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Chicag­o Fed Letter
What is the economic impact of the slowdown
in new business formation?
by François Gourio, senior economist, Todd Messer, associate economist, and Michael Siemer, economist, Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System

Economists have emphasized the importance of “creative destruction” as an engine of
growth. The creative destruction process involves a constant reorganization of the economy
as old products, firms, factories, and jobs are replaced by new ones. An important part
of this process lies in the opening of new firms or establishments. 1

Careful measurement reveals that the

vast majority of productivity growth
occurs as old establishments are replaced
by new ones.2 For this reason, new establishments and new firm openings
are an important indicator—although
1. Entry rates of new firms and establishments
less discussed than
employment or gross
domestic product
(GDP)—of the fun14
damental health of
an economy. Figure 1
depicts the entry rate
of new firms and es8
tablishments, defined
as newly created units
as a percentage of ex4
isting units.3 While this
entry rate was fairly
stable from 1990 until
2006, it started falling
1990 ’92 ’94 ’96 ’98 2000 ’02 ’04 ’06 ’08 ’10 ’12
in 2007 and has reFirms
mained at a low level
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Business Dynamics Statistics data, available at
since then. The
cline is large: In 2006
there were about
562,000 new firms created, as opposed
to about 390,000 in 2010 and 410,000
in 2011. This represents a decline of
about 27% from the 2006 peak. Moreover, there is so far little tendency for
business entry to recover.4

One might speculate that this decline in
aggregate entry is driven by a few industries that were highly affected by the
recession (such as new housing construction), or that it reflects compositional changes where some industries
with higher entry rates (such as retail)
represent a smaller share of the economy.
However, figure 2, which calculates the
entry rate for the broad sectors of the
economy, shows that the decline of entry
rates has affected all sectors since 2007,
albeit some more than others.
The reasons behind this decline of new
businesses formation remain largely unknown. There is some evidence suggesting that the tightening of credit prevented
some potential entrepreneurs from
starting up a new business.5 Many entrepreneurs use credit cards or home
equity borrowing to finance a start-up,
and these sources of finance have been
less available since 2006. Other potential
explanations include the lower aggregate
demand for market-produced goods and
services, lower expectations of future
growth, higher uncertainty, and changes
in the tax and regulatory environments.6
Whatever its cause, the decline of entry
is likely to have reduced the demand
for labor since 2007, perhaps by hindering productivity growth, and hence

2. Firm entry rates by industry

3. Average size of new firm or establishment


number of employees





























’98 2000








Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Business Dynamics Statistics data, available at

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Business Dynamics Statistics data, available at

contributed to the size and especially
the persistence of the economic contraction that started then. Next, we
discuss the underlying theory before
presenting some evidence of the economic impact of the slowdown in new
business formation.
The “missing generation” theory

Recently, some researchers7 have argued,
largely on theoretical grounds, that
declines in entry rates can contribute
negatively to economic activity; in particular, they have argued that while the
effect of a decline in entry might be fairly
small initially, it could be very long lasting.
At its core, the theoretical argument is
that a temporary reduction of new
business formation creates a “missing
generation” effect: New firms that would
have been created never appear. While
many of these firms would have died
young, a few would have grown over time
and contributed to job creation. For
instance, the 2009 cohort of new firms
was small. This reduced employment
in 2009. Going forward, based on the
assumption that if more firms had been
born in 2009, some of them would have
died in 2010 but some would have survived and grown, we can identify a negative contribution to employment in
2010. And we can extrapolate this negative effect to subsequent years as well.

Three observations are important about
this process. First, the initial effect is
small, because the vast majority of employment rests in “old” firms: New firms
only account for about 3% of total U.S.
employment. Second, the persistence
of the missing generation depends on
the difference between the death rate
and the growth rate of the new firms as
they age. In the data, this difference is
fairly small, leading to a very strong
persistence. Third, while this mechanism
reduces the demand for labor by firms,
the overall effect on employment will
naturally also depend on labor supply
by households.
A simple calculation

To provide an order of magnitude of the
job losses created by the missing generation, we calculate the employment
that would have occurred if, starting in
2006, the entry rate had stayed at its
historical average (which we calculate
over 1990–2006), assuming that the
growth rates and death rates of all other
firms behaved as they did in the data.8
We can then compare this counterfactual
employment with the actual employment
to measure the contribution of firm entry
to the decline in aggregate employment.
Consistent with the basic argument
outlined earlier, we find a small initial
effect, so that entry accounts for little

of the large decline of employment that
took place in 2008 and 2009: For instance,
while total private wage employment in
March 2009 was 5.2 million lower than
in March 2006 according to our data,9
we estimate that only around 500,000
of these job losses are accounted for by
reduced entry since 2006. However, the
effect of lower entry builds up over time,
both because the entry rate remains
low and because of the intrinsic persistence (missing generation effect) discussed earlier. As of March 2011, we find
that there would be 1.7 million more jobs
had entry stayed at its historical average.
However, this simple calculation is
merely an accounting exercise and
may not reflect the full effect of lower
entry. For instance, it is possible that
lower entry benefits incumbents. In this
case, our calculation would overestimate the job losses due to lower entry.
Second, our calculation assumes that
the firms that would have entered would
have had the same growth and death
probability as the firms that did enter.
We explore this further in the next section. Finally, the 1990–2006 historical
average might not be the right benchmark if, for instance, because of the
aging U.S. population, a lower start-up
rate would have occurred even in the
absence of a recession.

4. Average firm size by age and cohort
number of employees










Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Business Dynamics Statistics data, available at

Objections to the missing
generation theory

On top of these empirical issues, there
are other reasons to question the validity
of the missing generation theory. First,
it is quite possible that firms that did
not enter in 2008 will eventually enter
once conditions recover, so that entry
will overshoot its historical average. The
analogy here is with a baby boom following a baby bust during a war. Potential
entrepreneurs who had ideas for new
businesses presumably do not forget
them, though the conditions that make
the ideas implementable may vanish.
Figure 1 shows, however, that as of 2011
there was little hint of such a rebound,
let alone an overshoot.
Second, one might think that the composition of entrants changed during the
recession. This is potentially very important, given the wide variety of experiences for newborn firms. Many new
firms die quickly or survive but do not
grow much and, hence, do not contribute significantly to aggregate job creation; a small fraction of new entrants,
however, grow extremely quickly and
end up contributing importantly to aggregate job creation. These fast-growing
firms are sometimes colorfully referred
to as “gazelles.” If the decline of entry is
solely due to a reduction of entrants of
the first type, the effect of lower entry

on aggregate employment would be limited.
Our calculation implicitly assumes that
the reduction of entry
affected both types of
firms equally. To shed
some light on this
issue, we can assess
the quality of the firms
that did enter during
the recession. A first
simple measure of the
quality of new entrants
is the average size of
new firms or establishments, which does
not appear to have
changed significantly
since 2006, as shown
in figure 3.

Another simple way to assess this question is to look at the realized growth
experience of the firms that did enter.
If these firms were indeed more likely
to be gazelles, we should find that they
experience fast growth, faster indeed
than that of comparable firms that entered just before the recession. Figure
4 presents the average size of each firm
by cohort and by age. Each line of this
chart follows a particular cohort. For
instance, the 2006 line depicts the average size of firms created in 2006, from
their birth (age 0 in 2006) to their fifth
anniversary (in 2011). The figure allows
us to track the success of each cohort
as it ages. Based on this rough measure,
we find little evidence that the firms
started in 2008–10 were of especially
high quality.

What is driving the decline of business
dynamism in the United States and what
could potentially be done to offset it
are important questions for researchers
and policymakers. While the decline of
new business entry rates starting in 2007
did not contribute much to the collapse
of employment in 2008–09, its effects
might be long lasting and contribute
significantly to the slow employment
recovery. While our simple calculation
is merely an approximation, it reflects
the empirical reality that employment

in young firms (less than five years old)
declined significantly more than that
of older firms: The total number of
employees working in firms less than
five years old fell by 21% from 2007 to
2010, compared with 5% for firms older
than five years. It will be important in
the next few years to use business dynamics statistics to measure whether entry
rates recover and how firms that did
enter during the recession are doing.

An establishment is defined by the U.S.
Census Bureau as “a single physical location
where business is conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed.”
We thank many colleagues, especially Jeff
Campbell, Jason Faberman, John Roberts,
and Mark Wright, for comments on preliminary drafts of this article.


See, for instance, E. Bartelsman and P.
Dhrymes, 1998, “Productivity dynamics:
U.S. manufacturing plants, 1972–1986,”
Journal of Productivity Analysis, Vol. 9, No. 1,
January, pp. 5–34.


Calculations based on the U.S. Census
Bureau’s Business Dynamics Statistics
data, available at


The recent entry-rate decline is part of a
broader secular decline in business dynamism that is visible across many economic
statistics. See R. Decker, J. Haltiwanger,

Charles L. Evans, President ; Daniel G. Sullivan,
Executive Vice President and Director of Research;
Spencer Krane, Senior Vice President and Economic
Advisor ; David Marshall, Senior Vice President, financial
markets group ; Daniel Aaronson, Vice President,
microeconomic policy research; Jonas D. M. Fisher,
Vice President, macroeconomic policy research; Richard
Heckinger,Vice President, markets team; Anna L.
Paulson, Vice President, finance team; William A. Testa,
Vice President, regional programs, and Economics Editor ;
Helen O’D. Koshy and Han Y. Choi, Editors  ;
Rita Molloy and Julia Baker, Production Editors;
Sheila A. Mangler, Editorial Assistant.
Chicago Fed Letter is published by the Economic
Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago. The views expressed are the authors’
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal
Reserve System.
© 2014 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Chicago Fed Letter articles may be reproduced in
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ISSN 0895-0164

R. S. Jarmin, and J. Miranda, 2013, “The
secular decline in business dynamism in
the U.S.,” working paper, May. Indeed,
one possibility is that the declines seen
since 2008 will never be reversed as the
trend settles at lower levels.


According to A. Robb and E. J. Reedy, 2011,
“An overview of the Kauffman firm survey:
Results from 2009 business activities,” Ewing
Marion Kauffman Foundation, research
report, March, the fraction of young firms
in the Kauffman survey that saw their credit
applications always denied increased by 50%
from 2008 to 2009.
Recent works studying the employment
decline in young firms include M. Siemer,
2012, “Firm entry and employment dynamics
in the Great Recession,” working paper,
October; T. Fort, J. Haltiwanger, R. S. Jarmin,

and J. Miranda, 2013, “How firms respond
to business cycles: The role of firm age and
firm size,” IMF Economic Review, Vol. 61,
No. 3, August, pp. 520–559; M. C. Schmalz,
D. A. Sraer, and D. Thesmar, 2013, “Housing
collateral and entrepreneurship,” National
Bureau of Economic Research, working
paper, No 19680, November; and M.
Adelino, A. Schoar, and F. Severino, 2014,
“House prices, collateral and self-employment,” Journal of Financial Economics,

These include G. Clementi and B. Palazzo,
2013, “Entry, exit, firm dynamics, and aggregate fluctuations,” National Bureau of
Economic Research, working paper, No.
19217, July; E. Luttmer, 2013, “The Stolper–Samuelson effects of a decline in aggregate consumption,” Federal Reserve

Bank of Minneapolis, working paper, No. 703,
February; and Siemer (2012).

Under this scenario, we can work out how
many firms of each age (0, 1, 2, …) would
have been alive in each following year 2007,
2008, etc. Then we obtain aggregate employment by summing the employment of
firms of all ages in a given year. There are
some technical issues to infer growth and
death rates from the census data; details
are available from the authors upon request.


The decline of private wage employment
is somewhat smaller according to other data
sources—4.2 million in the U.S. Bureau
of Labor Statistics’ Current Establishment
Survey and 3.1 million in the U.S. Bureau
of Labor Statistics and U.S. Census Bureau’s
Current Population Survey.