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Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee
801 Ninth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20220


Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee
Public Meeting
Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 9:00 AM
United State Mint Headquarters
801 9th Street NW, 2nd Floor
Washington, D.C.
In attendance:
Doreen Bolger
Michael Brown
Roger Burdette
Rick Meier
Gary Marks (Chair)
Michael Olson
Mike Ross
Donald Scarinci
Heidi Wastweet
1. Chairperson Marks called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.
2. The minutes of the July 27, 2010 meeting were unanimously approved.
3. Kaarina Budow of the United States Mint presented proposed designs for the
Arnold Palmer Congressional Gold Medal.
4. At the completion of discussions concerning the candidate designs, Committee
members rated proposed designs by assigning 0, 1, 2, or 3 points to each, with
higher points reflecting more favorable evaluations. With nine members voting,
the maximum possible point total was 27. The Committee’s scores for the
obverse of the Arnold Palmer designs were:
APM-O-01: 25 (Recommended design)
APM-O-02: 6
APM-O-03: 5
A motion was made by Mr. Meier, and seconded by Mr. Burdette, to ask United
States Mint staff to ensure that Mr. Palmer’s grip of the golf club as portrayed on
the Committee’s recommended obverse design reflects the traditional overlapping
grip of the golfing sport. The motion was approved on a unanimous vote.
The Committee’s scores for the reverse designs for the Arnold Palmer medal





APM-R-01: 4
APM-R-02: 18 (Recommended design)
APM-R-03: 3
APM-R-04: 15
Kaarina Budow of the United States Mint presented proposed designs for the New
Frontier Congressional Gold Medal, honoring the significant contributions to
society of Neil A. Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon; Edwin E.
“Buzz” Aldrin, Jr., the pilot of the lunar module and second person to walk on the
moon; Michael Collins, the pilot of their Apollo 11 mission’s command module;
and John Herschel Glenn, Jr., the first American to orbit the Earth.
After discussions concerning the designs, Committee members rated proposed
designs by assigning 0, 1, 2, or 3 points to each, with higher points reflecting
more favorable evaluations. With nine members present and voting, the
maximum possible point total was 27. The Committee’s ratings for the obverse
designs of the New Frontier medal were:
NF-O-01: 25 (Recommended design)
NF-O-02: 4
NF-O-03: 3
NF-O-04: 3
The Committee’s scores for the reverse designs for the New Frontier medal were:
NF-R-01: 8
NF-R-02: 20 (Recommended design)
NF-R-03: 12
NF-R-04: 3
NF-R-05: 1
NF-R-06: 0
NF-R-07: 0
The Committee approved, on a 5-4 vote, a motion made by Mr. Burdette, and
seconded by Mr. Brown, to remove the words “Act of Congress 2009” from all
designs. Mr. Olson made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Meier, to
recommend that the two space missions being represented on the medal be
identified on the Committee’s recommended reverse design, NF-R-02. The
motion was approved on a 7-2 vote. Finally, Mr. Burdette made a motion, and
seconded by Ms. Wastweet, to recommend expanding the phrase “We came in
peace” appearing on the Committee’s recommended reverse design, NF-R-02, to
“We came in peace for all mankind.” The motion was approved with 8 votes in
favor and one abstention.
Kaarina Budow of the United States Mint presented proposed 2012 quarter-dollar
coin reverse designs honoring El Yunque National Forest in the Commonwealth
of Puerto Rico to be issued as part of the United States Mint America the
Beautiful Quarters® Program.
After discussions concerning the designs, Committee members rated proposed
designs by assigning 0, 1, 2, or 3 points to each, with higher points reflecting
more favorable evaluations. With seven members present and voting, the
maximum possible point total was 21. The Committee’s ratings for the El
Yunque National Forest designs were:

PR-01: 11
PR-02: 1
PR-03: 4
PR-04: 12 (Recommended design)
PR-05: 5
9. Kaarina Budow of the United States Mint presented proposed 2012 quarter-dollar
coin reverse designs honoring Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New
Mexico to be issued as part of the United States Mint America the Beautiful
Quarters® Program.
10. After discussions concerning the designs, Committee members rated proposed
designs by assigning 0, 1, 2, or 3 points to each, with higher points reflecting
more favorable evaluations. With seven members present and voting, the
maximum possible point total was 21. The Committee’s ratings for the Chaco
Culture National Historical Park designs were:
NM-01: 1
NM-02: 3
NM-03: 5
NM-04: 7
Pursuant to Committee policy requiring that a design must achieve more than 50
percent of the possible points to qualify for a recommendation, no
recommendation was made from among these candidate designs. A minimum of
11 points would be needed in this case to earn the Committee’s recommendation.
11. Kaarina Budow of the United States Mint presented proposed 2012 quarter-dollar
coin reverse designs honoring Acadia National Park in Maine to be issued as part
of the United States Mint America the Beautiful Quarters® Program.
12. After discussions concerning the designs, Committee members rated proposed
designs by assigning 0, 1, 2, or 3 points to each, with higher points reflecting
more favorable evaluations. With seven members present and voting, the
maximum possible point total was 21. The Committee’s ratings for the Acadia
National Park designs were:
ME-01: 1
ME-02: 1
ME-03: 11
ME-04: 14 (Recommended design)
ME-05: 0
13. Kaarina Budow of the United States Mint presented proposed 2012 quarter-dollar
coin reverse designs honoring Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park in Hawaii to be
issued as part of the United States Mint America the Beautiful Quarters® Program.
14. After discussions concerning the designs, Committee members rated proposed
designs by assigning 0, 1, 2, or 3 points to each, with higher points reflecting
more favorable evaluations. With seven members present and voting, the
maximum possible point total was 21. The Committee’s ratings for the Hawai’i
Volcanoes National Park designs were:
HI-01: 1
HI-02: 1
HI-03: 1

HI-04: 15 (Recommended design)
HI-05: 1
15. Kaarina Budow of the United States Mint presented proposed 2012 quarter-dollar
coin reverse designs honoring Denali National Park in Alaska to be issued as part
of the United States Mint America the Beautiful Quarters® Program.
16. After discussions concerning the designs, Committee members rated proposed
designs by assigning 0, 1, 2, or 3 points to each, with higher points reflecting
more favorable evaluations. With seven members present and voting, the
maximum possible point total was 21. The Committee’s ratings for the Denali
National Park designs were:
AK-01: 5
AK-02: 16 (Recommended design)
AK-03: 3
AK-04: 1
AK-05: 6
A motion was made by Mr. Meier, and seconded by Ms. Wastweet, to
recommend that consideration be given to enlarging the Dall sheep appearing on
the Committee’s recommended design, AK-02. The motion was approved on a
vote of 5-2.
17. There being no further business, Chairperson Marks adjourned the meeting at
1:15 P.M.