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Chicago Fed Letter
1 9 8 9 outlook
Steady, sustainable
The new administration may not find
a “ kinder and gentler” financial
sector in 1989, but it is likely to find a
prosperous goods-producing sector.
Financial markets—burdened by
large federal debt financing needs
and dependent on foreign capital
inflows—will be vulnerable to swings
in exchange rates and bond prices.
But most manufacturers should enjoy
further expansion in 1989, supported
by rising investment, favorable ex­
change rates, and expanding exports.
For the industrial Midwest, the antici­
pated good fortune of manufactur­
ers is welcome news.
This encouragingly optimistic out­
look was the consensus view of the
second annual Economic Outlook
Symposium sponsored by the Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago. The Sym­
posium, held on December 7, 1988,
brought together business econo­
mists from around the Midwest to
discuss issues that will be shaping the
national economy in 1989. Partici­
pants were economists and analysts
from major industrial firms, finan­
cial institutions, and other organiza­
tions in the Midwest. Their com­
ments offered an overview of a
broad cross-section of business activ­
ity in the Midwest. Of the 34 partici­
pants, 26 provided annual and
quarterly projections through 1989
for several key measures of the na­
tional economy.
Most expected the U.S. economy to
complete its seventh year of expan­
sion in 1989. However, the group’s
optimism was tempered by concerns
about weakness in some sectors of
the economy, the risk of higher infla­

tion, and continued large federal
deficits. This Chicago Fed Letter looks
at the December discussion of the
economic outlook for 1989 from a
Midwestern perspective.

agreement about the sustainability of
the expansion.
This GNP growth was expected to be
attained with inflation little changed
from last year’s pace. Specifically,
the GNP implicit price deflator was
expected to rise 4.1% in 1989 (4Q /
4Q), up only slightly from 3.9% in
1988. This inflation forecast as well
as the growth in GNP, are comforta­
bly within the range of monetary
policymakers’ expectations, as de­

A seventh year of expansion
The relative optimism of the group is
apparent in its median forecast of
2.3% growth in inflation-adjusted
Gross National Product (real GNP)
on a fourth-quarter-over-fourth-

1. GNP growth forecast: Moderate expansion
(4Q/4Q change in real GNP)
Median forecast
Interquartile range






S O U R C E : Department of Com m erce and Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

quarter (4Q/4Q) basis in 1989, as
shown in Figure 1. Real GNP growth
of 2.3% in 1989 would represent an
impressive achievement, given the
longevity of the current expansion.
Although below the 3.9% pace set in
1988, this growth would extend the
second longest U.S. expansion on
record (the longest was the 1961-69
expansion). The narrow spread
from 1.9% to 2.6% of the interquar­
tile range (a measure that excludes
the highest and lowest one-fourth of
the forecasts) suggests considerable

scribed in the most recent semi­
annual Congressional testimony on
the subject last July. At that time,
Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the
Federal Reserve Board, stated that
the Federal Open Market Committee
(FOMC) expected real GNP in 1989
to grow in the range of 2.0% to
2.5%, and the GNP deflator to rise in
the range of 3% to 4.5%.
These FOMC forecasts are closely
watched by business and investors. If
price increases appear to be exceed-


ing the Fed’s projected range, these
people expect monetary policy to
tighten, threatening the current eco­
nomic expansion. However, the
consensus 1989 forecast at the De­
cember meeting was well within both
the GNP and inflation ranges cited
by the FOMC.
Cautionary notes

Much of the strength in real GNP
growth is concentrated in the first
quarter and can largely be attributed
to drought effects. Government
statisticians expect 2.8 percentage
points of the first quarter’s reported
growth rate to result from a recovery
in seasonally adjusted agricultural
production, following losses brought
on by last summer’s drought.1 Re­
moving 2.8 percentage points from
first quarter 1989 GNP growth
would reduce the consensus forecast
for the quarter to a 0.7% growth
rate. The consensus forecast shows
2% growth in each quarter thereaf­
ter. With the drought adjustment,
then, 1989 GNP growth would be
somewhat below the lower bound of
the FOMC’s range.
There is, of course, a risk that real
GNP growth could fall below the
consensus forecast. The fact that the
consensus is flat at 2% for the re­
maining three consecutive quarters
means that half of the forecasts for
each quarter are at or below the
lower bound of the range cited by
the FOMC. One forecaster antici­
pated a recession in the second half
of 1989, while another expected a
recession to begin in 1990. A reces­
sion or even sluggish economic
growth would raise unemployment
and, along with it, political pressure
to stimulate the economy.
The forecast for 1989 does include
declines or weak growth in some
sectors. Residential fixed investment
was expected to be only about even
with 1988 and consumer spending
growth was forecast to slow in 1989
to about 2% from about 3% in the
previous year. Those forecasters who
were explicit about their expecta­
tions for the various components of

consumer spending foresaw lower
outlays for durable goods. For ex­
ample, motor vehicle unit sales
(mainly to consumers) were ex­
pected to be 2% lower next year by
one forecaster, and down 5% or
more by another, which implies
lower auto production and less de­
mand for steel and other inputs.
Major appliance sales were also ex­
pected to decline 2% to 4% in 1989,
which reflects the slowing in new
housing construction and the end of
a bulge of appliance replacement
demand during the mid-1980s.
Reinvesting in America

Investment spending, vital to im­
prove America’s competitiveness and
to enhance the economy’s long-run
growth potential, is expected to rise
3% during the four quarters of 1989.
While less sharp than the 8% in­
crease in 1988, investment growth is
clearly the bright spot in the forecast.
Key sources of this growth, cited in
the discussion, included the need to
expand capacity to meet growing
domestic and foreign demand by
some industries and the end of down­
sizing by others.
Investment growth was expected to
be particularly strong in chemicals,
petrochemicals, and paper, which
have been pressing full capacity.
Plant and equipm ent spending

growth in these industries should be
well above the rate of increase in
total capital spending. Also likely to
add to capacity are such diverse in­
dustries as glass, appliances, food
processing, airlines, printing, tires,
and electrical equipment.
The economists projected that ex­
port demand, driven by the lower
dollar and stronger foreign econo­
mies, would continue to encourage
investment spending among machin­
ery and equipm ent producers in
1989. Investment will be enhanced
by the shifting of procurem ent of
components and finished products
from foreign to domestic suppliers.
The establishment of U.S. plants
by foreign-based producers in nu­
merous industries will also add to in­
vestment. A substantial portion of
this latter investment is occurring in
the Midwest.
Among industries that had been
cutting capacity by closing old plants
in the face of falling demand are
mining, steel, and machinery.
Economists familiar with these indus­
tries reported that recovery was well
underway. Mining industries gener­
ally have been reinvesting heavily, as
commodity prices have recovered.
The steel industry also has a large
investment program underway to
improve efficiency and quality, aimed
at meeting tougher specifications of


auto manufacturers and other cus­
tomers and at competing with im­
ports. Machinery used in lumbering
and pulpwood production (for the
paper industry) is in very strong
demand, both for replacement and
for new capacity. Adverse effects of
the decline in housing construction
on lumber demand are being offset
by higher exports. A maker of farm
machinery thinks a 15% to 20%
rise in farm machinery sales in 1989
is achievable, because farm pro­
grams will permit a large increase
in acreage.
But even investment growth has its
limits. An economist for a high-tech
manufacturer cited leading indica­
tors for some sectors of the electrical
equipm ent industry that were turn­
ing downward in 1988. These indica­
tors, based on orders and shipments
data, suggest that these sectors could
weaken in 1989.
Inflation— Is there a braking point?

The consensus forecast was for rela­
tively steady inflation in 1989, no
higher than 4.3% and never lower
than 3.9% in any of the four quarters
(see Figure 2). In fact, a num ber of
participants reported improvements
in price trends in their industries.
One industrial firm’s purchasing staff
described their markets as tight dur­
ing much of 1988, but expected
those markets to be less tight in 1989.
Smaller price increases in 1989 were
expected for various industrial mate­
rials. The completion of capacity
expansion projects in some
industries—for example, industrialgrade paper—should ease pressures
on materials prices in 1989.
Hopes for a recession-free economy
in 1989 were clouded for some fore­
casters, however, by concerns that
more rapid inflation might induce
policymakers to apply the brakes to
the expansion. The pattern of infla­
tion forecasts suggests that the risk of
significantly higher inflation than the
median forecast is somewhat greater
than the likelihood of substantially
lower inflation. The interquartile
range extends from 3.8% to 4.6%.

The highest fourth of the forecasts
clusters around 5%, above the upper
bound of the FOMC’s range. Price
increases have already been substan­
tial for some commodities, and these
are being passed through to other
sectors. Product and labor markets
generally have also tightened over
the last year. Clearly, a num ber of
forecasters at the meeting expected
further heating up of inflation, which
would increase the likelihood of
further monetary policy tightening.
Will they or won’t they tighten?

About half of the forecasters indi­
cated that their outlook assumed
restrictive monetary policy. Further
efforts to slow economic activity—in
order to reduce the inflation risk or
cut the trade deficit—could push the
economy toward recession, accord­
ing to some in the group.
On the fiscal side, the forecasters
expected deficit reductions to be
difficult to achieve in view of the
Administration’s self-imposed limit
on new taxes and the cost of various
spending initiatives competing for
available funds. A former acting
director of the Congressional Budget
Office attending the meeting cited
several major areas within the federal
budget facing demands for expanded
spending. These included cleaning
up nuclear weapons plants; dealing
with the thrift industry crisis; provid­
ing for the health care needs of those
without health insurance; and ad­
dressing the long-term nursing care
needs of elderly persons without
adequate resources. If spending for
these and other programs is ex­
panded, Congress’ own targets for
deficit reduction (under the GrammRudman-Hollings law) will be pushed
even further out of reach, unless
offset by spending decreases in other
programs or revenue increases.
The difficulty in forecasting policy
was brought sharply into focus by a
financial economist who presented
alternative monetary and fiscal sce­
narios, using a traditional demanddriven macroeconomic model. He
found, among other things, that

restrictive fiscal policy, even if offset
by easier monetary policy, could
depress GNP growth without much
lowering of inflation, at least in 1989.
Results would vary depending on the
type of model used and on the com­
position of policy changes assumed
in generating the scenarios. But the
point is simply that each choice car­
ries a cost that must be evaluated.
Seeking a soft landing

Slowing of aggregate economic
growth into line with increases in
productive capacity enhances the
likelihood that economic expansion
can be prolonged without the accel­
eration of prices. Reaching such a
long-term growth path without over­
shooting is sometimes referred to as
a “ soft landing’’.
The relatively favorable 1989 econ­
omy portrayed by the median
forecast—with real GNP growth
at a sustainable pace, little further ac­
celeration of prices, and continued
expansion of the nation’s productive
capacity—could be just such a soft
— Philip A. Cummins
Robert H. Schnorbus 1

1 See O c to b e r 1988 Survey o f Current
Business, U.S. D e p a rtm e n t o f C o m m erce,
B u re a u o f E co n o m ic Analysis.

Karl A. S cheld, S en io r Vice P re sid en t an d
D irecto r o f R esearch; David R. A llardice, Vice
P re sid en t a n d Assistant D irecto r o f R esearch;
E dw ard G. N ash, E ditor.
Chicago Fed Letter is p u b lish ed m o n th ly by th e
R esearch D e p a rtm e n t o f th e F ed eral Reserve
B ank o f C hicago. T h e views ex p ressed are th e
a u th o rs ’ a n d are n o t necessarily th o se o f th e
F ederal Reserve Bank o f C hicago o r th e
F ederal Reserve System. A rticles m ay be
re p rin te d if th e source is c re d ite d a n d th e
R esearch D e p a rtm e n t is pro v id ed with copies
o f th e rep rin ts.
Chicago Fed Letter is available w ith o u t ch arg e
from the Public In fo rm atio n C e n te r, F ederal
Reserve B ank o f C hicago, P.O. Box 834,
C hicago, Illinois, 60690, (312) 322-5111.

ISSN 0895-0164

Manufacturing activity in the nation posted solid gains in November, up 0.5%
from October. Business equipment-related industries again led the expan­
sion. Petroleum and electrical equipm ent were among the few industries that
experienced declines. The dip in electrical equipment, which followed a very
strong advance in October, was due to lower production of home appliances.
The expansion of manufacturing activity in the Midwest was particularly
strong in November, up 0.8% over October’s pace. The key sources of the
gain were food processing, chemicals, and fabricated metals industries. How­
ever, eight of the seventeen industries in the MMI were down slightly from
October levels, including petroleum and electrical equipment.

Chicago Fed Letter
P u b lic In fo rm a tio n C en ter
P .O . Box 834
C h ica g o , Illin o is 60690

N O TE: T h e MMI is a com posite in d ex o f 27
m a n u fa c tu rin g in d u stries a n d is c o n stru cted
from a w eighted co m b in atio n o f m o n th ly h o u rs
w orked a n d kilow att h o u rs data. See “ Midwest
M a n u fac tu rin g Index: T h e C hicago F e d ’s new
reg io n al eco n o m ic in d ic a to r,” Economic
Perspectives, F ederal Reserve B ank o f C hicago,
Vol. XI, No. 5, S e p te m b e r/O c to b e r, 1987. T h e
U n ite d S tates rep re se n ts th e F ederal Reserve
B o a rd ’s In d ex o f In d u strial P ro d u c tio n ,
M an u factu rin g .