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Chicago Fed Letter
What is multilateral
clearing and who cares?

regular and dependable, so they
rarely attract notice. This probably
explains why the public knows little
To signify the im portance of a finan­ about clearing systems, even though
futures m arkets have used m ultilater­
cial news event, the m edia often
al clearing procedures for nearly
present pictures of excited traders
screaming their orders in the pits of
the futures exchanges. But such
But this hasn’t always been the case.
events are transient. More im por­
Prior to the adoption of m ultilateral
tant is the way these exchange trades systems, futures m arkets cleared
are handled after leaving the pits:
bilaterally. In those days, exchange
They are multilaterally cleared, that
m em bers suffered the consequences
is, through a third-party clearing­
of trades placed with financially
weak m embers. To avoid these
Over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives, consequences, m em bers attem pted
to avoid trading with weak m em bers
by contrast, are not traded on orga­
nized exchanges, but rather via elec­ when possible and im posed margin
requirem ents to mitigate the rem ain­
tronic com m unications networks.
ing risks. Despite these efforts, fail­
Such products include swap con­
were frequent and sometimes
tracts, forward contracts, options,
extensive. For example, the 1902
and a variety of hybrids. Unlike fu­
bankruptcy of G.D. Phillips resulted
tures, they are cleared bilaterally,
in losses for over 40% of the m em ­
that is, directly between originating
of the Chicago Board of Trade.
counterparties. As the num ber of
OTC transactions has increased, so
Since 1925, all U.S. futures exchang­
have proposals that they be cleared
es have used m ultilateral clearing
systems. This m eans that all traded
contracts are cleared through a m em ­
While such proposals tend to be
of an exchange-affiliated clear­
motivated by a concern for private
The clearinghouse is in­
economies, regulators find m ultilat­
eral clearing attractive because of its terposed in each contract between a
buyer and a seller so that the original
public economies. This Chicago Fed
contract is replaced by two contracts.
Letter explores m ultilateral clearing
in the context of OTC derivatives. It As a result, the original seller obtains
identifies the private econom ies that a contract to sell to the clearinghouse
and the original buyer obtains a con­
m ultilateral clearing would yield, as
tract to buy from the clearinghouse.
well as its potentially even greater
Substituting the clearinghouse for
public benefits.
the original counterparties implies
that the financial standing of the
What is multilateral clearing?
counterparties is not a consideration
Clearing is the back-office processing in the trade.1 Rather, the clear­
of traded contracts. It involves deter­ inghouse guarantees all positions
created between its clearing m em ­
m ining the am ounts due between
bers. The presence of this guarantee
counterparties and, through cash
exposes the clearinghouse to losses
transfers, settling these am ounts.
While spectacular gains or losses get which, in turn, creates a powerful
incentive for the clearinghouse to
attention, back-office events are

m onitor the financial ability of its
clearing m embers. This m onitoring
further strengthens the surety of
contracts placed with clearing m em ­
How well does m ultilateral clearing
work? The best evidence is the per­
form ance of the futures markets.
Since m ultilateral clearing was intro­
duced in 1925, all losses due to fail­
ure of a counterparty have been
covered by exchange-affiliated clear­
inghouses. In contrast with earlier
years, losses such as those realized in
the Phillips bankruptcy have been
prevented from propagating. This
isolation of risk gives the public a
layer of protection from contract

Private economies

In recent years, some have encour­
aged m ultilateral clearing for OTC
derivatives because of the significant
private benefits it would yield. U n­
der bilateral contracting, counter­
parties are obligated to make due-to
and due-from payments. A simpler
form of this process is to net pay­
m ents bilaterally; that is, to net the
payments due on all contracts be­
tween each pair of counterparties
and then have a single paym ent
m ade between the pair. Bilateral
netting clearly reduces the num ber
of payments required between coun­
terparties. Further econom ies can
be obtained if payments are netted
across many different counterpar­
ties—a practice called m ultilateral
netting. For instance, banks placing
contracts on behalf of their custom­
ers often create positions that offset
their previous exposure to m arket
risks. Despite this m itigation of m ar­
ket exposure, such banks retain pay­
m ent obligations to each of their
counterparties. Making payments is

costly. A system of m ultilateral clear­
ing substantially reduces these costs.
O ther costs, too, can be reduced
through m ultilateral clearing. Be­
cause a contract exposes counterpar­
ties to credit risks, collateral is fre­
quently required for each contract
even when any price-change expo­
sure stemming from the position has
been offset. As assets dedicated to
collateral purposes generally have
m ore valuable uses, m aintaining this
redundancy imposes cost burdens.
Substituting the clearinghouse for
the original counterparties collapses
the separate contract obligations
into a single net contract and a sin­
gle collateral obligation. For an
institution with an extensive gross
contract position (many contracts
with many different counterparties),
this represents a significant cost
reduction. The com bined costs of
operating a payments facility and
m aintaining collateral deposits in
excess of actual risk levels represent
a strong incentive to pursue m ul­
tilateral clearing arrangem ents,
which directly reduce those costs.
M onitoring is an im portant com po­
nent of the risk m anagem ent activity
of bilateral contractors. As each
contractor m ust m onitor the finan­
cial ability of each of its counterpar­
ties, m uch of this activity is redun­
dant. Centralizing m onitoring
activity at the clearinghouse insures
that each m arket participant is m oni­
tored at significantly reduced cost.
As the num ber of transactions in
foreign currency m arkets has grown
rapidly since 1971, the econom ies
available from a m ultilateral system
have becom e especially attractive to
potential and actual participants.
Pursuit of such econom ies has moti­
vated a group of twelve banks to
develop a proposal for a m ultilateral
clearing system called MULTINET
for institutions transacting in foreign
currency markets. The system would
begin with m ultilateral clearing of
U.S. and Canadian dollar transac­
tions and ultimately would handle
transactions in all of the world’s
major currencies.

Similarly, the Chicago Board of
Trade is developing a system called
the Hybrid fnstrum ents Trading
System (HITS) that will perm it m ul­
tilateral clearing of OTC swap con­
tracts. This system will be im ple­
m ented in three stages. First,
facilities will be provided to handle
payments and collateral require­
m ents between counterparties. Sec­
ond, models will be evaluated to
determ ine the am ounts required to
settle contracts. Third, guarantees
of paym ent obligations will be ex­
tended by interposing the exchange
clearinghouse as counterparty to all
swap contracts cleared through
HITS. In this third stage, swap con­
tracts will trade with the same non­
default guarantees that futures con­
tracts have had since 1925.

Public economies

In addition to the private econom ies
outlined above, m ultilateral clearing
also offers public economies. In
bilateral systems, counterparties have
incentives to collect credit inform a­
tion on their counterparties in order
to protect against contract default.
However, a full assessment of any
single counterparty requires com­
plete knowledge of all its outstand­
ing contracts. Since any single insti­
tution has full knowledge of only the
positions between itself and its coun­
terparties, it can only estimate the
extent to which it may be exposed to
contract defaults affecting its im m e­
diate counterparties. For example,
suppose institution A has a contract
with institution B. Assume further
that institution A can correctly assess
its exposure to default on that con­
tract. At the same time, however,
institution B also has a contract out­
standing with institution C. Should
C default on its contract, B may be­
come financially weaker, thereby
increasing the exposure A faces from
B. Assessing this indirect exposure is
both difficult and costly. Further, if
an institution underestim ates its
indirect exposure, it may inade­
quately protect itself against the risk
of loss.

M ultilateral clearing systems solve
this problem by shifting contract
loss exposure to the clearinghouse.
Such a shift is efficient because the
clearinghouse has full knowledge of
the contracting activities of all its
members; thus the shift yields an
econom y in inform ation collecting.
Moreover, centralizing the infor­
m ation gathering substantially im­
proves the ability of m em bers to
react appropriately. W here a single
m em ber in a bilateral arrangem ent
can estimate its exposure from de­
fault propagation, it will tend to
protect itself against its own estima­
tion error. With a central clearing­
house, the individual estimates m ade
by individual institutions are re­
placed with full-information esti­
mates m ade by the clearinghouse.
Thus, centralization concentrates
inform ation at the point where it is
best utilized.
Centralization has a further benefit.
While each participant in a bilateral
system has incentives to protect itself
from contract defaults by its counter­
parties, its interests end there. No
participant has an incentive to con­
cern itself with system-wide risks.
The m em bers of a m ultilateral clear­
ing system, on the other hand, are
exposed to defaults created by sys­
tem-wide problems. As each clearing
m em ber accepts the liabilities en­
tered into by the cleared trades of
every other m em ber, each m em ber
has strong incentives to m onitor this
risk. This m utualization of risk in­
sures that contracts accepted by
clearing m em bers will be scrutinized
for their system-wide risk implica­
tions. M embers can be expected to
adopt trading rules that lessen the
probability that a buildup of these
risks will occur, and they can be ex­
pected to respond quickly to any
unanticipated buildup. In sum, a
m ultilateral system has incentives to
identify systemic risks and has the
resources to respond to these incen­
tives. It is this com bination that best
explains the success of the futures
markets in controlling contract de­
faults since 1925.

Regulatory authorities represent an
alternative mechanism for dealing
with system-wide risks. Legislation
entitles the regulatory agencies to
access defined categories of inform a­
tion. Legislation also stipulates the
steps that regulators may take to
mitigate systemic risks. As legislation
develops slowly, often in response to
actual problem s, regulatory agencies
are less capable of responding quick­
ly to rapid buildups in system-wide
risks. The ability of m ultilateral
clearinghouses to adapt m ore quick­
ly makes them particularly useful.
This rapid-response feature is espe­
cially beneficial in the derivatives
markets, where contracting activity
has grown exponentially and innova­
tion may be exceeding the capacity
of regulators to keep pace.
These circumstances have piqued
the interest of banking regulators in
m ultilateral clearing arrangem ents.
While they recognize the dangers
posed by poorly structured clearing­
house arrangem ents,2 the possibility
of obtaining a facility whose opera­
tions are consistent with the public’s
interest in controlling system-wide
risks is attractive. The clearinghous­
es operated by the futures exchanges
for most of this century offer an
excellent m odel for how these bene­
fits can be obtained for the broader
category of derivative products that
trade today.
Regulators are now in the process of
evaluating m ultilateral clearing ar­
rangem ents. The Lamfalussy Report
offers guidelines for operating a
m ultilateral clearing facility in for­
eign exchange.3 It does not address
m ultilateral clearing of derivative
products, an area that poses special
problems. Most im portant, in con­
trast to foreign exchange contracts,
cash settlem ents do not extinguish
the exposures that rem ain in an
outstanding derivatives contract.
Since a derivatives contract may not
expire for years, each contract may
represent a considerable dollar
am ount of exposure. It is im portant
for clearinghouse settlem ents to
extinguish as m uch current expo­
sure as possible. Futures markets

accomplish this by m arking the con­
tract to m arket daily, using in most
cases the m arket-determ ined settle­
m ent price for each contract. This
approach is based on the idea that
m arket prices provide the best possi­
ble estimate of current value. W hen
publicly observed prices are less
informative, as in a customized OTC
derivative, they m ust be replaced by
calculated values. Developm ent of a
satisfactory m ultilateral clearing
facility will require an effective ap­
proach to solving this issue.
As noted earlier, the search for pri­
vate economies has motivated many
of the proposals for multilateral
clearing arrangem ents. Assessments
of these proposals need to focus on
both the operating procedures for
these proposed organizations and on
the strength of clearinghouse incen­
tives to adapt to the innovations occuring in our evolving markets. At
this date, attention has focused on
the operating procedures with little
recognition of the power brought to
bear when loss-sharing arrangem ents
cause private firms to have loss expo­
sures stemming from systemic prob­
lems. For example, the Lamfalussy
guidelines do not cover the loss­
sharing arrangem ents adopted by the
clearing organization. As loss-shar­
ing arrangem ents determ ine how the
organization mutualizes its exposure
to counterparty risk, this is a signifi­
cant omission.

that are of greatest significance.
Centralized inform ation gathering
makes it possible for m ultilateral
systems to identify system-wide prob­
lems that may escape notice in bilat­
eral arrangem ents. As the clearing­
house may be exposed to systemwide risks, it has incentives to devel­
op means of m anaging them. More­
over, unlike a public regulator, the
clearinghouse can adapt rapidly to
changing m arket conditions.
—-James T. Moser
^ h e term for the substitution of coun­
terparties is “novation.”
2Patrick Parkinson presented these views
at the 1993 annual Conference on Bank
Structure and Competition of the Feder­
al Reserve Bank of Chicago. For a sum­
mary, see James T. Moser, “Systemic risk
in interbank markets,” Summary: FDICIA:
An Appraisal, Federal Reserve Bank of
Chicago, May 1993, pp. 20-24.
3See Group of Ten, Committee on Inter­
bank Netting Schemes of Central Banks,
“The Lamfalussy report,” Basel, Switzer­
land, November 1990.


Multilateral clearing presents oppor­
tunities for substantial economies.
In terms of private economies, it
reduces the costs of making con­
tractual payments, of collateralizing
paym ent obligations, and of m oni­
toring the financial well-being of
counterparties. These benefits m oti­
vate private institutions to adopt
m ultilateral systems.
In addition, m ultilateral clearing
offers public economies, including
the centralization of inform ation
gathering and the m utualization of
risks. From a public interest per­
spective, it is these public econom ies

David R. Allardice, Vice President and Director
of Regional Economic Programs and Statistics;
Janice Weiss, Editor.
Chicago Fed Letter is published monthly by the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago. The views expressed are
the authors’ and are not necessarily those of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the
Federal Reserve System. Articles may be
reprinted if the source is credited and the
Research Department is provided with copies
of the reprints.
Chicago Fed Letter is available without charge
from the Public Information Center, Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago, P.O. Box 834,
Chicago, Illinois, 60690, (312) 322-5111.
ISSN 0895-0164

M anufacturing output gathered increased m om entum in the region during
recent months, according to the Midwest M anufacturing Index. Production
in cyclically sensitive sectors such as industrial machinery, fabricated metals,
transportation equipm ent, and chemicals accounted for m uch of the renewed
m om entum .
Purchasing m anagers’ surveys point to further strengthening during Septem­
ber, particularly in Detroit and western Michigan.

Sources: The Midwest Manufacturing Index
(MMI) is a composite index of 15 industries,
based on monthly hours worked and kilowatt
hours. IP represents the Federal Reserve Board
industrial production index for the U.S. manu­
facturing sector. Autos and light trucks are
measured in annualized physical units, using
seasonal adjustments developed by the Board.
The purchasing managers’ survey data for the
Midwest are weighted averages of the seasonally
adjusted production components from the
Chicago, Detroit, and Milwaukee Purchasing
Managers’ Association surveys, with assistance
from Bishop Associates and Comerica.

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