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United States Mint
801 9th Street NW
Washington DC 20220
CCAC Public Meeting
Tuesday, June 26, 2019

CCAC Attendees:

United States Mint Staff:

Sam Gill
Robert Hoge
Erik Jansen
Mary Lannin
Mike Moran
Robin Salmon
Donald Scarinci
Jeanne Stevens-Sollman
Dennis Tucker
Thomas Uram, Chairperson
Dean Kotlowski

Betty Birdsong
Pam Borer
Vanessa Franck
Ron Harrigal
Joe Menna
April Stafford
Megan Sullivan
Roger Vasquez
Greg Weinman
Mike White

No members of the press attended.
Anwar El Sadat –Ezra Friedlander CEO of the Friedlander Group
Clare Durett –Associate Executive Director, Team Gleason
1. The Chairperson called the public telephonic meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. The
Chairperson and the Mint staff were present in the 2nd floor board room of the
Mint. All others participated via conference call.
2. The Chairperson split the motions for letters and minutes. The first vote was to
approve the April 16, 2019, letters to the Secretary.
Motion to approve made by Robert Hoge.
Second made by Mary Lannin.
Motion to approve letters to secretary was unanimously approved.
The Chairperson offered an amendment to the June 18, 2019, minutes.
Amendment to reflect the following: “Votes were taken and no clear pairings of
the obverse and reverse designs received a clear majority of the total of the
A motion to approve the minutes with the amendment was made by Robert Hoge.
Second made by Mary Lannin.
Motion to approve minutes was unanimously approved.
Established by Act of Congress, Public Law 108-15

3. The first item of business was discussion and review of candidate designs for the
Anwar El Sadat Congressional Gold Medal. The liaison communicated that the
preference of the Family was AS-O-03, however, some confusion ensued over the
family’s actual preference. Mr. Greg Weinman confirmed that the family had
previously communicated that its preference was AS-O-04. (Note: Subsequent to
the meeting, the liaison confirmed that the family’s preference was AS-O-04.)
All members expressed their preference and the majority were in agreement the
AS-O-04 would make a tremendous CGM. The following description details
many of the member thoughts. Chief Engraver, Joe Menna pointed out the
incused design, as well as, the use of the portrait to be sculpted in the manner of
ancient Egyptian relief.
Robert Hoge brought up that the fact the letter “E” does not exist in Arabic. After
discussion it was determined to leave the letter “E” in the design.
4. Discussion moved to the reverse design. Mr. Friedlander confirmed the family
preference as AS-R-02. Robert Hoge pointed out that the recipient’s name
appeared on both the obverse and reverse. After discussion including possibly
having the reverse signature in Arabic. The CCAC opted not to recommend any
change the design inasmuch as the Arabic based on pacing would not compliment
the design.
5. Motion by Mary Lannin to recommend AS-O-04 and AS-R-02 as presented.
Second by Mike Moran.
Motion to recommend AS-O-04 and AS-R-02 passed unanimously.
6. The second item of business was discussion and review of candidate designs for
the Steve Gleason Congressional Gold Medal. April Stafford presented 10
obverse designs with the description along with 10 reverse designs. Clare Durett,
Associate Executive Director from Team Gleason, spoke on behalf of Steve
Gleason. Ms. Durett noted Mr. Gleason’s preference of obverse SG-O-07 and
reverse SG-R-03. Modifications for the reverse were also suggested by Clare.
Clare communicated that Mr. Gleason requests that the design be shifted down to
show more sky and enlarged moon. He would like to see “Act of Congress 2018”
removed (as it is on his preferred obverse design) and “Keep Exploring” placed
on an arc along the bottom.
7. Some members noted that Mr. Gleason’s proposed modifications to SG-R-03
would create a design similar to SG-R-04 or SG-R-06, but Jeanne StevensSollman pointed out that there is a significant difference between the designs.
8. Jeanne Stevens-Sollman expressed consideration for SG-R-10 and Erik Jansen
also expressed thoughts on the uniqueness of the design. Both members felt that
we should ultimately honor the family’s wishes for SG-R-03. However, members
Established by Act of Congress, Public Law 108-15

are encouraged to express that we should all send Greg Weinman merit marks for
design SG-R-10 so that the artist can be appropriately recognized.
9. Motion made by Jeanne Stevens-Sollman to recommend SG-O-07 and SG-R-03.
Second by Donald Scarinci.
Motion to recommend SG-O-07 and SG-R-03 passed unanimously.
10. Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Robert Hoge.
Second by Jeanne Stevens-Sollman.
Motion to adjourn meeting passed unanimously.
11. Chairperson Thomas Uram adjourned the public telephonic meeting at 11:45 a.m.

Established by Act of Congress, Public Law 108-15