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Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee
801 Ninth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20220


August 31, 2010

The Honorable Timothy F. Geithner
Secretary of the Treasury
Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20220
Dear Secretary Geithner:
A public meeting of the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (Committee) was held on
Tuesday, July 27, 2010, in the Cook Room at the Sheraton Society Hill Hotel, One Dock
Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Committee reviewed proposed designs for the 2012
Presidential $1 Coins honoring Presidents Chester A. Arthur, Grover Cleveland (1st term),
Benjamin Harrison and Grover Cleveland (2nd term) and the 2011 First Spouse Gold Coin and
Medal Program, honoring Eliza Johnson, Julia Grant, Lucy Hayes and Lucretia Garfield.
Prior to the review of the subject proposed designs, the Committee approved a new stipulation
related to the Committee’s design scoring process to specify that the design receiving the
highest point total exceeding 50 percent of the possible points would earn the Committee’s
recommendation on all future design evaluations, including the 2012 Presidential $1 Coins and
the 2011 First Spouse Gold Coin and Medal Program. In the event that no design garners over
50 percent of the possible points, no recommendation would be made by the Committee.
For the 2012 Presidential $1 Coins, none of the proposed designs for Presidents Chester A.
Arthur, Grover Cleveland (1st term), Benjamin Harrison and Grover Cleveland (2nd term)
garnered in excess of 50 percent of the possible points. Therefore, the Committee makes no
recommendations concerning the proposed designs. With 30 points possible, the design for
President Chester A. Arthur with the highest point total was design CA-5 with 8 points. The
highest point total among proposed designs for President Grover Cleveland (1st term) was
design GC1-3 with 14 points. The design for President Benjamin Harrison with the highest
point total was design BH-06 with 7 points. The highest point total among proposed designs
for President Grover Cleveland (2nd term) was design GC2-3 with 8 points.
For the 2011 First Spouse Gold Coin and Medal Program, the Committee recommends obverse
design LG-O-1 for Lucretia Garfield. This design garnered 16 out of the possible 30 points.
Reverse design LG-R-5 for Lucretia Garfield was recommended by the Committee with 17 out

of the possible 30 points. None of the proposed designs for Eliza Johnson, Julia Grant or Lucy
Hayes garnered sufficient points to be recommended. The obverse and reverse designs for
Eliza Johnson with the highest point totals were designs EJ-O-2 with 7 points, and EJ-R-2 with
2 points, respectively. The Committee subsequently voted unanimously to reject all reverse
designs for Eliza Johnson and request that new designs be prepared and presented to the
Committee. The highest point totals for obverse and reverse designs for Julia Grant were
design JG-O-2 with 10 points, and JG-R-3 with 10 points. The obverse and reverse designs for
Lucy Hayes with the highest point totals were designs LH-O-1 with 11 points, and LH-R-5
with 3 points. The Committee subsequently voted 9-1 to reject all reverse designs for Lucy
Hayes and request new designs, including new narratives concerning Lucy Hayes’ involvement
in the temperance movement and her distinction as the first woman to serve as First Spouse
who had graduated from college.

Gary B. Marks