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MARCH 2007

Chicago Fed Letter
Globalization and the benefits of trade
by Robert L. Thompson, Gardner Chair in Agricultural Policy, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, and
visiting scholar, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Globalization involves increasing integration of economies around the world, from the
national to the most local levels, thereby promoting international trade in goods and
services and cross-border movement of information, technology, people, and investments.
This article examines the benefits and costs to the U.S. and other countries.

When a country engages
in international trade, its
households’ real purchasing
power rises.

Since the conclusion of World War II
in 1945, international trade has been
greatly facilitated by agreement among
trading countries on a set of rules for international trade, known as the General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
These rules were developed through a
series of eight “rounds” of international
trade negotiations between 1947 and
1994. Through these negotiations, export subsidies were banned on everything but agricultural products, and
import tariffs on manufactured goods
were reduced to inconsequential levels. As a result, trade in manufactured
goods has grown rapidly, achieving an
unprecedented level of specialization
and exchange among countries.
Developments in ocean shipping have
also facilitated the latest wave of globalization, e.g., larger and faster vessels and
containerization of their cargoes. These
developments, combined with state-ofthe-art logistics, have significantly lowered
the cost of international transactions.
Multinational firms now engage in justin-time sourcing through global supply
chains. Deregulation and increasing
competition have further reduced costs
of international transportation and telecommunications. Overbuilding of fiber
optics capacity among countries during
the dot-com boom in the 1990s also contributed to today’s historically low prices
of international telecommunications.

At the end of World War II, most countries imposed barriers to free movement
of capital across their international borders. These barriers have been largely
eliminated among high-income countries and have been significantly lowered in middle-income countries, too.
Billions of dollars of funds can move instantaneously among countries at the
touch of a computer key.
Why trade?

Why do countries engage in international trade anyway? The U.S., for instance,
engages in such trade to obtain goods
and services that some other countries
can produce at relatively lower cost than
it can in exchange for goods and services that the U.S. can produce at lower
cost than the other countries can. If
everything cost the same to make in
every country, there would be no basis
for international trade.
When a country engages in international trade, its households’ real purchasing power rises. Their incomes
stretch further because they can obtain
at lower cost the goods and services
they have been buying. The country as
a whole benefits, too. When a country
engages in international trade, it can
produce more gross domestic product
(GDP) from its land, labor, and capital
because it is not using them to produce
things that other countries can produce

at lower resource cost. When a country opens its borders to free movement
in and out of goods and services, the
market then provides the incentive to
move the country’s resources into their
highest-value uses, thereby facilitating
economic growth.
Globalization has created the environment in which export-led economic
growth can reduce poverty by bidding

to take advantage of cheaper labor elsewhere, they leave behind a significant
reduction in poverty in each country
they depart.
As wages and incomes have risen in each
country in succession, that country has
become a better market for products
in which the United States is competitive. For example, Japan, South Korea,
and Taiwan became the best markets

One of the great benefits of globalization is the manner in
which it increases wage rates and purchasing power in
previously low-income countries.

Opponents of globalization often assert
that opening up international trade will
drag our standard of living down to that
of low-wage developing countries. They
have it exactly backwards. The objective
is to accelerate broad-based economic
development that brings wage rates in
low-income countries up closer to ours.
In the process, this will provide people
in those developing countries with the
purchasing power that will create better
markets for products we produce more
efficiently, and the development of better markets will, in turn, create more jobs
here in the sectors in which we have a
comparative advantage.
Dynamic change in competitiveness

up wages in low-income countries. As
poor people’s incomes rise, they gain
purchasing power and become better
markets for the products that others
produce more efficiently. This has happened over and over again, particularly
in Asia.
At the end of World War II, Japan, Korea,
Taiwan, and most other East Asian countries were very poor and their wage rates
were very low. Japan’s early post-war
manufacturing exports were cheap in
both price and quality; however, Japan’s
manufacturing industries developed
and matured over time. Japan’s wage
rates were bid up by this export-led
growth to the point that it could no
longer compete in the production of
the low-end labor-intensive products,
and their manufacture moved to South
Korea and Taiwan to take advantage of
cheaper labor there. As South Korea’s
and Taiwan’s wage rates were bid up, the
jobs moved to Southeast Asia and, more
recently, the coastal provinces of China.
Now we are reading press reports of
labor shortages in coastal China, which
mean that employers in labor-intensive
industries there are having to pay higher
wages to get labor. Jobs in labor-intensive
industries are starting to move into the
interior of China and on to India, where
wage rates are lower. As each place loses
competitiveness in labor-intensive industries, it moves up to more sophisticated
and higher quality manufactured products. As the labor-intensive sectors move

for midwestern corn and soybean products as people there gained the purchasing power to include more animal
protein in their diets. Globalization
made it possible for them to experience
the broad-based, export-led economic
growth that increased their purchasing
power. While Asia has a huge population,
parts of which are still growing rapidly,
high numbers of people alone do not
create market opportunities. It takes
purchasing power along with large populations to translate need into effective
market demand.
The current Doha Round of the World
Trade Organization’s (WTO) negotiations is putting special emphasis on using
trade to accelerate economic development in presently low-income countries.
Out of the world’s 6.5 billion inhabitants,
about half live on less than $2 per day,
and 1.25 billion live on less than $1 per
day. People with so little purchasing power do not represent market opportunities. The objective of the Doha Round
is to create a trading environment in
which broad-based economic growth
can occur in the presently low-income
countries. Those countries confront the
highest barriers to their exports in the
very products for which they have a
comparative advantage. These products
include those made by labor-intensive
manufacturers, such as textiles, apparel,
and footwear, as well as crops that do
well in the tropics, such as sugar, rice,
and cotton.

Countries’ competitive positions change
all the time. No economy stands still.
New mineral deposits are found, and
others are depleted. Some countries’
populations grow, while those of others
decline. Research may find new technologies that provide a greater advantage to one country than another. New
technologies can completely wipe out
previous industries. How many buggy
whip manufacturers can you find in the
U.S. today?
It is normal for a new, high-tech product,
e.g., the silicon chip or the personal
computer, to go through a life cycle.
When first introduced, production of a
new product takes a lot of skilled labor.
However, once the product’s launch has
been successful and a large market develops, its production can be mechanized
and carried out by much less skilled labor
than was required at the outset. It is not
unusual for manufacturing to move at
this stage to another country with abundant supplies of less skilled, and therefore lower-wage, labor. This can happen
in a relatively short span of time. As such
“commoditization” occurs, whoever can
produce the product at lowest cost, while
meeting the quality standards and delivery
schedule of the buyer, will get the sale.
Today, industries rise and fall and rise
again in other countries at a very rapid
rate. What is clear, however, is that one
of the great benefits of globalization is
the manner in which it increases wage
rates and purchasing power in previously

low-income countries. This has happened over and over again in the past
half century.
Any time an employer closes up shop
in a community—large or small—it is
traumatic to the community and to the
individuals involved. Plant closings get
high-profile coverage in the media. It
is reported that 55,000 American jobs
are moving overseas each quarter. One
could easily get the impression from the
media that all of our jobs are moving
offshore. Not to understate the traumatic impact on the individuals and
communities concerned, when put in
perspective, the problem is not nearly
as large as it appears in the media.
The United States has a well-functioning
labor market and a very mobile work
force. No one expects any longer to stay
in a single job throughout a career. Every
three months about 7 million Americans
change jobs, and over 400,000 new jobs
are created in the United States. The U.S.
unemployment rate is very low by international standards, and there are large
numbers of undocumented workers in
jobs that most Americans don’t want.
Economic theory tells us that when
trade liberalization occurs, the gains of
the gainers exceed the losses of the losers, and the country as a whole ends up
better off. It does not say there are no
losers, but it does say that because the
gains of the gainers exceed the losses
of the losers, it should be possible to
compensate the losers for their losses
and still end up with a net gain to society as a whole.
If a country is to reap the potential benefits from globalization—increases in
both consumer purchasing power and
potential GDP—adjustment must be
allowed to occur. The market must be
allowed to reallocate resources (land,
labor, and capital) from the sectors that
have lost competitiveness to sectors that
can compete. However, such adjustment
is neither costless nor painless. It hurts
people who have specialized skills that
are salable only in the sectors that are
in decline. It also hurts people who have
made investments in specialized machinery and factories that are not useful in

producing other things than those they
were designed to produce.
A well-functioning labor market, such
as that of the United States, is essential
to facilitate adjustment as smoothly and
painlessly as possible. However, even
with a well-functioning labor market,
change can be costly in both monetary
and emotional terms. Changing one’s
line of work often requires retraining,
which may involve significant expenditure. There is also the matter of providing income for the family during
the period of training. Changing jobs
may require a physical relocation, which
involves both the financial cost and the
emotional cost of leaving family and
friends behind and starting over in a new
community. Older people may simply
not feel they have enough working years
left to incur the costs associated with
starting over in another line of work
or place.
Firms that lose their competitiveness are
likely to have undepreciated specialized
capital equipment that still has productive life left in it and must be written off
as a loss. Investors in the business suffer
capital losses. In the farm sector, a loss
in competitiveness can also precipitate
a drop in land values.
It is natural that people who are comfortable in their present situation—
workers and investors alike—try to avoid
adjustment. People in this situation often see themselves as being singled out
for unfair treatment, being asked to
accept losses in the value of their skills
or investments. In our democratic system, it is also normal for politicians to
do everything they can to “protect” jobs
in communities that they represent, especially just before elections. As former
Congressman Tip O’Neill said many years
ago, “All politics is local.” Further, no
politician wants to see the number of
voters in his or her district decline.
The cost of protectionism

When barriers to imports from lower-cost
suppliers are erected, all of the country’s
consumers of that product are forced
to pay more. In effect, they are taxed
on their consumption of that good or

service. The country’s residents are
asked to accept a lower per capita gross
national product as a result of wasting
some of the country’s resources producing things that another country can
produce at lower resource cost. Each job
“saved” may end up costing consumers
hundreds of thousands of dollars per
year. The cost of providing the protection is diffused across all consumers of
the products, while the benefits accrue
to a relatively small group.
Great creativity is shown in the protectionist arguments used by leaders and
advocates of industries that have lost
their competitiveness. As a last resort,
many petitioners for protection from
lower-cost imports make the case that
we need to protect a given industry because in a time of war it would be essential to have production capacity in that
sector inside our country.
Labor groups often argue that it is unfair for them to have to compete with
“cheap labor” in less developed countries.
But that is exactly the point. In industries that are inherently labor-intensive,
there is no way we can be competitive,
and bidding up wages (reducing poverty) in presently low-income countries
is what economic development is all
Michael H. Moskow, President; Charles L. Evans,
Senior Vice President and Director of Research; Douglas
Evanoff, Vice President, financial studies; Jonas Fisher,
Economic Advisor and Team Leader, macroeconomic
policy research; Richard Porter, Vice President, payment
studies; Daniel Sullivan, Vice President, microeconomic
policy research; William Testa, Vice President, regional
programs and Economics Editor; Helen O’D. Koshy,
Kathryn Moran, and Han Y. Choi, Editors; Rita
Molloy and Julia Baker, Production Editors.
Chicago Fed Letter is published monthly by the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago. The views expressed are the
authors’ and are not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal
Reserve System.
© 2007 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
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Prior written permission must be obtained for
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ISSN 0895-0164

about. Unless they can sell us the products that use their most abundant, and
therefore lowest-cost, resource—their
labor—their wages will never rise. And
they will never become good markets
for the products in which we have a
comparative advantage.
Sometimes an industry that has lost its
competitiveness is granted “temporary”
protection from lower-cost imports to
give it time to update its technology or
modernize its facilities. However, one
has great difficulty finding examples of
industries ever willingly giving up this
protection. More often than not, the
assistance is used as a subsidy to keep
producing in the same manner as always, with no adjustment occurring.
Delaying adjustment in this way usually makes it more costly later on. This
appears to be the case in many parts of
the U.S. textiles and steel industries.
This is also the situation in some parts
of the agricultural sector, e.g., sugar,
rice, and cotton, which have received
the largest production subsidies and/
or highest import protection.
It is not uncommon for industry leaders
to argue that the cost per American consumer of protecting domestic production of a certain good is small. This may
be true for a single product; however,

if protection is provided to one industry,
others will demand it. If a country provides protection across a broad range
of goods and services, its citizens lose
twice. Their incomes are lower because
the country forgoes potential GDP when
it allocates its resources inefficiently.
And what income they receive has smaller purchasing power because they have
to pay more for the protected goods
and services that they could have obtained at lower cost.
Trade Adjustment Assistance

Recognizing that the gains of the gainers
exceed the losses of the losers from
trade liberalization, the U.S. Congress
has institutionalized Trade Adjustment
Assistance as a means of compensating
the losers. Compensation to losers from
trade liberalization is granted out of a
sense of equity or fairness to facilitate
adjustment of labor or investment out
of a declining industry. This may involve
retraining workers who lose their jobs
and buying out the undepreciated value
of investments in specialized machinery
and facilities that cannot be used for
other purposes.
Compensation may also be justified if
imports of cheaper goods had not occurred previously because an otherwise

uncompetitive industry had used its political connections to secure government
subsidies and protection from imports.
In this case, a buyout or some other form
of compensation may be necessary to
neutralize that industry’s political opposition, which might prevent trade
liberalization from occurring and block
the rest of a country’s residents from
reaping the benefits of freer trade.

Overall, the world has benefited enormously from globalization. However,
because the adjustment required to attain the benefits of increased globalization can be costly to individuals, it is
appropriate that society as a whole, which
stands to benefit, shares in the costs of
those who lose as a result of globalization
through such means as Trade Adjustment
Assistance. The current round of WTO
trade negotiations, the Doha “Development” Round, provides an opportunity
to exploit trade liberalization to bid up
wages and reduce poverty in low-income
countries. This would make the world a
safer and more just place, while creating
larger potential markets. I will look at
the implications of globalization for
rural America in an upcoming issue of
this publication.