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Chicago Fed Letter
A regional approach to
measures of import activity
Gains in the volume of international
trade during recent decades have
raised questions about the impact of
this trade on the U.S. economy as a
whole as well as on regions and specific
sectors of the economy. Moreover,
changes in the economic composition
of regions have led economists to examine the relative impact of international
markets and foreign exchange rates
on the various regions of the country.
For example, Clark, Sawyer, and
Sprinkle (1999), Cronovich and Gazel
(1998), Hervey and Strauss (1998), and
others have examined the impact of
international trade (especially exports),
exchange rates, and foreign income
growth on regional economies.1
An underlying premise in this type of
research is that differences in industrial mix across regions and differences
in the composition of regions’ international markets contribute importantly
to the make-up of their international
trade and, in turn, to the importance
of international trade to their respective economies. However, this area of
inquiry, for the most part, has examined the impact of regions’ exports on
their economies. In large part, this is
because U.S. regional import data per
se are simply not available. That being
the case, does it follow that there are
no meaningful economic relationships
between subnational economies and
imports? On the contrary, this Chicago
Fed Letter suggests that, despite the paucity of regional import data, meaningful economic relationships exist, and
proposes one narrowly defined but
economically meaningful measure of
imported goods relative to subnational
economies in the U.S.
Interest in import data by state is not
a recent development. Recognition by
state governments that international

trade was becoming increasingly important to their economies led the
National Governors’ Association to
propose in late 1987 that Congress
pass legislation that would require
the U.S. Department of Commerce
to collect and report imports-by-state
data (however, the legislation was not
enacted). In fact, the U.S. Department
of Commerce, Bureau of the Census,
began publishing state-level data on
exports and imports in January 1987.
However, the basis underlying the
construction of the import series was
unsatisfactory and the validity of the
series was widely criticized. Consequently, the imports-by-state series
was discontinued at the end of 1988.
Exports-by-state data continue to be
published on a monthly basis.
Why the abandonment of the importsby-state series? Simply stated, a measure of imports into a subnational
economy is less easily identified than
is one for exports; and, more significantly, the meaning of imports at the
state level is even less clear. What does
an import into Indiana mean? Does
it mean that the imported product
entered final consumption there? In
fact, a product “imported into Indiana”
may be in transit—it may be an intermediate product to be incorporated
into another product that is no longer
identifiable as an import, and shipped
elsewhere in the U.S., exported, or
eventually returned and consumed in
Indiana. Thus, it is hard to conceptualize precisely what an import into
Indiana (or any other state) means.

Toward a more meaningful measure
In considering how to construct an
economic measure of “regional imports,” it is helpful to consider how
imports may influence regional economies. One the one hand, to the
degree that imports complement domestic output or fill a void where no
domestic production exists, they

might be thought of as providing an
unambiguous positive contribution to
the regional economy.
On the other hand, to the degree that
goods imports compete with domestic
production, the impact is ambiguous.
In the short term, imports that compete
with domestic industry may exert a
detrimental impact on domestic production by displacing output and employment. At the same time, competition engendered by imports may, over
time, result in positive technology
transfers or otherwise promote greater
competitive efficiencies in domestic
industries, even an expansion in domestic output and employment. Furthermore, consumers, both intermediate
and final, may benefit from imports to
the extent that they contribute to lower prices, greater selection, improved
quality, and the like.
It is important to understand, therefore, that a larger or smaller allocation
of imports to one region, relative to
other regions, does not necessarily imply a greater or lesser degree of import
competition for that region. This article deals with a small part of the issue
of imports and their potential regional
impact, namely, how might the value
of the nation’s imports be allocated
across regions in an economically
meaningful manner.
Hayward and Erickson (1995) address
this question in an analysis of the economic impact of the North American
Free Trade Agreement on states.2 If
there is concern about import competitiveness or intermediate good consumption, i.e., the incorporation of
imported components into domestic
production, then a significant question
concerning imports is the location and
relative importance of the U.S. industries associated with a specific category
of imports. From this perspective, we
are interested not so much in where the
goods enter the U.S. or are consumed

as in the location of the industries for
which the imports are used as inputs
or with which they compete. Hayward
and Erickson address this issue by allocating U.S. imports, by industry, from
Canada and Mexico across states in
proportion to the states’ share of industrial shipments by two-digit SIC code
as available in the Census of Manufacturing/Annual Survey of Manufacturing.

The issue of regional imports
In this article, the allocation of imports by region differs modestly but
significantly from that of Hayward and
Erickson. Rather than using industrial
shipments as an import weighting
scheme, it draws on employment
in manufacturing, by industry, for
1994 and 1995 and on manufactured
goods imports, by industry, from 44
foreign markets.
The primary rationale for using an
employment allocation scheme is that
the employment data allow one to
more readily access current, as well as
historical data, although at this stage
of the current research, these advantages are not fully utilized. The formulation of the subnational goods import
measures discussed here is constricted
for two primary reasons: first, so as to
be compatible with measures of subnational manufactured goods exports
in Hervey and Strauss (1996 and 1998);
and second, to hold the data collection
within manageable bounds. (The regional allocation by itself requires
only total U.S. imports by industry
and not the additional data refinement
of imports-by-industry-by-country.
1. Share of U.S. mfg. employment


Great Lakes


Far West









Source: Author’s calculations based on data from U.S.
Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

However, as noted below, the source
country designation does provide a
more complete understanding of the
import market.)
Restricting the employment weights
to 1994 and 1995 ignores several important issues, such as the impact on import allocation across regions that is
due to changes in industrial concentration over time. The data shown in
figure 1 indicate that since the early
1970s there has been a marked shift
in regional employment shares in the
goods manufacturing industries—e.g.,
away from the Great Lakes (Midwest),
Mideast, and New England toward the
Far West, Southeast, and Southwest. In
addition, based on the methodology
used to allocate imports to the various
regions, changes in the structure of
manufacturing employment imply a
shift in the allocation of imports away
from the Great Lakes, Mideast, and
New England regions toward the Far
West, Southeast, and Southwest—the
constant 1994–95 employment weights
also ignore this issue. Finally, the constant period employment weights do
not reflect the fact that one can also
expect the allocation of imports across
regions to be influenced by shifts in
the relative composition of manufacturing industries (e.g., between durable
and nondurable goods) across regions
and by changes in the relative industry
composition of imported manufactured goods.
The manufacturing industry classifications—durable and nondurable
goods—data in figure 2 reflect a shift
in manufacturing employment from
durable goods industries toward nondurable goods industries in the Great
Lakes and from nondurables toward
durables in the Southeast. In addition,
over the three decades since the early
1970s, the composition of U.S. manufactured goods imports has changed—
with an increasingly large proportion
in the durable goods category, especially capital equipment. Recognizing
these shortcomings, the fixed period
employment weights nonetheless demonstrate a conceptually meaningful
measure of the relative importance of
goods imports across regions.
In summary, the allocation of manufactured goods imports across regions
depends on a region’s share, relative

2. Share of durable goods employment

Great Lakes








Source: See figure 1.

to the U.S. total, of employment in
three categories—total manufacturing, durable goods manufacturing, or
nondurable goods manufacturing
(two-digit industry classifications are
possible, but the more manageable
three classes are used here). In this
particular construction, it also depends
on the value of U.S. imports for each
of these three categories from each of
44 major foreign market sources. The
result gives a regional allocation of
imports (ALLMs) from an aggregate
of 44 foreign countries (based on a
1994 and 1995 average) for each of
the three manufacturing categories
listed above for eight U.S. regions.
Implicit in this construction is the idea
that the larger the relative employment
in a specific industry in a given region,
relative to other regions, the greater
the potential economic impact of manufactured goods imports on that particular region.
The relative size of the ALLMs can be
measured by industry across regions
(share of the U.S. total) or by industry
within regions (durable or nondurable share of a region’s manufacturing
total). In addition, this construction
facilitates identification of the foreign
country sources that most strongly
influence the ALLMs for each region.
The largest regional share for manufactured goods imports goes to the five
Great Lakes states (Illinois, Indiana,
Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin).
ALLMs to these states account for 26%
of total U.S. manufactured imports.
The Southeast region follows with a
20% share, and the Far West with a
15% share.

3. ALLMS, durable goods

4. ALLMS, nondurable goods

percent of U.S. total

percent of U.S. total






New MidEngland east

Great Plains South- South- Moun- Far
tain West

New MidEngland east

Source: Author’s calculations.

Great Plains South- South- Moun- Far
east west tain West

Nondurable manufactured goods imports present a different regional story
(see figure 4). Here, the Southeast
region dominates the nation’s ALLMs,
accounting for just over 28% of U.S.
imports in that category. Great Lakes
states rank second with 17% of the U.S.
total, and the Southwest ranks third
with nearly 16% of the total.
The allocation of imports to U.S. regions based on the country of source
presents some interesting patterns.

Two-thirds of the ALLMs of durable
manufactured goods to the Great
Lakes states are attributable to Japan,
Canada, and the European Monetary
Union (EMU)(see figure 5). The
newly industrialized countries (NICs)
of Asia (Hong Kong, South Korea,
Singapore, and Taiwan) account for
an additional nearly 13%.
The pattern is rather different with
respect to nondurable manufactured
goods; Canada and the EMU retain
an important role as a source for
these types of goods, accounting for
nearly half of the nondurable manufactured goods allocated to the Great
Lakes region. However, Japan’s share
drops dramatically, compared with
its durable goods share, accounting
for less than 9% of total nondurable
manufactured imports allocated to
the region. The NICs account for 11%
of the region’s nondurable ALLMs.

5. Import allocation to Great Lakes by source





Note: EU is European Union.
Source: Author’s calculations.

—Jack L. Hervey
Senior economist

Source: Author’s calculations.

As one might expect, given the Great
Lakes region’s importance in durable
goods manufacturing, that region also
dominates the regional ALLMs for the
nation’s durable goods imports. It accounts for nearly 29% of U.S. regions’
ALLMs (see figure 3). A possible implication is that the economic impact
of imported durable manufactured
goods and equipment may have a
greater relative influence on Great
Lakes states than elsewhere.

Japan Canada EMU

Midwest (Great Lakes states) receives
the primary allocation of manufactured
goods imports, especially durable goods.
This methodology also indicates that
Japan, Canada, and the EMU are the
primary sources of durable goods. For
nondurable manufactured goods, however, Japan falls out of the picture as a
major provider of imports to the Great
Lakes region. Canada and the EMU
retain important roles as providers of
nondurables to the region.


Mexico Other


South Other
America total

While it is not possible
to obtain goods import
data by region from the
international trade data
collected by the Bureau
of the Census, we may
be able to examine the
impact of imports on
regions by allocating
imports based on a
measure of economic
activity in individual
U.S. regions. One such
measure is employment in manufacturing
by industry. Based on
this type of data, the


D. P. Clark, W. C. Sawyer, and R. L. Sprinkle,
1999, “Regional exchange rate indexes for the
United States,” Journal of Regional Science, Vol.
39, No. 1, pp. 149–166; R. Cronovich and R.
Gazel, 1998, “Do exchange rates and foreign
incomes matter for exports at the state level?,”
Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp.
639–657; and J. L. Hervey and W. A. Strauss,
1998, “Foreign growth, the dollar, and regional
economies, 1970–97,” Economic Perspectives, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Fourth Quarter,
pp. 35–55, and 1996, “A regional export-weighted dollar: A different way of looking at exchange
rate changes,” Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,
working paper, No. GL-2.

D. J. Hayward and R. A. Erickson, 1995, “The
North American trade of U.S. states: A comparative analysis of industrial shipments, 1983–91,”
International Regional Science Review, Vol. 18,
No. 1, pp. 1–31.

Michael H. Moskow, President; William C. Hunter,
Senior Vice President and Director of Research; Douglas
Evanoff, Vice President, financial studies; Charles
Evans, Vice President, macroeconomic policy research;
Daniel Sullivan, Vice President, microeconomic policy
research; William Testa, Vice President, regional
programs and economics editor; Helen O’D. Koshy,
Chicago Fed Letter is published monthly by the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago. The views expressed are the authors’
and are not necessarily those of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal Reserve
System. Articles may be reprinted if the source is
credited and the Research Department is
provided with copies of the reprints.
Chicago Fed Letter is available without charge from
the Public Information Center, Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago, P.O. Box 834, Chicago, Illinois
60690-0834, tel. 312-322-5111 or fax 312-322-5515.
Chicago Fed Letter and other Bank publications are
available on the World Wide Web at http://
ISSN 0895-0164

Tracking Midwest manufacturing activity
Manufacturing output indexes, 1992=100

Manufacturing output indexes



Month ago

Year ago





Motor vehicle production
(millions, seasonally adj. annual rate)

Month ago

Year ago





Light trucks






Purchasing managers’ surveys:
net % reporting production growth

Month ago




Year ago







The Chicago Fed Midwest Manufacturing Index (CFMMI) rose 0.4% from July
to August; revised data show the index rose 0.6% in July. The national Industrial
Production Index (IP) for manufacturing increased at the same rate as the
CFMMI during both July and August. Light truck production decreased from
7.6 million units in August to 6.9 million units in September and car production
remained constant at 5.7 million units for both August and September.
The Midwest purchasing managers’ composite index (a weighted average of
the Chicago, Detroit, and Milwaukee surveys) for production increased to 57.5%
in September from 54.2% in August. The purchasing manager’s indexes increased
for all three surveys. The national purchasing managers’ survey for production
increased from 56.7% in August to 61.7% in September.



Sources: The Chicago Fed Midwest Manufacturing Index (CFMMI) is a composite index of 16
industries, based on monthly hours worked and
kilowatt hours. IP represents the Federal Reserve
Board’s Industrial Production Index for the U.S.
manufacturing sector. Autos and light trucks are
measured in annualized units, using seasonal adjustments developed by the Board. The purchasing managers’ survey data for the Midwest are
weighted averages of the seasonally adjusted production components from the Chicago, Detroit,
and Milwaukee Purchasing Managers’ Association
surveys, with assistance from Kingsbury International, LTD., Comerica, and the University of

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Chicago Fed Letter