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Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee 801 Ninth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20220 C CAC Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee Public Meeting Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 9:00 AM United State Mint Headquarters 801 9th Street NW, 8th Floor Washington, D.C. In attendance: Doreen Bolger Michael Brown Roger Burdette Arthur Houghton Gary Marks (Chair) Rick Meier (via telephone) Michael Olson Mike Ross Mitch Sanders Donald Scarinci Heidi Wastweet 1. 2. 3. 4. Chairperson Marks called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. New member Mike Ross was introduced and welcomed to the Committee. The minutes of the April 27, 2010 meeting were unanimously approved. Kaarina Budow of the United States Mint presented proposed designs for the 2011 United States Army Commemorative Coin Program, including a $5 gold coin, $1 silver coin, and a 50 Cent clad coin. 5. During Committee discussions concerning the proposed designs, a motion was made by Mr. Scarinci and seconded by Mr. Burdette to reject all obverse and reverse designs for the 50 Cent clad coin and request United States Mint artists to provide new designs. The motion failed on a vote of 3 “aye” and 5 “nay.” A subsequent motion was made by Mr. Meier and seconded by Mr. Scarcini to reject all obverse designs for the 50 Cent clad coin. The motion passed on a vote of 5 “aye” and 4 “nay.” Committee members felt the obverse designs were too cluttered, lacked focus and were generally unattractive. 6. At the completion of discussions concerning the designs, Committee members rated proposed designs by assigning 0, 1, 2, or 3 points to each, with higher points reflecting more favorable evaluations. With eleven members voting, the maximum possible point total was 33. The Committee’s ratings were: $5 gold obverse: AR-GO-01: 3 AR-GO-02: 18 AR-GO-03: 20 (Recommended design) AR-GO-04: 3 $5 gold reverse: AR-GR-01: 1 AR-GR-02: 6 AR-GR-03: 28 (Recommended design) $1 silver obverse: AR-SO-01: 25 (Recommended design) AR-SO-02: 0 AR-SO-03: 9 AR-SO-04: 4 AR-SO-05: 10 $1 silver reverse: AR-SR-01: 7 AR-SR-02: 7 AR-SR-03: 19 (Recommended design) AR-SR-04: 8 50 Cent clad obverse: No ratings were assigned due to the approved motion to reject all designs. 50 Cent clad reverse: AR-CR-01: 1 AR-CR-02: 19 (Recommended design) AR-CR-03: 14 7. Kaarina Budow of the United States Mint presented proposed designs for the 2011 Medal of Honor Commemorative Coin Program, including a $5 gold coin and a $1 silver coin. 8. After discussions concerning the designs, Committee members rated proposed designs by assigning 0, 1, 2, or 3 points to each, with higher points reflecting more favorable evaluations. With nine members present and voting, the maximum possible point total was 27. The Committee’s ratings were: $5 gold obverse: MOH-GO-01: 3 MOH-GO-02: 19 (Recommended design) MOH-GO-03: 0 MOH-GO-04: 3 $5 gold reverse: MOH-GR-01: 11 MOH-GR-02: 13 (Recommended design) MOH-GR-03: 3 MOH-GR-04: 0 $1 silver obverse: MOH-SO-01: 0 MOH-SO-02: 24 (Recommended design) MOH-SO-03: 0 $1 silver reverse: MOH-SR-01: 0 MOH-SR-02: 24 (Recommended design) MOH-SR-03: 0 MOH-SR-04: 0 9. After the rating process was completed, a motion was made by Mr. Olson and seconded by Mr. Brown that a recommendation be made that the Committee’s recommended design for the reverse of the $5 gold United States Army coin, ARGR-03, which shows the Army emblem, be changed by flipping the placement of the inscriptions “United States of America” and “Department of the Army” to accurately reflect the official emblem, and that the braids and two concentric circles found on the official Army emblem be added to the design. The motion was unanimously approved. A motion was made by Mr. Meier and seconded by Mr. Olson to recommend that the female image appearing on the Committee’s recommended design for the $1 silver United States Army coin, AR-SO-01, be altered to portray an African-American woman. The motion passed with a vote of six “aye,” one “nay,” and one abstention. Finally, a motion was made by Mr. Olson and seconded by Mr. Burdette to recommend that the depiction of the soldier aiming a rifle in the Committee’s recommended design for the $1 silver United States Army reverse, AR-SR-03, be changed to show the rifle in a lower position so as to reveal the soldier’s face. The motion was approved on a vote of six “aye” and two “nay.” 10. There being no further business, Chairperson Marks adjourned the meeting at 12:44 P.M.