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CCAC Public Meeting
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
801 9th Street. NW
Washington, DC
2nd floor conference Room A
Attending the meeting were Tom Noe (Chairman), Mitch Sanders (Vice Chairman), Ute
Wartenberg Kagan (Secretary, by phone), Leon Billings, Bill Fivaz, Rita Laws (by phone),
Robert Remini (by phone), and Ken Thomasma. The meeting was called to order by Chairman
Tom Noe at 1:00 pm, a quorum of eight members being present.
On motion duly made and seconded, the minutes from the CCAC’s November 16, 2004 meeting
were approved unanimously with several minor clarifying changes. The committee also
discussed the possibility of sending each meeting’s minutes to the Secretary of the Treasury as
soon as they are available, rather than waiting until after the committee’s next meeting. It was
agreed that a draft of the minutes from the current meeting would be circulated to members for
comments, then sent to the Secretary of the Treasury along with the letter presenting the CCAC’s
recommendations. In the interest of timely and complete communication, both the minutes and
the letter will be sent as soon as possible after each CCAC meeting.
Chairman Noe then initiated a discussion about various subcommittees. It was agreed that Ute
Wartenberg Kagan and Rita Laws would constitute the website subcommittee. It was further
agreed that the preparation of the 2005 Annual Report did not require a subcommittee, because
the 2004 report provided an appropriate precedent and format. Rather, it was decided that later
in the year Mitch Sanders would present a draft of the 2005 report for review by the committee
as a whole.
There followed a discussion about the possibility of future meetings at sites other than U.S. Mint
headquarters. It was agreed that committee meetings at the annual convention of the American
Numismatic Association were important opportunities to interact with the numismatic
community. It was pointed out that the next two A.N.A. conventions would occur in cities with
Mint facilities: San Francisco in 2005 and Denver in 2006. Members discussed the possibility
of meeting on occasion in other cities or at other U.S. Mint facilities. Many members expressed
the sentiment that the most effective alternative sites would be at other major coin shows around
the country. Chairman Noe said that he would discuss this matter with Mint personnel and
provide an update at the March CCAC meeting.
The committee then turned its attention to the state quarter designs for North Dakota, Nebraska,
and Nevada. Information about designs and the accompanying narratives was presented by
Stacy Anderson of the U.S. Mint. The committee evaluated designs using a procedure whereby
each member assigned each design a rating of 0, 1, 2, or 3 points, with higher numbers indicating
higher ratings. The committee’s overall preference was calculated by summing the ratings of all
members. With 8 members present and voting, the resulting scale ranges from a minimum of 0
points to a maximum of 24 points. Descriptions of the designs and the committee’s
recommendations are presented below; the designs themselves are attached as Appendix I.

North Dakota Designs
Number Title


Primary design element
A modern farm
Migrating geese
Two buffalo grazing

CCAC Point Rating

The CCAC recommends design #1 for North Dakota. The Agriculture theme was praised by
members as an excellent representation of the state. Members felt that the design could be
improved by omitting the farmhouse on the left side of the coin, enhancing the definition of the
crop fields to clarify that they represent wheat, and increasing the size of the trees. Design #2
was not favored for several reasons. Regarding design #3, members expressed concern that
buffalo had already appeared on many recent American coins, and further that the relief of the
background would render the overall design unclear.
Nebraska Designs
Number Title

Chimney Rock
State Capitol
Standing Bear

Primary design element
Statue atop Nebraska state Capitol
Rock formation along Western trail
State Capitol building in Lincoln
Native American rights advocate

CCAC Point Rating

With the closeness of the point ratings for the two most favored designs, the CCAC recommends
either design #2 or design #4. Members described the image on design #2 as both meaningful
and historic. In response to concerns from some members, the CCAC advises verification of the
anatomical accuracy of the oxen. Regarding design #4, members suggested modifying the
design to make it clear that the axe is a pipe axe rather than a regular straight axe. In particular,
it was suggested that the axe/pipe be turned so that the bowl of the pipe could be seen, thereby
identifying it as a pipe at the lower end. Members also wanted to ensure that the portrait is
historically accurate, and to enlarge the image of Standing Bear as much as possible while
remaining consistent with the Mint’s policy against head-and-shoulders portraits on state
quarters. Members also advised that the lettering on design #4 should be placed in a linear form
within the fields of the design rather than around the perimeter. Regarding the other designs, #1
was considered to be an unsuccessful rendering in part due to the image being cut off at the
knees, and there was little enthusiasm for the image of the state Capitol on design #2.
Nevada Designs
Number Title

The Silver State
Nevada Wilderness
Mother Nature’s Nevada

Primary design element
Miner with pick and shovel
Desert bighorn sheep
Sagebrush, mining implements, star

CCAC Point Rating


Morning in Nevada
Nevada’s Early Heritage

Herd of wild horses
Native American artifacts


The committee’s most preferred design for Nevada was design #2, with design #1 also receiving
considerable support. Members were very enthusiastic about design #2, which was widely
praised as both innovative and aesthetically appealing. Members suggested that if Nevada wants
to incorporate recognition as “The Silver State” into the design, that motto could be used in place
of “All for Our Country” on design #2. For design #1, members recommended removing the
shovel and moving the pick from the miner's right shoulder to the left, toward the
right rim. It was further suggested that the size of the miner should be reduced, and the
mountains in the background should be enlarged. Members agreed that a state outline should not
be added to either of these designs. There was little support for design #3, design #4, or design
The committee also received several updates from Mint staff. Madelyn Marchessault presented
information about passed and pending bills related to coinage and medals, Ann Bailey revealed
Mint plans for future releases of commemorative coins scheduled for 2005, Pat McAfee outlined
the Mint’s schedule for releasing annual coin products, Stacy Anderson described plans for the
Artistic Infusion Program, and Jack Szcerban discussed upcoming Congressional gold medal
After a brief discussion of plans for future meetings, Chairman Noe adjourned the meeting at
approximately 3:00 P.M.