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Chicago Fed Letter
Sixth annual Auto Outlook
Light vehicle sales for 1994–97 averaged 14.9 million units, with unprecedented stability. Sales for 1994, 1995,
1996, and 1997 were 15.0 million, 14.7
million, 15.0 million, and 15.0 million
units, respectively. Sales during 1998
were not quite as stable. In the first
quarter, sales were in line with the
previous year at 15.1 million units and
then jumped to 16.1 million units in
the second quarter. This surge was
caused by very aggressive discounting
referred to as the “coupon war” in the
vehicle industry as well as a “rush” to
get a General Motors (GM) product
before stocks ran out due to the strikes
that began to affect GM in early June.
Light vehicle sales fell to 14.6 million
units in the third quarter as the GM
strikes shut down production for the
world’s largest vehicle maker. The
strikes were settled at the end of July
and once GM began to replenish inventories, sales in the fourth quarter rocketed to 16.3 million units, the strongest
quarterly sales pace since 1986. After
such a strong quarter, it was expected
that sales would slow in the first quarter of this year. Sales did slow, but by
just 0.1 million units. It was with such
strength in the light vehicle industry
that on May 28, 1999, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago held its sixth
annual Auto Outlook Symposium.
This Chicago Fed Letter summarizes the
consensus outlook from the symposium, as well as the presentations from
vehicle producers, dealers, and vehicle
research organizations.
Consensus outlook for the economy
The economy began 1999 on a fairly
strong note. In the fourth quarter of
1998, the economy expanded at a 6.0%
rate, and preliminary estimated growth

for the first quarter of 1999 was a solid 4.1%. The symposium participants
expect the overall economy, as reflected by real gross domestic product
(GDP), to grow by 3.8% for 1999 and
then slow to 2.4% next year (see figure 1). The unemployment rate is
anticipated to decline 0.2 percentage
points to 4.3% in 1999 and then rise
by 0.3 percentage points next year.
The consensus forecast for light vehicle sales for this year, 15.6 million
units, is just slightly higher than last
year’s sales pace. Given that when
these forecasts were made sales had
already averaged 16.2 million units
for the first four months of the year, the
group was expecting sales to slow to
an average of 15.3 million units for the
remaining two-thirds of the year. For
next year vehicle sales are expected to
ease somewhat, to 15.3 million units,

which would make it the third highest
yearly average after 1998 and 1999 for
the current expansion. Even with the
relatively robust performance of the
economy, the participants anticipate
only a modest rise in the rate of inflation—from 1.6% in 1998 to 2.0% this
year and 2.2% in 2000. The inflation
rate for new vehicles illustrates how
competitive the light vehicle market
has been. In May new vehicle prices
were 0.3% lower than a year ago. New
vehicle prices have been in a deflation
mode since September 1997.
A view from the Big Three
An economist from one of the companies formerly known as the Big Three
presented their assessment of the vehicle industry. The fundamentals for
continued good sales in the vehicle

1. Actual 1998 and median forecasts of GDP and related items

Real gross domestic producta
Real personal consumption expendituresa
Real fixed investment, nonresidentiala
Real fixed investment, residentiala
Change in business inventoriesb
Net exports of goods and servicesb
Real government consumption
expenditures and gross investmentsa
Industrial productiona
Auto & light truck sales (millions of units)
Housing starts (millions of units)
Unemployment ratec
Inflation rate (Consumer Price Index)a
1-year Treasury rate (constant maturity)c
10-year Treasury rate (constant maturity)c
J. P. Morgan trade-weighted dollar indexa

Percent change from previous year.
Billions of chained (1992) dollars.
Note: Data as of May 28, 1999.










industry are still in place. Economic
growth remains strong in the U.S. Consumer spending continues to look
solid, with only some minor concerns.
There are several factors that have led
to the acceleration in vehicle sales over
the past nine months: 1) the still strong
labor market outlook; 2) the increase
in net wealth; 3) strong consumer confidence; 4) falling new vehicle prices;
5) strong mortgage refinancing in late
1998; and 6) low interest rates. There
is no estimated pent-up demand remaining in the industry so the strong
sales could be implying pull-ahead
sales, which could lead to softer sales
in the near future.
Consumer spending growth has been
averaging 5% versus household income
growth of 3%. This discrepancy might
be cause for concern with savings balance growth being negative, but there
has been a significant increase in
household net wealth with double
digit nominal gains annually since
1995. The wealth-to-income ratio has
been increasing, while at the same time
the savings rate has been decreasing.
It appears that the wealth effect has
been a significant driving force on consumer spending. This economist believes that the net wealth effect could
have contributed as much as 28% to
overall consumer spending growth during 1998. For the first quarter of 1999 it
could have accounted for 2% of the 6%
increase in consumer spending.
How long can this net wealth effect
continue to fuel consumer spending?
If one anticipates continued appreciation in the stock market, especially
with very low inflation, the economist
said it will continue to generate very
strong growth conditions with the overall economy continuing to grow well
above the 3% range.
Looking at world markets, the economist noted that Europe offers a lot of
opportunities for the automotive business. Despite the recent economic
slowdown there followed by interest
rate cuts, essentially zero inflation,
and the weakness of the euro, vehicle
sales have remained quite good, and
some countries have had record sales.
Some lessons were drawn from the

U.S. market. When there is intense
competition among producers, there
is essentially no inflation, so there is
real consumer income growth and consumers will buy, even with a weak job
In Brazil, the IMF program likely
helped stem a more significant downturn, although growth is anticipated
to be down nearly 6% this year. Vehicle
industry volumes have slipped sharply
over the past several years. Significant
vehicle price incentives are supporting sales, which are still expected to
be down over 35% this year compared
with last year. Only a modest increase
in sales is forecast for next year.
Recent economic news looks better
for Japan. The minicar market is very
strong, industrial production is stabilizing, and retail sales, though still negative on a year over year basis, are not
declining further. However, there is
still very little industry and consumer
demand and not much expectation of
good economic performance in the
near term.
Korea in contrast has had much better
economic performance. The industrial
sector has expanded by 10%. The
overall economy is expected to be unchanged from year ago levels with some
modest increase in the vehicle industry this year. This is well above what
most analysts thought was likely when
they were putting their forecasts together in early 1998. Korea has undertaken some very aggressive reforms,
especially in the banking sector.
Dealers’ perspective
A speaker representing the vehicle
dealer viewpoint indicated that the
vehicle market remains very positive.
During 1998, many factors contributed
to a strong year of dealer sales. Real
economic growth was near 4%, employment growth was quite strong, and the
stock market rose sharply. The National
Automobile Dealers Association’s dealer optimism index reached a five-year
high in April of this year and dealers
expect positive economic conditions to
continue into 1999 and beyond.

Consumer confidence reached a 30year high last year as credit conditions
were favorable and vehicle prices were
flat. Consumer confidence remains
high and many other areas of the economy remain robust. Households are
in tremendous shape and spending
accordingly, which is keeping light
vehicle sales strong. Though warmer
weather in certain parts of the country
pulled some sales into the first quarter
of 1999, the dealers’ forecast for light
vehicle sales in 1999 is still for slightly
better sales than last year. Despite
their high level of optimism, dealers
have expressed concern about excess
vehicle capacity, lower corporate profits, rising household debt, and the
Asian crisis.
Medium and heavy-duty truck market
An economist from a research company
that analyzes the medium and heavyduty truck industry presented the forecast for this market segment. The
economic outlook for trucks calls for
continuation of current positive trends.
This economist believes that strong
consumer confidence, moderate inflation and interest rates, healthy construction and housing markets, and
improved productivity—adding to a
noninflationary environment—are all
pushing economic growth. A strong
growth economy translates into increased freight shipments. It continues to be a very special time in the
truck industry. Net orders for trucks
continue to be at high levels, even
though they have been slowing somewhat recently. Backlogs are extremely
high across the board, ranging from
six to nine months. Inventories appear
high, but are in line with sales. Production and sales should set records in
1999 and the industry should start the
year 2000 on a strong footing.
It is anticipated that new orders over
the next two or three years will set
records. The future continues to be
seen as one of a growing economy, with
increases in the already high levels
of freight shipments. The shipment
industry is now moving to ‘guaranteed’ delivery times as competition
remains intense among trucking
firms. Railroads were brought up as

possible competition, but this was immediately dismissed by the speaker,
due to the fact that on time performance for the railroad deliveries are
only about 80%–85%.
European import perspective
An economist from a European vehicle
manufacturer focused on the microeconomics of a vehicle manufacturer. This
economist spoke of visionary automobile designs that have supported the
success and longevity of particular
models. Brand management is a key
strategy of this firm, as is understanding the customer emotions and rationale involved in making a vehicle
purchase. This company realizes that
it is in a niche market and has limited
resources, but it will continue to focus
on brand management and production
capabilities. Signals of success seen by
this company are the economic and
demographic robustness of its customer base. Management feels that the
company’s production capabilities
are at the desired level, given that the
industry may be at the top of the business cycle, and sees downstream activities for dealers, financial issues, and
brand concerns becoming a much
greater concentration in the future.
World overcapacity of
vehicle production
One economist from a research firm
looked at the issue of excess capacity
in the world vehicle market. Two key
issues the speaker addressed were 1)
boosting profits in an environment of
global overcapacity and 2) the need to
broaden market bases and diversify
risks. The excess capacity currently in
the global market—due largely to
building ahead of local market demand in many emerging markets—
has constrained global profitability.
The Asian economic crisis has compounded the problem.
The significant excess capacity has
led to downward pressure on prices
in markets approaching record level
of sales. Firms are cutting costs, yet
finding that they are not able to improve profitability because consumers
are driving prices down.

The speaker said that
2. Vehicle sales growth rates by region (%)
North America, which is
categorized as a very maBoom
ture market with little
growth potential, is probably the strongest market
North America
right now. Europe has
South America
been experiencing falWestern Europe
tering growth, but as in
Japan and Korea
the U.S., consumers in
Other Asia
Europe are propping up
the auto market. Unless
European economies
weaken significantly, the
vehicle industry should continue to
for every 1,000 people. This represents
do well in Europe, at least in the near
a lot of potential in the emerging marterm. Japan is best characterized
kets once per capita GDP increases.
as an economy with a flat tire and a
Even small increases in per capita
very weak pump. This is an economy
GDP can significantly increase the
that may be going into a double dip
vehicle market.
However, where the potential demand
Emerging markets, which probably
is, is not where current capacity is conhave a year to go before they get back
centrated; about 75% of vehicle producon their feet, introduce a degree of
tion is in the mature markets (although,
instability to the entire global market.
due to the recession in Asia, over 90%
Emerging markets are considered the
of current excess capacity is in the
large growth markets of the future.
emerging markets and Japan). Based
The U.S. and Europe are pretty much
on estimates of production in 2008,
saturated and can not grow much bewith no new capacity added in the world,
yond the limit of population growth.
the only region that would still have
But in the emerging markets as per
excess capacity would be Japan, with a
capita income increases, people
great shortage of capacity in emerging
move away from bicycles and motorcy- Asian countries.
cles and upgrade to cars, and this
opens up a tremendous new market.
The past ten years illustrate this potenMichael H. Moskow, President; William C. Hunter,
tial for growth. South America and
Senior Vice President and Director of Research; Douglas
Asia, excluding Japan and Korea,
Evanoff, Vice President, financial studies; Charles
well out-distanced growth in the maEvans, Vice President, macroeconomic policy research;
Daniel Sullivan, Vice President, microeconomic policy
ture markets of the world. Figure 2
research; William Testa, Vice President, regional
shows the impact of the economic
programs and economics editor; Helen O’D. Koshy,
crisis on these emerging markets.
This analyst’s projection is that the
Chicago Fed Letter is published monthly by the
growth potential is still there. As these
Research Department of the Federal Reserve
countries recover, they will experiBank of Chicago. The views expressed are the
ence disproportionate growth. The
authors’ and are not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal
enthusiasm and excitement are still
Reserve System. Articles may be reprinted if the
there; the risks are high, but so is
source is credited and the Research Department
the potential.
is provided with copies of the reprints.
In the U.S. there are approximately
eight vehicles for every ten people;
in Europe the number is between five
and six cars for every ten people;
worldwide, there is only one car for
every ten people; and in very densely
populated countries like China and
India there are fewer than ten cars

Chicago Fed Letter is available without charge from
the Public Information Center, Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago, P.O. Box 834, Chicago, Illinois
60690-0834, tel. 312-322-5111 or fax 312-322-5515.
Chicago Fed Letter and other Bank publications are
available on the World Wide Web at http://
ISSN 0895-0164

The speaker asked whether vehicle
makers can solve their profitability problems through mergers. Most mergers
have not directly addressed the excess
capacity issue. The analyst discussed
the potential mergers of several vehicle companies that have been rumored
to be candidates for consolidation.

Even in an environment with a lot of
opportunities, it is not easy for even
the strongest companies to find successful partners. Companies want to
keep their products, markets, and
geographic locations well balanced. A
successful partnership often requires
a lot of financial resources to bolster

one of the partners, at least through
the short term, and commitment and
cooperation to overcome cultural differences.
—William A. Strauss
Senior economist and economic advisor
—Keith Motyka
Associate economist

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Chicago Fed Letter