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N U M B E R 40

Chicago Fed Letter
D isinterm ediation
m arches on
The process of transferring saving
and borrowing activities from banks
to nonbanks is known as disinterme­
diation. Historically, bank disinter­
mediation has occurred whenever
bank borrowers or savers could get a
better deal from nonbank alterna­
tives. Today, bank disintermediation
is being driven by increasing deposit
insurance premiums, the high cost of
raising bank capital, and—in a few
instances—an inability to raise capi­
tal. As a response to these pressures,
banks are initiating disintermedia­
tion, shrinking both to control risk
and to remain in compliance with
regulatory requirements.
This Chicago Fed Letter discusses two
recent developments in the disinter­
mediation of banks’ commercial and
industrial (C&I) loans: loan sales to
prime rate mutual funds and the
securitization of commercial loans.
If these substitutes for bank interme­
diation become successful, they will
only serve to accelerate the ongoing
decline in the importance of the
banking industry.
The past as prologue

Bank borrowers, especially investment
grade corporations, have sought to
lower borrowing costs by increasingly
financing their activities through
nonbank alternatives, most notably
the commercial paper market. Nonfinancial commercial paper issuance
has increased by 80% over the past
five years and by almost 30% in the
first ten months of 1990 alone.
Since their introduction in 1972,
money market mutual funds

(MMMFs) have facilitated disinterme­ proximately one-half the dollar value
diation by making it possible for savers of leveraged buyouts and recapitaliza­
tions reduced banks’ HLT lending.
to indirectly purchase small pieces of
a large pool of high denomination
With this decline in HLT activity, the
money market instruments—like com­ pressure to sell additional loans would
mercial paper. This nonbank alterna­ have been expected to decrease. How­
tive has increased the return on sav­
ever, stresses on the banking industry
ers’ funds. In 1980, MMMFs held $77
billion in assets, 3.5% of total bank
and thrift deposits. Today, MMMFs
hold $415 billion in assets, roughly
9.5% of total bank and thrift deposits.
Developing pressures

Disintermediation continued
throughout the 1980s as longer term
and non-investment grade borrowers
began to bypass banks, directly rais­
ing funds in the capital markets. In
order to offer customers a lower fund­
ing cost, banks have increasingly sold
C&I loans to investors outside the
banking system thereby avoiding
mandatory capital requirements, re­
serve requirements, and deposit in­
surance premiums. While an inter­
bank loan sales market has been in
existence for many decades, the sale
of bank loans to nonbanks is a rela­
tively new phenom enon (see Figure
1). Nonbank C&I loan purchases
from commercial banks rose to $19
billion in 1990 as compared to $9
billion in 1987 and only $.7 billion
in 1985. The 1990 nonbank loan
purchases represent almost 6% of
commercial loans held by large U.S.
banks and almost 25% of total secon­
dary market commercial loan sales.





in the last year have resulted in contin­
ued pressure for banks to sell loans to
nonbank investors (see Figure 2).

Anticipated losses on loans are erod­
ing the banking industry’s capital
position. As a consequence, loan loss
reserves have been soaring and the
A substantial portion of these loans
average stock price of the 225 largest
were used to fund mergers, acquisi­
publicly traded banks has declined by
tions, leveraged buyouts, and recapi­
almost 30% since the beginning of
talizations, so-called highly leveraged
transactions (HLTs). The dominance this year. Declining capital causes
of these HLT loan sales reflects banks’ banks to grow more slowly than other­
wise would be the case.
efforts to manage their balance sheet
risks. During 1990, declines by ap­

The five retail prime rate funds cur­
rently hold $7 billion in loans and
are expected to surpass $10 billion by
1992. The two privately placed insti­
tutional loan funds are intended for
large institutional investors and ac­
count for at least another $1 billion
in loans. Industry analysts estimate
this type of fund may surpass the
retail funds in a few years.

Rising deposit insurance premiums
are generating additional pressure.
In 1991, the FDIC insurance pre­
mium will increase from $0.12 per
$100 of domestic deposits to $0,195,
more than a 60% increase. However,
the Congressional Budget Office
estimates that a $.43 premium—
more than double the 1991 pre­
mium—is needed for the fund to
meet the m andated funding require­
m ent in 1995. These higher premi­
ums increase banks’ expenses, rais­
ing bank funding costs.
New mutual funds promote
loan sales

The continuing pressure to move
loans off banks’ balance sheets is
causing financial markets to develop
new vehicles for pooling and selling
these loans. As purchasers of onethird of commercial paper issued,
MMMFs provide a lower cost alterna­
tive to bank lending. New mutual
funds known as retail prime rate funds
and privately placed institutional loan
funds may play a similar role in the
loan sales market. These funds allow
investors to purchase shares in a
diversified pool of bank loans. The
retail funds are called prime rate
funds because their goal is to offer
purchasers a return that is equal to
or in excess of the prime rate banks
charge to their most creditworthy

More than 80% of the prime rate
and institutional funds balances are
invested in HLT loans. The funds’
$8 billion in loans (see Figure 3)
represent almost one-quarter of mid­
year HLT loans sold by money center
banks in 1990. The funds have pur­
chased loans only with senior, col­
lateralized features. With loans sen­
ior in the borrowers’ capital struc­
tures, much of the potential credit
risk is borne by other creditors. Col­
lateral requirements provide addi­
tional protection against declines in
the value of the borrowers’ assets.
The funds purchase these loans un­
der three legal arrangements: pri­
mary market syndications, secondary
market assignments, or secondary
market participations. Most of the
loans are purchased as secondary
market participations. In contrast to
the other legal arrangements, the
contractual counterparty to a secon­
dary market participant is the loan
seller, not the underlying borrower.
This requires that fund managers

3. Growth in new mutual funds
million dollars


__________ 1
__________ 1

end of year


evaluate the credit risk of the loan
seller in addition to the borrower
when purchasing a loan.
Prime rate funds: Is the price r ig h t?

The prime rate funds are registered
under the Investment Company Act
of 1940 as closed-end investment
m anagement companies. However,
prime rate funds vary somewhat from
the typical closed-end fund. In gen­
eral, closed-end funds do not issue
new shares after the initial share
subscription period. Closed-end
fund shareholders generally obtain
liquidity by selling shares to others.
In contrast, the prime rate fund
shares are offered on a continual
basis by the funds. Further, since the
secondary market for most prime
rate fund shares is thin or nonexist­
ent, liquidity is supplied by unguaran­
teed quarterly tender offers.
Determining the appropriate price
for the shares is a complex exercise.
For example, when making a tender
offer, the prime rate fund announces
the price it will pay per share in addi­
tion to the the total num ber of shares
to be redeemed. Too high a price
will benefit those who tender shares
to the detrim ent of those who do not
tender shares. Too low a price will
reduce the funds’ ability to attract
investors for whom liquidity is impor­
tant. Because most of the loans held
by the funds trade infrequently, it
can be difficult for fund managers to
determine the “ right” price for
marking the portfolio to market on a
daily basis. Consequently, fund man­
agers may have considerable discre­
tion in determining the share price.
Currently, the prime rate funds value
loans on a daily basis using: (1) the
loan par amount, (2) a risk-adjusted
credit value, or (3) secondary loan
market quotes.
Two of the prime rate funds value
loans at par. The remaining prime
rate funds employ some form of
mark-to-market pricing, but there are
inconsistencies even among funds
that attempt to mark-to-market. For
example, one fund recently experi­
enced a loan default, reducing the

reported value of the loan from 95%
to 75% of the loan’s par amount.
The latter price more accurately re­
flects the deteriorated credit status of
the loan, but even that valuation
could be overstated. In two other
cases, loans are being carried at par
even though the secondary market
price is at 60% of par in one case and
75% of par in another. However, this
loan valuation dilemma is not isolated
to the funds themselves, but is an
issue for the entire C&I loan industry.
The new securitization frontier:
C&I loans

The other development that has en­
couraged disintermediation is the
securitization of bank C&I loans. As
of November 1990, over $2 billion of
HLT loans have been securitized. Se­
curitization is the process of pooling
and repackaging assets as security in­
struments and has already facilitated
the disintermediation of consumer
assets, such as credit card receivables
and auto loans. Securitization makes
the credit risk of the assets easier to
evaluate by separating the assets and
their associated credit risk from those
of the originating bank. Securitiza­
tion can also be used to repackage
cash flows into low-risk and high-risk
securities. This alleviates the asymme­
try of information between the origi­
nator and less-informed investor, and
thereby attracts new investor classes.
Securitized pools of HLT loans are
much like securitized pools of high
yield debt, known as collateralized
bond obligations (CBOs). First is­
sued in 1988, CBOs in turn, mimic
collateralized mortgage obligations
(CMOs). CBOs pool and repackage
the cash flows generated by high yield
bonds to create new securities, parti­
tioned as classes, called tranches, with
different risk characteristics. The first
tranche is structured for an invest­
m ent grade rating, while the subordi­
nated, lower rated tranches pay
higher interest rates for bearing the
risk of first loss. Often, the CBO capi­
tal structure includes an equity tran­
che, which is sometimes retained by
the issuer.

The first attempt to securitize C&I
loans occurred in December 1988
when Continental Bank securitized
$140 million of HLT loans from 25
borrowers as “floating-rate enhanced
debt securities” (FRENDS). Imitat­
ing the CBO structure, the issue was
divided into senior and subordinated
tranches. FRENDS I was followed by
FRENDS II, a $380 million pool is­
sued in September 1989.
Subsequent securitizations have var­
ied somewhat from the Continental
FRENDS issues. These variations
represent issuers’ efforts to package
the most attractive security offering
to new investor classes. For instance,
as with the prime rate funds, liquidity
is a major consideration in investors’
decisions to purchase securitized
C&I loans. In December 1989, a
$625 million Banque Nationale de
Paris HLT loan securitization ad­
dressed this concern by listing the
issue on the Luxembourg Stock Ex­
change, providing an organized
secondary market for investors seek­
ing liquidity.
An even more recent innovation by
Salomon Brothers suggests an impor­
tant yet more limited role for securi­
tization in the commercial loan mar­
ket. Unlike conventional securitiza­
tion structures, this proposal will
create a security backed by a portion
of a single loan and will have a single
tranche. The chief goal of this struc­
ture is to tap institutional custom­
ers—that is, most money and portfo­
lio managers—that are allowed to
buy securities but are not perm itted
to buy bank loans.
The future role of securitization in
the commercial loan market is not
yet clear. While the idea of securi­
tizing C&I loans is appealing, it has
proven to be a complex and timeconsuming process that has not been
widely imitated. In contrast to the
more evolutionary approach wit­
nessed in other asset-backed markets,
C&I loan securitizers have attempted
to jum p directly to the relatively so­
phisticated multi-tranche structures
employed for mortgages, credit
cards, auto loans, and high yield

debt. W hether the commercial loan
market can bypass the evolutionary
stages of its predecessors is an open

Prior to 1985, the disintermediation
of commercial lending was some­
thing that happened to banks. How­
ever, in the last half of the 1980s, the
escalating pressure to disintermedi­
ate bank credit has led banks to pro­
mote disintermediation by selling
commercial loans to nonbank pur­
chasers. Prime rate funds and the
bank-sponsored securitization of
bank C&I loans are the two newest
manifestations of this phenom enon.
This controlled disintermediation
meets banks’ needs to preserve prof­
itable customer relationships. Never­
theless, the reprieve may be only
temporary. The standardization of
commercial loan contracts and in­
creasing expertise in pricing bank
loans are both necessary to facilitate
this managed disintermediation.
However, these changes will ulti­
mately lead to greater competitition
in the underwriting of commercial
loans and reduce the profitability of
the very relationships banks are
struggling to preserve.
—Janet Napoli
and Herbert L. Baer

Karl A. S cheld, S en io r Vice P re sid e n t a n d
D irecto r o f R esearch; David R. A llardice, Vice
P re sid e n t a n d A ssistant D irecto r o f R esearch;
J u d ith Goff, E ditor.
Chicago Fed Letter is p u b lish e d m o n th ly by th e
R esearch D e p a rtm e n t o f th e F ed eral Reserve
B ank o f C hicago. T h e views ex p ressed are th e
a u th o rs ’ a n d are n o t necessarily th o se o f th e
F ed eral Reserve B ank o f C hicago o r th e
F ed eral Reserve System. A rticles m ay be
r e p rin te d if th e source is c re d ite d a n d th e
R esearch D e p a rtm e n t is p ro v id ed with co p ies
o f th e rep rin ts.
Chicago Fed Letter is available w ith o u t c h arg e
from th e P ublic In fo rm a tio n C e n te r, F ed eral
Reserve B ank o f C hicago, P.O . Box 834,
C hicago, Illinois, 60690, (312) 322-5111.

ISSN 0895-0164

Manufacturing activity in the Midwest experienced its third consecutive
monthly decline in September, according to the most recent MMI. The de­
cline was widespread; only food-processing and chemically-related industries
expanded. With fourth quarter auto production being cut back, downward
pressure on manufacturing activity is likely to continue.
Midwest manufacturing activity (down 0.4%) declined more than the nation
(down 0.1%) in September and began its decline one m onth before the na­
tion. Much of the region’s relative weakness in September was centered in
employment. However, over the last three months manufacturing employ­
m ent has been fairly flat, compared to steady declines nationally.

Chicago Fed Letter


P u b lic In fo rm a tio n C en ter
P .O . B ox 834
C h ic a g o , Illin o is 60690
(312) 322-5111

N O T E: T h e MMI a n d th e USMI are co m p o site
in d ex es o f 17 m a n u fa c tu rin g in d u stries a n d are
d eriv ed fro m e c o n o m e tric m o d els th a t
estim ate o u tp u t fro m m o n th ly h o u rs w o rk ed
a n d kilow att h o u rs data. F or a discussion o f
th e m eth o d o lo g y , see “R eco n sid erin g th e
R egional M a n u fac tu rin g In d e x e s,” Economic
Perspectives, F ed eral Reserve B ank o f C hicago,
Vol. XIII, N o. 4, Ju ly /A u g u s t 1989.