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Chicago Fed Letter
1990 outlook: Slowdown,
then pickup
On December 13, 1989, twenty-six
business economists from around the
Midwest attended the third annual
Economic Outlook Symposium,
sponsored by the Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago. The participants
submitted forecasts before the meet­
ing and gathered to discuss U.S. eco­
nomic growth in 1990. This Fed Letter
reviews their key points. The fore­
casts do not necessarily represent the
views of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Chicago or the Federal Reserve Sys­
tem. They do, however, represent
invaluable expertise on industries
that are im portant to the Midwest.

Much of the expected weakness in
the economy is concentrated in the
first half of the year. Expected
growth in the first two quarters aver­
ages around 1.5%, but the pace ac­
celerates to roughly 2.5% over the
last two quarters of the year. At the
high end of the forecast range (that
is, the upper quartile), GNP growth
would be exceeding 3%, a very re­

forecast—but the weakness in indus­
trial production is substantially worse
than in the rest of the economy. In
fact, one third of the forecasts had at
least two quarters of negative growth
occurring between the fourth quar­
ter of 1989 and the second quarter of
1990. By the second half of the year,
industrial production resumes the
role of the engine of growth that it

spectable pace under any circum­
stances. Underlying this pattern are
the expectations that short-term
interest rates will fall in 1990 and, by
over half of the group, that long-term
rates will fall as well.

has been playing throughout much
of the current expansion. This fore­
cast is a testimonial to the restructur­
ing of the U.S. economy, because it
suggests that the industrial sector can
have a downturn without pulling the
entire economy into a recession.

Consensus— a slower economy

The consensus outlook, based on the
median of 25 forecasts submitted,
showed real gross national product
(GNP) in 1990 growing at a 1.7%
pace (see Figure 1). This means
economic growth in 1990 will be
roughly half as great as in 1989 and,
in fact, the lowest it has been since
the current expansion began in
1983. Moreover, the forecasts
ranged from a low of 0.6% to a high
of only 2.4%. Thus, even at its best,
1990’s growth is expected to be at
least half a percentage point slower
than the previous year’s. And at
worst, two forecasts called for the
economy to enter a recession (that is,
two or more back-to-back quarters of
negative growth).
Although year-over-year expected
growth in real GNP was below 2%—
a level typically associated with “ nor­
m al” growth potential—the quar­
terly pattern of GNP growth cast a
brighter light on the 1990 outlook.

Industrial production also is ex­
pected to exhibit weakness in the
first half and strength in the second
half of 1990. Indeed, the manufac­
turing sector is a major source of the
expected weakness of the economy.
The median forecast of industrial
production (which now makes up
less than one third of the economy)
showed a pattern similar to the GNP

The consumer takes the driver’s seat

If not from manufacturing, where is
the strength in the economy ex­
pected to come from? Breaking
down the GNP forecast into its major
components, the consensus forecast
indicates that the investment and
export booms that propelled the

economy in 1987 and 1988 had run
their course by the end of 1989. The
median forecast for investment
spending in 1990 is 1.7%, just keep­
ing pace with the rest of the econ­
omy, compared to roughly 8% in
1988 and 4% in 1989. Similarly, net
exports are expected to add about $5
billion to GNP in 1990, after adding
$17-18 billion in the previous year.
With inventory investment continu­
ing to decline and housing starts
unchanged from their 1989 level of
1.4 million units, consumer spending
emerges as the sole factor in keeping
the expansion running.
Thoughts of a consumer boom were
quickly dispelled by the group, how­
ever; their median forecast was a
mere 2.2% growth in personal con­
sumption expenditures in 1990—
roughly half the pace set over the
first half of the expansion. But, de­
spite fears of debt burden consumers
curtailing their spending, the consen­
sus forecast has the consumer con­
tinuing to buy goods and services.
One major exception: automobiles.
...but takes a pass on autos

The auto industry ended 1989 with
slumping sales and bulging invento­
ries. A rise in sticker prices and the
curtailment of sales incentives earlier
in the year, coupled with a slowing
economy, reduced auto sales in the
final quarter of 1989 to their lowest
levels since the early 1980s. Interest­
ingly, by the end of the year imports
were also struggling for sales, sug­
gesting that consumers were simply
not in a mood to buy new cars. Pro­
duction has been adjusted, but these
cutbacks were less dramatic than the
sales slump. As a result, inventories
of each of the “ Big T hree” domestic
producers swelled to a 90-day-plus
supply, compared to the preferred
60-day supply. A return to heavy
sales incentives late in 1989 foreshad­
ows what the auto market is expected
to be like in 1990.
The median forecast for auto sales in
1990 was 9.9 million units, compared
to 10.0 million in 1989 and 10.6 mil­
lion in 1988. That forecast is surpris­

ingly upbeat—sales around 10 mil­
lion units are generally considered a
healthy year for the industry. And,
indeed, sales are likely to be far bet­
ter than the 6-8 million unit volume
associated with economic downturns.
Yet, the forecast conceals the extent
to which incentives will be required
to generate that sales volume. Sev­
eral economists at the meeting ex­
pected domestic producers to be
under tremendous pressure to lower
prices (through incentives), in order
to reduce their inventory overhang
by springtime. In fact, one auto
economist projected auto sales in
1990 to be as low as 9.4 million units.
The weakness in auto markets did
not appear to dampen Christmas
sales at the end of 1989, however,
and is not expected to spill over into
other consumer goods markets in
1990. A point made by one retail
economist was that the “middleaging” of the Baby Boomers, shifting
markets toward a more family-ori­
ented population, would generate
steady demand for both durable and
nondurable goods throughout the
1990s. While retail sales growth
would weaken between the last quar­
ter of 1989 and the first quarter of
1990, retail sales (excluding autos)
should grow by 7-8% in current dol­
lars in 1990. Shipments of major
appliances from the factory are ex­
pected to follow a similar pattern.
Growth in appliance shipments is

expected to decline 3-4% over the
first half of the year and to rebound
to only 1-2% over the second half.
A bumpy landing for manufacturers

Autos and appliances were not the
only industries that were expected to
be slowing over the first half of 1990.
Among capital-goods producers, for
example, an economist for an elec­
tronic-goods producer expects ship­
ments to slump to a 2-3% growth
range in 1990, well below the double­
digit rates attainable under normal
conditions. Office and computer
equipm ent markets are particularly
hard hit by weak cash flow expected
in 1990. But sales of electronic
equipm ent are expected to rebound
to double-digit rates in 1991. Simi­
larly, a machine tool industry analyst
anticipates a decline in shipments of
roughly 10% in 1990, although new
orders could be as much as 25%
below 1989’s rate. Part of the weak­
ness in machine tool orders can be
traced to the end of major invest­
m ent programs in the auto and aero­
space industries. But stiff foreign
competition was also cited, despite
recent declines in the dollar.
Demand for steel is already feeling
the impact of a slowing economy.
Operating rates declined to 75% of
capacity by the end of 1989 (com­
pared to an 85% average for the
year). A key source of the softness in

steel demand is reductions in new
plant and equipm ent investment
projects, which peaked in the second
quarter of 1989, according to a steel
economist. Auto plant shutdowns in
January to control inventories will
further soften steel demand. Steel
shipments are expected to decline
about 5% in 1990 to 80 million tons,
still a respectable year.
Among other producers of basic
materials, operating rates are ex­
pected to be high, relative to con­
sumer- or capital-goods industries,
but backing away from the flat-out,
full-capacity operating rates of recent
years. Growth in chemicals produc­
tion, driven by strong export de­
mand, product substitution, and an
increase in demand for chemicallybased goods, continued to outpace
overall industrial production in 1989.
However, production of most types
of chemical products in 1990 is ex­
pected to grow at less than half the
1989 pace (itself down from 1988).
The paper industry, supplying prod­
ucts ranging from newsprint to pack­
aging, is coming off seven years of
solid growth. Operating rates ex­
ceeded 100% in some segments of
the industry as recently as 1988, but
ended 1989 at about 93% of capacity.
Shipments in tons are expected to
grow only about 1% in 1989 and
another 2% in 1990.
Finally, the cement industry, which
has been weak for several years, is
expect to see continued declines in
1990. The industry has been affected
by overbuilding in the commercial
market in the early 1980s. Recent
changes in the tax laws and a slow­
down in industrial building account
for much of the expected decline in
cement consumption in 1990.
Despite a somewhat bumpy landing,
the perception emerging from the
meeting was that the manufacturing
sector remains on the whole healthy
and should finish 1990 in reasonably
good shape. The bumps will be
hardest in the first half of the year
and much depends on how well the
auto industry manages its invento­

ries. Operating rates will be more in
line with long-run averages than with
the peak levels of recent years. Profit
margins will be narrowed.
On the bright side— inflation eases

What gave the widespread expecta­
tion of a soft landing credibility was
the evidence of a slowdown in price
increases. This slowdown is already
appearing in price measures, such as
the Producer Price Index for inter­
mediate goods (see Figure 2). The
economists noted that:
•Fear of inventory building will hold
down effective prices (purchase
prices, as opposed to list prices)
among retailers at least in early 1990.
•Automobile prices (based on con­
stant equipm ent and adjusted for
incentives) declined in 1989, relative
to the Personal Consumption Defla­
tor, and are expected to continue
that decline in 1990.
•Increases in appliance prices, intro­
duced early in 1989, have been wiped
out by sales incentives.
•Declining demand for steel has
increased price competition, particu­
larly among service centers, and pro­
ducers are having difficulty in passing
on labor cost increases.
• Both the chemical and paper in­
dustries are experiencing a slowdown
in demand as new capacity is coming
on stream. This should keep down­
ward pressure on price increases for
some time in the future.
When asked to forecast the GNP
implicit price deflator, however, the
group of business economists re­
sponded with a median inflation rate
of 3.9% in 1990, compared to 4.2%
in the previous year. This improve­
m ent seems surprisingly modest for
all the downward inflationary pres­
sures described at the meeting. Yet,
it is im portant to rem ember that the
manufacturing sector now generates
less than 25% of the nation’s output
and, thus, has a limited ability to
influence aggregate measures of
price movements. O ther areas of
price pressure (such as health and

educational services) are also impor­
tant sources of inflation and tend to
be more insulated from the impact of
short-term monetary policy than the
manufacturing sector. Indeed, the
modest improvement suggested by
the median inflation forecast is in­
dicative of the dilemma facing mone­
tary policy—attacking producer price
increases to bring down aggregate
inflation requires such a severe slow­
ing of the economy that producers
may not be able to make the neces­
sary investments that allow them to
contain prices in the future.
Aiming between the horns

For now, it is fair to say that most
business economists at the meeting
believe progress is being made to­
ward reducing inflationary pressures
in an orderly fashion. This should
extend the current economic expan­
sion at least one more year. Far
greater concern was expressed about
the risk of recession in the months
ahead than about a reacceleration of
inflation. Extending the expansion
by overstimulating the economy and
raising inflationary pressures, how­
ever, is a risk that can not be ignored
by any policymaker. If the business
economists are correct in their fore­
casts for 1990, policymakers may feel
that they have successfully passed
between the horns of their dilemma.
—Robert H. Schnorbus

Karl A. S cheld, S en io r Vice P re sid en t a n d
D irecto r o f R esearch; David R. A llardice, Vice
P re sid e n t a n d Assistant D irecto r o f R esearch;
E dw ard G. N ash, E ditor.
Chicago Fed Letter is p u b lish ed m o n th ly by th e
R esearch D e p a rtm e n t o f th e F ed eral Reserve
B ank o f C hicago. T h e views ex p ressed are th e
a u th o rs ’ a n d are n o t necessarily th o se o f th e
F ederal Reserve B ank o f C hicago o r th e
F ed eral Reserve System. A rticles m ay be
re p rin te d if th e source is c re d ite d a n d th e
R esearch D e p a rtm e n t is p ro v id ed w ith copies
o f th e rep rin ts.
Chicago Fed Letter is available w ith o u t ch arg e
from th e Public In fo rm a tio n C e n te r, F ed eral
Reserve B ank o f C hicago, P.O. Box 834,
C hicago, Illinois, 60690, (312) 322-5111.

ISSN 0895-0164

Manufacturing activity in the Midwest continued to edge upward in October, after a
mid-year slump. The MMI rose 0.7% in October, marking the third monthly gain in a
row. However, the index remains below levels attained in the first six months of the
year. Food processing accounted for roughly half of the monthly gain. Machinery
also showed improvement. The metalworking and transportion sectors, however,
weakened. The auto industry has announced sizable production cutbacks, which
could depress the region’s transportation sector over the remainder of the year.
Manufacturing activity in the nation (measured on a comparable basis to the MMI)
declined 0.6% in October, coming off its highest level of the year. The Boeing strike
and San Francisco earthquake may have contributed to the decline.

Chicago Fed Letter
P u b lic I n fo rm a tio n C en ter
P .O . Box 834
C h ica g o , Illin o is 60690

N O T E: T h e MMI a n d th e USMI are co m p o site
in d ex es o f 17 m a n u fa c tu rin g in d u stries a n d are
deriv ed fro m e c o n o m e tric m odels th a t
estim ate o u tp u t from m o n th ly h o u rs w o rk ed
a n d kilow att h o u rs d ata. F or a discussion o f
th e m eth o d o lo g y , see “R e co n sid erin g th e
R egional M a n u fac tu rin g In d e x e s,” Economic
Perspectives, F ed eral Reserve B ank o f C hicago,
Vol. XIII, N o. 4, Ju ly /A u g u s t 1989.