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Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee Public Meeting Monday, March 10, 2014, 1:00 PM United State Mint Headquarters 801 9th Street, NW, 2nd Floor Conference Room A Washington, D.C. In attendance: Michael Bugeja (via teleconfence) Robert Hoge Erik Jansen Gary Marks (Chair) Michael Olson (Vice Chair) Jeanne Stevens-Sollman Thomas Uram Heidi Wastweet 1. Chairperson Marks called the meeting to order at 1:03 P.M. 2. The letters and minutes of the February 11, 2014 meeting were unanimously approved. 3. Chairperson Marks announced his appointment of Michael Olson as Vice Chairperson of the Committee. 4. April Stafford of the United States Mint presented the candidate reverse designs for the 2015 Native American $1 Coin Program. 5. After each member of the Committee had commented on the candidate designs, members rated the designs by assigning 0, 1, 2, or 3 points to each, with higher points reflecting more favorable evaluations. With eight (8) members voting, the maximum possible point total was twenty-four (24). By Committee rule, a majority of the maximum possible point total (i.e. 13) was required to garner the Committee’s recommendation. The committee’s scores for the reverse designs for the 2015 Native American $1 Coin Program were: Reverse Designs: 2015-NA-R-01: This design removed prior to Committee consideration. 2015-NA-R-02: 2 2015-NA-R-03: 8 2015-NA-R-04: 19 (Highest point total)* 2015-NA-R-05: 0 2015-NA-R-06: 0 2015-NA-R-07: 8 2015-NA-R-08: 4 2015-NA-R-09: 6 2015-NA-R-10: 0 2015-NA-R-11: 0 2015-NA-R-12: 9 2015-NA-R-13: 18 2015-NA-R-14: 1 2015-NA-R-15: 13 2015-NA-R-16: 6 2015-NA-R-17: 0 2015-NA-R-18: 0 2015-NA-R-19: 0 2015-NA-R-20: 3 2015-NA-R-21: 0 *This design was ultimately not recommended by the Committee for this coin. See motions in paragraph 8 below. 6. April Stafford of the United States Mint presented the candidate reverse designs for the 2016 Native American $1 Coin Program. 7. After each member of the Committee had commented on the candidate designs, members rated the designs by assigning 0, 1, 2, or 3 points to each, with higher points reflecting more favorable evaluations. With eight (8) members voting, the maximum possible point total was twenty-four (24). By Committee rule, a majority of the maximum possible point total (i.e. 13) was required to garner the Committee’s recommendation. The committee’s scores for the reverse designs for the 2016 Native American $1 Coin Program were: Reverse Designs: 2016-NA-R-01: 7 2016-NA-R-02: 5 2016-NA-R-03: 5 2016-NA-R-04: 7 2016-NA-R-05: 0 2016-NA-R-06: 14 2016-NA-R-07: 0 2016-NA-R-08: 0 2016-NA-R-09: 19 (Recommended design) 2016-NA-R-10: 0 2016-NA-R-11: 0 2016-NA-R-12: 0 2016-NA-R-13: 7 2016-NA-R-14: 0 2016-NA-R-15: 0 2016-NA-R-16: 1 2016-NA-R-17: 8 2016-NA-R-18: 0 8. The following motions were acted upon by the Committee: Motion by Ms. Stevens-Sollman, seconded by Ms. Wastweet, to recommend the addition of the words “MOHAWK IRONWORKERS” to design 2016-NA-R-04. Placement of the new wording would be left to the artist’s discretion. The motion passed unanimously. Motion by Vice Chair Olson, seconded by Mr. Uram, to recommend the denominational indicator “$1” shown on design 2015-NA-R-04 be changed to use the same font used on the Native American $1 reverse designs for the years 2009 through 2012. The motion passed unanimously. Motion by Mr. Hoge, seconded by Mr. Jansen, to recommend that, within the discretion of the artist, the words “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” appearing on 2015-NA-R-04 be moved to the outside perimeter of the design such that the word “UNITED” appears to the left of the helmet and the words “STATES OF AMERICA” appear to the right of the helmet; and to further recommend that the words “MOHAWK IRONWORKERS” be placed on the design where “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” appeared on the original design. The motion was approved on a vote of five (5) ayes, two (2) nays and one (1) abstention. Motion by Chair Marks, seconded by Mr. Uram, to change the Committee’s recommendation for the reverse of the 2015 Native American $1 coin to design 2015-NA-R-13 and to recommend that the font used to express the $1 denomination for the subject design be changed to the font used for Native American $1 coin reverses for the years 2009 through 2012. The motion was approved on a vote of six (6) ayes and two (2) nays. Motion by Ms. Stevens-Sollman, seconded by Vice Chair Olson, to recommend that the dual dates shown on design 2016-NA-R-09 be changed to instead show “WWI” and “WWII” and to further recommend that the font used to express the $1 denomination for the subject design be changed to the font used for Native American $1 coin reverses for the years 2009 through 2012. The motion was approved on a vote of seven (7) ayes and one (1) nay. 9. April Stafford of the United States Mint presented the candidate obverse designs for the 2015 and 2016 Presidential $1 Coin Program. 10. After each member of the Committee had commented on the candidate designs, members rated the designs by assigning 0, 1, 2, or 3 points to each, with higher points reflecting more favorable evaluations. With eight (8) members voting, the maximum possible point total was twenty-four (24). By Committee rule, a majority of the maximum possible point total (i.e. 13) was required to garner the Committee’s recommendation. The committee’s scores for the reverse designs for the 2015 and 2016 Presidential $1 Coin Program were: President Harry S. Truman Designs: HT-01: 24 (Recommended design) HT-02: 0 HT-03: 0 HT-04: 0 HT-05: 0 President Dwight D. Eisenhower Designs: DE-01: 0 DE-02: 21 (Recommended design) DE-03: 7 DE-04: 0 President John F. Kennedy Designs: JFK-01: 16 (Recommended design) JFK-02: 6 JFK-03: 2 JFK-04: 1 JFK-05: 1 President Lyndon B. Johnson Designs: LBJ-01: 2 LBJ-02: 0 LBJ-03: 17 (Recommended design) LBJ-04: 15 LBJ-05: 0 LBJ-06: 0 President Richard Nixon Designs: RN-01: 14 RN-02: 14 RN-03: 0 RN-04: 0 Note: Due to a tie vote a recommendation was not achieved through the balloting process. A design was subsequently recommended through a simple majority vote. See motion below in paragraph 11 below. President Gerald Ford Designs: GF-01: 9 GF-02: 3 GF-03: 0 GF-04: 10 Note: None of the candidate designs achieved the required majority threshold vote total of 13 to gain the Committee’s recommendation through the balloting process. A design was subsequently recommended through a simple majority vote. See motion below in paragraph 11. 11. The following motions were acted upon by the Committee: Motion by Ms. Stevens-Sollman, seconded by Vice Chair Olson, to recommend design RN-01 for the obverse of the obverse of the Richard Nixon $1 coin. The motion was approved on a vote of six (6) ayes, one (1) nay and one (1) abstention. Motion by Vice Chair Olson, seconded by Mr. Uram, to recommend design GF-04 for the obverse of the obverse of the Gerald Ford $1 coin. The motion was approved on a vote of six (6) ayes and one (1) abstention (one member had departed from the meeting). 12. There being no further business on the March 10th agenda, Chairperson Marks recessed the meeting at 4:47 p.m. to be reconvened at 9:30 a.m. the following day.