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Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee Public Meeting Thursday, April 26, 2012, 9:00 AM United State Mint Headquarters 801 9th Street, NW, 8th Floor Conference Room Washington, D.C. In attendance: Michael Bugeja Robert Hoge Erik Jansen Michael Moran Gary Marks (Chair) Michael Olson Michael Ross Donald Scarinci Jeanne Stevens-Sollman Heidi Wastweet 1. Chairperson Marks called the meeting to order at 10:04 A.M. 2. Robert Hoge and Jeanne Stevens-Sollman were introduced and sworn-in as new members of the Committee. 3. The letter and minutes of the February 28, 2012 meeting were unanimously approved. 4. Ron Harrigal of the United States Mint presented the candidate designs for the Girl Scouts Centennial Commemorative Coin. 5. After each member had commented on the candidate designs, Committee members rated proposed designs by assigning 0, 1, 2, or 3 points to each, with higher points reflecting more favorable evaluations. With ten (10) members voting, the maximum possible point total was 30. The committee’s scores for the Girl Scouts Centennial Commemorative Coin were: Obverse Designs: GS-O-01: 15 GS-O-02: 6 GS-O-03: 10 GS-O-04: 0 GS-O-05: 0 GS-O-06: 15 GS-O-07: 0 GS-O-08: 4 GS-O-09: 22 (Recommended design) GS-O-10: 0 GS-O-11: 0 Reverse Designs: GS-R-01: 2 GS-R-02: 1 GS-R-03: 0 GS-R-04: 0 GS-R-05: 0 GS-R-06: 28 (Recommended design) GS-R-07: 0 GS-R-08: 0 GS-R-09: 0 GS-R-10: 0 6. A motion was made by Ms. Stevens-Sollman, and seconded by Mr. Bugeja, to recommend the removal the wording, “100 Years of Girl Scouting” on obverse design GS-O-09 and to replace it with the words, “Courage, Confidence, Character”. The motion was approved on a vote of eight (8) ayes and two (2) nays. A subsequent motion was made by Mr. Olson, and seconded by Mr. Hoge, to (a) overlay the trefoil appearing on obverse design GS-O-09 with the number “100”, (b) replace “100 years” appearing on reverse design GS-O-06 with the words “Girl Scouts”, (c) on the same reverse design move the newly assigned words “Girl Scouts” to where the words “E Pluribus Unum” appear on the lower edge of the design and move “E Pluribus Unum” upward on the composition to where “Girls Scouts” was previously positioned. The motion was approved unanimously. 7. The Committee recessed for lunch at 12:29 p.m. and reconvened at 1:47 p.m. 8. Ron Harrigal of the United States Mint presented the candidate obverse and reverse designs for the Code Talkers Congressional Gold Medals for the Comanche Nation, Kiowa Tribe, Santee Sioux Tribe and Tlingit Tribe. 9. After each member had commented on the candidate designs, Committee members rated proposed designs by assigning 0, 1, 2, or 3 points to each, with higher points reflecting more favorable evaluations. With ten (10) members voting, the maximum possible point total was 30. The committee’s scores for the obverse and reverse designs for the Code Talkers Congressional Gold Medals were: Comanche Obverse: 01: 8 02: 18 (Recommended design) 03: 3 Comanche Reverse: 01: 7 02: 21 (Recommended design) Kiowa Obverse: 01: 22 (Recommended design) 02: 3 Kiowa Reverse: 01: 9 02: 22 (Recommended design) 03: 1 Santee/Sioux Obverse: 01: 25 (Recommended design) 02: 3 Santee/Sioux Reverse: 01: 13 02: 17 (Recommended design) 03: 0 Tlingit Obverse: 01: 25 (Recommended design) 02: 4 Tlingit Reverse: 01: 3 02: 26 (Recommended design) 10. In order to more accurately portray tribal symbols on Santee-Sioux Reverse 02, a motion was made by Mr. Marks, and seconded by Mr. Olson, to recommend the design be modified by (a) adding an arrowhead shield to the breast of the eagle, (b) more accurately portraying the tribal peace pipe and (c) assuring the correct number of tail feathers on the eagle. A subsequent motion by Ms. Wastweet, and seconded by Mr. Olson, to recommend that the words “Code Talkers” be added to Santee-Sioux Obverse 01 was approved on a vote of nine (9) ayes, and one (1) abstention. 11. The Committee discussed the 2013 First Spouse Backgrounder and authorized the extended written remarks prepared by Mr. Ross to be entered into the record. 12. Mr. Bugeja presented a PowerPoint program analyzing the design devices on United States coins. 13. There being no further business, Chairperson Marks adjourned the meeting at 4:00 p.m.