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MARCH 2000

Chicago Fed Letter
Forecasting inflation with
a lot of data
As specified in the 1977 amendment
to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913,
the Federal Reserve System and the
Federal Open Market Committee
(FOMC) should conduct monetary
policy to promote the goals of maximum employment and output and to
promote stable prices. Of these goals
many people believe that the primary
focus should be on achieving price
stability. A stable price level means
that prices of goods are undistorted
by inflation and so can serve as clearer signals to promote the efficient allocation of resources and the maximum
possible sustainable level of employment. It is also believed that a stable
price level encourages saving and capital accumulation because it prevents
asset values from being eroded by
unanticipated inflation. This should
contribute to the first two goals.
For these reasons the conduct of monetary policy is heavily influenced by
factors thought to influence the rate
of change of prices, i.e., inflation.
Since the main experience in living
memory is of generally rising prices
and episodes of high inflation that
have been associated with bad macroeconomic outcomes, most attention
currently is focused on keeping inflation from accelerating. Given the
long lags over which policy actions
can take effect, it is often necessary
for the FOMC to take action before
inflation starts to rise. The only way
to do this with some confidence is to
have effective ways of predicting future
inflation. Hence forecasting inflation
is a crucial ingredient in the formulation of monetary policy.
In this Fed Letter, I discuss a new approach to inflation forecasting rooted
in a traditional statistical framework.1
This approach is based on recent

research by James
Stock of Harvard University and Mark Watson
of Princeton University.2 The methods these
researchers have proposed involve harnessing the information
contained in the large
number of variables
that economists look
at in real time when
trying to assess the
state of the economy.

1. Core inflation with episodes of rising inflation


















Note: The shaded regions marked with Roman numerals cover episodes
during which core CPI inflation rose for an extended period, defined as at
least one year of roughly continual growth.


To appreciate the potential benefits of the
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1963–99,
“Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers, less food and energy
new methods we need
component,” available on the Internet at
to understand the
standard approach to
statistical inflation
glass to see the two short episodes of
forecasting. This involves estimating
how inflation in the past has been rerising inflation in the 1990s.
lated to other variables, called inflation
What would make a good indicator of
indicators, which have had predictive
core CPI inflation? When formulating
power for inflation in the past. Faced
monetary policy we need to know
with the large number of data series
whether inflation is likely to pick up in
available in real time, forecasters tend
the future. So we need variables that
to focus on a small number of infladisplay a consistent pattern in the perition indicators.
ods leading up to each of these shaded
regions. The more consistent the patThe first issue when constructing a
tern, the better the indicator. When
forecasting model, then, is deciding
this is the case, statistical models will
what makes a good inflation indicahave consistent, systematic information
tor. To help illustrate this, figure 1
plots the 12-month rate of change
to predict inflation.
of the core Consumer Price Index
The classic and most watched indica(CPI) quarterly from 1963 to 1999.
tor of inflation is the civilian unemThe shaded regions marked with
ployment rate. In figure 2 the civilian
Roman numerals cover episodes durunemployment rate is plotted from
ing which this measure of inflation
has risen for extended periods of time, 1963 to 1999. The shaded regions are
the same as in figure 1. One key thing
defined here to be at least one year
to notice from this figure is that in
of roughly continual growth. Episodes
the periods leading up to most of the
I, II, and III are the great inflations
episodes, the unemployment rate has
associated with the Vietnam War and
tended to fall from relatively high
the two oil shocks. Notice that these
levels to relatively low levels at least a
episodes are much more dramatic
year before the episode. This is most
than the last four in the figure. In
apparent for the first three episodes,
fact, you almost need a magnifying
which involved the most pronounced

2. Unemployment with episodes of rising inflation


















Note: See figure 1.
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1963–99,
“Civilian unemployment rate,” Washington.

accelerations in inflation (see figure 1).
No indicator is perfect. For example, it
is hard to say that the fourth episode,
with the rising unemployment from
a high level preceding it, is similar
to the first three in which unemployment fell from a high level. Nevertheless, the general pattern of falling
unemployment before rising inflation
is why the unemployment rate, at least
until recently, was one of the best inflation indicator variables among the
thousands available.
Many observers have mentioned the
difficulties standard inflation models
have had in recent times, and we can
see why in figure 2. The dramatic fall
in unemployment over the last eight
years is similar to that seen in previous
periods. In the past, these dramatic
declines were followed by equally
dramatic outbursts of inflation. Yet
the two episodes from the 1990s, were
minuscule (see figure 1). Another
gauge of the unreliability of unemployment as an indicator is that its
trend rate, sometimes called the natural rate, seems to change over time—
it is relatively low in the 1960s, high
in the 1970s and 1980s, and low again
in the 1990s.
The experience with unemployment
is common to the many widely used
indicators, including capacity utilization, interest rate spreads, and producer prices. Generally, the widely used
indicators do well in some periods and
less well in others, and often a relationship that is pronounced at one time


disappears in later episodes. Ultimately, this is
because inflation is a
very complicated phenomenon, determined
by many factors. Any
single data series may
appear useful for a
while only because its
behavior is by chance
aligned with inflation’s
basic determinants. As
the economy evolves,
this fortuitous relationship may break even if
the basic determinants
of inflation have not

To accommodate this fact, one
might imagine that all we need do is
include all the best inflation indicators in our statistical model. But the
conventional way of doing this is
problematic. There are many good
inflation indicators, and statistical
models behave erratically when they
include many variables. In fact, including many variables can lead to
disaster, generating forecasts that
look like nonsense. So, we have many
useful indicators, each containing
some information about inflation,
but we cannot use them all and individually they are unreliable.
The new research by Stock and
Watson suggests a way out of this
conundrum. The idea behind their
approach is that there is some component common to the inflation
indicators, and it is this common
component, or index, that is useful
for predicting inflation. If we can
identify this index, then we have a
way to incorporate the information
in a large number of good inflation
indicators, without overburdening
our forecasting models. Specifically,
identify the common component of
many indicators and then put this single variable in the forecasting model.
Stock and Watson provide a way to
estimate the index that can be applied to any number or type of indicators. For example, it can be used
to identify the common component
in financial variables, in price series,
in consumption series, in labor markets, in the manufacturing sector,

even all these variables put together.
The basic idea involves finding a
weighted average of the series under
consideration that explains as much
of the combined variation in these
series as possible.3
Recent research shows that, from the
perspective of inflation forecasting,
an index derived from one particular
set of indicators appears to have a lot
of promise. This is a set of data series
each of which measures some aspect
of overall macroeconomic activity.
The Chicago Fed has begun compiling
a version of this index on a real-time
basis using over 70 series, including
aggregate and sectoral data on labor
market conditions (24 series), industrial production (20 series), inventories, new orders and housing (16
series), personal income and consumption expenditures (7 series),
and manufacturing and trade sales
(9 series). In the spirit of the unemployment rate, which by the way is
included in the index, one can think
of the derived series as a generalized
measure of the temperature of the
economy. Stock and Watson call it
the “Activity Index.”
To gauge the sense in which the
Activity Index actually measures overall activity in the economy, figure 3
shows the Activity Index along with
shaded regions corresponding to
the five recessions (as defined by
the National Bureau of Economic
Research) that have occurred since
1962. Notice that the five lowest values
of the index roughly indicate the
troughs of the five recessions (the
last period of each shaded region in
the figure).
Figure 4 shows the Activity Index along
with the shaded rising inflation episodes as in figures 1 and 2. Notice
how the index rises before each of the
episodes. This is the sort of pattern
we look for in a good inflation indicator. As with unemployment, there is
early indication of inflation in episodes
I, II, and II. Episode IV seems to have
been less of a surprise for the Activity
Index than it was for unemployment
(see figure 2), and the last three episodes are also well predicted in that
the index rises before each of these
inflationary outbursts.

single equation forecasting framework,
in which inflation is
related to lagged inflation and lags of
various indicator variables. Included in the
set of models they
examine are the commonly used ‘nonaccelerating inflation rate
of unemployment’
(NAIRU) and ‘potential output’ models.4
They also examine
many indexes constructed using the
same techniques as
the Activity Index. A key finding
from their research is that across
different time periods and measures
of inflation, the Activity Index, or
something very close to it, is found
to beat any other single indicator or
combination of forecasts coming
from using different indicators. Research at the Chicago Fed generally
supports these findings.

3. Activity Index with NBER-dated recessions











Note: The shaded regions mark recessions as defined by the
National Bureau of Economic Research.

One indication of the potential quality of the index as an inflation indicator is that its increases leading into
the last three episodes, V, VI, and
VII, seem smaller than for the first
three. Unlike unemployment, then,
this appears to be consistent with the
smaller magnitude of the inflationary outbursts in these later periods
(see figure 1). This may be a sign
that the Activity Index is coping well
with the ‘new economy’ everyone is
talking about.

The Stock and Watson forecasting
strategy has other benefits beyond
pure forecasting performance. They
have demonstrated that their comFigure 4 is intended to provide an
mon component procedure has
indication of the potential for the
many desirable theoretical properActivity Index to forecast inflation.
ties, including an ability to accomAnother way to build confidence is
modate structural change. From a
to perform out-of-sample forecast
practical perspective, it does not
tests. Stock and Watson perform
such tests with a version of the Activity place too much weight on any one
series, which seems sensible. It is
Index. They compare the Activity
also particularly well suited for realIndex to a large number of alternatime analysis because it can accomtive indicators within the context of a
modate data that are
released at different
times and frequencies.
4. Activity Index with episodes of rising inflation












Note: See figure 1.








In sum, research, theory, and plots like
figure 4 suggest that
something like the
Activity Index may
prove to be a valuable
tool for forecasting
inflation. However,
many issues still need
to be resolved. For
example, while the
calculation of the

index is straightforward, finding the
most appropriate statistical framework
to incorporate the information in the
index is more problematic. Another
issue is that the method for selecting
the variables in the Activity Index was
essentially ad hoc. A systematic procedure for identifying the best series to
include in the index may yield even
better results. Addressing these and
related issues is the focus of ongoing
research at the Chicago Fed.
—Jonas D.M. Fisher
Senior economist


This article is a revision of a speech to the
joint meeting of the Boards of Directors of the
Federal Reserve Banks of Chicago and Cleveland on October 28, 1999.

The key references are “Diffusion indexes”
and “Forecasting inflation” which are both
1999 Princeton University working papers by
James Stock and Mark Watson.

Technically, the index can be derived from the
first principal component of the moment matrix of the series. Stock and Watson consider
the possibility that more than one underlying
component drives inflation. These other components are also derived using principal components analysis.

NAIRU models relate inflation to the difference between the unemployment rate and its
trend. Potential output models are similar in
spirit, but inflationary pressure is expressed in
terms of the difference between output and
some level of output called ‘potential.’

Michael H. Moskow, President; William C. Hunter,
Senior Vice President and Director of Research; Douglas
Evanoff, Vice President, financial studies; Charles
Evans, Vice President, macroeconomic policy research;
Daniel Sullivan, Vice President, microeconomic policy
research; William Testa, Vice President, regional
programs and economics editor; Helen O’D. Koshy,
Chicago Fed Letter is published monthly by the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago. The views expressed are the authors’
and are not necessarily those of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal Reserve
System. Articles may be reprinted if the source is
credited and the Research Department is
provided with copies of the reprints.
Chicago Fed Letter is available without charge from
the Public Information Center, Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago, P.O. Box 834, Chicago, Illinois
60690-0834, tel. 312-322-5111 or fax 312-322-5515.
Chicago Fed Letter and other Bank publications are
available on the World Wide Web at http://
ISSN 0895-0164

Tracking Midwest manufacturing activity
Motor vehicle production (millions, seasonally adj. annual rate)

Manufacturing output indexes



Month ago

Year ago




Light trucks


Motor vehicle production
(millions, seasonally adj. annual rate)

Month ago


Year ago





Light trucks




Purchasing managers’ surveys:
net % reporting production growth

Month ago

Year ago











Light truck production increased from 6.9 million units in December to 7.1 million units in January, and car production also increased from 5.6 million to 5.7
million units from December to January.
The CFMMI rose 0.5% from November to December, reaching a seasonally adjusted
level of 137.5 (1992=100). In comparison, the Federal Reserve Board’s IP increased
0.2% in December, after rising 0.6% in November. The Midwest purchasing managers’ composite index (a weighted average of the Chicago, Detroit, and Milwaukee
surveys) for production decreased to 51.4% in January from 58.1% in December.
The purchasing managers’ index decreased in Chicago and Detroit, but increased
slightly in Milwaukee. The national purchasing managers’ survey for production
decreased from 59.0% to 55.9% from December to January.



Sources: The Chicago Fed Midwest Manufacturing Index (CFMMI) is a composite index of 16
industries, based on monthly hours worked and
kilowatt hours. IP represents the Federal Reserve
Board’s Industrial Production Index for the U.S.
manufacturing sector. Autos and light trucks are
measured in annualized units, using seasonal adjustments developed by the Board. The purchasing managers’ survey data for the Midwest are
weighted averages of the seasonally adjusted production components from the Chicago, Detroit,
and Milwaukee Purchasing Managers’ Association
surveys, with assistance from Kingsbury International, LTD., Comerica, and the University of

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Chicago Fed Letter