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APRIL 1988

Chicago Fed Letter
M idwest m anufacturers
outpaced U.S. in 1987
The very first of these “essays on
issues” (September 1987) spoke of the
Midwest’s ordeal of change. Midwest­
ern manufacturing had not only been
lagging behind national output growth
historically, but had actually begun to
decline around 1970. The 1980s began
with back-to-back recessions in 1980
and 1981-82 that were particularly se­
vere on Midwestern manufacturers.
Then, after a promising auto-led eco­
nomic recovery in 1983, the dramatic
rise of the dollar dampened manufac­
turing activity around the nation by
reducing U.S. competitiveness in inter­
national trade. Nonetheless, that issue
of Chicago Fed Letter ended on a cautious
note of optimism that economic change
would lead to a more competitive
Midwestern economy.
This issue of the Letter sounds a stronger
note. Manufacturing activity, acceler­
ating nationally in 1987, began to ex­
pand at an even faster pace in the
Midwest than in the nation as a whole,
as shown by the Midwest Manufactur­
ing Index (MMI). Figure 1 compares
the performance of the Midwest with a
national index, constructed on the
same basis as the MMI. This Letter
breaks down manufacturing activity
into five sectors to identify strengths
and weaknesses underlying the
Midwest’s performance in 1987 and to
consider their implications for 1988.
For manufacturers, the most important
economic event in 1987 was the long
awaited turnaround in foreign trade.
The exchange rate of the dollar had
been dropping since 1985, but trade
deficits continued to grow. The weak­
ening dollar only began to benefit do­
mestic producers in 1987.

Once the turnaround in trade began,
however, its effects were pervasive. Ex­
ports of electrical and nonelectrical
machinery, i.e., capital goods that tra­
ditionally have been the strongest mer­
chandise exports of the national
economy, grew nearly 25 percent in
current dollars from the fourth quarter
of 1986 to the fourth quarter of 1987,
compared to 20 percent for all mer­
chandise goods. But that performance
was matched or exceeded by the food
processing, fabricated metals, and rub­
ber and plastics. Even the longsuffering steel industry substantially
increased its exports, albeit from a very

ideally suited to be a major beneficiary
of the nationwide turnaround in mer­
chandise trade.
The good news

The Midwest's success speaks for itself.
From the fourth quarter of 1986 to the
fourth quarter of 1987, manufacturing
activity in the Midwest rose 4.2 per­
cent, compared to 3.2 percent na­
tionally. The only other time during
the 1980s that the MMI outperformed
the nation was in 1983—the first year
of the current expansion (see Figure 2).
But a quick snap back from the poor

NOTE: The m easure of U.S. m anufacturing activity above uses identical procedures as the M M I; it differs
so m ew h at from th e Federal Reserve Board's Index of Industrial Production.

low base. Only the transportation
equipment industry seems to have been
passed over so far by the trade turn­
around, although a drop in import
competition has boosted its domestic
sales and production. The Midwest's
specialization in metalworking- and
machinery- related industries make it

performance in the 1980-82 period vir­
tually assured the Midwest sizable
gains in 1983, even though it failed to
recapture the ground lost by those re­
cessions. To surpass the national
growth rate at a mature phase of an
expansion was what made 1987 the
year of the Midwest manufacturer.

2. Ups and downs of the 80’s



equal size. The groupings reveal the
following comparisons (see Figure 3).
Metalworking leads the way back

average annual rate of change

Metalworking, which in the Midwest
primarily means making and fabricat­
ing steel, as opposed to aluminum and
other metals, has the best overall record
of the five sectors. As a group,
metalworking in the Midwest ex­
panded 50 percent faster than the na­
tional average for the sector in 1987.
It has been consistently strong
throughout the current economic ex­
pansion relative to the sector na­
--------------------- 1
_____________i_____________ L

1979 Q41982 Q4

1982Q 41983 Q4

1983 Q41986 Q4

1986 Q41987 Q4

Capital usage in the Midwest seems to
be what did the trick in thrusting the
Midwest ahead of the national growth
rate. Capital was being used more in­
tensively and being upgraded more
rapidly in the Midwest than in the na­
tion as a whole during 1987. This is
largely due to efforts by manufacturers
during the previous lean years to im­
prove their competitiveness.
Unfortunately, one aspect of improving
competitiveness often involves cutting
labor costs. As a result the growth in
manufacturing activity in the Midwest
did not translate into a growing de­
mand for labor. Indeed, labor growth
continued to lag the nation. Labor us­
age (employment times average hours
worked) in the Midwest grew by only
1.8 percent in 1987, compared to 2.4
percent nationally on a fourth quarterover-fourth quarter basis.
Indeed, what was most impressive
about the performance of Midwestern
manufacturing in 1987 was the broad
scope of its success. Unlike 1983, when
manufacturing activity was being
pulled largely by a single product,
autos, virtually every industry of each
sector in the Midwest kept up with or
exceeded its national counterpart.
Moreover, some industries outper­
formed their national counterparts
throughout the entire expansion.
For convenience of analysis, industries
have been grouped by similarity of
product into five sectors of roughly

While trade problems of the domestic
steel industry are by now legendary,
much less is heard about the fabricated
metals industry. This industry takes
bulk steel and other metals and con­
verts them to finished products, ranging
from nuts and bolts to huge boilers.
Foreign competition has been as much
a growing problem for most fabricators
as for any other manufacturer. Even
large, structural fabrications, which
normally are protected from foreign
competition because of high transpor­
tation costs, have been experiencing
trade-related problems in recent years.
The response of most fabricators has
been typical of many domestic
manufacturers—modernize and restruc­
ture. In the Midwest, restructuring fre­
quently translates into reducing
dependence on the auto industry. A
case in point is Chicago White Metal
Casting, Inc. Company sales were re­
ported to be up 25-30 percent in 1987
and capacity is being expanded 50
percent in 1988. Part of the company’s
success has been attributed to its shift
away from supplying the auto industry
to producing computer housings.
Thus, despite steel’s image as a trou­
bled industry, the region’s
metalworking sector had both the
highest growth and the most consistent
record for outperforming the nation of
any sector in 1987.
An understatement in machinery

Despite lagging the national rate of
growth in 1987, the Midwest’s ma­

chinery sector might also be counted
among the better performing sectors.
Growth in this sector was understated
in 1987 because manufacturing activity
in the electrical equipment industry
was very strong in the fourth quarter
of 1986, causing the fourth quarterover-fourth quarter growth to be low
compared to the national sector, which
experienced steady growth over 1986.
Indeed, unlike many Midwestern in­
dustries that declined in 1986, electrical
equipment activity grew nearly 5 per­
cent that year, compared to about 2
percent nationally on a fourth quarterover-fourth quarter basis. As a result,
electrical equipment had one of the
best performances in the region over
the 1984-86 period. Indeed, the whole
Midwestern machinery sector grew
faster than the national sector between
1983 and 1986.
3. 1987 growth rates by sector
percent change, Q 4 /Q 4



M id w e s t

U .S.

m e ta lw orking

m achinery transpor- chem icals co nsum er

NOTE: The sectors are composed of the fo llo w in g
industries: M e ta lw o rk in g — prim ary m etal and fab ricated
metals; M ac h in e ry — nonelectrical m achinery, electrical
equipm ent, and instrum ents; Transportatio n —
transportation equipm ent; C hem cials— chem ical,
petroleum , ru b b er/p la s tic s , and s to n e /c la y /g la s s ;
Consum er— food processing, apparel, fu rn itu re , paper,
printing, leather, and m iscellaneous m an u factu rin g .

The Peoria, Illinois, based Caterpillar
Inc. is an excellent illustration of the
machinery sector’s experience. After
financial losses during much of the
1980s, Caterpillar reported solid profits
for the fourth quarter of last year.
Sales of construction machinery rose 12
percent and operating rates rose 10
percent over the course of 1987. Its
recovery in part must be attributed to

4. Michigan auto-based jo b loss

-6 0
_______ l___________________________ l___________________________U
NOTE: For a discussion of the im pact of th e closings,
see Jo an P. Crary, et. a/., "The M ichigan Economy in
1 9 8 8 ," in Econom ic O utlook for 1 988, A nn Arbor,
M ic h ig a n , 1 9 8 8 .

the fact that 50 percent of Caterpillar’s
business comes from overseas sales.
Another effect of a weak dollar, how­
ever, was also revealed recently.
Komatsu Ltd, an archrival, announced
a tentative joint venture with another
Illinois producer, which could result in
Japanese construction equipment being
produced in Caterpillar’s backyard.
Strong year for chemicals

Manufacturers of chemical-related
products also did reasonably well last
year, but the sector had lost a lot of
ground relative to the national sector
during the 1984-86 period. The prob­
lems, however, seemed to be confined
to the chemical and petroleum indus­
tries, both of which experienced sharp
declines in activity between 1984 and
1986. The chemical industry, facing
pricing pressures from global overca­
pacity, was restructuring in the early
1980s by closing plants, consolidating
operations, and modernizing.
On the other hand, the rubber and
plastics industry in the Midwest kept
pace with its national counterpart.
The industry has been moving away
from its dependence on the auto indus­
try, which may benefit the industry’s
performance in the Midwest.

Transportation is still adjusting

The most disappointing sector in the
region was transportation. Manufac­
turing activity in the Midwest’s trans­
portation sector declined 4 percent in
1987, even though the sector edged
upward for the nation as a whole.
Yet, even here the sector may be only
a temporary drawback for the region.
Michigan, for example, was partic­
ularly hard hit by auto plant closings,
which might rightly be regarded as a
carryover of structural change from the
early 1980s. Employment losses asso­
ciated with these closings were roughly
17,000 in Michigan alone last year,
with another 38,000 anticipated in
1988 (see Figure 4). Nevertheless, the
region has some of the most efficient
auto plants in the country, including
Ford’s Torrence Avenue operation in
Chicago, Chrysler’s Belvidere, Illinois
plant, and General Motors’ truck plant
in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, and will have
two new state-of-the-art facilities oper­
ating in 1988 with the completion of
the Diamond-Star Motors plant in
Bloomington-Normal, Illinois, and the
Mazda plant in Flat Rock, Michigan.
Consumer products are still
a mixed bag

Finally, consumer-product manufac­
turers in the Midwest had an oddly
mixed performance. Clearly, 1987 was
a good year for the consumer products
sector in the Midwest, with its manu­
facturing activity expanding at nearly
twice the rate of the sector nationally.
However, the region had the poorest
overall record during the 1984-86 pe­
riod, when both the paper and food
processing industries faced stiffening
foreign competition from the dollar’s
rise. Most industries in the sector,
however, declined during that period.
The sole exception was lumber and
wood products.
Structure vs competitiveness

An important reason that manufactur­
ing performed so well in 1987 was the
region’s structural composition, that is,
its concentration of trade-sensitive in­
dustries. But, if that were all there was
to the region’s growth in 1987, there

would be little cause for the Midwest
to continue to outperform the nation in
1988 and beyond as the thrust from
trade-related growth subsides.
While structural advantage can help
explain why the Midwest had stronger
growth in manufacturing activity in
1987 than it had during the 1984-86
period, it can not explain why the re­
gion grew faster than the nation. The
Midwest simply does not have a suffi­
cient structural advantage to account
for its above average growth in manu­
facturing activity.
Over long periods of time, growth-rate
differentials between regions are gener­
ally due to regional competitive ad­
vantages, such as declining relative
wages, improved production efficiency,
and access to growing markets. What
structural advantage can not explain
about the Midwest’s recent perform­
ance most likely is explained by im­
provements in competitiveness. The
fact that over time more and more
Midwestern industries have been out­
performing their national counterparts
is encouraging evidence that the real
force behind the growth in Midwest
manufacturing activity is its increasing
competitiveness. If so, the Midwest
manufacturers will continue to gain
market share in the future.
— Philip R. Israilevich and
Robert H. Schnorbus
The authors thank Peter Schneider for his
programming assistance.

K arl A. Scheld, Senior Vice President and
D irector of R esearch; David R. A llardice, Vice
P resident and Assistant D irector o f Research;
E dw ard G. Nash, E ditor.
C hicago Fed L etter is published m onthly by the
R esearch D ep artm en t o f the F ederal Reserve
Bank o f Chicago. T h e views expressed are the
au th o rs’ and are not necessarily those o f the
Federal Reserve Bank o f C hicago or the Federal
Reserve System. Articles m ay be rep rin ted if the
source is credited and the R esearch D ep artm en t
is provided with copies of the reprints.
Chicago Fed L etter is available w ithout charge
from the Public Inform ation C enter, Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago, P.O . Box 834, Chicago,
Illinois 60690, or telephone (312) 322-5111.

ISSN 0895-0164

Indistrial production in the nation edged up 0.2 percent in January, after an
upwardly revised 0.5 percent growth in December. Nondurable-goods industries
accounted for much of the net gain in January. Continuing strength among
machinery-related industries was offset by a 7.5 percent decline in auto pro­
duction, resulting in no change in production among durable-goods industries.
Manufacturing activity in the Midwest declined in January for the second con­
secutive month. Most durable-goods industries declined, led by a sharp drop in
transportation equipment. Auto plant closings account for much of the weakness
in the capital-usage component of the MMI. Gains in the nonelectrical machinery
industry were an exception in the durable-goods.

Chicago Fed Letter
P u b lic I n fo rm a tio n C enter
P .O . Box 834
C h ica g o , Illin o is 60690
(312) 322-5111

N O T E : T h e M M I is a com posite index of 15
m an u factu rin g industries and is constructed from
a w eighted com bination o f m onthly hours
w orked, and kilow att hours d a ta . See “ M idw est
M a n u fac tu rin g Index: T h e C hicago F ed ’s new
regional econom ic in d icato r,” Economic Perspectives,
F ederal R eserve Bank o f C hicago, Vol. X I, No.
5, S ep tem b er/O cto b er, 1987. T h e U n ited States
represents the F ederal R eserve B o ard ’s In d ex o f
In d u strial P roduction, M anufactu rin g .