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D E C E M B E R 1992
N U M B E R 64

Chicago Fed Letter
NAFTA and the auto
industry: boon or bane?
The recent successful completion of
the North American Free Trade (NAF­
TA) talks raise serious questions about
the potential economic, social and
political ramifications of an agreement
that may result in the world’s largest
and potentially most prosperous com­
mon market. Among the industries
that are likely to be affected, few are of
greater concern to the Midwest than
the auto industry. One critical ques­
tion is how the pact may alter trade
flows of automotive products and
consequently the location of jobs in
North America. This Chicago Fed Letter
summarizes the auto related agree­
ments on this issue and finds that the
major impact of NAFTA, especially in
the Midwest, may be simply to acceler­
ate a process that most likely would
take place regardless of the treaty.
However, the question may become
whether the U.S. chooses to export
goods or jobs.
Existing auto trade and
trade provisions

To a greater extent than trade in most
other products, the existing North
American market for vehicles is already
a highly integrated and growing mar­
ket where finished goods and parts
transcend borders. Total North Ameri­
can trade in automobiles and auto
components has almost tripled in the
last decade to over $50 billion annually
(see Figure 1). This integration re­
flects such developments as the explo­
sive growth of the Mexican domestic
industry, further integration of U.S.Canadian production, and the pres­
ence of four major manufacturers in
all three markets along with other
manufacturers rapidly following suit.1
Furthermore, integration in auto parts
has also occurred with two-way trade

between the U.S. and Mexico more
than doubling in the last decade to
over $8 billion annually. In the aggre­
gate, trade in automotive products
accounts for roughly one-fourth of all
trade in North America. That level has
accelerated since the mid-1980s and
continues to grow substantially.
Integration has been encouraged first
and foremost by the economic benefits
to producers in the respective markets.
These benefits accrtie from cheaper
inputs, especially labor in Mexico, and
access to a burgeoning Mexican con­
sumer market, especially for U.S. pro­
ducers. As indicated in Figure 2, these
elements were stimulants in the 1980s.Further integration, especially between
U.S.- Canadian assembly and technical
component facilities and labor inten­
sive facilities in Mexico, are widely ex­
pected to continue.
Previous trade pacts and adjustments,
which have attempted to liberalize the
trading environment, are an additional
impettis to integration. In the U.S. the
most important provisions have includ­
ed the 1965 auto pact with Canada,
the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) of
1989, Harmonized Tariff Rules (HTS)
and the Generalized System of Prefer­
ences (GSP).
The auto pact of 1965 between the U.S.
and Canada began the process of duty
free automotive trade in North Ameri­
ca. U nder the provisions of the agree­
ment, most new autos and auto parts
could be shipped between the U.S. and
Canada duty free. The exception to
the rules included replacement parts,
used cars, and some domestic content
requirements. A loophole in the pact
was the duty remission program of the
Canadian government which did pro­
duce some trade distortion by encour­
aging some production in the Canadi­
an market.

billions of dollars


------------A utos and parts




SO U R C E: U.S. Department of Commerce.

The FTA of 1989 removed some of the
distortions of the duty remission pro­
gram and solidified the provisions of
the pact. The duty free status of prod­
ucts with a domestic content level of
50% was established between the U.S.
and Canadian markets. Furthermore,
the duty remission program was cur­
tailed by removing its provisions re­
garding trade with the U.S. and future
extension of the program to nonU.S.
producers. Consequently, since the
mid-1960s, trade in automobiles and
auto parts has been relatively unre­
stricted between the U.S. and Canada,
with more than 95% of all trade in
autos currently being tariff free.
Far and away the most important cur­
rent provisions with respect to U.S.
imports from Mexico have been HTS
items 9802.00.60 and 9802.00.80. Un­
der these provisions, and within the
GSP rules, a large portion of Mexican
auto components enter the U.S. under
limited and/or reduced tariffs. Specifi­
cally, the provisions reduce the applica­
ble tariffs levied to the amount of Mex­
ican value added to a product exclud-

other production programs, tariffs on
assembled vehicles and parts are elimi­
nated for Firms which maintain a cer­
tain level o f production in Canada.
Consequently, due to the presence of
firms with facilities in both Mexico and
Canada, the programs have removed
many banders to the Canadian market.

hourly compensation in dollars
24 -----------------------

J___________________ I____________________I____________



SOURCE: U S. Department of Commerce.

ing U.S. components and, therefore,
reduce the overall effective tariff rate
on products. Estimates of tariffs on
auto parts alone indicate that perhaps
over half of all parts imported from
Mexico are favorably impacted by
reduced tariffs under these terms.
Trade in this environment, especially
Mexican exports to the U.S., has been
encouraged, as indicated by the fact
that three-quarters of Mexican auto­
mobile exports are destined for the
U.S. The favorable trade provisions
have also been a stimulus for the maq­
uiladora program. Maquiladoras are
facilities established for processing
an d /o r assembly of imported compo­
nents which are then re-exported to
the original component producing
market, usually the U.S. The original
program was created in 1965 to assist
displaced Mexican migrant workers
who had been adversely affected by
cessation of a seasonal migrant worker
program (the bracero program) in
the U.S.
Canadian imports from Mexico also
have been influenced by preferential
trade terms. The duty remission pro­
gram allows for waiver of all tariffs on
many imports from Mexico. The third
party provisions of the program have
long been an area of contention be­
tween the U.S. and Canada. However,
the program has been a plus to the
Mexican auto industry. Under the
terms of the remission program and

Of course, the Mexican market is still
not completely open in terms of trade
provisions, and specific external barri­
ers in the U.S. and Canada may be
relatively high. For instance, corporate
average fuel efficiency (CAFE) stan­
dards, countervailing duties, and quo­
tas for autos still exist. Furthermore,
within North America, Mexico still has
aggressive trade restrictions which
distort the trading environment. Al­
though the 1989 auto decree brought
a realignment and movement toward
more progressive policies, the provi­
sions prior to NAFTA have been rather
stringent. After 1989, for instance, the
following standards were established:
1) A local content level of 36% was
established as a minimal level for
all vehicles sold in the domestic
2) Vehicle manufacturers must main­
tain an export to import ratio great­
er than 1. An initial target of $2.50
of exports to $1.00 of imports was
established for 1991 and the sched­
ule slides down to $1.75 by 1994.
3) The total number of import vehicles
sold in the domestic market is re­
stricted to 15% of the market.
4) Duties of 20% and 13%, respective­
ly, are imposed on vehicles and
auto parts.
Undoubtedly, the distortive effects of
these terms have been severe, especial­
ly in light of the robust growth in the
Mexican market since the mid-1980s.
More importantly, current trade re­
strictions give strong incentives to U.S.
producers to locate in Mexico to have
access to Mexico’s rapidly growing
consumer market. However, even in
the case o f Mexico, many of the provi­
sions have been weakened substantially
in the last decade and the movement
to make further modifications has
become stronger recently, as evi­

denced by the willingness of President
Salinas' government to participate in
the NAFTA talks.
Changes under NAFTA
NAFTA will impact the North American
market by reinforcing underlying
trends and altering some aspects of the
market, primarily the rules for domestic
content levels, duties, and trade balanc­
ing procedures. According to the
agreement, domestic content levels for
duty free and/or reduced duty provi­
sions will be set at 62.5%, which is above
the existing U.S.-Canadian level of 50%.
This provision would be phased in over
eight years, with a reduced level of 60%
for auto parts and other vehicles.
Upon implementation of NAFTA, the
U.S. would eliminate its duty of 2.5% on
cars and cut its 25% duty on trucks to
10%. The truck tariff would then be
phased out over a five year period. The
significance of this agreement is dimin­
ished by existing HTS rules, which have
already liberalized the trading environ­
ment. In conjunction with these revi­
sions, Mexico would immediately cut in
half its existing duties and phase the
remainder out over a ten year period.
Finally, Mexican officials have also
agreed to phase out the trade balancing
rules and its domestic content rules
over a 10-15 year period.
The impact of the accord will be influ­
enced in a number of ways by the exist­
ing environment. First, general integra­
tion in North America will continue as
domestic producers in particular strug­
gle to maintain market share, reduce
costs, and improve profitability. These
efforts will likely include movement of
some production facilities to lower cost
environments in Mexico, closure of
surplus capacity in some market seg­
ments (mostly in the U.S. and Canada)
and increased production of some
goods to capture a growing market in
North America and abroad. These
trends are in large measure indepen­
dent of NAFTA and are being driven by
global economic and social factors.
Additionally, it should not be assumed
that movement of production and fu­
ture expansion as a result of NAFTA will

take place only in Mexico. Quality ,
efficiency, and labor productivity are
important elements in the production
decision, and U.S. and Canadian sup­
pliers may have an advantage in certain
areas. Mexican parts suppliers, for
instance, have been sheltered from
competition under existing rules. Lib­
eralization of trade terms in Mexico
will also open up the Mexican market
to imports for the first time, and this
may dampen some of the movement of
production facilities as well. Under
current trade rules, auto producers
must have Mexican production facili­
ties (domestic and export oriented) to
sell in the growing Mexican market, a
key restriction which in large measure
is removed by the agreement.
In addition, U.S. and Canadian exports
of certain products and parts will likely
receive a boost from the opening of
the Mexican domestic market. A con­
sumer market of 83 million is currently
underserved and sales are growing
rapidly. Thus, liberalization will help
to increase exports in this growing
Still, it is likely that investment flows
into Mexico, given the current envi­
ronment, will accelerate under NAF­
TA. This inflow will boost labor pro­
ductivity and the question then be­
comes whether or not wages keep
pace. How much growth in Mexican
production displaces U.S. production
will be determined by relative growth
in productivity and wages. If Mexican
wages remain low relative to their pro­
ductivity growth in this environment,
then displacement may occur to a
greater degree than if Mexican wages
rose quickly.
One source of displacement may in­
volve domestic producers, especially
transplants, switching from overseas
suppliers to North American suppliers.
As written, the pact gives greater pref­
erence to Mexican suppliers than oth­
er producers. Consequently, there
may be displacement of Asian a n d /o r
other overseas suppliers. A substitu­
tion of North American for overseas
suppliers could then produce an over­
all gain in production and employ­
ment for industries, like autos,

throughout North America. Nev erthe­
less, it must be remembered that the
phase-in period is extended to 10 to 15
years, thus minimizing any shock to
formerly protected markets.
In the North American market, the
existing trade terms and recent modifi­
cations of autos and auto parts trade
have further accelerated the integra­
tion of the market across national
borders. Undoubtedly, further liberal­
ization will intensify these trends, espe­
cially with regards to vehicle sales and
production in the growing Mexican
market and will result in fundamental
changes in the Mexican and Canadian
markets. But in the U.S., for the most
part, it will merely accelerate the pro­
cess of integration already begun.
Thus, while the U.S. market will make
adjustments, the immediate signifi­
cance of the accord will be m uted by
the existing liberal trading rules o f the
U.S. and the gradual phasing in o f the
treaty ’s provisions over 10 to 15 years.
This analysis does not mean to deemphasize the importance of the trade
pact, or minimize concerns over dis­
placement of labor and other harsh
effects like downsizing. These are very
real and important issues. However,
the pact itself is not the sole cause of
liberalization of auto trade in North
America, nor will it radically alter the
composition of the industry. To say
otherwise would be to understate the
economic and political changes which
have been occurring absent the agree­
ment. The industry in North America
is already highly integrated and al­
though the environment is not com ­
pletely unrestricted trade, restrictions
have been minimized throughout the
last 25 years. Furthermore, it should
be stressed that the major modifica­
tions of the pact involve changes in
access to the domestic Mexican m ar­
ket, which has been highly restrictive
for foreign producers. The existing
restrictions, given the recent growth
and potential future growth of the
Mexican market, have encouraged the
movement of facilities—and with them
jobs—from the U.S. and Canada in
order to access this market. With the

agreement, however, necessary chang­
es will be made to allow easier access to
the Mexican economy. Consequently,
job displacement directly attributable
to the trade agreement should be mini­
mal and, with the potential grow th in
the Mexican market, there may even
be job growth.
In sum, NAFTA, along with other fac­
tors, will encourage further restructur­
ing in the industry” however, indepen­
dently of these other factors, it will
likely not fundamentally change the
motor vehicle industry in the U.S. and
North America.
—Paul Ballewr and
Robert Schnorbus
'C urrently, G eneral M otors, Ford, C hrys­
ler, an d Volkswagen have significant pres­
ences in all three m arkets. Jap an ese n a m e ­
plates (i.e., all brands p ro d u ced by a p ar­
ticular m aker), in particular Nissan a n d
Toyota, have begun to e n te r the M exican
m ark et aggressively.
-Total labor costs are affected by p ro d u ctiv ­
ity in addition to wage rates. Also, access to
th e grow ing M exican m arket is an im p o r­
tan t incentive fo r establishing p ro d u c tio n
facilities because the existing trad e restric­
tions m ake it very' difficult for M exico to
im p o rt significant quantities o f vehicles.

Karl A. Scheld, S en io r Vice P re sid en t a n d
D irecto r o f Research; David R. A llardice„ Vice
P re sid en t an d A ssistant D irecto r o f R e search ;
Carolyn M cM ullen, E ditor.
Chicago Fed Letter is p u b lish ed m o n th ly b y th e
R esearch D e p a rtm e n t o f th e F ed eral R eserve
B ank o f Chicago. T h e views e x p ressed aue th e
a u th o rs ’ a n d are n o t necessarily th o se o f th e
F ederal Reserve Bank o f C hicago o r th e F ed eral
Reserve System. Articles may b e r e p r in te d if
th e source is cred ited an d th e R esearch
D e p a rtm e n t is provided with co p ies o f th e
Chicago Fed Letter is available w ith o u t c h a rg e
fro m th e Public In fo rm atio n C e n te r, F e d e ra l
Reserv e Bank o f C hicago, P.O. Box 8 3 4 T
C hicago, Illinois, 60690, (312) 322-5111.

ISSN 0895-0164

Motor vehicle production, millions (saar)

9 -----------------------------------

Manufacturing output index

Month ago

Year ago









Motor vehicle production
(millions, saar)

Month ago

Year ago





Light trucks





Purchasing Managers’ Surveys:
production index

Month ago






Light trucks


Year ago











_______________________________________________________ I I « 1 « I I 1 1 I I t 1 I I 1 1 t 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1- 1—
I--L 1 1_1__L I I I 1 I 1 l__i_ I -1-1 -LI i- 1
NOTE: Dotted lines are estimated production



The Midwest manufacturing sector could be feeling the strain of keeping its own
and the nation’s recovery moving forward. Both the MMI and the Purchasing
Managers’ Survey in recent months has been indicating a slowing of momentum.
But most disturbing has been unexpected weakness in car production, following
lower than expected sales.
Domestic car producers cut assemblies in the third quarter to a 5.6 million unit
annualized rate—half a million below the second quarter rate. Fourth quarter
production plans call for virtually no change in assemblies in the fourth quarter.
Light trucks , so far, are expected to provide an offset by increasing production to
a 4.3 million rate this quarter from 3.7 million last quarter.



SOURCES: T h e M idwest M a n u fac tu rin g In d e x
(M M I) is a com posite index o f 15 in d u strie s,
based on m onthly ho u rs w orked a n d kilo w att
h o u rs. IP rep re sen ts the FRBB in d u strial p r o ­
d u c tio n index for the U.S. m a n u fa c tu rin g se c­
tor. A utos an d light trucks are m e a su re d in a n ­
n u alized physical units, using seasonal a d ju s t­
m en ts developed by the F ederal R eserve B o a rd .
T h e PMA index for the U.S. is th e p ro d u c tio n
c o m p o n e n ts from the NPMA survey a n d fo r th e
M idwest is a w eighted average o f th e p r o d u c ­
tion co m p o n e n ts from the C hicago, D etro it,
a n d M ilwaukee PMA survey, with assistance
from B ishop Associates a n d C om erica.

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