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MAY 1992
N U M B E R 57

Chicago Fed Letter
A m arket based approach
to cleaner air
Several new programs aimed at pro­
tecting the environment and human
health have been initiated under the
1990 Amendments to the Clean Air
Act (CAA). According to official esti­
mates, the annual direct costs of these
regulatory programs will be around
$20 billion but other estimates are
much higher. In addition to the direct
costs of abatement, the economy will
undergo difficult adjustments to
changes in prices and wages. Some of
these costs of pollution control will be
mitigated by the recent adoption of a
different approach to environmental
regulation. The new Title IV of the
1990 CAA Ajmendments has intro­
duced the market based approach for
controlling sulfur dioxide (S09) emis­
sions instead of continuing to rely on
the so-called “command and control”
approach which had been proposed in
the 1980s for acid rain control. Title
IV can potentially serve as a model for
future market based pollution control
programs, but this Title has unique
features. The Chicago Fed Letter de­
scribes the market based approach to
pollution control and assesses the new
acid rain legislation as a prototype.
Market based versus command
and control

Using the command and control ap­
proach, regulators have often required
that industry apply the best available
pollution control technologies to their
industrial processes as a means of
achieving the lowest levels of air toxic
emissions or effluent water discharge.
The obvious costs of this system are the
large regulatory management systems
which are needed to determine the
best technology and to monitor and

administer the flow of regulations and
permits. In addition, this approach
can be very costly by not allowing
firms the flexibility to discover and
apply the least cost methods of lower­
ing pollution. Such regulation may
discourage the development of pro­
cesses which lower pollution further;
industry would be reluctant to develop
such technologies for fear that, re­
gardless of their cost, the new technol­
ogies would be mandated for their
operations. Indeed, new technology
mandates could be especially costly in
those instances when the new technol­
ogy must displace a firm’s very recent
investment in equipment.
In an effort to offset some of the finan­
cial burden on existing industry, com­
mand and control regulations are
often applied only to new sources of
emissions. However, new source per­
formance standards (NSPS) have
often been cited as encouraging the
continued use of existing industrial
equipment beyond the point at which
it would otherwise have been econom­
ic to replace or update the equipment.
Hence, NSPS regulations may lower
investment in otherwise promising
In contrast, market incentive systems
begin with an overall level or goal for
emissions or discharge. Optimally,
such a goal is determined by consider­
ing the costs of abatement in relation
to the potential benefits to society.
Subsequently, incentives are put into
place to achieve the overall environ­
mental goal in the least costly fashion.
Under market incentive programs,
firms are awarded the rights or allow­
ances to pollute, with the distribution
of allowances following some fair or
equitable considerations. The owners
of allowances are then free to use the
allowances as a pollution permit or,

alternatively, to reduce their rate of
pollution while selling their excess
rights to pollute to other parties. In
this way, those firms that can control
their emissions at least cost have the
(profit) incentive to do so, while those
firms who would otherwise find it
unduly burdensome to restrict emis­
sions can purchase the right to pollute.
Market incentive systems have better
long run properties as well; they en­
courage the development of more cost
effective control technology and in­
vestment in cleaner processes and
bring forth competitive suppliers in
the marketplace.
Acid rain control o f coal-fired
electric utilities

The three major pollutants regulated
under Title IV on acid deposition
control, as well as under Title I on
nonattainment areas and other CAA
regulations, are nitrogen oxides
(NO ), volatile organic compounds
(VOC), and sulfur dioxide (S09). The
Midwest’s share of the nation’s total
emissions approximately mirrors its
share of economic activity with the
exception of S 0 9. The region emits
sulfur dioxide at a rate two-thirds high­
er than its share of economic activity
largely because its electric utilities tend
to heavily rely on high sulfur coal
which is locally mined (see Table 1).
Title IV creates a market incentive
system based on S 0 9 “emission allow­
ances.” An allowance must be ob­
tained and expended for each ton of
S 0 2emitted. Once allocated by the
U.S. EPA, the allowances can also be
traded among companies rather than
expended for emissions. In addition,
allowances are tradable between years,
a concept called “emission banking”
whereby allowances can be retained as
a reserve for future use as a hedge

1.1985 Midwest emissions and GSP
Pollutant or

Share in Midwest by sector (%)



and other

$30,000—$10,000 for A and
$20,000 for B—rather than the
$40,000 cost under the uniform
rollback policy.

Under Title IV, allowances are
issued gratis to existing pollut­
3 0.9
2 2 .6
ing utility units based on their
2 1 .6
2 1.6
“baseline” fuel use as measured
the annual average of 1985Gross state
product (GSP)
87 Btu consumption. Emis­
sions are ratcheted down over
time by issuing allowances over
against higher future emission allow­
two different phases of increasing strin­
gency with Phase I running from 1995
ance prices or even for purely specula­
to the year 2000 (see Table 2).
tive purposes.

3 7.3




Emissions trading and banking provide
cost savings over mandatory technolo­
gies in achieving long run environmen­
tal goals. These gains are achieved be­
cause, rather than adopting mandatory
control technology or abandoning pro­
duction altogether, firms gain the flexi­
bility to reduce pollution by choosing
from among the cheapest technologies,
alternative fuels, and alternative time
schedules in lowering emissions. Fac­
tors which will affect the least cost
choice are a plant’s design suitability for
retrofit, land availability, economies of
scale in abatement technology, access to
alternative fuels including differences in
competition in transportation to power
plants at different locations, and alterna­
tive local air quality requirements.
Gains from trade can be illustrated with
a simple example. Suppose 100 tons of
emission reduction are needed to meet
the environmental objective. Suppose
plant A has a marginal abatement cost
(MAC) of $300 per ton and plant B has
a MAC of $500 per ton. Under a uni­
form rollback policy each plant would
reduce emissions 50 tons at a total cost
of $40,000. However, suppose each
plant is issued 50 tons of tradable emis­
sion allowances. Then plant A, which
has a lower MAC, can sell its allowances
to plant B for, say, $400 per ton. Plant A
then reduces emissions 100 tons for
$30,000, and gains $20,000 in revenue
from the sale of allowances. Thus, the
net cost to A of the reduction in emis­
sion is $10,000. Plant B’s $20,000 cost
of purchasing allowances is less than the
$25,000 it would have had to pay to
reduce emissions by 50 tons. The total
cost of the 100 ton emission reduction is

particular, some states have already
moved to circumvent the choice pro­
cess of utilities in various ways. For
example, the state legislature in Illi­
nois has mandated the use of smoke­
stack “scrubbers,” which remove impu­
rities caused by the burning of high
sulfur coal, thereby eliminating the
option of using low sulfur coal for two
generating plants.

Fortunately, the aforementioned im­
pediments to market decision making
are unlikely to dominate. Partly owing
to the rising costs of utility services in
recent decades, public scrutiny and
opposition have made utility rate hikes
The market price of allowances is cur­
far from automatic. For this reason,
rently expected to be low in the early
utilities do have incentives to engage
in cost efficiency measures so as to
1990s and to rise steadily over the
course of Phase I and II through the
ensure their shareholders a good rate
middle of the next decade because an
of return on investment. States with
excess stock of allowances is expected
high sulfur coal mining interests are
to be held at the outset. The actual
likely to continue to provide a base
time path of prices will depend not only market for their coal products by man­
on several uncertainties such as fuel
dating the use of scrubbers at some
switching costs and the growth of elec­
utility plants. However, cost consider­
tricity demand, but also on the motiva­
ations will dictate that the plants cho­
tions of market participants. Utility risk sen are those where the costs of the
aversion provides a motive to bank
scrubbing option are well within rea­
allowances, thereby increasing the cur­
son. And the fact that states without
rent price of allowances. Forward con­ mining interests may choose other
tracts and futures markets for S 0 2allow­ options means that the price of high
ances, such as those proposed by the
sulfur coal would be bid down relative
Chicago Board of Trade, may also influ­ to the price of low sulfur coal, making
ence allowance prices by facilitating the scrubbing a cost efficient choice for
entry of speculators who are willing to
some fraction of the utility market
bear some of the risks of risk averse
in any case.
utilities. By lowering costs and risks
everyone can gain, including rate pay­
Nevertheless, certain provisions of the
ers and utility shareholders alike.
Clean Air Act itself may be working
against the market based approach
introduced in Title IV. Title V of the
Will the market be allowed to work?
1990 Amendments legislates a new
Some skeptics question whether the
comprehensive permitting program
benefits envisioned by market propo­
authorizing specific compliance strate­
nents will materialize. Much of the
gies such as those found in a com­
efficiency gain is envisioned to come
mand and control system. The inter­
about as profit motivated firms choose
action among competing regulations
the least cost compliance strategy.
under the CAA, resulting from the fact
However, the firms in question are
that SC) , NO , and VOC are con­
largely state regulated public utilities.
trolled under two or more major Ti­
To the extent that utilities are guaran­
tles, caused the EPA to seek the com­
teed a fair rate of return on their invest­ prehensive permitting program so that
ed capital, it is alleged that utilities may one permit will be issued for each
have a diminished incentive to engage
industrial source. However, reopen­
in least cost planning. There are also
ing the permitting process for existing
conflicts between least cost choices and
industrial facilities also provides an
the preservation of mining jobs in those opportunity for intervention by such
regions that mine high sulfur coal. In
parties as the National Park Service,

o f SO,, emission reduction requirements
Phase 1 affected units1

M idwest3

Phase II2


% o f U.S.

% o f U.S.
Number of
generating units





























(thousand m egaw atts)

S02 emissions
(m illion tons)

S 02 allowances
(m illio n tons)

Reduction needed
to meet allowances

able control technology or MACT); 2)
subsequent risk/benefit studies to
evaluate whether a second round of
controls beyond MACT may be re­
quired; and 3) special regulations to
prevent accidental releases of very
toxic chemicals. The last type of envi­
ronmental concern, which has a very
low probability but high potential
damage from a discharge, may repre­
sent a type of situation where technol­
ogy based regulations are the best
approach to protect health and envi­

1Phase I affected units are listed by name in Table A of the 1990 Amendments; these are the larger, higher
emitting units in the country.
2A few small units are not included.
Illino is, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Minnesota, Iowa, and Missouri.
4Required reduction based on no net trading of allowances outside the region.
SOURCE: Argonne Utility Simulation Model for 1989.

environmental interest groups, and
others in the same state or neighbor­
ing states to argue for more stringent
emission controls to protect “air quali­
ty related values” such as visibility in
cities and national parks. As the state
and federal governments undertake
this massive permitting process of
industrial sources, delays and uncer­
tainties are to be expected, and once a
permit is issued, plant facilities will lose
flexibility in adapting to changes in
product demands or adjusting their
manufacturing processes for competi­
tive reasons.
The consequences of this loss of flexi­
bility are as yet poorly understood.
Certainly, the potential gain under the
S 0 2 trading system comes into ques­
tion. More generally, Title V is only
one of several within the overall CAA
whose structure and nature reflects the
command and control approach to
emissions control rather than a market
based approach.1
New directions and exceptions

Despite the conflicting approaches to
emission control within the CAA, Title
IV may stand as a turning point be­
yond which environmental regulation
will never return. Policymakers are
extending the scope of the market
based approach to new areas. For
example, urban ozone nonattainment

is typically a regional airshed problem,
e.g., the south coast area of California
around Los Angeles or the vicinity of
Chicago and Milwaukee metropolitan
areas which have been designated as
“extreme” and “severe” (respectively)
nonattainment areas under Title I of
the CAA. The South Coast Air Quality
Management District of California is
moving rapidly ahead toward a pro­
gram of tradable emission permits in
reactive organic compounds which
contribute to ozone formation and
smog. In contrast to acid rain controls,
which focus on relatively few, large
sources nationally, the urban smog
program addresses individual vehicles,
dry cleaners, and household and firm
use of surface coatings, solvents and
cleaning fluids. Other potential market
based programs include allowing firms
to buy and dispose of “old clunker”
cars as a way to reduce urban emissions,
and limiting motor vehicle trips into
congested cities while allowing the
trading of vehicle trip permits.
While a market based approach holds
many potential advantages over com­
mand and control, some situations
may be inappropriate for the trading
of permits. Regarding the control of
industrial hazardous air pollutants
(i.e., air toxics) the 1990 Amendments
call for a three-pronged program: 1)
technology requirements for a list of
189 chemicals (called maximum achiev­

Prior to the CAA, market based ap­
proaches to reducing pollutants had
been widely discussed but largely un­
tried. Certainly, the acid rain Title IV
amendments will provide a major
testing ground for many of the institu­
tional features of the market based
approach including the trading and
banking of emission allowances.
Should this approach prove to be
successful, we can expect to see it wide­
ly applied to other areas such as the
regulation of water, toxic sites, and
urban air pollutants.
—Donald A. Hanson and
William A. Testa
*See Donald A. Hanson, “The 1990 Clean
Air Act: a tougher regulatory challenge
facing Midwest industry,” Economic Perspec­
tives, May/June 1992, pp. 2-18.

Karl A. S cheld, S en io r Vice P re sid en t a n d
D irecto r o f R esearch; David R. A llardice, Vice
P re sid en t a n d A ssistant D irecto r o f R esearch;
C arolyn M cM ullen, E ditor.
Chicago Fed Letter is p u b lish ed m o n th ly by th e
R esearch D e p a rtm e n t o f th e F ed eral Reserve
B ank o f C hicago. T h e views ex p ressed are th e
a u th o rs ’ a n d are n o t necessarily th o se o f th e
F ederal Reserve B ank o f C hicago o r th e F ed eral
Reserve System. A rticles m ay be re p rin te d if
th e source is c re d ite d a n d th e R esearch
D e p a rtm e n t is pro v id ed with copies o f th e
rep rin ts.
Chicago Fed Letter is available w ith o u t ch arg e
from th e P ublic In fo rm atio n C e n te r, F ederal
Reserve B ank o f C hicago, P.O. Box 834,
C hicago, Illinois, 60690, (312) 322-5111.
ISSN 0895-0164

Midwest manufacturing activity ended 1991 on a sour note, as the MMI declined
0.6% in December, continuing a downward slide that began at mid-year. Much
of the recent weakness has come from the transportation sector. However, that
sector scored a respectable gain (up 1.1%) in December. With auto production
plans over the first quarter of 1992 showing a steady rise, the sector should con­
tinue to make a positive contribution to the MMI in the early part of 1992.
The December decline in the MMI also marked one of the few times in recent
years that the region has underperformed manufacturing activity nationwide for
a full quarter. The region’s weakness underscores the importance of its trans­
portation sector to its overall performance.

N O TE: T h e MMI a n d th e USMI are co m p o site
indexes o f 17 m a n u fa c tu rin g in d u stries a n d are
d erived from e c o n o m e tric m odels th a t estim ate
o u tp u t fro m m o n th ly h o u rs w orked a n d
kilow att h o u rs data. For a discussion o f th e
m ethodology, see “R eco n sid erin g th e R egional
M a n u fac tu rin g In d ex es,” Economic Perspectives,
F ederal Reserve B ank o f C hicago, Vol. XIII,
N o. 4, Ju ly /A u g u st 1989.

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