounds are very dark in tone a light source of one grade softer than specified may be re quired in the case of all indoor classifications. 2 For the present the limits set in this table can not be rigidly applied to portable lamps used for temporary work, such as setting up machines, repairing automobiles, etc. * A “ long” room is considered to be one in which the total length in feet is more than twice the height of the lamps above the floor; one having a length less than twice the height of the lamps above the floor is classified as “ short.” * Those operations in which workers are seated facing in one direction for long periods of time. See also note 3. Notes on Rule 3. Exit and Emergency Lighting.—The employer is to be held responsible for the proper lighting of passageways, stair ways, and exits, in so far as his premises are concerned, which means such parts of buildings, floors, or rooms as are controlled by the employer, including entrances thereto, but excluding hallways, passageways, and stairways giving access to other floors, or to spaces on the same floor, and used m common by the tenants of the build ing. These latter should be lighted by the building owner. Exit and emergency lighting are to be understood as those artificial illuminants which are necessary only to make clear to the occupants or employees the places of exit, or to enable them to pass to and along safe exits with reasonable speed and assurance of footing. Such lighting is not assumed as being necessarily sufficient for the proper performance of regular working operations. The circuits for exit electric lamps should be' separate branch circuits, including no other lamps, and containing no receptacles or convenience outlets for the attachment of portable or other devices. Being thus separately fused, trouble on other circuits which causes the blowing of fuses will be less likely to affect them. The main service entrance may be interpreted to mean the entrance point (meter or distributing panel) of lighting feeders for the building, floor, loft, or particular space in question. In gas lighting it may be considered to be the main gas feeder for the building, or the main gas riser for the floor or loft in question. Where several factory spaces are grouped in the same building, each with its own exit or exits, the emergency electric circuits for any one space are not required to run to the main building panel board or main switch nor are the emergency gas pipes expected to extend to the main gas meter nor to the building feeder from the street main, except as explained below. 20 INDUSTRIAL. L IG H T IN G CODE Under specially dangerous conditions, where in the opinion of the recognized authorities the failure of the main and entire regular lighting supply would leave the employees without assured means of seeing tne outgoing passageways, the exit and emergency lamps should be fed from an entirely separate source of energy, such as a storage battery, or, in case the regular lighting system is electric, from gas or other reasonably dependable illuminant. Service from an independent street main, where available, is regarded as a sepa rate source of supply; or a separate service from an independent transformer fed from the same primary wires will usually be con sidered sufficient. Factories supplied by an isolated plant should feed exit circuits from an independent source or utilize a separate generating unit driven by a separate prime mover. Such an inde pendent supply as discussed in this paragraph is not considered necessary for typical conditions, but only where the large number of persons concerned or other special condition calls for special precautions. Such a condition may be recognized by the manage ment, but if doubt exists a decision should be asked from the inspec tion department having jurisdiction. As indicated in the general requirements of this regulation, the exit and emergency lamps should be lighted whenever artificial lighting is required in the work spaces. It is the obvious intent of rule 3 to insure reduction of accident hazard; and inasmuch as this end is as beneficial to the industrial operator or owner as to the State, the detailed interpretations of this order, for the various types and situations of working spaces, can only be reached through mutual cooperation of the owner and the State authorities. Subject Index O ccidents: Page Cost o f industrial______________ 2 -3 Insurance costs________________ 3 Loss o f time due to____________ 2 Reduction o f____________________ 2 Advantages o f good illum ination----2 ,1 7 Background. Contrast with light source_____________________ 13,17—18, 19 Bare lamps. Source o f glare____ 9 -1 0 ,1 2 Branch circuits. Specification fo r __ 15 Brightness o f light source_________ 12 ,18 Classification o f light sources from standpoint o f glare________ 1 0 -1 2 ,1 8 -1 9 Cleaning reflectors and lamps____ 3, 9 ,1 7 Code o f lighting factories, mills and other w orkplaces: JJotes on revision o f_________ y, 1 ,1 6 P u rp ose-------------------------------------1 ,1 6 Rules------------------------------------------ 17-18 17 Scope----------------------------------------Sectional committee personnel, v , vi Contrast with background_________ 13 ,19 14—16 Control______________________________ Cost o f light. Economics o f_______ 3-4 Daylight. {See Natural lighting.) Depreciation due to dirt___________ 9 ,1 7 Diffusion and distribution o f lig h t : Conditions applicable to_ 9 -1 0 ,1 2 ,1 4 Rules covering__________________17-18 Economy o f good illum ination: Econom ics o f___________________ 3-4, 9 Investment and operating costs3 Exit and emergency lighting________ 18 Feeder carrying capacity___________ 15-16 F oo t-ca n ile : Definition o f____________________ 4 Meter___________________________ 9 Values recommended___________ 5 -7 Values required________________ 17 Fuses fo r exit and emergency light ing------------------------------------------------19 G lare: Avoidance o f_____________ 9 -1 0 ,1 7 -1 8 Classification o f light sources from standpoint o f__________ 10-12 Definition o f____________________ 10 F actors affecting— Brightness o f source_______ 12 Contrast with background13 Location in field o f v ie w - 12-13 Time o f exposure__________ 13 Volume o f light____________ 12 Objectionable features o f_______ 10 Reflection of, from polished sur 14 faces__________________________ Illum ination: Advantages o f good____________ 2 ,4 Economics o f good______________ 3 -4 Illumination— Continued. M aintaining proper level_______ Measurement o f________________ Natural_________________________ Recommended levels o f_________ Required levels o f______________ Rules fo r proper_______________ Page 3, 9 4 7 -8 5 -7 17 17 2 -3 Insurance accident costs___________ Lamps. Source o f glare from b a re. 9-10, 12 ,18 Light. Excess of, causing glare- 1 2 ,1 7 -1 8 L ig h tin g : Avoidance o f glare in____ 9 -1 0 ,1 7 -1 8 7 -8 Natural_________________________ Rules fo r proper_______________ 17 Light sou rces: Brightness of, causing glare___ 12 Classification of, from standpoint o f glare______________________ 10-12 Lim iting grades permissible for specific locations_____________ 11-12 Lim iting grades permissible for various locations_____________ 11 ,19 Locating switches and controls____ 16 Location o f light sources in field o f view___________________________ 1 2 -1 3 ,1 9 Losses due to poor illum ination____ 2 -3 Maintenance o f lighting system— 3, 9 ,1 7 Measurement o f illum ination_______ 4, 9 M onitor construction for natural lighting-----------------------------------------8 Natural lig h tin g : Control o f ______________________ 7 -8 Maintenance o f ________________ 9 ,1 7 17 Minimum requirements fo r____ M onitor construction fo r_______ 8 7 -8 Proper design fo r --------------------Range between artificial light ing and---------------------------------7 W indow dimensions fo r________ 7 -8 Painting walls and ceiling__________ 13 Panel b o a rd s-----------------------------------15 Production increase due to better light_______________________________ 4 Rating o f light sources from stand point o f glare------------------- 1 0 -1 2 ,1 8 -1 9 Recommended foot-candle values— 5 -7 Reflected glare----------------------------- 1 3 ,1 7 -1 8 Required foot-candle values________ 17 R u le s: Avoidance o f glare_____________ 17-19 Diffusion and distribution o f light---------------------------------------- 17-18 E xit and emergency lighting___ 18 ,19 Illum ination required---------------- 17 ,1 8 Saw-tooth roof. Design o f_________ 8 Shades fo r windows------------------------8 21 22 SU B JE C T IN D EX State co d e s: Page Reasons fo r _____________________ 1 ,1 6 Suggested rules________________ 17-18 Switches and controls__________ 1 5 ,1 0 ,1 8 Vision. Effect o f glare on_______1 0 ,1 2 -1 3 Walls, color o f______________________ 13 W in d ow s: Design of, fo r natural lighting__ 7 -8 Shading o f__________ __ ___ ___ 8 W ir in g : Branch circuits------------------------F eed ers_________________________ Importance o f adequate________ Panel b oa rd s----------------------------Specification o f adequate_______ Switch location____ __— _____ _ Page 15 15-16 14 15 15 16