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Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee Public Meeting Wednesday, October 7, 2015 United States Mint 801 9th Street N. W. Washington DC 20220 In attendance: Mint Personnel: Mary Lannin, CCAC Chair Erik Jansen Gary Marks Michael Moran Donald Scarinci Jeanne Stevens-Sollman Thomas Uram Heidi Wastweet Robert Hoge (by phone) Steve Antonucci (by phone) Betty Birdsong Don Everhart Stacey Kelley William Norton Megan Sullivan Greg Weinman 1. Chairperson Lannin opened meeting at 10:00 am. 2. Minutes and letter of telephonic meeting of August 10, 2015 unanimously approved. 3. April Stafford of the United States Mint presented candidate designs for the 2017 Native American $1 Coin Program honoring Sequoyah of the Cherokee Nations. 4. After each member of the Committee had commented on the candidate designs, members rated the designs by assigning 0, 1, 2 or 3 points to each, with higher points reflecting more favorable evaluations. With nine (9) members voting, the maximum possible point total was twenty-seven (27). By Committee rule, a majority of the maximum possible point total (i.e. 14) was required to earn the Committee’s recommendation. The Committees scores for the 2017 Native American $1 coin are as follows: 2017 NA-R-01 4 2017 NA-R-02 19 (Recommended Design) 2017 NA-R-03 1 2017 NA-R-04 0 2017 NA-R-05 11 2017 NA-R-06 0 2017 NA-R-07 0 2017 NA-R-08 0 2017 NA-R-09 0 2017 NA-R-10 0 2017 NA-R-11 12 2017 NA-R-12 0 2017 NA-R-13 0 5. April Stafford of the United States Mint presented candidate designs for the 2018 Native American $1 Coin Program honoring Jim Thorpe of Sac and Fox. 6. After each member of the Committee commented on the reverse designs, members rated the designs using the above-mentioned voting criteria. The Committee’s scores for the 2018 Native American $1 coin are as follows: 2018 NA-R-01 2 2018 NA-R-02 1 2018 NA-R-03 1 2018 NA-R-04 3 2018 NA-R-05 0 2018 NA-R-06 0 2018 NA-R-07 2 2018 NA-R-08 3 2018 NA-R-10 25 (Recommended Design) 2018 NA-R-11 5 2018 NA-R-12 6 2018 NA-R-13 2 2018 NA-R-14 1 2018 NA-R-15 1 7. In regard to the 2017 Native American $1 coin: MOTION made by Gary Marks and SECONDED by Erik Jansen that the font be changed to “Lithos” to connect to the original font used during the first four years of the series from 2009-2012. Motion was APPROVED by a vote of 7-2. MOTION was made by Michael Moran to change Cherokee Syllabary to Cherokee Nation in Arabic script. Motion was APPROVED by a vote of 5-4. MOTION was made by Gary Marks and SECONDED by Michael Moran to replace the dot between Sequoyah and Cherokee with an enlarged seven-pointed star. Motion was UNANIMOUS. 8. In regard to the 2018 Native American $1 coin: MOTION made by Gary Marks and SECONDED that the font be changed to the Lithos font to for continuity with the 2017 font and match to the original font in the series from 2009-2012. Motion was UNANIMOUS. Motion made by Heidi Wastweet to replace Bright Path with Jim Thorpe’s name and to incorporate Don Everhart’s suggestion to increase the size of Jim Thorpe by 10% to balance removal of name. Call to question was UNANIMOUS. 9. April Stafford briefed the Committee on the designs for the Pueblo of Laguna Code Talkers Recognition Congressional Gold Medal. Contributing to the discussion was Mary Scott, Benefits Services Manager and liaison for the Pueblo of Laguna. Also joining the discussion telephonically were former code talker, Mr. Joseph Day Jr. and his granddaughter, Denise Garcia. After a thorough discussion based on additional information about the stakeholders’ preferences, the previous votes of the Committee were invalidated. A MOTION was made by Gary Marks and SECONDED by Thomas Uram to choose PoLCRM-02a as the obverse and PoL –CRM-R-05 as the reverse. The vote was UNANIMOUS. 10. April Stafford briefed the Committee on the designs for the St. Regis Mohawk Code Talkers Congressional Gold Medal. Joining the discussion was Chief Ron LaFrance Jr. of the St. Regis Mohawk tribe. A MOTION was made by Donald Scarinci and SECONDED by Michael Moran to approve Mohawk –O-02 as the obverse and Mohawk-R-08 as the reverse. The vote was UNANIMOUS. 11. April Stafford briefed the Committee on the background information for the 2017 Boys Town Commemorative Coin Program. The legislation calls for $5 gold coins, $1 silver coins and half-dollar clad coins. The stakeholder guests attending were Dr. Jerry Davis, Vice President, National Advocacy, Public Policy, Boys Town and Laura Tatten, Senior Vice President, Boys Town Marketing and Communications Department. 12. April Stafford briefed the Committee on the design concepts for the 2018 America the Beautiful Quarters Program. The parks included are Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in Michigan, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in Wisconsin, Voyageurs National Park in Minnesota, Cumberland Island National Seashore in Georgia, and Block Island National Wildlife Refuge in Rhode Island. Joining the discussion were liaisons Robert Krumenaker, Superintendent, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore and Gary Ingram, Superintendent, Cumberland National Seashore. 13. Greg Weinman discussed voting procedures and final vote for the three-person panel to work with the Committee on Fine Arts panel to select designs for the 2018 World War I American Veterans Centennial Commemorative $1 Coin. A MOTION was made by Chair, Mary Lannin and SECONDED by Donald Scarinci to formally elect Mary Lannin, Donald Scarinci and Heidi Wastweet as the three members. The motion was APPROVED 8-1. 14. There being no further business, Chairperson Lannin recessed the meeting at 4:09 p.m. . Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee Public Meeting Thursday, October 8, 2015 United States Mint 801 9th Street N.W. Washington DC 20220 In attendance: Mint Personnel: Mary Lannin, CCAC Chair Erik Jansen Gary Marks Michael Moran Donald Scarinci Jeanne Stevens-Sollman Thomas Uram (by phone) Heidi Wastweet Robert Hoge (by phone) Steve Antonucci (by phone) Betty Birdsong Don Everhart Stacey Kelley William Norton Megan Sullivan Greg Weinman 1. Chairperson Lannin opened the meeting at 9:00 am. 2. April Stafford briefed the Committee on the designs for the 2017 America the Beautiful Quarters Program, Effigy Mounds National Monument in Iowa, Frederick Douglass National Historic Site in the District of Columbia, Ozark National Scenic Riverways in Missouri, Ellis Island (Statue of Liberty National Monument )in New Jersey, and George Rogers Clark National Historical Park in Indiana. She was joined at the appropriate times with liaisons Jim Nepstad, Superintendant, Effigy Mounds National Monument, Dena Matteson, Acting Chief of Interpretation, Ozark Scenic Riverways, John Piltzecker, Superintendant, Statue of Liberty National Monument and Ellis Island, and Frank Doughman, Superintendant, George Rogers Clark National Historic Park 3. Upon review, the Committee asked that the Mint provide further designs for Effigy Mounds and Ellis Island . Heidi Wastweet made the MOTION, SECONDED by Gary Marks for the Effigy Mounds designs. The motion was APPROVED 6 -3. Donald Scarinci made the MOTION, SECONDED by Erik Jansen for the Ellis Island designs. The motion was APPROVED 8-1. 4. After each member of the Committee had commented on the remaining American the Beautiful Quarters Program candidate designs, members rated the designs by assigning 0, 1, 2 or 3 points to each, with higher points reflecting more favorable evaluations. With nine (9) members voting, the maximum possible point total was twenty-seven (27). By Committee rule, a majority of the maximum possible point total (i.e. 14) was required to earn the Committee’s recommendation. 5. 2017 Ozark National Scenic Riverways: MO-01 13 MO-02 25 (Recommended Design) MO-03 0 MO-04 2 MO-05 0 MO-06 1 MO-07 2 MO-08 0 MO-09 1 6. 2017 Frederick Douglass National Historic Site DC-01 21 (Recommended Design) DC-02 3 DC-03 1 DC-04 15 DC-05 1 DC-06 3 7. 2017 George Rogers Clark National Historic Park IN-01 3 IN-02 0 IN-03 3 IN-04 0 IN-05 1 IN-06 2 IN-07 0 IN-08 6 IN-09 1 IN-10 22 (Recommended Design) IN-11 5 IN-12 0 IN-13 0 8. A MOTION was made by Robert Hoge and SECONDED by Erik Jansen the figures on the George Rogers Clark reverse be enhanced to shown they are accurately equipped with the necessary weaponry. The vote was UNANIMOUS. 9. April Stafford presented the committee with the designs for the 2017 Lions Club International Century of Service Commemorative Coin designs. She was joined by liaisons Michelle Blomeke, Lions Club International Audiovisual and Events Department and Dr. Melitta Cutright, Lions Club International Audiovisual and Events Department Manager. 10. After Committee members discussed the designs, the votes were tallied: LC-O-01 13 LC-O-01a 4 LC-O-02 22 (Recommended Design) LC-O-03 -13 0 (remaining obverses had 0 votes) LC-R-01 1 LC-R-02 0 LC-R-03 0 LC-R-04 0 LC-R-04a 0 LC-R-05 6 LC-R-05a 18 (Recommended Design) LC-R-05b 4 LC-R-06 1 LC-R-07 7 LC-R-08 1 LC-R-09 0 LC-R-09a 3 LC-R-10 1 LC-R-11 1 LC-R-11a 6 LC-R-11b 0 LC-R-12 1 LC-R-13 0 LC-R-14 0 LC-R-14a 0 11. The Committee had a heartfelt and emotional sendoff for Gary Marks, former Chair of the CCAC for five years of his eight and one-half year tenure. Remarks were made by Rhett Jeppson, Principal Deputy Director of the U S Mint, Richard Peterson, Deputy Director of the U S Mint, and Don Everhart, Lead Sculptor- Engraver, U S Mint in Philadelphia. “Art is the activity of free minds.” 12. Meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m.