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JU N E 1993
N U M B E R 70

Chicago Fed Letter
Auto industry restructuring
and the Midwest economy
From the steel industry to the retail
industry, from Caterpillar to General
Motors, the Midwest has faced a dra­
matically changing environment dur­
ing the past decade or more. In its
initial response, the region seemed
headed into a tailspin of plant closings
and displaced workers. Now, however,
some businesses are regaining market
share, perhaps in part because they
adjusted quickly to change as it oc­
curred. Other businesses have been
less fortunate and are still struggling to
find their way.
To some degree, the automotive indus­
try reflects the economic changes of
the region and the nation as a whole
over the last decade. Not all automak­
ers have been equally successful in
adapting to change. Yet the adjust­
ment process is not finished, and much
remains to be done before the full
ramifications become clear. This Fed
Letter reviews the recent experience of
the auto industry and the ways in which
its responses to change have affected
the Midwest economy.
The transformation o f an industry

The challenges that the domestic auto
industry faces today are not new; in
fact, they have been widely document­
ed over the past twenty years.1 Prior to
that time, the U.S. auto marketplace
was insulated and dominated by the
“Big Three”—Chrysler, Ford, and
General Motors (GM). This ar­
rangement was disrupted by a series of
rude awakenings, particularly the ener­
gy crisis that began in the mid-1970s
and the strong dollar in the mid-1980s.
Suddenly, aggressive foreign challeng­
ers were permanently penetrating the
U.S. marketplace. Through the late
1970s and 1980s, Big Three hegemony

crumbled. In response, Big Three
employment dropped by about 35%
(see Figure 1). By 1990, one of every
three cars sold in the U.S. bore a for­
eign nameplate.2
The foreign competitors used effective
new production methods, such as lean
manufacturing and a shorter time
from design to production, that com­
bined with other factors to give them
an overwhelming cost advantage over
the Big Three.3 In addition, they of­
fered an increasing variety of models,
better customer service, and higher
product quality. All these features
wooed customers away from the Big
Three and accelerated the erosion of
Big Three market share.
Faced with these realities, the Big
Three reacted in varying ways. An
initial response came in the early
1980s. Ford and Chrysler—the latter
facing a real possibility of bankrupt­
cy—aggressively began streamlining
domestic operations. Both firms pared
back employment significantly, re­
duced capacity, and poured funding
into research and development, specif­
ically product development. By the
mid-1980s, Ford was successfully using
lean production techniques, and by
the end of the decade, cost control
and reduction had become a way of
life at both companies. Overall, Ford
and Chrysler significantly improved
productivity during the period (see
Figure 2). The brisk economic recov­
ery of the 1980s also improved the
balance sheets of both firms and
helped facilitate their transition.
Unlike Chrysler, GM did not face the
ominous threat of bankruptcy. This
may help explain why early on, GM did
less than Ford or Chrysler to pare costs
and to reduce employment and capaci­
ty. Significant cash reserves also
helped brighten GM’s outlook. So did

a sales recovery and the company’s
maintenance of a market share in
excess of 40% from 1979 through the
early 1980s. GM did improve produc­
tivity, but not to the same degree as
Chrysler or Ford. Then, starting in the
mid-1980s, the company’s market
share began slipping. In 1991, prob­
lems came to a head. GM’s losses for

Reserve Bank of Chicago.

the year totaled $4.45 billion; losses in
the company’s core North American
operations were estimated at more
than $7 billion.
GM has now taken drastic action to
address these losses and reduce overca­
pacity given its drop in market share.
In late 1991, the company announced
it would close approximately 28 plants
and eliminate over 75,000jobs.
Among the targets were four assembly
plants and more than 20,000 whitecollar jobs. Cost-cutting measures were
also in the works, including reductions
in health benefits and in research and
Unfortunately, even these aggressive
actions did not solve the problems of
the world’s largest corporation. Media
headlines over the past year have
documented the turmoil of GM plant
closings, massive losses, and boardroom coups. After incurring a 1992
loss in North America of perhaps $4
billion, the company announced its
latest boardroom realignments and
plans for more cost-cutting. GM will
reduce the number of model lines, cut
the costs of parts, and sell or close
numerous parts facilities. Such events
have spelled trauma in the past for a
proud company and a key Midwest
industry; they are likely to cause hard­
ships into the 1990s.
Restructuring can pay dividends

Restructuring is always painful, yet it
can yield valuable benefits. Struggling
to meet the competition, American
automakers have adopted new technol­
ogies and lean production methods.
Additionally, the industry has pushed
ahead with development processes and
is shifting to agile production tech­
niques, which combine lean produc­
tion methods with greater flexibility of
output. The benefits of these changes
have shown up in the finished prod­
ucts, namely, the highly praised new
models rolling out of American assem­
bly plants. Since the mid-1980s, the
industry has made great strides in
product quality, and American cars
now approach world-class standards
of quality.

At the same time, sur­
veys show surprising
improvements in cus­
tomer service among
the Big Three relative to
their competitors. To­
gether, they still lag
behind Japanese auto­
makers. Yet customer
service at Ford and
Chrysler matches and,
in some car lines, actual­
ly exceeds that of Japa­
nese nameplates. A
complementary devel­
opment has been the
rapid integration of
production activities
within North America and the expan­
sion of activities of American auto­
makers in European markets.
Productivity has also improved. In
1979, Big Three productivity was signif­
icantly below that of foreign automak­
ers; by 1991, the gap had narrowed
substantially (see Figure 2). By some
measures, Ford is now one of the most
efficient producers in the world. After
significant improvements at Chrysler,
its productivity also matches that of
many other producers in the world.
Inevitably, more restructuring lies
ahead for domestic automakers. Yet it
need not be as traumatic as it was in
the past. Because the industry has
changed since 1979, automakers
should be better positioned to meet
the challenges of the marketplace.
Recent market share gains of the Big
Three relative to foreign nameplates
mean that domestic companies have at
least temporarily stopped their down­
ward slide. And although the outlook
for the industry is highly competitive,
Ford and Chrysler seem likely to sur­
vive and even prosper.
GM is still grappling with some of the
problems it faced in the 1980s. Yet the
company continues to have significant
potential, and its current restructuring
should transform it into a leaner, more
aggressive competitor. The new Sat­
urn has been a success for GM, and
Pontiac, Buick, Oldsmobile, and Cadil­
lac also boast trend-setting new mod­

els. Thus even GM is showing signs of
being a market leader in some seg­
ments and a world-class competitor in
its production technology.
The impact o f auto industry
restructuring on the Midwest

Given the concentration of auto manu­
facturing in the Midwest, the industry’s
restructuring has affected the region
most directly. In the late 1980s and
early 1990s, assembly plants in the
Midwest (including Ohio) produced
over 60% of all cars in the U.S. (see
Figure 3). Counting assembly, parts,
and support facilities of Big Three and
foreign automakers, more than
500,000 Midwest workers are employed
in the auto industry. External suppli­
ers and related industries boost that
number to between 1.25 and 1.5 mil­
lion jobs. These estimates do not in­
clude the jobs directly and indirectly
supported by the industry, especially in
the service sector.4
Such numbers make clear that the
auto industry still looms large in the
Midwest, yet it looms less large than in
the past. Since 1979, for instance,
Michigan has lost over 200,000 autorelated production jobs; the Big Three
have been responsible for about threefourths of that reduction. In fact, job
cuts have been striking across the Big
Three. Between 1979 and 1991, GM
cut 39% if its production jobs, Ford
33%, and Chrysler 42%. Cuts such as
these are of course accompanied by

Looking to the future

cuts in white-collar staff and in servicerelated jobs.
Further changes now in the works at
GM are also likely to fall hardest on
the Midwest (see Figure 4). The com­
pany plans to cut 75,000 more jobs;
over two-thirds will be in the Midwest,
approximately half in Michigan. As­
suming a multiplier effect of two, this
will cost the Midwest 100,000 more
jobs downstream. Additionally, GM
has indicated it may eventually cut
30,000 white-collar jobs—10,000 above
current forecasts. Most will be in Mich­
igan, home of GM’s divisional activities
and world headquarters.
At the same time, the location of for­
eign transplants in the Midwest has
spurred domestic productivity and
boosted the region’s suppliers. These
transplants are comparable to the bestrun U.S. facilities and are increasingly
competitive, even with Japanese do­
mestic facilities. Additionally, while
transplants originally tended to rely on
foreign-made parts, they are now be­
ginning to use parts made by domestic
companies or by other transplants.
This shift may substantially boost Mid­
west economic activity, especially if
transplants increasingly displace im­
ports and not U.S. brands. In fact,
that has been the scenario for the past
few years, as U.S. brands have main­
tained their market share, transplant
production has grown, and imports
have fallen.

Given these trends, the
Midwest’s future looks
brighter than its recent
past. Gains by the auto
industry, combined
with some diversifica­
tion in the region, spell
new opportunities for
the Midwest. Nonethe­
less, a variety of con­
ceivable events, from
industry changes to a
destabilizing policy
environment, could
exacerbate the prob­
lems of the Big Three
and the Midwest.
Whatever the future brings, the region
clearly must address a number of is­
sues. First, even after GM closes facili­
ties and reduces the payroll, its present
difficulties may not be over. The com­
pany faces an increasingly competitive
environment, yet it remains burdened
with dated products. According to
industry analysts, GM must upgrade its
product mix and improve its quality
and base technology—tasks requiring
substantial research and development.
If GM continues losing market share, it
will have to downsize even further,
and the Midwest would feel these cuts
most strongly.
Second, the industry’s current market
environment is extremely volatile.
Cyclical factors, specifically the weak
markets in the developed world, have
prompted cost-cutting by most major
manufacturers. More importantly,
structural changes are leading to shifts
in the location of manufacturing activi­
ty and in the activity itself. Increasing
responsibility for production is being
placed on suppliers, with the Big
Three and foreign companies focusing
more on design, assembly, and market­
ing. The full impact of these changes
has yet to be fully realized.
Third, as noted previously, the long
term prospect for vehicle sales in the
U.S. is uncertain. Although not every­
one agrees on the magnitude of the
problem, most analysts agree that sales

will grow only moderately at best. By
contrast, markets in the developing
world are growing rapidly and promise
to heat up still more in the future.
Both domestic and foreign automakers
face these contradictory trends as
they try to plan for the future. Of
course if export growth accelerates,
the net impact of these trends may be
positive for both the industry and the
Finally, as the Midwest loosens its de­
pendence on autos yet struggles to
keep the industry in the region, gov­
ernment development policies can
significantly affect both industry and
region. The U.S. economic environ­
ment today is far different than in
previous decades. Resources are more
mobile, markets are more competitive,
and in terms of growth, the U.S. do­
mestic market is slowing relative to
other markets. Accordingly, govern­
ment policies should seek to make the
region and the nation competitive for
business location and growth.
What, then, does the future hold for
the auto industry and the Midwest?
There are more questions than an­
swers. Many of the questions reflect
major, potentially ominous, concerns.
Yet offsetting trends may help soften
the shocks of GM’s current troubles.
Overall, the auto industry and other
core Midwest industries are in better
shape to compete in the world market
than they were just a decade ago. In

Karl A. S cheld, S en io r Vice P re sid e n t a n d
D irecto r o f R esearch; David R. A llardice, Vice
P re sid e n t a n d A ssistant D irecto r o f R esearch;
Ja n ic e Weiss, E ditor.
Chicago Fed Letter is p u b lish e d m o n th ly by th e
R esearch D e p a rtm e n t o f th e F ed eral R eserve
B ank o f C hicago. T h e views ex p ressed are th e
a u th o r s ’ a n d are n o t necessarily th o se o f th e
F ed eral R eserve B ank o f C hicag o o r th e F ed eral
R eserve System. A rticles m ay b e r e p rin te d if
th e so u rce is c re d ite d a n d th e R esearch
D e p a rtm e n t is p ro v id ed with co p ies o f th e
rep rin ts.
Chicago Fed Letter is available w ith o u t ch arg e
fro m th e Public In fo rm a tio n C e n te r, F ed eral
Reserve B ank o f C hicago, P.O . Box 834,
C hicago, Illinois, 60690, (312) 322-5111.

ISSN 0895-0164

turn, the Midwest is now one of the
healthiest regions in the nation.
Nevertheless, one prediction is clear:
The auto industry will continue mak­
ing difficult transitions, and the Mid­
west will feel the effects. Learning
from the past, the industry and the
region should be able to meet these
challenges wisely and well.
—Paul D. Ballew and
Robert H. Schnorbus1
1A m ong the m ost com prehensive studies
o f the auto industry are The Machine that
Changed the World, byJ.P. W om ack, D.T.

Jo n es, a n d D. Roos (M acm illan P ublishing
C om pany, 1990); Rude Awakening: The Rise,
Fall, and Struggle fo r Recovery o f General
Motors, by M. K eller (M orrow, 1989); a n d
The Harbour Report a Decade Later: Competi­
tive Assessment o f the North American Automo­
tive Industry, 1979-1989 (H a rb o u r 8c Associ­
ates, Inc., 1990).
2T his n u m b e r includes fleet sales, w hich
are d o m in a te d by th e Big T h ree. E rosion
at th e retail level (w hich excludes fleet
sales) is even m o re severe, with m ark et
share o f dom estic b ran d s d eclin in g to
u n d e r 60%.

have aim ed to cu t this dow n to th re e years.
C hrysler has tried to m atch this am bitious
schedule with its L-H a n d PL m odels.
4T h e M otor V ehicle M an u facturers Associ­
atio n estim ates th a t appro x im ately 3 m il­
lion jo b s in th e M idwest are m o to r vehiclerelated . T his n u m b e r does n o t include
jo b s in th e service sector th a t are affected
by events in th e a u to industry. Studies on
th e im p act o f p la n t closings find a very
stro n g link betw een th e au to industry an d
a rea service activities.

Ja p a n e se au to m ak ers have traditionally
used a four-year cycle as a stan d ard . Re­
c e n t design a n d d e v elo p m en t innovations

Midwest manufacturing has grown modestly in recent months, boosted by a rise in
car and light truck production since mid-1992. But total production in April was
unchanged from March. A slight gain in light truck production offset a slight
drop in car production.
Planned car and light truck production for the rest of the second quarter should
help keep Midwest expansion on track. Light truck production will be almost flat
in May and June, partly because of early model changeovers. But car production
should increase by 100,000 units in May and 200,000 units in June. If sustained,
the June car production rate (annualized at 6.4 million units) will be the highest
since late 1990.

SOURCES: T h e M idw est M a n u fac tu rin g In d e x
(M M I) is a co m p o site in d e x o f 15 in d u stries,
based o n m o n th ly h o u rs w orked a n d kilow att
h o u rs. IP re p re se n ts th e FRBB in d u strial p ro ­
d u c tio n in d e x fo r th e U.S. m a n u fa c tu rin g sec­
tor. A utos a n d lig h t trucks are m e a s u re d in a n ­
n u alized physical units, u sin g seasonal ad ju st­
m e n ts d e v elo p ed by th e F ed eral R eserve B oard.
T h e PMA in d e x fo r th e U.S. is th e p ro d u c tio n
c o m p o n e n ts fro m th e N PM A survey a n d fo r th e
M idw est is a w eig h ted average o f th e p r o d u c ­
tio n c o m p o n e n ts fro m th e C hicago, D etro it,
a n d M ilw aukee PMA survey, with assistance
fro m B ishop A ssociates a n d C om erica.